#rabbits are just incredibly fragile
starrywill · 1 year
hey . why dont rabbits like horror movies
if something spooks them enough, theres a good chance they will just drop dead on the spot.
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dead-boys-club · 2 months
†  kisses : shigaraki.
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❥ scenario: kissing tomura. ❥ no triggers; not rated. ❥ i don't have any beta readers - you get what you get. ❥ requested! it is a whole mess.
✧*̥˚ some stuff *̥˚✧
tomura comes off as a rather aloof person; someone with many walls and deep rooted trust issues. so, if you're kissing me, we can already assume your relationship to him is one build over a good amount of time. it would be a very, very intensely personal experience for him. he's not used to physical touch by any means, so it would put him in an almost awkward mindset. he probably wouldn't fully know how to process being so.. ( god, i use this word a lot, i'm sorry ) vulnerable and close.
kissing him would be soft and slow. he would be hesitant, like you were something fragile, also trying not to fuck something up. he's navigating something new, so it would take time for him to get the hang of it. and, it would make him smile - which is a feat all in it's own. he would show you this small, gentle smile; a genuine expression of warmth and adoration that's incredibly rare.
i can't even put into words how soft this man would be over kisses. and, he's not going to be picky once he gets the hang of it. he would really, really enjoy:
moth kisses
forehead kisses
jaw kisses
slow make out sessions
in the beginning, he would ( idk, is this surprising? ) not be in control of shit. he would actually hand the reigns over to you and enjoy the ride.
the thing is, he's a really good kisser???? because any time he kisses you, he's kissing you like it's the very last time. he's got a hand on the back of your neck, fingers settled against when your hair stops, just.. drowning in the intimacy of the moment. his other hand gripping onto your shirt at your side - he'd have hell letting go.
he's obsessed. and, honestly, unless he's in a foul mood, it's the best way to distract or help him feel better. though, i should add, i feel as though he'd become just a tad bit clingy towards you once you made it to this level of intimacy.
if i keep going, i'm going to go down a rabbit hole of trapping him on the couch and kissing him til neither of you can breathe, SO - i'm going to slide down into a scenario.
✧*̥˚ tiny things *̥˚✧
❥ moth kisses: ( so, do you remember the last time we actually saw him play a game? no? me either but- ) moth kisses are mostly to attempt to annoy him, which.. may only actually work once or twice. the type of kisses you give when interrupting him. when you just cup his face and kiss all over, quickly, not giving him a chance to do anything about it.
❥ forehead kisses: god, please, give him forehead kisses. he really appreciates them in the morning or before bed, the way you brush his hair aside and linger for a moment. i feel like this is a gesture that really makes him understand that you're there for a reason. and you're genuine.
❥ jaw kisses: when he's working on things, you generally know better than to fuck with him too much. so, as you're tucked up beside him, that's when you nose and press little kisses to his jaw. you try not to jostle him too much.
❥ temple kisses +: this is more of something he does for you. because it starts as temple kisses, his eyes closed as he layers kisses over the spot for a few seconds. he'll slowly move down until he's nosing at the spot behind your earlobe, either humming or whispering little things. very much a private moment that no one else sees.
❥ the aforementioned slow make outs: usually when this happens, he's either tired or it started because he was in a shit mood. he likes how it starts as just small kisses and then turns into closing his eyes, lungs clenching, need building but it's still going so slowly, it's nearly killing him.
❥ the one time you almost died: because it was in the middle of a fight. it wasn't your fault that when you caught his gaze, you both seemed to stop. however, when you plant an unexpected kiss on his lips before disappearing into the fray once more, he's briefly distracted and a little agitated. you were being reckless but fuck if he didn't continue on with wanting more of you.
✧*̥˚ first kiss *̥˚✧
that was somewhat normal but he seemed even further gone than usual. his responsibilities and the pressure on his shoulders, it was starting to wear on him and you could see it. the way he sank into the arm chair, picking at the hem and staring off into space. it wasn't something you enjoyed seeing.
you shift from your spot by the doorway, approaching to settle on the armrest of his chair, lifting his hand into your hold. a few minutes past in silence, neither of you feeling the need to say anything. you could see some sense of helplessness behind his eyes, making you frown and squeeze his hand. he didn't pull away despite how he flinched, fingers curling into the touch.
'tomura..' you said softly, not really know what could be said in the moment, considering he'd never done too well with encouraging talk. 'i'm here, you know?'
it took him a second before his head turned, guarded expression briefly flickering to give way to something softer. he didn't say anything, gratitude seen in his gaze. it wasn't hard to identify the conflict going on behind his eyes, something you knew you couldn't do much to fix or aid in. the most you could do was attempt to distract.
you didn't think about it too much, or at all, when you began to lean closer, the distance between you shrinking quicker than your mind could keep up. you were really leaning far too close into the personal space of one of the most dangerous men you knew and couldn't really stop. your heart felt like it was in your throat the moment your lips pressed against his own. the kiss was tender and hesitant, lasting only for a moment.
when you pulled back, you weren't sure how to act. his eyes were slightly wide with bewilderment, frozen and free hand anchoring him to reality with it's grip to the armchair. 'why...?' he began, barely above a whisper, not trusting his voice. you could hear the confusion, clear as day, but beneath it - there was something else. the smallest note of longing.
his voice completely erased the mild panic that had grown and you just smiled, light and careful. 'because you matter to me? because i adore you. and, i want to be there for you.. in any way that i can be.'
you weren't expecting to make a confession and he surely wasn't expecting to receive one. thankfully, he didn't respond to that. 'thank you,' was all he managed to get out, taking in the words and warmth that spread through him at the kiss.
the room fell quiet once more, though the atmosphere shifted into something new. there was a newfound understanding created from the simple, yet profound, moment of intimacy.
and, it would only grow from that moment on.
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thebestofoneshots · 6 months
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 8.8 K Warnings: None Prompt: It's finally time to test Peter's theory? Will all the cuddles be worth for something or will things end terribly wrong? It is time for Vixen to face Moony. This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. Proofread by lovelies: @aremuslupinsimp and @nagareboshi-chiyo (for the French <3)
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Chapter 39: Running With the Pack
Wednesday, December 22nd. 5:37 PM
As you leaned closer to the dark tunnel that had once haunted you, you took a deep breath and stared into the vast darkness. You had run through it so many times in your dreams, crawled out of it as you were chased by a giant wolf about ready to turn you to shreds, broken your nails as you dug your fingers through the dirt and now, now you would slide down, and walk all the way to the wolf’s den, willingly. 
What once had been scary, keeping you awake at night in fear of going back to it, was now drawing you in, a magnetism so strong it was almost irresistible. You took a deep breath and then smiled, greeting the darkness like an old friend rather than a foe, and letting yourself fall down the dark rabbit hole that would take you to the wolf. But not just any wolf, to Moony. Your best friend Moony. Your Moony. 
The beautiful wolf you had had the grace of witnessing once before you had to run from it, the large creature with claws as sharp as honed blades and fangs that could pierce skin as one might tear through a fragile sheet of paper, eyes so sharp they could follow you through the forest before you even had enough time to think of an escape route– but they were kind too. Golden and dangerous and beautiful. They shone with the kindness of your friend, of the man behind the sleek coat of fur that shimmered with the moonlight. The eyes of the soft-spoken boy that smelled of chocolate and old books, of the one that had been kind enough to show you through the school and cheered you up after a rough day after merely days of meeting you. 
They called you insane for throwing your wand on the floor as the wolf advanced on you, but you had not been looking at the wolf then, you had been looking at him, at your best friend. That had gotten you almost killed, seeing the beauty in chaos might be a noble trait, but a dangerous one nonetheless. 
You now knew what a terrible idea that had been, Remus had not spared a chance to remind you of your recklessness, and perhaps you needed it, being mesmerised by the wolf was not an excuse for getting murdered. Either way, you’d be lying if you said the prospect of seeing the wolf up close –even as Vixen– wasn’t exciting. 
“Sirius?” you whispered, he was a few steps ahead, walking with his wand held high and a Lumos charm. James was just a few steps behind and Peter had gotten ahead as Wormtail, to make sure Remus was still Remus when you got there.  
“Yeah, Luv?” he asked. 
“Are we too far?” you asked and revised your clock “It’s 6:00 pm already, and the moon comes out in about a quarter of an hour.” 
You had never walked through the tunnel, you had only ran through it, and you would be lying if you said that it didn’t feel much longer now than it did back then. Not that the path hadn’t felt eternal while you were running and throwing spells at Moony, but you were rather certain that that had to do a lot more with your own perception of time than time itself. 
“We’re less than 5 minutes away,” James responded, he too had been keeping an eye on the clock, trying to make sure that things would be alright. 
Sirius slowed his pace until he reached beside you and whispered, “Nox,” over his wand, he placed a hand over your shoulders, drawing you close to him as he pointed deeper into the tunnel, “See that light reflection?” he asked. You nodded in response. “It’s the door you blew up last time you were here.” 
You looked at him with a frown and then back at the place he was pointing at, Remus must have told him, you realised as you saw it, and you picked up your pace, almost sprinting towards it. Sirius turned to James who gave him a shrug and the two boys ran behind you. 
You reached the door just under two minutes later, and you brushed your hand over the hinges, “You fixed it?” you asked as you turned to the boys, who were just behind you. 
“Peter and I did, when we brought Remus over after the last moon,” James responded. 
“It was in an awful condition,” you replied, remembering the Bombarda you had used and how many of the pieces of the door had flown about the room, you were pretty sure you had turned it to shreds. 
“Yeah,” James agreed with a diverted smile.
You looked at the door a little closer now and located the thick bar of metal that held it in place, you brought your hand under it and started pushing it up. There was a click and the door snapped open, Remus was on the other side, he was leaning on a bed, bouncing one of his legs up and down while looking right ahead. He turned to you shortly after and seemed relieved to see everyone there. Peter was still Wormtail, and he was sleeping on a worn-out pillow on the floor. He hadn’t been sleeping well that week, staying up late to work on the final projects he had left for the last minute (It had been all of them). 
You walked forwards and sat beside Remus on the edge of the bed, “How are we feeling?”, you asked. James sat beside you and Sirius had plopped down on the floor, staring up at the three of you. 
“Fantastic!” he said sarcastically. 
You pushed him with your shoulder lightly, having him crash against James, “Don’t be such a downer.” 
“You can still leave.” 
You let yourself fall back into the mattress. “No thanks.” 
Sirius laughed from the floor and considered whether it would be a good or a bad idea to jump on top. Perhaps it wouldn’t be too clever, at least not with how nervous Remus was. 
Remus sighed with your reply, “But what if it doesn’t work?” 
“It will,” Sirius reassured. 
“But what if it doesn’t?” 
“Then we go for plan B,” you responded as if it was the simplest course of action. 
“What if you’re not fast enough?” 
“Werewolves don’t eat animals,” you said. 
“No, but we can kill them,” Remus muttered as he remembered the time he had killed a squirrel that had walked close to his cage when he was 7. He had cried about it for weeks and even asked his parents to bury her in the garden. He called her Juliette, since his mom had been reading Romeo and Juliette to lull him to sleep back then and he knew she would die in the end. 
“Remus!” you whined as you bumped your knee into his, “Drop the negativity, would you?” 
It’s not that you didn’t have doubts of your own, but it was easier to ignore them and be brave about it if he was not repeating all the ways that things could go wrong over and over again. 
“Sorry,” he said. 
James let himself fall on the bed, imitating your earlier action, “I’m sure it will work,” he said, “Besides you’ve been doing research about it, right Vix?” 
“I think I read more about werewolves and wolves this past month than I did for classes,” you sighed.
“I can confirm that,” Sirius said, he’d been going to the library with you too, and he’d read just as much. 
You had also talked to Damocles and asked him about the potion, to use as a failsafe in case the plan didn’t work, he said he was still working on it but that he hoped he’d have it ready at some point next year. He had also given you all his notes on werewolves since you had asked if he had anything other than the ones he’d given you at first, and while those had been useful to learn about Moony, none of them helped you either prove or refute your theory. 
“Right,” Remus said as he started bouncing his leg again. And then he bent down a little bit. When he looked up at Sirius, his eyes were completely golden. James stood up and turned into Prongs in the blink of an eye, standing defensively as he stared at Remus. Remus was now clawing at his own shirt to try and take it off, last time he had ripped it to shreds and he didn’t want the same thing to happen to this one. Sirius stood forward and helped him get it off. 
You saw, this time even more than the last, how his skin started to rip, but you also got a small glimpse of his muscly back, and while the potion had already worn off, you’d be lying if you said he didn’t have a very nice and defined one. 
“Turn,” he said as he placed his hands on his pants. You instantly turned your head to the wall. 
“Into Vixen!” Sirius said, almost laughing at your instant reaction. Remus would have laughed too if he hadn’t been busy trying to hold back the cries of pain that threatened to leave his mouth.
“You too,” he said as he looked at Sirius who had placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s fine,” Sirius countered. You were already Vixen, and you were still looking at the wall, tail waving restlessly as you heard Remus whimper. “I’ll do it right before you’re Moony.” 
“Sirius,” Remus said as he tightened his jaw to hold back another groan and ended up stifling a whimper instead. 
“You’re not going to change my mind,” he said as he helped Remus kneel on the floor. 
“I’ve got it under control.” 
But I don’t, Remus thought as he tightened his fist on the floor, scratching the wood with his nails, which were a lot more claws than nails themselves.
“Moony, we’ve been through this, just let me help,” Sirius insisted as he tightened his grip on Remus’ shoulder, reassuringly. 
Remus huffed and turned to Sirius angrily, his eyes were menacingly golden now. But Sirius held his stare, a reassuring smile on his face as he tightened the grip on his shoulder again and sent Remus a wink. Remus would have scoffed if he’d had the chance, but he ended up just bending over a bit more and letting his head fall over Sirius’s shoulder, who was now helping to hold him up. Remus would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the closeness to Sirius. There was something about his hand on his bare back and the feel of his curls crashing against his face, that was dreadfully comforting. 
If only he could bask in those feelings at any moment other than when he was about to turn into a fucking werewolf. He couldn’t though, because those hands, those curls and those beautiful lips of his belonged to someone else. To the pretty fox waving her tail desperately on the bed as she struggled to not turn her head. But then he felt it, the Wolf gnawing at him and taking his agency away, locking him up in the cage of his mind, his last ounce of control slipping away. 
“Siri-us…” His voice broke near the end. And you couldn’t take it anymore you turned your head to look at the two boys and barked as Sirius. Your best friend’s face was already turning into a snout, but Sirius looked awfully calm as he held him between his arms.
You barked again, now more desperately and jumped towards Sirius, pulling at his shirt with your snout. Remus tried to push you away so that you weren’t that close to the wolf when he came about but his hand was no longer a hand anymore and his paw ended up accidentally bopping your head. You looked at him reproachfully and barely managed to make out his wince. You barked again, and this time Sirius actually listened, he turned into a Padfoot and seconds later, Moony let out a shrieking howl, no wonder that’s what they called this place. 
Moony stood straight and imposing, last time you had tried to escape from him as a fox, you hadn’t had time to actually see him, too busy running the hell away. But this time around, you could see how much more bigger and imposing he looked to Vixen, as if he wasn’t imposing enough to you already. 
At first, Moony seemed disoriented, but then he spotted Padfoot, who stood just a few feet from him and he howled again, this time around a much more playful one. The black dog imitated him and then Moony jumped his way, raising his front paws and letting them fall over Pads who barked happily. Moony was nibbling on Pads’ left ear while the dog continued to bark excitedly. And then, he spotted you. 
He stopped the nibbling and tilted his head to the side as if analysing the intruder. He narrowed his eyes at you and bared his teeth, growling lightly as if telling you to step away, he felt Padfoot tense underneath as he too turned to you, but the dog had a worried face instead of a menacing one. 
Every single instinct on your fox self was telling you to run. To find a small nook in a wall and crawl inside of it like you had done the previous moon. Alarms blaring in your brain loudly urging you to step away, to pull back, to hide. But you held your stance, you knew the wolf was trying to scare you because he didn’t recognize you, and it was his immediate reaction. He probably remembered you from the last moon too, the fox that had gotten away. 
But this time around you weren’t planning to run from him, you’d held your stance until he leaned forward curiously, or until he did it intending to eat. You pulled your head a little higher and he barked at Padfoot, a simple question: «Who is she?»
Padfoot barked a much simpler answer in return «A friend».
The wolf narrowed his eyes at Padfoot now and slipped his paws off the black dog’s back. You were so used to how big Padfoot was in comparison to Vixen, that seeing the wolf standing right beside him, with the staggering difference between Pads and Moony –who was much bigger and much more imposing– was a little daunting, but you fought the urge to flee, imposing yourself over Vixen’s more animal side.  
The wolf tilted his head again and started walking in your direction, one paw after the other, looking every bit like the regal beast of the night it was. You found yourself resisting the urge to step back again, looking at the wolf and tilting your own head slightly to the side. You didn’t say a thing but it was clear what you meant «I’m not afraid of you». 
Moony snarled again, baring his teeth at you «Your heartbeat says otherwise».
You barked this time «Try me». Padfoot intervened this time around and barked a warning to you. And you held your tongue from barking anything else, regardless you were looking at Moony attentively, keeping your stance as calm as possible. 
The wolf walked close enough to tower over you, and you stood still, he leaned his head down, leaning on his front paws to level it with Vixen’s, and he stared. 
You held his stare again, a lot calmer now that you could see his eyes, there he is, hidden beneath the fur, your friend. You could always see Remus through Moony’s eyes. The wolf noticed your change in demeanour, not understanding why the closer he was the calmer you seemed to be. You leaned your head forward a little and bumped your snout with his much bigger one in a teasing manner and he pulled back with a frown.
«Careful», Padfoot barked. You ignored him, deciding to tease the wolf a little further as you jumped forward and bit one of his legs playfully.
Moony looked as scandalised as a wolf could, his features conveying a mix of confusion and irritation in the face of such unexpected audacity. How could this tiny little animal tease him like such, he was sure he could split you in half in one bite. Not that he wanted to, he was too curious to do it. Regardless, he reacted like you would expect any apex predator to react when bothered; he used his head to push you away from him, you rolled about half a metre to the side and ended up, belly-facing the ceiling as the wolf stalked towards you and snarled. 
Padfoot seemed just about to jump in your defence when Moony threw him a warning look and bared his teeth at him just like he had done to you, now vulnerably underneath him. 
Padfoot barked again, «friend» he reminded Moony.
He huffed in return and turned to look at you, your eyes locked with Padfoot’s who seemed to be telling you to stand back, but you knew whatever relationship you managed to develop with Moony forward, strongly depended on how you acted today with him, you had seen how playful he had been to Pads, perhaps you could have a similar experience.
You turned back to look at Moony who was looking at you with curiosity as if he was still trying to decipher your character, and you used one of your paws to hit his snout in a playful manner. He pulled back and snarled, you did it again and barked. When you tried to do it again, he held your paw in between his sharp teeth. Not biting strong enough to break skin.
You heard Prong’s hooves crashing on the floor, as if he was ready to push Moony off of you, but everyone held their place. You had all agreed on a sign, a rather specific scream that foxes could make, and they had to stand back if you didn’t make said sound or they thought danger was imminent. 
You, on the other hand, looked like you were having fun as you teased the menacing wolf. You leapt forward enough to lightly bite his snout and he let your paw go in surprise, pulling back again as he stared at you. 
What was that? She smelled… familiar. 
«Friend?» he barked. 
«Friend» Padfoot confirmed. 
Moony leaned down closer to you again, his snout close to yours as he took in the way you smelled. He frowned, he was sure he had never been close enough for you to smell like him and yet, you did. Was it some kind of trick? Had you also tricked his friends? He pulled back, and stared, circling around as you turned back on your heels in the most playful of movements and sat on your back legs as an obedient little puppy. Turning your head only to follow the steps of the huge wolf. 
The initial urge to run had faded away and now, even the most primal and fox-like part of you was excited to continue playing with the wolf. He barked at you, and you barked back, a polite bark this time around. Eventually, and after circling you a few more times, Moony walked closer to you, leaning from the back and moving his snout close to Vixen’s body. 
First, it was close to your neck, then along your back and eventually, he leaned down to smell your belly again, meanwhile, you stood there, patiently letting him do his thing, allowing him to slowly realise you really were a friend. He pushed you to the side with his head and you pushed back. He gave you a warning look and you reluctantly did what he asked. Moving to a different side of the room where he repeated the entire thing again. 
Eventually, he stood right in front of you and laid down on his paws, staring at you with his eyes narrowed. You nudged him with your snout, and he gave you a dismissive look. And then you jumped forward and nibbled his ear like he had done to Sirius earlier. 
Wormtail turned his small head the other way around, thinking that would be the last straw for Moony. Perhaps you really were stupidly brave. But contrary to his expectation, Moony simply barked in response, clearly diverted. Even Padfoot seemed surprised. And after you bumped your paw against his snout again he reacted. You pulled back and barked yourself. 
«Catch me if you can».
Moony barked in response and stood from the ground, chasing after you as you moved around in circles and all over the small room in the shack, crossing over the furniture, the old raggedy sofa, up and down from the bed, under the bed, under the desk that seemed close to falling apart, close to the –now wide open– metal door, under the rundown piano, and many other pieces of furniture laying around.
Eventually, you ran under Padfoot and after Moony tried to also get in between his legs, he too joined the game. Wormtail and Prongs were looking at the whole thing with both incredulous and satisfied looks. Incredulous because Moony –who had been awfully hard to control the last full moons– was playing along the room all merry and bright like a puppy rather than the angry wolf they saw too often. And satisfied, because the plan had clearly worked. Moony had accepted you as part of the pack, in fact, Prongs would even dare say he liked you.  Perhaps as much as Remus liked your human self. He certainly seemed to be enjoying his time as he jumped about chasing you and Sirius as if you were all playing some canine version of tag. 
After a while of playing inside the shack, Padfoot barked as he leaned towards the door, Prongs, who had been sitting on his hooves as he lousily watched you play, since he was too big to join the game inside the small room where there was barely enough space for the two big dogs and the small fox to play around, stood up in an instant. And while Prongs –being a stag– did not speak canine, like Moony, Pads and you, it didn’t take a genius to know exactly what Sirius wanted.  
Prongs nodded, looking all regal in his Stag form –completely contrasting to his goofy human self– and walked towards the entrance, allowing Sirius to cross the door first and following right behind. You realised the opportunity you had then and decided to make the game a little bit more fun. You walked over to Moony, as casually as you could, and when you had the chance you bit his leg again. He growled at you in response and you took off running. 
«Catch me if you can» you barked again and crossed right underneath Prongs, who had merely a second to realise something small and swift was running under his legs and stopped moving entirely, trying to avoid stepping on you. Once you got past him you ran beside Padfoot who gave you a questioning look before turning his head backwards and realising the gigantic wolf stalking behind the two of you, being slowed down by Prongs who was too big for the narrow hall to allow both him and the wolf to pass through. 
Padfoot seemed about to panic when he saw the wolf chasing behind you, but when you bit him the same way you had bit the wolf just seconds ago, he realised you were playing, just like you had been inside the shack and started running just beside you, his legs were a lot longer, and he had easily gotten ahead of you. But that didn’t stop you from running as fast as you could, leaving the wolf and the stag behind. Once you reached the end of the tunnel, you crawled your way to the top. It was much easier to do it as a fox, you realised. Perhaps if you had been a fox back then, you wouldn’t have ended up as bruised as you had. 
Once you were up though, you saw Padfoot near the entrance, keeping himself there as he watched the Whomping Willow stir about. 
«Scared?» You barked. 
«Starshine, it’s dangerous» he barked in response.
You are scared then, you thought as you sprinted forward, zigzagging your way out of the willow’s reach and barking at Sirius a short «chicken» as you ran into the forest. You felt unbelievably free, and you were having the time of your life. 
Running as Vixen had always been a way for you to feel better, and after last moon, you never thought you’d consider running away while being chased by the same wolf that haunted your dreams would ever be enjoyable, not when you were hiding in the rock and not when you had been pulled by the tail with his mortifyingly strong jaws, and yet, here you were, biting his leg softly and inciting him to chase behind you, as a bIoody game. 
The fact that the association made the last moon, of running away from the big bad wolf, was changing so quickly after just hours of officially meeting and playing with Moony was insane. You didn't see running from the wolf as scary anymore, but rather, it was exhilarating. The cold air of the night filled your small lungs as you ran through the crisp and thin layer of snow underneath your paws. 
Was it cold? You were having so much fun you didn’t even realise it. You continued running all the way to the forest, not bothering to look back to see if the others had caught up with you, you could still smell them, they were far, but not that much. And if you could smell them, Prongs and Moony, who had the most developed senses in the gang, would definitely be able to find you, if you didn’t run fast enough, that was. 
So you kept running, twirling and zigzagging all over the forbidden forest as you did, to try and make sure to leave traces of your scent on as many places as possible, to try and confuse the boys into following fake trails and so you could continue running. 
You had just jumped over a dry branch when you felt something push you from the side, you rolled a few metres and took some time to figure out what was going on when you realised Moony was there, looking at you with what could be interpreted as a self-satisfied expression. He’d caught you. He pushed his snout next to your neck since you were still looking at him as you tried to get back on your feet and then howled. A loud, high-pitched sound that reverberated all over the forest. 
You barked in response «Congratulations, you won».
He howled again, and you knew what he wanted, and even if you were still on the ground secretly trying to catch your breath –even foxes get tired, you know?– you followed suit. Howling along with the big bad wolf like you were part of his pack. No, you were part of his pack, the precautions had worked, and this? This meant he’d accepted you.
Another howl floated through the wind, it wasn’t far but it wasn’t close either. It’s Padfoot, you realised after hearing the slight give of his voice. You wondered if you would have been able to tell it was Pads if you had been human or if knowing was inherently a fox thing. You sometimes found it fascinating that even though you had been a fox for almost as long as the boys had been their own animagi, there were still so many things for you to discover, perhaps it was because you hadn’t spent as much time as a fox as they had spent as their own animals. 
While you had roamed around the grounds of your old school as Vixen a couple of times, you had never really had time to explore that much, let alone to actually interact with other animals like you had done now. Heck, you didn’t even know you could talk with other canines while you were Vixen until a couple of days ago when Padfoot barked something at you and you understood exactly what he meant. It was so shocking to you at that moment that you had instantly turned into a human and accidentally crushed Remus awake. 
“Sirius!” you had said, eyes opened like saucers as you stared at your boyfriend turn back into his human form and look at you groggily as he rubbed his eyes, he had been half asleep. 
“What is it?” 
“You said something to me,” you whispered, “and I understood it.” 
Sirius frowned and gave Remus a look, by then you had already half gotten off of him after apologising for crushing him as you turned into yourself and were sitting on the bed as you leaned close to Sirius, your bent legs brushing against Remus’ torso.  
“Yeah, you speak canine when you’re Vixen.” 
“I what?!” 
“You didn’t know?” Remus asked as he placed a hand on your shoulder to get your attention, you turned to him and shook your head slowly as if still considering what he had said. 
“I assumed you’d know already,” Sirius said with a shrug. “You even ran when I told you to back on the last moon.” 
“Because it was the obvious thing to do…” 
“Are you sure you weren’t just understanding canine?” 
You swallowed and turned your gaze back to Remus, “You speak canine too?” 
He nodded in response, “At least when I’m Moony, I do.” 
“You talk to each other?” 
“I spent the last moon trying to calm him down while he wanted to pull you out of the rock,” Sirius responded.  
“Wait–” you said as you considered the new information the boys had given you. “Does that mean you can talk to other dogs?” 
“Yeah,” Sirius said with a nod. “Did you never encounter a fox out in the wild yourself?” 
“Well, I– I didn’t stay as a fox too long when I was in my old school. Didn’t have much free time. And I had more roommates.” 
“And no cuddle mates,” Sirius joked and yawned, turning back into Padfoot seconds after. He then barked. 
Remus gave you a look, “He says we should go back to sleep.” 
“Thought you only understood when you were Moony.” 
He huffed a laugh, “Doesn’t take a genius to know what Padfoot wants,” he said as he opened his arms out. “Come on, get back here, you have to wake up early tomorrow.” 
You laughed as you shook your head and turned back into Vixen. Remus carefully picked you up and placed you back on his chest as Sirius got comfortable himself. 
Another bark startled you out of your thoughts and you turned to the side, looking at Padfoot, who had now jumped over Moony to try and throw him off balance. You jumped happily before spotting Prongs already catching up with you three and you barked at him as you jumped around a little, exploring the small clearing you had ended up in as Moony and Padfoot continued playing around themselves. 
Being smaller, you had gotten tired a lot faster than the other two dogs and you had found a small nook on top of a fallen branch where you had leaned in to watch. Prongs had joined their playing at some point too, and they had gone on small “races” against each other, going back and forth from one spot to another. Prongs would jump on his back hooves in a much less regal way than before whenever he won while Moony and Padfoot would howl as loudly as they could when either of them got there first. 
Moony tried to get you to join them on a race at some point and you just barked back something along the lines of «Not stupid enough to think I could win». Which had the wolf pull you from the tail like he had done last time –a lot softer now– and caused you to fall on the soft mossy floor. 
You barked at him in reproach and he just barked again, telling you to join their race. 
«I’ll lose»
You huffed in response, a tired sigh but in fox version. He barked again, and looked at you while peeling his eyes open a little. Was he doing the puppy eyes at you? The big, scary werewolf, making puppy eyes so you continued playing with him? Who would have thought? 
You tilted your head to the side a couple of times and eventually nodded, walking towards the branch they had all deemed the finish line and prepared, Padfoot barked and you ran as fast as you could, jumping through branches and pulling through as fast as you could. But Prongs had already gotten ahead and Moony was running as fast as he could to try and catch up with him. Prongs was the largest of the pack and that helped him easily outrun most of your friends, that didn’t mean Moony was no match for him, even compared to other wolves, he was huge and incredibly clever. 
The real match for you was against Sirius, who was not as fast but certainly a lot larger, if it were a race towards a specific point rather than a circle, perhaps you could have outmanoeuvred him by finding smaller places and shortcuts through the forest that he didn’t have access to, but in this case, it really was a matter of raw speed and he was far larger than you were. 
Regardless you were pushing through as much as you could, jumping and crawling around to catch up with him. He wasn’t too far ahead, in fact, you could probably bite his tail if you jumped towards it, and you were so focused on trying to level up that you barely noticed the giant stag running top speed straight towards you. Padfoot veered to the side and you jumped towards the other, only to be –in the most literal sense– caught in the air by Moony. 
His head pushed you to the ground and then grabbed onto the skin in the back of the neck as he picked up even more speed to outrun Prongs. 
You barked in protest, not because his hold was hurting you, in fact, it was so gentle that you weren’t sure what the hell he had done to his sharp and blade-like teeth. You protested because you didn’t understand what the hell he was trying to do by carrying you through the forest at top speeds. Once you crossed over the branch, Wormtail raised one of his small hands and pointed it towards you and Moony, shrieking as he gave you the win. Prongs was just a few feet away and he jumped over the finish line branch and turned to look at the now proud-standing Moony with a tired huff. 
Moony left you on the ground and howled, a testament to his victory over Prongs and then he turned to you and barked «We Won!»
«You won» you replied, not even thinking it over. 
He shook his head and pushed you with his snout letting you see you were standing right over the finish line and barked again «WE WON!»
At that point, you realised Moony was far more whimsical than Remus and shook your head with a slightly amused air to your features, then you joined his victory howl.  
After another while of playing with the boys, you all seemed to be running out of energy, even Moony who seemed to run on endless batteries was starting to slow down his movements. The night was still dark, but judging by your probably skewed perception of time and the position of the stars, the night wasn’t going to last much longer. 
«Let’s go back» Sirius baked. 
Moony snarled at him as if he were angry about the mere idea of going back to his cage.
«You’re tired, you’ll feel better if you sleep»
Moony shook his head as if he despised the idea of having to go to sleep, almost like a small child who wanted to continue playing. He turned to you as if you could help him change Padfoot’s mind. You had been the one to start him in a playing mood, after all. But you were far too tired to continue jumping around with him, you were not used to pulling all-nighters as an animagus like the boys were, and your small muscles already felt sore from so much use. 
As if the abuse you had given them for trying to keep up with the much larger animals was taking a toll on your body. It was much easier to just lay on Remus’ chest and sleep than to keep up with Moony’s whims, even if both were equally relaxing and fun. You opened your mouth to bark but a yawn came out instead. 
Moony leaned closer to you and started whining, much like a hurt dog «I don’t want to go» he barked in between whines. You wonder if he meant the forest or if he meant he didn’t want to turn back. It made you wonder if he knew he would turn back, in the same way Remus knew he would turn into Moony. If he was aware of his nature as a werewolf and if he felt so energetic because he knew he wouldn’t be around for another month or so once the sun came up. 
You thought it was best not to ask him, it seemed like a rather delicate subject and you did not want to get your head bitten off for asking the werewolf if he knew he would be locked up in a human body for weeks until he came back again. 
You wondered if it was the same thing for Moony as it was for Remus while he wasn’t transformed, if Moony saw everything Remus did in the same way Remus saw everything he did without being able to do anything about it. It didn’t seem like so, and while Remus and Moony seemed to be two separate entities, there was definitely something that connected them to each other, perhaps the potion Kless was working on would strengthen that connection, joining them together rather than dividing them in the way it did during the moons. 
You yawned again and he nudged you with his snout, trying to get you up in the same way he had done for the race, «Sleep» you barked. 
He whined again and Padfoot got closer, barking a few things that you didn’t care to understand, and after they seemed to reach an agreement both he and Padfoot went to nudge you «Let’s go back» Sirius barked, and this time around, everyone listened. You stood up lousily and trailed in between the two much larger dogs. Wormtail had crawled on top of Prongs and he was lying there as the stag walked carefully to avoid disturbing him. You were rather jealous, Wormy had gotten his good deal of sleep while you had to walk all the way back, then you remembered you had been the one to run headfirst into the forest as if tiredness was a state of mind instead of an actual fucking feeling in the muscles and you almost laughed at yourself.
Once you got back to the shack, you jumped on the bed and made yourself into a small ball, yawning once and then falling soundly asleep. You didn’t feel when Moony crawled on the bed next to you and placed his head on top of your back, closing his eyes as well. And you also didn’t see what happened afterwards. 
Padfoot tried to get on the bed as well, which didn’t seem to bother Moony at all, but when he tried to place his snout close to yours, Moony snarled at him, baring his teeth and his hair standing on end, and expression so vicious that even Pads was taken aback. 
He tried to get close again and Moony emitted a low growl «Away!» he warned. 
«Friend,» Padfoot said, trying to get close to you again and Moony barked louder. 
Moony’s growl got deeper, it was a miracle it didn’t wake you up at all and Sirius took a step back. Remus could live with seeing you and Sirius close, he would be lying if he said he never felt jealous or possessive whenever he saw you all over each other. He’d be lying if he said he’d never felt a sharp tug on his chest when he saw you kiss unexpectedly, not because he wanted you to stop, but because he yearned to join in. But Moony lacked the level of control Remus had gotten over the years. 
Moony was more animal than man and Moony did not like it when you and Pads were all over each other. He could tolerate it if it was a game, but that was his Padfoot and his Vixen and they had no business sleeping next to each other if it wasn’t next to him. Was he overreacting? Probably. But unlike Remus, Moony didn’t care if he was overreacting and he didn’t care if he upset you or Pads by being possessive over the other. He didn’t care because he was the biggest, he didn’t care because he was the strongest, and he didn’t care, because he was the king. And as long as Remus was Moony, you’d have to comply with his silly little whims because, after all, he was still the scary werewolf that had once haunted your nightmares, only acting tame enough to play around with you all because he wanted to and not because he had to. 
Eventually, Padfoot resolved to move to the other side of the bed and laid down next to Moony instead of next to you like he did all the time when you were cuddling. About half an hour later, you woke up after feeling a hand grip tightly at your belly, pulling you towards them. You turned around only to spot a very naked Remus, sleeping soundly. You looked at the old clock on the wall and barked to try and get him to let you go. If the clock was right, then you only had but minutes to get the hell out before Madam Pomfrey came to get Rem. 
Since your barking didn’t seem to do a thing, you stretched your head as far as you could to lick his face, you had seen Sirius do it, so you thought it would work. As you stretched though, you felt your tail brush against his lower abdomen and you were so incredibly glad that foxes couldn’t blush because dear Merlin! A little lower and you would have been feeling the very private, and very exposed parts of your best friend. After getting rid of that initial shock, you stretched your head again and started licking his face. 
“Little witch?” he asked groggily as he started to get up. And while you had cuddled with Remus –as Vixen– more than once, you almost always left before he woke up since you went to fly with the boys, you rarely got to actually see him in his barely lucid state. You licked again and he laughed, his voice was raspy, which made you wonder if it was just his raspy morning voice or if it was raspy because of how much howling he had done as Moony last night. You leaned closer to him and focused on a wound near his neck from where his skin had split open to let Moony out. You barked. 
“It’s all right, Luv.” He said calmly, “It’ll heal soon.” 
“Yeah, and we should go back now,” you heard Sirius say, he stood by the door and was brushing his fingers over his hair to get it to look less messy, both you and Remus thought it was adorable. 
“You should cover up mate,” Peter said as he pulled one of the covers your games had dropped off the bed last night and threw it over Remus, covering his more private areas. He was immensely thankful for that. 
“And stop hogging my girlfriend,” Sirius added, you had your small head on the crook of Remus’ neck and he was holding you rather close, just enjoying how warm you were and how deliciously you smelled, of moss and wet soil, of Padfoot and Moony, and most importantly, of Sirius and himself. If only he could cuddle you and Sirius every day like this, he would be the happiest man alive. Sirius, on the other hand, was a little cranky over the fact that Moony had kept Vixen away from him at early morning cuddles, he had already gotten used to biting your ear in the morning to wake you up only to have you turn back into your human self and shove him off for waking you up in such a crass way. He would then say something silly and get you to laugh. Sometimes you would even place a soft kiss on his lips as you climbed over him and out of the bed. He adored how domestic it was, something he hadn’t tried before, and he hadn’t seen it either, such simple acts of affection lifted him up immensely. He’d never had something like that at home. 
You thought of turning back, to give Sirius a rather snarky remark when you remembered you were still lying next to your naked best friend and decided it was best to step off the bed before you were human again. And so you wiggled out of Remus’ grasp, who groaned in return. 
“Stay a little longer,” he said with a pout as you tried to get out. You barked in response, something along the lines of «It’s late, Pomfrey will be here any minute now», not that anyone understood, neither of the boys were dogs anymore. 
“It’s late, Moony,” James said as he walked over to the bed, took you from Remus’ grasp and dropped you in Sirius’ arms, who, by the way, looked absolutely pleased with himself now that he got to hold you. “You better get dressed or you’ll be naked by the time Pomfrey is here.” 
Remus just groaned in return and covered himself with the bedsheets entirely. You were aware that Moony liked his hours of sleep, you also knew he got cranky if he didn’t, but it was surprising to see him act so childishly. Either the moon fucked him up real bad, or he just considered you already close enough to him to act however the hell he wanted when you were around. 
“We’ll meet you at the infirmary before the train leaves,” Peter said and you barked afterwards, to confirm his statement. 
Remus just groaned in response, something akin to “okay” but not quite it either.
Peter turned back into Wormtail and James placed him in the front pocket of his pyjamas before he took the cloak out of an old trunk in the corner of the room and covered himself, Sirius –and you for default– with it. That’s how you stepped out of the old raggedy room of the shack and back into the dark tunnel. 
You thought it was silly how different the tunnel felt each time you’d passed it so far, the first time you had been running from the wolf, anxious, stressed and fearing for both your life and Remus’, the second time you had been walking with both curiosity and hope that your plan would be all right, and it had felt a lot longer than the first. The third time had gone in an instant, you had been running from Moony again, but this time you were diverted, since it was all a game and the two of you knew as much. The fourth, on your way back you had been exhausted, but the kind of exhausted that felt good. The kind you felt when you were a kid and you had played for hours and hours and your eyes were giving out, but you still wanted to continue playing. And now, being carried by Sirius as he and James walked alongside each other back towards their room, you felt so comfortable you might as well fall asleep. 
And you did, next time you opened your eyes, you were lying alongside Sirius on his bed, curtains drawn and silencing spells clearly cast around them, since you couldn’t hear anything from the outside. You turned back into yourself and Sirius stirred on the bed, taking hold of your waist and pulling you to him. “Morning sleepy head,” he whispered in your ear. 
You yawned, wondering what time it was as you turned around and leaned on Sirius’ shoulder. “We need to pack,” you sighed. 
Sirius groaned in response, pulling you closer to him “Non, nous devons câliner.”
“S'il te plaît, Étoile“
You sighed again “The train is leaving at 3, what time is it?”
“Assez de temps pour que tu me fasses un câlin.” 
“Ugh,” you said as you buried your head in his chest, he loved it, he too thought you smelled delightful. “You make it hard for me to be responsible.” 
“You’re so not sorry,” you said with a smile as you shoved him lightly. You weren’t sure when it had been the last time you had cuddled Sirius. Just you and him, you missed it, even if it felt like something was missing from it. You then started drumming your fingers over his chest “It worked,” you added. 
Sirius nodded, “It did.” 
“Who would have thought, Wormy had it right…” 
“You didn’t think it would?” Sirius asked as he looked at you with a frown. 
“I had hope…” you responded with a shrug. 
Sirius shook his head as he scoffed a laugh and bit his lip, of course, you would go through with it even if you weren’t 100% certain. 
“Does that mean we have to continue doing the cuddle thing with Remus?” you asked then, a small frown forming between your brows. 
Sirius was taken aback by your question, the three of you had gotten so used to it by now, that the idea of not doing it anymore seemed preposterous, for the three of you, since even Remus was thinking he would miss the hell out of it now that it wouldn’t be happening anymore. Moony had accepted you as part of the pack.  
“I– perhaps we should continue it, if only for the next moon or so, just in case…” he said, thinking if that excuse was too silly to be believable. If you would see right through him like you so often did and instantly tell there were secret intentions behind them. Was he using you as an excuse to be close to Remus? To be close to both you and Remus at the same time? Was that so bad? Was he so selfish for wanting to have the two things at the same time? Boy and girl? Wolf and Fox? Remus and you? 
Would he even get away with it? With being in love with you but having this pull towards his best friend that he just couldn’t quite grasp yet? Only that he knew he liked burying his face on Remus’ neck and he liked how much bigger he was in comparison and how strong he felt, but he also liked how much smaller you were and how much softer. Was there a worst possible time for him to discover he liked boys? For him to discover that he liked– no. He liked you. 
You didn’t want the cuddles to stop either, even if you told yourself it was an excuse to be Vixen, even if you told yourself it was an excuse to be next to Sirius at night, that you certainly loved, even if you kept telling yourself that it was for Moony and for Remus’ sake, it would be a lie if you said you didn’t like laying over Remus’ chest and sleeping with his hand on your head, carefully brushing the back of your ears. Vixen adored Remus’ cuddles, there was no question about it. But perhaps, you were lying to yourself too, as much as Remus and Sirius were lying to themselves at least. It wasn’t only Vixen that liked the cuddles and it wasn’t only your animagus side that liked to be pampered. 
“Yeah,” you responded, “just in case.”
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TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06 @a-n-1-m-3-f-r-3-4-k @darlingeels @kissmeunicornbaobei @xluansstuff @boo8008 @angelmixer @voteforintensedreams @allons-y-molly @aremuslupinsimp @imaginexred @writingshae @nyanwyn @poetrypirate @crazyhorseforgot @saturnhas82moons @ryeyeyer @itsthequackshire @maqqiekwon @desikudisworld @pastelorangeskies @barking4you @profoundpidgeon
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A/N: So... it was actually all cute and fluffy during the moon. Who would have thought? You guys were asking for a new Q&A so I'm working on it at the moment, send all the questions you may want to be added here, or directly on asks. Love, Lils xx
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pro-memoriia · 2 months
Swiss Alps - Hurt/Comfort
PT 2 for something I wrote forever (4 days) ago.
Summary: Mountain gets incredibly insecure about his height after accidentally terrifying his crush (unspecified). Swiss finds him crying in the greenhouse and helps to cheer him up.
Angst and heavy insecurity below the cut. Also, dialogue might get confusing because I'm not used to writing it...
It was just a small crush. A small crush that Mountain regretted ever having.
When the Sibling of Sin joined the Ministry, he was head over heels. They were gorgeous, and oh so sweet. He was infatuated.
So being the loving admirer he is, he put together a small gift. It was nothing too huge, since they hadn't really spoken yet. Just a beautiful bouquet of flowers, each one picked from his own garden. They smelled fresh and looked freshly bloomed, courtesy of Mountain's cheerful, lovey mood (his emotions often affected the way his plants grew, good and bad).
Oh, he was so excited... He saw them in the hallway and he heard his own heart thumping like a rabbit's foot in his chest. His tail was wagging and he was practically vibrating with joy. They were perfect. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful person.
But when he started walking closer, the two made eye contact. And as soon as he saw the Sibling's eyebrows raise and their eyes go wide, Mountain felt a spark of anxiety.
He tried to ignore it and kept approaching them, but by the time he was close, they looked horrified. Like they'd just seen a ghost or witnessed a murder. There was so much fear in their eyes and their body shook like a leaf.
Mountain felt his stomach churn. He was nervous now. He recognized that look; he'd seen it only a hundred times before.
All the genuineness faded from his smile and it became forced. He could still hear his own heartbeat, and it was still fast, but no longer with excitement. He felt his throat tighten and his mouth dry up. He swallowed and held out the bouquet. He didn't mean to grip it as tightly as he did, but he was trying to get his hands to stop shaking.
He stuttered a little before telling them hello.
Mountain could tell they were intimidated. They had to bend their neck almost as far back as possible to look at the towering ghoul.
"I got you some flowers," Mountain said softly. His voice was soft, almost fragile. He was probably more scared than the Sibling.
"I thought you deserved them, because you're so sweet... You're very pretty, too," he said awkwardly.
The Sibling Of Sin didn't even reply. They were in shock. Perhaps it was their first time seeing a ghoul... No. No, he remembered seeing them chat with Dew and Rain the other day.
It was him. He was the problem.
There was a good moment of silence. Mountain felt tears pricking in his eyes and he took a deep breath and held it.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," he whispered apologetically. "I should go."
He brought the flowers back towards them and clutched them against his stomach. His tail drooped and he walked past the Sibling Of Sin.
His lip quivered and the movement in his chest caused uneven breaths.
He walked by a trash can and stared at the bouquet for a moment before pushing it in past the lid.
He took a long walk, and he kept getting stopped.
Dew approached him at one point, asking him what was wrong.
"I liked someone. Went to give them some flowers I picked and they couldn't even move or speak because of how scared they were."
"It's probably your height," Dew had replied. "That usually tends to intimidate people... And honestly, fair."
Oh, how Mountain hated that. He hated being told what he already knew.
Mountain was a freak. He was a monster, a cryptid, a pure demon, through and through. He couldn't ever escape that.
Swiss had been taking his own walk, chatting with some random Siblings Of Sin and socializing to pass time. But his words were cut short when he saw something odd sticking up from the trash can.
He excused himself from the group and walked over to the bin as they left. Swiss picked up the bouquet. It was sad, honestly. Dead flowers, dried and flaking, tied together by a glossy green ribbon.
Swiss didn't know the context, but he knew it was definitely because of Mount. He knew that if any plant at the Ministry was dying, it had something to do with Mountain being unhappy.
Swiss roamed through the halls, searching for him. Although very concerned for his pack mate, he made no rush. Mountain could be hard to overlook sometimes, even with his size.
Swiss headed where Mountain found solace. The garden. Of course, he knew. He knew every single one of Mountain's hiding spots... Because Mountain wasn't very good at hiding.
As soon as he heard sniffles through the back wall of the greenhouse, Swiss knew. He walked around to the door and realized it was locked. Swiss didn't care. He unglamoured his hand and picked the lock with his claw before quietly making his way inside.
As soon as he laid eyes on his pack mate, his heart stopped.
Mountain's long figure was curled up in the corner in fetal position. His shoulders were slouched and his spine was curved forward. He had both his arms and his tail wrapped around his legs, and his head was resting in between his knees.
"Oh, Mounty..." Swiss' voice was soft, but it sounded loud in the empty greenhouse since the only other sound was Mountain's crying.
The earth ghoul lifted his head and sobbed. His face was damp with his tears and his nose was a little runny.
"Why do I have to be such a monster?"
Swiss' stomach clenched at Mountain's broken voice. He sighed and stepped closer, getting on his knees beside the ghoul.
His arm draped over Mountain's lower back and he lays his head on the curled up ghoul.
"You're not a monster, sweetheart," Swiss whispers.
"I am!" The outburst was small, but it seemed so loud in the tranquility of the greenhouse, which was now full of decaying plants.
Swiss sighs and rubbed Mountain's back.
"What happened, hm?"
Mountain was quiet for a moment.
"I liked someone. I liked someone and they were horrified of me," he choked out.
Swiss didn't expect a thorough explanation. He knew it often hurt Mountain to talk about saddening things in deep detail.
At that point, Swiss knew everything about Mountain. From the food textures he hates to his favorite type of tree, from his social anxiety to his trauma from the Pits.
"They're missing out, baby," Swiss said. "You're the sweetest ghoul I've ever met, and that's saying a lot."
Mountain felt the multi's lips press a soft kiss to his shoulder blade.
"You're not as bad as you think, or as bad as they think. You're not bad at all."
Swiss voice was soft and reassuring. He didn't need many words. Mountain didn't like when there were too many words. Mountain appreciated when things were soft spoken or just communicated silently. And in that moment, all that mattered was what Mountain wanted.
"I hate my height," Mountain hissed. "I hate being scary."
Swiss sighed.
"I don't. I don't hate anything about you. I don't think it's possible for me," he whispered. "You're so fucking perfect. And beautiful too. I mean, those eyes, those antlers, that smile?... You're as sweet and pretty as all those flowers you grow."
Swiss lifted his head and Mountain straightened his back to look at him.
"You don't mean that."
Swiss hated that. Of course he meant it.
"I do, though. I do mean it. And just because others don't agree with me, or you don't agree with me, doesn't mean it isn't true," Swiss said, his voice firm but kind.
"I love you, baby. Your height, your body, nothing could ever change that."
Mountain huffed and argued again, still not believing the other ghoul's words.
"Okay, so you love me. I love you too. But I also love other people, and those people can't even look me in the eye," Mountain forced out. "I brought them a bouquet with a bunch of different flowers with different meanings. I just wanted to tell them they were pretty, Swiss... And they couldn't even speak. They just sat there, and stared at me like I was some psycho."
Swiss frowned and bit his cheek.
"It's the same look, Swiss. Every damn time. With Phantom, Aurora, Pebble, Copia and Terzo, and almost every Sibling Of Sin at this damn church. The same look, every time. Fear, judgement, shock. Hell, I've seen people cry from just looking at me..."
Swiss now had tears pricking at the corner of his own eyes. He wordlessly pulled the Mountain in for a hug.
Mountain sat limp as Swiss' arms wrapped around him. He didn't react or reply to the kiss pressed on the side of his head, or the one against his neck.
"There's nothing wrong with you, Mount. Other people's fears don't shape you. You know by now who you are. You know you're kind, you know you're gentle, sweet, quiet, you know yourself. You need to stop focusing on the way others look at you and focus on the way you want to look at yourself."
Swiss pulled back and cradled Mountain's face in his hands, rubbing the years away underneath his puffy eyes.
"I love you. Your pack loves you. You need to start loving yourself. Your height isn't anything to be ashamed of. Think of all the joy every insecurity has brought you, like your height. Remember all the times the you have piggy back rides to the Siblings' kids? How they loved how tall you were because they felt on top of the world when they were on your shoulders. Remember all the times you saved us from Dew's wrath after he couldn't reach something?"
The two both laughed softly as Swiss mentioned the fire ghoul's short temper (and figure).
"Look, baby, my point is... There is nothing about you that you need to be ashamed of. You're loved, height and all. Don't be controlled by people's first looks at you."
Mountain's smiled and sobbed softly.
"You're beautiful, sweetheart. No matter how long you are. I love you so much."
Swiss looked at Mountain with an affectionate and tear filled gaze. He leaned in and kissed him softly.
Mountain pulled back and pushed his forehead against Swiss' to mutter a thank you.
Swiss didn't reply with words. Instead, he grinned and grabbed Mountain's face. He began littering kisses all over the earth ghoul's teary face and the two both erupted into a fit of giggles.
And then, as they shared their loving moment with each other, the flowers all around the greenhouse started to bloom again, looking more alive than they ever had before.
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mariondeux · 2 years
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CW ; NSFW, Netorare, cheating, non-con, breaking and entering, praise, mindbreak in a way
PAIRING ; Mayoi Ayase x Male!Reader
A/N ; I.. got distracted and ended up postponing this.. again 💔
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Your perpetrator fucked into you with desperate, sloppy thrusts. It was as if you would simply just disappear from under him if he hadn’t. The tip of his long, purple hair tickled your face as his head hung low. You could barely register anything anymore, you don’t even know how long you’d been here. Your body twitched and reacted to the way he fucked into you. You had even forgotten the fact that your boyfriend— Or, your ex boyfriend, was watching with a horrified face in the corner. 
You found yourself falling deeper and deeper into this rabbit hole, succumbing to the man above you as he mumbled constant words of praise.
“So good, so good, so good, so good! Your body belongs to a saint! I’m so honored to fuck you like this!" He sobbed. His he came inside of your ass another time, fucking his cum deep into you as his thrusts hadn’t relented. He couldn’t stop, not when even he's already overstimulated. Your body was so addicted, he could be here like this forever. He shakily moved his hand over to your dick and jerked you off. It wasn’t perfect, but it was just the right sort of stimulation to set you off.
“You belong to me, right? Tell me you belong to me!” His gorgeous blue eyes stared at you with want and need and possessiveness. He looked so fragile, a desperate man in rut that you never would have taken him the type to say something like that. You did not know how enamored he was with you, you had no clue how far he’d go just to get a taste of you.
It wasn’t a bad thing per se, in fact it was so incredibly attractive.
“Fuck yes! Fuck me like I’m some cheap whore, please!” You screamed, and it was that line alone that the situation finally settled in on your ex-boyfriend in the corner. You weren’t his anymore. You belonged to the purple-haired man that broke in and forced himself onto you.
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TAGLIST ; @exhokai @shuvies @venniin @leeuxry @s1cklyang3l @4kumaa @ambassadoro @noahrandom @mayoisilly @1694 @ajaints @berrycolaa @Mikonyu @twst-rui @trulyminervas @trulyamane @kytesakuma @procrastination-is-my-profession @saikisolosgoku @maharutolol @maxx0inwonderland @Chiakiiyi @resluv @secretivemessenger
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llalalalela · 2 months
Hello the seven people who actually liked the idea of me writing a fic and all other people who have fallen down the rabbit hole. The fic I promised is here although it's not exactly a fic but a drabble but that was the best I could come up with for now. This is my first time publisihg anything I have written so I apologise for it being short and if the characters are ooc. I also apologise for any grammatical errors as english is not my first language. Also this is your reminder to help plastinian famillies in need! All that out of the way, enjoy! Constuctive criticism is always welcome just be nice.
As the door to the bedroom closed Hyacinthe leaned back against the headboard and smuled at Tiernan "You know, I never thought I would see you throwing pillows at the prince of Elfhame. I guess there is a first time for everything" but Tiernan didn't seem to hear him. His lover, because that's what they were again despite all odds, seemed lost in thought. He had that same expresion on his face that he always had when he was lost in his own mind and looking at him then Hyacinthe couldn't help but to admire. It's not only that he was beautiful, all of the fae were, but there was somethung special about him, aspecially in moonlight. For so long Hyacinthe had wished to see him like this again, not just the brooding serious spy hanging behind the prince like his shadow, but Tiernan, his Tiernan, the man who held a piece of him and who he believed he was doomed to loose. Now that they were together again Hyacinthe felt more complete than he did in ages. Sure there was a lot they were yet to discuss, and thwir relashionship still felt fragile but they were together and, as far as Hyacinthe was concerned, that was enough. Tiernan shifted and Hyacinthe mentally cursed himslef for getting lost in thought when the other was still clearley shaken by the prince's words. "Still thinking about what the prince said?" At this Tiernan finally turned to him and nodded. "Honestly I don't know what to do now" he said. "I've been protecting him and standing by his side for so long that now, without the purpose of protecting him, I don't really know what's left for me. I know I still have his friendship, and I have you" this last part was said carefully, like if he dared hope to much Hyacinthe would disappeare and it broke his heart a little. Tiernan continued "but I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I guess I'm out of a job amonngst other things" this last part was said with a bit of a laugh in his voice and Hyacinthe decided ir was time he got involved. "Look I know it's difficult and a bit confusing but it's also good. Now you are free to do what you wish without fearing for the prince's life, your life can be your own, not tied to anyone else. And as for the job you have all the right qualifications, I'm sure the queen will find a suitable position for you. And besides the prince can write you a reccomendation letter stating how incredible you were at saving his ass." This earned him a small laugh from his lover, wow he could really get used to that again, and Tiernan shifted so that he was now laying with his head on Hyacinthe's chest. "I suppose you are right, but still it will take some getting used to. And you were wrong by the way." "Oh really, what about?" "My life not being tied to anyone, I'm tied to you a piece of me is always with you." "My my such romanticism, and from the brooding spy none the less. Dont let anyone else hear you." Tiernan laughed, properly this time, and it struck Hyacinthe just how much he missed that sound. "Yeah well you are not getting rid of me again, not after everything." "You are not getting rid of me either." "Good." And as they sat there in silence pressed against each other Hyacinthe thought that perhaps he was more right than he dared to think. Perhaps they would be all right.
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takami-takami · 9 months
Hate hate hate looking for pictures of bunnies because everyone seems to think it's cute to put them on their backs when it's fucking dangerous. Rabbits get tranced when on their backs, which is why they stay so still. It's a prey response. They're playing dead. It can be incredibly frightening or stressful for some rabbits, which is why if you ever see a video, they usually scramble back to their normal stance after they're moved.
THIS IS DANGEROUS. Rabbits are incredibly fragile and can twist and damage (even break) their spines trying to get out of the trance position. You should only do it under veterinary supervision or if it is absolutely necessary.
It's not "cute." Don't reblog or repost images of rabbits on their backs. The less people that pay attention to pictures like that, the better. Just inform people and move on.
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oftenwantedafton · 8 months
Vent - Steve Raglan/William Afton/Springtrap x Female Reader
Chapters 31-33
Rating - Explicit
Warnings for sexual content and blood kink
Also available on AO3 Chapter 31 | 32 | 33
Chapter 31 ~ the rabbit ~
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William remembers the day he’d met the rabbit.
Not even a decade old and already full of dreams. His imagination had always run wild. He had spent the majority of his youth outdoors. How funny to think of that now. How much things have changed.
Eight year old William Afton loves the back yard with its tall trees and sprawling lawn and the tidy rows of his mother’s vegetable garden. That space was the perfect backdrop for adventure. He invents so many stories and characters, studying the world around him with the innocence and wonder that only a child can have. He’s just finished a crusade past the neat lines of carrots and lettuce and parsley when he sees it.
The rabbit is wild; small, brown, young. Nose twitching gently, dark button eyes regarding him solemnly. The natural instinct to flee from a potential predator seems absent as he cautiously approaches, not wanting to startle it. The nose stills. The boy’s fingers stretch and gently stroke between the eyes. Soft. So incredibly soft, and warm. The nose moves again. He gently rubs between the ears that are still little, just gentle miniature curves for now.
He eases down into the grass, sitting cross legged and the rabbit struggles to hop and climb into his lap. He laughs in surprise and delight, assisting the little bunny. So easy to tame, just like that. He cradles the fragile creature and continues to stroke the fur.
The summer sun is warm on his skin.
Your hands caress William’s features. You’re warm and soft against him, lying on the windshield underneath the stars on a perfect summer evening. “I love you.”
Oh. He hasn’t heard those words in so long. Had stopped believing in them. Regarded them as a sign of weakness.
Were they actually, though? What if he wanted to believe again? Wanted to feel…
He does feel, and that knowledge surprises him. He’s lied for so long about so many things. But this emotion is not a lie. There is no selfish motive behind the desire to give voice to it. He wants nothing other than to be able to say it; gift it as sincerely as you have to him.
Let yourself go.
He shudders and tucks his face into the space where your neck and shoulder join. He thinks of the soft, fragile creature he’d held in his arm that summer day so long ago. “I love you,” he whispers.
“I remember you,” William says quietly.
Of course there is no doubt. You are the girl he’d intended to murder nine years ago. The lost child at the edges of the crowded room, ignored and unwanted. He’d wanted you. Wanted to drag you with him into the darkness.
But you’d escaped. He’d been clumsier then. Inexperienced. That’s what had saved your life.
Imagine if he had been successful. You wouldn’t be here beside him right now.
“What do you mean?” Your voice is hushed, wary.
He cannot tell you. Admitting the truth would mean losing what he’s just regained. “I remember seeing a young girl in the back rooms. I wondered why she was there. Sometimes people try to sneak a peak behind the scenes, but she seemed terrified. I never found out why, just saw her go back to the party. It must have been you.”
William’s eyes dart to the rearview mirror.
The yellow rabbit’s eyes glow brightly. “If you don’t tell her the truth, I will.”
Let me have this. Please, just let me have her. I don’t want to hurt her.
“You destroy everything you touch. Do you really think this will be any different?”
It’s not true. The rabbit…I kept it safe. I loved it. I love her.
“Let me out.”
The older man clamps a hand over the mirror, leaning towards you.
“William? Are you alright? You seem…”
“I’m so glad you weren’t hurt. So happy you’re with me.” His mouth closes over yours. “Tell me again how you feel about me,” he urges. His chest aches. The hand still clutching the mirror tightens.
“I love you,” you respond breathlessly. Your lips leave a trail of kisses on his face, moving across his forehead, nose, cheeks, jaw. “I love you so much, William.” Your mouth rediscovers his.
The mirror cracks.
William glances at it warily as he relaxes his grip, easing back into his seat.
The yellow rabbit is gone.
Chapter 32 ~ genesis ~
You watch William struggle to fit the key to his front door in the lock.
You cover his hand with your own and he grows still. Not rigid like earlier, when you’d shared your vague memories of the incident at the restaurant; but soft, relaxed, limp. Letting you guide him. His reaction to your musings still puzzles you. He’d seemed almost afraid.
The door pushes open with a sigh. You don’t make it past the kitchen before his hands come around you and his mouth finds yours. The lights are still off, the only illumination in the room from the moon spilling into the windows. He pushes you back towards the counter. You reach out to brace yourself to maintain your balance and you find something metal. The handle of a butcher knife.
“I want you to cut me again,” you pant against his ear. You’re addicted to it. There is no longer any fear. You just want, want, want.
You feel his body tense, the feverish kisses dissipating. “I didn’t mean to leave that out.” He sounds doubtful, as if he can’t recollect even doing so. “It wasn’t meant to be a hint. You don’t have to do that tonight…”
“I need it,” you insist, dragging his hand over to the handle, your body writhing impatiently against his. “Please, William. I want to bleed for you. I want your mouth on me, drinking from me…” The hand beneath yours trembles. “I trust you. I love you. Let me show you how much.”
The older man moans softly and you feel his fingers close around the handle. He grabs a fistful of the camisole top you’re wearing and punctures a hole with the blade, tearing the fabric open, exposing your chest to him. You fumble for the opening of your shorts, shoving them down, your panties moving right along with them. A quick pair of movements to step out of them and kick off your shoes and then your hand moves back to his occupied one, guiding the sharp edge to rest along your abdomen.
“Please, William.”
Another moan. The blade strokes against your skin. The blood that drips down is so warm. You’re on fire.
The knife clatters back onto the counter. William falls to his knees before you, a supplicant before an altar. Licks along the cut. Plants kisses along your stomach and hips and parts your legs with his tongue, pushing through to taste your pussy. You arch against him. Slide your fingers through the sticky hot blood and feed it to him.
“Fuck me,” you plead and he does, with his mouth and his fingers but it’s not enough, you want his cock buried in you, filling you up. He lifts you onto the counter and you open his pants and he thrusts into you, one hand braced against the overhead cabinet. You wrap your legs around him, rutting against him, sucking and biting his bottom lip. “You feel so good…” You feel around blindly for the knife again. You want to mark him and taste him, take him into you in every way possible. “Take your shirt off. I want to feel you against me.” You’re used to him taking the lead but tonight you’ve slipped into the role and you’re drunk off the power of it, watching him obey you. He pulls the shirt over his head and you immediately lap at whatever you can reach, laving with your tongue, teeth scraping. His skin is salted, delicious.
Now you want that special taste of metal.
There’s something almost blasphemous about the line you carve under his ribs. Adam’s donation to create Eve, his one true love, his heart’s desire. You’re made for him, for this, exultant when the heat flows over your fingers. He thrusts forward and his cock and the knife go deeper but you keep the kitchen tool steady. He wants this. You want it, too.
A cloud shifts outside and the light now focuses on William’s body. His blood looks black. An achromatic blotch of spilled ink. The exact shade of his eyes when he looks at you and wants. You bring your stained fingers between your mouths and you both lap at the taste. He grabs your hips and fucks you faster, harder. He’s shaking violently. Soaked in sweat and the blood you’ve painted him in. You tighten around him, the tang of copper heavy on your tongue when he spills into you.
Chapter 33 ~ monster ~
William looks down at your slumbering form.
He knows the exact moment when the yellow rabbit reappears, not even sparing him a glance, his gaze remaining focused on you.
“Look at the monster you’ve created.”
She’s not. It’s me. It’s always been me. I’m the monster.
“A rare instance of honesty at last.” The rabbit chuckles darkly. “I did warn you. Both of you, for whatever good it did. You destroy everything you touch. You’ve utterly corrupted her. Why delay any longer?”
William’s eyes flick upward. The rabbit’s decaying face is pressed close to the looking glass in the corner of the bedroom. There is nothing left of the kinder design he’d modeled after that cherished wild rabbit from his childhood.
“Not yet.” He forgets to respond in his mind and you stir, murmuring his name. “Nothing. Go back to sleep, love.” He reaches out to stroke your shoulder and winces when the movement tugs the newly formed scab along his ribs. The wound was deep, nearly needing sutures. He’d been reckless.
“You should wake the children. I’m sure she’d enjoy meeting them.”
Afton inhales sharply. I said not yet.
“I grow tired of this waiting. You’ve kept me locked up for far too long. I want to speak to her again.”
“Can’t you hear it? The blood sings to us…”
“Remnant. The promise of forever.”
No. His fingers knot in the sheets.
“Will you bring her with you into eternity?”
“I said no!”
“William.” You sit upright, struggling against the tangle of sheets and blankets. “What’s going on?”
He heaves a shuddering sigh. “I’m sorry. Bad dream.”
“Turn off the light and come here.” He switches off the bedside lamp and lets you pull him back down with you. After a time he hears your breathing slow. You’re asleep once more.
He stares sightlessly into the darkness until the room becomes gray with the coming dawn.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
As promised
A Patreon nsfw
Because I hit 50 on twitch
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Pah loved his husband more than anything or "mate" as (name) refered to him, the succubus falling hopelessly in love with the other who managed to push through the walls of the sex demon and build a happy relationship with him.
He still remembers when (name) showed him his true form.
"Beautiful..." Pah said wide eyed to the demon who looked back at him almost awestruck "but this... this isn't what you want?"
"It's everything I want and more!" Pah said loudly as he smothered his lover in kissed, mindful of the horns.
Tonight was special, tonight was feeding night and since (name) put a claim mark on pah, he could only feed off him specifically.
And (name) was hungry.
Pah barely got through the door before his boyfriend was all over him, using magic to keep himself elevated as he wrapped his legs around pah, one resting over his shoulder as he kissed him heavily "took too long..." (Name) hissed out, eyes black and his more demonic attributes came out "I'm here now" pah said carrying his horny husband to the bedroom where (name) was plopped on the bed.
You see, (name) could just let his mate fuck him silly and get fed but god did it taste better when the other person's fantasies got played out, it just made the energy tingle through him.
Pah was always in awe at (name)s magic, black smoke swirling around him and wrapping around his limbs and manifesting into black rope that bound his body and left him "helpless" to his husband.
"Please..." (Name) said breathlessly as he felt pah touch his legs "please fuck me..."
Pah could never get used to how beautiful his husband was, the two completely devoted to one another and Pah wanted to give him everything.
Pah pulled him close by the ropes wrapped intricately across his chest and into a kiss, tongues dancing as they felt the energy pass even if it was just tiny shreds.
Pah groped at his chest and pulled at his nipples pulling from the kids to watch (name), he was always extra sensitive on feeding days and it was his favorite thing to watch (name) slowly unravel from pleasure "O-oh fuck!" (Name)s eyes were contorted as he let pah play with him, one of the man's hands moving lower to jerk his cock aggressively "p-please just fuck me!"
Or (name) would take his meal himself.
Pah could feel the hunger radiating off his lover and lifted his legs to see his pretty ass, ready to be stuffed "come on~ fuck me fuck me fuck me!" "Stop demanding, you know you're gonna get your food baby"
"Then shove that fat fucking cock in me!"
He was always an angry fucker when hungry, pah thought he looked like a feral rabbit when he was like this.
Pah shoved his cock in, giving (name) no time to adjust as he began fucking (name) senseless. (Name) let his skin be as fragile as a humans, loving the feeling of bruises from his lovers grip as pah flipped him "gonna fuck you real good" he said laying a heavy slap on (name)s ass that physically pushed (name) forward as a shiver rippled through him, a slutty moan escaping his lips.
"Yesyes! Fuck you're good!"
(Name)s words always was an ego boost because pah knew his husband was incredibly blunt in the bedroom.
The bed was shaking as they fucked, neither would be surprised if it broke.
If it wasn't for (name)s magic to repair it, they would have gone through many bed frames.
Pah kept slapping (name)s ass as he fucked him senseless, sucking Hickeys on his skin and tugging on the rope "fuck... Gonna cum!"
"Do it! Don't waist a drop!" (Name) screamed as Pah have a few hard thrusts before they came together, (name) unable to control his magic briefly through the orgasm, shape shifting through various appearances as his body flopped on the bed.
"Mmmmm" (name) moaned as pah felt a bit tired, having his energy physically taken from him "take a break baby... Then that cocks mine again"
Tonight was gonna be long.
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vampire-connoisseur · 11 months
ive decided what to do with my worsted alpaca. i have a skein of rabbit wool which is completely unsuitable for the exterior of anything because rather than being normal plied yarn it is somehow. well its like a mohair but strange. i nabbed it under similar circumstances to the alpaca wool but it didnt work out for what i had planned. anyway its incredibly fragile and probably impossible to clean HOWEVER it is softer than baby jesus's butt cheeks so i really want to use it for something, particularly in a way so that it will be right up against the skin. i have just enough alpaca wool to knit a pair of men's gloves, which should be big enough that i can repeat the pattern at a tighter gauge with my rabbit wool to make rabbit-lined alpaca gloves... which is quite possibly the most fancy and expensive clothing item ive ever heard of. this would be owned by some wealthy lady in a fantasy novel, and ive decided i need it now for my gremlin fingers. anyway thats the hope but ive never actually knit a *thing* before, only swatches to learn the basic stitches and a cowl which im... putting on hold now... for... reasons... so well see how it goes.
i need to acquire some double-pointed needles first so i have another project for before this, which is a lace triangle handkerchief which im also knitting, but flat because i dont have circular needles, so its kind of warped already. its fine though; i want to wear it around my neck so the warped bit wont actually show much or at all.
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alwek · 1 month
Fuck it, I made some OCs for the specific purpose of sharing them
I've decided to make a practice WIP to do brain breaks between stints of my novel and get some writing practice in. It takes place in my favourite underutilized genre, modern fantasy. Magic and technology exist alongside one another. Mythical beasts exist, as do many intelligent species that have made up a society to live in together.
Are part of a secret government team that is tasked with missions to keep the peace. This organization is definitely not secretly evil :)
He's a gecko type flavour of lizard man. His role of the team is recon/sniping. He knows hacker stuff, and is good with guns but stumbles in closer quarters, especially against multiple enemies. He's got specially made weaponry that can use his quickly regenerative scales as ammunition, and he can expose sticky pads across his hands, feet, and back.
He's quiet, secretive, takes things too literally quite often, and tends to hold back.
They're a wolf person and the team tank. Capable of taking hit on hit on hit and using it to boost their own physical strength exponentially. If this goes too far, they can start losing control and tearing themself apart until they can't move anymore.
They're brash, honest, quick to temper, and slow to catch on.
She's the teams only human. She's got a magic mask that can't be taken off and allows her to configure its magical material into different forms. One that's fast and sharp but fragile. One that is slow and can hardly attack outside a shove but can defend from anything. One that makes her incredibly stealthy but unable to attack (outside her own physical capabilities). And one that lets her fire various kinds of projectile, but lacks aptitude in all other aspects.
She's quick on her feet, chatty, dedicated to work, and uncompromising
She's a rabbit cyborg with a CRT television for a head. She does all mechanics for the group and can figure out how to use any machine within minutes. Her face screen can also be tuned into the future by flipping her channels (her head is a working radio/video receiver) to the right station. When this happens, her screen will turn to static after a minute and can't be viewed again for at least a day.
She's perceptive, but aloof, humorous, and easily distracted
So yeah I guess Imma just try to do daily character bits/updates/etc. For these fellas because why the hell not. Gotta buff up my noodle a I think amd this'll be good warm up stuff
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roamingtigress · 1 year
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More super interesting things I discovered while playing Dutch on RDO:
-The guy is the equivalent of the Scrawny Nag. His initial health/stamina is shite (seen in the screenshots; that's what they're when I get him into the game). He is FRAGILE and needs to be fed a healthy breakfast of tonics and seasoned meat throughout the day (I accidentally got up him up to Overweight and he's still lean smh, not fair to the rest of us). It's a bit funny considering what he looks like in the Union suit but I'll put it down to a realistic bit of detail considering his age.
-He gets twitchy over hearing gunfire, gets into this defensive pose and sometimes unholsters his handgun if the gunfire is close enough (particularly doing the bounty/trader/moonshine role). Yesterday he brought a bounty into San Denis and there were some players scrapping a block away; he braced himself, and didn't unholster his semi-autos (which if he did I'd quickly unholster) but he still thought it was an activity of GREAT CONCERN. The first time I saw this (I think it was a bounty) I audibly spoke "woah!" Another time I had him sitting at the fire at the camp, there was gunfire going off from those random defend-a-camp events that pop up, and he got up, ready for action and he whooped some ass. That awareness he has of stuff going on an an area is amazing and again forces me to focus on detail.
-Dutch's need to look at EVERYTHING (yes Dutch that's a horse, yes Dutch that's a raspberry bush, yes that's a wagon, yes that's your husband, yes that's a 1 star rabbit, don't make me put some blinkers on) drives me batty at times (for as endearing as it actually really is) when I want to get screenshots of him but it's also really immersive and made me focus on all the details instead of rushing through as I've done with my OC character. He also completely zeroes his eyes in on his bounty target which I thought is super cool. Who needs Dead Eye?
-He SULKS in the rain.
-His gait changes by whatever shoes he's wearing; when he's in his top hat ensemble he GLIDES. When he's wearing that red/black top ensemble he SWAGGERS. Again a very cool detail.
-Dutch can be THROWN. He was minding his own business, having a drink in Valentine when this player came in, gave him a look, seemed to have just grabbed him back of his pants and tossed him halfway across the room. He just kinda did this floppy Kermit flail. SO dramatic.
-His NOT AGAIN protests can be so funny. Like once he was attacked by a lion (that Hosea KICKED TO DEATH) that someone spawned into camp as if it happened before.
-He's sullen in bigger towns (Blackwater, Saint Denis), but gets a soft eye back at camp (as seen in the last two screenshots above (he' in the camp tent), trail rides, and anywhere not in those towns. He often looks very reflective as he rides around, just taking in the scenery.
The details like this that I've picked up on playing him are INCREDIBLE. With how smooth he is to play, It's almost as if it was intended that we'd play him but it was never made official or such.
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vampcubus · 1 year
True. And my ass needs a whimpering Gyutaro, so here we are. Enjoy the submissive thingamabob my half awake brain concocted, dear. Despite his acrid personality and rough appearance, Gyutaro is surprisingly obedient as a sub, often complying without question and rarely ever needing to punished. In fact, his brattier side next to never rears its head unless his day's been particularly bad and he's clinging to that little shred of pride he has. What do you do to tame him then? First off, make sure to restrain him after establishing that he was outright pissing you off. He'll spew vitriol at you, but, as his dom, you know that he was lying through his fucking teeth while being bound by your pretty wisteria soaked ropes. Just stay collected and tack on another punishment by tying a cloth gag around his head. "If you're going to talk to me like that, then little brats like you don't get to speak." Gyutaro won't like that and try to gnaw through the fabric. Pull his hair if he tried, it's a weak spot and it often gets his eyes rolling if you tug roughly on the tuft atop his head. Make sure to tease him for it. When Gyutaro gets bratty, you'll very much need to be a hard dom, making sure to break him to send him to subspace, so being versatile is needed, as one day he'll act like a snuggly bunny rabbit that just wants to rest his head in your lab and the next he'll behave like a rabid St. Bernard dog that's ready to tear off everyone's arms. Manhandling him will come in handy; he internalized the idea of you being fragile, so he's likely to give little to no resistance if you decide to force him into whatever position you see fit, though he will growl and tell you to watch yourself or he'll bite you. The gag method silences that. Mild impact play also works too, plus he likes it. Breaking skin with your nails? He's drooling. Hitting his thigh roughly with a flog? Yes, please, that gets him going. Biting him until he bleeds on the back of his neck or anywhere his black marks are? Moaning like a bitch in heat. Congrats, he's hit subspace. After that, you can go back to being soft, pliant, your sweet boy. As for what type of sub he is normally, he's very much a sub that's built to serve and needs praise with a few rough touches to make him cry out and whine for you to use him as you saw fit. You wanna peg him? He's asking what position. Want him to eat you out? Would you like to sit on his face or have him kneel between your legs? Wanna ride him? Already whimpering in anticipation. He's built to worship you, practically kissing the ground you walk on. Lay on the praise though, he needs it, deserves it, now that he's behaving him, doesn't he deserve to be told he's being good? Of course he does. Gyutaro also cries when he cums, like, no matter if you edge or overstimulate him, he starts sobbing as he blows his load. It feels so good, he can hardly process it, he just feels so loved and warm with you, he can't contain his tears. You adore him enough to make him feel this way, it's overwhelming. He keens and whines if you kiss or lick them away. His sobbing progresses if you keep touching him after, so a safeword might be a good idea if you have trouble telling just when he's been pushed too far. For aftercare, Gyutaro is incredibly clingy coming back to earth. Hold him, shush him, tell him you love him, just...Let him hear and hold onto you, let him bury his head in your chest, he wants the closeness, it's all he's ever craved since meeting you, the feeling of finally being made to feel safe and loved is so priceless. He couldn't ever ask for someone more perfect than you.
ALL THIS FOOD!! 🧎‍♀️tysm for sharing, you’re making me wanna write for him so badddd. i do have a kinktober prompt for him i could be working on…
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Orion getting megatron sparked?Now, you got my attention
L i s t e n
I have this really angsty headcanon that part of the reason Megatron hates Optimus Prime so much is because he directly caused the miscarriage of Megatronus and Orion Pax's first child
Megs found out days before they were meant to go before the council wnd plead their case. Like less than 72 hours before. He needed both himself and Orion to be 100% focused on this presentation, and he knew his mate (in all but legal label) would be distracted, or try to postpone it, or try to shield him, or something, if he was aware that Megatron was with a brand new spark. Everything ofc went to hell at that meeting, and when Orion was whisked away to become Optimus Prime, his body remained but his consciousness did not.
Optimus Prime is a separate entity, in my eyes: he took over Orion's body and kicked him out or extinguished him, smothering him to the point his mind and thoughts were no more. Optimus inherited all of Orion's memories, but not the emotions paired with them. His spark's frequency even changed, and that was what caused the death of their child.
When Optimus Prime emerged in Orion's body, looking at Megatronus as a stranger and demanding he cease his protests and civil movement, coldly sending him away and threatening to have him arrested... it was too much. Because the newspark was only days from conception, it was incredibly fragile. It was feeding off of both parents, and still had a threadbare connection to Orion. With the change of his spark, that connection snapped, and the incredibly potent stresses Megatron underwent in the next several megacycles put too much strain on the spark. It extinguished shortly after and he suffered a painful miscarriage.
Fast forward to the war on earth: suddenly, Orion is back, looking at Megatron with love in his optics, touching him with the same tender love in his hands. Like nothing has ever changed. Megatron is so weak for Orion; he has so many complicated, unresolved feelings about him, about the way their relationship ended; he falls into bed with his old mate against his better judgement. He can't help it. The only stress relief, the only comfort, the only permissible moments of weakness he's had access to in 4 million years. Snow has a better chance in hell
Behind closed doors they're catching up on lost time, constantly, fucking like rabbits and sharing spark energy on the surface level.
It's only after Orion leaves and becomes Optimus, again, that Megatron finds out he's with spark. Again. Unwilling to go through another loss he decides to nip it in the bud and goes to Knockout for a termination, but halfway through the operation's prep he snaps and forces him to stop. He cant go through with this. This sparkling is his, just as the one from 4 million years ago was. The medic reports the little ones stable, not at risk of fizzling out, so Megatron swears him to secrecy and decides to either diapuse them, or carry them to term and then place them in stasis as soon as they're born so they can safely sit the war out
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bloodfromthethorn · 1 year
Some Assembly Required
Filling in a few of the prompts for @rosieblogstuff's June MacGyver Flashfic Writealong.
Also on Ao3
For a genuine, certified genius, Jack didn't think he'd met anyone as goddamn stupid as Angus Macgyver. The kid had brains and statistics and sheer, unstoppable determination in spades, but even after eight weeks in the field as a government agent he still hadn't quite picked up the habit of not charging headlong into active gunfire. He'd been warned about it repeatedly and occasionally with diagrams and yet, here they were again. Sure, Mac had insisted that he had a plan and, yes, technically his actions had been directly responsible for both neutralising the gunmen and incapacitating their target ready for capture, but it was the principle of the thing.
He genuinely didn't seem to grasp that the mission didn't matter to Jack if it got Mac killed.
Bizarrely, it made Jack think of flat pack furniture: the kid had all the right parts to become an incredible agent – clever, bold, determined,  good  – but getting it all to come together just right was still going to take some work. Some assembly required, as the saying goes. Which, on reflection, was pretty ironic considering Jack was sure Mac could put together an IKEA bookcase the same way that math whizzes could solve Rubik's cubes. All he'd need to do was blink and boom, there'd be a Kallax in the middle of his living room. 
…He might be getting off-topic.
The point was, the kid had the potential to be good. To be great, even. Jack was damn near certain that with the right guidance and a long enough lifespan to get some experience behind him, Mac could become one of the finest agents the US government had ever seen. The only problem was, he didn’t seem particularly invested in living long enough for that to happen. 
If it had been the first time, Jack might have been willing to let it go as youthful inexperience but if twice was a coincidence and three times was a pattern, then what did that make six times? In Jack's book, nothing good. Certainly nothing that he could allow to stand any longer. It had been a pressure point of their partnership ever since Mac graduated from spy school – with flying colours, needless to say – and it was long past time they sat down and dealt with it like adults.
At least, that's what he would have said if Mac hadn't rabbited the second he had the chance.
To be fair, hours later and more level-headed, Jack could admit that Mac was having a rough day. He’d had to tolerate Jack yelling in his face in the field, followed by getting the silent treatment the whole flight home, despite Mac’s multiple attempts at having a civil conversation. Then he’d arrived back in LA only to be absolutely reamed by Thornton for a solid twenty minutes, locked at Attention, staring straight ahead as the words washed over him. He hadn’t complained, he hadn’t flinched. Hell, he’d barely even blinked. 
And then, entirely unsurprisingly to anyone who’d been paying the slightest bit of attention, he’d done the one thing Jack hadn’t wanted him to: he’d taken himself home alone, and hadn’t been heard from since. 
In hindsight, he should have expected it. Mac was more open and pushy with Jack than with just about anyone, but he still had moments of doubt. Moments when Jack's rough edges had him concerned he'd somehow overstepped a line and ended up with him backing off like he was afraid he'd only do more harm if he stuck close. In their year and a half together, Jack had seen it a handful of times and it never failed to make him feel like an ass. Mac's trust in Jack's abilities was immense and nearly unbearable, but at the same time his belief in Jack's affection for him was fragile and gun-shy. All it took some days was a few harsh words, and the kid would retreat into himself like he'd been hit. 
After a long, stressful mission that was capped off by Jack kicking off over Mac's repeated failure to watch out for his own safety? Of course he'd make himself scarce. 
It was, coincidentally, the exact same reasoning for why Jack wasn't about to let him shut himself away.
He showed up at Mac's door roughly two hours after they'd landed back in LA. He'd been able to use the flight time to write most of his after-action report since he'd been looking for distractions to avoid talking to Mac, and debrief had been pretty short and sweet from his side. A quick detour to the showers to wash off the worst of the grime, and here he was, ready to mend some bridges. All he needed to do was keep his cool, the way he hadn't out in the field. He could do this.
On opening the front door to find the house eerily still and an opened first aid kit scattered across the kitchen counter, Jack rapidly started revising that statement.
“Mac?” He called out, automatically putting one hand on the sidearm tucked into the back of his jeans just in case. “You in here, bud?”
There was a long, tense pause. Then, quietly from down the hall, “Bedroom.”
Jack was moving before Mac had a chance to reach the end of the word. He didn't sound distressed or in pain, though there was definitely a lowness of tone that spoke of despondency, or perhaps resignation. He sounded a thousand miles from being happy that Jack was there.
Mac’s bedroom door was ajar, so Jack pushed it open with light fingers, still battling down the swell of adrenaline and panic so that he could at least try to start this conversation from a rational position. The room beyond was empty. “Mac?”
Fortunately for everyone involved, Mac didn’t give him long enough to freak out further before he appeared, whole and seemingly well, in the doorway to the ensuite. “Here,” he said lowly, raising one hand in a vaguely sarcastic wave. “What are you doing here? I thought you wanted to head home to get some sleep.”
“I– uh,” Jack started haltingly, automatically scanning Mac for anything that would justify someone scavenging the first aid kit and coming up empty. The dissonance between what he’d feared and the truth of what he could see before him clanged hollowly in his gut. “Uh, yeah. But I wanted to make sure you were alright first.”
Instead of rolling his eyes like Jack had expected him to, Mac just sighed. “I’m fine. Tired.”
“I’ll bet.” He paused, evaluating how he could push without forcing Mac to retreat even further. “Sorry, I’m not trying to get all up in your business, I promise, but– I saw the first aid kit and I thought… I dunno. Maybe something happened?”
Considering he’d walked up to Mac’s front door with a firm plan in mind, this was already going terribly. In all the time since they’d been back in the States, Jack had never felt so viscerally unwelcome in Mac’s home, and his own confusing jumble of emotions was certainly not about to help matters. Mac looked… exhausted. Worn down. Like Jack was just another in a long series of things Mac had had to put up with, when his daily quota for dealing with shit was already maxed out. Abruptly, Jack wondered if he hadn't actually made a huge mistake in coming here.
“It's nothing,” Mac responded woodenly. “Just a scratch.”
Jack's eyebrow crept up. “You trip and fall on your way through the door or something?”
“No, it's– Look. Why are you here? You seemed pretty keen to be rid of me earlier.”
It was Jack's turn to sigh, mentally rallying all the talking points he'd cued up on the drive over. “That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I owe you an apology. What you did back there was reckless as all hell and we do need to have a conversation about how you handle yourself on missions, but I shouldn't have yelled at you, and certainly not when we were still in the field. It was a shit way of handling my own panic and worse, it was absolutely the wrong way of trying to correct you. I'm sorry about it. I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again.”
The apology felt lessened somehow, delivered as it was across the wide emptiness of Mac's bedroom. Neither of them had moved from their posts by the room's respective doors. It was a far cry from the friendly chat around the firepit Jack had half-expected. 
The strain of it compelled him to continue. “You know, I forget how new you are to this. When we're out there and you're doing your thing, it's so hard to remember that you've only been doing this a few weeks. I shouldn't be surprised when you make a bad judgement call because you don't know any better yet. That's my bad, and I'll work on it, I promise.”
Mac still stood, unresponsive, gazing back at him with a faintly blank expression. He looked surprised, to a certain extent, but anything more was guarded away too carefully for Jack to parse. It was more than a little unnerving considering how easily Jack was usually able to read him.
“Mac?” He asked gently, caught off-guard by the complete lack of response. He’d expected either anger (likely) or warm relief (substantially less likely), so the absence of both felt out of place. Mac wasn’t usually one to take things like this lying down. “You okay bud?”
That drew a reaction out of him, finally, though not entirely the one Jack had hoped for. A line appeared between his eyebrows and he bit his lip for a moment, evidently weighing up what he wanted to say. And, of course, it was only now that Jack properly registered the kid didn’t just look tired – he looked pale. Alarm bells sprang into life so loudly, he nearly missed it when Mac finally responded. 
“There’s something I should have told you. You’ll be mad.” That was the only warning he gave before Mac reached up to tug at his loose-fitting shirt – one of Jack’s, he realised distantly – pulling the neck wide enough to reveal the neat line of stitches marching over the rise of his trapezius. The skin around it was red and puffy, freshly irritated. “One of those bullets got a little closer than I’d thought,” he explained before Jack could demand answers. “It’s shallow and it’ll be fine, but I know I should have told you about it.”
Jack’s first response was, unsurprisingly, to just about lose his shit. Finding out Mac was hurt was never an easy transition, but finding out he was hurt and that he’d purposefully hidden that fact? In any other circumstance, Jack would already be yelling. But. 
He’d already made that mistake once today. 
It didn’t help that it was obvious that was precisely what Mac was expecting from him, and that he’d already braced for it. He'd acquired that vacant, distant stare familiar to soldiers the world over who knew they were about to get the dressing down of a lifetime. Mac knew he was in trouble and he knew he couldn't talk his way out of it, so until the yelling was done, he'd checked out of the conversation. He'd just let it wash over him and do nothing more than hope that none of it was vicious enough to get through his armour. It was the same expression he’d worn when facing down Thornton. 
Except maybe Jack wanted to be done making that mistake. Maybe this time he could do what he should have done back out in the field. It wouldn’t make up for what he’d done, but maybe that wasn’t the point. 
“Ah, kid,” he said softly and tried not to wince when Mac’s head came up sharply in surprise. “What have you done to yourself?” 
He crossed the room slowly, like he was trying to approach a spooked horse, but it didn’t seem necessary. Mac had frozen in place to watch him. The view up close wasn’t actually as bad as he’d feared; as promised, the wound was relatively small – just skimming through the very top of his shoulder – and Mac had done a good job on the stitches. The wound was bad, but it could have been so much worse. 
Jack’s hand skimmed lightly over the ball of Mac’s shoulder, watching carefully as the damaged skin shifted and the stitches held. He’d still far rather that they’d been put in by a medical professional, but it was done and done well, so Jack made himself let it go with a quiet sigh. 
“You take some pain meds?”
Mac nodded. 
“And you cleaned it out good?”
“Yes. Honestly, I didn’t even know it was there until I got home and I… I just didn’t want to have to go all the way back to the office.”
Didn’t want to have to face Jack or Thornton again is what he didn’t say, but Jack fought not to let the sting of it show on his face. It was nothing he didn’t deserve. “Okay,” he said instead of arguing. Mac twitched in surprise again. “Just make sure you keep an eye on it for infection. If it gets worse, you’ll need to see a doctor, alright?”
“I can do that,” Mac said haltingly, clearly caught off guard. He let his shirt – Jack’s shirt – fall back into place, hiding the offending stitches from view. “I promise, I didn’t know about it before.”
“I believe you,” he said simply. It wasn’t the conversation he’d come here to have, and against all odds, the gunshot wound was somehow the lower priority topic. It was a testament to how badly the day had gone that Jack could admit that. 
Mac’s faint relief was palpable in the thin air between them and Jack hated to break it, but it had to be done. “We do need to talk though. About earlier.”
Instantly, all of Mac’s slack muscles snapped taut. He straightened up sharply, but didn’t speak.
All on Jack then. Okay. “Like I said, I didn’t handle it well earlier and I’m sorry for that. I shouldn’t have yelled. But we do need to talk about you putting yourself in danger like that. You can’t be doing it, Mac. Not if you want to stay in the field.”
Carefully, Mac stepped away. Ostensibly it was so he could perch on the end of his bed, but it was pretty clear it was so he could put some distance between them again. Given that they’d probably need it, Jack couldn’t fault the decision. 
“I didn’t take this job to be safe,” Mac said at length.
“You didn’t take it to die young neither.”
For the first time since Jack had arrived at his door unannounced, Mac showed a hint of frustration with a sharp sigh. “I’m not trying to get killed, you know.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re trying all that hard not to. Mac, you ran right into the middle of a gunfight. No vest or nothing. That scratch on your shoulder is nothing compared to what could have happened if you’d been even slightly less lucky.”
“I know that, but it worked, didn’t it?”
“That wouldn’ta mattered if you’d got killed doing it. Do you understand that? The mission don’t mean anything if I’m bringing you back to Bozer in a box.”
It was a low blow and the scowl on Mac’s face said he knew it. Still, he didn't snap back right away, something pensive buried in his expression beneath the frustration. The thing was, Mac knew he’d fucked up. He knew it wasn’t the first time either. Every time he put himself on the line, he saw his own failure in the abject panic that threatened to tear Jack apart at the seams, and yet he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He saw a path forwards and he took it, without ever really wanting to consider what it might mean for himself. 
In truth, he missed his own competence. He’d been a bad soldier, with his personal brand of conscientious objection and his chronic inability to follow orders, but he’d been an incredible EOD technician. He’d had some of the best stats in US Army history and he’d been quietly proud of that every day he’d woken up in the hell of the Sandbox. He hadn’t had a lot to feel proud about, lately. 
“I know,” he admitted lowly, dropping his gaze to stare hard at the floor between them. The last of his failing energy bled out of him in a rush. He slumped where he sat. “I know.”
Silence sat between them, Jack too surprised by the resigned admission to come up with anything intelligent to say and Mac too shamefaced to continue defending indefensible actions. Eventually, Mac decided that the only way forward was the truth. It couldn’t hurt more than the secrets had done, surely. 
“I don’t know that I’m cut out for this job,” he confessed. “Doesn’t feel like I’m doing all that well.”
Jack just barely refrained from snorting before he realised Mac was entirely serious. His eyebrows pinched up in strained disbelief. “Man, are you kidding? You’re the best recruit I’ve ever seen. Do you have any idea how many agencies would kill to get someone with even an ounce of your talent?”
Mac huffed, unconvinced.
“Look,” Jack pressed, caught out that this was something he even needed to say. Maybe he’d been being too hard on the kid all along. “I wasn’t joking when I said I forget how new you are to this. You’ve got some improving to do, sure, but that’ll come with experience. For someone who’s only been out of spy school two months, you’ve been doing insanely well. I mean it. I’ve never seen anyone adapt to this work better than you. There’s people who’ve been in the business for decades who couldn’t do what you do.”
He paused for a minute to let that sink in – though he had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn’t for a long time – then opted for a softer tone. “If you decide that you don’t want this job, then we’re out, no questions asked. I’ll fight Patty myself before I let her put you in the field when you don’t want to be there, but if it’s a matter of you thinking you’re not good enough? I promise you that you are.”
Mac’s whole body seemed to judder at that, eyes bright and wide. He looked lost, desperate for something – anything – to cling to. In the heat of his own anger, Jack had somehow missed just how much the day’s mishaps had shaken his partner. 
Slowly, he crossed the space between them and crouched down to put himself on eye level with where Mac was sitting. He didn’t reach out, wary of touching when it may be unwelcome, but tried to put on his best reassuring expression. “You hear me Angus? You’re doing just fine.”
There was a long, expectant pause and Jack felt his heart faltering in his chest before Mac gave a very hesitant nod, accepting the comfort if only just. Jack breathed out in a rush. Without stopping to let himself think about it anymore, he sat up and leaned in to pull Mac into a hug, pressing his head down against Jack’s shoulder and holding him there. A few heartstopping moments later, Mac reached out and wrapped his arms around Jack in return. 
“Thank you,” he mumbled quietly after a long moment. 
Jack just squeezed him a little tighter, mindful of his shoulder. It was still a long road ahead of them, but Jack had never been so certain of anything as he was that Mac was strong enough to take it. The kid had never once let a little hardship slow him down, and Jack was determined to be beside him every step of the way, ready to lend a shoulder to lean on whenever he needed it. He might have been too focused on everything else to notice the cracks starting to form in Mac’s supports, but he wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice.
“It ain’t nothing,” he told him. “We’re going to be okay, hoss. Promise.”
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a-flickering-soul · 8 months
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yes, hello, i am Asking :]
(also, opinions on the fact that Rabbit's apparently powered by milk?)
Rabbit cannot be powered by milk on a regular basis and all women do is lie. The heat of her steam boiler would cook all the proteins into all of her various crannies and nooks and some poor Walter Worker will have to go in with a Brillo pad and scrub her out. Miserable robot.
Anyways I think it's really funny and genuinely a mark of her own stubbornness that you have an incredibly robust and physical robot (and multiple war veteran) who runs on circuitry almost entirely based on a very fragile, specific logic? Like. . . one good thump and ALL of those gears get misaligned. This makes me think about the amount of insulation and proofing PWI had to have put in her just to stop her from rattling around whenever she jumped off a cliff or whatever.
I also? Enjoy thinking about how clockwork could potentially move limbs. Being able to trace each gear and cable as the signal travels to move a single finger? Fucking effervescent. It seems like an incredibly visual, tactile, deliberately analog way to build and maintain a robot and I as someone who is more mechanically minded than compsci find it very satisfying and cool also to think about.
There's also her refusal to get upgraded or repaired which I also adore. . . she's like this walking relic of technology both alien and archaic and it's so fun thinking abt how this super futuristic fantastical power core all ends up just boiling a bunch of steam and turning a bunch of gears. . . How many times did she have to get a gear or cog replaced because the teeth wore down? How many times did a cable have to be replaced because the tensile strength wore out and someone had to thread it through countless gears and notches? How many shims and patches and joins did she have to get in repairs? I love her so much and I love robots so much and I also love when robots don't work good on purpose.
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