#rape ship
AITA For Not Tagging a Work?
I, 32F, write primarily for my own enjoyment, my main platform being AO3. I currently have a multi-chaoter series that includes several major plot twists, including one that includes non-con. To avoid spoiling it, because I believe my stories deserve to be read with as little background info as possible, I only tag it as "Creator CHOSE not to Include Archive Warnings". Which is, as I hope is obvious, is not synonymous with "There Are No Warnings". The point is, I don't use the Rape/Non-con tag. Recently, I got a very upset reader in my comments complaining about how triggering that chapter of my work is, and that's where I have a problem. I believe the corporate obsession content warnings pervading even fanworks to be a major problem. I don't want to sanitize my work, but I do get that they contain pretty heavy themes. But I feel like I seriously do give my stories a disservice by adding labels on them, and maybe I am the asshole for this, but I value my pride and joy (my work) over strangers online. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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ganondorf · 2 months
people who blame m/m shippers for vitriol against female characters are ignorant to the depths of incel-level misogyny het shippers sink into when they see someone ship the boy of their m/f ship with a different girl
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"Those ships are going to normalize bad behav–"
If Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon — two mainstream hits which drew in over 10 million viewers — couldn't normalize violence, rape, and incest IRL, what makes you think some fandom (most likely non-canon) ship is going to succeed where those two television giants failed, hm?
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wisebeth · 2 months
why does the pjo series have to unnecessarily villainize goddesses (hera & athena) or show them as silly ladies (aphrodite & demeter) BUT posiedon and apollo are somehow shown as the coolest/most likeable gods, even though arguably, they're right after zeus on terms of corruption?
ares shown as the worst god after zeus and hera amuses me. last time i checked, he was the patron god of amazons and literally killed a man for attempting to rape his daughter but guess who cursed women for rejection? apollo. guess who raped women when they said no (aside from zeus)? posiedon.
#all the gods and goddesses in the greek mythology are flawed in their own way#it doesn't make sense why the books were so unnecessarily biased towards certain gods?#it bothers me specifically that hera and athena are SO unnecessarily painted as villains#while posiedon is ‘cool’ dad ‘great’ lover ‘decent’ god ‘reasonable’ than other olympians#i get it he's the main character's father of a children's fantasy novel so rick painted him in a good light#but my man? then why are you painting other gods who are arguably just as bad as him as WORSE#shut up i feel strongly about it#i love the percy jackson series#but i hate how the gods are portrayed#is trials of apollo a good series? yes#does it make sense why he's shown as a human-like god with redemption arc#while hera is reduced to ‘evil stepmom’ and ‘bitch to annabeth’ even if apollo is JUST as bad as her?#no#and aphrodite is not some ‘silly fangirl’ whose personality revolves around shipping percabeth#she is powerful terrifying and cunning who can bestow some of worst revenge on those who offend her#demeter is not a silly crop goddess#her love for her daughter was so strong it almost ended the world and destroyed mankind#shes in charge of harvest and agriculture without her humanity will starve to death#shes just as powerful as the big-3 or at least she should be#posiedon is not this cool perfect rational god#medusa would disagree demeter would disagree pasiphae would disagree odysseus would disagree#apollo cursed women posiedon raped yet ares killed a rapist BUT nooo let's make ares the bad one#percy jackson#rr crit#greek mythology#heroes of olympus#trials of apollo
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thoughts on underaged character overpowering and raping adult character, but the adult can't tell anyone cause nobody would believe them
We need more younger tops.
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houseofborgia · 2 months
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unpopular opinion: i know most of the show fans find ursula bonadeo annoying and dislike her character because cesare projected lucrezia onto her and used her as a substitute. but after many rewatches, i grew to like her. she's very pretty, and she was very sweet to lucrezia while helping her with giving birth. i feel sorry for her because she's a noble young woman who spent her life trapped with an abusive husband who beats her. and when she thought she finally found this handsome, honorable savior who could free her (even though she was indecisive about him, which i don't blame her because women back in that era didn't have many choices, and her husband would probably kill her if he found out about her and cesare), he turned out to be unhinged, as he seduces her, and manipulates her while being lustfully obsessive over her. so, she was rightfully terrified and frustrated by cesare because he eventually assaulted her and dragged her around while forcing himself on her because she didn't exactly look like the perfect image (mirror of his sister) in his head after she cut her hair. then she got a very brutal end at the hands of the french army, raping her and mutilating her. she lived most of her life being tormented by cruel men. her character makes me so sad thinking about the women who were mistreated and killed by their abusive partners and were lost and forgotten to time because of the patriarchal system since it is beyond horrible towards women.
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ephemerasnape · 2 months
The Poacher's Prize 🔞☠️
My 400th follower celebration fic, as requested! 🥳🥳🥳 WARNING: CONSENT DIFFERENCE!
Poppy Sweeting x Poachers
Poppy pays the price for her betrayals! “Ye never did fit in wiv the rest of us, but we welcomed ye anyway. Took care of ye. Loved ye, even.”
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Rape / Violence / Voyeurism / Age Difference / Revenge / No use of Y/N or MC but you are MC
This one-shot has a similar premise to Battle Royal at Horntail Hall but with a lot more detail, and, obviously, it's much more explicit.
⇢ Read on ao3 (18+ only)
Check out the H Wm. Macnair tag for my other Macnair stuff!
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ogachukwu-the-freak · 2 months
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Validating to actually experience this utter shitfuck take with my own two eyes, add it to the list. Someone @ rainystudios or one of their mutuals so if they want they can add this one to the archives cause this is literally exactly what they had been talking about.
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ilynpilled · 9 months
Have you seen that post on how Cersei pushing Jaime into forcing sex on her is an abuse technique on her end?
no, but i checked his tag now lol. while i know that george explicitly expressed that the sept scene was intended as consensual by him, i still believe that jaime’s pattern of pushing to have sex with cersei, and how, speaks of an unhealthy relationship with consent in this relationship on his part, a lack of respect for boundaries on his part, as well as objectification on his part that cannot be removed from the context of this society’s gender dynamics, especially when it concerns cersei’s themes and her character (to contextualize and expand on what i mean, heres a very quick collection of quotes regarding how jaime’s relationship to cersei, sex, swordplay, and even violence blend or function similarly in relation to very heavy dissociative tendencies):
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i understand the jc dynamic’s set up:
“She has never come to me, he thought. She has always waited, letting me come to her. She gives, but I must ask.”
“She wanted to draw his face to hers for a kiss. Later, she told herself, later he will come to me, for comfort. “We are his heirs, Jaime,” she whispered. “It will be up to us to finish his work. You must take Father’s place as Hand. You see that now, surely. Tommen will need you . . .”
i also understand how george seems to establish communication and patterns within this dynamic that reinforce his expressed intention, which is also apparent in a scene that a third party witnesses and how that mirrors the sept, and i obviously also do not think these two would do all of this healthily and establish things akin to safe words (though i take issue with a lot of things here still when it comes to grrm and how consent is framed):
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and i understand george framing cersei utilising sex, or even love and affection, as a means to have power, and that being a big factor in this relationship’s dynamic and how she takes control (see instances when cersei does initiate— jaime’s narration is not entirely correct, we know of the inn, which is unique but important, so it is interesting that he chooses not to connect this until feast, that would mean confronting something he doesn’t want to— and what motives she has: “She smiled for him, so sweetly. “Do you remember the first time I came to you like this? It was some dismal inn off Weasel Alley, and I put on servant’s garb to get past Father’s guards.” “I remember. It was Eel Alley.” She wants something of me. “Why are you here, at this hour? What would you have of me?” His last word echoed up and down the sept, mememememememememememe, fading to a whisper. For a moment he dared to hope that all she wanted was the comfort of his arms.”
but i do not think that changes much about the issues on jaime’s part, or how a lot of fandom frames cersei. we know cersei only enjoys sex with jaime (it is sex that is categorized as different from lancel, osney, taena, and robert — all of these also cannot be conflated for obvious reasons — by her), she says so, but that doesn’t change that she still believes that it is her only source of power and means through which she can reach equal ground within her society. we can understand why cersei thinks and functions this way: we understand how she was reared and how she was viewed as a sexual object and a tool for political transactions with no autonomy since childhood by every adult around her. we see how and why jaime is needed by her to feel “whole”, and how he is her “sword.” it is also not difficult to acknowledge that while the abusive dynamic is not what i would consider equal: jaime does not verbally berate her to the degree she does him, does not physically hit her and throw things at her, does not use her or emotionally abuse her the way that she does him (and no, i personally do not agree with people that say they are equally terrible to each other or they equally benefit from this relationship), jaime still ultimately has power over her due to his gender (the physical is obvious, but on top of that this is a medieval society with extreme levels of gender inequality), and nothing will really erase that because this relationship does not exist in a vacuum. this is not diminished by how this relationship functions, her status as queen and jaime’s status as her kg, and other variables that play into the unequal power dynamic. it will always have to be acknowledged that cersei is a woman + everything that comes with that being the case in a medieval society with complete patriarchal domination. i also think the unhealthy belief system of “we are one. you are me. i am you. we are two halves of a whole” will have effects on the understanding of consent and how both parties function in the relationship. i think this extreme delusion would lead to a plethora of issues when it comes to consent and boundaries. with cersei too, the moment she (including her offering sex) is rejected by her “other half” she emphasizes and says things like “you swore that you would always love me.” and “i was a fool to ever love you” or starts verbally berating him, emasculating him, being ableist etc. this relationship operates on some absurd conditions and ultimatums, it is not healthy, hence things like “the things I do for love” too. in reality, it really is the opposite of “unconditional destined lovers.” both of them have things that they end up prioritizing over the other, and both have an incorrect idea of the other that fits their specific needs and wants. i just despise this whole “cersei groomed and manipulated jaime since they were children” bullshit. a child is not capable of this. teenaged cersei was navigating the strict and dehumanising boxes that her father and society forced her into since she was 7 years old. she looked to her brother for comfort and escape as much, if not in many ways more at this point, as he did. i also think cersei escapes into the relationship to subvert those societal patterns in many ways (i have seen people discuss that jaime views her as an equal and a person more so than others: “If I were a woman I’d be Cersei.”) but this still does not change the flaws that jaime has. he is not only a man in westeros, he was also reared by tywin lannister lmao. he is a misogynist with a skewed understanding and view of a lot of things. no point in denying this.
i also understand “mutual abuse is not real”, and understand the damage ignoring that can do to narratives revolving around victims of abuse, and the issue with framing ‘retaliation’ or ‘bad victims’ as mutual abuse (see discussions regarding robert and cersei for example and some of the putrid narratives that come out of that), but we are talking about fiction and its themes, discussing an author’s known intention and execution of that intention (that we can also criticize), as well as what is written in a text, and i do not think we should be ignoring the nuances when it comes to applying a modern lens to a medieval society with some very different and more severe and strict paradigms when it comes to gender inequality and the oppression of women.
here are george’s actual comments that i do not believe contradict the bulk of my perspective either tbh:
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australet789 · 1 month
i really hope that after seeing the trailer and the duet song, people stop with the "Stolas is raping Blitzo" bullshit, when Blitzo clearly says that he is going to distract Stolas with sex to not talk about their relationship
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convolutedblasphemy · 3 months
It's always "You can't judge what people enjoy in fiction!" and never "Maybe being critical of what societal stereotypes and narratives we feed into with the content we make is a good thing, actually". Sometimes it's not about whether you're a bad person or not, sometimes it's about the giant pile of garbage propaganda you add onto. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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circleofdivinity · 5 months
I have a post up here that’s like: Proshippers get mad at normal people who don’t like proshippers and they can’t respect their boundaries. And every single time a proshipper proves my point by going on the post (that’s clearly tagged anti proship btw) and saying that antishippers are the ones who can’t respect boundaries and I’m in the wrong. Like thanks kween you had to scroll the the anti proshipper tag, until you found my post, then you had to reblog or comment despite me clearly not wanting you here in the first place.
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voxtekenterprises · 4 months
"Velvette is Staticmoth's daughter because she's the youngest amongst the Vees and they're too old for her to be romantically, much less sexually, involved with."
Argument invalid. Vox died a rough 20 years before Valentino did. He is literally the old man of the trio. Pretend to be outraged about age gaps elsewhere, this is Hell, babey!
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profictionoverhaul · 4 months
Antis are terrible people.
TW: death threats, suicide bait, racism, antisemitism, plus mentions of animal death, murder, gore, rape, and usage of the N-word/F-slur, basically, a whole lot of fucked up shit, i mean it.
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These are from my twitter I ran with a pal for a while, but I thought it necessary to share them here so people can see the things I was sent simply for just... Being a softcore (as in, I don't even look at porn of the characters) shotacon with opinions that fiction isn't reality.
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These are old screenshots, and I only saved them to remind myself of the cruelty of anti-shippers towards CSEM victims and CSA survivors.
"those accounts were just throwaways though and they're gone now!" I'm glad they're gone now, and obviously I know they are throwaways, they didn't want to get sussed on main after all... But how awful of a person must you be to send stuff like this over someone saying that harassment over fictional content is bad?
In the first case, I even have a SC of what I said before they DMed me...
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In what WORLD did we ever deserve any of these to be sent to us? In what sick and twisted reality do Antis live in where that stuff is okay to send to anyone? In what plain of existence is it okay to send us pictures and videos of cats being killed because I said real people are responsible for their fucked up actions, and not fiction?
If you don't see an issue with this type of stuff being sent to anyone, you need to log off now.
Antis, and those that excuse their terrible behavior, shouldn't be excused or passed off as harmless. They WANT to hurt people, we've all seen antis wish harm and death upon people, and yes, sending death threats is indeed a form a harm. "Just log off" isn't enough when these types of people will try to doxx and harass you in real life too- not to mention, cyberbullying is illegal! They're committing A CRIME.
And if someone actually does end their life because an anti harassed them? That anti isn't safe, it's also a crime! You can be charged with murder if someone actually kill themselves after you tell them to kill themselves. I hope Antis realize that before it actually happens, though... I hope no one has to die for Antis to realize that harassment, especially over fictional characters, is bad.
Harassment is bad. End of story. There is no "But".
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notebookishtype · 2 months
Hello, do you have any recs for star wars books and comics with the best lukeleia content? In my lukeleia era and I really wanna start reading some OT legends stuff but I don’t know where to start.
Stories that take place during, between, and shortly after the Original Trilogy? We are lucky to have decades worth of content set in this time period! It’s the only place we can find things published before the sibling reveal, and/or acknowledging that Luke and Leia were attracted to each other.
✨I’ve included links to every book and comic mentioned below. I don’t think it’s immoral to pirate from a corporation. If you (general) take issue with that, I have bought most items listed at least once, and I would lend it to you if I could.
✨Some of the comics are only available in large collections, you may need to scroll to find the correct issues.
Legends Books
The first that comes to mind is Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. It was published in 1978, Luke and Leia were still love interests, and it takes place after ANH. They crash land on a mining planet and discover there is an Imperial presence there.
Fun Facts:
This story was commissioned to be a low budget sequel if A New Hope flopped.
This novel also inspired some of the canon lore for kyber crystals.
I started an impromptu reread earlier this year, and I did not remember how shippy this book was. This is just four pages into the book:
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Splinter of the Mind’s Eye was also adapted into a comic in 1995… and it was still incredibly shippy? I recommend both if you have the time and executive function. If you’re low on focus or time, go with the comic.
I’ve been told the novelization of A New Hope also has the same vibes, and is by the same author. So if you enjoy Splinter thats another place to look.
As far as other novels, we’re mostly looking at crumbs. Off the top of my head I know both Shadows of the Empire and The Truce at Bakura acknowledge their feelings for each other.
Shadows of the Empire:
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The Truce at Bakura:
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I would only recommend these if you’re interested in the rest of either story.
Shadows is a take on what happened between ESB and ROTJ, published in ‘96. Want to see how the Rebels get the plans for the Second Death Star? Read this. Want to see Darth Vader forced to play politics? Read this. If Han and Leia’s relationship is a no go for you, you might consider skipping it. Content Warning: the antagonist attempts to “seduce” Leia via pheromones. Read: rape. He is a serial rapist.
Truce takes place immediately after ROTJ, and has some great character moments for our heroes, again a lot of focus on Leia and Han. I do, however, choose to view the fact that Luke’s love interest in this book is a young Imperial Senator who we are meant to compare to Leia, through a shippy lense. I cannot escape the idea that Luke is projecting. Otherwise this book is about dinosaur looking aliens using human’s life energy to power their ships.
If you’re interested in checking any of these books out I recommend looking here or here.
Legends Comics
Splinter of the Mind’s Eye (1995)—as mentioned above.
Star Wars Tales (1999-2005) 15, Do or Do Not—Takes place immediately after ROTJ. Luke is processing after the Battle of Endor, and uncertain of his place. His feelings for Leia are acknowledged.
Star Wars (2013) 1-6, In the Shadow of Yavin—Takes pace after ANH. Leia is working with a handpicked X-wing squadron, to expose a spy. Her position in command causes friction between her and Luke. This is one of the few stories really leans into Leia having feelings for Luke.
Star Wars (2013) 15-18, Rebel Girl—Leia accepts a political proposal in exchange for a secure base location. Luke is a jealous brat about it, puts himself in danger, and plans to run away.
Marvel Star Wars (‘77–86)—I haven’t read these yet, but I’ve seen plenty of panels and pages posted on Tumblr that give lukeleia vibes, even some that take place after ROTJ. These have been gathered into several omnibuses. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Disney Comics
Star Wars (2015) 1-6, Skywalker Strikes—After ANH, the gang is infiltrating an Imperial arms factory, Vader shows up, Luke has a crisis. The Luke and Leia interactions are primarily in issues 3 & 4, but it’s a solid story arc.
Star Wars (2015) 33–Actual Publisher’s Summary: The Hero of the Rebellion & the Princess of the Revolution! Luke and Leia finally get some time alone… Unfortunately, it's stranded on a desert island.
The Storms of Crait (2017)—After ANH. Our heroes travel to Crait, in hopes of establishing a base there. Luke is delightfully flustered by a kiss on the cheek from Leia.
Star Wars Adventures (2017) 4 & 5, The Trouble at Tibrin—Leia and Luke are on a diplomatic mission that goes awry. Leia rescues Luke in this one. Acknowledges Luke’s feelings.
Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018, Mind Your Manners—Another diplomatic mission gone wrong. Not all that shippy, but discovered it while making this list, so it felt wrong to leave it off.
Star Wars Adventures (2020) 7 & 8, The Princess and the Bog, A Twin Tale—Leia and Luke are scouting base locations. Luke is terrible at following Leia’s orders, and wants to pet all the animals.
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories (2022) 2–Another search for a base location. There are several cute moments between them in this one.
Deleted Scenes & Behind The Scenes
I know the ask was about books and novels, but I’d also recommend—if you haven’t already—searching for deleted scenes, alternate takes, behind the scenes photos and promo photos, etc. There are goodies from each film, but the most substantial stuff is from/for ESB.
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Is That Everything?
I doubt it. There are many other stories that take place in this time frame that I haven’t investigated yet. Here are some that are on my list:
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor (Legends novel)
Heir to the Jedi (Canon novel)
Heart of the Jedi (unpublished Legends novel)
Star Wars (1977-1986) (Legends comics) (mentioned above)
Star Wars (2020) aka Star Wars V3 (Canon comics)
Razor’s Edge & Honor Among Thieves (Legends novel duology)
I’d bet on there being content down the timeline that reads as shippy, but that’s a whole future post.
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Jim Hopper is so 100% sexual with El/Jane. She's so innocent and so easy to manipulate. He loves how dumb she is, and he loves to use her tight little unused pussy.
(And this is not in a cute way, this is Jim Hopper Bashing.)
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