#qsmp au week
anonymous-dentist · 4 months
Or: The Vampire Prince has run away from home. Coincidentally, a hot guy has passed out on Roier's doorstep.
For Day One of @ender-princee's QSMP AU Week! Idk how many of these I'm going to do, but I wanted to get at least this one done!
Since the death of his son, Roier has spent his days peacefully laying in the pond behind his house and watching the clouds. Sometimes he makes up stories for them, sometimes he fills his mouth with water and waits for his lungs to collapse, sometimes he imagines Jaiden on the shoreline sketching the clouds out with Bobby by her side.
It's pretty chill.
He's alone these days. Kinda? Technically, Jaiden lives with him, but he hasn't seen her since the Federation took Bobby away. He thinks that she has an apartment in the city now. Good for her, honestly. If the city makes her happy, then she should be there.
It's very quiet.
Roier's house is in the middle of the woods miles away from the nearest city. He's close to the border between the Human and Vampire Kingdoms, but he doesn't really get many visitors. And that's fine! Really! He doesn't need visitors, he has his pond, and he has his son's grave to talk to when he's lonely.
Every morning at the crack of dawn, Roier goes to the pond. He gets used to the water's temperature first, and then he flops into it face-first and sucks in enough water to make him choke. And then, once he's sputtering for air, he turns onto his back and coughs the water up and falls asleep. By mid-afternoon, he's inside and completely naked and drying his clothes out and trying not to remember what he shouldn't be. And then, in the evening, he's back in the pond just in case some polite water spirit wants to drown him, and then it's inside for bed.
This morning, though, is weird, because there's something blocking Roier's front door from the outside. After a bit of pushing and grumbling, Roier eventually manages to get the door open just to see... a man. A really attractive man: scars, facial hair, the works. A really attractive man just completely passed out and entirely unconscious on Roier's doorstep.
Roier looks at the man. He's pale- too pale to be human. And, adding in the slight point to his ears, that means that this guy? Vampire, 100-percent. So that's cool.
The sun is about to rise, so Roier decides to do his one good deed of the year, and he drags the vampire into his house. It's entirely too easy to do, the man's so light, but who's Roier to judge someone's eating habits when he's barely been making himself one meal a day since Bobby's death? Could be a similar circumstance, who knows?
Once the vampire is settled on a pile of old blankets near the stove, Roier stands up, cracks his neck, and heads outside to go wallow in the pond.
If there's one thing that Roier is besides a bad father and a brilliant chef, it's punctual.
It takes two days for the vampire to wake up, and Roier spends those two days in the pond floating and in the forest hunting. He thinks that vampires prefer fresh blood, but he also thinks that this guy won't care what kind of blood he gets after how long he's been passed out.
And he's right! The second the vampire is awake, he's beelining for the jug of deer blood on the table.
Roier, shirtless and drying his clothes by the fireplace after that morning's soak, hardly reacts to the poor guy guzzling down the blood like it's the first thing he's had to eat in days (mostly because it is the first thing he's had to eat in days.) He isn't naked if only for the vampire's comfort, even if it is a little uncomfortable sitting in wet clothes.
Once the vampire is full, he collapses onto a chair at the table with a groan. He leans back, throws his head back, covers his face with his hands, and groans again.
Me, too, Roier thinks.
(He and this vampire could probably be very good friends.)
"What the fuck?" the vampire moans.
Roier shrugs in response, not expecting to be noticed. Does the vampire even know he's there? Probably, vampires can hear heartbeats and stuff.
Eventually, the vampire looks at Roier through his fingers.
"Dude," is the first thing he says to Roier.
And then:
"Why are you shirtless?"
Now, Roier can't exactly say that he's trying to visit his (dead) son, so he just says, "Fell into the pond, man, what does it matter?"
And then, because he's a bit of an asshole, he teases, "What, are you shy?"
"No! I'm just confused!" the vampire quickly responds. "Like, okay. I fainted outside of your door, I guess? And then I wake up, and you're shirtless. It's just a lot, you know?"
Roier nods. "So you are shy. That's fine, I get it."
The vampire's hands fall from his face, and he looks at Roier with slight confusion, slight annoyance, all handsome.
"Where am I?" he asks.
"My house. We're, uhhh... two days' walk from the border? The nearest city is Quesadilla, that's four days' walk."
"Oh," the vampire quietly says.
He looks around the house curiously.
"And you're human?" he asks.
Roier grins. "Yep! Unless my dads have been keeping something from me, anyway."
The vampire lets out a quiet laugh. And then he winces and presses a hand to his ribs.
Roier politely turns back to the fireplace. None of his business...
"I hate to ask you this, but... can I stay here for a little while longer?" the vampire asks. He sounds pained- out of breath, very tense. "I... may have broken my ribs earlier. When I was. Mm, fuck! Out there."
It's very quiet in the woods now that Roier's son is dead and his co-parent is gone. Roier hates the quiet, but he can't really imagine anything else anymore. He doesn't want his guest asking questions when he sees Roier going outside at dawn.
But, like. He feels bad, okay? He remembers being all alone and hurt in the woods after what Spreen did to him, he knows the pain, he knows how fucking annoying it is to be running through a dark forest with a busted rib and a bleeding hole in his chest and back.
So he nods and says, "Sure, man. Stay however long you want. Just don't eat me, eh? I have people who'll miss me."
(He thinks.)
The vampire audibly rolls his eyes. "Vampires don't eat humans, but I guess I won't eat you. You don't look very tasty, anyway."
Hurt, Roier spins around to shout at him in protest with an, "Ayyy!!!", and thus begins what he's sure will be only the first of many arguments.
The vampire's name is Cellbit, and he doesn't ask questions. He sleeps for most of the day and spends his nights in the back garden tending to some wildflowers he's decided to cultivate or inside reading.
On his second day awake, he'd told Roier where he had hidden his bag before passing out, and he'd sent Roier to get it. Roier still doesn't know all of what's inside, but he does know that it's one of those special bags that are bigger on the inside, and that Cellbit has a couple of extra sets of clothes and a lot of books in it. He also has a couple of 'blood supplement pills' that are supposed to make him less hungry, but he says those are for emergencies because "they taste like shit".
Cellbit doesn't say anything about his personal life, and he doesn't explain why he ended up hiding his bag and passing out in the middle of the woods so close to the Vampire Kingdom's border with what has turned out to be several broken ribs and a broken fang and a sprained ankle and a black eye, but that's fine. Roier doesn't need to know, just like how Cellbit doesn't need to know all of Roier's baggage.
For Cellbit's sake, Roier doesn't strip naked in the afternoons when he's drying his clothes. Nah, he changes clothes and lets his wet ones dry outside in the sun. And then he lays outside and dries in the sun, and it's almost as relaxing as laying in the pond is.
It's still quiet, but there's a nice buzz in the background all day that almost reminds Roier of when times were better and his son wasn't dead.
Just after sunset, Cellbit comes outside to water his flowers.
He lets out a pained breath as he kneels down next to them with his makeshift watering can: an old bowl with a hole cut in it, and an even older cup with holes punched to it stuck onto the side of the bowl.
Roier floats.
"You know," he says, "I can go into the city and get you some actual seeds if you're planning on sticking around."
"I thought you said the city was four days away?"
"Yeah, but it's not like I have anything else to do."
(It would give him an excuse to see Jaiden again.)
"Well. I don't need seeds. I like wildflowers for a reason. They get to just... be. No human intervention." A pause. "Or, well, vampire intervention."
Mmm, that sounds like a metaphor for something.
Cellbit waters his flowers. They're pink little things: ruffly like a skirt with white stripes and big, broad leaves. They're pretty, definitely something Tilín would have liked.
Roier's head bumps against the rocky wall of the pond. He grumbles and uses his hand to push himself back towards the pond's center where it's deepest.
"It's nice out here," Cellbit says. "Maybe I'll build a house here. We can be neighbors!"
Roier smiles at the thought. He moved out here with Jaiden and Bobby to get away from the city and all the bastards in it, but he wouldn't mind some company. He likes Cellbit, he thinks. Definitely neighbor-worthy.
...Though the house will be just that little bit quieter.
Maybe he and Cellbit can have their meals together. Or something.
Cellbit grunts as he stands, and then he hobbles over to the pond and sits down. He pulls his socks and shoes off and puts them next to him, he rolls his pants up to his knees, and then he sticks his feet in the water.
Roier gasps, "What, for free?"
He cackles as Cellbit kicks a wave of annoyed water at him. Some water gets in his mouth, but that's fine. Nothing he isn't used to.
Roier goes hunting twice a week so Cellbit has blood to eat. Drink? Feed from? Whatever.
He used to hunt more before he moved into the woods with his family. He and Spreen and Missa and Quackity and Mariana would all go out together to the outskirts of the city and see who could bag the biggest deer or the most rabbits, and it was awesome! Spreen always won, but that was just how it was.
Spreen always won.
Every time Roier carves the heart out of a deer and drains its blood, he pretends that it's Spreen's body beneath him. Spreen's final breaths- panicked and pained and pathetic. Spreen's heart- ugly. Spreen's hand holding his and Spreen's voice begging him to stop and Spreen's voice apologizing but not meaning it, never fucking meaning it, because he went too far and he didn't fucking care and-
And then Roier fills a jug with blood and brings it back to the house. Cellbit only needs to feed once a week, supposedly, but Roier likes having extra blood in the house just in case.
Cellbit seems to appreciate the thought, at least. He always brightens when Roier walks into the house with a fresh jug of blood, and he always tries helping Roier go hunting even though he can barely walk on his fucked-up ankle.
He's sweet. Roier almost doesn't want him to go, but he's going to, eventually.
They always do.
Roier needs to go into the city to stock up on medicines for the winter, and he tells Cellbit this and asks if Cellbit needs him to stock up on extra blood before he goes.
"I can just go with you," Cellbit replies. He rolls his ankle around in a small circle. "I'm feeling much better, and I want to get some actual gardening stuff."
'And I'll be lonely without you', Roier knows Cellbit's heart is saying, because his own is saying it, too.
...So maybe they're a little codependent already. But it's been almost two full months of them living together, and they're both two very attractive men, and they're both more than a little lonely.
Roier shrugs and agrees, and that's that.
Four days later, they're in Quesadilla, and Roier is at the pharmacy loading a basket full of everything he thinks he might need for the winter. He gets sick easily, and he gets sick often, and he does not want to die alone in a cabin in the woods during his first winter by himself. That would be embarrassing.
Cellbit is at the garden supplies shop down the road, so Roier is by himself as he waits in line to pay. And, because he's a nosy bitch, he listens as the women waiting in line in front of him gossip.
"It's been two months," one says, "he's definitely dead."
The other rolls her eyes. "Vampires can't die, idiot. He's probably just stuck in a dungeon somewhere."
"No, but he should be dead after what he's done," the first woman sniffs. "I hope the Federation dealt with him properly."
Roier stifles a wince at the mention of the Federation; ugh, he hates those guys!
"I don't know," the second woman sighs, "he is a prince. Are they even allowed to arrest princes?"
"See, this is why I'm glad the Human Kingdom has a council and a king. The Federation can arrest anybody breaking the law, and it'll be fine!"
"Well, at least he wasn't the heir to the throne. The Vampire Princess seems like a much more decent person."
"I mean, if our standards for 'decent' are if they're literally evil, then, sure, she's decent. Better than, uh... what did he do again?"
The second woman looks to the first in confusion. "I thought you knew?"
"I thought you did!"
Ignoring their arguing, Roier sneaks around them to cut in line and pay. Whoever they're talking about, Roier likes him. Anybody Cucurucho hates is a friend of Roier's!
Jaiden fills him in via a letter that arrives shortly after Roier and Cellbit return to the house. Roier reads it, and he tries not to look at Cellbit as he does so.
'So here's what I've heard,' the letter says. 'The Federation was interested in opening a branch in the Vampire Kingdom's capital city, and the king and queen were kind of into it. Their kids aren't, though. Princess Bagi wants to establish a more settled list of regulations- which Cucurucho is not into, by the way- and Prince Cellbit has been flat-out just arguing with Cucurucho and the other employees up there.
'But here's the thing, Prince Cellbit hasn't actually been seen in months! Cucurucho says that he's being 'dealt with' by his parents, but everybody knows that he's probably actually dead. It sucks for him, but I don't think he should've argued in the first place. I mean, the Federation does good work. If he hates it so much as to kill workers like everybody thinks he's been doing, then maybe he should be dealt with. Not by being killed, obviously, but maybe prison isn't too crazy. Hopefully that's where he ended up.
'Thanks for visiting, by the way. I missed you. I'll try and visit you before the first snow falls. I want to see Bobby one last time before the Solstice.'
Roier tosses the letter into the fire as soon as he's finished reading it.
By the time the first snow falls, Cellbit is fine. His ankle is better, his ribs are better, his eye is better. His fang is absolutely fucked, but he doesn't really need it if Roier is filling jars for him.
The pond, unfortunately, is frozen over. Roier sits by it the way he used to with Bobby back when they'd lace up their skates and get ready to go out onto the ice.
After a couple of minutes of dusk, Cellbit comes out to join him with a small smile. Their arms press into each other, and Roier fights the urge to rest his head on Cellbit's shoulder.
"This is my first winter away from home," Cellbit tells him.
"This is my first winter by myself," Roier tells him.
Cellbit looks mildly offended.
Roier smiles at him and gently nudges his side.
"By myself with you, gatinho," he teases. "How could I forget you?"
Cellbit looks positively regal in the snow. The way it settles in his hair looks like lace, his eyes are already as blue as ice. All he needs is a silvery crown, and he could be the Winter King from all the stories Roier heard when he was a kid.
He rolls his eyes and nudges Roier back.
Roier nudges him again.
Cellbit nudges him again, slightly harder.
Roier nudges him with his hands, pushing him over and into the snow.
Moments later, he's being tackled into the snow by a very chilly vampire. He's absolutely freezing, but his face is still very warm as Cellbit pins him down and looks into his eyes with a smile as wide as his handsome face.
Slowly, Cellbit leans his head down. At the same time, Roier props himself up on his elbows, raising his head to meet him. He moves on instinct, heart pounding, eyes fluttering shut.
Chapped lips brush against his, and Roier feels warm aaaalll over.
On the day of the Solstice, Roier visits Bobby's grave with a book. Every year, he and Jaiden and Bobby would snuggle together in Bobby's bed and read A Solstice Song to him; he never got into the Solstice spirit, but he loved the ghosts.
Roier clears the snow off of the bench by Bobby's tombstone. He sits, opens the book, and reads.
Hours later when he's finished, he's crawling into bed shivering and crying. He doesn't look at Cellbit, he doesn't do anything except shed his coat and hat and gloves and shoes and drop the book to the floor and get into bed.
A few very hesitant moments later, Cellbit joins him. He stay sitting up, though one of his hands finds its way into Roier's hair.
"'Fred was dead to begin with'," Cellbit reads, "'There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk,the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Elena signed it. And Elena’s name was good upon ’Change, for anything she chose to put her hand to.'"
Roier turns to hide his face in Cellbit's side, and he cries.
Spring comes, and Roier drains the pond to clean it.
It's as he's knee-deep in mud and dead leaves as the sun sets, and that's when Cellbit comes outside with a guilty look on his face.
"I haven't been totally honest with you," he says.
Roier sighs and sticks his shovel down into the much and leans against it.
"Is this about the Vampire Prince stuff?" he asks. "Because I don't care about any of that. You're my gatinho, and that's all that matters."
Cellbit's entire body freezes. He seems to think for a long, long moment before his shoulders start loosening.
"Oh," he says. He's smart, but he's also stupid. He didn't even give Roier a fake name, gods.
Roier takes pity on him and blows him a kiss that Cellbit gladly catches and pulls to his unbeating heart.
"I don't care what you did," Roier gently says. "I don't care what people say you did. I don't care if you're the prince or some homeless guy I took pity on, you're my Cellbit. As long as you don't hurt me, I don't care."
Cellbit's eyes widen immediately in panic. "What? No, never! I'd never hurt you! I'd hurt for you, but never you. Never."
Roier smiles at him. "See? Problem solved. Now, get a shovel, we need this cleaned and refilled before mid-spring."
Cellbit wrinkles his nose at the mess, but he goes to get his gardening shovel from the shed that he and Roier built.
"Why?" he asks. "What's in mid-spring?"
Roier swallows and looks up at the still-setting sun.
"Bobby's birthday," he answers.
He waves to the setting sun. Goodnight, sweet prince.
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ender-princee · 4 months
Hello qsmpblr!! I have something for you in these trying times. Obviously, you don't have to want to continue to watch the qsmp if you don't agree with the decisions their making but I have always been an advocate for continuing to create things for our silly little blorbos and continuing their legacy even after it's over, thus I give you
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Qsmp AU Week!!
Qsmp au week is a week at the end of May dedicated to writing or creating fanart or any other medium you'd like for our favorite qsmp characters despite the things that are happening for a little joy in these trying times, but set in AUS for funsies.
May 26th: Vampire AU
May 27th: Murder Mystery AU
May 28th: Wild West AU
May 29th: Stardew Valley AU
May 30th: Soulmate AU
May 31st: Sci-fi / Space AU
June 1st: Royalty Au
Not feeling any of those prompts? Have some alternative prompts!!
Thief / Heist AU
Urban Fantasy AU
Most importantly, remember to have fun. I made this because I got bored and needed something to do, with school years coming to an end, a lot of us are bored. So here we are!! I will be using "#qsmp au week" as my tag, so put that if you'd like and if you want to tag me, I will likely reblog it!
Feel free to do as many or as little of the prompts as you want, there's no wrong way to interpret these, have a great time creating!!
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moti-otp · 4 months
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Missa's favorite beanie
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comfymoth · 1 year
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i made a fake graphic novel cover for breaking dawn in honor of 1k kudos, and i’m totally publishing it on time and not late at all. congrats on the big number, holy shit!!
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dramaticcrow · 5 months
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(Eng Prompt List)
Day 1: Moon and Sun | Space AU | Royal AU - “My Missa”
Day 2: Vampires | Mermaids | Gods - “I'll be here when you're ready”
Day 3: Mafia | Past lives | Cat Missa and Crow Philza - “As long as you are with me you will never feel alone”
Day 4: Confession | Emergency | Murder - “The sky is the limit”
Day 5: Language of flowers | Hanahaki | Spy X Family AU - “No one ever told me that love hurt”
Day 6: First times | Emergency room | Separation - “It's not goodbye, it's see you soon”
Day 7: Disease | Hot chocolate | Comfort - “The family is forever”
Extra prompts:
Red thread of destiny
“I love you, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner”
“I would never choose to love another”
New parents
DeathDuo/Pissa Week
Entonces eh decidido que haré este reto agradezco a mi amigo Irl y a los chicos de Discord por apoyarme y darme ideas para la lista! Así que aquí vamos…
Las dos primeras imágenes contienen los prompts para esta Pissa/DeathDuo Week, contiene dos prompts y un diálogo. Puedes elegir el prompt que más te guste o combinarlos para darle tu propio toque personal :D
Las reglas de este reto son las siguiente:
1. La escritura y el arte están permitidos, puede ser solo uno o ambos como más se le acomode a cada uno.
2. No @ a los cubitos irl, tanto en vuestro arte como en vuestros fics (en el caso de que lo suban a X o Insta)
3. El contenido Dark y sensible como; Yandere, Personajes posesivos, Daño a uno mismo, Sangre, Muerte, Etc… está permitido siempre cuando se etiquete correctamente. (En caso de que tengas una idea y no sabes si está permitido puedes enviarme un mensaje)
4. No es necesario hacer los siete días, puedes hacer cuantos quieres y con los que te sientas cómodo.
5. Este reto es tanto de Pissa (pareja romántica) como DeathDuo (pareja platónica) por lo que los prompts están hechos para que sean cómodos para los dos lados de la comunidad, solo por favor etiqueten debidamente si es Pissa o DeathDuo.
6. La semana que he escogido para este reto es del 1 de Junio al 7 de Junio, aunque pueden tener todo el mes de Junio para publicar su arte/escritura
7. Y la última regla pero no menos importante… no olviden divertirse!
So I've decided that I will do this challenge I thank my friend Irl and the guys on Discord for supporting me and giving me ideas for the list! So here we go...
The first two images contain the prompts for this Pissa/DeathDuo Week, it contains two prompts and a dialogue. You can choose the prompt you like the most or combine them to give it your own personal touch :D
Also, if one of the days doesn't suit you or you don't feel comfortable with that prompt there is a list of nine extra prompts that you can also choose from.
The rules of this challenge are this:
1. Writing and art are allowed, it can be just one or both as it suits you best.
2. no @ to the irl, in your art and in your fics (in case you upload it to X or Insta) 3.
3. Dark and sensitive content such as; Yandere, Possessive characters, Self harm, Blood, Death, Etc... is allowed as long as it is tagged correctly. (In case you have an idea and don't know if it is allowed you can message me).
4. You don't have to do all seven days, you can do as many as you want and as many as you feel comfortable with.
5. This challenge is both Pissa (romantic couple) and DeathDuo (platonic couple) so the prompts are made to be comfortable for both sides of the community, just please tag properly if it's Pissa or DeathDuo.
6. The week I have chosen for this challenge is from June 1 to June 7, although you can have the whole month of June to post your art/writing.
7. And last but not least rule... don't forget to have fun!
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zeinkblotpot · 5 months
My day 1: Moon and Sun
Mi día 1: Luna y Sol
(but Philza is the night sky instead of the sun/pero Philza es el cielo nocturno en lugar del sol)
Aka pissa x hades (videojuego >:D)
Philza es Nyx y Missa es Selene
(Yes I am doing it early because I can't do it the week planned)
Event being hosted by @dramaticcrow click here for event post!
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Interested in commissioning?
Please consider reblogging, likes don't do anything on tumblr and reblogging is the only way to keep traction on a post <3
Por favor, considere reblogging, gustos no hacen nada en tumblr y reblogging es la única manera de mantener la tracción en un post <3
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bubvy · 5 months
First half of my deathduo week fanart
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Gift (sanctuary au)
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Family day
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somebluemelodies · 8 months
@atthebell's SPIDERBIT WEEK DAY SIX: it couple | enigma revisiting the coffee shop au for this one, which you can read here! consider this a couple months or so post first date :> featuring: qroier being hopelessly in love and qcellbit being a total fucking nerd (/affectionate. and also hopelessly in love) this is a little lengthy like the last one my apologies-
"Roier, I can hear you thinking from here, man."
Roier abruptly stands from his spot leaning against the counter. "Perdón."
"Keep thinking that hard and you're going to destroy your last functioning brain cell." Mariana eyes his best friend. "Are you still trying to ask that guy out?"
"Yes," he answers, exasperated. "I don't know what the fuck to do."
"Just fucking ask him, man! It's not hard."
"I don't want to just ask, man! I want to do something cool for him, you know? He deserves it." Roier eyes Mariana right back. "Besides, I don't think you're allowed to offer relationship advice. You and Slime just started making out every day and eventually slapped a label on it."
Mariana looks smug and punchable. "And we're engaged now."
Roier only flips him off, leaning back against the counter and returning to his moping pondering. The other barista huffs after a few seconds, finally attempting to make himself useful. "Well, what does he like?"
"He's an investigator," is how Roier answers, "he—"
It's like a flip is switched in his brain, and he shoots back upright. "That's it! I know!" And before Mariana can question it, he's rushing out back to grab his phone.
When he returns, he's near-silent for the next several minutes upon grabbing a pen and napkin, save for occasional mumbling to himself as he studies intently whatever is on his phone screen.
Mariana doesn't bother stepping over yet, watching as Roier eventually starts writing something down on the napkin. Only when the pen has been capped, and Roier sighs to himself, seemingly satisfied, does he finally question the other again. "Happy now?"
Roier nods, smiling. "Sí."
(And so it goes.)
“And someone left this on one of the tables?”
Roier nodded. “Sí. Shortly before my shift ended.”
Cellbit seems mildly skeptical, but he doesn’t question it. Besides, who would he be to pass up solving a jumbled mess of letters?
“Well, it’s not a Caesar cipher. Doesn’t make sense. But…” He leans down, reaching for his satchel and rummaging through its contents before he finds a piece of paper, placing it on the coffee table alongside the napkin.
Intrigued, Roier scoots closer from their spot on his couch, hooking his chin over Cellbit’s shoulder. It looks like a table, but it’s full of letters instead of numbers. “What is that?”
(It’s just to get a closer look.)
(Cellbit wills his cheeks to cool down.)
“It’s for a Vigenère cipher. The letters in the middle are for all the encrypted letters. The left-hand column is the alphabet for whatever the key is, and the top row is the plaintext, or the 'normal' letters, if you will. In this case, it's what we're going to solve for."
(Cellbit explaining is leagues better than reading a bunch of words on a screen.)
(He could listen to Cellbit talk all day.)
“So how exactly do you solve it?” Roier asks. He has somewhat of an idea, but it was mostly him filling out the criteria on the website to encrypt it for him.
“I want to try and figure out the key first. I’m guessing the little coffee cup in the corner here has something to do it.” Cellbit points to the little doodle in the bottom right-hand corner, thinking for a moment. “It might not work, but let’s say the key is the word café. Vigenères are polyalphabetic ciphers; it utilizes multiple Caesar ciphers inside of itself, but the increments depend on whatever the key is— sorry, not important— polyalphabetic just means that they—"
“Use multiple alphabets?”
Cellbit smiles, and warmth blooms in Roier’s chest. “Yes!”
He pulls a pen from his chest jacket pocket. “We’re going to repeat café until it matches the length of the message.” He starts writing the letters underneath the cipher, continuing to talk. “We’re only going to be using the C, A, F, and E letters on the left-hand column, none of the others. Let me just finish this…”
Roier waits patiently until Cellbit gets to the last letter. When he does, he reaches for the table he’d pulled out. “Okay! So, now, to actually decipher it, we’re going to take the first letter of the key, C, and we’re going to locate the first letter of the cryptic message, Y, in C's row.” Cellbit’s pen lands on the letter Y. “Next, we’re going to follow that up to the top row for the plaintext.” The pen travels up. “W. So, the first letter of the decrypted message is W. Does that make sense?"
The barista nods as the investigator glances over to check. "Yeah. You're very smart, gatinho, you know that?"
Cellbit chuckles. "Gracias, guapito."
With that, he starts to work on decoding the rest of the cipher. Roier can't help but marvel at the speed he's able to work at - and doing it manually at that, not just putting it through online like he did. But Cellbit solving it fast is doing nothing for his nerves, his heartbeat starting to pick up.
He lets the other work quietly, trying not to shuffle and shift too much from his place leaning against him. He can't tell if he's regretting this or not, with the way the anticipation is killing him.
(But he also knows shit like this makes Cellbit happy, so maybe it won't be the complete end of the world.)
When Cellbit gets to the last word, though, he starts to slow down, processing exactly what the message is in front of him. He becomes acutely aware of Roier's head on his shoulder, the way his dark eyes are flitting back and forth between him and the papers, and pieces start clicking into place.
But he finishes it, because he knows Roier made it. Because he's stunned someone would go to this length for him. And so, the decoded cipher stares back up at him.
Cellbit reads it back over to himself, once, twice, heart hammering in his chest as a haziness washes over him. He feels Roier lift his head, momentarily mourning the loss of contact, but wills his voice to work. "Roier..?"
"Well?" Roier asks after a moment, and Cellbit feels brave enough to glance over at him. They lock eyes, and he looks just as nervous as Cellbit feels, if not more. "Will you?"
For a moment, Cellbit doesn't move, expression unreadable, and Roier wonders if maybe this was a mistake after all. But then he sits upright, and orients to face him. "Cellbo—?"
He's effectively cut off by lips pressing against his, one of Cellbit's hands cupping his face as the other rests against the back of his neck.
Roier's eyes close immediately, melting into it as one arm wraps around the investigator's neck. His other hand goes up, threading through Cellbit's hair and subconsciously deepening the kiss.
(It feels warm, it feels right.)
They only pull apart when their lungs demand oxygen, foreheads resting together.
"Does that answer your question, guapito?" Cellbit breathes out.
Roier grins. "I think I need a little more clarification, gatinho."
Cellbit can't help but laugh. "Let me try again, then."
"By all means."
And somehow, the second kiss is almost better than the first.
(Enigma solved.)
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lilliancdoodles · 7 months
Today was rough. Have some FitPac Mermaid/Pirate AU.
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poorlydrawnmcyt · 1 year
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wow surely nothing bad happened to him :clueless:
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ghost-likes-drawing · 2 months
Spiderbit Day 3 Sci-fi | First Meetings
This is not my best writing but oh well, had no time to reread I'm to busy today to not post now. Also it's Obsessedduo just like fyi...
Cell was wandering across the planet heaving. when was the last time he had had water? probably not in at least 2 earth days? but it was hard to tell. he was smart but he was no good at physics and he was pretty sure time passed differently out here. So 2 earth days for him. Who knows how long for the rest of the universe or even this planet time had passed. He was pretty sure the planet spun at a speed that one side always faced its star. He hadn't even seen the Sun move.
Maybe hoping onto a random supply transport ship was not his best idea. All he had was a metal knife too. no laser knifes. just a regular ass metal knife. that was fine though. he preferred a metal one anyway. he liked the blood. But it was dangerous being out, alone, with nothing but a metal knife, on a planet he didn't recognize. No food. No water. and the last time he saw anyone was the supervisor of that supply stop he got out at who he also killed and ate already… he'd manage something eventually.
Cell Needed to get up. He had tried to keep going. he still was but his body was shut down. He was so hot… that god damn star… god damn planetary rotation. He hears a hover car speeding closer and prays its not a police cruiser.
When he wakes up he's in the back of a van. there's blood on the walls. not his it seems. he is also drenched.
“oh you woke up.” someone proclaims before pushing a water bottle to his mouth, he nearly cokes and forcessses himself to sit up pushing the guy away.
“what the fuck man! you trying to drown me?” Cell manages horsely.
The guy is smiling. he has on eyeliner, and is in all black, including a hoodie on top. what a creep…. in this heat? sure this car was better then outside but it was still miserable. “sorry got excited. didn't think id find anyone out here. let alone someone alive.” he handed over the water before turning to an open med Kit.
Cell sipped. it was fine. average water. The guy was humming and cell reached into his pocket for the knife. he found nothing.
“Im Roier by the way.” the guy, Roier, hummed “would you happen to know anything about disposing of bodies?” he asked placing a sticker on him, it started to change colors… it was probably checking for dfifficiancies in vitamins. it wasn't looking good either.
“why do you need to know?” Cell asked skeptically.
“I have a dead body I need to dispose of.” he gestured to a bag in the corner by the seats. “you're in prison clothes. thought it was worth a shot. and I can make it two corpses if I need to.”
Cell looks over the guy and sees his knife on the far side of him. So he plays along.
“Oh yea okay. I know a few methods? How old.” Cellbit inquired
“I've had the body for like 2 days?”
Okay gross can't eat it then… that's fine he knew of other methods.
“Yea I got a couple. That'll still work then. And this planet is spaced out enough on this side… i actually think I know the perfect spot.”
After 6 hours according to the car’s clock they made it back to the transport station. No ine knew had come to replace the corpse’s shift lucky for them.
Cell helped carry the body to a pit he found while here originally and covered it up. For some reason Roier wanted the bag back so Cell could see the guy they were burring for a bit. He was dressed really nice, his hair was falling out of a jell style. He was fancy.
“Who was this guy anyway? Your Boss?” Cell asked unable to help his curiosity
“My Husband actually. He was bad at it.” Roier said all light leaving his expression.
Cell frowned. He itched. He hated seeing him like that. He wasn't sure why he cared though. It was dumb.
Cell was determined tho. After the guy was as covered as they were going to get he sucked in pulling both mucus and spit from his throat and mouth before spitting right on the grave.
He looked to Roier who had cracked a smile before copping. Roier looked back to Cell and they both just laughed.
After they calmed down Roier commented “you probably need some fresh clothes. You literally look like you just left Jail.”
To Cell’s credit. It had been years. He just couldn't change his clothes. “What are you getting at?”
“Let me take you to the dark side of the planet. I'll get you set up then do what you want” Roier shrugged looking over him carefully.
Cell returned the consideration. He supposed this couldn't go to bad. They didn't seem to have an interest in killing him. He may as well. “Alright. Sounds good to me.”
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merao-mariposa · 4 months
I have your back, you have my heart
Day three of the pissa/death duo week! This au was the idea of @amymorningstar ​​in this post I really wanted to write about the Mafia Pissa and this was a good excuse for!
“Mafia + I promised you as long as I'm with you you'll never be alone again”
Philza Minecraft had been on the dark side of the streets for a very long, long time, since his first interventions dismantling brothels that were a little too... “flexible” with the idea of consent going to authentic inhumane places, all falling under the scourge of the Angel of Death until a man, a friend, appeared in front of him with the idea of dominating the criminal world, converting it to his ideals. That was a long time ago but corruption spreads like a fire in gasoline and Phil was there to suffocate it until it went out.
Maybe it was his cruelty in how he snuffed out the lives of those corrupt men that led him to pay the karma he was paying right now, he doesn't know.
The man sitting at his desk looked miserable for say the least, from the outside you feel the discord in the trademark half-twisted hat or the uncorked bottle of wine resting on his messy desk but you can see how the damage runs deeper than that if you know Philza well enough, the immaculate two pieces-suit stand out like a sore thumb on a man so casual and relaxed, the white shirt is buttoned at the neck almost restrictively, and his trail of beard is just a little more prominent than it has been in recent months.
The last few months, that sugar-filled almost year where mafia boss BOLAS had been closer to being an angel than he would ever be since he lived in what he could only call heaven.
His arrival in heaven was a young man with messy, dark hair. His purple eyes dragged him deep into the flames of hell now that they were no longer looking at him.
The fact that he had no one else to blame but himself didn't make it any easier.
But when Sinfonia appeared everything was perfect. He was reserved but easy to smile, aloof but with loyal friends, so pathetic (and cute) yelling at the slightest threat but he was a real threat in front of some of the most ruthless members of BOLAS, selective but had two beautiful kids who looked alike barely in the whites of the eyes, even his last name “Sinfonia” evidenced the harsh contradiction that surrounds the object of the crow's loves, a man as gifted in every possible musical instrument as if he had the Midas touch, and yet that very appropriate last name wasn't real. His Missa was a set of contradictions and embarrassing coincidences over knots in lavender stems.
Which in retrospect must have been a loud alarm, a siren announcing the disaster that his false moon left in its wake in the crow's heart.
It turns out that his love lied, the fire burning inside him to abandon important meetings for the sole purpose of sharing more time of his life with him as opposed to the absolute security of being understood as someone returning to his childhood home (beloved, cared, welcome) with the ease of riding a bike. All of that had been a waste.
The soft hugs that lulled him into deep dreams (chasing away the nightmares that Missa shouldn't know about for his own good) to the chaste kisses all over the face that released the negativity from his husband's shoulders (and if instead of being a result of his low self-esteem was his guilt taking charge?) to the private kisses that said “I miss you” and “one last time, love” without the words, all were nothing but lies.
Not that he had cared much about anything at that moment, he found himself focused on his children (because now they were also Phil's children) they were angels and he only had the head to raise them with Missa, who returned with a sweeter demeanor after his night walks and long work trips, he tenderly asked for nap together as a family.
He should have questioned more why Missa disappeared like that, coincidentally, just when Phil was paying for the services of the most dangerous mercenary on the black market, unlike the assassins he had on his payroll, this guy had the prestige of killing only with his touch, too lethal and above all cautious, Phil did not even met him in person, they only contacted through third parties who agreed on the service and only told about his violet hood and his skull mask. It is said; no one has seen his face and lived to tell.
Like I said before; Phil is old, he's been in the environment for years where only an intelligent man could live as long as he does, with that in mind how was it possible that he didn't know that his sweet husband was actually the most dangerous bastard in the underworld? Shocked by the discovery, in this kind of world, someone you trust can stab you in the back so how can you trust a man who lied to you?
And Missa knew who Philza Minecraft was, what his name means, he always knew, he did always know when something had gone wrong and Philza needed more comfort, always two steps ahead of his needs because he knew it.
The time after their fight breaks up, everything is a drunken blur in the crow's mind, he doesn't remember what they said, he only knows the screams and the revolver clicking in his left pocket while Missa, The Reaper or whoever it was have knowledge of the gun in his pocket and as soon as he pointed it at the man he said he loved time ago the gun was already on the ground, rolling behind this man who was unrecognizable to Phil, the shouting match continued more heated after the blonde pointed his gun at the helpless and clumsy Missa.
That was the last time he saw Missa.
Phil has been so distracted, tired and paranoid since then, even the security is a disaster ignoring the advice of the rest of BOLAS. Philza has scattered guards in unimportant areas, some stuck to him all day but the majority watch that Missa does not return or get close to the children (his children; Missa's own children) Chayanne almost bites him at the slightest suspicion of not being able to see his father, so his impenetrable fortress suddenly becomes a weak place.
Literally and metaphorically
He ordered several guards not to even dream of setting foot in certain areas of the family mansion (those such as the music room, the kitchen and the art studio, any room with traces of Missa must remain identical to how it was before his departure, as if they were waiting for him)
Philza feels betrayed and hurt but above all he is so confused, his rational mind tells him to defend himself, to put up the highest walls to protect himself, his organization and his family but his family is Missa. He is outside and Philza once promised that he will demolish every wall in the world that did not open its doors for the man with purple eyes.
And yet here he is.
Inside his fortress it can breathe the air of a broken family, the kids have believed him for the moment but the tension is felt increasing with every minute they pass without hearing from their papa. Inside the fortress are no longer him and his chicks but a greedy and lonely crow with two brittle shells and a broken heart.
The days pass in that agony until there is a surprise attack from which they cannot respond.
Tensions with the Federal mafia had gotten much worse in recent months, after his formal alliance with Soulfire he did not believe they were going to attack seriously.
But they did.
Thank his Goddess, thank The Lady for allowing Chayanne and Tallulah to be in the school while the white clad mercenaries broke down every door and shot at anything that moved.
At least Missa would get them back and they would be together again. Just as they should have been before he and his greedy hope for a family took that away from them.
As soon as his office door is kicked down one of those white masked sons of bitches puts his hands on him, something happens.
Penetrating in his vision when he sees him but there is stealth in his steps, he is the only one to notice his presence until two bullets (how quickly are repeated) knock down two of the men to dead, wound another in the shoulder, and the last one misses just centimeters away for paint the wall with Philza's skull.
Four shots, two fired before the reaction time of their distracted predators and attacked from the purest darkness, shots fly towards the door and if it was not absolutely broken after that rude kick it is now unusable, falling from its hinges under the siege and behind it are no signs of the mysterious shooter.
Tense seconds pass until one of the feds quickly puts one of his dirty hands in Phil's hair, pulling hard on the golden strands in a hissing threat and that's when he enters the scene.
The men on each side of the door were the first to fall, one quickly takes the place of his fallen companion, his gun raised, ready to shoot, followed by the one with the shot in the shoulder, unfortunately with that wound he is not able to shoot at time to prevent another bullet from the darkness from taking the life of the other one.
The bullets fly again while the threshold of the door swallows the corpse, dragging it out and soon, very soon, his savior enters the room with a constant step carrying the dead body as a kind of human shield.
A well-placed shot, other fall.
And the guy who touched him is one of them, his screams are muffled by his mask and by the gunshots exploding around him.
Phil hides under his desk as fast as he can but not before taking a bullet in the shoulder, it hurts like shit.
But it seems that it hurts them more because he can hear how one by one the white masks fall with sharp blows, they could barely scream in horror before fall with a fatal shott.
Fast, efficient and lethal
When it seems that the rain of bullets is ending, Phil distinguishes the voices from outside his office. That sounds like… Chainsaws? And laughs Phil knows immediately that his best people, who should be with his children, are on and from what he hears they are having fun.
He slowly peeks out of his desk, his hand warm from the blood dripping from his shoulder, and finally sees the reason of his recent insomnia.
Missa, or also known as The Reaper, moves almost with grace but the anger burns in his every movement, it is a wild spectacle as soon as the bullets run out, each man who even tries to get close to Phil is shot down with ease, he watch in trance as his husband smash anyone who tries to get close to him to pieces.
“M- Missa…?” he comes out as a dismayed whisper
The Reaper turns to look at him for half a second, which one of them takes advantage of to kick him in the stomach. Missa lets out a grunt of acute pain but holds the guy's leg with his hands, taking advantage of pushing him forward, knocking another of them against the favorite glass table.
The two guys are left on the floor, one on top of the other and one's suit is now full of glass.
And just like that Missa goes for the next one and Phil can only watch in shock.
Missa is The Reaper, The Reaper is Missa. They are both the same person; they have been forever.
Missa, his Missa is his mercenary and his mercenary is his husband.
he approaches, slowly, as slowly as he can with a bullet embedded in his shoulder. The cacophony of screams shakes the floor and Philza suddenly realizes that he must have gone down to the panic room.
The weight of not doing so clings to his shoulders, the clear implications trying to cross the capo’s tired mind like a malicious whisper makes him feels so wrong, so manipulative.
But he was waiting for him to save him
Of a thousand people in this aggressive environment who swore their loyalty to him and finds himself depending on the arrival of the one who not only never swore anything to him but also betrayed him.
Oh well, who betrayed who?
After yelling at him for lying to him when he also lied, pointing a gun at him and taking him away from his own children, he knows that the Philza of the past would have sent him to hell for ruining the things with Missa.
Missa knew who he was before, he knew it from very early on and that affected Phil, it made him feel cornered and at a disadvantage. He realized at that moment that he was afraid; he didn't fear the hitman under his roof as much as he feared the man under his sheets. feared he was so vulnerable letting him walk around the red mafia's base of operations, taking the children to school every morning, training Chayanne and hearing Tallulah's flute in the distance did terrified him, his worst nightmare was in how his heart was warmed by them so soft and gentle in the reaper's expert hands he could take out his heart and the worst thing is that he would have left it in order to see the children and Missa every morning when he woke up.
My God, he was crazy, he went crazy when he fell in love with him and even crazier when Phil sabotaged his own happiness.
Loneliness tasted bitter on his lips, power and honor became poison with the diffuse days, with his cold bed at night, with his absence piercing his chest.
The last man fell and with the elegance of a dancer stabbed by a steel dagger into his chest, he did the same with the other two men on the ground. The Reaper left no witnesses or loose ends.
He could hear in the distance Baghera and Cellbit stopping their chainsaws which was a good sign. The Federation had basically sent a mini army to his grounds and he partly wondered if his men knew that Missa was there with him.
His name tasted salty when it finally left Phil's lips in a whisper, it tasted like the tears he shed every time he was sober to remember his absence. Behind that mask it is almost impossible to perceive the purple eyes but he knows well that look that is hidden in front of him.
Missa wipes the blood on his own pants with slow movements, the dagger pressed against his thigh until it's clean enough.
“Missa…” Phil insists, he shouldn't insist to the man who has the dagger, especially when he is hurt.
The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he feels (not sees) the intense gaze on his shrunken figure, well, at least he now has his attention. The purple eyes that he loves so much scan him from top to bottom and a wave of shame hits the stunned and guilty part of his subconscious as he remembers how he looks even worse for being in the middle of a fucking shootout. That wasn't how he would have wanted to see him again see but it was the most likely way to meet again now that he knew they were in the same work area
His eyes seem to linger on the wound on his shoulder and if he could see his husband's face, he would say he was not pleased with it.
“…Phil” Missa's voice sounds like a late greeting and is focused on him.
Goddess, how he had missed that voice
The professional, and infamous mercenary approaches, a little more hesitant than he should for a man of his reputation and a wave of affection breaks over Philza, he too takes a single step closer and they are looking at each other as the first time, feels like looking at the moon at its peak or the sun descending. He can't, he doesn't have the right to act like a wet cat after tearing up his enemies and expecting Phil to be normal about it. Missa just can't do that to him, he bites back a light laugh and takes another step in his direction. noticing that there is blood on his clothes and some cuts on it but if I had to guess I would say that most of it is from the others and Phil is already losing blood himself.
Missa takes another step, knowing the bleeding has stopped and believing the bullet grazed but he won't be sure until he concentrates on something other than mustering the words to ask him to fucking take off the mask.
Fortunately, he seems to read his mind as Phil doesn't even finish taking another slow step towards him when the mask is finally gone, The Reaper has officially left the room and his husband looms in front of him in his place. Is it strange to say that death is good for him? His face, his hair and the sparkle in his eyes or is the blonde just delirious?
Be that as it may, it doesn't take long for them to find themselves in the middle of the destroyed office as if it were his own world.
"You went"
“You kicked me out.”
“You still shouldn't have left” he replied very intelligently and Missa smiled, a little nervous.
“Does it hurt so much?” The black-haired man worried, looking at his injured shoulder and Philza wasn't having his partner distracted just like that.
"No, no. It doesn't hurt" He responded, knowing that lies were not the best for the relationship at this time.
Missa frowned like a kitten about to sneeze but he allowed this one for him, just for now.
“You… you're right Philza” Missa lowered his head in shame and a confuse “what?” died in the blonde's throat.
"I shouldn't have left-"
“I pointed at you with a gun, mate” he interrupted, feeling guilty and a little freaked out by whatever that means, it all was his fault, why was Missa saying that?
“Still, I should have stayed, I wanted to stay” hesitantly he noticed how Missa’s arms floated loosely around him. They weren't very elegant clothes, just good enough for work and Philza wanted to focus on that and the stains of blood all over his man instead of the new confession, after everything he did, but how could Missa still wanted him?
“I promised, right?” Phil raised his head suddenly, searching for his gaze between the strands of black hair that escaped from his messy ponytail. “I always keep my promises, dear”
When the members of Bolas made sure they had the entire area clean, they advanced, covering the entire perimeter until they climbed the stairs that led to the red leader's office, they found themselves face to face with the splintered frame of the door, an office in an absolute disaster. with the imposing doors thrown next to the lifeless bodies and in the eye of that past storm was the mob boss.
Philza was leaning against his desk (which was out of its place) the purple cloth acted as an improvised tourniquet and in his arms was the waist of a tall man with black hair that they had trouble recognizing at first if it weren't for the clear display of affection, unaware that they had company. Now Phil kept his face buried in the taller man's torso as if he were afraid to let him go again and Missa hummed, deeply satisfied with having his little bird in his arms again, he carefully avoided the other man's shoulder but remained attentive, didn't want to leave that wound out of sight until he could drag his husband stubborn ass to the infirmary. Ignoring the living and dead audience, the couple was trapped in their own world, little giggles that didn't seem to go anywhere, dying and returning with each other's laughter in a vicious circle, finally together.
“I promised you, I didn’t? as long as I'm with you you'll never be alone again, cuervito”
“You look pretty good with that ponytail you know, mate?”
“So, guys, do I tell Jaiden that there will be no divorce?”
“Shut the fuck up, Charlie”
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ender-princee · 4 months
Murder mystery snippet!!
"No, don't touch that." Pac cried out.
"Why?" Fit asked, backing away.
"The killers prints could be on it. Grab the towel. If we can get out of here, we can get to Chume Labs and inspect it." Pac said, grabbing a towel so he could pick it up.
"Well, what if it's you? We can't just let you leave. I thought we all agreed to stay here, in sight until the killer was found." Bad shot back.
Cellbit stared at the scene unfolding. He hadn't been here at the first conversation. Hell, he didn't even know what was happening. He'd just happened to be in here. He and Roier had been going on a date and then found something presumably under construction by Tazercraft and were met with this. If someone or something was murdered, him being in here would not be good for him.
Mike glanced behind himself, looking at him for a second before whipping himself around, panic evident, reaching out to get Pac to turn around. Pac did and his eyes widened.
yeah that's it.
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dance-like-an-idiot · 6 months
Isn't It Love?
soulmates for @smallchaoscryptid's spiderbit week!
Teen, No Warnings Apply
Fandom: QSMP
Pairing: Cellbit/Roier
Additional Tags: Soulmates, Surgeons, Surgeon Cellbit, Medical Inaccuracies, Soulmates Feel Each Others Pain, but it doesn't go how you'd think i swear, No Graphic Descriptions, badboyhalo is also here. he may or may not talk more than roier. i fucked up the pacing
Cellbit is one of the best surgeons at the hospital he works at. He's been a bit distracted lately, and thinking way too much about his lack of soulmate. Surely this train of thought won't ruin his upcoming surgery though, right? He's proven wrong when he meets Roier for the first time, his patient.
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sapphire-deity · 2 months
I have managed to get chapter 3 done in honor of Hideduo Week! Hope you enjoy!
(Babe, there's something so tragic about you, something so magic about you): Chapter Three
By: sapphire_deity (me!)
Rating: M for future violence, current chapters are non-graphic
Hideduo Week Day 3: AU
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dramaticcrow · 5 months
Se me ocurrió una grandísima idea! :DD
Que tal si hago una semana del Deathduo/Pissa? Estaba pensando en hacer algo que funcione tanto para los que los vemos como una pareja romántica como para quienes los vemos como pareja platónica.
(En mi caso encajaría en ambas)
La verdad me encantan los retos de escritura y dibujo y algunas veces eh participado en algunos.
Les parece una buena idea?
I had a great idea! :DD
Would you guys like it if I did a Deathduo/Pissa week? Would you participate? I was thinking of doing something that would work for both those of us who see them as a romantic couple and those of us who see them as a platonic couple.
(In my case it would fit both).
I really love writing and drawing challenges and I've participated in a few of them.
Sound like a good idea?
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