#ramble ramble~
qsmprambling · 9 months
Hmm I am curious what the plan for the current plot with qBad is, because there seems to be a steady pace especially with his skin changes, but the make people hate the Federation plan seems like a more long term thing. For Bad to be arrested multiple times and then to arrest other people I imagine that's going to add another week or two minimum. Is this a legit plan or a misdirect?
Bad has also made a number of references to being arrested, like he is really implying that a proper arrest might be coming, or at least it's something he is hoping for. Is that a legit plan, or again another misdirect or space filler?
Bad has also escalated with the worker, but feels guilty about it. He's thinking of pulling back and being nicer, play good cop bad cop. How long is this going to continue - he managed to get a tiny bit of info; will it lead anywhere? And even if it does, will keeping the worker help at all? What can he even do with the worker after this, just send him back?
So curious how much is planned and how much is ongoing... because all these elements require the eggs to be gone. I thought they'd be gone maybe a week, but it's coming up to two weeks with no end in sight... Fit mentioned something for next Wednesday, but no idea if that's egg-related. The ccs are still making great content, and content that would be impossible with the eggs there, but server doesn't feel right without them ;w;
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princeshilo · 2 months
sometimes im like "wow holy shit im being really fucking annoying. i should stop talking" and then i pull out my magic 8 ball and it says "youve always been annoying and your friends chose to talk you anyways. youll be fine" and im like wow thanks magic 8 ball. and then the ogre attacks me
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bokkerijder · 5 months
pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc
against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"
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jellyjamheadobb · 2 months
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yume-fanfare · 7 months
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the princess
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is :3ing
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dreamlit-wanderer · 6 months
the ability to say "i dont have a tiktok" in social situations makes me feel so powerful. like the general reaction is "shock, confusion, then this weird 'thats probably a good thing' response" its so fun
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jellybeanium124 · 3 months
the idea of public restrooms as "women's spaces" continues to confound me. you know who I hope is in a public bathroom when I go in?? no one. I would prefer no one else be in the bathroom. and if someone else is in the bathroom I am going to ignore them as much as possible. I did not go into the bathroom to connect with other women. I went into the bathroom to piss and/or shit. it's a toilet's space, not a women's space. shut the fuck up and let trans people piss and shit in peace. let's all continue to avoid eye contact with each other and any and all interaction in the toilet's space.
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cadaverkeys · 3 months
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I think of this twitter interaction at least 6 times a day. do you remember how we used to run?
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dakotacoie · 3 months
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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caruliaa · 3 months
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you dont know how blasphemous shed find the og post. but shes cutie pie .
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d6b-onion · 4 months
this video has been going around for a while but the English subtitles didn't match the energy of the spoken French at all. i had to fix it.
reblog to spread this version
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princeshilo · 3 months
the need to talk about the characters vs the fear that all of my analysis is just empty prose and surface level understanding
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scorndotexe · 4 months
you will live and you will say the wrong things and make mistakes and people will love you anyways.
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tenderflint · 2 months
nobody better be posting about the met gala without mentioning the giant pro-palestine demonstration going on outside
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hollowboobtheory · 8 months
everything should cost one dollar, ten dollars, or one hundred dollars. a drinky drink is one dollar. a t shirt is ten dollars. rent is one hundred. i might be convinced to allow one thousand dollars for some very big purchases like a house. i get it, you're running a business. i'm not unreasonable.
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