#which can cause a heart attack and kill your bun
starrywill · 1 year
hey . why dont rabbits like horror movies
if something spooks them enough, theres a good chance they will just drop dead on the spot.
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yatorihell · 9 months
Noragami Reread Volume 4-6
In which I wish Discord emojis were available to describe my feelings reading this arc
Chapter 12
Daikoku calling himself uncle to Yukine
Currently crying with Yato and Hiyori over Yukine
'Sooner or later she won't be able to live in her own world anymore' HA
Yato has known Hiyori less than 2 months and already doesn't want to lose her
'Cut ties isn't that your speciality' next chapter foreshadowing?
Chapter 13
It's so funny to think babies cry because ayakashi are bullying them
Kazuma's dedication to running Bishamons life shows why his father wanted him to run the salt business
Bishamon issues with past shinki totally aren't going to cause issues
Hiyori mentoring yukine
Kuraha is my fav of Bishamons shinki
Daikoku having 50 heart attacks during Bishamons visit
Kofuku can be scary sometimes
Daikoku is the biggest simp and I agree
Bishamon is an even bigger soft touch than Yato when it comes to humans
Chapter 14
'Once untied a bond cant be mended' HA
Bishamon queen of bottling it up
Foreshadowing of her not noticing a shinki in trouble
Yato telling Hiyori to leave him alone then replying to her tweets and following her around
'Will I forget them someday too' HA
Yukine finds a friend. ..
Not Yato taking Yukine's money and framing it as a lesson
The look on Suzuha's face that Tomoko never remembers him jsbdnd
'Smile you don't want to hurt your master' baby it don't work like that
'When did Yukine become our son' Daikoku you've always been a daddy what
Seeing the little home they've made at Kofuku’s place
'Hiyori will grow up and be what she wants to be' not u tho lol
'I never thought I'd never even be one of her memories' KILLING MYSELF!!
Sakura overtones: 1
Kuguha needs to choke on a dick
Lol remember how violent Suzuha's death was in the anime and we don't even see it in the manga
ALSO that whole scene shadowed by Yukine saying how he made a new friend and is invited to picnic javdvbd
Chapter 15
Kuguha's plan to reincarnate Bishamon here we go
How long since Suzuha died that the flowers wilted and Bishamon noticed
'Yato said have fun and be careful treating me like a kid' papagami
'I won't forget' Hiyori you will
Yato tweeting from the bushes still following her
'Idk if you like each other or hate each other' it's very clear Yato likes her early on and Hiyori gets feelings later I want to die
Bishamon's Aiha armour is such a serve
Blight begins showing on Bishamon aha
'Who in their right mind would ever follow her around' you would Yato, multiple times
Father's first mention
The fact so many shinki look guilty of blight shows the state of the house
Kinuha checking Kuguha's dong during inspection
'Can the likes of a god really save us' WELL HE DID SO
Yato beating Kuguha with a stick is the mood
Chapter 16
'I'm not going to disappear not as long as there's one person who never forgets me' there is hope! (There isn't <3)
Hiyoru picking up meat buns for them
Yato in the trashcan following Hiyori again ft umbrella scene I'm so sad
Hiyori promising to visit every day
'I promise I won't forget' I wish I had certain emojis to convey the mood I feel
Yato back in the trashcan
'That lie of yours better be true' Rip Yato death by garbage truck
Broken window from Daikoku hitting Yato and chasing him to the roof
'Everything will be alright as long as I remember them' WILL YOU
Oh the DRAMA of the whole Yukine vs Bishamon monologue
Oh Suzuha really didn't defend himself I hate this
Chapter 17
We're 16 chapters in and Hiyori is already his weakness
Kofuku asking if Kazuma will go stray right over a panel of yato aha foreshadowing
Yato not leaving Kofuku's to hide because of Hiyori
Yatori height difference I need to keep an eye on how it changes
Hiyori was so active in fight scenes compared to now I miss her
Chapter 18
I'm such a slut for a kidnapping plot
Moans at Yato's angry face
'If you stay in in that form for too long you will die' AHA
Hiyori death foreshadowing tracker: 4
Devastating the hot guy you know is a mass murderer
The image of Kazubisha taking on young shinki making a new family
Yukine instantly assuming it's his fault Hiyori got taken I hate this
'Why won't you grant her wish' blushing Yato he's so down
Tenjins deal for Yato to cut Hiyori's ties
I wonder when Yato first went to heaven, would this have been it
The fucking sexual tension of Yato and Bishamon wanting to gut each other
Chapter 19
The fight scenes always go so hard
'Protect me' *5 mins later* not like that!
'Where's Hiyori?!' I'm passing away
Kazuma's willingness to be cut down if it saves Bishamon
Chapter 20
How absolutely devasting it would've been to be reading Noragami when Yukine got shattered and you had to wait a month to see what happened I say as if I've not sat through multiple cliffhangers and 2 hiatuses
Yukine becoming a blessed vessel makes me so sad
Bishamon still standing after the blight and fighting she really is girl gone wild
Shinki can ignore their call so the fact Kinuha went was probably more of a confirmed response, not that she would deny Bishamon anyway
Blighted Bishamon is so op I wanna see it again
Chapter 21
Hiyori coming to stop the fight because she knows she's the reason Yato came
Yato zoning out to kill Bishamon when Hiyori stops him
The shinki deaths are so graphic and Bishmaon has just lost it at this point
Chapter 22
Kazuma telling Bishamon the truth of the Ma Clan and solving hundreds of years worth of drama
Tbf Bishamon needed the reality check about her shinki, she's kind to a fault and that was what killed both clans
Bsihamon recalling how Kuguha used to teach the children he manipulated, once again he can choke on a dick
Yato taking responsibility wanting to kill the masked ayakashi because it has to do with Nora and by extension Father
The imagery of Kuguha falling from heaven
Hiyori gently holding Yato back I'm so fucking emo
The family reunion when they get back to Tenjin's I'm eating glass inconsolably
'You found your one irreplaceable someone' I hate this they don't know about Yukine arc!!!!!!
Completely forgot about Tenjin's deal lol
Eating glass at the infinity loop around Yato and Hiyori if I see it in the final chapter I'm ending it
'I will do what must be done' bitch if he does it in the final chapter I'm!!!!!
Chapter 23
'Why does my chest hurt like this?' For the forshadowing? That I die??
Kazuma and Touma having a sibling relationship and how she was killed whilst he watched ahhhh
Flashback time
Touma is such a nerd
Kuraha in a cone even though he's in human form lol
The exchange diary is a cute idea and apparently works
Humans are allowed to make mistakes <3
Adachitoka is such a tease we know Hiyori still has ties
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miiilowo · 1 year
also lagomorphs should almost never eat carrots. too much sugar. the green but on top is perfectly fine for them, however! bunnies should only ever be fed greens, and even then, very specific kinds. any other foods should be given as a treat, if at all. do not feed your bunnies kibble or im going to fucking get you. even if the kibble youre giving them has all the nutrients theyll ever need, they have to keep eating. their stomach constantly needs to be filled. thats why they like to poop when theyre eating. more food in, old food out. all that nutrients will absorb, but they wont have enough actual food in them. it will make them overweight. and thats no good. food must always be available for your bun also, so they can keep the train moving at all times. they know when they should eat. they should also have hay, but never the dried hay. all the necessary nutrients is gone in dried hay. its probably not good for their intestines, either, which is a shame, since itd be great for grinding their teeth down. but having greens readily available in their cage or about the house will help, i promise. they need it, too. and, for the love of god, GIVE YOUR BUNNY TIME TO ROAM. AND NEVER PICK IT UP WITHOUT SUPPORT ITS HIND LEGS. HOLD IT TUCKED LIKE A FOOTBALL IF YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST HOLD IT. otherwise you can and will break its back. and dont try hold it until it absolutely trusts you. when it gets scared and freezes up, it may look cute, but that could literally kill it. cause a heart attack and all that. dont... spook your bun in general. spooking your bun can kill it. buns are very fragile. -will
i do want to own a bunny eventually so this is kind of neat to know even if youre just infodumping about them to me :3c i will come to you when the time eventually comes that i get one of the little guys
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raksha-bhediya · 9 months
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Raksha Nithya Bhediya – Character Sheet
moon, a hole of light / through the big top tent up high / here before and after me / shinin' down on me / moon, tell me if i could / send up my heart to you? / so, when i die, which i must do / could it shine down here with you?
'cause my love is mine, all mine / i love mine, mine, mine / nothing in the world belongs to me / but my love mine, all mine, all mine
Archetype — The Mother Birthday — July 13, 1991 Zodiac Sign — Leo rising, Sun in Cancer, Moon in Leo MBTI — ESFJ Enneagram — Type 6: the Loyalist Temperament — Choleric Moral Alignment — Neutral Good Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Fire
Mother — Rupa Trivedi Father — Rakesh Trivedi Mother’s Occupation — Librarian // Leader of the Trivedi Pack Father’s Occupation — Banker Family Finances — Wealthy Birth Order — Youngest Brothers — Aarav (eldest brother) (b. 1985-2021), Viraj (older brother) (b. 1987-2021 (presumed dead)), Suraj (older brother) (b. 1989-2021 (presumed dead)) Sisters — None Other Close Family — her HUSBAND Rama Bhediya (d. 2021, presumed), Fatima (SIL, married to Aarav (d. 2021, presumed), Samira (SIL, married to Suraj (d. 2021, presumed), Nieces: Deepti (2012-2021 deceased) Nephews: Balaram (2015-2021 presumed dead), Vikram (2015-2021 presumed dead), Kumar (2018-2021 presumed dead) Best Friend — Fatima Enemies — The people who killed her family for ONE Pets — N/A Home Life During Childhood — Had three brothers who were very overprotective, had a lovely little life and was a spoiled princess who got anything she wanted. <3  Town or City Name(s) — Almora, India -- born and raised! What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Lovely big window that looked out over the window, a large antique armoire painted white that she used to sit at for hours. They lived just out of the main city in a big old house with a few acres of beautiful land.  Any Sports or Clubs — None really Favorite Toy or Game — Anything that involves strategy  Schooling — PhD from Himgiri Zee University in Biochemical and Environmental Engineering Favorite Subject — Science Popular or Loner — Popularrr Nationality — Indian Culture — Hindu Religion and beliefs — Hindu
Physical Appearance
Face Claim — Simone Ashley Complexion — Dark brown, smooth skin Hair Colour — Black Eye Colour — Deep, dark brown Height — 5’8 Build — Lithe but smooth curves Tattoos — None Piercings — Earrings, nose Common Hairstyle — Usually back in a sensible bun or ponytail Clothing Style — Modern, professional Mannerisms — Reserved Usual Expression — 
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Werewolf genes on point! She hardly ever even gets the sniffles. Physical Ailments — None Neurological Conditions — Depression  Allergies — None Grooming Habits — Very good.  Sleeping Habits — Not great these days, lots of nightmares Eating Habits — Not eating as much as she should probably Exercise Habits — Goes for a run every morning and every evening Emotional Stability — Outwardly? Great. Inwardly? Not great! Body Temperature — Higher than average, on account of the werewolfness.  Sociability — Every extroverted usually, a little more reserved these days Addictions — None Drug Use — None Alcohol Use — Occasional drink, but does not get drunk
Your Character’s Character
Bad Habits — Chews on nails when anxious, can be snappy and short Good Habits — Very organized, being a good mama Best Characteristic — Self-confidence Worst Characteristic — Defensive  Worst Memory — When her whole family was massacred yeah Best Memory — The birth of her children, her wedding day <3 Proud of — Her family, her degree Embarrassed by — Not much Driving Style — N/A Strong Points — Sure, confident, nurturing  Weakness — Being scared Fears — Someone attacking her family again Phobias — None, she’s a brave girl Secrets — That she is a wolf Regrets — Not saving more of her family Feels Vulnerable When — Her wolf is showing lol Pet Peeves — People who don’t have self-esteem Conflicts — Wanting to save Dhaumya v not wanting to be exposed as a wolf  Motivation — Keeping Dhaumya safe Short Term Goals and Hopes — Keeping Dhaumya safe Long Term Goals and Hopes — Finding out what happened to her family Sexuality — Bisexual Day or Night Person — Night Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist  Greatest Want — To help her family Greatest Need — To help her family
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You Aren’t Somebody? (Bucky x Reader)
Bucky x reader
Word count: 2647
Summary: Bucky knows that the reader has struggled with an eating disorder before, but thought they were doing better. Little does he know, they had just gotten better at hiding it. Until one night, he catches her doing something she had promised she had stopped
Warnings: eating disorder, purging, angst, fluff
Tags @abitgryffindorky @buckys2thicc @thatfangirl42 @buckfics @barnesplums @mardema @stucky-on-spiderman @thundering-barnes
Main Masterlist
A/N: It’s finals week and I am running on energy drinks, reading fanfiction, and longgggg hot showers. But the semester is almost over, and then I have no obligations aside from my hobbies. I see the requests and I’m working on them I promise! I have a list of all the requests that I get, and I am working through them I PROMISE!!! Thank you all for all of your support.
A/N 2: This deals with heavy and dark themes of mental illness. The specific warnings are above. If you feel that in any way reading this will be harmful to your mental health and your journey, PLEASE skip it. I write from my own experience and I know what I would’ve wanted to hear in these situations, and writing/reading fics helps me feel comforted. This fic is based on one experience more specifically than most of my fics, so I apologize if it’s not exactly the same as your experience. This is what I would’ve wanted to hear. If you need or want someone to talk to, vent to, or get advice from, feel free to message me, really. I’m here! <3
Bucky was standing in front of you, blocking the door. His piercing blue eyes were locked on you, your own refusing to meet his. 
He wanted answers that you were not ready to give.
“Y/n, please. I just want to talk about this”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Bucky.”
He looked you up and down. Your hair was in a messy bun, a few loose strands sticking to your tear stained cheeks. Your eyes were puffy, and your face was red, voice raspy. He took a deep breath. “You told me you would tell me if it was getting bad again.”
“You promised.”
You closed your eyes. He wasn’t wrong, you had promised. But that was because you never thought you’d see the day when you were purging again. You thought you had gotten over it. You really thought that this time you wouldn’t slip up.
You had been struggling with an eating disorder for a while. The cause, you weren’t quite sure. An innocent diet soon turned into a competition for yourself, but the end goal was never there. At first you had thought it was just about the weight and how you looked, but then you found that some of your behavior patterns were tied to your emotional ones. 
Stress was the major trigger, you had come to learn.
Whether it was a mission gone wrong, you getting injured, someone else getting injured, or even just basic social interactions you thought could’ve gone better, you found yourself inclined to comfort yourself with food. 
Until you panicked, which would lead you to the bathroom with music blaring and water running to cover up the noises of your retching. 
You hated it, and every time you told yourself it was the last time. But the more you did it, the more you felt the urge to do it. At first it was triggered by large stressors, but now smaller things could trigger you to want to throw up. You tried to keep it hidden, unaware of the true reasons for why you did it. You were able to help yourself sometimes, it wasn’t worth bringing anyone else into. 
You couldn’t explain it to yourself, so how were you supposed to explain it to anybody?
The best way that you had figured out how to describe it was that whenever you felt a negative emotion, you could soothe it in a physical way with food, especially with all the warm comfort foods that are known. But at the same time, that feeling lasted as long as you could taste, and you would feel guilty as you felt full. When you threw up, it felt like you were also throwing up the negative emotions. 
But when you said it out loud, it didn’t make sense. When people are sick and throwing up it’s one of the most uncomfortable feelings ever. Inducing it hurts sometimes, but it’s almost not as bad. Like you know it’s coming, and you’re in control of what’s happening and you could stop at any point. And there had been times where you could soothe yourself in other ways, and you knew your own physical limits. You knew when you had to stop for your own health.
Until you couldn’t stop.
Which is what led to you fainting on a mission after purging too much. Your electrolytes had bottomed out and you almost had a heart attack at an age no one should. Bucky, your boyfriend who was on the mission with you, had put it together when the first words out of your mouth upon gaining consciousness were “Is this a glucose drip?” while tugging at the IV.
He hadn’t been mad, not exactly. He wasn’t mad at you but he was furious with himself for not noticing, and for making you feel as though you couldn’t tell him. You assured him that you did trust him, but he wished you had come to him before you could’ve gotten yourself, and those on the mission, seriously hurt or killed. 
Nonetheless, you still didn’t know how to talk about it.
“Can you try to tell me about it?” he asked gently, running a hand through your hair. He held you to his chest, you unable to meet his eyes.
“It won’t make any sense,” you had said, tears glazing your eyes.
“I want to understand. Can you help me understand?”
You paused for a moment. “It’s a long story and I don’t know where to start. There’s so much going wrong.” you had said, tears beginning to streak down your face.
“I have all the time for you. And it doesn’t have to make sense, these things rarely do. I’m not here to judge you, I’m here to listen.”
And true to his word, he had. He had listened and held you while you tried to talk about what you could. He didn’t understand everything, he naturally had a ton of questions, but they weren’t for that moment. He had promised to help you the best that he could, and you had promised to try and tell him whenever you felt the urges get too strong. And if you couldn’t, to tell him after.
It was easier to talk to Bucky than anyone else. Not because he was your boyfriend, but because he seemed to understand you more than anyone else could. He had his own share of mental health struggles. Neither of you knew exactly what the other was going through, but you both understood that it was easy to feel alone and guilty even though you couldn’t control it. 
It was rough, but he was never mad. He was sometimes firm, and sometimes you had gotten angry with him. Only to later apologize to him with tears in your eyes. He was never mad with you. He understood that this was something internal. Upon research he had done and conversations he had had with Bruce, he understood that this had nothing to do with him. Some people thought eating disorders were about getting attention when it was one of the furthest things from the truth.
All he could do was love you and be there for you.
And to your surprise, talking about it did help.it took a long time, months, of long and hard conversations, panic attacks, slip ups, and really dark days. But it got to the point where Bucky felt that you were doing better, making an effort to tell you how proud he was and how much he loved you. 
And you were doing better, in a way. But you had been slipping up more recently, and you hadn’t told Bucky. You didn’t know how. After going the longest you’d ever had between slip ups, you found yourself retching over the toilet. You would have gone to Bucky but he had been away on a mission that was extended a few days. You couldn’t interrupt him because your feelings were too much to handle. People needed his help more than you did.
You were going to tell him, but he had been so tired when he had come back. He needed his time to relax, and it wasn’t the right time to tell him. And the next day when he was rested, you felt that it was irrelevant. Any negative feeling you had felt the day before had since past, and you didn’t see the point in bringing it up today. It would worry Bucky, he wouldn’t want to go on missions, and you weren’t going to do that to him. Besides, it was just one time.
You soon found yourself purging when Bucky wasn’t around. If he had gone out with Steve, if he was on a mission, or if he was down in the gym you found yourself taking more opportunities to give into your urges. It wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been, but you were spiraling. But at this point you had been slipping up so many times, you had been so secretive about it. 
It would kill Bucky inside to know that you were hiding this from him again. He would feel like you didn’t trust him. You trusted him with your life.
You just didn’t want to let him down. Not again, not when he had explicitly told you to come to him and you had been blatantly ignoring that.
You wanted to tell him, you did. But you couldn’t let him being so proud of you be based on a lie.
One day you were hunched over the toilet, legs sahking and tears streaming down your face from exertion. Bucky was away on a mission, so you didn’t even bother with the music or the water. What you hadn’t anticipated was him coming back hours earlier than he should’ve
The mission had gone much more smoothly than anticipated, which everyone was happy about. Bucky was glad he would get a few more hours with you. He had gone up to your shared room and let himself in, surprised to see you weren’t there. But then he heard you coughing from behind a closed bathroom door.
He felt like someone had punched him in the gut. You had been doing so well, what had happened?
He walked over to the door, knocking on it and calling out your name. He heard you muffle a small fuck before he knocked again.
“Y/n please, let me in.”
He heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on, you on the other side washing your face. You could feel the tears from exertion be replaced by ones of shame and embarrassment, biting your lip slightly. What the fuck were you going to tell him? 
When you finally turned off the water, you rubbed your face with a towel, sighing heavily into it. When you took it away, you looked long and hard at the doorknob. 
Bucky sighed on the other side of the door. “Y/n please. I’m not mad. We’ve been here before, I just wanna talk to you.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a breath before you made your expression nuetral and opened the door. 
Bucky’s eyes immediately saddened when he took you in. your face was still red and there were tears in your eyes. You had tried to put up a front, he could tell that too. Sometimes you got angry with him because you didn’t want to be vulnerable. He was prepared because like he said - he’d helped you before.
Before he could say anything you crossed your arms. “You’re home early,” you said coldly.
“How’d the mission go? Well, I assume.” you tried to slip past Bucky but he was blocking the door. 
Bucky took a deep breath. “Yeah, yeah, the mission went well.” He wanted to be gentle with you. “But how are you?”
You shrugged, trying to appear oblivious. “I’m fine,” voice wavering slightly as you looked away.
“Y/n please. You’re not fine. Can you tell me what happened?”
“The same thing that always happens” you said bitterly. “Something stupid comes up, I start feeling like shit about myself and I ignore it until I’m puking it up with everything else, alright? It’s the same story, different time, and now I have you looking at me all hurt just like I was worried about which is why I couldn’t tell you!” you exclaimed, eyes filled with anger and tears. Bucky looked at you as if you had just punched him in the face. He would’ve much preferred that you had.
You shook your head, trying to get through the door that he was blocking. “Bucky, just let me through the door, forget it.”
“Y/n just talk to me please, I -”
“JUST LET ME THROUGH THE GODDAMN DOOR.” You yelled, surprising Bucky. It had been a while since you had gotten this angry or defensive. But he stood his ground. Bucky was standing in front of you, blocking the door. His piercing blue eyes were locked on you, your own refusing to meet his. 
He wanted answers that you were not ready to give.
“Y/n, please. I just want to talk about this”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Bucky,” you said, feeling tears threatening to spill over. 
He took a deep breath. “You told me you would tell me if it was getting bad again.”
You closed your eyes and felt a pang in your stomach. “Bucky, I - “
“You promised,” he said, voice cracking.
You shook your head. “Why do I have to talk about this. It’s not like I’m hurting anybody” 
“You’re hurting yourself, y/n.” he said calmly.
You shook your head and narrowed your eyes slightly, tears falling. “That’s different Bucky, you know it is.”
“You aren’t somebody?”
You looked at him for a moment before a sob escaped your body, leaning on the counter for support as you brought a hand to your mouth. Bucky quickly came up behind you and pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around you. You started crying harder, embarrassed and ashamed. 
“I’m sorry Bucky, I didn’t know what else to do, I didn’t know how to tell you, I -”
“Hey it’s okay, it’s alright y/n, I’m here.” Bucky kept whispering reassurances in your ears, rubbing a hand up and down your back. 
After some time passed, you didn’t know how long, you were able to calm down enough to take some shaky breaths, hiding your red face in Bucky’s chest.
“When did this start happening again?” he asked softly
“I don’t know… few weeks at least, not really sure.”
He took a breath, trying to stay calm. A few weeks and he hadn’t suspected anything, and you were alone. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were on a mission, I couldn’t interrupt that.”
“Why didn’t you tell me when I got back?” he pressed gently.
“You were so tired Bucky - ”
“Y/n.” he said more firmly.
You paused for a moment, knowing he wouldn’t take those answers. If they were truly the reason then you would’ve told him the next day or the day after, as soon as the opportunity came. There was more to why you waited, and Bucky knew that. 
“I didn’t want to disappoint you,” you whispered. 
You heard Bucky sigh. He was angry with himself, for not being approachable to you. All he wanted was to make you feel safe enough to come to him, and to hear that you hadn’t because you thought he had expectations for you crushed him. “Y/n, I told you you could tell me about this. When have I ever been disappointed or angry with you?”
“You haven’t. You were just so proud and I - I didn’t want to ruin that for you. I didn’t want to tell you that you were proud of a lie.”
“Hey, hey look at me.” Hesitantly you looked up to meet his eyes. “None of this was you lying. You put in the hard work day after day, and I told you I was here to support you. But I never did the work for you. You did that. I’m proud of you and I always will be because you’re a fighter. It’s okay to have bad days, it’s okay to slip up. It’s okay to need a little help too, and that’s what I’m here for. A slip up doesn’t erase all the hard work you’ve put in before. I’m proud of you for the progress you’ve made, and of the work you put in. This doesn’t change anything sweetheart.”
He pulled you back into his chest.
“I’ll always be proud of you.”
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carelessannie · 3 years
Here’s some good Winterspider food, for this prompt by @femmeparker
Warnings: omegaverse, public stranger sex, intersex Omega, kinda soul mates? Mostly just fluff and smut, what’s new
- - -
“Shh, shh sweetheart, it’s alright— I’ve got you.”
Fat tears roll down Peter’s cheeks as he nods, “We can’t… I’ve never…”
The sweet Alpha underneath him makes more shushing noises, bouncing him gently on his knot, already deep and blown wide, “I know, sweet Omega. We’re gonna… we’re gonna figure it out, okay?”
“Okay, Alpha,” Peter smiles weakly, feeling another load of cum pump into him, the Alpha’s cock sealed tight against his cervix and filling him up, breeding his tight hole right here in a fucking swivel office chair.
He doesn’t remember much about the last few minutes— just the haze of scent matching this Alpha, forcing him into the chair, and riding him until both of them were joined.
And now that they have a moment, Peter leans back a little bit and admires his new Alpha. He has a soft, shy smile with ice-blue eyes, filled with emotion and something deeper, something darker. His hair is chestnut brown, just like Peter’s, but instead of curls, this man has his longer hair swept back into an artfully messy bun. He’s beautiful, handsome, dashing— can’t be more than a few years older than Peter— and smells just like his nest at home. Just like him.
“Um, Alpha?” Peter preens a little when the Alpha’s eyes flutter at the name, “I just realized I don’t even know your name.”
His Alpha’s eyes widen, horror-stricken, “God, I can’t believe… shit, sorry sweetheart. Name’s James Barnes, but m’friends just call me Bucky.”
“James Barnes,” Peter tastes the name on his lips, “Bucky,” he ducks his chin and bats his eyelashes, giving the Alpha a playful grin, “and what should I call you, Alpha?”
Bucky just groans, throwing his head back as his hips thrust up helplessly, “Christ alive, Omega, you’re gonna give me a heart attack. You can call me whatever you’d like— although, maybe stay away from callin’ me Alpha right now, ‘les you want me to die where I sit.”
Peter giggles and squirms around, sighing in pleasure as Bucky’s cock hits all the right spots. He’s not sure how the Alpha’s cock even fit— he’s never been knotted before. Either way, he doesn’t plan to leave Bucky’s lap for a long time.
He realizes Bucky is staring at him, eyes half lidded and jaw dropped. Oh— he’s definitely been instinctually milking the Alpha’s knot, clenching and unclenching rhythmically, and causing Bucky to come again, weakly, with a drawn out whine.
“S-sorry,” his apology falls short, though, because Bucky just grips hips tighter, moving him in a circular grind that rubs his now straining cock and throbbing clit against Bucky’s abs, ramping up his pleasure further and further. After only a few more turns, Peter’s orgasm crests and he scrambles against Bucky’s chest, spilling clear and wet between their bodies.
Bucky just talks him through it. His fingers are gentle in Peter’s hair and he downright coos, using his strength to work Peter through every last drop of his release.
When he finally catches his breath, Peter realizes he’s collapsed against Bucky’s chest, sucking instinctively on his neck to release waves of content Alpha scent.
Bucky hums, a small questioning noise, so Peter repeats himself, “Peter. That’s my name, Peter Stark.”
The large Alpha freezes under him, pulling gently on his shoulder until he can make eye contact. Peter doesn’t like the worry and terror he sees.
“You’re Tony Stark’s son?”
Peter tilts his head, “Yes? Why else would I just randomly be hanging out in his office?”
“Oh god, oh god— I thought… fuck! I thought maybe you were another intern here or something? Fuck, he’s gonna kill me. Or fire me, which is probably worse.”
“He won’t fire you, I’ll make sure of it.” Peter tries to give him a reassuring smile, but Bucky is already lost in his thoughts, trying to pull Peter off his knot which, ow. Kind of hurts. “Hey!” he grabs at Bucky’s hands, stilling the harsh movement, “don’t do that, it hurts.”
Bucky looks like he’s about to cry, and he holds Peter’s hands tenderly between his own, pressing sloppy kisses to his knuckles. “I-I’m sorry, Peter.” His voice is broken and destroyed, and Peter wants to cry with him. No one, not even his dad, will take this precious Alpha, his soft mate, away from him.
So Peter nuzzles back into his neck, offering his scent to try and soothe Bucky’s anxiety. Now it’s him comforting the big Alpha, whispering gently, “It’s okay, Bucky. We’re gonna face this together, alright? You’re my mate. Either we un-knot and face my dad with our pants on, or we—“
With impeccable Stark timing, Peter hears the office door swing open, his dad’s voice carrying, loudly, from a casual conversation with his assistant.
And then there’s just silence.
Peter maneuvers the chair, letting him turn sideways and see his dad standing in the doorway, phone and tablet and jaw dropped to the ground. His face displays a wide range of emotions before settling on a carefully controlled calm, the most terrifying of them all.
“Please tell me this is a fucking joke. Somehow. I’ll take anything, Peter.”
Peter turns his nose up and crosses his arms— which is probably hilarious in itself, considering both him and Bucky are bare and knotted together from the waist down.
“Dad, meet my scent mate— James Barnes.”
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seiya234 · 3 years
It had been three or four years and that was long enough long enough surely to say
“I’m sorry.”
Mabel looked up at him, sewing needles stuck in the bun of her grey hair, while she was digging in her bag for some yarn.
“For what?”
“For breaking my promise.”
“….what promise Dipper? I’m old as balls now I can’t remember things.”
“Ew, Mabel, first please stop saying ‘old as balls’-“
“I shan’t-“
“Second your memory is better than mine and third-“
He gently took her left hand in his left hand, ran a finger over the white line that was still visible in the skin even after all these years.
Mabel’s face fell. “Oh. That.”
“Yeah. I’m…I’m sorry I killed him.”
Mabel, instead of gracefully accepting this apology by laying into him as he so rightfully deserved, snorted.
“Um, no you didn’t, a heart attack killed Henry.”
“Because of the Woodsman-“
“-yes but-“
“-which I caused QED it is my fault that Henry died and why are you looking at me like that?”
“What does QED mean again?”
Mabel looked at him oddly for a second before sighing and putting her bag aside.
“Is it time to do this again? The old ‘woe is me I suck’ talk? Dipper I love you but occasionally this gets old.”
“I just assume the audience loves it.”
“What audience?”
“Never mind. Look, that was a really sweet thing you did at the wedding. Loved it! But like, you wrote a check your butt couldn’t fill.”
“Mabel I’m a demon.”
“Yeah and if there’s one thing California proved to me, it’s that every demon has a check they can’t fill.”
“Mabel I….can we not talk about California please?”
“And I was enjoying doing some knitting before you decided to jump on the dead Henry train so you can deal.” She saw Dipper’s face and toned it down.
“Look Dipper, nothing in life is guaranteed. Nothing. And maybe that promise would have worked and we would have gone together. But that could have easily meant that I died with Henry-“
Dipper couldn’t even countenance that.
“And it was for a good cause! You helped save Willow! And a whole bunch of other people through the Woodsman! That’s awesome!”
“…..do you mean it Mabel?” Dipper asked, sounding 12 instead of 85.
“Absolutely. I have no regrets, and I know Henry died with none either. So sorry, this pity train isn’t leaving the train today.”
She picked up her bag and started looking through it again.
“And if you’re really feeling the need to atone, get me some cow fresh milk with the bad cooties out.”
Dipper smiled. “I can do that.”
He got up to leave but paused. “Hey Mabel?”
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Nets and Bandaids | pt 3 (final)
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Summary: They were the strongest members in their respective teams and everyone looked up to them. Except, they could never seem to get along. One day when an incident happened during the seasonal championship, that changed everything between them.
Theme: University au, volleyball players au, enemies to lovers
Genre: fluff
WC: 2.6k
Pairing: Lee Minho x Reader
Part 1 || Part 2
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The next day came and it was a Thursday morning. Y/N entered her morning class in which she happened to share with Seungmin. She took a seat beside him and had just taken out her laptop when both her phone and his, dinged at the same time. It was their group chat.
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Just as she was about to reply in the group chat, she received a text from Minho privately. She opened his chat only to see him ask if she was going to the said party. With that being said, she texted him a response.
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And then 5 seconds later, the group chat started sounding again.
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With that, you couldn’t help but smile as you closed the chat when your lecturer walked in.
That weekend came in a flash as Chan, Changbin, Jisung, Mina and Yeri had met up earlier in the day to prepare the pool party at Chan’s family home. Mina and Jisung went to buy a lot of buffet cuisines while Yeri went to get snacks with Changbin.
Chan tidied the house and prepared some games they could play in the pool and also in the house such as water volleyball, board games, card games etc.
The rest of them either came on their own or together in a bunch. Y/N needed to run errands before heading off to Chan’s house so she was alone. When she arrived at the house, 12 out of 15 people were already there excluding herself. Those who still have yet to arrive were Jihyo, Hyunjin and Minho.
Y/N was still in her sweatpants and crop top as she stood by the snacks counter only to grab herself the big bottle of green tea and a plastic cup. However, she realized there were no ice cubes so she turned around just in time for Chan to top up the chips right beside her.
“Chan ah, do you have ice?” She asked.
“Oh, yeah. They’re in the freezer. The kitchen is down the hall to the left.” He said, pointing towards the right side of the house where there was a hallway.
She thanked him, proceeding to excuse herself. She entered his beautiful house, mindlessly admiring the interior of his family home only to make it in the big kitchen. She went over to the fridge only to open the freezer.
She was just letting the ice cubes plop into the cup when she flinched upon hearing a familiar voice coming from behind the freezer door.
“Hoarding the ice?” A soft chuckle accompanied his speech as she peeked past the door, only to see Minho walking closer to her with a very soft smile on his face.
“Was planning to until you mentioned it. Want some?” She asked, seeing him nod while stretching his hand out where he was holding a cup of lemon tea in his hand. After they were done, she was about to go back to join the others when Minho grabbed a hold of her wrist gently.
“How’s your lower abdomen? Does it still hurt?” He asked genuinely concerned.
“Occasionally it still does but it’s not a terrible pain.”
Minho slowly nodded as the room fell silent, both suddenly shy from the small little cuddle they had that night in the bus. Ever since that day, neither of them really acknowledged it properly even though the rest of them already knew about it since the 5 kids couldn’t keep their mouth shut. 
But even so, both of them weren’t bothered by the fact that their friends saw it. They just didn't know how to acknowledge the situation to each other. With that being said, he decided to break the ice first.
“We should probably head back before those minions start to have weird ass thoughts.” 
“Yeah, we really should…” She said with a light giggle. They both made their way back to the backyard. Jihyo, Mina, Jisoo and Jennie unfortunately couldn’t join them in the pool due to their monthly mother nature calls. Yeri, Lisa and Chungha were already in the pool along with the rest of the guys while Y/N was still seated with the rest of the girls.
“Y/N! Are you on your red light?” Yeri asked with a small pout. The others were now focused on her.
“Umm, n-no?”
“Then what are you doing there? Come here with us!”
Mina beckoned from the other side of the pool as Y/N told her she would join them in a minute. Just then, before she could resume talking to the rest of the girls, she saw Changbin quickly get out of the pool only for Y/N to start running away.
“Seo Changbin! Wait! Let me change at least for God's sake!” Y/N yelled, desperately running around the pool. Changbin however was a tad bit faster as he wrapped his arms around her waist, making her all wet. A shriek left her lips when he lifted her bridal style and soon walked towards the pool.
“Bin ah! Bin ah, wait! Put me down!” She screamed, slapping his chest repeatedly only for the boy to smirk as he stuck his tongue out at her.
“Too late.”
With that, he plunged into the pool with her in his arms, soaking her from head to toe. They resurfaced to gasp for air as she pushed her hair out of her face. She splashed a good amount of water on him in annoyance.
“Seo Changbin! I’m gonna kill you!”
“Hey, I got you in here, noona.”
“I didn’t bring any extra clothes with me, you idiot!”
That’s when his face fell when he realised he fucked up, only for him to apologize as she sighed, knowing she could never be mad at them for too long.
“Oh shit, noona I’m so sorry…” Changbin apologized. She shook her head and told him it was fine before she left the pool.
Minho was silently watching her walk to her bag. She quietly took out her towel and wrapped it around her lower body before she asked Chan where his bathroom was. She took off her sweatpants and squeezed it to get rid of the excess water before hanging it over one of the chairs.
About 15 minutes later, she came back out with a two piece swimsuit and a white see through shirt over it to cover her body since she wasn’t really comfortable with showing her skin openly and a pair of thin shorts.
She hung her wet shirt and towel on the chair before walking over to the pool while tying her hair in a low bun.
“Y/N! Whose team do you wanna join?” Jisung asked as she stared at both sides of the pool.
“Are you guys in your teams already?”
“Not yet but Changbin and Lisa are the captains.” Jisung giggled, making her turn to Lisa with a smile.
“Lalisa? Captain? Wow. I’m impressed.” Y/N teased, earning a laugh from Lisa.
“You can be the captain if you want.” Lisa said, only for Y/N to shake her head.
“No thanks, I’d love to take a break for once.” Y/N said.
Just then, she glanced over only to lock eyes with Minho who was leaning against the wall on the other side of the pool from where she was standing. He had his arms resting on the edge of the pool as he gave her a soft smile, which made her heart pound against her chest. 
This feeling was still foreign to her because she would definitely not feel this way if it was a few months back.
“So, have you made up your mind or should we drag you to one side?” Hyunjin asked with a smirk while Changbin spoke up.
“Well, if that’s the case, I’m taking noona and Minho hyung first.” A smirk appeared on his face as Jisung grabbed Y/N’s hands who was just squatting down on the edge of the pool, dragging her in.
Once she was standing up straight, she couldn’t help but slap Jisung’s chest out of annoyance.
“Can you people stop pulling me in like that? Geez.” She scoffed as she swam past him to go towards the middle while  they started to divide into two teams of 6. Lisa, Mina, Yeri, Jeongin, Chan and Seungmin on one side and Changbin, Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin, Felix and Y/N on the other side.
The game started with them trying their best to move around but the water was making it impossible for them. Y/N’s team was leading with 5 points.
Minho passed the ball to Hyunjin who then passed it behind him where Y/N was and with one swift motion, she launched herself in the air only to dump the ball on their side, earning a solid win.
Her team cheered as Hyunjin and Jisung attacked her with hugs, causing her to submerge underwater. They resurfaced only for Changbin to dive under and soon slot his head in between her legs before he stood up, lifting her on his shoulders. 
A scream escaped her lips as she desperately cling onto Changbin’s hands that were on her thighs.
“Seo Changbin! Put me down!” She screamed. She watched as he tilted his head up with a playful smile dancing on his lips.
“Not yet.” Changbin said.
With that being said, he began to walk around the pool with her on his shoulder before he suggested a game of wrestling.
“Changbin ah, I’m scared…” Y/N whined as he reassured her saying that she’ll be fine and that he won’t make her injured. The game soon started with Yeri on Chan’s shoulder.
“Unnie… I’m sorry.” Yeri said in between laughs as she began to violently push Y/N off Changbin’s shoulders.
“Kim Yerim!” Y/N squeaked when the younger girl pushed her. In less than 5 minutes, Y/N was down. For what she thought would be a harsh impact, a strong pair of arms wrapped itself around her waist as she crashed into someone’s chest. Because of this, her head didn’t get submerged in the water.
Changbin turned around after Yeri’s team was cheering excitedly for winning, only for Changbin to ask.
“Noona, are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Y/N giggled while Changbin and the other guys got ready for another round of competition. However, she realized that the arms around her waist were still there so she carefully turned her head only to be met with Minho’s.
They got quiet for a bit as he couldn’t help but glance down at her lips. Just then, Minho whispered teasingly to avoid the others from hearing.
“Should we give them something to talk about?” A smirk danced on his lips. She glanced back to see them still focused on the game. With that being said, she turned back to Minho with a giggle.
He was already leaning against the wall as she pressed her body against his in the water for support before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She gently leaned forward to let her lips brush his own before she whispered.
“Are you sure that’s all you want?” Her eyes travelled back to his only for him to shake his head.
“Definitely not.” He said with a smile tugged on his lips. Soon enough, he gently pressed his lips on hers, earning a soft gasp. His hands tightened around her waist as she tangled her fingers in his damp hair, only to hear the rest of them get excited in the back.
“Oh God bless! Fucking finally!” Changbin yelled in excitement while the rest yelled happily.
She couldn’t help but pull away from Minho, hiding her face in his neck while he smiled proudly to his friends.
“Just how long had y’all been waiting for this?” Minho asked curiously as some of them responded in unison.
“Ever since the beginning of your fights!” 
With that, Y/N whipped her head around only to raise her eyebrows at them. She couldn’t believe what she heard. They shrugged, saying they could tell that this day would come sooner or later. Just then, she turned back to Minho, making him steal a quick kiss. This was enough to make her blush.
“Yeah, I started liking you a few months back to be honest. I just didn’t know why at that time so I just continued sort of ‘hating’ you…” He suddenly confessed, making her flustered.
“Oh wow. And you still continued to act like a total jerk? Smooth move Captain.” She teased as he chuckled, sliding his hands up her sides underneath her shirt underwater only to stop just below her swimsuit line.
“Don’t you think you’re being a bit brave now?” She asked. He smirked smugly, feeling him snake his arms around her frame. He kissed her jaw as the noises behind them from their friends busy playing games seemed to be muffled in their ears.
“You can tell me to stop if this weirds you out. I don’t mind.” His voice low in her ear as he kissed the skin beneath her earlobe.
“I’d tell you to keep going but our friends are here.” With that, he pulled away from her neck only to cup her face in one hand before he spoke up.
“Then come over to my place later and we can spend the night all to ourselves.” He whispered as he brushed his lips against hers. “What made you like me?” She suddenly asked, seeing him stare at her with such a soft look.
“I respect the way you lead your teammates. You’re such a good volleyball player and to be honest, I really look up to you.” His voice was laced with nothing but honesty.
“Wait… Really?” She asked, slightly confused.
“Yeah. I know I might seem like I always think I’m better than everyone else. But I actually get really scared that people might compare me to you so I hated it. And I guess I made a mistake of hating you for it. I’m sorry.” He apologized.
With that, she smiled as she cupped both sides of his face before he locked eyes with her very soft gentle ones.
“We’re all human and we have every right to feel however we want to. So I don’t blame you for feeling like that towards me.” She reassured him by kissing him again, only for him to deepen the kiss. He pulled her against him, softly caressing her wet skin making her pull away with a giggle.
“We should probably join them cause I can foresee that they won’t let us live after today.” She said. Minho could only nod in response knowing that was true.
As expected, their friends didn’t have an end to teasing their team captains as they literally teased them almost every 5 seconds. After the pool party, Y/N ended up going over to Minho’s apartment to hang out with him in which they eventually ended up cuddling in each other’s arms in which she fell asleep at his place.
A few days later, Y/N and Seungmin were running late yet again for their volleyball training as she texted in the group chat again for them to tell the coach. But the response she got was slightly unexpected.
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They got through training without a single fight between Minho and Y/N, which definitely shocked their coach but Jisung was witty with his reply.
“Let’s just say, the championship changed them Coach.”
With that being said, Coach Kwon simply smiled as he asked them to gather around so that he could give them some new tips and pointers. Ever since then, the two Team Captains had stopped whatever fights they always had during training and Minho even changed the way he supervised his teammates.
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jawritter · 4 years
I Hurt Too
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Warnings: Implied smut, domestic violence? Angry Dean, Hurt!Dean, Jealous!Dean, Language, hurt feelings, angst, some fluff. Multiple view points.
Word Count: 6136
Request: hi there! I have seen loads of fics and one shots where Dean is sleeping around/having a one night stand and the reader gets jealous and upset, but I was wondering if I could request one with the other way around? or maybe one where they sleep around equally? as smutty, fluffy, or angst as you want!!
A/N: This fic is beta’d by the lovely @deanwanddamons! Thanks so much hun! As always please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! I hope you all enjoy this one!
Want More? Check out my Masterlist!!
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Dean’s POV:
The concert floor of the bunker was cold under Dean’s feet as he swung his legs off of the bed, and placed his feet gingerly on the floor. He was being very mindful of the injury to his knees that he got during the last hunt. It protested with every movement, and being in his forties now, it seemed he didn’t heal up as quickly as he used to. 
Standing with a deep growl, Dean stretched the muscles that protested against his movements, his eyes wandering over the empty liquor bottle that was sitting on his nightstand. He let out a long sigh, and picked up the bottle, throwing it in the trash can by the door as he hobbled his way out of his room, and towards the kitchen in search of coffee. 
Dean’s feet dragging along the empty hallways of the Bunker seemed to echo more than they usually did in the morning. Sammy had either still been asleep, as it was really, really early; or he was already on his run. Y/N must have still been out with a conquest from the night before, because he’d been up most of the night, and she still hadn’t made it home by the time he finally drank enough to pass out, and ignore the throbbing pain in his knee. 
As he made his way closer to her room, he couldn’t stop himself from pushing the door open just a little, and peeking inside to see if she’d actually came home, or if she was still out with whatever bar room wonder she let take her home last night that wasn’t him. 
He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her body covered up in the pile of covers that she always kept on her bed. Her back was to the door, and the easy rise and fall of the covers told him she was still fast asleep, so he shut the door quietly behind him, and continued his way towards the kitchen.
Normally he would have been right there with her  at the bar last night. It had been a successful hunt, other than his busted knee, and that was due to his own clumsiness, and nothing really to do with a monster. He knew the stairs were rotten, and that he should have been taking them slower than he was, but Sammy was out running him, and that looked bad. He didn’t want to look weak in front of Y/N, so he rushed up the stairs, and as he got to  the middle of the old rotten staircase, it had given way under his weight, sending his leg through the wood, and pulling his knee pretty good. 
His adrenaline was high at the time, chasing the Werewolf through the old abandoned house, so he  hadn’t really paid the injury much attention. He just jerked it out of the hole he’d fallen through, and continued his chase. Ultimately, Sam had successfully killed the Werewolf before he got there. 
Three hours into the drive back to the Bunker though, he felt it, and by the time he’d gotten home and put Baby in park, he could hardly put any weight on it.
Y/N fussed over him as he hobbled his way to his room, but Dean wanted nothing more than to get his jeans off, and put on a pair of loose sweats. Again, he refused to show how hurt he actually was in an attempt not to look weak, even though she could clearly see him limping. 
She’d offered to stay back at the Bunker last night, and binge watch Dr. Sexy with him instead of going out to the local watering hole, but Dean had told her to go ahead and go. He didn’t want to hold her back from having a good time by making her stay here with him. 
After about an hour of bickering, she had agreed to let him stay behind, and she went out on her own. 
He wanted to just get drunk, and pass out, but his mind wouldn’t let him do that right away, and getting drunk enough to black out wasn’t as easy as it used to be for him. So instead, he lay there alone in his dark room, picturing things he wished he wasn’t. 
Some strangers hands on the body he wanted more than anything to hold against his. Some random sinking into her in a way that he wished only he was allowed to do. His mouth on hers as their bodies moved together.
Would she moan for him? Would he be able to give her what she needed? Would he hold her when it was all over, the way Dean wanted so badly to do, but was never able to shove down his own stubbornness, and tell her how he felt. Instead, he justified his actions by saying, “she’s safer not knowing how I feel,” or “they can’t hurt because of me, if no one knows,” but deep down he felt like his heart was being ripped out every time he saw her on someone else’s arm. 
Dean poured his coffee, and sat down at the table in the kitchen with a huff, running his fingers through his hair, and pulling the short strands hard enough to feel the sting in an attempt to pull the images that were threatening to invade his mind out before they could hurt him further. The only thing he knew to do at this point in order to save his sanity was to push her away. Maybe if he did that, then it wouldn’t hurt so bad. 
Your POV: Two weeks later
You  dry your hair roughly before throwing the towel into the hamper by the door, and pull it into a messy bun as you make your way towards the kitchen in search of coffee. It was early, and Dean wouldn’t be up for probably another hour. You were sure Sam was out on his morning run, and  he had mentioned something last night about going on a supply run before the next case. 
You’d all been working non stop for weeks. Local cases. Things that normally would  be overlooked, but Dean was insistent on staying busy. You didn’t know why, but Dean had been acting really strange since he’d hurt his knee on that hunt in Wichita Falls. 
It had started when he’d refused to speak to you all day the next day. Then it progressively got worse, and now he walked around acting like you didn’t exist, going as far as to hand Sam his rabbit food last night, but not even handing you your burger, just getting his food out of the bag, then throwing it on the table for you to find for yourself. 
He wasn’t even communicating with you during hunts, which made things that much more difficult and dangerous. When you finally got back to the Bunker this morning, you were well planning to go blow off some steam, and get away from this new Dean that you were learning you didn’t like so much.
At first it had really hurt  that Dean had started to treat you so badly. You had always liked Dean more than just a “big brother” or friend, the way you saw Sam. The two of you were close at one time. 
You didn’t know what had caused the switch. You’d gone over and over it  in your head, but you couldn't figure out what you had done to him in order to turn him against you. There wasn’t a chance in hell you’d get him to actually tell you what you had done wrong. So you thought at first it would pass, not get worse. 
Making your way over to your dresser  you pull out a simple black tank top, and a short denim skirt. It wasn’t like you were planning to ‘keep them on all night’, you just wanted them to catch the attention you needed in order to get what you desired tonight, and they had never failed you yet. 
Before you could even turn around to grab your hair brush off the desk in your room, you hear a curse, and a fumbling noise behind you before your door closes. Furrowing your brow in confusion, you walk over to the door, and open it, seeing Dean’s back retreating to his room, before his door slams with enough force to knock dust down from the ceiling. 
Looking down at your feet you see a busted whiskey glass, and a good amount of amber liquid still on the floor. Your eyes evert back to the door that Dean had just disappeared behind, and then down to the mess.. 
You must have left the door open when you had come into the room, but why would Dean be so upset if he saw you about to get ready to go out? Hell, he does it as much as you. The whole motel  knew his name was Dean Fucking Winchester  thanks to the whore he’d brought back last night, and her impressive vocal range.
Grabbing the discarded towel you’d just used to dry your hair, you clean up the mess caused by the spilled liquor, your mind still wondering just what you had done so fucking wrong. 
Four hours later you tried to close the heavy door to the Bunker as quietly as you could as you snuck back inside. Sure, it was past midnight, but you also knew that Dean could be somewhat of a night owl, and you really didn’t want to have a run in with him coming home from yet another one night stand. Especially after whatever the fuck happened outside your bedroom door before you left tonight. 
You had wanted to confront him, ask him if something was wrong, but the way he’d been treating you kept you at bay and you just decided to go on about your business, and leave Dean to whatever brooding he was doing. 
The Bunker was dark, all but the kitchen light that seemed to stay on all the time, and a weak light that illuminated from the map table in the war room as you descended the stairs. You spilled your shoes off at the top of the iron staircase in order to make your footsteps lighter as you went. 
You didn’t see the man sitting at the table in the dark library until he spoke just as you made your way to the mouth of the hallway, and when you heard his voice you nearly had a mini heart attack. 
“You’re  home early,” Dean said, flipping the lamp on, revealing himself in the back corner of the library. 
“Fuck Dean! You scared the shit out of me,” you hissed, turning on your heels to face him fully. 
Dean rose from his seat and staggered a little, grabbing the table for support as he swayed slightly on his feet. You had only seen Dean that drunk once. It was the night he’d been cured from being a Demon. After Sam had gone to bed, the two you stayed up all night long drinking because you were too afraid to leave him alone. It was close to five in the morning before he’d finally passed out. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled as he made his way closer to you, using the tables as support.
“Dean, you need to go sleep that off,” you tell him, taking a tentative step closer to him. You didn’t know what was bothering Dean exactly, but whatever it was it must be big for him to let himself go this way.
“Fuck you.You don’t get to tell me what to do. I didn’t tell you not to go fuck that loser bartender again tonight did I? Fuck no, but you whored yourself up, and marched that perky little ass of your right into his car to do God knows what. I never knew you were so fucking easy Y/N.”
His words cut deep. Dean had never spoken to you like that, and the fact that the first thing he’d said to you in days was an insult was a huge kick in the gut. Taking a step back from him, you turn to head towards your room. You hadn’t gotten very far before Dean caught up with you, grabbing your arm and spinning you around, pressing your back against the wall harshly. 
“I wasn’t fucking done with you,” Dean snarled, and you slapped him hard across the face. Tears burned in your eyes at his hurtful behavior not only tonight, but over the last two weeks . 
“What’s your fucking problem Dean? What have I done to you that’s offended you so much? For weeks now you’ve been  a douche to me, and I have no idea what I’ve done to you!” you yell at him, all thoughts of not waking up Sam gone right out of the window. 
“What’s my fucking problem? Maybe it’s you. Spreading your legs for every Tom, Dick, and Harry that pays you a little attention,” Dean said, coming closer to you and shoving you backwards, his words getting louder and louder with each step he took. 
Sam burst out of his bedroom door as soon as he heard the two of you, jumping in between you and Dean to stop his brother, who was so mad that he was honestly frightening. 
“What the fuck is the problem!” Sam bellowed at the two of you. 
“She’s the fucking problem,” Dean said, pointing an unsteady finger at you accusingly. “She thinks it’s okay to jump in bed with every fucking ass hole in Lebanon after every fucking hunt like she’s getting fucking paid for it!” 
“Fuck you Winchester! You do the same fucking shit! You have no room to judge me for what I do with my free time because I sure as fuck haven’t judged you!” you scream at him, tears slipping down your face and a heaviness pooling deep in your chest. 
“Excuse me? I’ve been with one woman in months compared to your six fucking men in a month!” Dean said, trying to sidestep his brother, but Sam’s long arms shot out and stopped him before he could move towards you. “Do you not care that one night one of these assholes can knock you up? Kill you, before you can get away from them? Hunting monsters, and fighting off perverts are two different fucking things Y/N!”
“Don’t act like you're all concerned about me Dean! Nice fucking double standards. You think because I’m a woman that I can’t handle myself, and that I’m a whore for doing the same exact shit you do!”
“GET THE FUCK OUT!” he roared, making even Sam jump as he tried to hold his brother back. Dean’s face was red,  his glossy eyes wide and dilated with anger. You had never seen Dean so angry, and you even took a hurried step back, stumbling into the library as Dean shoved Sam to the side and marched towards you. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE BUNKER! IF YOU CARE SO FUCKING LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF, THEN YOU CAN GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, BECAUSE I CAN’T WATCH YOU FALL IN BED WITH ONE MORE ASS HOLE!!!” 
“DEAN!” Sam yelled, crossing the floor and grabbing his arm as you sank into the chair behind you hiccuping a sob as Dean towered over you. 
Sam reached out and grabbed Dean, throwing him against the wall with a hard shove. “Get your ass to your room, and sleep it off! Now! Y/N, you stay right the fuck there!” Sam said as he shoved the very livid eldest Winchester towards his room, making sure he was in there before coming back to find you still sitting in the same seat, to shocked and heartbroken to move. 
You wrapped your arms tighter around yourself as if it could hold you together, when all you wanted to do was fall apart. You never thought Dean would talk to you that way. Sure, he’d been pushing you away and being an ass for the last couple of weeks, but you never dreamed that he hated you. You never knew that he thought you no better than a whore. Now you had lost the only home you’d ever known since your Uncle Bobby had passed away.
You were shaking slightly when Sam pulled up a chair across from you, and sat down with a flop. 
“Are you okay?” Sam asked, reaching out and placing a large hand over your knee. You flinch at the contact. Only God knows what the hell Dean would do if he came in here and saw that. 
“Not really Sam, I’ll get my shit packed,” you said, attempting to stand up, but Sam's hand coming down heavy on your shoulder stopped you. 
“No you're not. He’s just druck, and jealous, Y/N. When he sobers  up in the morning he’s going to feel horrible about the way he treated you tonight…”
“How the fuck can you know that Sam, he seemed pretty sure. Hell, a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts right? He seemed pretty sure in his decision, and I doubt he will regret a word of it. Besides, that did not sound ‘jealous’ to me one bit. He sounded disgusted, and angry,” you cut in. stopping Sam from defending Dean again.
“Y/N, I know my brother better than he knows himself most of the time. He’s not angry. He’s hurting, and he’s jealous. He’s been crazy about you from the moment you moved in here, and you won't even give him the time of day.”
You scoffed at Sam, rolling your eyes as you wiped the tears from your face harshly. Your heart felt like it just wanted to stop beating, and you really didn’t feel like being led on by Sam, and given false hope that Dean had feelings for you at all that weren’t discussed just so you would stay.
“Sam, your brother does not like me. Period. How could he be jealous, or hurt, just because I do the same thing I’ve seen him do for years.” 
Sam ran his hands through his hair and let out a long sigh. 
“You really don’t see it do you? Think about it Y/N, other than that one blonde a week ago, when was the last time you saw him take a girl home? That was the first one since you moved in  almost four months ago.” 
You search your brain, trying to remember. You hadn’t been paying that much attention. You thought because of all he’d been through he was just going through a dry spell, and when you heard him and that girl, you assumed he was getting back to his usual self. 
Sure, you hated to see Dean with other women, but you weren’t dumb enough to ever think that you would even be on his radar. 
“The only reason he brought that girl back to the hotel was because he got upset when he saw you with that bouncer who was about 10 years younger than him. It hurt his ego. He’d been buying you drinks all night, he’d even paid for a separate  hotel room separate  because he thought, just maybe you’d see how much he was into you, and go home with him.”
You look at Sam, your head full of doubt. Dean’s words were still ringing  loudly in your head, and you wanted nothing more than to get away from here so that you could cry it out. 
“Just let him sober up. If things are still tense in the morning, then you can take off to Jody’s for a few days. I know she wouldn’t mind, but if you are gone when he sobers up, and remembers what the fuck he did to you it’s gonna crush him.”
You let out a deep breath as you looked around the still dark Bunker with a heavy feeling in your chest. Your body started to feel exhausted as the adrenaline from your fight with Dean started to wane. You knew it was late, and if you left right now you’d never even make it to a hotel room. You were just that tired. You weren’t in the right mindset to drive, so you nodded your head in agreement. Walking to your room with your feet dragging, you fell face down your bed, and let the tears flow freely as your heart shattered into a thousand pieces. Dean’s voice  still louder than Sam’s in your head. 
You had been  in love with him since you were 16 years old.You even patterned your life after his. He was your hero. The man all girls dreamed about, and he hated you, and it was all your fault. 
You were so upset that you didn’t hear Dean sobbing into his pillow in his room as you passed to head to yours, or see Sam go and sit outside of his brother’s door with his back to it, listening to his older brother, his rock, his best friend fall apart, all because he was too stubborn, and too hurt to tell the woman he was so deeply in love with just how he felt. 
Dean’s POV: 
Dean rolled around in his bed with a groan, taking a deep breath through his nose in an effort to stave off the wave of nausea that seemed to hit him as soon as he woke up this morning. He could still taste the liquor, and the scent of it seemed to be seeping out of his every pore, making his weak stomach churn in protest. 
He struggled to remember the last time he’d gotten that drunk, and honestly it was all a bit foggy. It made his head hurt, so he stopped thinking, and pulled himself sluggishly to his feet.stopping for only a moment to lean against his door. 
Physically he felt like shit, but emotionally he was a wreck, worse than he’d been even with his mom had died, worse than he’d been when he lost John. His actions last night played over and over in front of his face like a broken record, and he didn’t want to face that fact that he’d run you out, and hurt you. The look on your face was stuck in his mind. Tears streaming down your face, complete with utter terror of what he might do to you. 
He didn’t realize what he was doing until Sam locked him in his room. It was like he was acting on autopilot and he couldn’t stop. All the bottled up emotions came rolling to the surface, and he never thought he’d snap like that. He’d never forgive himself. 
Stumbling to the small sink in his room, he looked at himself in the mirror for the first time in days. His eyes were puffy and red with dark circles. His complexion was paler than he’d ever seen it, even when he had the mark. His cheeks even looked a little sunk in. Had he lost weight? He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten . He’d been too busy drinking.
Dean splashed his face with water, rubbing harshly as if he could wipe away what he’d done, even though he knew he never could. When he could stand up without holding onto something, he made his way slowly towards the kitchen, hoping if he could eat something and keep it down then the sick feeling would go away and he could figure out what he needed to do to fix what he’d broken. If he couldn’t fix it, well then it was time to check out, because he couldn’t live knowing he’d hurt you. 
He was thinking a big game there, cause he knew he’d never be able to leave Sammy behind, but the hurt was that deep, and he’d be lying if he said he knew how to deal with this in a healthy way, and there was always the possibility that he drank himself to death. He was pretty sure he was on his way to doing just that. 
As soon as his feet hit the kitchen floor, and he looked up he saw you and Sam sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in your hands. For just a moment no one spoke, and no one moved. You wouldn’t even look him in the eye this morning, instead becoming very interested in your coffee cup. 
Dean mumbled something that was meant to sound like ‘sorry’, but came out as just an incoherent noise as he turned on his heels to head back to his room, and give you space. The relief he felt that you were still here somehow diminished as soon as he saw the hurt look on your face. 
“Dean, wait up a second,” Sam said, standing up from the table, and making his way towards Dean who even though he’d stopped in the hallway, he’d been unable to turn around and face you again. 
“Come on Dean, we all need to have a talk about…”
“We don’t need to talk about shit Sam! I was a fucking asshole, and now Y/N can’t even look me in the eye! What is there left to talk about? This is my fucking fault!”
Sam had no argument there, and he knew it, so Dean shrugged away from his brother’s hand that was resting on his shoulder, and made his way to his room to start drinking again, because that’s all he seemed to be able to do right anymore.
Your POV:
It was all you could do to stand rooted to the floor as you watched Dean stumble back down the hallway towards his room. You’d cried so much last night and this morning that you had nothing else left in you to cry. You didn’t think your heart could break more than it already was, but here you were,  trying to catch your breath as Dean disappeared into his room, slamming the door behind him. 
Sam turned to you, and let out a long sigh,shrugging and shaking his head before finally making eye contact with you.
“I can’t do this. The two of you are gonna have to work this out for yourselves. I know what he did last night was hurtful, and borderline abusive, but if you can’t see he’s hurting then you're blind. I can’t make you talk to him, but I can tell you that if you let this fester then it’s just gonna get worse and worse. Dean thrives on self loathing. You know it’s not just something he can forget. He’s gonna torture himself until there is nothing left.”
Sam brushed past you and into the kitchen without even giving you a chance to make your argument. Which at this point there was really no argument to make. You saw it yourself first hand just now. Dean looked terrible, and not just hung over. He’d cried so much that his eyes were almost swollen shut, and you had only seen Dean cry a handful of times. 
You stood there for a long time staring in the direction of Dean's room before your feet finally started to move. With every step you took towards his door, your hands were starting to shake, and your stomach twisted nervously.
There were several ways this could go. He could either slam the door in your face, ask you to leave, ignore you, or attack you. After last night you weren’t so sure about the last one, but he was sober this time.  Hopefully that was just a drunken mistake meant to scare you, and that's all. 
When you reached his door, you took a shaky breath already regretting the decision to talk to Dean, and you hadn’t even knocked on the door yet. 
You hadn’t realized how much you cared about Dean until what happened between you last night. It was always just something you shoved down, and refused to acknowledge. Now it was all you could see. You had been in love with him from the moment he’d popped out of the backseat of what at the time was John Winchester’s Impala when you  16 years old. 
You reached up to knock on the door, but before your hand could even make contact with it you heard the distinct sound of glass shattering. Panic twisted in your gut, overriding the nerves, and you shoved the door open to Dean’s room, your hunter instincts screaming something was horribly wrong, and you had to get to Dean. 
When you saw him he was standing at the sink, surrounded by glass, watching the blood drip from his still clenched fist. His jaw was set in a hard line, and his eyes were distant as if he didn’t even really feel it. 
“Dean,” you breathed out, and he turned to you slowly, looking at you, then down at the mess on the floor as well as his hand. 
“Y/N, I… I’m sorry. I…” Dean bent down in an attempt to pick up the shattered glass , but you made your way over to him and stopped him, gently grabbing his hand and looking at the heavily bleeding wound.  He didn’t stop you, just stood there with his eyes searching your face. 
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up. I’ll text Sam, and he can clean up the glass while I stitch up your hand and get this glass out of your knuckles.” 
He didn’t fight you as you led him to the infirmary, and sat him down in one of the chairs. He never even flinched as you took tweezers to his knuckles to pull out the glass, or when you sterilized the wound before stitching up the large cut on the back of his hand. His eyes stayed on your face as you worked, and you could feel him watching you, but you had to concentrate on his hand in order to not hurt him further as you wrapped it carefully.
When you went to stand up to put away the medical supplies, Dean caught your hand with his good one, stopping you in your tracks as he stood to his feet in front of you. 
His movements were slow. Like if he moved too fast he’d scare you. For some reason, even though a normal person would have been terrified after his behavior last night, you weren’t even remotely afraid of him.
You’d faced evil. You’d face monsters. He was none of that. 
“Y/N, I know it probably doesn’t mean anything after the way I treated you last night, but I’m sorry. I let my emotions get in the way. I was drunk. I don’t know why I pushed you, but I should have never laid a hand on you. I just… It hurt so much knowing you were out with another guy like always, and that I would never be good enough for you, and… I’m sorry. I’ll mind my own business from now on.” 
Dean turned to leave, but you grabbed his uninjured hand, stopping him in his tracks. 
“Dean, stop running from me. You don’t get to say something like that, and then walk away, and go hide, or drink yourself to death! Who the fuck said you weren’t good enough for me? Cause that’s bullshit! Dean, if any one of us isn’t good enough it’s me! You’re a fucking hero! I’m just another hunter riding off the Winchesters. I probably should have left a long time ago. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were even  remotely interested in me. If I’d have known I would have never gone out with any of those other losers.” 
Dean froze on the spot, his green eyes piercing your own like they could see into your soul. You knew Dean, you’d known Dean for years, and you knew if anyone was going to move first it had to be you. There was a time before he’d gone to Hell, become a fucking knight of hell, spent time in purgitory, and had person after person ripped away from him that he would have made the first move, but Dean was different. That cocky Winchester that strutted into Bobby’s house all those years ago for the first time, flirting with everyone that claimed to be a woman, died a long time ago, and you knew this was your only opportunity. If you fucked this up, there would be no other chance with him.
In a bold move that you were pretty sure if you had to do it twice you’d never have made it, you close the distance between the two of you, your lips meeting his as you stand on your tiptoes to reach him. At first he stood there in a state of shock. It didn’t take him long to slip his good arm around you, pulling you closer to him, and deepening the kiss.
When the two of you finally broke away, you grabbed Dean by the hand and led him to your room. You text Sam when you got there, and asked him if he could clean up the glass in Dean’s room, letting him know you have him taken care of before slipping you both inside, and locking the door. 
Dean guided the two of you over to the bed, and you both moved under the covers in the dark room. The only light is the dim light that's shining on your bedside table from the old lamp.  
Sliding closer to him, you let Dean slip his arms around you before his lips find yours again in a kiss that almost feels scared. You brush your hands through his tousled hair as you wait for him to relax.
“I don’t know how to do this,” Deans said, his eyes searching you for any hint of hesitation. 
This was a line the two of you had never crossed, and uncharted territory in the line of work the two of you did was a scary thing when it comes to people you care about. So much could happen. There were so many liabilities, but you couldn’t live without him, and he obviously had gotten to the point where he couldn’t live without you. So here you were. 
“I’m scared too Dean, but I’m willing to try,” you tell him, placing your hand on the side of his face, and he leans into your touch, closing his eyes for a moment as he gathers his emotions. Trying to make sense of it all. 
No, you weren’t supposed to have this, no, you weren’t supposed to have a happily ever after. This life was a bitch, and you were both  far from perfect. Some of the shit you’d seen  had affected you greatly, more than you even wanted to admit to yourself. You couldn’t even imagine the scars that Dean carried that no one could see. He’d gone through, and lost so much more than you even know about. People tend to forget even the people that save the world hurt too. 
The hurt you’d caused each other wouldn’t fade away overnight. It would take years of building trust again, and it would take time just being together, if you had that, you’d take whatever you had.In this life, tomorrow was definitely never promised. 
Tonight though, a little bit of the loneliness disappeared as clothes started to hit the floor.As his mouth explored your own, before tentatively wondering it’s way over your body. As your hands explored his body, running over every visible mark on his skin, leaving little goose bumps in their wake. As he slid himself inside of you, two marred and twisted souls became one. . That piece of the puzzled you’d been missing all your life finally fitting together. 
The moving, pressing, touching, the rise and fall as your bodies drove each other slowly towards what can only be described as pure ecstasy, something you’d ever experienced with anyone you’d ever been with, because there was love there, where before there was nothing but a void. Two scared and wounded hearts beat as one for the first time. It was going to be a slow, and careful thing. Fragile. As you fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms, you were confident if you died right then in that moment, it was as close to heaven as you’d ever get. You’d get there together,however long you had, because now there was nothing left in the way. He was yours, and you were his, and that’s the way it was always going to be.
Forever Tags: @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @hayleeharling​  @flamencodiva​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ @rain-dance-goblin​ @deanwanddamons​ @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278​ @lyss-dw79​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​ @lyarr24​ @amandamdiehl​ @love-jackles-37-blog​ @miraclesoflove​ @waywardsistershy​ @emoryhemsworth​ @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​ @softsebastian @tatted-trina6​
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
where orchids grow — kageyama tobio
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2.1k words | genre/s: hanahaki!au, angst, hurt/comfort | warning/s: mentions of death, mentions of depression | pairing/s: kageyama x reader, platonic!tsukishima x reader
↪︎ in which an innocent little crush led to your downfall
a/n: i wrote this almost a year ago when i first started this blog. i thought the writing was really mediocre so it has been sitting in my drafts ever since,, BUT it’s finally getting to see the light of day cause i’m cleaning out my drafts :)✨ pls be easy on this one ewbd
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it haunted you in your dreams, squeezing and grasping and clutching at your lungs until your final breath gave way–until they shriveled up into nothing as flower-torn chest had killed you. well... not yet at least.
no matter the amount of effort you had put into suppressing your feelings for the setter until it was nothing but a withered memoir, you couldn’t help but lay upon your bed, restless, as you recalled the flashing images of bloodied flowers that had been freshly thrown up from your lungs earlier this evening. you liked to think you’ve learned to control your emotions and feelings around kageyama well enough that the aching feeling of growing flora in your chest wouldn’t effect you that much, but of course the feeling was still evident. however, it was earlier this evening when the setter split half of his meat bun for you after a practice game and the sheer look of care and admiration in his eyes forced a rose to travel up your esophagus.
it was so horrifyingly beautiful, a disease growing flowers within its host, wrapping until it plants itself to the point of rupturing the owner’s heart and lungs due to unrequited love. you hated it—despised for that matter as the memories of your past self screeching in pain and heaving to breathe. your face turned alabaster.
your heart thudded against your rib cage as the feeling of suffocation of chrysanthemums, daises, roses, tulips, cherry blossoms, and dandelions echoed within you. your hand rested upon your chest. the feeling of such ghosted atop your rib cage where you could faintly feel the growing stems of flowers and weeds.
there was an evident aching within your heart that wasn’t from hanahaki, rather from the thought of how brutal it was caused an immense pain to compete with the actual disease. the first incident of you throwing up bloodied flowers was the moment you got home one day. you were walking home with kageyama after hinata went ahead as he had his bike with him, leaving you two to your own demise (he had a little hunch about your feelings for the raven-haired boy, but he never bothered to confirm it). it was then you two reached the entrance to your house in which you two bid a farewell. you were so enthralled with how beautiful he looked with his dark blue eyes that shined thousands of stars.
it was game over for you.
you stumbled through your front door to which your mother worriedly asked if you were okay. you could barely mutter out a response as the roses and daises and chrysanthemums fought their way out of your system, throwing up your one-sided feelings in hues of thick crimson and hollow chests. 
from then on, you had routine check ups at the hospital. in fact, you had an entire team of doctors taking care of you due to how rare the condition is. you see, hanahaki disease only occurs to those so massively in love with another, whose feelings can compete against the strongest love of all, that a simple little crush wouldn’t cause all this commotion. unfortunately, friendly love wasn’t enough to ease her homemade raptures.
they also said it was long term illness, well... long term taking into account how well you can endure the pain. occasionally there are those who can endure the pain their entire lives, yet there are the majority who simply die from the excruciating pain within a few months. the only true way to cure yourself from hanahaki was to either get kageyama to match your feelings or to get surgery to remove the constantly growing flora.
the thing is with surgery is that the moment you get it, your feelings for that person completely disintegrate. you can you no longer feel the same love as it is permanently gone. you can never regain those feelings ever again.
that was the fact that scared you the most.
despite knowing you can no longer take the pain and that you needed this surgery, there was a twinge of hope within your aching psyche that perhaps there was a chance. a chance that kageyama tobio would look at you for once that wasn’t just a friendly gaze. a look in which he would come to realize that he was in love with you. and because of this, you endured the pain a little longer.
the only downside was that no one else besides your family knew about your condition. not even your friends. and yet, with most secrets that are difficult to keep, eventually it will get out. tsukishima found out sooner than you’d had hoped.
you and tsukishima shared the same class and one day kageyama had visited your classroom during lunch, giving you his favorite milk from the vending machine as payback for helping out the volleyball club and with tutoring. it then when you felt your cheeks burning cherry red and the infamously familiar sting within your lungs. he then gave tsukishima a melon bun that he owed and the moment kageyama walked away, the blonde middle blocker immediately noticed the pain written across your face.
you pushed the carton of milk in his hands when you dashed down the hallways towards the restroom. fortunately, you were able to make it in time, locking yourself down in one of the stalls and profusely throwing up sticky and bloody flowers with hot streaming tears pricking at your eyes and threatening to spill. you immediately wiped them up. you couldn’t let anyone see you like this.
you flushed the toilet and watched the water turn red to clear when it went down the drain. you sighed, leaving the stall and looking upon yourself at the mirror. you looked absolutely terrible. from the dark circles under your eyes from nights filled with insomnia due to the aching pain, to your eyes still red from sobbing in the stall, and now to your hollow cheeks.
and because of the constant radiating pain, it became increasingly difficult for you to eat proper meals, leading for you to loose an unhealthy amount of weight. yachi was the first one to notice the sudden weight loss and the constant state of indifference. she knew there was something wrong, but she was too afraid to ask you. eventually, she asked if you were depressed one day and somehow you couldn’t bring yourself to say no.
afte leaving the restrooms, you were surprised to see taukishima waiting outside the doors and you were immediately trapped. the harsh glare staring down at you and his more than worried voice eventually led you to finally confessing what was wrong with you. and for the first time in your life, you’ve never seen the middle blocker so worried and caring. that his usually harsh demeanor and signature teasing remarks were softened because the thought of losing you scared him deeply. besides yamaguchi and yachi, you were the closest friend he had and he would hate to lose one his friends.
he would often ask you, “are you considering the surgery?” to which you wouldn’t know the answer to and that you were still waiting for the rare chance kageyama could’ve like you back.
it surprised you the sudden look of disappointment that etched across his bespectacled face.
during practice or during games where you suddenly get coughing attacks whenever you were around kageyama and talking to him, it was tsukishima who would immediately pull you away from the others and take care of you. he was the one to help you clean you after yourself and wipe your tears. eventually, the rest of the school believed you two were a couple.
however, there was the day were the pain was too insufferable. you had hanahaki for six months at this point where the disease would get into the most dangerous stages that one day you called tsukishima up one and finally made the decision.
“i’m tired of waiting, kei.” you muttered harshly as your voice was getting more and more hoarse each day. it was getting worse. you two sat nonchalantly on some random playground swings. the sun was setting and the blond was carefully gazing at your eyes that was soaked in honey. “i’m getting the surgery this weekend and I want you to come and take care of me.”
“of course.” 
it felt like everything was going to be okay when he said that.
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you woke up to hush chattering, as if a a big group was in the room trying to speak softly, yet failing to do so.
“guys she’s awake!” a voice exclaimed. It sounded like hinata.
suddenly a whole herd of volleyball players came surrounding your bed, their expressions had looks of smiley relief melted upon their faces as they didn’t hesitate to bombard you with questions. the poor nurses could barely get past the towering high school kids as the thought of you being okay was more than enough to fuel their adrenaline.
“i’m glad you’re okay now, (y/n).” sugawara beamed at you.
“yeah!” cut in tanaka loudly, “i can’t bare to lose my favorite first year all because of a stupid crush!”
your eyes suddenly widen. the rush of fear and worry filled you as you looked at tsukoshima who was standing at the end of your hospital bed.
“i had to tell them, they were threatening me.” he scoffs lightly.
“we don’t know who your crush was though, so you’re okay!” added nishinoya who patted your shoulder gently.
daichi then cleared his throat, capturing the team’s attention. “we should probably go and let to the nurses take care of her. we have practice too.”
the room was suddenly filled with loud ‘yes, captains!’ as they all piled out of the room, leaving only kageyama to stray behind slightly. tsukishima looked at the you two briefly before closing the door. this was something that you and tobio had to discuss.
there was a feeling of soreness atop your chest, possibly from the stitch that ran down your center of your torso that was in the process of healing. tbe tall setter approached your bedside, scratching the back of his neck. usually whenever you looked at kageyama an itchy feeling would arise in your throat and your chest would feel tight, and yet the moment you laid eyes on him, you felt nothing.
“tsukishima told me what happened,” he starts. the initial fear of confrontation diminished into nothing but acceptance. you couldn’t hide your previous feeling forever. “you should’ve told me.”
you sighed, “i was going to... but then i started getting the symptoms and i knew that there was no point in telling you when you didn’t feel the same way.”
“but if you told me, maybe there was a chance i would’ve helped you get better.” the setter tried to state, only making you want to roll your eyes and scoff.
shaking your head, you pulled your hand out of his. “that’s not how it works, kageyama. your fake feelings would only make it worse and i don’t want to be with someone who’s dating me out of pity.”
“but i don’t pity you, i—”
“it doesn’t matter, now.” you shook your head and cut him off, “you don’t have to worry because the surgery removed my feelings for you permanently. you don’t have to feel guilty about it anymore.”
kageyama gulps, nodding as straighten his posture. “but i almost killed you.”
“i’m here now, aren’t i? i’m okay.”
the setter still couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten and his gut wrench. “are we still friends despite all this?”
you nod. “of course, that’s not even a question.”
before their conversation could continue, one of the nurses knocked upon the door and opened it slightly. “sorry to interrupt, but all visitors must leave now. the visiting time is up.”
“oh, alright.” the volleyball player swiftly bows and waves goodbye to you before leaving the hospital room.
he cleared his throat the moment he stepped into the hallway, all uncomfortable and itchy. quickly catching up with the rest of his teammates that waited for him at the entrance, he quickly grabbed a water cup from the waiting room and gulped down its contents immediately—yet the feeling didn’t stop.
“kageyama, hurry we need to get to practice.” hinata calls out to him.
drinking one last cup of water in the desperation to heal his scratchy throat, he threw the disposable cup aside.
“i’m coming!” yet his voice was far too hoarse to be heard.
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general taglist: @yongboxerrr @tanakaslastbraincell @kellesvt @kitsunetea
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whumperstorm · 3 years
Blood Donor
They were going to have visitors, Elias said, looking down on Jon where he kneeled on the floor of his cell. He nodded in understanding. He’d be on his best behavior then. He wasn’t expecting his master to shoot out a clawed hand and grasp his hair, yanking him off the floor. His eyes stung with the pain as Elias snarled.
“So don’t try anything funny, got it? You’re mine. You will not ruin this.”
“Y-yes sir, I’m sorry sir!”
Elias dropped him and he landed painfully on his knees. “Good.” He smiled a dangerous, fanged smile, before placing Jon’s dinner on the floor and stepping out. The door locked with a screech behind him.
Jon sat back from his kneel and leaned against the wall to eat. Not all that more comfortable, he’d rather be sitting on the tiny cot he was provided by his master, but he’d also like to avoid spilling anything on it and angering Elias’ especially short temper he seemed to have today. He sighed and picked up his plate.
At least his meals were filling and sometimes considered delicious to Jon. “We need to keep you nice and healthy.” Elias had said, “Makes your blood all the sweeter.” Of course, Elias cared not for Jon’s preferences and the comfort of a hot meal was lost the moment he tried to be picky or “ungrateful”. Leaving anything on the plate was unacceptable and called for punishment apparently.
Tonight’s meal was well-seasoned curry, one of Jon’s favorites. He wondered if Elias was attempting to bribe him a bit. What visitors could be so important to put Elias this on edge? He’d brought plenty of visitors before, The Lucas family for one, (who Jon disliked quite a lot. Such a cold, condescending family) and sometimes just Peter himself. On those nights he was left mostly alone. The two of them would eat dinner and feed, then retreat to the lounge to indulge in one too many wine refills. On those nights Elias sometimes allowed Jon to pick out a new book from the library before returning to his cell. Reading was a rare luxury, and Peter always left Elias in a good mood where he was willing to allow it.
Maybe Elias thought that tonight’s guests would cause Jon to consider an escape attempt. Well, he needn't worry, he’d tried that a couple of times already and had been punished mercilessly for it. He had learned quickly that no one cared that he was here against his will. Blood donors were meant to be signed on through legal contracts. Provide fresh blood in exchange for housing and care and the freedom to move around as you wish. Lots of human newly grads or retirees signed contracts and after Jon lost his grandmother, he didn’t have anywhere to go and decided to take on the job. He was unaware that Elias had no intention of treating him like a guest. Locked up within the first week with no one on the outside who would know or care that he was missing. Well, maybe Georgie, if Jon hadn’t royally fucked that up.
The first time Elias had brought guests, he threatened Jon into obedience, but the moment one of the visitors approached him to feed he urgently whispered his current predicament in hope that they would call the cops on his kidnapper. Instead, they laughed. Laughed and fed anyway, before walking right up to Elias and warning him that he had “a chatty one”. Elias had laughed too, but when the guest walked away his eyes locked onto Jon’s from where he sat and the fury and darkness in his eyes sent Jon’s heart dropping to his stomach. That night, Jon learned exactly how the sting of a whip felt on bare skin.
“A shame to waste such delicious blood.” Elias sighed, between lashes. “However you disobeyed me tonight and embarrassed me in front of my guests. I have a reputation to withhold. This little outburst has made it clear I’ve been far too soft with you.” 
There was a pause and footsteps from behind. Jon was sure that his back must be in ribbons at this point. Through his own ragged breathing he distantly heard the sound of something metal being picked up before fire exploded across his back and he screamed. Salt water rolled down his abused skin, washing away the red and leaving agony in its wake. The chains on his wrists kept him from curling in on himself.
 Elias leaned down to whisper in Jon’s ear. “This will not happen again, understand?”
Jon could do nothing but sob as he shakily nodded his head. He was thrown back into his cell after that, lying still on the floor and unable to move through his pain to get onto the cot. At some point a maid entered and bandaged his wounds. It made sense, Elias wanted to punish him, not kill him through an infection.
He tried again, after that. How could he not? He was stubborn, and now he knew he couldn’t trust anyone to help him. He’d have to do it himself. He waited weeks, letting himself heal and obeying Elias as best he could against his own pride. Then when a servant arrived with his dinner one night, he knocked them out with the leg of the table he was provided. He noticed it had been loose and worked at it for days until it snapped. He felt a bit bad for attacking the man, he was probably in a similar situation to him. But he needed to get out of here. He could feel guilty when he was far far away from Elias’ estate.
Unfortunately, he was caught. Of course he was caught. Elias found him right outside the kitchen doors no more than 5 minutes after his escape. Jon had no idea how he would have known, but he did, and Jon only had a moment to glimpse the night sky before he was grabbed in the vampire’s iron grip and yanked inside. He was dragged kicking and screaming back to his cell. Elias’ eyes held the same fury as the last time and Jon’s back twinged. But then Elias took a deep breath and steeled his expression.
“I was unaware that my dinner selections were so unacceptable for you that you’d resort to assault.”
Jon blinked in confusion. “What do y-”
Elias continued over his interruption. “In that case, you can go hungry until you decide to be grateful for what I provide for you.” Elias swept out of the room, taking Jon’s uneaten dinner with him. Jon was left on the floor of his cell, scared, confused, and so disappointed. He had been so close. Yet somehow Elias was waiting for him.
It was two weeks before he was given anything more to eat.
Elias came to collect him a few hours after his dinner. He was given a loose-fitting olive green shirt with see-through lace arms and a bronze pair of dress pants. The outfit left his neck and shoulders free to make feeding as easy as possible. A servant braided his hair and tied it up into a bun with a golden pin to keep it in place. Elias always made sure he looked his best for company. The tip of the pin was shaped like an eye, the Bouchard family crest, with an emerald in the center as the pupil. He was then given golden earrings to match.
Elias looked up from admiring his work. “Yes, Jon?”
Jon glanced at him before looking back at the ground. “May I- may I ask who is visiting?”
Elias chuckled softly. “Always so curious, aren’t you? Yes you may ask. After all, you should be prepared to serve them to the best of your ability.” Elias reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of Jon’s face. “I’ve decided to expand my coven; tonight I’ve invited five possible candidates into my home to discuss matters. Quite a curious bunch. I’m sure they will be valuable additions should they choose to join.”
Elias moved away and snapped his fingers. The servant dressing Jon stepped back with a bow and Jon followed Elias out the door of his cell. He was led up the stairs and down the hall to the dining room. Elias gestured for Jon to take his place against the right hand wall. He was to kneel on the floor cushioned by a pillow. Behind him was a simple couch where those who wished to feed would sit. Jon noticed that a book was sitting on the side table within reach. After settling down he read the title on the spine. It was the next in a series he was currently enjoying. Oh Elias was definitely trying to get on Jon’s good side tonight. He would take what he could get while Elias was feeling so generous. Perhaps he was anxious that these visitors would decide not to join. Jon wasn’t about to mess things up and ruin the comfort he was being offered.
Once the night began, Elias would welcome the guests, they would exchange pleasantries before eating their meal, (which included multiple courses and a dessert) then Elias would offer his donor for any who wished to feed. Jon hoped only a few would take him up on the offer. Five visitors meant a max of six feedings and a killer headache in the morning. Jon got comfortable in his place and picked up the book. Either way, he had a while to wait before he was needed. 
When the guests arrived, Jon mostly ignored them at first and kept his nose in his book. There were two men and three women. They all looked pretty different and were most likely not related. The two men and one of the women seemed already familiar with each other while the other two women were attached at the hip. Jon could already see two sets of teeth. One poked out past the hijabi woman’s lips and he saw the other set when the bigger of the men smiled brightly in greeting. Two of the guests in particular,  however, caught Jon’s eye. The second of the men, a slim, toned man with colored hair, and the tallest of the women with short blonde hair and multiple scars. They seemed... scruffier than the rest, and their eyes didn't pierce like most vampires’ did. They were deep and full in a way Jon could just about recognise.
The group talked politely over drinks until the kitchen staff arrived with their meals. From Jon’s place he couldn’t tell what was being served, but it smelled delicious. He realized what was different about the two when their food was served with sterling silver cutlery. It was designed differently to not get confused with the rest. Two of the guests were  werewolves, not vampires. This took Jon by surprise. Elias said he was trying to expand his coven, why would he invite wolves? He had always been stingy about “purity of blood” or whatever.
Jon noticed Elias’ gaze boring into him from the head of the tabe. Caught. Jon quickly looked back down at the floor. The night’s proceedings were none of his business. He let the rest of the conversation roll over him after that. However, he couldn’t help but notice one of the women kept glancing his way. She had arrived with the men and sat between them at the table. Her hair was long and dark, curling past her dark, freckled shoulders. Big, round glasses framed her face and her eyes caught Jon’s attention every time she looked over at him. He couldn’t parse out her expression but he tensed under her gaze. Perhaps she was excited to feed. Elias had said Jon had exceptionally sweet-smelling blood. He tried his best to ignore her, focusing on his book and waiting for dessert to be served.
A long wait and four courses later, Elias finally stood. He smiled over his glass of wine as he addressed his guests.
“Now that we’ve properly eaten, I’d like to offer my Donor, for those who wish to feed.” He gestured towards Jon with a sweep of his arm. “Of course, I’ve also prepared a delicious pastry selection for those who don’t have the palate for blood.” He smirked like he was in on some inside joke. Of course, there were two  wolves at the table so Jon supposed it made sense. 
The hijabi woman stood first and Jon set his book down on the table. Elias looked towards the larger man with the dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He shook his head politely. “I’ve recently fed, thank you. Though, I’ll take one of the pastries.”
“Of course.” Elias said. He gestured to the kitchen staff in waiting. “Please prepare four dessert servings.” They nodded and retreated through the kitchen doors.
Wait, four? Jon counted the guests in his head. Two werewolves and one vampire who didn’t want to use him. That left the vamp headed towards him and the lady who kept staring at him and who Jon noticed was now looking at him with a look of… Surprise? Disgust? Maybe she was angry that Elias hadn’t invited her to feed as well. Well, that was his mistake, not Jon’s.
His view was then blocked by the hijabi woman as she went to stand in front of him. She leaned down and… held out a hand? Jon blinked in surprise.
“Basira Hussain.” She introduced bluntly.
Jon stared dumbly at her offered hand before awkwardly taking it. “Uh, J-Jonathan Sims?” He stammered.
They shook briefly before “Basira” smirked slightly and sat down on the couch. “Ah, you must be new, then. Don’t worry, you get used to it.” She then gently grasped his chin to better expose his neck. “May I?”
Jon could do nothing but sit dumbfounded. He certainly wasn’t new, and no one had ever asked permission before. They always took what they wanted at Elias’ request.
Basira must have noticed his reluctance, because she paused, letting go of his chin and resting her hand on his shoulder instead.
“Sims? Are you-” She froze mid-sentence, her eyes locked onto Jon’s back with an expression like ice. What was…
His back. 
The whip scars.
“Y-yes!” Jon stammered a bit too loud. “Go ahead!”
Basira jumped slightly at his outburst, glancing between his face and back, before her expression went carefully blank and she sank her teeth into his throat. Jon winced at the sharp pain but it quickly dulled as her vampire’s venom took effect. She didn’t feed for long at all, only long enough to be respectful, before she pulled back and licked her fangs clean. Jon slumped back as the wave of dizziness passed.
Then she was gone, headed back towards the group at the table. The kitchen staff had just returned and were bustling around, setting down dessert options. Jon noted that Basira went the long way back to her seat, passing the group of three. Elias’ angry eyes were currently focused on one servant who missed spilling his drink by a millimeter and Basira leaned down to whisper something in the freckled woman’s ear before sliding past. Her round eyes went wide and she looked over at Jon again.
Jon was getting pretty sick of being stared at in all honesty. He was so confused at this point and his knees were getting sore. If this woman was so horrified by the thought of feeding on him, and now this “Basira” was talking shit about him, could he please just go back to his cell?
But then, the woman did something strange that Jon couldn’t ignore. She looked him straight in the eyes; she made sure he was paying attention to her. Then raised a hand to her face and lifted her upper lip to reveal….
Teeth. Normal teeth. Not the sharp fangs of a vampire or the large canines of a wolf, but blunt, normal, human teeth.
Suddenly the night’s proceedings were very much Jon’s business.
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 60
And that's a wrap on my season 3!!! I really hope you guys like this chapter. At the very least, I hope it's better than the actual miracle queen episode. I'm happy that I even got to work in some lore as well :D anyway, I'll be starting on my 'season four' which have a few oc akumas and other season 3 akumas I haven't used yet. It will also explore the guardians and their history and of course, we'll be seeing more of Mila and the Western holders. Speaking of them, two of them are characters in the actual show so feel free to guess who they might be. Will these heroes be returning? Maybe but they might not necessarily be wearing those miraculous again. Also I will be drawing up their designs at some point. Anyway, the next chapter will be one of the OC akumas, Neon Queen. Should be fun to see how that goes.
Chapter Sixty: Miracle Queen (2/2)
~The Guardian's Temple~
  Mila opened her eyes as she looked up at the sky. She was laid on the ground underneath a cherry blossom tree. She sat up and glanced around, making a frown as she did. She could see the entrance to the guardian's temple on her right, making her frown even more as she realized where she was. She hadn't been here in over three hundreds years. She slowly got up and looked at the tree before walking over to it's trunk and placing her hand on it, holding back tears as she did. The last time she had seen it was the day before her beloved was killed. The two of them considered this tree their special place. It was where their love had formed. They spoke underneath it's leaves and spend their nights gazing at the stars in it's branches. Her beloved had even asked her to marry him here. She quickly wiped her tears from her cheeks as she shook her head. No, this wasn't the real tree. That had been buried, along with the temple a century ago. This was a dream but why was she dreaming of it? She hadn't dreamt of this place in decades so why now? What had changed? Her eyes snapped open as she heard the soft sound of someone playing a pipa nearby. She looked over and saw a young man, barely in his twenties. His hair was long and dark in color with a silver ribbon tied to part of it. He wore a blue tang shirt with silver detail and light gray pants. His legs had bandages over them and he wore black shoes while he wore dark blue gloves that were elbow length and fingerless on his hands. He was sat near the tree, gently playing the pipa with his eyes closed. He slowly came to a stop and opened them, revealing they were silver in color as Mila stared in shock. He smiled softly, putting the pipa down and walking over to her as tears filled her eyes.
  "T-Tóutāi..." She gasped as he stood in front of her. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she covered her mouth, trying to hold back a sob.
"Don't not cry, my flower," He whispered, cupping her face with his hand. She leaned into it as he wiped her tears away with his thumb. 
  "This can't be real..." She gasped, looking up at him. "This is just a dream..."
  "Maybe," He smiled, making her chuckle. "Or maybe it isn't,"
  "Either way, I don't want to wake," She whispered as he gently pressed his forehead against hers. "I have missed you, beloved... but how are you in my dreams? I thought that traitor had permanently killed you,"
  "The time for answers will come soon enough, my flower," He whispered back, making her frown but at the same time, she didn't mind. He always was cryptic. She guess it came with been the celestial guardian. "For now, I must relay an important task to you... for you are the only one currently protected by my magic,"
  "What is it, my love?" She asked, looking up at him.
"The balance is in danger," He stated, making her blink. "The moth has made a deadly move in the game he plays and without help, the children of creation and destruction will lose themselves to the song of the fox. The time to step from the shadows is now, my flower. Help them,"
  "Tóutāi... I don't know if I can..." She gasped, looking down. "I'm not the same woman you fell in love with..."
  "Of course you are," He stated, gently pressing his hand over her heart. Mila gasped softly as she felt all the love and hope he felt for her. "You are still the brave and determined woman I fell in love with. They need your help,"
  "I'll do what I can," She whispered before pressing her lips to his. He cupped her face as he kissed back before they pulled away. "Goodbye, beloved,"
  Tóutāi gave her a sad smile as the scene around them began to fade around them, causing everything to disappear including him.
  ~Mila's Office, Paris~
  Mila opened her eyes as she came around from her dream. She sat up and glanced around, frowning as she heard the sound of a flute playing. She walked over to the window and glanced outside, gasping as she saw everyone around her just stood eerily still. They were staring with glowing orange eyes, making her frown deeply. This must be what Tóutāi had warned her about. However, she wasn't affected by it. Tóutāi had given her a flower necklace on their wedding day as a gift. He had explained that he had enchanted it to protect her from anyone's magic. She had never taken it off, even after his death. She placed her hand around it, mentally thanking him before she turned on her heel. She noticed her phone had a missed call, causing her to pick it up and dial voicemail. She hit play to listen to it.
  "Mistress, it's Renée. Um you told me to report in if I ever came across Anatis. Well, I just did. He seemed nic-" The sound of a flute caused her to cut off, causing Mulan to frown before she heard the phone drop and it hung up. Renée and Elise had been at the Grand Paris Hotel for the anniversary of Mr and Mrs Rossi. Their daughter, Lila, had invited them to it and they decided to go since they wanted to kill time before they went to Anatis' medal ceremony in the evening. She was also planning to attend but now she had to deal with this situation. She hung up her phone and walked over to her desk. She sat down and pressed several hidden panels that caused a secret draw to pop open, revealing a circular box with the symbol of the guardians on it. She took it out and opened the lid, revealing a layer inside that was split into sessions. From the out section, she took out the cuff links and the key chain. She placed them in little boxes that resembled the miracle box. She then took all three of the miraculous from the center section, She placed two of them into the small boxes but placed the bracelet on her wrist, causing a kwami to manifest as it changed to a simple gold chain. It was light blue and green in color and resembled an octopus. It opened her eyes and blinked at her before bowing.
  "Master Mulan, it is a honor to see you again," She stated, making her bow back.
  "It is good to see you again, Kraak but I require your help," She stated as it nodded before she held up her wrist. "Kraak, Unleash!"
  Kraak got sucked into her bracelet, transforming it into a bracelet that resembled tentacles. Mila swiped her hand over her face, creating a mask that resembled tentacles and changing her eye color to lilac color before throwing her hands up in the air. A light blue light spread from her fingers, creating her outfit and shoes. She wore a high neck vest with no sleeves that was turquoise blue in color and loose turquoise green pants that were tied at her knees. Armored panels appeared on her shoulders and hips before a blue belt appeared around her waist. She had turquoise blue fingerless gloves on and her vest had a deep blue zipper. Her hair turned into a midnight blue shade and was styled into a bun with strands of hair by the side of her head. A tentacle shaped tiara appeared on her head and a flexible claw appeared on her hip before finally her shoes manifested, completing her transformation. She grabbed the boxes and placed them into her pockets before going into a different draw and grabbing a handful of ear plugs. She shoved them in her pockets as well before going over to the window and jumping out. She took out her weapon and used it to swing through the city. She landed on a building and stopped as she narrowed her eyes. On the street below was Anatis and Lady Noir but they were walking calming and ignoring everyone who was stood staring. She jumped down and landed in front of them before glancing at them. Like the other citizens, their eyes were glowing orange, making her frown. However, they completely ignored her and walked past her. She grabbed Anatis but to her surprise, he grabbed her arm and slammed her into the ground before walking off. She got back up and frowned deeply. If she hadn't been wearing a miraculous, he would have broken her arm. She threw her claw back up and made her way across the rooftops as they continued to walk through the street. She narrowed her eyes as she determined how to neutralize them. However, a shiver went down her spine, causing her to look around. There was no one around but she felt someone nearby. To her surprise, a feeling overtook her, telling her not to attack them but to find others for the miraculous she grabbed to help wake them up. Somehow, she knew that she wouldn't get close enough to use her ability on them on her own. She looked down at the heroes who were still walking through the street before sighing and jumping across to the Grand Paris hotel where Elise and Renée should be. She landed on the roof and walked across before noticing the two girls stood by the pool, staring into space. She rushed out and placed her hands on Renée's shoulders.
  "Renée?" She gasped as the girl just stared with the same glowing eyes. She looked over at Elise who was doing the same before taking a deep breathe and placing her hand on Renée's forehead. "Mind break,"
  Renée suddenly gasped as the orange in her eyes shattered and disappeared before she stepped back and looked around as Mila moved over to Elise and repeated the ability, waking her up as well.
  "Mistress?" She asked as Elise blinked and looked around. "What happened?"
  "There's an akuma who's put everyone under some sort of spell," She explained, taking out a couple of ear plugs and giving them to the two girls. "It's the music so wear these,"
  "Yes, Mistress," Renée replied as they nodded and took some from her. They placed them in their ears before Mila took out two of the boxes in her pockets. "Mistress?"
  "Renée, this is the miraculous of the Wyvern," She stated, giving the box to the girl. "And Elise, this is the miraculous of the Penguin. I need you both to go and distract Lady Noir and Anatis while I go find two others to help us with this mission,"
  "Why are we distracting them?" Renée asked as she took the box and put on the jacket earring. A green dragon like kwami manifested, causing her to smile. "Hello, Vernn,"
  "Miss Renée! It is my honour to see you again,"
  "They have been affected by this akuma and seem to be heading somewhere that I fear will lead to their doom," Mila explained as Elise took the box from her and opening it. A small penguin like kwami manifested as she put the cuff links into her sleeves. "I just need you to distract them but if you are able to restrain them then do so but please be careful. They are been mind controlled,"
  "We'll be careful," Elise replied before transforming into her hero look. She looked like a magician, wearing a black tail coat over a white shirt and full length black pants. Her hair turned black with white strips and her iris turned white while her scleras turned black. A half black and half white mask appeared over her eyes and a wand appeared in her hand. She placed it on her back as Renée transformed as well. Her outfit was a one piece suit with a tail coat over it. The tail on the coat resembled a dragon's tail and it was green in color. Her main suit was the same dark green but had a light green section across her stomach and chest. Her hair turned green as well and a scaled mask appeared over her eyes as they became lizard like before her boots and gloves appeared. Finally a sword appeared by her side, completing her transformation.
  "Let's go," She declared before jumping off with Elise as Mila went her own way. The two landed on a building near the Louvre Museum. They glanced around at everyone who was just stood eerily still before they noticed Lady Noir and Anatis walking past everyone, completely ignoring them. "There they are,"
  Elise nodded and jumped down with Renée. landing in front of the heroes. The two of them stopped and stared at the newcomers with blank expressions but before they could do anything else, Anatis' eyes widen as if surprised before they flickered back to blue. He gripped his head as if he had a headache, making the two girls look at each other as Lady Noir just stared at them. Elise took a step forward.
  "Anaits?" She gasped as he gasped before the sound of the flute got louder, making them both frown. It seemed to over take his mind again as his hands dropped from his head before he reopened his eyes. The blue faded back to orange and he took out his yoyo, spinning it. Lady Noir took out her baton as they both got into a fighting stance. Elise held up her hands as Renée held out her sword. "Please, we don't want to fight you,"
  Renée pulled her back and blocked Anatis' yoyo with her sword as he tried to hit her with it. Lady Noir charged at Elise, causing her to block her baton with her wand. Anatis grabbed Renée's art and reached for her miraculous but she stomped his foot and knocked him back as Elise dodged Lady Noir's attack. Anatis growled and went to throw up his yoyo.
  "Lu-" He went to declare but Renée kicked him, stopping him from summoning his lucky charm before she tried to grab his yoyo. He jumped back and dodged her as she charged at him. Meanwhile, Lady Noir threw Elise into a building. She held out her hand and was about to summon her cataclysm, causing Elise to try and crawl away from her but before she could, a figure jumped down in front of her.
  "Fire Phoenix!" He declared, causing his form to become in engulfed in flames that blinded the heroine, causing her to gasp and stumble back as she covered her eyes, hissing. Anatis knocked Renée back and turned to charge at the newcomer but he suddenly gripped his head again as his eyes flickered back to blue, causing the newcomer to gasp. "Anatis!"
  Anatis groaned as he stepped back but like the first time, the music increased and his eyes turned back orange. He titled his head to the side and charged at the newcomer, spinning his yoyo. Renée rushed over and helped Elise to her feet before they blocked Lady Noir's attack as she had recovered. She hissed and tried to scratch as the newcomer tried to block Anatis' attack with his fans. He managed to knock back the hero before going in front the attack.
  "Guys! Hold your breathe!" A voice shouted, causing the group to look confused as a girl in an outfit that looked like a skunk summoned what appeared to be some sort of grenade. She threw it inbetween Anatis and Lady Noir, causing it go release a pink smoke. Elise, Renée and the other hero covered their mouths as Anatis jumped back, also covering his mouth but Lady Noir moved too late. To their surprise, she slumped to the ground as the smoke cleared. The girl jumped down and gave everyone a sweet smile as they took her in. She was wearing a black and white romper with a slash across her hips that resembled a tail. She had black knee high boots on and black tights with white details. Her hair was short and spiky and she had elbow length gloves on that were half black and half white. It was black with white tips in highlights and her eyes were an aquamarine color. On top of her head were two animal ears and she had a black mask over her eyes. "Hi, I'm Aroma,"
  "Phénix rouge," The boy who set himself on fire stated, nodding sternly. Now that they could see him, they saw he was wearing dark red trousers with a matching waistcoat and an orange shirt. On his waist coat, he had a brooch pinned to it and his hair was bright yellow. In fact, it appeared to be glowing. His boots were dark red and knee length and his eyes were orange. Like the others, he had a mask across his eyes. It was orange and yellow, similar to a sunset. He had black fingerless gloves on hands and his fans were hooked onto his hips. He had his arms crossed and looked moody as he glanced around at Elise and Renée. "Who are you two?"
  "I'm Dame," Renée replied, getting a nod of everyone.
  "And I'm Snowbird!" Elise smiled as Mila jumped down and joined them. "Mistress!"
  Mila held up her hand and looked around before turning her attention to the still unconscious Lady Noir. However, Anatis had managed to get away. She frowned to herself before walking over and placing her hand on the heroine's head, closing her own eyes.
  "Mind Break," She declared, causing her hand to glow blue again before Lady Noir's eyes snapped open. The orange in them shattered and disappeared, causing them to return to their normal form as Mila let go.
  "Annie!" She cried out before she looked around and saw the group. She instantly jumped up and held out her baton. "Who the hell are you guys and where is Anatis?!"
  "Lady Noir, my name is Koro," Mila stated, walking forward. "These are my students. Phénix rouge, Dame, Snowbird and Aroma. As for Anatis... he escaped before we could free him,"
  "Free him?" Lady Noir asked, blinking as she noticed all expect Koro were wearing earbuds. She then looked around panicked as she realized that she had no idea how she got to the Louvre. They had been in Master Fu's apartment and were just about to leave when they heard a flute then she woke up her. Her eyes widen in fear as she realized that they must have been under the spell of who ever is playing the flute. She put her baton away and turned to leap away but Koro grabbed her shoulder, making her look at her. "I need to to find Anatis! He's-"
  "Still under the spell I know," She replied, making Lady Noir frown. "We're coming with you. You're gonna need my ability to free him from the spell and having back up will help. Especially if Hawkmoth makes an appearance. Now here,"
  She shoved a pair of ear plugs into her hands, causing Lady Noir to put them in.
  "Where were you heading?" She asked, making Lady Noir frown as she tried to remember. She could hear a voice in her head and it said to come to them. Somehow, they knew where she was, making her frown.
  "The Trocadéro Gardens," She answered, making them frown. "And you're right. I am gonna need help to save him but this doesn't mean I trust you. Understood?"
  "Got it," Koro replied, nodding before turning to her students. "Before we head there, did anything unusual happen while you were fighting?"
  "Anatis almost broke out of the mind control," Dame stated, making the two blink. "He saw me and his eyes flickered back to blue and then he gripped his head like he was trying to fight it but the music increased and he went back to been controlled,"
  "The same happened when he saw me," Phénix stated, making both Lady Noir and Koro frown. "Is that important?"
  "I don't know..." Koro stated, frowning. "Either way, head to the Trocadéro Gardens,"
  The group nodded and jumped away, following Koro and Lady Noir.
  ~Trocadéro Gardens~
  Miracle Queen frowned as Anatis landed in front of her and bowed towards her. She was sure she had gotten control over Lady Noir as well so where the hell was her? She growled and walked up to him. She took his yoyo, just in case he wasn't really under her spell. However, he did nothing to stop her, causing her to smirk. Meanwhile, Hawkmoth frowned from his position above Miracle Queen. Her music should have put Lady Noir under the same spell yet only Anatis was here. He opened up the connection between him and Miracle Queen, making her blink.
  "Where is Lady Noir?" He asked, causing Miracle Queen sigh and look at her nails with boredom.
  "I don't know," She gasped, annoyed. "But I'm sure she'll turn up soon. I'm certain she's under my spell but even if she's not, we have her boyfriend. She'll do anything to ensure that we won't hurt him,"
  "Find out where she is!" He snarled, closing the connection as Myura stood next to him. "Lady Noir should be here,"
  "Bug boy, where is the mangy cat?!" Miracle Queen demanded, causing him to look up at her but he didn't answer her right away. Instead, he just stood there and said nothing as he stared. "Answer me!"
  "Asleep," He stated, making her look at him with annoyance as Hawkmoth rose his eyebrow. She slammed her flute into the side of his face before turning on her heel as he stood there. Mayura frowned as blood dripped down his forehead.
  "What the hell do you mean asleep?!"
  "We were attacked by other miraculous holders," He stated, causing Hawkmoth and Mayura to gasp as Miracle Queen rolled her eyes. "They used some sort of grenade to put Lady Noir to sleep. I got away..."
  "Well, there is no point in taking your miraculous yet then. I want that dumb cat to be around when I take it so I can hers too and then wake you up so you can see my success!" She growled, spinning his yoyo before she turned back to him. "Now! Tell me how amazing I am!"
  "You're the most amazing person in the world, Miracle Queen," He stated in a motionless voice. She frowned before she knew he didn't mean it but it was still fun to make him say things. She went to tell him to declare that Marinette was a nasty creature but Hawkmoth jumped down and held up her hand, making her look at him before rolling her eyes and walking away. Anatis continued to stare into space.
  "Anatis, who were the other holders?" Hawkmoth asked, smirking. He might be able to get the identities of his allies, which in turn would lead him to gain the other miraculous. "Did you pick them?"
  "No, I've never seen them before in my life," He stated, surprising Hawkmoth. 
  "But your master picked them?"
  "No, their miraculous are not part of our box," He stated, making Hawkmoth frown but before he could question him farther, Lady Noir threw her baton at him, causing him to step back and jump up to where Mayura was as Miracle Queen glared at them.
  "Miracle Queen, don't let them free Anatis from your control!" Hawkmoth shouted, causing Miracle Queen to growl.
  "He's mine! I won't let you take him from me!!" She screamed before playing her flute. She threw up the ball of light, causing an explosion to appear before it cleared, revealing hundreds of copies of her. Koro threw her claw and used it to grab Lady Noir's baton throwing it to her before the six of them charged at the illusions. Miracle Queen grabbed Anatis and pulled him away from the fight, causing Lady Noir to run follow them as the others took down her illusions. Koro went to follow but Hawkmoth landed in front of her, making her narrow her eyes.
  "I assume you're the one who gave out these miraculous," He stated as she held out her hand, ready to fight.
  "I am Hua Mulan, Guardian of the Western Box and I find you, Hawkmoth, guilty of misuse of the butterfly miraculous," She declared, causing him to smirk before he took out his cane and charged at her.
  "Mistress!!" Snowbird gasped, going to run after them but she gasped and fell back as a huge moth sentimonster appeared. It went to charge at him, causing Dame to jump front of her and block it's stinger with her sword. Phénix helped Snowbird to her feet and ran after Lady Noir as Dame and Aroma took on the giant bug. 
  ~Back to Lady Noir and Miracle Queen~
  "Let him go!" Lady Noir growled as she charged at Miracle Queen, going to hit her with her baton. Miracle Queen blocked it with her flute and knocked her back, causing Lady Noir to slide back. She smirked and spun her flute, playing the tune on it. She threw it to the sky again, increasing the song playing and causing Anatis to grip his head. "Anatis!"
  "Take her miraculous, my servant!" Miracle Queen ordered, causing Lady Noir to gasp as she gave him back his yoyo. He took it and instantly began to attack her relentlessly. She blocked his attack and fought back, causing Miracle Queen to laugh as she watched. It wasn't like how they fought during training. Anatis wasn't holding back and he was using everything he could against her. He slammed his body into her, causing her to fall. He grabbed her leg and threw her into a tree, causing her to groan as she got up. She went to punch him, causing him to grab her hand. He went to take her miraculous but she managed to wrap her legs around him and slam him onto the floor as Snowbird and Phénix appeared, causing Miracle Queen to growl as she played her flute again. "Come my servants and defeat me again these losers!"
  To their surprise, a number of civilians turned up and began to trying to fight them as Miracle Queen turned her attention back to Anatis and Lady Noir, who had him pinned down. However, he knocked her back, causing her to backflip as he stood back up. He charged at her, causing her to block his arms and kick him. He countered her counter as they fought.
  "Anatis! Fight against her!" She gasped, blocking his fist. He grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder, slamming her into the floor as Miracle Queen smirked evilly.
  "Kill her first then take her miraculous off her cold corpse!" She ordered, causing Anatis to wrap his hands around Lady Noir's neck. She gasped and tried to fight him, struggling to get him off her. She kicked out and dug her nails into his hands as he tightened his grip. Her eyes widen as her skin began to turn blue and her grip began to weaken. Phénix slammed one of the civilians into the ground as he rushed over towards them. Lady Noir's eyes were slipping closed as she began to lose consciousness but Miracle Queen jumped and landed in front of him before he could reach them. "I don't think so, birdie!"
  She hit him in the stomach with her flute, causing him to gasp and fall to the ground. She smirked and lifted it above her head to hit him with it but Snowbird pulled out of her wand, spinning it.
  "Glacier!" She declared, charging it up with a blue glow before tapping the ground with it. Instantly, the ground turned blue, causing Miracle Queen to suddenly fall over. She tried to get up but kept sliding over, allowing Phénix to get up and rush back over to Anatis and Lady Noir. Anatis still had his hands wrapped around her throat, causing Phénix to see red. He went to charge at him but stopped when Lady Noir suddenly gasped for air, coughing as Anatis shook before he gripped his head again. Lady Noir slowly sat up as he groaned and yanked at his hair.
  "A-Annie?!" She gasped as he backed away from her.
  "N-No!" He gasped, causing Phénix to rush over. He helped Lady Noir to her feet as Anatis stepped back, still gripping his head. "Get out of my head!"
  "Annie!" Lady Noir gasped, pulling out of Phénix's grip and rushing over as Anatis fell onto his knees. She went to run over as Phénix grabbed her arm. "Let me go! I have to help him!"
  "Noir, stay back!" Phénix called out, trying to pull her away from him. "He's under that akuma's control!"
  "I can get through to him!" She called out, pulling out his grip and rushing over to Anatis. She cupped his face as he looked at her. His eyes were flicking between orange and blue as tears rolled down his face. "Annie, it's me. It's Lady Noir. Your best friend... remember? We're best friends!"
  "Kill her!" Miracle Queen screamed as she tried to get back up again, causing her to slip over again. Anatis' eyes went to blank and orange again as he went to wrap his hands around Lady Noir's neck.
  "Annie, don't listen to her!" She gasped, flinching but he stopped as his eyes flickered blue again. His eyes flickered orange again before he suddenly covered his ears and let out a loud scream, surprising everyone before he slumped against Lady Noir. "Annie?... Annie!?"
  ~Luka's POV~
  Luka screamed once again as he tried to block out the sound of the flute as it played loudly in his head. He was more than aware of what he was doing but despite that, he couldn't stop himself. He had tears rolling down his face as he walked towards the source of the music with Lady Noir. He tried to shout at himself and stop himself when those other miraculous holders turned up and when he began to attack them. He abandoned his friend when they got the upper hand and left her at their mercy. He didn't know if they were trying to help them or not but if they weren't, he had just left her and all because of the music in his head. Music that was drowning him. He wanted to scream and break free but he couldn't stop hearing it. It briefly stopped playing when he saw that girl in the wyvern miraculous. For a second, he had seen a knight stood there instead but then the music came back and he was back under her control. It happened again when he saw the boy with the phoenix miraculous. Like the girl, he had seen someone else stood there but once again, Miracle Queen took control. It made him feel sick. He could feel her inside his head, trying to find out who he was really. Luckily, he had kept her at bay but he didn't know how long that would hold. Right now, he was trying not to listen, hoping that he could break her control before he killed Lady Noir. He didn't want to hurt her. His voice hurt from shouting but he was still strangling her.
  "Glacier!" He heard one of the new guys declare, causing Miracle Queen to slip and fall. For a second, the music lessened. However it was enough for him to notice. 
  "Stop hurting her!" He called out, causing his body to stop strangling Lady Noir. She suddenly gasped for air, coughing as he shook. He gripped his head as the music began to increase again. "No! I won't listen!!".
  "A-Annie?!" Her voice echoed, causing his body to back away from her. He was semi in control but it was still hard to break free. He could still hear the music and miracle queen inside his head.
  "N-No!" He gasped, still gripping his head. "Get out of my head!"
  "Annie!" Lady Noir gasped, her voice echoing. "Let me go! I have to help him!"
  "Noir, stay back!" The phoenix boy's voice declared. "He's under that akuma's control!"
  "I can get through to him!" She called out. He flinched as he felt her hands on his face. "Annie, it's me. It's Lady Noir. Your best friend... remember? We're best friends!"
  "Kill her!" Miracle Queen's voice echoed, causing the music to increase as he tried to stop himself from wrapping his hands around her throat.
  "Annie, don't listen to her!"
  "Annie?!" Lady Noir screamed before it completely turned black...
  ~Luka's Mind Hut~
  Luka gasped as he opened his eyes, finding himself in the hut where Feng lives. He frowned to himself as he looked around. In the distance, he could still hear Miracle Queen's music but it wasn't as loud. He stood up as he sensed someone with him, causing him to turn around as he expected it to be Feng. However, the man sat calmly in front of him wasn't Feng but only resembled him. His hair was long and black. Part of it had a silver ribbon tied to it and he wore a blue tang shirt with silver detail and light gray pants. His legs had bandages over them and he wore black shoes while he wore dark blue gloves that were elbow length and fingerless on his hands. His eyes were closed, causing Luka to frown a little before he opened them and looked at him. Like Feng's, they were silver.
  "Hello, Luka," He sat, making Luka blink as for a moment, the man's outfit changed to one that resembled the phoenix miraculous.
  ".... You used the phoenix miraculous, didn't you?" He asked, causing him to nod before a name came into Luka's mind. "Tóutāi... that's your name?"
  "Yes," He replied, making Luka frown as he looked around. "Feng is somewhere else. I know you're more familiar with him but..."
  "You can help me?" He asked, causing Tóutāi to nod. "Miracle Queen's song... it's controlling me... how do I stop it? I can't stop hearing it,"
  "You're a musical empath right?" He asked, making Luka nod. "So use your music,"
  "My... music?" He asked, confused. "But I don't have my guitar,"
  "This is your place as much as it's ours," Tóutāi replied, making Luka blink as he held a pipa and began to play it. "So if you want your guitar, you just have to think about it,"
  "My... guitar..." Luka muttered, confused but then he felt his acoustic in his hand. He looked down and saw it. He moved his fingers across the board and closed his eyes, beginning to play. At first, it was quiet and he wasn't sure what to play but then he began to play louder and better as he started to play Marinette's song, pouring his emotions into his music and slowly but surely, he felt Miracle Queen's control slipping even more. He closed his eyes as he slipped into the song, feeling the emotions he felt when he wrote it. When he next opened his eyes, he was no longer in his hut but leaning against Lady Noir's chest as she held him, causing his face to heat up as he pulled away.
  "Annie?!" She gasped, surprised as he looked around. Miracle Queen saw him and pointed at him.
  "Finish them!" She screamed, causing him glare at her before he got up. "What?! Answer your queen!"
  "You are not my queen!" He snarled, making everyone gasp in surprise as he glared at her. "Time to end this! Lucky charm!"
  He threw his yoyo in the air and caught the teapot before gasping as he worked out what it mean. He hooked it to his belt and picked up Lady Noir, making her blink as he jumped away and across Paris. She held onto him as he did.
  "I'm sorry..." He whispered, making her look at him. "I... I nearly killed-"
  "Shh," She stated as they reached Master Fu's. "It's ok. You were under her spell but you're free now,"
  "I'm still sorry," He muttered as they came through the window. Anatis frowned as his miraculous beeped. He needed to detransform but he wasn't sure if Miracle Queen could see through Master Fu, who was stood staring with orange eyes. He grabbed a blanket and threw it over him as Lady Noir covered her eyes, allowing him to detransform. He caught Tikki and gave her a cookie before he walked over to the phonograph and put in the secret code. He took out the miracle box and opened it, grabbing the dragon miraculous and the snake miraculous before turning to Lady Noir and placed the miraculous in her free hand. "Time to show Hawkmoth and Miracle Queen that they don't get to mess with us or our heads,"
  "Sounds like a plan to me," Lady Noir grinned, taking the choker and putting it as he transformed back into Anatis before opening her eyes and greeting Longg. He put the snake miraculous on before closing the box and putting it back in the phonograph as Lady Noir held out her hands. "Plagg, Long. Unify!"
  A red glow covered her outfit as it gave her a red tail with gold detail on her left leg. Her right leg got a thigh boot and her gloves turned red with gold detail. Her ears got red insides with a gold strip while two horns appeared below them,. Her collar turned red with a gold trim and her mask gained red and gold triangles. A red circle appeared on her chest with a water drop, a cloud and a lightning strike in the middle. The ring around it was green and her eyes had turned green with yellow scleras. Finally a sword appeared on her back as Anatis held out his hands.
  "Tikki, Sass. Unify!" He declared, causing a green light to engulf him, turning him back into Red Mamba. "Ready to go, Black Dragon?"
  "Let's go kick Lila's butt!" She grinned, causing the two heroes to jump out of the window, heading back to the Trocadéro Gardens. It didn't take them long to get there but when they did, Miracle Queen had gotten up and Mayura's moth monster was about to take down the new heroes while Hawkmoth and Koro were equally matched. Miracle Queen laughed as she twirled her flute. Red Mamba narrowed his eyes and flicked his bracelet, activating second chance.
  "I don't know how you broke out of my control, you dirty beetle but soon, I'll have you back under my control!" She declared before playing her flute and throwing the ball of light up in the air. It burst and amplified the tune already there, causing it to overtake everyone as she laughed before noticing he wasn't affected. She ordered them to attack him, causing him to jump back and flick his bracelet back. 
  "I don't know how you broke out of my control, you dirty beetle but soon, I'll have you back under my control!" She declared but he threw his yoyo, knocking back her flute. However, she dodged it and managed to get the tune out, controlling everyone again. He flicked his bracelet back again.
  "I don't know how you broke out of my control, you dirty beetle but soon, I'll have you back under my control!" She declared but this time he didn't hit her./
  "Black Dragon, use water dragon!" He ordered, causing Black Dragon to nod.
  "Water Dragon!" She declared, using her sword to create a shield around them as Miracle Queen used her power. However, this time it didn't affect Black Dragon. "Whoa!"
  "Water blocks sound," He replied, smirking before he threw up his yoyo. "Lucky charm!"
  A violin with appeared out of thin air, causing Red Mamba to grab it as he looked around to work out what to do.
  "Get them!" Miracle Queen screeched, pointing to them as Phénix, Dame, Aroma and Snowbird charged at them. "Get me their miraculous!!"
  The four heroes dived through the water but as soon as they did, their eyes returned back to their normal colors and they looked around confused as Miracle Queen screamed in annoyance and summoned civilians to try and attack them. Red Mamba saw Phénix and Dame light up before followed by the violin and Black Dragon's wind symbol. 
  "I have a plan," He stated, making everyone look at him before pointing at Dame. "I need you to use Empower on everyone in this bubble,"
  "Um..." She stated, confused as to how he knew that. As far as she knew, he had no idea what her miraculous was but Red Mamba turned to Phénix. 
  "Once Dame uses her power, you need to activate Ash Phoenix." He stated, making Phénix blink in surprise. "Black Dragon, I'll need you to release the water bubble then use Wind Dragon to direct Phénix at Miracle Queen. Once you're there, you need to grab her fox pendant,"
  "Sure thing, danger noodle," She grinned, giving him a salute. He smiled softly at her before Phénix cleared his voice.
  "And the mind control?" He asked as Red Mamba smirked and pointed to the violin.
  "That's what this is for," He replied, placing it under his chin. "Her song only controls if you can hear it, which is why we need Empower. Not only will it make your powers more powerful but it will amplify my own ability,"
  "Alright," Dame declared, holding up her sword before charging it up. "Empower!"
  A green glow appeared over the blade, causing her to tap each one with it. Red Mamba began to play the violin but he didn't just play the music, he played the emotions. On  a normal level, it was power but been amplified with empower, caused it to be much more powerful then Miracle Queen's song. Phénix took a deep breathe as he felt courage replace his fear.
  "Ash Phoenix!" He declared, turning into ash as Black Dragon released the water bubble.
  "Wind dragon!" She declared, transforming into the actual wind. When she combined with the ash that is Phénix, they became a small tornado, which knocked Miracle Queen off her feet. Phénix reformed and grabbed her fox pendant before throwing it to Black Dragon as she reformed.
  "Give that back!" Miracle Queen screamed as Black Dragon caught it.
  "Cataclysm!" She declared, causing it to turn to dust as Miracle Queen screamed out as the akuma escaped. They saw Hawkmoth glare down at the scene before he jumped onto the sentimonster with Mayura and flew away with Koro going after them. Red Mamba stopped playing, causing everyone to fall under her spell again, apart from him. He quickly catch the akuma and released it before throwing his violin into the air.
  "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He declared, causing it to burst into the cure and spread through Paris, fixing everything and freeing all from Miracle Queen's control. It came back and wrapped around the heroes, freeing them before disappearing. "Tikki, Sass. Divide,"
  Sass manifested as he turned back into Anatis, allowing him to catch him as Black Dragon blinked as the other heroes looked around.
  "Wow," Snowbird gasped, looking at Anatis with stars in her eyes. "You did it!!"
  "Of course, he did," Black Dragon grinned, making him blush a little. "Anyway... Plagg, Longg, divide,"
  She caught Longg as she turned back into Lady Noir, causing Anatis to smile at her before they turned their attention on Miracle Queen, who turned back into Lila. Anatis frowned deeply as he looked at her.
  "Lila Rossi, why am I not surprised?" He asked, making her blink and look at him. 
  "Oh, Anatis! I'm so sorry!" She gasped as fake tears filled her eyes. "I was just so upset about my parents-"
  "I get it," He stated, surprising everyone as he put the snake miraculous into the yoyo and walked over. He held out his hand for her, causing her to blink before she took it and he pulled her to her feet. However, his grip tightened and moved his lips close to ear, making her wince in surprise and pain. "I see you've made your choice, Rossi,"
  "W-What?" She gasped, genuinely caught off guard.
  "You've made it abundantly clear that we are playing on different sides of the board. You've decided to move against me and I know you're somehow working with Hawkmoth," He stated in a calm but chilling voice. It genuinely frightened her. "So let me make this very clear. You and I are at war and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you get what's coming to you, Rossi and do whatever it takes to expose you for the monster you are,"
  He pulled away and gave her a smile as a chill went down her spine. He was deadly serious and she knew it.
  "I'm sure you'll understand that we can't help you get home," He stated as his miraculous beeped, along with the others. "Let's go,"
  The heroes ran off, leaving Lila to shake in fear as Anatis' words haunted her.
  ~Later that Day~
  "I hereby name today Anatis day!" The mayor declared as everyone clapped. Anatis and Lady Noir hadn't turned up but no one was surprised. They had just dealt with a very dangerous akuma and as far as Paris was concerned, they were allowed a moment to themselves. Instead, they had returned to Master Fu's and given back the miraculous before taking him up to meet the other heroes and their leader Koro, which was where they were now. Anatis was leaning against the wall, unsure what to make off the whole situation. Lady Noir was stood next to him, making sure he was ok while Master Fu talked to Koro.
  "I thought all the guardians had perished," He stated, making the two heroes look over. Koro looked over at the Paris skyline.
  "I left before that," She explained, making them frown. Her heroes had gone home and she had reclaimed their miraculous in private. "I turned my back on the guardians long ago,"
  "Why now?" Anatis asked, making her look at him. "How long have you been in Paris and why appear now?!"
  "Annie," Lady Noir stated, making her blink as she gently rubbed his arm. He instantly calmed down as if her touch had soothed him. It reminded her of how Tóutāi would calm her down. Her expression softened as she looked at them. She knew young love when she saw it.
  "I've been in Paris since Hawkmoth's first attack," She admitted, making them all look at her. "I was just planning to observe as I didn't want to get involved,"
  "Then why did you?" Anatis asked, clearly annoyed by her answer. 
  "Because my beloved asked me to," She stated, placing a hand over her chest as the three of them gave her a confused look. "I am the guardian of the western box but also the wife of the celestial guardian,"
  "Su Han?" Master Fu asked but to their surprise, Koro growled.
  "Do not mention that traitor's name!" She growled, making them look at her. "He was not the true guardian! My beloved Tóutāi was!"
  "Tóutāi?" Anatis asked, making her look at him before she narrowed her eyes.
  "You recognize the name, don't you?" She asked, making him glance to the side. "I knew there was something different about you, Anatis. Not many can break free from mind control like you did and I know you knew what the powers of the wyvern and phoenix miraculous were. My students told me... just who... or what are you?"
  "Wouldn't you like to know?" He shoot back, making her glare at him as he pushed off the wall. "I'm going home. Koro, thanks for your help but stay out of my way... since that's what you want,"
  "You don't trust me," She declared but she didn't sound hurt.
  "It's not like the feeling isn't mutual," He stated, coolly before turning to Lady Noir. "See you later, Kitten,"
  With that, he jumped off and swung away. It didn't take him long but soon he landed on the liberty and slipped through the porthole, detransforming as he did. He caught Tikki and gave her a cookie before lying down on his bed and letting out a sigh. Today had been difficult to say the least. He let out a sigh and curled up as Tikki floated over. 
  "Hmm?" She asked as she ate the cookie.
  "Who is Tóutāi?" He asked, making her look at him in surprise. "You know him don't you?"
  "He was one of the celestial guardians of the miraculous," She stated, making him frown. "There's been six in total. Master Feng was the first but then there was Master Khnurn, Master Alpheus, Master Rene, Master Tóutāi and Master Su Han..."
  "Koro called Su Han a traitor,"
  "Well... he's the only one who isn't like the others," She stated, looking at her paws. "It's rumored that the Celestial guardians were special. You see they are the reincarnations of Hao Feng,"
  "But Su Han isn't... is he?" Luka asked, frowning. Tikki shook her head. "So how did he become the next Celestial guardian and why isn't it the next reincarnation of Feng?"
  "I don't know, Luka," She explained, making him frown. "I don't know,"
  ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
  "Are you ok?" Nathalie asked as Gabriel sat, holding his head. She frowned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "I'm sorry that it didn't go the way you wanted..."
  "Miracle Queen may have been a failure but we learnt something else today," He stated, opening his eyes. "There is another guardian in Paris. One that even Anatis didn't know about and I want her miraculous but more importantly... there might be other miraculous in the world. Nathalie, I want you to search for them. If there are other then I must obtain them!"
  "Of course, Gabriel," She replied, nodding. "Once you have them, Anatis will fall,"
Next Chapter: Coming soon
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hermits-that-craft · 3 years
In My Dreams (Will You Remember Me?)
Flower Husbands Fic - Chapter Nine - I’ll Keep Him Safe From The Dark Things That Wait
AO3 and Trigger Warnings in reblogs.
“Goodmorning Fwip!” Jimmy says, landing on the path outside of the Grimland city. Fwip smiles at Jimmy, his red goggles over his eyes. “How are you?”
“I’m doing great, Jimmy.” Fwip says, smiling. “How are you?”
“I’m good.” Jimmy replies, taking off his elytra. “So, trade deals?”
“Right.” Fwip laughs. “I forgot that’s why you’re here. I’ll be honest, I thought I would be giving you a tour of Grimlands.”
“I’d love a tour.” Jimmy smiles under his mask. Fwip lights up at that, smiling wider, less sheepish than only a few moments ago. “We can always discuss trade deals afterwards.”
“Speaking of which,” Fwip opens the gates for Jimmy, inviting him into his empire. “Did you have any ideas of what you would like?”
“Honestly, my advisors told me to go for an equal amount of gunpowder.” Jimmy responds, ducking through the gates. “But we can iron this out later.”
Jimmy whistles as he straightens up. The Grimlands are magnificent. People rush around the city, bumping into people and walking faster than Jimmy thought people would have any reason to. The city is filled with life, storefronts lit up with people looking around inside. Children in neat uniforms dash down the streets with their friends.
The city is lively, but there’s no street vendors. No people busking in the morning light, no one selling fresh fruit and freshly cooked pies on the intersections. People race down the streets, but no one stops. No one talks to each other, save for teenagers hurrying not to miss their first classes. The city is full of life, but does that life disappear with the end of the morning rush?
“You gonna move, or are you just going to stay there and gawk?” Fwip asks, leaning against a light post.
“It’s so busy.” Jimmy says, moving to avoid bumping into a woman in a suit. 
“Oh, don’t worry. It practically empties in fifteen minutes.” Fwip smiles, something dangerous flashing in his eyes. He hasn’t removed his goggles yet, even though its not that sunny. “After we get something to eat, the streets will be ours.”
“I ate before I came.” Jimmy says quietly, trying to avoid taking his cod head off around Fwip. 
“Aw, that sucks.” Fwip pouts. “I booked us in to eat at my favourite cafe.”
“I suppose I could get something small.” Jimmy winces, trying not to offend the other ruler. “As long as I don’t have to remove my mask!”
“Don’t worry, you won’t lose your head.” Fwip laughs, leading Jimmy though the city. The houses tower over the pedestrians, the streets narrowing and winding until Jimmy’s head is spinning.
“Can we slow down, Fwip?” Jimmy asks, trying to keep up with his guide.
“If we slow down the crowd will separate us, just try to keep up!” Fwip grabs Jimmy’s hand, pulling him along down the street. The streets blur together, sharp corners and large courtyards and narrow streets and large crossroads make Jimmy’s head spin. Will his empire become like this, after he’s dead?
He wouldn’t be able to recognise it.
Fwip pulls him through the open door of a small, homely cafe. A tabby cat stretches in the sun yawning as a young woman sweeps the floor with an old wooden broom. There’s plants stretching over every inch of spare space, including the ceiling beams and the edges of paintings that litter the walls. An elderly woman sings to herself as she washes some plates, soapy water barely remaining in the tub. A young man, his hair tied into a neat bun, smiles at the two emperors with a smile that screams home. Like Jimmy’s come home, even though he’s never been in this shop before. It’s…
It’s nice.
“Welcome to The Rockrose and the Thistle cafe, how can I help you?” The man asks, a kind smile on his face.
“Hey Iorro, could I have my regular?”
“Of course, Lord Flynn.” The man smiles, wider than before, and Jimmy can feel his heart begin to race. “And for you, honoured guest?”
“A hot chocolate and something small?” Jimmy asks, and Fwip gives him a nod, almost thankful.
“Could I have a name to go with that?” 
“You can refer to me as Jacob, but you can’t have my name.” Jimmy says smoothly, and Iorro laughs, tilting his head back.
“You’re observant, it took Lexi hitting me to stop me from taking our lovely king’s name.” Iorro says, and the young woman stops her sweeping.
“Iorro, if you touch these men’s food, I swear-” She laughs. “It’s a pleasure to have you both, I hope you enjoy your meals. I’ll handle the cooking. Iorro, swap with me.”
The fae man - who’s tall, taller than Jimmy thought he was, towering over Jimmy - takes the broom off of Lexi before he starts to sweep. 
Fwip leads Jimmy into a side room, one that forgoes the plants for window seats and a small block of deepslate redstone. Jimmy takes the seat closest to the window, watching as the people outside of the cafe mill about, laughing inaudibly and racing to the next place. The crowds slowly dissipate as he watches, and Fwip laughs.
“Not many cafes in the Cod Empire?” Fwip asks, a teasing lilt to his voice.
“None like this.” Jimmy admits. “This place is something else.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“Good.” Jimmy says, as the door creaks open. “Definately good.”
“Coffee with three shots of espresso?” The elderly woman asks.
“Thats mine.” Fwip says, smiling. “Thank you.”
“Are you trying to give yourself a heart attack?” Jimmy asks incredulously.
“Don’t try to talk him out of it, boy.” The woman says. “He’s been ordering this for years. At this point it’s the only thing keeping him awake. I assume you have the hot chocolate?”
“That would be lovely, thank you.” Jimmy says, and the lady laughs.
“What would be more lovely is if you talk this man out of drinking that every morning.” The lady deposits their drinks in front of them, steam swirling out of the cups. “Have a good day, emperors.”
The woman walks out of the room, and Jimmy looks down at his drink. A small cod is made in the foam art that floats on the top of the drink, and Jimmy coos. Lexi drops off two sandwiches to the table, which Fwip takes with a smile.
“Jimmy, they gave me your marshmallows.” Fwip says, holding out two towards Jimmy. “You want them.”
“I’m not five, Fwip.” Jimmy says. “Of course I want the marshmallows.” Fwip drops them into Jimmy’s drink, and Jimmy laughs as Fwip hisses at the splash from the hot milk.
“Don’t laugh at me, that hurt.”
“What did you expect?” Jimmy says, taking a sip of the hot chocolate. “Wow, this is really sweet.”
“They must like you.” Fwip says. “Cause my coffee’s burnt.”
“That sucks.” Jimmy offers, downing the rest of his drink. The sweetness is strange - the marshmallows must have had extra sweetener, normal hot chocolates aren’t this saccharine.
“You ready to leave now?” Fwip asks, standing up.
“Sure.” Jimmy stumbles a bit as he stands, btu he lets Fwip lead him out of the cafe.
They walk through the empty city for a while, the silence overwhelming. Jimmy wants to say something, to break the awkward silence that threatens their every step, but he can’t. He knows the words he wants to say, but they get lodged in his throat and twist around his tongue, like a vine is creeping up and strangling him.
Fwip leads him into an alleyway, one too small to be of any use besides a shortcut, but the only place it leads to is the wall. Jimmy sways a bit, turning to face Fwip. This isn’t where they’re supposed to be.
Fwip smiles.
Sausage laughs in the distance.
Jimmy’s swaying. He can’t stand up for much longer.
Fwip takes off his goggles.
Jimmy’s on the floor now.
Fwip’s eyes are as red as Joey or Sausage's eyes.
Jimmy’s head rests on some cold stone. It’s nice, really. He feels so hot, like there’s fire under his skin, burning at his lungs. But it’s also too cold, he’s shivering. Where is he? He was just with Fwip, what happened, did he faint? A breeze passes his face, and his eye slowly opens.
Where is his mask?
Why won’t his other eye open?
“Good morning Jimmy.” Fwip says, leaning against the wall. “Took you long enough to wake up.”
“Where…” Jimmy tries to sit up, finding himself unable to.
At least Dogwarts didn’t get him. I can’t lose him.
“What?” Jimmy mumbles out loud. What is dogwarts?
“Don’t worry, Timmy.” Sausage says, pushing Jimmy’s head back onto the altar. “None of this will hurt, we just need your help.”
“What’s going on?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Sausage kneels down in front of Jimmy, looking into the Codfather’s eyes. “You’re going to meet a friend of ours.”
“He’s already met me before.” A deep, warped voice says, and Jimmy’s heart leaps into his throat. No. Not here. Not now. “He’s much more expressive without the head.”
Jimmy flings himself backwards, putting as much space between him and the demon as possible. Sausage and Fwip laugh, pushing Jimmy towards the altar. Jimmy tries to struggle, but the world spins and-
And there’s blood on the floor. It’s dry, dark brown, but it’s his. His arm hurts. Why didn’t his arm hurt before? Why didn’t he notice he was bleeding? Why did Fwip hurt him?
“So he’s come out of shock.” Xornoth laughs. “Thank you both for collecting him, we truly can hit my brother hard, having something of his.”
“Jimmy isn’t Aeor’s champion?” Sausage asks, and Jimmy blinks.
The gods have never loved him, why would Sausage think one of the elfs would?
“No, he’s the champion's soulmate.” Xornoth laughs, walking up to the trio. “He’s important, not important enough to matter, but important enough to kill.”
“Too scared to kill me yourself?” Jimmy snarks, shaking. He’s not scared, really he isn’t.
He’s been here too many times, in his nightmares, for this to have any effect on him. He’s shaking because he’s cold, not because he’s scared. It’s too hot, but he’s still cold. The blood oozes out of him - will his arm go septic, if he escapes? How will he escape, why was he paying attention to Xornoth he should have focused on escaping.
“Too busy,” Xornoth says. “To bother myself with pest control.”
“Should we sacrifice him?” Sausage asks, and Jimmy stills as he feels the sharp blade of an axe gently tap his neck.
“Wouldn’t it be a shame,” Jimmy closes his eyes, trying to fight back tears as his fate is sealed. “If such a lovely altar wasn’t used.”
SolidarityGaming was sacrificed on the altar by MythicalSausage
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kakiwrites · 4 years
Pirate sero trying to raid the kings palace, unfortunately for him the princess knows how to fight and takes him down instantly, before he can even get in. Fortunately though, it's the start of a beautiful friendship (or relationship), in which he regularly brings gifts from around the world for his princess and in return... (i didnt think this far tbh I'm so sorry).
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saving a princess who doesn't need saving
Genre: fluff
A Hanta Sero x reader
Here's Part two of sero x princess! Reader
Synopsis: A time where elves, fairies, dragons, and other wonderful creatures live in harmony, how would you choose to live? On a pirate ship? Making potions? Who do you stumble upon along the journey? A soldier, a poet, a king? Well, that’s for you to decide.
 (masterlist is under navigation!)
 a/n: hey guys! You guys enjoyed pirate sero so much so here we are again~ I'm still in the middle of my hmc phase so I'm also going to try not to let that show with this fic in particular. I also kind of changed the course of this but if you enjoyed it so much anon, i could make a part 2 or something! Requests are open so please don't be shy to request anything! Let's get started~
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 "what do you mean by 'raiding a kingdom', captain?"
 "I said what I said."
 Captain bakugo said to one of his duller crewmates, Denki. Everyone was in shock to say the least. You raided other ships and bumped into the navy at sea before but raiding an entire kingdom? What was their captain thinking?
 "wouldn't that be a little off brand for us pirates, Captain?" sero asked, re-tying his bandana on his head, looking inquisitively at the blonde hothead who was scanning his big map resting on his desk.
 "we're not doing it for the knack of it. We're doing it because a lot of people are stuck in poverty and being abused by their king. We're doing them a favor by saving them from harm. We can also get all their riches and give them back. Win-win." bakugo said as he marked the place where the ship would meet the rocky cliffs where the castle was perched high above it. Even though bakugo seemed like a very evil person, he was really kind-hearted and always placed others before himself. Everyone, including sero admired that. That's why they joined his crew in the first place. A sea robin hood they called him. Sero wanted to be known as someone who was like his captain, someone who was willing to fight the world if it meant to save others he cared for.
 "we'll arrive there at dawn. Since climber over there is the most flexible out of all of us, he could get a rope up for use to get to and storm the castle." bakugo said, pointing at sero. You see, sero was known for being the most flexible out of everyone. He could climb the tallest poles and cliffs and make it look so easy. He nodded his head in agreement. There was no one else better for the job anyway.
 Everyone left the room and went off to get ready for the big fight. Mina, denki, and kirishima decided to chat and plan in their quarters, bakugo stayed in his study to thoroughly flush his plan of attack out and sero decided to stay on the dock to look out at the dark and shining seawater under the crisp and white moonlight, waiting for the clock to tick down before he could finally help his crew win and free people.
 This could be a step closer to person sero truly wants to be.
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  The sun was barely peeking out of the horizon when the crew docked the ship and handed sero a long rope. With ease, the raven-haired boy started to climb up the rough terrain to use as leverage. Soon the rough side of the cliff turned to the smooth limestone of the castle. Sero couldn't tell how far up he is when he jumped over one of the balconies and tied to rope tightly to the banister, letting the other pirates take their time to climb up the rope.
 He turned around to check the insides of the castle but was met with a knife made of crystal to his throat. He looked into your (e/c) eyes and admired how your face was twisted with this determined look. You wore a dress made of the finest silk and lace, making it seem like you were innocent, naïve but you were quite the opposite. You looked like you were willing to slit his throat right there- wait, what was he doing? Why was he staring at you? You were on their side so why look so starstruck?
 Sero reflexes moved as his hand swiftly grabbed his sword and hit your knife out of your hand, you moved to catch it only to be met with the same position you tried to place the pirate in, his sword pressed to your throat. "you have courage and skill princess." you looked down and kicked his feet, causing him to fall to the ground. Just as you were about to retrieve your knife back, he grabbed your arm and pulled your back into his chest, sword back resting on your throat. "but not enough to defeat me." he whispered in your ear. He got a whiff of your hair, making him turn away to try to get your mind off of it.  He was a pirate so why is a small sniff of your scent making him blush.
 You glared at him from the corner of your eye. "why are you here anyway?" you muttered angrily. You knew there was no use for squirming or breaking out of his grasp. If he was here to take over the castle then he wouldn't mind killing you off.
 "we're here to save your peoples' asses from your asshole of a king, that's what." someone said. you looked over to see a blonde man, you presumed he was the captain. Next to go over your balcony was a pink-skinned girl, a boy with a streak lighting bolt in his yellow hair, and a man with a toothy grin. "take care of her, climber. We'll deal with the king. This little princess is already too much trouble if he let her roam." the captain said before pushing the glass doors into the castle open and striding in with his other companions, walking out into the corridors. You could hear the battle erupt between the guards and their little group.
 "look, I don't like my father as much you guys do," you said, trying to look back at the black-haired man to no avail. His grip was tight yet gentle on you. It wasn't as rough as you imagined being held hostage would be. Was he purposefully being gentle with you?
 "what do you want to do then princess? You giving me a sob story won't give me a reason for letting you go." he taunted you. You could tell he had a smirk on his face as he said these words. You scoffed at that. Damn, he really did knew what he was doing.
 "look, if you're going to fight for the freedom of my people, then I would join you instead of being locked in this tower with my father and his ulterior motives," you said. People would've thought you were lying but what you said was true. You knew of your father's intention from the start but you had to play dumb if you didn't want to die in the hands of assassins. "I trained for this moment. I can help you." you pleaded. If it was your choice, you would've disposed of your father a long time ago but he just had too many guards around him that you couldn't seem to get him alone in a room.
 Sero's breath hitched. You sounded so strong and confident. You reminded him of bakugo, how headstong and how you thought of others. But even so, could he really trust you? He thought for a moment before turning you in his grasp. You finally got a good look at his face. His black hair tied in a small bun at the back of his head, his eyes glistened in thought, a scar running down his lips but it didn't make his lips any less delectable- wait, what were you thinking? He was a pirate, your captor, a potential enemy if he doesn't accept your offer of help.
 "It was either you fight with us or against us. I'm glad you actually chose the right one. Don't make me regret this." he said, handing you your crystal knife then taking your wrist and pulling you into the chaos of battle. He swung his sword at the guards, encouraging you to join in too.
 "man, how am I going to explain this to bakugo." he muttered under his breath. He looked back at you and smiled. Maybe it wasn't such a bad decision to let you fight with them. He'll just have to convince bakugo that having you in the crew would be one of the best decisions he could make.
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 And that's all! I had loads of fun thinking of lines and stuff for this prompt. Hope you guys also had some fun reading this one! Requests are still open for this series by the way so please don't be shy to leave anything! Love you guys 💖♥️💕
General taglist (don’t be shy to comment your tumblr @ below): @tokyoghoose @macaronnv @reogou @lnarizakis @midnightangelfox @wumboho
series taglist  (don’t be shy to comment your tumblr @ below!): @astrxrism ​ @kurookinnie @isentsworld @inkumistuki
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
Aizawas nurse part 1
A short Shouta Aizawa story.
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What close to a decades worth of love between two quiet UA staff can do, when finally presented time to confess to what they’ve felt all these years. And what blooming love can grow, just by small glances and nibble touches. (I suck at summaries)
“Thanks recovery girl.” Izuku chirped, looking down at his now completely healed finger. It still amazed him, how she’s able to heal any and all wounds just with a simple smooch.
Drowsiness took over him, which made it difficult to notice the woman from across the room.
His head whipped to the door, hearing the sounds of footsteps approaching before seeing, Ochako? And Aizawa?
It finally hit the young boy when he saw just how ill she looked, nearly falling if it wasn’t for their teacher who was caring most of her weight. “Hey, Uraraka is still feeling ill so I thought I’d bring her down here to get checked up.” He says, voice the same monotone level that it always is. Face looking tired and drained as it usually does.
“Bring her on over here.”
Izukus head again whips around to the other side of the room, heart stammering in his chest before he looked at her.
He hadn’t even noticed her, not once did he think there’s be another person in the room.
She wore the same lab coat as recovery girl, only difference was the light blue dress underneath.
The only thing that made her stand out was her hair, the strands standing out against her rather plain attire.
Icy white hair pulled up into a messy bun with some pieces falling out lay atop her head, the shine from the sun giving them almost the same aura as shotos ice.
Her eyes, a bright, icy blue, that stand out against her skin. Only thing is, her eyes trained not on him.
He watched as both their eyes train on one another, soft smiles on both their faces as neither breaks their connection. It’s as if they’re in a trance caused by both of them, neither wanting to break that bond as aizawa walks the young mans sick friend over to her. Not once did their smiles leave their faces.
Izuku sat quietly in all mights office, patiently waiting for his mentor to finish making both a cup of tea.
Both sat and discussed the young mans training, and subsequent failing of controlling his newly acquired quirk.
They soon got to the discussion of the young boys home room teacher.
“Hey Uh, all might. I’ve got a question?” He asks, finishing the last sip of his tea. “What is it?” Toshinori asks, looking at the young boy. “There was, another nurse in the room when I went today. I’ve never noticed her, and, her and Mr. Aizawa, they, had this look-“ Toshinori let out a deep laugh, coughing up a bit of blood due to the chuckles leaving his body. “So you saw it too.” Toshinori says, voice laced with laughter. Izuku looked at him in question. “Alright, let me fill you in kid. Now I don’t know a whole lot, being that this is my first year teaching. But, they’re a very well known duo around here.” “Are they together?” Izuku asks. “No but they might as well be. They both started working here around the same time. Her quirk, is similar to recovery girls. But, rather than your body using energy to heal you and making you tired, it’s the opposite for her. From what I’ve been told, they’ve always shared that look. It’s like they’re the only people in the room, it’s like they’re in a trance. They do it every time they see one another.” “Do you think they’ll ever become a couple?” Toshinori lets out a sigh at the question. “They’ve been this way for close to a decade. Everyone hopes that this year they’ll finally admit their feelings but it’s never happened. Both are extremely quiet, and don’t see one another like us teachers see one another. So to be completely honest, I don’t know.”
Tears stream from her eyes as her heart pains in pure agony, throat tight and burning as she grazes her hand over his face, well, what she could touch of that is.
The USJ had been attacked the day prior, villains of all kinds gathered to from what she heard, kill Toshinori. Or as they know him as, all might. But both the kids sadly were involved. Never had she felt so helpless as she tried helping as many of the traumatized children as she could. That was, until he was brought in.
“Shōta!” She yells out, heart throbbing in pain as she runs to the door. Grabbing a hold of him as gently as she can, she carries him over to one of the beds. He lay unconscious, body badly disfigured, bloody, severely beaten with blood pooling from every cut that littered his body.
Even with the help of recovery girl, they weren’t able to heal him beyond keeping him alive. Nearly losing him multiple times, making her heart burn in deep searing pain as she tries with all her might to wheeled any and all energy she had left to heal him.
A whimper leaves her bitten lips as she pulls his shirt up from his torso.
Deep gashes and bruises litter his pale torso, making tears fall from her eyes as she looks. Never, had she felt a deeper pain in her heart and soul than to see him nearly on the brink of death. But never had she been so proud, proud to know he did this for his students. He could’ve given up, let the villains kill every single one of them. But he didn’t, he let them beat and torture him for so long, just to protect those kids. And now it was her turn, to help the injured man who nearly sacrificed his life, just for his students.
Taking in a deep breath, that catches at the end due to the still falling tears, she reached her hand down. Her hands lay atop his chest, taking in a deep breath as she closes her eyes. Putting all focus to reach out past just his chest, to every inch she can manage.
All her focus was on him, pulling every ounce of her energy to healing his wounds. Not once did she think about the consequences of using up all her energy on him. Not once did she care. As his recovery was more important than her health.
Her chest burns in pain as each breath grows harder to manage, feeling light headed as she pulls as much of her energy into her hand and to his body.
Her entire face grows hot as she forces herself to push even harder, even with how badly she wants to fall to the ground in complete exhaustion, she refuses to give up until she physically can’t no more.
That moment came to fast for her to comprehend, one moment, she felt the energy surge through her to its last moment, to feeling herself shut off, falling back into the cold hard floor.
That never came though, as she felt arms wrapped around her just as she was about to plummet to the ground.
“Hey hey hey! Stop! You’re overworking yourself Y/N!” Toshinori exclaimed, nearly falling over himself due to his weak body. He was glad he had walked in when he had, seeing her falling unconscious right before he caught her.
“But I need to help him Toshinori! I can’t just watch him lay here in pain WHEN MY ENTIRE QUIRK IS TO HEAL OTHERS!” She yells out, tears streaming from her eyes, head falling forward as she feels herself sinking into unconsciousness herself. That was, until both of them heard it. It was small, but both could hear it a mile away.
Shōta let out a small groan, so small they hardly heard it, but both their faces lit up like the sky on a dark night.
It was small, but it was progress.
Shota lets out a groan as he tries taking a step off the bed, arms screaming out as he tries pushing himself up.
Her arms quickly wrap themselves around him, nearly carrying all his body weight.
His heart fluttered in his chest, throat tightening up as a flush blooms to his cheeks. The feel of her arms around him, her body so close to his as she helps him take another step, the sound and feel of her breaths hitting his skin, nearly made him fall over in pure admiration.
“That’s it, a couple more and we’ll be good for today.” She soothes, slowly helping him walk across the room.
It was small, small steps each day they would take. But ultimately, those small steps, truly was the aid to his recovery, and it wouldn’t have been possible, if it wasn’t for her being the one to help him.
Shouta let out a sigh as he walked beside Hizashi, the loud man trying to lift his spirits about this party.
It was a relatively warm night, for being in the middle of October. But that warmth did nothing to ease the discomfort he felt about this party that was held once a year.
She sat idly as she held one of the students' heads in her hand, humming a small tune as she helped to relieve the exhausted child’s headache. “Thank you Miss.” they yawned, finally feeling the persistent shooting pain go away. Giving them a warm smile, she planted a soft peck to the top of their head. “Of course dear, now, head back to bed alright?” The child sat up from the seat they were sat in, looking back at the kind woman they’ve all come to love. “Have a goodnight miss.” “Sweet dreams dear.”
She sat as she waited for the next student, knowing that there would be some to venture here in the night.
Since the attack on the school, many of the kids who were involved would come down late into the night. Some would fake ailments, but others would come out and say they were frightened. Frightened of them breaking in, frightened of the memories they held behind their eyes, frightened of sleeping. And that’s where she’d come to save them from those fears. Sitting and talking with them, losing sleep herself, just so she knew they could get a full nights rest.
“Deary, can you do me a favor?” She looked up from her paper at the elderly nurse, eyes catching sight of the soft smile on her face. “Of course, what is it Chiyo?” It brought a smile to grow on the elderly woman’s face. Having her be one of the only people to call her by her first name. She thought of her like her own, after working with her for close to a decade.
“I want you to pack up your things, go get ready, and head to that party the teachers are holding in the lounge.” A small gasp left her lips at the statement, heart fluttering in her chest. “But I-“ “that’s not a question or an idea. That’s me telling you deary. You’ve been working your little tushy off with not only these kids at night, but you haven’t even taken a night to yourself in years. So go, have fun. Your lover will be there tonight.” She teases, making her roll her eyes at her. “Shouta isn’t my lover Chiyo.” “Never even mentioned his name dear.” Chiyo teases, making the young woman flush.
She sat up from her chair, walking over to the taller woman. “Go, have fun. It’s a sad night for him, he could really do with someone to cheer him up. So go, be young again. I know I wish I did at your age.” This causes the young woman’s heart to soar in her chest, tears brim her eyes as a smile blooms on her face. Reaching down and pulling her into a hug. “Thank you.”
She took in a deep breath, reaching down and smoothed her palms down her dress. She knew this wasn’t anything extravagant, but she did have an off the shoulder black dress that came to about her mid thigh that she had only worn once. It was in her early twenties she wore this, surprised that it fit now into her late twenties.
She finally stepped through the door, eyes catching everyone in the room.
Everyone turned when she opened it, smiles on each of their faces as they watch the shy nurses eyes look around the room. They knew exactly who her eyes were searching for, and it made them chuckle when her eyes finally stopped, a soft smile on her face.
Her eyes trailed around the room, trying to search for a mop of wavy black hair. Fear bubbles in her throat, what if he did come? It wouldn’t be absolutely horrible, being that over the years she’s made friends with just about everyone in the room. But it still brought joy to her to have him with her. Especially since they were both out from their job for once.
Before long, her eyes finally caught sight of him, her heart skipping in her chest as her stomach fluttered.
Black button up shirt neatly tucked into a pair of fitted black pants, hair pulled halfway up while the bottom lay softly against his shoulders and back.
Both their eyes met, eyes locking as smiles grow on their faces, everyone letting out small chuckles.
She managed to calm her nerves with a glass of wine, the effects making socializing with her co-workers easier than normal. Even with working with all of them for years now, she still felt rather shy and nervous around them.
Her eyes again searched around the room for him, but she came up empty.
He let out a sigh as he gazed over the small balcony, puffs of smoke escaping past his lips, clouding his vision.
~“Wanna try some?” Oboro asked his friend, passing him the half smoken cigarette. Shouta rolled his eyes, giving his friend a stern look as his answer. “You know that’s gonna kill your lungs right.” He sighed. Oboro laughed at this, puffs of smoke invading his face, making him cough. “Nah, this won’t be what kills me.” He chuckles.~
No, a lone cigarette wouldn’t kill his friend, but the memory still holds as a fond one, especially today. Today was the anniversary of his death, a day all that knew him remembered. But nobody held the same weight as Shouta, Hizashi and Nemuri. That’s why they held this party every year, for them. So they can celebrate him, and many take their minds off of the day.
This was one day a year he would go light a cigarette, the smoke not only reminding him of that memory, but of his friend.
The chill October air sent shivers up her arms as she stepped out, or maybe it was seeing him, looking out over the balcony.
She walked over to him, heart fluttering in her chest. Neither muttering a word as they stood together.
That was until she looked over, spotting him inhaling the smoke from his almost finished cigarette. “You know those are gonna kill your lungs right?” She chuckled, making him laugh under his breath. “Used to think the same thing back in the day. Still kinda do, But it’s why I don’t have one often.” A small smile tugged at his lips, hers matching the same as she looked at him. “But still, ones still not that good for you.” He shrugged his shoulders at this, “yeah, but hey, I’ve got you to help me if it does hurt me right?” He says, eyes looking into hers. Her face flushed at this, making her turn her head from his dark eyes. “Yeah, I guess you do Shouta.” She chuckles.
“Besides, I’m gonna need the energy tonight.” He sighs, “oh?” She asks, head slightly tilted as she looks up at him. “I’ve gotta deal with an extremely drunk Hizashi tonight, this is one of the only nights he gets absolutely shit faced. And then I won’t be sleeping much tomorrow night cause I’ve gotta grade essays that were taken today.” He sighs, leaning slightly over the railing, head in his hand. She couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at this. “I’m sorry about that, and yeah, he was getting kinda bad right before I got out here.” He sighed loudly at this, rubbing his tired eyes. “That’s for telling me, I should be bringing him back then, he’s a fucking menace when he’s drunk.” Both chuckling at this.
“I should be heading back now, but, it was great talking to you.” He sighed, eyes gazing into hers. A soft smile played on her lips. “Yeah, I’m glad I came. And hey, if you need anything, you’ll know where I’ll be.” “Yeah, I’ll definitely remember that.” He whispers slightly, smiling as he looked down to her.
Her hands work delicately through izukus hair, brushing back the mop of curls from his face as she hums slightly.
He had called down to the nurses office, calling and asking for either one of them to come to his dorm. She heard as soon as she answered the call, he wasn’t feeling right. Having been hurt that morning for god only knows what again. She knew it would cause the poor boy more damage if he walked all the way down to the nurses office, especially with just how exhausted he sounded. So she took a trip to his room, hoping to calm his body down from the pain as much as she could to hopefully get him to rest.
Her hands card through his hair as his eyes slowly shut, the clear exhaustion written on his face. “Thank you miss.” He whispered, voice slightly slurred. Smiling at this, “it’s not a problem Midoriya, you feeling better?” “Mhm.” He mumbled, eyes closing as he hugged his pillow closer.
She stood up from his bed, turning to walk out as she thought he had finally fallen into a deep slumber. But not before she felt his hand grasp hers, making her turn around and look at him. “Please, can you go check on mister Aizawa?” She tilted her head slightly at hun, brow raising slightly. “May I ask why?” “He, he didn’t look so good today. He looked even more exhausted than he normally does. And I know he’s grading out essays tonight so he’s gonna be even more tired. And, I see how much happier you make him when you’re around.” He mumbled, voice slurred further as he fought off sleep.
She chuckled at this, placing her hand against his cheek. “You and your caring heart, always looking out for everyone. This is why you’re gonna become the #1 hero one day young Midoriya. And alright, I’ll go check on him.” He gazed up at her, eyes brimming with tears that she whipped away. “Have a good night Midoriya.” She whispered, kissing the very top of his head, walking away as she shut his door.
He’d feet carried her all the way to his classroom, eyes catching sight of the light streaming from the window through the dark hallway. Her heart speed up the closer she got, hands shaking slightly as a ball formed in her throat. What if he didn’t want her there? What if he wanted to be alone as he graded? What if she just walked down to her dorm, never mentioning what the young boy said as she carried on with how they’ve interacted all these years.
All these questions swam in her mind like tadpoles in a pond, not once stopping to realize her feet still carried her to his door.
She finally stopped once she reached it, her stomach tying in knots.
She was already here, already at his door.
She took in a large breath as she grabbed the handle.
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cyro-starfire · 3 years
Cyro meeting Lemon Monster for the first time - Lemcy fic
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Character colors
Blue - Boyfriend
Red - Girlfriend
Green - Pico
Pink - Cyro
Orange - Lemon Monster
The night was still young, the stars shine brightly throughout the night sky, the full moon also gave a brilliant light that made the night seem less dark. Pico, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, and Cyro were having as friend's night out, just the four of them. They generally used their time in the night to goof around and have fun, visiting parks, getting ice cream and just messing around with each other.
As the night grew they decided to sleep over at Pico's place for the night, Girlfriend told her parents about it so they wouldn't panic if Girlfriend didn't get home tonight. On their way to Pico's house Pico noticed the mansion that Girlfriend's parent's had owned, the same one where Bee and Gee met the spooky kids Skid and Pump.
"Ayo, Bee, ain't that the same house you met those kids in?" Pico asked Boyfriend. "Hrm?" Boyfriend looked over and noticed the house. "Oh yeah, it is, what about it?" "Well ain't it also the same house where you told me you like dissed a weird lemon headed monster thing?" Pico added. "Uhh...y-yeah...? Where are you going with this Pico?" Boyfriend asked slightly nervous of what Pico's intentions could've possibly been...
"Well, it's been a long ass time since I had a good scare, not even Cassandra's stupid ass could scare me, you said the guy was genuinely terrifying, I wanna be the judge of that shit!" Pico exclaimed. "DUDE! ARE YOU FUCKIN INSANE? THAT FUCKER WANTED TO EAT ME AND BAE!" Boyfriend responded with a shocked screech. "Dude come on, how bad can it be for me? Besides, Gee can't die remember?" Pico tried to remind Boyfriend. "But he was still fucking creepy, even for a dearest like me." Girlfriend admitted.
"For real?" Pico asked, astounded by Girlfriend of all people admitting that. "Yeah dude." "Well if that's the case, i think it's about time you introduced me to him!" Pico chuckled. "DUDE NO! ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?! PLUS WHAT IF CYRO GETS HURT?!" Girlfriend states to Pico, obviously not happy that he would want to do something this reckless and life threatening. Pico looked at Cyro and felt bad that he almost forgot that they were there..."Well...you guys know I'll shoot up anything hostile." He responds bluntly. "Come on, it'll be worth it, i wanna meet this fucker" Girlfriend and Boyfriend looked at each other and then looked at Cyro for their input.
"o-o-oh uhm..." Cyro was taken aback by the situation being suddenly focused around them. "Do you think you'll be able to handle this shit Cy?" Boyfriend asks the alien in a gentle tone, as to not put more stress on Cy. "w-w-well i-i m-m-mean uh...i-i guess it sh-shouldn't b-be too b-bad if P-Pico is the o-one protecting us..." They replied quietly but not too quiet to where Bee and Gee couldn't hear. "You sure?" "I-I'm p-positive! P-Please don't w-worry about m-me too m-much!" Cyro reassures the two. Bee and Gee look at Cyro for a while and sighed. "Alright just...stay close to us alright?" Cyro nods in response.
Girlfriend finally responded to Pico "Okay, fine we'll go in again..." Pico cheered. "HELL YEAH! LES FUCKING GO!!!" Pico screamed out in joy as he immediately darted towards the mansion and wasted no time to get in, the other three followed but not as enthusiastic as Pico, they were more reluctant if anything, especially Girlfriend...
The inside of the mansion felt as dead and haunted as the first time Girlfriend and Boyfriend went inside it together for the first time. "I still hate looking at the inside of this hellscape babe..." Boyfriend shuddered. "Me too honey bun..." "Awe come on you guys are pussies!" Pico giggled. "EASY FOR YOU TO SAY MAN, YOU FUCKING KILLED A HUGE ASS ALIEN WHEN WE WERE IN FUCKING SCHOOL!" Boyfriend screeched at Pico in anger only making Pico laugh more. Cyro was shaking like a leaf, clinging tightly onto Girlfriend's red dress. "Y-You okay Cy?" Girlfriend asked, worried about the shivering alien. "i-i-i-i-i'm g-g-g-good..." Cyro whimpered silently.
"Okay this was obviously a bad idea, I'm pretty sure this place alone is gonna make Cy have a huge panic attack.." Boyfriend sighed but was cut off by Cyro. "N-N-NO! I-i-i-i-i'm okay, i-i promise...i-i-it's j-j-j-just c-c-cold here..." "You sure Cy?" Pico asked, concerned as well. "Y-Yeah...t-trust me g-guys i-i'm fine!" The alien tried their best to reassure the three, which only resulting in Pico, Bee and Gee sighing in unison, they couldn't just back out on this so quickly...right...?
After some time of exploring the mansion, it did take some time for Pico to get genuinely spooked by the place... "Wow...y'all weren't fuckin around..." He chuckled nervously. "This place is creepy as fuck...why do your parents even own this place to begin with Gee?" Girlfriend shrugged "I don't know man, sometimes they don't even make sense to me..." She responds. "Wait, so you admit your scared then?" Boyfriend asks with a slight giggle.
"WH-WHAT?! N-NO?! I AIN'T FUCKIN SCARED BEE!!" "Ya sure Pico?" Boyfriend giggled even more. "Your sure acting like your scared!" "THERE'S A FUCKIN DIFFERENCE WITH BEING SCARED AND BEING CREEPED OUT YOU FUCK NUT, GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK ASS HEAD!" "Okay but your stuttering, your clearly pissing yourself dude." "NO I FUCKIN AIN'T!" "Yeah you are!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Pico screamed. And thus, an argument began with the two boys, Girlfriend sighed. Some things never really do change, do they? Cyro looked away from the arguing boys only to be met with an odd looking shadow in the distance. "h-h-h-huh?"
"g-g-guys...?" Cyro tried to get everyone's attention but they couldn't be heard over Boyfriend and Pico so they had to try again "G-Guys?" Still not being heard over, so Cyro took a deep breath and reluctantly scream to get their attention. "GUYS!" With them finally being heard all three of them turned their heads to look at the quivering alien. "Is something wrong Cy?"
"u-uh y-yeah, WHAT TH-THE FUCK IS THAT?!" The alien screeched in terror pointing at the lemon shaped shadow that was hiding behind a door. "What's wh- oh...oh no..." "B-B-Bee...?" "What the fu..." The shadow suddenly had a visible smile and finally spoke. "Well, well, well~ what do we have here~? A three course meal~? How thoughtful of you all~!" The voice was deep, soothing, and mesmerizing. The creature slowly opened the door and stepped out.
As seen through the shadow it had a yellow, lemon shaped head, it's eyes were huge with wide pupils within them, it's teeth were uncomfortably crooked, it's neck was a velvet red and the rest of it's body was a pitch, raven black, it had two fingers on each hand, and it had only two toes on each foot. The creature was very tall in compared to the four other beings within the room, it towered over all of them.
"It has been quite a long while since i have seen you two~! And i see you've brought that little schizophrenic ginger friend of yours~! And-" the monster paused to look at Cyro behind Girlfriend, still scared out of their mind. "Well now~! Who's this little friend of yours~? They look rather...appetizing~ in more ways then one if i must be so bold to say~!" He said, attempting to slowly approach Cy but was stopped by Girlfriend. "Don't go near them...O R E L S E . . ." She warned it with a growl, which only made the lemon headed monster roll its eyes in annoyance. "And you still don't know how to not be so RUDE..." The monster growled.
"Better not try jack shit bitch, i know how to use this thing." Pico aimed the gun towards the monster which only made it boom with laughter. "You think a puny little weapon like that scares me? How adorable~!" It chuckled before lunging at Girlfriend and attacked her which made Pico start firing bullets at the creature, and Cy ran as fast as they could into an empty hallway. Boyfriend stood still, he didn't wanna engage in the violence, he didn't sign up for this shit man...
After the monster and Girlfriend fought, monster while doing a number on Girlfriend decided that enough damage was done and went after Cyro. Pico and Boyfriend, instead of knowing Girlfriend can easily heal, and going after the monster and making sure he doesn't hurt them, went to Girlfriend to see if she was okay, Cyro was sobbing and whimpering while running, wanting to be home right now and not here.
"FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!! I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA WHY DID I TRY TO LOOK BRAVE FOR EVERYONE HHHH!!!!" The alien screamed internally and wished that they were just honest so that none of this would be happening right now, after some running they found themself in a dead end, and what was worse is that they could hear the monster's footsteps. "NONONONONONONONONONO PLEASE PLEASE OH PLEASE I DON'T WANNA DIE, WHY ME, WHY ME. WHY ME!!!" As much as they hated themself, but they were still terrified of dying, especially like this...
The monster got closer and closer until he was visible again which only heightened Cyro's anxiety, their heart was pounding through their chest and their breathing was rapid, they could barley think straight at all. "There you are my dear~!" The monster cooed. "p-p-p-please leave m-m-me alone..." They whimpered quietly. "Oh don't worry dear~! I won't kill you~! Will i possibly hurt you? Maybe, but then again..." He got closer to them and pinned them against the wall, he slowly put his two fingered claws against their face, and caressed their face gently.
"I would feel guilty if i caused any sort of harm to an adorable and beautiful creature such as yourself~!" It whispered in their ear making Cyro blush deeply and shudder they were so confused by this behavior. "You know, i normally don't have such feelings for prey...but you...your different..." The monster explained to Cyro. "wh-what d-do you m-mean...?" "I mean what i mean my sweet cherry cake~! Your seem like such a delicate creature~!" The monster slowly moved it's claws under Cyro's chin and began to rub the bottom of their chin gently. Cyro couldn't help but purr at the sensation.
The monster chuckled at Cyro's purring, they were so adorable. "Perhaps i won't eat you~ your so sweet, I'm afraid that if I eat you, I'll get a cavity~!" The monster joked. Cyro didn't respond, they only continued to purr at the monster rubbing their chin, until he took his claw away from their chin which only made them whine. "wh-why'd y-you st-" they were interrupted by the monster giving them a soft and gentle kiss on the lips, which surprised Cyro at first, but they slowly sunk into the kiss and kissed the monster back. There was some time before they broke away from the kiss, Cyro panted softly while looking at the creature
The monster chuckled. "While i would love to keep you, i fear that i have aggravated your friends enough, so unfortunately this will be goodbye for now, but i will be back soon, my little prey, until we meet again~!" The monster whispered to them beore giving them a kiss on the cheek and disappeared into the shadows again. Which only left Cyro in confusion but at the same time, they felt like they've fallen in love again.
After some time Pico, Boyfriend and Girlfriend found Cy, fortunately for them Cyro was okay, and the four of them darted out of the house as soon as fucking possible. Cyro never really forgot about that day ever since...
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