#raoul bushman
loki-hargreeves · 7 months
Here's a fake Moon Knight season 2 teaser/trailer to feed the delulu 💗
I was inspired by the thought of Bushman returning and starting shit. Also, I hope that if it does actually happen, Layla can beat his ass.
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thedevilsoftruth · 5 months
He's a ten but he...
Cut the face off of his worst enemy and had a mental breakdown while wearing the cut off skin of the fuckers face in the mirror.
Killed his own brother... multiple times.
Carves crescent moons on the faces of the people he kills.
Defeated the avengers.
Died a bunch and then didn't.
Sleeps in the tomb of his fatherly figure who is an Egyptian god all day and fights crime at night.
Did illegal boxing
Gauged the eyeballs out of this one guy he got himself into prison just to kill.
Is also a millionaire who's a film producer who also kind of made a movie about himself.
Is a taxi driver and likes going to strip clubs... A lot.
Is also an astronaut who fights space werewolf's.
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HES A 100 🤩🤩🤪🤪😝😝😋😋😋
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mikazureart · 2 years
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PDF Moon Knight Zine 2022 Get a digital PDF zine containing 60 HD pages of my artworks from 2022 of characters such as Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Khonshu, Jean-Paul DuChamp, Raoul Bushman, Arthur Harrow; and ship combinations of them!
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Questionnaire for the Midnight Mission Congregation
Based on this Reddit Post.
Now I know we haven't had a lot of time to talk about a lot of these characters, but some of these names may sound familiar and others may send you off on your own investigation. But be careful, looking into enemies of Moon Knight may very well put a target on your back.
Let me know your thoughts!! Would love to hear from you!
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I had a dream where I took over Marvel Studios and the first project I greenlit was a horror spin-off to “Moon Knight”. The plot was that Leo Fitz from “Agents of SHIELD” was pulled out of retirement by Everett Ross and asked to accompany the U.S. military to this weapons site in Egypt. They needed Fitz specifically since they needed his expert opinion on some new weapons they were designing.
So they take Fitz to Egypt where he linked up with Dinah Madani from “The Punisher”, who is now working under Ross. At some point, Fitz and the U.S. military are attacked by Raoul Bushman’s mercenaries (the mercenaries responsible for killing Layla’s dad and shooting Marc Spector). That’s what the first two episodes were about…but then the series takes a massive left turn when it’s revealed that in the chaos of the fighting, both sides damaged a temple of the Egyptian god Ra, thus awakening the god from their slumber. Because of this, Fitz, Ross, and Madani had to join forces with Raoul Bushman in order to stop Ra.
I don’t know how the story ended because I woke up before the finale lol. I’m assuming Moon Knight shows up as the surprise guest.
Side note: Now that I’m writing my dream out, it looks like my brain was thinking about “The Mummy”.
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tomoleary · 5 months
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Leinil Yu - Vengeance of the Moon Knight #3 Raoul Bushman (2010) Source
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cosmolog · 1 year
Difficult Times, Always pt.2
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Warnings; Someone is impaled, bad words, threatening someone's life, nausea, tell me if I missed anything, please.
I may have to write a part 3 now, if you want me to...
Part 1 can be read here
The first thing Marc felt when he woke up was dizziness. Then that dizziness melted into sickness as his eyes opened wider. The room he was in was dark, the only light source was overhead, a cement floor beneath him. But what make him scream in agony as all his senses finally returned was the thick metal pole that went right through him, connected to both the ground and the ceiling. No way out of that...
He couldn't move much, having to stop and groan or spit out blood. He had only now noticed the amount of the liquid that had spilled on the ground while he was sleeping. His phone was also on the ground in front of him, within reach. He couldn't look up too much, his back was too whatever light source was above him, whether it was artificial light or the moon providing him some sort of vision.
The room echoed with the splash of his blood onto the pool beneath him. From what he could gather, the pole seemed to pierce right through his abdomen, probably ripping an organ apart at the moment.
Marc heaved out another groan. "St-Steven..." He rasped. But his voice only echoed throughout the room. "Steven?"
"Marc? Oh God, are you alright?" Steven's worried voice came from Marc's right. Was there a mirror over there? Or, at least, something that reflected?
"What happened, Steven?" Marc whispered through another groan.
"Some guy, h-his name was Bushman, or something, he came to the flat. He asked me if I, or most-likely, you were hiding from him. And before I could say anything he knocked me out and...and now we're here." Steven explained.
Marc's ears had picked up at the mention of Bushman. "Bushman? Raoul Bushman?" He asked.
Steven stared at him. "Well...yeah, I guess so?" Seeing Marc glare at the blood as it slowly crept away from him, more drooping out and re-wetting the bottom of the pole, Steven gave him a sceptical look. "Please don't tell me you've been keeping more secrets from me..." When Marc didn't reply, Steven raised his voice. "Oh, for God's sake, Marc! When will it end with you?"
Marc then heard Steven start to pace a short distance then turn and pace again. "So what is he? A vampire? Werewolf? Dr. Evil?" Steven asked.
Marc shook his head. "Remember that guy I was working with, the one who shot me and got us into this mess in the first place?"
"The one who shot..." Steven hesitated. "Layla's father?" Marc sighed and nodded. "We're in that asshole's secret man-cave?!"
"Well, we wouldn't be if you had took him out before he even touched you!" Marc griped back before groaning again as he felt the pole move inside him.
"No, we wouldn't be here if you hadn't joined him all those years ago! I mean, who knows what he's going to do to us! To you!" Steven yelled, before huffing and speaking more quietly. "Look, Marc. We need to get out of here..."
Marc's eyes suddenly widened. "Y/n." He started texting her warnings that Bushman would most likely come for her.
Steven's panic grew to match his as he shook his head in disbelief. "Don't worry. I'm sure she's safe...She's got Venom, hasn't she? Surely, he'll protect her..."
Marc growled after five minutes past, then six...then seven. Half the phone screen was now stained red. "She isn't answering my texts or calls, Steven!"
"Do you think he got her?" He asked, tears filling his eyes at the thought of his love being in harm, and him having no way of getting her out of it. Marc lifted his head just enough to glare in Steven's general direction. Steven's voice turned to one of reason. "Marc, you know she wouldn't ignore us..."
Marc didn't get the chance to reply when the sound of a door opening was heard from above them. Were they in a basement or something? A big one?
"If she's in danger, Marc, please, watch your words." Steven begged.
Marc stayed silent, catching his breath as he felt more blood trickle out of his body. The door to the basement opened. The strange silhouette of the tall man with something thrown over his shoulder made Marc's heart pick up.
"I've brought a special guest, just for you, Marc" Bushman grinned, slowly stomping down the steps. As soon as he was a few feet away from Marc, he dropped the body onto the ground.
As she hit the ground with a thud, Marc had to keep his own yell inside while Steven screamed foul language at Bushman, who couldn't hear him.
"She's a pretty little thing, ain't she?" He chuckled, his eyes darkening as they lingered on the unconscious woman's body.
"You have me, why hurt her?" Marc rasped out.
Bushman grinned. "Well, she's your love, isn't she?" He nudged her back with his foot, impatiently. "No one wants to see those they love suffer..." He sighed and looked up at Marc with a grin. "So...when that sleeping draft I gave her wears off, we'll see how high her pain tolerance is..." He started chuckling.
Part 3 here
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thevelominati · 10 months
MK #30 Preview
"MOON KNIGHT #30! Hm. Things don't seem to be going very well, do they." -- Jed Mackay's Twitter
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"Not going well" aka the story of Marc's life, really.
Obviously the preview doesn't really give away much of anything, other than a promise that Marc's going to be spending time crawling around on the floor, very bloody. A+ decision, Mackay and team. Give the people what they want!
(I ended up on Cappuccio's Insta and I was reminded just how many commissions he's had to MK + bloody. MK fandom is evidently united in really wanting to see Marc (specifically, apparently) a little bit filthy.)
Other thoughts: I do like the fact that over the years of the comics, Marc has very much been established as someone that's either spot-on with judging someone's character, or really, really shitty at it. It ties in so very nicely with his ability to make the absolute worst of decisions.
Kind of curious that, if Plesko's calling Marc a bloody-minded, unkillable creature (oooh, I wonder how that's going to tie in with Vengeance of the Moon Knight 2.0!), what Plesko would have made of Bushman. Obviously the inference is that Plesko never met or worked with Bushman, but potentially Plesko also found Marc more interesting in comparison because he does have more humanity and compassion to him than Bushman ever has — the same softness that Bushman commented (derogatory) on would, potentially to someone like Plesko, be more interesting to unravel in relation to the ability to commit awful atrocities than Raoul's relatively simple desire to be feared.
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sessa23 · 2 years
Desperate (Part 7)
Collaboration with the fabulous @noforkingclue
TW: Shooting, death, lying
(Flasback is in italics)
Spanish: no te voy a lastimar" Translation:(I'm not going to hurt you.)
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You watched as Raoul Bushman loaded the priceless artifacts into his car. You couldn't let him get away, you hid your weapon as you approached silently. You heard him chuckle as you came closer. "Are you pleased, killing those archaeologists? Killing your former fellow officer?" You hissed this caused Raoul to turn "Y/N? I thought I killed you." He questioned "You'll find im difficult to kill." You replied, Raoul laughed before he lunged at you with a knife, you kicked him and this knocked the knife out his hand.
You grabbed you weapon and hit Raoul on the back of the head. He fell to the ground, you checked and he was dazed. You went to the car to find some rope to restrain Raoul, suddenly you caught a glimpse of a figure in white. You turned and you saw the figure coming closer, Raoul got up and leaned against the car. You then heard a thud, you came out of the car and caw Raoul's body against the car with a crescent moon in their chest. The figure looked at you, their eyes were glowing white and they looked to be in the same wraps that were used for mummification. The figure came towards you, "no te voy a lastimar" (I'm not going to hurt you.)
The sound of gunshots pulled you away from your thoughts, you saw the henchmen shooting at the figure in white. You grabbed a gun which a dead henchman dropped, you began shooting at the three approaching goons. They fell to the ground, dead but little did you know that even more henchmen were coming from behind.
"Y/N,watch out." The figure in white flew down from the pyramid and stood infront of you, shielding you from the gun fire. "Marc?" You questioned, the figure nodded. You pulled out your gun "can you buy me some time while I get the map." Marc nodded "I can do that" Marc did a flip while you ran to where the remains of senfu were. You found the map and put it in your pocket. As you turned to leave, there were three henchmen blocking your way.
You growled as you grabbed a knife from the display, they lunged at you. You managed to dodge their attacks but one of the henchmen distracted you and knocked you to the ground. You went to get up but two henchmen held you down while the third picked up the knife and came towards you. You kicked yourself for not keeping up with your fighting skills. it looked like you were about to die.
Horus spoke " You clearly haven't fought in a long time. Let me help." Your eyes glowed gold for a moment before returning to your normal eye colour. You kicked one of the henchmen in the groin the henchman hand and knocked the gun out of it before punching them in the face, you fought them all off before they fell to the ground. "What was that?" You whispered, Horus spoke "im helping."
You turned to face the exit and walked out, you saw Marc had some spears impaled in him, the henchmen holding them you then spotted a henchman on a horse with another spear. You spotted a gun in the sand and picked it up. The henchman headed towards Marc, you fired the gun at the henchman and they were hit and then fell off the horse
You were focused on trying to help Marc but then out of nowhere you were hit and knocked to the ground, the gun flung out your hand. Mogart had knocked you to the ground with the blunt end of the spear. looking up and noticing that he had ridden the horse to the other side, aiming the spear at you. You heard Marc's voice calling out your name before the sounds of bodies falling to the ground.
Then there was the sound of a horse riding towards you, as the horse got close you then went to reach for the gun. As you put your hands on it, there was a white blur and you were out of the path of the horse. You looked up and saw Marc throw crescent shaped weapon at Mogart, you saw it impale him before he fell off the horse. Marc had stood up and held his hand out to you, "you did alot of showing off Marc but....you saved me, i owe you. Thank you" the two of you walked away from the carnage and went to find a car to drive out to the desert.
It wasn't long before you were both in the car driving through the outskirts of Cairo. Marc was now in his regular clothing, he cursed as he looked down at his shirt. "That was my favourite shirt." He then took it off and began to look though the duffel bag behind his seat. You were silent for a moment before you spoke "what did Harrow mean by "marc doesn't tell you the truth?"
Marc was still going though the bag "I don't know what he' referring to" he replied. You took a breath "I never told anyone why I left, why I walked away from my old life. it was like he just saw right though me."Marc had found a shirt and began to put it on "He's just trying to mess with you. You know, he's trying to get in your mind. No, don't let him do that." He replied as he pulled the shirt down. "You know, he's got this idea that he can see the true nature of people or some baloney like that. If that were true, I don't think he'd have a bunch of homicidal maniacs as his disciples, would he?"
You didn't take your eyes off the road "So, it's not true? What he said about you and..." Marc shook his "No, it's not true. No, he's just trying to divide us. Don't let him get in your head" he then turned to look out his window. As you continued to drive the city soon faded into the distance, the desert sands were starting to come into view, it would not be long before the search for Ammit's tomb would begin
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Moon Knight Propaganda
Marc Spector, better known as the vigilante Moon Knight, was once a mercenary left for dead in the desert while on a mission in Egypt, where he was revived by the Egyptian Moon god Khonshu after collapsing in front of an idol of the god. In exchange for being brought back to life, he was appointed as Khonshu's fist and high priest, Moon Knight, and enacts justice to protect those who travel at night. Marc also has dissociative identity disorder, some of his alters being (now former-)millionaire Steven Grant and cab driver Jake Lockley. Moon Knight has "died" on multiple occasions since then, but keeps being brought back by Khonshu or, more recently, Dr. Badr (The newly revealed other Fist of Khonshu, Hunter's Moon).
He has died THREE times. Each time he has come back. He LITERALLY QUOTES WILLIAM AFTONS “I always come back” IN THE NEW MACKAY RUN. This man is a dumpster fire and is such a closeted bisexual it’s insane. My man also looks like a wet paper bag and has shrimp posture. He is one in a krillion. Please ignore every comic run of him except Ellis’, Lemieres, or Mackay‘s. He is the definition of “had a rocky transition into the 2000’s” - maybe IGN should’ve said that to the MK runs instead of Sonic. All offense, and a little bit of salt. I am as salty as the ocean. Yeah. That’s it I think.
Moon Knight is my favourite Marvel superhero!! He dies for a short period of time in his backstory, which goes as follows: Marc Spector served as Marine and briefly as a CIA agent before becoming a mercenary. While on a mission in Egypt with fellow mercenary Raoul Bushman, he witnesses the other man murder an archeologist and his team, leaving the archeologist's daughter alive to watch. Enraged by the awful act, Marc picks a fight with Bushman and loses, being left for dead in desert all alone. He manages to drag himself into the tomb unearthed by the archeologists and collapses in front of a statue of the god Khonshu. He dies before the statue and is soon revived, fully healed, by Khonshu. Khonshu begins speaking to him and tells him that he is to become the god's Moon Knight, the Fist of Khonshu, and redeem himself from all of the violence of his past life by protecting all those who travel in the night. Marc agrees, and the rest is history!
The whole origin of how the sys became moon knight is that Marc spector was shot after going up against his superior on an unethical mercenary job in the desert. He crawled to the statue of the Egyptian god Khonshu and died at the foot of it but was resurrected as his Fist of Justice to carry out his protection for the travelers of the night. Dying and getting resurrected then happens multiple times over Moon Knight’s appearances, including in the Disney Plus show where they are in the Egyptian afterlife before making their way back to life via accepting themselves as a system and choosing to live. One of the most famous quotes from the comics is “I’ve died before. It was boring, so I stood up.”
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I don't steal. They've already been stolen. That's what people forget.
FULL NAME & ALIAS: layla abdallah el-faouly / scarlet scarab CURRENT TEAM(S): partner to moon knight PREVIOUS ALIASES: none AGE: 31 SPECIES: human avatar for taweret  MULTIVERSAL ORIGIN: earth-199999 ( mcu )
GENDER IDENTITY: cisgendered female SEXUALITY: bisexual NATIONALITY: egyptian ETHNICITY: egyptian-palestinian 
FACE CLAIM: may calamawy SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: very curly hair HAIR COLOR: brown EYE COLOR: brown ACCENT: egyptian CURRENT COSTUME: the scarlet scarab costume from moon knight
CURRENT HOME: a tiny apartment in brooklyn, new york PAST OCCUPATION: archaeology dig site assistant   CURRENT OCCUPATION: black market dealer / partner to moon knight SNAP STATUS: survived
SIBLING(S): none PARTNER(S): marc spector ( husband ) / steven grant ( complicated ) CHILDREN: none PARENT(S): abdallah el-faouly ( father / deceased )
birthday is october 28, 1994
born muslim but not entirely practicing 
speaks arabic / french / a little mandarin 
grew up listening to egyptian myths at night at the various dig sites her father brought her to; she was once she terrified of apopis she refused to leave abdallah’s side for three days
grew up with her mother not in the picture
dabbled in black market before her dad died but plunged in completely following his murder
wanted to hunt down the mercenaries who killed him
married marc in a small ceremony in chicago
still technically has their small apartment in london
if marc had wanted to divorce her, that was fine. he wasn’t allowed to be a coward and just send divorce papers without facing her
she’s still hurt over marc lying about being present when her father is killed but she’s working on forgiving him
isn’t entirely sold on being an avatar; she liked the look on the little girl’s face when she asked if laya was an egyptian superhero. she does it because there’s not many out there like her
slowly started toying with being the scarlet scarab without telling marc so she could figure it out for herself
layla does love steven but isn’t sure how to maneuver that
raoul bushman - he killed her father.
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For the whole history of JEAN-PAUL DUCHAMP, please click here.
* please note -- due to a lack of MCU canon, we will supplement with earth-616 info
Although he arrived in New York to confront Marc, Frenchie has decided to stick around for a while. In a surprising turn, he’s opened up a restaurant and works as their Maître d' while using it as a front for contacts. It gives him space to attend to everything that he wants to, and a good cover is always a good time. Being able to connect with old friends has been bittersweet; things are changing, but at least Marc is in his life once more. He can figure out the rest later on.
✗ MARC SPECTOR (MCU) and Frenchie go way back. They worked together with Frenchie serving as a pilot before Marc vanished into thin air; they specifically contracted with the traitorous Raoul Bushman. Marc’s disappearance angered Frenchie to no end; not only did he not know where his friend was, he didn’t even know if he was alive or not. It wasn’t until they ran into each other in New York again that Frenchie got any kind of answer. He’s still mad, but he’s also very glad to see Marc alive and okay once more.
✗ JAKE LOCKLEY (MCU) is an alter of Marc’s that Frenchie interacted with over the years due to Jake’s protective nature over Marc when things became too difficult to process. The two weren’t as close as Marc and Frenchie were, but he at least met him, which is more than he could ever say about Steven Grant.
✗ LAYLA EL-FAOULY (MCU) loves Marc as well. She’s the one who married him, of course, but the two are in the unique position to know what it’s like to love Marc and deal with his demons. When he first went missing, Frenchie assisted Layla in looking for Marc to no avail. Later, she was the one who called and told him that he was in New York. He deserved to know, and he’s infinitely grateful that she reached out.
✗ INDEPENDENT CONTRACTING → It may not work for some, but Frenchie’s been in the game for a long time. It wasn’t difficult for him to get his American contacts active so that he would travel to the States to confront Marc for disappearing. With the amount of people that he knows and his impressive resume it’s not hard for him to land on his feet.
✗ AGE → 40′s ✗ MULTIVERSE ORIGIN → mcu ✗ SPECIES → human ✗ ETHNICITY → up to player ✗ SECRET IDENTITY → no dual ✗ RELATIONSHIP STATUS → open ✗ FACECLAIM → pedro pascal ✗ AVAILABILITY → taken
goes by ‘frenchie’
was present the night bushman killed abdullah el-faouly
has had romantic feelings for marc
survived the blip
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Pt 1: Searching for Spector
word count: 3k
warnings: violence, language, afab!reader
summary: You’re asked by Fury to track down Moon Knight and keep an eye on him.
second part here
a/n: this is basically just setting things up for the next part. I didn’t want to put too much in this first part because it felt like it was too long winded. Pls reblog and interact and give feedback!! Thank you!
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Even though Fury “retired” and made it seem like he wasn’t involved in the matters of heroes anymore, he still stayed up to date with new candidates and threats. Which is why when a new vigilante appeared in an all-white suit and used magical moon-shaped weapons, he believed it warranted close attention.
This is where you come in. As one of his recruits (and closest friend according to you) he trusted your skill set to keep an eye on this “Moon Knight” and stop him if needed.
Walking into Fury’s man cave is like walking into a mini Avengers compound, full of weapons and security footage of different locations. The man himself sat in a chair at the head of a table.
“Jesus Fury, paranoid much?” The joke was met with an unamused face.
“Can’t be too safe these days. Without Shield or the Avengers, there are a lot of people who think it’s a free-for-all. I like to remind them that there are still heroes out there.” His words make you wonder who else he’s worked with recently.
“I have a mission for you. There’s a new man on the scene. Dressed in a white hooded get-up, and goes by the name Moon Knight. Seems to be supernaturally powered.” He presses a button on a remote, filling the screens with sightings of Moon Knight. You watch his fighting style and try to learn his rhythm. But it was difficult. In some videos, the fighting style differs completely from the others. It looks like two different people.
He turns to you. “I want you to track him. Figure out why he’s doing what he’s doing.” He stares at you, waiting for a response.
“Are we sure it’s just one guy? His technique switches in some of the videos.” You say out loud, but it’s more rhetorical than anything.
“Meet Marc Spector. Born in Chicago, the son of a rabbi. Enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served for three years. While in a fugue state, he went AWOL, got discharged because of it. The last he was seen was with Raoul Bushman. While Spector is a little harder to get on camera, we know Bushman’s last known whereabouts are in Egypt. He’s not the type of guy you have as a friend. If our guy runs with him, it could mean trouble.”
The image that pops up throws you off. You lean on the table, getting closer to the screen. He’s beautiful. He looks like nothing you were imagining. His brown eyes have sadness and something mysterious about them. His dark brown curly hair was somewhat frizzy and his jawline was so sharp it could cut diamonds.
“Bushman isn’t my concern here. Get to Marc and figure him out.”
“I got a guy who owes me a favor in Egypt. I’ll see if he’s heard about Bushman. When do I leave?”
“Now,” He slides an envelope across the table. Inside is a passport, some currency, and a picture of Bushman. “You’re going in deep. The reason for this stays between us.”
“Of course, Fury, this ain’t my first rodeo.” You boast with a slight smile. He rolls his eyes and while his tone is dry, you don’t miss the slight smile on his face as he tells you to leave.
Before you take the intel and step out, you turn back to Fury.
“Why are you trusting me to do this?”
He looks at you for a second before answering. “Sage you’ve always been skilled at what you do. You’ve always gotten the job done. I don’t think there’s been one person you haven't been able to take down. When I got back from being dusted, I learned about what you occupied your time with during the Blimp. I saw the footage.” He pauses for a moment. You hold your breath as you wait for him to finish.
“It was you, but you were different. You’ve changed. Gotten a sharper edge to you now. That’s what I need nowadays. I’ve seen the way this guy handles business, and I need someone I know that can stop him.”
You let out the air in your lungs as you grab the envelope off the table. You give Fury a small smile before turning to leave.
Reaching out to your connection pays off. He gives you the name of a club that Bushman frequents and that he had been seen at a few weeks ago. You waste no time after landing. It’s late and this is prime time for a crime-lord to be out. Taking a taxi, you find yourself in front of a seedy club.
The heat of the building is enough to make you feel like you’re suffocating. The music’s so loud that it’s thumping in your ears. You take note of the shady characters lurking around the club. Trying not to draw attention, you quickly get to the bar and order a drink. You watch the crowd as you wait for Bushman. You’ve moved on to a second drink and have opted to watch from a small table towards the front of the bar.
When the back door of the club swings open you have no doubt that it’s Raoul Bushman. He’s massive, and the look in his eyes tells you that he has no problem dirtying his hands. People like him always have that look in their eyes, like they could snap at any moment. You sink further into your seat to be certain he wont see you. You’ve already formed a plan. You'll follow him out of the bar. Maybe he'll lead you to Moon Knight. Or at least find you a better lead. Someone who knows where Marc Spector has gone.
The night drags on as you watch him drink and get friendly with a few women.And while the place is full of criminals, the atmosphere isn’t hostile. You decide to leave and wait outside. The longer you stay in there, the more likely he is to notice your face. As you debating going outside, you hear him mention to his men to be ready to leave soon. You take that as a sign to leave.
Outside, the streets prove to be much quieter. You breathe in deep, trying to get as much air as possible after being in the stuffy club. Once you feel you can breathe properly again, you take in the full moon and how it washes everything in an almost unnoticeable sheen of silver. Walking across the street you blend in with a crowd at a food truck as you wait for them to exit.
A few moments later, the door swings open as Raoul and some of his men leave the club. You keep your back towards them, and use your enhanced hearing to know what they're doing. As they all walk towards the parked cars, you make your way back across the street.
Back in the same lot with them, you swiftly move around cars and avoid the drunken fools wandering outside. Quickly pressing yourself against a truck that wasn’t too close to them, you hold your breath to hear them. Bushman stands at the head of the circle, his men flanking his side.
He begins to speak to the men, discussing their upcoming mission and the approach to obtain their reward. He doesn’t mention Moon Knight or Marc Spector; he doesn’t even hint at them having any added help from someone who is superly inclined. The meeting quickly ends and everyone starts making their way to their cars.
Silently crawling away and doing some peekaboo from behind cars, you spot Bushman’s car. Crouching down, you pull the small tracker gun out of your pocket. Loading the tag and setting the tool up on the ground gives you the perfect shot at the tire. As you focus the scope and breathe out, you hear a small tink as the tracker leaves the barrel.
It emits a small yellowish glow, like the glow of a firefly, before it attaches to the tire. You slink into the shadows of the night as he climbs into the car and wastes no time driving off. Gravel and sand fly into the air as the tires spin. Now all you have to do is wait for him to stop moving and see if he’s led you straight to Moon Knight.
After Bushman has sat in one spot for long enough, you hail a taxi and give an address up the street from his location. The location on the device leads you to a small lodging place on the outskirts of the city. It’s close to the vast desert that you can see the silhouettes of the pyramids looming behind the little shack.
Wanting to get a feel for the little area, you begin to sneak around. Making sure that the only patrolmen are the ones who are all drinking and smoking a funny-smelling cigarette. You stay close to the ground as you get closer to the men.
Coming up behind them, you quickly disarm the two with guns. In one swift motion, you snatch the gun from one and deliver a forceful strike to the owner’s head with the stock. He stumbles backward and you send him tumbling backwards with a kick to the chest. The other one with the gun tries to point it at you but his moving too slowly and it’s comical how easily you disarm him. Taking hold of the barrel of the gun, you shove it at him, hitting him square in the chest. You pull the weapon towards you, which brings the man who is still holding on to it. As he enters your personal space, you slam your head into him. He quickly drops the gun to hold his broken nose. But before he can, you backhand him, knocking him out.
You’re moving too quickly for the other two to call for help. Grabbing one by the collar of his shirt, you drive him down on the ground, before picking him back up and throwing him a few feet into the desert. You watch him to see if he’ll get back up, but he doesn’t. He just lays there, sprawled out like a starfish. The last remaining guy tries to put up a fight, but you drop into a squatting position and sweep your leg under his. Once he lands on his back, you straddle him. You position your hands firmly over his mouth and nose, cutting off his oxygen. A few moments pass and finally, he falls unconscious.
Making it to the back of the small building, you jump up to grab ahold of the edge. Latching your hands on you pull yourself up on the roof as quietly as possible. You hear three heartbeats inside the shack, you wonder if any belong to Moon Knight. You’re about to crash through the roof until you decide to just wait for Bushman to be alone.
You lie down on your back and watch the stars. You can’t stop your mind from wandering back to before the Blimp. Everything was going great, you had gotten out of the superhero life and had finally started seeing a therapist. Albit state mandated, but nonetheless you were still going. But then everything with Thanos happened.
You shiver as you remember when he had made his appearance in Wakanda. The feeling of absolute terror he had caused as you watched your friends turn to dust right before your eyes. Bucky had went to reach out for you right as he fell, barely touching your hand before he was just gone. Thinking about it for too long made your left hand itch. And then those years after still show up in your dreams. The emptiness of it all, most of your friends being gone and the how it was quiet all the time. It continues to haunt you.
You’re shaken out of your memories when you hear the door to the shack close.
Creeping over to the edge, you see his bald head. He strikes a match and lights his cigarette. Moving quickly, you scale down the building and appear beside him on the porch. He has his back to you and you know from his body language, he’s unaware of your presence. You lunge forward, kicking the back of his knee and gripping his arm. He stumbles forward and you pin him against the wall. He looks up at you, his eyes wide and angry.
“Alert your men and you’re all dead. I just have some questions and then I’m gone.” He considers your words for a moment and you can feel him twitching, trying his hardest to get away. He tries for a few more moments before realizing he can't overpower you. Years of doing this have led you to be great at reading people. So it doesnt surprise you when he tries to yell. Twisting him around, you grab his head and yank it down in contact with your knee, with a loud smack. He goes cross-eyed and slacked jaw for a moment. You give him a second to collect his thoughts.
“Let’s try it again. I want information on someone and I know you have it. Give me the information and I forget that I saw you.”
“What type of information are we talking about?” His words are slightly slurred. You most likely fractured a few teeth.
“I need the whereabouts of someone that you ran with.”
He grits his jaw. “I help a lot of people. You think I remember all of them?”
You pull out a small piece of paper that has Marc’s military photo on it. You hold it in front of Bushman’s face.
“What about this guy? You remember him?”
He glares at the picture for too long before looking back at you through his brows. Anger is all over his face. “Never seen that prick in my life.”
“Hmm, that was so very believable.” Your voice is laced with sarcasm. “I know for a fact that you know this guy. I have evidence of you two getting into some shit together-” You pull out a knife and tap it on the side of his head, “so, you want to try again?”
A staring content has started to take place as you wait for him to decide what he wants to do.
“What’s in it for me? I’m not giving free information, I dont do charity.”
You roll your eyes. Everyone is always so greedy.
“I’ll give you six months of immunity.”
He eyes you skeptically, “You don’t have that power.”
“You’re right, but I know people who do. Tell me what you know and you’ll be protected.”
You bring the picture back into his vision.
“His name is Marc Spector. We had a job together a while ago. Marc got greedy and wanted all the treasure for himself.” You hear his heart skip a beat and you smell the lie on his skin.
“You’re lying. Tell the truth.” You chide. He gives you a look that is supposed to be intimidating but has no effect. You raise an eyebrow and touch the blade of the knife to his neck.
“I got greedy and wanted all the treasure for myself. I was killing everyone around me, and I was doing wonderfully till Marc decided that killing was too horrible. He tried to stop me. So I killed him, can’t have any witnesses. I left him for dead in the middle of the desert.”
There was no lie.
“You haven’t seen him since?”
“What part of leaving him dead do you not understand? He’s dead. I shot him twice. If that didn’t kill him then bleeding out and starving did.”
He truly has no idea that not only is Marc very much alive, but he’s Moon Knight.
You let out a grunt of acknowledgment.
Letting go of Bushman’s arm, it snaps towards his gun. But before he even realizes it, you’re already swinging your fist down towards his head. The contact stuns him before you wrap both arms around his head in a chokehold. Holding on as tight as you can as he begins to claw at your arms. He starts thrashing his body around, trying his hardest to get you off of him. It was all a wasted effort. You continue to squeeze his neck. His body starts relaxing and once you hear his heartbeat calm down and feel him fall limp, you release him.
Wanting to give yourself time to think, you begin walking. Once you dodge the last few men at the front of the property, you start your long walk down the rural road.
The sun begins to graces the world with its light as you get closer to town. You’re hit with memories, but this time you don’t fight them. You allow yourself to remember all those overnight missions you had with the Avengers. The times that you would switch watch with Nat. The late nights you'd stay up training instead of sleeping, and how Steve always seemed to know and would join you. Which would lead you to grab breakfast at a fast-food joint. The early morning coffee you’d share in silence with Tony as the sun lit up the Avengers compound. The smile on your face is sad. You’re lucky enough to have these memories with those you lost, but also damned to have to live with them just as memories now.
Your vision blurs as your eyes sting with newly formed tears. But you can’t let yourself cry, so you swallow the lump in your throat and shake the memories from your head. A ping is heard from your phone. Unlocking it, you see a notification.
From one of the surveillance cameras that you had programmed to scan faces and match them with Marc’s. Stating: Face Detected.
Your heart thumps faster as you see the face. It’s Marc Spector in broad daylight. In the middle of London.
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Taglist: @suddenlysteven @skyesayshi @akirashindou @nefix99 @the-last-spoken-word @flowercrownonapegion @norasgalaxyart
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mikazureart · 9 months
Under the Pale Moon
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Collab with @haliaz <3 Read on AO3
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sunnytastic · 2 years
an extended version of my post bc why not
my favorite thing about moon knight is how comic accurate khonshu is. like he is just a fucking asshole
the "go back to sleep worm" sounds straight out of the comics
and honestly, he is wayyy worse in comics too. like khonshu decided he wasn't satisfied with marc's performance and to fuck with him, khonshu decided to present to himself to marc as a faceless raoul bushman to remind marc of the time he skinned a man's face off
also I wonder if marvel will do the bushman storyline. and what would that even look like?
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So it looks like the show kept Marc Spector’s origin intact. Marc and his partner, presumably Raoul Bushman, approached a team of archaeologists in search of loot. One of those archaeologists was Layla’s dad. Bushman got greedy and killed all the archaeologists, then beats Marc near-death which led to Marc making a deal with Khonshu.
Also, this officially confirms that Layla is the MCU version of Marlene Alraune. Her name must have been changed to match her Egyptian ancestry.
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