#r6s jäger x reader
vampsquerade · 1 year
Can I request a Jäger x reader where the reader is experiencing burnout and Marius takes care of them? Also glad to see you back :)
YES OF COURSE YOU CAN BESTIE!! i love seeing your name in my inbox it brightens my day up so much, i really hope you enjoy this one elias! 💕
Jäger x GN!Reader: An Engineer’s Blown Fuse
Trigger warnings: burnout, mostly comfort, slight suggestive behavior
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Marius is a very careful and cautious person when it comes to romance, as he becomes deeply attached to his partner. His ability to love so much for those he cares about has caused his image to be that of a clingy and mischievous man—something a good amount of people wouldn’t really appreciate. But for you? It’s everything you could ever need. Your job causes you stress all the time as you spend hours meticulously checking and making sure every single punch of a number correlates to what’s been reported. It burned you out fast with how much you had to do it over and over, often frustrating you to tears.
Tonight was one of those particularly frustrating days, causing you to yell out and push all of your paperwork over the floor. You don’t even care; neither for the papers that scatter gently across the floor, nor for the pens and pencils that a speed so fast physics causes its force to increase. Marius hears this from the living room where he’s watching a documentary on aviation. He promptly pauses it and carefully enters your room, walking as if he’s approaching a terrified animal that could bite its savior's hand at any second. “Liebling..? It’s another stressful night, ja? Come and join me in the living room—we can watch something else together to help calm you.” Marius says softly.
His hand is outstretched to you as you sit at your desk, face buried in your hands as you silently cry out your frustrations. Staring at his hand for a moment, you gently uncross your arms and carefully take hold of it. Marius gives you an affectionate and loving smile, holding onto your hand as he helps you stand on your feet. He then wraps an arm around you and walks you to sit with him on the couch. You look up at him curiously, as if you’re asking if he’s truly okay with constantly having to do this—but Marius is already giving you that reassuring and loving smile, telling you he’s okay doing anything to make you happy.
You can’t help but smile softly, sitting onto the couch first. Marius sits next to you and pulls you close to him, wrapping his arm around you. “Now then, what do you want to watch Y/N? The choice is always yours, liebling.” he says tenderly. “Um…is it okay if we just sit here in silence instead?” you ask softly. “Of course, anything for my lovely Y/N.” Marius says cheerfully. He completely turns off the TV, pulling you into his lap now. He rests your head against his chest so you could listen to the gentle beating of his heart. You fluster, eyes slightly going wide as he holds you right against him once he wrapped his arms around your lower back. Marius chuckles softly at this and you could feel his chest rumble against your ear.
“I saw that look in your eyes earlier—do you think having to comfort you when you’re burned out annoys me?” Marius asks. You sigh deeply, “Yeah…I just get so burned out easily you know? I have to do this every single day of my life because of these people doing everything wrong—I don’t even get a break on the weekends because of how long I take.” you say, irritation clear in your voice. “I don’t mind having to care for you. You know I love you a lot and nothing you could do will irritate me.” Marius reassures you. “I guess I’ll have to give them a stern scolding, then, and have them find more people to work so you’re not the one having to do this alone. Thanks to Harry’s connections, they’ll have to listen to my request.”
You laugh softly, shaking your head against his chest, “That means a lot, Marius…but couldn’t you have done that sooner?” you tease. Marius blushes furiously at this, looking away from you, “M-Maybe I should have…haha.” His laugh makes you smile; you feel completely relaxed and comforted. “And don’t worry about having to go in tomorrow. I’ll call in sick and have Harry send that request.” he says as he begins to softly rub your back. “Thank you so much…I love how kind and patient you are with me. Nobody’s ever made me as happy as you make me.” you say, joy emanating from you like rays from the sun. You lean up and trail kisses up his neck, on his jaw, and then on his lips.
Marius tenses slightly at this, his grip on you becoming instinctively tighter on you. The rest of his body then relaxes as he kisses you back, passion and affection clear in the way he does so. You then pull away from him and sigh softly. The silence is enjoyable, even more so when you’re cuddled up to Marius. He strikes the back of your hair, rubbing gentle circles into your lower back. “I love you, Marius. Thank you for being so sweet and patient with me.” You say softly, leaning up and kissing his neck and jaw. Marius sighs shakily, his grip slightly tightening on you once again. You giggle softly, nuzzling against his neck now; his breathing becomes slightly heavier when you do this and it makes you smile widely at how easy it is to tease him.
“L-Liebling, stop…please…I don’t want to get overstimulated…” Marius moans softly. You then pull away from his neck and rest against his chest again, “Whatever you say~ Just wanted to show you some of my affection—I’m so sorry.” You say playfully. “It…It’s fine, liebling…” Marius says. The two of you just relax there for a while, not even realizing you’ve fallen asleep against his chest. The way he just held you tightly, stroked your head and rubbed your back soothed you; it eased your mind and put you to sleep. Gently wrapping your legs around him, he carefully lifts you up and walks to your shared bed. Marius lays you down, taking off his hoodie so he was just in his hoodie and a pair of shorts.
Pulling you close to him, he protectively wraps his arms around your sleeping form. The movement makes you stir slightly, smiling as you realize you’re laying in bed together. “Love you…” you whisper sleepily. Marius gives you a gentle chaste kiss, before pulling away, “Ich liebe lich…” he whispers softly before closing his eyes. You instinctively hook your leg around his hip, falling asleep this way. Marius’ free hand holds onto your leg securely now, falling asleep happily as you hold onto each other in peaceful and blissful harmony together. The stresses of life can’t get you whenever Marius is around—he’ll never let it happen ever again now.
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khunkhai · 3 months
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rightshoeonleftfoot · 3 months
Marius "Jäger" Streicher headcanons, I may or may not be completely in love with him...
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🥃 Jäger is a whisky drinker. It's his drink of choice, no ice needed. He still does drink beer but he'd rather have a glass of whisky than a bottle of beer. (His favourite whiskey is Yellowstone, yes it's absolutely self-indulgent)
🚗 He drives a shitbox. I'm talking like an old ass 80's Buick, or something similar. Though he's definitely partial to German cars (he's a patriot, what can I say), def has a Volkswagen or an Audi. He definitely knows which Audi models are the most reliable. (He drives a Volkswagen Scirocco Mk 2, it's his pride and joy, I don't make the rules)
🎶 Listens to mainly German rock/rock in general. Here's a playlist that I find accurate to my headcanon of his music taste: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/29N16n6eHU6P2hExqaa4xY?si=FFtI6gEKSqW9ZPF36OZINg
🪛 This is based off of canon, but he's 100% a workaholic. His work is his hobby. He literally mentions that spending his time off in the lab is like a dream vacation to him. He feels he needs to be productive all the time, he doesn't really like "relaxing" that much. His time to relax is when he's either learning something new or working.
🖌️ He is insanely good at drawing machinery. He doesn't consider himself to be an artist, but he is really really good at drawing anything mechanical. He draws cars and car engines for fun, he draws his own prototypes and inventions for his patents and blueprints. Expect him to have a notebook full of messy and clean drawings of cars, helicopters, random parts he just felt like drawing. He mainly draws to see things from a different perspective and to learn.
🌯 He doesn't cook for himself often, but when he does it's absolutely delicious. Jäger knows how to cook! He's a banger cook, too. He only has a solid few cookbooks at home that he uses, he always tries something different but it's always from those three books.
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garfields-nutz · 1 year
I’m a Rainbow 6 Siege fan so here are my fave memes (i made the last 5)
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smokedetected · 2 years
R6S Duolingo and language learning HCs
Stupid fluff/crack hcs for some of the r6s operators, inspired by a recent heated discussion in our research group about everyone’s Duolingo habits (lol).
Warnings/notes: none (unless you’re severely traumatized by the Duolingo owl, though if that’s the case, it’s probably already too late anyways) Slight romance and/or suggestiveness in some.
Sorted alphabetically under the cut—I wrote for everyone that popped into my mind at the time.
Ace: Will totally take the initial placement test for Norwegian, just for that cheap and easy XP-boost that will catapult him to the top of the leaderboard and allow him to flex his high score in front of the others. (Everyone knows what’s going on, but let’s let him have this.) Will be extra motivated should you decide to get the app as well and absolutely swoon over you should you decide to take up Norwegian (he still won’t take it well should you outcompete him on the leaderboard, though, so keep that in mind).
Bandit: Doesn’t really care for the app per se, but is more than happy to help expand your knowledge of German swear words and street slang should you decide to take it up, whether you want it or not. If you’re serious about learning the language, he will do his best to help you in earnest and make an effort to include you in the German banter between the GSG9 member (be careful, though, as he will absolutely take the opportunity to feed you wrong and/or offensive words every now and then so he can have a laugh when you cheerfully insult any of the other German operators, thinking you were merely throwing out some German slang). Will be more encouraged than ever to give you German pet names. He would also take the opportunity to introduce you to his favorite German bands and songs (just stay wary of the meaning of some of the lyrics you will inevitably pick up).
Blitz: This is his home turf—Elias doesn’t need to be convinced to download the app, he already has it (and every other language learning app out there) ready to go on his phone. He finds the questions and problems in Duolingo too easy to really challenge him, but he’ll use it to refresh his memory on grammar and vocabulary during breaks or look into the more exotic languages they offer just for fun. Gets very excited if you are interested in languages, too, and all the more so if the language you want to learn happens to be German! He will send you all kinds of materials and resources to help you study, from news articles to memes. When he sees you practicing using the app, he will come up to you and give you a kiss whenever you get an exercise right.
Doc: Gustave always encourages the people around him to try new things and stay flexible, physically and mentally, so he welcomes it when you introduce him to the app. Other operators might complain about the persistent reminders sent by the app, but Doc actually appreciates them—without them, he would quickly forget about the app again as he’s always caught up with work late into the night. Should you decide to learn French, he will gladly practice with you whenever you have a moment of time throughout the day, remaining patient and encouraging even as you torment him with the exhilarating questions about his name and profession that come with the early stages of learning a new language.
Dokkaebi: Will get super competitive and try to get as many of the other Rainbow members as possible into Duolingo as well. They don’t all have to learn the same language, but there will be an internal competition about who earns the most points every week. Will probably act casually about it, but then log into the app again at the last minute before the leaderboard closes, while her fellow operators are either already asleep or focused on something else and absolutely obliterate them and their scores. If you tell her that you want to learn Korean, she might be a bit surprised at first, but will quickly find it endearing when it becomes apparent that you’re serious about it. She loves it when you text her in Korean whenever you learned something new and will in turn send you Korean proverbs and other tidbits you might fight interesting.
Glaz: Not a huge fan of the app (maybe because he doesn’t think the interface is visually appealing?). Would maybe use it to gain a basic understanding of the language of a country he’s sent to on a mission + any themed lessons that catch his eye. If your native language isn’t English or Russian, he would use the app to check out the basics while he’s away from you, though he would much rather get the explanations directly from you. If you inform him that you’re trying to learn Russian, his heart will melt and he will shower you with sweet words of praise and encouragement to make you feel comfortable enough to speak to him in his native language. Will also buy you a premium subscription when you aren’t looking to make learning even more fun for you.
IQ: Monika is smart and a quick learner - you know it, I know it, it’s literally implied in her codename. Quickly uninstalls the app again because she finds the exercises too easy and doesn’t want to bother wasting time on having to unlock the few lessons she’d actually be interested in. If you or another operator were the ones getting her into the app, however, she’d keep it around just so she can keep doing the weekly challenges with you—she finds it cute when you get all competitive about it and it makes her happy that you want to participate in them with her. Her first reaction to you telling her that you want to learn German would be a blunt “Why?,” as she thinks you might get more use out of other languages. Tell her that you’re doing it for her and she becomes incredibly flustered (all the more so should you decide to call her by one or more German pet name(s)), yet happy at the same time.
Jäger: Marius quickly incorporated the app into his daily routine, usually getting his daily session in during breakfast or dinner. Will regularly remind his GSG9 colleagues to use the app by sharing his milestones to their group chat (*screenshot of perfect 2-week-streak* “Und bei euch so? 😏” (”what about you guys? 😏”) Will be very giddy should you decide to learn German—he’s very eager to practice with you and will constantly point out how certain things are called in German as well as give you additional info and expressions. He’ll probably get ahead of himself and it will be nearly impossible to remember everything he’s telling you, but he doesn’t expect you to and is glad to repeat it.
Kapkan: Hates it. Thinks the interface looks stupid, the sample conversations pointless, and was just about ready to ask Sledge to borrow his hammer to smash his phone and computer because he accidentally consented to receive all the reminders and push notifications and it’s driving him insane. If you’re using the app to learn a language and feel like its helping you, however, he is willing to put up with the eye sore that is the Duolingo owl and the noise pollution coming from the app, just for you (particularly if the language you are trying to learn is Russian—his adoration for your efforts outweighs any negative feelings he may have). If your native language is something different from Russian or English, he would make an effort to learn at least the basics in it when things start to get serious. While he’s a diligent student, he becomes surprisingly shy and easily flustered when attempting to speak to you in your native language, so stay patient and give him lots of encouragement.
Montagne: As his perceived lack of proficiency in foreign languages when compared to some of the other Rainbow operators is something that’s been bothering him on and off for some time, he was very happy and receptive when you introduced him to the app. He uses it to quietly practice by himself during moments of downtime as he goes about his day. I feel like he’d be the type of person to have a 500+ day streak that makes you go “damn! :0″ when you see it on their profile for the first time. Is over the moon when you reveal to him that you’ve been trying to learn some French for him and have nothing but praise for even your most awkward attempts at speaking to him in French. Naturally, he will want to repay the favor and take up your language in return, but it will take some verbal encouragement from you before he overcomes his shyness to actually talk to you in your native language.
Mute: would never resort to cheap exploits like raking in a massive number of points by acing the placement test in his native language (as others are rumored to have done), but would quickly figure out the little tricks, bonuses, and power-ups that allow him to continuously earn the highest score possible while learning. Finds the exercises too easy and doesn’t like how you have to unlock certain topics through progression, rather than being able to freely choose what you’re interested in learning right from the beginning. If your native language isn’t English, he will look for other better resources on it on his own. Even if English isn’t your first language, he doesn’t really see any concrete need for you to improve but will respect your desire to do so by providing you with recommendations for English books and movies, as well as the offer of discussing them with him once you’re done with them.
Smoke: While the gamification aspect does hold some appeal in his eyes, he doesn’t really feel the need to follow the path given by the app—he’s convinced that if you want to learn a new language, it should ideally come naturally to you by actively engaging with source materials in it (read: chemical safety data sheets, scientific papers, and online shitposts). Should his daughter discover her love for Duolingo-based language learning, however, you bet he would download and use the app, if only to keep her happy and connect with her (he would, however, be equally happy if you were to compete with her in the challenges in his stead—in fact, he would only adore you more for doing so). If your native language isn’t English, the first thing he would ask you to teach him are swearwords, if nothing else, so he can annoy his fellow operators even more effectively. If things get serious between the two of you, however, he will be more than eager to learn other things as well from you.
Tachanka: Would use the app to learn a few bits in your language as an icebreaker and to surprise you & show you how much he cares about you. Flirty and straightforward as he is, he would then quickly graduate to asking you for some one-on-one conversation training sessions, offering to teach you basic Russian (or flirting/swearwords, depending on how you roll). Should you decide to learn Russian, he will be all over you whenever you use your newly acquired, meager language skills on him — he will be incredibly happy and proud of you. In fact, he might get a little too excited and unintentionally embarrass you a little by boasting about your “skills” to his fellow Spetsnaz members, putting you on the spot when they subsequently demand a first-hand demonstration. He’s quick to pick up on the naughtiest, most suggestive expressions in your native language and will make good use of them behind closed doors with absolutely zero shame, causing your blood to flow to your face (as well as other places) whenever he does so.
Thatcher: Was most definitely pressured into getting the app by someone else on his team and only begrudgingly agreed to use it under the condition that that person would also set everything up for him. He will quickly get annoyed by it and delete it after Duo keeps counting typos he didn’t bother to correct as mistakes, subsequently providing you with ample opportunity to expand your vocabulary of British swearing. If English isn’t your native language, he would try to learn some phrases from your first language for you. He’s very serious about it and somehow selects rather lyrical source materials for this endeavor—on occasion he sounds like an old-timey gentleman plucked straight from a romance novel, causing a blush to appear on your cheeks every time he talks to you like that.
Thermite: Another one who would probably see Duolingo as a kind of dating app with extra steps. Would repeatedly come to you under the pretense of asking you how certain features of the app work, etc., just so he has an excuse to stay close to you. If you’re in an established relationship, he will ask you for a kiss for every exercise he gets right whenever he’s actually using it to practice. Will make an effort to remember the most random sample phrases to repeat them back to his fellow operators in their native language and think he’s hilarious for doing so. If you’re the type of person that gets discouraged whenever you accidentally miss a day, causing your streak to break (the type of person he is), he will briefly log into your account and do a quick and easy exercise just to keep your streak going when he sees you haven’t logged into the app after you’ve already gone to bed. Will also really work with the random, basic phrases he’s learned in your language so far to impress you or at least make you laugh.
thank you for reading! <3  these were very fun to do! If you are missing a specific operator, I didn’t spontaneously have a scenario of them pop into my mind, but you are free to request them.
Next post (in a few days) will be less shitpost-y (I hope, lol)~!
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ghostiex0 · 2 years
♡GSG9 developing a crush headcanons ♡
SFW! Fluff and slight angst(?) angst only in the context that you reject them. Only cut due to how long it is
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- Elias is a natural charmer. He seems to always know when to say his dumb little jokes, and when he needs to be serious in a situation. And he’s certainly easy on the eyes.
- When getting a crush on someone Elias would do what he could to get closer to them without pushing any boundaries or being too obvious about his feelings.
- But as time when on and the feelings only grew, the German solider would become much more obvious with his advances.
- Talking to you whenever he can, trying to always make you laugh or at least smile, spending all his free time with you, anything he can to be around you, you betcha he’s doing it.
- Eventually, he would probably easily glide you both naturally into a state where you’re already basically dating, simply without the label! Sneaky
- ln fact, you don’t probably even think much about it when he invites you to have dinner with him. But he sure does.
- If you don’t feel the same way, and turn him down, he would immediately respect that. He’s definitely the type to make a few light hearted jokes to cover up that it hurt and try to make sure you don’t feel bad. He’d like to still be friends.
- If you ended up accepting his feelings he’s practically swooning already. He can feel a weight he didn’t even think he had had resting on him finally fall off and be replaced with pure love and joy.
- IQ has always been someone who’s kept more to herself. She’s not a cold or defensive person like some of the other operators who keep to themselves, she just has a hard time really connecting with people.
- So she was flustered from the start when she realized how much she enjoyed being around you
- Despite that, she was sure that this was just because she never really had that many friends. This was nerve racking is all… Right?
- With a crush Monika is not one to be rushing to confess. Shes more of a loner and would be someone who closes herself off in fear of rejection.
- Sadly, if Monikas crush is not requited, you would probably never know how hard she was crushing in the first place. Monika would definitely get more confident the more she’s around you and make some moves herself, but seeing no reciprocation, she would back off. This includes backing off the friendship at least for a little.
- But if you do reciprocate, replying to her, sometimes one upping her, she’d definitely get more confident.
- When making a move, the best to do would be something such as being the good friend you are and getting her a cute necklace you saw and thought she would like.
- Just putting it on made her feel all giddy and when she went to her room and got to look at it on her in front of the mirror, she knew she felt more for you than she kept trying to convince herself.
- Things with her will smoothly fall into place, like a cute little film.
- Our lovely German engineer here is quite the character! And many of his colleges and folks in his life are used to his behavior, but for new people he can be confusing.
- Marius is nice with people, but struggles with social cues. He’s quite the talker and tends to confuse people with his rambles about random news or scientific research. He always tries to keep it in mind when meeting new people though.
- Marius would pick up on his feelings a little later than the rest of his GSG9 teammates, in fact, they’d probably realize he’s got the hots for you before he does.
- Despite Monika being someone who’s nervous to confess her own feelings, she loves to push for her friends to take charge. But with Marius, she knows not too involve herself too much. She’ll simply give him light teases such as randomly telling Marius where you are.
- Marius’s struggle with a crush isn’t really not accepting his feelings, it’s trying to understand his crush.
- He’d be one to constantly invite you to things and constantly want to talk to you about the stuff he’s interested in and learn things you’re interested in as well.
- Your phone will also be blowing up quite a lot with his midnight rambles. He just has a lot he wants to share with you!! He can’t help himself.
- He gets shy when reciprocate these affections back to him and might stammer around a bit. He does like it though
- Eventually, he’ll feel comfortable enough to bluntly ask you out on a date. Most likely he’d invite you to a date to a museum or around a pretty town/city to see all the landmarks and get something nice to eat.
- Marius is a more straight forward person than his teammates, so if he wants you he’ll do whatever he can to let you know!
- If you end up rejecting him though, he’ll be heartbroken. He’s not the type to get feelings for people so this feeling was rare for him.
- Of course, he’ll accept the rejection but your friendship will probably be ruined. He doesn’t want to ruin it but he has a hard time with social interactions as it is. If he’s hurt, he won’t really know how to act around you anymore.
-But who would reject him <3
- Ah… Dominic Brunsmeier. Dominic getting a crush is something he’s definitely not prepared for… but it is something he will ignore!
- Sadly, Dom is very emotionally closed off. He’s done a lot of things in his life and had many regrets. With some of the things he’s seen and done he can’t imagine himself actually being happy with someone.
- The only person he’s ever mentioned anything such as wanting someone to be happy with is his brother.
-His family means a lot to him. He visits them whenever he can and is really good with his nephews. His brother can’t help but ask if Dominic would ever settle down.
- So with a crush, he’d definitely have to know you first. You’d probably have to make an impression on him from the get go. Something about you just.. pulled him in.
- From then on it’s even harder. He wants to be around you all the time, but hates that he feels that way.
-Due to him feeling like that, he’s probably one to take rejection the worst. There’s absolutely no way you could truly be friends with him after you’ve rejected him.
- He respects it, but he doesn’t go out of his way to talk to you anymore. You wont go out to drinks together anymore or anything unless it’s with a group of your shared friends.
- He isn’t taking anything out on you even if it might feel like it. It’s just kinda how he is. You just originally got special treatment because he had a crush on you.
- On the flip side, if things do progress and you find yourself taking up his offers for just the two of you going out together, it’ll all fall into place.
- Dominic will slowly open up more too you about things in his life and how he’s feeling, and soon enough you both realize you seek each other out over anyone else no matter the situation.
-His confession would most likely be more of a heat of the moment kind of thing. He’s just not able to resist you!
- He’s a little rough around the edges but he’d always treat you right and be there for you
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dewydovahkiin · 2 years
Can I ask for Zero, Doc and Jäger finding out their S/O is a demon?
Delivers this to you on a silver platter with juice, crackers, n cheese
a thing that shocked him for once.
Sam is sus of you for a LONG time until you prove you’re not a bad demon. Tbf anyone would be cautious considering demons have had a bad rep for the past few thousand years. But he eventually comes around.
He isn’t one to be super nosy about it, he values his partner’s privacy but he is curious about your powers and ‘true form’ (If you have one). Might ask here and there or watch with full interest if you ever use them for any reason.
If you’re one of those kinds that can just fling things around with a flick of your wrist, Sam finds it entertaining if you ever do it to another person. It makes him feel more relaxed knowing that you can just yeet anyone who tries to bother you. Don’t do it to him though, he’s not afraid to have a spray bottle of holy water to baptize you in the spicy stuff if you act up.
He doesn’t believe you, until you just kinda set something on fire just by looking at it hard enough. Congrats, Marius will now become a professional in demonology.
A million questions. He wants to know fucking e v e r y t h I n g and gets really excited. He wouldn’t be scared of you unless given a good reason to. The only thing Marius is salty about is that you’ve kept it a secret from him for so long :(
If you have a horns and tail? He’s always touching it (with your permission of course). Gets even more excited because you just have a natural Halloween costume and starts planning for Halloween in like January.
He finds you interesting because you’re technically indestructible. Obviously Gustave won’t go getting you shot or hurt, but at least he now knows he’ll never have to worry about you falling terribly ill.
You did intimidate him a little at first when you casually let it slip that you’re a demon, but if anything it makes him horny. Dominate him with your powers and he’s creaming ong
Going back to the first point, Gustave will still mother hen over you if you get hurt by any religious symbols or holy water. It’s likely a temporary discomfort but he’s still hovering and asking how he can help. You scare him because he lacks knowledge on how to bandage a supernatural being
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n3ssier · 1 year
HELLO im bacc >;)))
So I keep lookin at your introduction post and fsr I CANT DECIDE WHAT TO PICK- I just wanted to ask like, can ya write a headcanon, but it has both Crypto from Apex and Ppl from r6? Im so super grateful that you didnt mind the emount of characters I requested last time 😭😭 i hope its bot a burden if I request again cause i kinda simp for all of the. 💀
You can just tell me if u dont wanna do this, or just scratch sum characters if its too many :)))))
Can you pleease write a ff (or headcanons, ehatevs ya wnat) where female reader LOVES hugs and is a generally super chill yet chirpy friend and as soon as she gets recruited, she becomes all friendly and tries to befriedn them and after like 1st day of meeting, she alredy sees them as her bestfriend and hugs them from behind as a goodmorning the next day-
Chars: Crypto, Echo, Vigil, Kapkan, Glaz, Jäger (Ik its all the same characters but I cant help my simping, also as i said you can not include whoever you want)
Ik its confusing and as I said before, you aint gotta write this at all💀🤚
ALSO- MOOTS? Saw that you needed friends so we can be bfs >:DD
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG :( ive had a lot going on and ive also got a job now so i have been short on time but finally got round to writing again!! i hope ya dont mind me doing some hcs and also only doing 4 out of 6 sexy men, bc i worry that if i do fanfics with them all then this will be a v long post bc ill get lowkey carried away😞 (also bc im feeling lazy rn, out here getting up 4am sleeping 12pm😭best lifestyle)
∙you two first meet on your second day on the job, and he is taken aback by how talkative you are (not in a bad way tho dwdw :)
∙the other legends don’t rlly talk to him outside of the gunfights/workplace so he just doesn’t talk to them either, which is why he was so surprised when you came up to him and tried to befriend him as soon as you’d met him
∙the pride he feels when you start asking about his gadgets goes unmatched, he tries to explain them as easily as possible but gets carried away quickly, leaving you a confused mess and him an embarrassed one as he realises how distracted he got
∙the next morning he’s making breakfast in the break room when he feels you hug him from behind, and he honestly is so tempted to put his hands on yours and stay there but he wants to play it off cool ofc so he just greets you and continues preparing his food
∙this is the EXACT moment he fell for ya
∙he never expected you to be so talkative or cheery when you joined, but he was happy nonetheless
∙will intently listen to you while smiling and give you facts if he knows any on whatever you’re talking about
∙you guys end up talking for like 3 hours just about anything, he’s kinda curious about you, and ends up asking you a bit about your life in general 
∙would make a lot of effort to help and teach you things, seen as you’re new to r6
∙when you come up to him and hug him as a good morning he chuckles before turning around to hug you back quickly and loosely
∙he could get used to this tho
∙ngl he is annoyed at first when you talk to him for the first time, he finds the chat pointless, but after an hour or so he lets his guard down
∙he never realised that chatting with people was so fun until this day, or maybe it was just something about you specifically that gave him the good time, who knows !?
∙he honestly thinks ur pretty cute talking about all the random topics that peak your interest, asking him about 1000 questions aswell
∙when he feels your arms around him the next morning he freaks out
∙tries to push you off, as much as he enjoys it sadly he is too flustered and also not used to physical contact
∙he slowly stops pushing you away the more you come up to him and the more you are hanging round with him
∙when he first meets you he thinks you’re cool asf, especially when you strike a conversation with him
∙similar to crypto, he feels so much pride when you ask about his gadgets, its like a huge ego boost
∙you guys are sooooo chatty, talking about anything and everything, but make the cutest duo
∙you listen to his rambling and he will listen intently to you back
∙there is NEVER a dull moment between you two😭
∙the other gsg9 members are just happy that he has got someone to listen to him so that they don’t have to LMAO
∙when he feels you hug him from behind the next morning he is a little bit confused but happily hugs you back in return, he definitely thinks about it for the rest of the day tho
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angelaiswriting · 4 years
The Contest (6 of 7) | some R6S guys x fem!reader
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✏️ Pairing: Jäger x fem!reader
✏️ Summary: Dominic Brunsmeier can’t keep his goddamn mouth shut when it comes to eating pussy, and that’s how Y/N finds herself being drafted to be the judge of this pussy-eating contest. (Straight out of a dream @kind-wolf​ had)
✏️ A/N: I’m not entirely satisfied with this part, it was somehow the hardest to write so far, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it! 💛 I also kind of hurt my hand yesterday and it has slowed me down a bit, and since I haven’t started working on the very last part of this fic yet, I’m not sure there’ll be an update on Sunday. Fingers crossed that I’ll manage to write, but just in case, you've been warned 😅
✏️ Warnings: 18+ only (oral f/r, fingering)
✏️ Word-count: 2,897
✏️ The links to the other parts are in the masterlist linked in my bio.
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<< part five: dominic <<  |  PART SIX: MARIUS  |  >> part seven: the winner >>
Marius had managed to come back three days after Dominic’s turn and while he would have preferred to remain on-site with the other operators on the team, Six had called him back to report. After that, Dominic had marched him down to the dorm sector of the Base and had dropped him into Y/N’s hands.
Be quick. The guys and I are tired of waiting, he had half-joked before jogging back down the corridor and out of sight.
“I’m sorry,” Marius said, looking away from her half-dressed form. “He was waiting for me outside Harry’s office and he brought me straight here.”
When her brain started working again after the surprise she had just been presented with, she gasped out glad a cuss word at Dominic. “Oh fuck, you’re still in your uniform! Did he drag you here right after you came back from your mission?”
He shrugged, a hand coming up to give the back of his neck a brief massage before he rolled his shoulders back. “Yeah, I’m sorry.”
“Were the others in on this?”
He looked away for a moment and she knew, then and there, that despite the fact that he was most likely tired out of his mind, he was still down to lie for his friends. But eventually, when he answered with a vague and unfinished Yeah, no, they…, she scoffed.
“I should kick them out of this stupid contest,” she groaned. She let the t-shirt she had had in her hands when Dominic had swung the door of her dorm open drop on the bed and she walked up to the man in her room. “You’ve just come back,” she repeated. “Have you showered yet?”
When he shook his head no in response, she took his hand in hers and led him into the bathroom.
“You don’t have to do anything tonight if you don’t want to,” she told him, “but maybe a shower will do you good anyway.”
There was no need to ask him if he was tired: she just knew he was. She had been on missions as well and she knew how tough it could get when the adrenaline left your system. The tiredness and the soreness caught up — and sometimes even your mind would start wandering.
He turned her around when she turned on the water so that it could warm up for him and when they were facing each other, he pulled her into an unexpected hug.
Marius was a respectful man, he had always been. While Elias had always glanced at her quite a few times, he always respected Dominic — and while she wasn’t Dominic’s, or not exactly at least, he had never done anything that could have been even remotely misinterpreted. And although they had been brought closer by that silly game they were playing, he had never so much as hugged her before.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
He inhaled deeply, his face buried into the crook of her neck, and when one of her hands came up to cradle the back of his head, she felt him shiver. “Thank you,” he muttered eventually. He was smiling a tired smile when he pulled back, a playful I’m starting to see why he’s so into you leaving his lips. “However, if you’re okay with proceeding, I won’t say no. The quicker we get this over with, the quicker those motherfuckers will stop pestering me.”
Her chuckle made his smile broaden that tad bit more that his teeth were visible for a moment. But then her smirk turned mischievous and her hands moved up his chest. “We’ll make him pay for playing this card on you.”
She pushed his jacket down his shoulders and as she bent down to pick it up and bring it back into her room to hang it on the back of a chair, he got out of his shoes.
“I can shower you if you want,” she proposed when she reached him again. He was halfway into taking off his shirt and she noticed the purple bruise peeking from underneath the cotton.
“But you said…”
“To hell with what I said.” She knew the rules didn’t allow for them to be naked, but she wasn’t going to ask him to kneel down between her legs, not when he had just come back from a mission. “Yes or no?”
It took him a few moments to say yes, and she knew it was out of respect for his friend. But when he caved in and let his shirt drop to the floor, she walked away from the door frame she had been leaning against and moved to stand in front of him. Her eyes met his when her hands moved over the button of his pants and he gave her a curt nod of his head before she finally proceeded.
“What happened to your back?” she asked, this time not looking at him as she kneeled before him to drag his pants down his legs.
She had seen the nasty blue-ish bruise on his left pectoral, but didn’t bring it up. Bruises were part of the package with their job, but they still had a weird effect on her when they were on someone she cared about.
“Fell down a story,” he answered vaguely as he held onto her shoulders to step out of his clothes. “Nothing to worry about too much.”
“Did you get yourself checked in the med bay?” She had taken his socks off and had stood up again. And as her fingers hooked underneath the waistband of his boxers and she stared into his eyes, she saw that spark of almost guilt flash across his face. “Dom will have an earful in the morning,” she groaned to herself as she pushed his underwear to the floor. “Now get in,” was the order she gave as her hands came up to unclasp her bra. “I’ll be there in a second.”
The shower felt asphyxiatingly confining when she stepped in behind Marius. Private bathrooms on the Base tended to be smaller than the rest when you didn’t share a room with someone else, and never before that night had she consciously understood what that meant.
“At least neither of us is going to slip and fall,” Marius chuckled, turning to face the sidewall of the cubicle so that they could have a little more space.
She let out a chuckle of her own as her hands slid up his bruised back, careful not to press too hard into his tense muscles. “How did the mission go?” she asked eventually when she started soaping him up.
“The usual,” he shrugged. Before he could continue, her thumbs dug into the flash of his shoulders and he hissed. “The guys needed last-minute help securing the objective.” He groaned again when she started massaging his shoulders and the back of his neck and before long, he was leaning his forehead against the tiled wall.
“They called you back quickly, though,” she pointed out. She was doing her best to work some of the knots in his muscles, but it proved to be a hard feat in the confined space of the shower. “That’s good?” It left her lips more like a question and although a last-minute call to leave on a mission was always a pain in the ass, she couldn’t help but wonder how things had gone.
“Yeah, no, everybody’s fine.” She didn’t miss his relieved exhale when her hands pressed down along his spine, where bruises didn’t mark his skin. “The mission has been completed, they just had a few things to do before coming back.”
It turned quiet after that and although he muttered a sorry at his half-erection when he turned around, the atmosphere in the bathroom was peaceful and relaxed. She finished soaping him up, humming quietly under her breath, and after she was done washing him, he surprised her by making her turn around to face the wall she had been with her back towards.
His hands were soft on her skin and much like she had done just minutes ago, he worked on her tense shoulders as they made small talk. She told him about the endless days at the base, and he told her some details about his mission, funny stuff the operators he had been working with had said. By the time his thumbs started their descent down her spine, her mind seemed to be peacefully swimming as her eyes closed in relaxation.
“You’re better at this than I am,” she joked when her brain managed to make her tongue work again. Her head tilted back against him of its own accord and although she did feel him painfully hard against her back for a moment, he was quick to move back.
She gave him his time when she stepped out of the shower a minute or two later. She quickly slipped into her toweling robe, left a towel on the sink for him, and slipped out of the bathroom in silence as she closed the door behind his back.
She had tried not to look — she really had, out of respect for the contest’s rules, the other guys and most of all, her quickly dying resolve not to cheat. But she had had a glimpse of his cock — long and slightly arched — and she had felt it brush against her butt when he had abruptly turned around. So, when she eventually laid down on her bed, she couldn’t help her hand from traveling down her body and stopping between her legs as she listened in on Marius’ soft grunts coming from the bathroom.
She was wet, and it had very little to do with her skin still being slightly damp from the shower she had just walked out of. Her middle finger slid between her folds, the fingertip teasing her entrance, and a light moan left her lips. For a moment, she realized that this was how Dominic might feel — wanting her without being able to have her just yet — but she didn’t have long to ponder that thought and play with herself, because the door of the bathroom opened and Marius stopped in his tracks at the sight of her, her legs spread open, a hand between them, and the bathrobe barely concealing her upper body.
“Look at you.” The smirk that stretched on his lips made the skin of her face burn and although her hands itched to come up and cover her face, she kept them where they were — one on her abdomen and the other with a finger half-way inside her pussy. “What do you think you’re doing?”
It made a shiver run down her spine — how rough his voice sounded, the way he was staring at her, right between her legs.
He stalked towards the bed and when he stopped at the foot of it, he leaned forward to take her hand from between her thighs. The fingers of his right hand brushed against her pussy and his left brought her hand to his lips before he sucked her middle finger clean. She almost gasped at the soft grunt he let out and although she could feel her face on fire, she couldn’t take her eyes off of his.
“I almost kneeled in that shower,” he confessed when he let her hand go. He pulled her closer to the edge of the bed by her ankles and his hands slid up her bare legs before he pulled the string of her robe open. “Did the others take you there?”
She shook her head and although she had been on the verge of squeezing her thighs together under the intensity of his gaze, she found herself simply smirking when he started kissing his way up her legs.
“I should’ve aimed for those extra points then.”
A chuckle was all she managed to consciously let out before he licked a stripe between her folds and groaned at the taste of her before he kissed up her lower belly and abdomen.
The stubble he hadn’t had the time to shave grazed her skin, forcing goosebumps in its wake. It still felt nice — she was used to a whole different level of beard burn anyway — and all she could do was relax against the mattress as his lips made their way to her nipples. He licked and suckled, and although he was pouring his all into it, she felt how tired he was in the way his body was pressing down against hers.
“Marius,” she called, fingernails gently scratching his scalp before she tugged on his hair to prompt him up. “Lie down, I’ll sit on your face.”
He smiled at her — and there was a faint spark of mischief in his eyes when he looked at her right before he let himself plop down on the bed next to hers. He seemed to pour his thank you in the way he caressed the side of her face when she turned her head to look at him, and a little even in the way he moved strands of hair behind her ear. “If I weren’t this tired, I’d surely win,” he smirked, pulling a chuckle out of her. “But I can still give you a good time anyway.�� He shrugged his shoulders and fully turned to lie down on his back and as he did so, she couldn’t help but notice the flaps of his towel opening a little, almost as though to tempt her and remind her how much into a dick-fucking mood she was.
When she straddled his face and glanced down at him, her hands firmly holding onto the metal headboard of her bed, she found him grinning up at her like a child on Christmas day. His hands slid up her thighs and his fingertips pressed into her flesh, and when she hesitated for a moment, he pressed his face into her inner thigh and groaned deep in his chest.
“C’mon, let me eat this pussy.” And for good measure, he gave her ass a playful slap that made her jolt.
She chuckled at that, and deciding on having some mercy on him and his post-mission state, she hastily took off her robe, threw it to the side, and allowed him to lower her down onto his face.
He inhaled deeply before diving in, and his tongue on her drew a gasp from her lips. He licked at her, used both his thumbs to spread her labia for better access.
“I tried not to think of you in the shower,” he confessed just as her left hand moved over her left boob and teased the nipple. “But you have a great ass and I…” His hand left another swat on her right butt cheek and her body leaned forward, a moan leaving her lips when his wrapped around her clit.
So you like ass, was what she managed to chuckle before his tongue dove into her and ate her out.
He was noisy — moaning and grunting, and overall most likely enjoying it just as much as she was — and his breath against her made her shiver. Her eyes were fixed on his hair and the hand that had just been holding onto her breast moved down, her fingers tangling in his wet hair. Her hips were rocking gently back and forth, and she could feel that unmistakable feeling starting to build up inside her.
It started off slowly, with his tongue dipping into her before licking forward, teasing her clit, and then it built up much more quickly when he slowly pushed two fingers inside her. Their pads massaged over that sensitive spot inside her and her breath grew heavier, and then quicker. And before long, her eyes were dropping closed and her lips parting as the last coherent thoughts left her mind and moans and whimpers slipped through her lips.
God, he’s good, was the last thought she had before her grip on his hair tightened.
He gave her clit a harsh suckle and she was gone, her head thrown back as she gasped for air, no energy left in her to voice her orgasm. She wasn’t even aware of how tightly she was holding onto the headboard, just of his mouth and tongue on her — and of those two thick fingers still inside her.
“You good up there?” he asked eventually, turning his head to the side to leave a kiss on her shivering inner thigh.
She was staring at the ceiling, still panting lightly, the fingers of her left hand absentmindedly massaging his scalp. Her hips had stopped moving, but she was still out of breath and with the shocks of her orgasm still coursing through her. It felt amazing, though: her head felt completely empty and her whole body at peace.
“Yeah,” she exhaled eventually and when she managed to swallow, she tilted her head down and looked at him. “Yeah, I’m all good.”
“Need help letting go of the headboard?” His hands trailed up the back of her thighs and then her spine, before sliding back down and settling on the curve of her ass.
“I need help with a lot of things,” she chuckled, amused, “but this headboard is the last of my thoughts.”
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Feedback is always welcome if you want to drop old me a line 💛
Original pic used: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-clouds-and-blue-sky-4870972/
TAGS (to be added to or to be removed from any list, shoot me an ask)
Everything: @idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892  @mblaqgi​ @becs-bunker
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dy5t-0p14 · 2 years
R6 and task force 141 boys reactions to an s/o with thicc thighs
Request: no
Pairings: r6 boys x reader (separate relationships) & task force 141 x reader (separate relationships)
Rook: he will literally kiss the shit out of them
Doc: will ask you to put thigh highs on
Montagne: they will be his new pillows from now on
Jäger: poke poke poke poke
Bandit: same as Montagne they'll be his new pillows
Blitz: “please choke me with them”
sledge: his new stress ball
Thatcher: will squish them when relaxing with you
Mute: will lay in between your thigh when relaxing so he can feel them against his head
Smoke: same as rook will kiss the shit out of them
Thermite: “damn they big as fuck…..not complaining though”
Castle: “if it was illegal to have thighs as big as yours I’d have to arrest you”
Pulse: Double takes whenever he sees them
glaz: constantly think about them
Fuze: same as bandit and montagne new pillows
Kapkan: like doc he will ask you to wear thigh highs
Tachanka: he want's to have a meeting with god when he sees them please just choke him
Task force 141
captain price: hugs them
Soap: squishes them
Ghost: takes pictures to save it
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vampsquerade · 1 year
Hallooo! I've made sure to read the rules and bio before requesting :')
Can I please request an xreader/oneshot (can be an hc if you want ^^) for Jäger? Maybe his s/o (can be gender neutral or what you write the most) got infected however still conscious and doesn't really attack him despite being an infected,, love this man alot,, I hope this is ok, feel free to deny this request if i've crossed anything against the rules ^^
thank you so much for requesting anon! it means a lot to see you made sure to read my rules before requesting because that shows me people are considerate of things i’d write for c,: i hope you like this Jäger fic! it’s mostly angsty but he ends up getting a bit of a happy ending
Jäger x GN!Reader: Human After All
Trigger Warnings: angst with a good ending, body horror, near death experience, slight body takeover, Archæan infected reader, shapeshifting, implication of PTSD (Jäger)
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The outbreak started so suddenly all those years ago. With the crash of an old spacecraft infested with whatever alien parasite that was in it, you and two other CBRN operators joined Rainbow to figure out what’s going on in the first place and how to get rid of it. Once that mission was complete, you continued to work with Rainbow throughout the years until suddenly—the parasite resurfaced. Your previous studies and research came to use for the ones you knew how to deal with but there was something different about them. Several new Archæan have come into existence and are able to resist the previous cure made by you and several other professionals.
It had gotten so bad in the beginning, that even you got infected.
You had no clue how you were even conscious, as the parasite’s way of infection was through host control. It horrified you, to see the spikes that replaced the very limbs you once called arms and legs. Your entire body was seemingly covered in what was a type of goopy and disgusting slime. Looking at yourself in the broken glass once you had first been infected made you want to cry, as the moment your fellow operators saw you—they’d surely kill you. You feared most if it was Marius, your boyfriend of 7 years, that came to be the one to stumble upon your new and grotesque form. What would he do if he saw you? Would he scream? Would he be so disgusted that he just flat out killed you? Or would he try to save you?
Whatever it was, you were terrified of the reaction.
Days turned to weeks where you figured you weren’t even being looked for and you hoped it would remain that way. But sometimes, it doesn’t work out the way you want—after at least one year of the second outbreak, you were finally found by your fellow operators. Instead of the usual 5 like your previous missions, only 3 of them showed up. And from the way their new and improved uniforms looked, you figured they were better prepared than you were when it started. “It seems like the irregular reading is in the room across from us. Let’s proceed carefully.” a familiar voice said. Julien was the one that was speaking, and you watched the other two nod and turn to where you had been hiding.
“There it is…move carefully and quietly, we don’t want it to alert the others downstairs…” another one said softly. Shuhrat’s voice, one you barely heard when you worked together but could identify easily. The third of the trio didn’t speak as they began to slowly and carefully inch towards the room you were in. Afraid of being taken out, you begin to back away until you hit the wall behind you. They carefully enter the room, weapons drawn and aimed right at you. You make a small click of fear, putting your arms in front of yourself as a method of defense.
“Is that you…Y/N…?” the third finally says softly.
And just as you were hoping to avoid, Marius had come on the team of operators sent to scout the area for a strange Archæan. “Mar…i…us…” you croak hoarsely, lowering your arms to properly look at him. He slowly places his carbine on the floor and raises his arms, coming closer to you. “Marius, don’t get too close. We don’t know if they’ll attack or not.” Julien warns. Marius doesn’t care however, walking closer to get a better look at your face. Despite many of the new Archæan looking completely different than the ones that were previously here, you were the only one that managed to keep your face. You didn’t even know if other humans had been infected like you, as Archæans seemingly came from their reinforced nests.
“How…” Marius whispered as he reached out to touch your face. You flinch a bit, only to relax slightly once his hand comes into contact with your cheek. “Stop touching their face. You already know what we’re here for.” Shuhrat says coldly. You have to look hard just to see Marius’ eyes, and you could see the pain within. “Right…” he says softly. Marius then takes something out to take a small vial of your blood, and you keep yourself still. He hands it over to Julien once he’s finished, and then Julien nods once he processes it.
“Tier Three Archæan: Tormentor. Can shape-shift to the organic growth, Sprawl, to ensure a fluid-like speed. Uses small homing projectiles in rapid succession or a larger and slower projectile to attack. The weak point of a Tormentor is its head.” he explains, turning to look at and giving you a cold, hostile glare. “Stop looking at Y/N that way. They haven’t even resisted or alerted any of the others. If they’re truly going to be of use to getting rid of the Archæans, it’s better to bring them back to us.” Marius says in defense of you, crossing his arms. “And for how long will they be unresponsive to our presence, hm?” Julien says.
Marius falters slightly, only to remain firm in his belief of you being harmless, “They’ve been missing for a year and don’t seem to have moved from this floor of the building. There was no other Archæan up here but Y/N—it’s safe for us to bring them back to base.” he says. “They risk infecting the entire facility if we bring them back.” Shuhrat says curtly. “So then we keep them in a completely quarantined part of the facility. That containment room is finished, right? We can just leave Y/N in there until we figure out the best way to get rid of these new variants of the Chimera bacteria.” Marius says sternly. “Marius, even if that was possible, who would be the one overseeing them? Who would make sure nobody gets infected?” Julien asks.
Marius falters once again and shakes his head, “We have tons of doctors working with us. Only one will be closest to the and will gather samples the further along they go with their research.” he says. “Tsk…we’re going to have to ask Eliza and Elena if this is a good idea…” Julien says softly. He then exits the room to report to Eliza about this new proposition and after a few minutes, he then re-enters the room. “Let's hurry to the extraction zone, we have to go now before the other Archæans get any ideas somehow.” Julien says.
“Danke…I’m grateful you considered my words. Come on Y/N, let’s go…” Marius says, turning to look at you. “No…danger…” you say softly. “We’ll be okay, please…” he pleads. You shake your head, carefully extending your arms and pushing him away. “Hey. Don’t push him.” Shuhrat says, raising his LMG and aiming it at you. “Leave…please…” you say. “I’m not leaving without you. I spent so long searching for my lost love—just come with us and we’ll help.” Marius says, turning back to look at you. “Make a decision now, Y/N. Either you come with us or you stay behind and die.” Julien says.
Frozen in place upon hearing his words, you think for a moment before finally deciding to go with them. You carefully lead them towards the safest path towards their extraction zone, only to have a few isolated Grunts become alerted. “Shit! Run to cover!” Julien exclaims. The Grunts come towards you all quickly, and you quickly become defensive of the trio as they make their way to some cover. Shape-shifting into Sprawl, you make your way towards the Grunts and attack them in order to protect your former colleagues. Though primarily under the impression that you were going to aid them in attacking Marius and the others, they didn’t think much once you came right towards them. You let out a screech to establish your dominance.
Firing your projectiles right at them, you make critical hits on them to ensure their deaths. One of them still seems to be alive however, and this enraged you. “Protect…Marius..!” you exclaim. Rushing the straggler, you use the sharp point of your arm and drive it right into the Grunt’s face to effectively finish it off. Breathing heavily, you wait to see if any other Archæans will make its way to the 4 of you. You’re lucky, as you detect no others coming up the stairs. Turning to look at the trio, you then go back into Sprawl form and reappear with them. “How are you able to do that?” Julien asks. You simply look at him like he’s stupid and gesture to your practically humanless figure. “Right, right…sorry…” he apologizes nervously.
You then shake your head out of disappointment and safely lead the trio to their evac site. Once there, you see a helicopter already there and waiting to take them. Unsure whether or not it’ll be a bad idea for you to get on with them in the state you’re in, you turn away from them and take a few steps. “Grab them, now!” a voice you couldn’t quite recognize yet yelled. Before you could move, you were captured and made unconscious. Hours would pass and you’d soon wake up once again, finding yourself tied down and hooked up to machinery. Nobody was inside the bright room with you, but you could see several doctors outside discussing things you wish you could understand.
Scared more than everything, you see the doctors scrambling to try and calm you. The entrance to the room you were in was then opened, and a figure heavily covered in a hazmat suit frantically ran towards you. “Mein Engel, what’s happening? Why are you panicking?” the figure asked. “Marius..?” you ask. He frantically nods, gently putting his hands on your face to hold it. “Don’t…tie me up…let me go…” you say. “I-I…mein Engel I can’t do that…” Marius says sadly. “Please…” you beg softly. Marius’ heart aches upon seeing you in the state you’re in, and he turns around to look at the doctors that were watching on.
They seemed to be deliberating to figure out what decision should be made, only for them to look back at you and give Marius the signal. Marius then begins to shakily and quickly remove everything from you to keep you happy. Overwhelmed with a sad emotion upon finally being reunited with your lover, you embrace him tightly. Stunned and slightly afraid of this, Marius pushes you off of him. You then become even more upset and back away from him, figuring he must be detested by your form. “N-No, no wait, please! I just…I will admit I got a bit scared…it reminded me of the time I was surrounded by so many Roaches…” he says, reaching out and carefully grabbing your arms.
Looking into his eyes, the level of pity and grief he held for you was genuine. “I…missed you so much…sorry…” you apologize softly. “I missed you too, Y/N. I promise we’ll fix you…we can be together again and live our lives until the end…just promise me something, too.” Marius says softly. You nod, your piercing red eyes staring into his, “Please, promise me that you will never hurt anybody that doesn’t deserve it…” he says. “I promise…love…you…” you whisper, voice shaky as your emotions continue to overwhelm you. “Ich liebe dich auch, mein Engel…” Marius whispers back. This time he embraces you tightly, holding onto you as he begins to cry.
Though you are unable to shed tears of your own, you wished it was possible.
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astheraa · 2 years
Jäger ❤ realitionship ❤ headcanons ❤ please?
Jäger relationship HCS
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Marius loves watching Nasa-documentaries, especially the new satellite which investigates the sun, or any other thing which brings new wisdom to his mind. So he loves to take you out to stargaze or any museums
He seeks warmth and comfort in you, because he never experienced anything like that when he was a child. His uncle was strict and to serious, but he stills love to tell you stories about his uncle and how he inspired him to be the man he is today.
Marius loves medic stuff, he often hangs with Lera „finka“ and Gustave „Doc“ to learn more about Lera‘s Disease and what Doc could show him new. He sends many links about medical things he’s interested in to them and doesn’t care what time it is.
He loves engineering especially airplanes, he has many blueprints on his desk and walls he got gifted from his uncle. It could be sometimes annoying when they are laying on the bed
He‘s such a cutie, he looks after you and is very protective over you. He wouldn‘t even think about doing something that you wouldn’t want. He loves having you around him when he‘s working on his gadget. You sitting on his lap will always be the most soothing thing for him.
When you two argue he listens and states his opinion. I wouldn’t say he’s lazy when he argues, its just a time waste in his opinion. Why arguing all the time when you could spend the time cuddling or doing something fun? He solves arguments by just hugging you
Marius loves kissing you on random times, while eating, while cuddling, when you brush your teeth, he even stops by in the workshop when you’re working on your gadget just to give you the affection you deserve in your opinion
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rightshoeonleftfoot · 3 months
How the flowers bloom
Pairing: Marius "Jäger" Streicher x GN!reader
Summary: This is part 1 of my smitten!Jäger x oblivious!reader. Reader has a mental breakdown and Jäger helps you feel better.
Warning: Slight warning, reader has a big breakdown questioning their life. Apart from that it's all fluff. This series is a slow burn (somewhat lol).
Words: 2.3k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
This not proofread! Criticism is welcome and encouraged. I also do take requests for this fic :)
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Today feels dull. Work takes longer than usual, your coworkers' voices grate your nerves more than usual. You have less patience for the customers yelling at you, less tolerance when your boss yells at you for the nth time to do something you haven't had the time for yet. After all, she gave you a never ending list of tasks to do, from mundane to tedious. You were getting to it.
Now, your boss asks you to be at the cash register, whilst also berating you for not going through the to-do list she gave you fast enough. The vase is filling up, one drop at a time. Now, you’re standing at the cash register trying to keep it together. It's excruciating, smiling at the customers like the stress of your job isn't starting to weigh on you.
Your vision starts to get blurry as you speak to the customer. It's been five years and you're still just an assistant in the bakery. You wanted to start your own business. Now here you are, acting as some sous-chef for an ungrateful baker, not a step closer to having your own bakery. What am I doing with my life? The thought rings loudly in your head, as a drop of water falls on the receipt you were gonna hand the woman.
You look down at it for a second, as more droplets fall on the receipt. The vase has overflown, and you're crying. The realization hits you as you wipe the tears off your cheeks and smile at the woman awkwardly.
"I'm so sorry." You chuckle in hopes of making the awkwardness of the situation go away. The lady surprisingly doesn't seem to take it badly. Instead, she looks almost.. concerned. "It's okay love. Everyone needs time off every once in a while." Her british accent is thick, yet it really seems like she cares. You nod in agreement and print out another receipt for her before handing it to her and heading to the break room.
You swallow the lump in your throat, mentally preparing to talk to your boss. You've decided, you're going home. You finally spot your boss, and she stares you down. Her gaze is piercing, like she's reading your every move.
"What the fuck are you doing back here? You're supposed to be out front." Her arms are crossed over her chest. An uncomfortable silence settles as you get the courage to speak up. "I'm heading home. I'm taking time off for the rest of the day." Your boss's face hardens, though she notices your teary eyes and she sighs. "Fine, take the rest of the day off. I don't need you today anyway." She doesn't seem genuine as she storms out of the break room, going to take care of the customers waiting for their order.
You pack your stuff up, almost relieved to be going home. Though the stress of losing your job seems to hit you as you put on your shoes to leave. It's a good paying job after all, right? The only downside is it's not exactly what you want to do for the rest of your life, but it's better than nothing you suppose. You sigh as you step out of the break room, the tears won't stop flowing. It's a never ending stream as you sniffle quietly, trying to bring the least amount of attention to yourself.
You glance at the line as you leave the bakery. It's the lunch rush, the line goes out the door. As you go to open the door to leave, you make eye contact with a customer. A smile appears on the man's face. You know him. He excuses himself from the front of the line and walks quickly towards you, before trapping you in a tight hug.
"Marius, wha- why are you here?" Your tone is laced with laughter as his hug lengthens. He doesn't answer for a few seconds, choosing to hold you in his arms a bit longer. He finally pulls back, putting his hands on each side of your arms. He's ecstatic to see you and it shows. "My op ended early, things got done a lot quicker than we expected." His smile falters a little when he sees your puffy eyes and red cheeks.
"Herzblatt, what happened? Are you crying?" The worry in his tone is obvious. He leans forward, as though to get a better look at your face to make sure you aren't injured. He backs off quickly, his cheeks now tinted red. What was he even trying to do? Confusion takes over as you're not quite sure why he reacted like that. He quickly reaches for a tissue in his pocket to hand you. "I'm okay Marius." You try to reassure him, chuckling to ease some of his worry.
He completely disregards your comment about being okay. "Did someone hurt you?" Instead of handing you the tissue, he goes to wipe off the tears off your cheeks himself. However, he stops himself and awkwardly looks away before handing you the tissue. You take the tissue from his hand, wiping your tears away. "Thanks." You take a deep breath. "No one did this, I'm just.. stressed." You feel a bit bad, complaining about your stressful job to a man who defends people's lives for a living.
"You were heading home, right? Why don't I make you dinner?" Marius proposes confidently. He seems almost too excited to be at your house again. He's fiddling with his belt loop on his pants, you notice he looks almost.. nervous. Granted, he's been like that around you for a bit, you just kind of assume it's how he is. "I couldn't ask that of you, I'd feel bad taking up your time like that." You really just feel like you're taking up space. Not that you don't want to spend time with him, you just don't want to feel like you're bothering him.
His confidence falters ever so slightly. He feels a bit rejected, almost like you're making an excuse to let him down easy. "Well, I don't have anything else to do and uhm, I missed you so..." He looks away awkwardly for a second, before looking back at you and smiling confidently once again. His cheeks seem a bit more flushed than usual. "Okay, yeah, if you're really okay with it, it'd be really nice." You feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It's nice to have a friend who cares.
"I missed you too, by the way. Let's go." You sniffle as you wipe the last of your tears. His heart flutters at your words. Marius puts his hand out for you to take, but you don't notice as you've already started to walk. He quickly follows you, walking side by side with you.
The walk back to your house is... animated to say the least. Marius has a lot of energy, and a lot to talk about. The entire time you have your hands tucked away in your pockets, to Marius' great disappointment. He's talking your ear off about stuff he's recently watched and read, and he never seems to run out of talking material. His laugh is contagious, and you find yourself forgetting about all the stressful things that happened today.
You finally get back to your house and open the door for him. You take off your shoes and lock the door behind you both. He takes off his shoes and heads to the kitchen, going over to your fridge and opening it with you hot on his trail. You sneak behind him, peeking above his shoulder to see what he's looking at. "What do you want me to make for you, Schatzi?" His tone wavers a bit due to your proximity. He starts to pick stuff up from the fridge and puts it back in an effort to distract himself from you.
"Pasta would be nice." You mumbled, your hand coming to rest on his side to stabilize yourself as you look at what you have in your fridge with him. He freezes, the thoughts in his brain becoming a bit scrambled. "I uhm, I suppose I could." His tone was a bit hesitant as he looked back at you, not realizing just how close you were to him. He looked away immediately, taking a few things out of the fridge and walking away from you and towards the counter.
Marius gets to work. He seems to know what to make with what you have. He's expertly navigating your kitchen, he knows exactly where everything is. You get out of his way, resorting to watching him cook. You're leaning on the counter, looking at his every move, not saying a word. Then, he drops a glass and freezes. He's never done that before. Especially not around you.
"Scheiße." He mumbles under his breath. He's avoiding your gaze, he seems embarrassed. "It's okay, I got it." You stand up straight and head over to the mess he made to clean it up. His palms are sweaty as he tries to help you clean the mess, though he seems to keep dropping everything. You clean up the raw egg that fell on the floor, but accidentally cut yourself on the glass. "Tsk, shit." Marius immediately grabs your hand to look at the cut. He inspects your cut and helps you up.
"Let's get this cleaned up, Liebling." He leads you to the washroom but you stop him. You never understand the names he gives you, you never bother to ask since they seem innocent enough. "I'm okay, Marius. I just need to rinse it." You smile reassuringly at him, and he seems to relax, his grip on your hand loosening. He doubles down regardless. "No, I don't want any glass in your cut." He pulls you towards him and into the washroom.
He drags you over to the sink, and cleans your wound for you. His hands are sweaty and you can feel it. He's nervous, but it's nothing out of the ordinary so you don't question it. You lean towards him to see what he was doing better. He's cleaning it up, putting your hand under warm water, rinsing your cut to make sure there's no glass. He puts some polysporin on it and covers it with a bandaid, making sure it's nice and snug. He finally looks up to see you. "There, it's all-" He stops talking abruptly as his eyes meet yours.
You're confused as to why he stopped talking. His face is very close to yours, but it's not bothering you, you're usually this close to him. He clears his throat and looks away. "Uhm, yeah, it's cleaned and you're good to go." He smiles awkwardly, and leaves to go back to the kitchen to finish making you food. You can't deny his help is making all your stress vanish.
You walk back into the kitchen, and smile when you notice he cleaned up the glass. "Marius." You call out to him as he turns on the stove to make the sauce. "Ja?" He doesn't turn to look at you. "Thank you for helping me with all of this." You sit at the counter realizing he'd put his sleeves up to his elbows now. "Any time, do you wanna talk about what's bothering you?" You contemplate it for a second before speaking. "I don't like my work." Marius is stunned for a second as he looks at you.
"I thought you loved baking?" He checked the sauce before leaning over the counter to pay more attention to you. "Well, yeah. I just-" You sigh, trying to find your words. "I want to have my own bakery, you know? I'm tired of being some- some sous chef to my boss." You clench your fists. "She treats me like shit, Marius. I've been there for five years and she's not any closer to letting me have a little bit of freedom when it comes to designing the menu."
Marius seems to think for a second. "Why don't you take out a loan? I'll help you find a good spot for your bakery, I can help with the renovation. You'll make that money back quickly." His positive nature is contagious. "You think I could do it?" You don't want to get into debt, it's worrying. "You have the experience and the passion. Besides, I can be your taste tester, ja?" He smiles, trying to lighten the mood. "But for now, focus on getting food and relaxing, Schatzi. I can set something up on the TV for us."
You nod, feeling relieved to have someone there for you. He focuses back on making you a good meal, occasionally spilling some things and bumping into dining chairs and counters as he navigates the kitchen. After a few minutes, he plates the food and presents it to you. Pomodoro pasta, and it looks mouthwatering. "Living room?" He asks as he holds both bowls in his hands, looking at you eagerly.
"Yeah." You hurry to your living room, sitting on the couch, and he puts the pasta bowls on the coffee table. Before you can grab the remote to turn on the TV, he snags it from you. He sits on the couch next to you and sets up a documentary on quantum computers. You lean back on the couch, leaning into him since he's so warm. He freezes but doesn't move. As you both watch and eat, you're hit with a strange sense of calmness.
You focus on the documentary, and though you don't understand everything, you don't mind. He loves explaining it to you anyway. You, however, never notice all the looks he gives you to make absolutely sure you like what you're watching. After all, he'd give you the world if you'd only just accept it.
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harvardhaugland · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if u could write some scenario or headcanons with Blitz and Jäger (separately) x fem reader where they comfort her? It can be after a failed mission or maybe a stress situation.
Sorry if it's specific and if u are not comfortable writing it don't worry!!
Thanks in advance
˗ˏˋhow would they comfort you?ˎˊ˗
blitz & jäger (reader is gender-neutral!)
a/n: (sorry if this isn’t what exactly you requested! i’ll probably try to write a scenario for these two if im feelin like it! for now, i have some spetsnaz headcanons rolling out soon on the side. ^_^)
⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ♥︎ ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
“i’ll put you back together!” ♡
marius is super attentive towards you when you’re feeling all stressed and upset like this, he understands completely!!
when you’re feeling all panicked, marius makes sure not to invade your space too much, when you don’t feel like hugging it out, marius will opt for holding your hands.
he cups his hands around yours and holds them together tightly, he’ll give you small kisses to the palms of your hands, waiting for you to calm down. he won’t ask you about it, but let you talk when you’re ready.
when you’re in more of a mood for affection, marius is all for it, always.
he’ll lay beside you and cuddle you, rubbing your shoulder and humming. he wants you to feel safe around him and isn’t opposed to you telling him if he’s making you uncomfortable!
⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ♥︎ ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
“you’ll stay strong for me, ja?” ♡
elias, as goofy as he may seem, acts very serious and careful about your relationship! if he knows your upset, he will do absolutely everything in his power to help.
he gets passionate about things like this and often tries to use his charming humor as a means to cheer you up, when you aren’t in the mood for cracking jokes he’ll understand and calmly ask you if there’s anything he can do for you.
elias loves to pepper you with kisses and sing soft praises to you, his main goal is to make you feel loved. he’ll kiss along your neck and jawline, telling you that he will always be with you during times like these.
elias will go with whatever you want, he puts you first, your mental health is as important as anything else to him.
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levi-is-husbando · 2 years
Part three of Jäger x male reader.
Mature language
Requested by @justagenderfluidstuff
Once they had made it y/n house, Marius pulled over by the curb. “Thank you” y/n spoke softly as he opened the door and stepped out the car. He was gonna shut the door and step back onto the footpath. But he had changed his mind, sighing he leaned into the car, biting his bottom lip. “Um…” Marius looked him. “Would you like to have a coffee?” Y/n asked, looking at Marius, his hands were becoming sweaty, and his legs shook slightly, we was nervous. “I know it’s late, but I don’t wanna call it a night with you just yet” He was speaking softly, it was almost like a mumble. Marius killed the engine, pulling the keys out of the ignition and stepping out of his car closing the door behind him. “I’d love that actually” he smiles and walks to the other side of the car to beside y/n. Y/n was surprised that Marius had agreed, he closed the car door and smiled back at Marius, wiping his hands on his jeans to wipe off the sweat. “Okay. I’ll go boil the kettle” y/n trouts to the front door of house, unlocking the door, and heading inside and straight to the kitchen, as Marius locks his car and follows y/n inside.
Y/n fills the kettle up by the sink and looks over his shoulder. “Make yourself at him” he motioned at the couch in front of the tv, he had an open planed styled house, with a loft just up the stairs. Well at least with a quick glance this is what Marius could see. It was a small but spacious house, and very cluttered by plants or just decor items. But it was homey and still nice not too much. Marius sits down on the couch, and observed y/n, watching the male place the kettle down on the connection, and flicking the switch down which made the kettle to start the boiling process. Marius watched every move, as y/n moved gracefully around the kitchen, going from the cabinet above the counters to pull out two coffee mugs, and placing them on the counter top. To swiftly moving to the drawer and grabbing the small spoon, and moving back to the mugs by the kettle, opening up a jar placing the spoon inside and pulling it back out with a mound of what was obviously the sugar, pouring the sugar in the mug then repeating that action just a few more times. Y/n didn’t need to ask Marius if he needed sugar or how many sugars he needed, as he has always watched Marius at the coffee shop, and observed how many sugar packets he’d rip open to put in his coffee. Marius was now doing the observation, watching y/n now put the coffee in the mugs to join the sugar. By the time that was done, the kettle flicked off as it was finally done with the boiling. Y/n grabbed the kettle by the handle and poured the water into the mugs, stirring as he done so to devolve the sugar and instant grounded coffee. He puts the kettle down and get the milk out of the fridge, opening it up and taking a small sniff of the milk, before adding it to the coffee. He puts the milk back into fridge, then picks up both mugs handing one to Marius before setting his down on the coffee table in front of the couch. He then parks his bum next to Marius. “Thank you” Marius smiles, takes a sip of his coffee and places it down on the coffee table. “Why, did you smell the milk?” Marius asked as he was genuinely curious. “Oh, that.” Y/n paused. “That’s a habit, I’ve always done it since I could remember, it’s so I could tell if the milk was still good or not.” He picks up his mug and takes a few sips before putting it back down. “Oh.. I noticed you done it a few times at the café” Marius noted. “Only a few times, I don’t need to smell the milk every time” y/n chuckles. Marius had given no reaction or emotion to the response.
The two would go on talking, having long conversations, it didn’t matter what they were talking about, occasionally Marius would change some of the subjects without even noticing he had done so, and y/n had never minded about it even if the subject they were on were never finished, or was still going on. He was never bothered by when Marius was unsure in some moments, if y/n said a joke and Marius didn’t laugh, there was no offence taken by it. Y/n was aware this was normal for Marius, especially after observing Marius for a long while. He had noticed he that Marius at times would struggle or didn’t understand the normal social cues.
As time went on, as it became the and the conversation went silent. And the birds were singing. Y/n opened his eyes. He looked around and realised he was on the couch and was cuddled up to Marius. Freaking out he rolled out onto the floor, or at least to but knocked into the coffee table on the way down, making a loud crashing sound as he had done so. This had jolted Marius awake. “Y/n!” He yelled but it was a tone of worrying. Y/n was rubbing the back of his head and had said ouch. Marius sat up and leaned down to y/n pulling him up face only inches away from each other. “I’m okay.” Y/n blinks. Stares into his eyes. He couldn’t control himself but to lean in closer, their lips connected as y/n had kissed Marius. This had took Marius was taken by surprise and pulled back away from y/n. “Oh..” y/n ducked his head down. “I’m sorry” he spoke softly, got up and hurried himself to the bathroom locking the door behind him.
Running the water at the sink he splashes his face and glared at himself in the mirror. “You’re a fucking idiot y/n” he spat at himself.
Marius was sitting the couch. Rubbing his arm, he was confused did he do something wrong, y/n was in the bathroom for a long time. He was wondering how long he was gonna be, he wanted to talk to him, did he have the same feelings, would that explain the sudden kiss.
Marius heard the door open and looked towards it, and stood up. “Y/n?” He asked “you okay?” He frowned. “Oh, you’re still here” y/n didn’t answer the question. “If I were you, I would have left” Marius was upset with y/n had said. “Oh… okay” he looks down at his feet. He turned around and headed to the door. “I wanted to talk but I guess you don’t want me here” his voice was cracked. He was about to grab the door handle. But felt a hand on in his other hand. “Wait.. sorry don’t leave” y/n spoken softly. “We can talk” Marius looked back at y/n. Y/n frowned wiped the tear away from Marius’ cheek. “No please don’t cry” he frowned. Marius sniffled, and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his jumper. “I’m sorry” his voice was still a bit cracked. “No it’s not your fault, it’s mine” y/n said pulling away from Marius. “I made a fool of myself. I shouldn’t of done that. I understand if you don’t want anything with me and that you’re upset” he speaks to him, head in his hand. “You got it wrong y/n” Marius says, his voice no longer cracked, he sits next to y/n, and gently puts a hand on y/n knee. “I was surprised. I wasn’t expecting a kiss, especially from you” Marius told him looking at him. Y/n pulled his head up from his hands and looked at Marius. “What you mean by that?” He asked “Well I like you y/n, and I wasn’t expecting to be kissed by you all suddenly, even though I wanted it for a long time” He admitted. “You like me?” Y/n asked with a surprised expression. Marius nodded. “I like you as well” y/n smiles. Marius smiles back at y/n, it was his turn to kiss y/n.
Marius leans in close to y/n, y/n had met him half way. Their lips connect, as Marius kisses y/n, cracks a smile into the kiss as y/n kissed him back. Marius places his hand on y/n waist and pulls y/n closer to him. Y/n puts his hand on Marius’ chest.
Only a few moments later they pulled away from each other the both smiling. Marius gently places his forehead on y/n forehead, y/n wrapped his arms around Marius, they share an embrace.
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Disclaimer: photo found on google
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ghostiex0 · 2 years
yooo i found your blog awhile ago and everything is just *chef's kiss* would it be alright if i request some headcannons for Doc, Blitz, Thermite, Jager, and Caveira about what they would do if their S/O was kidnapped by the White Masks/a terrorist organization? how do you think they would react to the news?
Thank you hun <3 I’m excited someone requested a female op, I love rainbows’ girls, I also really enjoyed writing this whole ask!
TW: kidnapping, terrorists and light mentions of torture.
- Always stressed and always working, now he won’t even leave any of the working stations. If he’s forced to he just brings all the work with him. Gustave is constantly looking over the folder they’ve put together for your rescue.
- He knows the information they have isn’t enough yet, but he also knows that the love of his life is in the hands of some disgusting and cruel people.
- Truly, he doesn’t want to think about the horrible things you could be going through yet it’s all that his mind seems to wander too.
- Sure, Gustave has always been the type to get short with people, but now there’s no warnings for when that happens. He sounds so spiteful and hurt to everyone who interacts with him.
- Harry starts to get worried if Doc being on the mission is even a good thing and pulls him aside to talk about it a few times.
- Gustave needs this though. And states his case that he’s the most experienced medical personal they have here. You’ll need medical care when they get you.
- “What if we can’t get them Gustave?”
- His stomach caves in on itself at that one sentence.
- “I won’t accept that failure.”
- A sunshine that absolutely loves you and makes sure everyone knows. And trust me, everyone knows about you two.
- So when receiving news and confirmation that you were kidnap and currently being held hostage, no one wanted to be the one to tell him.
- When Elias did find out, he was crushed. It was like his world stoppped. He couldn’t process it for at least the first five minutes. He just kept looking at them, nervous laughter and eyes pleading, praying for them to all the sudden say “just kidding!”
- But they never did. “I’m sorry”, is all they said before leaving him alone.
- Apart if him is in such shock he just lays for a while. He wishes he could just lay forever but it doesn’t take too long for it to click that you’re kidnapped. He has to get up and go on the mission. The longer he lays the more danger you’re in.
- Jordan’s lost almost everyone close to him. His mother, his sister, comrades… He sometimes feels like Rainbow is all the has left.
- When you arrived though, he had something else to live for. He had someone to call when he had a break or when his co workers talked about their families, he could brag about you.
- The news just absolutely kills him. He wants to lay down and wake up with you in the morning, telling him how silly he was and that it was all a bad dream.
- Already, he has troubles bringing down his stress levels. Yumiko has had to step in a bit and help her friend. Especially once he receives this news. Yumiko is doing what she can to help Jordan get through this.
- At night he sits over the planners and case file and maps and notes- all of it, his eyes never close for longer than 30 minutes. He’s very well liked among his peers, so everyone’s at least a little concerned about the Texan.
- “Jordan, you want to be able to get them home don’t you? Then take care of yourself so when we go in, you’re in top shape. They’d want you too.”
- Oh my dear Marius. His childhood was lonely and he’s always been at least a bit too out of everyone’s box it feels like.
- Then you came along and he’s never cared for anyone the way he does you. Now he’s wondering if that’s a bad thing. With a job like his maybe he’s not meant to be with someone.
- He was informed of your kidnapping while watching the latest documentary about biomedical engineering. He remembers pausing it on 1:15:17. After that nothing felt real.
- Marius immediately jumped up to get to work to find you. Anything and everything he was doing it.
- He tried to keep a level head through it. But his cracks showed through to the others. His normal abrasive optimism of “It’s our job, of course we can do this.” Doesn’t feel as natural as it used too.
- He wants to be straight in the action of your rescue. He wants to be able to hold you again, soothe your wounds and make sure you’re okay.
- Marius isn’t an aggressive person and the GSG9 has trained him to hurt the least amount of people possible during his missions. Seeing any of the horrible people who were involved with taking you away though, it fills him with an unusual amount of anger.
- His goal will still remain the same throughout everything. He won’t let any of these bubbling emotions tear him away from that. He needs you home.
- Taina always been afraid of letting people in. She’s seen all the messed up things people can do. But she loved you and you loved her. She was honestly happy with something so soft. And the world took that away once again.
- She’s shattered by this but she only shows it around others with her anger. They can’t know how she’s cried when she found out.
- But her close comrades notice, even if she doesn’t want them too.
- She’s known to be more of a hostile person. Blame it on the years of learning the art of how to properly (and legally) torture someone. Or maybe even the crippling poverty she watched her family suffer from.
- Harry can understand Tainas frustration. But letting her on the mission could leave some major problems on Rainbows hands. Knowing that Ash is one of the only operators that Taina can get along with, he asks her to deliver the news.
- “ Taina. We’re removing you from the mission. At least the frontlines. You can still help with background work. But that’s all… I’m sorry.”
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