llyfrenfys · 4 months
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Dw i wedi bod yn gweithio gyda @/queertawe i greu sesiwn i drafod terminoleg anneuaidd yn y Gymraeg.
Amser: 6yp-8yp 11 Mehefin yn @/tytawe, Christina St, Abertawe. Mae tocynnau am ddim, ond archebwch drwy @/queertawe.
Dw i'n symud fflat ym mis Mai a Mehefin. Ni allaf ddod yn anffodus! Ond gobeithio y bydd y sesiwn yn ddefnyddiol ac yn ddiddorol.
I've been working with QueerTawe to create a session to talk about Welsh nonbinary terminology.
Time: 6pm-8pm 11th June at @/tytawe, Christina St, Swansea.
Tickets are free but please book your place through @/queertawe.
I'm moving flat in May and June. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the session myself. But I hope the session is useful and interesting!
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femmeidiot · 1 year
Have you heard of queerology? A podcast by a gay Christian (and therapist) about queer theology
I haven’t but I also do not listen to podcasts. That sounds interesting though. I did my ethnography project for my class this semester in a religious space and found a lot of queer people there but not even on purpose but it was really interesting and there’s very little ethnographic research being done in that kind of setting and so I think there should s be more and anyway maybe I should do it idk.
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ancestorsofjudah · 1 year
1 Kings 8: 22-26. "God of the Pasture."
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Just as with the Assembly, the Torah and Tanakh are rife with discussions of God's Promises. They must seem like vapor to us today because of how things are.
If we were to stop the violence and displays of vulgar licentiousness with our planet and its waning lifeforms, what would God do for us in return?
Let's review the Promises for a moment before we proceed, just in case we decide to be faithful everlasting starting today:
When G‑d promised Moses that He would deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt, He did so using four different expressions of deliverance: {1}"I will bring you out from the suffering of Egypt {2} and I will save you from enslavement {3} and I will deliver you {4}…and I will take you for me as a Nation, and I will be for you, the L-rd" (Ex. 6:6-7)
The process of Freedom from Egypt is the onset of sentience which begins with the outcropping of the penis.
Through the biological functions we are endowed with we are able to solve just about any problem that comes our way, even the ones we make for ourselves. To be free of Egypt is to recognize the Lord's hand in the biology and the queerology of the way we engage in problem solving.
By queerology, I don't mean gay, I mean humanity is odd in the way it laments its troubles but just finally ends up making more for itself in spite of the explicit directions in the Torah and the laws of the land that oppose them.
Delivery is called Shabbat, the moment we give up causing trouble for ourselves, and finally is the Nation, the culmination of thousands of years of conetmplation of how a short and very futile way of life need never seem so long as we are able to apparently commute the sentence of death through the company of friends.
Solomon's dedication emphasizes all of the above. So long as we remember we leave Egypt to become free of the grip of the evil personal penis to reach for it later, things should go just fine. Just like Adam and Eve in Eden:
Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication
22 Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in front of the whole assembly of Israel, spread out his hands toward heaven 23 and said:
“Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below—you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way. 
24 You have kept your promise to your servant David my father; with your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled it—as it is today.
25 “Now Lord, the God of Israel, keep for your servant David my father the promises you made to him when you said, ‘You shall never fail to have a successor to sit before me on the throne of Israel, if only your descendants are careful in all they do to walk before me faithfully as you have done.’ 
26 And now, God of Israel, let your word that you promised your servant David my father come true.'26 And now, God of Israel, let your word that you promised your servant David my father come true.
=16746, 16-7-4-6, י״וזד‎‎ו‎ Ya-Zedu, "God of the Pasture."
Read on- if we have dry teats, and can't produce the milk, the reason God pasturizes us and feed the ewes of the community, what then is the real purpose of the grazing meadow?
The Promise Solomon's prayer invokes is evocative of the mountain meadow where the cycle of secure human existence begins. Whether you live in a rural village or up high in a skyscraper we depend on the success of the pasture.
Similar to this is the government and its processes of citizenship with graze all of us on the principals of civilized life. The Tanakh says we must not take this for granted if we intend to stay here.
The root שדה (sdh) does not occur in the Bible as verb, only in its derivatives. But, says BDB Theological Dictionary, it's "plausibly connected" with the Assyrian sadu, meaning mountain, used by people whose land was mountainous (see Deuteronomy 32:13 and Judges 5:18). The derivatives of this root are:
The masculine noun שדי (saday), meaning cultivated field (Jeremiah 12:12) or wild land and home of wild beasts (Joshua 2:22). This noun is a poetic synonym of the following noun.
The masculine noun שדה (sadeh), meaning open field or pasture land (Genesis 29:2) or home of wild beasts (Genesis 4:8, Jeremiah 14:5).
The sibling root שדה (shdh) doesn't occur as verb in the Bible so we have no context to try it to. It exists in Arabic with the meaning of to moisten, and the Aramaic equivalent שדא (shd') means to pour out. Its derivatives are:
The masculine noun שד (shad), meaning (female) breast (Hosea 2:4, Song of Solomon 1:13) or animal breast (Lamentations 4:3).
The feminine version, שדה (shidda), occurs in Ecclesiastes 2:8, but no satisfying translation or interpretation has been offered.
In our culture, breasts and mountains may be each other's obvious metaphors, but in Hebrew that doesn't work that way, as metaphors are usually derived from an action and not from appearance (but see the name Haran).
The two may nevertheless have been connected in the Hebrew mind, but then not via the mountainous forms, but rather from the food they produce. Fields need rain to produce and draught was a nightmare. In that same sense, dry breasts that couldn't feed one's offspring, were a curse (Hosea 9:14).
Anything that is a scandal against God, slavery, child pornography, poverty, war, violence, apartheid, racism, anything God cannot raise up out of the meadow but we plant in ourselves quite advertently, the curses we must reverse; these are the sole priority of the Jew and the Assembly of the King until all the weeds and their seeds are uprooted and cast into the fire.
This is our end of the Promise. One we need to view as far more than possible to keep but is inevitable.
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foreverdjh · 2 years
okay i’m only ten minutes into this but i’m finding it really interesting. i often forget how intelligent/well-spoken dan can be but i really like that side of him so if you’re looking for a (year old) dan interview to listen to tonight - queerology podcast
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Never Really Loved
“When I came out as gay….well, even before I came out, when I realized that I was queer and that these feelings that I had weren’t going away. That no amount of praying harder or doing better or believing more stridently was freeing me I was devastated. I knew what my church and family thought of people like me. I knew what they had done to people like me. Kicked us out of homes and colleges. Packed us away to reparative therapy camps. Mistreated and abused us. In the best of cases we were told that “they loved the sinner but hated the sin”. We were tolerated…maybe. But we were never accepted. Never really loved. Oh, they would say that they loved us, but they didn’t. Because love isn’t about words, it’s about actions.” -Shannon Kearns
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Queerology application:
Interesting in joining the Queerology youtube channel? Send me a messsge answering these questions.
1. Your name
2. Gender identity
3. Where your from
4. When youre available to post
5. Why i should choose you
6. Kik username
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An Intersex Gay Transgender Man’s Plea: A Call for Action to All Welcoming Queer and LGBTQ+ Loving Religious Affiliations
An Intersex Gay Transgender Man’s Plea: A Call for Action to All Welcoming Queer and LGBTQ+ Loving Religious Affiliations
Shared from: Rainbow Human Rights Community My message is an urgent call for action to our intersex allies.  Especially if you are a part of any religious affiliation that is adding and lifting up LGBTQ+ people.  As a people, who embrace queerology and ethics, it is imperative that we change the narrative that intersex people are born a disorder, syndrome, or birth defect.  It is an imperative…
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View On WordPress
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heydarren · 7 years
“I felt God in all these spaces in some kind of real way, so it’s not that I have to throw it all out. But I do have to give myself permission to ask questions. I have to give myself permission to be upset, and angry, and unhappy, things that we don’t often encourage people to do in worship settings.”
Check out my interview with Matthias Roberts on Queerology: 
  Worshiping While Queer – Podcast with Matthias Roberts was originally published on DarrenCalhoun.com
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myahjay · 5 years
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Myah Jackson’s Zeal Life: A Chat With Matthias Roberts, Host of Queerology I had the pleasure of chatting with Matthias Roberts on one of my favorite podcasts that help LGBTQ+ Christians and allies live confidently. We get into inclusion and diversity in the fashion industry, my newest editorial All Are Welcome and colorism in the black community.
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showspace · 7 years
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cawetherhill · 8 years
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Clothing Agender: "Wes"
Pronouns: mree/mer (Agender)
"My clothing expresses my beliefs in that fashion is freedom of expression and everyone is fashionable in their own right. I dress to what is comfortable for me; typically baggy clothing with a feminine flair, as I choose to embrace my femininity as opposed to rejecting it despite my lack of binary gender identity."
See more of "Clothing Agender"
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beviate · 6 years
whenever someone uses feminine pronouns for god my heart goes 💞💛✨💟💛💙✨💚💞💛 !!!!
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flo-brooks · 8 years
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I’m showing some works from 2016 (like this) AND NEW paintings at 2 shows coming up this February, if you fancy coming along to either please do! Facebook events are in the links below...
Queerology, at Inkwell Arts, Leeds
Ouroboros, at Underdog Gallery, London. 
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lunalefey · 7 years
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poster for the exhibition I've organised and I'm super fuckin excited for it
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testmycourage · 3 years
I just think Julien Baker understands some things about life that not many people do. I could literally listen to her talk about life and being queer and religion and spirituality for hours
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shigarakisbabyy · 3 years
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Izuku Midoriya x male reader headcanons! No nsfw!
Warnings: brief mentions of violence, insecurity
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You were definitely what made Izuku realize he was attracted to men
He had never thought of it before, until you
One glance and just “…oh.”
So, naturally he stayed up all night and researched everything about being LGBT. Literally everything. You’d think he was an expert at “queerology” with how much he knows
He asked you out first
Definitely nervous though
“H-hey y/n? Umm… do you think… uhhhh… do you think you might like to go on a date with me?”
He definitely assured you it was absolutely 100% okay if you said no
But ya didn’t ;)
You definitely had to kiss him first
The poor boy doesn’t know how to kiss
You had to teach him
He’d be so nervous to cuddle you. He’d prefer being the little spoon for a while, but would eventually grow to being comfortable with big or little.
He has entire notebooks dedicated to you and your quirk and literally everything about you. NOTEBOOKS. PLURAL. There are so many goddamn
If anyone was homophobic to you he’d go ballistic
NO ONE insults you
You thought the overhaul fight was bad? Shits going to get so much worse.
He doesn’t particularly care if anyone insults him though. You’ll have to defend him.
He definitely goes on long rants about All Might to you. Normally he gets embarrassed when he does this to other people, but around you he’s comfortable. You love listening to him
He loves wearing your clothes
You wear his clothes too
Thats how people figure out you’re dating
You definitely train together and study together in his dorm
If you ever feel insecure, he will definitely kiss you all over and tell you how amazing you are until all those thoughts go away
If you’re training to become a hero, he will be your #1 supporter and #1 fan. The amount of merch he has is crazy
And if you don’t want to be a hero, that’s fine too. He knows it’s definitely not a job for everyone
And if you’re quirkless, he will 100% be there to defend you against people who talk crap. If you ever get insecure about it, he will talk to you and make sure you know that not having a quirk is 100% okay.
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