#ordonian speaks
ordonianhero · 1 year
PSA: intolerance is not welcome here!!!!!
In light of what I just learned. There was a discorde that is Linked Universe (not main discorde mind you) that is full on anti Lgbtq+ as a member of said fandom and someone who is LGBTQ+ let me tell you, you are safe here! I will NOT tolerate bigotry and intolerance.
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tenderleavesbob · 4 months
Legend hated the thought and kept it hidden, tucked away where none of the other members of the chain could discern it, but some of the other heroes seemed larger than life sometimes. Strong and untouchable. If anyone knew that was a pile of shit, it was him, but sometimes Legend looked at Time and Sky and could see the myths arise from their legacies. He felt braver and stronger for being near them.
Warriors was on that list, too, and Legend would cut his own tongue out before ever admitting that. Even on a bad day, if Warriors started teasing him, Legend would rouse himself to strike back. When Warriors started that too loud laugh of his, Legend felt like it was safe to breathe. When Warriors stood in front of him, it was one of the few times in his life where Legend felt protected.
Legend knew better, but it still hurt to watch Warriors limp between Twilight and Time. Warriors was very lean in build for someone who liked to remind everyone multiple times a day that he was a military captain, but between the broad bodies of Twilight and Time, he looked almost frail.
The worry on Twilight's face was commonplace on the overgrown mama cucco, but the tightness of Time's face only further shattered the illusion of unbreakable strength. He had a death grip on Warriors's tunic, the bloodied fabric wrinkled beneath his white-knuckled hold.
Twilight thought he was speaking softly, but even the Ordonian's whispers carried. Legend heard him pleading with Warriors to let himself be carried. Warriors's replies were softer and Legend couldn't make them out. Legend wished he could believe that it was because Warriors was just better at whispering.
The trio left a blood trail, which Four determinedly cleaned up as he walked behind him. The small hero's face was pale and his eyes were too dark. When he wasn't focused on the path in front of him, Legend watched him watch Warriors stubbornly limp on. Four tended to be more reserved than the other heroes and it sometimes made it hard to guess what he was thinking. Legend had to wonder if he was thinking the same things as him or if he was thinking of more practical matters.
Legend knew better. He was the Hero of Legend. He was the Vet. He knew how all of it was bullshit. His body was covered in scars. He had hidden many tears in the dark of the night. After Marin, he had been broken, and he didn't like to think about how hard Ravio had worked to put him back together again.
Even knowing all that, when Warriors met his eyes and managed a smile for him, Legend felt his heart lighten. Warriors stuck his tongue out at Legend and Legend rolled his eyes and looked away, trying not to smile.
Of all of them, Legend knew it was all bullshit, but some part of him kept believing, anyway.
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sapphicseasapphire · 7 months
Twilight with one of his animal friends please!
(also happy personal sun rotation, I hope you've had a lovely day(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)
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I may have drawn him with two of his animal friends, I hope that’s alright! He’s pretty popular among the animals of Ordon, and is quick to befriend any new animal he meets! He usually shifts to do that though- that way he can speak to them!
On a side note, Ordonian goats are so hard to draw
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aikoiya · 3 months
LoZ - Ordon Is The Rural Ireland Of Hyrule
Like, I need everyone to fully comprehend what this means for our wolfboy, okay.
Now, to start off, I sort of see an Ordonian accent being something of an odd hybrid of a (more clear) Donegal Irish accent & a southern American drawl. (If anyone knows how that would actually sound, I'd love to hear it.)
But their native language would be mostly Gaelic with a bit of Welsh mixed in.
But, yes, Twi is normally the absolute picture of gentlemanly American south manners. Just humble, casual chivalry in a stetson. All "sir" & "ma'am" & "darlin'" & "please" & "thank you, miss." He is THE good ol', down home country boy.
But, then you listen to him speak around his fellow Ordonians. And, unless you know the language, you'd assume that what he's saying is lighthearted ribbing & it is...
To an Ordonian...
But, Ordonians have one of the most expansive lists of colorful, absolutely slandrous, & surprisingly accurate insults in all of Hyrule.
Like, you wouldn't expect it, but he could cuss a pirate to blush... And could probably drink them under the table too, now that I think about it...
Now, most of it is lighthearted, but whoo! A lot of it is also very visual & just leaves you gaping in shock!! Especially if you know what it means!!!
I am literally breathless as I type this! 😆
Like, the dichotomy I now have of this boy in my head... I just, I hadn't realized how much I wanted it, but I do now.
Like, I now want fanart of Twi just Irish cussing the fudge outta Ganondorf & rendering him utterly speechless! That... or drinkin' him under the table. Whichever comes first.
That would make my day!
I am basically imagining him as the very essence of "do no harm, take no shit."
I also see him, when at the end of his rope, maybe when all the others are arguing around him. To put an end to it, he'll yell something, followed by "Go raibh míle maith agat," which is an Irish blessing that expresses great appreciation & means "May a thousand good things be upon you." However, depending on how it's used, it can either be the legitimate blessing that you expect or a way to put an immediate end to a discussion. Like, "Thank you very much!"
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
This ask is your excuse to yap about whatever headcanons you wanna talk about 💙
- hero-of-the-wolf
- You’ve heard of French Warriors (he is Scottish and Brazilian to me), but may I suggest: French Hyrule?
- Warriors, Sky, Hyrule, and Wind’s first languages are Not whatever language it is they speak in hyrule (i’ve been callin it hyrulian common because im insanely uncreative), and while Warriors tries incredibly hard to hide his accent by mimicking what the people of his Castle Town sound like (British), the others don’t. Wars and Sky grew up speaking two languages at once, but Wind and Hyrule had to learn when they were a little older. Wind’s accent is a bit odd because he unintentionally copies the accents of people around him and he spends a LOT of time around Tetra and other pirates so he kinda adopted that accent, (and he eventually ends up mimicking certain members of the chain by accident) but if you stuck him back at home near his grandma and Aryll he’d sound more similar to them (<- based on my friend from another country who adopted a southern accent whenever he speaks english)
- All of them know at least ONE other language, but the two who know the most languages are Wars and Legend. They refuse to put a number on how many languages they know so no one knows which one of them knows more, but Legend is unfamiliar with Warriors’s native language and he holds that over his head and has declared himself the winner just because of that
- Wild is deaf in one ear and has an audio processing issue he’s just always had, even before he died. He can hear just fine out of his other ear but sometimes he just stares at people blankly because he heard Noise and not Words
- Time also has an audio processing problem and he, like Wild, won’t ask someone to repeat themselves he’ll just stare at them blankly. I also headcanon he’s autistic but I think I’ve said that before lmao
- Wind and Twilight are both very good artists, they can sketch almost anything. Twilight likes drawing Ordonian goats over and over and over again from memory, but Wind sketches scenery and other members of the chain. Sometimes he gifts them to the others, sometimes he burns them, and others he keeps, but he draws a LOT
- Four is the weapons police and if he sees someone mistreating their sword he’ll snatch it. The only swords he hasn’t snatched are the Master Sword from Sky, Time’s Biggoron Sword, and Wars’s sword. He’s had SOME reason at SOME point in time to put the other five’s swords in ‘sword jail’ while they were sittin around at camp
- Wild and Warriors one time disappeared and came back covered in soot and ash and Time just ignored it because ‘Warriors is a responsible adult’ but Twilight ripped them both a new one when he saw a stick stuck in Wild’s hair was still smoking. They are no longer allowed to go off alone together with ANYTHING that can be used to start a fire
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
You know I always love me some dad squad. What are the dads doing? Are they surviving? Have they been thrown into any shenanigans ?
Y’know it’s been a while since I’ve written for them and that’s a darn shame.
Fierce sneezed.
It was a surprisingly tame sound considering the entity’s size. The look of sheer alarm on his face, however, was more unexpected.
“Bless you?” Rusl offered hesitantly, wondering what had the deity so disturbed.
The widened glowing eyes returned to their normal size as the deity looked at him. “Bless me?”
Rusl blinked. Then he almost laughed. He supposed this was the last person to be saying that to. “It’s an expression. It’s polite to say whenever someone sneezes.”
“Who bestows the blessing?”
The Ordonian chuckled as Abel sighed heavily. “Well… perhaps in your case that Hylia you keep mentioning?”
Abel’s head whipped around from where he’d been reading a map. “You don’t know who Hylia is?”
“I’m afraid not.”
Fierce watched him with his usual stoic demeanor, but just as he was about to speak he sneezed yet again.
“This is problematic,” the deity muttered. “How do I control these?”
“You hop on one foot,” Abel said flatly as he rolled his eyes and went back to his map.
Fierce stared at him a moment and slowly, curiously started to raise one foot. Rusl burst out laughing. The deity followed through with the motion unexpectedly, though, using the elevated foot to kick a small stone. It flew across the way, cutting through the air until it smacked into an octorok that had just poked its head out.
“I’m always impressed at your ability to sense danger,” Rusl noted, only slightly unnerved.
The deity sneezed a third time, followed by a raspy cough. The widened-eyed, startled expression returned.
Abel glanced over, starting to look genuinely concerned. “You might be coming down with something.”
Fierce’s face grew grave. “So this is what illness feels like. I’ve never experienced this phenomenon spontaneously.”
“Being ill does tend to be spontaneous,” Rusl pointed out, bemused. “We don’t usually plan it. But perhaps we should just rest for the remainder of the day.”
“No,” Fierce shook his head. “I have experienced illness symptoms in the past when…”
Both Abel and Rusl perked up, curious. The deity hardly spoke of himself - his actions and strange mannerisms told enough, but the Ordonian would be lying if he said he wasn’t interested in the mythical being’s history.
Fierce sighed slowly through his nose, coming to a conclusion. “There is something you must know. You two are honorable warriors with pure intentions. I trust you enough with this task.”
“What task?” Rusl asked, glancing at Abel warily. Had the deity not…? Well. He supposed none of them had entirely trusted each other, but Rusl’s secret keeping for Link’s sake had been fairly reasonable - at the time he’d assumed telling his companions that his boy could turn into a wolf would be akin to lunacy. But they’d all learned more about each other - everyone knew of Link’s transformative ability now, everyone knew Abel’s boy was injured somehow, everyone knew all their Links were heroes. What secret was the deity about to reveal, then?
“Take care of him,” the deity said simply, reaching up and pinching just below his chin. Rusl was about to ask what he was talking about when a light flashed brightly, warm energy washing over Rusl as he looked away a moment before hearing a thud. He blinked a few times and heard Abel gasp and run, and he looked back to see a young man—teenager?—lying on the ground where the deity had once been.
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“That way, there’s no way for them to strike back,” [Name] added in a matter-of-fact tone. “That is the exact words of my dad.”
Twilight hummed, his boot stepping on a significantly bigger branch than before, creating a nice crack as the two strolled.
Usually, he decided for wolf form when he patrolled the perimeter, but you had insisted on coming. It wasn’t like you didn’t know, everyone knew, but he wanted to be able to talk to you. Wolves happen to not be able to speak words.
Twilight nodded as you kept talking about your lynel-esk father. Though, you called them ‘centaurs’ in your world.
“So…centaurs? Are they all like him?” He asked the question at the tip of his tongue since you mentioned your father.
You scoffed. “Not nearly. The rest of them are…wild. He rarely talks to them from what I know.” Then you started giggling. It was a giggle akin to Wild’s when he decided he wanted to put a lizard or fly in dinner. Or akin to Hyrule when he sees something shiny in the distance that’ll lead to hours long search just for him to be sleeping in a flower. Or Wind when someone says something wrong and he is now plotting their downfall.
“Do you want to know how centaurs were made?” You could barely contain your cackles. Twilight lightly chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.
“I have no idea,” he said, his voice slightly wavering. Then he sighed and shrugged. “How were centaurs made?” He couldn’t say that he hadn’t imagined it.
A woman who didn’t not have a good time at a ranch? A man who had too much fun at a ranch?
He kind of didn’t want to know…but he kind of did.
“How were centaurs made?” He asked again, his ears stood at attention against his will.
“Well,” you tapped on your chin, your teeth showing. He’d noticed the sharpness of your canines not too long ago. He had spent that night playing with his own, happy that the others wouldn’t only be bugging him about it. “it all started because this one guy, Ixion, fell in love with the Queen of the Gods…”
And he listened. He listened so intently that he barely felt the arrow embed itself into his collarbone.
It was like muscle memory to take out his sword. The next arrow got embedded into his shield, the Ordonian Goat head blocking the sharp end of the stick.
Then there was you, standing at the Hero of Twilight’s back as monsters seemed to spawn from the trees.
You hacked and slashed, doing everything you could to prevent Twilight from moving his body that was obviously killing him. None of it was working. At this rate, even with the arrow taken out of the wound, he would be on standby without Hyrule’s magic to help him. After the battle that happened earlier, the Traveler was hard at work, nursing those who needed dire help. Legend, Wind, Four. It had taken him out, easily magic exhaustion.
Twilight grunted with every swing, like a broken record. Your heart sunk with every hitch of breath.
When you were finally stabbed by an enemy, you decided that swords weren’t enough. You dropped your sword and ran right to the sea of purple and black, the portal that accumulated the enemies.
For the years you’ve been doing this, you’d think it’d feel like nothing. That wasn’t true though. You’d feel everything.
You felt the change of your spine, making you fall to your hands, but you still pushed forward. You felt the way your skin hairs grew longer and longer. You felt the way your face elongated. You felt everything.
You took the throat of one of Wild’s bokoblins into your mouth and tore it out of the neck. You spit it out, reveling in how disgusting it tasted. You moved on to the next one, then the next one, your fur, no doubt, covered in the black blood you shed.
Sooner or later, they were gone. Then you shifted back, your back straightening last. You promptly threw up, the black blood that coated your mouth coming out.
Hands came into your face and pulled your hair back. Twilight waited silently as you spilled your guts. When your hurling turned into coughs, he patted your back a few times. “Yep, I know.”
That was the start of something he never thought would happen.
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cutthroatcarnival · 9 months
2/3 fics
I had the thought after reading so many fics about Sky sleep talking and I conjured this up.
Basically, Sky recites chunks of Demise’s curse in his sleep. Poor Twilight gets scared shitless.
Who is the mystery gaze? That’s for me to know and for you to ponder :)
The fire was crackling its song of warmth as Twilight sat on watch. He sat on one of the logs with a blanket draped over his shoulders. In his lap sat one of his belts, the buckle part had slipped off, and he was determined to fix it.
Crickets and peepers chittered into the cool air, the rancher’s ears twitching at every small noise. It would be a night of no rest for him, his senses too trained on everything around him.
Shuffling from behind drew his attention, his ears perking up as his eyes searched for the culprit.
“…Stand as a paragon…”
The soft murmur brought Twilight’s gaze to Sky, whose face looked both peaceful and in agony, the Skyloftian’s fists clenching his bed roll.
“…No human or demon…”
Quietly, Twilight set his belt down, and stood up from the log. He tugged the blanket tighter around him and tip-toed his way to Sky.
Kneeling next to the knight, he rested a hand against his forehead. No fever. Oh, Sky had mentioned something about sleep talking, hadn’t he?
With a hum, he left Sky’s side to go back to his post when a murmur froze him on the spot.
“This is not the end.”
He didn’t move.
“I will rise again.”
Twilight turned, but didn’t advance. Sky’s face had lost its peaceful mask, falling away for agony and… guilt?
“…Eternally bound to this curse…”
Curse? He was moving before his brain caught up, dropping next to Sky with a soft thud.
“Sky? C’mon, wake up…”
Twilight gently shook the hero, voice barely above a whisper, some of their companions were incredibly light sleepers. One was already awake, he could feel the gaze burning into his back.
“…Dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness…”
A harsh shake and a whisper-shout a little louder than he would’ve liked woke the hero up. Blurry eyes blinked up at him, his pinched face smoothing out- no more agony or guilt painting it.
“…Twi? What's wrong?” Sky slurred sleepily, eyelids blinking slowly, as if they were too heavy to keep open.
“You were sleep talkin’, sayin’ some mighty concernin’ things… Like a curse.”
Sky stiffened, eyes shooting wide, and fixed Twilight with an unreadable gaze. His face gave nothing away. Slowly, Sky forced himself to relax.
“It’s… it’s nothing, really. Just something from my quest. Don’t worry.”
The Ordonian raised an eyebrow, his facial mark scrunching up as he did. ‘Don’t worry’? He didn’t follow that for a second. Twilight opened his mouth to respond, but a soft snore interrupted him.
Sky was already asleep.
With one last glance at Sky, he made his way back to the log. The gaze burning into his back followed him, and he shook his head. A small hum answered him, and the gaze disappeared, shuffling announcing that whoever it was had gone back to sleep.
Now it was more than his senses keeping him up, his mind replaying everything Sky had been murmuring in his sleep. While concerning, it was not his place to speak on it. If Sky brought it up, he would listen but…
What kind of curse was it?
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 10 days
Heads up for the first aid:
How would Bandit, Noctis, Wake, & Vendettas react to their wife, Nemma, asking them to visit Hyrule Castle again the next day after a very boring & irritating day of “diplomacy” with the rich uppercrust of Hyrule?
Now, he very much doesn't want to, but…
There was that mischievous light in her eye that he'd know anywhere.
“What are you planning?”
Though, still mostly stoic, the corners of her lips quirked towards ever so slightly in a similar way to when a cat has devoured a bird whole. “Why, whatever do you mean, shinainaru danna-san?” (beloved husband) She says, fluttering her lashes at him demurely.
But that only raised both his suspicions… & his curiosity.
If he decides to return the next day…
He'll be greeted by the sight of king's expression of restrained humor as his servants & attendants scurry around furiously & the pompous elites from the night before wailing & complaining about “the indignity of such a horrid vandalization!”
And, when they drew close, those insipid wretches attempted to keep him from the main hall. But just as he was about to react, the king remarks, “Oh, come now! It was a harmless prank. How are we to make alliances if we hide our warts! Let them in.”
Confused, he glances at his wife, who’s hiding the lower half of her face behind a fan, eyes bright with glee. Now, the curiosity had a chokehold on him.
However, whatever he might've been expecting, it very much wasn’t what he found.
The main hall, that just the night before, had been gloriously, ostentatiously, even pompously, & vibrantly painted, was now a drab, uniform, unpainted, & unattractive gray with piles of what appeared to be peeled away paint upon the floor. Servants were furiously trying to repaint the walls or sweep the debris away. A couple were even weeping pathetically at the loss. It was utter mayhem.
What are his thoughts & feelings? Like, really go into it. I'm guessing half confused.
I’m also hoping for humor that he must valiantly fight against projecting upon his visage & possible sputtering that was covered up quickly when he takes out the gentlemen’s fan that his wife had handed to him just before they left for the castle.
Maybe clearing his throat before asking, “H-how exactly did this occur?”
Regardless, the king remarks that, evidently, some mischievous little scamp had acquired a jar of Ordon’s finest & highest proof moonshine, then hid it open inside the hall. (Ganondorf was nearly unable to keep himself from snapping his neck to look at his wife, who had only just the night before last bought such a jar of Ordonian Moonshine. 2, in fact. Note: The highest proof of moonshine could very well do something like this if left open in a room overnight.)
Though it will take a lot to fix, the king had to admire that sort of creative genius! So simple, yet so effective!
How do they feel throughout this? How do they react upon the pair finding a moment alone away from prying eyes?
I’m hoping for hysterics or retrained giggling or chuckling or something to that effect. Possibly to the point of tears in his eyes, because his queen will certainly be giggling behind her fan, shoulders shaking with jubilance at having made such a mockery of the courts & gotten away with it.
However, should he ask, Nemma will simply state that just because they cannot strike just yet, does not mean that they can’t strike in other, possibly more subtle, if petty ways.
Also, she noticed how awfully the pompous aristocracy was speaking to him & how frustrated he’d been about not being able to put them in their places like she knew he wanted to, so she wished to “defend his honor” she supposed. Though, she hadn’t been planning to use the moonshine in such a way when she bought it, she remarks somewhat mournfully. She’d wanted to cook him a meal tonight & it would've paired well with the corn spirit. Luckily, she'd only needed to leave one jar, so she had enough left to at least bake a new dessert idea she'd had. Fall Moonshine Cake. It should be a lovely spiced thing full of apples & drizzled with a glaze. She was actually looking forward to it.
I love this. Yessss! I love mischief and mayhem! Look at her go! <3 <3 <3
The Ganondorfs and Demise, as varied and complex as their personalities may be, would all share a moment of confusion, curiosity, and—ultimately—amusement upon seeing the chaotic aftermath of Nemma’s prank on the Hyrulean elite.
Wind Waker Ganondorf (Wake): As Wake enters the hall, his usual stoic composure cracks slightly. The sight of the once-glorious chamber now stripped bare, servants wailing over the destruction of their precious décor, forces him to stifle a laugh. He quickly covers it up by pulling out the fan his wife gave him, clearing his throat. His mind, however, races with a mixture of shock, admiration, and pride in his queen's cleverness. "So much for the self-important pomp," he thinks, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he surveys the ridiculous scene. When the king mentions the jar of moonshine, Wake's eyes widen slightly, flickering toward Nemma, whose fan hides her playful grin. He knows exactly where that moonshine came from, and it takes everything in him not to burst into laughter then and there.
Later, when they find a moment alone, Wake can no longer hold it in. His deep, hearty laughter fills the empty hallway as he clutches his side, tears of amusement welling in his eyes. "You are more dangerous than any blade, Nemma," he says between fits of chuckles, his respect for her mischievous mind growing even more. Her explanation about defending his honor only makes him laugh harder, and the thought of a moonshine-baked dessert afterward just adds to the joy of the day.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf (Bandit): Bandit steps into the hall, his arms crossed, a deep frown on his face, still annoyed from the previous day’s diplomatic nonsense. However, the moment he sees the chaotic scene of elites complaining and servants scrambling to repaint the drab gray walls, his brow furrows in confusion. The king’s cryptic remark about a harmless prank makes him even more suspicious, and when he glances at Nemma, her demure yet wickedly gleeful expression sends alarm bells ringing in his mind.
When the king explains the moonshine fiasco, Bandit nearly sputters, the fan in his hand snapping open with a loud fwip as he covers his mouth. He narrows his eyes at his wife, who now seems to be enjoying his struggle to contain his laughter. "Moonshine?" he mutters under his breath, finally understanding what had transpired. The sheer ridiculousness of it all, paired with his queen’s audacious wit, threatens to break his composure.
Once alone, Bandit leans against the wall, his shoulders shaking as he fights back the urge to laugh. He runs a hand down his face and shakes his head, eyes twinkling with reluctant amusement. "You couldn’t just let me deal with them in my way, could you? No... you had to outsmart them in the most spectacularly petty way possible." Nemma’s explanation about “defending his honor” makes him groan in mock frustration, though a small, appreciative smile finally breaks through.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf (Noctis): Noctis, ever the most composed and regal of the Ganondorfs, strides into the hall with a bored, tired expression after the day of diplomacy. But when he takes in the sight of the destruction—the walls now dull and bare, the elites whining incessantly—he freezes. His golden eyes sweep across the hall, trying to comprehend what has happened, and then they land on Nemma, her mischievous smile hidden just behind her fan. He immediately knows something is amiss.
As the king explains the moonshine prank, Noctis blinks, still trying to process how something as simple as a jar of alcohol could wreak such havoc. He opens the fan Nemma handed him earlier with a graceful flick, subtly fanning his face to cover the smile that’s trying to break through. The image of those snobbish nobles having their grand hall ruined by a jar of Ordonian moonshine is too deliciously ironic to ignore.
When they’re alone, Noctis lets out a low chuckle, a rare sound from the usually stoic king. He shakes his head, folding his arms over his chest. "I cannot decide whether I should be impressed or furious," he admits, though his lips quirk into an affectionate smile. "I hope you left enough moonshine for our dinner, Nemma. That cake sounds intriguing."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf (Hedony): Hedony’s first instinct is to assume that something violent occurred when he sees the mess in the hall. The paint peeled off, the nobles screeching like wounded animals—it all points to some grand act of destruction. But when he hears the king’s explanation and sees Nemma’s barely-contained laughter behind her fan, the realization of what really happened hits him. His lips twitch, wanting to curl into a smirk, but he keeps his face impassive, though only barely.
The idea of using moonshine to cause this level of mayhem is... brilliant. Simple, yet effective. He clenches his jaw, holding back the urge to laugh aloud. "How exactly did this occur?" he asks, voice tight with the effort of not breaking into hysterics.
Later, when they’re alone, Hedony finally allows himself to laugh. His booming voice echoes through the corridors as he pulls Nemma close, kissing her deeply. "You’re going to be the death of me, woman," he says with a grin, his pride in her devious mind shining through. "But what a glorious way to go."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf (Vendettas): Vendettas, ever suspicious and brooding, walks into the hall, already irritated by the previous day’s events. His eyes scan the destruction with a raised brow. The nobles whining, the king trying to calm everyone down—it all seems so trivial to him. But then he sees Nemma’s smirk hidden behind her fan, and his annoyance fades, replaced by curiosity.
The explanation about the moonshine catches him off guard. He stops in his tracks, blinking in surprise. "Moonshine? Really?" His hand twitches toward the fan she gave him earlier, and before he knows it, he’s covering his face, trying not to snort. The absurdity of it all, the sheer pettiness, is enough to make even him struggle to maintain his composure.
When they’re alone, Vendettas lets out a rare, deep chuckle. "I didn’t think you’d take it that far," he admits, shaking his head. "But I’m glad you did. They deserved it."
Demise: Demise, ever the most prideful and straightforward, enters the hall with a scowl, his patience already worn thin from the previous day's tiresome events. But when he sees the disarray, his scowl deepens. He shoots a suspicious look at Nemma, whose playful eyes behind her fan give everything away.
As the king explains the moonshine incident, Demise’s scowl falters, replaced by confusion. "Moonshine?" His deep voice rumbles as he looks between Nemma and the king, trying to comprehend how such a simple substance caused this chaos. But then he remembers the jar Nemma bought, and realization dawns on him. He tries to stifle his amusement, but a deep, guttural laugh escapes his throat despite himself.
Later, when they’re alone, Demise grips Nemma by the waist, pulling her close. "You are a wicked woman," he growls softly, though there’s a note of admiration in his voice. "But I wouldn’t have it any other way."
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obraveyouth · 19 days
What was the journey home like for you?
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lonely.  that  was  how  link  could  describe  the  life  after  the  quest     ,     the  epilogue  from  a  journeys  well  deserved  end.     it  was  a  superficial  lonely  (  but  a  feeling  felt  all  the  same  ): while  all  of  hyrule  sung  his  praises  and  recorded  his  heroic  deeds  down  in  the  history  books     ---     a  hero's  greatest  honor     ,     right?     link  had  lost  much  of  his  life  and  he  could  think  of  no  word  in  the  hylian  language  that  could  fully express  just  how  he  felt  besides  lonely.     it  was  an  ache  that  hollowed  him  more  than  his  parents  departure  from  this  world  for  the  next     ,     it  was  a  numbing  sensation  of  being  forced  to  die  and  being  reborn  in  a  circumstance  that  was  a  multitude  of  shades  wrong.     if  asked  he  could  say  the  more  surface  answer:  he  missed  midna  or  the  life  he  had  before.  but     ,     it  was  something  more  depressing  and  far  more  terrifying  for  the  ordonian:     with  saving  hyrule     ,     link  no  longer  had  the  ability  of  choice.     the  bitter  reality  of  being  the  gods  chosen  hero  was  that  link  ordona  was  no  longer  himself  (  his  purpose  and  life  far  extending  in  purpose  and  ability  ):     another  incarnation  for  the  soul  of  the  hero     ,     just  another  person  who  lacks  the  free  will  to  do  any different.     saving  lila  and  the  ordon  kids  had  meant  that  link  took  on  the  burden  of  also  saving  an  entire  kingdom     ---  that  he  was  not  even  from     ,  technically.    
link  could  recall  in  those  first  days  after  everything  had  settled  and  zelda  had  begun  to  pick  up  the  pieces  of  her  broken  kingdom  that  he  was  constantly  surrounded  by  people.     civilians  so  grateful  to  their  savior     ,      their  hero.     to  link     ,     nothing  had  changed  for  him.     he  was  still  just  a ranch  hand  from  ordon  who  took  up  sword  fighting  in  his  spare  time  and  read  through  books  as  a  thirsty  man  did  water.     but  because  he  wore  a  special  set  of  clothes     ,     bore  a  piece  of  the  mark  of  the  royal  family     ,     and  could  pull  the  legendary  master  sword  from  its  place  in  the  scared  grove     ---     these  factors  made  others  put  him  on  this  inhumane  pedestal  (  even  moreso  than  his  affinity  for  turning  into  a  blue  eyed  beast  ):     it  was  during  this  moment  that  link  knew  he  had  no  one  else.     sure     ,     he  had  princess  zelda     ,     lila     ,     rusl     ,     and  midna  before  she  shattered  the  mirror  but  it  did  not  matter  how  many  flocked  to  link  as  goats  to  their  shepard  (  in  fact  it  was  being  encompassed  by  everyone  where  link  is  the  loneliest  ):  the  hero  of  twilight  realized  that  he  had  no  one  else  to  relate  too  nor  confide  in.
a  hero  was  meant  to  be  the  ideal  man     ,     the  most  grandiose  and  perfect  image  of  a  savior.     so     ,     pray  tell:     when  was  link  allowed  to  display  any  ounce  of  imperfection  again?     when  was  he  allowed  to  falter?     he  was  not  and  would  never  be  again.     even  his  voice  was  unbefitting  of  a  hero  of  legend  (  as  some  residents  of  castle  town  had  spoken  behind  his  back     ---     it  did  not  make  the  blond  anymore  inclined  to  speak  ):     and  was  why  link  nestled  into  his  internal  loneliness     ,     all  of  his  traumas     ,   and  the  comfort  of  mutism  he  had  found  a  welcoming  kind  of  salvation  in.     ❝  dis  implies  i  evea  wen  back  'ome or had one. ❞ link  returned  to  ordon  physically.     he  herded  the  goats  for  fado  as  always     ,     played  with  the  kids  (watched  them  grow  up  and  get  their  own  lives  ):     went  to  any  and  all  political  meeting  when  requested  by  zelda:     but  nothing  for  him  was  the  same  anymore.     before  being  dragged  into  the  twilight     ,     link  always  had  a  choice  in  his  bravery  or  courteousness. but  now  it  was  an  expectation  from  everyone ---     and  it  was  a  feeling  link  was  drowning  in     ,      probably  going  to  wallow  and  die  in.
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❝  it  was  loud.  lotsa  festivals  n'  feastin'  n  jus     ... thankfulness?    but  i  felt  empty  from  it  all  n  still  do     ,     ya  know?  comin'  'ome  meant  i  was  sumin'  more  than  what  i  was  before  n  dats  fine  n  all  but.  ❞     link  did  not  feel  like  he  was  anymore  himself  than  he  was  a  decade  ago.     sure  he  was  stronger  and  more  battle  worn  than  before  saving  both  realms     ---     though  that  didn't  help  his  internal  strife. who was  link  how  outside  being  chosen  by  the  gods?     ---     had  he  ever  been  his  own  self  outside  of  simply  being  an  incarnation  to  do  a  deities  bidding?     sometimes  he  wonders  if  everything  about  his  life  was  a  life:     if  everyone  he's  ever  loved  and  cared  for     ,     too     ,     been  apart  of  something  preordained  far  outside  of  his  knowledge.     the  same  overflow of  information  that  had  left  link  motionless  at  lanayru's  light  spring  felt  so  cold  to  his  skin  (  those  interlopers  looked  so  much  like  him  ):     logically  he  knows  it  was  to  understand     ---     to  give  his  brain  an  anchor  to  absorb  the  forbidden  knowledge     ,     but     ,  it  did  not  make  the  implications  any  better  for  his  unease.
❝  can  say  i  lef'  ordon  fora  few  days.     i  locked  myself  away. midna  understood  me  n  shade  did  too  but  they  was  gone  and  sometimes  i  think  if  meetin'  her  was  my  only  decision. but  maybe  dats  just  anotha  part  of  bein'  a  hero  who  ain't  needed  anymore.     like  loneliness  is  only  something  a  heroic  blue  eyed  beast  can�� know.  ❞  his  eyes  turn  solemn  and  look  downwards.     ❝  i  stopped  talkin'  too.  so  it  was  real  lonely  n  quiet.     yeah     ,     i  saved  the  world  of  light  n  shadow  n  it  made  my  own  silent     ,     kinda  tragic     ,     right?  ❞
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majorproblems77 · 11 months
Musical Master sword headcannon post!
So exactly one person asked for this (Thanks @ajscico.) And that's enough for me because I care about this head cannon so much!
I've spent a long time building it and trying to get details together so that it makes sense as to why each link has the instrument he has.
This post is LONG, It goes through my reasonings for each Link plus the extras. Throwing a few names down while I work, as this headcannon is still changing. The only concrete thing is the Main 9.
Do feel free to ask me questions! I'll happily speak about this all day!
To save your feeds, I shall begin under a cut.
You clicked in? Oh man, Thank you so much!
You can have access to the cookie jar! :)
Please note! I have not got a musical background!
So to start I'll explain what the head cannon is.
Fi can speak to every person who is worthy to hold her. She designates a different instrument for each worthy person upon their first contact with her - During the events of linked universe.
This 'speech' comes in the form of an instrumental, that each person is able to understand. Unless Fi is actively trying to speaking to multiple people she is only heard by the person who her music is aimed at.
(Or in the case of the chain. When she is handed to each member she greets them with their instrument. - Sky is aware and can hear every greeting and hence knows every person's instrument immediately.)
It's important to note that it is Fi, Who assigns the instrument based on the person. They don't get a choice in the matter.
Alright, so to begin, Let's start with the Chain
Time - Ocarina Warriors - Chello Twilight - Pan flute Four - Flutes (A group, 4 to be exact ) legend - Pan drums Hyrule - Bells Wind - Windchimes Wild - Piano Sky - Harp (More specifically the goddess harp)
I'll start with the obvious members
Sky - Goddess harp Man spent his entire journey learning songs on the goddess harp, It was gifted to him by Zelda the love of his life and the person he did his whole journey for. It's a comforting sound for him, as it's something familiar. It reminds him of his home.
Time - Ocarina Time spent his first journey learning music like Sky did but I like to think that as his first instrument (his original fairy ocarina was gifted to him by a good friend) the sound would be a comfort. While Fi doesn't speak to Time very often because She is aware of his opinions of her there is still a designation for him anyway.
Now the rest - You'll begin to spot a theme with these :)
Warriors - Chello
Now, this may seem like an odd choice. (or maybe not.) But I had a few things I was thinking when I was looking into Warriors instrument.
1 - I wanted him to have a string instrument 2 - it needed to be a classical one 3 - Couldnt be a violin (I had another chain member with that at the time)
Warriors is very mature, and i wanted an instrument which resembles that maturity. so as with the rest of my choices, my first choice was to go to the Hyrule warriors theme tune.
(So many wind instruments) But also string instruments.
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Chellos can also be played in 2 ways, Just plucking on the strings and by using a bow.
One creates a sharp and precise sound, while the other draws notes out into groups. In my eyes, it shows the two ways he fights. fighting groups is his speciality. (Playing the long notes with a bow). But he also capable of making shorter notes, all be it with restrictions.
Twilight - Pan flute
I wasn't sure where to go with Twilight to begin with, but I settled on the pan flute.
They look like this!
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But it's one of the instruments used in the Ordonian village soundtrack. (Found here) As a big family man, I can see Twilight with a song that reminds him of home.
Four - Flutes (plural)
Now at first, I'd actually given four handbells. But, something about it just didn't sit right. I trialled several instruments for four. Trying to juggle what I know about him, his soundtracks and the like. Then I settled on a group of flutes.
There are different pitches of flutes (Concert flutes specifically) which sound slightly different but are obviously all the same instrument at the end of the day. Which reminds me of four.
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Here is one type, I'd probably have this type be the main type. so for Green.
Blue - C base (an octave lower than the flute above) Vio - G alto flute (lowest pitch of the concert flute variants) Red - Picallo (High pitch small flute)
Legend - Pan drum
I went with Pan drums for Legend after much deliberation.
They look like this
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Again based on a soundtrack this one. (Links awakening title) Of all his journeys I've always considered his journey in links awakening to be his most important. Even with the outcome being what it is he made friends and family that were very important to him while he was there. The memory of his time there would be a comfort.
Hyrule - handbells
Now Hyrule was a little more difficult, as when I was first starting to put this together I wanted everyone to have something 'classical' so so synth, techno etc. I settled on handbells, as they are more unusual of an instrument.
Like Hyrule, they are something a little different and unique! And something that has a really complex sound set if you use several in tandem with each other.
Heres what im talking about
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While I don't own a set of handbells so I can't test I do know roughly what they sound like. So i had a fun time going through the Legend of Zelda 2 soundtrack (Mainly the title theme )and figuring out if it would sound good with that instrument.
Wind - Windchimes
Now either, this was an odd choice for you, or an obvious choice. But yes, 'windchimes' is actually an instrument from the percussion family.
They look something like this
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And sounds very much like the ones you have hung up outside in your back garden. They remind me of the ocean, and i like to think, He would have one hung outside of his home.
Wild - Piano
Now as you might have figured out by this point This is another one that I based around a soundtrack. I love the BOTW soundtrack. Its amazing.
Now there are several types of piano, i was thinking of using a grand piano.
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These ones!
I like to think that Wild was maybe taught off to the side by Zelda while he was her knight. I mean come on Zelda is a princess. She must have some form of instrument training. Maybe it reminds him of her. Maybe it reminds him of a home he can't remember.
Ways i can make wilds story more tragic i suppose
With those members out of the way, there are three more specifics we need to address
Now the Zelda's are easier than I thought they would be. I've come to the decision that they will hear the same instrument as the respective link. But at a different pitch.
Now what exactly depends on the individual, Four may become an exception to this rule and might use a separate instrument entirely just cause he technically already has four pitches he uses.
I've decided that the best way for Fi to communicate with everyone at once is to use her current wielder instrument. (This does extend to the Zelda's)
So for example
If Time's Zelda (lullaby) was holding Fi as she was talking to everyone they would all hear the higher-pitched ocarina that she hears when Fi speaks to her.
If Sky is holding her, and she needs to address the group. She would use the sound of the goddess harp.
And so on for the entire group.
First - Violin
Now some of you may be surprised to find him here. As he's not appeared in any of my works at the moment. But. Something in me felt the need to set him an instrument anyway.
We have so little information about the man that's tough to give a full reason as to why I've given him the violin. As First is basically a character I have to create from scratch, we shall have to see if my reasonings change. But for now, he gets the violin.
I think thats everyone!
Thanks so much for having an interest in this! It means the world!
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ordonianhero · 9 months
Latest art update
With Jojo blurb under the art work. This what we get:
Jojo is explaining how after Lu adventure, wild will take what he learned from this adventures from the other Heros and their princesses. Take it back to his era, to help him and Flora know how to best heal their own world.
What is did not say, so people understand:
TOTK is making a show in the comic. Or hinted as apart of his journey. We are sticking to Wild of BOTW basically learning from this new adventure with the eight others.
If you want to make content where totk is in LU, go for it. But don’t rudely ask the content creator of their own comic to scrap it and start over. Jojo has spent years on their story line, and it’s taken several years.
Thank you for hearing this out.
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margindoodles2407 · 11 months
Consider: Languages
Awakener muttering curses in Great Sea Gaelic
Orpheus slipping back into Kokirish when he's excited, angry, or stressed
Additionally, Orpheus being fluent in Dekuspeak, Zoran, and Gorondi, but ONLY when wearing his masks
Dawnbringer using Ordonian Idioms in his Ordonian Accent :)
Odysseus being a polyglot with a natural talent for learning languages and, by the end of his adventures, being fluent in Mudoran, Koholish, Holodrumi, Subrosian, and Labrynnan AS WELL AS Old Labrynnan
Language and grammatical barriers between the heroes during Hyrule Warriors (because languages change over time, even if they're all speaking Hyrulian)
Fractal and Radiance speaking Picori to each other when they don't want people to overhear their conversations
The Colors all having mostly similar but just-different-enough-to-be-unsettling vocabularies, speech patterns, and inflections
Skylian incorporating tweets, whistles, and other bird noises into its pronunciation
Sunshine learning Zonai in the distant past and reviving it in the present after the end of TotK, writing down the alphabet, grammatical rules, and writing the first-ever Zonai-to-Hyrulian dictionary
Genesis and his Calatian dialect :) and Somnia awakening at the end of Zelda II and speaking an older version of Hyrulian that's just different enough to present a language barrier
In A Link Between Worlds, Hyrulian and Lorulian having the same words and grammar but different pronunciations of said words (like tomato and tomahto)
Quick key for those who want it:
Hyrulian= common language
Zoran= Zora Language
Gorondi= Goron Language
Dekuspeak= Deku Scrub Language
Kokirish= Kokiri Language
Koholish= Koholint Island
Labrynnan= Labrynna
Old Labrynnan= Labrynna’s Distant Past
Holodrumi= Holodrum
Mudoran= what is in the book of Mudora in ALttP
Skylian= Proto-Hyrulian, spoken on Skyloft
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sunset-peril · 5 months
Had this dude and his scars ping-ponging around in my brain all day, was finally able to draw him!
Behold! The boy :]
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It took me significantly longer than I thought it would to make the boy, but he looks so pretty!!!
Although probably about a solid 30 minutes was spend entirely on his dumb nose. I have enough problems with noses in general, and then my silly self decides to come up with a design that has both a snout shape and a human nose (why do I do this to myself...)
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As the picture says, Link's native language is Chuffing/Ordonian. In ancient times (Rauru's time), the language is called Ordonian, because the people in the region of old Ordonia are primarily the ones that speak it. It's called Chuffing in AoC/BotW times because it sounds like, well, chuffing. No one is sure how the language name got downgraded to that, but it did. Link bears 5 pairs of puncture wound scars from barbed wire on his upper lip, and two scars slicing up from the corners of his mouth. I'll put the more uncomfy details under the cut, but they were inflicted during his accident at 13. Thank you so much to @skyloftian-nutcase for answering my random question about wires, haha. It stopped my head from spinning.
He's very anxious about Hylians and touch after his accident, understandably, and will lunge/snap his teeth at anything that tries to reach for, grab at, or touch his head in any capacity. Because of the genetic modification they underwent in ancient times to become super-soldiers, Wolfbred have a significantly different system of reproductive behavior that the other races, even the Hylians. I'm not going to go through the Wolfbred Reproductive Physiology lecture because I don't want to, but the strong mating season the Wolfbred have encourages them to bond at young ages, typically around the onset of puberty if conditions and potential mates are good. Link is, of course, unbonded, as the Wolfbred's last remaining female is well... his sister. Having been unbonded for three years, when the typical Wolfbred usually bonds within one or two, Link's definitely got both eyes on the lookout. When he's not busy with his duties as Champion, of course.
ANYWAYS, I've rambled about lore again when this post was supposed to be about the picture. So enjoy the pretty boy :]
The Wolfbred, at the time of Link's accident, were required to be muzzled while inside Hyrule Castle, and even handled by other soldiers in some regions. The muzzle's mouthpiece is hinged into place by a small piece resembling razor wire (or one of those tiny disposable scalpels), which is supposed to be covered up by the blunt metal of the outer cover. However, the muzzles are often forged to be the appropriate size for a grown (or nearly grown) Wolfbred, due to the greater danger the adults would possess if out of control, which meant that Link's was larger and looser-fitting than it should have been for his smaller size. While he was being observed in the Sanctum, one of the places where he was required to be muzzled and handled, the loose muzzle slipped and exposed the sharp hinge piece on the inner layers, which became caught on the corners of Link's mouth when he moved his head. The shock of having a sudden pain in his mouth made Link subconsciously yank forward towards the King. His handler, on instinct, yanked the chain on the muzzle backwards.
I think you can imagine what happened. That pain made Link yank his now-bleeding head upwards, where he unintentionally engaged a thin strand of barbed wire intended to be used as a last resort against a dangerous Wolfbred, puncturing him there too. It was... not a good day in the Sanctum, to put it mildly.
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orcusnoir · 4 months
The Shadow Over Hyrule - Chapter 7: The Burnt Message
The Sailor couldn’t believe the sight he was seeing…
He, Twilight and Time had gone to investigate the burnt-down barn. While there wasn’t really much to speak of in terms of evidence, as the Captain had put it, outside of the tragic remains of several livestock. But what they did find had stunned the three quest-harden heroes into silence.
Just above, carved into the wall above where the horses would lay was a message. A message to him, written in his distinct Hylian text. While Time, not so much Twilight, could get a vague understanding of what was carved into the burnt wood, it was up to Wind to tell them.
“The cycle repeats,” Wind read the carved message in a flat tone, “does it not, Link of Outset? Ad Infinitum.”
There was a long pregnant pause of stillness before the Ordonian’s voice broke it.
“What. The. Fuck?” Twilight sucked in a breath through his teeth, “I’m gonna get the others.”
“Good idea,” Time spoke, hiding a sigh with his hand.
Wind just stared at the message, his mind blank trying to come up with any sorted explanation as to what it meant. What was the “cycle” that it referred to? And how in the Golden Three did the writer know Wind, and know him enough to actually know where he was born and raised?
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Thinking on the spirit gods in Twilight princess having physical forms as well as their spirit ones.
Also Ordonia have full on adopted Link in a way. They've known this boy for years. Link probably spent countless hours at his spring with Epona and Ilia. So they care greatly for this little hero. And the thought of them taking form as an old scraggly ordonian goat and just laying with Link and getting pets or staying with him when he's collapsed in the waters healing is wholesome.
Faron and Eldin also both become fond of this little Hylian after he helps them. And get to know him more after the ordeal as he travels by them frequently and brings offerings and speaks with them.
But I feel like him and Lanyru wouldn't be on the...greatest of terms. Given the whole fuck you vision scenario. He still respects them and will bring them offerings when he's at the Lake Hylia. But they do not speak to 9ne another very much.
And maybe this is just me beingnsalty about the vision but it's what's currently in my head.
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