#questionable things my parents do
steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Eddie, at the hospital post Upside Down, is out of it because of meds and keeps blabbering nonsense. Dustin visits him with Steve and Eddie keeps referring to him as his son.
Dustin replies jokingly with "Yeah and this is your husband, Steve" and rolls his eyes.
And if Eddie has some memory of parenting Dustin, he doesn't recall ever being in a relationship with Steve, which makes him come to the conclusion that he must've lost his memory.
Dustin feels immensely guilty as Eddie keeps apologizing to Steve in tears, for forgetting such a "wonderful and beautiful husband".
It goes on for a few days and surprisingly, Steve gets quickly adjusted to being Eddie's husband.
When Eddie is finally better and doesn't need that many painkillers, he still remembers how he acted around Dustin and Steve.
He's too embarrassed to face them again so he asks his uncle to keep them away if they ever come to visit again. And they do.
Steve barges into the hospital room "What the hell is going on?"
Eddie can't blabber anything coherent so Steve presses "Do you want to divorce me? is that it?"
To which, for some unknown reason, Eddie takes offense to "What the fuck, Harrington?"
"Oh, I'm 'Harrington' now? great" he replies, clearly pissed "No, fantastic! You'll have a word with my lawyer."
"I'm taking Dustin and you'll have to pay for child support!"
"You can't take Dustin! He's my kid too!"
Wayne and Dustin observe their whole discussion from the entrance door, too scared to come into the room.
"Does Steve really have a lawyer?" Wayne muses.
Dustin turns to him, scandalized "They aren't married! I'm not their child!"
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scatterbrainedbot · 6 months
Hello :D
You're so cool
Anyway have you thought that in your rat sons au Splinter might outlive the boys?
You're very cool :D love your stuff dude
(tw for some blood, light gore, implied overdose (kinda??))
hi copper!!! this is a fantastic question!
so obviously typical irl rats have far shorter lifespans than the average irl tortoise. according to google (yes, be awed by my spectacularly in-depth wealth of research) the average pet rat lives between 2-4 years ish, and the oldest on record lived to be about 7. meanwhile, an African spurred tortoise (Splinter's species) averages more around a 50ish year lifespan in captivity, tho is suspected to possibly exceed 75 or more in the wild.
Now, the mutation does give us a lot of wiggle room for playing with these numbers. For the rat sons boys, id say their natural lifespan probably clocks in at about 45-55 years old? definitely not old by human standards, but not young young either. (though, its also important to note that the boys were exposed to the mutagen just days after being born.)
For Splinter, meanwhile, aging is slightly more complicated. He lived the vast majority of his life as a regular normal African spurred tortoise (well, non-mutated at least. there were perhaps some shenanigans of a more mystical variety going on before he was mutated, but thats a separate matter) He was about 70ish i think? when the boys were born and they were all exposed to the mutagen. so he is already distinctly an old man turtle papa. id guess he'd probably still have another eh lets say 25-30 years after his mutation. he could probably push it a little farther even with some mystic nonsense, but when push comes to shove id say his 'natural' post-mutation lifespan would put his death like a solid decade or two before his sons.
of course, the tricky part of the matter is that theres no way for Splinter to know any of this. theres no way for him to know how the mutation affected them all, or if it even affected them all in the same way. especially since the boys dont show many physical signs of mutation for the first few years, and just kinda look like normal rats, (albeit with a more human sort of intelligence) — what sort of health standard do you hold them to? what if they simply dont show external signs of sickness or old age anymore? how do you actually know if something is wrong?
for a while there Splinter is very worried that one of his babies will just essentially reach the end of their normal rat lifespan, fall and not get up again.
so mostly, he just tries to live in the moment, enjoying whatever time he does have with his little ones, taking each day as a gift <3
that fear
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figsandphiltatos · 4 months
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adaine's family relationships are something i can actually be so incredibly normal about too btw
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tswwwit · 1 year
Wait, does the cheating thing on the bond always works? bcs that would be kinda freaky for R!Dipper like imagine you get pinned down by someone in the corner of a br or smthng and then said person kissed you and proceeded to explode into red mist and you literally have no idea what happened.
Also, would the constellation mark be a "cursed" Mark over the years, like you would give birth to a baby and the doctor says "😟 I am so sorry ma'am,,, I'm afraid your baby has the Cipher Companion mark. ( could also be something equally as science-y like Ursa Major, Constellation Calamation, etc idk)" And you just burst into tears.
Would that mean that dipper would get into a special program(demon wrangling program or smthng, demonologist? Maybe)? Or would the parents hide it away hoping that Bill would never take their child away?
(Sorry this au is just very interesting to me,,,, I hope u get more motivation, keep writing author 💪)
These are all options! The fun part of reincarnation AU being left ambiguous is that technically any of them could happen.
#Answers#Okay but for full transparency#I never really figured out what the 'cheating' consequence is#It's a nebulous concept since I've never had to write it happening#And left ambiguous because neither of these two are into anyone else - and as a writer I like to leave my options open!#I would assume that one of the few things they agreed on when making the contract was that unwelcome advances didn't count as cheating#But that the villain in question would get what was coming to them. Very Violently. They wanna step on a landmine? Let 'em have it#Dipper would have made a frowny face at the violence but agreed. Privately thinking well that's actually a *bonus*#A built-in defense system of sorts#(Something Bill was also thinking but absolutely phrased in the possessive aspect)#Whether or not the Consequences kick in before they meet again - their equivalent of their vow renewal - is up for grabs#Dipper trying to fend off someone only to have them burst into flames and/or blood would feel a terrified sense of relief#Who knows! Maybe Dipper has protection but has a chance for other actions before they meet again!#But the odds of that occurring are very slim. Partly due to his general awkwardness#And distinct hesitation on Dipper's part. Even though he *thinks* he should be enthusiastic#He looks at the person he's in bed with and just. It feels weird. Maybe because he hasn't (in his memory) done this before#Great job Dipper!! Someone in your bed and the best you can do is kinda grimace. Real sexy.#If he does ever manage to get up to something it's not even a tenth of the time he has with his husband#Dipper reincarnations are all very unfortunately attracted as hell to Bill Cipher and they're deeply alarmed by it#I do like the idea of different parental groups finding Dipper's birthmark and having different reactions#Perhaps a random incarnation of one of his family members ends up in charge of him one time#The results would vary *wildly* depending on who it was#On a scale of Mabel Mom to Ford Uncle how are you preparing this person for his invitable enhusbanding#(Stan remains pretty much the same but has a lot of bad marriage advice)#Wow that's a lot of tags even for me#I am going to queue this and sleep
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pendr4gonz · 1 month
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was looking at the starting screen + alkaids new card and was thinking like. Hm. which other character that i like likes surfing... what was it...
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radioactivepeasant · 11 months
Snippet Thursday: Mistaken Identity
Actually quite long (about 42 pages in my tiny notepad), because it's a full one-shot rather than part of a multi-chapter idea. Although that's not to say I won't add pieces later
The distress beacon had been Sig’s, but the shape lying limply in the dust was most assuredly not Sig. The gathered Wastelanders looked at each other with grim expressions: this felt like a trap.
"Circle around," Damas signed to the driver of the second car, "Check for an ambush. I'll see if it's one of ours."
"Be careful," the woman signed back. A dimple between her brows suggested that under her heavy scarf she was frowning.
"I'm always careful."
Even so, Damas took extra care in approaching the crumpled form, gesturing for Kleiver to follow him in case of attack. He'd assumed that the person -- or corpse, hard to tell at this distance -- would be larger up close. But as he drew near, the figure remained small, and slight. They were dressed like a Havenite from the Slums, wearing stained, threadbare layers of clothing. A filthy scarf and dismally battered goggles half covered matted green hair; they didn't seem to have any more protection from the sun than that. Foolish Havenite.
Two small animals lay beside the stranger, breathing shallowly. Pets? That seemed an unusual step for Haven, letting an exile take anything important to them.
Damas glanced at the stranger, but kept his attention focused on the ground, looking for Sig’s beacon. It didn't take long to find, considering it lay beside the stranger's hand. Damas picked up the beacon and turned it over in his hand. There were no obvious signs of tampering. No blood or scorching or anything else to indicate that the beacon had been taken by force.
"How did you get this?" Damas murmured, not really expecting an answer. Whoever this was, they were barely alive.
It was not like Kleiver to sound hesitant.
"Do you...know this kid?"
An odd question. Damas looked up with a quizzical expression and found the big Wastelander peering down at the face of the figure. Kid?
The king pivoted on his heels to get a better look at their find.
Sunken cheeks. Dark circles under large eyes. A pitiful patch of stubble that might’ve been a first attempt at a beard on an otherwise startlingly smooth face. Precursors, he was a kid, wasn't he? He could've been anywhere from sixteen to nineteen -- in his state, it was hard to tell.
"Scrawny thing, isn't he?" Damas remarked. He took hold of an iron ring strapped to the boy's chest and tried to shake off a nagging sense of familiarity in the boy's features. "A channeler, maybe? We could use one of those. Honestly, I'm impressed that he's still breathing."
He glanced up. "What makes you think I'd know who the whelp is?"
Kleiver looked back at him with an unusually uncomfortable expression. He gestured awkwardly to the boy's face.
"Well he's...I mean- well look at 'im! 'S just weird, is all."
"What's weird?" Damas scoffed and hoisted the boy up by the iron ring.
The boy's head fell back and for just a moment, something around his neck glittered in the fading sunlight. With a curse, Damas dropped him as if he'd been burned. He scrambled to his feet and stumbled back a step, swearing under his breath.
"What fresh hell is this?" he demanded.
That was where Phobos found him after completing her perimeter check: staring in horror down at a much younger version of his own face.
Phobos crossed the space between their vehicles to touch his shoulder.
"I...who is this?"
"Damas." Phobos shook him gently. "Hey. Hey. Are you just going to leave him lying there?"
The king blinked and inhaled sharply as he seemed to come to. "Right," he muttered, "...right. Pho, take my staff."
"What? Oop-!" Phobos hastily grabbed at the staff Damas all but dropped. "What the-!"
In a daze, Damas knelt and slipped an arm under the boy’s shoulders.
"Gods. He really is scrawny."
He shook his head and hoisted the boy up.
"Kleiver, get the car started. And someone grab those animals!"
Phobos's eyes flicked from Damas to the half-dead castaway, and narrowed.
"Damas...who is that?"
Her husband turned to face her, a disturbed shock stamped clearly on his face.
"I don't know," he said grimly, "but he's wearing a Maridius amulet."
The Rift Rider idled, ready to take Samos and the child back in time. Ready to begin the cycle of pain all over again. Jak bit his lip and folded his younger self's fingers back over the proffered amulet.
"No, buddy, you keep it," he said gently. "Try...try to remember something about your family this time. Maybe remember me."
The tiny boy pouted, then threw his arms around Jak’s neck. "Za?" He whispered in Jak’s ear, the closest he'd ever come to saying his name.
Jak closed his eyes and hugged the kid tightly. Precursors knew he wouldn't get a lot of hugs in Sandover. "No, buddy. Za can't go with you this time. You have to be really brave for me, okay? There's...there's a kid on the other side of that gate who really really needs a friend. Can you look out for him for me?"
Sniffling, the little boy let go and nodded. "Brave like you," he signed. Then, rubbing his eyes, he sat back down in the craft.
Jak took a slow breath, then looked to the younger Samos. Doubtless this version of the sage was going to withhold just as much information as the older one. Jak didn't trust him to warn Mar about Errol. And he'd be blasted if he let that swine get his hands on the amulet in any timeline.
"You know, I didn't have the amulet when I got back to the present," he said casually. "I think you locked it up for safekeeping right before we fixed the Rift Gate, but I never saw where in the house you put it."
Samos took the bait too easily. "Oof! Yes, I suppose it would be bad for the kid to meet the Baron with that thing on. Thanks for the heads-up."
All too soon, they were gone. And not long after, so was Jak, headed for Dead Town. It had been a selfish ploy, a bid to give himself some semblance of a connection to his past. He couldn't remember having the amulet yet -- but he'd had trouble remembering a lot of his early years ever since the experiments began. "Traumatic amnesia", Daxter called it.
But if the amulet was there, if his ploy had worked, then maybe he'd get something back.
It took him an hour to sift through all the debris in the old hut, even with Daxter's help. The ravages of time hadn't left many places for treasure to remain undiscovered in. But just when Jak was beginning to fear that someone had found it decades before, his hand brushed over a brick in the old planter circles that lacked the same grout as the others.
Leave it to Samos to hide such an important artifact under a giant, vicious, carnivorous plant. Had he fed it to the thing?! The amulet was down where the roots had once been!
Still, Jak could admit to a sense of relief that washed over him once the amulet was in his hand. Clearly he'd changed the past at least enough to have an emotional connection to the pendant. He tucked it into his tunic, resolving to put it on a chain the first chance he got. He wasn't going to let anyone take it from him again.
The last thing Jak remembered was collapsing beside a boulder, desperately trying to stay conscious only to fail seconds later. He could hear a voice -- not Daxter or Pecker -- nearby, and as he focused on that, other sensations began to filter in.
Softness beneath him.
The smell of eco med-gel.
An itch in the crook of his elbow.
A sticky dryness in his mouth, like cotton.
And something off about his skin. He couldn't put his finger on it, but his skin felt different somehow. Cleaner? No, that didn't make any sense. Why would it be clean?
It took a monumental effort to open his eyes, and he regretted it immediately. Light stabbed into his retinas pitilessly, and Jak let out an involuntary grunt of discomfort. In response, a shadow fell over his face, shielding him from the unforgiving glare. First a blur, then a shape, a face slowly swam into focus.
"Ah, you're back with us! Thank the Precursors, that was a close one, eh?"
Jak blinked up in confusion as his brain slowly processed the presence of one of the most beautiful women he could ever remember seeing. Not that he could remember seeing that many women in his life. Her skintone was so deep that the light framing her glanced off her cheekbones in little flashes of garnet and amethyst. Coils of hair spread out behind her head in an artful halo, providing most of the blessed shade across Jak's face. He squinted up at her for a long moment, trying to determine whether he was hallucinating in the desert.
"....'m I dead?" Jak croaked, then winced at the dry soreness in his throat.
The angelic stranger laughed in surprise. "Dead? No, quite the opposite, kid. Although you got pretty close."
"Where am I?" Jak tried to sit up, and something tugged at his elbow.
Instantly, he froze. He knew the shape of a needle.
Bile crawled up his throat, and his heart thundered in his ears as he forced himself to turn his head and look.
A bag of clear fluid hung from a stand beside a cot he'd been laid on. Descending from the bag, a long tube fed the fluid through a needle secured to his arm with bandages. A high whine escaped him, and the room seemed to spin.
"Whoa whoa whoa- kid, kiddo, look at me."
The mysterious woman suddenly took his face in her hands -- rough hands. A warrior's hands.
"Ssshh, hey, you're okay. You're okay, chico. It's just saline, that's all."
"W- what-?"
"Saline. It's a...kinda like a saltwater solution you give to people suffering dehydration."
One of the calloused hands cupped the back of his head, rubbing a thumb comfortingly over stubble.
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Jak's breathing quickened and the room spun faster.
"What-!" he gasped, and his breaths began to squeak. "What did you do to me?!"
"Hey now, breathe. Breathe." The woman began to sway back and forth where she sat, dragging him along with the rocking motion.
"Inhale with me, yeah? In and out, in and out. I've got you."
"M- my h- my h- hair-!" Jak squeaked.
The woman clicked her tongue. "Oh, ohhh, you can feel that, huh? Yeah, you were overheated. The mats in your hair were just doing damage to you, longterm. The doctors didn't have any time to waste, so they shaved it out to cool you off."
She continued to cradle his face with her other hand, offering him a full, apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry we couldn't get your okay, chico. But...I mean, you wouldn't wake up! Not even your orange friend could get a response. He gave us the go-ahead."
For the first time since waking, Jak felt something like relief. "D- Daxter?"
"Mm. The mouthy one? Yes."
The woman pulled back and turned away for a moment. Jak wondered why he felt minutely disappointed by that. He wasn't that touch-starved, was he? When she turned back, she held a cup and pitcher in her hands. The sight of the water trickling from one container to the other made Jak's throat ache all the fiercer.
"Here. Slow sips now, little bird. Don't make yourself sick like your friend did." The woman settled back into her seat at the edge of the cot. She made a vague gesture with the hand not holding the pitcher.
"At least he made a quick recovery. My husband took him back up to our place. When you're cleared by the doctors, we'll take you to him."
Jak gulped down the water, ignoring his visitor's protests. It was cool, although not cold, but even that was like heaven on his irritated throat. Droplets leaked from the corner of his mouth, and the IV tugged painfully as he reached up to catch them. He didn't think he could afford to waste even one drop.
"Hey hey!" The woman reached for the cup, and Jak jerked back out of reach.
"Not so fast, chico, you'll make yourself sick!"
Jak growled softly behind the rim of the cup and hitched up his shoulders. If this lady wanted to take the water away, she'd be in for a fight.
"Whoa!" The woman raised her brows. "Calm down. The water isn't going anywhere, I promise."
"I don't know you," Jak retorted, "How do I know you keep promises?"
Now the woman began to look a little annoyed.
"Fair enough," she begrudgingly allowed. "Considering the state we found you in, am I to assume that if I take that cup you'll bite me or something?"
"I might," answered Jak coolly.
Something bittersweet passed over the woman's face and lingered there at the corners of her mouth as she forced a smile.
"Well that wouldn't be very nice of you, but I can't say it wouldn't fit with every other kid in Spargus."
Jak lowered the cup slowly. "Spargus?" he asked, tilting his head, "What's that?"
"It's home," she answered. "The city of the forgotten and the betrayed -- and the hunter."
Jak raised the cup again and muttered darkly, "Well that's ironically appropriate."
"Let's start over, huh?"
The woman leaned back and carded a hand through her teased-out coils.
"My name is Phobos. I was with the convoy that found you and your friends in the Strider Range."
Jak grimaced. This woman had rescued him, hadn't she?
"I'm, um. I'm Jak."
Embarrassed, he gestured to the cup, the IV, and looked away. "What do I owe you? I don't...I don't have any money."
Phobos shook her head. "It's fine, chico- er, Jak. When people come to Spargus, those who have life debts pay it back by contributing to the overall survival of their new home and neighbors, depending on how old they are when they arrive."
"How old they are?" Jak fiddled with his now empty cup awkwardly. "What does that have to do with anything?"
Phobos gave him an amused glance. "Uh...kids are kids? This isn't Haven, hey? We don't even let people take the citizen applicant training course until we know they're eighteen or older."
She scooted closer and held up the pitcher. "Cup."
"Huh? Oh-"
Jak tilted the cup toward her but didn't let go. He watched her refill it and puzzled over the idea of a city in good enough shape that kids didn't have to work. Maybe there weren't metalheads out here.
"So...do you people normally pick up half-dead people and bring them home?"
"As long as they aren't half dead because they tried to kill us, yeah," Phobos said with a careless shrug. "Strength and survival: it's the two things Wastelanders respect the most. So when we find somebody in the badlands who isn't a dried out corpse, we know we've got the makings of a tough little survivor."
Surviving was, by necessity, Jak’s best skill. But considering the kind of jobs he got when people knew that, and how it had turned out last time, Jak decided not to advertise that fact. It already nagged at him that someone had seen his scars, and the bruises from the arrest, and every other injury he'd gained in the name of helping a city that hated him. Spargus wouldn't get the same freebies.
Eventually, Phobos stood up and put the pitcher back on a low counter that extended out of sight behind a curtain. She dusted off her yellow tunic and stretched her back with a soft grunt.
"Alright. I guess somebody ought to tell Damas you're awake and talking," she said, more to herself than to Jak.
Before Jak could ask who Damas was supposed to be, something careful and calculated slipped into Phobos's voice.
"So...just you and the critters, huh? Your parents know where you are?"
Hands tightened into claws around the wooden cup.
"I never had parents," Jak growled.
One more thing to "thank" Haven for, apparently.
"Ah." Phobos's eyes widened in an oddly dismayed expression. "Sorry, I..."
Jak's eyes narrowed at her.
"Literally no one has ever asked if I even had parents before you. You're fishing for something. What do you want?"
Then it hit him: if the woman had seen his scars, she had seen his amulet as well. Was that what she was getting at? Probing to see if any other ill-fated Heirs of Mar existed?
"Uh..." Phobos puffed out her cheeks and blew the air out. "It's...complicated. I'm gonna let Damas take this one."
"Who's Damas?" Jak demanded.
Phobos made another odd grimace and lifted a radio from the countertop.
"Hey, Damas, the kid's awake," she said, ignoring Jak's question.
A raspy voice crackled through the speaker.
"He is? Has he said anything yet?"
"Well, he threatened to bite me," Phobos joked before growing serious. "Take it easy when you come down, he's pretty worked up. Bring the orange guy if you can."
"Understood. Anything else I should know?"
"Yeah," Phobos sighed. "He doesn't know who we are, where we are, or how he got here. I don't think you're going to get any answers out of him."
The guy she called Damas sounded strangely...emotional.
"Er...alright. I'll...I'll see what I can do when I get there."
Jak glowered at Phobos's back. He hated when people talked about him like he wasn't there.
Out of habit, he reached for his collar to run his fingers over his amulet. That always helped him slow down when his thoughts were racing too fast. His fingers brushed against loose linen; the tunic he was wearing were not the one he'd had on the last time he was awake. Jak's stomach felt like it was plummeting from a precipice as he finally looked down at his body. Someone had dressed him in loose, lightweight clothing. There was no sign of his own clothing.
Or his amulet.
Fighting down feelings of violation and revulsion, Jak gripped the thin sheets in hands like claws.
"Where are my clothes?" he snarled, "What did you do?"
Phobos didn't look overly concerned, which only agitated Jak more.
"They're being checked for trackers or other bugs," she said with a shrug. "Haven's been trying to find our city for years. Can't be too careful. Look on the bright side: it's probably the first time they've ever been washed."
She leaned over the cot, and Jak jerked away.
"Don't touch me!"
There wasn't much room to retreat on the small bed, but Jak tried anyway.
"Who stole my amulet?"
"Hey, calm down," Phobos raised a placating hand, but dropped it quickly when Jak flinched. "Nobody stole it."
"Don't lie to me!"
Jak was over the verge of panic now. He was alone, powerless, right back to being poked and prodded like a doll. Like a lab rat.
"What do you want?!"
Grimacing, Phobos stepped back and grabbed her radio again.
"Hey Damas? Hurry it up, will ya?"
"I'm en route."
"Good. Because he just noticed the absence of a Certain Something and he is losing it right now."
"Rot. Okay, just- rot! Try to keep him calm, I'm bringing it, okay?"
The man's voice rose and fell oddly. It almost sounded like he was running.
Phobos ran a hand through her hair and puffed out her cheeks. This was not going as well as they'd hoped. Could've been worse, she acknowledged, but this kid's reactions were giving her a bad feeling. The scars, the reaction to the IV and having been given new clothing without his knowledge, it all painted a pretty grim picture.
"Damas is bringing your amulet down," she said in what she hoped was a soothing tone. (How did one talk to agitated teenagers?! Why weren't they as easy to calm as toddlers?) "He'll explain everything, chico, I promise. Just...stay here a minute, okay?"
Jak warily watched the woman walk through the curtain, listening and counting her footsteps. By the sound of it, he was in the back of a narrow building. There was someone else up there, wherever Phobos had gone, but they rustled around opening drawers instead of speaking. If there were guards, Jak couldn't hear them. He hoped there were none. In his current state, he doubted he'd be able to fight them off.
A door slid open with the sound of a chime, and Jak stiffened as a heavier tread entered the building.
"About time!" he heard Phobos greet the person, "He's all yours."
"Allegedly," the voice from the radio answered.
"Mmhm. You're cute when you're in denial. Better get back there before the poor kid has a heart attack."
When the curtains parted, Jak was in the act of climbing off the cot to look for something -- anything -- to defend himself with. He froze, locking eyes with a weathered Wastelander covered in scars and armor. He looked like the kind of guy Sig would run with. Jak stared at the man and wondered if this was the guy who allegedly had his amulet. Were those piercings on his skull?! Despite himself, Jak wondered how the man slept without ripping whatever he used for a pillow.
"Easy, young one," the man murmured, holding out his hands as if approaching a skittish animal. "Easy. You're in no danger."
"Usually when people tell me that, they're lying," Jak retorted. He backed up, silently cursing his shaky legs, until his back touched the wall and the IV tugged painfully at his arm. "Where's Daxter? What do you people want with us?"
The armored man lowered himself to sit on the end of the cot and folded his hands in front of him. "Your friend is perfectly safe," he soothed, "Well, unless he tries to use the water wheel as a carnival ride, I suppose. But he doesn't really seem the type to do that kind of thing."
"You didn't answer my other question," Jak said pointedly. "What do you want?"
"Answers," the man -- Damas, probably -- replied steadily, "Just answers."
"Like what?" Jak edged closer to the IV, trying to relieve the horrific sensation of the needle.
Then his visitor reached into a cloth pouch at his belt and drew out a familiar shape.
"What can you tell me about this?" he asked, holding up the amulet.
Forgetting the needle, Jak lunged for the pendant. Pain lanced through his elbow for an instant, hot and dull, and he pulled up short. He'd learned long ago not to rip needles out. There would just be more if he did.
"Whoa!" Damas dropped the amulet on the sheets and reached out as if to steady Jak. "Slow down, boy, you're going to hurt yourself! You shouldn't even be standing right now!"
Jak, unfortunately, agreed. But he locked his knees and kept his eyes on Phobos's friend, just as he had on Phobos.
"Give it back," he rasped, holding out a demanding hand.
Damas frowned thoughtfully. He picked up the chain and considered it for a few seconds before dropping it into Jak's outstretched hand.
"Where did you get this?" he asked.
With time-travel being too unbelievable an explanation even to those closest to Jak, he settled for the most open-ended version of the truth he could manage.
"Ancient ruins," he muttered.
The chain slipped down around his neck, and he visibly relaxed once the familiar weight rested against his collarbone.
Damas made an interested sound and folded his arms. "Ruins, eh? How did you find it?"
Evasively, Jak shrugged. "I just...knew where to look."
"And does this happen to you often? "Knowing" things?"
Hm. He might’ve been a little too open-ended there. Jak braced his back against the wall and begrudgingly clarified.
"I'm not a seer. It's just with eco stuff."
Damas nodded. "Ah! I understand. So what made you decide to keep such an odd little trinket?"
He wasn't being very subtle. Jak could do blunt too.
"It's mine. That's it. And I know what you're trying to do."
A hint of tension lined Damas’s neck and shoulders as he tried to play casual.
"Oh? And what am I trying to do, young one?"
Jak curled his lip at the man. "You're trying to get me to say I'm an Heir of Mar, probably so you can get some of his artifacts. What, do you want the Precursor Stone too? Well you're too late."
Any semblance of relaxation dropped from Damas like a cloak. He straightened, and the air filled with an undercurrent of warning. It was almost like eco -- enough that Jak wondered if the man could channel.
"Explain that, please."
It didn't sound like a request.
"What, exactly, do you know about the Precursor Stone?"
Jak gripped his amulet for calm.
"Not a myth," he said shortly, "Not meant to be used as a weapon, and not a rock."
He lifted his chin and met Damas’s hard eyes.
"I opened it. It can't be used anymore."
"Opened?!" Damas recoiled slightly. "You've touched the Stone?"
Suspicion colored his voice, but strangely he didn't seem to be getting hostile.
"Where did you find it?"
Agitated, Jak snapped, "In a tomb designed by some sadistic obstacle-course lover obsessed with "manhood", guarded by a bunch of loudmouth Oracles. Be glad you missed it."
He wondered if he was just setting himself up for problems later. If the Wastelanders knew he could speak to Oracles and traverse ruins, they'd probably make him pay off the medical care by finding artifacts for them. Story of his life.
But Damas looked shaken by the statement, not shrewd. He seemed almost to pale, and drew a hand over his face to rest over his mouth. His eyes bored into Jak's with an unsettling intensity.
"The amulet truly belongs to you, then," he finally acknowledged, in little more than a croak. His fingers pressed into his jaw hard enough that Jak wondered if the man would have fingerprints there later.
"How...how old are you, boy?"
What did that have to do with anything? Annoyed, Jak shrugged.
"Like I know? Fifteen, sixteen, what's it matter?"
"You don't...you don't know?" Damas looked even more shaken. "No one told you your own birthdate?"
Jak didn't want to talk about this. He finally slumped to sit at the head of the cot and crossed his arms sullenly.
"Y'know what, that's none of your business. Where's Daxter? I'm not saying anything else until I see him."
"I can arrange that."
Damas stood and absentmindedly picked up the wooden cup.
"You should er...try to sleep some. Heat exhaustion will leave you weak for a good several days-"
"Are you Damas?" Jak interrupted suddenly, as Phobos's attempted reassurances came to mind.
Damas turned. "Yes?"
He looked like he almost expected something else to follow.
Jak pulled his knees to his chest and rested folded arms on top of them. "The lady who was in here said you'd explain what you people wanted from me. And why you took my amulet."
The Wastelander looked, Jak thought, rather like he had just swallowed a bee. He made a few awkward hand motions -- some of it almost looked like signs -- and tugged on a tuft of hair at his chin.
"Ah...that is..."
He picked up the pitcher and splashed water into the cup clumsily. He was unsettled.
"The crest of Mar has...connotations. Doubtless you've learned by now, but when people see it they form...expectations."
Damas cleared his throat and handed the cup over to Jak.
"I removed it from you before the monks could see it and develop those expectations. I...wanted you to be able to focus on healing without the distraction of history zealots."
Well, that was marginally better than Jak had been imagining. He didn't exactly trust that the man was telling the truth, but at least he hadn't tried to sell it or something. Jak acknowledged his visitor's words with a curt nod and sipped at the water slowly. Idly, he wondered if his general age fit this city's "too young for serious work" bracket or not. After Haven, he honestly didn't know whether he hoped so or not.
Damas was staring at him. It was subtle, but intense, and Jak could feel his eyes. It made his brain itch, and he felt the urge to squirm uncomfortably.
"Are you in any pain?" Damas asked suddenly, apparently in response to the squirming.
"I don't like being stared at," Jak answered gruffly.
"...ah." Damas cringed and looked away. "Apologies. You just...look very familiar. I was trying to place whether I might have met you or someone you were related to in the past."
"Not unless you were in Haven before Praxis took over," Jak grumbled bitterly, "Or you took a tour of his prison labs in the last two years."
You're talking too much, Jak. Wait for Daxter. Why are you volunteering this information?
Well. He knew. He was scared and disoriented and angry, and he wanted to shock someone. Anyone. It was the dark eco talking.
"The labs?!" Damas dropped the pitcher with a crash. A terrible look flooded his face. "Did...was your whole family there?"
"Rot! Why are you guys so obsessed with information about my parents?" Jak was getting tired of repeating himself. "You know as much as I do! Even the freakin Oracles wouldn't tell me what the amulet meant until I got to the Tomb!"
From the front of the building, the third person finally called out.
"My lord, if you keep getting him worked up, I'm tossing you out. He's supposed to be resting!"
"I'm working on it, Petros!" Damas retorted sharply.
He closed his eyes and made a visible attempt to calm himself before turning back to Jak.
"Sorry. I know this is confusing. I am...having a difficult time finding the right words to ask the right questions." He made a helpless gesture. "Finding you, practically on my doorstep, with that amulet has upended my understanding of the world and my place in it."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jak demanded.
Damas gingerly took a seat at the end of the cot again and, sighing deeply, reached into his pouch again.
"The last time I was in Haven for an extended period of time was about fifteen years ago, at the end of the last major campaign against the metalheads."
He opened his hand, revealing a second amulet of Mar in his palm.
"After Praxis betrayed me- after the hardships our city has faced over the last few years-"
He shook his head with furrowed brow.
"I- I thought I was the only one left. And now here you are, and I have more questions than answers."
Jak blinked, then blinked again.
"Well," he said in a strangled voice, "That makes two of us."
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menlove · 6 months
this website is so fucking weird and annoying like you can post the most innocuous, unserious thing and you are absolutely 10000% guaranteed to get someone in ur comments being like "well actually I think you worded x wrong because of the-" like if yall don't shut the fuck up........
we are not academics posting in a scientific journal we are random people on a dying microblogging site PLEASE
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
i can't believe there are people who hate pudding- god forbid women do anything and have complexity and trauma, huh?
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bogkeep · 1 month
im the victim of a HORRIBLE TRAGEDY (couldn't find my CD with the promare OST in my big heavy box of CDs :((((((( )
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op3ra · 4 months
least favorite part about someone dying other than them being dead is how they proceed to exist in your mind forever in the state they were in right before their death. like, my dad worried about my dog being ill and about how much i was dreading college because of my anxiety disorder. and now every time i look at said dog or every time i have a good time in class i am overcome with a Need to tell him that everything worked out ok. cuz even though he fundamentally no longer exists and as such can no longer worry ever again, there is that feeling that he does cuz he never saw everything turn out ok
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luvring · 5 months
just complained about my group to my irls and i'm pretty sure this has genuinely motivated me to speak in class because i Cannot let my prof think my critical thinking abilities are the same as theirs
#💬nia.rambles#rant fr//#guys im srsly sick thinking about it#LIKE THERE WERE SO MANY MOMENTS WHERE I WAS JUST ??#'im not saying to beat your kid black and blue but discipline is different across cultures and#i just dont think this should be an area of exploration like its worked for hundreds of years'#? YOU AS A WOMAN OF COLOUR HAVE NEVER HEARD OF INTERGENERATIONAL TRAUMA?#like why are you implying you dont like gentle parenting why are you making a strawman DONT PISS ME OFF#then white guy speaking way too loud to my right is throwing in words he DOESNT understand and saying the same things over and over#'from a Sociological Contemporary perspective' be serious. 'it comes back to nature vs nurture again' Can you Stop Tlalkingplapewmj#and i bring up gender and he goes smth smth gender is just such a sensitive topic then the 2 other girls Agree#and they wouldnt let me talk and even if i did they obviously wouldnt know what i was talking about#because why are you asking what post structuralism is THAT WAS A MAIN TOPIC AND DEFINITION OF LAST CLASS??? 😭😭#they wouldnt answer the question properly and repeat the same basic vaguely connected ideas the Entire time#like do i look like i gaf abt different body standards/expectations for football players MOVE ON ITS BEEN 10 MINUTES#like i want to talk about enforced binaries in queer spaces and Oh my god i just remembered#they were like. lgbt studies/discussion is just so recent and i was like. Its literally discussed In the reading. but None of u finished it#OHH IM PISSED OFF. IM SO PISSED OFF#and im so mad bc the discussion q's were Good and if i was w my irls wed have such a good convo but NO!!!!#whatever. Whatever im going to start raising my hand in class im so fr i got lightheaded complaining about this IMSOMADBSJF
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sonechkaandthedynamos · 9 months
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fridayyy-13th · 2 months
anyone else up trying not to think too hard about the future or is it just me haha
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theoldaeroplane · 7 months
(pawing through the Hallmark cards) (muttering) where's the "i scored over my dr's diagnostic criteria for PTSD" section?
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kyuala · 7 months
SOOOOOO hard to go through everyday life trying to ignore the never-ending feeling that im just irreparably fucked up and therefore should just give up on everything
#this aint exactly s******* but it aint exactly not s******* either#anyways it gets even harder when i have to live under the same roof as my brother who is so much better than me in every single conceivable#and imaginable way possible like#and i knowwww a LOT of it comes down to us having relatively similar yet wildly different lives despite being 1.5y apart and having the sam#family our entire lives like he has gone through NOTHING and i mean not a single societal issue ive had to face and endure my entire life#he's a man im a woman. he's white im black. he's straight im gay. he's skinny ive always been 'overweight'. he's always been the good#christian kid ive always had issues w faith and religion. he's never been mentally ill i was clinically depressed for nearly 8yrs of my lif#we both lost the same parent and im the only one who got pathological grief and a personality disorder out of it. he's had a great job for#the last 7yrs that now pays him 20k+ every month ive only had 3 odd jobs my entire life and 2 of those my MOTHER had to give me so i would#have SOMETHING and ive never made over 1.6k monthly n my last job was minimum wage only#he's had like 4 relationships and is nearly engaged im so traumatized + emotionally unavailable ive only ever been on 1 date my entire life#he has a good relationship w every family member we have i have Issues w like half the family. he's always been an active member of our#church i can barely listen to like 4 traditional hymns before i start losing my mind and spiraling. i think the only two ways we're pretty#much equal like socially is that we're both able bodied cis and christians but still the cis and christian thing is debatable for previousl#stated reasons so like. do yall see how much better he is doing than me in every little last area in life and how he's always gotten the#long straw when it comes to Not having to deal w certain obstacles in life. n i know its like yea idk what it actually is like to be him an#he could not be doing all that well first of all shut up. second of all if it was 1 or 2 things i'd get it but it's literally EVERYTHING#and i know bc of said things n our v different lives it's unfair to me to compare the two of us but then it begs the question: WHY#WHY did i have to go through these things. WHY do i have to deal w this. WHY did i get the short straw literally every goddamn time#WHY did i have to get THIS life like WHYYYYY why ME GOD. why have I had to put up w all this bullshit for 24 fucking years!!!!!!!!! im TIRE#and this is not me hating or resenting him i know it's not his fault and he is so good to me#but still. why was i left with these things? to live like this?#so yes i guess i do envy him a little bit. who wouldn't#mari.txt#personal#tw negative#dl#btw i do NOT mean some identities are better than others. i mean he is better and is doing better than me in life partially bc he's never#had to deal w certain social issues and obstacles that come w oppressed identities.
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trees-to-meet-you · 4 months
Wait waitwaitwait I just saw something on Pinterest hold on
Was Snufkin deadass not aware he had parents??? Until Moominpappa was telling him about them??? Did he think he just spawned one day what
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