priceofreedom · 4 months
I tried searching your blog and didn’t see it, but figured I’d ask just in case, since Tumblr’s search function is iffy: did you ever gif the scene where Barret slapped Cloud in Rebirth?
nope i didn't! 😳
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fonulyn · 1 year
kreon sex slave fic, if you haven’t been asked already 🔍👀
sooooooooo it's basically a sequel for one of the whumptober fics (coming up on the 23rd!), and it's not much more than a pwp with complicated feelings lol but I have vague plans that i might continue it with a little bit of plot at some point. right now tho, it's basically a "re4 ended badly for Leon and Krauser got to keep him as a pet" :D
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spicedrobot · 2 years
oooh what can you tell us about your nano? 🔍👀
I'm working on an obimaul canon divergence fic where bo-kat never saves obi-wan after satine's death and so he remains maul's prisoner. :3
It's slow burn so I'm not sure is 50k is going to cut it (scream) but I'm having fun writing some savage and obi-wan interactions and I'm hoping to bring Bane in as well!
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thebrandywine · 1 year
Got a favourite line or section of your most recent WIPs? Something that made you go “fuck yeah, that came from my brain”
I'm bad at remembering good shit SO have two lines from the first part of the still unnamed nivannedyfield series because i am currently looking at it (and because it spoils nothing):
"You think he'll give us that much grace?"
Chris sighs tiredly. "I think that he's always hated himself too much to do anything else."
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logicbutton · 3 months
Hey guys what's up I learned bookbinding to make @cindthia a physical copy of Synchronized Cardioversion for our anniversary :3
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Pics and process documentation below!
I used the following resources:
How to Make a Book by ArmoredSuperHeavy
Bookbinding Resources Master List by Renegade Bindery
the fanbinding tag on AO3 - shoutout to r3zuri's fanbinding of a FFVII fic for their extremely informative cliff's notes version of the process
the Intro to Hand Bookbinding class at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, an incredible resource for anyone in or near Minneapolis interested in learning how to bind their own books.
First, I typeset the fanfic. I did this by downloading it from AO3, trying to figure it out myself, checking How to Make a Book for help with a problem I was having, and realizing that I should have just used it from the beginning in the first place. I used Microsoft Word 2013.
Fonts: Palatino Linotype, Helvetica (for the characters' text messages), Beatline (for titles) Margins: .88" top, 1" bottom, .75" inside, .75" outside, .25" gutter Front matter: - Title page with only the title - "Praise for Synchronized Cardioversion" with comments from the fic - Title page with title, author name, and a colophon I made - Copyright page with fic copyright, fic URL, TLT series copyright, disclaimer, AO3 fic summary, first chapter author's notes, copyright for in-text art, book design credit, font info Back matter: - Acknowledgments (from the fic) - "Also by CindFourth" with all their TLT fic separated into Synchronized Cardioversion Extended Universe (might make another book of this at some point); Other Camgideon, Campal, and Team 69; and Other Locked Tomb
I set the page layout to "book fold" with 16-page signatures. As for the art, one of Cind's requests in last year's TLT Holiday Exchange was for art of this fic and they got not only a fantastic one-page comic from their assigned creator, our friend @anaeolist (who also did a sketch of Cam and Gideon kissing - we'll come back to that later), but also a lovely piece as a treat from our friend @kat-hikari. I got permission from both artists to include their work in the book.
The finished file was 408 pages, so I added four blank pages (two sheets) to the beginning and the end to make 26 signatures even.
Next, I printed the pages. I used my Brother DCP-L2550DW and Hammermill 11x8.5 24/60 lb. cream bookbinding paper from Church Paper. I'd read that sometimes using short-grain paper in a regular printer could cause it to jam, but it went fine. The cream color made the pages look so professional.
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I folded the pages into signatures and then pressed them overnight. Since I don't have a book press, I sandwiched them between two sheets of bookboard and put a heavy box on top, and that worked well.
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The next step, punching holes and sewing, was my favorite. I'd made a punching cradle using instructions I got in my bookbinding class. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, and it only used bookboard and PVA glue, so I didn't even need to buy anything I hadn't already bought for the project.
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I used three pieces of tape and sewed them on using a kettle stitch.
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Then I went to MCBA to use their guillotine on the text block and their board shear to cut boards for the cover.
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I chose orange cardstock for the endpaper, and because I am a novice making novice mistakes I unfortunately forgot to get a size of cardstock that would let me fold it on the grain, but anyway. I trimmed it to the exact size of the pages and glued it to the text block. Next I glued the spine of the text block, rounded it a bit (not the way an expert would; you learn that in Intermediate Hand Bookbinding), added a strip of super mull and headbands at either end, and sat it under a weight to dry while I made the cover.
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The Bristol board I cut for the spine was probably 1/8" too wide, which makes a bigger difference than you would think. Next time I'm going to err on the side of slightly too narrow when I'm already giving myself three board widths of a buffer on either side.
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Aside from that, the cover turned out great! I could have done a better job lining up the endpaper when I glued it in, but that's the kind of thing you practice I guess.
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I love the way the navy blue bookcloth looks with the cream paper, the orange endpaper, and the red and white headbands.
Now that I had the exact dimensions of the book, I could finally design the dust jacket. Remember that sketch of Cam and Gideon kissing that anaeolist did for the holiday exchange? I commissioned them to turn it into a finished piece for the cover, and boy did they ever deliver. I also asked some of our other friends who had read the fic to give me blurbs for the back cover, and they delivered too. Cind's and my relationship wouldn't have been possible without the wonderful community we met in and I wanted this gift to reflect that.
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I created the jacket in GIMP at a print resolution of 300ppi and saved it as a pdf. The final step was to get it printed, which I was nervous about because it was the only part of the process that I had no control over at all. Long story short, I ended up with something I was very happy with done by a small chain print shop where I had to go in and talk to a human about what I needed.
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I also posted this to AO3!
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ivorydice · 7 months
Last sentence tag game
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
I was tagged by @omgfloofy for this a little while ago, thank you!! (I also made a new post because that other one was getting a bit too long lmao)
“Besides,” Arthur waved his hand dismissively, “as shocking as it may seem, Merlin does have his uses.”
Alas, I can't think of 17 people to tag lmaooo, but I'm gonna no-pressure tag: @wrencatte @kaelinaloveslomaris @zanarkandfayth @quartzguts @amiyade @r3zuri @raftersomefood @avianscribe and anyone else who wants to do it *bonk* you're tagged.
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solarmidnight · 9 months
Chreon Fic Rec List!
As promised, here is my Chreon fic rec list. Please leave a comment and kudos to show these authors some love!
If you are a fanfic author and find your fic on this list and you'd like it removed, please message me and I will remove it immediately.
Please make sure to read the tags for each fic for warnings/triggers.
Be My Remedy by tirsynni (8K)
When Leon agrees to do a favor for Chris, he should have expected everything to go to hell. At least this time he isn't alone when the mission is done.
Persona Non Grata by Yuu_chi (26k)
A no strings attached arrangement with the love of your life seems like a good idea right up until you realize he's in love with somebody else.
you don't fare well without me by realpoutydadsurvives (23k)
Leon shuddered a breath out of his frozen lungs and asked numbly, “Why do you hate me?” There was a quiet more invasive than the deadly silence of the world beyond the walls protecting them and Leon hated himself for being so stupid— stupid fucking Kennedy saying shit he wasn’t supposed to say— fumbling for a way to cover up his fuck up, when Chris’s low voice broke the silence, saying, “I don’t hate you, Leon. I never have.” “Liar,” Leon accused softly into the darkness of their warm refuge. “You’re a f-fucking liar.”
fate changed (we keep loving as if the story isn't over yet) by fonulyn (note: past relationship Piers/Leon) (34k)
In hindsight, Leon knew the second he opened the door and saw Chris standing there, dressed in his service uniform, mouth pinched to a grim line and unable to meet Leon’s gaze straight. There was only one logical reason for it, only one way to explain why he was standing there like he would rather be anywhere else, and Leon almost slammed the door right in his face. “Leon, I…” Chris started, suddenly forgetting every single word he’d prepared. “Piers. He…” he trailed off, and risked a glance at Leon, who was standing there like a statue. It was like he wasn’t even breathing, with the way he was staring at Chris. “He saved my life. He saved Sherry. And he saved Jake. Hell, he probably saved the whole world, but he—” “Don’t.” - Or the one wherein no one really knows how to handle their grief, but somehow life goes on anyway.
Chris by Any Other Name by leftid (30k)
“Christopher Adam Redfield,” the rookie said, admonishingly. “You clean up your mess this instant.” “Who?” was Chris’ reply. ———————— Leon Scott Kennedy takes pity on Christopher ‘No-Middle-Name’ Redfield, and spends the next several years they know each other trying to find one. Technically it’s a series of 26 drabbles spanning from RE1 to RE8. A small line of plot managed to sneak into this episodic series.
Cocksucker by r3zuri (note: also features Krauser/Leon) (12k)
When Leon is ten, he tells his parents that girls are gross and he’s never getting married. They tell him he’ll change his mind when he’s older.
Collide by NovelNormandy (8k)
“Oops,” Chris says and Leon huffs a surprised laugh, now using his grip on Chris’s arm and the back of his neck to help hold his weight. “Sorry.” Leon shrugs, looking back at him. “It’s from IKEA.” “So what do I owe you, like 38 bucks?” Leon adjusts his hold on Chris, wrapping his legs firmly around the other man’s hips. “Can think of another way you can get me back.”
Welcome Back by nanaa127 (5k)
After an extended mission, Leon unexpectedly shows up at a conference Chris is attending. Chris is happy to see him. Very, very happy.
New Rookie by leonsknife (6K)
There's a new rookie at the R.P.D. and he's caught Chris' attention.
who am i after tasting you? by chthonicheart (38K)
“I fear the entire floor might have heard us last night,” Chris starts. Leon’s ears start ringing. What? “Yeah, I know. The server told me to tell you he gives us his ‘sincerest congratulations.’” “Christ,” Leon mutters, mostly to himself. “If only this complimentary breakfast came with complimentary mimosas.” 
One Tomorrow at a Time by Requiem (37K)
During the fight with Arias, Leon gets infected and turns into a B.O.W. Chris is not giving up on him that easily.
as i drown in irresistible love by FireandLightning (5K)
It's a late night at the BSAA offices when Chris receives a text from Leon containing a photo of Leon himself next to... Chris can get very, very jealous of people flirting with Leon sometimes. Leon knows just how to turn that jealousy to his advantage, especially for when he wants to get literally demolished and punished suitably by Chris Redfield.
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marmolita · 4 months
For the rest of my life whenever I write a sex scene with a blowjob I will think of @r3zuri pointing out that I always write about people's mouths watering while looking at a dick they want to suck, and I will type out a sentence where that exact thing happens, delete it, then say fuck it and type it out again 😆
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silvercap · 1 year
Oooh, thanks for the tag @lightenupcowboy !!
Rules: shuffle your repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten ppl (or more!)
Assuming repeat playlist means my Spotify 'on repeat' for the last few months, but if not I literally just listen to my Leon playlist half the time anyways lmao. This is pretty accurate to my taste, I think!
Tagging: @spinitback, @leonisdumbasallhell, @thebrandywine, @sunhatllama, @fonulyn, @r3zuri, @herbs-and-poultices, @good-guy-sauron, @resident-rats, @biohazardyaoi (no pressure!)
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weirdlet · 1 year
WIP Ask game!
Rules: Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @r3zuri !
aaaaa, you lovely person. I'm not currently working on anything but getting employed, but I should have *something* around here...
Fenned Shand/Cad Bane Strap (Star Wars)
Misc. Glory/Carver shenanigans (D&D nonsense)
Orc Warboy Trilogy (original fantasy nonsense)
The Orc Bride (original fantasy nonsense)
Fools Rush In (MCU)
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fallintosanity · 2 years
For the writing ask meme: 💖, 🎯, 👀
💖 What made you start writing?
You know, I honestly don’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing, or at least when I wasn’t making up stories in my head XD I think the first one I actually wrote out on paper was in middle school, although I also don’t remember why I did - if it was just because I wanted to, or because my friends wanted to read it (I do remember passing my notebook around for them to read). 
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Yep! @r3zuri predicted both Calamity’s arrival and Weapon’s awakening in Providence, and (while not a major plot point) Oro correctly guessed the name of Noct’s fan club. 
I feel like it happened at least once or twice before that, but I can’t remember the details, whoops. 
And I should probably admit that in a couple of rare instances, it’s happened the other way around - a reader made a prediction that wasn’t correct, but I liked the prediction better than my original idea and ended up running with it... }:]
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I have one last FTH fic in the works, a Murderbot-and-ART casefic. Here is the smallest of sneak previews: 
Anyway. My point is, so far this didn’t sound any different from all the other missions ART and its crew did to rescue abandoned colonies from corporate predation. I wanted to say where do I come in on the feed, but ART would just tell me to shut up again and I wasn’t going to give it the satisfaction. So I waited while Recording-Seth prepared himself to ask me for this supposedly big favor.
In hindsight, maybe I should have prepared myself to get asked this big favor.
Ask me stuff? 
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maz737 · 2 years
Thanks @mintowls for passing along to me!
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
“Could you help me grow out my hair?”
It feels a bit like cheating cause I think I’m on my final draft. We’re in the ‘read through and decide if it’s acceptable’ stage.
@vic-toryoftheaces @tea-leaves-and-cheeze @bullrunpicnicker @deniigi @urisarang @veryrealunicorn @ryehouses @r3zuri tag you’re it!
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thebrandywine · 1 year
I’ll ask B for Body Part, but with a twist:
Fav part of their body to kiss or have kissed (for Leon, Chris and Piers)
Leon: aside from being a straight up smoocher, I think he fixates on hip bones. Something about dragging his teeth over the cut of them and sucking marks into the skin there... *his* favorite place to be kissed is his neck though. Always gets him a little weak in the knees 😌
Chris: he pays attention to the spine, especially when he's kissing his way down it to get to his prize, but he primarily just likes usual smooching
Piers: STOMACH, HE LOVES KISSING STOMACHS. Something something most vulnerable area, the softest part of his boys that they willingly entrust him with?? If anyone starts kissing the insides of his thighs he immediately tries to smother himself with a pillow because woof--
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spicedrobot · 2 years
The fact that Obi-Wan thinks Bane sounds cute while he’s getting railed lives rent free in my head.
xdkfsdfs thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it since it's such a It's My Fic And I Get To Decide Who And What Is Cute addition 😂🥴✌😎 if we don't indulge as fic writers then what is the point? 💖
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noizplayssomestuff · 4 years
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How to absolutely not talk to a smol bean like Cloud
Thank you so much @r3zuri for the suggestion, this gave me life today hahah
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r0b0tb0y · 4 years
Din/Moff Gideon for crack ships
Send me a Star Wars crackship and I'll write you a pitch
oooh that’s mean
I’d kick it off with a straightforward ‘oh you are my prisoner now, entirely at my mercy’ route. Gideon teasing Din with everything except removing his helmet, always leaving the possibility on the table but never crossing the line, which is what has Din conceding so much ground that he’s almost, if never able to admit it, enjoying himself.
Let’s go full medical play with this and have Din turned into a test subject for the midichlorian experiments, and he’s lashing out with strange abilities that cause all kinds of strange new sensations for Gideon to study. In the name of science.
(also, I received your earlier prompt! It’s a perfect fit for a longer WIP I’m working on so I will post it when the whole thing is ready <3)
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