#queue system's weird
awayfromhomes · 1 year
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very weird to bring your queuing culture into countries that you are merely a guest in and don’t have a lot of shows just to have ANOTHER barricade … people have no shame but what’s new
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dxsole · 4 months
fun facts about my queue! :3
If it posts at 10am, 12, or 2pm, it was put there like a month ago. I'm as surprised as you are about what just dropped, i don't know what's happening but i am excited about it
If it posts at 4 or 6pm, i did it like last week bc after reading ur reply i blacked out and immediately wrote ur reply and then had to curb my enthusiasm
if i reply within 24 hours of ur reply, i am breathing down your neck, not blinking
if it's a reblog (memes, funny posts, etc.) i definitely don't remember putting those in bc those are from 4 months ago, everything is new to me
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themindelectricdemo4 · 4 months
Shiny thread ATTACK! (05/19/2024—05/26/2024)
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1. Arctozolt Characteristic: Takes plenty of siestas Obtained from: GTS Date: May 19th, 2024 Notes: Traded a Galarian Corsola
2. Bounsweet Characteristic: Likes to run Obtained from: Bounsweet Community Day Date: May 19th, 2024 Notes: 1st transfer out of 26
3. Bounsweet Characteristic: Mischievous Obtained from: Bounsweet Community Day Date: May 19th, 2024 Notes: 2nd transfer out of 26
4. Bounsweet Characteristic: Thoroughly cunning Obtained from: Bounsweet Community Day Date: May 19th, 2024 Notes: 3rd transfer out of 26
5. Bounsweet Characteristic: Impetuous and silly Obtained from: Bounsweet Community Day Date: May 19th, 2024 Notes: 4th transfer out of 26
6. Bounsweet Characteristic: Quick to flee Obtained from: Bounsweet Community Day Date: May 19th, 2024 Notes: 5th transfer out of 26
7. Bounsweet Characteristic: Alert to sounds Obtained from: Bounsweet Community Day Date: May 21st, 2024 Notes: 6th transfer out of 26
8. Pincurchin Characteristic: Alert to sounds Obtained from: Max Lair Date: May 22nd, 2024 Notes: Caught in a Reshiram run
9. Bounsweet Characteristic: Very finicky Obtained from: Bounsweet Community Day Date: May 26th, 2024 Notes: 7th transfer out of 26
10. Bounsweet Characteristic: Takes plenty of siestas Obtained from: Bounsweet Community Day Date: May 26th, 2024 Notes: 8th transfer out of 26
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blitz0hno · 4 months
Why does knowing I have DID because ✨DID Problems✨ make said problems both less and more Terrifying.
Like I know what it is and how to cope. I'm getting really good at it in fact.
But also these are like. Problem problems. I dunno if we can counsel ourselves outta this one gang..
Blogging time! Cuz like yeah it's objectively weird but just another Sunday for us lmao
Like tell me why, when we headed back to work shortly after hanging out with a friend, "we" briefly couldn't even remember who we hung out with. Except now that I know what's going on, I realize when I'm not fronting. This other alter fronted by surprise, probably because we were deciding where to work tonight.
Like cool I know why I was so out of it but still Doing Things but the WHY there makes things. So incredibly complicated for me. And bro felt baaaaad like shit he didn't remember jack. Because duh the Guy Who Was Not There fronted only after the other human is Gone. Some alters just can't help but mask and it's not good for us so they don't front with others around, you know the basics lol
And why do we feel like a bad friend even though we remember them perfectly clearly now. We remember them, but we had to consciously communicate it... To someone else in our own head... Like a thought-game of telephone? And like u know what it's like to think u can feel your brain working, and mine's like "compartmentalize or else." Whoops! Having fun? Many people wanna share front? Gonna slice up the memories! Oh you're conscious of this process? Amnesia. Get shadow realmed bitch you're not about to come into contact with something you shouldn't be reminded of. DAMN being wired for Living is so cool actually but also mom pick me up I'm scared (picks myself up). We always remember after a moment or two, which is why we never used to suspect amnesia to begin with. I will never understand why latching onto guilt for every little thing seems to be hardwired into our being.
It's up and down really, and makes socializing tough even though we love interacting with our friends so much. And Idk we always have really good communication when we're happy (and high ngl) but sometimes if we're alone we connect a lot of dots and don't know what to do with them. Silly funny interesting things and not something legit keeping me too dissociated to drive lmaoooo good thing we're freelance
BUT because we stopped, we saw a raccoon skitter across the ground. I love raccoons, they're cute. We were just thinking about them earlier. Makes up for the Horrors I think.
Tryna make some more money before bed but my phone is crying "no signal" despite working on certain apps. Guess I'm being forced to chill for a second. We're doing just fine and hopefully have a whole new job soon. We saw a magazine at the store that had part of the title obscured and all that remained visible was "your mind works." I think I'll take that as a good sign because uh it sure does! We deal we deal.
Being myself is the best advice I ever actually followed but damn this is difficult.
So yeah internal communication is a fuck. But less so than it used to be.
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fagsex · 1 year
i love my siblings obviously to moon and back and i like every part of them it's just a little difficult when theyre sensitive sometimes and when given the option to eat (x) food or not eat they just. wont eat. which is rough because the youngest two are very fast growing little boys like im talking shoes that fit last week dont fit this week speeds. and then my sister is older but shes an athlete and, not to air her dirty laundry, but on her period rn and needs more and wants more specific foods and shit and shes the hardest to get to eat because shes a teenage girl who insists she's fine not eating so i need to get her foods she Will eat so shes not hungry especially since i know she'll skip lunch sometimes and. i dunno it's difficult i wouldnt trade them for anything but i wish one of them would eat canned black beans or something lol. we need the sensitive toothpaste too or they're not gonna brush and tbh neither will i and gahhhh. im gonna take a nap when im done walking them to school and wait to receive parents mail and such and once it all gets here then ill pay my neighbor to take me to the local-est store. but it's still a good 10-15 mins by car and in an isolated zone still. so the stupid prices are jacked. like stupidly jacked because we live in rural france for some fucking reason. anyhow. hows everyones days ^__^
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goldensunset · 2 years
if you want to see kh content from me better be online between the hours of 3am and 7am EST because it is all going in the queue atm
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jellytsfinds · 7 months
after being afk since january to finish my MA thesis / job hunt and receive 1000s of rejections / swing violently on the depression spectrum, i'm finally getting back to reblogging the cc ive been faving for this blog :')
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fish-and-forbear · 2 years
Pleasantly surprised that Neumes did extremely well with helping me overcome executive dysfunction and sensory overload/agoraphobia today... c:>
He did really well when we had to go to the pharmacy to get my hormones, too, and the line was distressingly long.
Been much more talkative in more private spaces and not really anyone reading these but figure it's a good little update.
Everyone is doing so well and overcoming things so quickly. I mean it makes sense once the initial shock and trauma responses are over. But in particular it's like the "help other people" instinct takes over. And along the way they've gotten better at regulating their emotions and helping me with mine.
It's all things I think that have been here for a while but. Now we can actually work together and try to make this life a little easier. It's really really nice... c:
- Fisher
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wip · 5 months
A very very minor thing I have been curious about for a while, and I'm finally asking: why do you calculate queue posting times the way you do? For example, if I set my queue to post 3x a day, naively I would expect it to post every 8 hours. But in reality it posts every 6 hours with a 12 hour gap between days. Why complicate the math like that?
Answer: Hello @circumference-pie!
Buckle up y’all, it’s story time again!
First: nobody who works at Tumblr right now was a part of the work of planning the default queue implementation, which was more than ten years ago. So the full story behind “Why does it work that way?” has unfortunately been lost to the sands of time. All we can do is tell you how it works today and surmise some reasons why. The queue is actually a very clever system and part of how it works explains some of why it works the way it does. Also, there have been attempts to do what you ask—we still have “Queue 2.0” available in your Tumblr Labs settings, which tries to get closer to how you expect things to work.
Anyway! How the queue works today is not actually a queue in the traditional sense. There is no single list of posts that are in “your queue”. Instead, when you “Add to queue” after creating a post, we’re actually scheduling it to post at a future time, as if you had used the “Schedule post” option instead. We’re just calculating that time on your behalf when you use “Add to queue”, based on your settings, and how many other scheduled posts you have already. We use a secondary “index” model, called “ScheduledPost”, to keep track of posts you have scheduled on your blog. We do mark the ones that are a part of “your queue”, but the data model doesn’t keep one list of your “queue” per se.
You can see this in action on your blog, hiding in plain sight. If you add a bunch of posts to your queue, and then schedule a post for a specific future date, you’ll see both in your blog’s “queue” list, side by side. Because technically to us, they’re the same thing: queued posts are really just another kind of scheduled post, relying on the same always-running service to publish scheduled posts across all of Tumblr. Here’s a fun fact: we typically have about ~14.5 million future posts to publish from this list at any given time and are publishing hundreds of these scheduled posts every second.
So when you’re adding a new post to your queue, what we’re doing behind the scenes is starting at the beginning of your “day”, and creating time slots based on your queue settings. If a time slot is already filled, we move on to the next one. That’s why the default queue scheduler works how you describe—we’re trying to fill those “slots” based on the start of the day, rather than trying to divide the calendar day evenly. This just makes it much simpler for us to understand, scale, and predict when our “peaks” will be. At peak times, the publish-scheduled-posts service is publishing tens of thousands of posts in a manner of seconds. We did rewrite that post-publishing part of this architecture a few years ago to improve its efficiency and solve a lot of “lost post” bugs, but we didn’t change how “Add to queue” works.
However, the Queue 2.0 project available in Labs was an attempt to change the queue system to work as you expect—instead of starting at [beginning of day] and creating enough slots to fit [number of slots] every [number of hours], it tries to divide the calendar day into [number of slots] and fit the result back to the original algorithm’s mapping of the day. We never productionized this alternative approach, because it has a few bugs that some blogs hit in extreme cases, and we’ve never had time to fully fix them. It also can cause a bit of weirdness when time zones diverge, like with daylight savings time. Also, a lot of people prefer the default algorithm, and we haven’t thought of a nice way to transition everyone from one to the other. So for now, both options exist, and you can choose which algorithm for queue-slot-generating you want to use. We hope that makes sense! 
While complicated, it is a great example of a system built by engineers to make sense and be scalable and predictable. But sometimes these kinds of systems, while clever, aren’t very intuitive to understand without digging into how they work.
Thanks for your question, and keep ’em coming. 
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yandere-kokeshi · 10 months
Ok 👌 hi, can I request platonic yandere poly tf 141 with civilians teen reader? Reader just want to live her/they're live in peace and this old guys just have to ruin it for her/them
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Warnings: yandere behavior, descriptions of kidnapping, arson, and reader living in an apartment complex.
A/N: Ty so much for sending this in! I also added some things from the ask you had sent previously. Please enjoy <3
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If anything, all of them are surprised and slightly amused. You, a teenager, have the ability to see through their manipulative acts, and know their obsessive habits; going out of your way to purposely ignore them, makes them quickly realize just how smart you actually are. 
While Price, and the rest are happy that you’re smart, tactical, and trust your gut; they’re also irked by how smart you are. It means they’ll have a harder time getting close to you, and since you have the need to live peacefully, and that ‘old guys’ are trying to ruin it, only making them irritated.
Within the squad — Gaz and Soap are the most approachable, confidently and openly walking up to you within their nice and kind demeanor. Most of the time, they’re beside you, arms on your shoulder, and asking how school, homework, and your recent friends are doing. 
They try to make it not weird, they’d never want to make you uncomfortable or feel odd around them. At your apartment, they show they’re not a threat; quickly gifting you sweets, items within your area of hobbies, and buying you lunch for school that they hope you’ll enjoy. 
If that doesn’t work? Price and Ghost step in, even though they hesitated due to their age. Ghost wears a pandemic mask — his ghost signature still intact, and Price playing as the good ol’ neighbor that you want a hug from, and a huge mug of hot cocoa. 
But, again, you being smart and able to pick up their queues quickly, only makes the situation harder than it needs to be. 
Whether you have parents, a show in the system, or just being taken care of, they quickly swing in within a plan– a plan that’ll make you realize that you need them. Just like a parent. And how they adore you like a kid of theirs. 
And the next you know, somehow, the apartment of yours caught on fire — the building crisping and loud of crackling, and you never expected them to storm in; whisk you away as you were coughing. Before you know it, the entire building crashed down as all of you made it out alive.
Of course, your parents didn’t. They were never meant to. And now, all of them are comforting you in their care, ushering you into the car, driving away from the scene whilst Price and Simon stay behind, covering their tracks.
Within a few weeks, you’re adopted — by your rightful family, in the rightful arms of comfort. Sooner or later, you’ll come around and love them just as much as they do with you. 
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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charlott2n · 20 days
the reason stack overflow is Like That is because they view themselves explicitly as *not* a forum or a help desk where any question can get its answer. their goal is to be a wikipedia-type collection of knowledge in a Q&A format, and that's why they're so weird about what kinds of questions are Allowed.
they also have a pretty unique system of moderation in which the people who do most of the moderation work aren't Real Mods, theyre like normal other people who have just asked or answered a lot of questions. that system allows for some degree of power tripping and gatekeeping which you will see from time to time, but to fully Close or Delete a question 5 people need to all agree that its a Bad Stack Overflow Question which is kinda a lot of people.
i think that it is possible to reach stack overflow enlightenment if you're willing to dig a little deeper into what makes her tick, the meta sites and review queues and editing policies and reputation system and closure/reopening processes and etiquette and staging ground and all of these little pieces that ultimately work together towards a goal which is not particularly obvious from the surface but begins to become more clear the deeper you dig.
anyways i know that when most people first meet her she seems cruel and heartless. and she needs to work on that. the way she presents herself to the world seems almost designed to attract questions that she was not built to answer. and when she gets asked these questions that she was not built to answer she sometimes reacts with hostility, then people call her angry and gatekeepy and mean and those people are not entirely wrong. but if you ask her a question that she *was* designed to answer, she will weave the perfect answer, not just for you but also for the tens or hundreds or millions of people who plug the same question into their search engines for years and years to come. that is what she was meant to do.
i understand now. i see it all. thats wonderful and beautiful and very interesting to learn about thank you ^-^
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thessalian · 6 months
Sometimes I think Tumblr shows some of the best of humanity. Not everywhere, obviously - there are always assholes - but ... I mean, come on. Our daily lives demand that we be ... flat. Incurious, unmoved by anything but the need to survive. To those who run the world, we're cogs in a machine and the only time we should appreciate anything that isn't "I have a job so I won't starve this month" is when they want to sell us something, and we should appreciate that without question. It's the worst bits of Brave New World and the worst bits of 1984, all in one.
But here? Here we tell each other stories. We create art just because. We watch the wonders of the natural world through digital windows, and we are awed and fascinated and our brains are alive for a minute. The adorable, the desirable, the awe-inspiring, the sexy - they're what we decide they are, not what someone wants to sell us.
We teach each other. We entertain each other. We inspire each other. We cheer each other on. We remind people all over the world to take their meds, to hydrate, to hang in there because there is beauty in the world. We live in a world where there are adorable little octopi and baby horseshoe crabs and little frogs that sleep in flowers. We live in a world where someone in another country wants to teach us how to crochet, or cook, or do home improvement stuff. We have experts - qualified or not - in every field, willing to teach us what school systems won't.
Yeah, of course there are assholes. Unfortunately, there always are. But I read through your posts, all of you, and I see a world that doesn't just want me to work until I die. I see a world that wants me to live, and most of all to enjoy living. I honestly hope the weird and funny and beautiful things I fill my own queue with help you all do the same. Everyone deserves to remember that the world is more than work-eat-sleep.
So thank you for the beautiful art, and the awesome writing, and the flowers, and the "It's Gonna Be Okay" posts, and all the trivia (even the kangaroo penis thing). Thanks for reminding me how much bigger the world is than some people want us to realise.
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the-moth-archives · 2 months
☾Hugs n Cuddles - Moon Knight System☾
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Type: Fluff, small hunt/comfort for Marc
Word Count: 537
Notes: hello !! first I would like to say thank you for all the love on my previous post !! it makes me so happy that other people like my stuff !! I'd also like to announce that I have made character playlists for both Steven and Mark !! I will drop the Spotify scans at the end of the blog :D also i'll have a Ghost the Band fic in queue for those who found me thought that !! thank you all !!
i personally think the Moon Knight system is obsessed with cuddles and being closed to someone in general. all those years being lonely and being treated terribly makes them all crave attention but some of them are more scared of that affection.
Steven is not scared of physical contact and is over the moon when you touch him. sometimes when he has a bad day and sees you laying on the couch or bed, he olympic dives straight into you. if Steven was a cat, he’d be purring constantly and would never shut up. 
he mostly likes sleeping on top of you in someway. sometimes he goes completely dead weight on your back and woild stay there, if you’d let him. if you can’t handle too much weight on you, no worries! he can opt out for laying in your chest with his leg wrapped above yours like a body pillow. 
Jake is in the middle between physical contact but once he’s used to you and you get closer, he’s also just as clingy. if you’re shorter than him, he likes to drape himself on you like a coat. if you’re taller, he’s strapped to your back. he mostly likes to hold you, pressing you close to his side as you fall asleep or watch something on the TV
where ever you stand with your back turned to him, he always comes up to you and snakes his arms around you, pushing his face into your neck and smelling you. speaking of that, he loves how you smell; he’ll buy you scarfs so you can wear them for a bit, get your smell on it, then he takes it and wears it when he’s out and you’re not with him.
Marc definitely took a long time but you were so patient and so gentle with him. the first time you actually got to hug him was through Steven - you and Steven were cuddling on the couch when suddenly his body got really tense and a little shaky. you noticed it was Marc and you tried to pull away but he just kept you there. no words were exchanged the rest of the night. but after that night, he started opening up to your touch.
he LOVES when you cup his face. coo at him and he’ll melt in your hands. he loves noes kisses SO MUCH. he’s also obsessed with your smell. sometimes he likes to make a loud sniffing noise when he’s buried in your neck just to make you laugh and call him weird. you just smell like home to him. he also loves when you hold him no matter what size/hight you are, it makes him feel so safe. his favorite though is when he comes home late from his Moon Knight duties and he either lays his head on your chest when you’re on your back OR curl himself into you when you’re on your side. his favorite, FAVORITE, thing that you do is when you quietly sit together as you cup his face and run your thumbs up and down his cheeks or just rubbing his face in general. he just really likes his face touched.
pls just pet them all
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^ the playlists !! warning, the songs are pretty sad :(
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fuck-customers · 28 days
I'm not sure if it's my autism talking or if it's a weird me thing, but I hate when things are not the way they're supposed to be. In this specific context, I hate when products in a store are not clearly marked with prices.
I'm a cashier and at my work, none of the candy or snacks in the queue line had price tags on them. I had made handmade price tags for them several times, since I don't have access to the label making system, and my nutjob manager keeps removing them.
Until I repurposed a couple of old tags for different items of the same price. (In this instance, we had some small toys at the register that were $3.49 without tags and even though I didn't have the correct tag, I did have a tag that was for $3.49 of another item that we no longer carry. I figured since the $3.49 is in big bold text and the description is in small text, no one would notice unless they purposely inspect it. And I was right) I tested them out to see if my nutjob manager would also remove these and she didn't.
Then today I found the holy grail- pages and pages of unused price stickers. Some of which were actually for candy that we actually had. For the rest, I just used whichever ones were the correct price and blacked out the description in case any customers looked and tried to argue the price because it's not technically the right tag)
This is something that has genuinely been bothering me for months and in one shift, I fixed it.
Posted by admin Rodney
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c-e-d-dreamer · 2 months
Wreck My Plans, That's My Man: Prequel
A/N: Sometimes, family is... (checks notes)... being in a band with your brothers? That counts, right? @cassianappreciationweek Listen, I just wanted an excuse to bring back Drummer Cassian! Time to find out how Cassian and Nesta met and how Cassian got that first date 😉 If you've read the first part, there are some fun easter eggs in here like Cassian writing the song and a callback to “I can’t wait for you to be mean to me for the rest of our lives.”
Part One // Read on AO3
“I think the end of the queue is this way.”
“I can’t believe there’s already so many people here.”
Nesta allows herself to be led down the sidewalk by her linked arm with Elain, the middle Archeron following the path carved by Feyre forging ahead. As they walk, Nesta can’t help but eye the crowds around them. Elain is right, there are more people than Nesta expected, almost all of them dressed up in some way. Some have face paint scrawled across their cheeks, some have handmade signs clasped in their hands. And Nesta even spies a trio of girls dressed as cows, some sort of band inside joke that she’s clearly not privy to.
Although, she’s not really privy to anything when it comes to the band.
She still can’t believe she allowed Feyre to talk her into attending this concert in the first place. Sure, she’s always had a deep love of music, ever since she was a little girl. Something about the way a lilting melody can carve and embed itself within her very bones, about the way a harmony can flood and warm her veins, about the way a simple string of notes can somehow sing to her very soul, plucking at strings within her until only peace remains.
But she has no knowledge of what type of music she can expect to hear tonight.
And when the choices are curling up beneath a pile of blankets with a glass of wine and her latest Sellyn Drake novel or standing all night while dealing with screaming girls and songs she doesn’t even know? Well, Feyre and Elain are lucky that Nesta loves them.
“What time do the doors open?” Elain asks, drawing Nesta out of her thoughts.
“They should have already opened,” Feyre explains, trying to peer around the bodies in front of them. “Either way, we don’t have to worry. Our tickets are for one of those fancy boxes.”
“We could get one of those fancy boxes but not a special entrance that doesn’t require standing in line?” Nesta asks dryly.
“Alright, grumpy,” Feyre teases with a roll of her eyes. “I’m sure it’ll move quickly.”
At least, Feyre’s assumption is correct. They continue to shuffle forward and forward until the line of doors is in full view, workers making quick work of checking bags and scanning tickets. Wristbands are secured around all three sisters’ wrists, and then they’re stepping inside the venue. Upbeat music from a playlist blares through the sound system, fans excitedly rushing forward toward the general admission crowd gathering along the floor in front of the stage.
“Come on. I want to get a t-shirt,” Feyre declares, wrapping a hand around each of her sisters’ wrists and dragging them toward the large table to the right.
While she and Elain wait for Feyre to make her purchase, Nesta eyes a pair of girls also waiting to buy merch. One of the girls has a sign, looping red letters declaring, Won’t you be my Van-Daddy? The request has Nesta snorting softly to herself. She still remembers when Lucien Vanserra first hit his growth spurt, when he was all middle school gangly limbs in their kitchen while he and Feyre worked on a school project. And that nerdy boy with unruly red hair is meant to be “daddy?”
“Got it,” Feyre announces, stepping back over to them and holding her shirt up for them to see.
“Isn’t it a bit weird to have a shirt with your childhood friend’s face on it?” Nesta asks, tilting her head as she takes in the design of the front of the shirt.
“More like hilarious,” Feyre argues, folding the shirt and tossing it over her arm. “When we get up to our seats, you have to take a picture of me in it, so I can send it to Lucien.”
They make another pit stop at one of the venue bars, each ordering a drink, and then finally, they make it to their seats. Nesta has to admit, the view is pretty amazing. She steps right up to the low wall meant to act as a railing for their box, peering down at the throngs of bodies excitedly awaiting the start of the show along the floor. Her eyes trail up and to the stage, skating over the setup for the opening act. It’s simple, just a drum set and two microphone stands set in front of it, but despite the good view of the stage, Nesta can’t quite make out the white script on the front of the drums.
“Who’s the opener?” Nesta asks, turning toward where Feyre is posing with her new shirt thrown over her dress while Elain takes her photo.
“Um…” Feyre hums, taking her phone back from Elain and typing away at the screen. “Some band called the Bat Boys.”
Nesta snorts softly. “What a stupid name for a band.”
As though the Mother herself is laughing at Nesta, the lights dim as soon as she’s made the comment, an echo of cheers ringing out all around them. Three men step out and onto the stage, each of them with dark hair and dressed in all black. They take up their spots, the guitarist speaking into the microphone and to the crowd, but Nesta finds her gaze instantly drawn to the drummer.
He’s certainly larger than his bandmates, all wide shoulders and chest. The black tank he’s wearing stretches against his size and his skin, the swell of muscle of his arms and the ink swirling along the golden brown skin on full display, and those very arms and muscles flex with every swing of his arms against the drum kit as he plays the opening song of the band’s set. His hair hangs loose around his face and down to his shoulders, dark curly strands practically swaying along with the beat of the music he’s creating. And even from her vantage point, Nesta can tell he’s got a wide, cocksure smirk plastered across his face, even as he leans forward to sing into his own microphone.
“For a band with a stupid name,” Feyre leans over to shout in Nesta’s ear over the music. “They’re pretty good.”
Nesta rolls her eyes at the almost smug tone of her youngest sister, but she can’t quite disagree. She finds herself tapping her foot and nodding along with each song that the Bat Boys play, humming appreciatively when they slow it down to a more stripped back song.
But when the song ends, the drummer jumps to his feet, peeling off his tank and tossing it into the crowd, showing off every hard line of muscle and every line of tattoo ink. A clamor of screams rings out from the crowd in response, making the drummer’s grin widen as he makes a big show of flexing.
“One two three four!” he shouts, banging his drum sticks together and jumping into the next song of their set, another upbeat one.
Nesta shakes her head. “What a fucking show off…”
~ * * * ~
Nesta’s ears are still ringing, an ache pressing against the balls of her feet, as she follows her sisters down the steps and out of the venue. The cool, night air is a welcome reprieve after the heat inside, and Nesta takes a deep breath, allowing it to prickle across the skin of her cheeks. She can still feel the music humming through her veins, still hear the last song the Band of Exiles played winding around her mind, her soul.
“Should we split an Uber?” Nesta turns to ask her sisters.
“Actually, Lucien sent me the bar they’ve gone to for post gig drinks,” Feyre offers with a sly smile. “He said we’re welcome to join.”
“Really?” Elain asks, the clear excitement coloring her tone leaving both sisters blinking in surprise for a moment, but Elain doesn’t say anything more. She merely turns away as though the night will hide the blush flooding her cheeks.
“Then you two go,” Nesta says. “I’d rather just go home.”
“Oh, come on, Nesta,” Feyre pouts, looping her arm through Nesta’s as if that will physically keep her from leaving. “It’s just one drink. It’s not going to kill you.”
Feyre continues to pout at Nesta, making a big show of blinking her eyes as if she’s seven years old again and that look will make Nesta give her an extra cookie for dessert. Still, it has Nesta sighing with a fond roll of her eyes.
“Fine. One drink and then I’m going home.”
“That’s the spirit! And just think of the money you’ll save on an Uber by waiting out these crowds.”
Nesta rolls her eyes again, but it doesn’t deter either of her sisters. Feyre doesn’t even bother dropping Nesta’s arm, using their linked arms to tug Nesta along the sidewalk in what she assumes is the direction of the bar. At least, it’s not a far walk. A small consolation, Nesta supposes.
The bar itself isn’t one that Nesta has ever been to before, but she can admit it’s quite nice. Pendant lights hang above the dark wood of the bartop, painting the whole space in golden light that bounces off the colorful bottles lining the shelves behind the bar. With the moody green wallpaper and the dark tiled floors, it’s as though the space has stepped directly out of an elegant speakeasy.
Unsurprisingly, there’s already a large crowd enjoying the drinks and ambience and their respective Friday nights, but Feyre leads the way up a set of stairs and to what appears to be some sort of private event space. Nesta glances around at the smaller secondary bar along the left side of the wall, the people gathered around it and the various high top tables lining the railing to the right.
“Feyre Archeron.”
Nesta turns just in time to find Lucien Vanserra now standing in front of her sisters. He’s certainly had another growth spurt since Nesta last saw him all those years ago, Lucien now standing a head above them all. He seems to have grown into his red hair too, the strands hanging around his face and framing the high cheekbones and strong jawline of his features.
“Lucien Vanserra.”
Feyre and Lucien continue to stare at one another for a moment, but then, Feyre is letting out an excited squeal, all but leaping into Lucien’s arms. He hugs her back tightly, lifting her off her feet in the process and laughing into the golden brown strands of her hair.
“Did you get shorter?” Lucien asks, setting Feyre back down on her feet.
“Fuck you,” Feyre gasps out on a laugh, punching him in the arm. “It’s not my fault you went and became a giant after going away to fancy private school. You know, I still remember when I had to defend you on the playground as kids.”
Lucien laughs easily, shaking his head. “We remember those days very differently clearly.”
Nesta clears her throat loudly, finally drawing back Feyre’s attention. “Sorry. You remember my two older sisters, Nesta and Elain.”
“Of course, I…” Lucien begins, his voice trailing off when he meets Elain’s brown eyes. “Elain.”
Elain smiles sweetly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I really liked you and your band’s songs.”
“You did?” Lucien asks, his voice practically breathless.
“Especially that one song about losing a love, but still dancing with the ghost of them in the kitchen.”
Lucien’s smile is slow, russet eyes bright and only on Elain. “I wrote that one myself actually.”
“It just really spoke to me,” Elain tells him, stepping forward as though tugged by some invisible golden thread. “Right to my heart.”
“Can I buy you a drink?”
They don’t even say anything else, don’t even bother looking back before Elain and Lucien vanish toward the bar. It takes everything within Nesta not to snort in amusement at the whole thing, at the way they’re both so clearly staring at one another with stars in their eyes. At least, one Archeron is ending their night happy.
“Is she serious?” Feyre asks, affronted. “Lucien is my friend.”
“Can I go home now?” Nesta asks in response instead.
“Only if you’re going home with me.”
The deep timbre prickles along the back of Nesta’s neck, and when she whirls around, she comes face to face with the drummer of the Bat Boys. He has that same cocksure smile that he wore up on stage, and he seemingly found a fresh black shirt to pull on, the fabric clinging just as tightly as the tank did.
Nesta had known he was large when she saw him on stage, but face to face, she realizes she still may have underestimated. This close, she realizes that his eyes are hazel, a burning maze of greens and flickering gold, that there’s a scar through his eyebrow of the right one. This close, she realizes he smells of pine and leather and that sweet scent that twists on the breeze right before it snows.
This close, she realizes he is unfairly attractive, and she just might hate him for it.
“Did you really think that line was going to work?” Nesta asks dryly.
“Can you blame me for trying? A woman as beautiful as you, I had to shoot my shot.”
Nesta raises an eyebrow, settling the drummer with a look cold enough to send any man scampering back to his table. “Compliments will get you nowhere.”
In a surprising twist, rather than cut his losses, the drummer throws his head back and laughs, the sound deep and warm. It seems to come straight from within his chest, seems to curl around Nesta’s limbs. When he meets Nesta’s gaze again, there’s a fire blazing in his eyes, a challenge, and his smirk has morphed into one of pure amusement. The reaction sparks the embers in Nesta’s own chest, but she’s quick to douse them, quick to keep her face perfectly cool and neutral.
“So it’s a no for pickup lines. A no for compliments,” the drummer notes, daring to lean in closer into Nesta’s space until she gets a lungful of pine and a crackling fire. “How about bribery then, sweetheart? Can I buy you a drink? Your choice.”
“And what if I order the most expensive drink I can get? Top shelf.”
The drummer hums as though he’s actually considering it. “Alright. But you have to chat with me until you finish the drink.”
The drummer holds his hand out expectantly, and Nesta has to blink a few times at just how large his hand is. But she refuses to be fazed. Raising her chin, she slides her hand into his. His calluses slide against her palm, fingers curling around almost her entire hand and threatening to send a shiver skittering up her spine. His touch is surprisingly warm, his entire body and presence seeming to resonate heat.
Before the handshake can last too long, Nesta yanks her hand away again. She turns on her heel and strides toward the bar, heavy footfalls behind her and the gaze burning into her back informing her that the drummer is following. She leans against the dark wood of the bar top, quickly grabbing the bartender’s attention with a simple raise of her hand.
“Can I get a shot of your best, most expensive vodka? On his tab,” Nesta requests, gesturing with her head to where the drummer now leans against the bar beside her.
The drummer laughs again, an easy chuckle. “Now that’s just cheating.”
Nesta turns toward him properly, finally giving in to the smirk she’d been biting back. “Guess you better talk fast.”
“How about we start with names? I’m Cassian, and you are…?”
The bartender returns at that exact moment, setting the small shot glass full of clear liquid down in front of Nesta. She swipes it up and tosses it back. The vodka is smooth, but it still burns on the way down, mixing and coaxing the burn of satisfaction low in her gut. Slamming the now empty shot glass back on the bar top, Nesta spins around toward the door.
“Time’s up. Better luck next time.”
She keeps her chin raised high, keeps that smirk firmly in place. She revels in the prickle across her skin at that gaze she can still feel pinned to her, and if she sways her hips a bit more than she normally would, well, no one but her has to know.
~ * * * ~
When Nesta checks her phone while enjoying her morning coffee, she’s surprised to find a new follower and a new DM request on her Instagram. She clicks on the account and almost rolls her eyes at the hazel eyed, curly haired man smirking back at her in the profile photo. He’s certainly dedicated, she’ll have to give him that. She knows that she should ignore him, maybe even block him, but curiosity has her clicking back over to the DM.
@BatBoyCass Hello, Nes 😏
@LadyNesta Stalking me on Instagram? Really?
Nesta’s surprise only grows when almost instantly the three small dots appear at the bottom of the screen, indicating that Cassian is typing. Was he waiting by his phone for her response? Didn’t he have band practice or something? According to Elain, the tour was moving on to a new city today, much to her younger sister’s apparent disappointment.
@BatBoyCass Actually, your sister gave me your handle. She refused to give me your number and decided this was safer. Quite protective. Rhys was into it But that’s not important. How’s your morning going, Nes?
@LadyNesta It’s Nesta. Not Nes
@BatBoyCass Guess you should’ve stuck around last night. Could have told me that yourself. It’s too late now. Nes 😜
@LadyNesta Is this your next tactic? Bribery didn’t work so now you just plan to annoy me?
@BatBoyCass Actually, my next tactic is this
Nesta frowns down at her phone screen, at the message, but then a moment later, a photo comes through in the chat. It’s a mirror selfie, but Nesta can’t tell where it was taken from the background. Although, it’s hard to focus on anything other than the large body taking up the frame. Cassian is shirtless, black fabric draped over his shoulder presumably the remnants of his shirt.
Nesta can do nothing but stare at the hard cut of his jaw where his head is tilted to look at the phone in his hand. At each swirl and loop of black ink across the golden brown skin of his chest and arms. At every hard line of muscle that makes up his stomach. At the waistband of what looks like gray sweatpants hanging low enough that his v lines are on full display.
The whole sight is enough for Nesta’s mouth to go dry, for heat to creep up her neck and spill across her cheeks. Before she even realizes, her bottom lip has found home between her teeth, eyes tracing over the photo again and again. What would it feel like, getting her hands on that body, feeling each hard line and curve beneath her fingers? What would it feel like to have his hands on her? She still remembers just how large they were compared to her own.
“Fuck,” Nesta whispers to herself, mentally chastising herself and shaking her head of any of those sorts of thoughts. Instead, her fingers tap across the screen of her phone.
@LadyNesta What’s next? A dick pic?
@BatBoyCass That goes against Instagram’s guidelines. You’ll have to give me your actual number for that Or I’d be more than happy to give you a show in person😏
@LadyNesta You’re not even in Velaris anymore
@BatBoyCass Did you look up our tour, Nes? I’m touched 🥹
Nesta scoffs and rolls her eyes, setting her phone face down on the table. She goes back to finishing her coffee, but she barely lasts a minute before she’s swiping her phone back up. She refuses to let him have the last word, refuses to let him continue to believe she would ever look up his tour dates.
@LadyNesta You wish. My sister mentioned it
@BatBoyCass Don’t worry. There’s only a few weeks left of the tour. Then, I’ll be back in Velaris. Maybe we can get dinner then?
@LadyNesta Pass
@BatBoyCass How about another bargain? You have to send me a message every day, just one. Unless my irresistible charm has you wanting to send more 😉 But one message, that’s the deal. Maybe a fun fact about yourself? One every day until I’m back in Velaris. And then if you still don’t want to get dinner with me, then I’ll leave you alone
@LadyNesta Fine. Here’s my first “fun fact” about me. I’m incredibly stubborn and I hate not winning. So hope you’re prepared for the crushing disappointment of rejection
With a satisfied hum, Nesta sets her phone down for good. The man clearly needs to learn how to phrase his bargains better. One message a day. Easy. It will be the easiest thing Nesta has ever done. And in a few weeks time, this stupid drummer with his stupid chiseled body and his stupid easy smile and warm laugh and pretty hazel eyes will be out of her life for good.
But when Nesta finally dares to check her phone later that night, she finds a new message from Cassian waiting for her. He’s shared an Instagram Reel with her, and when Nesta clicks it, Jake Johnson’s voice blares from her speakers, ‘Stop being so mean to me or I swear to God I’m going to fall in love with you,’ and there, in the quiet and dark in her bedroom, where no one else can see her, Nesta laughs.
~ * * * ~
Nesta wakes to another photo in her Instagram DMs, but this time, Cassian is nowhere to be seen in it. Instead, the photo is of a beach. The waves crashing against the sandy shore look almost silver, the silhouettes of birds flying just above. The horizon is a line of purple that gives way to pinks and yellows before fading into the deep blue of night still clinging to the top of the frame.
Sunrise. It’s the beach right before the sun rises, Nesta realizes. She finds herself wondering what he was doing awake so early, almost going so far as to type out that very question and ask before she catches herself. She holds down the backspace, focusing on Cassian’s message below the photo instead.
@BatBoyCass Good morning, Nes! We’re in sunny Adriata today. I bet you’d look gorgeous in a bikini 😍 Definitely wish you were here. I could rub sunscreen on your shoulders. You could rub sunscreen onto mine. Sounds like a dream…
@LadyNesta Sounds more like a nightmare
Nesta continues with the rest of her morning, getting ready and heading to one of her favorite brunch spots in town to meet with Emerie and Gwyn. It isn’t until she’s settled at the table, thanking the waitress who sets down three waters while she waits, that Nesta finally looks at her phone again.
@BatBoyCass Not a fan of the beach, sweetheart?
@LadyNesta Oh, I love the beach, but I much prefer a cold drink and a good book on the beach rather than obnoxious drummers
@BatBoyCass You like to read? What kind of books do you like?
Instinctively, Nesta starts to type out a response, always more than happy to talk about her love of books, about her current read, but then she remembers their bargain. And she’s already shared her ‘fun fact’ about herself for the day, already met her quota, and she still refuses to lose. She quickly deletes the message she had typed out, but Cassian must be watching for her reply, must have seen the three dots to show that she was typing appear and then disappear.
@BatBoyCass That’s alright. We can save that question for tomorrow. I’ve always preferred historical fiction. I actually just finished reading Hatfield 1677 while on tour and really enjoyed it I think if the band didn’t work out, I’d end up a history teacher. I’d be good at being a history teacher. Maybe in another life
@LadyNesta Another life? I didn’t take you as the type of person to believe in that sort of thing.
@BatBoyCass I hope I meet you in every life
“Who has you smiling and blushing at your phone?”
Nesta snaps her head up to find Emerie now standing at their table, her brown eyes alight with amusement and a small smirk tugging up her lips. She scowls fondly at her friend, setting her phone face down on the table and willing the heat prickling her cheeks to dissipate.
“No one.”
~ * * * ~
@LadyNesta Do you ever get nervous up on stage?
Loathe as she is to admit it, over the last couple of weeks, Nesta has come to enjoy her messages with Cassian. There’s something easy about it, about their back and forth. Something about the way her teasing and jabs only leave him laughing, the way he gives back as good as he gets. Something about the way he genuinely cares about what she has to say, about her ‘fun facts.’ Something about how he doesn’t balk when she dares to share a deeper piece of herself.
It’s surprisingly comfortable, as though she’s known Cassian much longer than she actually has. As though she’s known him her whole life, as though her very soul somehow recognizes him. As though there’s music entwining them like golden threads.
@BatBoyCass Actually, I love it. It’s exhilarating being up there. I can feel the music all the way down to my bones. And to hear a crowd sing back a song you wrote? There’s nothing like it
@LadyNesta You write songs?
@BatBoyCass That’s right, Nes. I’m more than just a pretty face 😎 I even started writing a new song just yesterday
@LadyNesta Let me guess. You’re going to play it for me?
@BatBoyCass Not until it’s finished. I still need that last bit of inspiration Hoping to find it tomorrow 👀
@LadyNesta What’s tomorrow?
Nesta stares at the screen of her phone, waiting. She watches the three dots appear and then disappear. They appear and then they disappear again. It has Nesta tilting her head curiously, eyebrows dipping in confusion. She knows that she hasn’t known Cassian particularly long, but this certainly doesn’t seem like him. He’s usually so quick to respond to her messages, so quick to turn on the teasing and the charm without a second thought. What could it mean that he’s typing and retyping his answer? Is he… nervous?
@BatBoyCass Tonight’s the last show of our tour. In Scythia. I’ll be back in Velaris by tomorrow afternoon
Nesta’s heart skips a beat in her chest. This is it, the moment of truth, the end of their bargain. She could tell him that she’s still not interested, and that will be the end of their interactions. She’ll never receive another message from Cassian. She could tell him that his charm and his kind heart and good looks has had no effect on her.
But she’d be lying to him just as much as herself.
Only a few weeks, and already Nesta can’t imagine a day without talking to Cassian. Just the very idea has ice bleeding between her ribs and threatening to crystalize in her chest. She wants to see that fire blaze in his hazel eyes and push back to meet it until he’s smirking in amusement. She wants to hear his crazy stories from tour and his teasing innuendos. She wants him to make her laugh. And if she’s really being honest with herself, she wants to see and feel that body and those hands outside of a mere photo.
@LadyNesta 7pm. Don’t be late
~ * * * ~
The knock on her front door sounds through the apartment just as Nesta is finishing up the last touch ups to her makeup. She glances toward the clock, the red digital numbers declaring the time to be 6:58. Punctual. One last look over herself in the mirror, and Nesta steps out of her bedroom.
When she pulls open the front door, Cassian is standing on the other side. His hair is scraped back away from his face, piled into a bun at the back of his head, and a comfortably worn leather jacket hangs on his frame. His hazel eyes in person spark that same way Nesta remembers, a slow smirk tugging up his lips as he leans casually against the door frame.
“Hello, Nes.” His eyes sweep over her, his jaw slackening. “Mother save me. You look amazing.”
“I thought we already established that compliments will get you nowhere.”
“Can you blame me when you look this beautiful?”
Nesta has to swallow down a blush at his words, at the sincerity burning in his gaze. She rolls her eyes and shoves lightly at Cassian’s chest, enough to get him to move back so she can step out of her apartment.
“Are we going to dinner or not?”
“Of course,” Cassian confirms, holding his hand out until Nesta threads her fingers through his own larger ones. “I got us a reservation at Carmichael’s.”
Nesta’s steps stutter for a moment and she peers up at Cassian in surprise. “Carmichael’s? Don’t you need to make reservations weeks in advance there?”
“Oh, you do. I made the reservation as soon as we agreed on our bargain.”
Nesta comes fully to a stop at that. She blinks a few times, trying to wrap her mind around this new information, and she can’t help it. She laughs. Cassian’s eyes light up at the sound, the gold flecks within the hazel practically glinting beneath the lights of the hallway. His smirk morphs into a wide, genuine smile, and the sight is enough to leave Nesta feeling breathless.
“Feeling confident, were you?” Nesta teases, trying and failing to fight back her own grin.
“I’m confident about plenty of things, sweetheart,” Cassian tells her, stepping closer into her space. He uses his free hand to twist one of the strands of Nesta’s hair framing her face, the tips of his fingers skimming along her temple.
“Is that so? And what else are you confident about?”
“That I’m going to marry you one day.”
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @moodymelanist @nesquik-arccheron @sv0430 @talkfantasytome @bookstantrash @eirini-thaleia @ubigaia @fromthelibraryofemilyj @luivagr-blog @lifeisntafantasy @superspiritfestival @hiimheresworld @marigold-morelli @sweet-pea1 @emeriethevalkyriegirl @pyxxie @dustjacketmusings @hallway5 @dongjunma @glowing-stick-generation @melonsfantasyworld @lady-nestas @goddess-aelin @melphss @theladystardust @a-trifling-matter @blueunoias @kookskoocie @wolfnesta @blurredlamplight @hereforthenessian @skaixo @jmoonjones @burningsnowleopard @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @ofduskanddreams @rarephloxes @thelovelymadone @that-little-red-head @readergalaxy @thesnugglingduck @kale-theteaqueen @tarquindaddy @superflurry @bri-loves-sunflowers @lady-winter-sunrise @witch-and-her-witcher @fieldofdaisiies @freakingata
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softberrybi · 3 months
A quick note...
Hello from your local AuDHD switch verse bisexual. I'm on this corner of the internet to have fun and spiral into whatever current hyperfixation has me by the throat.
Minors, please don't interact. My blog is for people 18+. I'm a big advocate for sex education and curiosity, and my particular Tumblr page just isn't the space for that. If you're looking for an age appropriate resource, I highly recommend checking out Scarleteen. It's a wonderful site dedicated to providing medically accurate and queer inclusive information about relationships, sex, identity, and so on.
My asks and messages are open. Wanna be friends??? Feel free to message me any timmmmme. If you’re looking to be flirty, please be respectful. Opening with nudes or demanding nudes or sexting is just not the move, okay? I've been involved in the kink community for many years and have met so many wonderful people, so my tolerance is very low for people who hide behind kink as an excuse to be shitty. Also, I have a queue going, so posts appearing doesn’t mean I’m actually online.
Please note I’m wary of porn blogs with no other content, and I hear the Jaws theme song in my head whenever I get one word messages in my inbox because those “hey” or “hi” openers tends to escalate quickly without my consent. Again, be chill. If I get a weird vibe at all, the block button and I are besties.
Be a kind person, okay? Transphobes, terfs, swerfs, antifeminists, racists, ableists, fatphobes, bigoted jerks DNI. Honestly, get well soon and cut that shit out.
If I ever accidentally interact with something I shouldn’t or tag something in a way that doesn’t feel good, please let me know so I can edit or delete immediately. I respect you.
🌶️ spicy info under the cut 🌶️
Being a verse switch is so fun, okay? I'm attracted to people regardless of gender, and it's just so fun to make people feel good.
I use the traffic light system (💚💛🛑) for consent check-ins. Here is my Yes/No list for both giving and receiving unless otherwise specified:
Yes - praise/worship, puppy play, edging/denial, overstimulation, biting/marking, puppy play, teratophilia rp, impact play (just not face slapping/hitting), gfd, daddy/mommy kink (just no age play or incest rp), strap play / pegging, breeding kink
I think it’s also worth mentioning that there are types of play that I’m happy to engage in even if I’m not personally turned on by them. Examples include foot fetish / nylon fetish play and tickling (as long as I’m not the one getting tickled; that’s a hard no for me)
Sometimes - I don’t really post about any of these on this blog, and if I do, I will be sure to tag those posts. I sometimes enjoy objectification, degradation, humiliation, light CNC, helping a partner enjoy some light CBT, e-stim, watersports (especially during primal/possessive play)
No thanks - Heavy CNC that involves genuine fear play, scat, age play, race play, pro-ED anything, misgendering/detrans, vore, gore (some blood is okay, but gore makes me feel faint), intox/chem, permanent harm/scarring, incest rp
Obvious no (and instant report and block) to actual assault or endangering anyone who can’t consent (e.g. anything to do with minors, bestiality, and so on)
This should go without saying, but if you have a partner / partners who will be hurt by you playing with someone else, please don’t flirt or try to play with me. I’m only down to play with folks engaging in ENM or single folks, okay? Be nice to your partner(s).
Also, since this has been coming up in my asks and dms quite a bit, I’m not looking for a sugar situation. I will just delete the ask/message 🤷‍♀️ Thanks!
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