#quitting drinking alcohol
peachpixiebby · 1 year
I’ve quit drinking for 9 months now. I’m really proud of myself for sticking to it this long. I’ve said the whole time idk what my plans are with it. It’s hard to imagine never drinking again but idk if I can ever go back without it slipping to an unhealthy level again. I have nightmares where I drink and I’m so disappointed in myself in the dreams.
I still get strong cravings & I’m not sure they will ever go away. I associate so many things with drinking. I have triggers everywhere. Vacations, holidays, weekends, family gatherings, seeing tv characters drink, the alcohol aisle, gas stations, cutting the grass, swimming, camping, the sound of ice clinking/can opening, Mexican restaurants, cleaning the house, taking showers (yes, drinking in the shower), barbecues, summer nights, snowy nights, rainy nights, any excuse to drink.
I decided to take a break bc I had a long spout of unshakable heartburn. It felt more intense than normal and ruined my appetite bc I was worried about anything heightening the already bad heartburn I was experiencing. I was also tired of the hangovers. I drank at least once every weekend when I decided to quit. I wasn’t at the level of my worst. At my worst it was everyday of the weekend and multiple days of the week as well. I’d been fed up with it for a while. I felt ashamed how often the same cashiers would see me buying alcohol. I would buy from multiple stores as well and I still felt like all of them knew I had a problem.
I have trouble sticking to goals. I have this “all or nothing” mindset and can overwhelm myself thinking I have to change my whole life overnight. So I think that’s why I tell myself and others idk if I’ve quit alcohol forever but again I don’t trust myself to be able to moderate if I tried to drink again.
What helped me when I was first quitting was listening to the Sober Powered podcast. The host, Gill Tietz, has a masters in biology and talks about what happens inside our bodies when we drink and why it is so hard for some of us to moderate or quit. I love that she comes at it with an educational & nonjudgmental attitude. I checked out a few sober podcasts and hers was by far my favorite.
Her podcast in particular helped me bc her drinking habits were like mine. Neither of us had this huge event to point to (like a dui, divorce, job loss) to say okay I have a problem. Alcohol consumption is so normalized in society, many of us don’t even question it. But it’s okay to go against the grain and take a step back for yourself if you want. People will, for some reason, ask you why/challenge your abstinence. This reminds me how normalized drinking is that many people view it as the default setting and if you don’t partake something must be wrong.
On the Sober Powered podcast Gill talks about transfer addiction. How when we give up something we often replace it with another unhealthy habit. I believe I’ve done that with food. And with my all or nothing mentality I keep going from trying to eat healthy and restricting to not caring and binging. Gill points out that transfer addiction just postpones you from dealing with the underlying issues that lead you to numb out with instant gratification habits. I hope I can get brave enough to get to the root of my problems. Maybe someday.
TLDR; summary: I’ve quit drinking for 9 months. Idk if I’m done forever but I’m scared to try again and fall into bad habits. I’m still triggered/craving. Listening to the Sober Powered podcast helped me quit. I want to try & tackle my food habits next.
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mysobriety18 · 2 years
I’ve tried many times to get sober. I’ve drank a bottle+ a day for mmmm…probably 5 years. I’ve been hospitalized many many times for severe pancreatitis. I’ve hooked up with people and not remembered. I’ve got kicked out of bars. Lost friends. Made many mistakes. Drove drunk and almost wrecked so many times…made awful decisions.
I’ve been alcohol free for 16 days today. September 2nd, 2022. I’m going to try and write my experience through all this..hoping to possibly inspire others who are trying to quit drinking. Inspire myself to continue not drinking.
We shall see tumblr…we shall see
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year
hot take: I could see it being possible Will picks up smoking, and very unlikely Max picks up smoking, for the same reasons just opposite.
Joyce doesn't hide her smoking but she is conscientious not to smoke in Will's presence (she does smoke right next to Jonathan though). iirc she almost never smokes at home when Will is home, and puts it out before she goes in his room. I'm sure she would advise her boys against the habit, but I don't think it would be terribly ooc if they picked it up as a stress response learned from her. they both probably associate the smell with their mother, who is a positive and loving presence in their lives.
btw I have a crisp $1 bill that says pre-s1 Joyce has caught Jonathan smoking before and that's why she feels ok to do it around him
then you've got Max, with multiple varyingly abusive family members who smoked (and drank) in her presence all the time. she comes and puts out Susan's cigarette when she's asleep even though it's already safely in an ashtray, meaning Max just doesn't want to have to smell the rest of it. she resents her mom for blowing so much of their resources on her addictions. plus there's Billy who smoked (and drank) in front of her all the time, both in their house and in his car, and I don't have to tell you Billy is a negative presence in her life.
in my mind Will and Jon are, at a minimum, at peace with it whereas the smell could be almost triggering for Max
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Do any of your characters drink or smoke?
✦゜ANSWERED: Teo drinks and smokes, Leon and VIolet drink on occasion (such as celebrations or public outings), and Elanor sometimes drinks wine when she's reading or taking a bubble bath <3
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gender-trash · 4 months
trip report: half a paper cup of champagne
tasted bad :(
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ercticisms · 1 month
i actually don’t know why i don’t see anyone loving karen because i love her. because she’s special to me
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peachpixiebby · 1 year
Things I’ve noticed get better after quitting drinking:
- heartburn/sour stomach/nausea
- bloating
- inflammation/joint pain/bruising
- skin discoloration & moisture (I wear much less foundation now)
- hair is less dry
- less feelings of shame/hangxiety
- regulated body temperature
- saving money
- no more shakes/dizziness/sweating
- less migraines/headaches
If you’re curious, it’s def worth it to take a break and see the changes you notice. Don’t have to go into it with the intention of quitting. But it was eye opening to see all the improvements I noticed
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found--family · 10 months
they couldn't let cesar and jesse return bc they would've taken one look at dean and cas interacting and known they had it bad for each other
#and sam is just like. oblivious. bc i think that's funnier 😂#meanwhile dean and cas are pining away for each other like the beautiful dumbasses they are..#cesar says to cas all easy and patient and knowing: so how long have you been in love with dean?#and cas is surprised and scared and tries to deny it but overcompensates by saying he loves all of humanity#meanwhile jesse is talking to dean like: what do you mean you're not in love with him dude i have eyes. dean: ??!!#cas @ cesar: i love dean bc i love humanity i love them for all their faults and quirks and beauty.. *thinking about freckles + bowlegs*#dean @ jesse: you don't know what you're talkin bout man! jesse: oh so now you're going to get angry and defensive like that isn't#overcompensating and an obvious tell that i speak the truth. dean: yo-.. shutup!!#cas @ cesar: .. humanity really is quite remarkable and so worthy of love when you think about it. and affection. and praise..#dean @ jesse: --swayze always gets a pass!! jesse: oh so he's on your celebrity exception list? dean: yeh man of course he is.#jesse: mhm. even though he's a guy? dean: ... who HASN'T had gay thoughts!?!#cas @ cesar: humanity should really eat more vegetables and drink less alcohol and sleep more. but this life can be difficult#and habits are hard to change and i will be there to help in any way i can like making coffee just the way humanity secretly likes it..#dean: *frazzled and exhausted as jesse hands him a beer* --i prefer the classics: Say Anything. When Harry Met Sally. Princess Bride..#jesse: *nodding along as they chat about chick fliks* cas @ cesar: i help with humanity's laundry. i once found a pair of jeans#in humanity's room with the legs torn off. i thought something awful had happened during a hunt but humanity wouldn't be able to#regrow his legs without my angelic assistance.. unless humanity met another angel.. *white knuckles the chair in possessive jealousy*#dean: *getting teary as he talks about dory's story* sam: *walking in on cas cracking the chair + dean sobbing into his beer#but taking no notice bc his eyes are on the ipad in his hands* so get this--#destiel#crack#thoughts#😂😂😂😂😂
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effielovesapples · 21 days
i think actually accommodating friends struggling with sobriety is not that hard. btw.
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menlove · 9 months
oh btw yesterday was a month off of alcohol so 💪
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Milgram fic idea: the prisoners are bored (as they always are) and they've already celebrated every holiday imaginable. So someone suggests doing a cross-dressing event for a change. Mahiru, Mikoto and Muu help everyone find the perfect fit (Mahiru sews half the clothes herself to make it look perfect).
A bunch of gender crisis ensue.
#milgram#milgram project#milgram fanfic#yuno cuts her hair short “just for the bit” and doesn't grow them back for “some reason”#haruka has a mental breakdown thinking about how his mom wanted a girl and if only he could've been her#fuuta doesn't seem to care that much about presenting feminine. rightfully so. he's rocking this plaid skirt after all#same with muu. she doesn't seem all that changed. after all she knows for a fact she's the most handsome guy at the party#she still feels a bit melancholic for some reason. she wonders if she could go out with girls with this look#shidou has already worn dresses/skirts before. when he was a student he went to themed parties where couples would exchange outfits#he finds it funny. he's quite secure in his masculinity so he's just having a fun time#mahiru takes the role of the prince charming she dreams of. she speaks with a funny voice because she tries to lower her pitch#she's not very successful at it but it just makes her laugh. she's also the one who made sure that everyone felt comfortable in their outfit#kazui is having an existential crisis. he doesn't know what mask to wear anymore. “is this even allowed for me to do that?”#after a while he just has fun with everyone. he doesn't feel the need to drink that much alcohol during the party. he feels young again#amane isn't really interested in all this. she accepted to wear the outfit given to her by mahiru and let her style her hair#but she feels like all of these futile festivities are childish. yet she looks into the mirror every now and then and ponders about all this#Mikoto is in his element for some reason. he likes these kinds of carefree moments#by exploring his gender and presentation he feels like he's getting closer to himself. his identity feels blurry to him sometimes#but this kind of exploration is helping somehow#kotoko doesn't care about all of this. she doesn't really get the appeal of “cross-dressing”. it's just a piece of clothe after all.#the others do find her quite handsome in her tuxedo though#es got woken up by the ruckus. saw what was going on. went back to sleep.
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ghostlyschizophrenic · 4 months
going from being fresh from the trauma from alcoholic parents years ago that caused me to have a full blown panic attack from just looking at the walmart wine aisle to many years post trauma and spending an entire meal at the bar of a restaurant (i don’t drink but it’s the only seat available) with the whole alcohol bottle display in front of me is what i call GROWTH
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ryuvnosuke · 6 months
my alcohol belly makes my outfits better. i think
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queer-reader-07 · 6 months
it's almost new year's eve and i am once again begging people to stop pressuring others to drink because they need to "have some fun"
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crynwr-drwg · 6 months
fuck my (baka) life
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bigmeansweatydyke · 4 months
me when the amount of alcohol i would normally and easily drink a month ago made me puke like twice
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