#ralts FIGHT
dakota-and-paris · 7 months
[A video from Roro's Rotomphone Signature]
[Take a look!]
[The video opens with the crunching of leaves and light snow beneath a pair of boots. Dakota can be heard chattering to some of the other pokemon.]
After a few moments of walking, they come upon a clearing in the White Forest, and within that clearing... is a ralts. Its horns are purple, upon seeing this, Dakota immediately motions for the pokemon following her to hush, and she ducks down into the bushes.
At the rustle of the leaves, the ralts turns. It seems... suspicious
[Pokemon translation mode active]
"...Who's there?"
The pokemon turns, and stares directly into the bushes.
"I can sense your emotions- I know someone is there!"
Dakota looks between her pokemon with a furrowed brow.
"uh.. um what do we do, I- didn't really have a plan."
Paris slaps a tasseled hand over his gem eye, making a frustrated noise. And floats out of the bush.
"ah... hello there. little one."
The ralts tenses up at Paris's appearance and speech. It then growls.
"You! You're not from around here! I don't like you!"
"I promise I mean you no harm."
Paris extends a tasseled hand to the ralts.
"My name is Paris, My trainer and friend Dakota is seeking strong companions-"
A psychic wave emits out from the Ralts, powerful enough for the group in the bushes to feel.
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"We're gonna fight! You think I'm gonna go with some strange pokemon and live life without the thrill of a fight?? No!! Fight me now!!"
A battle begins- though it mostly consists of Paris dodging as the Ralts tries to land a hit on him.
"Please we don't have to fight if you'd just listen-"
[RALTS used Psychic!]
[It's not very effective...]
"I'm not trying to hurt you, kid! I'm just trying to talk!"
"Well I don't wanna talk to you!"
The ralts sticks out its tongue to add insult to injury. Paris's eyelid twitches.
"I wanna FIGHT YOU!"
Paris looks about ready to hit the ralts with a move that would surely kill it- when Dakota finally emerges from the bushes.
"Hey!! Wait please-" She tries her best to put on a smile, trying to keep her emotions calm to hopefully calm this little spit fire of a ralts. "We can fight but- Can we make a deal first?"
"No!!! I wanna fight now- wait. lady did you understand me?"
The ralts looks curious- and Dakota smiles with a nod.
"Yup, I can talk to pokemon- But you don't wanna talk, right?"
The Ralts nods very determinedly.
"I wanna fight, and then I'm gonna evolve! I'm gonna be big and strong like my family!"
Dakota holds in a giggle and nods back.
"Okay, how about this then? I'll let you fight my buddy Paris here-" The ralts starts to wind up another attack but Dakota holds up a hand.
"And! and. afterwards if it sounds good to you- I want you to join me and my team. I want you to achieve your goal of getting stronger, and I think training a pokemon like you would be a cool experience. How's that sound, little dude?"
The ralts thinks for a moment. Then nods with a smile.
"YEAH! Let's do it!!"
[Video end]
[A second video is attached, this one begins in the clearing. Paris and the ralts facing each other. After Dakota waves a start flag, the two go for each other.]
[It's not very effective...]
The Ralts' psybeam barely seems to effect Paris, Paris retaliates- swinging his tassels at the Ralts, as they go through the air the hand turns to shadowy talons.
[It's super effective!]
The Ralts is sent rolling... and for a moment it looks like the battle is over but... it gets back up. It looks.. determined. Paris looms over it- about to go for another hit when...
[Kirlia used DISABLE!]
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in a flash of light, the Ralts has evolved into a Kirlia!
Paris's attack fizzles at his tassles, and the kirlia follows up with more attacks- kicks and punches and lands hit after hit imbued with psychic energy. Eventually- Paris backs off, the kirlia goes to try and hit Paris again- but catches its reflection in Paris's blades. It blinks, once, twice- and then pats its face.
"I... evolved?"
It pats its face again and then beams, beginning to spin and dance about.
"I evolved! I'm stronger now! I'm stronger look at me!"
All observing the battle are stunned, the Kirlia runs to Dakota and grabs her hand.
"You!! Your training did this!"
Dakota laughs nervously. "I mean... I don't think I did much of anything I-"
"No!! No this is your doing!! Thank you!"
Dakota is pulled into a hug, still shocked she looks to her other pokemon, to Paris who shrugs. Dakota shrugs back and pats the Kirlia's head.
"um... you're welcome. Little dude."
[Video ends]
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heretodefyfate · 11 months
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"the Renegade Giratina attacked!" :/
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honoratacarnage · 6 months
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click for better quality!
wah im sorry for not updating this series for such a long time... but here, have a Gallade size variation! do you guys want a matching Gardevoir set?
tell me what y'all think!
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Caring for your Pokemon: Ralts Line
Ah the Ralts line, a group of Pokemon that are one of the fewer Pokemon that are more difficult to study than others. Ralts are great at sensing the emotions of those around it, so if you get anywhere close to it without being emotionless, you'll be sensed from a mile away and they'll freak out and run away or teleport. Very difficult to study in that case unless you get the drop on them. However since they enjoy positive emotions, they will attempt to focus on those positive emotions and not notice anything around them as much, so if you're trying to catch a Ralts easily, best be thinking happy thoughts.
Kirlia are even more joyous when sensing positive emotions, and enjoy being around their trainers even more, and will do a lot in it's power to make sure that it's trainer is happy. Please make sure that they understand that happiness is not the go to emotion constantly, otherwise you'll run into some future exhaustion problems (trust me from experience).
Now Gardevoir, are very protective and will do anything in it's power to protect it's trainer, but they are also curious Pokemon like their previous generations and will sometimes get into mischief if not kept a close eye on in the first few years. DO NOT LET THEM GO ONTO THE INTERNET WITHOUT A LONG TALK, TRUST ME.
Now Gallade are the opposite. They are not as curious and focus more on the protection part more than anything, and can often become jealous of others that get close to it's trainer, so make sure that they're not getting into fights when you're not looking.
This line is very protective and curious, but can be protective as well. Sometimes get a little clingy and jealous but a great companion on your travels. Honestly this is one Pokemon that might not need extra assistance and other Pokemon, but I would go with something unpredictable as a good combatant, such as Combusken, or Psyduck. May not seem predictable but can be a surprise.
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kharmii · 21 days
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The ralts is saying 'Fight me!' Blue gallade replies that the green gallade would like to fight her. Maybe he will put the pieces of green back together when they are done. Green gallade says, 'Fuck you..'
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Art credit: 0 p i l k a commissions open@Opilka_ Twitter.
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ashestoshadows · 10 months
Can I help you sir?
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ellenoir · 2 years
A little more from the Ice and Fairy Gardevoir - let's do the rest of the line! Gallade is Ice and Fighting.
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I think this was a fun experiment, I didn't work with any models and did a lot of sketching. I'm also really pleased with how Gallade's ice shield turned out!
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noiivvern · 2 years
I beat the 3rd gym and i still only have 4 pokemon, of which i basically only use 2
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loupy-mongoose · 4 months
So, I made some impulse purchases recently, including this lovely little gal.
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Hai Luna~
When I ordered her, it started a bit of a Gardevoir kick in me. So I went and did some brainstorming about Jamie's Gardie pal, Clover.
This did get very long, but there's a lot of art that I really like! :3 Plus I borrowed a certain someone from @mewtwoandme~
Growing up I always drew the green headpiece as a bony structure with maybe green skin on it, like deer antlers. (Except it doesn't shed lol)
But in my efforts to redecide what it actually is to me, I went to Bulbapedia, and that called it hair. So I tried out hair as well, and I kinda like that better...
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I love my deranged Gardie. :>
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(Leaning into "Mischievous Fairy/Pixie" energy)
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I wanted to draw some Gwen (M&M's Gardevoir), as her and Clover's characters are different in a lot of ways, and I thought it would be fun to draw them together. Turns out Gwen dwarfs my girls, and I adore that in every way. XD
I also came to realize that Jamie would admire Gwen--She doesn't wish change on Clover in the slightest, but she does like the grace that more conventional Gardevoirs possess. Plus she'd be astounded by her sheer size.
For the fun of it, I tried drawing them both in each of our styles. (Or more like "Features" than "style")
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I did not like drawing Gardevoir in her style. All the respect and love to M&M, but it felt SO wrong to me personally. XD
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Annnnd... I kinda accidentally thought of a different way to take their designs...
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And then I tried to figure out the logistics of giving Gardvoir a tail. I kinda like the idea of there being one that blends into the Skirt, splitting and running down the length of the skirt ends.
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A little character lore; Clover removed her skirt on purpose.
Growing up, I always had in mind that the skirt was skin, maybe acting as thermoregulation, or something like that. I don't think I ever decided whether they can feel through their skirts or not, but if I want it to be more angsty, then yes, they can feel.
Warning for general and self-inflicted injury in this paragraph. As a kid I figured Clover cut it off to prevent it from getting caught or grabbed. But now, with the developing idea of there being a tail involved, I got another idea with even more angst. I'm thinking possibly Clover had a tail bone broken, and maybe it healed wrong, causing her pain so she ripped off the whole skirt.
Okay, injury warning is over.
And now a little silly that's not exactly canon, but close enough. XD
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Y'all can thank @puzzled-zebra for this, as she brought up the idea during a chat. It was too good to pass up. XD
And now I wish to finish with a nostalgia ramble, because Clover is very precious to me, along with Jamie.
I started a playthrough of Soul Silver many, many years ago--even before the playthrough that would become Jamie's trainer journey over ten years ago. It was a solo run, with a Ralts egg sent in to be my only companion. (I kept the rules soft, though, as I remember needing help from other Pokemon to beat Bugsy. XD) My memories of that playthough are faded, but I remember that Clover alone beat the Champion at level 64-65. Sometime within the next few years, she was my first ever Pokemon to reach level 100 without the use of Rare Candy or experience cheats. That playthough and whatever happened in it has no bearing on Clover's story, but it's what gave birth to her as a character, and I hold that very dear.
Her nature is "Hardy, Likes to Fight", and I'm really proud of little me for taking that in the direction she took it. XD
Anyway, that's my super long love-dump of my beloved gremlin fairy. Thanks to everyone who made it all the way, I know it got pretty long. ^^
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darksilvania · 2 years
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RALTS is based on a Yurei, a traditional japanese ghost, they can be found wandering during the nights and when they found a person they like, they will start following them from afar, they can do this for hours, and even follow them home
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KIRLIA is based on 2 Yokai, a mix of the Rokurokubi, the long necked female yokai and Taka-Onna, a yokai that could stretch her body to spy through windows, this pokemon likes to spy people it likes through their windows, stretching their necks to reach them if they are too high, some people say their necks cant stretch several stories high.
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GARDEVOIR is based on the modern urban legend of Hachishakusama, the 8ft tall woman, it likes to follow people around, specially children which she protects and play with Mega GARDEVOIR is inspired in the RE8 character of Alcina Dimitrescu who is also partially inspired in the Hachishakusama legend, so it felt right, like gardevoir it also likes to follow and protect children, but it is more aggresive when it comes to protecting them, being able to stretch its fingers into long sharp claws
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GALLADE is based on a mix of the Noppera-bō, a faceless yokai that likes to scare people, and the urban legend of slenderman, to mirror GARDEVOIR being based also in a modern urban legend Mega GALLADE is based on the Gashadokuro, a giant skeleton yokai, mostly to keep the theme of being really tall, it is even taller than Mega GARDEVOIR
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thelemonsnek · 2 months
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[image id: a series of three comics spanning three different points in time. All of them feature Day, a pokemon trainer oc. Day has their hair shaved on one side, and wears a galaxy team coat, with a somewhat tattered jacket tied around their waist.
In the first comic, they stand behind their Drifblim, pointing as they yell, "confusion!" to order it to battle. Drifblim floats determinedly, then fires a blast of purple energy from the ribbons at the bottom of it. Day snickers in the background, saying 'pfft pussy blast'.
In the second comic, Day kneels before a small Ralts. "Can you show me what moves you know?" they ask encouragingly. The ralts nods, then fires off a confusion at a nearby brick. Day gasps in the background. "Oh you know Pussy Blast!" they exclaim. At Ralts' confusion, they start to explain, saying "well y'see," then it cuts off - presumably with them going on to explain about the Drifblim. Ralts is grinning mischievously - she's quite pleased with this turn of events.
In the final comic, the Ralts - now evolved into a Gardevoir - is fighting Ingo's Machamp. The Machamp runs at Gardevoir with all four fists lit up with energy. Gardevoir stumbles back, gritting her teeth as Day raises an arm to protect themself. The Machamp looks very satisfied with itself, as red-orange energy still dances in the air. Day starts to direct Gardevoir, saying "June," then they grin hugely and point out, screaming "PUSSY BLAST!" Gardevoir grins devilishly as it fires off a confusion at a stunned Machamp, while Ingo tries not to laugh in the background. End id]
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irradiatedsnakes · 1 year
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POKEMOB!!!! ive been thinking abt this nonstop for like, weeks. check it out, though! lots of little guys! reigen's special move where he chucks his nacli at the foe as hard as possible! teru's furfrou's matching wig! other stuff! this post has 18 images
@skypiea helped SO much with pokemon choices for this also!
see under the cut for full teams and further explanation!!! please check it out
mob - ralts & espurr. later, silvally. mob isn't a trainer, and his pokemon don't fight. they're just little guys. type:null was originally toichiro's (who used various pokemon alongside the human claw grunts), mob met it in aftermath of the divine tree once everything in the domination arc was over. (it still doesn't battle or anything. big fancy lapdog full of love.)
ritsu - unovan braviary, bisharp, and alakazam. going along with his student council status & top-of-the-line grades, ritsu's a skilled trainer with some powerful pokemon. braviary and bisharp were his most used pokemon early on- they're sort of representative of his student council thing (note braviary's unobtainable psychic type form)- but abra was his first pokemon, a counterpart to mob's ralts. it only evolved first during ritsu and the esper kids' attempted escape of the 7th division claw building.
reigen - murkrow, greavard, thievul, and nacli. reigen's not a trainer, his pokemon are both pets and assist him with work. with the exception of nacli, dark and ghost types are his specialty (psychic-adjacent types, but Not actual psychic types). his murkrow imitates him constantly. greavard is uu-chan, of course, but this time he doesn't get eaten by dimple (uu-chan is still feeding on reigen's soul). one of nacli's possible abilities in the games is "purifying salt", which cuts damage from ghost moves. reigen's nacli, of course, has sturdy. and to quote kite, re: thievul: "Reigen: would an untrustworthy guy have THIS [sends out the thief pokemon]"
teru - furfrou (shiny), zoroark (maybe shiny i cant decide. burple), and togepi (later togekiss). before his encounter with mob in season 1, teru didn't actually use his pokemon in battle often- they're rare, flashy, and/or powerful, but they were lackeys and status symbols just as much as his underlings at black vinegar were. his relationship with his pokemon improved after he started to work on his humility, leading to the evolution of his togepi.
shou - morpeko, latias, and (mega) blaziken. he's a super tough trainer, and he cares about his pokemon So much. he rides his latias like she's a surfboard
serizawa - swoobat & bewear. serizawa didn't really have pokemon growing up after his self-imposed isolation- the stufful he had as a kid was taken care of by his mother once that happened. he met his woobat a while after joining claw, and it evolved sometime after the world domination arc. bewear isn't entirely his- but after the world domination arc, he reconnected with it and takes care of it some of the time. the rest of the time it's serimama's gigantic housebear
tome - two (later three which become a single magneton) magnemite, orbeetle, eventually elgyem. i think magnemite just fits her vibes... plus it's a bit ufo-y, innit. she HAD to have a bug, and i mean..look at orbeetle's gmax form! and it has the telepathy ability! unfortunately, despite her best efforts, orbeetle's telepathy ability hasn't proved useful for finding human telepaths. she caught elgyem on new years, on the way back down to the car. tome can hold her own in battle, but training for battle isn't something she's focused on.
dimple - is a yamask! his big powerful form is cofagrigus, obvs. his mask is usually blank save for the cheek spots, since he has no memory of his life as a human. the mask does change to fit the (LOL) and psycho helmet cult as well. he places his mask on someone's face to possess them like any other yamask, to others it just appears as the regular red cheeks, but to folks who can see spirits they see the mask. when possessing someone, his expressions will show on the mask as well.
whew, i think that's everything i wanted to talk about. thanks for reading!
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superiordutchsauce · 6 months
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Attention trainers! If you meet Rex and challenge him to a battle, this is his team. Socks, the little Ralts, is only an observer because he is still too young to fight.
What are you talking about? There are only three pokemon there.
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transmascutena · 6 months
the current ideas i have for character teams in my utena pokemon au:
general thoughts i put into making these:
1. i tried to give the characters pokemon i think they'd genuinely be fond of and want to use, and less so pokemon that are symbolic of things about said character (to an extent. nanami's are kind of questionable. but i did avoid color-coding) the exceptions to this rule are akio and half of anthy's team, because i think it makes sense for them.
2. it did not start out as something i did on purpose but anthy and akio are the only two with a full team of six while everyone else has three, and i think that works well.
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i put a cubone on here originally but i thought that was a bid morbid. anyway yeah kirlia from the ralts dios/akio gave her, dewott for sword-fighting (shell-fighting?) and scorbunny because it's a little soccer player and would love playing sports with her :)
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the first three are the pokemon she's "supposed" to have. the rose bride pokemon if you will. the last three are her silly little guys. one i unfortunately did not have room to add is a torchic nicknamed nanami, but i think anthy does have more pokemon than just the ones on her team (like the rest of her twenty goomy hiding in the pencil box)
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okay so mega gallade is literally just dios as a pokemon so i had to give it to him. i'm thinking that it can't mega evolve anymore as part of akio losing the power he once had and all that. there is something in the lore about a strong bond being required for mega evolution too, so my headcanon for why, is that his gallade just fucking hates his guts because he sucks. coballion is a legendary pokemon, the leader of the swords of justice trio and another of dios' pokemon. minior is a meteor to go with his whole "i like space" facade and the last three are the evolved forms of anthy's pokemon
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kind of a joke team, i just put pokemon based on various animals that torment her. and egg
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some cute normal types for wakaba is maybe a little on the nose but it fits. wooloo is a reference to her sheep mugs. i saw fanart of wakaba with a chikorita once (i think i have reblogged it) and it's really so perfect. i wanted her to have a grass type for the whole onion thing anyway. there are honestly so many pokemon that fit wakaba it was hard to pick just three
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🚫 Joker Out Pokémon Types and Teams: A Very Important Thread 🚫
(A thread made by your resident OG Pokemon fan. I did my best to give each of the lads a Mega evolution, an Eeveelution as well as a plausible starter Pokemon.)
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Bojan - Fairy type ✨
Mischievous, ethereal and charming
Starter Pokémon: Chimchar/Infernape
Actual first Pokémon: Growlithe/Arcanine
He definitely has a couple of fire-types that allude to his sexiness.
Tinkaton, Diancie and Sylveon are little but fierce, just like him. DO NOT mess with them.
Arcanine and Ninetales are puppies!
Diancie suits him. A tiny diamond princess who’s a sight to behold and screams “look at me”? Absolutely a Bojan-coded Pokémon.
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Kris - Psychic Type ⚜️
Elegant, intelligent and such a slay
Starter Pokémon: Fennekin/Delphox
Actual First Pokémon: Ralts/Gallade
C'MON GUYS, Gallade has cake. A huge cake. Looks very princely too. He’s a much better fit for Kris than Gardevoir!
Hatterene is SUCH a Kris-coded Pokémon. Tall, beautiful and they even share a default expression!
Milotic is a fitting, beautiful tallmon. Naturally such a beauty would suit Kris!
Kris mentioned that he prefers light over darkness, hence Psychic types in general and Espeon in particular.
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Jan - Dark Type 💀
Mysterious, sexy and edgy
Starter Pokémon: Sprigatito/Meowscarada
Actual First Pokémon: Deino/Hydreigon
Houndoom has sexy incubus vibes. One cannot have an appropriate Jan team without a Pokémon that gives off incubus vibes.
Weavile and Umbreon are appropriate black cat coded Pokémon.
He's the only one with the patience to slowly raises a Deino all the way to Hydreigon. Even if the little Deino is clumsy and blind, and evolves so late, he perseveres (and thus also shows his soft side). Also, imagine little Jan and Deino with their matching hairstyles!
Jan mentioned that he prefers darkness over light, hence the Dark type in general and Umbreon in particular.
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Jure - Electric Type ⚡️
Energetic, chaotic and playful
Starter Pokémon: Pikachu/Raichu
Actual First Pokémon: Shinx/Luxray
Rotom is a chaotic gremlin, of course Jure would have one! And he does switch between all its forms from time to time.
Luxray and Zeraora are big cats!
Ampharos may be cute...but it's a dragon and is capable of VERY dangerous things, so please do not piss it off.
Jolteon is SUCH a Jure coded Eeveelution. Chaotic? Swift as lightning? Charming in its own way? Yup.
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Nace - Ground Type 🍂
Strong, steady and reliable
Starter Pokémon: Turtwig/Torterra
Actual First Pokémon: Teddiursa/Ursaluna
Of course Gengar makes it on his team. A Nace coded team is not a proper Nace coded team without Gengar!
Ursaluna is 100% a Nace Pokemon...FIGHT ME. Just look at it! A fierce looking bear that also looks like it could give nice hugs to its owner? Sounds just like Nace in Pokémon form.
He absolutely has the temperament to deal with a powerhouse like Garchomp.
Leafeon is nurturing, but also has immense strength for a small Pokémon - it’s strong enough to split trees. 100% the Nace-coded Eeveelution.
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Martin - Steel Type ⚙️
Logical, dignified and protective
Starter Pokémon: Piplup/Empoleon
Actual First Pokémon: Porygon/Porygon-Z
Metagross is just as intelligent as Martin is, and despite being hell to catch, Martin managed to work out a strategy and caught it in a Beast Ball, no less!
Martin has a very kind heart, and this kind heart means that he would never abandon his very first Pokémon that he programmed, a Porygon that evolved into Porygon-Z, even when it starts acting quirky!
He's such a king, of course Pokemon such as Kingdra and Aegislash would suit him.
He has some Water-types to reflect his caring, levelheaded side. Vaporeon is the Eeveelution that suits him most, due to its qualities.
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jils-things · 5 months
◆↬ jaide e. stone ; profile↫◆
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[ pre i/ii - rgb arc - aged 0-18] (may change)
◆↬ jaide is a self-taught aprijuice merchant. she started when she was quite young - she liked to collect apricorns with her teddiursa and was quite fond of roller-skating to maximize the apriblender's juicing proficiency.
◆↬ she picked up on this trade when her mother introduced this concept to her which was still new at the time, and enjoyed this as a hobby before turning it into a profession
◆↬her childhood companions consisted of; teddiursa, hoppip, and ralts (all evolved as years go by). she is strictly not a trainer, but has practiced basic pokemon battle conduct
◆↬ jaide is an older sister to a sibling named gold, with an age gap of 8 years.
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◆↬as kids, they were an interesting duo. while they were quite the tough kids, they have their own styles in projecting it (his actions / her words). gold took an interest in skateboarding to copy her roller-skating tendencies
◆↬she wasn't exactly the same as her adult counterpart. she was a little rough around the edges and sometimes played hard with her words. she isn't the type to fight, but she knew how to get around people older than her and she was rarely afraid. she was fast, charismatic and somewhat smug
◆↬ jaide was gifted with an interesting skill to be able to read other pokemon's natures, almost psychic-like thanks to her kirlia who was able to steer her guesses in the right path. this would later be very useful when aprijuice would be popular in the pokeathalon games in allowing pokemon improve their performance in the multitude of sports*
*(this is aligned with the game mechanic where several drinks have different results with consideration on the nature of the pokemon drinking it and flavor of the drink)
◆↬most people buy her drinks because it actually refreshes the pokemon - but what customers don't know is the underlying magic it does when you mix the right flavor with the right nature/personality of pokemon. that's what fascinates her the most. this can only be achieved because of her good perception of pokemon natures.
◆↬jaide wanted to make it a point that her aprijuice business would expand beyond johto - her personal reason being to introduce the beauty of it. she sees aprijuice production as an intricate way to create natural beverages (and not artificial) for pokemon. (which admittedly, is a commonplace in johto. i.e: kurt and his pokeball production)
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[ gsc - oras arc - aged 19-25+ ] (most present frame)
◆↬jaide becomes more mild and calm in her personality due to maturity and events that occured in gsc, though she still retained the cheeky personality but it would be more sly and vague. and being a mom. of course /lh
◆↬meeting steven was definitely a curveball thrown at her direction because he's one of the rare people who can see through her cheeky facade. it's common for them to have interesting back and fourth that either sounded smart or really flirty. only they know really.
◆↬after officially being renamed to his family name, she treats aprijuice making as a hobby instead, she passes her knowledge to ruby and this helped him indulge in making pokeblocks. while it's hoenn's equivalent to her juice, she doesn't mind it as long as he's learning something.
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trivia ;
- her pokemon team consists of: (old to recently joined)
gardevoir, ursaring, jumpluff, glaceon (previously eevee), solrock, aron
- it's a bit of a running gag with new bark town's population that jaide and gold are the kids with the worst natural bed hair /lh (it's just like that)
- jaide and gold loved to skate together in the national park as kids
- the e. in her maiden name is evergreen
- goldenrod city her favorite landmark since it's the most modernized section of johto. definitely likes shopping there
- jaide doesn't skate anymore, but if she were in a floor of ice, (usually caused by her glaceon), she probably would skate a little. just for old time's sake.
- jaide has met all the johto and hoenn dexholders + only red from kanto. (mt silver incident) she has never personally seen blue, green and yellow but only through others' accounts of them
- she is right-handed.
- semi-canon statement, if she had a mega stone, it would be attached to the back of her necklace
- she supports fran.ticshipping :]]] (she also emotionally supports sapphire as she's not really good at expressing herself without being wild)
- dislikes zinnia. that's it /lh
- in my head, i imagine she's currently living in hoenn but she occasionally visits johto when she can just to see her mother and gold
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