#rainbow high second outfit series
dollsinvogue · 5 months
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If Monique Verbena had a second outfit!
I knew I wanted to keep with the flower theme, I initially was like “I have to use Alberta Ferretti!” But I felt that it was too similar to her original outfit. (outfits from Alberta Ferretti fall 2020 rtw pictured below)
I remember seeing this Rahul Mishra runway and thinking how beautiful these looks would be on dolls (seriously, go take a look at this runway it’s stunning) I knew it would be perfect for Monique.
I didn’t love the pants that matched with the flower top from Rahul Mishra’s look, they were too slim and I wanted something with more shape, similar to Monique’s first outfits bigger silhouette. I came across these Rodarte pants and thought the bottoms looked like flowers, and the movement of them on the runway was an automatic “yes! from me, definitely gives the dramatic, shiny, and flowery Monique look!
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(Outfits from Alberta Ferretti fall 2020)
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smthingsmthingdolls · 2 years
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Miss Kim has finally been opened 🙌🏼✨
I know there’s a bunch of pics of her already but seeing her opened and in person is completely different, she’s absolutely stunning 🤩
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meiko333 · 1 year
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Daria my beloved 💗
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waitingonher · 9 months
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because i love you — [hoo boys headcanons]
summary: your "thing" with the hoo boys!
author's note: in honor of the pjo series coming out today,,have this rlly rlly short draft from earlier this year! xoxo
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percy jackson — doodling on him
“give me your hand.”
“yes ma’am.”
minutes pass as you doodle gods know what onto percy’s hand. you always resort to this whenever the camp head counselor's meeting begins late—which seems to be every meeting—and giving percy "tattoos" certainly kills time. last meeting, you drew a can of beans and the time before that, was a bouquet of tulips. so honestly his guess being a pair of socks this time isn’t too far of a reach.
“okay, done,” you release his hand, a proud smile gracing your features, “cute right?”
he quirks a brow upon seeing the drawing, “is that…” percy turns his head to the side, gaining better perspective, “is that a flying fish?” 
“wow, you’re good,” you say, giving him a nod of approval, “although, last time you did say that my can of beans looked like a roll of toilet paper…” 
your boyfriend throws his hands in the air, “in my defense, you used a shitty pen so it was hard to tell.” 
jason grace — sewing your initials on his clothes
“hi love,” jason says, plopping down beside you on the couch. you give him a bright smile as he places a gentle kiss on your head, “almost done?” 
nodding proudly, you hold up his pair of jeans to show him your work: your initials sewn onto a corner of his back pocket, “yup, just finished actually! what do you think of the color? i think you bought the thread for me on our second date. but i totally forgot i had it until i went digging in my supply box.” 
a grin plasters itself on jason’s face as he nods his head in realization, “i knew the color seemed familiar. i remember wondering why a tiny spool of thread was so expensive. but it’s perfect, i love it,” he kisses your cheek, “all my friends are gonna be so jealous that they don’t have their girlfriends’ initials sewn onto their clothes.” 
you laugh as you imagine jason vehemently bragging about his jeans to all his friends, “tell them i’m charging $50 if they want me to do theirs,” you wink. 
“we’d make more than the stolls’ and their smuggling business if we did that,” he laughs, admiring your work once more. who knew that having your initials on his pants would have such an affect on him, “also, can you do my sweaters and my other jeans?"
you raise a brow, "i might have to start charging you at this point."
leo valdez — impromptu fashion shows
“wow!” you clap enthusiastically, “your outfit even puts paris fashion week outfits to shame!” yes, because a rainbow checkered crop top with a humongous green tutu and a pink boa paired with insanely skinny stilettos beats any and all high fashion runway outfits, “now, leo valdez, can you give us a few words about your new clothing line? and possibly a bit about what it’s like to be so amazingly talented?” you inquire, raising an invisible microphone to his mouth. 
leo oh-so humbly bows and rises with a proud grin, “thank you, thank you, but i honestly must give all credit towards my beautiful muse, y/n, she’s the inspiration behind my new line. and about being so talented, it really is such hard work to be this naturally gifted.”
“ooh, do tell about this ‘y/n.’ i’ve never heard of her but she does sound absolutely gorgeous!” you exclaim, keeping up with the act. 
your boyfriend nods firmly, “oh yes, she’s very, very, very beautiful,” adding a playful wink, “but i must say, she has the worst morning breath i’ve ever encountered!” 
your smile drops and you squint your eyes, “i’m going to choke you with that stupid ugly boa if you don’t take that back right now.” 
“uh ma’am,” leo backs up nervously, clutching his boa, “i’m going to have to call security if you threaten me again.” 
"i'm seriously going to kill you."
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vegaly-art · 3 months
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Vega and Warden (Vulpecula) my beloveds <3. Some of my favourite designs and my all time favourite Redacted couple <3 (Vega and Pet are not as high because Pet is not immortal).
I got lots to say, buckle up bitches:
- Vega I have already posted my design for way back, when I did my Redacted rainbow series! So those of you who've seen it know this design well. :) He's like... 240ish cm (about 7ft10) with his horns, and 215cm (7ft) without because size difference with his partners is important to me. His star, Vega, is on the neck, and he tends to wear very seethrough fabrics in styles somewhat mixing modern and old greek fashion, with all the drapery and such. His horn jewellery shows off all his horns (which represent all the knowledge and power he has gained throughout his life), and also holds them together when they heal. Also, his 6 horns represent Seraphim wings, because I see him very much as a 'fallen angel' figure. And his horns are also meant to blend how I think Sadism, Strife, and Fear demon horns look because those are the main emotions he had been surrounded by for so long.
- Vulpecula (It/Its, open to He/Him) takes a lot from Vega. Intentionally. It learned a lot from Vega and tries to imitate him in a few ways, such as in its jewellery and outfit choice. Though it is a little more feminine. Also, it has a necklace that represents Vega's neck marking (which I have irl :3). It lost a piece of its tail and still has impaired mobility from it since it used to be way larger and heavier at the end. Its primary pair of horns is curly and somewhat sharp, akin to a mix of Empathy Daemons (ram horns) mixed with Strife Demons (Horns always point outward), in my headcanon. And its second pair of horns growing in mimic Vega's main set <3. Also, it responds to the nickname 'little fox', which used to be used to degrade it for being small and weak, but now is moreso used by Vega to represent its cunning and smart, even if it is relatively young and naive, as well as its tenacity. And I have whole post on why it uses it/its pronouns :3.
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fadingreveries · 4 months
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch2: Welcome to Cordonia (Pt. 2)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Riley travels to Cordonia, but what will await her there?
Word Count: 1.6k
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
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One car ride later, Riley stepped out onto the grounds of the Royal Palace and lugged her suitcase behind her. She walked towards an oyster-coloured cast stone fountain, running her hand over the smooth edges of the basin and admiring the crystal clear blue water flowing down from its tiers.
Riley craned her neck up to view the palace in all its entirety with its bright pops of colour in yellow, blue, white and turquoise combined with a modern architectural flare to it. She admired the fine columns and pilasters that supported the castle with an abundance of archways leading to grand mahogany doors. The entrance of the palace was surrounded by short-trimmed hedges and small carefully-pruned arborvitae trees with shrubs of pink, red, and orange roses scattered in between them. 
Overwhelmed with excitement at all there was to see, she couldn’t help but let out a shriek of joy and jump a little in her spot. Here she was, starting a new chapter of her life in Cordonia. The palace was a grand attraction in itself, but it only reminded her of how much more she had yet to discover in the country.
All the places she could see, the people she could meet, the food she could taste. It was all very promising and it was only the beginning.
“Ever seen a kid in a candy store? Because I see one right in front of us,” Drake dryly commented, crossing his arms over his chest. 
It wasn’t like it was far from the truth, anyway. He and Maxwell had barely gotten out of the car before she rushed away from them to explore everything in awe. Riley’s mouth hung slightly open at almost everything she laid eyes on and he could almost hear her audibly gasp from several feet away. 
The royal palace was nice and all, but it wasn’t that nice compared to other things around them deserving more appreciation. The waves of the river lapping onto damp rock beds. The birds chirping high in the dense brush of the trees in the early morning. The sound of crickets with the stars glimmering in the night sky. 
He couldn’t help but roll his eyes just watching Riley, not really understanding what it was about her that made him irritated. He almost half-expected her to pull out her phone and take ten photos per second to obnoxiously post for people to mindlessly gush over on social media. Or whatever it was that American tourists did. 
Drake wondered how long it would be before Riley saw things around the palace as they really were. How not everything was sunshine and rainbows, no matter how much she probably thought it was gonna be based on their plane ride over to Cordonia. There was no way someone could be that naive and dumbstruck just over a castle. 
Maxwell shook his head, a small laugh coming out of him in amusement of how excited Riley looked. It was nice to have someone around who matched his enthusiasm for both simple and fancy things. “I like Riley. She’s not afraid to show how much things mean to her. Don’t forget, you looked exactly like her the first time you realized just how big the palace was.”
It wasn’t a memory he knew like the back of his mind, but Drake did know it better than he would have liked to. He, Liam, and Maxwell were around seven-years-old when Liam had rushed to meet the two of them at the palace doors with an air of contagious excitement. 
During some downtime from his time-consuming lessons as the Crown Prince, Leo had shown his little brother around the castle around halls and corridors he had never been to. As amazed as he was with his older brother knowing all the best spots of their home, Liam wanted to share his wonderful gift with his two closest friends. 
There was a close resemblance between Riley’s fascination with Cordonia’s surroundings and Drake’s intrigue to the hidden spots in the royal palace. Without a doubt, he was the most awestruck out of the three of them that day as his mouth hung open at every new glamorous room they walked into. 
He remembered hanging on to Liam’s every word, who tried to replicate the ground-breaking tour for him and Maxwell as best as he could from the notes he had written of Leo’s most exciting points. Drake could almost picture smoothing his hand over the statues and displays that the three boys encountered, with Liam leading the way and Maxwell dragging him by the arm towards the next stop. 
He whispered to himself in wonder over how he was standing right in the middle of witnessing Cordonia’s past and being a part of its present at the same time. 
How wrong was he? Drake almost felt sorry for his younger self for the way the truth came spilling out over the years. He saw a piece of himself in Riley being innocently pulled into the charm of the royal kingdom. But he wasn’t sorry enough to push away the biased feelings he had against her. 
“No, I wasn’t,” Drake defensively denied, avoiding eye contact although he hated the fact that Maxwell was right. “And we’re not talking about me here. I’ve never doubted that things here at court are too good to be true. Her? She’s too clueless to know that this kind of thing never works out in real life.”
 “Man, give her a break. Riley hasn’t even been around us for even a day and your Drakey downer side is already showing,” Maxwell remarked, with a hint of a teasing tone as he knowingly raised his eyebrows. 
“Stop calling me that,” Drake huffed, though it didn’t bother him as much as it used to when he was younger. “I’m just saying this isn’t gonna work. This isn’t a ditzy reality TV show where she can charm her way without any common sense to win the prize of a publicly-adored bachelor.”
Well, when he put it that way… Not being able to help himself, Maxwell snickered. “I mean… I’d say it is pretty close to being one.”
Drake gave him a hard look, his defensive pose unwavering. “I’m not in the mood to compare Liam and his crowd of flashy suitors to those reality shows that I know you secretly binge when we’re not around.”
Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, Maxwell squinted his eyes suspiciously at him. “But you watched the entire season finale of The Bachelorette two weeks ago with me. And the season premiere of The Bachelor last week.”
With blank faces, the two boys stared at each other. Neither of them was willing to elaborate any further. And honestly, neither of them wanted to.
“Why are we talking about me all of a sudden?” Drake blurted out, finally breaking the silence between them. “I bet this is you stalling because you can’t give me one good reason that this’ll work out.”
“I just have a good feeling about Liam and Riley, okay? Call it intuition or my psychic abilities. They’ve never steered me wrong with all my best decisions!” Maxwell cheerfully explained, pointing his finger to his temple to imply his very gifted mind. His mother always reminded him that he had a very special intellect and he was never going to let anyone else tell him otherwise. 
Drake decided he didn’t have the energy to continue this conversation with him. He couldn’t wait until he could get out of there and stay far away from court as much as possible during the social season. So, all he said was, “We’ll see.”
The two boys made their way over towards Riley, who had spun around with her wide grin still present on her face. Maxwell felt relieved that most of her initial nerves had vanished completely. He was already formulating a plan to tour her around the palace so that she could familiarize herself to her surroundings. Drake, on the other hand, had to fight himself to suppress another eyeroll and a shake of his head once again. 
“Welcome to your home for the next few months, Riley,” Maxwell cheerfully began, his arms stretched out wide. 
With disbelief and pure amazement, Riley couldn’t help but laugh and excitedly grip her suitcase handle even tighter. “This is where I’m staying? I didn’t realize I’d be living in the palace!”
“Most of the nobility live here while the social season is underway,” Maxwell explained, still smiling at Riley’s enthusiasm. “Including all the ladies vying for Liam’s hand.”
“Yeah, living under one roof just makes it easier to attend the rose ceremony later,” Drake wryly remarked, gazing up at the castle. 
Why all the ladies had to stay at the same place together was beyond his knowledge, but it was something he didn’t want to know. To him, it seemed creepy to have a bunch of girls living 24/7 in his own home as a pressuring reminder not to screw up his life and his kingdom’s fate.
Not that he had this particular problem to worry about. Which was fine by him. The less problems in his life, the better. 
The Drakey downer was striking again. Shaking his head with a good-natured guffaw, Maxwell rolled his eyes. “Drake’s just kidding… at least about the roses. Anyway, I’ll show you to your room, Riley.”
“This is my cue to take off. See you around… if you’re lucky,” Drake gruffly mumbled, before walking away towards the palace gates into the direction of the capital plaza. 
Luck was hard to come by sometimes. And knowing what little he knew about Riley in the small amount of time he’d come to know her, she needed all the luck she could get.
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: @kingliam2019 @princess-geek @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973 @tessa-liam
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fulgurbugs · 9 months
Doll review time!
today I received via target the Sunny and Luna Madison two-pack, which i had had my eye on for a while but decided i would wait on a sale for them. and they went on sale recently for 50% off! they were 25 dollars (plus shipping, as my target was unable to let me reserve one for in-store pickup so i had to order them shipped) but in my opinion a very good price for both of them!
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i really appreciate that RH always has the color-coordinated stands. saves me from having to get cheap generic stands every two seconds like with mh LMAO. also, Sunny is actually my first Rainbow high doll, since all my other girls are shadow high! i also noticed that shadow high has slightly different stands with spikes on them as compared to the RH ones.
here's the back of their hair.
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Sunny's hair is CRUNCHY. i'm talking rock solid. for this elaborate hairstyle she has though, i understand why. Even though i could probbaly at least get the four dangling curls looking nicer with a wash and re-curl, for now at least i'm content to leave her as-is. Luna's hair is significantly less crunchy and more in line with the typical amount of gel for this curl pattern. out of the box it is in two distinct halves, but i separted the curls a bit to give her some more volume.
now, for some individual details.
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I'll start with Sunny! In my opinion, she's the clear winner of the pack, and one of the cutest RH designs ever. the reason i was interested in this pack was for her adorable outfit, as well as the fact I like this Luna outfit more than her basic doll.
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first up, her face! Sunny's very cute, but what struck me the most with this doll is her hair clips! she has 5, and theyre all different colors. combined with her shooting star earrings, there's a lot to love. I'm very fond of the yellow and rainbow color scheme of this doll.
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Her shoes! yep, heel crocs. and leg warmers. it's so ridiculous and over the top, just like everything about this outfit. they're perfect.
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I took her jacket off to kook at what she's wearing under it. the little decal on the shirt is surrounded with embroidered safety pins. cute!
the skirt is two layers. the pain white skirt, and the clear plastic with stickers layer over that. i love the pocket details, though they aren't seen much with the shirt and jacket over them. i do like to see that they're there though!
one thing that struck me with this doll is without the jacket, her outfit is actually not very yellow at all! it's mostly white
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as for that tiny jacket, it's as pretty and detailed for its size as i'd espect out of rainbow high. tiny ruffle details, pockets, and drawstrings. on the back is a little cartoon sunny with some more rainbows, and a sun and moon that match her hairclips. also, a little cameo of the bear bag.
I love the decora (i think, correct me if im wrong im not super knowledgeable about jfashion cultures) influences on her. everything has a cute and childish vibe, but while altogether its definitely something i could see one of my more fashionable friends wearing around our college campus. a 10/10 sunny (i think she's definitely the designer's favorite)
next up, Luna!
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Luna is quite pretty as well, and im a sucker for the series one grayscale dolls. they're such a unique concept! however, I feel like she just lacks that last bit of punch that sunny has. maybe because she doesn't have quite as many acccesories? maybe some hairclips for her too, or a necklace.
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here's her face! I love her face in this doll, I'm pretty sure the mold is identical to sunny's (they are twins, after all) but their makeup makes them look really different to me imo. epectually from a distance, Luna looks a bit more mature. in person as well, her eyes are quite clearly a lovely shade of purple, (that isn't too intense as to ruint the grayscale effect) though it seems like it doesn't come off well in the pictures.
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not as many details to show off for Luna, but here's a close-up on the shoes. my roommate said she recognized them so im sure theyre in referece to some designer shoes (as RH/SH often does) that i'm not familiar with.
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nothing particularlt special from the back. but you can see the little attachement loops on the belt to the skirt a bit better.
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he'res her bag, though it's not as fun as sunny's bear bag, it's quite cute, and light enough that it can be held up by Luna with the small handle, or worn on the shoulder instead. it also opens, which i always like to see.
of course, the customary .5 shots
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Final thoughts: This is my favorite of the twin 2-packs out of RH/SH so far, I think they're gorgeous and well worth the sale price. Sunny in particular is once again proving to be of the most consistently well-designed characters of the whole line (i love her Fantastic Fashion look as well, and while yellow + rainbows is basically always sunny's thing, I think this is the best execution of it out of all her dolls. I also really prefer this luna to her series 1 doll, where the chrome is more contained and it looks more like an actual outfit you might see in a high school. happy to add both of them to my collection!
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Thanks for reading, if you stuck around for this whole long long post lol!
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some opinions on rainbow high
so I was on Reddit earlier and I saw someone post. What are some of your unpopular rainbow high opinions I don’t feel like I can comment because I’m not really sure if my opinions are unpopular or not but I wanted to share them with you and see what you guys think so Without further ado here are some of my opinions about rainbow high
first and foremost. Poppy is the prettiest of the ​series 1 dolls
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I’m mostly here for the doll and don’t really care for the tv show but the album is a bop👌
I don’t care for shadow high series 3 I think Rosie and Scarlet are too close in color palette to have been released in the same run
I don’t like pinkie she’s the third pink doll we received in the last year and a half who’s theme is pink with cat ears,
I do actually like Oliver although his colors a little meh he is the first rainbowhigh boy we received who doesn’t have a stupid shaved sides cut so I’ll give them that one. and I do intend to buy one when they hit the stores.
I’m indifferent about lavender and Barry. Although I do think the name Barry is stupid
I think that the costume ball dolls are kind of trash I didn’t care for any of them. They were just kind of meh I mean I guess the fairy one was OK
I think MGA needs to start making doll clothing packs those would sell like hotcakes and they wouldn’t have to be themed after a specific doll. They could just be themed after color like the original dolls were and fans would eat that up I know I would, I mean we’ve already got accessory packs with the shoes and the handbags where is my clothing packs
the boy doll should have the same size feet as the girl dolls I know technically that’s not realistic, but the boy does have like next to no shoes they have the pair that came on them and then if they’re lucky like river, they have a second pair of shoes and a pair of shoes in the mystery boxes but none of the other guys have that I need more shoe options for my boys
I actually really likes the concept of the Pacific coast. All the colors were beautiful and spot on. However, none of them had second outfits. They’re all stuck in their beach clothes. I don’t like that I think that they should’ve made a separate outfit packs to go with the doll so that they would have a second outfit too. I also think the Pacific coast doll shouldget Junior high dolls I think that’ll be cool
I don’t think they’re attempt at diversity Body types is worth it. I think there is not enough of a noticeable difference for it to have been worth their time.
I also don’t like the soft reboot they’re doing they’re literally taking a large chunk of what makes rainbow high unique and makes it worth collecting away from it
I think Luna in the twin pack is way prettier than the original Luna doll but I also really dislike the sunny doll from that pack I think it’s a major downgrade.
I think the special edition dolls aren’t worth $100+ I don’t think they’re worth more than 50 but personally I tend to think that in general about the collector edition dolls from all companies I think once they get past about $75 for a single doll it’s not worth it, I know it didn’t cost you that much more to make that doll than it did to make the regular ones I get that when it comes to like say the Disney collector dolls and they’ve hired specific artist work on, the doll you’re basically paying for the artist time, it took the artist to come up with that doll, , but for the average doll that’s pretty much just labeled special edition, because they decided to do that it’s not worth that price but companies are still going to make it that price because as long as someone is out here buying it for that price, they know they can get that price so they’re not gonna lower them. The prices are just gonna get higher. I don’t like that.
On a similar note, the wardrobe is overpriced. It does not have enough outfit pieces in it for it to be worth $55+. I understand when it was a big fat where it came with a doll and her two different ways and stuff being more expensive for just the plastic wardrobe in the outfits. That’s too much. but to be fair I grew up relatively poor, so I’m not the kind of person who has an easy time throwing money at some thing
And Of course, as I’m sure you all have pretty well established. I think there should be an entire line of boy dolls I mean it give us more variety give us more characters I really like the rainbow high dolls and I want to see more guys specially with long brushable hair.
And if you see this post, please comment and list your own opinions,I won’t judge, and I always love to hear other peoples perspectives
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korianderfan · 2 years
Rainbow High series 4 second outfits in sims 4 made by me
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thelivingmemegod · 10 months
What are your thoughts on Rainbow High series 3?
Number 3, Budget and Normal dolls!
Emi Vanda!
Emi is…a doll. Her budget is really a nothing burger and her full price is. E h?
She feels very all over the place. She’s got like 7 different shades of purple or magenta going on and it’s throwing everything off.
The basic shapes of her first outfit; the baggy sweater, pleated skirt and high boots-are all good ones! But the ribbons around her boots and the colores are fighting with each other.
Her second one is the same formula; good base, good shapes. But here the color, patterns and the ribbons on her shoes are throwing it really hard. The gold heels, but black bottoms and magenta toe caps are so…why-
Note: my lovely Qpp and the asker of the question, @the-lavender-creator actually has a full price Emi with some god awful hair rooting.
Gabriella Icely!
Not a fave but a solid doll!
My only real gripe is that her first outfit shoes and the second outfit jacket….what is that teal. It’s not bad but ehhhhhh I don’t love it.
The rest though? Fabulous! I especially love her skirt chain in the first outfit I’d love that as a real belt. I love the studded heels from outfit two and the choker…she makes it work. Also like the hair clips throughout!
Budget doll is meh but she still looks good
Daphne Minton!
Loving herrrr- singular question is that lil tie on her skirt but that’s mini
Another doll with very swappable clothes between outfits! Love the reflective gold on the first outfit. I like her strappy heels and the gold accents and her shoes matching her stand: Slay-
Outfit two is another I’d LOVE in real life. Give me that settttt. Love her big ass hoops
Her budget is actually cute! It really just looks like the first outfit on a day with a smaller tie and like she took off her jacket. And didn’t curl her hair. She looks good!
Sheryl Meyer!
Literally Cher Horowitz from Clueless a little to the left and I LOVE that for her.
Love the two layer dress, love the three button, double breasted blazer, love her belt, love the high socks and yellow shoes, adore her earrings and BROWN EYES and fantastic hair- I don’t even hate the shirt underneath the jacket-
As for outfit too…I wish they just gave her a sweater vest and a shorter, opaque button down. Shoes are still a slay, skirt is beautiful. Love her headband
Budget Sheryl…sure looks budget- it’s giving 50s house wife and not in a good way. Hair still slays though.
Georgia Bloom!
Adorableeeee she can have my heart and soul I love her from her hair clips, curls and Brown eyes to the sneakers I want right now.
Second outfit is vast majority a second verse same as the first, but RH I will come to your house if you don’t stop making see through shoes.
Other then that I have no notes other then I, for some reason, Think Jewel Richie is her cousin.
Budget….why is her hair a completely different color-
Aside from that this almost feels like pajamas- just make the shorts a knit set rather then denim and boom. It would be better as a sleep set-
Daria Roselyn!
I AM GRINDING MY TEETH I WANT HER JACKET SO BAD. I again, don’t mind the shirt under her dress and the dress itself is just fine. I wish the soles of her shoes were opaque but that’s my only problem, they’re adorable otherwise and I’d love to have them.
Outfit two looks BOSSY. Thats a boss bitch right there. She is walking into the office and sending everyone spiraling, this is editor in chief at RUNWAY BABY
I do pray for her feet in those skinny ass heels though.
Budget…I wish the main doll had the budget shoe soles. Dress is still fine. WHERE DID HER LIPLINER GO.
The only reason main Daria’s lip color doesn’t look crazy is cuz it looks like she lined her lips with brown and filled in with pink, budget Daria did n o t-
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mirnycococarmella · 8 months
So, since I decided not to collect any of the reboot dolls*... our collection is complete. We have every doll from series 1 to the runway and body line dolls and shadow high series 3. We have every special edition doll and twin set.
We still intend to try and complete the bags and shoes collection, and attach a second rainbow high dollhouse to the one I own and have assembled to create a deluxe dormhouse like I saw someone do. I also intend to continue collecting ooak dolls, including customs of the shadow high Project Rainbow models in their best outfits.
But... it's wild. I now own a true complete collection of dolls. Of- collectables at all.
I know I don't talk a lot about anything but dolls here, but this is meaningful to me on multiple levels. I am an impoverished disabled person. A victim of neglect and abuse. Even outside of full abuse, I often was forced to give up things important to me growing up before I was ready, which was triply difficult as an autistic and POSIC+ person.
To be at a point where I've had the relative security to have a collection, to not have to sell it even when things got dicey, to have a collection of things I love on display that I know is mine and that no one can take from me... it's everything to me. It makes me feel safe in a way that's hard to articulate or explain to anyone who hasn't been through similar.
I'm going to order some shelves when I can to get them properly explained, since they are now scattered on every available surface lol
But I mean... this is a good feeling. This is my home, and it's full to bursting of the things I love most. These bright, beautiful dolls have helped me fight my depression. Mirny accompanying me to high stress situations has helped with my anxiety. This has been a huge part of my journey in healing from trauma. It has helped us explore our POSIC identity and even recover from the disordered symptoms of our DID.
I'm just... really glad to be able to say my Rainbow High collection is complete. 🥰🥰
*(if they do original-quality collector's dolls, I may still get some on a case-by-case basis, but we have no interest in the less articulated, less-fashion-focused, more glittery dolls we've seen so far)
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[Image ID: A userbox with a picture of Mirny sitting in a tree on the left and "These users are a DID system and are fans of Rainbow High!" on the right. The background is a chocolate brown color and the text and outline are an orange-ish caramel color. /end ID]
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dollsinvogue · 5 months
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If Lavender Lynn had a second outfit!
I love the full outfit from Rodarte spring 2019 but I also loved the Balmain jacket and I knew I wanted to keep her theme of leather and lace (and some spikes!) mixed together
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I like both of the outfits individually but I thought combining them would be neat, the top from the Rodarte outfit would also be too big to fit under the jacket, but I love the cut of the Westwood bustier.
Also we need to pretend that the purples of the pieces all match up, or at least have similar tones to her first outfit, otherwise it does look a bit muddy! I’m not sure if the black shoes look good, the model in the Balmain runway is wearing black shoes so maybe it can work, they could also be there to match her glasses in a way.
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smthingsmthingdolls · 2 years
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Priscilla is finally open! I was supposed to post her yesterday but I didn’t have any power 🫠
And like with Kim, I know there’s been a bunch of pics and posts about her but she really is prettier now that I have her in person
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meiko333 · 2 years
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Her second outfit is so pretty! 💜
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bumpscosity · 2 years
Rainbow high series 5 leaks review
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I never like the boy dolls and this is no exception. One of the less horrible boy face sculpts but what in gods name is that outfit. The hair looks sparkly tho so he gets a point there
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I dont like her sculpt but I think the product photos just arent doing it justice? Her outfits a bit bland but I rly like her hair and makeup.
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Probably my second fav from this series. I like when they go with more earthy tones and everything isn’t super vibrant. Wouldn’ve loved to see some camo on a camo green doll but im kinda obsessed with her shorts I rly like her sculpt too.
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My FAVORITE from this line. Her face sculpt and makeup are super interesting to me and I LOVE her fullbody freckles. With the ruffles and the flower earrings I think shes gonna be related to monique in some way??? Props for that bc shes one of my fav dolls in rainbow high history.
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This aint it chief. Shes not HORRIBLE but idk shes just mid to me. Like her clear jacket tho and im sure ppl will be buying her just to put her hairpins on glitch LMAO. Oh yeah forgot to say this abt the denim and camo ones but im loving these long nails too
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Is there some requirement for every bight pink doll with pale skin to have almost the EXACT same boring face sculpt? I feel like her and Stella are like. Twins. (She even kinda looks like the paris hilton doll lmao???). Her outfit MIGHT work on Lola tho which is huge bc like nothing works on her so win there
Overall kinda disappointed bc shadow high series 2 had some of the best dolls yet and this is just mid mostly but im still excited to see more pics. There have been multiple times where I hate the product photos and then actually see the doll in person or in unboxing vids and I like them (still dont LOVE dia but shes def prettier than she looked in product photos) and vice versa (looking at you eliza why is your makeup so muddy you had so much potential 😔) so im SUPER hyped for them to be officially released/announced :)
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femboycloudstrife · 2 years
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rainbow high series 5 💖💖💖💖💖 sad that theyve taken away second outfits hopefully that does t become the default for these dolls but ive lately been keeping my rh collection in their og looks for display anyways
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