#rambling about star wars
tljisthegoat · 2 months
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Rey & Ben would've been PEAK Star Wars together & WE DIDN'T GET IT?!
Everytime I think about Reylo & The Sequel Trilogy's potential being squandered (TLJ being the exception imo) I just can't help but lose it. Because how Disney absolutely failed miserably to use STAR WARS of all things will go down as the biggest creative shitshow we've ever seen.
Ben & Rey will always be the best couple in Star Wars in my eyes.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I feel like the funniest interactions Din and Han could possibly have are Han being able to perfectly read what Din is thinking without him taking his armour off.
Like, Han is best friends with Chewbacca. Han has hung around aliens for the entirety of his adult life. Han has around bounty hunters for the entirety of his adult life. Han definitely knows what Din is thinking.
Anyway it’s really funny because I imagine it like:
Han: “Don’t look at me like that! It isn’t my fault!”
Han: “Don’t go trying to guilt trip me, it won’t work.”
Han: “Gah! Fine! It’s my fault. Happy now?”
Han: “I swear, you’ve got a kicked loth cat face that rivals the kid’s…”
Literally everyone else: “What just happened?”
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ilumel · 2 months
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— how odd it is to find a fragment of the sun in the depths of such a violent storm.
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hurricanek8art · 9 months
I think my favorite thing about the episode is that he hasn't changed.
I wasn't really worried they'd never find him or that he was dead (though I'll admit a brief moment of unexpected fear that Howler was going to lead Sabine to a gravestone hit me while she was talking to Thrawn) I was always worried that he would have changed. That the years would've hardened him. Made him cold and unhappy and bitter because bloody heck it took ten years. He's already spent so much of his life alone, and now he's been trapped in another flipping galaxy for a decade!
But then Sabine found him, and he's grinning, and he's joking, and he's happy and alive and he still can't wait to come home because he's still Ezra. He's still Ezra. And somehow he's been adopted by hermit crab harfoots because of course he would be, he's Ezra Bridger and he's alive and he's still the same dorky good kid he's always been except now he's all grown up and I'm just very emotional about all this, okay? 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Ezra's coming home. Ezra's coming home.
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mearchy · 2 months
I love Cassian Andor so so so much as a character he’s just so well written and well acted. He’s so compelling. The way he really would prefer not to be a hero but not in a performative “I just suck so bad I could never be a hero” way in a very ordinary “keep me out of this because it’s not my problem” way. He’s eternally a background character getting put in key positions of main character plots. When I see him break out in that charming beseeching smile, trying to convince who he’s talking to to just give him one more chance, like to the judge when he’s convicted or to his debtors on Ferrix. When I see his face twist and turn grim and intent when he pulls out the gun and shoots a man begging for his life. When he’s in the Narkina 5 prison and he’s just staring emptily ahead and you can SEE him reliving his time in prison as a 13 year old. The anxiousness hidden by sharp aggression when he gets touched unexpectedly while training for the heist. It’s all so good!!!!! He never feels like the bad guy, every decision he makes is so human and you can see the same deeply feeling person behind all of it and I love him so much.
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yukipri · 2 months
Do you ever think about how common eclipses must be on Coruscant, which not only has FOUR moons, but has zero unpopulated surface area?
Eclipses are awesome, but they're also Events to us because Earth's so covered in water and inhabited areas are comparatively limited, so it's special when we can actually see them. But that's probably not the case for a lot of (most) planets.
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veshialles · 2 years
i love you fictional vehicles that become a main character in the story by extension, i love you ships with iconic names that turn into a home for the characters, i love you humanized modes of transportation with imagined personality quirks, i love you sapient starships with real personality quirks, i love you inherent human ability to emotionally bond with literally anything
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coruscantsbookstore · 2 years
cody: i will no longer be affected by everything the general does. i'm the marshal commander to the entire third systems army. i am better than that.
obi-wan, bumping into a droid upon entering the room: terribly sorry little one, i didn't watch where i was going. my apologies!
cody, sobbing in rex's quarters at 2am later that night: and then he APOLOGIZED to the DROID
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meldy-arts · 10 months
Sabezra fans, gentle reminder. There's nothing wrong with still shipping them.
Rebels started with Sabine seeing Ezra as nothing but a kid, eventually leaning toward a brother. We still shipped them.
Sabine and Ketsu called each other sisters - People still shipped them.
They're not blood-related. It was ONE line spoken by Ezra to Sabine, who he KNEW didn't like him back. Possibly just to make her feel better.
We all knew full well he had a massive crush...
My personal hope is we're going to see Ezra and Sabine have a kind of role swap. Sabine is the one pining for Ezra while Ezra is the dense idiot who can't catch on.
The way Sabine acted in these two episodes was full of subtle hints that there's something more going on underneath...
But either way. If Dave wants to go the route of Sabine and Ezra having a more best friends/siblings dynamic then sure. Idm, but I'm not going to stop shipping them.
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tljisthegoat · 9 days
The reason I'd be way more happy about MerriCal getting their much-needed happy ending is mainly due to the fact that every SW couple that we've gotten has ended tragically.
Anidala ended in tragedy.
HanLeia (regardless of whether it's this canon or Legends) ends in tragedy.
Reylo is the one that really cuts the deepest for me. I wanted sooo badly for them to get their happy ending because of TLJ. The way Disney absolutely destroyed their best shot at a long-term future with Star Wars by killing off Ben Solo, never knowing what to do with Rey (Rian Johnson knew, but they just wasted whatever he added to The Sequel Trilogy WHICH IS ALOT)
Disney denied the Skywalker Family a happy ending. It did irreplaceable damage to Star Wars as a whole. Unfortunately, I don't know if Star Wars will ever recover from what they've done to it. Which is depressing af obviously.
I just wanna see two people actually make it out this never-ending wartorn galaxy together.
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galactic-rhea · 2 months
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[ID: Screenshot of a chat that says "just leave my queen alone, she's already suffered enough. She wanted a life with her malewife murder monk pilot mechanic racer and you should respect her for that!]
It's Padmé defending's hours for me
I have been seeing more negative (with very weird connotations, tbh) posts about Padmé on my dash lately, and while I'm a firm believer of the "scroll past it" rule, it really irks me a lot because MOST of these takes sound a bit mysoginistic to me and also (to me) shows a lack of trying to understand her as a character, not in a "you don't get her" way, but in a "you don't even try to understand the character and her context in the damn story just because you wanna sound holy than thou" way.
I'm all for accepting takes about Padmé's flaws or having a slightly more privileged/closed view (and that makes sense, she's aristocracy) but these people are SO WEIRD whenever they wanna talk about her 🤨
I'll forever mad that George eliminated SO MANY scenes with Padmé in the movies, but I feel like even if we had those scenes, people's complaints would be exactly the same.
But also i think half of the time people fail at understanding Padmé is because they're also failing to understand Anakin's as a character, idk
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pilotskywalker · 6 months
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i just think he’s. i just. i just think he’s neat
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phoenixkaptain · 10 months
I love Luke who is beloved by his students, but I also, at the exact same time, love Luke who is feared by his students.
Master Skywalker whose reputation precedes him. The galaxy as a whole believes that he killed Darth Vader and the Emperor both. The tales say he faced them both, entirely alone, and then got out unscathed.
Master Skywalker who floats through the halls, appearing like a specter, invisible to all but the most proficient at finding Force signatures. He speaks to Jedi of old and meditates unmovingly for hours and his stare pierces through to the soul of whoever receives it.
Sometimes, Master Skywalker vanishes into thin air without a trace. His students either find themselves faced with Leia Organa, a fearful person in her own right, an older student, or some random, wandering Jedi that rumours have claimed to be long dead. Master Skywalker vanishes and reappears without explanation, only offering a smile when asked where he was, his responses always vague.
Master Skywalker who is always fully covered, only one hand remaining bare. Nobody has ever seen him look disheveled. Nobody has ever been able to catch him unaware. Whenever anybody knocks on his door, no matter what time it is, he is always sitting in pristine robes, ready to scare off any troubles that find his students.
Just. Master Skywalker who once faced a black hole and won. Master Skywalker who killed a rancor. Master Skywalker who blew up the first Death Star. The most terrifying man in the galaxy, and he’s only more mysterious the more time one spends around him.
The comedic potential of this scenario is unparalled.
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iszapizza · 6 months
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it’s my birthday today!
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hurricanek8art · 8 months
Need to ramble about SW to distract myself from everything going on.
Something that's stuck with me about Ahsoka beyond, like, everything is how happy I am for Genevieve O'Reilly? Because I mean, look at how insane the last twenty (!!!) years have been.
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She was cast as young Mon Mothma around 2003 (I don't remember exactly when, but I remember seeing a pic from them doing a wig test that was dated 2003 a little while ago). She got all but one of her scenes cut out of Revenge of the Sith (don't get me started on that I'm still mad about those scenes being cut for so many reasons) and the only one that stayed in is a scene where she doesn't even speak, and that's it. There's publicity photos and some deleted scenes, and that was her Star Wars legacy for eleven years.
And then she gets a co-starring role in Rogue One, getting to play the character again.
And then again in Rebels, getting to deliver half of what I think is one of the best dialogue exchanges about the Rebellion's philosophy—so basically half of Star Wars itself's entire philosophy—that I've ever heard.
And then again in Andor, as a main character, with all her complexities and just like everything about it because it's so flipping good.
And now here she is again in Ahsoka, playing the character past the timeframe of the original role, as a leader, getting to build on practically everything she's done before now.
And now she's not just portraying 'younger Mon Mothma', she is portraying Mon Mothma, she's the definitive version (at least to me, no shade to OG actress Caroline Blakiston) and everyone I've seen and heard talk about her since Andor loves the character.
Just. I love Mon Mothma. I am so happy for Genevieve O'Reilly.
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stargirllnterrupted · 5 months
the duality of ‘i love star wars as a nostalgic escapism that reminds me of the simpler times of my childhood, and i find joy in its sentimental value fostering connection with others as well as with my own childhood self’ and ‘i wanna fuck star wars men’
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