#racism isnt metal
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runthepockets · 5 months
I agree with all of your points and white tumblr users are super annoying about rap the only thing i wanted to say is that (but i might have interpretated that wrong if you didnt mean that so sorry in advance i misread) is that like My Chemical Romance (and lots of other bands ppl say are emo) isnt emo and that most tumblr users never listened to a actual emo song, much more likely pop punk/some other alternative genre. Even the "emo aesthetic" is a watered down version of past goth/metalhead/punk fashion + the racism that was prevalent among those other subculture's styles. The actual genre itself idnt rely much on appearence until the meaning of it shifted in the 2000s to be boring(er)
Dw, I'm pretty particular about genres too.
I get you and I think you're right. There are some "emo" Metalcore bands that I really fuck with (Emmure, that first Seeyouspacecowboy album, Callous Daoboys) and for as much shit as I give Post Hardcore, I do be bumping Pierce the Veil (another contemporary "emo" act, yes, but one of the better ones by far especially because their frontman isn't white), Combatwoundedveteran, Portrayal of Guilt, and Portraits of Past when I'm feeling particularly gloomy.
I still think the subculture is rather commercial, especially compared to a lot of Metal, Hardcore, and Goth acts from around that same time, but I absolutely do agree most Tumblr users would probably explode if they listened to any emo song made before 2005, heavier than your average Fall Out Boy track.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
smth i’ll put out there as a Black alt/metal/punk fan: no racism is good racism but i think ppl (esp younger yt folks) have lost sight of how violently mask-off racist alt/punk/metal spaces have been (still are). im in a metropolitan city where social culture moves fast and we were still kicking fash out of our diy shows 5 or less years ago. not saying lindsey, the ways, and frank aren’t racist because they definitely are because all white people are and i want to see more growth always but i am saying that i appreciate your understanding of it. i will absolutely take fake ancestry and historical jimmy urine adjacency over active current pro yt supremacy pro fascist active violence towards black ppl / poc that has been allowed to happen in the scenes adjacent to mcr. its bleak!! but honestly? i dont expect adult alt yt ppl to not be small scale racist in day to day life and i dont see why i should hold them to diff standards bc they’re celebrities to me. having them show up as people who don’t allow violent racists to share their space Counts For Something Real even if its small in a scene that is a minefield for violent racists. at an mcr show i dont feel like its My Space (space made For Me as a black person) but i am not unsafe yknow? which i cant say for all yt punk shows. if this perspective isnt useful feel free to ignore this! sorry for the big wall of txt!!
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steveharrington · 2 years
hope this doesnt come across as whiny or whatever but im starting to really hate the whole "realistically these characters would be racist/homophobic/etc" stuff cause i feel like its only ever brought up when people talk about taking comfort in certain characters or the show. and when people talk about robin and will, like "actually it's super unlikely all of the characters would be accepting" and like yea we get that but this show isnt even about that? and while yes they try to be as accurate as possible this isnt a 100% spitting image of small town USA in the 80s. idk i just feel like its always used to bring people down instead of an actual conversation. like i remember reading someone being like "um its unrealistic that robin is so sure she's a lesbian cause back in the 80s blah blah" like can you just let us have this. or "the metal scene was really homophobic back then so eddie wouldnt like robin or will" it just rubs me the wrong way. its not actually about being "authentic" or having a discussion its about knocking people down who are enjoying the show/characters and take comfort in it (mostly talking about the lgbtq aspect as im also white) like this show is about supernatural stuff, the characters and their growth is just the icing on the cake but some people talk about it like its the end-all be-all. idk i just had to bring it up
i definitely agree regarding homophobia. it isn’t my place to speak on racism in the show as a white person, and the discussions i’ve seen about how the racism towards lucas and erica is swept under the rug (esp wrt billy attacking lucas) are very valid. but i 100% agree that people trying to pull off these gotcha’s by being like “wellllll realistically steve wouldn’t have accepted robin 🤓” or “ummmm would jonathan really just not question that his brother is gay??” are 1. annoying and 2. wrong? i feel like these people genuinely think that everyone in the 80s who wasn’t gay themselves was just like violently homophobic and that’s so….ridiculous. gay people had friends and family members who accepted them in the 80s, there were advocates for gay rights who weren’t necessarily gay themselves in the 80s, and like in general the concept of being empathetic and open minded was not invented in fucking 2010 like these people seem to think. and when we’re talking about a show where monsters crawl out of a hole to another dimension and a little girl kills ‘em by putting out her hand and going AAAA!!! until they explode i feel like….idk we aren’t dedicated to realism! why should we be able to suspend our disbelief about everything except homophobia? we can have fun and follow our protagonists as they use DND to defeat monsters but not too much fun….don’t forget that there are people who hate you for existing!!! like yeah i’m good trust me i get enough of that listening to my dad am i right ladies!! and while yes there is obviously value in depicting and discussing the realities of homophobia, there is also value in having gay characters who are happy and feel accepted by their friends and siblings and parents. and i feel like stranger things is more suited for the latter
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narilwrites · 2 years
Eddie ISNT a punk and he definitely isn’t a goth!
please please I beg if you’re gonna write about him at least do a teensy tiny google search about metalheads 😭
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More about 80s metalheads under the cut:
Speaking of, also please stop claiming the way he dresses and his shag cut make him oBvIoUsLy gay. It’s totally fine to see him as queercoded, that’s not the point. I personally headcanon eddie as bi or pan myself. In the 80s the look of metalheads was associated with hypermasculinity and if you want to do a deep dive, check out what Rob Halford has to say about what it was like to be in the metal scene and a gay man. To this day the scene has issues with sexism, racism and homophobia. (By and large metalheads are the most lovely people ever but you do get your black sheep and fucking hell they’re loud) if you want yo write queer Eddie then Rob is a great source to understand what his experience might have been like especially if you want to write period-accurate rockstar eddie. He has spoken at length how long it took him to come out (which he did fucking live on mtv, how badass is that?)
anyhow, I’m sure I left some stuff out. Always happy to edit and update his post to correct or clarify some things, but it just makes me feel so icky when people don’t get the subculture right and/or misinterpret it. btw this post is super surface level so do your own research please!
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I can't believe you posted CI5 whump... I've become totally obsessed. Especially the episode 'discovered in a graveyard'. Also, although there's some great whump in the last episode of season 1, I feel pretty weird about enjoying whump from an episode which is discussing racism in such a vivd and open way. It's amazing that they were discussing this stuff in the 1970s, even if the episode never got aired. How do you feel about it?
Also, I was wondering if you've seen any Inspector George Gently whump, seeing as Martin Shaw gets whumped in that a few times too. Seems like the kinda thing you would enjoy
Ahhhhhh Profs CI5 is my fav I've never been so hooked on a series myself!
I love Insp George Gently 110% funny enough I saw that before Profs CI5 and didnt know for a while why Doyle/Martin Shaw seemed so familiar lol OK I have no problem discussing it my opinion isn't always popular or appreciated but I'm more than willing to give it :)
Ep spoilers and topic discussion 👇
Firstly Klansmen ep is one of the best for whump isnt it?! not many have the boys both whumped and separated unable to help the other!
Secondly in relation to the topic, is it a very heavy ep, oh yeah.
Should you feel weird liking it?
I don't think so at all, this series pulls no punches when getting into topics esp topics that were new for the time including but not limited to: drug addiction (new drugs where on the streets like heroin), prostitution (the various victims and abusers/users), alcoholism, metal illness, homosexuality/gay (not having been legal for long) etc, they show it in as much a reality as a TV show can, it's not pretty it's not clean and it's hard to watch as it should be, so why wouldn't they show racism in the same way
If they'd made it a soft ep it wouldn't carry the same weight as the ep does in my opinion.
Like all topics you get to see a lot of character stress/trauma and even growth which I think is a big part of it as well particularly with Bodie in that ep, if you watch the series everyone knows he has no issues with Blacks but scars from his SAS and mercenary days sometimes show through and I feel this ep helps move passed that a bit as well he goes from using terms that Cowley and Doyle disapprove of to being saved by the Black Doctor and Nurses who deal with his fever induced ramblings and in the conclusion you see Bodie walk away a better person.
I also really felt the way the Doctor and nurse were handled was perfect no matter what he said in his delirium they did what they could to save him and you got to see her face when it started but she never stopped doing her job caring for him. Also in that ep you get the different POV of the locals effected by the baddies attacks you see the fear, physical harm, and death inflicted which is another important point they show its not just looked out from an outsider.
Then in the finale the plot twist showing a man selling out his own ppl funding a hate group for the gains the housing they take over brings.
Never to leave out Doyle ofc his role in this ep while on his own nearly the whole time showed his experience having worked in the rougher parts of the city pre-CI5 how he has a better understanding of the inner city and how he built trust in those days shines through in his interactions with the kid saving him then busting the whole setup.
To try and sum it up I think it is one of the most important eps to watch it happened at the "perfect" time in the series you know the boys enough not to judge reactions in the same way while also witnessing a redemption story of Bodie and then move on to the rest of the series.
Sorry for the long winded talk if I didnt cover or explain something right please feel free to drop in my inbox :)
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emonaculate · 3 years
AOT Freshman v Senior Year headcanons (Eren, Armin, and Mikasa)
❥ AU: Highschool!AU
❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Rating: Everyone can read
❥ Pairing: hinted at Eren x reader
❥ Warnings Include: Profanity, mentions of violence, manipulation, mention of weed, and slight angst
❥ Author Note: I'm making this an entire series for the main cast or my favorite characters from AOT
Eren Yeager
Freshman year
Extremely fucking loud for no reason
Runs to class and somehow always manages to be late
Tries to pay attention in class but due to his ADHD would always spaces tf out
Despite being loud, only talks to Mikasa and Armin
Smells like nothing but AXE body spray, its not even a bad smell, its just too much
That kid that takes P.E. TOO fucking serious
"Eren you know why you're in trouble right?"
"...You hit your classmate in the face with a ball."
"He could have dodged."
"Eren it was a basketball, you broke his nose and chipped his tooth."
"He shouldn't have gotten so close to me."
Im sorry but totally dresses like this
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Constantly compared to his older brother.
"Yeager... Are you by any chance related to Zeke Yeager?"
"No way, your brother is THE Zeke Yeager?"
Makes a name for himself rather quickly
Listens to heavy rock/metal music
He loves My Chemical Romance and Three Day Grace.
Learned how to play the guitar just so he could play "Teenagers"
Forced Mikasa and Armin to also listen to the bands
They ended up all deciding on making a small little garage band; Miki on vocals and drums, Min on bass, and Eren as lead vocalist and electric guitar.
His style changed randomly but no one questioned it since his personality remained the same.
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Senior year
180 personality
Completely mellowed tf out
Either he is in class on time or not showing up at all
Senioritis is strong within him
Works better when he is completely out of it
This mf always high as shit
Either you love him, hate him, or respect him there is no inbetween
Smart as hell but usually on the low
His music taste has changed a little
J.cole and Kendrick stan; it is not up for debate
His favorite songs are Neighbors by J.Cole and Alright by Kendrick
Listens to throwback RnB when high
Still godly at the guitar
Has a couple stick and poke tattoos; He has one behind his ear matching Min and Miki.
He has the sun, Armin has the ocean waves, Mikasa has the moon
A total of 8; 4 in his left and 2 in his right + the industrial
Has a tongue piercing
A two slices in his eyebrow but only got them as a dare
Most of them minus the industrial piercing was done at home because he has an abnormally high pain tolerance.
Dresses like this
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Doesnt really play sports but is super good at soccer and basketball
He's actually good at most sports just refuses to join because why would he want to support a corrupted system??
Still more of a loner but has a rather nice friend group
Looks mean asf but is actually really nice
Goes the hardest for his friends
You fuck with them = you getting your shit rocked by him
100% the friend that hits you for forgetting to eat
Despite being hot as shit; never really has a girlfriend
Its only because hes oblivious or just not interested
Deathly scary when hes pissed
If you guys got beef; there is no talking
Its on sight bro
Be prepared to get beat the fuck up
A few things that makes him go from 0 to 100 is racism, mocking disabled people, and domestic violence
He's an activist
If you need help organizing a protest; he'll help and somehow manage to get people to come.
Basically a really good guy just hot headed as hell
Armin Arlert
Freshman Year
The kid who looked up those lame videos on how to survive highschool.
Panicked when it came to speaking in class
Stuttered like hell
He's way too advanced like could graduate early but refuses to so he can stay with his friends
Super sweet but extremely naive
People definitely took advantage of him.
"Hey Armin, my dog got in a car accident so I wasnt really focused in class, can you give me the homework answers?"
"Yeah sure its no problem."
Sends them a whole ass powerpoint on the entire lesson and teaches them better than the actual teacher.
Band nerd
Can play the Piano, Bass, and Trumpet
Listens to Mother Mother and Queen religiously
Only joined Eren's garage band after he agreed to watch Bohemian Rhapsody
Dresses like this
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Moved in with Ren and Miki after he went through some shit with his family; he came out as bisexual after realizing he was attracted to one of his classmates.
Sometimes worries that Eren gets uncomfortable but relaxes after he remembers who Eren really is.
Wouldn't trade his friends for the world
Senior Year
His glow up took awhile because he didnt really feel the need to change
He was always rather cute; just shy and timid
Slightly because he manipulated his runner up into become a burnout gifted kid lmao
Everyone has his Snapchat and Instagram so they can get help
Now he knows when people are using him and he still lets them; the only difference is you fuck with him and he can make you end up repeating the same grade.
Lets people copy his test and at the last minute pauses and erases all his answers before putting the correct ones.
No one has realized his plan.
His fashion sense changed a lot
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Subconsciously tries to match Eren all the time
The only person that noticed was Mikasa; she thinks its cute
Is in love with Russian foreign exchange student, Annie.
He talks to her from time to time before gathering enough courage to ask her out
Doesnt realize how popular he is.
Oftentimes volunteers at the aquarium to study the ocean life as well as help out.
Helps plenty of organizations clean up the ocean.
A total of four piercings and the tattoo that matches his friends.
Two in his ears and nipple piercings.
It was a dare he sobbed through
Mikasa Ackerman
Freshman year
Follows Eren and Armin around
Super quiet
Doesn't really have much of a personality
She is cute though
Dresses like this
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Like I said no real personality at all
Well except she was the girl who thought she was in a romance novel
Especially when Eren would get into a fight.
"Eren look at me... This isnt you."
"Mikasa move."
Most times it wouldnt work.
It was just cringy man...
Can play the violin, flute, piano, and cello
Only learned the drums so she could play with Eren and Armin
A secret pop stan
Loves Ariana Grande and Doja Cat
Thank god she manages to grow out of that yucky phase.
Senior Year
Track, Gymnast, and female basketball player
She mellowed out as well and became her own person
Still heavily in love with Eren
Confessed to him during a karaoke session to the song Baby I by Ariana Grande; he didnt realize.
Sang her heart out and was a blushing mess but still got no where
Has deep down accepted that she may never be more than just his friend
Is okay with it and NOT toxic when he's crushing on someone else
Just wants him to be happy
Saw how he looked at some girl during a fundraiser to raise money for animal shelters and realized that he may never look at her like that.
Turned a guy down because Armin had a crush on him
The ultimate wing girl
Introduced Eren to her opponent after a track meet after realizing it was the girl from the fundraiser.
Dresses like this
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Super sweet despite her look
However pick on her friends and you're fucked
CAN and WILL whoop your ass
The only person who can get Eren to not fight.
Pissed them both off at the same time and you're screwed
Has a total of three piercings
Her ears and nose
Loves her boys more than anything
Stays with Eren while her parents travel to help with natural disasters
Noticed that Armin's ideal type is Eren but never mentioned it because she knows Armin would overract
Very observant
Just wants the best for her friends even if she is the one who ends up happy
Eventually falls for the guy that asked her out junior year.
Still close to her boys because they come before anyone.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. Are death gods like a class lower than Olympian gods? Minthe says that Hades can buy all the suits in the world and still stink of death and Apollo refers to Thanatos as Poor Man’s Heremes and also reeks of death. Do they smell bad, or do people just hate them for existing? You’d think they’d be a little more fear controlling death/underworld
2. for the person saying "come on, persephone being a self insert isn't bad" completely misses the point.  As a young writer I used to have self inserts until I realized that my favoritism overshadowed the narrative and didn't allow for my characters to experience consequences or be in the wrong.  This is how creator's pets get made, and no one likes those because they ruin the story and take away attention from other (more interesting) characters!  (1/2) 
We are clearly seeing this in LO.  Persephone is essentially a perfect little goddess who keeps getting powers, is probably going to be revealed as one of the strongest goddesses, and her issues (sans the two giant ones we know what it is) almost never personally affect her.  No one gets angry at her in a meaningful way unless the narrative wants us to demonize them, and when they suddenly "see the light" and go to her side, they're rewarded!  THAT'S why persephone as a S.I is bad
3. Ok. I think Daphene and Thanatos are the best ship. I would read this story...also,Thanatos is the grim reaper...how metal would be if he take down LO Apollo and LO Hades? Yes, I'm aware this would be impossible in the.original myths but HEY why not? RS is not caring for the source material
4. RS’s writing is such a mess of contradictions between actuality and intent it’s hilarious: 1) Hades is supposed to be seen as a good guy yet is portrayed as a tyrant who somehow still manages to be a Gary Stu. 2) Persephone is simultaneously overpowered (fertility goddess powers) and powerless (is just a college kid) to the point where she’s viewed as a spoiled rich brat living consequence-free and destitute young woman left with no options but to marry to get out of trouble 
3) Artemis is supposed to represent a separatist feminist yet is depicted as foolish, British and out of the loop for humorous effect by the poss poor excuse of a comic which calls itself ‘a feminist feeling’. 4) The lack of time skips coupled with RS’s need to give HxP as many ‘cute’ moments as possible makes the comic’s progress feel slow for the reader when it’s actually progressing at breakneck speed if you go by the character’s timeframe. 
5) Wants to treat SA with nuance and sensitivity (RS almost manages to do it at first) but then uses Persephone’s rape as trauma porn, a means for pushing her closer to Hades while reminding the reader of his differences from Apollo and a means of furthering the side plots (Artemis’s descent into depressed confusion, Eros and Psyche’s romance, Hera’s quest to get the mains together).
5. i genuinely do not want to see whatever reason rachel thinks up to have zeus and demeter not like each other because it's either going to be a "shock" incest twist (unlikely) or it's going to be something akin to how she made apollo to persephone and maybe zeus stole her "fertility" and thats why she couldnt have persephone naturally and why demeter isnt a fertility goddess but persephone is. like no writing choice is good in this so i guess brace for the worst from her in this regard.
6. i honestly get sad looking at old LO art because not only is all the charm gone, but the colors also got way worse. hades used to be this subdued, rich dark blue with icy blue hair while persephone was a nice shade of pastel pink with magenta hair, but now theyre all one shade of neon. there used to be choices put into the art but now its just lazy. like hades looks like a blue highlighter, and persephone like her personality is only one nauseatingly bright shade and thats it 😞
7. i feel like if at least the writing in LO was good the art would excusable, you know what i mean? and the same can be said in reverse, but both are just so bad (or was never good to begin with) that it just seems inexcusable? like at least put effort into one, not half assing at best for both.
8. i mean for all we know bc thats how how psyche normally looks the braids are just a nymph disguise that basically pops away once shes human looking again. regardless the whole thing is nasty once you think about it and idk what we expected from a white woman to begin with. she thinks persephone revolving her whole world and being dependent on hades is feminist and making a canon bi god a r//pist is groundbreaking too like ....
9. lets add to the psyche is black-coded discourse: anyone want to mention how nasty it is she was literally sold off to a WHITE MAN for eros to save her from (ignoring the fact he proceeded to lie to her while having a sexual relationship), made her loving parents into abusive assholes, and psyche just happens to be the only character who is illiterate despite being a princess? the whole thing reeks of internalized racism on rachel's part, and her now giving her braids kinda makes it worse, tbh. 
-----FP Spoilers-----
10. Is it me? Or in the fast past episode were they showed one of the muses Polymnia (or Polyhymnia)  they mixed her with Clio??? Because Zeus calls her "the goddess/muse of history" but Polymnia is acutally the muse of hymns, CLIO is the muse of history, how did they get that wrong? Her name literally means "a lot of hymns"! And why is there a muse in this??? Even she says that she shouldn't be there because she doesn't work in anything similar to law, did Zeus really asked her to make a POEM in a TRAIAL??? For what exactly? Make Persephone look bad?
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kraviolis · 3 years
i hate jkr more and more with every single day that passes where i think about how she had this great concept: wizards! hidden from non magical world! with their entire own culture! with wizard racism! and there’s different magical societies all over the world with THEIR own cultures too! and then just fucking. made magical slavery as an ok thing to do. and then the entirety of the goblins, too, jesus dont get me started. and she just kept fucking it up and ignoring things that couldve been explored that wouldve made everything that much more interesting.
like she COULDVE explored the consequences of an isolated group of magic humans only having kids with other magic humans. you literally could’ve had evidence of evolution in those kids, like a slight change in the bone structures of the hands to more easily grip wands, have more flexibility in their wrists to perform the movements better, maybe even neurological changes relating to having to memorize several encyclopedias word of incantations and the effects of them.
this couldve been seen in some muggles even if they didnt know about magic just because their great great great great great grandfather was a squib or something. couldve explained muggleborns like this, having some magic gene passed down through generations. couldve even shown the consequences of pureblood inbreeding that happens, maybe with purebloods having a higher chance of producing nonmagical children the more closely theyre related.
also couldve explained that using latin as incantations isn’t universal for all wizards, that other wizards in separate parts of the world use ancient languages that came from there, couldve shown even some wizarding societies having a mix between latin and another language because of colonialism. maybe even some wizarding societies don’t even use wands as a focusing tool! maybe some are more adept at wandless magic because thats how theyve always been taught, maybe some use jewelry infused with magic cores as focusers. imagine the exploration of different metals having different properties like different woods do for wands. imagine tying this into goblin magic, imagine goblins having an actual culture all their own that isnt boiled down to being literal antisemitic caricatures.
like she literally wrote all this oppression and injustice into this magical world and then just went “but its ok cus thats just how it is :)” because she almost had a critical thought about racism & systemic oppression and it made her uncomfortable. even the systemic oppression she CLAIMS to be against irl is continuously perpetrated in universe and never addressed as a bad thing.
this went off on a bit of a tangent but oh my god i hate jk rowling so so so much. shes not just a shitty fucking person she also is SHIT at writing in general. jk rowling has never once had a complex, critical thought in her life and the day she does is the day hell fucking freezes over.
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
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#lmk if u want me to say more but at the very least my canon cherri's relationship to maleness as a defined thing would probably get him call
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415 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 00:25:06 GMT
god. evidently daily reminder that discussing and calling out racism isnt ‘discourse’ or ‘fandom drama’
421 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 16:18:17 GMT
its always so funny to see a picture of gerard serving cunt in some little stage costume and the other three are just wearing like. a t shirt
523 notes • Posted 2021-06-12 22:35:29 GMT
okay DNI: 5’6 men, anyone that’s bleached their hair ever, people that have had dyed red hair, wear black nail polish, scorpios, anyone with an aries best friend, have tattoos, pierced ears, lip(s), or nose, played in school band, wore youth large in their twenties, ever kissed a boy, can’t sing, people who are lactose intolerant, anyone that’s ever been to australia, people with lots of cousins, stoners, people that cut their own hair, dated anyone who’s last name starts with n, been hit by a car, or don’t want people knowing you write angsty poetry
5244 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 05:11:22 GMT
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[Image ID. Detailed digital art of a skeleton holding 2 guns and pointing them at the viewer. It has an angry expression and is yelling. It's wearing a torn cloak, leather pants, leather holster/belt, long chain necklace with a pendant with a skull on it and 4 metal claws dangling from it on smaller chains. It's got 2 bandoliers, belts holding bullets, strapped across its chest. Aged white text at the bottom of the image reads "Antimaskers can gargle my dick and balls." End ID.]
76968 notes • Posted 2021-05-14 06:26:11 GMT
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rockerfemme · 3 years
my personal opinion is ignoring the problems (the racism, sexism, and homophobia) in rock/metal because it "comes with the territory" just lets the problems get worse and the genre will continue to be unfriendly toward anyone who isnt a straight white cis man. so the shitty behavior needs to be called out for what it is. BUT i have seen more queer and non-white people getting into these genres so maybe things will change for the better
you're right!! i meant "comes with the territory" as more like... female fans being uncomfortable with the misogyny but feeling forced to ignore it because they like the music, sort of similar to how i feel about the racism
like if we're talking about gnr: do i hate that stupid, terrible fucking song (and the whole laundry list of Bad Stuff) ? i do. but i have so much love for the rest of their music that that discomfort inherently ends up getting pushed aside, because i wear my gnr shirt and talk about how much i like them and i'm openly a fan, and there ends up being little to no space for the discomfort to be expressed
part of what got me thinking was that after gnr i was hoping for a maybe slightly more diverse crowd at the rolling stones bc they've been around longer and have a bigger fanbase, but that wasn't the case at all
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strykingback · 3 years
Location: Solitas Region, Mantle Time: 12:00 PM OST: Heavy is The Head That Wears The Crown Volume Four.
The top of the hour had arrived in Mantle, the streets were overpopulated with people from different varieties human or faunus. Everyone who was born here remained here as part of their status to serve the higher class, that higher class being Atlas of course. 
Yet, the city itself was a shell of what it once was. What was once a city that started The Great War against the other kingdoms became a city without a military no less a Huntsman Academy of course. Speaking of Alsius Academy the once prestigious academy also fell to ruin when the Rise of Atlas had come. 
It was much for someone to take in, clothed in drapes to hide his identity. Kazura Rojas Verde was here in Mantle.. after all a Knights duty was never over even despite his wounds. However, he was here for more than that.... he was here to see an old friend. This old friend of his helped him and his teammates escape from Atlas during their assault on Icarus PMC. 
Kazura could only sigh at the state of disarray Mantle was in. The racism against the faunus was beginning to spiral out of control ever since the White Fang attacked Beacon Academy alongside the unknown assailant whose message sowed the seeds of distrust in every kingdom.  “ Damn Faunus! All of you ruined everything including an entire festival! “ Someone shouted catching the draped prince’s attention. Witnessing a human and his group of cronies kicking a male faunus, who was already battered and bruised from the consistent beating. 
“  Stop... Stop...” Kazura whispered to with his hand trembling with pure rage and just wanting to help. Yet though he felt like if he were to reveal himself the Atlesian military would be wary of his presence and would send their forces to apprehend him...
Yet though what is the difference between being someone who witnesses something and trying to help, against someone who does nothing and moves on?  Is that justice?  Is that being a chivalrous person? Or is it cowardice? Kazura could feel his teeth clenching with pure rage coming with his teeth being gritted, finally his boiling point was reached when seeing one of the human cronies approach with a hammer.... intending to kill the battered faunus .  “  STOP!!!!  ” He shouted unsheathing both his sword Caliburn and his shield Honorbrought. Which he proceeded to throw his shield at the man who was holding the hammer knocking down to the ground with his shield returning to the knight stopping the violence causing everyone to stop what they were doing looked at Kazura. 
“  Is this Just?! Tell me! IS THIS JUST?! To blame the faunus for something that they never did?! “ The knight of honor shouted with all of his might. 
“  Yeah its goddamn just! Also, who the hell do you think you are!?  “ The man who beat the faunus questioned Kazura only for the knight to menacingly approach him taking off the hood of his drape sheathing his weapons. 
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“ I am Kazura Rojas Verde, The Eighth Prince of Brumel, The one who saved your city from being owned by a tyrannical PMC CEO, and I ask of you to drop your weapons.... and leave the faunus man be....or face my wrath. “ He demanded glaring at the leader of the beating who simply looked in his eyes and felt fearful....backing up and starting to turn tail and run with the others following suit, with Kazura putting on his hoodie to his drape once more. 
Walking over to battered faunus he placed two fingers on his neck listening to his labored breathing and getting a pulse. “  He’s alive... He needs medical attention now!!! “ He said with a serious tone with one of the civilians of Mantle rushing over, “  I used to be a combat medic for the Atlesian military I can take care of him...” She spoke with Kazura rising and going about his way.... 
For the next few minutes he wandered around the city until his scroll started to ring taking it out and checking who was calling him here, his eyes being drawn to the virtual screen. 
The scroll flashed taking a few minutes to believe that it was his “friend” taking one finger and swiping on the left to answer it bringing the phone-like device to his ear. 
“ Hello? “ Kazura said  “ Hello Kazura, I was not expecting you to return here ever since the Founding Day Crisis... instead you are quite lucky I disabled the camera in the sector that you were in... “ A distorted voice spoke through the speaker of the others Scroll. 
“ Heh Guess I am really....Mr.X, but for now I may need to speak with you.. in private....  “ The Knight replied. 
“  Well then if you’d like to speak with me head down to the second alleway and turn into it ... I’ll get the door for you...” Mr. X said befoe ending the call with Kazura putting his scroll away and following Mr. X’s instructions going down to the second alleyway and entering it where one of the brick walla changed  to a metal doo sliding upwards to open with the Knight walking in and looking around.
“ Mr. X? I’m here! Mr. X? “ Kazura said walking in deeper with the door shutting and the cool blue light of a computer in the darkness illuminating the room with he lights being turned on. 
“  Shit...  ” Kazura said putting his hand on his on the hilt of his sword thinking that he was lead into a trap. 
“  Stay your weapons, Ser Kazura... “ A voice rang out with that of a young man in his twenties coming down from the stairs looking at the prince. 
“  Who are you? Wheres... Mr. X?!  “ Kazura demanded still unsure of who this man is. 
“  Well you are looking at him. I’m Mr. X. But in reality.. my name is Guangxian Nuemann of the Atelier Agents... and the man who gave you and your team the information on Icarus and helped you all escape that day.   “ The hacker spoke looking at the Knight who moved his hand off the hilt of his sword. . 
In disbelief Kazura shook his head. “  Wait you are an Atelier Agent?! Then that means... there has to be others out there that are sti-”  
OST: Agents Forgotten
“  Was.... until that damned incident put us all out of commission..... and yes there are agents out there... but we can’t even if we did we would be arrested by the Atlesian government. So far one of our met that fate. “ Guangxian explained going back to  his computer and opening up the security cam footage on Mantle and Atlas checking each sector with the other screens lighting up. 
What did those other screen show they shown naught but horror, Mistralian villages were under siege by the White Fang, In Vale multiple faunus murders has been taking place, while in Atlas more Anti-Faunus sentiments has been happening making the Knight growl in fury. 
“ Infuriating isnt it... thats how helpless we agents feel like....” Guangxian said somberly looking at a photo of the agents just two days before their last mission. Said picture consisting of many familiar faces close to Guangxian ...
“  Then we need to bring back the Agents then! The world needs them now more than ever! “ Kazura replied with Guangxian sighing heavily. 
“ Try and think this through, if the agents were brought back into action what do you think will happen? Will we either be accepted for what we do or Will there be another Retrison incident lurking underneath our very noses?  “ Guangxian asked. 
For a moment Kazura stayed quiet thinking to himself for that moment...
Be accepted in the world that has forgotten about the Atelier Agents.  Or  Rejection in the eyes of billions for a tough decision....
Heavy is the head that wears the crown indeed. However Kazura wanted to defy such a thing...and face it with open eyes and an open mind without any fear at all. 
“  I think the agents are needed for one thing. They brought hope when it all seemed lost, cases that had went cold were closed with the perpetrator being brought to justice, brave acts of counterterrorism stopped before any attack could happen. The agents were meant to stop wars before they even happened! So far a war is coming and Beacon was just the start!! “ Kazura spoke with pride in his voice with Guangxian turning around in his chair... a soft smile emerging on his face. 
“  Well then.. it took me six months to get the recall program up... but now the choice is yours.”  The hacker said putting up a screen for the Recall. 
With the virtual touch screen saying: RECALL  ALL ATELIER AGENTS?          Y/N
OST: In Agents We Trust
Kazura walked up to it looking at it carefully sighing softly taking a moment to hear his fathers words in his head before he left to go to Beacon Academy. 
“ Whatever you decide to do.... I shall accept your decision... and stand with you all the way “ Rodrigues’ voice rang throughout Kazuras head with the young prince reached out to press the Y button on the screen and finally a proud voice simply stated.  “ RECALLING ALL ATELIER AGENTS ! “ 
Which a map of Remnant shown up showing the active agents and their Callsigns coming up sifting through each and every agent and their callsign name calling each one up until one answered with a female voice on the other side. 
“ So I take it that the Agents are now needed again. “ She said in an eloquent voice causing Kazura to chuckle. 
“ Yes, Yes we need the Atelier Agents now more than ever...” The Knight spoke. 
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b1nightwing · 3 years
the thing about tfatws that i hate the most is that anyone can enjoy the show. sam and other poc are sidelined, not that important to the story, not written well enough trough out 4 episodes currently, the acknowledgment of white privilege and racism is made in tiny pieces that are only impactful to the audience that are victims to those actions. i wanted to learn about sam and his family, i wanted to learn more about isaiah, about ayo and her relationship with bucky, lemars struggle of trying to be johns friend while watching his friend loose himself to the serum but i wll not get any of that
i hate the show and i hate how john walker isnt captain america to the viewers of tfatws. john walker is a just some guy who has nothing to do with captain america. he isn’t made to represent captain america to the viewers and we know he isn’t it and we know sam is supposed to be captain america but i hate how john walker doesnt equal captain america which equals america
john isn’t written as captain america bc cap doesnt kill ppl like that, doesn’t go fucking crazy, doesn’t sell his fucking soul just to get more power, cap doesn’t use his privileged as a white man to overpower everyone around him and i hate that bc irl america does. john walker is america and john walker is a perfect captain america.
he is what america is and how america acts and talks and if sam takes that shield from him then that means sam has to clean up after walker, he has to make the people look away from all the bad stuff america did and be like “now a black man is captain america u see? the white people chose me which means they arent that racist :)” and i hate that
if sam gets the shield rightfully back bc its literally his property and he can do whatever he wants with it i want him to destroy that stupid thing. it means too much to too many people and thast the scariest thing ever. it just a piece of metal! 
the way bucky talks about it is also so mf scary! its scary bc he reminds me of those stupid shits that start foaming at their mouths when the american flag isnt properly set up
cant wait for sam to melt that shield and use it to patch up his boat while bucky looses it bc he isn’t being a) patriotic and b) thinking about bucKY!
tfatws sam can take two routes in the finale. he is either going to be captain america and push the capitalist, promilitary and anticommunist propaganda for the state (also being the cleaning service for the mess walker made) or he is going to be the hero of the people, make the shield HIS PROPERTY. i know he is going to be captain america but at what cost? just to be a nice fella in a war zone stopping another country from turning communist while selling us the idea that he is doing the right thing and that the sad mfs that joined the military are brave heroes of the country that deserve all the respect for being puppets on a string?
i want sam to not take the captain america mantle bc imagine having america in your hero name and thinking its cool. imagine his name was captain germany. captain france. i would wear a hazmat suit around captain france bc he doesnt bathe and when someone mentions brown or black people, dont even get me started on brown or black muslims, blood would start coming out of his eyes and ears and i do not want my clothes stained or breathing the same air as him
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moist-astronaut · 4 years
things my friends and I have said over the last year
“I’m verbally illiterate” “Isn’t that called dyslexia”
“I’m going to chemistry and I’m gonna light myself on fire” “No” “Damnit let me burn like the witch I am!”
“Don’t worry it’s not anti-Christ it’s just anti-government”
“I’ve been getting migraines everyday and I’m considering chopping my head off” “But that would kill you” “Two birds one stone!!”
“I swear to god I will hug you” “My house is 5 miles away and my doors are locked” “Your locks are FEABLE”
*writing an email* “Bitch comma”
“Ok but I could be a top” *laughing* “What I totally could be!” *laughing and crying for literally 6 minutes straight*
*on a group call, friends cat misha walks into the room* “Tell misha I would live and die for her, whichever she prefers” “She says thank you” *cat noises*
*joins discord vioce chat at 11:26 pm* “You guys are gae but I love you” “Thank you saeren very cool” “Goodnight” *leaves chat at 11:28pm*
“Jake jake jake jjjake -j-jaaake hey jake” “W H A T” “Can I eat your pens” “I literally have a restraining order against you”
“I’m educatn’t”
“Me calling you to dumb to be a slytherin is payback for you leaving multiple handprint bruises on my legs” “It’s not my fault your skin is weak”
“He’s rolling so that we can walk” *rolling in the grass and collecting leaves on his jacket* “I’m rolling for your sins”
“There are 7 of us so we can each be a deadly sin” “I wanna be Ross” “You mean wrath?” “No that dude from Friends”
“Ok but other than his strict attraction to women, his multiple wives, his hatred of gay people, and the fact that he is dead, what is standing between me and Joseph Smith the All American Hottie from being happy together”
“Consider: Mullet” “No”
“I do my homework while loudly eating a pop tart asmr”
“No no listen, he’s my brother, he’s a bastard of my dynasty…I might just ransom him off”
“These Norwegian bastards indroduced a fucking PLUAGE to my COUNTRY”
“Ooooo meth”
“Half of my life is me resisting the urge to sing the zaboomafoo themesong, the other half is me actually singing the zaboomafoo themesong. So either way my entire life revolves around zaboomafoo.”
“I just don’t think I would hire a gay man-wait no I’m not homophobic”
*chucks half a gallon of milk in a gas station* “-ah- got milk?”
“Gimme your sternum boy”
“Nooooooo he stole my sternum!!!” (Side note these were two separate occasions)
*being force fed milk duds* “No!! This is the worst way to die!!”
“Hey babe come over I have a hammock and a heated blanket��
“Be afraid, be prepared- IN THE WORDS OF SCAR”
“Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies stress eating-”
“I thought to myself ‘Y’know if I die today this is how I want to be remembered- a leather skirt and leg warmers’”
“I think I’m telling you to go to sleep” “You’re gonna have make me” “I can’t tell if this is cry for help or flirting” “Yes”
“This is at best cannibalism and at worst being straight”
“Oh look Percy Jackson’s here now, ooh they replaced every character’s face with Mr. Bean. I hate it”
“You can’t be mean to me! I’m gay AND a woman! That’s a hate crime!” “Yeah well I’m brown and Muslim! Square the fuck up bitch!”
“Babe it’s not very metal to be afraid of your hair dresser” “It’s not very metal to have a hair dresser and yet here we are” “It’s fine you’re into glam metal”
“Hey augie, got any grrrrrrapes?” “I’m doing IXL :(“
“Can I come?” “No” “What if I bring watermelon?” “You can come, leave the watermelon, then leave” “:(“
“What in the jersey shore”
“Ok but consider: Mullet-hawk” “I can and will divorce you”
“Dee-vorce 👏 Just to 👏 re-vorce 👏 👏 “
“Ah yes, that’s why I’m fat…for combat reasons…”
“You fool I consent!”
“My Boston fern is being a bitch but that’s because it’s winter and that’s BITCH season”
“You walk through the rest of the house and it’s like ‘ooo witchy and aesthetic’ then they’ll get to the guest room and it’ll just be a tacky twink Fever dream”
“Who needs a scalp”
“HeHe, sexing”
“Council has decided, your vibes are rancid (and not the band)”
“You’re never to young to hate women”
“Look at me I did the dishes I’m a 1950s housewife with a strangely new jersey accent and affinity for lesbianism”
“Well look who has the table now”
"contrary to popular belief, fuck you"
"There's nothing here that requires whisking, i'm just problematic"
"If you could go anywhere in the world with two people, who would you choose?" “New Orleans!”
"So he proceeded to bite me on the butt...like, really, really hard."
“I don’t cheat, I win. It’s not cheating if it’s consensual.”
“My mouth, my choice”
“Do you like my ombré of a tan"
“Who’s the cutest in the chat right now then?” “It’s Paige!” “No, it’s obviously Augie.” (paige's boyfriend)-said by a straight man
“Francis is just a one and done.”
“Would you ever have a threesome?” “...yes...” *To Francis* “Sure!”
“How do you feel about anal sex?”
“Of the people in this room, who would you most want to make out with?” “Augie” “The answer is yes, but only if it’s 6 feet apart.”
“Square, flat, and overcooked.”
“The virus would be over if everyone would breathe underwater for 5 minutes.”
“I have daddy issues, but not with my father.”
“You’re a ladies man but you have two boyfriends.”
“That means lesbian in sign language” “No, that means fuck boy in American”
“I’m like a parasite, you can’t get rid of me. I’m here forever.”
“You’re like my long term hit man”
“Is it Jake?” “No, why would the evil Russian man be Jake?” “Because he would never hire a gay man and you don’t look like a gay man”
“Jake is homophonic, Augie is racist, and Francis is a woman hater!”
"Grew a korean radish, 1 star"
"I've got more cause i'm a rich boy, and by that i mean my father sometimes buys avocados. And that's on what? Upper middle class"
"Tell your good for nothing boyfriend to stay away from my mom"
"It's not inciting violence it's just ~inspiring it~ "
"Listen bitch just because you have avacados and a roomba doesn't make you better then me"
"i would totally let narthex ruin my life. and that's on what? daddy issues and bisexuality"
"who is titty"
"how is he racist" "he hates the french and russians right?" "don't forget italians" "that's just self loathing"
"This is the last time i wear a thong- it's for educational purposes"
"babe come over i'm a burrito"
"he put bread with milk. luckily he passed away"
"you touched my wiener!" "you offered it!"
"i took a shower and realized the floor doesn't bounce"
"i love ass whoooaaaaaa i meant cassie"
"Rosalie you're the deciding vote. Be decisive." "Dude i'm bisexual and a gemini. what're you talking about?"
"Okay so to recap: jake is homophobic, augie is racist, francis is a woman hater, and now paige is a bunny abuser?"
"Just bring a watermelon keychain and it'll be fine" "Whooaaaa i'm gonna need a big key then"
"If you were blind what would you even see"
Post Traumatic Youth, plus D for danny's disorder"
"i think she's past the phase where she likes people just because they're russian"
"francine is a lesbian, but only during quarantine"
"don't be a home wrecker!" "i can't help it!"
"we are not doing coed tents" "i wanted to go purple-ing though"
"if it's not perfect i'm gonna through hands" "with who" "i don't know, the CEO of stupid"
"don't make me feel guilty for bullying you"
"it doesn't look very cash money cool but okay"
"slinky cat" (ferret)
"The pond behind my house didn't freeze all the way through this winter, so i couldn't go ice skating" "okay, so i have an idea. we can go to walmart and get-" "ANTI FREEZE!" "well, yes- wait, no. No, the more i think about that definitely no."
"The amish will win, the amish will prevail" "the amish will conquer us all!"
"He do be kinda mafia doh"
"i'm being sneaky sneak. stairs go creaky creak. and i need. DRUGZ"
"brain on shutdown, power saving mode"
"Somebody go tip her, she's dancing like a stripper" "thatd be nice- oh wait no!"
"fellas, is it gay to lick your homies eyeball?"
"it's not racist if you're only targeting one group of people" "that literally racism" "but what if they're french"
"i'm not racist yet but the option is available, and it's good to have options"
"they don't call me Mr. Steal Yo Boy for nothing!" -a straight man who has a girlfriend
"i think he has a bad habit of not dating girls"
"kinda hot tho 🥵 in a Santa Claus kinda way...hoe hoe hoe"
"i'll be your hot jacuzzi bubble dealer"
"when deceit and doubt fills you up, you cleanse your mind through creative activities, such as making organic soap"
"friendly reminder #4: you're never to old to eat a freezie-pop"
"sorry i'm just nervous" Chinese Teacher: (Waving her hand in front of her face) “Just pretend I’m cabbage.”
"me when my dads name is publicly broadcasted on the radio for his 14 felonies and assorted war crimes"
"<@!523669420435046401> I sentence you to a solid nine by the banhammer. For your crimes against Humanity, God, Satan, and Matt Frank. See you in hell."
"Danny, just because you're playing *Just Cause* doesn't mean you need to Just Cause our friendship!"
"Silly Matt! You fell for the ole’ Heimlich maneuver!”
"i got a bunch of new shirts over quarantine" "you would"
"Ok, there's a 32 year old doctor in new Jersey dying right now" "Yeah, but to be fair everyone in new jersey has a pre-existing condition"
“This is the longest period of time we’ve had without a Nintendo direct” “Maybe they’re gonna make a Nintendo indirect?”
"you’re looking extra white today.” "thanks i've been practicing"
"do you have any batteries" *looks inside shirt* "not yet"
"let's go colonize the middle school!" "yyayayyayayay!!!" " wait I gotta ask my mom first" What happened next is know called the *Juniors burden*
"oh so you're a DOWNSTAIRS milk kinda guy"
"you are literally the human embodiment of crumbs in a bed"
"The Berk-ey Creamery isn’t a place, it’s a people!”
 "He shoved a floating joy-con straight up his flux-capacitor.” "great! now it's paired"
"No, that isnt armor, the real armor are the friends you made along the way"
"This one goes out to all my lady friends out there *proceeds to kill himself in game*
"i'm a coward" "that's what a coward would say!"
"rest is for cowards and fools"
"every time you speak you take years off my life"
"Shark dick hoo ha ha"
"Me and the boys brushing our teeth at 3 AM"
"remember if you kill yourself the fascists win"
"The Beatles aren’t real. Have you ever seen a beatle? No? Exactly." "Babe” "Shut up I’m right."
*reading over these quotes* "god i hate that" "you said that!"
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thewolfmancometh · 6 years
Lords of Chaos (2018) [REVIEW]
You know how you might be scrolling through the internet and you see friends and acquaintances participating in something and your immediate reaction is, “Ugh, I can’t believe these people, I’ll never be caught DEAD doing that because I am too cool for it and would rather do this OTHER thing which will make me look INFINITELY cooler when other people see me doing it!” Well, now imagine you like metal, live in Norway, and it’s the ’90s. Well, if that’s the case, you’ll end up creating a musical style that is “darker” and “more evil” than everything anyone else is playing, which you’ll call “black metal.” Oh, and if you are so committed to this “cause” that you murder people, then you’re the characters in Lords of Chaos, which explores the burgeoning black metal scene, specifically through the eyes of the real-life musicians responsible for Mayhem and Burzum. Lords of Chaos is a twisted and compelling exploration of posers who define themselves by being edgier than their peers and who are so detached from reality that they don’t realize that they’re the ones putting up a front yet have the privilege and means to “fake it ’til they make it.”
Fans of this blog will know that this is usually the part where I describe the plot, yet the plot is so bananas that it must be seen to be believed. Making matters more interesting is that, while some details are dramatized, the more horrific and shocking elements are lifted from the actual metal scene in Norway, which you could learn about through a quick Wikipedia browse. Let’s just say there are murders, suicides, animal sacrifices, church burnings, and young boys trying to look scary by painting their faces with makeup.
You might notice that I’ve categorized this film as both a “horror movie” and also a “non-horror movie.” Pretty weird, huh? Allow me to explain! The film isn’t horrifying in the traditional sense in that there’s some sort of serial killer or supernatural force that motivates the narrative, so in that regard, it’s definitely not a horror movie. However, the events that unfold are deeply unsettling, not only in its depictions of horrible violence, but also in the ways these privileged youths compose themselves and will rattle you to your core. The narrative, as well as the true-life events that inspired it, is a game of one-upmanship that leads our characters to commit disturbing things.
What makes director Jonas Åkerlund‘s depictions of this story so effective is that he never tries to make the characters look cool, because they, well, aren’t. While there is surely an air of mystique to how such a bizarre subgenre of music came together, what with the images of bands wearing corpse paint and what seems to be an infatuation with the devil, the director makes it quite clear that these kids chose to wear corpse paint and worship the devil, really for no other reason than to fabricate an image of themselves that would inspire this mystique. Decades later, there are still people intimidated by such figures, with Lords of Chaos showing that the founders of this “movement” were as insecure as anyone.
Another strength of the film is that, while we might relate to feelings of teenage angst or depression, Åkerlund focuses on empathy over sympathy. These kids (who become adults throughout the film) are frustrated by all of the things every teen must encounter in their adolescence, yet it appears as though no one was around to keep them in check. We can feel bad for someone struggling with depression, sure, but when they reveal that they like to kill cats as performative evil, we stop caring about how their journey turns out. The acts of violence, sadism, and racism are all injected into the story with appropriate timing to snap you back to reality when you begin to feel sorry for the characters and these acts are depicted objectively, as these assholes really were that awful, regardless of whether or not you liked the sounds their musical instruments made.
Here’s the thing: the story of the founding of Mayhem and the birth of black metal is an intrinsically Norwegian story, so when the film begins and the American actors are speaking in very American accents, it’s a little…jarring. Days later, I’m still trying to come to grips with this. Take a movie like David Fincher’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, for example, where all of the actors put on phony Swedish accents while speaking English, only for various signage around the scenery to be written in Swedish. Kinda weird, but the movie is meant to be more accessible to American audiences than the original films and it at least makes sense that this authenticity had to be sacrificed. Having all of these Norwegian characters speaking without a hint of an accent, only for various ancillary characters to show up and speak with Norwegian accents took me out of the experience multiple times. Admittedly, this could be another way that the director wanted to make the central characters stand out from the rest of their community, subconsciously showing how these protagonists never fit in, but you, too, might just be thrown off by the whole thing and raise an eyebrow when Rory Culkin says, “True Norwegian black metal,” in perfect American. I couldn’t help but wish Scandinavian actors could have been found for the necessary roles, with this core component making the film feel more committed to accessibility than to authenticity. There’s also the argument that this adds another layer to the performative nature of the narrative, but I think I’m just talking myself in circles at this point and you can see what I’m getting at.
While I can’t say anyone will enjoy watching Lords of Chaos, it’s a fascinating exploration of a unique time in metal’s history, in addition to delivering a cautionary tale of leading a performative life. If you feel evil, be evil, but don’t be evil just because you want to prove you’re more evil than anyone else, because then you will become the ultimate poser and might as well put on your corpse paint to go to the mall.
Wolfman Moon Scale
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tabletopwriter · 6 years
Lenny Broadbone, Vun’Gogh
STORY: Leonard Broadbone’s Backstory
COUNTRY / KINGDOM: The Dwarven Kingdoms
This city is largely defined by the Mining Guild, the Grand Market, and The Church who retains their power from the paladin order, Belgond Rak Az Borith.
DWARVES AND DWARVES ONLY (mostly mountain dwarves)
Vun’Gogh is seen as one of the few ancestral homes of the Dwarves left. Most of the occupants have lived here for many generations.
The majority of the inhabitants work as merchants, citing mining/blacksmithing/jewel crafting/carpentry/leatherwork as their main outputs. Other than the working clans, you find governing parties, clerics, missionaries, and warriors/paladins
The majority of the city’s resources are ore based, including their carpentry.
Some plant based foods, wood, coal (to increase prod)
The Grand Market
In the Northern mountains of the Isle of Wrymcest
Their sister city, Kirnheim, and the Hill Dwarf tribes to the west.
The dwarves originated in Kirnheim and moved south to find more ore supply lines
Yes? Enough to have suburbs
Compartments chiseled out of stone. The more expensive dwelling have gold accents.
It’s a fucking mountain
Necrotic spiders and potentially outsiders or anything else that comes out of the anus of the Earth.
They created a formal council to govern the city and instituted the paladin order, Belgond Rak Az Borith, to protect the city and they have the ability to conscript people.
Leaders of notable clans, religious leaders, and generals
Anyone who isnt a mountain dwarf
Everywhere else in the Isle.
Gold and food
They are in a fucking mountain. It’s carved out. Uneven. Bumpy.
Lower class work as gatherers but as the classes go up in stature, mid class work at home then bring goods to the Grand Market. The Upper Class work from home or in municipal buildings.
Cart, Mule, Feet, Mount
Direct points of travel because most people walk
Kind of
Yes, but only in the Grand Market. They are not allowed anywhere else without clearance. But some do get snuck in.
They haven’t accommodated. They are the pillar that doesn’t move.
Grand Market, The Council, The Church
The Church and Elder based society
The main buildings of each district
Holy. Precious
A good place to find Dwarven metal or muscle
Resources are distributed based on who has the most GP
Circular layers like Attack on Titan
Stone. Clay. Marble. Gold
Gruff, independent, religious, and slightly racist.
Despite appearing to be an open city, racism and strict religious laws lay out the rules and policies. IS THE CITY FAMOUS FOR ANYTHING?
See Grand Market, and The Church
Probably some religious shit
Mainly Dwarven. But it’s free range in the Grand Market
Up to DM and PC
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