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californiaquail · 23 days
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i spent $20 on this aglaonema pictum tricolor today but in my defense it's been on my wish list for a year and i promised myself a plant as a reward for getting an iud. and look at it
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techy-updates · 4 months
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The Iceman Cometh - Dean x Reader
“The Iceman Cometh” - Dean x Reader
Rating Mature
Dean x Reader
Tags: Sweaty Dean, Turning Up The Heat, Ice Play, Mild Smut, Nipple Play, I Will Again Be Accused of Blue-Balling
Word Count: 1700
You normally love a sticky, slippery, and sweaty Dean. But, this. This is pushing it.
I'm participating in @jacklesversebingo and this part will fill my "Ice-play" square.
A/N: I just wanted to mix things up and write something short and fun.
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Image created in Canva (photo used/found online: Facebook - Una Vida SPN)
You normally love a sticky, slippery, and sweaty Dean. But, this. This is pushing it.
“I’m sorry, what?” Dean fists his hands leaning on the motel office counter.
“AC’s out in the only room I got left!” The old lady with coke bottle glasses and Wilma Flinstone pearls repeats herself. Her cigarette-laced voice is scratchy and a couple squeaks higher this time.
You groan. Dean side-eyes you but doesn’t turn his head to acknowledge the irritation.
“It’s 100 degrees out. We get some kinda discount for pain and suffering?” he asks.
“I’ll knock ten bucks off the bill.”
“Ten bucks?” You huff out an incredulous chuckle.
“We’ll take it.”
Before you can yell at him, Dean’s already slapped a credit card on the counter.
Of course, this had to be the first motel with a vacancy during the two-hour trek through the Nevada desert region.
The hotbox of a room smells of mildew, cigarettes, and vinegar. You plod through the humidity and stale stench. Every bit of odor clings to your perspiring skin so there’s no escaping it. Dean curses as he taps buttons and thumbs dials on the window air conditioner, just to verify it's inoperable. You drop your bag on the bed and beeline to the bathroom. 
Dean needs a shower more than you. He was the one who wrestled and skewered a ghoul in a sacred burial ground. But you’re gonna be salty about his decision to stop. You’d wanted to keep going, offering to share driving duties. Who cares if neither one of you had slept in over 24 hours? 
Your pants are around your ankles in a second. The loose porcelain bowl seesaws under your weight. Regardless, you sigh in relief, weeing out all the water you’ve been guzzling to stay hydrated. 
The rap of Dean’s knuckles on the bathroom door interrupts your steady stream of piss. “I’m gonna grab somethin’ at the diner we passed.” Dean’s second preferred method of appeasing you is feeding you. “Be back as soon as I can. Save me some COLD water, baby.” 
A hard tug of the motel door seconds later rattles the paint-by-numbers sagebrush framed on the wall behind the toilet. 
Dean left without taking your food order. You grind your teeth.
Forty minutes pass before the familiar engine rumbles into the lot and headlights flash through the sheer curtains.
The diner was a good fifteen minutes away, one-way, if Dean had been going the speed limit. The Impala’s warp speed must have been activated for him to have actually ordered and brought back dinner. Your stomach somersaults with distress and hunger pangs.
Dean opens the door only to hover within the threshold, a human doorstop.
You’re in a tank top and boy shorts. The best thing you could use to fan yourself is a file folder Sam stuffed with case material before you and Dean left Kansas.
Dean stretches and drops the bag of takeout on the nearby kitchenette table. He eyes you with a frown. “I’m sorry it’s shit in here. I’d say we could sleep in Baby, but it’s worse outside. Seriously.”
You’re laid atop the bed stripped of its scratchy and threadbare comforter, which is now a heap on the floor. “You know, all the times you’ve had to put that car back together again piece by piece; maybe one of those times you could have installed some air conditioning.”
He raises a finger to signal you should wait for something impressive. He dips half his body back outside, foot holding the door open. There’s bumping and huffing. Then the green cooler appears, held triumphantly in his hands. “I brought ice! Waitress at the diner sold me pounds of the stuff.” He’s sensibly in only a t-shirt, having left his duffle and jacket in the room when he’d left earlier. 
“The iceman cometh.” The eyeroll is excessive, but you can’t seem to not.
“Eat, grumpy. My turn for a shower.”
He crunches ice chips. You suck on one cube, swirling it from one cheek pocket to the other until it melts, and then repeat with another. Forearm to forearm, you both sprawl out on the queen-sized mattress. You snapped at him earlier about the heat the boob tube would create. He stews alongside your percolating tension. You’ve allowed the bathroom light to stay on. A yellow fluorescent haze slices from the open door and spills over Dean.
There’s no escape from the heat.
“Pulse points,” he mutters.
“Right,” you snip. Your hand scoops ice out of your red solo cup. You circle a cube along your inner wrist.
There’s a shake from his side of the bed. You glance over. He’s shirtless, clad only in his boxers, rubbing ice up and down the back of his neck. Which only pisses you off more.
This hunt was supposed to end days ago. You were supposed to be celebrating your anniversary at the bunker today. You had some fun times planned. A surprise dinner of all Dean’s favorites and a movie marathon in the Dean Cave.
“I’m sorry,” you and Dean mumble simultaneously.
“We’ll get back on the road soon, sweetheart. I was spent and seeing double. Even if I can’t sleep, it’ll help just not being in motion.”
“I’ve been a major bitch.” You laugh at Dean’s deer-in-headlights reaction to your admission. “You don’t have to agree or disagree on that count, babe. You know how I get when shit doesn’t go according to plan. And, this fucking heat is not helping.”
“We both pop our tops an equal amount. That’s what makes us perfect for each other.” The backs of two of his fingers skim your elbow.
“Except when we both blow up at the same time.”
“Nah, that’s even better. Then we get to have angry make-up sex.”
You whoop out a laugh. “That’s never happened.”
“It could now?”
You grin. “But I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at everything else.”
He shrugs. “Take it out on me, then.” He reconsiders. “Or, let me cool you down?”
It’s your turn to raise a brow.
Dean grins. He tips his head way back with the cup to his lips. He shakes his hand and the ice crackles. Cup back in his lap, you spot one cheek puffed out like a chipmunk. His face crinkles up.
“You’re gonna give yourself brain freeze, idiot.”
“Worth it,” he mumbles.
His lips lean in to press a kiss. You giggle at Dean’s clumsy attempt with a mouthful of ice. A surprised squeal follows when he slips an ice cube between pursed lips to run across yours. He pulls back and smiles, crooked and unhinged. He plops the cubes into his cup sounding like a penny slot machine and sits it on his side table. 
He pulls you in close for a kiss, expertly grabbing your cup from your hands. You can’t be bothered to care where he hides it.
His tongue is so cool. A popsicle with a mind of its own that you want to suck on for days. He’s very agreeable to the way your lips wrap around it. He moans. You love the particular sound of that one. It strains out of his throat. Thankful. Relaxed.
He’s fiddling with more ice, having wedged your cup between two pillows. “You’re always so hot,” he quips after you relinquish his tongue.
You skim one leg between his thighs. The skin contact is tacky and sticky. “You’re always so cheesy.”
“Not always,” Dean says with a smirk. “In this instance, I’m just stating a fact.”
You hiccup a gasp at the ice cube he presses to your wrist without warning.
Dean glides it slow, a serpentine slither, to the crook of your elbow. He swirls the spot and lets it melt and drip from your body to the sheets. His green eyes concentrate on the task. 
You can’t help but lose yourself watching him. His body shimmers in a sheen of sweat. Every minute shift highlights the beautiful angles of his face. Perspiration beads up under the hairline of his forehead. You can’t resist kissing and sipping at his upper lip. He grins and returns the gesture.
He uses another piece of ice to continue upward to your shoulder. He traces the shoulder strap of your tank. A hop over it and he’s sliding down the outline of your collar. It’s a quick ride into your cleavage where he lets the remnants melt and add to the already damp material.
His tongue laps at the wetness that’s collected there. You sigh and lean back. He hums and kisses the curve of your breast, slides the strap down, and then nuzzles into the notch of your armpit.
After a few seconds, he rises up in order to gaze into your eyes with the most innocent of expressions; even though he’s freed one of your tits from the confines of your clothing.
More ice rattles by your ear like maracas.
You’re in trouble.
You purse your lips at the biting cold against your neck. It’s electrifying and refreshing. He outlines your collarbone back and forth for emphasis. A shift and he’s leaning beside you, up on one elbow to drink in the sight. One leg drapes over yours, locking you into place. You feel the growing bulge in his boxers. There’s no escaping what he has in store.
He juggles two cubes between his fingers and journeys along the crest of your breast. He’s grinning with mischief and lust now. Then his mouth parts when the ice meets your nipple. Your flesh hardens and tightens on contact. You groan. Your core clenches.
He gnaws on his bottom lip as he circles the dark pebbling bud. Air squeaks out of your mouth. You squirm. It’s a beautiful freeze burn of contrast.
Once the ice melts, his fingers, also chilled, take over kneading and pinching. His patience gone, he bends down and latches onto your cool tit. He nurses with that sinful mouth and grazes your nipple with tongue and teeth until your skin tingles back to life.
You are so out of your head with the noises he’s making and the show he’s putting on, that you're ill-prepared for his cold fingers slipping under the hem of your shorts.
You shriek giggle, “Dean!”
He ends his sucking with a loud pop. He whispers against your lips, “Happy Anniversary, sweetheart.”
Update: Got inspired and filled another bingo square with these two. You can read "Just A Little Spice" here.
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angel-of-the-moons · 10 months
I love your work sm love every update you post!!✦
Could we get some fluff of Peter B? Maybe like the reader has a really rough day at work and I just so physically drained Peter just takes care of them?
(Sorry if this is bad this is my first time requesting!)
Bunny Slippers
Peter B Parker x Reader
TW/CW: None, just some fluff!
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When you came home looking... well, down in the dumps, Peter felt his Hubby Senses tingling.
They were like his Spidey Senses, but for being a husband! Hah! Get it? Ah, right--ahem--anyways...
"Hey, honey, you okay?" Peter asked you, walking up behind you and kissing the top of your head.
"Yeah, I'm just... Had a really bad day today. Just... Ugh. Karen after Karen after Karen." You groan, almost feeling close to tears as you remember getting back to back one-sided screaming matches from the angry customers over things that weren't even your fault.
One guy came and screamed at you over something he ordered from a different store! And he still had the gall to demand a discount and refund from yours!
Peter, ever the sweetheart, wrapped his arms around you and swayed softly back and forth.
"Mayday's asleep. You go on and take a nice hot shower." He says to you.
"But dinner--"
"I can handle dinner, babe." He says, giving you another sweet kiss to your head. "You go relax for a bit."
"I mean it. Don't make me use my puppy eyes on you!" Peter warns with a waggle of his brows.
You can't help but do anything but smile at his humor and relent, slipping your shoes off and trudging into the bathroom for a much-needed recharge.
As soon as the door clicked shut, Peter went into action. He started pulling out all the ingredients for your favorite meal and made sure he measured each ingredient perfectly.
After all, you having a bad day? His main mission now was making sure you ended the night with a smile. He knew you felt doubly bad as well, for not being able to kiss Mayday goodnight before she drifted off.
He hated seeing you upset. It was one of the worst things he ever felt when you would come home with your bottom lip poking out, your eyes glistening and sad...
You needed a different job. Maybe he could do some asking around, get one with an easier load, better hours and better pay... Because you two also had a baby to raise. She needed stability and you working so much made you feel inadequate as a parent, he could tell by how sadly you smiled when you held Mayday in your arms; how badly you wished you could be with her more.
He made a mental note to start looking online for you as soon as he got the chance. You deserved to work somewhere they knew your worth as an employee and coworker, not tossing you into the meat grinder for pissed off customers who, frankly, could have avoided troubles had they read their warranties or even directions on their purchased products regardless.
And with the holidays coming up, the mental strain from all that was piling up, and up, and up, and...
He sighed softly as the food was finishing up cooking, and he carefully ran to your bedroom, pulling out your comfiest pajama pants, fresh pair of undies, and one of his own shirts for you to wear when you got out.
He was still super duper stealthy as he slipped into the bathroom (almost choking on the amount of steam that invaded his lungs) and slipped the clothes in for you while taking up your uniform and dropping it into the laundry basket for him to do later.
After all, you needed a hell of a break, and chores were the least he could do for everything you already do.
He checked on Mayday through the baby cams, and smiled softly as she kicked out a little foot from beneath her blanket.
He loved the both of you, so so much. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was to have the both of you in his life.
Peter still couldn't believe you gave his dorky ass a shot that very first time he asked you out.
God, that felt like a lifetime ago.
He was shaken from his thoughts when the egg timer went off and told him the food was ready.
And frankly, it looked goddamn delicious.
Don't let it go unsaid that Peter B Parker knew his way around a kitchen. Sure, he ate like a pig (sometimes) and has gotten far too used to a diet of pizza and fast food...
But he sure knew how to cook when it came down to it. And nothing made him happier when he saw a grin break out on your face at the sight of your favorite dish.
Hell, he didn't even notice that you'd walked out of the bathroom until he turned around and almost tossed the rubber spatula he had in his hand across the kitchen.
How you managed to sneak up on him and not trigger his Spidey senses was a damn mystery.
"Aw... Pete..." You said, looking at the (admittedly messy) kitchen, seeing that he was cooking for you.
"I'll clean it up!" He says, sticking the spatula in the sink. "Been multitasking."
He sauntered over to you, proud as can be as he slipped his arms around you and tucked you against his chest.
"You didn't have to..." You start to say.
"Nah, I wanted to. And you deserve it, especially after the day you've had. Give me a hundred angry Goblins any day of the week." He snorts, breathing in the lingering scent of your body wash and soaps.
"At least I can punch him. But an angry customer? Phew, no way. I'd crack."
You can't help but laugh, the sound muffled by his fuzzy bathrobe.
"Yeah. They're terrible. Wanna switch jobs for a day?" You joke.
"Yeah no offense babe, but that's gonna be a hell no from me." He grinned down at you.
The two of you share a quiet laugh and chaste kisses, before he turns away from you and gets your plate ready.
"Bone apple the teeth!" He said, grinning like a ridiculously goofy shark.
"Pete!" You snort around a mouthful of food.
"Yeah yeah, I know I'm hilarious, but it's nothing to get choked up over!"
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kankuroplease · 3 months
Trying to decided which Uzumaki is messier in the tsau
Tw; oral sex, violence, drugs, pregnancy mentions, mess ass Uzumaki’s
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Jumping in gang fights she had no business in for Mikoto
Stashing things for criminal
Got Minato and herself suspended for misuse of the bathroom at school (weed)
Mooned the police
Flashed Madara as a dare
Let kid Nart tattoo her because he asked. It’s the ugliest stick man, but she’s very proud of it
Let her home be a party house as long as Naruto cleaned up the mess and they didn’t steal anything
Making edibles and not properly labeling them which led to a very high team 7 at work
He’s got a long list of ex hookups and fwb that ended up being messier than he ever intended them to be
Yahiko and Konan
Fugaku and Mikoto
2 out 5 of Madara’s children
Konan’s brother
Yahiko’s little sister is now flirting with him and Konan’s other brother is mad at him when he hasn’t even done anything
Has a lot of fwb that he gives the boyfriend treatment to unless they stop him
Thinks sex sort of fixes bad moods and days, so naturally, offers get his roommates off when they’ve had a bad day
Has been paid to guest star in some OF videos
Rarely passes on a party
Touchy/clingy drunk
Had sex on the back of a cop car
Flirts with every clients and will give discounts to cute ones
Is responsible for getting the shop high
Tsunade thinks he’s a pervert because he was naked in Sasuke’s closet with someone when she went in there to grab Sasuke a change of clothes
Had an awkward run in with Rin when his penis piercing got caught in his partners braces
She doesn’t belong on this list outside of having a foul mouth and a few clips of her mocking sexist men in matches that her her fan captured/circulate online
Let Sasuke, Suigetsu, and Juugo get lost on a road-trip once because they were being pig headed. Also shushed Sakura about helping them
Didn’t listen about possibly being pregnant after a bout of sickness and now it’s too late. That’s why she’s currently pregnant 💀
Doesn’t actually believe in crystals, but Suigetsu does and is freaked out she lost a Moldavite necklace
Taking gifts from Shisui that Mikoto and Sakura told her not to do
Still hasn’t told her father or brother that she’s been singing at the Uchiha lounge and that’s how she’s affording some things
Eats Sasuke’s portions of food Sakura makes when she’s mad at him while also heavily relying on him to get her out of the trouble she gets herself in (like please forget that I ate your dinner again)
Actively dodging the “officer eater” because he is a literal memeber of law enforcement and Michi’s half brother
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noncompliantcyborg · 1 year
Obligatory Introduction/Pinned Post
Hi, I'm JA, a disabled queer cyborg, marine scientist, embroiderer, photographer, poet, and otherwise curious/creative person.
Tumblr was one of my internet homes years ago, but I haven't been an active poster in years here and decided to start over. The layout is definitely worse here now and idk how folks connect here these days, but if you somehow find me, please tell me.
Some Intro Info/Questions I'm Hoping Someone Might Want Answers To:
Where can I find your embroidery? You Can check out my tag on here #My Embroidery, and items are available for purchase in my shop, NonCompliantCyborg. You can also reach out for customizations and full on commissions.
Do you sell prints of your photography? Yes, I have archival quality prints available through InPRNT. If you really want one and have financial barriers, you can ask me for a discount code and I'll do what I can. You buying my art helps me pay my bills, so I appreciate whatever capacity you do that in.
Where can I find your poetry? If I share it here it will be in the tag #My Poetry. I currently have one chapbook, Request for Amendment which was reviewed in WordGathering. I also have work in HAD and Cool Rock Repository. I really need to submit more places, and would love if you send me reqs.
You have to pick one book to recommend, right now. What is it? I hate these kind of questions. But the book is Paring by Travis Chi Wing Lau.
You have to pick one essay to recommend, right now. What is it? "Anthropodermic Biblioplegy, disabled bodies, and who gets to have boundaries" by Karrie Higgins
You are listening to one song on repeat on the bathroom floor. What is it? Boreas by The Oh Hellos
What do you mean about being a cyborg? Here is one possible primer on cyborgs, by Cy Jillian Weise for Granta: Common Cyborg. Someone actually ask me, and I will say a lot more, and then link it on here too.
What's your favorite phylum? Ctenophora. Ask me why.
I want to see marine critters. Please help. #My Marine Biology Videos #taking myself to the water to remind myself I'm allowed to just exist
Where else can I find you online? I'm on Tik Tok @CtenophoreCreative and @NonCompliantCyborg on Instagram and BlueSky.
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auideas · 2 years
ohohoh for psych and existencial horror, "your reflection moves on its own in the corner of your eye"
Let's get right into it!
Bloody Mary was a kids game, everyone knew that -- it never worked then, and it sure as hell wouldn't work now. Character A reiterated that fact to themselves as they closed the bathroom door, shutting out the drunken college seniors that seemed to multiply in their living room. Losing a bet was embarrassing enough, but doing this stupid challenge? Whatever. May as well get this over with. The ritual began and ended without so much as a hitch, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Character A stumbled out of the bathroom, feeling a bit silly, and rejoined the party. They did forget something, though -- their reflection stayed frozen in the dark on the other side of the mirror, silently screaming.
When they were little, Character A told their parents that they'd lost their shadow. Now, it was something they laughed at, remembering it as just the silly story of a kid. It didn’t reoccur until one night when they threw themselves from their bed, covered in a cold sweat. They could barely remember that feeling...the pain that comes from having something torn from your chest in a dream. Breath still ragged, they carefully made their way to the bathroom and splashed cold water in their face, trying to shake away the remnants of the imagined pain. It had felt like it had back then, like their shadow had been torn from their very soul. Glancing up at their own tired expression one last time, Character A turned their back on the mirror. Before completing the rest of the movement, they stopped, frozen in place for a solid 5 seconds as they watched their own reflection slowly catch up to match their position, completely out of sync. Someone may have not stolen Character A’s shadow, but it's possible their reflection was replaced with something else.
“Long story short: you're cursed. From the moment when Narcissus gazed upon his own reflection in that pond, he doomed himself for all eternity. I've done the same to you, Character A, but your grievance was different. You see not who you are in the mirror, but who you aren't, and that simply won’t do. From now on, you keep your own reflection within eyesight at all times, because if you break that line of sight, it will break you.” AU
The owner of the local mirror shop seemed like a perfectly normal person, but they did keep a secret. One mirror wasn’t available to the public and was kept back there for only the most....special clients. The ones who ask for discounts, or special favors, or "the good stuff." They all went to the back room, and they never left. The owner never really questioned what happened to them in there, but all they know is that their reflection was hungry all those years ago, so it’s unlikely it’s been completely sated with only the occasional Karen.
When Character A touched the mirror in their dream, they were stunned to see their fingers pass right through it. They stood frozen in place, completely terrified. In retrospect, maybe they should have run, pulled back, leaned away even, but they couldn't bring themselves to break eye contact with their smirking reflection until something cold and sharp gripped their wrist, yanking them through.
They found the game online. It was on one of those threads where they always posted about stupid shit, like how to summon the Button Man, or what to do if you're encountered by an email attachment called "smile.jpeg." It was just some late night fun, but they didn't realize the horrible mistake they made when they started playing "mirrors, mirrors, mirrors." 6 years later, all their friends were long-dead, and Character A has yet to look in a mirror since. They just had to last one more year, that's all. One more year in the dark, and they'd be free. One more year, and they could break the thread where they had sewn their own eyes shut. One. More. Year.
“Our story isn't a romantic one, or a pleasant one, but it's ours all the same. It’s the story you tell to scare people at the campfire, or maybe to unsettle your coworkers after a long week of filing. It’s the one that randomly pops into your head when you pass by a department store window, or the one you remember at night when you get a drink of water and make the mistake of meeting the eyes of your own reflection. It's the story where one person loves another, but they can never hug, never kiss, and never touch -- the silver glass won't let them.” AU
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[ Tankless water heaters ] are something that everybody wants to have installed, but few know exactly where to go. Are you dealing with some heating problems, and now you’re unsure of how you’re going to get your waters heated up without needing a huge tank? If so, our plumbers can mount this small and convenient box in your home.
When You Call Water Heater Cockrell Hill:
offer plumbing deer park call now Water heater repair Installation services Bathroom repair Leak stoppage Leakage detection Slab leak repairs Emergency plumbing support Hot water repairs Drain cleanings Cracked pipe replacements
+Discount plumbing fixtures can be hard to find, especially when you’re really in need of a good deal. Are you trying to figure out the best way to handle your plumb problems, but you’re unsure of what to do about it? To make sure you’re able to get the best deals, check out our online coupons.
Call Us For Quick Plumbing Services +Discount plumbing fixtures can be hard to find, especially when you’re really in need of a good deal. Are you trying to figure out the best way to handle your plumb problems, but you’re unsure of what to do about it? To make sure you’re able to get the best deals, check out our online coupons.
Our experienced specialize in hot water heater installation and gas water heater installation, as well as gas line installation. Gas water heater installation has been certain to be particularly convenient, and at the moment is one of our most requested services, as it provides hot water even if the electric power supply is cut off.
Water Heater cockrell hill TX (972) 913-6326 1601 N Cockrell Hill Rd, cockrell hill TX 75211 All Days 6 am : 10 pm
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Plumbing Grand prairie Texas
Plumbing Grand prairie Texas TX :- Have your plumb products been suffering for days now? Perhaps you have some broken toilets, water heaters that are leaking, and a garbage disposal that stays clogged around the clock. If this sounds like you, Plumbing Grand Prairie Texas is the business for you! We have a team of mobile plumbers who can handle any plumb problem. Grand Plumbers From The Prairies Of Texas :- 24 hour plumbing is one of the most important things that we offer here at our Grand Prairie headquarters. Have you been locked out of your car, residence, or commercial building, and you haven’t had a chance to get back inside? If so, our guys can be there to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Is a commercial plumber something you've been lacking for a long time now? If you have some break room bathrooms that just aren’t working well with their terrible toilets, let us revamp the whole setup. In no time, you’ll be enjoying a washroom with a commode that never lets you or your guests down. Online Discounts That Will Make Your Services A Lot More Affordable :- Online coupons aren’t something that a lot of Texans get to experience nowadays. If you’re somebody who really likes saving money but you just don't know how yet, this is a great way to start. Check out our homepage if you'd like access to these great tools. Plumbing Grand Prairie Texas considers ourselves some of the grandest plumbers in the Lone star State. If you or somebody you know is currently struggling with some plumb problems and you don't know what to do about it, let us be the ones to help you out. We’ll make the situation much better. Services :- Plumbing Services Water Heater Drain Cleaning Sewer Repair Toilet Repair Garbage Disposal Plumbing Grand prairie Texas Mon-Fri: 8am: 6pm Sat-Sun: 9am: 5pm Ph: 972-767-9206 1315 W Pioneer Pkwy Grand Prairie, TX 75051
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wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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NAME: Axis Investigations
Located in a run-down apartment building in Worm Row, Axis Investigations is the picture of an old noir-style private investigations office. It’s difficult to tell from the outside that the apartment Axis operates out of is a business, as the surrounding apartments are strictly residential. The only thing truly indicating that it’s more than just a home is a paper sign taped on the wall beside the door. Unfortunately, this sign is often removed by passing neighbors frustrated with the business’s operations or bored, mischievous children in the building looking to cause trouble. Typically, the door can be found unlocked during the office’s hours of operations, though some clients opt to knock before entering regardless due to the residential feel of the business.
The apartment where Emilio hosts his business doubles as his living space, though it wasn’t designed as such. He has the front of the apartment (the living room) set up with a desk and ‘waiting area’ for clients, while the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen are all blocked off from wandering eyes. However, it is clear to anyone who looks closely enough that the space wasn’t initially intended to act as an office.
On the desk, you’ll find a list of pricing options. Emilio charges a standard hourly rate, but there are several potential expenses listed as well. One example of such an expense is the ‘Punching Fee,’ charged to customers who express their distaste for Emilio’s methods by taking a swing at him. This is a very common charge, and a large number of his customers end up paying it. Because Emilio is not technically a licensed PI, however, clients find his hourly rate lower than most others, which tends to make the ‘fees’ listed easier for Emilio to justify.
The actual hours of operation are hard to pin down. Often, potential clients will find Axis closed during normal business hours, but open well after midnight. Clients may try calling ahead to see if Emilio is open for business at any given time, but no answer on the phone doesn’t always mean he isn’t available. The only sure-fire way to know is to go to the office and check.
The online reviews are… mixed, to say the least. Many of them praise Emilio’s ability to get results, but just as many criticize his attitude and general personality. More than a few recount his tendency to outright insult his clients when frustrated.
The nameplate on the desk is incredibly generic and, rather than actually bearing Emilio’s name, simply reads ‘Private Investigator.’ He bought it at a discount store. It was $3.50.
You’ll usually find a bottle of whiskey sitting on the desk. Emilio may drink from it during meetings with clients or potential clients. It’s all very professional.
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gothducky · 2 years
Hi!! Personal update under the cut bc I feel like I already put yall through enough of my personal worries without warning LOL
Thanks to everyone who helped me last week, we were able to pay off the card debt after a LOT of texting the company, calling, visiting the stores etc :-)) it'll take a few days to take, and after that my mom's gonna cancel her card, thank you SO much for the help once again!! (The cashier girl told us to sue for this lol but I can't deal with that stress and I just want this to be over with ngl... she's a queen for that still tho)
Been crying a lot this week because it always feels like when I finally get some money on my own it has to go towards some family emergency, but the help I received managed to keep me afloat and I'll always be thankful
As of right now, the only emergency concern I have is my bathroom, we managed to get in contact with a plumber friend of ours who'd do a discounted job for us so now so I think the money I Have right noww will do... and it's just a waiting game for when he'll come over and start the job...
For context too, it's a bit hard to do repair of this type because we have to break the walls. Our house is made of bricks and cement so we're at a bit of a loss on where exactly to break open the wall because we don't know where the pipes will be :') so he'll have to survey the house a lot and make sure where everything is
We have a sort of general idea of where the pipes are because obviously tehre's like humidity and mold in the walls of the sorrounding rooms from the leaking, so for once the damage helps LOL orz
I'll try to post more art to make up for my ebegging and stuff, and as a way to thank yall for the support I've received
And if you've read this far, thank you and I love you
Don't hesitate to send suggestions on characters you'd like to see me draw, or even suggestions for butch friday!! I want to build more interactions between me and my followers whom I love so much, I always read every tag and comment you all leave on my art and I've never felt this much community online after having an incredibly awful +10 years online before this, both bc of abusive relationships, grooming and isolation. So the fact that I managed to get people interested in me and my art is mindblowing to me every single day. I don't feel so alone nowadays
I love you all, and have a good day! I'll try to!
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limborooster · 2 years
going to spit out my thoughts here pardon me
i’m irrationally afraid my cats will forget me and not like me anymore while i’m off living in a dorm fr two years and then when i can move off campus and they can live with me they won’t like it
i’m rationally afraid that my elderly cat will die while i’m 2.5 hours away at school and even if i leave for home immediately when my mom tells me his body will be cold when i arrive
he’s in decently good health for a 15 year old but my one cat spontaneously died when i was younger and now i’m paranoid
i was super sick today from my covid booster and i can tell i’m getting better because i am incredibly hungry and have a very strong urge to go outside and to sew
unfortunately it is 2:30 am
i hope my school does movie character day during a spirit week again this year because i want to show off my improved spock closet cosplay
i wish that fur didn’t take 400 years to ship from howl and fs supplies because i want to sew so bad
also fursuit making is hard wtf it’s very frustrating
hopefully it’s worth it
today i discovered my love for vegetable stock
this is good news because i hate most soups
i’m so excited my parents are going to help me make a resume because i finally got my working papers and i’m going to apply to joann!!! employee discount + talking to people about their cool projects + old ladies + moms + crochet girlies + furries + stocking shelves i am so excited
it’s all i’ve ever dreamed of
i used to live nearby our joann
i’m scared to go to college because they don’t have my regular grocery store there
fuck you capital region why don’t you have wegmans i need wegmans i don’t want to choose between whole foods and price chopper
the nearest ones to there (albany) are literally MY hometown wegmans and one in fuckin massachusetts which are both ~2 hours away
also you can’t have a microwave in your dorm
it’s worth it though everything else is so good
combined bachelors masters program
no corridor style dorms (no communal bathrooms)
indescribably awesome student groups and clubs there’s so much cool stuff and they’re so well run
very easily walkable and centralized campus while still being aesthetically pleasing
dog mascot.
my mommy goes there !!!! she takes online classes but still they’re at albany
so i’m at the same school as my mom
also i’m just now realizing in commonapp i put no relatives have attended but she probably counts. stupid i guess i didn’t think about it because it was phrased in past tense and she is currently attending
i am not very bright sometimes
i have to get a rec letter for a scholarship about why i’d be good for the socio program
i think i’ll ask my former philosophy teacher because that is the most relevant i guess
all the other ones i have good relationships with are stem teachers
which is weird because i’m better at humanities and stuff
i guess i’ve just had bad luck with humanities teachers
i also guess that’s not really true i typically enjoy social studies more with individual study rather than at school because my school doesn’t offer very good classes
whereas i’ve had great science and math classes and i have fun at school with those
i need to go to sleep but i took a five hour nap today so i’m not tired
idk what to get people for christmas
it always sneaks up on me like this
idek what i want for christmas
i have chest hair now
i think it’s been filling in for a while but i’m noticing it now
as time passes i love my body more and more
can’t wait until next year i can be flat
shit i have to tell my mom to contact the psych eval people to get on the waitlist for my surgery approval
i will be so attractive
my sister is taking me to get a tattoo with her this spring for a belated birthday present (because i will be 18 in january)
oh also im gonna start practicing for my road test to get my license
all i have to do is not suck at parallel parking and then i can finally drive myself to school and not have to bother my poor parents with it
and go home for lunch!!!!
and go to the store whenever i want to!!!!
and surprise my gf by dropping things off at her house and driving her places !!! yay !!!
oh my little subaru outback that was my dads car for several years and smells like mold because he left the sunroof open and it rained inside the car how i love you
freshmen aren’t allowed to have cars on campus at albany but we’re gonna cheat the system and get a parking pass in my moms name because she’s a student
and obviously doesn’t need it bc she attends online
i want to put fake grass on the floor
so sad i can’t do it on the drivers side because like .. pedals
but i can do it everywhere else
i can do whatever i want to this car because i will use it until it’s only good for salvage
i think about the one episode of star trek where data makes a child and she develops feelings and she says i love you and he says i wish i could feel it with you
feel that
because i feel like my romantic and general affectionate drive is so low compared to normal
idk i don’t understand myself
it’s not that i don’t feel things
i feel very deep love and reverence for many things
i think that maybe i shut down and so my feelings get hidden
oh yeah guys don’t get divorced when your child is turning 11 because they will be irreparably damaged
this is a little bit exaggeratey because mostly the problem was there was a lot of lies and deception along with the complicated emotions that come with being on the verge of understanding and not understanding how marriage and love and affairs and adulthood work and also having your reverence for your parents shattered very suddenly rather than a nice steady realization that they are not superhuman
i need to investigate that trauma a little more i think
it’s 3 now
i wanted to just go to sleep asap but now i’ve gotten to the point where i’m so hungry i’m nauseated so i have to eat
now my sleeping and eating schedules are off
stupid vaccine
at least they work this is objectively better than covid but still god damn
probably it’s worse because i got a flu shot at the same time but gahhhh
alright i wanted pasta but the only stuff we have is this chickpea based penne
which i love chickpeas but i’ve never tried this so idk
also i felt bad having the light on with my parents upstairs so i’m cooking by the light of the stove burner it’s so cozy
reminds me of last april when we had no power for five days
no cell service no wifi no heat no running water no lights and no leaving the house bc my mom had covid
we used snowmelt to flush the toilets
so lucky for our gas stove bc we could light it with matches and boil water to clean ourselves and heat up food
i read the whole fazbear frights series in those days
school was closed bc the school had no power but once it reopened we still didn’t so i got to skip for a day
it was a lot of fun except i got cystic acne from not being able to shower properly for five days as a sweaty testosterone man
it’s raining out and my cat has joined me this is so cozy
ok the pasta feels a bit weird but it’s sooooo good with butter and salt (don’t have sauce)
i’m back in bed watching the episode of star trek
why is picard sometimes so forward thinking and sometimes such a dickhole
even after watching through the whole series i can’t tell if i really like him or not
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