#pwease. there's like four of us
felikatze · 6 months
Do you wish you could easily look up information on ISAT, yet the wiki is lacking in it?
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In that case, our dear pal the style guide is here to help! Check out the last section on Sandbox pages! A very own page, just for you to mess around with! Additionally, you can cut your teeth on making an user page for yourself! Put anything on there (that complies with TOS, of course) and have fun!!! Check out other people's user pages too, if you want!!
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Then check out our To Do list! All the wiki's main projects, all compiled in one place! And if something you want to do isn't on the to do list... do it anyway. If there's info you want on there that isn't, the more the merrier, right?
on my hands and knees. please. pretty please. we're a small wiki we have low standards. i will take literally anything over nothing at all. you can make the most barebones unformatted page ever and i personally will pretty it up for you. i merely ask that you cite. like at all. and if you dont cite you can put this cute little {{source}} banner up top so other people will know the info isn't cited.
you should get into wiki editing it's a very fun hobby. you might even pick up basic coding along the way and learn what it's like to cry over css.
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elliot-amy · 10 months
being a manager is like your boss will stand right beside you and tell you to tell someone else to do something and that person is only four feet away but it might make the boss seem mean if he tells them to do it so you have to
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jakexneytiri · 2 years
Hi, I can request a family life with husband! neteyam x reader, after 2 movies, please long if you agree
you sure can! this was so cute to write and i’m in love with dad!neteyam. i hope this is what you had in mind, anon!<3
forever & always
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it’s been ten years since you and your husband first mated. neteyam was madly in love with you, that love only growing stronger over the years. he could never get enough of you, never keep his hands off of you. you have four children to prove it, and you’re pregnant with your fifth.
neteyam arranged an entire ceremony to be held tonight for your anniversary. the clan spent the entire day preparing, harvesting fruits, hanging bioluminescent plants for light, and gathering old twigs and dead plants to be used for the main fire.
in your hut, things were absolute chaos. you were waiting for neteyam to return home, he had “a few more things to set up” for the party. your children couldn’t contain themselves, excitedly running around your shared hut readying themselves for the evening.
your oldest, tsantu, you hardly ever had to worry about. he was very independent, and rarely asked for your assistance. he was all ready for the ceremony, wearing his special arm cuff he crafted, with neteyam’s help.
“mom, do you need help?”
“would you please help your brother with his necklace? that would be a big help.” you place a kiss on the top of his head, as he nods and goes to help his brother.
your second born, se’ayl, was calm and reserved like her older brother. however, she was sassy from time to time, with both you and neteyam. she definitely picked up the habit from aunt kiri, who she adored.
“se’ayl? do you have your feathers on yet?” you ask, glancing over at her.
“ugh, do i have to wear those?” she groans, taking a deep breath in just to sigh it out.
“yes, flower. your father wants everyone to wear them tonight. aunty kiri will be wearing hers, too.” you say in an excited tone, hoping it will cheer her up.
“really? she is??” excitement lights up on her face, as she quickly goes to change into them.
your third, txonuk, was your occasionally rebellious child, sometimes outspoken, making neteyam be the bad guy when he needed to be punished, but you loved him nonetheless.
“let’s see your necklace, txonuk!” you say excited, kneeling down to take a look.
he lifts his chin upwards, so you can get a good look at the newly placed necklace.
“what a very handsome young man you are.” you say, as he giggles.
“mama, i’m not a man, i’m just a boy!” he yells, waving his arms around dramatically.
“oh, forgive me! what a very handsome young boy you are.” he wraps his arms around your leg, giggling into it.
“mama! mama!” nima interrupts, holding her new feathers up to your face. “these pwease!”
nima, your youngest, was one of the main reasons you lost sleep at night. she’s very shy around people she doesn’t know, but very comfortable with her siblings. she finds comfort in you and neteyam, to her, you both are her sun and moon. you often find her in the middle of the night curled up in between you and neteyam, from the “bad dreams” she has. (she has bad dreams almost every night. it’s just an excuse to be closer to you both).
“these ones?” you question, holding them up. “they’re very pretty, little love. do you need help putting them on?”
“noooo! i do it!” she giggles as she runs off to the other side of the hut.
just then, the flap to your hut opened, revealing your beloved husband.
“iiiiiiiit’s dad!” neteyam says, causing all four children to burst into a fit of giggles.
“where are my five wonderful children?” he asks, looking around the hut even though they’ve all ran right to his feet, apart from nima.
txonuk gives a confused look to both se’ayl and tsantu. whispering, he asks “five? but, there’s only…” and he begins counting on his fingers. “there’s only 4 of us!”
tsantu shakes his head, whispering back “he’s talking about the baby in momma’s belly, skxawng.”
“hmmmm, one!” neteyam says, placing a kiss to tsantu’s head.
“and there’s two!” kissing the top of se’ayl’s head.
“dad! dad i’m right here!” txonuk says, pointing to himself.
“oh, there’s three!” neteyam chuckles as he places a kiss to txonuk’s head.
“now, where’s my number four?”
nima runs over, her arm stuck in the air from her necklace being on wrong.
“daddy, i’m stuck!” she pouts, her little eyes filling with tears.
neteyam kneels, fixing her necklace and freeing her arm, kissing the top of her head.
“there’s my #4. no need for tears, babygirl. are those new feathers?”
she giggles, and squeals “yes!” before running away.
glancing over to you now, neteyam stands, arms open wide.
“looking for #5?” you question, moving your swollen belly closer to his grasp.
“ah, my #5.” he kisses your belly gently, before snaking his arms around your waist, lips to your ear as he says
“hi, mama. looking beautiful, as always.”
“hi.” you smile, kissing your mate, which earns a collective “ewwwww!” from your children.
you both laugh, as neteyam covers your face in kisses. forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, ears, anywhere he could reach, he’d kiss.
“daddy, that’s GWOSS!” nima shouts, covering her eyes.
“well, good thing aunty kiri, *kiss* uncle lo’ak, *kiss* and aunty tuk tuk *kiss* are waiting outside for you four, *kiss* because i have a loooot more *kiss* kisses for *kiss* mama!” he says, kissing you again, chuckling against your skin.
they squeal and run out of the hut, to be met with their favorite aunts and uncle. you stand in the doorway of your hut, neteyam’ standing behind you as one arm is wrapped around your waist, the other holding the flap to your hut open.
“sooo, are you guys coming with us now or-“ lo’ak asks, just to be cut off by neteyam.
“no. you go ahead, we’ll be there soon.”
kiri takes se’ayl’s hand, while tuk takes nima’s, as they start to head to the celebration. lo’ak takes tsantu’s in one, and txonuk’s in the other.
lo’ak rolls his eyes, muttering “keep it in your loincloth, would ya.”
although he mumbled, neteyam still heard him.
“have you SEEN my mate? how on pandora would i do that?”
lo’ak groans, walking away, yelling “get a room, you two!”
“we’re trying!!” neteyam yells back before closing the flap to your hut.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) x f!reader
Summary: Jack wants to know more about your relationship which makes him want to pursue a new relationship on his own, but things aren't as easy as he thought it would be
(This is the ninth chapter of the HEARTLESS 💔 series)
Warnings: angst, jealousy, jealous!whiskey, low-key jealous!reader, hurt, fluff,
A/N: Tinder what? 🤔🤠🤳
3.8k words
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You knew Jack was awake and he knew you weren't asleep either, but neither of you dared say a word about what had just happened. Ever since your ex walked back into your life, you had spent quite a few hours just wondering how you would address the situation, you thought of a simple, harmless and non traumatic way to tell your son he had a father, and that his father was willing to be around, even if he wasn't before, and yet, once more your son baffled the two of you with his purity, his innocence and his ability of loving regardless of Jack deserving it or not.
You couldn't see the man's expression, but you were sure he was just as moved, not expecting it to be acknowledged so easily.
You had your arm wrapped around Wyatt's small body, facing his sleeping form, silently admiring him, pride and love burning so intensely in your heart. And then you felt Jack's big hand joining yours, entwining your fingers and taking your hand to his mouth, pecking it very gently, like the good southern gentleman he once was to you
"Thank you sugar, for allowing me to have this" his voice was full of emotions and it brought tears to your eyes, even if you had no plans in showing him. Eventually, with the silence in the room and only the rain pouring outside, you fell asleep. But sleeping next to a toddler isn't an easy task, you were used to it, of course, and you would be lying if you said it wouldn't be funny when Jack experienced that.
"Dada? Dada?" Wyatt's soft voice wasn't enough to snap Jack away from his slumber, so the little boy climbed his daddy's chest and squeezed his cheeks gently "dada!!!" He said a little louder and Jack widened his eyes, startled and alert at first worried some danger was right there, but relaxed the moment it was only his son's smiley face watching him "I want wawm miwk dada… pwease" he asked with sweet puppy eyes and Jack couldn't hold the wave of love that flooded his heart, his son was right there, snuggling him, at the same time he called him dada and asked for some milk. It was so domestic and adorable, something that Jack thought he would never be able to have and there it was.
He smiled big and wrapped his arms around Wyatt's small body, getting up and carrying him along "of course we can have some milk, son… that's essential for cowboys who want to grow stronger" he said in a low voice not to disturb you which brought a smile to your face, even if they couldn't see it.
Wyatt immediately clung to his daddy and giggled excitedly as Jack took him downstairs and began warming up his milk. He'd paid close attention to how you made Wyatt's warm milk the first night he'd spent with the two of you and once it was ready, he poured it into a small cup, it wasn't his usual sippy cup, but he figured Wyatt wouldn't complain. As the two of them waited for the milk to cool down a little, Wyatt rubbed his tired eyes and frowned softly at Jack, he was a curious little thing, his dad had noticed and he also knew he'd taken that after you
"Why dada no wive with mama and Wyatt?" He questioned and Jack swallowed, licking his bottom lip as he thought of an answer and for a moment he wished you'd be up and help him come up with an excuse, but then, Jack realized he had to answer that question alone, because now he was officially a dad, and he needed to step into this role and act as such, he couldn't run away from anything, so he stroked Wyatt's cheek
"Dada and mama had grown up problems, and dada made your mama cry and dada is very sorry for that" he finally handed Wyatt his cup seeing the liquid wasn't so hot anymore and smiled sadly at his son "unfortunately some families don't live together, so that's why dada lives here and you and mama live in the big city, but I love the two of you very much and this place will always be yours and mama's home too"
It didn't take much longer for Wyatt to fall asleep after he finished his milk, he hadn't asked much after his dad's answer, he liked to know he could be back to see the animals any time he wanted and after feeling all warm and full, he fell back asleep. Jack took him upstairs and placed him close to you, watching as you both slept peacefully. Once again, he cursed himself thinking of all the beautiful moments he lost because of how stubborn and cruel he had been to you. He could have had so many memories with his family, and while he admired your sleeping form and pretended for a brief moment you still belonged to him, he sadly thought of how you and Wyatt wouldn't have to leave in the early moment because his family would be by his side on his ranch and the thought that had been haunting him: how you wouldn't have 'someone' because by then he was sure he would've already married you.
As Jack got under the blankets, he couldn't keep mind thoughts from drifting back to what you had previously told you. You had someone, as in, you were dating someone. Someone that wasn't him. Jealousy was such an ugly color, but Jack Daniels was wearing it like a champ. He needed to know more about it. What was this guy's name? Where did you meet? Had he met Wyatt? He wanted to track him down, get his file, public records, criminal records, anything he could find and that he could dispose of and show you he wasn't a good person and that you should stay away. Jack wanted to be able to mend your broken heart and show you unlike this new guy whoever that was, he was the one who would have his arms open and ready to welcome you. He didn't even acknowledge the time he fell asleep, but he had sweet dreams about the family he wanted to have.
The next morning, Jack helped you take your bags to your car. He wasn't happy to see you and Wyatt gone, but he knew there was no other way to make you two stay a little longer, yet, he hoped that everything that happened and you had talked through would make it easier for him to visit your son. Wyatt finished breakfast while watching TV, Helen watching him, as she could only show up to work that morning after the terrible storm from the night before, and of course she loved every single time she got to spend with the little boy.
When you were done with the last bag, Jack approached you once more. He could tell you weren't so weary around him anymore but it didn't mean you were happy about his presence either. However, he needed to talk to you, and even if you weren't too thrilled, he was going to ask you no matter what.
"So, who's the guy you're dating? Where did you meet him? Does Wyatt know him?" He blurted it all out and you had to bite your lower lip not to laugh at how pathetic he sounded. You knew you could be angry, maybe you should be angry, but Jack sounded so silly, like a jealous school boy, you felt pretty amused at his inquiry.
"Listen Jack… he's a real nice guy, he's handsome, we get along pretty well and though it is still recent, I think it might lead somewhere…" you scratched your head softly and saw how he furrowed his brows, jaw clenching softly though he tried hiding his jealousy it wasn't easy.
"Where did you meet him?" He placed both hands on his waist, unconsciously taking a defensive pose, and even if he didn't like any bit of that conversation he couldn't bring himself to stop asking questions about it, the more it hurt the more he wanted to know.
"Oh Jack.." you sighed and blushed softly staring at your shoes for a while before facing his deadly gaze "we met on Tinder"
"Tinder what?" He asked confused and watched as you bit your lips again. Were you holding back your laughter?! Oh that cowboy was getting pestered by minute.
"It's a dating app, Jack… it's very common.. maybe you should try, perhaps you could meet someone nice there"
"So you wouldn't care at all if I got that Tinder thing and found myself some sugar?" He questioned, taking his time to analyze every single change of expression, Jack was really desperate for any crumble of your love.
"Why are we even discussing this, Jack? Are we done here?"
"You still haven't told me his name…"
"And what do you want his name for? So you can just get your Statesman contacts on him? Maybe it's better that way" you shrugged and turned away from him, but Jack caught your arm holding you in place "there's something else we need to talk, this is important, Y/N" he warned you and slowly made you look at him, he'd taken off his sunglasses and watched you with deep, sad eyes.
"I just want you to know that even before I went after you and Wyatt, a few days after I woke up when I was shot… I had a meeting with my lawyer, and I made a will, leaving everything for you and Wyatt, you know I have a dangerous job, I'm getting old and after what happened, I'm scared it could happen again and maybe if it does, Ginger won't be able to fix me again" he sighed "so I wanted to make sure you and Wyatt are going to be financially safe…"
And once again, Senior Agent Whiskey left you speechless. You didn't like hearing him talk about those things, you didn't even like considering the fact he could have been dead by now, you wanted to tell him to quit being an agent, if he didn't feel safe in the field, maybe he could just get a desk job, he could work in the intelligence part of the agency or he could stick with just his CEO position of Statesman… if he did so, he would even be close to you and Wyatt. But you couldn't say that to him. Jack Daniels was already a delusional man on his own, if you'd said something like that, he would take it the wrong way, assuming it meant you wanted him to be closer. And just inbecause you didn't want him dead, it didn't mean you wanted him around you.
"We don't want your money, Jack… Wyatt and I want you alive" you told him, you didn't want him crossing the boundaries, thinking he had the right to claim you as his, but he deserved to hear those words "well, mostly because I think the only person who actually has the right to kill you is me" the two of you chuckled softly, he was amused at your sense of humor "but seriously Jack… I'm happy you're not dead"
Tinder. Tinder. Tinder. Tinder. Tinder.
Jack couldn't get that word out of his mind, he just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you went on a dating app to find yourself someone. It wasn't just a coincidence, a good deed of destiny that brought you and your guy together, just like it happened to him and you, when he ended up stumbling on you during his mission, which almost caused him to blow it and it didn't even bother him, because it brought him the love of his life. But instead you had gone after a man, because you wanted to be with someone and Jack couldn't hold back his jealousy over this fact, and as if it wasn't enough, he was presented with the fact that you literally told him you wouldn't care if he got a new girl himself. It was just too much for him, and he couldn't accept that.
However a curiosity also crept up in him… what if he tried this tinder thing as well? Would it be too bad? Would he find someone nice? Maybe he could find your own profile? He had so many questions and yet he didn't know where to begin. In fact, he did… he knew he just had to download the app, that was the first step, and then what?
He took his phone and after battling with himself for a while, he finally did so, still pretty confused at how things worked. What was he supposed to do? Just swipe through people's photos and choose the one he liked? He thought it was odd, practical yes, if he ever wanted to find a night stand but if he looked for love, then there was no way he would find it that way. Jack was an old fashioned man when it came to that. He was a gentleman, he had manners, he knew how to treat a lady, romance to him was between two people, looking in the eye, hand in hand, flirting, kissing, and not things happening over a screen. Jack sighed and put his phone away, he couldn't believe you, out of all the people decided to go use that resource to find yourself someone.
Before sleeping, Jack made sure to video call you and talk to Wyatt. Sometimes you would be part of the conversation and sometimes you would just hold Wyatt, snuggling him while he talked about his day to his dad. It didn't matter if Wyatt was only a child and couldn't hold up a conversation, Jack loved that moment, it was a habit that quickly became his favorite and he tried doing it almost every night. Sometimes it wasn't possible due to work or other things, but either you or Jack would always let each other know. Still, whenever he hung up, he felt a hole in his chest, an emptiness he couldn't fill no matter how many times he watched pictures of you and your son, he was still a lonely bastard and there was nothing he could do to change that, and it was exactly because of this loneliness that Jack decided to give that Tinder thing a try.
He was an attractive guy, it was a stated fact, so it wasn't like it was extremely hard for women to take a liking to him, but Jack was a demanding guy…It's not that the women there weren't attractive, they were, but he knew he was just looking for someone else he couldn't have, whenever he swiped to the left, he had hopes the next picture he would see was yours.
But eventually Jack managed to start conversations here and there, some women were alright, he had some chats with them, others the conversation really took off and some even sent him a few nudes - which he didn't hate, by the way - but it wasn't exactly what he expected. He hadn't felt any sparks with any of them, even if he had agreed to go out for a coffee or something eventually.
And the days went by, sometimes fast and sometimes slow; he often visited Wyatt, brought him a few gifts and though you and him were always cordial you would never actually let him in for a deeper conversation, it felt to him that apart from Wyatt, you and him had absolutely nothing in common, and that's what brought him pain. Even when Jack tried being nice to you and brought you a box of chocolate, you thanked him in a respectful way but informed him you didn't eat chocolate anymore. He didn't know until which extent you were just avoiding him or if you'd just changed, but it hurt him to see you were so far away from him, and it was another reason why Jack insisted on that Tinder thing, he thought that maybe he could find someone who would at least bring some joy into his life.
And that was how Jack met Clara. After a few days of chatting, the two of them decided to go out once for all, at least Jack would get distracted, have a nice meal with a hot chick and maybe get laid. It wouldn't just erase you from his mind and heart, but you made sure to show him you had gotten over him, so he just decided to take his chances with Clara.
At first, he didn't really think things through when it came to a place to take his lady for the night, he had barely realized it was an actual date, it would be better that way, so he wouldn't be too nervous about being around her, but as time approached he realized he was nervous and because of that, he had to put a little effort to it. So Jack got his best pair of leather boots, along with his leather jacket and his stetson. He had good manners and knew a gentleman should always take his hat off when he sat at the table, but he would like to make a good impression on Clara. If she looked anything like the picture, she was indeed a stunner. He finished off by applying some cologne and after making sure his mustache was well trimmed, he headed for the restaurant. He didn't think much about the place he was taking Clara, he needed a good place in the city and pretty much only realized he'd picked the little Italian place you loved so much when he had already parked there.
Jack sighed and faced himself in the rearview mirror, sighing and reminding himself he wasn't on a date with you because you had moved on and he should do the same.
And then Jack sat at the table uncomfortably for the last half an hour, drinking the finest Statesman scotch they had available while he waited for Clara. He looked around and at the door every five minutes, not wanting to show he was slightly anxious and extremely embarrassed to have been stood up on his first try. It felt utterly humiliating, he didn't know why he had been rejected like that, did that girl just want to make fun of him? Why? He'd been nice to her, a gentleman, he hadn't been creepy or anything, he was going to pay for a very fine meal and he wouldn't expect anything in return, like a good southern gentleman he was. Maybe Jack was too old for that shit, maybe he should just accept he would never be happy again. He had two chances of love in life, one of them had been taken away from him and the other one he threw it away in the worst way someone ever could. Jack sighed and looked down at his phone one last time, he was just going to stand up and head home, but he felt someone standing in front of his table and a tiny bit of hope warmed his heart, he raised his head preparing his best, flirty smile but felt mortified when you stood there, watching him with curious eyes
"Jack, what are you doing here?" You questioned him curiously, it kind of looked like he was on a date with the exception there wasn't anyone with him. It was quite odd but curiosity got the best of you. He opened his mouth to answer you, but he watched you in disbelief as a man approached you, his arm snaking around your waist and pulling you closer.
"Our table is ready, baby" he said in his deep voice.
Jack was baffled. That guy was… scruffy. And he was wearing jeans to a date with you! He had wild curly hair that seemed to be tamed only by his ridiculous cap. Jack wanted to scoff at that image, a grown up man wearing a cap as if he were ten. He couldn't believe that was the guy you'd chosen for yourself, that you had thought that man was more attractive than he was. It was too much for him, the circle of humiliation was completed and Jack knew he had to go home.
"Hey man, my name's Frankie" he extended his hand to the cowboy, knowing exactly who he was by the things you'd told him.
Jack stared at the man and licked his bottom lip, knowing they expected him to shake his hand, but suddenly a beautiful girl walked towards them, ignoring you and Frankie and going straight to Jack, pecking his lips and smiling "sorry honey, I'm late" she said with a sweet smile.
That was the cherry on top of the uncomfortable cake that night had become. You swallowed and took Frankie's arm showing him it was time to go to your table, definitely not wanting to see any other PDA coming from Jack and his date. The cowboy watched her with an amused smile, he had liked the girl immediately, though there was one simple problem: she wasn't Clara.
"Care to explain?" Jack asked the girl, taking another sip of whiskey into his mouth and ignoring how you and your new boyfriend were seated just a few tables away. The beautiful woman chucked and shrugged.
"I've been watching you since you got here, cowboy… seems like you were stood up by your date, just like I was… now my real question is: what kind of woman would choose not to have dinner with you?" She asked and smiled "because I certainly wouldn't pass up my chance… my name's Taylor, by the way" she extended her hand to the handsome cowboy and expected him to shake it but instead, he took it to his mouth, kissing it gently.
"My name's Jack" he said with a smirk and licked his lips once again, watching how she blushed but at the same time loved the attention "tell me, Tay… how would you like to ride home on a cowboy tonight?"
And Taylor bit her lips, laughing at his joke and nodded softly. And Jack felt really good about himself, he had a pretty lady laughing at his joke, a pretty lady who kissed him even without knowing him, because she had her eyes on him, and she felt like they could have some fun. He liked how she laughed and it reminded him of you when you still liked him, it brought him good memories, good enough so he could pretend you weren't just a few meters away with your new guy, even if he wasn't aware of how your blood boiled when you heard him use the same pick up line he did when you two met. At that moment things were just good for the cowboy. Maybe good old Jack Daniels still got it after all.
A/N: okay, okay, okay, I know I *might have* misled some of you into thinking Javi G would be reader's new guy. And some of you almost convinced me, I love Javi G, he's sweet, funny, lovely, but I don't think he would be the best fit for this story, I mean, it had to be Frankie, it's always been Frankie from the beginning, him and reader are parents, he's a real guy with a real working job, he's a family man, they deserve to live their passion 😭😭😭 TINDER WHAT?
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Submissive Scaramouche pwetty pwease. Get that smug lil shit all flustered >:)
I may or may not have taking this a bit too far 👁👄👁 also it's not that long, but I hope you still like it &lt;3
!● warnings: usage of toys, sub!scara, dom!reader, gn!reader, degrading him, overstilumation, edging, very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
“S-stop it, please, I can’t do this anymore… please~” Scaramouche was begging you for a while now. Using the fleshlight on him was a good idea since he was so bratty to you all day. This is his punishment for teasing you in front of your friends. “Oh, come on, you can do it for me” He was laying on your bed, spread out for you to play. Arms on the side, tighten his grip in the bedsheet, looking away from you with embarrassment. Moaning again as you speed up. His tongue now out of him, wide eyes, begging for release with just his sweet moans. But you weren’t satisfied yet and stopped your movement right before he was about to cum, causing him to shake and curl his toes. “F-fuck… s-stupid, you will regret th–” You cut him out as soon as you put the fleshlight painfully slowly on his dick again, causing him to scream your name in pleasure. No matter how much he always tells you he hated this, he was obsessed with your touches. All needy and ready for you to push him to his limits. Sweat started to build up on his face, sticking his hair on his forehead. You knew, he couldn’t take it any longer. How many times did he actually cum and you had to rub him hard again? After the third time you stopped counting. “What will I regret? This is your apology for being such a brat all day to me.” You have to accept now Sacaramouche fucked up face as he starts to cry for more. Blushing all over his face, bucking his hips up to speed up your movements on the fleshlight. Stopping your motion to let him thrust himself up, moaning like a bitch in heat. Hanging his tongue out, eyes rolling back as he started to get sloppier. You slowly placed the fleshlight higher up which he responded by laying down again, hips higher up, his feet placed now on the bed to still reach the fleshlight. You were now standing on the bed almost taking the fleshlight away from him. “N-no, please, please, please…!” His pre-cum leaked out so much. Even though he did cummed a lot this night with a lot of orgasm denales, he was still chasing one of his own. “Listen to me then. Sit down.” Exhausted as he was, he listened to you and sat down. Touching himself when you slapped his hand away, causing him to pout at you. You got on your four and spread your ass cheeks for him. “Cum inside of my asshole, make me full and then I wi– aaah, a-archons!” As expected he didn’t let you finish talking and just started thrusting in. The pain was stinging but with each thrust you lose up for him. The room was now filled with lewd wet pap sounds, heavy breathing Scaramouche and you moaning under him. With more thrust in and out of you, you could feel that he was close. He moans into your ear, causing you to twitch from excitement. “s’close… close, g-gonna cum” With his last word, he sucked on your shoulder and cummed hard inside of you. Marking every inch of your inside white, panting exhausted and falling to the side. He didn’t even care to probably go out of you, which caused you to unexpectedly cum from the new found pain. “Aah, shit…” Your ass leaked out of his thick cum, shivering from the loss of his warm dick inside of you. Cuddling up to him, he looked away blushing. He knew you would just giggle and give on his chest everywhere little sweet kisses. “You want something to drink, babe?” You asked while caressing his inner thighs.
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luimagines · 2 years
the boys hanging out in modern!readers room pwease?
Sure thing Bunny!
Content under the cut!
When the boys were transported to this new world, they didn’t know what to think. It was loud, smelled weird and had way too many gadgets out and about.
Their friends ushered all of the through the streets as quickly and silently as the group would allow. They explained their home as they went, what each building was how to get there and more importantly, how close they were to their home.
It was than that it dawned on more than half of them how.. small their homes were. Not necessarily in the literal sense, (although there was plenty of that as well) more so in the space where all these people could live together where the term village certainly didn’t fit. It was hard to accept that this didn’t count as a city on it’s own.
They were assured, however, that the city was much larger and louder... and smellier. They didn’t want to imagine it.
Getting to their home was another issue entire. It appears that they didn’t have the key and no one else was home.
A small blessing, they guessed, if a bit inconvenient for the current purpose.
They climbed in through the window and opened the door from the inside before the alarms could go off. They were a bit late on the draw and the group could hear them from the outside, but they were silenced just as quickly. A security system, they said.
Cautiously, the group made their way inside.
“Make yourselves at home.” Their friend grinned and spun around, immediately taking off their shoes. Wind and Wild followed suit, copying their action of leaving them by the door. “My home is your home. I just hope... that my parents aren’t going to come home any time soon. I’m not exactly fond of the idea of that lecture and explanation that their due but! We’re here! And no one will bother us here. Anyone hungry?”
All hands went up.”
“Do you need help?” Wild offered.
“Sure! Just wash your hands first.” They grinned and opened the door to a large metal box they had in the middle of the room. “Feel free to look around! Just don’t break anything please.”
Hyrule took off down the stairs while Wind and Four went further into the house.
Time didn’t even want to think about the implications and sat down on the couch. It was softer than he thought it would be. Not wanting to ruin the clear craftsmanship of the furniture, he got to removing his armor. He wasn’t sure where he was going to put it but he didn’t want it to snag and tear anything.
Warrior was quick to the same and neatly began organizing a pile that wouldn’t be too disruptive to the rest of the houses layout. “You have... a lot of plants.”
“You can blame my mother.” They laughed. “She has the greenest thumb of the family. She can make anything grow, I swear. Oh- Wild bE CAREFUL!”
Twilight winces and sits next to Time. This isn’t his job right now. He doesn’t want to go look. It can’t be that bad. It’s not like he’s not near anything sharp or hot or-
He gets up two second later.
Wild was trying to do what he knew best but was close to touching the stove with his forearm. “...Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, just be aware of it. You nearly burned your entire arm.”
“It wouldn’t change much.”
“Yes, but we don’t have the supplies to treat burn wounds.” 
“How can you even tell it’s hot?”
“Ohh dear...” They sigh.
Twilight can feel the long suffering emotion behind it. “Is it the light?”
“It’s the light.” They sigh.
Wild blinks and looks at the stove. He’s not entirely sure how it works or how to read it. But still, he can see the little red light just around the nob they turned. “...Oh.”
“You know what?” They smiles patiently. “I’ll handle it. Thank you though.”
Twilight pats Wild’s shoulder and leads him away. Wild tries to not be too dejected.
Legend and Sky took to exploring not long after Hyrule did. Frankly it’s not much to see but it’s bigger than their houses for sure. With a lower floor and two rooms in the back, they’re surprised by how much space their friend has for the small family they claim to live with.
They find a room, unlocked, where there’s clothes on the floor and the bed is unmade. It smells....quite familiar actually. A lot like someone they travel with.
“They have their own room?” Legend looks around, amazed. There’s a bed in the corner, a dresser by the wall, multiple pictures and paintings cover the walls and a bookshelf with more books than Legend has rings rests on the other side of the room. Naturally he walks over to it.
Sky takes to looking at the pictures on the wall. Some have words, he can tell, but as he suspects, he can’t understand a word.
Legend fares a little better. With the amount of time he’s seen their friend write, he’s been able to piece together the vague and confusing alphabet into something he can understand.
Hyrule walks in a moment later and tilts his head. “What’s this room for?”
“I think it’s theirs.” Legend picks a book off the shelf.
Hyrule feels shame wash over him. “Should we be looking through their stuff then?”
“That didn’t cross your mind when you were at my place?” Legend quips back. “Besides, they said their home is our home. If there was something off limits they would have said something.”
Sky hums and looks away. “As long as we don’t break anything.”
Hyrule hums, no longer feeling good about it. It was one thing to see what the room of your family members were like, now that he has a little more context despite himself. But to look into your personal belongs, without your knowledge of consent, is a bit too intimate.
He heads back upstairs. Four and Wind meet up with him with satisfying and excited faces. “Traveler! We found some cool things!”
His smile is tight. “Yeah?”
Time hums. “Find anything of interest?”
Four opens his mouth but shrugged. “Not really. Just stuff.”
Time grins and nods along. “As expected. They’re not a fighter and neither is anyone in their family.”
He can hear something sizzling where Reader was off in the other compartment. Apparently, they deemed it safe to be left alone because they come back to where most of them are congregated.
“Here. I’ll put a movie on. Moving stories, yeah?” They grab a black rectangle and push on the colorful things that stick out of it. They turn on the larger black box on the small table and begins to move through the images on the screen.
The small action catches most, if not, everyone’s attention and soon everyone is sitting around the box as music begins to play. “This one was my favorite when I was little. I hope you enjoy it.”
The sunset in the back is beautiful and multiple animals that they can’t name start to blink their eyes as it rises over the land. It’s nothing they’re ever seen before.
They are enraptured.
Their friend sighs and smiles at the seen, trying their hardest to not sing along to the music. They don’t want to ruin the experience.
Besides, they’ll be in the kitchen cooking enough food to feed a small army.
They can sing all they want without them noticing. They are thoroughly distracted and they take it as a win. 
It’s good to be home.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Temper Tantrum
Soft whines left little Akemi’s lips as she was finishing up her tantrum somehow being three has been her biggest job yet and she wasn’t even close to being four. She kicked her father’s seat once more trying to get what she wants.
Bokuto has been on toddler duty all week because you’ve been out for a work trip. Bokuto sighed and readjusted his rear view mirror so he could see his daughter and look her in the eyes. “Akemi, princess we have to go to the doctors. Mama said we need to pick up your eczema cream.” She was not having any of it. She screamed, kicked the seat, and pulled her hair.
Your owl hair husband took his seatbelt off and hopped out the car. He opened Akemi’s door, his voice was soft when speaking to her — the last thing he wants to do is make a scene in a grocery store parking lot… “Akemi, papa needs you to be a good girl and stop kicking the seat, yeah?” She spits at him and folds her little chubby arms. He’s shocked to say the least, his daughter isn’t usually like this around him but to be honest he’s at work more than he’d like to admit so she’s probably like this with you at times.
“I no wanna go to doctor! I wanna go to park!” Just as she says that she starts to itch which is an obvious sign they need to go pick up her cream. “Papa won’t take Akemi to the park because she isn’t behaving.” Bokuto’s voice is much stricter now, he assumes he should buckle down because spitting on people is unacceptable. Her big doe eyes glass over and big fat tears stream down her face.
“I be good girl Papa! I will!” She’s rubbing snot and tears all over her face so she looks like a hot mess. Kotaro wants to cry too. He convinced you that he could watch her for the week and that no nanny was needed. As hard as it is to take care of a three year old he certainly does not regret it. He’s learning so much about his daughter, and if there’s one thing that’s become obvious to him it’s that his daughter has his occasional mood swings and your attitude. She’s the sweetest thing ever but when you mix those two together nothing good comes from it.
“Listen pretty girl, spitting on people is a big no no. Who even taught you that?” He awaits her answer and uses his hoodie sleeve to wipe off her face. “So- s-so I learn it from Kaido at.. at- at…” she forgot what daycare was called so your husband stroked her hair softly and finished her sentence for her. “Daycare?” She nodded her head and her tears stopped.
His golden eyes looked into big doe eyes and he sighed. “Don’t do bad things you see other kids at daycare do, okay? I don’t think your mama will be happy if she hears you’re spitting on people.” Your little girl frowned, she doesn’t want Mama to know. She can be bad but she’s on another level now that it’s just her and Papa.
“No tell Mama! Pwease I be good! I be good girl!” Her eyes were sore from crying and she was scratching her arms. Kotaro grabbed her bag and took out her mittens and placed them on her hands. Not without struggling though. “I won’t tell Mama, if you promise to be good while we are at the doctors.”
She tries to take her mittens off and your husband stops her. “Keep them on, we don’t want you to scratch.” She whines once again, “I’m itchy Papa!” He hums and closes her door. He returns to his seat and buckles himself up. “I know you are sweet girl, that’s why we are going to pick up your cream.”
As your little squirt promised she was good the rest of the day, so after they picked up her eczema cream he took her to the park and got her gelato. (This man spoils her rotten.. come on gelato?)
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Hihihi! Tan we pwease get another chapter of Little Bunny? Maybe where Bunny shows up at da Byers’ in da middle of da night u’cuz their famiwy was bein’ mean, or yellin? An Will & El & Joyce can kinda calm Bunny down u’cuz dey know how ta take care of little ones, but Hop is jus standin dere, half asweep like🧍🏻‍♂️an doesn’ know whas goin on, an Will has ta call Gare ta calm Bunny down, an Bunny ends up goin’ ta Gares house, or Gare an Bunny stay at da Byers’? Fank you, I lobs you! 🫶🏻
Hellfire Babysitting Club : The Sequel (Part Four) (Blurb)
Sleepover Emergency
Gareth Emerson X Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used) / Hellfire Club x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - family issues (described vaguely, but really not explained in detail. there is mention of police reports from before they moved to Hawkins though.), yelling mentioned, eating mentioned, byers family chaoticness, crying, feelings of being scared mentioned, long cold walk ... FOUND FAMILY, HUGS, FLUFF AFTER THE ANGST, LOVE
Notes - I've been in a writting mood latley and missed this series so I thought I'd drop this here for Y'all. I hope you like it, and I hope my writting hasn't changed too much in the time I've been gone! (Also while I do follow the prompt for the most part, O have put my own spin on it etc)
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this account, SFW
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During the day September air was chilly but not cold, light sweaters everyone's preferred "coat" to keep warm. But the night grew cold, the wind wiping around, leaves flying and twirling in the air. Y/n had rushed to get out of their house, the pj's they had on even less warm then what they wore to school. But even as they're teeth began to chatter slightly, goosebumps rising on their arms, they knew they made the right decision.
The Byer's house was usually an eight minute walk, the bus stop twelve, but in the dark with scary noises stalling them the walk ended up being twenty. When the wooden door came into view, and they walked up the step a breath of relief was puffed before they began knocking. The action hardly made a sound but Joyce was known to have "mom ears" that could hear anything even in a deep sleep.
"Hello." She whispered in an effort to not scare the timid Y/n who's cheeks were painted with tears. "Come in." Her hand landed on Y/n's back in a protective move, her head jutting out the door to look down the street expecting to see a car driving off, yet all she was met with was the silent and cold night. "Did you walk here?" Joyce's voice grew more frantic as she looked over the poor kid for any injuries, her hands meeting freezing skin.
Before Y/n could defend their case a warm blanket was wrapped around them and the name 'Hopper' was being yelled out around them. Joyce didn't leave Y/n's side as they continued to cry, every family member awoken from the commotion now in the livingroom with wide eyes.
"What's going one?" El asked as she slowly walked towards Y/n, her hand landing on their shoulder in a show of support.
"I'm not sure." Joyce voiced, her eyes meeting an even more confused hopper. "They walked here Jim, walked."
Hopper knew who Y/n was, Gareth had told him everything there was to know about them. Including the life they had at home, an aunt who only kept them around for the money the government offered. Y/n had to do everything on their own and pay for everything on their own, and for that reason the poor kid was on Hopper's radio. He vowed the first time he hear of some sort of altercation, commotion, or disruption from the house he would intervene. He just never expected them to show up on his doorstep.
"Call the Gareth," He said to will. "Get another blanket from the linen closet," He ordered Jonathan. "El why don't you see if we have a seepingbag downstairs." Each kid rushed off to do their tasks. "What's going on kid?" Hopper then turned his attention to a shivering Y/n.
"Sh- She said no," A sob broke through. "No more." They shook their head and tried their best to wipe their tears off their cheeks. "I can't go back." They pulled in a deep breath trying to calm themself down.
"It's okay sweetie." Joyce offered a lopsided smile, rubbing her hands up and down trying to warm them up. "We've got you."
"I'm going to head to the station to write up a few things then head over to get their stuff." Hopper's voice was direct but sympathetic, wishing he had done something sooner hating that this poor kid could have avoided the cold walk and most likely harsh talk back at their aunts house.
"M' stuff?" They cried again.
"Yeah kid, you're stuff." The jingle of his keys filled in the silence. "There's no way I'm letting you go back, I've seen the reports, I'm not failing you too." Y/n opened their mouth to say something but Hopper cut in before they could say anything. "Here kid, you'll stay here."
"Yay!" El chimed in as she carried in a huge bundle. "I've always wanted bunk beds!" The grin on her face was genuine.
Y/n was silent, though a huge smile was plastered on their face at the kindness these people were showing them. They hadn't ever felt like this before, so supported. Y/n assumed they would maybe get to sleepover for the night until their aunt caved and took them back, or they got sent away. Yet everyone around them was talking about them staying for forever it seemed.
"Are you hungry at all?" Joyce asked, Y/n shaking their head 'no'.
"He's here." Jonathan called from the front window, the distinct bright lights of Gareth's car showing through the curtains. "Hey man." He opened the door, the two of them talking quietly, no doubt Jonathan updating Gareth on the situation.
Gareth nodded before taking in the room, Y/n standing and still shivering, Joyce stressed, and the twins stuck with unknowing looks on their faces. "Hi bunny." Gareth whispered as he got closer to Y/n, Joyce taking a step back and giving the kids some space, her and Jonathan slipping into the kitchen to make a few calls. "Let's sit down." His hands landed on Y/n's shoulders as he led them to the couch, plopping himself down before Y/n sat next to him, his arm wrapping around them instantly, their head falling to his shoulder.
"'m good." They whispered. "Right? 'm a good kid?" Their voice wavered, silent tears slipping down their cheeks. "She said I was bad." They whispered even quieter.
Gareth placed his chin atop their head, pulling them in closer, El's eyes tearing up and Will fidgeting with his hands. "Yeah, Bunny, you're a good kid." He felt his own tears begin to build, the way Bunny looked and sounded making his heart crumble a little. Everyone around them kept trying to tear them down, kids at school, people at home, he knew he needed to protect them, and clearly this hug was his first step.
"Hopper said he'll get Y/n's things this afternoon, and he'll bring them back here." She smiled, her eyes locking on Y/n's. "You can stay here as long as you need sweetie." Her voice was soft and her eyes teary too. "We can get a bunkbed and some extra things and you can share a room with El or Will."
"Me." El cut in, clearly offended that Will would even have the possibility of a roommate. El's hand landed on Y/n's shoulder in a supportive way, a huge smile on her face. "Sleepovers are fun."
"I don' wan' t' bother anyone, I can go." Y/n went to stand up but El sat her back down.
"You'll be staying here, you're apart of the family now. You won't be on your own anymore." Jonathan cut in this time, his big brother mode activated. Both of his siblings had gone through hell, and he hated to see it. He wouldn't let Y/n's hell continue either, no matter what he had to do.
So at 4am Y/n sat on the couch as everyone around them worked to get things in order for the time being, pancakes placed on the dining table for everyone, and not once were they left alone or left out. They were excited to welcome this new normal, this new family.
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ichijager13 · 1 year
A Trip To the Bookstore
Fandom: Attack on titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Rating: General Audience.
CW: really none, just me getting my Dad!Eren scenarios and exploiting my baby fever.
Family fluff, Fater-daughter moment
Word Count: 770 words.
For her fifth birthday, Eren takes his daughter Nina to the bookstore.
Standing in front of the bookstore’s door, Eren looked down at his daughter and asked, “Are you ready for this adventure, little one?” Unable to contain her excitement, Nina nodded vigorously. “Then let’s go,” the young father cheered, pushing the door open.
For her fifth birthday, Eren promised the young girl to take her to a bookstore nearby after work. The previous night, before going to bed, the two of them made a deal. They agreed that she could choose up to four books and that they would stop by the neighborhood’s bakery to buy a birthday cake.
Nina’s big, jade green eyes, which she inherited from her father, wandered around the place. Taken aback by how big the store was, she scanned the multiple floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with books of all sizes and colors. A few minutes later, she glanced at her father, silently asking with her round, emerald-colored eye for permission to let go of his hand and go explore every corner of that magical place. An encouraging smile brightened Eren’s features as he slowly released the small and delicate hand he had been holding since they left home.
The little girl’s steps were hesitant at first, but when she noticed there were other kids around, exploring the store, her attitude slowly changed. She started picking up books and flipping the pages.
From time to time, she would turn to check whether her father was tagging along. Each time their eyes met, she would flash him a wide smile with her tongue poking from behind the missing tooth she had lost a week ago.
“Daddy,” Nina called for her father minutes later and pointed out one of the shelves out of her reach. “Can I have dis one, pwease?”
“Which one, darling?” he asked, studying the books lined on that shelf.
“Da one with snow.”
“Nice choice. I’ve read those when I was your age,” he commented, picking up the first book of the Tomten series. “How about we check if they have the whole collection before we leave?” The little brunette hummed in response, visibly happy. “Wanna look for more books?”
Nina nodded as her father pushed the strands of brown-colored hair that escaped from under her hat and partially covered her eyes. He then watched her go back to her book quest.
“Did you find anything?” he asked when he noticed she had been staring at the same shelf for several minutes.
She nodded before bending to grab a copy of The Giving Tree and handing it to him.
“Another nice pick. That’s my girl,” he approved, going through the pages of one of his childhood reads.
Eren knew that this experience was going to be unique. However, he didn’t expect it to unlock so many memories from his childhood.
“Thewe’s anotha’ one too. It has a gween dwagon with blue hownes hiding in a pocket.” She tugged at the hem of his dark gray duffle coat.
“Whatever my princess wants,” he said, gently squishing her rosy cheeks. “Where did you see it?”
“Thewe.” She designated a shelf behind him.
He grabbed the book and showed it to her. “This one?”
“Mhm!” Nina responded, giddily smiling.
“That’s all?”
She nodded once again before asking, “Can we stay a little longa’, pwease Daddy, pwease?” She looked up at him with big, round, and pleading eyes.
“Of course, my dear. I love this place so much. I have so many lovely memories here.” Noticing her puzzled expression, he explained dreamily, “Oma and I used to come here a lot with Uncle Armin. It was our favorite place,” he voiced, embracing the whole place with his loving gaze. He could’ve sworn he could hear his mother’s voice chatting with the owner as Armin and he were looking for their next reads. “And I wanted my little princess to discover it as well. Do you like it?”
“I love it, Daddy! Can we come back soon?”
“Of course, we can visit whenever you want.”
“Thank you.”
Nina spent the next thirty minutes happily wandering around and inspecting every nook and cranny of the store.
Once they asked for the remaining books from the series, they headed to the cashier.
“Is it your birthday, sweety?" the checkout girl inquired when Eren asked for a birthday card. She offered Nina a bunny shaped balloon when Nina bobbed her head.
Later that day, both dressed in their pajamas, Eren and Nina ate their cake slices while going through the pages of the books they bought that day.
Nina listened to her father tell her funny stories about the place and the old owner.
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anzynai · 10 days
jai i'm so starved for twst content (except it's not even that hard to find. i'm just very hungry) can i ask for some headcanons. whoever u'd like. go wild i will happily take it
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HELLO KAZ!!! im so glad it seems like ur slowly but surely getting into twst 👀👀 ANYWAYYY, pwease enjoy lovely <33
honestly, it would just be weird to be like they all tickle each other bc they definitely dont so im not gonna do that.. BUT thats not to say erm. um tickling… DOESNT go around nrc teehee
our resident tickle monsters: floyd, lilia, and MAYBE cater. and also maybe rook but it kinda depends.
rook isnt going to go up a just tickle someone (without a motive) basically, he might tickle someone to find a weakness (*cough* ruggie *cough* leona) and im sure ruggie wasnt the only one. cheers ppl up when sad blah blah blah stuff like that but hes more subtle abt it? im not sure how to describe it but its in a way that is different from the other three
floyd does it for shits and giggles. lilia also does it for shits and giggles. cater does it to bring a smile to his classmates face
vil using tickling to help train his freshman on posture (epel lol) so like if theyre slouching, pokes them in the side or back to get them to straighten up
also silly makeup brushes being ticklish. plot twist, the heartslabyul students make sure they don’t let anyone paint on their…. signature markings (???????? what are they called) bc its ticklish
same with epel, it was a bit of a struggle at first with vil teaxhing him how but he’s got the hang of it enough where he can manage his makeup on his own
anyway floyd tbe tickle monster, jade encourages it and helps floyd (mych to azul’s disdain) azul = their number one victim
like the found family trope with diasomnia, its super cute and honestly i see them all as ticklish, and especially sebek. silver too tbh
when they were younger they prob had a lot of tickle fights meow like not that they would use underhanded tactics but okay maybe they were using SOME and that just happened to involve pinching the other in the side to catch them off guard
kalim likes tickling people too but not to the extent of the four i mentioned at tbe beginning, but he’s that guy who could definitely mention that he likes being tickled or tickling people without any embarrassment. he tickles jamil sometimes ofc did u expect anything else theyre best friends!!!!
adn erm idia is also very ticklish no one besides ortho tickles him like ever bc hes a loser (me2)
also azujami sorry MY HEADCANON i. like to think jamil would accidentally find out azul was ticklish and never let him live it down. like he would find it SO funny (and so cute) that azul has a weakness as silly as tickling. azul wants to die until he realizes that jamil is ticklish too. then he doesnt mind so much
appletart now (riddle x epel) tickling probably wasnt ever a big thing in their relationship UNTIL they were kissing and maybe making out just a tiny bit (very professional, i know), but epel (well neither of them are very experienced) was kinda just.. moving his hands bc riddle was a but stiff and not doing anything 😭😭 so he wanted to help take the lead but then his finger grazed riddle’s side and riddle yelped and well, we all know how that went. now, epel loves to tickle riddle!! and well, sometimes riddle does too
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wandafiction · 5 months
Search Party - Just Us Chapter 45
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, Little suggestive themes
Word Count: 3504
Series List | Chapter 44 | Chapter 46
Wanda, the boys and I are all stood outside the hospital entrance out of the way of the door, obviously, waiting for my driver Gabe to come and pick us up. Since both me and Wanda both drove to the Tower today and came to hospital in an ambulance, that's right Wanda was allowed to sit in the back of the ambulance as they transported me, we don't have a way of getting home. I am not going into work tomorrow and Wanda was given the day off as well by Tony, so Gabe is just going to take us back to Wanda's apartment and we can get the cars tomorrow. 
"Woah Y/n is that the car?" Tommy bounces on his feet accidentally as I see Gabe pulling up in the Rolls Royce, Wanda quirks her eyebrow at the car.
"It is indeed boys, let's go." I lean over to Wanda as the boys rush to the car walking around it as they point out how cool it is. "Don't worry princess, I got it valeted  squeaky clean and smells fresh as a daisy." 
"Y/n." Wanda grumbles at the memory but I only laugh.
"I remember my name leaving your lips in a very different way. What changed?" I see Wanda's face flush, as she bows her head, her hair falling to try and hide it. "Is someone blushing at the memory of the first time you got in the car? Fair to say it was a very satisfying journey for the both of us."
"Y/n stop." Her voice comes out weak and it makes me smirk at how easily she is flustered.
"Mama, why are you so red?" Tommy rejoins us as I see Billy introducing himself to Gabe. 
"Just a little cold stood out here. Let's get in the car and head home." I smirk as Wanda gently pushes Tommy towards the car trying to get this over with as quickly as possible, me following closely behind.
"Good evening ma'am I hope you're feeling better?" Gabe holds the door open for the other three to get in.
"I am thank you. How's the family?"
"They are very well ma'am thank you for asking. Where am I taking you four today?" 
"This address here please." I bring up the address on my phone and he nods his head ushering me inside the car. Once I'm in he closes the door behind him, a few seconds later I see him climbing into the driver's seat
"Right seatbelts on everyone. I get it's a cool car but safety first." Wanda moves to sit next to me once she has made sure the boys have put them on. "You to princess." 
"I am, I just want to make sure I can snuggle into you, it's a bit of a drive from the hospital to the apartment." I roll my eyes as Wanda rests her head against my arm once she has put her seatbelt on.
"You could just have asked to cuddle. I wasn't going to deny them." Wanda chuckles against my arm.
"Cuddle?" She looks up at me with a childish hint to her voice as she pouts playfully and gives me big puppy dog eyes.
"I thought we already were." I reply smartly
"No. I am only leaning against you. I want proper cuddles. Pwease?" I give in moving my arm to wrap around her shoulders, pulling close as her head rests against my chest.
"Okay who are you and what have you done with my mama?" Billy tilts his head with an amused smile on his face.
"What do you mean?" Wanda buries her head against me more as she waits for his answer. 
"I just mean you are like a completely different person around Y/n. I don't know." He shrugs finding it difficult to describe in words, but it causes Wanda to remove herself from my hold and furrow her brows.
"Is it a bad thing?" Billy's eyes widen at his mom's worried voice.
"Mama no it's not a bad thing. I just mean I don't think I've ever seen you so…."
"Soft." Tommy finishes his brother's sentence.
"Yeah soft. It's nice to see you so relaxed and happy." Billy smiles when he sees Wanda settling back against me.
"Y/n. Can I ask you something?" Tommy the ever curious boy shuffles in his seat.
"Of course." Wanda moves her hands into my lap so she can fiddle with my free hand there.
"It might be classed as like super personal and you don't have to answer it?" Wanda's hands stop momentarily at Tommy's words.
"Well you won't know unless you ask." I give him a reassuring smile and he takes a breath before looking right at me any confidence he did have completely gone.
"Why did you end up in hospital?" 
"Tommy." Wanda's voice is filled with hesitation and she sends him a warning glare. I Move my hand that's wrapped around her shoulders to her scalp and start weaving it through her hair every now and again allowing my nails to scratch at the skin.
"It's okay Wanda." She sends me an 'are you sure look' and I simply nod. "Do you boys know what PTSD is?" 
"Yeah Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Billy and Tommy both sit up straight giving me their full attention, my eyes dart to the rear view mirror where I see Gabes soft eyes on me before they disappear behind the divider as it closes. 
"Well I was diagnosed with PTSD just under two years ago. I had a bit of a rough morning that created a domino effect and I had what we call a PTSD episode. Normally I can pull myself out of them, but it was a lot worse than usual and it ended up with me blacking out." The car fills with silence, but it's not uncomfortable, it is just allowing time for the boys to take in the information.
"Huh, I didn't realise other people could have PTSD. I always thought it was just people who went to war." Tommy voices his thoughts.
"So do a lot of people, but someone who experiences anything traumatic can cause PTSD. So yes war is one of them, even childbirth can cause someone to have PTSD. It's a mental health condition that will never really go away, but you learn to lessen the triggers and ways to pull yourself out of an episode." I take a breath knowing what the next question may be so answer it before they can ask. "For me, I was in a car accident in a coma for a couple of months and when I woke up it was only me that had survived in my car." 
"I'm sorry you lost someone Y/n. I couldn't imagine." Tommy undoes his seatbelt earning a glare from Wanda but it softens when she realises he is moving to sit the other side of me, doing his seatbelt up straight away.
I move my hand from my lap, causing Wanda to drop them and a small whine leaving her lips but I simply scratch at her scalp and she almost purrs against me as her body relaxes. My free arm wraps around Tommy's body bringing him closer to me, his head resting on my shoulder as his hand replaces mine in Wanda's and I see her smile down at the sight. We hear Billy let out a huff of air as he undoes his seatbelt, moving next to his mum. He does up his seatbelt and leans against Wanda slightly, his arms wrapping around her body to hug her.
"I love you all so much."  Wanda whispers out into the silence that has once again filled the car.
"I love you too mom." The boys both say at the same time, which is like some creepy twin shit. 
"I love you too Wanda." I kiss the crown of her head before looking between the three of them. "Are you guys ready for a relaxed night?" 
"Yeah. Can't wait to be snuggled up with you." Me and the boys laugh at Wanda as she pulls herself closer to me.
"You're already snuggling me, what more do you want?" I ask with humour as she looks up at me and I see her pupils dilate. Oh. I lean down to whisper in her ear. "We have the house to ourselves tomorrow." I feel her shiver against me and I have to hold in my laugh not wanting the boys to catch us, as her legs shift slightly at the thought. 
There is a knock of the divider, and I lean forward to press the button that allows me to open it sitting back when it starts to move downwards. Gabe smiles at the sight of the four of us hugged together, his eyes searching each and everyone of use before looking at me. He gives me a small nod that makes me smile.
"We are here ma'am. Are you ready to go?" 
"We are indeed Gabe." With that he gets out of the car, walking around to open up the door. Tommy is the first to undo his seat belt darting out of the car saying that we need to hurry up because he needs to pee. Billy follows closely behind as Wanda passes him the keys to the apartment so they can get in, I hear Tommy celebrate and disappear inside the building. Wanda gets out before me saying a small thank you to Gabe who tips his hat at her, and she turns around to wait for me to get out.
"Will the boys need a lift to school tomorrow Wanda?" 
"Oh right I forgot about that. I can see if Vis can pick them up." 
"Miss Maximoff if it's all the same I do not mind picking them up and doing the school run tomorrow." 
"Oh, wow. Okay. Uhm, that would be perfect. School starts at 9, so is it okay if you get here for 8.20 just so they have time to go to their lockers and that?"
"Of course Miss Maximoff. Will they need picking up as well?" 
"If you wouldn't mind. They finish at 4 as they have an extra curricular tomorrow. Can I get Y/n to send the address?"
"Of course Miss Maximoff."
"Thank you so much. Are you ready to go inside, baby?" 
"I am." I turn to Gabe, holding out my hand, which he happily shakes in his own. "Thank you gabe. We will be seeing you tomorrow."
"I don't think I will ma'am, you're all loved up." I laugh out as I point at him, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"Don't be cheeky, I might just fire you for too much sarcasm." 
"You couldn't even if you wanted to ma'am I'm the only one that can deal with your shit and your extracurricular activities." He shuts the door as he gives me a knowing look.
"Damn you right. Thanks Gabe."
"Anytime ma'am." 
"Y/n come on I'm getting cold." I hear Wanda behind me, Gabe smirks in front of me.
"I will be seeing you ma'am. Lovely to see you again Miss Maximoff, this time a lot more, how do you say, composed." Wanda's face flushes red and she grumbles about how everyone is ganging up on her today. 
"I best be off, before I cause my sappy Sokovian to turn into an angry one." 
"Right you are ma'am. I will be here at 8.20 on the dot for the boys, Miss Maximoff." He gives us both a small nod and smile before making his way back to the driver's side and pulling the car away.
I wrap my arm around the top of Wanda's shoulders pulling her close hoping a little bit of my warmth transfers onto her, I feel both her arms wrap around my waist one around the front and one around the back, as her hands lock together on my left side. Her head resting against my right side slightly as we start to make our way into the apartment building. 
"You're like a walking talking heater." I giggle down to Wanda as she pulls her arms around my waist tighter, our bodies being pulled that ever bit closer.
"Mmmm, well I know a few other ways to keep you warm." I wiggle my eyebrows at her as she looks up at me blushing, gently removing her hand from my waist to hit my chest giving me a pointed look.
"Don't even start." Her hand moves back to my waist as I stifle a laugh as we start walking up the stairs, her grip loosening a bit so we can walk up them easier. "What are you laughing at?"
"Nothing, you're just easy to fluster and I love to make you brush." Wanda mumbles something against my chest that I don't hear. "Are you all flustered because we haven't had the chance to be alone since Friday?" 
"Mhmm, I'm not even going to deny it. I would keep you in bed forever if I could." My stomachs does somersaults at the thought as her sultry tone sends a shiver down my spine. 
"Well it's a good thing we have all day tomorrow." I lean down to whisper in her ear, my teeth lightly biting at it. "I'm going to make sure you can't walk by the time I'm finished with you." 
I hear her swallow harshly, as she looks up at me her pupils taking over most of the color in her eyes as she bites her lip. When we are about to start walking up the last flight of stairs I push her against the wall trapping her between it and my body, her breathing becomes heavy as she looks up at me. I bring my mouth to her ear as I let my hot breath travel down her neck, goosebumps growing in its wake.
"Is this what you want, princess? You want me to relieve some of that pressure that is building up between your thighs, you want me to bring you to such a high that you lose your voice. Is that what you want?" Wanda let's out a small moan at my words as I smirk. "Well you're going to have to be a good girl and wait."
"Y/n." Wanda sighs in the space between us.
"I need you." Wanda bites her bottom lip as she looks up through her eyelashes at me.
"Maybe once the boys have gone to bed, but I don't really want to have them waking up to the sound of you screaming my name." 
"You had to bring the boys up didn't you." Her wanting demeanor completely changing as I realise my words ruined the mood.
"Whoops, I mean do you really want the boys to wake up to us fucking?" 
"No, no you're right I can wait." Her hands come to rest upon my chest.
"As soon as they are gone in the morning we can spend as many hours between the sheets as you want." 
"That sounds amazing."
"Let's not keep the boys waiting. They are going to be sending out a search party soon." 
Me and Wanda hastily make our way up the last flight of stairs and to the door of the apartment, not wanting to keep the boys waiting and grow their suspicions. As we reach the door Wanda uses her camera on her phone to make sure the blush on her cheeks has gone, as I grab the handle swiftly opening the door. As we make our way inside we see the twins sitting on one of the couches, both on their phones as a movie on the TV is paused.
"Jeez took you guys long enough. We were about to send out a search party for you." Billy laughs as he looks between me and Wanda.
"Sorry we were just organising for Gabe to take you to and from school tomorrow." Wanda explains quickly, making her way down the hall to get herself into some comfortable clothes. 
"We get to go to school in that car?" Tommy sits up as his eyes light up at the thought.
"You sure, buddy. Now what film have you picked out?" I take a seat on the couch looking up to try and figure out what they have paused it on.
"Something we found on Netflix called the school of Rock." Billy informs me as he absentmindedly scrolls through his phone. 
"Baby are you coming to get changed." Wanda's voice echoes down the hallway. 
"Right, that's my cue boys. Why don't you get some popcorn started, I won't be too long. Good choice of film by the way." I hop off the couch as I scurry towards Wanda's room. 
My jaw drops, mouth watering and eyes going wide at the sight of a very naked Wanda in front of me. She smiles at my reaction. I realise she is only teasing when she moves to put one of my shirts, that I left from last time, on and some sleep shorts. She thinks she is beating me at my own game, but I simply smirk at her and stalk over towards her. Each step I take, she takes one back until her knees hit the bed and she falls backwards onto it. I take this opportunity placing my hands on her knees sliding them up her thigh as my face becomes level with hers. Her breath hitches as I stop my hands by the bands of her sleep shorts, her hips move to try and get some action but I simply move one hand further up to hold her still.
"You're not being a good girl, princess." I hear a small groan leave her lips, as I bring my down to ghost hers. "Only good girls get the strap." 
I hear her whine in protest at my words, but when she takes her bottom lip between her teeth I can't help but clash our lips together. Her hands fly up to grip the back of my neck pulling me closer and keeping our lips together. I move my other hand to her hip as well now, trying to keep her still while I take control of the kiss. She gasps when I squeeze her hips, my tongue enters her mouth as she does so and she moans against my lips. I slow the kiss down, playfully sucking on her tongue before pulling away, taking her bottom lip with me and releasing it with a pop. 
"The boys are waiting." She groans as I climb off of her and head to the bag that I now leave her with some of my clothes in it. 
"Dorogoy you're being mean." I hear Wanda huff as she moves behind me, wrapping her arms around my torso as her front presses to my back. I hum in thought wanting to test something out.
"And you're being a brat." I don't say it with any harshness in my tone not knowing how she will react, but when I feel her face scrunch against my back I know the answer. "That sort of thing is not for you?" 
"No, not really. I didn't hate it but I also didn't like it." 
"And that's okay, just thought I would test it out. I will stick to the praise from now on." 
She nods her head against my back, her arms loosen slightly when I go to pull my top off. Her lips connect with the bare skin of my back, starting from the middle. I feel her move to her tiptoes, her lips now connecting with the bottom of my neck where the scar starts and slowly pecks every last bit of scarred skin there. Her kisses move ever so slowly down my spine, I soak in the moment loving the feeling of her lips against my skin. Wanda's right hand moves up to trace over the scar below my rib cage, her lips moving away from my spine for a second as she moves to the right to kiss the scar next to it. As she has decided to continue kissing my scar down my spine I take off my pants, putting on some sweatpants to lay on the couch in. Once Wanda has reached the bottom of my back her left hand moves to my back, replacing her lips and her fingers dance their way up to the top of my back. She twists my body around and looks me dead in the eye.
"You are beautiful." She says it with such seriousness that I believe her words like never before.
"And you are heavenly." A blush takes over her face as she bounces on her tiptoes to give me a loving kiss before she pulls away.
"Put your shirt on, the boys are waiting." She smirks at me as she leaves me in the bedroom, swaying her hips as she does. 
That woman is something else 
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rachi-roo · 2 years
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Bungo Stray Dogs: Who's small now?
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Summary: Drunk/Tickle fic. A tipsy Dazai ruins Chuuyas evening of high-quality dining, leading to both of them being hopelessly drunk in a park somewhere. Dazai insists on cheering Chuuya up after spoiling his meal.
Ler Dazai, Lee Chuuya.
Tw: Alcohol use, long fic
I swear I didn't mean for this to turn into an entire bleddy episode 😭 I just love them so much, I can't help going off when I write about them! Plz don't flop I beg 😭😭😭
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"Chuuuuyaaaa! Come down pwease! I-I swears I di'n mean to make you mad." A half-undressed Dazai slurred, looking up into a tree, his chin pressed against the bark as he made grabby hands up at the angry cat-like ginger who was currently held up in the branches.
"No! You uncultured bean-pole!" He hiccuped in response, clinging to the almost empty bottle of expensive Château d'Yquem, sniffling dramatically. "This was'sposed to be my evening! My time for sophisititated dining, and you, youuuu ruined it!" The short man fussed, taking another swig of his beverage, his legs dangling either side of the large branch he was perched upon.
"Your Kobe beef main course, sir." Chuuya was presented with a fine four-thousand, five hundred yen meal in his fancy booth. He'd been waiting for this night for months. No work. No worries. Just him and a full-course meal of fine dining. He gave a nod to the server, gleefully looking at his meal, relishing how the meat still sizzled slightly as he poked his fork into it-
"Chuuya! Heeeeey! Chuuuya!" His meal was interrupted by the sound of someone banging on the window outside. The voice far too familiar for comfort. Dazai. "Ignore him, Chuuya... He'll leave soon enough." The ginger sighed to himself, not daring to look up from his plate as he started to eat.
"Oiiii! Chuuya! Heeey!" The man outside continued to drum on the window, waving and jumping, just trying to get his attention. "CHUUUUUUUYA!"
"GOD DAMN IT!" Chuuya snapped, standing from his seat and glaring at the fool outside. "Get out of here you damn imbecile!" He growled trying to shoo the stray away. Dazai just grinned back, pressing his face against the window, steaming up the outside. He was clearly befuddled, no doubt he'd been sipping cheap whisky all day.
"I gonna kill him-" Chuuya grumbled, holding his head in his hands, looking up as he was approached by the staff. "Sir, I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to leave. You and your friend are causing a disturbance."
"Haaah?! Me?! He just showed up, I'm not even with him!" He debated with a growl, Dazai still calling him outside, making the couple sitting by the window very uncomfortable as he drew a heart in the fogged-up glass.
Moments later, Chuuya was sent from the restaurant, bottle of wine in hand as he turned to hurl insults at the staff. "You absolute morons! I paid good money to eat here! That man isn't even a friend, he's just-! DAMN IT DAZAI!" He advanced on the taller man, roughly snatching the front of his coat, yanking him down to his level.
"See what you did?!" Dazai grinned, his cheeks warm and red as he placed a finger on Chuuyas nose, almost poking him in the eye. "Ihihi got my buddy, Chuuya to come 'n' join me." He giggled. Chuuya cringed at the smell that came from Daza's lips, shoving him away. Doubtlessly cheap whisky. "I'm not joining you! I'm going home. I'll not have you ruin the rest of my evening." He waved Dazai off, taking a swig of his wine. He left the cork in the restaurant, so didn't want it to get tempered.
"Naww don't be such a widdle pissy baby." Dazai chimed, following him down the street, tripping on the uneven stone slabs. "C'mon, pwease jus' come hang out with me?" He whimpered, grabbing hold of the tail of Chuuyas coat and using it as a tether to keep them close.
"My god you're the worst." Another swig of wine. And another for good measure. "Look, Dazai, you're pissed, and I don't have the patience to deal with you right now. Got it?"
"Soooo, drink up~" Dazai chuckled, tilting the wine bottle towards his friend's face with a wobbly hand, hiccuping again. "We both know tha- hic that you love ya goop juice~"
"Who the hell let you in public whilst you're this toddled?" Chuuya deadpanned, taking a drink anyway. "Now. Go home. I'm not making sure you get there safe after the stunt you pulled last time. Leaving me in the field like that. What kind of asshole-" He took a deep breath, yanking his coat from Dazais hands and kept walking.
For some reason, Chuuya never made it home. Instead, he spent the next half an hour wandering the town, trying to get Dazai off his tail. He probably just wanted to go sit somewhere quietly without the brunette bothering him, maybe find another restaurant or bar too relax in. This plan did not happen.
"Hey, hey, Chuuya, you-? Hic Chuuya? H-ave I ever told yous how much I like ya hat? 'S a real cool hat." Dazai's condition had only gotten worse. So had Chuuyas. Constantly sipping away to try distract himself from Dazai's constant rambling.
"Dazai! Y'know what? You-"
"Shuddup! You, you are as hic tall as you are sssstupid!" Chuuya slurred, pressing a finger to Dazais chest, leaning right into him for a moment as he lost his balance. "Stupid!" He repeated in a high-pitched tone, pushing himself away. The brunette teared up, sniffling at the atrocious insult.
"I'm not stupid! You're jus' small!"
"Yeh! Small! Small and mean! Like hic like a angry litte, little person!" Chuuya glared up at the four tall men standing in front of him, trying to pick which one to slap, which wasn't easy since they just kept dancing around. "I- hic I'll show you small! You and your friends!" At some point, the two had wandered into a little field with a small play park in the centre, Chuuya squinted, spotting a nice tree, fit for showing Dazai just how wrong he is!
The gravity-defying gang member stumbled his way over to the tree, scrambling up the trunk with his wine tucked under his arm. He straddled a large branch, sneering down at Dazai. "HAH! See? Who's small now? D-azai?" He pointed to the taller man as he stared up from the base of the tree.
"Tha's not fair! M' comin' up!" He shrugged his coat off, fighting to free himself from the tricky sleeves as he let the garment drop onto the grass.
"No! Tsssss-! You stay down hic there! Where stupid little people belong!" Chuuya swiped a clawed hand at Dazai as he tried to scale the tree. To no avail, he was too wasted to even get both feet off the ground.
"But Chuuy-AH!" His ankle slipped from the tree trunk and he landed on his backside in the grass, a shoe flying off, landing somewhere nearby.
And here they were. Two drunken idiots. One hiding from the other in a tree. In a park. In the middle of the night.
"Youuu ruined it!" Chuuya glared, finishing his wine. Dazai hugged the tree his friend was hiding in, his little alcohol-stricken brain trying to figure something out. A scheme, a plan, to get his buddie down from the tree.
It wasn't a very tall tree. As Dazai soon figured out. Chuuyas dangling feet were just within reach. He grinned, creeping underneath the rambling drunk on the branch.
"And- And you're just always there to ruin my fun! Bean-pole, stupid- Ah?" Chuuya stammered, feeling something grip his ankle. He leaned over, seeing Dazai latched onto his leg, casually pulling his shoe off. "Oi! Get offa me! Damn hobo, these shoes are hic more expensive than your whole, entire life!" He kicked and swiped at Dazai, unaware of the danger he was in.
"Heeeey, Chuuya~ You reeeally don't hic wanna come down?" Dazai chimed, tracing a single finger up and down Chuuyas socked sole.
"Gh-!?" Chuuya tensed up, dropping the wine bottle he had been cradling in favour of hugging the tree branch instead. "Stop that! Dahazai! I-I'm not coming dAHAHA!" He squealed as Dazai clawed ruthlessly at the trapped foot.
"Chuuuyaaaaa~ Still tickly as ever I sehehee~" Dazai giggled, watching as Chuuya leaned over, trying to swat his hand away.
"I sahahaid st-WOAH!" The ginger lost his balance, leaning too far off the branch and tumbling down on top of Dazai, landing against his chest with a thud. Luckily they were both too drunk to feel any pain, the next morning would be a different story.
"Ugh... Damn it Dazai!" Chuuya huffed, clumsily trying to climb off his flattened friend, somehow managing to end up on his back instead, still on top of Dazai. "Tha's it. I'm going... Hic going home."
"Nope!" Dazai suddenly wrapped his arms around Chuuyas waist, holding him close as he nuzzled behind his friend's ear, grinning as he heard him giggle. "You's not going anywhere till I say so." He chuckled.
"Nooo! Dahazai! I swear if, if you don't lemme go I will hic make you, really, very unhappy."
"Yeah! I'll k-kyahaha!" The smaller man's threats fell silent as he felt a set of eight nimble and experienced fingers start to wriggle into his sides. "Stahap! Dazahai! Shihit!" He beat at Dazai's arms, his legs flailing helplessly. Dazai had that coala grip on him. Banished to tickle prison.
"Coochie, coochie, coooo~ Nahahawww, you're so wriggly~" The tormentor grinned, genuinely happy to be in this situation. Lying on the grass in the moonlight, hugging his best friend, having to put in minimum effort to make him smile.
"Dazai!" Chuuya's cheeks flushed red as his shirt and waistcoat rode up, he hastily tried to pull them back down before Dazai noticed. As if. With Chuuya still trapped, Dazai shot his hands up under the friend's shirt, squeezing and shaking into his bony little ribs.
"Nahaha! Ahaha! Dahahazai!" His feet pressed into the grass as he tried to buck himself free, grabbing hold of Dazai's wrists as his nose scrunched with laughter. His ribs were always a bad spot. And of course, his teen-hood friend knew this.
"I can do this aaaaallll night~" He jeered before sneezing as Chuuyas messed hair tickled his nose. The larger man sat up, still holding his giggly friend to his chest as he rubbed his nose with a free hand. "Heh, s'cuse me." He hiccuped.
Chuuya caught his breath before trying to wriggle free again. "Aight! You've had your fun now hic lemme go. Wah!" He yelped as Dazai flipped their positions, manoeuvring the tiny drunken male with ease. Laying him on the grass and sitting on his waist.
"Indeed I have, my small frien-"
"You're small!"
"Smaaaall, tiny, friend. But have you had your fun?" He laughed at Chuuyas confused, giddy expression before going to town on his sides again, spidering up and down his tiny waist with his professional tickling fingers.
Chuuya threw his head back as he howled with laughter, his hat finally falling from his head, and rolling across the grass before Dazai snatched it up, putting it upon his own head, lop-sided.
"Stahap! Get ohohoff! NAHAHA!"
"How'd- hic How'd ya think I look? Pretty stylish, huh?" Dazai giggled.
"Stupid! You look st-AHAHAAA" He kicked his legs as Dazai shifted up to his ribs again. His hair getting tangled and wild. The alcohol seemed to make all his strength disappear and soon all he could do was lay there and take it, a brave hand occasionally trying to grapple Dazai's, failing each time.
Dazai laughed with him, his cheeks just as red and warm as Chuuyas, almost as out of breath too with the effort of willing his tipsy body to keep tickling.
"Plehease! Okahay! M'gonna peheheee! I'm gonna pihiss myself! Dahazai!" Teary eyed and with a small amount of dribble falling from his lip, Chuuya was finally released. Dazai just sitting beside him on the grass with a huff as he poked Chuuyas nose.
"Ya dead?"
"Hah... Hah... Noho... Buhut... Aha... You're gonna be-" He stumbled to his feet, everything spinning around him as he tried to keep his balance. "Gimme... Hah... My hat..."
"What hat?" Damn Dazai. Too drunk to actually remember he was wearing it.
"My hat! S'on ya noggin! Look!" He pointed inaccurately, his aim all over the shop.
Dazai tilted his head upwards, trying to look at his head. Leaning too far and flopping onto his back, the hat tumbling onto the grass.
"Oh! That hat." He giggled, looking at it upside-down as Chuuya grabbed it, almost falling on his face as he bent over. "Right. I-I have jus' about had enough hic of your silly-ness, Dazai, so g'night-" With his hat on backwards, Chuuya wobbled his way towards the playground, tripping several times on the way.
"Lemme come too!" A groggy Dazai called, giggling to himself as he tried to stand up. It wasn't easy, but he just about managed to make it to the playground.
"No! I'm sleepin' here. You, you go somewhere else!" Chuuya waved him away as he crawled into what he thought looked like a comfy place to crash. Inside one of those yellow plastic tunnels, the kids run through. He slumped down on his front, barely able to stay awake at this point.
"Oi... Scooch over." Dazai cooed, crawling in beside him. It was a tight fit, but it was snug. "Aaaah... Go awayyy." Chuuya whined, batting at Dazais face with a limp wrist.
"Shhh, m'tryna sleep..." Dazai responded, already halfway there. Chuuya didn't have the energy or knowledge to protest anymore and the two were soon passed out inside this temporary shelter, snoring happily.
"Good thing we decided to track his phone... Makes my job much easier." An irritated Atsushi sighed, following a tracker that was supposed to lead him to Dazai. The members at the agency were only worried because it was Dazai's turn to pay for their meals today. So they sent the weartiger to hunt him down.
"Let's see... The play park? Oh god, is he stuck in the slide again?" The white haired boy thought out loud, heading the short distance through the field towards where the tracker was pointed.
"Wait... Is this?" He paused, finding Dazai's coat and stray shoe on the ground.
"The hell has he been up to? Dazai! Oi! Dazaiii!" He called, bundling up the coat as he continued walking.
"Da-!" He stopped in his tracks, spotting a familiar face across the way. Akutagawa. Their eyes met immediately, both freezing on the spot.
"What are you doing here?" Atsushi called, eyeing him carefully.
"I'm not here to fight you, weartiger. Not now anyway." The back-clad male called, he too was carrying a single shoe. "I'm just looking for someone. You'd be wise to stay out of my way." He threatened, his shadow-like power surging slightly.
"Really? Me too! I-I'm just looking for Dazai! Truce? Yeah?" The weartiger smiled hopefully.
Akutagawa sighed, his power receding. "Fine. Truce."
With that out of the way, the two started searching for their higher-ups. Until Atsushi came across an unbelievable sight.
"Uh... Hey, Akutagawa." He waved the gang member over, pointing into part of the playground.
"What is it? Aren't you a little old to be wanting to play in-" He stopped mid-sentence, his brain completely flat-lining at the sight. There, curled up together inside the yellow pipe were Dazai and Chuuya. Dazai was sprawled on his back with Chuuya clinging to his side, a small dark patch of drool had accumulated on Dazai's chest where the redhead slept.
Both snoring away, open-mouthed, blissfully unaware of the situation they were in.
Atsushi and Akutagawa gave each other a look before nodding and taking a photo in unison. "Never speak of this to anyone else." Akutagawa said quietly. Atsushi nodded.
"So.... Who's gonna wake them?"
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certaincolorglitter · 4 months
[TW:crying, fear of thunder, fear of regression, past lobotomy, and impure regression]
SMG4 was in his bed, it was night time and he was really scared, there was thunder outside, which he was scared of, he was shaking really hard and trying not to cry, he was trying his best not to regress, especially after what happened today, it was really scary to him, he didn't like meme rehab a single bit, he cried when he got that lobotomy, he was begging for the doctor to stop while he had slipped to a one year old, he felt really embarrassed for acting like a brat earlier during his time there, he didn't want to bother his friend's with his regression because they would probably send him away again, and he didn't want to upset them anymore, so now he was in his dark scary room, with no one to comfort him, he tried his best to sleep, but his eyes wouldn't close, he looked at his computer, SMG3 had put a time limit on how much he could use his computer after what happened, of course he was against that, but SMG3 told him off and called him a brat which made him more upset, he wanted his computer right now, but he would get in trouble if he did, he remembered three putting him onto his bed and told he wasn't allow to leave it for the rest of the day, he tried to cling onto SMG3 and begged him to stay, but he just got yelled at again and a harsh slap to the face, tears were welling up in his eyes now, he tried to hold back as he was trying his best to be quiet, he wanted his pacifier, he wanted his teddy bear, he wanted his dada, soon SMG4 broke and started crying, taking off his hat and clinging onto it as he tried to find some comfort from it as it warm and soft, suddenly the door to his room opened, SMG4 panicked and tried to immediately calm down, tears were still going down his eyes, he tried his best to wipe them away, he covered himself in the blanket to hide himself from more embarrassment, but the blanket was pulled off his face as SMG3 was looking kinda concerned, four hid his face in his arms as he refused to look at the man staring at him while he was in bed, he felt a hand rubbing his hair gently "shhhhh, it's okay four, your dada's here" SMG4 was put into SMG3's lap as three did his best to calm him down, four was crying even more as he clinged onto his shirt as he was apologizing for being such a brat earlier "a-am sowwy dada, am b-bad baby, n-no desewve w-wub-" SMG3 interrupted as a pacifier was put into SMG4's mouth "no please don't apologize four, i should be the one apologizing, i slapped you in the face too hard earlier, you didn't deserve that, you were just trying to make me stay with you" three gently wiped away SMG4's tears as he hugged him tightly "do you wanna a bottle four?" SMG3 asked gently rubbing his back again, four nodded as SMG3 picked him up and took him into kitchen to make him a bottle, he put four onto the kitchen counter as he grabbed a bottle and some formula, he filled the bottle up with water and put some of the formula in and put a little bit of sugar in it before he closed it tightly, gently shook the bottle in his hand, he picked SMG4 back up and took him back into his room and put him onto his bed as he gave him the warm bottle as he started to nurse four while being as gentle as possible, after four finished his bottle, SMG3 put on the table next to his bed and gave him his teddy bear, he was about to go tuck SMG4 into his bed "d-dada...... can u stays..... p-pwease, dawk room and thunder weally scawy......" four asked gripping onto his hand while looking at him with puppy eyes, three couldn't say no "okay little one just for you" three let four cuddle up to him as he pulled the blanket over him and rubbed four's hair even more as SMG4 slowly went to sleep in his arms, SMG3 slowly fell shortly asleep afterwards
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And Then There Were Five.
Chapter Five: The Pain of the Past.
After the turtles got home– and Kai and Donnie got cleaned up– they had eaten dinner as soon as it was done. Once Kai had eaten, he had made his way to his room. Kai looked around his room, which was still relatively bare. There was a bed– which was mostly unused; more often than not, Kai opted to sleep on the floor– a nightstand, a place on the wall for Kai to put his scythe, some glow-in-the-dark star stickers that Mikey had put around the ceiling and walls, and a mat on the floor for Kai to sleep on when he didn’t use the bed.
Kai sighed before ditching the mat and crawling underneath the bed. He was just small enough to fit under there. He curled up, making himself as small as possible, and let his mind wander. His tail wrapped around his ankle for some form of comfort.
“You have failed too many times, Subject-5, and now you will be punished for it.”
Draxum had only started training Kai Subject-5 for a few months now. The first time Draxum had thrown the four-year-old into the pit, he had gotten his shell cracked from the impact of being thrown into a wall. S-5’s shell still wasn’t completely healed; it still hurt.
“N-no! Pwease!” S-5 cried as Draxum secured a muzzle onto him.
“Your current punishments clearly aren’t working, so maybe this will.”
S-5 cried and gave off many distressed chirps as he tried to take the muzzle off. The muzzle was mostly made of metal, and it secured to his neck so he couldn’t just slide it off his head. The muzzle had some spikes on it that dug into S-5’s scales the more he tried to take it off or even just used his mouth in general. Even a simple chirp made the spikes dig into his scales. He didn’t like it! He wanted it off! But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get the muzzle off.
“I suggest you stop that. You won’t be able to get the muzzle off; only I can. And if you’re smart enough, you’ll have noticed that your incessant crying will only cause you more pain. So you would be wise to stop that useless crying and chirping. Silence is a virtue.”
‘Silence is a virtue.’ Subject-5 has heard Draxum say that before, but he had been saying that a lot more recently. The muzzle hurt, but Draxum was right; his crying only made it worse. His crying quieted down after a few minutes, and S-5 lowered to the ground with a small whine. His tail had wrapped around his ankle; it had been doing that recently. He didn’t know why, only that it seemed to happen when he felt sad and missed the love the way that things were before he started ‘training’.
“Good. Hopefully, this muzzle will prove to get results.”
The sound of footsteps dragged Subject-5 Kai out of his thoughts. He went invisible, not wanting to be seen right now.
“Kai?” Leo looked around for the turtle in question. “Are you in here?”
“Do you not see him?” Mikey asked from behind Leo. “I saw him go into his room.”
“Well, he either left his room, or he’s in there and is just invisible.”
“I don’t think he left, so he has to be in his room.”
“I’m gonna take a guess and say that he wants to be left alone.”
A small, barely audible chirp from inside Kai’s room told Leo that his predictions were correct.
“Well, we’re going to binge-watch all the Jupiter Jim films if you want to join us.” Mikey spoke up from behind Leo.
Another quiet chirp told them that they were heard, so they both left to head to the living room to watch their movies. Once Leo and Mikey left, Kai dropped his invisibility, and his mind started to wander once more.
Kai Subject-5’s beak was starting to bleed. He was in his cell again– he had been spending a lot of time here recently– and he had been trying to get the muzzle off with no success. He whined as the taste of blood started to fill his mouth as the spikes on the muzzle dug into his scales, drawing blood. S-5 hated this muzzle, and he didn’t understand why he had it. He was fighting the thing in the pit like Draxum wanted. S-5 whined some more before heading over to his makeshift bed– or a nest, as he liked to call it– that was made up of two blankets that he had managed to convince Draxum to let him have in here.
“What I do wrong?” Subject-5 asked quietly as he laid down on his blankets, staining them with the blood that dripped down his beak. He missed being able to play with Huginn and Muninn; he missed not being hungry all the time; he missed not having to train all the time; he missed sleeping in his room; he missed not being cold; he missed not hurting… he missed how things use to be.
S-5 had fallen asleep at some point due to his exhaustion from trying to get the muzzle off and the blood loss that came with it. He had only realized that he had fallen asleep when he was awoken by the sound of Draxum banging on the metal door of his cell.
“Subject-5, it is time to start your training for the day.”
S-5 got up– and had to pull the blanket off his beak since all of the blood the muzzle caused made the blanket stick to his beak as the blood dried– and walked over to Draxum.
“I see you did not learn your lesson with the muzzle since you’re covered in blood.”
S-5 gave off a quiet whine before lowering his head.
Draxum gave an annoyed sigh before starting to walk off. “Come on.”
S-5 was led back to the pit, where the same beast that he had been unable to defeat since he started training was released.
S-5 did as he always did when the beast was released: he tried to escape the pit, and just like every time before, he couldn’t. The beast roared and charged after Subject-5, and he scrambled to get out of the way. He was tired, and his beak hurt from the muzzle, and all this moving around was causing the spikes in the muzzle to dig into his scales and open the wound from last night.
The beast managed to ram into S-5 on its second try. He went crashing into the wall, hitting his shell once more. S-5 gave off a whine and a pained chirp as he fell and hit the ground. As he saw the beast charging at him once again, he didn’t even bother to get up and run away; instead, he curled up on the ground and stayed there. An easy target for the beast.
“S-5! Get up!” Draxum yelled from the edge of the pit. But he didn’t get up; he stayed right where he was, watching as the beast ran closer and closer to him. “Subject-5!”
Subject-5 closed his eyes and waited for the impact of the beast. When S-5 didn’t feel any pain from the hit he was expecting, he opened his eyes to see the beast struggling against its restraints. Draxum tightened the vines that were wrapped around the beast, and it roared in protest. The vines put the beast back in its cage before a set of vines grabbed ahold of S-5 and brought him closer to Draxum.
“What were you thinking!?”
S-5 only whined before he closed his eyes again. He heard Draxum growl before he felt himself being dragged off by the vines and heard the sound of Draxum’s hooves clacking against the ground as he walked in front of S-5, leading the vines that were wrapped around him tightly.
S-5 could hear Draxum say something about Subject-5 not being fed for a week or so just before he was tossed back into his cell. S-5 let off a small pained chirp as he hit the floor, and he continued to lie where he landed, even well after he heard the metal door slam shut. He was just too exhausted to move. Too empty to move.
Subject-5 Kai looked at the glow-in-the-dark stickers from his spot underneath the bed. His tail’s grip on his ankle tightened as his hand started to trace along the small scars that littered his beak.
He really was defective, wasn’t he? He wasn’t with Draxum anymore, yet he was still messing up, just in a different way than before. He wasn’t fighting well enough, not killing fast enough for Draxum’s liking. But his brothers didn’t like the idea of killing your opponent. ‘We don’t kill people, Kai. That’s wrong.’ Mikey’s words echoed in his head. ‘It’s not just any muzzle, Kai. It has enough room for you to still use your mouth normally, but when you start to use too much force while fighting, it will tighten to let you know. The mittens will also help.’ And Donnie had got a muzzle and mittens so Kai wouldn't be able to kill anyone very easily.
All Kai knew was fighting. Observe your opponent, look for their strengths and weaknesses, then exploit their weaknesses. The goal was to prepare Subject-5 for fighting in a war that would hopefully end with the extinction of humankind. To erase the humans so yokai-kind could return to the surface they were chased away from. But since Kai has been with his brothers, he hasn’t had a proper training day. He had observed his brothers once while they started training, but it was nothing like the training he did when he was still with Draxum. They didn’t fight another creature with the intent to kill; instead, they fought each other and stopped if one thought that they hurt another. And if anything, their training had seemed more like playing.
Kai wasn’t sure he could do that. He spent most of his life learning how to fight– how to kill. He wanted to be able to please his brothers, but he didn’t know how to do that. How could a defective subject like him do such a thing? Kai was broken; too broken for Draxum and too broken for his brothers. Maybe he should leave. His brothers don’t need a defective and broken subject. He should look around and try to be better for his brothers. Maybe he can fix himself. Who is he kidding? He’s broken and will always be broken.
Kai Subject-5 has been training for five months now. He stood over the beast, who was limp on the ground. The beast’s blood dripped from his beak and onto the ground, mixing with the blood that spilled from the beast’s neck. Panting, S-5 looked away from the limp– dead– form
of the beast and looked at Draxum, who stood atop the edge of the pit.
“Well done Subject-5. It took you five months to defeat your opponent, but you finally did it.”
“Did good?” S-5 asked Draxum, looking hopeful at him.
“Yes, you did good.”
S-5’s tail wagged slightly. He had did it, Draxum was happy with him again. Subject-5 did good! Things can finally go back to the way they were! No more cold dark cell; no more being hungry; no more pain! He could finally play again!
“We will see how you do with your next opponent in a week.”
S-5 looked at Draxum, his wagging tail slowing to a stop. “Can play?”
“You must put those childish ways away, Subject-5. You are starting your training so that you can learn to fight so that you can help lead a war to kill off humankind and let yokai-kind retake our place back on the surface where we belong.”
And in a matter of seconds, all of the happiness S-5 had felt shattered into a million pieces. Were things going to stay like this? Were things not going to go back to normal? He didn’t want things to stay like this.
The sound of Subject-5’s Kai's own chirp had pulled him out of his thoughts, and he instinctually covered his mouth to muffle the chirp when he felt the warm liquid drip onto his hands. When had he started crying? Kai curled up, becoming as small as he could get before he just decided to go into his shell and cried quietly. He kept his crying and chirping quiet; he didn’t need Draxum his brothers hearing him; he didn’t want to make things worse worry them.
After Kai’s Subject-5’s first kill, he quickly learned to go for the throat. The throat was the best way to ensure victory. He has been training for seven months now, and this was the third beast– or ‘failed experiment’ as Draxum called them– that S-5 had to fight. This was his first time in the pit with this creature. The beast’s body resembled that of a snake– he had seen one of those once when he was three– and had these claws that looked like they came from a bug; the beast also had a lot of sharp teeth.
The creature shrieked before it charged toward S-5, using its raptorial claws to help it move just that much faster. S-5 dodged out of the way. For a while, dodging the failed experiment was all he did. ‘Assess your opponent, find their weakness, then exploit them.’ Draxum’s words echoed through his head. Subject-5 wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but if it made Draxum happy, then he would try his best!
The creature had rammed into the wall during one of its attempts to ram S-5. With the beast dazed from hitting the wall, S-5 took his chance and jumped onto the failed experiment and sunk his teeth into the creature’s neck– at least, he thinks it’s the neck, but it’s hard to tell. The creature shrieked before it used its body to slam S-5 into the floor; it then quickly picked S-5 with its tail and squeezed him hard. Subject-5 hissed before he gave off a pained chirp as the beast’s grip on him tightened. He struggled to get free, black spots starting to fill his vision.
When Subject-5 woke up, he was in his cell again, and the muzzle was back on. He hated this stupid muzzle! He always ended up bleeding when it was on, and it hurt a lot. S-5’s body hurt a lot, but he forced himself up, stumbled over to his blankets, and collapsed onto them. He let out a desperate whine. Why couldn’t he do anything right? He wanted to make Draxum happy; when he was happy, that made Subject-5 happy. Getting to sleep in his room, being able to eat, not having to wear the muzzle, and not hurting as much were also good bonuses. Maybe someday, when S-5 gets bigger and can understand more things, he can make Draxum happy all the time! Then he wouldn’t hurt and go hungry while he slept in his cell with the muzzle on!
S-5 will work extra extra hard next time! He’ll make Draxum so proud! He was sure of it! So sure, in fact, that it just wasn’t possible for him to fail at making Draxum happy! If only his brothers were still alive, maybe it would have been easier to make Draxum happy if they had been here. Maybe the pain, hunger, and loneliness wouldn’t be as bad if they were still alive. He just hoped that they were happy where they were. S-5 fell asleep that night, thinking about all the ways he would make Draxum proud and happy; his tail even wagged at all the possibilities he could think of.
Subject-5 Kai didn’t know how long he had been in his room, remembering the pain of the past, but he couldn’t stay there forever, so he popped out of his shell, wiped away the evidence of his crying, and sighed before he made his way out from under the bed. Mikey had mentioned something about binge-watching some films; he should leave his room and join up with his brothers. Kai went invisible before heading off to the living room.
As Kai entered the living room, he saw all four of his brothers and a title screen that read ‘Jupiter Jim and the Revenge of the Aliens from Planet Neverworth.’ playing on the projector. The turtle made his way over to his brothers and flopped down on Mikey, getting an ‘Ooof!’ out of him before he became visible once more.
“Hey Kai, nice of you to join us.” Mikey said as he hugged Kai.
Kai sighed as he pressed his beak to Mikey’s plastron and wrapped his tail around Leo’s leg since he was right next to Mikey.
“You doin’ alright, Kai?” Raph asked.
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“You sure?” Mikey asked in what Leo had picked up as his ‘Dr. Feelings’ voice. “You aren’t usually this… cuddly.”
“Yeah… I just needed some time to think.”
“Right… Well, I think you and me are gonna have a talk tomorrow.”
“Oh, boi. You better start planning your escape now.” Leo told Kai.
“What? Why?” Kai asked as his tail subtly tightened its grip on Leo’s leg.
“Because Dr. Feelings has just scheduled an appointment with you.”
“Leo, stop. You act like it’s the end of the world. Don’t worry, Kai, nothing bad will happen; we’re just going to spend an hour or so talking about how you feel.” Mikey reassured. “But we’ll do that tomorrow; for now, let’s just watch some good ol’ JJ films.”
Kai gave a quiet chirp before repositioning himself to lie between Mikey and Leo. He kept his tail wrapped around Leo’s leg and rested his head on Mikey’s lap. Once Kai had settled, he watched some JJ films as he listened to his brothers breathing and chatting amongst each other during certain scenes across different films.
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sadisticfervor · 1 year
not to be awkwardly serious for a sec but -
for anyone else on the dom-leaning side of things (lol all four of us), do you find it difficult to express any of your parts of enjoyment that aren't considered dommy? even for things that exist on multiple spectra, like pain and sensation in the bedroom, people tend to flatten it to "this is a sub trait and this is a dom trait".
i know it's pretty silly to worry about but like - i am 100% dom, to the point of loathing when sub-oriented things are directed at me, but one thing i love is being scratched, bitten, or etc during sex. just the sensation of it is wonderful, and i'm not even really in it for the pain, but the more the merrier. but it's easy for people to look at that and say "oh well clearly you're not 100% dom you're just playing it up" or whatever. maybe that's a subset of the weird expectation of every transfem to be the uwu subby pwease hit me type, or something else.
maybe i'm just too in my own head about this, who knows. just curious if anyone else has had this same neuroticism
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troublesjunkyard · 13 days
And Then There Were Five.
Chapter five: The Pain of the Past.
(Tip: Kai Subject-5 is 4 years-old in the flashbacks.)
After the turtles got home– and Kai and Donnie got cleaned up– they had eaten dinner as soon as it was done. Once Kai had eaten, he had made his way to his room. Kai looked around his room, which was still relatively bare. There was a bed– which was mostly unused; more often than not, Kai opted to sleep on the floor– a nightstand, a place on the wall for Kai to put his scythe, some glow-in-the-dark star stickers that Mikey had put around the ceiling and walls, and a mat on the floor for Kai to sleep on when he didn’t use the bed.
Kai sighed before ditching the mat and crawling underneath the bed. He was just small enough to fit under there. He curled up, making himself as small as possible, and let his mind wander. His tail wrapped around his ankle for some form of comfort.
“You have failed too many times, Subject-5, and now you will be punished for it.”
Draxum had only started training Kai Subject-5 for a few months now. The first time Draxum had thrown the four-year-old into the pit, he had gotten his shell cracked from the impact of being thrown into a wall. S-5’s shell still wasn’t completely healed; it still hurt.
“N-no! Pwease!” S-5 cried as Draxum secured a muzzle onto him.
“Your current punishments clearly aren’t working, so maybe this will.”
S-5 cried and gave off many distressed chirps as he tried to take the muzzle off. The muzzle was mostly made of metal, and it secured to his neck so he couldn’t just slide it off his head. The muzzle had some spikes on it that dug into S-5’s scales the more he tried to take it off or even just used his mouth in general. Even a simple chirp made the spikes dig into his scales. He didn’t like it! He wanted it off! But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get the muzzle off.
“I suggest you stop that. You won’t be able to get the muzzle off; only I can. And if you’re smart enough, you’ll have noticed that your incessant crying will only cause you more pain. So you would be wise to stop that useless crying and chirping. Silence is a virtue.”
‘Silence is a virtue.’ Subject-5 has heard Draxum say that before, but he had been saying that a lot more recently. The muzzle hurt, but Draxum was right; his crying only made it worse. His crying quieted down after a few minutes, and S-5 lowered to the ground with a small whine. His tail had wrapped around his ankle; it had been doing that recently. He didn’t know why, only that it seemed to happen when he felt sad and missed the love the way that things were before he started ‘training’.
“Good. Hopefully, this muzzle will prove to get results.”
The sound of footsteps dragged Subject-5 Kai out of his thoughts. He went invisible, not wanting to be seen right now.
“Kai?” Leo looked around for the turtle in question. “Are you in here?”
“Do you not see him?” Mikey asked from behind Leo. “I saw him go into his room.”
“Well, he either left his room, or he’s in there and is just invisible.”
“I don’t think he left, so he has to be in his room.”
“I’m gonna take a guess and say that he wants to be left alone.”
A small, barely audible chirp from inside Kai’s room told Leo that his predictions were correct.
“Well, we’re going to binge-watch all the Jupiter Jim films if you want to join us.” Mikey spoke up from behind Leo.
Another quiet chirp told them that they were heard, so they both left to head to the living room to watch their movies. Once Leo and Mikey left, Kai dropped his invisibility, and his mind started to wander once more.
Kai Subject-5’s beak was starting to bleed. He was in his cell again– he had been spending a lot of time here recently– and he had been trying to get the muzzle off with no success. He whined as the taste of blood started to fill his mouth as the spikes on the muzzle dug into his scales, drawing blood. S-5 hated this muzzle, and he didn’t understand why he had it. He was fighting the thing in the pit like Draxum wanted. S-5 whined some more before heading over to his makeshift bed– or a nest, as he liked to call it– that was made up of two blankets that he had managed to convince Draxum to let him have in here.
“What I do wrong?” Subject-5 asked quietly as he laid down on his blankets, staining them with the blood that dripped down his beak. He missed being able to play with Huginn and Muninn; he missed not being hungry all the time; he missed not having to train all the time; he missed sleeping in his room; he missed not being cold; he missed not hurting… he missed how things use to be.
S-5 had fallen asleep at some point due to his exhaustion from trying to get the muzzle off and the blood loss that came with it. He had only realized that he had fallen asleep when he was awoken by the sound of Draxum banging on the metal door of his cell.
“Subject-5, it is time to start your training for the day.”
S-5 got up– and had to pull the blanket off his beak since all of the blood the muzzle caused made the blanket stick to his beak as the blood dried– and walked over to Draxum.
“I see you did not learn your lesson with the muzzle since you’re covered in blood.”
S-5 gave off a quiet whine before lowering his head.
Draxum gave an annoyed sigh before starting to walk off. “Come on.”
S-5 was led back to the pit, where the same beast that he had been unable to defeat since he started training was released.
S-5 did as he always did when the beast was released: he tried to escape the pit, and just like every time before, he couldn’t. The beast roared and charged after Subject-5, and he scrambled to get out of the way. He was tired, and his beak hurt from the muzzle, and all this moving around was causing the spikes in the muzzle to dig into his scales and open the wound from last night.
The beast managed to ram into S-5 on its second try. He went crashing into the wall, hitting his shell once more. S-5 gave off a whine and a pained chirp as he fell and hit the ground. As he saw the beast charging at him once again, he didn’t even bother to get up and run away; instead, he curled up on the ground and stayed there. An easy target for the beast.
“S-5! Get up!” Draxum yelled from the edge of the pit. But he didn’t get up; he stayed right where he was, watching as the beast ran closer and closer to him. “Subject-5!”
Subject-5 closed his eyes and waited for the impact of the beast. When S-5 didn’t feel any pain from the hit he was expecting, he opened his eyes to see the beast struggling against its restraints. Draxum tightened the vines that were wrapped around the beast, and it roared in protest. The vines put the beast back in its cage before a set of vines grabbed ahold of S-5 and brought him closer to Draxum.
“What were you thinking!?”
S-5 only whined before he closed his eyes again. He heard Draxum growl before he felt himself being dragged off by the vines and heard the sound of Draxum’s hooves clacking against the ground as he walked in front of S-5, leading the vines that were wrapped around him tightly.
S-5 could hear Draxum say something about Subject-5 not being fed for a week or so just before he was tossed back into his cell. S-5 let off a small pained chirp as he hit the floor, and he continued to lie where he landed, even well after he heard the metal door slam shut. He was just too exhausted to move. Too empty to move.
Subject-5 Kai looked at the glow-in-the-dark stickers from his spot underneath the bed. His tail’s grip on his ankle tightened as his hand started to trace along the small scars that littered his beak.
He really was defective, wasn’t he? He wasn’t with Draxum anymore, yet he was still messing up, just in a different way than before. He wasn’t fighting well enough, not killing fast enough for Draxum’s liking. But his brothers didn’t like the idea of killing your opponent. ‘We don’t kill people, Kai. That’s wrong.’ Mikey’s words echoed in his head. ‘It’s not just any muzzle, Kai. It has enough room for you to still use your mouth normally, but when you start to use too much force while fighting, it will tighten to let you know. The mittens will also help.’ And Donnie had got a muzzle and mittens so Kai wouldn't be able to kill anyone very easily.
All Kai knew was fighting. Observe your opponent, look for their strengths and weaknesses, then exploit their weaknesses. The goal was to prepare Subject-5 for fighting in a war that would hopefully end with the extinction of humankind. To erase the humans so yokai-kind could return to the surface they were chased away from. But since Kai has been with his brothers, he hasn’t had a proper training day. He had observed his brothers once while they started training, but it was nothing like the training he did when he was still with Draxum. They didn’t fight another creature with the intent to kill; instead, they fought each other and stopped if one thought that they hurt another. And if anything, their training had seemed more like playing.
Kai wasn’t sure he could do that. He spent most of his life learning how to fight– how to kill. He wanted to be able to please his brothers, but he didn’t know how to do that. How could a defective subject like him do such a thing? Kai was broken; too broken for Draxum and too broken for his brothers. Maybe he should leave. His brothers don’t need a defective and broken subject. He should look around and try to be better for his brothers. Maybe he can fix himself. Who is he kidding? He’s broken and will always be broken.
Kai Subject-5 has been training for five months now. He stood over the beast, who was limp on the ground. The beast’s blood dripped from his beak and onto the ground, mixing with the blood that spilled from the beast’s neck. Panting, S-5 looked away from the limp– dead– form of the beast and looked at Draxum, who stood atop the edge of the pit.
“Well done Subject-5. It took you five months to defeat your opponent, but you finally did it.”
“Did good?” S-5 asked Draxum, looking hopeful at him.
“Yes, you did good.”
S-5’s tail wagged slightly. He had did it, Draxum was happy with him again. Subject-5 did good! Things can finally go back to the way they were! No more cold dark cell; no more being hungry; no more pain! He could finally play again!
“We will see how you do with your next opponent in a week.”
S-5 looked at Draxum, his wagging tail slowing to a stop. “Can play?”
“You must put those childish ways away, Subject-5. You are starting your training so that you can learn to fight so that you can help lead a war to kill off humankind and let yokai-kind retake our place back on the surface where we belong.”
And in a matter of seconds, all of the happiness S-5 had felt shattered into a million pieces. Were things going to stay like this? Were things not going to go back to normal? He didn’t want things to stay like this.
The sound of Subject-5’s Kai's own chirp had pulled him out of his thoughts, and he instinctually covered his mouth to muffle the chirp when he felt the warm liquid drip onto his hands. When had he started crying? Kai curled up, becoming as small as he could get before he just decided to go into his shell and cried quietly. He kept his crying and chirping quiet; he didn’t need Draxum his brothers hearing him; he didn’t want to make things worse worry them.
After Kai’s Subject-5’s first kill, he quickly learned to go for the throat. The throat was the best way to ensure victory. He has been training for seven months now, and this was the third beast– or ‘failed experiment’ as Draxum called them– that S-5 had to fight. This was his first time in the pit with this creature. The beast’s body resembled that of a snake– he had seen one of those once when he was three– and had these claws that looked like they came from a bug; the beast also had a lot of sharp teeth.
The creature shrieked before it charged toward S-5, using its raptorial claws to help it move just that much faster. S-5 dodged out of the way. For a while, dodging the failed experiment was all he did. ‘Assess your opponent, find their weakness, then exploit them.’ Draxum’s words echoed through his head. Subject-5 wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but if it made Draxum happy, then he would try his best!
The creature had rammed into the wall during one of its attempts to ram S-5. With the beast dazed from hitting the wall, S-5 took his chance and jumped onto the failed experiment and sunk his teeth into the creature’s neck– at least, he thinks it’s the neck, but it’s hard to tell. The creature shrieked before it used its body to slam S-5 into the floor; it then quickly picked S-5 with its tail and squeezed him hard. Subject-5 hissed before he gave off a pained chirp as the beast’s grip on him tightened. He struggled to get free, black spots starting to fill his vision.
When Subject-5 woke up, he was in his cell again, and the muzzle was back on. He hated this stupid muzzle! He always ended up bleeding when it was on, and it hurt a lot. S-5’s body hurt a lot, but he forced himself up, stumbled over to his blankets, and collapsed onto them. He let out a desperate whine. Why couldn't he do anything right? He wanted to make Draxum happy; when he was happy, that made Subject-5 happy. Getting to sleep in his room, being able to eat, not having to wear the muzzle, and not hurting as much were also good bonuses. Maybe someday, when S-5 gets bigger and can understand more things, he can make Draxum happy all the time! Then he wouldn’t hurt and go hungry while he slept in his cell with the muzzle on!
S-5 will work extra extra hard next time! He’ll make Draxum so proud! He was sure of it! So sure, in fact, that it just wasn’t possible for him to fail at making Draxum happy! If only his brothers were still alive, maybe it would have been easier to make Draxum happy if they had been here. Maybe the pain, hunger, and loneliness wouldn’t be as bad if they were still alive. He just hoped that they were happy where they were. S-5 fell asleep that night, thinking about all the ways he would make Draxum proud and happy; his tail even wagged at all the possibilities he could think of.
Subject-5 Kai didn’t know how long he had been in his room, remembering the pain of the past, but he couldn’t stay there forever, so he popped out of his shell, wiped away the evidence of his crying, and sighed before he made his way out from under the bed. Mikey had mentioned something about binge-watching some films; he should leave his room and join up with his brothers. Kai went invisible before heading off to the living room.
As Kai entered the living room, he saw all four of his brothers and a title screen that read ‘Jupiter Jim and the Revenge of the Aliens from Planet Neverworth.’ playing on the projector. The turtle made his way over to his brothers and flopped down on Mikey, getting an ‘Ooof!’ out of him before he became visible once more.
“Hey Kai, nice of you to join us.” Mikey said as he hugged Kai.
Kai sighed as he pressed his beak to Mikey’s plastron and wrapped his tail around Leo’s leg since he was right next to Mikey.
“You doin’ alright, Kai?” Raph asked.
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“You sure?” Mikey asked in what Leo had picked up as his ‘Dr. Feelings’ voice. “You aren’t usually this… cuddly.”
“Yeah… I just needed some time to think.”
“Right… Well, I think you and me are gonna have a talk tomorrow.”
“Oh, boi. You better start planning your escape now.” Leo told Kai.
“What? Why?” Kai asked as his tail subtly tightened its grip on Leo’s leg.
“Because Dr. Feelings has just scheduled an appointment with you.”
“Leo, stop. You act like it’s the end of the world. Don’t worry, Kai, nothing bad will happen; we’re just going to spend an hour or so talking about how you feel.” Mikey reassured. “But we’ll do that tomorrow; for now, let’s just watch some good ol’ JJ films.”
Kai gave a quiet chirp before repositioning himself to lie between Mikey and Leo. He kept his tail wrapped around Leo’s leg and rested his head on Mikey’s lap. Once Kai had settled, he watched some JJ films as he listened to his brothers breathing and chatting amongst each other during certain scenes across different films.
Damn why did Tumblr didn't notify me....
But aaaaaw nooo poor Kai... (っ °Д °;)っ
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