quess-art · 4 years
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Hi everyone! I recently changed URLs so please tag @quess-art instead of @quietsilenceus
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maiuoart · 4 years
DragaSwap MasterList
All the gorgeous stuff of the sweet DragaSwaps all put into one! 
It’ll be updated the more things come about!~ Thank you guys for your high interest in the brothers and I hope you’ll enjoy this list as much as me!
DragaSwap Brother Information; Abyss | Azure
DragaSwap Funfacts; Abyss;  Scary? Yes/No | LazySneek | StealingAbyss'Sweater | HeavyDude Azzie;  SleepyThing | LovesCuddles!
DragaSwap Questions #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 W/Comic! | #9 W/Expressions! | #10 Abyss | #11 Sizes
Fun stuff of people with the brothers; Living Poptart | Lavender Collecting | Story By Inkswirl
Fanart; imjustalazycat of Azzie! |  quietsilenceus of Azzie!
That's it for now! These guys are still opened for questions or other things!
Thanks guys, hope you enjoyed!
♥ Support me with Ko-fi! ♥
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nighttimepixels · 4 years
Happy Birthday Night! I wish I could've drawn you something on your birthday ㅠㅠ I hope you had and continue to have a great celebration surrounded by good people 🎉🎉🎉
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I’m so, so floored and honored and happy that so many of you sent in all these sweet messages to me!! I’ve been busy since waking up today but the fact that you all wished me well yesterday on my birthday has had me in the best mood today too. I don’t know how to thank you all enough, truly... You’re all so sweet and have made every day in this fandom worth it! ♡♡♡
I hope you’re all doing well and having a good start to a new week - no matter how wild things are in the world out there, I’m rooting for you all too, and crossing my fingers for the best for you sweethearts!! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ヮ⁄•⁄ ⁄)!♡♡♡
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thefruitloop-chan · 5 years
It's a weird theory but I was thinking, what if AFO stole Tomura's original quirk or if he was born quirkless and the disintegration quirk was given? This not only parallels Izuku from a narrative standpoint but also it would mean that he stole his entire identity (quirk, family, life, sanity, etc.) Which means, damn, the poor man Also crack theory: What if Izuku had AFO's quirk or something similar to it the whole time and because he wasn't consciously aware of it, he couldn't use it?
We kinda have a speculation that Izuku couldn’t use the AfO kind of quirk because he is not consciously aware of it. Since quirks needed the ‘intention’ for it to work as stated as funky one for all user.
For all Izuku would have known, he only know of fire breathing and telekinesis as Izuku said in Chapter 72  
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So there’s no way he could have thought of ‘stealing’ a quirk and such.
Also on that theory of Tenko’s quirk being stolen and replaced by another quirk would be in a way poetic and good narrative standpoint for him and that would be sad. His whole identity stolen from his memories, sanity, life and quirk. It’s like a giant F* U to Nana and her whole family. 
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thelazyhermits · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.
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Awwwwww!!! You are so sweet!! Thank you!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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yenpondering · 5 years
Wanted to drop by and say your art style is great. I love your line work and your colouring/shading is very pleasing to the eye! Your art looks and feels like those really nice and clean looking webtoons. My words may not be much, hell I know I'm never satisfied with my art either, but I wanted you to know that your linework, colour coordination, and OC designs are amazing!
oh gosh thank you!! 😭😭😭
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chaoticdoodler · 6 years
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Swapfell Arcane (AU) + Character Variation (Grillby) Belongs To @quietsilenceus! Undertale (Game) Belongs To Toby Fox Yo. This Grillby though. I saw the post about the new variations, and while I have been slowly trying to get myself back into a coloring style I’m comfortable with, I produced this! Thank you all so much for sticking with me and waiting, a lot of you have followed the blog and I was beginning to feel concern for my lack of posts! I appreciate all of your support so much.
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max-out-of-ten · 6 years
An adorable comic by @quietsilenceus! Please go check out their blog and support them and their fantastic art!
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thefloatingstone · 6 years
How are you? :D And if this hasn't been asked before, how did you come to like Papyrus or Sans? Or any other ut characters?
Hey there~!
I’m not great but I’m ok right now kinda.
Actually, when I started playing UT I had a rough idea of Sans and Papyrus’ personalities, and I was convinced Papyrus would end up being my absolutely favourite because from what I’d seen from fanart and comics, he seemed like My Type(tm) in terms of the kind of characters I liked. However when I played the game he was a lot different than I thought he’d be! I didn’t realise he was so annoyed a lot of the time. Or that he was a big braggart! A first it was kind of off-putting and I didn’t think I liked him that much, but the more I played the game the more I realised why he behaved the way he did, how lonely he was, and how kind-hearted he was. And his bragging wasn’t about him being arrogant or an asshole, but because Papyrus believes in himself just as much as he believes in everyone else around him.
And the more time went by the more I grew to understand him, and I grew very very attached to who he REALLY was as a character, rather than the kind of character I thought was just like other characters I already liked.
Sans was actually much slower working himself to a point where I was really attached to him. As I’ve said often before, I was TERRIFIED of Sans the first time I played the game. I constantly expected him to hurt me, or attack me, or do something dangerous and hateful towards me. He had me on edge the entire game. Until I finished my neutral run, and he still seemed distant and unfriendly towards me, but he no longer seemed like he was just waiting for the right moment to hurt me either.
And I guess this made me more curious about his character. If he wasn’t going to hurt me if I was good, maybe I could find a way to make friends with him and I could break that shell of his. And I could really connect with as a character.
Needless to say, just that simple notion that his character was more than someone scary, and he had enough depth to him to make me WANT to befriend him, automatically made me like him. However even though I haven’t finished my pacifist run yet, just learning from the fandom all the little quirks he has and things he does and says and especially things he does in the game which are EXTREMELY clever and I never even noticed made me like him more and more whereas now he miiiiight be my favourite (although I feel I can’t leave Papyrus behind either)
The other character I honestly truly like a lot is Flowey. Again, I haven’t finished Pacifist yet, but Flowey is a character I have a lot of affection for. Throughout the entire neutral run I did he was just awful, but unlike Sans I wasn’t afraid of Flowey because I knew what to expect from him. He was an asshole and he wanted to hurt me. Not much to be confused about there. It’s pretty straightforward. And then of course he’s the final boss in the neutral run and it all makes sense to me.
But then at the end of neutral run you get the option of showing him Mercy when you beat him. And I think that moment when Flowey says “I don’t understand...” starts crying. And then repeats “I don’t understand!” before he runs away... I think in THAT moment is when my heart melted for him.
And just the way at the very end of the game he appears, looking very awkward, and saying “Hey...” and start encouraging you, and seems like he has a small flicker of hope, and he offers the idea that maybe if you help him, he can be a better person, well it just struck me very hard.
I have a lot of affection for Flowey tbh.
Many other characters I still need to do my Pacifist run for though, and see how their behaviour in that run changes my opinion of them. Many I like merely as a fandom thing, but it’ll take the actual game for me to learn how I truly feel about them.
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
*I got’chu fam.  I finally got a chance to research some proper terms for the clothing.  x]
Buc (Fell Underwater Sans) reference:
Black tricorn pirate hat with a gold bone on either side, gold trim, and a red feather on the top.  Bits of the hat are frayed and worn-looking.
Left eye is covered by an eye-patch, and there's a crack through that eyesocket that's visible outside of it.  In fact, the cracks extend from the socket, toward the other eye, down toward his mouth, and up on his forehead.  Red eyelight in the other eye, and the same gold tooth/sharp teeth as normal Red.
There's a starburst fracture in the back of his skull that looks as if it was from a bullet hole.    
Instead of a collar, Buc has a silver shackle around his neck that's a bit rusted, with a single loop of chain still affixed.
White sailor shirt for an undershirt that's mostly undone, exposing some of his sternum and ribs.  Halfway tucked into his pants.  His trousers are black and apparently called knee breeches or "venetians", which I just discovered, and gather at the knee.  Only a bit of white stocking shows between his pants and the start of his boots.  He's got a peg leg, but it's almost always concealed by his boot.  His coat is black with gold trim, reaches his knees, and is a bit tattered at the end.  Gaster-blaster red patch on the shoulder of it.
Overall, his clothes are nice, if not quite worn, and he's dressed sloppily.  
Cap'n  (Fell Underwater Paps) reference:
Plain black tricorn hat without the embellishes of Buc's, with red bandanna beneath that hangs down the back of his skull, tattered at the end (basically, it's Edge's scarf, but wrapped around his head).  He's got the usual Edge fangs, as well as the same cracks across the left eyesocket.
Red undershirt that's tattered and ripped to show off a generous portion of his spine and the crests of his pelvis.  Fitted overcoat that's black with gold trim and stops just past his knees.  Slacks are also fitted and dark brown, with thick-soled knee-high black boots over them.  Usually wears red gloves.
He doesn't have any peg legs.  
Like Buc's starburst fracture, Cap'n also has a 'fatal wound.'  His is several fractured upper ribs on the left side, with chips to his sternum.  
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maiuoart · 5 years
Sorry if this was asked before, I just found your blog, but is it okay if I drew art of your SF!sans? I just wanted ask just so your anon friend is okay with it. I absolutely love skull\bone\metal shoulders on capes. If not, I'm 100% cool with that
Well-!! Hello!! Thanks for finding my domain :’D ♥ 
Also; It’s 100% okay if you do so!! We would seriously love to see, I would be honored if you felt the desire to draw such a handsome boy with his Gaster Blaster Skull shoulder caps ;) Have fun if you do!!! ♥♥♥♥
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
No no no dont apologize for taking care of yourself! Please for the love of God get better first before anything. I hope your fever goes down soon, get lots of water and rest!
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thank you all so much (´•̥̥̥\\ヮ\\•̥̥̥` ) I’m feeling significantly better now - fever’s gone, just some residual symptoms/coughing and such. It means a lot that you cuties (and the people in the comments of that previous post-!) reached out at all and wished me well!! I tried to take it to heart and let myself rest properly over the weekend TvTb
Also, excellent recommendations jezzi - I was all about that tea life (mostly did peppermint tea w/ honey as that’s what was in the apartment), definitely gonna keep in mind that elderflower in particular for next time, I’m a sucker for all things elderflower regardless ;v;
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
Ducky, you are doing great! Don't give up. And to people who don't like this blog and are actively hating on it, just don't follow it? What does hating on her accomplish? We understand if you don't like the content but please also be advised that this blog is very transparent about its content (ie. tags, warnings, etc.) so there is no way you were "tricked" into staying. Or just use the tumblr filtering system (unwanted tag thing they just implemented on mobile). Don't create needless drama.
Thank you Quess! You’re always so sweet to me and I appreciate it
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khrsecretvalentine · 7 years
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Part I for @sawadoot
From @quietsilenceus to @sawadoot
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Summer drabble #1
Xanxus - ♫ Xanxus closed his eyes, inhaling softly the bitter scent of salty sea and wooden fire which will probably coat his clothes with a not-so-nice smell, but he didn’t care at all. The sound of the waves softly dying on the bank and the distant ruckus of the party rocked him slowly as he enjoyed even more the little break he gave himself. Toes in the sand still warm from the day, he sighed comfortably sitting in the back of his throne-like-chair, drinking one more gulp of his scotch, leaving an empty glass in the crook of his hand. When he opened his eyes again, he let his hues wandered around the leisurely moves of the sea enlightened by the moon, cold and shiny rays kissing each mount and valley she had to offer. He stopped on the curvy figure in the water, the white dress she was wearing fitted her forms perfectly as she ondulating graciously like the flame of the campfire to his feet, no splash was heard as she danced to the rythm of the soft breeze and she disappeared in the depht with a beat of eyelashes. He scrutinized the horizon, unable to discern the chimaera who charmed him, after a while, he let out a curse and plunged the hand in the frozen bucket to retrieve the bottle and pour himself a new full glass. With a full swig and a wince, he closed his eyes again, letting the clear movements of this bewitching mermaid haunting his mind until the end of the night.
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cheerful-khr-art · 8 years
Awww your art style is very adorable! May I ask for Ganauche III OR 20YL! Lambo? Sorry if the ask box isn't open tumblr mobile is very limited in its features;;
Aww thank you so much/// 
and no problem!! The ask box is open so no worries!! I hope this is alright! (I couldn’t find really good refs of him so HOPE I GOT THIS RIGHT) Thank you for being my first request
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