#in nature‚ theyre already dead by that point
starrywill · 1 year
hey . why dont rabbits like horror movies
if something spooks them enough, theres a good chance they will just drop dead on the spot.
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24hrfrog · 6 months
!! w/ the top gun au x pjo theyre all baby teens, i think its more fun to mirror how percy was in the first book (yes i literally grew up on this series i will put top gun au in the very beginning ✊🫡) also no the pjo characters (literally everyone minus the gods and Charon) dont exist in this au theyre basically replaced with these four
idk the actual ages of mav, ice, goose n slider so heres a guess thats prob v wrong of their age gaps irl (like to the actors actual ages) but canon in my little au lol
+ 15, got to camp when he was a baby bc no one wanted him 🧌 he grew up there and survived, he stayed with the hermes kids until he was 10 when he was claimed :( zeus sucks.
+ has abandonment issues which is why he is stuck so close to ice as they have a strong connection, tries his best to always succeed due to fear of disappointment to zeus, tries to be mature but ends up crying and needing comfort (sad kid bro, too much stress, is being forced to grow up basically which is why mav is such a nice balance helping him be childish/immature whenever they argue— its all out of endearment)
+ 14, met slider when he was 9– is the reason slider got claimed in the first place when slider ended up discovering he could blast people saving ice from monsters chasing him up the hill, campers steered clear of slider after that due to the “ohh hes the son of zeus” effect so ice had slider and slider had ice, ice was claimed just a few days into camp life
+ bosses people around but its bc he knows and plans things they dont and never reveals why he tells ppl to do what until after the fact which can be kinda annoying but u just gotta trust ice— even if he tells u to stab him or if he betrays u for a second (lol). he finds patterns in peoples personalities that helps him guess what their reaction to different scenarios will be so he doesn’t get surprised by a lot of things and can defuse a situation with just words in a snap
+ 13, youngest lil baby, got to camp just a few weeks ago basically and got too many enemies when he helped his team win in capture the flag— immediately got claimed by ares after that especially when he fought dirty and took out slider mid game which pissed off the winner who had a streak going
+ naturally gifted, his adhd is a bit more intense than other demigods making reflexes and senses more heightened (a blessing and a curse) he prefers to sleep outside in a makeshift tent he has pitched up a little farther into the woods since he prefers nature more over other peoples company (minus goose) a lot of energy but a bit of a loner if no one he’s rlly close to is around— came from an foster family that adopted him that is apart of the demigod protection group, hasnt seen what campers like ice and slider have seen yet in the demigod world (friends dying, quests where no one comes back, parents being dead beats, etc)
+ 15, older than slider already has a crush (carole, a girl back in the mortal world he sees every summer, shes 16 and they were paired up as a pianist and singer for a performance which started off their relationship), got to camp when he was 13 and prefers non fighting activities, got claimed when he and the campers had a sing along
+ never rlly talked to slider or ice until mav got to camp and wouldnt stop pestering the only zeus child if he could shoot lasers out of his eyes, goose and ice get along fine tho ice sees a loyal comrade with goose which he admires, occasionally has sleep overs with mav in his tent outside whenever mav wants the company or a tranquilizer to sleep, gets too many migraines from shenanigans to the point he always has a thermos with a soothing tea and a case of Tylenol
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erinthesails · 1 month
Was earnestly mulling over the way that Ben spends like 90% of the show covered in blood, his own or someone else's and that he really truly ALWAYS is getting beat up, tied up, and otherwise physically incapacitated. And then I started thinking about huh, other characters get in fights too, but usually it's a more equal playing field. Other characters usually fight back, defend themselves even when theyre not likely to win. But despite getting his shit rocked more than anyone else (and usually deserving it), literally every time I can think of that Ben gets attacked he just...ragdolls and lets it happen.
I can't think of a single time he fought back in any physical fight. In fact, the only time he ever gets into fights on purpose is when he a) has the element of surprise, b) has a weapon, and c) is certain he can win. Im thinking of him killing Keamy, for example, or capturing Sawyer or shooting Desmond, etc etc. In any fight that doesn't happen on his own terms, he just gives up
And yeah he definitely identifies himself as the type to fight with manipulation and brains rather than physicality because he's just sooo much smarter than everyone else. But the unwillingness to fight back even when an altercation is inevitable is interesting, especially given the fact that we know his dad was physically abusive. Like, his first understanding of violence being at the hands of someone he had no power to stop or fight back against. And the ways that kind of wired him to just accept whatever punishment he's facing, and get recourse later through deception and manipulation
He tries to frame himself as "above" physicality and as someone whose power exists within the realm of the intellectual and psychological, but actually, physical violence and lies are deeply intertwined for him. In that brief scene where his dad grabs him in sayids cell, he doesn't start apologizing or appeal to his dad's better nature. He lies immediately, knowing that there's nothing he can do to stop himself from being harmed. Only to mitigate the harm done to him and the plant seeds for future retaliation
And then thinking about his approach to leadership and parenthood being built upon these skills of deception and manipulation that he developed directly in response to the physical violence he suffered at his father's hands. The relationship between Ben and Lying started as a tool of recourse to violence when there was no other option, and then it became a tool of violence in itself. He thinks he's not like his father because he doesn't let himself get ruffled or overwrought or angry. He doesn't hit Alex or overtly express power through force. But he'll lie until people are dead, and he'll lie to wash his hands of violence he orchestrated even if he didn't carry it out himself, and he'll lie to keep people in his control and he'll lie to feel powerful even when he already holds all the cards. He lies until there's no recourse for the people he has power over...except for violence. At which point he reverts back to that little kid again, accepts whatever violence is given to him. And then gets up, wipes off the blood, and starts the cycle again.
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scalproie · 4 months
for OTP asks. SubScorp: 9, 17, 51, 60. KazJun: 25, 26, 33, 51?
me thinking about love: hahaha yesss this owns
me getting asks and now having to put my thoughts in words: wait oh god
Anyway. Subscorp:
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
A child of their own? Nah. Kuai has enough maturity to realize that while he is a good teacher, he would not be a good father, both bc of his lifestyle and his lack of experience. Out of the two it'd be Hanzo who'd be more likely to consider children, but he's already been burned once (eh.) and considering how hard it is for him to move on, it'd be years into the relationship before he would see himself raise a child with someone else again, and by that point he and Kuai would be too old. And besides he already has been able to place his paternal projection onto Takeda, so he's good.
17. Who’s more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Hanzo. I see Kuai as someone who is extremely in control of his actions, out of discipline, out of fear, take your pick. I see him as someone who will keep his emotions in check even if it causes him to yearn to death, him doing smth that intense out of passion, while not downright impossible, is very unlikely to me unless its under very extreme and unusual circumstances. Hanzo on the other hand. Hanzo feels. Hanzo acts. If a situation arise where he feels a strong need to pull his lover by the waist and kiss him (most likely in the aftermath of a battle, both covered in blood and surrounded by dead bodies), by god he's going to do it.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Its looking for ways to spend more time together, like one forcing himself to wake up in the early morning to go sit in the gardens next to the other who wanted to hear nature wake up and feel the first rays of sunlight, or the other struggling to stay awake much later than he's used to at night because he does not want the interesting conversation they're having to end. Its making small meaningful gifts to each other as clan leaders that feel so personal to them bc they knew each other as individuals first before as figureheads. Its the small comments that they've managed to redeem their own clan in the other's eyes, and that said clan doesnt bring them pain as it once had because its embodied by the one who lead it and they have nothing but positive things to say about each other.
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Both. You get to sleep next to the one (1) person who does not suffer for the unnatural temperature of your body, and you both have potential nightmare-inducing trauma, and you have been denied intimacy for most of your life either bc it was forbidden or bc it was torn from you. I bet theyre both unconsciously clingy.
25. Do they have any hobbies they share?
Sparring is an obvious one. Kazuya said himself that fighting is a huge part of his life and Jun's strength does not come from nowhere, what better way for them to bond than to clash their family's opposite style against each other? As for their personal ones, I dont think Jun would understand sneaker-collecting nor would Kazuya understand bird-watching, but Jun would indulge Kazuya should he chose to open up and share that interest with her, and Kaz definitely does not have the patience for bird-watching but I could see him at the very least see the appeal of forest-bathing, even in a self-interested way.
26. What are their vices?
Kazuya is a pile of vices in a purple snakeskin trenchcoat. Jun's vice is Kazuya. Her choosing to love him and wishing for his wellbeing while knowing fully well he is not a good person who has hurt others (and as of t8, by his own admission in the first chapter, only death will make him stop) is the only thing that stops her from being a perfect, morally correct character. But that does not make her a bad person and that does make the love wrong or any less real.
33. Who’s the better cook?
So you'd THINK that with Jun's infamous cooking skills, I would say Kaz, right? Wrong. I think Kaz never had any reason to cook a single day in his life but still has some rudimentary cooking skills for his own personal gain. They're equally bad but with their abilities combined they'd be able to cook one (1) decent meal.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
For Kazuya, it's literally just trying. His world begin and ends with himself, any positive actions he could take for someone else will usually only be done if he get some hidden self-interest out of it. So him doing anything small for someone else, because he find them worthy of being aknowledged (most likely for their strength, bc power is EVERYTHING to him), because he doesnt view it as a weakness to connect them to himself, because he views their happiness as beneficial for him, aka make him happy in return, is the loudest he can be that he loves someone. Like I dont even have to try with this one, that's literally just his t8 ending??? Like he is NOT the type to say "I love you" outloud in the first place but you can just see in his ending that holy shit, he loves Jun, he loves her. For Jun, it's coming back. Jun will try, but she will not return to someone whom she does not love at the cost of her wellbeing, it's literally the lesson she tells Jin: "Your wellbeing is important to those who love you, so for their sake, you have to take care of yourself". So her coming back to someone, her staying with someone, is the biggest proof of love I think you can get from her. And Jun is just as lonely as Kazuya? But its the way they deal with loneliness that make them such a match: Jun is someone who endlessly gives and Kazuya is someone who endlessly takes, but with Kazuya, Jun has something to get if she's staying with him, and with Jun, Kazuya has something to give if he wants her to stay. Ying Yang once again.
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waffliesinyoface · 1 year
anyways i just read all of naruto in like a week so i am now qualified to have The Most Correct Opinions.
Land of Waves arc is unironically the best one
its also the ONLY standard mission in the entire manga?? literally, at no point does anyone interact with a client after tazuna, its all in response to orochimaru/akatsuki. Naruto your resume is ridiculous. The reason Kakashi is 6th Hokage is not because Naruto wasn't strong enough, but because he needed to learn what the actual job of being a ninja entails. Yes you are very strong but you do need to have a basic grasp of paperwork systems.
Its kind of weird that, out of all the akatsuki, kisame is the one who hangs around the longest. Most of the others show up, do their bit, and then are immediately killed. Kisame is introduced first and dies last.
i've already mentioned this in another post but the Cycle of Hatred thing does not work. It worked as a motivation for Pein, but like. The reason the villages kept declaring war on each other wasn't for revenge, it was because their economic system was inherently tied to being the one with the strongest military and also they were paranoid that if someone else got too strong they would be invaded first.
Related: they should've had warring clans exposition and details about the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd wars BEFORE Pein showed up. If there were more details about wars in the past presented in a tragic-but-still-overall-necessary light, then Pein showing up and going "you miserable bastards trample over everyone weaker than you and deserve to be punished or it." It would have had more weight. Literally you could've slotted this during Naruto's initial training with Jiraiya as a follow-up to Hiruzen's "The chuunin exams are a replacement for war" speech.
Sakura why the fuck didnt you marry Ino
Kishimoto did Sakura so dirty at every turn. Literally every time she gets screentime she goes "THIS TIME... I WILL BE THE ONE WHO PROTECTS YOU...!" and has a cool moment, and then gets immediately overshadowed.
Literally at one point she's like "in the chuunin exams i was so weak... i hid behind you guys at every turn" and i felt like I was going insane because both during wave and the chuunin exams she has moments where she's like "yeah i dont have any special powers but i DO have a knife and you're going through me FIRST, fucker" which is honestly way cooler to me than like 90% of all the jutsu bullshit. Literally she stands in between a berserk gaara and a crippled sasuke armed with nothing but a kunai and pure fucking grit.
its very funny to me that the first time naruto ever does a nature transformation its rasenshuriken. Kakashi woke up in a cold sweat one day and realized he forgot to do the most basic teaching about chakra theory when they were genin. Whoops.
Im sorry but i legitimately do not care about the sage OR his sons OR the reincarnation twist. Its not interesting to me and I WILL be ignoring it. I'm all for the sage being reminded of his kids or the idea of history being cyclical, but explicitly going "no youre a reincarnation, this was Fated" is dumb and kishimoto SHOULD feel bad.
Edo Tensei arc is unironically very funny to me. Kabuto is having a mid-life crisis and has turned into a snake about it, and has decided to raise a bunch of dead badasses for. reasons. honestly i am not sure how his goals required obito or the akatsuki??
Anyways he raises a bunch of badasses and WHOOPS theyre all comedians. Deidara and Sasori are bickering, Itachi is being even more of an unhinged control freak than normal, the Mizukage is curbstomping everyone while berating them for not hitting the weakpoints he's explicitly telling them about, Tobirama is annoyed at everyone but mostly himself for actually coming up with this jutsu, and madara puts his entire plan on hold for a minute because he sensed his ex boyfriend and got incredibly horny.
Orochimaru gets brought back to life and promptly goes "actually i take back my plans about konoha, watching sasuke is INFINITELY more entertaining. Also I'm going to help out against the akatsuki because Kabuto's snake fursona is a tacky knockoff of me and I'm disowning him for being lame." I also liked him being chummy with Tsunade, that was very cute. I kind of wish Jiraiya HAD gotten edo tensei'd so that all three sannin could have been reunited on the same side? It would have been cute??
I feel strongly that Sakura and Karin deserve to go to some hot springs together and mutually complain to each other about being unfortunately attracted to the most misogynistic man on the planet after kishimoto himself. Orochimaru and Ino can tag along because they LOVE gossip and complaining.
Gai being the only person on the planet strong enough to beat the crap out of Madara is great, actually. Yes you can block all ninjutsu and genjutsu, but can you block his fists? No.
The "special chakra" produced in uchiha brains is actually entirely unrelated to the sharingan. It mostly just causes brain damage. This is why Madara, Obito, and Sasuke are all Like That.
Obito's heel face turn and the ensuing team up with Kakashi is, against all odds, actually good. I am willing to overlook Obito temporarily coming back from the dead through sheer willpower both because its cool and because we've already established chakra is bullshit and ghosts exist.
Obito your plans are dumb, your motivation is stupid, your critical thinking skills are nonexistent, and your coping mechanisms are insane. Somehow I still like you, despite this??
Does anybody at all like kaguya. Anybody.
Everything about the epilogue annoys me. Mirai and Sarada can stay, everything else I am actively choosing to ignore.
Frankly I'm confused and appalled that kishimoto wrote sasuke and naruto like that, and then put them in heterosexual marriages with other people.
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dramallamas · 5 months
The (unserious) notes of Beyond Evil. Episode Three Edition
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Cant wait to psychoanalyse this episode later with the scriptbook!
Jinmuk je te deteste dont even dare feel sad you monster
that shot of Juwon lazing on his sofa im down bad
He has nice handwriting tho
Honestly when is this man not thinking about Dongsik
The fly jumpscared me bc of my headphones
Dongsik you bastard (affectionately)
He is not ok rn
Juwon eavesdropping was me and my flatmate last night trying to find out the drama
The camerawork in this show is beautiful omg
Dongsik has no right to look this fine rn tho
Oop spotted!
Jihwa knew both of them were at the station lol
And bada bing bada boom we are in the recording room
And theyre off and Jihwa is so done
Juwon is so like WTF with this whole thing.
If looks could kill Dongsik would be dead 💀
why at 5am?! WHY WERE YOU UP AT 5AM?!
Bro Juwon doesnt hold back
Dongsik <3
Juwon could murder im sure of it. He has it ij him.
I like watching the gay men fight… because its fun :)
THE ONLY TIME I WILL AGREE WITH HAN KIHWAN IS RN “What a nut job. I like him [Dongsik].”
Juwon pissing off Kihwan is just so great at all times.
Theyre gonna find the wrong body and blow this case even bigger
Dongsik again <3 the onlt dilf of my life tbh
My heart breaks for him though. He masks a lot if pain
“What if I ran into older Yuyeon on the street, but failed to recognise her. That worries me a lot…” 💔
Fellas is it gay to stare at another mans smiling photo for a long time whilst in your room?
Juwon you have always been a crafty bitch and I respect that
YJG is a brilliant actor he is a master at subtle emotions which makes him one of the most expressive characters in the show
YAY you found a phone
Bad news for Juwon its Geumhwas phone that has his number.
Mate ur laughing like a maniac like dongsik does. You two arent as different as you think.
But my god you like to jump to the wrong conclusions
Watching the scene with nam sangbae and dongsik makes me cry but i cant because im in the living room with my flatmates. And the score in the background just 😭
Me 🤝 Dongsik : Laughing to hide pain
Man will stay in work just for Juwon
They back and forth in every scene like its all they do.
Mf going on about the culprit always returning to the scene and here comes JINMUK AHDKFMSP FORESHADOWING WE MISSED
Part of me think that Dongsik is suspicious of Jinmuk atp.
If you told them that they would be so close by the end of the series they would be fucking disgusted.
Oop juwon getting interrogated.
Juwon pausing before adding 요 at the end of his sentence like bro you are forgetting your respect conjugation
oh shit juwon not looking good for you is it.
"Given his nature, there is no way he [Juwon] would get involved in a crime" HYEOK YOU DONT EVEN KNOW-
Hyeok became his tutor in 2010... when JW was 17. does that mean that he helped JW in Korea rather than britain? or the tail end of britain onwards.
Hyeok you are such a kiss-ass
Do Haewon 🤢 she is so fake i hate it (which is the poing ig lmao)
LEE CHANGJIN. hes so funny for a bad guy
Jeongje is so frustrated with his mum (same)
Juwon is this close to slapping Hyeok at times.
aliens? rude much kihwan (what did we expect)
and there goes juwon loosing his cool.
annoyingly kihwan makes some points even if its for self centered gain. still hate kihwan dw
bro standing outside as ppl talk about him like 🧍
And then the eye contact between him and dongsik god having a whole silent conversation
Nice recovery juwon.
Them being nice to each other? NOT THIS EARLY BOIS
And boom personal space who? They dont know it.
Dongsik telling Juwon to go to therapy lmaooo
Juwon grabbing Dongsik probably became a… different thing later on yk? Hehe
This episode is basically Juwon and his terrible no good very bad couple days.
Bro you need to hike/walk more Juwon how are you already sweating.
You make think you have him, but nope he has you.
The tiny bloodstain ofc. He def left it deliberately somewhat
And i am so hyped for episode four because of the incoming moments.
Juwon this isnt the victory you think it is trust me
see you all next episode! bye ^^
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deathsbestgirl · 1 year
quagmire part two
@waiting-for-the-day here be nonsense
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she agrees with him and she's funny.
scully is crazy. she thinks there's some non-human creature out their eating people and she just takes her little dog for a walk. she's fine, she's got her gun.
and queequeg is even worse!! these two and their no fear. this tiny little pup who should be afraid of the world goes running into the woods for a second time and this time gets EATEN. poor scully lol
but now we're getting to the best scenes, my favorites.
like when scully comes back, no queequeg in tow, mulder is still fixated as she's sitting in shock.
this man says "i'm sorry about queequeg" then rambles on about the pictures as if scully didn't just watch her dog eaten lmao and she's trying to listen to him, they still have a case & a pile of dead bodies they don't want growing but she comprehended nothing.
"i kind of faded out"
"can you drive a boat?"
(he really hated queequeg lmao)
AND HERE WE GO. the boat.
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okay i love this scene soooo much. the part on the boat is so underrated.
that little line about expectation & hope, seek and ye shall find. i think mikaela already said it best:
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(read the whole post: https://www.tumblr.com/waiting-for-the-day/722583454298079232/in-quagmire-after-the-boat-crashes-when-theyre)
earlier, scully played along with him talking about other sea monsters. here she's showing off some sailing skills *and* telling him a nice little anecdote about "here be monsters" — right up his ally as he's pouring over the map trying to tell her where to go.
(literally these little moments of sharing her childhood & nerdery, being his (best) friend, giving him those moments he didn't get to have as a kid, using it to bond with him, to show how she listens & cares and she's just like him really)
the jokes they make are so nerdy and it's a core part of their relationship. they both just store information in their brains in the hope they'll be able to whip it out to impress the other, or make them laugh.
~too bad we're not fishing~ ~we are fishing~
~here be monsters~ ~i have a map of nyc just like that~
and one of my favorite things about scully: when she doesn't know something, mulder must have the answers! ~what is that? what is that mulder?~ ~here be monsters, scully~ (and he does know this time, he just doesn't know what kind of monster they're actually going to find)
making jokes when their boat is about to sink with them on it. i love them. so unserious.
scully yelling mayday and mulder stopping her like honey we have to get out of here now please put on your life jacket — NO FEAR which is extra funny because she's about to give a speech about ~respect nature because it has no respect for you~
(oh the quips. "there goes our $500 deposit" and ~i say we swim~ ~swim? ...in which direction?!~)
cotr really has so much. it becomes a little breaking point for scully. at the beginning she was annoyed with mulder and she didn't understand why he was even interested in the case, and then when she sees the big blue sign she's exasperated. it also isn't a typical case he goes for. so yes, he's interested in big blue, not entirely out of the realm of possibility. but she can't figure out why, because what does this really have to do with his sister? what everything usually goes back to for him. she's been mulling this over since the episode started.
and now!! they're stuck on a rock in the middle of the lake and they have no idea if anyone heard their call & is coming. and he's still all ~that's big blue!~
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scully: mulder, sometimes i just can't figure them out.
like she really really wants to understand him. she's always trying to understand him. big blue has her stumped.
and then they're interrupted by the DUCK and the humor is back
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she's like ~how dare you joke about cannabalism it's real to me~
and ugh my favorite thing. mulder was too focused earlier to give space for scully losing queequeg. but he gets another opening here,. he has no idea what to do (and he really hated that dog). however there's one thing he can do and it's let her talk.
he asks why the name queequeg and she talks about moby dick and her dad and starbuck and it's so sweet & relatable (i have one cat named newspaper because my dad was always reading the paper — we had piles of them & i still have one he kept when obama became president — and another cat named saturn because he had a saturn & he loved that car & ya know, because space lol) and it's another way they open up to each other & bond & they're just best friends. this is a best friends conversation for sure. (and maybe dipping into how deep their relationship goes)
and then !!! scully has a revelation.
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[scully finishes the line with him and they are both trying to impress each other here idc what anyone says. scully has that book memorized and mulder probably read it once, maybe twice and has been *waiting* to share this little tidbit with her for years!!!]
anyway. this whole conversation has been simmering. scully has been confused & frustrated, but she believes in mulder & she cares about him & she's going to follow him until they find the truth he's seeking. she's there for the journey, with all its circle & endless lines & aberrations. they've been making jokes & quips, giving each other small moments of levity to ease the tension surrounding them. all of it so they can get to the crux of it and that's what's happening on this rock.
she compares him to ahab "everything takes on a warped significance to fit your megalomaniacal cosmology" and "scully are you coming onto me?" (the way she ignores his ~flirting 90% of the time kills me, she's ~so funny) and "trying to do so will only leave you dead along with everyone else you bring with you" and god he's so serious & unserious, he can't have this conversation (which i think is something he really fears after scully's abduction, before it was just him, only he could be hurt or killed. that's not how it is now) without humor, so he talks about wanting a peg leg. "i'm not being flippant" and "and that's not flippant?"
(and nobody believes he wouldn't be hobbling around on a peg leg still doing exactly what he's doing now. the delusion that he could be content just living.)
and then farraday comes to save (ruin) the day "hope i'm not interrupting anything" how much did this man hear 🤣
they tell him about the boat sinking and when he asks, scully claims "it was my fault" instead of trying to explain to this non-believer that it was possibly big blue. god i love her.
and then the sheriff finds them, tells them about search. mulder tells him they need to search striker's cove but he doesn't listen til scully in her very judicious way says "Sheriff, Agent Mulder and I would appreciate it if you could spare two or three of your men to assist us here." and he agrees. scully's face:
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and then farraday is attacked and he didn't see it (surprise surprise) and mulder is the first person to see what's attacking people and he's so sad it's an alligator which he kills (like he's soooo cute. he wants it to be big blue so bad but if it was he would have had to kill it and then he would have cried!!!)
and another underrated scene:
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scully can see he's disappointed. he didn't find the big white whale he wanted, but he solved the case and saved more people from dying/attacks. she thinks he should be proud of the work he did.
scully finally gets it now. mulder wants something tangible too. he wants to keep hoping, he wants to believe. and he found hope in big blue's existence and he just wanted to experience something being real, with evidence & proof. (go read mikaela's post!! she says it perfectly)
and scully will always do everything to keep his hope & belief alive, to protect it. because it's precious. it's one of the most beautiful & special things about him. and it's this wonderful, quiet moment between two best friends who don't always get each other but they always try. they always listen. they stay by each other's side. for better or worse. the new ahab & starbuck.
(the way mulder has a natural skepticism he fights with thome & the desire to believe. i think he's afraid not to. the way scully has an innate ability to believe but it frightens her and so she fights it with skepticism)
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inquisitoradaar · 5 months
feel like i need to elaborate on musics love shape. long post ahead bc god there is so much explaining that needs to be done here. the situation is Intricate and Dire. also spoilers for balding gate or whatever
i went in without any idea who i was gonna romance but then i met gale and was like ok. i think this is the guy. and had made up my mind on it until wylls introduction where i was like oh fuck hes so hot but i couldnt change my mind id already promised myself id romance gale.
anyways. the party ends up being music + shadowheart + gale + wyll for a while. this is not because of preference but bc i literally managed to miss astarion (i went to the bottom of the hill hes on and then said out loud to myself 'nothing else here' and went back in the nautiloid.) and lae'zel (saw the two tieflings that caught her but didnt see the cage and decided to avoid conflict). i eventually swap out shadowheart for karlach when i meet her (it was besties at first sight for me) and then get told by some friends who r also playing that im a fucking dumbass and completely missed astarion and lae'zel (id already saved the grove by this point so LMAO)
i go back to the crash site, grab astarion, then use a scroll of revivify on lae'zel bc shes dead in the mountain pass (whoops). theyve both missed literally everything. i go to camp and astarion immediately reveals to music that he is a vampire. awesome. theyre also both charlatans which is a lil funny to me. i add neither of them to my party bc by this point im extremely attached to gale wyll and karlach and music has rlly high approval w all three of them.
now in truth the love shape was already in the equation bc gale is still not over mystra. music is unclear as to whether or not this affection is still reciprocated on mystras part (and tbh so am i . i havent finished act 2 yet ok) but when they shared a Moment in the weave gale enjoyed it so clearly thats also happening. so we have a love triangle going on. this is fine and manageable even if music is not a big fan of the whole the-guy-im-into-has-a-bomb-in-his-chest-bc-of-his-ex-who-he-still-loves thing.
we get to the underdark. i have a long rest. astarion has smth to say. in-game it has been two days since i finally grabbed him from the crash site (has he just been waiting that entire time for someone to walk down that path so he could stab them?). cutscene plays out, he wants music to tell him hes pretty, music responds w 'gales more my type', and astarion makes a comment abt how hell have to work on himself if hes to 'catch up w the competition' um?
so the love triangle is now a sort-of love square. could be just a lil silly fun joke and i think of it as such (at least when ignoring the meta (thats another story)) until i get to act 2 and have a long rest in the shadow-cursed lands. and astarion says to music smth like 'were kindred souls, were walking down the same path, we should take over the absolutist cult and rule the world together' WHAT IS HAPPENING. what coded declaration of love bullshit is this. music and astarion barely even know each other.
so, great, love triangle is now officially a partially unreciprocated love square. but then. but THEN. to make matters WORSE for ME PERSONALLY. having another long rest in the shadow-cursed lands and a cutscene starts to play. wyll is dancing and so music joins in (naturally, theyre best friends w wyll (literally, they have maximum approval from him) and a BARD) and then things start getting. quote. "intimate" and i go oh no i have to put a stop to this bc things have started getting more serious w gale. and when i tell wyll that they should both step away from this he looked so genuinely heartbroken it made me feel so horrifically sad.
so the partially unreciprocated love square is now. even worse. a love shape of no real design. with music, some random loser tiefling bard charlatan in the middle of it all. gods help them
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elvencantation · 3 months
damsel liveblog
tbh my forward arrow fingers are itchy so im gonna be skipping through a lot of this
okay that opening quote was just tacky. we get it. we've seen the previews. youve made the point with the movie title
dude youve brought like twelve people to kill a dragon?? how badly do you want to die?
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ooooooo i do love some mushroom arthictecture!! gimme more pls
also love how the fire almost looks liquid in some spots. or maybe thats the melting armor
oh look she's cutting wood she's not a regular girl
they did pick the right task tho chopping wood is kinda hot (see that one canadian lady on instagram)
why does her maidservant already annoy me? its cute theyre holding hands tho
i like their furs. giving stark family vibes
queen of aurea?? seriously??? queen of gold with ships of gold? how on the nose??? or is that the point
srsly giving reverend mother vibes with the 'your holiness' and matchmaking. or maybe ive just got permanent dune brainrot that's closer to the surface after seeing pt2 twice in imax
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oooooo cool hair!!
WAIT THATS HER LITTLE SISTER? oh okay the side by side shots make more sense now
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more cool hair i wanna see closer!!! and cute sibling interaction
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screen recording aquired, will link when i gif
i'd be annoyed at the parent's reactions to aurea if i didnt think about just how much it weighed on them to not be able to provide for their people
i need to take a break and go walk mom's dog
back after that and yummy dinner and just hanging out in bed with puppy and re-reading star wars time travel fics
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love how the mountains are immediately ominous behind the beautiful manicured gardens and the stately if a little smudgy castle
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lovely balcony and once again, ominous mountains! so pretty so pretty
also yes i know this is pretty basic symbolism but having her in full sunlight and the other girl in shadow? *chefs kiss* i love it every time
girlie why you drawing a labyrinth? i thought she was journaling or something
excited to see what the labyrinth will be. boy be calling it a maze smh
awww i do love a good horse ride!! and they match! too bad he's about to toss her into a chasm like a sack of sacrificial potatoes
oh no did they brainwash her poor dad?? also my god stepmom is on fire with the braids and outfits
the cracks are starting to show. but seriously, forgetting the name of the girl youre about to sacrifice?? thats just plain rude
ahhh here's the scene i saw like five times on instagram
oh god please dont make the corset weird please dont say anything weird about it P L E A S E for the love of marzi!
did they give her a bodice dagger?? or was that just the sheath? i love it
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ahhhh i do enjoy some nature inspired jewelry!!
also the red cloak!!! lovely
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pretty pretty pretty!!!
ahhh the creepy gold masks theyre so intricate!!!
and robin is now a reverend mother too
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ooooo what a pretty shot and i want her jewelry wow
ahhhh i do enjoy how subtly uncomfortable the prince looks
aha there we go. now the fun can begin!
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oooooo look at all those coins
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also a very pretty shot!
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oooooooo i need to gif this bit too
my god the voice is stunning
MAGMA DRAGONFIRE THIS IS GORGEOUS (pausing for more screen recording)
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looks like the maw of a dragon!!!
wait im sorry why's the other girl burnt and dead if its only 'once a generation'???
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avenging angel vibes pls continue
ok yeah so it was only a sheath. too much to ask for for them to give her an actual weapon
what the heck was in that pretty filigree egg thing?? also i want one. its so pretty. i mean i know it was some kind of scent. convenient that it burns like a lamp XD
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wow this movie is just feeding me lots of pretty visuals tyty
good thing girlie's got lots of upper arm strength from chopping wood!
yeahhhh make a bioluminescent lamp!!! and double win, she got rid of the second sleeve. much better now
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wow im gay
magically healing bioluminescent non-oceanic nudibranches??
thats my new indie band name btw
please tell me shes taking some magic slugs with her. youre gonna be climbing spikes pls bring some healing with you
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such pretty stabby crystals!!
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once again looking like a maw. though this time more like the maw of a sandworm ;)
"three were taken three must be given" ???? excuse me
ah. they were dumb enough to anger a mama dragon. they deserve to die
tell me her dad aint gonna get him and his men killed
also damn she made it all the way up just to have to come back down
oh we finally get to see the dragon!!! goddamn. she looks like a scaly gryfon i like it
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dont you guys dare kill the dad off just as i was starting to like him. dont do it
yeah i guess they realized they had to redeem him so his death would have impact. rude
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girl take chekhov's sword!
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ohhhh this is so pretty i think i gotta screen record it too
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this is some pompeii shit. oh i should watch that movie its got two hot people in it
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even cooler!!!
theyre just killing everyone?? thats boring
the mulan hair thing woulve been cool if i didnt daily put up my hair in a very secure bun without any pins or hairties that only works when your hair is like mid back length at least XD
its a miracle you didnt hurt your leg with you fell elodie
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oh noooooo oh god that was so awkward i cant
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why is this so awkward?? whats happening
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like you ever did what you were told?? whats happening? whats with the pacing, the dialogue the blocking?? w h a t
why did they have to show the queen with her crown melting off for so long??
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oh they match! nice
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ooooooo pretty pretty
overall kind of a fun movie. dont think i'd watch it again. still need to watch i am dragon
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Mk being a stone monkey gives me sm headaches like no it doesn’t mean swk is his father. They’re family depending on how u look at it. For example they could be brothers or mk being swk grandkid in the similar vein as Sun Luzhen.
My issues is just that literally pulled a naruto on all of us
Like he pull out the cudgel and it gave him his powers but are those powers actually his or swk??? Wgeres those it start and end??
DONT GET ME STARTED THATBY HAVING MK BEING A STONE MONKEY N PULLING SWK MOVE OUT OF THE MOVE UNDERMINE THE YEARS OF EFFORTS SWK TOOK TO MASTER IT(i know mk did a little training but that not what im talking about. It seen like him being a stone monkey had bypassed him the need to do actual cultivation one must need to do in order to do cool shit or be immortal. Remember that scene when he plucked his hair n then it became a clone? Yea like this kid hasn’t even exercised n yet?? Hes able to use qi like that?? Huh??? even wukong was mortal at his early stages n didn’t do the thing mk was doing besides that one timehe shoots laser from his eyes)
Like mk became a daoist immortal in a day than the 50+ years swk took to be one😭😭 it doesn’t even work like that mk. It just feels like they made mk be this way to show hes a better swk than swk himself.
N it already complicated the idea of swk somehow giving mk some of his powers(this kid would actually be dead like how azure lion was w je golden core) that u don’t actually know if its mk that’s doing these things naturally or is infused w that.
Did swk do ritual like how hd did in the novel with the three prince??(the arc introduces three prince who became the pilgrims disciples n so theyre were to wield weapons similar to that of the pilgrims via a ritual. One of the prince got extra buff stats in order to wield his replica of the riyu jingu bang that still the same weight ss the og)
^i doubt this bc lmk had diverge sm from jttw that u can swapped out the names w others and its be its own show completely unrelated to jttw.
Monkie Kid spoilers & complaining below:
Hmmm well you know anon as it is I actually found the insta-powers in the first few seasons pretty funny and charming specifically because they were often played for laughs in a pretty light hearted way. And it made sense for what the show was at that point! Monkie Kid set itself up as a relatively low-stakes and fun cartoon where a goofy and kind hearted delivery boy would get to go on all sorts of wacky adventures under the tutelage of the Great Sage, often going against some delightfully hammy villains in the Demon Bull family. Even when the stakes were still "save the world" the tone of Monkie Kid still made it pretty clear that we weren't dealing with the grimdark dramafest that has come to define so many other works. But of course a grimdark dramafest is in many ways what this cartoon would soon become (even while there is still some silly funtimes to be had), what with the world routinely being in danger of destruction, the constant trauma MK has been subjected to significantly because of his connection to the Monkey King, and with everyone and their mother yelling at Sun Wukong for being a terrible person, with the cartoon itself then often bending over backwards to prove just how true these statements are. Hell even SWK himself admitted that he's a bad teacher and described his entire existence in the season 4 special as little more than multiple lifetimes worth of mistakes (maybe he'll go on another genuine journey of self improvement and atonement but tbh I'm not holding my breath given that his miserable spot was where the journey to the west got him lol), and yeah at this point you do have to kind of laff that Xiyouji's ruthless murder monkey SWK is a more loyal friend, selfless individual, intelligent leader, and even a better shifu than Monkie Kid's. It is these writing decisions that have made me pretty leery with where they might be taking Qi Xiaotian being another stone monkey, especially since yeah lot of people seem to think this is going to lead to a fight between the two stone primates. Plus given the very recent indications that MK was both enraged that Azure Lion was using him for his own ends--something that other characters besides Azure have said SWK is also doing to Qi Xiaotian--along with the pretty blatant hints that MK's terrified he'll end up exactly like SWK I can easily see that fear turning into violent anger :(
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storywestistrash · 2 years
oh yeah ill never translate my rewrite so heres some philip scott facts:
i took the kill your gays thing to the next level cuz hes like one of the few not bi characters in the fic and he dies before the fic even starts
so like yeah fnaf 2 hes already dead hes a ghost
i show that by having him sweat a lot when interacting with objects!
thats cuz it takes a lot of energy to be able to materialize his hands. so he usually just asks mike or fritz to do things for him
his hair is naturally brown but the bright red dye is due to how he died
speaking of how he died
i decided to follow the scott way and just make up the most batshit unrealistic shit just bc hehe it sounds cool
so the way he died is like yeah the animatronics obvi but instead of stuffing him in a suit they uh. they shoved a phone onto his head, crushing it in the process
whyd they do that WELL he referred to himself as "the phone guy" one too many times and something in the toys programming fucked itself over to be like "well wheres the phone then mr"
his body is not found until the main plot happens so its already like rotting in a backroom somewhere when they find it
the reason he cant move on as a spirit is that hes bound by a contract to work for fazbears. at first at least
when the restaurant closes and he stops being the manager the reason he cant move on is a little different
that reason being! that the ghost children decided "this is our uncle now uncle phil" and now THEY wont let him go
he doesnt mind tho its good to feel like hes useful and helping and needed by someone
his Big Fear that every character in this one has is that he's so nothing and just so ordinary that he is utterly unlovable in any way
and while being adopted as an uncle is not the kind of love he was looking for its one that does its job even better
like its exhausting to be looking after kids that very desperately want to kill your at this point friends but also theyre just children and sometimes they need that adult presence
philip isnt all that good with children but okay hes managing
ANYWAY yeah he moves on together with the kids in fnaf 3
also this is only vaguely related but he has an older brother and a niece whos about the same age as mike and his friends
so in fnaf 3 when he hears about phone dude hes like. wdym your dad is named fritz. wd. wdym. FRITZ DID YOU FUCK MY NIECE DID YOU FUCK MY BROTHERS DAUGHTER
and fritz is like "haha lol"
thats not all i have on him but i cant think of more rn. the whole thing is just:
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nihiltism · 2 years
OK OK MORE LETS DO 1???? seems like a nice little odd number
ok so ive been motivation paralyzed for the past two days so im only doing this now press f for me but also okay so 1 is celine which is rough since her deal is wrapped up in other characters and also u already know a lot about it also also she really doesnt have a lot of deal on her own?? shes just funnysilly but ill do what i can.
okay so hands you this beast
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i swear i dont have a dumb pixel for every one of my ocs just her and hugslug. for now.
anyway! celine is a silly little necromancer and also my dnd character right now and the separation between what's dnd and what's oc stuff in my brain is Very Wibbly And Unclear so ill just assume that her backstory ive been using in dnd is her canon one
so background is that shes a magic school dropout who decided that doing puppet shows of all things is her true calling in life. celine is a beast of hindsight and this did not work out so naturally the catgirl turns to a life of crime (but still does puppet shows for local thieves guilds on the weekends). this background makes me really happy its very silly.
anyway she does some magic crimes because she is Basically completely self taught (in the campaign shes an arcane trickster by the way since necromancer isnt really its own class. its fine) and i Do joke that she got into magic for the sparkles but she does have another motive. a motive that is not very well thought out but im Sure will go fine for her
oh also she had a little brother at one point. im sure she has other fambly too but she hasnt talked to them in a while after yknow, dropping out of school and probably disappointing them. oopsie headbonk hehe. she and said brother were always close though theyre partners in crime and she Would do anything for him especially because he's the designated braincell holder. im sure nothing bad happened to said brother (died in a workplace accident at the ripe age of like fourteen <3)(so yeah that motive i mentioned before uhhhhhh yeah catgirl's gonna bring back the dead And shes gonna make it purrsonal im sure nothing will go wrong here)
(things do go wrong but if you want to know about that you have to ask me about nico <3)
oh also she has a girlfriend who 1. actually went to school and is honestly Baffled at how shes gotten this far and 2. is a crow so i can call her a necrowmancer. she has a deal too but i mostly just wanted a nekomancer necrowmancer pair <3 a necromance.... her deal isnt as thought out as my others but if you wanna know more about her you have to ask about iris
also heres a full art of her. i kind of prefer the colors on the pixel but trad art is unpredictable <3
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thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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pondering whether astarion would feel the cold. ive spoken at length before on how i imagine his body being capable of retaining heat through external means, as to infer someone else could feel warmth coming off his skin from his change in body temp when they touch him. but would he feel it. what spurs my mind specifically with freezing temperatures, its more closely related to what i would assume is his default state, therefore justifying he'd be more inclined to the cold. given his natural body temp is so unnatural as is anyway, i think perhaps it isnt too unruly to suggest the way his body processes the hot and cold is done in an abnormal fashion as well. to whatever varying extremes, respectively.
is there any mention of how he is in cold temperatures, like does he ever talk about it any point in the game. i realise i actually have no idea with the cold, my point of reference for him being able to retain heat is that he sweats. all i have is that well, hes a dead body and theyre cold but hes already broken a lot of the erm.. undead rules lol. thoughts and feelings?
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silver-la-pixels · 6 months
Utau × Demon Slayer au notes
main characters are teto and tei, it's a teito fic and takes place before the main line of demon slayer with little to no interactions of the kny cast and more allusions and references
-Kasane Teto- protag of the story. She did not have a voice until she turned 13 and came from "a foreign country" to japan and lived as a cleaner in a bakery. She heard a strange noise one night and was partially turned into a chimera demon*, but gained her voice. Her appearance scared the shop owners and townsfolk though, so she fled. Teto became a slayer and found that she aged half as fast as regular humans, and worked alone taking odd jobs.
-Sukone Tei- Tei was a maiko and kunoichi with a vengeance. While she was still human, she fell in love with a boy named Len, who was already betrothed to the Hatsune clan. After she became a demon, it was rumored that she killed his family and the girl he was married to. Unsatisfied, she continued to train as a maiko and contract kunoichi by night (yes its extra. That's why it's her backstory.) She was well over her long-dead of old age crush hanging when she met teto, who had been hired by a singer of the hatsune clan to protect her as she felt she was being watched. Tei was very unpredictable and still killed humans to live, but teto bound some of her powers and invited her as a companion.
-Hatsune Miku- The hatsune clan was known for its craftsmanship in musical instruments and talented singers, but had a grudge against a demon. Miku was sent to apprentice playing the shamisen and singing away from her town for her safety, into Tei's old apprenticeship. She has pale green hair from her affinity for leeks. It was said that her voice could even stop demons**, but she felt unsafe and hired a wandering Teto to take out the suspected demons.
-Kagamine Rin and Len- Len was said to be the spitting image of his several great grandfathers, lone survivor of a demon attack. Rin was his cousin, and their antics involved often switching places with each other due to their almost identical faces. Since Tei really cant tell them apart, she protects them both. Theyre mostly side characters lol
Momo and Uta are children from workers of the same farm and have automaton legs, as a disease outbreak at the farm ruined their muscles when they were young and left Uta's voice weak, though they both love singing. However, their impoverished families sent them to work as maids at the mysterious butterfly estate for a better life. Uta received training as a sniper while Momo learned to sing in demon-halting breath.
-Rook and Yokune Ruko- A demon-slaying duo. Ruko was rumored to be a demon, as not only were their eyes were different colors, but they had "two voices" and study demon-halting under the sound hashira. Rook is an apprentice of the slayers "guard dogs" and has a fighting style similar to that of a wild dog, but is very loyal to ruko. He has an adopted little sister named Miko who was raised by wolves until she was 2.
-Sekka Yufu and Namine Ritsu- referred to as the mountain demons. Ritsu is a largely harmless demon who lives at the foot of the mountain and goes to drink with humans every now and then. He was turned when he was 6, but likes to shapeshift to be a young woman. He only kills people who dont like him or point out that his fake double d cups are actually bombs. Yufu is rumored to lure travelers into the snow-capped mountains with her voice into storms and avalanches, but most of the deaths aren't intentional. The two are loosely friends.
*(Yushiro accidentally turned her, but as he was almost completely free from muzans control, she was largely unaffected.)
**In this AU, demon-halting breath exists as a form of singing. It can be naturally inherited or taught.
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gikairan · 1 year
Man, there are people actually excited about this stupid Apple Vision thing and just....
why? 🙃
Its literally Google Glass, but worse. It will fail for the same reasons Google Glass never got off the ground. From privacy concerns about the cameras on someones face, to people finding out that staring at a screen SO close to your face is an actually Awful experience.
I've seen people go "Theyre not the same!!!" and like... they are. They really are. They are both designed to do very similar things, except ones got an Apple logo on it. If anything, Apple Vision is worse because its got the form factor of a VR headset. Something already considered bulky and uncomfortable for long-term use. The form factor of VR is one of the major reasons it is likely to remain niche.
I've seen people say "you poo-pooed the iPad and the Watch and now look!" And like... okay i get it. Everyone really did poo-poo on the iPad. But i'd argue the original presentation focused more on "you can do everything on your phone, but on a bigger device!" rather than "hey, heres a smaller, thinner device that will replace your laptop, that runs the apps your phone does". Like, i remember people making fun of it because it was an oversized iPhone. Who wants a giant face-sized device to make phone calls? No-one. And thats why it was ridiculed. And i dont remember people making fun of the Watch, because.... by the point the Watch was released (2015)... the Pebble Smartwatch was already around (Kickstarter was in 2012, release was 2013). It hadn't just done well on crowdfunding, its still in the top 10 highest grossing kickstarters of all time.
These things have proven their use since their release. I really doubt Apple Vision is ever going to justify its use to the normal consumer.
It will absolutely have niche applications, dont get me wrong. The Hololens already exists, but most regular normal people likely didnt know it released. Because its not tech for the general public. The Kinect isn't actually dead- its got its use in some very niche applications, and Microsoft just tried to force the tech into gaming to make it more widespread (probably to justify actually creating it?). There will likely be industries that find AR extremely useful (I keep hearing about surgeons and AR. Though i also think architecture and construction might find a lot of use for this)
In terms of the video Apple showed off, theres very little I can see on it that will actually improve someones life.... Sure you can relive your memories in 3d.... but you've got to wear a bulky pair of ski goggles to record it in the first place. You can relive the memories of your children after the divorce!! .... And you lost that human connection during the actual moment itself, because you obscured the top half of your face for a giant screen. The best "use" i thought was obscuring the view of a busy plane around you. ... Except in reality, obscuring such view would likely be awful.... So the thing only has about 2 hours of battery life and needs to be plugged into an external battery with a wire. Given the bulky nature of the device, thats... really bad. The video showed a woman on a plane watching Everything Everywhere All At Once. The film is 2 hours and 19 minutes long. .... You cannot watch that entire film on a single charge. Then theres the fact we see most of her field of vision obscured by pretty sunset clouds. And the idea of getting rid of a peripheral vision of A Flight sure sounds nice. ... Until you realise how much you rely on that vision during a flight.... For a long flight - you'll need to see when the flight attendants are coming around for drinks, food etc. You'll need to know when people sitting around you might want to get up. Obscuring 100% of your vision is maybe not the best idea? Even for a short flight, obscuring all your vision might cause you to miss important announcements. Or, you know, your neighbour who just wants to pee? Then theres how the movie window is going to work full stop. We see earlier in the video that you can put a window in front of you, and a window to the side that you move your head to look at. Are you going to be able to put windows in a 360 degree circle around your head, and you just spin around in real space to see them all? ... If so, will the movie player stay in one space in "real space", or will it stay in the same place according to the screen? Imagine if a movie player on a small screen in front of your eyes stayed in the same place relative to real space, and every time you adjusted yourself in your seat... you had to physically move the window to see it. And think about how often you do minor changes to how you sit, how your head is positioned etc etc....
Most of the rest of the announcement seems to just be office related stuff. Controlled by hand gestures.
... You know why hand gesture devices have never caught on? People hate using them (: Have you ever used a Kinect before? You'll find your body got tired quite quickly trying to just navigate menus. We dont like holding our hands/ arms up all the time to navigate digital menus. It feels worse than a mouse, a controller, or just tapping a screen. Its just awkward. People will try it for work and then go "wow just using my mouse & keyboard is way easier" and then never put on the stupid goggles again.
All in all, this thing is just... bad. Its not good. It wont catch on. It'll be an extremely niche product that will only every really have a handful of uses. And none of them will be for the general public.
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important note: this could all be very assumptionous, but botw i fell in love with right away. it broke away from typical zelda games which was fun bcuz i only played the 3ds remake of ocarina of time and never finished it. totk feels like it tried to be more zelda game in the worst ways. so the disappointment is hitting hard and since my brother didnt finish botw i cant discuss it with him.
so glad i didnt buy totk
im borrowing my brothers. its............... fine. i guess. not
the music is worse, the story is too intrusive, switching some controls is irritating for someone who played botw at least 5 times in the last 2-3 years, i forget about these abilities more than i forgot about cyonis, idk why but travelling feels more irritating? why would i need my horse or walk when its just. idk. is it slower than before?, i feel like im losing health and stamina more but maybe im just too used to knowing how to manage it, i feel like i dont naturally make rupees and pick up materials as much as before like i have to go out of my way doing that, i dont find the zonai archetecture interesting in anyway its so bland, i feel like basic things that i used my eyes and brain for are being explained which. shut up., im not as sticky as i used to be im so demotivated from climbing
if it can import my horses why cant it know i know how to do stuff in the previous game? or why not have an option to turn off like parry and archery tutorials? if theres one way to make me put down a game its treat me like an idiot.
maybe im not far enough but i do not care for the new characters ive seen so far, theyre endearing in the basic way of "this is a child and has a cute design" but not very much in actual personality. its a cluttered cast, before i was here for zelda and made friends along the way and reconnected with old ones. this time i already have friends that would be fun to work with more closely but instead they pointed me to who im working with.
i dont feel as strong a connection with these sages as i did the champions. the champions i was heart broken bcuz imagine your friends all die you fail your mission and then you fucking die and wake up 100yrs later everyone youve ever known dead (and tbh anyone you cared about died just before you, except for The Person and you were fighting the odds with a tooth pick and white girl in a nightdress there is no way he actually thought hed get away), a faint memory in history, and you can barely remember them but are one of less than a handful of ppl that know them as a person instead of an ancient hero. 100 years is just 1-3 generations and yet its all so distant. i had reason to care for them from the get go. ive met the sage of wind and was just kinda. bored. these ppl are ancient and not mine and my connection is on a new person who i cant actually make memories with to make boss fights more dramatic.
maybe im just salty bcuz i thought teba and his friend was hot (i spent so much time in rito village guys, everyone liked sidon i was on teba (and the champions i thirsted for them so so much esp daruk and revali)) and they just pointed at tulin like "take this, it could help you on your adventure"
the puzzels are more intuitive and interesting, theres more characterization for previous characters and voice acting, everyone is so much hotter, uh zonai are sexy as hell???, zelda. babygirl. what are you trying to do to me with this makeup?, ive only come across two but i like taking the koroks to where they need to go :3 he go camping wit fwiend :3, i love the foreboding shadow child, fun boss fight, im not motion sick during the dungeons
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