#pyro's rambles
pyr0peyt · 10 months
I am soooo normal about this show guys. So incredibly normal. It's actually really funny how normal I am over this show. Have I ever told u how normal I am about this show. I feel like I should let u guys know how normal I am about this show-
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nerdomancer · 11 months
(*"bad" in quotes because I am refraining from judgement, I've just heard people hating on them.)
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cheebuss · 5 months
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[click for details] The council (poll) has spoken with a clear winner! and here they are! Pyro warrior cat >:D!!
Probably the most difficult one yet, but I had a lot of fun trying to problem solve how to design them in a way that still maintained their anonymity
Image text below cut:
Always have flowers in their pelts!
Covered in thick mud constantly (they like it :] dries a bit near rear.)
"Mask" is a trash bag and plastic bottle with a wet rag inside (made by their respective Engineers.)
"Flamethrower" is an ignited stick covered in pine resin.
In battle, either Pyro will take a mouthful of a mixture made from prey's fatty oils and tree sap and spray it on their breath onto the ignited stick while aiming with their tail (think a fire breather.)
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via-the-ghoul · 4 months
All of the TF2 mercs follow cartoon logic to me but Pyro is more cartoon than the rest of them.
There’s a delicious pie and they all start floating and Pyro floats higher, they break through the ceiling and fly into the sun never to be seen again
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shmuzzieheart · 6 months
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findafight · 4 months
Robin should get to play with fire more. She was so on board with those Molotovs let her be designated fire starter for backyard fire pits. She meticulously builds a cabin with dry grass and news paper in the centre, just to light it up. She gets really into candles. She makes her own fire starting kits with dryer lint and candle wax. For her birthday Steve gets her a keychain that's flint and steel and she legit thinks it's one of the best gifts she's ever gotten. She spends the rest of the day lighting shit on fire in the backyard. Let her be entranced by the flames! The heat! The power! Let her light shit on fire and give a frankly concerning cackle about it!!!!
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aeb-art · 4 months
cringe is dead or whatever so… here's a super rough comic about geo getting smooched at a new year's eve party o7 (the mall toons of course belong to @8um8le)
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happy new year, go kiss a robot xoxo
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pydrasplatling · 12 days
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oasisofgalaxies · 6 months
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Starting a collection
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kisbunzies · 7 months
More silly tf2 headcanons because i know more about them than valve does.
Sniper is practically nocturnal. You wont see him all day but you will find him sitting on the couch in base with snacks and a movie going like it 3am , no shoes or shirt despite it being February and his camper being parked like a mile.away acting like its totally normal. Will literally nap anywhere during the after noon dont be surprised if one day you find him hanging upside down like a vampire.
Speaking of which this mans goes everywhere shirtless and shoeless . gas station ? Shirtless and shoe less . walmart ? Shirtless and shoeless .middle of winter ? Maybe he's got socks on. They have to yell at him to get dressed or atleast put on sunscreen so he doesn't get crustier than he already is.
Pyro's really good at open flame cooking , bonfire grill gas stove flambae torch they can make anything as long as it requires fire. Also pyros mexican and atleast half of their "strange noises" are just them mumbling to themselves in spanish.
Heavy likes cozy stuff , he's struggled enough if he wants hot cocoa and a knitted blanket he can have hot cocoa and a knitted blanket. Owns the fuzziest pair of bear slippers known to man. Also i feel like he's a salmon guy idk maybe he rlly is just a bear but guy.
Saxton hale likes men.
Scout if so painfully straight. And i dont mean straight as in sexuality i mean straight as in pure fucking aura. Ms pauling comes out as a lesbian and he says "oh shit i like girls too we should date" sees heavy and medic kiss and his brain doesn't acknowledge it. This is true even is scout likes dudes he's the 1970's equivalent of those guys nowadays who wear nothing but nike and use the word gyat unironically and im tired of pretending like he isn't.
Ms pauling wants to be a merc so bad she thinks that its so cool but her mom told her murders for boys so she's just the administrators assistant/hj
Demoman has the most curly , bouncy , volumous gorgeous hair under than beanie. He keeps it in cornrows most of the time but when he does wear his hair out its a sight to behold.
Engineer makes the corniest , most dad like jokes known to man , its literally horrible they all groan so loud whenever he does but he thinks its hilarious.
Sniper , scout , pyro and soldier are all sour gummy worm addicts to the point that their stash takes up and entire shelf in the base pantry. Go through a costco bag a week.
The local costco dreads their presence , engineer and sniper and in the outdoors section, medics necromancing the chickens , pyros was the one roasting those chickens before they got necromanced, they managed to lose heavy somehow , scout managed to convince spy to get into a toilet paper fort they made and now their introuble with management, soldiers ordering a forth of july cake despite it being october and demomans buying premade meal kits for dinner for him.and his mom over the week. Pyro saved him a necromanced rotisserie chicken. And yes sniper still isn't wearing a shirt or shoes they've given up.
Spy had eyebags and grey hair , misses when was young and spry , is a little jealous of medic managing to have a full head of dark hair.
Medics ethnically jewish. He gets his black market organs kosher .
And finally out of all the mercs soldier goes to.medic the most for actual injuries , scout goes the most for.minors , engineers got the most perscriptions including hearing aids and stuff for pyro he picks up , sniper never goes to the doctor and medic has to drag him in . spies the worse when it comes to appointments (doesn't like any part of him being seen and despit having spy training still doesn't like.needles) and medic favorite patient is heavy for obvious reasons
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pyr0peyt · 9 months
Society if Jinmay got more screen time:
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nerdomancer · 8 months
Luffy trying to recruit a news coo is easily the funniest possible opening.
Like. Sir.
That bird is EMPLOYED. Hell, he's probably unionized! You're like "But freedom!" as if the bird isn't already getting two weeks paid vacation at least!
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chaoticedward · 1 year
Okay, sniper but autistic? I love to imagine if it gets too loud when everyone in the same room spy just goes over and like "here take this" insert earbud defenders
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LMAO colors the glove in the first panel and then doesnt bother coloring it in the rest. funny! also i fucking LOVE this headcanon have a comic
autistic sniper just makes so much sensse to me and honestly i have 1000000000 sniper headcanons bc i am a bit obsessed w him atm. hes sorta the whole reason i have not been posting mini comics actually! idk if ur interested person who asked but i have a tf2 retail au (actually i ahev 2 of them) and i think my sniper design in it is rly cool. ive basiclaly been doing art of it nonstop so heres one of my favorite pieces to compliment it lol
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this is actually just one of my best pieces of artwork in general so im really sort of mad its au content that nobody will care about dfjksjafksjfks. basically what happened is he sort of got his jaw shot off (i did a previous piece of art abt it) and then got revived by medic and pauling (theyre besties in this) so hes got the jaw of a random dead person sewn to his face + one of his eyes was ruined from the incident so he now has a robo one (thanks engie) to help him out.
maybe he is not the autistic one (he is) and i am (i am) because like wow. i have not only a 140k word long fic about him being a retail worker, but a second collaborative fic (fancy way of saying lit roleplay) about him being a retail worker.
when it comes to mick being autistic i really do think he prefers being alone outdoors quietly sniping people because he cant take the stimulation of close quarters combat on the battle field. i actually do think is quite shaken up when people intrude on his sniping (he gets hyperfocused on it) but luckily uses that frustration to kill the intruder. not great if its like... a friendly scout walking in on him.
i know the comic reads sort of shippy in 2 differrent directions but honestly take it as a friendly friends comic where theyre just being good coworkers lol
anyway sorry i really needed to share abt my retail au so im tacking it onto this post bc im obsessed w it and think about it every second of every day and havent been doing any art bc i love it so much i just want to work on it gdfkjgkdslfgjsdg pls lmk if youd like ot hear more (or less. this applies ot everyone who sees this post) sirry for the ramble erghhegahhag
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sardonic-the-writer · 6 months
You van now marry me because I am interested in your tf2 headcanons
Tell me more please
so happy someone asked for this. giving your forhead a big fat smooch. also, i would habe included tracker in these, but i feel like that would have been a bit self pretentious
• good artist. has drawn tom jones fanart before
• knows a little bit of french; his mom made him learn. also knows a few french songs because of this
• bisexual but battles with it a lot
• really appreciates his teammates and conciders all of them—except for maybe spy—to be his best friends
• terrified of medical procedures and terrible at hiding it
• brightest blue eyes you've ever seen
• wears underwear with the pattern of the american flag on them
• doesn't know it's not normal to have gay thoughts. literally would kiss a man sloppy style and then not understand why everyones looking at him. probably straight, but makes exceptions
• has had his hands cut off at least five times before. it's getting concerning at this point
• uses asl with their team and teaches those who don't know. they'll still use muffled sounds to communicate though
• has no gender actually. not trans, not cis, but a secret third thing
• aroace! latches so strongly onto platonic relationships though its actually insane
• attends bonfires with enigneer sometimes
• has a pair of onsie pajamas that they wear over their suit to bed at night
• is definitely in love with medic, no doubts to be had
• has a PHD in russian literature! a very smart fella, he just has trouble speaking his mind in english
• gay. so so gay. mlm all day
• the only merc to regularly check out books from teuforts library sans soldier. although he doesn't really check out books, he just yells at the librarian for not carrying sun tzu's the art of war
• sings little songs to sasha in russian
• has scars all over his chest from an accident with a grenade he had as a kid
• sends lots of post cards and souvenirs to his mom when he's on the job. he really loves her
• actually used to style his hair in dreads when he was a little bit younger, but just doesn't have time to do much with his hair anymore
• so casually bisexual; especially considering it's the sixties and seventies. takes interest in both men and women
• best friends with both his and the other teams soldier!
• his camper is such a mess all of the time. only ever cleans if he knows someone's going to be visiting, and even then there's a few stray piss bottles laying around
• plays poker & other card games with scout all the time. when they can't bet money, they'll end up using other things to play, like bullets or stray snacks
• thinks he likes both men and women. tries not to dwell on it too much since he gets anxious about it, but at the end of the day can't deny that he finds men attractive as well
• has a mug that says world's number one best sniper that miss pauling got him
• shortest mercenary r.i.p
• parental figure to pyro
• one of the only good cooks at the base. often ends up making dinner for everyone even if it's someone else's turn to cook that night
• has a prosthetic arm that he built from scratch & spends a lot of his time adding to/upgrading
• probably straight, but the biggest ally you'd ever meet
• genderfluid. has a few lady disguises he's had to use before, and is just as comfortable in them as any other one of his disguises. definitely had gay sex with scouts mom before
• reverts to straight french when he gets irritated or upset
• heavily bisexual and very open about it with any of his partners. a man/womanizer
• the only merc with a sense of fashion to be frank. have you seen everyone else. soldier thinks being naked and covered in honey is the epitome of fashion for fucks sake
• probably knows more about the medical field than any other doctor at the time. is actively dropping some medical talk & procedures that won't even be invented until a few decades later. he's fun like that
• owns one pair of regular clothes. everything else is lab coats and black pants. maybe a turtleneck or two if you're lucky
• super mega über gay for heavy. see what i did there
• also, i'd like to headcanon that he needs glasses because he's nearsighted of all things. it makes performing surgery hard without them
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shmuzzieheart · 1 year
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New reaction image
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justgrey · 2 months
hallo! Would ya be willing to write Scout x Male Reader? preferably a one-shot or something, but honestly I'll settle for anything. I got a few ideas for ya to build off of if you'd like!
-Being protective of him! we talking wrapping our arms around him when someone gets too close, pre relationship.
-Flirting and getting him flustered.
-getting bloody while protecting him from an enemy
-Bit of a heavier topic- reader being masked (I always imaged like a fighter pilot helmet lmao) and being sent on a dangerous mission, one that they might not return from, even with the respawn machine. They take off their helmet and put it on Scout, giving a small smile while saying "Keep it safe for me, yea?"
-Reader might also have a cat when they leave. Hit him where it HURTS.
-Comfort while reader heals after said suicide mission
Alright gangsters, I'm exploding. it seems you want something very specific, but i can't exactly put my finger on it 🤔
Also don't question the name, motivation hit in the middle of the night when I was settling in and rewatching Arcane for the 80th time. I promise I'm sane you guys don't call a raid on me please please please
went with the suicide mission BTW if it's not immediately clear because it probably isn't I'm gonna melt
Sad Boston Boy Hours
Scout x Male Reader
Warnings : suicide mission themes, angst probably, slight gore, swearing, not proofread
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^ (dis yo boi?)
You didn't want Scout to hear about your latest mission. You wanted to delude yourself into thinking that not telling him was to make him not worry, but it was mainly because you didn't want to face him the day you had to leave.
Scout had managed to find out about it anyway through one very loud, very patriotic American as 8 out of your 9 other mercenary companions came to say their goodbyes in the dead of night.
You get a couple of handshakes, hugs, and pats on the back from the rest, and just as you're about to get in your vehicle, Scout's speedy footsteps rush out of the base.
"Woah, woah, woah! Where 'da Hell are you tryin' to go! And at 'dis time of night?!" He shouts, pulling you away and holding your arms tight.
"Scout- Scout, listen. This is something I have to do alone, alright." You try to defuse his anxiety and worry for you by running your fingers through his hair.
"Whatd'ya mean you gotta go on 'dis mission wit'out me? Wit'out anyone? Why would ya' ever gotta go somewhere without me? I mean, w- why would you even agree to 'dat?"
Scout looks stunned as you don't respond to him immediately, scratching the back of his head in confusion.
"I- It's just something I have to do. D- don't worry. I'll be ba-"
"Don't tell me 'dat, I'm not stupid."
"I said I'm not stupid. Listen ta' me, it's supposed to be me and you, forever! You. And. Me! You can't just go out and get yourself killed-!" He begins, waving his hands around to emphasise how displeased he is with this.
"Don't even try to-"
Scout jumps a little at the volume of your voice, standing up straight in front of you. Now, he's listening to you. Finally. His ears even perk up a little.
Your hands slowly move to your helmet, taking the damn thing off to reveal your dashing face, adorned with scars and a bruise that never seems to go away.
Scout is mesmerised. He never got to see your face very often, and every time he did, it just blew him away. Why would you ever hide it away? He thinks. If he was as handsome as you, which he totally is, he wouldn't hide a damn thing, let alone his entire face.
His thoughts are interrupted as you gently raise his hands and place your helmet into them.
"Wh- why're you givin' me your helmet? 'Dis is your helmet. You're gonna need it, aren't ya'?" He closes one of his eyes and moves the helmet around a little, inspecting it.
"Not where I'll be headed. Listen, I want you to... to keep it safe for me, yeah?" You smile at him and move to caress his cheek, nervousness emanating from your affectionate touches. Scout blushes a little.
"No. You're makin' it back so that you can take your damn helmet back! I'm not losing you. I can't lose you. So I better not be keepin' this for too long." He pouts, pulling you in for a tight hug.
He wraps his arms and legs around your body for as long as he's allowed to before Heavy has to yank him off of your body.
"Damnit! Hey! I need'ta- give him a kiss. Lay off me, ya' lug!" He struggles out of Heavy's arms and kisses you on the lips before he's pulled away again, biting and scratching with your helmet in his arms.
Eventually, you're called back into the vehicle and Scout forces himself to watch as you're driven away to some place, with only your helmet as a way to keep him company.
~~~We time skipping dis so that i can time skip to dream land~~~
The last month had been Hell on Earth Scout. He was lonely and afraid that you would never make it back. Not even Medic's very best attempt at therapy (Having Archimedes follow Scout all day) could help with the mercs anxiety.
Eventually, the same bland truck that hauled you off to God knows where comes rolling back, and Saxton Hale himself holds you as you attempt to stand.
Scout sits in his room, mopey and sad, unaware of your return for a while, which allows you to swiftly get to the medbay.
You and Medic shout back and forth at each other, alerting the whole base to your return.
Although it is Pyro that plunges their axe through Scout's door.
"H- hey! What da' heck?! There are times when a freakazoid like you should leave a man ta' mope!" Scout cries, his ears starting to pick up on the sounds of your shouts now that Pyro has so kindly opened his door for him.
"What the...?" Scout watches as you run past his door, looking desperately for a health pack as Medic chases you down with a scalpel.
Do not piss off your local medics.
"Holy shi- W- WAIT UP, ASSHOLE!"
Scout calls and looks over to your helmet, which is sitting at the foot of his bed and smiles like a madman as he grabs it and rushes out of his room and past Pyro.
"Get a move on, py!"
"HUR HUD HUR HUDDAAA!" (Go get your man!)
This is where it ends im tired. I'll write hcs of scout taking care of you another day. Rn I need to sleep, gn gang 🫡👍
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