#qs spoilers?
rivercule · 8 months
Thinkfast is perhaps the Most Relationship of all time. Barely any on-page development. Presumably became canon simply because nothing else was happening there. Then every 16.5 months something with insane implications will happen with them and there will be no follow up so I’ll just have to think about that for months on end
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dontcryminecraft · 2 years
What was your name?
What was your age?
What was your occupation?
Where did you work at?
What do you like doing for fun?
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mickules · 2 years
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Rule #[̸̡͈͈̳̝̝̻̭̙̺̳͙̲͌̊̍̄͌̂̈́͑͐̄͐͒͛͛̎͋͆̐̑͋͒͗̇̎̆͘͘͝͝/̶͚͙̐]̴̢̢̢̡̢̬̣͈̹̠͕̟͈̖͎̜͚̰͈͓͍͎̙̳̃͗͐͆͗̈́͂͊͗̎̅͐̈́̏͋͒̒͊̕͝[̶̛̙̓̑̓͂̃̾̍́̚̕͝͠/̸̨͍̪͕̝̪̞͇̪̳̝̪͉̣͇̯̳̳̠̊͗̃̈̀̆̆͑̄̿͂̂̽͐͛̍͘̚͠͝]̸̢̢̩̜̝͓̹̦͓̩͔͈̗̼̥͕̬̙͒̀͋̓̃͜͜ͅͅ Don't
DON'T ̸̵̷̷̵̴̶̷̢̨͔͓̺̬͕̳̤͈̠̺̻̦̮̲̦͇͈̻̱̹̼̬̩͈̗͎͔̯̦̖͉̺̪̙̮̫̟͇̻̎̈̀͆͋̍̀̋͗̿̋͐̋̃̀͂̽͗͛̀́̈͒̑̅̓̓̊̓̅̕͠D̶̙̰̲͓̫̝̹͍͇͉͊̈̈́͗ͅO̵̧̨͖͍̖͍̞̥͐͐̃̕͠͝N̴͈̰̠̝̍͛͐̈́̇̑͋͛͆͐̋͆͂̚͝'̴̺̠͖̼̼̪̙̟̥̻͈̓̈́̌̈́́̆̎̂̑̽̏̚̕͝T̴̵̷̶̶̴̢̢̡̢̞̝̠̮̬͖͇̥̬̥͕̳̤͈̠̺̻̮̲̦͇͈̻̱̹̼̱̝̗͍̼͆̈́͌͗̃̊́̃̀͒͋̿̋͐̋̓̋̏̌͊̓̑́͘͜͝ /̸̹̤͚̀̐̈̚]̶̦̼̩̲͖̍͗/̴̗̮̲̹̥͓̉̐͆̄̅͌]̵̧̢̳̺̮̞̭́̓͜͝[̴̯̪̫̳̟̺̯̣̈́̀̃̈/̸̣̣̝̃͘]̷͇͂̌͆̎[̷͙̅̆̀̂̂͠/̶̥̲̖͇̠̀̏̂̔]̸̧̨͓̤͖̙̐̂͗͂̊̾͒̕[̴̬̤̠̟̱͉̒͐̈́́̄̔̊̐/̷̡̽]̷̦̹̦͔̺͉̉̅̃͝ͅ[̵̧͎̽̉̓̍͛̔͒͘/̵̡̧̞̯͓̫͉̐̔]̴̖͈̭̞̻̱͠[̷̛̫͈̹̍̊͊͑͂͌̅/̸̛̩̲̯͚̩͚͖͖͋͛̓̍͂̿̾]̵̛̥͎̬̰̙̤̟̅̈́̐[̵̝̙̱̼̌́̐̅/̷̙̱̜̺͔̣̩͐̏̂̍͜]̸̺̜͔̘̳̘̘̃͛̂͌̏͊͝[̵̢̧̛͍̺͉̱̂̀̇̊ͅͅ/̸̥̺͈̤̀̋̊͑̕]̸̘̿̐̇͂̕[̶̗̗̦͈̦͙͆̑̌/̴̨̟̖͖͔͗̊͒͊̀̎̆̚͜]̶̳͍̱͒̊͌͌̅̾̔̔ͅ[̸̢͉̫͇̫͈͉͑̂̏͆͒̅/̶̩̮͚̽̌
Have you heard what they say?
Hmm? Reeeally, You have? Who EXACTLY did you hear it from? Puuu hu hu hu hu hu!
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Tsk Tsk Tsk! How despairing! You had every opportunity! All those dead kiddies tried sooo hard to scare you away, you'd have thought you'd have given up the ghost by now! P̸͍̣͛̏̉̍Ṷ̵͑͑̕Ủ̸̧͓͈͍̊̄Ṵ̴̞͐͌͘͠U̷̡̠͕̣͆̎PU HU HU HU HU HU HUH̴̢̛̼̊͋U̶̱̍͆̐Ü̷̡͖͠Ǘ̷̼̰̉Ü̴̩̿!
Well? Was it everything you were hoping for? You know what they say, if you break the rules, you get punished! Say it with feeling now!
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IT'S '̴̨̏́ ≠͓̟͍͊͂̎ͅ-̴̯̝̳̳̾=̷͙̮͒̿PUNISHMENT≠͓̟͍͊͂̎ͅ-̴̯̝̳̳̾=̷͙̮͒̿'̴̏́ '̴̨̏́ TIME
[Rule #1]
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jq37 · 2 years
Enchanted is my favorite movie in the whole world and I’m so so glad Disenchanted did it justice. When I really like a movie, I’m prone to getting the novelization as well which I did in this case, and I just wanted to share some snippets that were either cute or interesting. I’m sure the writer was adapting from an earlier version of the script because there are refs to the 2 cut songs in the novel.
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
"and i just tear off my head, and theres a little wolf head, but chetney under it" HORRIFYING, INCREDIBLE, THANK YOU how much smaller is it to have fit inside of chets regularly proportioned head? is the wolf that much smaller? does the whole wolf body expand after de-chet-skinning like one of those dino capsules that expand in water? nvm im thinking about this too much
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scattered-winter · 8 months
sorry normal now
can we have hints??? scraps????
(reminds me of the one fic where the lions don't understand mortal limits and accidentally hurt the paladins by using them as a conduit for too much quintessence)
I don't wanna give too much away BUT. this concept was inspired by a weird fucking dream I had last night LMAO
so something about me is that I LOVE eldritch horror. like when there is a Fucked Up Beast that is so incomprehensibly ancient and powerful its almost beautiful in a horrifying way. anyway this thing is a hivemind, essentially. its goal is to make every living sentient being in the universe part of its hive. and if you look at it, you're part of the hivemind and under its control.
and the really important thing here is that you're still YOU when you're part of the hivemind. it has access to all of you--your memories, your personality, your knowledge. so if one of your friends is in the hivemind, there's NO way to tell from how they act until they turn on you and try to get you to join the hivemind, too.
and as the person under its control, YOU do not realize that it's a bad thing. even when you're hurting and betraying the people closest to you, you genuinely believe that you're doing the right thing and that they'll understand when they join the hive. and even when the control is broken you remember everything you did with the hivemind because it was always you doing those things. even if you didn't really have a choice.
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can we at least know a little bit of what happened to Shock?🙏
Spoiler below the cut
((Oogie Boogie's last meal doesn't go down without a fight))
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onlydorkythings · 2 years
LB: My feelings for you have changed
Chat noir: I understand. There's no misunderstanding here. We're totally in the same page. We're partners and that's everything will gonna be forever. Just that. Just friends. Bye m'lady. I gotta see the new girl of my dreams.
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jalboyhenthusiast · 2 years
mp review: general non spoilery thoughts under the cut and then a separated spoilery bit afterwards if you’d like to skip it
so when i first got to the event i was like oh no it’s just harry stans here because there was a lot of merch fjfj but i got into my auditorium seat early and watched ppl filing in and i was actually pleasantly surprised at the diversity in age?? there were quite a lot of older ppl there and a significant amount of older gay couples which was so nice to see.
before the film started michael came out and spoke a little bit. he thanked some ppl in the audience (bethan etc) and mentioned harry being on tour thus not here (there were a few quiet whoops for harry lol) and then he introduced the rest of the cast and crew on stage. david and emma both got HUGE cheers :) there were just like 2 questions from the presenter and then the film started.
okay the film itself.
i loved it 🥺 it felt very.. intimate is how i would describe it. it felt like a very intimate and magnified look at a small story. idk if that makes sense. but other than the budget for venice it felt v indie and contained in a nice way. you could see that michael’s vision was on the small moments and the intricacies of the relationships rather than this huge grand story or political statement. it’s always difficult ofc to adapt a book and especially one that jumps timelines but i do think it was done successfully. my only complaint there was that i wish it was longer and that certain scenes were fleshed out more than they were in the novel. i also don’t really understand the barrage of negative reviews it’s had.. maybe they were expecting a huge blockbuster bc harry’s name was attached? and were surprised when it wasn’t? idk but i definitely wouldn’t describe it as dull in fact it was delicate and affecting 🥺
unfortunately there were a lot of laughs :// again at scenes that are only funny because it was harry. it was very grating bc the audiences reaction is what took me out of those scenes, not the film :/ there were no laughs at the sex scenes though thank godddd. just at lines here or there and mostly contained to one area in the auditorium.
i’m terms of the performances i can understand why it was being praised as a successful ensemble because everyone was truly wonderful. there were no weak links and harry held his own even with so little experience. michael’s comment on harry being “honest and innocent” in his performance makes a lot of sense once you’ve seen it. he’s no oscar winner yet but he has soo much potential i feel v proud of him.
in general it’s a beautiful and delicate film that will 100% start conversations (i heard debates erupt immediately once the credits rolled lol) but again it can only be authentically enjoyed if you put Harry Styles out of your mind and just watch. it also really hit me while watching, what project harry had pursued here.. it was very brave of him and i hope that much can be appreciated no matter what your personal opinion of the film is.
okay a few thoughts!! the second half of the film was better than the first imo. much like the book! once patrick is properly in it basically.
the tom and marion scenes were appropriately awkward and the tom and patrick scenes felt.. charged and heavy. the contrast felt v clear to me.
the sex scenes were shot so ridiculously beautifully. not awkward at all not too much just passionate and stunning. i completely get the conversations around it now. their chemistry was great. i particularly loved the little scene of patrick inviting tom to venice and kissing his shoulder from behind 😭 so cute.
julia!!!!! my lesbian girlie got her screen time!! the audience gasped at her reveal lol.
i wish venice was longer :( but the naked scene was cute and again is there to contrast that cold and passionless environment he has with marion. cinema !
i loved the older cast. they were great and linus in particular was almost freakishly good at an older harry. even his walk 😵‍💫
that final scene BROKE me. i liked how the 1950s scenes felt almost like memories for the 1990s characters and the way it would bleed into their present day but oh god that final scene with tom and patrick. i was in bits. what a lovely divergence from the book ending.
oh and the soundtrack was gorgeous.
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cxs-workshops · 1 year
if it’s ok to share, what’s 3 fun facts about Quinlan? I’d love to know more about him
Ofc! Thanks sm for the interest!
Hmmm top 3 I can think of right now that I haven’t said yet are:
-He was Musa’s personal bodyguard for about a year or so during his freelancing days (after Atara, before Sandrock)
-He has quite a few active hobbies but one of his favorites is Rock Climbing (and likes that Sandrock has many opportunities for this ;))
-He’s very kid friendly! (and a well recommended babysitter heh) Though he’s conflicted with the thought of having one himself, either alone or with a partner.
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dramarants · 2 years
going through the 20th century girl tag to move on and appreciate all the great moments only to find out ppl would rather yijin died than not end up with heedo
#20th century girl#twenty five twenty one#20th century girl spoilers#spoilers#maybe I'm in a weird mood but I can't scroll any more asldkfj#I get why ppl say the movie did it better: pacing + showing aftermath + believable#even though the sadder ending was a surprise they set us up for it and have proper closure to the characters#and while I still have some gripes (what happened to the brother how did woonho diedoes the squad not stay in touch where are they all now)#overall it was solid#but idk if 25 21 pulled a 'he died' I'd be so pissed - it's lazy and thoughtless and not marrying your first love is realistic#their final scenes together were soooo good it's just the reason for parting was unbelievable & present day scenes left us with more qs#but to be like 'yijin and heedo were soulmates and their breakup is unthinkable so...#'instead of growing and moving ahead after all his struggles to establish himself and support his family he should just DIE'#like this 20th c girl ending is so much more heartbreaking imo sldkfjasdlldgfkj#watching him smile at sunrise all hopeful for a future with you he'll never have 22 years later is SO MUCH WORSE#idk I'm glad bora is shown smiling and cherishing what they had rather than mourning (tho she has every right too) but it still doesn't...#...feel like closure to me. but there really is no good parting when it comes to death huh#show me people can treasure their youth and still find happiness and fulfillment in unexpected ways down the line!!#there's a beautiful piece of 90s nostalgia media still waiting in the wings for us I just know it#just don't know how much I can take my heart being ripped to shreds in the meantime 😅#ranting
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mari-monsta · 1 year
#ml spoilers#do you ever just start reminding yourself about canon facts about the characters#adrien agreste felt bad bc his gurlfriend had a crush on him and it made ehr nervous#the superhero protagonist has ptsd but its not from being a super hero its from a mean prank that went wrong actually#said superhero protagonist decided to tell her boyfriend she loved him because a female friend of hers confessed to being in love with her#she has now been trying to kiss said boyfriend for weeks but hes like. being mind controlled by his asshole dad actually#did i mention that all of his current paternal guardians are currently dying?#did i mention that he doesnt know about that actually?#did i mention tjat it all comes back to the fact he was born to begin with#not to mention his cousin that wanted to end the human race and almost succeeded but then felt kinda bad about it so he stopped#it turned out hes actually not that bad of a guy really#also how could i forget the boyfriends ex girlfriend who is also being parental mind controlled#who is having a tough time right now because she admitted while breaking down crying that shes still in love with not just him but also#his current girlfriend the protagonist#how about the fact that theres a corpse under the boyfriends house#oh also the boyfriend is also siri .#also the girl from their class that was harrassing the both of them used to be siri2#but she got fired and they replaced her with sad ex girlfriend qs a plot by the abusive parental guardians to get her back witb boyfriend#did i miss anything#oh also the abusive dad is speeding up the creeping death moving through his body on purpose and not doing anything about it#and thats what you missed on thw ladybug show#ml spoiler#ml season 5 spoilers#ml season 5#ml adoration spoilers#ml revelation spoilers#ml pretension spoilers
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gorgynei · 1 year
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kaatiba · 2 years
legends of mourra - nano excerpt no.1
↳  A Muslim-themed fantasy featuring a boy abducted by the djinn and the determined mother, lovelorn kinsman, gentle warrior, female Ranger, and scarred outcast hoping to rescue him.
❝ Once, in the oldest of days and times, there were four kingdoms: the kingdom of Men, the kingdom of the Djinn, the kingdom of the Elyoud, and the kingdom of Beasts. I say once, but they are kingdoms still. They are not, nor have they ever been, united, though only two are sworn enemies: the Djinn and the Elyoud, who will have no alliance or consortium with each other. 
The kingdoms of Men and Beasts ever been their jointed battleground, their jointed enemies or allies, for Men have something in their nature to afford them a sort of kinship with either race, and while Beasts are a kingdom unto their own, they intersect and are, in many cases, vassals to Man, Djinn, and Elyoud.
Once, in the oldest of days and times, there was also a famed poet. His name was Bilal, and he had a voice so beautiful it softened the heart and elevated the minds of his listeners, tamed wild beasts so that they would sit docile at his feet, and called to all manner of birds wishing to improve their music through attendance on him or who were simply enchanted by his song, such as that empress of birds, the anqa’ of the sun, for his voice was the closest in beauty and power to hers. ❞
general taglist (open!): @lockejhaven
lofm taglist (open!): @muddshadow
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
Everyone's got me all wrong. You think war drives me? Power? Wealth? Naw. Never have. Know what drives me? What I really want? I want answers. Same as you. See, mortals have it easy. When they push up against life's big questions, they can look to us to give them meaning. Divine comfort. We both know that's a sham. But when we have questions? Why are we here? To give meaning to mortals while living without it ourselves? No. We're more than that.
gow: ragnarok video game quotes
odin to atreus
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bistaxx · 2 years
don't do this to me,,,,,,,, naur don't do this to me- im too tender for the k!Luckity dynamic god fuck-
also side note I love how karmaland both manages to be so epic and so jank at the same time LOL
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