#random thoughts of grace
dreamaboutwhathappens · 5 months
i love the…. almost horror aspects of this album. all the references to ghosts and death…. and sonically, the unexpected shrieking in WAOLOM and the banging and screaming during “old habits die screaming” and even the way the tension subtly builds across the sixteen tracks and by the end you’re so stressed and shaken it’s like! losing your sense of self and feeling like you’ve become a monster is horror. and i’m sooooo glad she leaned into it
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echo-stimmingrose · 27 days
It's upsetting how little Jason's feralness is used in canon.
Like this boy was literally raised by wolves and canonically killed a titan with his bare fucking hands.
Let my boy go insane, let him rip someone's throat out with his teeth, let him have a growl that has enemies running.
This poised roman solider who, when lets himself, acts more wolf than human. Not even just with feralness, let him be cute with it too. Let him curl up like a dog around the people he loves (*cough Leo*) while sleeping. Let him push his nose into people's cheeks as a show of affection. Let him nibbles his lovers (Leo) ears for the same reason.
Wolf boy Jason had so much potential.
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cfffrk · 3 months
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paranormaltheatrekid · 4 months
hypothetically, imagine the axe men never killed the church of the starry children. Imagine that the citizens of Hatchetfield still worshiped the lords in black. Imagine that Grace’s absurd brand of Christianity had already been about the lords in black.
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silamander · 3 months
My Hatchetfield blorbo collection so far
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zukkaoru · 1 year
the thing about fem!dazai is that she would not look like that. she would wear the same exact outfits she wears in canon. she would not wear makeup. she would grow out her hair only because she's too lazy to cut it, and she would rarely actually brush it. (the messy look is part of my charm ;)) her nails would be bitten and picked at, and if she ever were to wear nail polish, it would have been forced on her by either chuuya or yosano. she wouldn't wear heels because she doesn't like pain. she wouldn't even have her ears pierced because she doesn't like pain. chuuya tried to convince her when they were teenagers and she kept coming up with increasingly absurd excuses for why she couldn't get her ears pierced. she wears socks with flats because it's more comfortable even though chuuya ridicules her endlessly because "don't you know how horrendous that looks". (why are you looking at my feet? dazai retorts is it because you can't see any higher than that?) the only times she's ever dressed up were for undercover missions in the port mafia, and she griped about being uncomfortable in her clothes and shoes and makeup the entire time. she doesn't even look at her reflection, so why would she spend hours curating the perfect look? she just throws one of her three outfits on and goes
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lilylionm34 · 18 days
Reyna definitely deserves a standalone book. Thanks to Rick for creating such a strong female character. I see all kinds of precious qualities of women in her, and those are the ones that I didn’t have in the past.
I remember when I first read HoO, I was only in elementary school. Back then, I was too timid and weak to face difficulties. I won’t say how much Reyna had helped me in shaping my personalities, but until now, when I encounter difficulties, I still keep telling myself that if Reyna can do it, I can do it too. You guys won’t believe that such a simple encouragement turned me into an independent, brave and responsible girl.
For me, she is not just a leader, but more like a role model. To be honest, I need to know more about her background story, especially her interactions with Jason and Octavian. They all need more developments, in-depth developments. I still don’t think it was a good decision for her to join the Hunters, but if there is a book about what happened after that, it would be great as well.
Reyna is underestimated, admit it.
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mischiefbuckley · 13 days
I caved and finally watched the first episode of lone star…
judd seems like a very interesting and complex character and honestly interested to see how he plays out throughout the show cause again only thing I know about judd’s character as of now is the pilot and crossover episode but I will say his relationship with grace is so adorable even from the small moments in the pilot and I can’t wait to see more of it (also sad cause I know she doesn’t come back for season 5 but I’ll enjoy it while I can)
tk overdosing in the pilot episode like wasn’t expecting that at all, but I do like how they call attention to his addiction from the beginning very intriguing way to address it
owen building the 126 up and choosing the people that typically wouldn’t be chosen for a team like mateo and marjan and paul and also enjoyed that part including the part with paul in the changing room (although I really wish it wasn’t rob lowe playing him)
the slow moments of tk and carlos starting right from the beginning and what do you mean carlos asked him to dance like what even (also carlos I need you to show a certain texas firefighter that lives in LA some of your moves please he needs help desperately)
also liv tyler was in this??? but I feel like anything liv tyler is in is doomed from the beginning lol
the one part that had me dying at the end is why did they chose to play old town road at the end of the episode like again the budget allocated for music alone with 911 and 911 lone star is so insane to me
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
I think Nami would be a huge fan of Sitcoms because they're cozy and nothing happens and it reminds her of when she used to watch them with her mom and Nojiko. Zoro and Luffy catch her watching a sitcom someday and they complain about how nothing is happening, and she says that that's the whole point of the show and they don't know how to appreciate it because they're always either watching cartoons or fight movies. But then the two guys get extremely invested too and they end up binge-watching Seinfeld, Friends, That 70s Show, Cheers... I wholeheartedly think Luffy would love the found family trope and Zoro would end up getting into the dumbest arguments with Nami because they have different opinions on dramatic moments of the shows.
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gizmocreates · 1 month
murder on the warp train express spoilers under the cut—
Well, RIP L-Feather Don theory. But Bloodfiend Don is hype enough that I’m not disappointed to be wrong.
A lot of her assorted quirks still make complete sense with the canon revelation, and L-Don was a crack theory anyways LMAO. Excited to see where Canto VII goes from here… Dante’s goofy ass better be making sure those stinky shoes don’t go nowhere or we’re COOKED
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avaetin · 10 months
Favorite Colors (Nico & Aeon + 5)
Nico: If you have to pick one, what would be your favorite color?
Percy: Mine's-
Nico: Blue. We all know, Captain Obvious.
Percy: Wow. You just couldn't wait a second before verbally attacking me.
Nico: (grinning)
Hazel: Mine's probably... white.
Nico: I honestly thought yours would be either yellow or orange.
Hazel: I like them too. But white's a versatile color, so... (shrugs)
Jason: Purple for me.
Reyna: I don't really have any.
Jason: That's bor- (sees Reyna's expression) -... not fun. But not having a favorite is fine. (quickly turns to Nico) Yours is green, right?
Nico: Yup.
(w/ the sea-green eyes) Percy: Why do I feel happy with his answer?
(w/ the chartreus-green eyes) Alabaster: Funny. So am I.
(w/ the emerald-green eyes) Aeon: (rolls his eyes, but is happy as well)
Alabaster: Anyway... mine is brown.
Percy: Brown? Like earth brown?
Jason: Earth brown? Sounds like some made-up color.
Percy: It's not made-up! And you know what I mean!
Hazel: Actually, there is a color called earth brown.
Percy: Ha! Eat that!
Alabaster: (glaring at Percy) If you don't shut up, I'll shove earth brown down your throat.
Percy: (zips his lips)
Alabaster: Not earth brown. More like... russet brown.
Reyna: (smiles knowingly) I wonder why.
Nico: (has russet-brown eyes)
Alabaster: (gives her a pointed look)
Hazel: And Aeon?
Nico: His is-
Aeon: Pink.
All six: Pink???
Nico: Wait. I thought you like gold? Why do you suddenly like pink?
Aeon: (thinking about Nico's lips and his cheeks when he's blushing) No particular reason.
Alabaster: Why do I feel irritated by his answer?
Percy: Funny. So am I.
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dreamaboutwhathappens · 10 months
what a year the past seven months have been
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echo-stimmingrose · 27 days
I firmly believe that Thalia could have been healed when she was twelve. Yes she was dying but if she had been taken to a healer she could have survived it. Zeus knew this and I believe he took the chance of her almost dying to get rid of her. It looked like he saved her in the only way he could when in reality he was just getting rid of a threat while saving face.
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chloegraceartist · 6 months
Hey Shane fans! 💜💙💚
I’m drawing Shane farming to enter a contest that happening at a local art gallery near me.
It’s perfect because my community is REALLY into farming.
And so Shane amongst the leaves of a field farming would be absolutely ADORABLE.
I think Shane would be absolutely embarrassed and mortified that his portrait would be on display for everyone to see. 🙈💕
But I’m also so excited that my community is forced to appreciate Shane this way. ✨
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My response to the idea that Percy Jackson is an atheist:
I got the sense that Percy WAS an atheist when he first arrived at Camp Half Blood, but by the end of things he's offering ships drenched in Diet Coke to Dionysus.
I think that over 90% of the characters in the Percy Jackson series are clearly neo-pagans who actually worship the gods, or at least worship their divine parent.
That Jason wanted to become a priest of all gods at the end of Heroes of Olympus could be taken as further indication.
Not that I'd want to fight anyone to the death or anything over my theory that the PJO universe is essentially neo-pagan. It is fiction, and there are few wrong conclusions about fictional characters. The reader/viewer is free to see what they want to see.
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grace-kami · 6 months
Antonia: *owns enormous Hotel*
*not wheelchair accessible*
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