Not me getting permabanned from r/interestingasfuck for saying the Nazis were idiots and losers
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terminalfix · 2 years
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toxtricity-v · 4 months
things I don’t want to see on Reddit: a video of a gay person being publicly lashed as punishment for being gay
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ignoramussupreme · 1 year
r/InterestingAsFuck to reopen but stop any sub-specific moderation. That's what I call interesting as rule
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over-sleep · 5 months
ペットボトルリサイクル  (≧▽≦) スゴーイ How to make clothing from Plastic bottles
(r/interestingasfuck u/FreshRizz)
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felixcloud6288 · 2 months
I decided to check Reddit and this was posted to r/interestingasfuck.
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Trump literally only survived cause he just happened to turn his head at the perfect angle at the last possible second.
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Question: a lot of pictures of bush vipers show them with these astonishingly bright colors. While some are clearly edited, what range of colors do they actually come in? I'm guessing the greens are natural, but what about ones like this dark blue/purple Variable Bush Viper (https://www.reddit.com/r/snakes/comments/rm2rxx/this_is_my_friends_blackpurple_variable_bush/) or this muted rainbow one (https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/3om5gv/bush_viper/)? Is there a sure fire way to tell?
The fun thing about variable bush vipers is they are incredibly variable in color. They can be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, grey, and black, and the (unfortunate) breeding of them in captivity has added to an already large color pool.
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For the specific pictures you're asking about, the one of the black/purple snake is legit, and hasn't been altered much if at all. It's definitely playing up good lighting, but I've seen bush vipers who look like this.
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The second one is altered, though, the eye color and rainbow gradient give it away.
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You can often spot a shopped bush viper picture because they'll amp up the saturation and turn the eyes blue, like in this one:
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It's not a hard-and-fast rule, but most bush vipers will have eyes that are almost the same color as the scales.
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It honestlyl kinda bugs me to see so many edits out there, because these are already such beautiful snakes! They come in an incredible range of colors, but if it looks too bright to be true, it probably is.
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lizbethborden · 1 month
Stupid women, you obviously haven't read enough facts on Reddit. 😏 if you even browsed r/TodayILearned for five seconds, you'd find out that the ACTUAL victims of domestic abuse, religious oppression, reproductive control, economic disenfranchisement, and political exclusion throughout history were MEN. You have no perspective because you only like pop feminism and don't think with nuance and you get all your information from streaming adaptations of Margaret Atwood books. Me? I'm on r/interestingasfuck, making sure to educate the masses on how the Salem witch trials were caused by ergotism.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 2 months
So is this bullshit even legal or able to happen if trump wins!? Aka him bragging about doing away with voting all together if he gets in
It won’t happen unless he does a more effective coup. I think he may just be saying “I only get four more years anyway just vote for me and don’t worry about voting after that when it’s not me I don’t care”.
The thing about trump is he just. Says things. That make no sense. He’s speaking out his ass. I wouldn't worry about it too much beyond voting against him this election. Now that he’s not against Biden I feel he may be spiraling a bit. With Biden we would have seen a landslide in his favor, with an annoying neo-liberal on the other hand, well. The results are likely to mirror the 2020 election. Trump is looking down the barrel at a serious loss, so he’s just appealing to whatever extremists he can at this point. The Republican Party by and large is not a fan of trump. It’s actually a massive division in the party at present with a very sizable fraction of republicans leaning towards not voting or voting third party/democrat. Just like there were a lot of democrat voters biting the bullet and willing to vote Biden just to avoid trump, so too were there plenty of republican voters only willing to vote trump to avoid Biden. With the threat of a second Biden term gone, you will see a weaker turnout, even if just marginally.
Trump is also rapidly showing his age, it was just less noticeable when he was against Biden who was worse. Everyone but his cultists see it. Republican voters also despise Vance, trump’s selected VP, because Vance says the quiet part a bit TOO loud, even when compared to trump. Republicans overall tend to agree with the things Vance has said about women, immigrants, etc., but it’s preferred to keep the mask on (ironic choice of words is unintentional). If trump wanted to win this, choosing a more moderate Republican as VP is a better look because it would have garnered support from people who hate trump but favor the next in line. As is, he picked someone so far right it makes trump look moderate in comparison which is a worse move by a long shot. People on the fence about voting trump are not going to be won over by someone like Vance. People who are die hard trump fans probably recall Vance speaking unfavorably about trump in the past.
Overall, the future is very uncertain for trump. There’s a good chance in another four years he’s going to be too old to run at all. As a result, he’s making even weirder promises he knows he can’t and won’t keep. His strategy has gone into just banking on the votes of the far right and hoping for a silent majority.
Every word the man says is a lie. If you are concerned by them, vote. I don’t even care if you vote for Harris or whomever the presidential nominee for the democrats is going to be, vote democrat on every other seat on the ballot. Ensure that, even if the electoral college selects trump, his nonsensical and dangerous actions will be blocked. That is the most important thing you can do this election.
But no, to answer your question, he cannot just remove the already flimsy democracy we already have. The ones who could would be the Supreme Court. They are already playing heavily in favor of trump, if you want to uno-reverse card them on all the actions they are taking to ensure a dictatorship can occur, I would recommend voting a democrat for your presidential pick.
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finnhuckery · 9 months
R/interestingasfuck u/time-translator-2362
Always Carry Pizza!!!
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gardenfractals · 1 year
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[1] Hairy Ball Theorem https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairy_ball_theorem
[2] Aerodynamics of a cow https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/3j96p1/aerodynamics_of_a_cow/
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ninepiecesofcrait · 15 days
Me like, “I wish Nine would explain this to me like it was in one of her a/n of Unforced Error”
Also Hi! Hope you are well ❤️
wow, i've never been so delighted to answer an ask in my life
someone does a solid job downthread in that post explaining, but what can i say: baseball ben is my favorite child and i will take any excuse to bring him up, even tangentially.
okay, so lots of hot mess involved, but the batter, chase utley, was suspended the previous season for committing what's called a "rolling block slide" aka a slide meant to break up the possibility of a double play. however, when he did this slide, utley slid right into the legs of the mets' shortstop and subsequently broke his left fibula.
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this kind of slide was permitted at the time, but utley was suspended for it and accused of purposely injuring the shortstop. (utley has always denied this, but it is a lowkey dirty slide, imho, and i say that as a dodgers gal/utley liker) the mlb banned this kind of slide before the following season, but the suspension was overturned in appeal and utley did not face any other consequences.
this, understandably, pissed the mets off--especially because this happened during the playoffs.
now, that's all backstory.
the clip in that reddit post comes from the first game between the mets and the dodgers the following season, iirc, in 2016. and, as was pretty much expected, the mets intended to hit utley with a pitch in retribution. you can tell because syndergaard's pitch is way, way off--and not in a "whoops, i missed my target" way, but in a "i am going to bean you with a bad pitch because you hurt one of our teammates last year, you ass." his pitch also misses along utley's back rather than his legs or feet, which clearly telegraphs bad intent.
(beaning, by the way, is an expected baseball behavior, believe it or not, and you generally get a free bean and a free "hey don't do that" from the umps before steeper consequences are levied.)
but the pitcher, syndergaard, missed. and because it was clear what he was trying to do and because the mlb was trying to crack down on these kinds of shenanigans, he got ejected straight away.
at the time, syndergaard was one of the mets' best pitchers, so that's why the team manager comes out hollering and fuming. he's saying "you gotta give us our shot" aka you are supposed to warn us first, as losing syndergaard would have been a huge blow to their chances in the series.
but, if you listen to the ump, he basically says "i can't do that because my bosses would be on my ass," because the pressure was on the umps to calm the situation down. in fact, the ump says "you had your shot" aka syndergaard shouldn't have missed because now my hands are tied.
essentially, the pitch was, as one redditor described it, "so gratuitously malicious" that they couldn't give him a warning. (the league has continued to add rules in the past 10 years to discourage beaning.)
.... aren't you glad you asked
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kaze-no-yurei · 4 months
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Sunset from Space
Source: r/interestingasfuck
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over-sleep · 7 months
アート!  (*'▽') スゴーイ Gradually awesomer
(Raddit: r/interestingasfuck u/Elijah_Dizzle)
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
Omg hello
I’ve heard so much stuff about the Reddit thing but haven’t actually seen anyone who migrated from it
how are you? Since the whole Reddit thing is kind of over and people are returning, are you going to stay here or go back?
I came here mostly because the tumblr subreddits were closed. I like the feel of this place with how I can just say my thoughts or share stories without having to find a proper place to post them.
I've been checking back on reddit mostly for news. I'm mostly a lurker who periodically makes fandom shitposts though. I like having honest discussion as well but most fandom subreddits tend to become positive or negatively toxic so you have to shape your point to match that.
It's also fun to see what some subreddits are doing in protest. r/pics only allows John Oliver pics, r/WellThatSucks is now about vacuum cleaners, and r/InterestingAsFuck is just a porn subreddit now.
I've been enjoying my time here. This is definitely a "Get to know this person" kind of place while reddit is a "Get to know this thing" kind of place.
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agoraphobe · 1 year
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