#queer them into oblivion
links-in-time · 2 months
Twilight Warriors 5
Decided to do a non smutty chapter.
😯 Yes I know!
But please stick with it. I wanted some character development and a little bit of back story for Wars and Twilight and that's hard to do if their mouths are occupied for one reason or another.
This chapter doesn't have any warnings, but it is part of an 🔞 series so read at your own discretion.
Warriors decided he hated dungeons. He decided he hated them about five minutes after entering his very first temple ruin and a giant spider fell on top of him, pinning him to the ground. In the narrow corridor there was very little room for the boys to manoeuvre around in. Time was the closest and an instant later Wars saw the tip of Time's golden side arm jutting out of the monsters head. Time and Twilight helped to heave the beast off Warriors and pulled him to his feet. If the rest of the dungeon was going to be this tight and dimly lit, it was going to be a very long day.
Legend, Four, Wind and Hyrule were practically buzzing with excitement at that thought. Sky and Twilight seemed to have resigned themselves to their situation and were going to tackle it one thing at a time, without over thinking their predicament too much. Wild was almost as bewildered as the Captain, but seemed to have some experience at solving the sometimes insane puzzles which blocked their progress through the ruins.
With his expertise lying in large scale battles with multiple enemies, Warriors decided to leave this particular part of their journey to the experts in 'dungeon crawling', as they called it.
"Come on Captain, lighten up. I'm sure there'll be something for you to fight as soon as we hit the next chamber!" Hyrule called to him from the front of the group.
He sounded so goddess damned cheerful it reminded Wars of Mask during the war. The boy was always itching for a fight. To put on one of his masks and charge the enemy force with some crazy power at his command. Now his little brother was all grown up. Grown up and their defacto leader on this quest. It had taken a while for Wars to connect the dots from his little brother from another time, to Time. To be fair to himself, Time hardly looked anything like his younger self.
The markings on his face had been a clue, but Wars hadn't wanted to give himself false hope. However, one night around the campfire they had been trading stories as usual and the topic of masks had cropped up. After scaring Wars nearly half to death, he had finally seen the path between his mischievous little brother from the war, to the man he knew and loved in the present. Turns out that Time never fully grew out of his prankish streak. Something that both warmed his heart, and made his eyes roll at the same time.
"Hey, you okay Cap?" Twilight asked, falling into step with his companion. "You've been pretty quiet all day."
"Have I? Not much for me to contribute I guess. Soon as we find a puzzle or an enemy we have to best by talking at it, I'll be your man!" Wars jested, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
"You sure you're okay? We could find somewhere safe and wait for the others?" Twilight suggested.
"No, it's fine. I don't want to leave them any more than you do. I'm just, not used to this. That's all," Wars insisted, trying his best to sound convincing. "Besides, this is the first place we've found which has a tangible link to Dark. All the local reports say the monsters have been coming from this ruin. So either he's here, or he left another portal behind somewhere in this dungeon."
Their conversation came to an end as Legend unlocked the next door. The nine of them walked through into a large chamber lined with columns and statues, and another door at the far end leading out of it. Great. Not the final chamber then.
"What now Four? This is your dungeon after all," Time sighed, trying his best not to sound impatient.
"Last time the four of us turned off the flames by pressing the four switches together," Four replied, examining the room with a cold stare.
"What flames?" Wild asked, but he quickly got his reply.
As though in answer, the statues lining the walls immediately let out a burst of bright orange flame, spanning the width of the room. Almost in unison, the nine boys took a large step backwards, away from the roiling flames before them.
"Right, flames. Switches, okay." Wild stammered.
Four quickly showed the others where the four switches were and Wild helped shoot at the farthest one beyond their reach. With the first set of statues deactivated the Chain moved forwards tentatively. However, when Four told them to halt and wait for the next bout of flames to appear, nothing happened. For a heartstopping moment he thought the trap might be defunct, that they could move forwards unhindered. He should really know better than to wish for such luck.
With a crash, the door behind them slammed shut and the door ahead slid open. A torrent of monsters quickly scrambled their way into the room, most holding bows, trained on their prey.
"At last, something I can handle!" Wars chuckled to himself, drawing his sword.
He quickly tried to put some distance between himself and his brothers, but the chamber was still farily narrow. They could only really stand four or five abreast at best. Not great when a swarm of bokos and some kind of large red beetle with tentacles for legs, was trying to cut them off from each other. Wars decided he'd ask about them later, after he's killed them all.
"Wild you have some bombs on you?!" Four shouted, from the front of the group.
"You know I do!"
That was the last thing Wars remembered before all hell broke lose. Rather than tackling the problem logically and to his mind, safely. Four and their resident wild child, decided to deal with the situation in a different manner. Leaving Wars and Twilight in their current predicament.
"That you Cap?" Twilight wheezed, only succeeding in drawing more dust into his lungs.
"Yeah, I'm here Twi. You alright?" Wars coughed in reply.
"Just about. Le'me see if I can roll onto my back."
Wars heard some strained noises amid Twilight's shuffling. Then the tell-tale sound of Twilight digging through his bag. Good, at least that hadn't been crushed. A moment later, a lantern flickered into life, illuminating their tiny new world. Twilight was covered head to toe in grey dust, a trickle of blood framing the right side of his face. Wars tried to reach out to touch it but found he couldn't move his left arm. Turning his head he found it trapped beneath a piece of carved masonry, a bit of one of the statues he thought.
"Don't move. I've got you," Twilight insisted, in his easy going manner.
Wars felt more reassured than he should have when Twilight shifted over towards him. Looking up at the roof of their tiny prison of stone, Wars could see cracks running through every piece of rock above their heads.
"Be very, very careful what you touch right now Twi." Warriors warned in a hushed voice, the back of his mouth caked in the same dust covering Twilight. "One wrong move could bring this whole thing down on top of us."
"Got it." Twi nodded.
After a few moments he managed to carefully lift the stone off Wars' arm and set it to one side. Wars slowly sat up and tested his arm. It felt like nothing more than a bruise, perhaps a fracture at worst. But at least it wasn't broken.
"How's it feel?" Twi asked, indicating Warriors arm.
"Could be worse. It's not broken. I might try splinting it just in case." Wars replied, already pulling his bag into his lap to search for his medical supplies. "How's your head? You're bleeding."
"Just a bump, my head's fine. I've got a potion for your arm if you'd prefer?" Twi suggested.
"How many do you have at the moment?"
"Four, I've been trying to keep them stocked up since that day."
"Well at least you learnt something from the experience!" Wars sighed.
"Hey, you want the potion or not?!" Twi asked, feeling a little defensive.
"Sorry yes, that would be great. Besides, there's not enough light or space in here for me to work properly anyway," said Wars, as he took the bottle from Twilight.
"Nah, I've seen you patch up the lot of us in worse situations than this. I bet you could do stitches with your eyes shut these days!"
"Kind of you to say, but I don't think I'll try it any time soon. Legend already hates needles as it is. I doubt he'd look too kindly at me if I tried stitching him up without looking!"
Wars chuckled a little, taking a few slow sips of the glittering red potion. He tucked his knees into a more comfortable sitting position and put his bag down by his side. After he finished off the potion, Wars handed the bottle back to Twi. He could already feel it working. The familiar magic coursing through his veins, knitting bone and muscle back together and healing the surface bruising to his arm.
Everything was so quiet. Inside their little cave were the soft sounds of their own breathing and heart beats hammering in their ears. Beyond the stone above them there was nothing. The columns and statues which had collapsed in the blasts, only rested a few inches above their heads.
"Looks like we might be in here for a while, until the others can dig us out of here. You going to be okay?" Wars asked, giving his companion a discerning look.
"I'll be alright. I'll just try not to think about it too much. Small spaces are one thing. Small spaces I can't get out of... Well, I'll try not to think about it."
Silence descended over the pair as they waited for rescue in what ever form it might take. Wars didn't mind small spaces, he had spent his youth in a box room with one bed and a sibling to share it with. Then in the army he'd been squeezed into barracks with dozens of other men and women. Space was a luxury he'd learned to do without. But Twilight, Twilight was used to mountainous regions and vast fields rimmed by forest trails. Wars could only imagine how hard it must be for the Rancher to sit still and be patient in such a cramped place.
"Tell me what you're thinking," Wars uttered, when the silence and the pained expression on Twilight's face was too much for him to bare.
"I was thinking about my home," Twilight sighed, a little of the tension leaving his face.
"Ordon?" Wars asked.
"Before that. See, not many people know this, but I didn't grow up in Ordon. I tried my best to make it my home. And it was the place I found the most peace in my life. But I only lived there for a year and a half before the Twilight beasts attacked."
"Where did you live before that?" Wars questioned with a frown.
"A place that doesn't exist anymore. A border city between Hyrule and the desert. It... I... It vanished. I was the only survivor." Twilight's voice peatered out, as his gaze dropped to the floor.
"I'm sorry Twi, I had no idea."
"S'alright. You couldn't have known. Heck, hardly anyone back home knew about it either. After I lost my home I wandered Hyrule trying to disappear myself. I found Ordon instead. Rusl and Uli took me in and Ilia helped me find my way. I thought I might have found some peace, some escape from the darkness. But it ended up finding me anyway." Twilight explained, his gaze still fixed on the lamp in front of him.
"Seems that's the way for us Hero types. The moment we get a moments peace the Goddesses see fit to shatter it." Wars sighed, fiddling with the corner of his tunic.
"What about you, I know you were a soldier. But what about before that? Where'd you grow up?" Twilight asked, lifting his gaze to look at Wars.
"On the edges of Castle Town. I'm afraid my story isn't as tragic or exciting as yours though Twi." Wars tried to deflect Twilight's question.
"Tell me anyway," Twilight insisted softly.
"Well," Wars said, letting out a deep sigh. "We didn't just live on the edge of town, we lived on the margins too. My father was a drunk and my mother worked making textiles. My father used to beat my sister and my mother when his temper would get the better of him. As soon as I was big enough to put myself between them and his fists, that's exactly what I did. Got plenty of bruises and belt slaps for it. But I never felt sorry for myself. I'd rather take on his drunken ire, than let him take it out on them. I ended up enrolling in the army at fifteen."
"Fifteen?! Bit young weren't you?!" Twi bulked at the idea of a skinny fifteen year old Link thrusting himself into the world of drills and steel.
"That's what the recruitment agent said." Wars nodded. "But I asked to show them what I could do and I must have impressed someone because the next day I got my summons to the barracks. My first paycheck went to renting a room for my mother and sister. I didn't care what happened to my father. Even when one of our old neighbours told us that he'd passed, I felt no loss. I didn't cry or mourn him. All he'd done was help bring me into the world, he hadn't tried to make it a kind place for me."
"I'm sorry. I remember the guilt and the loss I felt after I lost my family. I don't think I ever quite got over it."
"At least you had people around you who cared for you and loved you like one of their own. The army may be a great place to build bonds of friendship, but it's a hard place to find love."
Twilight quirked an eyebrow.
"You never found anyone among your fellow soldiers?" He asked, Wars snorted a laugh.
"There were a couple while I was going through training. A girl who came from the same side of the city as me. We bonded over terrible parents. When I was assigned my first posting, there was a guy who fell head over heels for me. I broke his heart when I couldn't commit. Broke mine too, but I just wasn't ready."
Wars looked over at his companion, staring back at him.
"Sorry, you probably don't want to hear about my past daliances."
"S'okay. I only really had one before you," Twilight shrugged.
"Midna?" Wars asked in a small voice.
"Yeah, Midna." Twi echoed, dropping his gaze once more.
"You really loved her didn't you?" Wars asked tentatively, ready to beat a hasty retreat if Twi wasn't willing to talk.
"I didn't know it until it was too late. Maybe if I'd understood my feelings sooner, maybe I wouldn't have just stood there..."
He paused, trailing off into his own thoughts. Wars waited, he didn't want to interrupt Twilight if he decided to continue speaking.
"If I could take anything back. Could go back and change what I did, it would be that moment. I would at least say goodbye."
"You never said goodbye?" Wars breathed, shock plain on his face. Twilight shook his head.
"I didn't realise what she was going to do. I just... I was a fool." Twi uttered, his words getting caught in his throat.
"Hey, you're not a fool. Alright. You've changed since then too. I remember that night you and Sky were trying to cheer me up. And you certainly did that and then some!" Wars remarked.
"Hmm, it took a lil prompting from you to get the Goron rolling though. Don't think I would have said anything if you hadn't first Cap." Twilight admitted, gently shaking his head.
"Well, I'm so very glad you did. You've made this whole journey a lot more bareable Twi," Wars insisted, the truth of his words plainly written in his smile. "I love the others dearly, like family. But how I feel about you. It's a kind of love I didn't think heroes were allowed."
"I know what you mean. It's like, I know you can more than handle yourself in a fight, but I'm still scared to lose you. Because, I don't want this feeling to end." Twilight spoke quickly, afraid he wouldn't get the right words out otherwise.
"I feel the same way. I'd be devastated if any of the boys... If we lost anyone. But if I lost you now, I don't know what I'd do." Wars echoed Twilight's thoughts and both found each others gaze for a moment.
"Then we watch each other's backs, and we make the most of the peace we get in between the bouts of storm. Right?" Twilight declared, daring to raise his voice for a moment.
"Right. Business as usual for us heroes then!" Wars chuckled.
"Haha, yeah, I guess so!" Twi huffed with a laugh.
Wars smiled and braced himself on his good arm as he leaned towards Twilight. He closed his eyes and pressed a soft kiss to Twi's lips. He tasted of dust and sweat, but the gentle contact eased his mind. Twilight returned the kiss, and cupped Wars' cheeks with his hands. Twi kissed him again, a little firmer, before drawing away to rest his forehead on Wars'.
Just as Twi was about to open his mouth to speak, they heard something. A scratching, scraping noise. Like metal against earth. It was difficult to tell what direction the noise was coming from, and both Wars and Twilight's eyes were on the rocks above them. Which is why when Sky broke through the ground beneath them, they both jumped out of their skins.
"Woh! Easy! It's just me, it's Sky!" The chosen hero quickly tried to reassure his brothers. Talking as though he were trying to soothe a scared loftwibg.
Sky was filthy, covered in more dirt than Twilight, but he beamed from ear to ear. As recognition dawned on Wars and Twi's faces they relaxed. Letting go of each other's hands, which they seemed to have grabbed on instinct. Sky just smiled sweetly at them and made no comment. After getting over the shock, Warriors noticed the strange gloves the Skyloftian was wearing. They were bulky and long curved claws protruded out of them.
"Sky!" Twilight breathed, "Spirits! How did you get in here?!"
"I dug a tunnel under the rubble. Sorry it took me a while, these mits can dig through pretty much anything but the floor in here is pretty tough. I came as fast as I could. We were all just hoping you hadn't been crushed. I'm so glad you're both alright."
Wars couldn't help but smile at the relieved expression on Sky's face. He made a mental note not to ever let Sky play cards with Wind. That was a victory he was well prepared to rob from the sailor.
Once Warriors and Twilight had crawled along behind Sky through his tunnel, they emerged at the far end of the chamber they had been trapped in. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found the rest of the Chain anxiously waiting for them. Behind him however, the carnage laid out before them was extensive. In fact, Twilight was convinced it was a miracle he and Wars were still alive at all.
"I didn't think it had worked!" Wild's voice was muffled as he crashed into Twilight, pulling him into a vice like hug. "The bomb bounced off one of those bugs and hit the column. After that, everything started falling apart. I saw the rubble heading in your direction. I managed to halt some of it with the slate before it fell. Just hoped it wouldn't crush you before the rest fell on top. I'm so sorry Twi!"
"Hey, it's okay Wild. The Captain and I are both fine. We're both alive and as far as I can see everyone else is too. You did well to stop that rubble, that was real quick thinking." Twilight quickly tried to reassure his prodege. "We're okay cub, everyone's okay."
As Wars watched the pair of them in their embrace he felt a strange pressure on his hand. He looked down to see that Sky was holding onto him as well. Not as fiercely as Wild was hugging Twilight. But he was there all the same, holding onto Wars, his intent clear.
"Don't you ever scare us like that again Captain," Sky warned, his voice low. Still looking ahead as he spoke.
"I'll try not to. We just keep taking care of each other. All of us. And we'll get through this."
"Yeah, I hope you're right."
< Chap 4 : Chap 6 >
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ordonianhero · 1 year
Story time
Cw: mention of harassment
When I was in high school around early 2000s I joined “gay straight alliance”. During that time I studied the numbers of those apart of the lgbtq+ were discriminated against in schools when identifying as lgbtq+ and how schools felt with that. It grabbed the attention to our local news paper asking me to make a commentary piece in it. Mind you I was a junior in high school.
I wrote the piece with facts and proof how it was still on going. How schools need to change their policy on “S.H.” To included those apart of the lgbtq+ community. We brought a visual with desks that showed what daily life was like for those who are lgbtq and stories of people murdered based on their sexual and gender identity.
That summer school changed their policy, adding sexuality and identity of lgbtq+ being included based on things I said and did. In my senior year. I was saved by said policy. And here is how. I was in a class where I helped with disabled teens (since I couldn’t do p.e. For my health) there was a student who I friended and who begin reporting false reports I was making advanced on her. This was only when she found out I was a trans. Every day I was pulled out of class for false reports.
On Halloween i was nearly kicked from school till my parents slept in and explained what was going on since apparently nobody else would listen to me. I was was having panic attacks over this. Like imagine this. You’re in a class and being pulled out of it by a police officer to tell you to quit making advances on someone who you weren’t making advances towards. Yeah. That!
The school then finally recognized I was the true victim. Sadly their way of dealing with it was locking me in a class room for my safety I stead of dealing with the student making the false reports. My friends (bless them) took me side and went after the person and called them out on their behavior once they knew what happened.
The person left our school. This person used their religious belief to S.H. Me and make false reports because they thought they could get away with it. So…….
With all that going on in the Linked universe with this server. And then publicly posting (we got recites idiots) of their true behavior and such. Reminds me of this all over again. So no! I Will not let this happen again. NO WHERE IN YOUR RELIGION GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO TARGET US IN THIS FANDOM. YOUR VIEW IS FAKE NEWS! (Also don’t quote the Bible, cause Bible was written like a fanfiction by people who had no connection to god/goddesses.)
So this my personal experience on this issue. Do I hate religion. No. I think religion is good in helping people better themselves in a spiritual side. However nowhere does religion excuse the amount of judgment a person makes. God/Goddesses love you no matter who you are. If your lgbtq+ they love you. If you believe differently (region wise) they love you. Racially different, you were loved.
Along the line of schools showing porn to children, people who have been found to be false. In elementary all we learned in separate gender classes about what to expect from our body changes. Middle school to high school was about being smart and using protection and about sexual transmitted disease. Nothing bout sexuality. Which was hardly touched on. Nothing pornagraphic! Doubt they are doing that even now! Your proof and reports are in fake reports. So hi. We are calling you out because you’re the reason majority of those who identify as lgbtq+ and such are the target of misinformation and people with dangerous ideology. Ones where many may ender their life due to your comments. To lot worst. So don’t “@“ me. I won’t respond, but will expose you, so people know who not to trust.
I am here to protect my fellow people. You didn’t need to say what you said, because now we all know in a app and fandom surrounded by people of all walks of life. Who we know not to trust. Don’t want to make it politics, well fuck. That was on you when you publicly announced the server. “Don’t like pride on a political commercial” guess what. Many died to make pride to happen. That ain’t political or commercial. That was wanting equality rights. To be allowed to love who they love and not be thrown in jail over it. Gay marriage, I can’t tell you how sad it is that people are so stuck thinking gay marriage ruins those who are straight. It harms no one. You’re the one worrying how it impacts you.
Gender affirming surgery is necessary. I know each state delt with that differently and yes a small percentage detransition. However Majora is medically necessary. Many doctors refuse to do surgery on those who are of teenage, unless parental okay and a clinical counselor signs off it is needed so this person gets ontop of hormone therapy. You facts are incorrect and done by people who have been found incredible.
So go on, play like we don’t know or seen your true shit. Your facts are false. Your language is harmful and we ain’t throwing an tantrum. We are calling you out. Your views are false views based of fake documents. And if your religion truely telling you to discriminated a whole community of folks based of how they are. That ain’t a religion.
Any ways. Enjoy your life. Must be hard to spend so much you life hating people based on fake shit.
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orcusnoir · 11 months
"You know what I hate?" The Champion asked to no one in particular as he watched over the slow boiling pot of stew.
"Uh... Not having enough spices?" The Captain asked from his seat at the table.
Wild gave a nod. "Not what I was going for, but yes."
"Then what do you hate, Champ?" Wars asked while glancing over to the Vet. Legend was currently trying to stack his fork and knife on top of each other to no avail.
"How do I put this?" Wild tapped his chin in thought.
"As bluntly as you can." Hyrule chimed in.
"Fair enough. Why are certain clothes locked to certain people? It's fucking cloth." Wild complained with a laugh.
At first Wars was going to chide Wild for the language, but... He just couldn't. Wild had a point here.
"FINALLY!" Wind's loud voice startled Wars a bit as the Sailor had been awfully quiet in his seat. "Tetra and I both hate that stupid shit. What do you mean I can't wear heels? I'm trying to feel tall, and Tetra hates heels, and so somebody has to wear them."
"Tell me about it." Wild started. "Zelda let me try on one of her old royal dresses, don't ask how they survived a hundred years, and somebody had issues with that."
The Captain just laughed. Damn those social rules indeed. Wild in a dress wasn't something he was expecting to hear about today, but it was something that he could picture.
And the Champion would rock that dress.
"Heh, I've been thinking those rules were stupid since I knew they existed. So, since I was nine." Time joined the conversation. "I didn't even know what the big deal was back then."
"I'd ask how, but I'm afraid the answer would be too confusing." Twilight said.
"Oh, not at all, I was raised by forest spirits and a giant tree." The Old Man nonchalantly explained. "They didn't have concepts like "male" and "female." So imagine my confusion."
A claim that he made often but never elaborated on. Everyone, besides the Captain and Wind, thought it was a lie or a ruse.
Warriors just laughed, he couldn't help it.
"Oh little Mask and his insisting that he's a tree." Wars felt everyone's eyes turn to him.
Time laughed loudly. "You made that corporals life hell."
"I did not have time for that guy's bullshit. We are in the middle of a fucking war, if the kid says he's a tree then he's a fucking tree." Wars started to lose his composure from all of his laughing.
"What do you mean by "he's a tree"?" Sky asked while scratching his head.
"Again, I was raised by forest spirits." Time explain. "You lot, besides two, think this a lie. It's not."
"Time, your life profoundly confuses me." Sky said. "So they assigned you a tree?"
Time nodded.
"Instead of anything else?"
Another nod.
"Not like a boy tree? Just a tree?"
Another nod. "Two trees, to be exact. But yes."
"Two trees?"
"Maple and oak, to be exact."
Wars just watch the conversation with a grin. Oh, poor Sky. He must be feeling the same confusion that he and the Sailor had during the war.
"I feel so understood." Rulie said with the widest smile imaginable. "I'm just a Fae." He shrugged as the others turned to face him. "Not the legend kind of Fae. I was raised by Fairies."
"Well, now you can be a Fae tree. How lovely." Time stated with a laugh.
"What kinda tree?"
"Hmmm, you and the Captain both have the same one. Pine, and you can have maple too. As a treat."
"A Fae pine and maple tree. Nice."
"Are we just gonna brush over the fact that Wars already has a tree identity?" Legend asked.
"I do too!" Wind but in. "Take a guess, it's so obvious."
"Uh...Palm tree?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.
"What tree am I then?" Wild asked while seasoning a few cuts of meat.
"Willow." Time and Warriors both spoke at the same time.
"Damn, that was fast."
"You had this conversation before, hadn't you?" Sky asked while keeping his gaze locked to Wars. "So tell us our trees."
"Oh, alright, I'll try to remember all the specifics. It's been a while." Time laughed while tapping his fingers on the table.
"It all reminds me of the Minish. They have leaves instead of trees, though." Four, who had been quietly observing this whole time, finally spoke up.
"Oh, the Kokiri had leaves too. That's a whole other thing."
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groovygrub · 1 month
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a small assortment of lyrics that make me think of...Them....
(claw machine by sloppy jane; hurricane by lord huron; kyoto by phoebe bridgers; ends of the earth by lord huron; my city by better oblivion community center; psychic wound by king woman)
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Do you think their periods ever synced up?
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raycatz · 25 days
Green laying on the ground with the colors around him after having just successfully pulled off a "Vio knocks you out with the butt of his sword to convince the bad guys he's actually evil fr pt. 2"
Green: I've had enough of being pummeled in the gut. No more!
Red: Pommeled?
Green laugh coughs and then groans
Green: nooo it hurts to laugh
They all laugh at him. Red is incredibly incredibly pleased with himself.
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phantom-vex · 1 year
Some more extra bullshit from the LU Conservative “Safe Haven”
The PDF document I am about to link was provided to me by a friend, who asked me to post it as to not attract attention to their own blog. 
To any snoopers who may be watching - the friend isn’t even present in these screenshots, so good fucking luck banning then. 
Some content warnings for the following PDF:
- Discussions of QAnon
- Brief mentions of anti-semitism 
- HUGE trigger warning for pro-life talking points (baby murder, abortion regret, making a literal child carry a baby to term), plus a frustrating lack of scientific knowledge and overall lack of empathy for rape victims.
I am posting this to both expose some of the members for their uneducated and unempathetic opinions, and to shine a light on their claim that they “welcome civil discussion” - they do not. They frequently ignore sources or statements by other members, asking questions that were already answered in responses prior, proving that they just aren’t listening. Any defense they make in a public statement on Tumblr about being welcoming and civil is outright bullcrap. 
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spookypanda04 · 1 year
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autism-disco · 1 year
*queers you into oblivion*
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can we ask about ur family's curse
according to my great grandma it was cast on her grandma by a neighbor with the evil eye - "your daughters will marry their fathers and your sons will become them"
which is really just a fancy way of describing the cycle of abuse and therefore worked very well, generally going into effect before the kid in question turned 21
so my matrilineal family tree winds up a fractured, miserable mess, lots of young marriages and parents falling apart generation after generation, serial toxic marriages with generations of kids scattered across the whole state in foster homes - very nasty stuff
until it gets to me (firstborn in my generation of cousins) and by the time im twenty one i am 1. both daughter and son and neither 2. extremely aspec and queer
which apparently this neighbor did not conceive of when casting her eye and seems to have simply error messaged the curse into oblivion. no one born after me has had this problem. all their romantic relationships are loving (though i would never claim them perfect) and their children adored. fairytale loopholed so hard the damn thing disintegrated. its the funniest magic story i have lmao
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campfiretaxidriver · 1 year
I think my now sister in Law has a personal vendetta against me and a goal to out me, even though she doesn’t know what’s going on with me even a little. So I think in return I’ll let her try to out me and make her out to be the bigot when she find out part of my family already Knows, just not her and my brother because I Do Not Trust Them
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links-in-time · 2 months
Twilight Warriors - Chapter 3
This chapter was inspired by @st0rmyskies chapter of Sky, Wild, Wars and Twi on Wind's private island.
A little precursor to how Wars and Twi first found out about Wild's Gerudo outfit.
Usual 🔞 warnings.
Nonbinary characters and sexual content
After their first night together in the single bed of a twin bed room, Warriors and Twilight found it difficult to spend time alone together. The Chain spent three days in Hyrule's era, silently stalking through the stark forests and sprinting across open land. Trying to find time for romance while facing the constant threat of discovery and danger, was almost impossible.
Hyrule's bolt holes were hardly comfortable places to rest either. Chosen specifically because he was usually alone and on the run, the cave they were currently spending the night in was cramped and cold. All of the boys had bunched up together to squeeze into the tiny hole in the rock. Causing tempers to frey as elbows connected with ribs and heads were kicked by the occasional boot.
"Your foot is in my back Sky!" Legend grumbled, folded in on himself to avoid too much contact with the others.
"Maybe your back is on my foot?!" Sky hissed, uncharacteristically snarkey in such an awkward position.
Warriors turned over on his side to come face to face with Twilight. The Rancher was half sitting with his back against the curved wall of the cave. A blanket behind his head for a little comfort.
"You okay?" He uttered, not wanting to incur the wrath of any of the other snoozing heros.
Warriors shrugged, continuing his attempt at trying to find some sort of comfortable position.
"You can put your head on me if that would help?" Twi suggested.
For a moment Wars froze, considering Twilight's suggestion. His eyes roamed over the other boys he could make out in the gloom of the cave. Everyone was doggedly trying to ignore everyone else. No one seemed to be interested in their half whispered exchange. Wars nodded and shuffled a little closer to Twilight. Settling his head on Twilight's lap, Warriors neck instantly felt better. He was much less cramped this way, and he would always take any opportunity to snuggle up to Twilight that he could.
On Twilight's other side, Wild was curled up in a large blanket, embroidered with Rito designs. At the sound of movement, he opened one eye. He raised an eyebrow at finding Warriors head laid peacefully on Twilight's lap. Wild hadn't thought the two men were close enough to have slept so snugly together. But then Wild wasn't the best observer of human behaviour. He smiled softly at the thought of his brothers closeness and drifted off to sleep.
No one would ever say anything to Hyrule, but the Chain were practically buzzing with excitement at the thought of leaving his era. When the portal opened up in the trail ahead of them, Wind practically sprinted towards it. Four was hot on his heels, followed by the rest of the boys. However, when Warriors stepped out onto the other side of space and time, he stopped dead in his tracks.
He had been one of the last to go through, Time being the only one behind him. Yet the top of the mountain on which he stood, only had two other occupants. Warriors spun around to find a ramshackle building behind him, but no Time. No anyone. Only Wild and Twilight stood nearby, clearly having the same kind of crisis as they considered what might have happened to the rest of their brothers.
"What the hell just happened?" Twilight grunted, pointing firmly at the spot where the portal had just been. But where now the ancient tech lab now stood. "Where is everyone else?!"
"They were right there with us when we went through," Warriors responded, trying to keep a level head and approach the problem logically. "It's unlikely they've gone too far."
"Come on, you don't know that!" Twilight retorted, a hint of desperation in his voice. "They could be literally anywhere or anywhen! Ah, just thinking about that hurts my head. I'm no good with the time travel stuff!"
The crackle of static brought them all out of their panic. Wild looked down at his hip to find the slate screen glowing. When he picked it up the others crowded around to see what was going on. A sporadically flickering image of Wind, or rather, Wind's eyes and nose, was blown up on the screen.
"Wind!" Wild exclaimed, gripping the slate tightly in both hands. "You're using your pendant! Where are you? Are the others with you?"
"Yeah the-e here. But - don't know where Warriors and Twilight - ," Wind responded, his voice breaking up over the connection.
"They're fine, they're both here with me," Wild assured him.
"Wind, is everyone else with you?" Warriors interjected.
"Yeah. But we're not sure where we are. Some kind of canyon, there's huge rocks down here but not much else."
While Wind tried to pick out more features of the landscape, Wild consulted his map to try and pin point their location.
"I think you might be in Trilby Valley. Which isn't that far away from where we are. But it's a bit of a walk to Hateno from there. I should warn you there's a Talus in that valley."
"Can Time here us Wind?" Wars asked.
"I can hear you Captain." Time's voice replied in the background.
"What do you want us to do? Should we come find you?" Wars suggested.
They could hear a muffled conversation as the line cut out for a moment. But when it came back they could hear Time much more clearly.
"You lads stay where you are. If I remember rightly Wild has a house in Hateno, don't you."
"Yeah I do."
"Well then, we'll find our way to you and meet you there. If we're not with you in two days you can come looking for us. Sound good to you Captain?" Time concluded.
"Sounds like a good plan. Take care of yourselves," Warriors nodded.
As Wind ended the connection to Wild's slate, Warriors caught Twilight's eye. He could tell in the sudden heat of his gaze, the man was having a similar thought to him. With the rest of the Chain a few days away and mostly out of harms way, they could finally spend some time alone together. Of course, that plan had been scuppered before it could even be spoken aloud. It was one thing using a stealth enchantment on a locked door. Another entirely to try and gain a moment of privacy in Wild's wall-less house!
Warriors sighed internally as he resigned himself to the fact that, there just wasn't going to be any time for romance in the foreseeable future.
Wild lead the others down the hill towards Hateno. It wasn't the heroes first trip to the village, but people still stopped and stared at the strange men from out of town, who bore a striking resemblance to their hero. When they reached Wild's house and unloaded their gear inside, Wild announced that he had run out of fire wood. Without it they wouldn't be able to have a fire or a hot meal for supper. Twilight was eager to volunteer to go chop wood. A nudge and a wink from Twi later, Wars decided he'd go and give him a hand. As long as Wild didn't need his help with anything else.
"No it's okay. There's some stuff I'd like to do around the house anyway. I'll make a start on dinner then I'll cook everything when you guys get back with the wood." Wild insisted, ushering the pair out the door and thrusting a wood-cutters axe into Twilight's hands.
A little taken aback by their abrupt expulsion from the house, Twilight and Warriors exchanged confused glances.
"What d'you think that was about?" Twi asked.
"Don't know," Wars shrugged, "but I'm hardly going to be the one to invade someone's privacy in his own home."
The issue put to one side, Twilight and Wars saught out the woods on the outskirts of Hateno. Just beyond the village arch was a copse of trees where a few had fellen, perfect for firewood. Twilight took off his tunic and mail and tested the weight of the axe in his hands before lifting it high and swinging it into the trunk at his feet. It embedded itself with a satisfying thunk, chipping off a large section of the thick bark.
While Twilight set about turning the large log into smaller sections, Warriors settled himself on the soft grass and watched. He watched as Twilight hefted each swing of the axe and landed it precisely on top of the last cut he had made. He watched as beads of sweat began to trickle down his face, his hair starting to stick to his forehead. It didn't take very long before even his shirt was sticking to Twilight's upper arms and chest. Clinging to his sweat soaked skin in the best of ways.
After about half an hour, Twilight had cut the log into three sections and was about to start the process of splitting them into smaller logs suitable for burning. Before he lifted his axe again his gaze wandered over to Warriors lounging on the grass.
"Are you just going to sit over there looking gorgeous, or are you going to help with this?" Twi huffed, taking deep breaths.
"I could help cut wood, but strength isn't exactly where my skills lie," Warriors replied, a softness to his voice.
"Don't sell yourself short little knight. I know where your skills lie!" Twi replied with a wink.
The corner of Warriors mouth curled and his eyes remained locked onto Twilight's, as he crawled the short distance towards him.
"Hmm, I was going to give my big strong wood cutter some praise, but after he called me 'little Knight', I'm not sure if he deserves it now!" Wars teased, coming to kneel right in front of where Twilight stood.
"I'm deeply sorry my love. I'll never say the like again," Twilight promised, pouting in mock humility.
"Good, because I'd hate to have to deny you in the future. For know though, I think I can forgive you."
As Wars spoke, his hands slid up the sides of Twilight's legs, up towards his hips. They tugged for a moment on the belt around his trousers while Warriors eyes lingered on Twilight's face.
"I think you deserve a little reward for all the hard work you've done!" Wars cooed softly, emphasising the word 'hard'.
"Wars," Twi chuckled, looking down at Warriors hungry eyes. "What if somebody sees?"
"No one's going to see. And I can't keep waiting anymore," Warriors sighed, deft fingers working away at Twilight's belt buckle.
He waisted little time in unbuttoning Twilight's trousers and working them and his underwear half way down his thighs. Twilight resigned himself to Wars' ministrations, leaning back against a nearby tree to support himself. Wars meanwhile licked a long stripe up Twilight's cock, from tip to base. Twilight shuddered, finally dropping the handle of the axe and allowing it to fall to the side.
Warriors rested his hands on Twilight's hips as he took his lover's cock into his eager mouth. He could feel Twilight swell and harden against his tongue. As he began to slather Twi's shaft with his tongue, Wars hollowed his cheeks.
"Gah!" Twi exclaimed, his hands flying to entangle his fingers in Warriors hair.
He bucked his hips forwards and Warriors reflected his enthusiasm, bobbing his head back and forth. Twi endeavoured to keep still and grounded himself against the tree at his back. But Warriors hot wet mouth kept pulling him up, up and into the realms of pleasure. Heat and desire coiled around Twilight's core, making him grip Wars' hair tighter. All the while fighting the urge to thrust into Warriors mouth and chase his own pleasure. Wars picked up speed, his lips sliding up and down the length of Twilight's cock as he brought him closer and closer to release. With his cock in the back of Wars' mouth, Twilight felt his orgasm flood through him. Wars milked him for all he was worth, until Twilight slumped back against the tree.
Wars drew back and wiped his chin on the back of his sleeve. He looked up at Twilight with eyes filled with adoration. When Twilight finally came back to himself he stared down at Warriors through half lidded eyes.
"Link," Twilight sighed, "you know you're pretty good at that." He paused to huff out a laugh. "You're amazing at that!"
Warriors pushed himself up onto his feet and pressed himself against Twilight's body, his lips brushing Twi's ear.
"I'd do all sorts of amazing things for you my dear," he uttered.
The simple sentence sent a fresh wave of desire shuddering through Twilight's body. But before he could even think about reciprocating, Warriors drew away and perched himself on one of the cut logs.
"Now, you've had your treat. How about you finnish cutting wood for Wild?" He prompted, patting the little pile beside him.
"You," Twi paused, a half meant curse teatering on his lips. But the saccharin smile plastered across his face was enough for Twilight to fall silent.
Without another word Twilight rearranged his clothes, picked up the axe and made short work of splitting the logs. Once the bulk of the work had been done the pair set about picking up arm fulls of logs each, competing a little to see who could carry the most. Wars knew Twi would win any day, but that wasn't the point. Arms laiden with logs, and the axe strapped to Twilight's back, he and Warriors walked back up the hill to Wild's house.
Evening had drawn in during their little expedition and the sun began to drop below the horizon just as they reached the top of the hill. They dumped the wood in the shed behind the house, bringing a basket of wood to the front door. Inside, Wild was happily humming away at the kitchen counter. At least, they thought it was Wild.
Standing in the little kitchenett of Wild's house was a short young woman, wearing what appeared to be Gerudo clothing in vibrant hues of turquoise and purple. Her shoulder length hair hung freely around her neck, as she swayed side to side, clearly lost in her task.
"Wild?" Twilight asked tentatively, taking a step into the house.
The figure by the counter spun around so quickly, they dropped the knife they had been holding and backed up into the cupboard behind them. With a crash Wild turned to face their guests.
"I didn't think you'd be back so quickly!" Wild exclaimed, shock and fear evident in their wide eyes. "I'll go change!"
Wild began to hurry across the room. Warriors and Twilight stood stunned, still as statues as they watched Wild cross the space. Or rather try to. In their haste, Wild caught their foot on a chair sticking out from the dining table and fell forwards onto hands and knees. The comotion snapped Wars and Twi out of their confusion. Twilight deposited the basket of logs by the kitchen while Warriors went to help Wild.
"Are you okay? You didn't hurt yourself did you? And you're lucky you didn't drop that knife on your foot earlier!" Wars started checking Wild over for bumps and scrapes. But it was always difficult with Wild, given the extent of their scars.
"You startled me, I didn't want..." Wild started, but trailed off, avoiding Warriors eye.
"Didn't want what Wild?" Wars frowned.
"Didn't want you to see me," Wild mumbled, now tugging a little at the short sarrong around their hips.
"Because of what you're wearing?" Wars asked further, trying to sound less concerned and add a little softness to his voice.
Wild nodded. Twilight appeared at Warriors side and pulled out one of the dining chairs to sit on.
"I think I remember this outfit," he said, screwing up his brows as he tried to draw on his memory.
"I was hoping you wouldn't," Wild grumbled, arms now crossed over the little top covering their chest.
"So do I," Wars affirmed, "we thought it was for your girlfriend! Looks like we got that wrong. But, if you don't mind us asking. Why are you wearing it now?"
"It's complicated," Wild replied, still refusing to meet either of their eyes.
"You don't have to explain if you don't want to Champ," Twilight tried to assure him. He wanted to reach out and give Wild a friendly smack on the shoulder, but somehow with Wild in this outfit, he didn't feel that was the right thing to do.
"I got the outfit on my first adventure," Wild sighed. "I had to get into Gerudo Town but they don't allow men. The easiest thing I could do was disguse myself as a vai to go about what I needed to do. When everything was over, I dunno, I just kept the outfit. When I thought about getting rid of it, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Walking around in Gerudo Town, with no one questioning who I was presenting myself to be, it felt really nice. So, sometimes when I feel like I need it, I put this on, I brush my hair and I get to feel like a... well, like a girl sometimes."
Wild paused their explanation, finally looking up through his fringe at his fellow heroes. Neither of them said anything, and their expressions gave away nothing of what they were thinking. Wild knew what they were thinking. He was a joke. What must he look like to them? Standing there in his skimpy little outfit, which perfectly accentuated his hips. He wanted to hide, to sink into the floor. To drop down into the well behind the house and never come back out again. His gaze and his heart dropped to the floor and he stood unmoving, waiting for the laughter to begin. They had teased him before for simply owning the outfit, he couldn't bear waiting to hear what they would say about him wearing it.
"You know, the colour really suits you Wild," Warriors observed. "It matches your eyes. Doesn't it Twi?"
"I'll say, and who knew you had that kind of figure hiding under your tunic this whole time!" Twi chuckled, but there was no teasing note, no harsh tone.
Wild chanced a glance up at his friends. They were still looking at him, but the tension seemed to have melted out of their postures. Twilight reclined against the table while Wars leaned slightly against the back of Twilight's chair.
"You, you don't think it's weird?" Wild asked, still clutching his arms tightly around his body.
"Why would we think it's weird?" Wars asked, hands on his hips. "Did someone tell you its weird?"
"Well, not exactly. But it just, doest feel like something a hero should do you know."
Twilight and Wars exchanged a look of understanding. At some point both of them had silently questioned the wisdom of their relationship. Not to mention how it might look to others. Both their close friends and families would accept their sexual preferences. However Wars knew from personal experience how hard it could be to keep people on side when it came to the preconceived image of the hero. Zelda had been very supportive of him when he'd come out to her, but it didn't sound as though Wild had told anyone about this.
"No one else knows about this, do they Wild?" Wars asked softly.
Wild shook his head.
"Well, you're not the only one hiding things that make you happy," Wars began, shifting his gaze from Wild to Twilight.
Twi raised an eyebrow and shot Wars a look which seemed to say 'are you gonna tell him?' The answer appeared to be that, yes, he was.
"Twilight and I have grown a lot closer lately," Warriors continued. Twilight snorted a little laugh at the memory of just how close they had been in the woods that evening. "Quite a lot closer actually. And since you've told us something very personal about yourself, I think it's only fair you know something about us."
"Us? You mean you two are...?" Wild looked from Wars to Twilight and back again.
"Yes, we're... We'll, I don't quite know what we are but we both have strong feelings for each other. And in the last few weeks we've, been finding comfort in each other." Wars looked down at Twilight as he captured his hand with his own. Twi lifted it to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to Warriors knuckles.
"So you're... you're not going to tell the rest of the guys about my secret? Are you?" Wild asked nervously, his previous confidence shrinking away.
Twilight winced a little at the thought of keeping secrets. After all, he himself was concealing a rather large part of himself from the rest of the Chain nevermind his lover.
"Of course not. If you don't want anyone else to know it's not our place to say anything."
"What Wars said," Twilight affirmed. "If this is somethin that makes you happy Wild, who are we to stop it."
"Thanks, that really means a lot to me. And, since we're talking about this. If you don't mind, when I'm dressed like this, could you refer to me as she or her. Wild is still fine but I prefer to be seen as a girl."
"O'course we can. Besides, I think you look real fetchin like that Wild," Twilight beamed, fixing Wild with the fondest smile he could mange.
Warriors couldn't help but notice the faint blush which spread from Wild's cheeks up to his ears. No, up to her ears. Wars agreed, Wild was rather pretty in her Gerudo clothes.
"So, are you happy to stay like this while we're here Wild?" Wars asked.
Wild seemed to consider his question for a long time. Her arms unfurled from around her chest and she rested her hands on her hips instead. At last she looked between the two boys and nodded an affirmative.
"Well then!" Wars said with a small clap of his hands. As though they had settled a small matter like who was doing the dishes.
Twilight marvelled at Warriors ability to take on any new information, log it away and move on. It made him quite an amicable friend.
"Is there anything we can do to help with dinner miss?" Wars asked.
A beautifully content smile spread across Wild's face, lighting up her eyes. But she shook her head and indicated that Warriors should take a seat with Twilight. As directed, Wars sat down at the table. The pair watched Wild as she set about lighting a fire under the stove and finished the preparations for dinner. Twilight and Wars chatted contentedly while Wild worked over the cooking pots. Less than half an hour later she walked over with three bowls of curry balanced in her hands. She set them down on the table and joined the boys for their supper.
"Wild this is... really delicious!" Twilight exclaimed, pausing to take a swig of water. "Hot, but really good."
"Where did you get the spice from?" Wars asked, his face a little flushed from the spicy food.
Wild looked down into her bowl for a moment then back up at Wars. She signed the common word for Goron, then pointed to a jar on the kitchen counter.
"From Goron City, huh, that makes sense. I guess rocks probably need a whole lot of seasoning to make them the least bit appetising!" Wars chuckled.
They continued the rest of their meal in relative silence, until Wars and Twilight thanked Wild for yet another delicious meal and she collected up their bowls and empty cups. Warriors watched Wild as she deposited the tablewear in the sink and fetched clean glasses and a large jug of apple cider from a high shelf. She turned and offered the jug to Wars.
"Well since it's just us grownups, I guess it wouldn't hurt to indulge a little," he offered. Taking the jug with eager hands.
Twilight took a cup from Wild and held it out for Warriors to fill.
"Here's to our resident cook, without who we most likely would all be eatin rocks!" Twilight raised the toast.
Wars and Wild took a swig of their cider and Wars nodded along with Twilight's words.
"Are you alright Wild?" Twilight asked. "You've been really quiet all evening."
Wild just shrugged then returned to signing again.
"Don't really like talking like this. Hope that's okay."
"Of course that's okay. Like we said before, we only want you to be comfortable Wild." Wars replied. "Besides, Twi and I both know Hylian sign, so if you need to say something that way it's fine."
Wild nodded and took another sip of her drink. She had remained standing while the others still sat at the dining table. As she drank Wild began to sway on the spot a little. Not from the alcohol, but to some unheard music only she could hear.
"You look like you wanna dance," Twilight observed.
Wild nodded a little.
"I could play something if you like?" Wars offered. "I'm no great musician like Sky or some of the others, but I can play a few tunes on my occarina. Would you like that?"
Wild nodded agin, smiling encouragingly.
Wars took his instrument out of his pack and played a few initial notes. Then he started to play. It was a jolly tune, lively with a repeating melody which one couldn't help but want to dance to. Wild quickly found the rhythm and began to twirl and step lightly around the room. As she moved the golden charms and tastles on her clothes spun and jangled, adding to Warriors playing.
Watching Wild dance, Twilight could almost imagine her in a flowing gown, flowers in her hair, dancing around a grand ballroom. She had the confidence and the grace for such a space. Unlike Wild in his everyday life. Wild who, unless he had a reapon in his hands, was fairly uncoordinated and prone to disappearing off into the countryside without warning.
When Warriors song came to an end Wild was still spinning. He smiled at her unbridled joy and watched as she pirouetted towards Twilight. When she finally stopped, staggering on the spot, the unexpected music of her laughter filled the silence.
Partly to stop Wild falling over, Twilight pulled Wild down onto his lap, where she squirmed a little against his grip around her arms. Eventually she settled down and her fiery gaze met Twilight's cool dark eyes. They stayed that way for a long moment. Wars rested his drink in his lap as he watched the pair by the table, lost in each other's eyes. Inch by inch they drew closer together, Wild's breathing increasing while Twi seemed to be holding his breath. At the last moment they seemed to remember themselves and who they were. Twi turned an apologetic look in Warriors direction.
"Sorry, I think I got a bit carried away there," Twilight sighed.
"Don't apologise to me darling, I never said we were exclusive. And sweet Wild here seems to like you quite a bit." Wars quirked an eyebrow before taking another swig of his drink.
Twilight and Wild turned back to face one another.
"Is that right sweet thing? You like me?" Twilight asked.
When Wild didn't respond Twilight released his grip on one of her hands and pressed his palm into the small of Wild's back. She shunted forwards a little in Twilight's lap, their chests now brushing one another. Wild's eyes were lidded and heavy with want. It was clear the Captain was right, but Twilight wasn't so sure.
"Give me a nod for yes, or a shake for no Wild," Twilight urged, taking on a slightly more serious tone.
It didn't take long for Wild to nod her head. An instant later she closed the distance between herself and Twilight, capturing his lips with a kiss. They remained locked together for a while, enjoying the others taste on their lips. Warriors sat frozen, bewitched by the scene before him. Watching Wild seated in Twilight's lap. Twilight's hands caging her slender body. Wild's long hair hiding their faces as they kissed. Wars had never wanted to be a part of anything more than he did in that moment.
After downing the rest of his drink, Wars got to his feet and made his way around to the other side of the table. Wild acknowleded his presence simply by opening one eye. Her lips hardly ever left Twilight's, save to briefly breathe. Wars was about to place his hands on Wild's shoulders, but he hesitated. He paused to remove his arm bracesrs and gloves, discarding them on the table. He laid his hands on Wild's shoulders, feeling her warm skin beneath his palms. She sighed into Twilight's mouth at the extra attention.
Wars trailed his knuckles softly down Wild's arms. He captured one of her hands with his and raised it to his lips. He began to softly kiss her fingers, the back of her hand, and down her wrist. Wars felt Wild lean back into him slightly as he continued to trail soft kisses up her arm. She moaned gently at the sensation and finally drew away from Twilight's kisses.
Now his Lips had nothing to do, Twilight's hands moved from Wild's waist up to her chest. His rough hands explored the silky slippery fabric of her tiny top. As he rubbed his thumb over her nipple, she shuddered. A small gasp excaped her lips and Twilight grinned.
"You like that sweet girl?" He cooed, leveling his dark eyes at her.
Wild nodded, shying away from his gaze a little.
"I think she does," Wars uttered, before leaving a sucking wet kiss on Wild's neck.
She shuddered again, causing her to slip forwards a little in Twilight's lap.
"You okay Wild?" Twilight asked, raising his voice a little to make sure Wild heard him alright.
She opened her eyes and nodded, smiling softly. Wild rested her head back against Warriors chest, tilting her chin up to look at him.
"Would you like us to continue? We don't have to go any further if you don't want to. But you do seem to be enjoying our attention." Wars asked, looking down at Wild.
Wild removed her hands from Twilight's shoulders and signed for them. It was a little difficult for Wars to read from this angle but he got the gist of it.
"I'm enjoying this. I love the way you both touch me. So long as you're both having fun."
"We like touching you too," Warriors replied, and Wild could feel his words rumbling in his chest. "Before we go any further however, is there anything you'd like us not to do to you?"
Wild didn't have to think about this too much. She asked that they refrain from removing her clothes as much as possible. And that she would let them know if anything was wrong or if it was uncomfortable for her. Reassured, Warriors set about removing his armour and his scarf. They joined the rest of his gear on the table.
Meanwhile, Wild hopped off Twilight's lap and lead him gently towards the rug on the floor at the other end of the room. She signed that the bed would be too small for the three of them anyway. Wild reclined herself on her elbows while Twilight tugged off his tunic and male. Unlike Wars, he didn't care where his clothes ended up. All he knew was that he wanted to take them off. Wild's cosy cottage felt warmer than usual and when the three of them crowded around each other on the rug, the tension between them grew higher and warmer.
Warriors decided it was his turn to treat Wild to some kisses. He cupped her cheek with one hand and scooted himself close to her side. Wars pressed his lips to hers lightly, testing the waters. Her mouth was small and she seemed to take some convincing before she was satisfied to kiss Wars in return. Wars eyebrow twitched in fascination and he doubled his efforts at pleasing Wild.
Twilight was in the process of taking off Wild's delicate little shoes. He treated them with more care than his own clothes, setting them neatly to one side. Twi kissed Wild's bare ankles then slowly began to trail wet kisses up her legs.
Wild's heart was racing. She loved being the centre of attention like this. The more they caressed and worshiped her body, the more they bolstered her ego. Of course, she wanted more than just their soft attentions, but they could build up to that. She quickly found Warriors crotch with her hand. He was hard already, and between her kisses and her hand she felt him twitch at her touch. Wild moved her other hand to her left side where Twilight sat beside her. She found his cock equally excited, straining against his trousers.
She tugged at their belt buckles, switching her gaze from one to the other.
"You want these off?" Twi asked, his voice laced with play and desire.
Wild nodded slowly, batting her eyelids playfully at them.
"Alright, I'm sure we can figure something out to keep you entertained," Wars remarked.
He pulled Wild in for another kiss, slipping his tongue between her lips and holding her in his grasp. When he pulled away Wars found Twilight on his feet, holding out a hand for him. Wars took the offered hand and Twilight pulled him up. Wild pulled a few cushions from the surrounding chairs onto the rug behind her and lounged suggestively against the plump pillows.
Twilight was momentarily distracted by Wild, one arm draped behind her head while she spread her legs a little. Wars grabbed his attention however, when he slid his hands under Twilight's tunic and pulled it over his head. He made quick work of Twi's mail too, dropping it to one side with a shimmer of bronze. Twi took a turn next. He was a little more careful with Wars clothes than he had been with his own. Tugging Warriors tunic off over his head, then gently releasing him from his mail shirt. When Twi began to pull open the laces on Warriors shirt, he moved slowly, deliberately. Too slowly for Wars' liking, but when he looked down at Wild, she seemed to be enjoying the show. Wars erection rubbed against the front of his pants, he dare not look down, but he knew his excitement was obvious to everyone.
Twilight moved behind Wars and tugged his shirt down off his back. He turned Wars slightly so that he was facing Wild, before unbuckling his belt and pulling down his trousers from behind. When Wars stood in just his pants, Wild sat up a little. While Twilight planted rows of kisses along Warriors shoulders, Wild crawled on her hands and knees towards him. She glanced up at his face occasionally, but mostly she kept her eyes on his crotch. Wars' breathing hitched as Wild pulled down his pants and immediately lathered her tongue over his cock.
Wild left a long wet stripe up the underside of Warriors dick. Her eyes flicked up to gauge his reaction. With Twilight behind him for support, Wars could help but smile like a fool. Wild gave him a few more generous licks, savouring his taste on her tongue. Then she placed her lips over his head and slowly took him into her mouth. Wars let out a soft gasp and closed his eyes. Behind him, Twilight's still clothed dick pressed against Warriors ass. While Wild sucked his dick, Twilight's soft kisses became wet and insistent. He paused to admire the smattering of red marks he had left on Warriors pale skin.
"Mmm, love making you mine," Twilight mused, mostly to himself. But he was so close to Wars he made him shudder.
The movement caused Wars to buck his hips into Wild's mouth and forced her to take more of his length. He was surprised when he bottomed out against the back of her throat, and she kept going. Wild took short breaths as she continued to suck and tongue Wars' cock. Wild picked up speed and soon she felt Wars' tension release as he came with a sigh. She kept sucking until she'd taken everything he had to give and finally released his cock with a wet pop.
"Thank you," Wars breathed, trying to steady himself against Twi.
Wild nodded and patted the cushions next to her. Wars didn't need telling twice and he fell semi gracefully onto the pillows beside Wild. Twilight now had the stage all to himself. But he wasn't very good at putting on a show. He pulled off his shirt and shook out his shaggy hair. His boots were kicked into different corners of the room, before he quickly dispensed with his trousers.
Once again Wild crawled forwards this time to Twilight. She tugged down his pants allowing his throbbing erection to stand proud. If Wars had been a treat, Twilight was the main desert. Wild eyed Twilight's cock hungrily and barely hesitated before offering him the same treatment as Warriors.
When both Wars and Twilight lay together on the rug, cushions arrayed beneath them, Wild sat on her knees and looked down at them. She smiled sweetly, shaking her head.
"What?" Wars asked. "Give us a minute alright."
Wild chuckled a little and gave a nod. Then she pushed herself up to her feet and turned on the spot. Swaying her hips far more than necessary, Wild crossed to the other side of the room and disappeared up the stairs. She hurried up to the bedroom and rummaged around in the desk drawer. Wild quickly found the bottle of lube she was hunting for and clutched it to her chest.
Her heart was pounding with excitement. She could never have dreamed of sharing anything like this with the men downstairs. The fact that they had not only accepted her, but had also been comfortable enough with her to be intimate, was more than she could have ever hoped for. A thought struck Wild and she quickly tugged off her harem pants and searched her slate for a different item. She settled on a blue and gold thong she had purchased from the Gerudo Secret Club, and pulled the underwear up her legs. She hoped the thin strap currently nestled between her ass cheeks would help make the rest of the night more fun.
As Wild hopped off the last step and returned to the boys, bottle in hand, she paused and admired them both. They had shuffled closer together. Wars had his right hand in Twilight's hair while his left hand worked away on his cock. Twilight was similarly arranged, palming Wars with teasing slowness. Wild let out a soft chuckle to announce her presence. The pair fell apart and Wars half turned his head to look at Wild.
"Can't you see we're in the middle of something here miss?!" He teased, then dipped his head to suck one of Twilight's nipples.
Wild let out an exasperated sigh before flopping down and practically throwing herself between the two men. Twilight was quick to catch her head before she could land on the floor.
"We're sorry, is someone jealous when she's not the centre of attention!" Twi chuckled, using his other hand to massage Wild's chest.
Wild nodded her head emphatically. At this, both Twi and Wars fell upon her. Lavishing her with kisses, sweet words and increasingly passionate touches to her chest and thighs. As they continued to pleasure Wild, Wars slipped a hand around her newly adorned underwear and cupped her bare ass. Wild squeaked and tried to get away from the touch, but Twilight pressed a hand to her hips to hold her down.
"Now now little lady, someone wanted our undivided attention. Have you changed your mind?" Twi asked, shooting Wars a wink.
"We could always carry on having fun by ourselves, and you could sit there and watch," Wars added. He removed his hand from Wild's pert behind and snaked it around Twilight's neck instead, pulling him in to capture his lips with a kiss and to slip his tongue into Twi's mouth.
On the floor beneath them Wild huffed and crossed her arms, feigning great annoyance. Her cheeks and what was visible of her chest were bright red, but both boys had noticed the wet patch on the thin triangle of her thong. Still, she pretended to lose interest in the boys and their makeout session.
Twilight groaned into Warriors as he filled his mouth with his tongue. Heat began to rise in Wars' chest and he longed to flip Twi onto his chest and fill his ass instead. But they had a guest, and Wars had a strict rule about ladies first. With a great internal struggle, Wars dragged himself away from Twilight and turned to face Wild. Getting more comfortable on his knees, he eyed the jar in Wild's hand.
"Is that something for us?" He asked.
Wild nodded.
"I'm afraid you're going to have to tell me what you want darling. If I could read minds I'd be all over yours right now," he spoke softly and encouragingly, crawling closer to Wild until they were almost face to face.
Wild leaned forward and whispered in Warriors ear for a moment. Wars grinned at each of her requests, but was distracted slightly while Twilight began to fondle his balls.
"Twi, that's not very helpful right now," Wars berated him.
"I'm sorry, it's hard to resist you with your ass in the air like that!" Twi replied.
"Remember we're guests here Twi, Wild's pleasure comes first tonight," he insisted, shooting Twi a serious look.
Twi spared a glance down at Wild laying beneath Warriors. Her eyes were lidded and heavy, her legs still spread wide despite her recent grumpy facade. Twi rejoined Wars on the floor beside Wild. This time his hands began to explore Wild's thighs and round towards her ass. With a little persuasion, Wild turned over and rested on her knees and forearms, presenting herself to Twilight. Warriors had investigated the jar Wild had brought and found a slick lube with a mild floral and musty scent.
After Wars had offered the jar to Twilight, he moved the string of Wild's thong aside, then pressed a lube covered digit against her hole. As Twilight gradually worked his finger into Wild's ass and she keaned beneath him, Wars lathered his cock with lube. The sensation was blissfull and only built his need for fresh relief.
Wild was dead. She must have been. Nowhere accept in the afterlife among the gods could she have experienced such pleasure and bliss. She was hot and sweat dripped down her back and her face. Hair clung to her neck and cheeks. Wild's mouth wrapped tightly around Twilight's cock as he thrusted back and forth, rocking on his knees. Somewhere behind her, Warriors oh so perfectly filled her ass to the hilt. It had taken a little while to figure out a rhythm that worked for everyone, but once they did, Wild quickly slipped into realms of pleasure she had rarely experienced.
"Mmm, Wild you're so tight!" Wars moaned, "So good!"
"You're so good to us Wild. Gah! Oh Spirits!" Twilight loudly proclaimed.
Wars huffed and moaned with each of his thrusts as he grew closer and closer to the crest of his wave of pleasure. Twilight's eyes rolled back in his head as he chased his orgasm, constantly reminding himself who he was with, and how much he cared for them. Wild felt the last dry patch of her underwear soaked with her cum as she came with a tremendous shudder. Behind her, Wars gave several deep thrusts into her ass before releasing his load. Twilight tried to pull out to let Wild breathe, but ended up spilling his seed down her chin.
Twilight was about to wipe it off with his thumb, when Wild licked off the mess and swallowed it with a satisfied expression. Twi couldn't help but let out a low groan of desire at the image of her swallowing his seed.
"You're stunnin Wild," Twi said softly.
Wild smiled as relief turned into exhaustion. Her expression changed into one of mild discomfort as Wars slowly pulled out. Twi supported Wild's shoulders for a moment and helped lay her down with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Wild vaguely heard Wars walk across the room and back again. A damp cloth was rubbed gently around her hole and her face. Then the warm sticky body of Warriors settled in against her.
"Thank you for letting us be part of this with you Wild," Wars whispered into her ear.
The drowsy post sex haze drifted over them all. Twilight actually felt himself doze off for a while before he felt himself being shaken awake.
"Hey, sorry my love but you need to get into your bed roll Twi. As adorable as you look curled up on the floor right now, I don't want you to complain that you're sore tomorrow," Wars uttered from nearby.
Twi rolled over to find Wars unrolling his blanket over his bed roll and folding his discarded clothes. Wild sat on the floor nearby, a cup of water clutched in their hands. They shot Twi a knowing wink from across the floor. Twilight rolled onto his back and lay sprawled out on the rug for a while. His head was still trying to drag him down into sleep, but his body tingled with the stimulation of their sex. Twi couldn't help but grin stupidly to himself at just how happy he was. He secretly hoped that it would take the rest of the Chain more than another day to reach them.
<Chap 2 : Chap 4 >
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dontbelasagne · 7 months
desperately need to do a presentation on why the Twelfth Doctors journey perfectly represents the transfem experience
their previous eleventh incarnation being suave and hypersexual (i know moffat is mostly to blame but!) is reminiscent of attempts to fit into heteronormative ideals of masculinity. whilst it is not completely insincere, there are obvious signs this does not fit you as a person, it is acted out of desperate need to being seen. as Vastra put it, eleven wore that face, and subsequently that form of masculinity, to be accepted. on becoming twelve, realising even an "idealised" masculinity does not inherently serve them, they retreated into themselves as a person for self-reflection and trying to understand why they feel so detached from who they are.
the "am i a good man" arc mirrors being closeted and having to present as something not inherently tied to your sense of self, but still wanting to be the best of your perceived gender as any failure could leave you spiralling into self-doubt about simply being like any other "man". you ignore your gender dysphoria/questioning by trying to claim a moralistic view of gendered expression. made even more clear by Twelve rejecting Clara's heroic view of them, establishing that even though they have made efforts to be a "good man", that is just a placeholder for their loss of identity.
Missy appearing as she does, who as a character serves as a parallel to The Doctor on what they could become, and her eventual arc in trying to become good is symbolic of the fear around transition regret that internalised transphobia can create when you are closeted. Missy never gives importance to their fem existence other than nonchalant jokes, rather showing a more free and expressive personality devoid of any frustration. this immediately dismisses the transphobic assumption that trans people are only focused on their gender. also, Missy representing trans femininity is inherently tied to chaos and upsetting the status quo, she is the embodiment of what society considers accepting your womanhood as someone previously labelled masculine. what many others, and The Doctor themselves, saw as a need for attention and senseless disruption is Missy not needing to serve a false version of who they are, that they can now focus on becoming whoever they want to be now without losing energy to performing a gender that society has imposed on you. Missy could never have made the decision to stand with The Doctor if she had not given importance to her own queerness.
it wasn't coincidence with meeting Bill, she was the perfect foil for The Doctor to finally let go of their anxious attachment to masculinity. i would even argue for the majority of s10, The Doctor is largely ambiguous in their gender identity and does not fit into any construction of masculinity or femininity. whilst they still present as something socially labelled as masculine, they do not internalise that gender expression. they are uncaring about and not needing the validity that comes with heteronormativity, and thus is free to finally accept the decision they have to make. as Bill says, it is so hard to let go of The Doctor, and that rings true for twelve themselves. but they begin to realise The Doctor can be anyone. yes, they are tired, it would be so easy to simply rest and not give value to who you can become. but choosing to let go of everything you once were to survive is better than oblivion. it is better to let go, to choose another lifetime where the only person that dies is your falsity, to finally get it right and choose kindness. for yourself and for those who you love. they regenerate, not just into another person, but into someone who (if only tv scripts...) can now move forward.
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drdemonprince · 2 months
I am always clutching to my idealized reality firmly with both fists. Whenever my hair looks good in a photograph, I immediately get to stressing about the fact that my hair has already grown some imperceptible amount since when the image was captured. Then I cut it, hoping to restore it to its former perfection — and my head gets completely mangled by my clippers and shears. I deny myself my favorite foods and drinks sometimes, knowing that the meal will too quickly be over. The moment someone begins to love me is when I start picturing them dead.  Many late-realized Autistics develop relational patterns that therapists label codependent, controlling, or Borderline. I wonder how much of our supposedly dysfunctional attachment can be attributed to our desire for constancy, and our attempts to impose stability on a reality that forever shifts. For Autistics, most social interactions are mystifying and seem to play out on their own, largely beyond our control. Possible rejection hides in every corner, much of it unforeseeable to us.  Doesn’t it make sense we’d try to control what we can?  When a partner remarks that he’d like to get a bigger mattress, I want to chop off the sides of the bed to force our bodies closer. I want to hiss at every new person that enters the friend group to scare them off. Though all my queer loved ones are enlightened polyamorists, whenever someone I love starts texting someone new I fantasize about slipping away with their phone in the night, unlocking it, finding the new contact, and blocking the threat into oblivion.  I don’t do any of this, of course. But in my selfish, rotted heart, I want to be like Hannibal Lecter, drugging his patients and hypnotically conditioning Clarice to be in love with him. When I learned that Jeffrey Dahmer drilled holes into his lovers’ heads and filled the cavities with hot water and bleach to keep them from abandoning him, I could kind of understand it. And I hated myself for it.  I don’t actually have the stomach to be violent. My war with reality happens only inside. Besides, I know that if I were actually to try and control another person’s life, it would just send them running away. I learned that the dozens of times that I completed boyfriends’ homework for them, paid their rent, wrote cover letters for friends’ job applications, and inserted myself into fights that weren’t mine. I have tried to pull at others’ strings to keep them all happy and around me, but it only ever sent them running away, sad tangles of threads left round my fingers.  People like me must be why Autistics have a reputation for being cold-hearted, unfeeling, and unable to recognize the interiority of anyone else. I’m an anarchist in principle and a lover of my own freedom, so I would never wish to impose my will onto another person. I am terrified of the urges for control and permanence that lurk inside me. I’m afraid of where they might take me, and so I never give voice to them — In fact, I rarely give voice to any of my desires at all.  I let people do what they will without ever voicing my opinion. That’s the only way to truly avoid becoming the Dahmer in my mind. My method of control is to ask nothing, and give everything, hoping that one day another person will notice and choose to be devoted to me.  But even then, they’d change on me. It’s in the nature of all living things. 
I wrote about the Autistic fear of change, where it comes from, how it affects our relationships, and the many ways that we attempt to cope with change, both for good and for ill. It is free to read or have narrated to you on my Substack.
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therainscene · 10 months
I think I might have figured out what the Mind Flayer really is.
This theory has been percolating in my brain for a while now; it hasn't really finished baking yet but I wanted to get the gist of it down before The First Shadow debuts.
Let’s begin at the Hawkins National Lab, 6th November 1983. For the second time in her young life, El faces terrifying and deeply traumatic circumstances which cause her powers to lash out and rip a gash in the fabric of reality.
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Meanwhile, across town, Will is doing what every queer 12 year-old has done and finds an excuse to spend an extra moment alone with his crush.
His little gay heart is as aflutter as the garage lights.
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(Strange, that. The lights, I mean -- considering that he's on the other side of town from the lab. Do you suppose the Demogorgon trekked all the way to Mike's house and quietly followed him home again?)
Will heads home, lost in thought as he cycles past the lab. Is he thinking about how sweet his new X-Men #134 is gonna be? Or is he thinking about something even sweeter? The lights flutter again.
And something in front of him notices.
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Will has always been noticeable: his clothes, his mannerisms, his interests -- they've always attracted the attentions of bullies. Now something new -- or maybe something that was always there and is only now making itself known -- has attracted the attentions of a monster.
He runs home, he calls for help, but he's alone, there's no escape. He races to the shed and loads a gun like his father taught him -- but it's not in his nature to be violent. He freezes, petrified.
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The lights surge as his terror wrestles control of his powers and uses them to puncture an escape route in the fabric of reality.
Why were we so quick to believe that the Demogorgon -- a minion of the guy whose whole thing is his inability to open gates -- was able to open its own temporary portals in S1 and then never again?
Will could plausibly have been responsible for every temporary portal in S1: he’s at the Byers house when the Demogorgon pushes through its walls; he's on the run to Castle Byers when Nancy stumbles across that portal in the woods; and he's plugged in to one of Vecna's vines during the finale -- something we see Vecna plug himself into when he remotely opens gates in S4.
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There’s one exception though.
Barb likely slipped through a gate in Steve's pool, but how could Will have opened that one when he was in his bedroom at the time, talking to his mother through the lights?
Let me ask you this: isn't it interesting that of all the injuries Barb could have obtained in her passage to the Upside Down, she got a nosebleed?
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I think powers are more common than we’ve been led to believe, and gates are a last-ditch self-defense mechanism for anyone with powers.
This is why the four curse victims’ deaths opened a gate: Vecna pushed them to their breaking point to artificially trigger the self-defense response. Those headaches and nosebleeds weren't caused by Vecna directly, but by their own powers acting up as they inched towards oblivion.
[Shoutout to @givehimthemedicine's underrated powers and blood theory for the idea of Vecna's Curse being the overcharging of his victims' own powers.]
It was already pretty obvious that Vecna's Curse is a metaphor for suicide, and this theory reinforces it: every kid who gets targeted by the horrors of Hawkins for being "different" tries to find some way to escape.
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Willel's misfortune is that their powers are considerably more easily manifested than the average person's. Byler tells the story of visible vs invisible queerness, but that's just a reflection of the larger theme at play in the show: the visible and invisible ways kids are othered and abused.
Max's trauma was a quiet thing that came from within and festered until it was almost too late to save her... but Willel's trauma manifests as a giant monster that openly hunts them down.
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And I'm being literal when I say the Mind Flayer is a manifestation of their trauma.
We know that Vecna fashioned the Mind Flayer from a cloud of black particles he found in the Upside Down, but where did that cloud come from? The Upside Down is a mysterious enough place that it's easy to assume the Shadow is native to that realm... but what if it isn't?
The Mind Flayer is heavily associated with repression -- Will gradually lost his memories while he was possessed, and El lost her powers when the sliver of Flesh Flayer wormed its way into her leg.
But Will has mysteriously been without powers ever since leaving the Upside Down, and we've seen El lose memories too: her memories of surviving the lab massacre, in which she didn't simply escape by opening up a gate, but by disintegrating her attacker into black particles.
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The Mind Flayer doesn't cause repression -- it is repression.
There must have been countless generations worth of traumatized children who took the extra step El did and sent their abusers -- or at least their memories of abuse -- into that hidden realm beyond the gate.
(There's also the possibility that Mr. Time-is-Just-a-Social-Construct is stuck in a time loop of some sort -- maybe the massacre has repeated hundreds of times, and Dimension X is a timeless graveyard of El's attempts to repress her trauma. This would explain why Henry seems to have both disintegrated and survived: we were watching at least two different iterations of the massacre all along.)
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Whichever way you slice it, it's a perfect fit: the tool Vecna uses to perpetuate the cycle of abuse isn't some bizarro alien from an alternate dimension, but a direct consequence of the cycle itself.
The Mind Flayer tells us that escape alone doesn't work as a long-term solution: it might help you survive the initial abuse, but if you don't address the effect it had on you...
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...it will come back to wreck havok.
[Edit: Click here for post-TFS thoughts on this theory]
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snail-studios · 1 year
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queers them into oblivion
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