essayofthoughts · 2 years
Clarified in follow-up: 🎊 and Wanda Also, because MCU has Failed Me, I am refusing to acknowledge Pietro's death, so this is a Pietro Lives AU.
Wanda never likes explosions. She thinks it's ironic, sometimes - certainly it was a big crash that led to their parents' deaths and her and Pietro being trapped in the rubble, but the horror was the silence but for the slow shift and clatter of rubble.
And yet... it's explosions, and sudden loud noises that tend to startle her.
Yet more ironic, she supposes, that she threw herself into protests as they grew up, where guns and flashbangs became ever more common, that she chose to join the Avengers and become a hero-
But it's something else when it's something she's chosen, when she and her allies are the cause of those noises and sometimes she has to wonder what terrors she's scarring into the minds of the children they try to save.
It's all of these thoughts that means she's entirely unprepared for Pietro to suddenly let off a party popper right by her ear and her heart races, briefly fearful-
But Pietro is laughing as he hasn't so freely in years, and it eases the instinctive response.
One day, she hopes, she will grow past this fear. One day, she hopes, there will be no more cause for anyone to fear.
Send Trick & an emoji = I’ll rec a piece of media - send Treat, an emoji, & a character or two = I’ll write you a small ficlet!
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feralkwe · 1 year
I am very late, and this is very shameless, but since I never got to see it, how do you think Kahrin and Alcine would get along? XD
It's hard to say.
Kahrin has a tendency to give love very easily so she'd like Alcine well enough, but Alcine might tire of her very chaotic nature.
I think they'd get on but I wouldn't blame Alcine if she considered Kahrin a small doses friend.
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susiephone · 1 year
So sorry to bother you, but I wanted to stop in and say that I love your Disney Princesses in D&D edits, they're so good. :D I also had a question. Why did you pick Earth Genasi for Aurora? Any specific reason, or just because you could?
aaaaaaahhhh thank you!! i'm so glad people are enjoying those, i'm really enjoying making them. i hope to have more up later this week <3
i think i decided aurora would be a genasi because genasi are very connected to magic and nature, which felt fitting for aurora (plus i was actively trying to not make all of them elves, humans, or half-elves, lmao). genasi are a bit otherworldly, which felt fitting for a princess with who is literally blessed to be supernaturally beautiful and charming. i went with earth genasi because of her childhood in the forest, plus the connection with briars and thorns.
plus i'd decided pretty early she'd be a druid and "earth genasi druid" is just a really symbiotic class/race choice :)
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purplehairedwonder · 1 year
I started Attack on Titan because of Levi too, his VAs in English and Japanese also being Law was a huge part of it. XD
That said, Levi is an excellent character on his own merits, and I love his friendship with Hange.
Levi and Law sharing a VA is just *chef's kiss* Lots of similarities between those two characters. Even if he and Law didn't share a VA, though, I'm sure he'd still be my favorite. He's completely my type XD
Levi vs. the Beast Titan and Levi escaping from Kenny's squad were two of the best moments of the entire series.
Hange, my love <3
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droo216 · 1 year
Drew, you’ve been a wonderful presence on Tumblr for so long, and it breaks my heart to hear what’s happening to you. Just know that you are so unbelievably loved here, and we are all thinking of you at this time. All the hugs, all the love, all the good thoughts. *hugsss*
Thank you, my friend. I appreciate it.
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reinerist · 2 years
So sorry to bother, but where are you watching the new version of Tokyo Mew Mew?
hey i watch it on zoro.to
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sketchyfletch · 2 years
For @ramblingredrose - I love the festive shark post that goes around every year but I've never seen one for Hannukah rather than general Christmas vibe, so I made one. I'm not Jewish so hopefully I did this right.
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yamisnuffles · 2 years
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I posted 2,739 times in 2022
That's 480 more posts than 2021!
184 posts created (7%)
2,555 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,177 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#ffxiv - 692 posts
#dragon age - 311 posts
#emet selch - 220 posts
#gifs - 219 posts
#ffxiv spoilers - 206 posts
#art - 186 posts
#good omens - 143 posts
#scenery - 110 posts
#hythlodaeus - 96 posts
#estinien - 74 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#your honor he's done nothing wrong apart from all the atrocities but besides that hes innocent
My Top Posts in 2022:
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If I draw Crowley enjoying warm weather, maybe I can pretend I don’t hate the current heat so much.
222 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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A late fill for a December Patreon request for colorful wives. I decided to put them in fun, bright 60s outfits.
233 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
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Request on Patreon for wives or ship of my choice cuddling in front of a fire.  I decided it has been a long time since I did standard variety Ineffables.
378 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
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A Patreon request for something with popsicles and I thought it would be fun to make a fake ad for a Nuka Cola rocket pop style popsicle, given the bottle shape in FO4. I thought about doing classic Nuka Cola but figured Quantum colors would be more appealing for a popsicle. It was a lot of fun to do.
416 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Ineffable wives in the shade by Patreon request.
712 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Ships & Songs
I was tagged by @rhetoricalrogue to post 5-10 songs for a ship! Thank you!
Tagging: @zombolouge , @feralkwe , @yamisnuffles , @ramblingredrose , @starrypawz , @brightpinkpeppercorn
Elliot & Sunshine
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend//Lucky to have been where I have been
... They're best friends, they're in love, they both died and were resuscitated. (To be perfectly honest, they're a very easy pairing for songs that are all text no subtext).
Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you // Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you // But in your dreams, whatever they be //Dream a little dream of me
Is this one a little on the nose? Yes, probably. Do I care? Not even a little bit. It's a fantastic song for slow-dancing in the kitchen on a sunny afternoon, or a rainy afternoon, or any time of day in any weather, really.
With two empty cups, my heart it all came pouring out//Your white Russian, just let me be your Boy Scout
Ignoring for the moment that this is one of my favourite Arkells songs, and the fact that Elliott did not actually confess at a party while drinking, Mr. "You bring out every protective, doting instinct in me" ABSOLUTELY just wants to be our boy scout.
And this love came so easily//We were talking in the dark but it's so clear to me
Like they didn't stay up all hours talking, like best friends do, and then whoops, fell in love.
And when I'm gone, do you think about me?//When you dream, do I make the screen?
'Nuff said.
Bonus Round: Darlin' & Quinn
I'm living on shattered faith // The kind that likes to restrict your breath // Never been a better time than this to // Suffocate on eternal bliss
Starting strong. Darlin' is in a not-so-great-headspace and fuck it, feeling something is still a feeling.
All my friends are murder // Hey, all my bones, no marrow's in // All these fiends want teenage meat // All my friends are murderers
Something about Quinn being a murderer, his crowd probably being equally good (bad) people, and feeling empty.
I never met a pearl quite like you // Who could shimmer and rot at the same time through // There's never been a better time than this and // Bite the hand of the frostbitten eminence
Getting towards the end, Darlin' waking up to the fact that Quinn is both charismatic and a monster, and biting the hand of that cold m'fucker.
Darlin' & Sam
You and I, we're two old and tortured souls // Repaired by a love of broken things
We got by, though we never needed much // A sliver of hope, no diamond rings
I have run out of steam so, yes, both hurting and healing together and having a humble life in the woods.
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hyperbolicreverie · 1 year
get to know your tumblr friends ❤️
Rules: (If I tagged you, please do not feel obligated to do this) tag some (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below! — tagged by @bluewonderer
Last Song: The Ticketman by Rachel Rose Mitchell. I've had it on repeat because it's become sort of a theme song of a chapter for a fic that I am highly anticipating finally getting to publish, and because I can't talk about it without major spoilers for that fic I cope by listening to the song on repeat.
Three Ships: I hope no one takes this as cheating, but...I don't? I'm pretty much totally ship-agnostic when it comes to any media, really. I will happily talk about them and god knows I'd have so much less fanfic to read if I didn't like them, but I don't have any I think I'd classify as really mine. Love to hear other people's takes though, because I am a sucker for good character talks.
Currently Reading: Mercedes Lackey's Tarma and Kethry books, for the millionth time.
Last Movie: One Piece: Film Red, back in November, but I think it was over two years before that that I last went to a movie theatre. Outside of theatres, I rewatched The Mummy last weekend. Also for the millionth time.
Craving: Statistically, some form of dumpling.
I’m Tagging: @kasmusser, @moustawott, @13shapeshifters, @ramblingredrose, @politenuclearbomb, @jasontoddiefor, @purplehairedwonder, @vyther15, and @goldenandhappy with absolutely no pressure whatsoever to do so.
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lockescoles · 1 year
get to know your tumblr friends!
Rules: (If I tagged you, please do not feel obligated to do this) tag some (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below! — tagged by @ramblingredrose, thanks 🥰
Last Song: Mentir by Marie-Mai
Three Ships: in no particular order!
Locke & Celes (Final Fantasy VI)
Shepard & Kaidan (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Hawke & Fenris (Dragon Age)
Currently Reading: Nothing unfortunately 😭
Last Movie: I honestly don’t remember ??? I don’t watch a lot of movie 😂
Craving: A boyfriend!
I’m Tagging: (no obligations): @taliizorah @miyku @noonfaerie @arcandoria @zackkufair @cheriafreya @deimcs @bld-hnd @thanekrios & YOU ;D
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essayofthoughts · 2 years
🌈 celebration for Keyleth, 💛 Morning for Vex and 🥶 Winter for Percy?
🌈 - Celebration - Keyleth
Every year there's a celebration of the sealing of Vecna. A celebration of Vasselheim being saved. A celebration of Vox Machina.
It is bright and it is beautiful, it is full of genuine joy and celebration of gods and people alike who did things small and great. It celebrates those who helped rebuild as well, and helped recover bodies and helped make things as they should be. It is a moment all faiths and even atheists can celebrate, beause none apart from the Whispered One's cult really wanted Vecna to be so present in the world - and even then, some may have had misgivings. It's meant for everyone - even those celebrated - and it's something Keyleth always recieves many invitations for - as Voice of the Tempest, as Keyleth of Vox Machina, as our friend in some letters. Usually, regardless of her own feelings, she attends at least one, usually the celebration in Whitestone or in Vasselheim.
It takes many years before Keyleth can really enjoy it though, can separate her own grief from the sheer joy and relief it has brought so many people
💛 - Morning - Vex
Vex is a morning person! *musical trill*
Vex is a morning person (Percy is not). Vex likes to rise early, with the dawn, likes to get up and get on with things, doesn't even need coffee in the morning usually but she likes a mug anyway, just as a habit. She likes getting up as the sun rises and getting her gear and going out for a patrol - usually with Trinket, sometimes with her hunters - and she loves watching the world wake up around her, seeing the morning glories bloom brightly as they only do before noon, watching the daisies live up to their names and open as the sun spills over them, seeing the dew glisten on the grass and on the spiderwebs.
There is a beauty in those quiet, still moments before everything wakens, and she loves it.
The only times she doesn't are when she's dealing with morning sickness and it is her one single least favourite thing about having her children - but then it turns out half the children are morning people too, and she gets to share those beautiful still moments with them, and she can't mind it that much in the end.
🥶 - Winter - Percy
Percy has some of the most mixed feelings about winter it is possible for anyone to have because... the Briarwoods attacked in winter. He escaped in Winter. He fell in a goddamn river and almost drowned in winter.
But also ... he remembers those deep, northern, mountain winters. He remembers being dragged into snowball fights with his siblings. He remembers the fronds of ice crawling across the windowframe of his little laboratory-cum-workshop before the heat of inside melted it. He remembers the snow and ice tracked into the main hall before the household members peeled off their outdoors boots and replaced them with their indoor slippers by the settle.
He loves winter. Winter is home. Nowhere else in Tal'Dorei does the winter quite feel the same - Vasselheim reminded him a little, but that's Issylra and it didn't have the same energy as Whitestone in the winter. Westruun did when it got frozen by Skysunder, but that doesn't count - that was supernatural. The Frostweald was a little alike, but that was more the Parchwood than the city and he was ever a city boy.
Winter in Whitestone reminds him - and it reminds him of that terrible night when he lost everything he'd ever known, that too - and so he loves the winters, and loves the nostalgia, and loves the warmth and cheer as Winter's Crest approaches and loves that he has friends and at least some of his family back and he can sit in a warm chair, in front of a roaring fire, watching the snow come down outside - but the worse memories are still there. The grief is still there.
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feralkwe · 1 year
Candy corn is yummy and if you don’t want it, I’ll take it off your hands. XD
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kiwimeringue · 2 years
WIP tag!
Wip Game
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the  line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
I was tagged by @aurorawest!
ohoho cryptic! (yes I know toy're not supposed to start a dentence with and shhhhh)
And, most importantly, it locks from the outside.
ok gonna tag @glitchingicarus @portraitoftheoddity @mostfacinorous @malicemismanager @not-so-terrible @gaslightgallows @jessiarts aaaand @ramblingredrose <3
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lemedy · 2 years
Centaurworld was such a trip, but the last episode was my favorite. I did not know I could feel so bad for a horrifying goop monster.
Oh man, I fucking loved the Nowhere King and that the show went "hey, so here's a completely monstrous villain who is responsible for a whole world of suffering and death, also he has a genuinely tragic (if not self-inflicted) backstory and is sympathetic but also yeah - there's no forgiveness here, he deserves to be ended".
Like, I love all other [insert popular dramatic cartoon series here] but it was little nice to go "sincerely sad story there mate but also fuck your whole noise".
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veliseraptor · 2 years
Top five movies you can quote from memory? XD
oh man. the honest answer here is "very few because I'm so bad at movies" but here goes, let's see what surfaces if I go fishing for it
The Lord of the Rings trilogy, for sure. And I will! Unfortunately.
2. Young Frankenstein, which I can't believe I didn't think of first, actually, considering the number of times I slip Young Frankenstein references into day to day conversation. Less than I used to! Still more than I should. (Still less than I reference Teen Girl Squad, though, probably.)
3. The filmed version of Reduced Shakespeare Company which I watched several times as a youth and haven't watched in far too long but can still quote large portions of from memory.
4. Airplane! Strikes me as kind of funny that, for a person who genuinely is not much of a comedy person as a rule, most of the movies on here are comedies. I guess it's not so much that I'm not a comedy person as that there is a very specific kind of comedy that I like and I don't entirely know how to articulate what it is.
5. I was going to be like "I'm not sure I have a fifth" but Lise, you fool, while I can't do the whole thing there are chunks of The Last Unicorn that I very much do know by heart, though the most notable is the voice I hear in my head every time I say the word "unicorn." (uuuunicorn! UUUUUNICORN!)
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