#ralof x reader
not-today-flah · 3 months
How you meet
You walked into Jorrvaskr with hope of joining the Companions. You had already met Aela and Farkas while fighting a giant outside Whiterun. Aela greeted you and told you Kodlaks whereabouts. You were a little nervous about meeting him but you brushed aside your feelings and stepped into the room. You where met by two faces, one curious and the other agitated. You suspected that the older of the two was Kodlak but you had to be sure. “Hi…are you Kodlak?” You ask shyly the younger man rolled his eyes, you shot back a disapproving look. “Of course he’s Kodlak.” The younger scoffs. “And who are you?” You ask, a tinge of sass in your voice. “Vilkas.” He states coolly. You glare at him and he glares back. “What brings a stranger to Jorrvaskr?” Kodlak butts in. “My names Y/N and I’m here to join the companions.“
When you met Ralof on the way to Helgen, it was only brief, but you liked him. He had great spirit, and tried to make dark times a little lighter by adding some humour to the situation. There was no time exchanging names properly, there can’t be when there’s a DRAGON attacking. You went with Ralof you wouldn’t go with those damn Imperials. When you both made it out of the keep you followed Ralof to Riverwood where he introduced you to Gerdur his sister. She was very welcoming, she gave you some supplies and access to her home. You were walking to Gerdurs house with Ralof, “You know you should join the fight to free Skyrim, we need people like you.“ Ralof mentioned as you walked, “You really think I should, thanks.” You smile and he beamed back. “I’ll consider it.”
You walk on the cobblestone path, making your way to Whitrun. Gurdur sent you to tell the Jarl that Riverwood was in danger of a dragon attack. You walk by a couple buildings, paying no mind to your surroundings until you heard a battle cry coming from one of the farmers fields. Three people were fighting a giant, you race over and draw your bow, hitting it straight in the eye. The giant falls over with a thud and the three people look over at you, ones a woman with long red hair, green war paint, and a bow. She comes up to you, “You handle yourself well, you’d make for a decent shield-sister.” She says. “What’s a shield-sister?” You ask curiously. You feel a gaze on your back and take a quick glance over your shoulder, you catch a very handsome man staring. He looks down and scratches the back of his neck with a light blush dusting his cheeks, you give him a small smile which makes him blush more. After Aela explains what a shield sister is and tells you about the companions, you say your goodbyes and hastily walk to the city. As you walk you smile at you feet at the man named Farkas.
Argis the Bulwark
You step out of the Understone Keep in Markarth as the new Thane of the Reach and as the new Thane you have a knew housecarl. You walk up the stone stairs until you reach your secluded home at the top of a hill. You walk through the doors and instantly feel the comforts of a home. Walking farther into the house you hear a man clear his throat making you jump a little. You had never had a man as a housecarl before, this was going to be interesting. You step into the living room area and are greeted by very muscular man who has a tattoo on the side of his face, his left eye was completely white and had a scar across it. Blind, battle wound probably. He gave a small smile and bowed his head, “Pleasure to meet you my Thane.” He says. “The pleasure is all mine,” I grinned, “and you can just call me (Y/N).” I say. His smile grows, “Okay, (Y/N). My name’s Argis.”
You needed to buy some supplies from the market in Riften. You knew that Riften wasn't the best place to buy things but it was the closest city. When you got to the market square someone approached you from behind making you jump, you turn around and look up. "Haven't done an honest days work for all that coin you're carrying, eh lass." The red haired man in front of you said. "I'm sorry what?" You blink and dumbly look at your pockets. He chuckles a bit which snaps you out of your confused state. Your gaze turns suspicious when you look at him again. “My wealth is none of your business.” He gave another small laugh at that. He looks pretty ordinary, he’s a Nord with long red hair and a beard. He’s actually quite handsome, and he’s dressed proper so you assume he is of high status in Riften. “Actually it is my business, and, you see, I’m searching for someone to do a certain job.”
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late-nite-scholar · 1 year
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag
Tagged by my lovely friend @dirty-bosmer to complete this "get to know the author" tag game. Thank you <3
Tagging: @marlynnofmany @arkhorton @stormbeyondreality @svartalfhild @bostoniangirl21 @mareenavee @frankensonnet @crathbonewriter @chapel-orahamm-blog @cheeseandstrawberrytartlover
And anyone who wants to join in! Please tag me :)
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
I have a finished draft of a sci-fi, very character-centered, far-future alien invasion story that I want to hunker down and edit/second draft/etc. over the summer. It started as a NaNoWriMo project (I did not make it to 50k in that month, sadly) but I eventually finished it, then added to it, and now am gonna make it a thing.
2) Rec a book!
Heroes and Harbingers by @arkhorton. A magical school, a Chosen One, gods and creatures, and two amazing teachers!
Spectacular Silver Earthling by @marlynnofmany. A reality TV show on an alien world? What could go wrong?
(you should go buy and read both of these immediately!)
3) Rec a fic! (outside your character tag)
I collected a few short ones that I’ve reblogged:
4) Rec music!
Unleash the Archers. Canadian power metal! They are seriously amazing. You will be hooked! And their last two albums, Apex and Abyss, are concept albums that tell the same story as it plays out over time. Definitely check them out!
5) Share one piece of advice!
Just keep writing/drawing/making art! Everyone seems to have rules about how things 'should be' and the 'proper way is to do it like this'. Don't listen to them. Your art is your art, and you make it however you damn well want! Your voice, your style, that's you and you don't need to try to conform to someone else's idea of right or good or whatever. As the song says, shine on you crazy diamond!
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fandom-imagines · 2 years
Most people, if not everyone, longed to meet their soulmate; the person that they had been bound to by the heavens, and Y/N was no different, but somehow meeting hers whilst covered in blood wasn’t exactly the plan.
Her eyes stared towards the man, who coincidentally was also covered in blood, as the dragon lay at their feet, painting both of them with its blood. The only part of them which wasn’t covered in blood was the tattoo on their wrists, linking them to each other.
“So, you’re my soulmate,”
“Seems that way,”
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artsyfangirl · 3 years
I’m going to need fic recs for Brynjolf x Reader, Ralof x Reader, and Farkas x Reader, and maybe some Ulfric? I have fallen down the rabbit hole rather quickly.
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ardyns-corner · 3 years
Songs of Skyrim [Ralof x Half Elf!Bard!Reader]
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The civil war has ended, with the imperials emerging victorious. They give the remaining Stormcloak soldiers the choice to vow to never raise their swords to them again and they will be pardoned. Ralof takes that deal but regrets it greatly. He moves to Windhelm because he cannot bear the disappointment of facing his family because he felt cowardly, and he grows cold and pessimistic. A year later, a new, beautiful Half-Wood Elf bard moves to Windhelm from the Bards College in Solitude and changes his life.
This is chapter 1. If you wish to keep track of this series, visit my AO3. Chapter 2 is already posted.
It's been a year since the war ended.
A year since Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak was murdered by the imperials.
A year since the imperials decided to show their “love” for skyrim by pardoning former stormcloak soldiers as long as they vowed not to raise their sword against the Empire.
But Ralof knew it was so they could have more abled bodies to draft should the Thalmor raise their swords against them.
Nonetheless, he hated the fact that he took the vow. He hated how cowardly he felt at that moment. So much so that he couldn’t bear to see his family in Riverwood. He couldn’t face the hypothetical disappointment that came with his family rooting for him and the Stormcloaks losing. Despite knowing that Gerdur would hate him should he have decided to get executed instead of just taking the deal. He just had to give his family something to be proud of.
He now had a house in Windhelm. He wanted to help Brunwulf Free-Winter rebuild and reform Windhelm. While Jarl Ulfric had a special place in his heart, he understood that despite being a good leader of the army, he often ignored his city crumbling beneath him. Though even remotely thinking of Ulfric negatively made a small pang of guilt hit his heart at his dead King. Ulfric had a lot of flaws, however. He was never a fan of how he treated non-nords. Or about how he let the murder of the women in his city go on for so long that a stranger had to come and fix it. Or about all the abandoned or crumbling buildings and walls from the Oldest city in skyrim that he decided to go years without beginning renovation. So why not, in his honor, help rebuild his city that he left to his people?
The tavern was buzzing, though gloom still lingered in the air. It was like news of the late Jarl’s demise had just spread through the city. The dark elf bard, Luaffn, is strumming her fingers across her lute, singing Ragnar the Red. A jovial song about an idiotic story. Ragnar was a loose lipped drunkard and Matilde was a murderous hot head. Ralof started to realize a theme in all of these stories. They are all about flashy, symbolic, victories, from situations that were most likely a lot more boring. Always telling about the glories and fortunes of war. Hiding the hideous truths of it all. Drafting innocent boys and girls into these things and traumatizing them so that they waste their lives giving into skooma or drinking just so they can forget all that they have seen. It was disgusting. Though, then again, Ralof may have become more cynical, pessimistic and cold with each passing day since the war ended. But that doesn’t get rid of the truths in it.
The singing ended with scattered applause. Ralof took a sip of the Honningbrew mead that the Tavern Wench had poured into his tankard and took a bite of the stale bread and cringed. Everyone in the room seemed preoccupied with something, whether it being reading, talking to friends, or somberly looking into their tankards and blanking out. Despite the city being in a state of reform and new beginnings, it was like the soul had been sucked out of it. The war distracted the citizens here from the crushing realities that came with living in Windhelm and now that it was over, with their jarl not emerging the victor, people had to come to terms with said reality. Nils, the tavern cook, was replacing the logs in the fireplace and feeding the fire. Ralof walked over towards him, from his table. “Nils. Do you have any fresh bread?” He questioned the old man.
“None currently made,” Nils shrugged and continued feeding the fire.
“Well could you make some, please?” Ralof raised an eyebrow.
“Absolutely, just give me a day and a half,” Nils responded sarcastically while standing back up.
“A day and a half?”
“Yes, boy. Bread takes more than a day to make.” Nils chuckled. “Though I will say I’m not surprised. You war heroes hardly recognize the honor that comes with keeping you all fed,” Ralof flinched at the mention of being called a war hero.
“Hi, are you Nils?” A soft voice spoke from behind Ralof. He turned to see a shorter, beautiful woman with long hair put into an updo. She wore fine clothing that seemed to be from a different province, though the furs inside of it indicate it was made in or for Skyrim. She wore jewelry that complimented her eyes and a jeweled hairpin that held a most likely stubborn piece of hair. She looked rather racially ambiguous, but her ears and sharper features made it known that she was an elf. Ralof never really had a preference for elven women, but even he could admit that she had a look to her that none of the women in Windhelm did. She was holding a painted lute with dragon designs carved into them.
Nils took her hand and shook it, “I am. You must be (y/n).” The elf smiled which made Ralof’s stomach turn a bit. Luaffn came up to the group.
“Ah you must be my replacement for tonight,” She smiled, “I hope you’re as good as they say you are. It's a tough crowd here in Windhelm.” She said before walking away
(Y/n) nodded and strolled to the front of the tavern common area. Ralof looked from her to Nils, who had a smug look on his face. “Who in oblivion is that?” Ralof asked.
“Our new bard. We can't keep only one bard here, especially with the increase in tourism after the war. Elda made me get a new one from the College in Solitude.” Nils explained, “They say that she’s one of the best lute players they have. Apparently can sing too. Though I’m not quite sure their policy on customers falling in love with said bards,” Nils smirked. “She is quite a beauty for an elf,” Ralof rolled his eyes and returned to his seat. The new bard sat on a tall stool and positioned her lute into a playing position.
The tavern was still very loud and didn’t seem to notice the elven woman at the front, aside from a few bigoted glances.
“Hello, people of Windhelm,” She addressed loudly. The Tavern went silent and stared at her, “My name is (Y/n), I am but a new bard at this beautiful hall. But I am also a harbinger of the ancient stories told by tongue.” She started to play a tune on her lute, as she began, “We live in a time of sorrow, but this is not the first time. For the Nord heroes that came before us knew such sorrow,” The tavern seemed to be very interested now. An intro before a song? Is this the type of music they play in Solitude? She sure knows her way around a crowd. Ralof regarded in his head. “Allow me to tell you all a trying tale of the Ancient Blades, who freed both man and mer alike from the tyranny of the dragons that had enslaved and preyed on us all.”
Then she began singing.
The story she told was that of the Ancient Tongues who shouted the World Eater out of the sky with the power of their combined Thu’um. This song was very obviously a Nordic song. Which was fitting, as Windhelm was one of the first established Atmoran cities. But, it had a different feel to it. It reminded Ralof of the stories their mother used to tell him and Gerdur as children. When she would tell them about how men truly suffered under the dragon regime. They didn’t charge into the battle and instantly crushed them with Nord might. They struggled. And through that struggling, was when man and mer found the will to come together and fight a common enemy. And with their combined determination, they won. These stories were realistic. Relatable. They didn’t have tons of showy symbolism and unneeded tales of overpowered brava that’s sole purpose is to instill a false sense of honor into youth. They were honest.
Ralof could hear Roliff and his goons at the table next to him, making snide, racist comments about the elven bard that went from plain ignorance to downright disgusting threats. He shot a glare at them, that he knew would pass right over them, but he couldn’t help it. Threats like that against any woman, elf or not, were disgusting. He swore some of the men in this city had no honor or even manners. And he was born into a millworker’s family. He moved closer towards the front, tankard in hand, to better hear the bard.
She continued her tune, while eyeing the crowd with mystery as she told the tale. Everyone was engaged in one way or another. Either leaning in their seats to listen to this new bard, or acting as if they didn’t enjoy her singing.
“If Alduin is eternal, then eternity’s done. For his story is over and the dragons...” The bard took a long pause. The entire tavern was silent. She then strummed her lute one last time.
“...are gone.”
The tavern stayed still for a bit, then erupted with applause. The bard stood up and took a small bow, before returning to the stool.
“Newer” songs in Skyrim usually take a while to travel throughout the snowy province. Windhelm was to the very east, so it was most likely the tavern’s first time hearing that tune.
Luaffn came back up to the front, this time with a drum. (Y/n) regarded her then nodded. She started to play a jovial, familiar tune on her lute, which the dark elf bard followed with an upbeat rhythm on the drum. The crowd looked around at each other and then got up. One by one, people started dancing and drunkenly grabbing partners.
The tavern seemed a lot livelier than before. Nils was right, she was a damned good lute player. Luaffn paused her drum playing, which led the other elven bard to go on a complicated, fast, solo on her lute. Her passive facial expression moved into a much more entertaining one. She had a bright smile on her face, as she finished the solo, without breaking a sweat. Luaffn, for once, looked like she had fun while performing, as she picked up the beat again with (Y/n)’s finished solo. People cheered at the music, then continued dancing. As the two elves finished the song, the tavern burst into cheers. The tavern was usually packed to the brim every night with both Windhelm’s non-mer citizens and tourists, but you could barely tell how stale the air was. There were cheerful spirits in the air, and now you could fully tell how many people were truly there. Ralof has his negative opinions of Solitude, but if this is how bards over there perform, he would take the occasional vacation there more often. There’s nothing like good music and stories to lift an apathetic heart.
The two bards started another tune, but Ralof didn’t stay. He went downstairs to the bar to order actual food. As he sat on the barstool, he could still hear the stomping and cheers, with very little instrumentals leaking through the commotion. Elda poured Ralof an Ale as he dropped a few septims on the counter.
“Full house tonight, huh?” Ralof observed the change in atmosphere.
“It's always a full house.” Elda leaned against the bar while looking up at the ceiling, “I will say, I never can trust an elf. But Nils sure does know how to pick a good bard,” Ralof took a sip of the ale, before taking a deep breath in.
“The woman looks like she comes from good pockets. How were you all even able to afford such a bard?”
“All of them solitude bards look like they dove face-first into nobility. S’why so many of them are so entitled.” Elda stirred the soup behind her, “You’d have to ask Nils on that one, Ralof.” She took a sip of the soup in the pot before turning back to Ralof. “Want some potato soup?” Ralof nodded and handed Elda more septims, “Nils left me with no choice but to finish this damn soup. But I guess someone has to chop the firewood, and it sure isn’t gonna be me,” She placed a wooden bowl of potato soup in front of him, “Careful now, its hot,”
After a few minutes, the song ended, which led to another eruption of applause. Someone began walking down the stairs from the upper common area. “Thank you madam for this opportunity to perform for such a lovely crowd,” (Y/n) spoke very clearly.
“Heading home so soon?” Elda regarded her sarcastically.
Ralof turned to face her, “I don’t blame you. It takes the right tune to make a tavern full of Nords lively, and if you don’t stop early, you’ll be there until dawn,” She smiled warmly at him, which made his face warm up. She waved goodbye to the innkeeper and the veteran and left.
“Told you. All of them. Plain entitlement,” Elda crossed her arms.
“Come on, Elda. She just called a tavern full of Windhelm citizens' a lovely crowd’. She doesn’t have a single bone of entitlement in her,” Ralof chuckled.
“The elf only performed three songs. It’s not even Midnight yet!”
“Probably because she spent all day traveling to Windhelm from solitude. I would be ran through a long time ago.” Ralof took another sip of his ale. Behind him, Roliff and his friends came stumbling down the stairs. They had wicked smiles on their faces and were walking rather fast towards the exit. This left a bad feeling in his stomach. They swiftly exited the inn. Elda didn’t seem to notice. But he was a soldier. Finding someone with bad intentions was one of his most useful skills.
“Hey...uh… Elda” Ralof called to the old innkeeper without removing his eyes from the door, swinging close.
Elda turned to him, “What?”
“Do you know where that bard might be staying?”
“Probably at that dark elf ‘cornerclub’. '' She said the last word mockingly, “I’m glad she took the hint her kind wasn’t welcome here- where in oblivion are you going?” Ralof dashed out of the door of Candlehearth Hall, and jogged towards the southern entrance to the Grey Quarter."
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sonnefuchs · 4 years
Grand Entrance
Ralof x Dragonborn!Reader
Ralof heard the boom of a dragon roar and ran out into the street joining the rest of the soldiers.  Searching the sky for a dragon he heard a familiar laugh.  Turning to the giant front gates of Windhelm, he saw her laughing.
Running to her he dropped his weapon and picked her up in a crushing hug. She laughed harder as he swung her in a circle before putting her down.
“Y/N! I’ve missed you.  By the Nine though, Ulfric is going to be pissed with you.”
“Let him stew, he should be grateful I arranged an impromptu drill. Keeping his soldiers ready and alert.”  She wiggled her eyebrows. “Now where’s that drink you promised me?”
He laughed and picked his weapon up, slapping her on the back, he kept his arm around her shoulder as they walked towards the Candlehearth Inn.
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justheretop0st · 2 years
He hated the rain. He hated the sound of it, the smell of it, the feel of it. And though he prayed it never comes, the thunder rolls and mocks him. How unfortunate.
She was one in an era that truly caused change. It was evident at her funeral. There wasn’t enough room to accompany the waves of people who had come to see her one last time. It lasted days, almost a week of respect and reminiscence. There were things that he didn’t even know about her. This was especially telling of the figures in black and red.
The woman he had come to call his wife was a leader by nature. She lead her side to victory in the war. She ended Alduin, granted she had legendary warriors by her side. She solved the vampire crisis, having to split her own soul in order to enter the soul cairn. She became the leader of the companions, even for a brief period becoming the Arch-Mage. She had helped countless people. He was sure there was more, but there are always secrets that are best left to die with her.
The day she died, she looked more. More of everything. More like a leader. More like a wife. More beautiful and terrifying all in the same breath. She laughed and she seemed to glow. The breeze made her hair animate with life. With every ounce of blood in his body, he swore it shone in the sun.
It was quick and he was thankful for that. Perhaps he couldn’t handle it if she suffered. Perhaps it was because he didn’t have to worry about the last words he said to her. Because he swore to tell her daily how much he adored her. It might have been out his comfort zone. But even in his actions he swore to show her nothing but adoration and love. She deserved it and he knew it was likely she was to die at any point.
Being a renowned hero, she had enemies. A single moment of peace, pierced by an arrow laced in poison. Normally it wouldn’t have punctured her armor. But she wore a dress that day. Even into the night when she was being honored with a banquet. Ale, wine, mead and more was being served. How could someone have missed a person with an arrow equipped?
He wished he could have been more vigilant and maybe he would have had it not been for the drink. He wished his last words were more fine than a sloppy serenade. A declaration of known love. On his knees before her and he could feel the air push over his head as the arrow hit its target.
Panic arose in the crowd, they all ran to cover. But he stayed kneeled there, catching her as she fell into his arms. Straight through the heart, and she stared into his eyes. A connection. A final connection. She died with a smile on her face and her hand in his. But he felt to many emotions for him to simply sit there with her. He felt anger. Remorse. Sadness. He wanted revenge.
All he can remember after that is snatching a sword from a guards sheath and searching the building. Room by room, person by person. He was to filled with emotion, but nothing would get past him. He was told that the assassin was eventually found. That this person was taken to jail. But jail was not what the person deserved. For taking such a life, death would be the only repentance.
During her funeral, it rained for those days and nights. He couldn’t bear to leave her side as she lay there. Surrounded by flowers and gifts and mementos. He remained soaked and though there were others with him, he paid their words of condolences no mind. Nothing would make this better.
How he hated the rain.
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smutty-skyrim · 4 years
Ralof || NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare
Ralof is more than happy to help you wipe up after sex. Him reaching down and cleaning you is likely to lead to his fingers wandering to your clit to rub out another, on occasion. He’ll lay beside you and run a hand up and down your side with a content sigh.
If it was a rough session his wandering hand will extend over your body, rubbing soft circles on the tender skin and kissing any bruises.
B = Body Part
Ralof likes his eyes. He’s been complimented on them his whole life. They’re prominent and blue as the sky, 
He finds himself fond of your hands. Just looking at them makes his mind wander to them roaming his body and stroking his cock.
C = Cum
There’s something about painting your face with hot strands of cum that does it for him. It’s best if you’re eagerly waiting with a smile, mouth wide to catch what it can.
D = Dirty Secret 
Ralof wants to watch you get fucked into the bed by somebody else. He imagines Ulfric Stormcloak, taking you as if you were his. He imagines the way you’d moan and writhe beneath the Jarl.
More confusingly, he also imagines you getting taken by Hadvar, the man he’s seen as competition for years. It makes him squirm, but it also makes him hard. He’s cum to the thought several times, and buries the memories with shame.
E = Experience
Ralof is very experienced. He’s been with plenty of women in his day, from the lass in Helgen to one night stands while traveling with the army. He acts with confidence, each move natural and purposeful. He reads you easily, but enjoys when you tell him what you like. 
F = Favorite Position
Ralof likes to take you from behind while you’re laying down. He likes feeling your ass against him as he thrusts and likes laying with his chest pressed to your back, breath hot on your ear. In the most intimate moments, he’ll lace his fingers with yours.
G = Goofy
It’s common for Ralof to crack a joke here and there. Conversation comes naturally to the man and he likes seeing you smile. He’ll also occasionally try to initiate with a cheesy pickup line just to hear the sound of your laugh.
H = Hair
Ralof doesn’t care much about the state of his pubic hair. Though always clean, and rather soft, it’s notably unruly. It’s blond, and a couple shades darker than the hair on his head.
I = Intimacy
Ralof is used to keeping some distance between himself and his partners, even if his gestures are romantic. With you, he finds himself softening. He likes making you swoon, and takes pride in each smile he paints on your lips. 
If you’d rather him be more rough, he’ll happily oblige. But there will never be any question that he needs you desperately. He’ll still work toward your pleasure, eager to feel you cum around his length.
J = Jack Off
Ralof masturbates frequently. He enjoys cumming and will do so whether or not he has a partner present. That being said, he prefers your assistance when he can have it.
K = Kink
Biting & Scratching - He enjoys feeling the sensations of your nails raking down his back and loves sinking his teeth into the supple flesh of your ass.
Leaving Marks - His favorite thing is seeing the marks of your escapades the next day. He’ll suck the tender spot on your neck until it bruises and you’re left to cover it up the next day. If you’re into impact play, he’ll happily spank you until you’re black and blue.
L = Location
Ralof likes to fuck at your house. Though, anywhere in your house is fine by his standards. Too often he’s forced to fuck you in silence and secret on the road with the Rebellion. When he can take you wherever he wants behind those closed doors? It’s freeing.
M = Motivation
Just about anything gets Ralof going. His mind is quick to wander. But your touch is one thing that can set him alight the fastest. The feeling of your fingertips ghosting down the back of his neck, or your hand running up his thigh will drive him out of his mind.
N = NO
Ralof is a little put off by the idea of anal. He loves asses, but he’s just not sure how he feels about being in one. If you suggest ass play at all, he might be willing to stick a finger in yours. That’s probably the furthest he’ll be willing to go.
O = Oral
He loves when you suck his dick. He encourages it with a gentle hand on your head guiding you downward. He’ll lead you through the motions and buck into your mouth. He grunts and sighs, curling his fingers in your hair.
He doesn’t mind giving oral, but it’s not his first choice. He considers himself more skilled with his hands and cock. 
P = Pace
Ralof fucks with passion, and often hard and fast. His hips snap roughly against yours. He won’t relent, savoring each moment of you coming undone.
Q = Quickie
Ralof usually likes to get right into the action, so he’s not opposed to quickies. He likes seeing if he can get you to cum in a short span of time. Often you going over the edge is enough to send him along with you.
R = Risk
While he wouldn’t classify himself as a risk taker, Ralof is willing to do some edgier things in bed. He likes public sex and will actively try and get you to make noise around others. He likes power exchanges and rough sex, and is almost always willing to try something new on that front. That being said, he’s perfectly content with vanilla sex and enjoys it just as much.
S = Stamina
Ralof lasts a decent amount of time in bed and tries to make sure you finish before he does. He takes a little bit to build up to another round but he can usually manage one or two more before the day is over. 
T = Toy
Ralof prefers to use his hands to make you cum, but if you want toys he’s happy to oblige. 
If you’re interested in anal, he’s more than happy to get you some plugs and a dildo to play around with. Just because he doesn’t want to fuck you in the ass doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get to enjoy it.
U = Unfair
Ralof is a tease, but you always know it’s going to pay off in the end. He likes to drag things out and see if he can make you take the initiative. His favorite is when you’re the one who pulls him aside to fuck.
V = Volume
Ralof is on the quieter side, though prone to grunts and groans of pleasure. He’s learned to keep it down over time but is more than happy to let you know exactly how good you feel. He’s also not half bad at dirty talk, and you’ll find some slipping out in the heat of the moment.
W = Wild Card
Ralof loves having his balls played with, but they’re very sensitive. Your hands have to be gentle as they fondle them, and your licks light and tender. Enough teasing, and he’ll be trembling beneath your touch.
X = X-Ray
Ralof is muscular, with scars streaking his fair skin. He’s got thicker body hair - something common among Nords. 
His cock is a little over 7” and is of average girth.
Y = Yearning
Ralof has a very high sex drive. If he has it his way, he’ll cum at least once a day. More is preferred, though sometimes he just can’t manage more than one or two. If you aren’t interested, he’s more than willing to slip off and take care of the deed himself.
Ralof doesn’t doze off afterwards often. He may lay there in a sleepy haze, but he won’t fall asleep. Some of your best conversations happen in these intimate little moments.
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datorchoe · 4 years
I just found the hug headcannons post of yours and I need StormCloaks hugs plz and thank
*rides in on a bigass Clydesdale named Steven* Here you are my dear!!
Ulfric Stormcloak
- Ulfric will hug, but it takes a while for him to warm up to the hugging. If the person is like a close friend or a significant other then he will but if some random dude came up to him to hug him he’d (understandably) turn away.
- Ulfric normally gives very soft quick hugs. He’s got a reputation and shit to do, he can’t be seen as a softie. But, when he’s drunk, he is all over everyone. Galmar has debated getting spikes for his armor so Ulfric didn’t try to hug him.
- If you try to hug Ulfric, his reaction is based on his position. If he’s in public, he probably won’t return it and even if he did it wouldn’t be long. But if you all are alone or something he’ll gladly return it.
Galmar Stonefist
- Galmar is a massive hugger. He will hug just about everyone. Well, everyone he likes. If it’s like Ulfric or you or one of the soldiers, he’ll gladly hug them.
- Mans smells like booze and fur but he gives really good hugs other than that. His arms are so freaking huge that it is all-encompassing. You can’t escape his hugs.
- If you come up and randomly hug him, he’ll just laugh at you and joke about how you missed him or something and then hug you back very tightly. Doesn’t matter if everyone is around, Galmar doesn’t give two shits what other people think, he loves showing you off as his.
- Poor Ralof is one of those people who are like “If you hug me I’d probably cry so please don’t” (same Ralof) so if you're gonna hug him please do it in private. He loves hugs, but he has gotten so few in his life that he’s not quite sure how to respond.
- When he hugs it’s a very kind hug. He doesn’t pull you too tight or grip too hard, but he does hug for a long time. He just absorbs all of the energy of the hug cause mans could sure use it.
- If you come up and hug him randomly, he’ll freeze. He’s not sure how to react. He doesn’t know whether to hug back or to just stand there. By the time he’s decided what to do, you’ve already run off and he has to track you down and hug you again.
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The Fire I Breathe Shall Burn You Too - Part III
*NOTE: YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING OF SKYRIM FOR THIS WORK - Any lore will be explained within the story itself, you don’t need to know any details of Skyrim.
Inspiration from @fanficsforheartandsoul
Geralt of Rivia x Male, Dragonborn Reader
Word Count: 3.7K
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Canon typical language
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Every muscle in his body burned with strain. Pain to the beat of the thundering heart that pounded within his tight chest.
The adrenaline that had driven him forward now left his arms aching and legs shaking, yet he held the hilt of his silver sword tighter and locked his knees into a defensive stance. In the pit of his stomach, he could feel bile threatening to rise at the overexertion.
The mud and grime clung to his boots, the ground beneath him over encompassed with moisture from the heavy rain that pelted down from the sky above, disturbing and churning the soil like dough until it almost became quicksand in viscosity; Boots sinking, pulling Y/N down while he tried to stand tall and on his guard.
His sodden hair was in his eyes and it stung, yet if he tried to blink it away he knew he'd miss a pivotal moment; That one millisecond that he knew the other would make his first move.
It was checkmate.
Several hours earlier...
The Edges of his leather armour were beginning to fray. Granted, they were cheap, but cost what little money the Dragonborn had been able to pickpocket from drunken noblemen. At least when he first found himself in Skyrim he had the aid of Ralof and a few of his friends in Riverwood, but on the continent, he had found himself alone. He would have taken another close shave with execution if it had meant a bit of coin, rather than being dumped in the middle of nowhere with nothing but the damp. freezing clothes he had been wearing.
Geralt caught his eye; his hand methodically moving a whetstone over his silver sword, the sound grating and unsettling to Y/N's ears. The other sat stiff, his back hunched as he worked with that usual stoic look that only ever seemed to leave his face when the moon turned blue.
"Geralt, I swear to god," Jaskier slammed his leather-bound notebook shut on his lap, "An artist cannot work with you making all that racket."
Geralt gave an unconcerned grunt.
"Composing already?" Y/N spoke up, humouring the bard as it was too early in the morning for one of their one-sided arguments. He didn't pause his work restitching the looser threading on his armour; As it was a skill he spent so long performing he was able to divide his attention.
"I felt quite inspired... by you actually, just Y/N."
The casual smile drifted from his face and he shook his head, still facing down at his work, "I've had songs written about me before, can't say I enjoyed them." Geralt's eye line flickered up from his sword to look at the others for a second, a sign that his interest had been peaked.
"I've got to hear this, sing one for us," Jaskier sat forward on his seat/rock.
"When we've slain this dragon and you've paid for a few rounds of ale, then I'll think about it."
"You know, you two are a pair of grumpy gits. Neither of you knows how to have fun, actual fun, not just killing things, drinking and fucking."
"Jaskier, not every man's idea of a good time is running away from an angry lord with his trousers bunched around his legs and dick blowing in the wind because he's just been having an affair with the lord's wife and three of his serving girls."
Jaskier was silent for a few moments before quietly replying, "It was four serving girls actually."
"You told me it was three."
"You told me two," Geralt spoke for the first time that morning, voice still laced with a hint of grogginess.
The rose coloured blush on Jaskier's cheeks that had been slowly spreading across his face was now beginning to reach down his neck.
"Jaskier?" Y/N drew out the syllables of his name as if he was a scolding parent talking to a misbehaving child.
After the intense gaze of his two companions became too much he finally broke, the entirety of his face turning cherry red. "Okay, okay jeez... There weren't any serving girls... and..."
"Go on," The other two leaned in as if it would peel the bard's sentence off of his tongue faster.
"... it was the lord's mother." The bard hung his head in suffocating embarrassment.
"Told you." Geralt called from his seat, a smug look on his face as Y/N tossed a small bag of coins his way.
"YOU BET ON IT?" Jaskier was about to explode.
"I knew you were desperate for a shag, but I didn't realise you'd go as far as a granny," Y/N's face twisted, feigning disgust in an attempt to further embarrass the bard.
"She looked younger after several tankards of mead... and in the dark." Y/N shook his head and stood, patting the top of Jaskier's head as he passed by and said nothing, furthering the bard to give reasons for his unfortunate choice in coupling. "I swear she didn't look sixty-four."
"Whatever you say."
Geralt cleared their temporary campsite of their gear while Y/N prepared their horses for the rest of their journey, all the while Jaskier continued to list excuses until it turned into senseless ramblings regarding one topic or another that rapidly fell into white noise.
The Dragonborn could sense the other Dovah close by.
There was a gentle hum in the air surrounding him; Jaskier was oblivious as he continued his chatter, but with how Geralt's knuckles had turned white from gripping the reigns of Roach he knew he could sense it too. It felt like small static shocks, prickling along with the exposed parts of his skin, brushing against his hands and kissing along his cheek. A sign of unbridled power lurking ahead.
Y/N stopped his horse and so Geralt, Jaskier taking a few seconds to notice the sudden halt, too absorbed in his own conversation with himself.
The forest was silent. No birds sung their songs, no horseflies buzzed around them, not even the leaves of the birch trees dared to move. Y/N could feel the anxiety of his horse through its gentle shaking, only following the commands given to it due to how it was bred and trained.
Without a word spoken between them, Geralt and Y/N dismounted, Jaskier following shortly after, a confused look on his face when he noticed the jagged change in mood of his companions.
"Stay with the horses," Geralt spoke first, Jaskier rolled his eyes and pulled the reins of the horses to tie them to the closest trees.
"And why do I have to stay with the horses?"
"Because I don't want to have to carry your charred corpse back."
"... that's fair."
Y/N had already notched his first arrow and pulled the bow slightly taunt, easily holding the light pressure steady. The weapon was held by his side, the arrow pointing to the ground and his non-dominant arm straight, ready to lift it up into a position to fire. His back was hunched as he crept through the shoulder height bushes, keeping his footsteps slow and purposeful, as to make as little noise as possible on the detritus of dry leaves and fallen twigs beneath his feet. Geralt followed close by in a similar stance, only he traded a bow for a silver sword, the blade facing backwards so it trailed behind him.
The area around them lacked adequate cover from the fire of a dragon's breath, save for a few protruding rocks; short in height, but wide in length. There were no broad trees that would be able to take a few seconds of a burning onslaught, only partially grown saplings and half bald bushes.
They were too out in the open and held the disadvantage regarding territory; they needed to be the ones to initiate the attack and for that first strike to truly count.
The dragon sat just a few metres ahead, on flat clear ground. They were the same colour as obsidian, only with the usual shine of the freshly cut rock dulled by a build-up of fine dust. With their wings partially extended to relax comfortably, the Dragonborn could see where the skin frayed at the edge, like a worn fabric, signifying great use and age. The horns protruding from their forehead twisted and curled behind it, spinning together as if in a dance.
They were nuzzling a shallow wound on their back, right leg. There were five claw marks from another frantic beast it had most likely threatened just by their presence alone. The bleeding had stopped and it looked a few days old, but in such an area it still hurt the dragon to move and apply pressure to that leg. Their right side would be more vulnerable, attacks they would make using their right would threaten to throw them off balance.
Y/N stopped and sat with one knee in the dirt and one leg ready to push up and run. His non-dominant arm lifted up the bow in the direction of the dragon, while his dominant arm pulled back the string. His thumb was pressing into the fat of his cheek and he closed one eye to aim. He could feel the tension of the wood burning in the muscles of his back, the bow feeling as if it was about to snap under the tight pressure.
The Dragonborn aimed the arrow just below his target and fired.
The string made a deep 'twang' noise as tension was rapidly released, followed by the pained shout of the dragon. The tail end of the arrow he had just fired could be seen buried in the dragon's golden, left eye, blood already running down its face, outlining the shape of its scales in a deep red, almost brown colour.
Geralt ran forward from behind Y/N, sword raised and already cutting through the air before the dragon could recover.
The beast made their first strike in retaliation, using the length and size of their large, right-wing to push Geralt back, sweeping across the ground in front of them, pushing up dirt and gravel. In an attempt to shield his eyes from the debris, Geralt raised his left arm but temporarily blinded himself in doing so.
The dragon used this opportunity to push back on their hind legs and use their body mass to plummet on Geralt with their front legs. Just before that moment, Y/N had used a chance of his own to pull his sword from its sheath and run behind the dragon while it was focused on the other. He brought his sword down on their right, back leg, the sudden wave of pain on an already weaker limb caused them to lose their balance as it buckled beneath the weight. They swung their wings frantically in an attempt to right themselves, hitting Y/N, sending him tumbling backwards.
Y/N grunted as his back hit the ground, immediately rolling to the side as the dragon's tail came flying towards his head. He ducked back down just in time to miss the spear-like spike that was on the end of their tail, the barbs just knicking his cheek and missing his eye by an inch.
When Y/N turned he could see Geralt push his sword through the left-wing of the dragon, running with the sword still piercing the flesh, tearing the wing apart. The thin, now loose skin hung from the muscles it was still attached to, the edges trimmed with pink of the fresh cells beneath. In anger, the dragon went for Geralt with its jaw wide open, a blaze of red hot fire following its movement.
Geralt was fast enough to drop to the floor and roll away from the blaze behind one of the larger basalt rocks that surrounded their natural arena. The dragon continued to channel fire in his direction, causing the rocks to glow bright orange with the heat.
"KRII LUN AUS!" The Dragonborn let out a shout in the tongue he shared with the dovah and the beast turned in a state of bewilderment as a wave of barreling, bright blue light came barreling towards them. For a moment the beast was stunned, but they quickly shook off the effect of the dragon shout.
"TARATHO'OR," They bellowed in return, before shrieking out another cry of fire.
Y/N ran beneath the dragon, spinning as he swung for its stomach, cutting at the thick, unprotected skin that lay there. Blood from the deep gash spurted into the Dragonborn's face, the red painting his leathers and exposed skin. It was warm and he could feel the splatters of the fresh liquid already running down his face, soaking into his hair and skin.
The dragon within him called out their encouragement.
He couldn't deny that the blood felt good on his skin. It made his heart beat fast enough that he could hear the pounding in his ears as it pumped blood filled with his fear fueled adrenalin to every muscle in his body.
Y/N had been distracted only a second by the feeling before a hand made of claws swiped towards him. He deflected the attack just quick enough that it missed him, the sword vibrating as it hit the hardened talons. From the edge of his vision, he saw Geralt charging, using the dragon's steered away focus to power a final blow.
The Dragonborn roared in newfound anger, bolting for Geralt and catching him by surprise, unlocking the opportunity to grip the witcher's shoulder and throw him back with an unnatural strength. Geralt fell against the floor in a deep cry, the wind being knocked from his lungs as his back hit a series of rocks that jutted out at awkward angles.
Y/N didn't pay the other any attention, his eyes trained on the dragon before him. His vision had clouded into a light topaz colour, the edges rimmed in a deeper red just bordering on crimson. The dragon was hunched over, bracing themselves on their front legs with what energy they had left. Their head hung low enough that Y/N could leap from the ground and, with his free hand, grip onto one of their oversized horns.
The dragon thrashed their neck, in a final attempt to throw the Dragonborn off, yet it was too weak. Y/N almost stumbled for a second, but held onto its horn with a firm grip, before plunging his sword into the softest part of the dragon's skull, just between their eyes, on the flattest part. He felt the bone break with the force and continued pushing until the hilt pushed against the dragon's scales.
The dragon collapsed.
It only took a couple of seconds until he felt it - a few more until he could see it.
Spirals of bright energy were ripped from the dragon's corpse, collecting just above the Dragonborn in a circular ball of glowing gold. The soul gave out one last wail; the supernatural shape mirroring the form of the body it mourns before Y/N reach his hand and felt himself drink in its power through his skin.
And then there was quiet, just before the rain started.
A small trickle at first that quickly became a tremendous downpour, quickly soaking the two men and the dirt ground beneath their feet. Y/N could feel those piercing yellow eyes akin to a cat's, but paid them no mind, too absorbed in the known power running through him anew.
The Dragonborn held up his hand where he had first felt the soul of his kin touch him - His fingertips still tingled. He felt the energy move through the branches of capillaries in his arm and meet in the thicker tunnels of his veins. With how rapidly his heart was beating it didn't take long for the feeling of that dragon's spirit to completely wash over him. Y/N couldn't even feel the rain pouring down on him, he just indulged in the feeling of familiarity.
It took several moments for him to ground himself again. The rain was ice cold and he still held onto the buried sword with what strength he had left to balance himself on top of the dragon's deceased body.
Geralt had not lowered his sword.
Y/N pulled the weapon free, causing it to make an abhorrent wet, fleshy sound. The dark blood that coated the metal was quickly washed away by the harsh rain, leaving the blade gleaming and looking all the more sharp and dangerous. His vision still hadn't corrected itself, his eyes still held the reptile-like shape of the creature he had just slain.
The dragon now thrashed loudly inside Y/N's chest, growling and lashing to taste more blood. It no longer cared who's, it just needed more of that victory.
The now sodden mud splattered as Y/N's feet hit the ground.
He kept his eyes trained on Geralt, who returned the courtesy, and raised his sword to mirror the Witcher's defensive stance. He cocked his head and bared his teeth like an animal, attempting to goad the Witcher into attacking first and breaking his own defence.
The Dragonborn grew impatient. Fueled by the war cry of the dragon within him, he propelled himself forward, leaping up and bringing his sword down on Geralt. Pushing up on the slick mud didn't give him the height he desired and while the strength was enough to knock the Witcher backwards a step, it was slow enough that the movement was easily parried.
The clanging of metal was dampened by the rain but still rung loud in Y/N's ears.
Exerting another push of strength, he used the contact of their swords to push Geralt back further, giving him a chance to throw his sword forward again. His attacks were not calculated, only fueled by the animalistic desire to hurt his opponent, making them easy to evade and block.
Y/N growled and threw another hit, but with a larger strike. Geralt turned to avoid and made the first attack of his own; Beginning with his sword, securing a basic hit that Y/N easily blocked,. With his attention drawn to the blade, Geralt took the chance to raise his boot and kick him firmly in the chest, hard enough to send Y/N to the ground, losing his sword in the process.
The Dragonborn let out a cry of frustration and pushed himself up just enough to grip onto Geralt's left calf and pull his leg out from under him in one quick motion. Grime and filth covered them both now, dirtying their leathers and socking into the cotton of their under armour. It weighed them both down; Along with the exerted stamina of the previous fight, their movements were clumsy and sluggish.
Managing to bring himself to all fours, Y/N threw himself forward to try and land a fist on Geralt. His hand collided with cheek once before his wrist was grabbed and he was pulled down back into the mud, the Witcher on top of him. He felt hard, calloused knuckles strike his cheek once and then twice, his ears ringing and head dizzying with the amount of force. The other hand that was still wrapped around his wrist pushed his dominant arm further into the malleable ground beneath him.
With the third hit, he was brought back into the moment. He reached his free hand up - his movements hindered with how heavy his limbs felt - and dug his nails into the skin of Geralt's cheek, tearing the skin enough to draw fresh blood. The Witcher's hold on Y/N wavered only a moment at the new sensation of pain, but it was opportunity enough for him to roll them over.
In the same second, Y/N straddled Geralt's chest, digging his knees into his biceps to keep them held in place. His hands were wrapped around the other's neck, watching and feeling as the muscles strained and his pulse began to race. He watched as Geralt's mouth spasmed open and closed, trying to draw in breath. The Dragonborn squeezed harder, pushing his nails into the skin until they drew red.
With his attention so enthralled with taking Geralt's breath, Y/N didn't notice Geralt's right hand reaching out, his fingertips just brushing the handle of his sword. Y/N didn't notice the glimmer of wet metal until punctured his side, several inches of silver embedded in his lower torso.
Y/N's vision had finally cleared.
The hold he had on Geralt's neck slowly loosed and he heard the other take in a deep gasp of air. He pulled his hands away from Geralt in a mix of shock and confusion, before reaching for the blade that had penetrated him.
Without thought, Y/N pulled the blade out, whimpering at the pain of the sharp edge moving against the exposed nerves. He pressed a hand to his side, putting pressure on the wound to stop the blood flowing from the deep cut. He looked around him, clearly disorientated. The world spun as he tried to stand and he found himself back in the mud, on his knees and clutching his side harder.
"...Geralt," He didn't recognise his own voice with how weak and breathy it sounded. With black dots clouding his sight he lost his balance and found his back hitting the ground again, barely able to make out the Witcher's form beside him. He didn't turn to face him; Whether it was guilt, shame or just lacking the energy it took to turn his head he couldn't bring himself to do it.
"Zu'u los Krosis." Y/N heard himself mutter quietly with what he had left. He watched as the rain fell from the clouds above, blinking when the droplets hit his eyes, until his eyelids were finally too heavy to keep open and the world went dark. In his final moments of consciousness, he felt the crisp rain hitting his skin and a warm, ungloved hand pressing into his cheek before the ground beneath him fell from under him.
The final part - 3/05/22
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late-nite-scholar · 2 years
Day 4- Moonlight/Sacrifice
Prompt used- Moonlight
Wordcount- ~1191
Warnings: None
I wrote something a bit different today. Totally not in my normal tense or POV. And, I wanted to use a different character (Wolf Twin love will resume tomorrow, most likely). This is an alternative take on immediately post-Helgen Skyrim.
"Meet me in the hayloft, if you're still interested." Ralof’s voice, low and soft against your ear, makes your breath catch. His hand squeezes your shoulder gently, and then he's out the door.
You sit, frozen, listening to your heart beat ever faster. It’s so loud in your ears you’re sure Gerdur can hear it from across the room. You wait a few minutes, trying to calm your nerves. Gerdur notices as you stand and head for the door. She says nothing, but she knows where you're going, and why. You see a small smile lift the corner of her mouth, and you hope that means it's okay. You really hope so. You like Gerdur and her family. They’ve showed you more kindness than almost anyone else had since you came to this province. Only one has done more. 
And now, you're headed out to meet him. You're nervous, and you try to shake the feeling. This was your idea after all. You’d said it, almost impulsively, after the dragon had finally disappeared from sight. You'd been huddled together behind a large rock formation as it had flown overhead. As if to remind you that the whole ordeal had been real and not some terrible dream.
“There he goes. Looks like he’s gone for good this time.” Ralof had said. You’d looked at one another, and then back out again. But the dragon didn’t return, and you’d both begun to laugh. After everything, after it seemed like the whole world was trying to kill you, you’d sat together and laughed. Or at least you had, until your eyes had met his again. You weren’t sure who’d moved first; maybe you’d moved at the same time. You’d kissed; furiously, victoriously.
Then you’d said it. "How about we make it out of here in one piece, and then tonight, after we get to Riverwood, we celebrate our survival properly? You and me and somewhere private?"
Now you’re at the barn. Your feet brought you here while your thoughts were elsewhere. But you don’t hesitate, slipping inside and pulling the door closed. You aren’t entirely sure who the barn belongs to, but you don’t believe there to be any danger. You’d learned to trust one another during your escape, and you’d both proven yourselves worthy of it. You knew he could have left you behind multiple times, abandoned you to save himself at any time from the moment the dragon landed. And he knew you could’ve done the same; given him up to the Imperials to save your own skin. But instead you’d fought shoulder-to-shoulder, and earned your freedom together.   
The loft ladder waits, and you carefully climb up. The loft door is open, and moons-light streams in. A bedroll sits on a small pile of hay, a pack beside it. They match the ones that are sitting in Gerdur’s house right now, that you’ll take with you in the morning.
Ralof’s there, carefully resheathing a knife at his belt. He gives you a wry grin. “I can’t be too careful.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” you reply with a laugh.
Neither of you are interested in any further preamble, and soon hands and lips are moving across skin as clothes are discarded. You find your way to the bedroll, the sweet smell of hay surrounding you. The need overwhelms you; to feel his hands, his lips, his body on yours. A few scant hours ago, you’d knelt at the headsman’s block, already wet with another man’s blood, and watched the axe rise to take your head next. But you’ve both been given a second chance, and you plan to make the most of it. To make the most of this night. Because tomorrow you part ways, maybe forever.
But soon that thought is pushed from your mind. Perhaps it’s the rush of your escape, or the bond you’d made during it, or perhaps the gods themselves put you together, but Ralof seems to know every right place to touch you, every best place to kiss you. His hands are big and rough, but gentle. They move deftly over your body as if he’s always known it. His name falls from your lips over and over, and he whispers yours back like a prayer. The rest of the world retreats. There are no duties, no promises, no obligations here. There is only you and him, the sweetness of the hay, and the moons-light washing everything in silver.
Eventually, as it must, the night ends. You fall asleep in each other’s arms. You’ve never felt so safe. So cared for. You do not dream of the great, black dragon, nor of how you fought to escape its fire. You simply rest.
When you open your eyes, sunlight streams in through the loft door. You give a start. You’re alone. Icy cold twists your gut.
You’re alone.
“Did you think I was going to leave without saying goodbye?” He’s sitting to one side, eating breakfast. You see a second plate of food on a tray, and your pack beside it. He smiles, his eyes as bright and blue as the sky outside.
 “Gerdur had to head out early to the mill. But she sent along something for you to eat. Hard to travel on an empty stomach.”
 You come and sit beside him, but you pick at your food. Being reminded of what’s about to happen robs you of your appetite. It sits like a weight in your chest. You knew it was coming, but you’re still not ready.
He sees this, and puts a hand on your back. His fingers trace up and down your spine. “I’ve been thinking. Whiterun isn’t too far out of my way, and if we could get horses in the city it would make up for any lost time. If you think that’s a good idea?”
The plate drops from your hands. You turn and throw your arms around him. “You would really come with me?”
“Of course. We shouldn’t be traveling alone, anyway. Too dangerous. Better we stick together, right?”     
He holds you tighter for a quick moment, and murmurs against your cheek, “and I can’t… I can’t bear the thought of leaving you.”
“And I don’t want you to leave.”
“Then we go together.”
When you leave Riverwood, you feel like you’re walking on air. You’ve both hidden your cloaks in the bottoms of your packs, and replaced them with ones of nondescript green. Ralof doubts you’d be welcome in Whiterun if you show up in full Stormcloak blue, and you’re inclined to agree. And taking Gerdur’s message is more important than politics right now. You’ll put them back on once you start out for Windhelm.
But none of that matters at the moment. You have Ralof by your side and the road in front of you. He smiles, brighter than the sun itself, and puts his arm around your shoulders.
“Should we go?” He asks, and plants a kiss on your forehead.
“Yes. We have a message, and we should see it gets delivered.”
“Lead on, then.”
And so you go into your destiny. But you don’t go alone.      
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Character + Lore
*These are all concept drawings*
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Owner of the squealing boar, named after he killed a boar on a hunting trip only to realis it was a mother (he believes in killing only the old or childless boars so he doesn't wipe them out) so he raised the baby boars as his own and became vegetarian, he is 150 cm (4'11).
Makes the best wild berry pie in all of Ravenwood. Is every ones grandpa
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Ralfo is a skyrim reference
Yin Lin
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Their name is a play on Y/n L/n cause i couldn't decide whether to make this an x reader so now it can be read as both.
Yin is a traveling therapist.
Ravenwood + the valley
Ravenwood is located in a closed off valley with streams running through the mountain's, there is one river leading out surrounded by a blacksmiths village
Riverwood is in the "center" of the world. in the mountains surrounding there are multiple temples carved into the mountain.
History of the community
The mountains were originally inhabited by the raven harpies' who invited monks to live along side them after the monks showed them kindness. after years of living as one refugees from allover asked for help from the monks in return they offered their special services.
over time the community grows with other refugees, forming Ravenwood. leading to multiple secret passages in, due to the difficulty to get in. Raven wood is MASSIVE, so there is a variety of terrains and job opportunities, but one of the most common things to come across was springs they are EVERYWHERE. Majority of the valley is watery even Ravenwood's "town square" is located on a massive lake.
Legends + Mythology
The Eternal springs is an everlasting spring forever warm and undisturbed , isolated from all, in the midst of a snowy mountain, yet never gets cold. It's said that whoever bathes is the pristine water becomes immortal in life span. It dose NOT heal. It's said only 3 have ever found the spring, Great Monk Girya, The grandfather to all and the red blizzard. The last twos name being forgotten to time.
Aesthetic is mixed but mostly south east/ east Asian
Percaline steampunk
Lore ideas is appreciated
1 note · View note
artsyfangirl · 3 years
Ok, people, I am actually in desperate need. Fanfic recs for Skyrim x reader, preferably Dragonborn reader, but the catch is reader has no idea what they’re doing!
Basically like the Isekai fics, which, btw, we need more modern character in Skyrim fics, but yeah.
Primarily focused on Farkas, Vilkas, Ralof, Brynjolf, and MAAAYYYBBBEEE Ulfric x reader.
I have been scouring the internet. I REALLY NEED HELP, DANGIT.
19 notes · View notes
datorchoe · 4 years
Heyyyyyy since hug headcannons turned out amazing, can I get some kissie headcannons for StormCloaks if you do that?
*Steven the Clydesdale rides in with this post on his saddle* Here ya are my dear! 
Ulfric Stormcloak
- Ulfric is a pretty good kisser, granted that he has the time and is in the right spot. If you all are in front of people or something then the most you're gonna get is a quick peck on the lips or forehead. 
- If the two of you are alone though, he’ll kiss you till kingdom come (heh get it?). He’s a very passionate kisser. He’ll just hold you in his arms and kiss you for hours. 
- His favorite place to kiss you is your hands. Mans is a bit of a gentleman and he loves seeing you blush as he kisses your hands during like a party or something. 
- His favorite place to be kissed is his cheek. He just finds it so cute and innocent. Like he’ll be speaking to a high ranking official and you’ll just come by and kiss his cheek and keep walking. The official is like 0_0
Galmar Stone-Fist
- Galmar is just straight up violent about his kisses. Like everytime he sees you he just tackles you and kisses you. Doesn’t matter who is around or what important thing is occurring, no God or mortal will stop him from kissing his boo. 
- Galmar isn’t the best kisser in the world, but mans will take your breath away if you two can escape duties long enough. Ulfric has found you two making out in a closet more than once. He wants to die. 
- His favorite place to kiss you is on the lips. Why go for your forehead or something and half-ass it when you can just go straight in for the kill?? 
- His favorite place to be kissed is on his back. Like kiss his bare shoulder blades or something and he is all yours. 
- Ralof is very conservative about his kisses. Very rarely will you get a kiss in public, especially around people he’s acquainted with. Maybe just a peck on the cheek, but not much else. 
- But when you're in private, oh boy. Ralof will literally tackle you and kiss you all over your face. 
- His favorite place to kiss you is behind your ear. You always jump when he comes up behind you. 
- His favorite place to be kissed is on his forehead. He just finds that small gesture so sweet.
93 notes · View notes
sonnefuchs · 3 years
Fanfic Masterlist
Someday, there will be cocks.
🌶🌶 = 18+
Assassin’s Creed
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
Elder Scrolls
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
By the Gods!
First Time?
Helios Rises
My Elysium
Nothing More Beautiful
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla Masterlist
Come Rattle These Bones
Fate is Not Done with Us
Keep Your Secrets
We Have the Night
Hytham Masterlist
A Warm Welcome
A Change
A Friendly Battle
How Far Down
Have You Ever
Might As Well Stay 🌶🌶
Never Too Drunk
Silver and Death
Sucking Dick and Taking Names 🌶🌶
Sunsets and Rivers
To Be King
Wandering Hands
Ivarr x Reader Saga?
Repton II
Tamworth 🌶🌶
Caustow Castle
Ravensthorpe 🌶🌶
Broom Closet for Two 🌶🌶
In These Arms
Might as Well Stay 🌶🌶
A Little Longer
Not My Time
To Be Yours, Tonight
A Map of Life
By My Side
I Could Get Used to This
My Catch
My Raven
Stolen My Heart
Skyrim Masterlist
A Simple Septim
Captain Aldis
Book Lovers
Captain Lonely-Gale
Storms and Stories
Erik the Slayer
A Dragon’s Call
Grand Entrance
Ulfric Masterlist
Cheese Wheels
Characters Seeing You Steal Cheese Wheels
83 notes · View notes
datorchoe · 4 years
I’m gonna try my best to keep up with this, but knowing how lazy I am, it won’t go well lol. But here it is! All of my writings so far! If a link doesn’t work/you know something is missing please let me know!
- Tribunal Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/633990954840473600/my-dude-hear-me-out-tribunal-hugcanons 
- Tribunal Relationship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634008432301719552/spare-a-crum-crum-for-the-deprived-%E0%B2%A5-%CA%96%E0%B2%A5 
- Ancano, Ondolemar being cold toward Reader: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635257060872912896/cold-acano-or-ondolemar-headcanons
- Ancano w/Mage S/O (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635157432800247808/acano-with-a-master-mage-db-headcanons-nsfw-if
- Ancano w/Selective Mute HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635805876243070976/selective-mute-db-x-acano 
- Teldryn, Neloth, Ancano w/Dwemer/Snow Elf S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635180648958722048/so-i-always-wondered-what-my-mer-babys-would-do 
- Teldryn, Talvas, Ancano w/Selective Mute after a bad day: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635902061019627520/selective-mute-db-x-tel-or-tal-and-acano-she 
- Ancano Writing Prompt: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/645877255055228928/if-youre-taking-requests-may-i-have-a-small 
- Divayth Fyr, Aryon HC’s (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/638676802477473792/sfw-and-nsfw-headcanons-for-divayth-fyr-and-master 
- Ashur HC’s (SFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/638688418181840897/romance-headcanons-for-ashur-dear 
- Athis, Brand-Shei, Erandur, Neloth, Ralis, Revyn, Teldryn Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634142177266663424/if-you-dont-write-for-some-of-them-thats-fine 
- Babette being lifted: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634868026943127552/how-do-you-think-babette-would-react-to-being 
- Balgruuf Dadcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635275265319239680/omg-more-on-the-dad-balgruf-headcanons-them  + https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635268071570997248/ooo-dad-headcanons-for-jarl-balgruf-him-just-like 
- Balgruuf’s adopted kid S*lf H*rms: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635455534991130624/dad-balgruf-headcanons-for-a-depressed-or-slf 
- Athis, Brand-Shei, Erandur, Neloth, Ralis, Revyn, Teldryn Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634142177266663424/if-you-dont-write-for-some-of-them-thats-fine 
Camoran Aderan
- Camoran Aderan Caring and NSFW HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635808183812800512/vestige-x-king-camoran-headcanons-caring-or-and 
- Camoran Aderan snuggling and kissing HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641709640446623744/snuggle-and-maybe-kiss-drable-or-headcanon 
Captain Veleth
- Captain Veleth Relationship & NSFW HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636955173311463424/db-x-captain-veleth-nsfw-or-sfw 
- Cicero w/Listener Reader: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636155649199357952/listener-dragonborn-x-cicero-headcanons 
- “Pain of the Past” (Cicero X Reader): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/633081841751097344/pain-of-the-past-cicero-x-listenerreader 
- Hug & Kiss Canons w/Cicero: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/645879302459736064/kiss-and-hugcanons-for-cicero-love-your-writing 
Clavicus Vile
- Clavicus Vile HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634903512681152512/might-i-have-some-more-headcanons-of-lord-clavicus 
- Clavicus Vile Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634802890229301248/c-clavicus-vile-hugcanons 
- Clavicus Vile HC’s (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/639149617739628544/sfw-and-nsfw-headcanons-for-clavicus-vile  
Darien Gautier 
- Romance HC’s w/Darien: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/645883383880253440/romance-headcanons-for-darien-gautier 
Divayth Fyr
- Divayth Fyr General HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635252514510569472/i-just-saw-your-headcanons-for-yagrum-bagarn-and-i 
- Divayth Fyr Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637423297854832640/if-there-havent-already-been-some-divayth-fyr 
- Divayth Fyr, Aryon HC’s (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/638676802477473792/sfw-and-nsfw-headcanons-for-divayth-fyr-and-master 
- Divayth Fyr, Neloth w/Affectionate S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641709541539692544/oh-my-god-why-why-must-you-do-this-now-i-have-a
- Divayth w/Sick/Hurt S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/642239401912631296/yesss-someone-else-loves-the-old-wizards-as-much
Eno Hlaalu
- Eno Hlaalu Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637338926916485120/hugcanons-for-eno-hlaalu 
- Eno Hlaalu HC’s (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637709739467358208/i-love-your-headcanons-glad-to-see-that 
- Enthir Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635462448229613568/bro-u-forgot-enthir-in-the-college-wheres-my 
- Teldryn, Ralis, Enthir, Faendal, Neloth, Revyn Ear HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635454995708395521/can-i-get-uhhhhhhhhhhhhh-teldryn-seroralis 
- Athis, Brand-Shei, Erandur, Neloth, Ralis, Revyn, Teldryn Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634142177266663424/if-you-dont-write-for-some-of-them-thats-fine
- Erandur, Gelebor Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636531722978295808/if-hugcanons-are-still-a-thing-maybe-uhh-gelebor 
- Thalmor Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636538544140206080/thalmor-and-how-they-kiss-headcannons-estormo 
- Faendal Friendship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635269972468318208/friendship-headcanons-for-faendal-after-you-do-the 
- Teldryn, Ralis, Enthir, Faendal, Neloth, Revyn Ear HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635454995708395521/can-i-get-uhhhhhhhhhhhhh-teldryn-seroralis 
Falk Firebeard
- Falk Firebeard Relationship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637328495043854336/any-thirst-headcanons-for-falk-firebeard-i-think 
- Farengar w/Smart DB (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635447452745498624/super-clever-db-x-fanenger-this-wizard-needs 
- Farengar X Reader HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634967842095284224/okay-so-i-sorta-kinda-liked-farengar-for-a-while 
- Wolf Twins w/Pregnant Reader: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634817763679092737/literally-anything-you-got-with-the-companions 
- Fennorian HC’s (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636993296561045504/fennorian-sfw-nsfw-headcanons-love-this  
- Fennorian HC’s: how does he kiss, what does he like in vestige, vestige is a virgin, reaction on pregnancy (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637182434995322881/fennorian-headcanons-how-does-he-kiss-what-does 
- Verandis, Fennorian, Gwendis Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636959870777753600/how-about-verandis-fennorian-and-gwendis 
- Verandis, Fennorian w/Short S/O (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637517832942403584/any-headcanons-for-fennorian-or-verandis-with-a 
- Fennorian Drabble (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637761928187543552/sorry-i-had-meant-an-nsfw-drabble-for-fenn 
- Fennorian w/S/O with burn scars: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/640232850981109761/hiya-i-have-a-vestige-whos-face-and-body-are 
Galmar Stone-Fist
- Galmar Drabble (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635274824236810240/i-have-returned-just-had-a-few-bad-days-and 
- Galmar w/Chubby S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636157983274008576/can-i-get-galmar-with-a-overweight-partner-ive 
- Galmar w/Pregnant S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635766011786870784/being-pregnant-with-galmar-stone-fists-baby 
- Siddgeir, Galmar Stone-Fist w/Short S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637690035629686784/any-headcannons-for-a-short-im-talking-like 
- Galmar, Siddgeir w/Pets: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637782820033642496/hiii-kevin-wants-me-to-read-him-about-galmar-with 
Garan Marethi
- Vingalmo, Garan Marethi HCs (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/640698171356512256/sfw-and-nsfw-headcanons-for-vingalmo-and-garan
- Erandur, Gelebor Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636531722978295808/if-hugcanons-are-still-a-thing-maybe-uhh-gelebor 
- Gelebor, Neloth, Ondolemar w/Recovering S*lf H*rmer: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635693312906575872/self-harming-db-recovery-linked-with-the-last 
- Gelebor, Neloth, Ondolemar w/S*lf H*rming S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635355545325502464/i-dont-know-if-you-do-sensitive-topics-like-self 
- Gelebor, Neloth, Teldryn, Ondolemar w/Pregnant S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635520230923403264/crazy-intelligent-db-is-pregnant-x-gelebor 
- Gelebor, Neloth, Teldryn, Ondolemar w/Twins: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635695750872956929/crazy-intelligent-db-ends-up-having-twins-x 
- Gelebor, Vyrthur HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637421318995935232/so-im-playing-dawnguard-dlc-right-i-may-or-may 
- Gelebor Drabble: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636346869972451328/maybe-a-gelebor-x-reader-to-soothe-the-soul 
- Gelebor NSFW HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636154617167822848/nsfw-headcanons-gelebor 
- Verandis, Fennorian, Gwendis Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636959870777753600/how-about-verandis-fennorian-and-gwendis 
- Ralof, Hadvar Friends to Lovers HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635269369602211840/friends-to-lovers-headcanons-for-ralof-and-hadvar 
Hermaeus Mora
- Hermaeus Mora w/Grieving Reader: Part 1: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636536589644873729/may-i-order-a-uhhh-a-romantic-headcanons-and-or-a, Part 2: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637718793467101184/this-is-part-two-for-the-first-mora-with-grieving 
- Hermaeus Mora w/Injured S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637427073368145920/okay-okay-im-the-anon-who-keeps-requesting 
- Hermaeus Mora x reader HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634972814265499648/can-i-order-a-uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh-hermaeus-mora-x 
- Hermaeus Mora HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637715880141340672/folds-hands-together-i-forget-if-i-sent 
Hircine Hug & Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641709719967399936/recently-completed-hircines-quest-how-about 
- Inigo w/Secretly soft Reader: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634504448431046656/inigo-x-reader-in-which-reader-is-lorg-and-quiet 
- Jyggalag General & Relationship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635181980632449024/any-headcanons-for-jyggalag-also-in-order-for 
- Jyggalag Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636978929592369152/hugcanons-for-jyggy 
- Sheogorath, Jygalaag Hug & Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641864685819461632/hug-and-kiss-canon-for-the-daedric-prince-of-chaos
Lucien Lachance
- Lucien Lachance, Vicente Valtieri w/Pregnant S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634870175858147328/oh-my-god-i-just-saw-the-pregnancies-stuff-how 
- Vicente Valteri, Lucien Lachance Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641709687432265728/kisscanons-for-vicente-valtieri-and-lucien 
- Lucien Lachance, Vicente Valtieri w/S/O who doesn’t like sleeping alone: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/642340828041396224/how-would-lucien-lachance-and-vicente-valtieri
- Malacath Comforting Reader: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634736211405291520/1-if-you-ever-need-ideas-wanna-talk-about 
- Malborn Drabble (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637688221369761792/can-i-get-something-small-and-smutty-with-malborn 
- Mannimarco NSFW HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636345394696159232/nsfw-mannimarco-headcanons-please 
- Marcurio First Kiss HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635271727956541440/oh-boy-ok-first-kiss-hcs-with-marcurio-hmhhng 
- Marcurio Fluff & NSFW HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635267507395133440/soft-nsfw-and-fluffy-headcanons-for-marcurio 
- Marcurio Heat HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635268385825079296/sfhzfhjdgh-can-i-get-that-heat-hc-but-with 
- Marcurio w/Pregnant Reader: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636533907056164864/marcurio-x-pregnant-reader 
Martin Septim
- Martin Septim Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636957597827792896/martin-septim-hugcanons
- Naemon SFW HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637704132518707200/you-know-its-me-xd-i-need-some-sill-or-nae-bae 
- Naemon w/Affectionate S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641709612889997313/well-my-request-is-have-fun-with-it-up-to-you-i 
- Namira General & Relationship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635264571795456000/youve-been-doing-some-daedra-headcannons-so-how 
- Nazir General & Relationship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635805024370491392/nazir-headcanons 
- Athis, Brand-Shei, Erandur, Neloth, Ralis, Revyn, Teldryn Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634142177266663424/if-you-dont-write-for-some-of-them-thats-fine 
- Neloth Dadcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/628842293166817280/thinking-about-dadneloth-tonight 
- “Poker” Neloth drabble: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/628062858110009344/poker-neloth-x-reader 
- Neloth, Vivec w/D*ppressed S/O (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/639689084641705984/you-probably-know-who-it-is-can-i-have-nsfw
- Neloth Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641709458694848512/maybe-some-neloth-hugcanons-if-youre-still-doing 
- Divayth Fyr, Neloth w/Affectionate S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641709541539692544/oh-my-god-why-why-must-you-do-this-now-i-have-a 
- Neloth buying girl scout cookies for S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/642239401912631296/yesss-someone-else-loves-the-old-wizards-as-much
- Neloth w/Sick&Injured S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/645880493297074176/could-this-one-get-some-neloth-x-injuredsick
- Ancano, Ondolemar being cold toward Reader: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635257060872912896/cold-acano-or-ondolemar-headcanons 
- Ondolemar HC’s (SFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/633554169471582208/ondolemar-x-reader-hcs 
- Relaxing with Ondolemar: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/645884839513423872/i-want-some-cuddles-and-kisses-from-ondolemar-or 
- Parthurnaax Relationship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635270684105490432/oh-my-god-wait-relationship-headcanons-with 
- Athis, Brand-Shei, Erandur, Neloth, Ralis, Revyn, Teldryn Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634142177266663424/if-you-dont-write-for-some-of-them-thats-fine 
- Teldryn, Ralis, Enthir, Faendal, Neloth, Revyn Ear HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635454995708395521/can-i-get-uhhhhhhhhhhhhh-teldryn-seroralis 
- Ralof, Hadvar Friends to Lovers HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635269369602211840/friends-to-lovers-headcanons-for-ralof-and-hadvar 
Ravyn Imayrn
- Ravyn Imayn HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/640225873052729344/yo-can-i-get-some-nsfw-for-ravyn-imyan-thieves
Revyn Sadri
- Athis, Brand-Shei, Erandur, Neloth, Ralis, Revyn, Teldryn Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634142177266663424/if-you-dont-write-for-some-of-them-thats-fine 
- Teldryn, Ralis, Enthir, Faendal, Neloth, Revyn Ear HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635454995708395521/can-i-get-uhhhhhhhhhhhhh-teldryn-seroralis 
- Marrige Night Drabble (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641709408433422337/its-taken-me-forever-to-choose-who-to-marry-on-my 
- Ronthil Drabble (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/640690207676563456/yo-do-you-have-anything-for-ronthils-first-time
- Sanguine Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637424265856221184/sanguine-hugcanons 
- Sanguine Romance & NSFW HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636971076932501504/sanguine-romance-and-nsfw-headcanons 
- Sanguine Drabble (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/638687351602905089/could-i-perhaps-get-a-lil-smutty-drabble-w 
- Sanguine & Sheogorath have a party: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/642240418509193216/what-do-you-think-a-party-with-sheogorath-and
- Sheogorath Coffee Shop AU: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634787270399049728/sheogorath-would-see-you-reading-a-coffee-shop-au 
- Sheogorath Dadcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634733105639456768/appears-out-of-the-shadows-what-about-uncle 
- Sheogorath Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634802332585082880/psst-sheogorath-hugcanons 
- Sheogorath w/Pregnant reader: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637342488814813184/may-i-have-sheo-x-pregnant-reader 
- Sheogorath Drabble (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637723357980327936/can-i-get-uhhhh-a-little-smutty-sheogorath-story 
- Sheogorath, Jygalaag Hug & Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641864685819461632/hug-and-kiss-canon-for-the-daedric-prince-of-chaos
- Sanguine & Sheogorath have a party: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/642240418509193216/what-do-you-think-a-party-with-sheogorath-and
- Siddgeir, Gelebor being Smitten: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636157058153086976/helloo-i-was-wondering-whether-you-might-have 
- Siddgeir Drabble: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637043373624246272/i-just-want-siddgeir-simp-content-i-dont-have 
- Siddgeir, Galmar Stone-Fist w/Short S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637690035629686784/any-headcannons-for-a-short-im-talking-like 
- Galmar, Siddgeir w/Pets: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637782820033642496/hiii-kevin-wants-me-to-read-him-about-galmar-with 
Sotha Sil
- Vivec, Sotha Sil w/Pregnant S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634874137454788608/what-will-be-the-reaction-of-vivec-and-sotha-sil 
- Sotha Sil Dadcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637781054781014016/sotha-adoptive-dad-of-the-vestige-sil 
- Sotha Sil w/D*ppressed S/O (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637789201624104960/drabble-with-sotha-sill-and-depressed-vestige 
- Tribunal Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/633990954840473600/my-dude-hear-me-out-tribunal-hugcanons 
- Tribunal Relationship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634008432301719552/spare-a-crum-crum-for-the-deprived-%E0%B2%A5-%CA%96%E0%B2%A5 
- Sotha Sil Drabble (Implied D*ppresion): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/640227699461423104/sill-baby-or-vivec-baby-drabble-please-depressed 
- Sotha Sil, Vivec w/Preg with Twins S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641864799182045185/drabble-with-vivec-and-sotha-sill-first-holding 
- Talvas x reader HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635158796729204736/omg-what-about-talvas-headcanons-poor-lad 
- Teldryn, Talvas, Ancano w/Selective Mute after a bad day: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635902061019627520/selective-mute-db-x-tel-or-tal-and-acano-she 
- Teldryn, Talvas w/Selective Mute S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635260134033162240/selective-mute-x-tel-or-tal-teldryn-or-talvas 
Teldryn Sero
- Teldryn Sero Drabble “Ash”: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/627993910465167360/ash-teldryn-sero-x-reader 
- Athis, Brand-Shei, Erandur, Neloth, Ralis, Revyn, Teldryn Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634142177266663424/if-you-dont-write-for-some-of-them-thats-fine 
- Gelebor, Neloth, Teldryn, Ondolemar w/Pregnant S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635520230923403264/crazy-intelligent-db-is-pregnant-x-gelebor 
- Gelebor, Neloth, Teldryn, Ondolemar w/Twins: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635695750872956929/crazy-intelligent-db-ends-up-having-twins-x 
- Neloth, Teldryn Sero, Gelebor w/Pregnant S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635254968046272512/db-being-pregnant-and-is-to-terrified-to-tell 
- Neloth, Teldryn w/Clumsy S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635462193371119616/what-about-a-clumsy-ldb-with-neloth-or-teldryn 
- Neloth, Teldryn w/Workaholic DB (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635156319163367424/ok-at-thank-you-do-much-neloth-or-teldryn-x 
- Ondolemar, Gelebor, Teldryn w/Touch-Starved S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635445449338306560/very-touch-starved-female-db-who-doesnt-know-how 
- Teldryn, Neloth, Ancano w/Dwemer/Snow Elf S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635180648958722048/so-i-always-wondered-what-my-mer-babys-would-do 
- Teldryn, Neloth, Gelebor w/Sensitive S/O (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635360623771942913/very-sensitive-mer-db-not-in-the-emotional 
- Teldryn, Neloth Heat HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635262941352116224/nsfw-request-db-who-is-normally-not-like-um-overly 
- Teldryn, Ondolemar, Neloth sharing a bath (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635710613363081216/db-x-tel-ol-or-neloth-sharing-a-bath-headcanons 
- Teldryn, Ralis, Enthir, Faendal, Neloth, Revyn Ear HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635454995708395521/can-i-get-uhhhhhhhhhhhhh-teldryn-seroralis 
- Teldryn, Talvas, Ancano w/Selective Mute after a bad day: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635902061019627520/selective-mute-db-x-tel-or-tal-and-acano-she 
- Teldryn, Talvas w/Selective Mute S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635260134033162240/selective-mute-x-tel-or-tal-teldryn-or-talvas 
- Teldryn Sero Dadcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634823165992992768/scrambles-out-of-air-vent-teldryn-sero-as-a-dad 
- Teldryn Sero HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634276521010462720/rattles-tin-can-spare-headcanons-for-teldryn 
- Teldryn Wedding Night Drabble (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/642339932917186560/the-drabble-you-did-for-revyn-was-so-good-but 
- Tolfdir adopting Reader HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635463200905871361/tolfdir-adopts-you-asmr-hc  
- Tolfdir adopting Reader HC’s (Part 2): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635463852292800512/college-of-winterhold-family-headcanons-where 
- Torvar HC’s (SFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/638679809212448768/maybe-some-headcanons-for-torvar-poor-fella-needs
Verandis Ravenwatch
- Verandis, Fennorian, Gwendis Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636959870777753600/how-about-verandis-fennorian-and-gwendis 
- Verandis, Fennorian w/Short S/O (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637517832942403584/any-headcanons-for-fennorian-or-verandis-with-a 
- Verandis Drabble (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637531665231675392/how-about-nsfw-story-for-verandis-please 
Vicente Valtieri
- Lucien Lachance, Vicente Valtieri w/Pregnant S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634870175858147328/oh-my-god-i-just-saw-the-pregnancies-stuff-how 
- Vicente Valteri, Lucien Lachance Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641709687432265728/kisscanons-for-vicente-valtieri-and-lucien
- Lucien Lachance, Vicente Valtieri w/S/O who doesn’t like sleeping alone: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/642340828041396224/how-would-lucien-lachance-and-vicente-valtieri 
- Wolf Twins w/Pregnant Reader: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634817763679092737/literally-anything-you-got-with-the-companions 
- Vingalmo, Garan Marethi HCs (SFW & NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/640698171356512256/sfw-and-nsfw-headcanons-for-vingalmo-and-garan
- Vivec, Sotha Sil w/Pregnant S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634874137454788608/what-will-be-the-reaction-of-vivec-and-sotha-sil 
- Vivec HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/638956221876076544/you-know-who-it-is-probably-vinecvehk-nsfw 
- Tribunal Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/633990954840473600/my-dude-hear-me-out-tribunal-hugcanons 
- Tribunal Relationship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634008432301719552/spare-a-crum-crum-for-the-deprived-%E0%B2%A5-%CA%96%E0%B2%A5 
- Neloth, Vivec w/D*ppressed S/O (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/639689084641705984/you-probably-know-who-it-is-can-i-have-nsfw
- Sotha Sil, Vivec w/Preg with Twins S/O: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/641864799182045185/drabble-with-vivec-and-sotha-sill-first-holding
- Gelebor, Vyrthur HC’s (NSFW): https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637421318995935232/so-im-playing-dawnguard-dlc-right-i-may-or-may 
- Vyrthur Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/640229009734729728/hugcanons-for-arch-curate-vyrthur 
Whiterun Guard
- Whiterun Guard Relationship HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635271329584742401/ok-so-i-saw-this-one-wattpad-thing-with-a-whiterun 
Yagrum Bagarn
- Yagrum Bagarn General HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635047140105830400/general-headcanons-for-yagrum-bagarn-last-living 
College of Winterhold
- CoW Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/633990846160699392/what-about-college-of-winterhold-hugcanons 
- CoW Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/635451945842278400/spare-any-college-of-winterhold-kissing-hcs 
Follower HC’s
- Quest Follower HC’s: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/627999985362944001/quest-followers-headcanons 
Grey-Mane Clan
- Grey-Mane Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637525273265504256/ooh-what-about-hugcanons-for-clan-greymane 
- Stormcloak Hugcanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/633968380797452288/i-just-found-the-hug-headcannons-post-of-yours-and 
- Stormcloak Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/634008124160933888/heyyyyyy-since-hug-headcannons-turned-out-amazing 
- Thalmor Kisscanons: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/636538544140206080/thalmor-and-how-they-kiss-headcannons-estormo 
Personal Writing
- “The Accursed Tale of Ugo Tumn”: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/637590666040508416/the-accursed-tale-of-ugo-tumn  
- “The Dreams of a Broken Man”: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/642242803755319296/the-dreams-of-a-broken-man 
- “Cold Nights, Warm Blankets”: https://datorchoe.tumblr.com/post/642343867931295744/cold-nights-warm-blankets 
134 notes · View notes