#rare unprompted text post
astrolavas · 10 months
personally i like to think he started to learn how to carve palismen as del's mentee/apprentice a few months into his hexside education, but didn't feel ready to carve a new palisman for himself until like... 1-2 years later. so he carved out waffles before he finished hexside but not very long before he graduated.
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whimsical-sonic · 7 months
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(banner by @bunnymajo!)
hello! if you're wondering who to vote for in the oc showdown, you should consider voting for sting! sting is a medical student with a bordering full time gig as a mercenary
he's not the most conversational sort. as a matter of fact, most conversations he has are related to whatever odd job he's picked up. any small talk with him is brief and often awkward, but he'll do the courtesy of listening to you and offering a response, even if it's just a grunt. sting doesn't mean to come off as distant, he's just pretty bad at talking to people about...well. anything
interested in learning more even about him? feel free to send an ask or check out one of these links!
his character tag on my blog
socs 2 propaganda
🦂 let's help sting make it to round 3! vote for him here! 🦂
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mcgrillzdumpinc · 6 months
I'll likely make a more in depth post once I've read through all the translated light novels but
Hello Apothecary Diaries fans I am in volume 8 and would like to reassure you about the choking scene from volume 5
Spoilers under the cut!
Okay so there's a scene at the end of volume 5 (the manga is not there yet) that many have interpreted as sexual assault. For the sake of those sensitive to such topics, I'm going to give a light on spoilers version of the scene and then an in depth analysis. Personally, I do not view the scene as sexual assault, but it is very forceful and carries A LOT of very sad subtext. You'll understand what I'm getting at in the more depth part.
So, the general gist of the choking scene.
MaoMao and Jinshi are in the garden to escape a banquet. They talk for a bit about a very scary incident that occurred that day (thankfully nobody was killed) and share casual conversation. Then Jinshi brings up that they're at this banquet to find him a wife. I won't spoil the specifics, but fyi MaoMao has been wearing an accessory this whole time that loudly announces (to everyone except herself, of course) that She's The Favorite™. Despite how obvious Jinshi has been with his intentions, including holding her hand and combing his other fingers through her hair while mentioning the whole wife thing, MaoMao evades him while thinking "I'm not capable of love". So, she tries to dodge him by offering up another woman. This is what causes Jinshi to snap and choke her, as well as hold one of her arms behind her back to stop her from fighting back.
He doesn't kill her. As far as damage to her throat, the text doesn't indicate any. He then leans his weight on her. MaoMao then remembers how she was taught sex techniques against her will be the Verdigris House women & decides to use those techniques against Jinshi. She then promptly leaves and Jinshi feels like the most pathetic man in world.
The two don't interact beyond official matters until towards the end of volume 6. Jinshi brings more rare medicine in lieu of an apology. The two talk around the wife situation again and MaoMao gets tickled. It isn't until volume 7 that they have an actual conversation breakthrough.
That's my light on spoilers version of the events. Now I'll give a more in depth version, that's honestly a good chunk of my own meta-analysis around the events of volume 5.
Honestly, volume 5 is full of really interesting scenes regarding Jinshi and MaoMao. This is the first volume after Jinshi has been forced back into Imperial Brother status, yet the first thing I noticed that actually changed between JinMao is how MaoMao takes initiative with him now. As soon as she learns an insect plague might be on the horizon, she dives into unprompted research and delivers her findings to Jinshi. She's no longer working at the palace or for Jinshi, but she still takes on the extra burden. She also takes initiative to get Jinshi some extra sleep (though she misinterprets his desire to not sleep alone). And later in the novel, when they're in the paper makers' village, MaoMao acts so cute when reapplying Jinshi's burn scar makeup. I'll let screenshots talk for me.
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Like man. She's so cute. And I wonder, if these two didn't have to deal with social standing and imperial drama, would we get way more of them just being cute and companionable? If MaoMao wasn't an unwitting member of the Who Wants To Be An Imperial Princess race, would her feelings for Jinshi have grown without so much pushing and urgency on his end?
But I digress. I think a lot of volume 5, especially once they reach their travel destination, is MaoMao trying her best to keep her blinders on even though she is in the thick of imperial drama. She's especially desperate with regards to the blazingly obvious fact that a certain someone of very high status is in love with her. I think the end of chapter 6 does a very good job of driving home one of the major reasons why MaoMao is reluctant to trust Jinshi's feelings.
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To add fuel onto this unfortunate fire is that MaoMao, as an unmarried courtesan's daughter, was attacked as an infant by her mother, sought after by fucking Lakan of all people, ignored while crying as a baby, and forcibly taught sex (to the point of tears!). She also had to cover for Luomen's own eccentricities, specifically ensuring they had enough money to feed themselves. MaoMao, to put it shortly, has been taught not to believe she can attain anything beyond her very simple life of being a lowly apothecary.
And then here's Jinshi who, as a prince, has been forced to grow up fast & have all his favorite things taken away from him. I think MaoMao is the first time he ever wanted a person. He is, for lack of a better word, obsessed with her. I think a lot of his pushiness & tendency to be clingy with her is him desperately trying to make sure he doesn't lose her. If he makes her his wife, then, well, she can't leave.
And I think the choking scene is him finally at his breaking point. At this point, he has lavished her with gifts, been very forward sexually with her twice, and given her a new hairpin that is essentially this story's version of a promise ring. It's MaoMao's repression/reluctance vs. Jinshi's desperation and so far she's winning.
But then she pushes him past his breaking point and he takes physical action against her. MaoMao responds by performing an unspecified sexual act on him.
So why don't I personally take this scene as sexual assault?
Mainly because I think the people actually guilty of sexual assault her are the Verdigris House women who forced MaoMao to learn sex.
As far as I understand it, whether MaoMao can actually say no to Jinshi is left up to interpretation. If we're talking on social status terms, she can't say no. But if you look at Jinshi's overall treatment of her, both before and after this scene, I very much think MaoMao can say no and instead chooses to defuse the situation.
Because what isn't for interpretation, however, is MaoMao's abysmal impression of what love and sex can actually be for her. So she defuses a situation by using sex, something she herself doesn't like, and doesn't allow Jinshi to reciprocate, which leaves him feeling terrible, too.
I want to be clear. I do think Jinshi is in the wrong for physically attacking MaoMao. But the sexual portion of the scene, at least to me, falls squarely on the shoulders of MaoMao's fucked up backstory.
Anyway, I think I've typed for long enough. I am using the official translations of the light novel for this analysis, so if any fans have access to alternate translations or WN only knowledge that throw my analysis in the trash bin, please let me know (fyi puedo leer el español).
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sbeep · 2 years
I think it’s at the same time fantastic and vexing that artists and writers on tumblr only need a single anon ask to go ham talking about their OCs, but rarely go off with a juicy text post unprompted. We all just want the inkling that a single person is interested, but there’s so much going on in everyone’s head about their own characters. I think maybe we just need the prompt to direct our thoughts? to focus our field? who knows.
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chocooolatte · 5 months
Here is stuff about me, check it regularly for up-to-date info because i update it often!
im chocolatte, as you might have guessed :)) i do the thing here on tumblr dot com. Alternatively, call me Lib, Avery, or just Choco, Latte, or some other variation of my username. I use any pronouns! (get creative lol)
I use excessive punctuation, all caps text, and typing quirks very often, if this bothers you then this might not be the best place for you sorry :( I try to make this blog as accessible for screen readers as possible, though I dont use one myself.
Please tag me in posts! Especially if we’re mutuals! they don’t even have to be tag games, don’t worry about annoying me
BLOG INFO: Here you will find mostly reblogs and the occasional shitpost...but theres a 1% chance that you get a rare event which is me posting original art! But usually I do whatever I want :P
This is NOT an nsfw blog. Partial nudity may happen, On Occasion. But no genitalia. Excessive blood/gore/body horror, if any, is tagged with #cw blood, #cw injury, or similar
This blog will get political, especially regarding Palestine. If you are a zionist I will block you, don't bother interacting. Do not equate Judaism to zionism, and do not attack anyone for their religion.
MY ART: Feedback is appreciated on my art, im trying to improve! Feel free to draw my OCs and tag me if you do! Just no nsfw of them please. Im also fine with ppl using my art as pfps, banners or similar, credit is greatly appreciated but not required just don’t go reuploading my stuff or saying you drew it please.
FANDOMS im in are dialtown, phighting!, regretevator, tally hall, chonny jash, will wood, portal, fnaf, F451 and a small amount of tf2, madoka magica, vocaloid, and the magnus archives. You may or may not see me posting about all of these :3
TAGS I USE: art reblogs are tagged #cool art, signal boost/mutual aid are tagged #donate if you can, posts i write are tagged #talking, and my art is tagged #my art. I try to tag cw or tw when it's necessary, including but not limited to posts about hateful views, blood/gore, SA, drug abuse, common phobia, and bright colors. I also use: #image undescribed, #my ocs, #others ocs
DNI/BYF: I block freely, but here is where I stand: homophobes, racists, anti-xenogender, anti-neopronoun, anti-furry, anti-therian, zionists, antisemites, “maps”/pedos and their supporters, and terfs/radfems/farts kindly dni or get blocked. My blog is a safe place for people of all cultures beliefs orientations etc. I don’t really have an opinion on “shipping discourse” but I block proshippers just for my own comfort.
Ok I think that’s it!! Ty for putting up with my shenanigans! I’ll leave you be now
P.S. rant to me about your interests in the askbox unprompted at complete random it’s funny and also i will listen
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dnangelic · 4 months
A quick and dirty RP policy guide
Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something. Either reblog or repost. Feel free to add anything I may have missed in the appropriate category, or recategorize something that is in the wrong place!
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My blog is ______
Open to all
Moderately Selective
Highly selective
Exclusive ( ^ idc for any of these labels for myself tbh whats below is more important🏃‍♂️ )
Only going to RP with mutuals
Mostly going to RP with mutuals ( if you have a sideblog that's fine! )
Affiliated with a group
Spoilers free (it's a 30 year old series nobody pays attn to anymore though??? dark's been dead for over 10 slutty slutty years 😭 laksjlkdjg)
Spoilers tagged
Spoilers mostly tagged
I will RP with ______
Any fandom
Most fandoms (there are a few i'm uncomfortable with!)
Only fandoms I know
Mostly fandoms I know
Only people in my fandom (aslkdjf all five of them?? 🥺)
OCs with no fandom ties
OCs who are related to/know my character in their backstory
Only one version of any particular character
People who have the same muse as me
People who do not have a rules page
Multimuse blogs
People in RP groups
Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
Shorter forms of text (i get very bored of single one-liner exchanges very fast!)
*Action* (dark will text like this. errybody watch out for teh glompz XD sorry)
Gif icons
Formatted text
Whatever my partner is using
My own style regardless of my partner’s reply ( i'll usually match paragraph structure + text size of my partner but very rarely i can't be bothered alsdkjlg. )
I will ship with _______
No one
Select ships
Others of my own muse (this goes for dark x daisuke, not just dai x dai (or dark+dark) too. i don't do any of that romantically ever ❌)
Crossovers with characters from different fandoms
Only one version of a particular character
One person in my main verse
Multiship, all ships independent of each other & main ship
One main/canon ship within my main verse
My blog WILL contain ______ in its content
Light fluff
Dark humor
I will follow ______ back
Only some people
Most people
Only people in my fandom
Every RP blog
Only people I actively wish to RP with
People who do not post a lot of OOC (i love ppl who can't stop talking ooc abt their muses actually, but i don't like too much random irrelevant content, esp if it's untagged)
People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
To RP with me, you should _______
Follow back
Answer an open
Message me OOC (i'm very very spotty and slow/negligent with ooc messages due to my bad eye health/short free time timeframes so it helps to skip small talk if you message me specifically through ims or discord!)
Message me IC (i try to at least get my inbox completely free and clean asap, so asks are always your best bet if u want the fastest response to something!)
Make a starter (as long as we're mutuals, random starters are completely ok! tag me in whatever whenever. )
Answer my starter
Send in a meme
Like a starter call (i don't usually reblog memes or make starter calls! i do try to like others' calls though and sometimes send in memes or random unprompted asks! i often respond IC-ly a lot to replies on my posts! if you reply to a reply i make on your post IC-ly, (or otherwise tbh) i will probably turn it into a proper interaction thread!)
Plot with me
I practice reblog karma with memes
I expect reblog karma with memes
I expect my rules/about to be read
I always read the rules/about before following/interacting
If you follow me, I would like my triggers tagged
I expect all smut to be beneath a read-more
I am multi-muse (i kind of am, kind of am not, but i don't reaaaally consider myself one due to the bizarre way dark and daisuke.... well. work. 'i don't get it' appearances and superficials aside they're genuinely the same character, have the same motivations, conflicts and inner feelings about themselves, bonding with one is bonding with the other, relationships or dynamics can potentially end up repeating if you treat them separately as a duo instead of a whole single unit, which is ehhh to me. if that makes sense!)
I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged
I do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
I expect post length effort to be matched
I expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
I don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match your own.
I am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy. (you can also just drop stuff whenever forever! i dont mind at all. alternatively if there's something you want to see moved along, feel free to tell me you're dying to continue a certain thread/scenario and i'll push it to the top of my priorities✨)
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 4 months
It is so fun that there’s one certain fandom nowadays that I spent my time writing fics for.
Yet, the fics that I have noticed have gotten the most ”cult following” is my asoue fics. It is so fun, becuse a lot of those fics are so old by now I barely remember what I myself wrote, but people tell me that scenes from those still live in their heads. Hearing that something little me wrote lives in the heads of people?? That means so much!
I myself often think of my asoue prime time era as being inexperienced, nervous and being unsure if anything I wrote was good. I was so afraid of people judging me for what I wrote - especially because the first asoue fic I posted was a chatfic on FF.net, who after I posted it I got a comment saying ”you can’t post fics like this because chatfics are not real fics and posting it takes away the spotlight from people who write real fics”. So I was so unsure how people on ao3 would react.
I had barely posted fics before, english is not my first language and I got comments that my ”structure” was bad because I kept every scene in a big chunk of a text like it would be in a real book, because to those readers, they needed space between every new dialogue and instead of giving me feedback they just gave me unprompted ”writing advice”… but to stop the complaints, I started slowly leave bigger spaces, but it was also still weirdly structed, basically random smaller chunks paired up with no real pattern. In retrospect, I do agree large chunks of text are a bit annoying in fics, but that’s how it is in normal books and in normal books it’s no problem. I don’t know why it is like that, but anyway nowadays I have a space between every new dialouge… though tbh, I don’t know if I would have preffered to have learn that on my own as I progress as a writer, or like it was now, that I got unprompted writing advice that ”my fic is unreadable” because I had it as a big chunk of text. Unprompted writing advice is rarely appreciated and I think more people need to learn the fandom etiquette that if you haven’t ASKED for constructive critism, don’t give it. Even if you ”mean well”. It’s not fun to be excited to see reader’s reactions and the only thing you get is ”this writing structure is bad”. For me it caused me to change it because I felt ashamed that it was ”unreadable” instead of me figuring it out on my own as I progress my writing skills.
However, comments like that have always been in the minority. Because 90% of it were people being so excited, supportive and wonderful. I was filled with such serotonin. And now, today, I still get so flattered that people even remember what I wrote - cause I’ve posted 80+ fics at this point, I don’t even remember much of the plot in a third of them. I have read fics like that myself that I’ve read and remembered scenes out of so vividly, and I could have only dreamt that people would have thought the same of my fics.
Even if I don’t write that much asoue fics anymore, it still is with me. I have an asoue au right now, which is completely other characters from another fandom simply living the plot of asoue. This far that fic is not that popular yet what I know of, I have not gotten any comments except for one on the first chapter, but I don’t know. Maybe it has a lot of silent readers (even if I prefer comments over anything else). But we will see, maybe it will reach the same cult following one day, or maybe any fic I’ve written for another fandom will.
I’m so happy and sometimes pleasantly surprised that these silly little fics I wrote about these unfortunate characters left such a print on people 🩷
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rhineposting · 6 months
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Hello there. Welcome to my humble fandom niche corner!
I'm Rhine, but if you come up with a nickname that I'm comfortable with, feel free to use it too.
I'm a short attention span artist, who writes, draws and occasionally animates, and I enjoy fashion, evil women, obsessing over background characters and making niche and mildly obscure content.
My asks and submissions are open to all, however I'd appreciate if those didn't include unprompted venting or discourse and fandom controversies.
If you'd like to support me and what I do, I accept both commissions and tips.
Things You Should Know Before You Follow :
I do not participate in shipping discourse and online purity culture, as my stance in it is purely neutral, as I condone neither far ends of that debate. With that said, both l*licons and puriteens will be blasted off my page.
I discuss and depict mature topics on this page within some of the things I create. I can't tell minors not to interact, because I know some will ignore that regardless (been there myself), so all I ask is that any minors passing through mind the tags before clicking "read more". In the event that you do that and what you find upsets you, please refrain from calling me names and accusing me of things. I'm not to blame for you overstepping your own boundaries and not minding my warnings.
RhinePosting.inc does not take responsibility for food poisoning caused by eating labeled dead doves.
I rarely accept fanon. If you're here to see ideas and concepts that have been used and recycled by the fandom over and over again, then it might be best you find another blog. I have my own ideas and I will stick to them, thank you. Try your luck on Twitter.
non-art goes under #rhine-rambling tag feel free to block.
I support women's wrongs.
Archive of Our Own
Twitter, I don't really use it as often though
rhineart : my art tag
rhine (shit) posting : silly meme tag
rhine rambling : general text posts
rhine writing : my writing tag
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lps2001 · 1 year
🐕 welcome to the play yard! 🌳
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[ID: a blue banner with a pawprint on either end and text that reads: "dni if your blog is unsafe for children." end ID]
there is a puppy chasing its tail under a tree ! ask about the puppy ?
> yes
> no
loading data . . .
🐕 meet the puppy ! 🌳
NAME: angel
AGE: 22 (small: 3-9)
STATUS: pet/age regressor ; flip
EXTRA: DID system ; disabled + autistic ; nostalgia lover !
🐕 before you follow 🌳
i am not always active ! this blog runs on a queue
all ages are welcome to follow, but for my own comfort please do not message me if your big age is under 18 !
this is a safe space for us; i block liberally !
do not message us trying to talk to the syskids ! the host and other older parts monitor this blog
sometimes my regression is pure and happy and other times it is traumatic and scary. when it is scary, cute and nostalgic things bring me a lot of comfort ! triggering content / vents will very rarely be posted, but anything triggering will always be tagged
i love to make friends !! please feel free to message me if you would like to chat or be buddies :]
my main blog that i follow from (d******b) is not kid-friendly. let me know if this is an issue and i can unfollow you !
if you ever need anything tagged, please do not hesitate to ask !
🐕 do not interact if: 🌳
(some things censored to keep out of those tags; DM/comment if you need uncensored !)
ns//fw or k!nk (even "sfw")
dd//lg / md//lb or any variants, or if you crosstag with dd//lg / md//lb tags ; ag3play or p3tplay
s3xualize age regression
g0re / sh
th!nspo / ed
trans//med / t3rf / gender cr!tical
anti-neopronoun / xenogender
(NO)MAP / ped0hile / AAM
pro//shipper / anti//anti / think fiction doesn't affect reality
ableist / demonize PD's
endo / tulpa or supporter
harry po//tter fan
this list is subject to change at any time !
[ angel ] enjoyed playing with you ! thank you for visiting the play yard !
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[Text: This user has amnesia from DID, please be patient. / This system alternates between we/us and I/me pronouns. / this user can run out of social battery quickly, please be patient with them. / this user is too nervous to infodump unprompted but would love to be asked about their special interest!]
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kuphulwho · 2 years
Psyphulu. Or, if somebody's already jumped on that one, give us some Arvin.
Yesss! You're the first one to jump on it, so psyphulu it is! Referring to this post here.
Who hogs the duvet? Psyphon, being a cold-blooded species, gets cold easily. Kuphulu, being a species that is accustomed to a hot climate, also gets cold easily. If one hogs the blanket on a particular night, it's gonna be drowsily stolen back by the other eventually.
Who texts/rings to check how their day is going? Given their situation, with Anur Transyl not exactly being the most welcoming toward Psyphon, it's hard for Kuphulu to ever truly stop being protective over him.
Who's the most creative when it comes to gifts? Psyphon's gifts are thoughtful, but standard. Kuphulu, meanwhile, has a tendency to think of things that Psyphon would've never thought about asking for until actually receiving it.
Who gets up first in the morning? Psyphon, definitely. Kuphulu is a perpetual night owl. It's rare for him to wake up too much earlier than the Anur Transyl equivalent of 10 AM.
Who suggests new things in bed? Before any feelings were finally admitted, the sexual tension between them was astronomical. Once they finally get past the fluster hurdle, Kuphulu tends to be slightly more cool and collected when it comes to bringing it up than Psyphon.
Who cries at movies? It's so funny. They both try to play it cool for the other, but this usually ends with both of them crying.
Who gives unprompted massages? Kuphulu learns that Psyphon loves how soft he is and is quick to spoil him with this fact.
Who fusses over the other when they're sick? If either of them ever got sick, one would absolutely fuss over the other. It doesn't matter which one is sick.
Who gets jealous the easiest? Definitely Psyphon, although he would never admit it. This amuses Kuphulu.
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music? Psyphon, probably, although Kuphulu certainly has his own guilty pleasures as well.
Who collects something unusual? Kuphulu has a stash of various artistic pieces, artifacts, and gems, with it being highly unlikely that all of these things were acquired legally. He also has many books on varying topics, many magical in nature.
Who takes the longest to get ready? Oh boy, both of them take a while, but Psyphon slightly beats Kuphulu in that regard.
Who is the most tidy and organized? Psyphon, actually. There's no rhyme or reason to where Kuphulu puts his knickknacks, and any books, while still alphabetized, are kind of haphazardly placed. He still makes sure that everything stays in the same place so he doesn't lose anything, though.
Who gets more excited about the holidays? Kuphulu lovingly introduces Psyphon to the holidays of Anur Transyl while making sure that he has a good time learning. Once said holidays roll around again after his first introduction to them, Psyphon becomes just as enthusiastic.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon? Kuphulu has tried to be the little spoon, but after he and Psyphon got tangled in his tendrils too many times, he became a forever big spoon.
Who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports? At first, both of them try the whole "I like him so I'm gonna let him win" shtick, but they both realize what's going on pretty quickly, and that they also hate it. They both prefer a challenge. Since then, they've become quite the sight too see when competing against each other. They get really into it, but it's totally friendly.
Who starts the most arguments? Psyphon is a bit more outspoken than Kuphulu in this regard, but not by much.
Who suggests that they buy a pet? They probably can't keep a pet, but if they had to pick one, it'd be something cat-like.
What couple traditions do they have? They're not much for tradition, and have pretty much been winging it since they became an item. This is unlikely to change anytime soon.
What TV shows to they watch together? It's a tossup between reality TV (mostly house hunting, wedding, and pawn shows), where they talk to the TV like the people can hear them, and game shows, where they play along to see if they know the answers.
What other couple do they hang with? As unfortunate as it is, that level of confidence when it comes to going public with their relationship is likely going to take a while to happen. Not to mention, they prefer to keep to themselves anyways.
How do they spend time together as a couple? When they're at home, they do whatever it is they need to do in close proximity to each other, chatting all the while. Whoever finishes first then moves to the other to work with him. If there's nothing to do, they'll usually do chill things like cuddle and watch something. Whenever they decide to venture out for an actual date, they don't let each other out of their sights for a second, what with how unfriendly the Anur Transyl locals usually are to Psyphon. Kuphulu will glare at others in a fashion that says: "Go ahead, try something. I promise I won't curse you..."
Who made the first move? After much internal deliberation, Kuphulu did. Psyphon was absolutely floored and really didn't think that his feelings were reciprocated.
Who brings flowers home? Psyphon does, and when they dry out, Kuphulu adds them to his collection of knickknacks.
Who is the best cook? Both of them have at least some cooking experience, and both are at least semi-decent, but Psyphon has more experience than Kuphulu.
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corner-stories · 2 years
send me a ship and i’ll tell you
who hogs the duvet
Rose, much to Mia's displeasure
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Mia whenever she gets bored, which is often
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Mia, although sometimes she'll give Rose joke gifts
Rose is more of a 'spending quality time together' person as opposed to a gift-giving one anyway.
who gets up first in the morning
Rose to work out. Mia stays in bed to stare up at the ceiling and think about how tired she is.
who suggests new things in bed
Mia :)
who cries at movies
Rose. Mia will never let her forget the time they watched Bambi and she broke down in tears.
who gives unprompted massages
Mia bc she complains that her back hurts all the time.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
who gets jealous easiest
Rose, not like she'll admit it though
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Neither of them, but Rose (a post-punk fan at heart) will always poke fun at Mia having the music preferences of either a mid-2000s middle school dance or an 80s gay club
who collects something unusual
It's not really unusual considering they're essentially crime-fighting tools, but Mia has a modest collection of pocket knives that she uses on patrol. She just thinks they're neat.
who takes the longest to get ready
Mia bc it takes a few minutes to put on her Speedy suit as well as all the gear she keeps with her on patrol
who is the most tidy and organised
who gets most excited about the holidays
Both. Mia gets super stoked about Christmas and Rose goes all-out for Halloween
who is the big spoon/little spoon
It switches every night
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
Mia, as her fondness of mario kart brings out the darkest side of her
who starts the most arguments
Neither really. They rarely argue about their relationship, but more often Mia and Rose will bicker about music and movies. Mia didn't talk to Rose for three days after Rose said that Madonna was overrated.
who suggests that they buy a pet
Mia bc she's always wanted a dog but she's fond of cats as well
what couple traditions they have
Often Mia and Rose will get drunk and watch Disney movies together, which is how the aforementioned Bambi incident happened
what tv shows they watch together
They'll watch shitty CW teen dramas together to enjoy the chaos together
what other couple they hang out with
Not really hang out, but Mia and Rose ran into Cissie and Cassie once and Rose started bragging to Cassie that her blonde archer gf was better than Cassie's blonde archer gf
And it's not really a couple they hang out with, but Joey's hung out with the two on occasion
how they spend time together as a couple
Sometimes after Titans mission they'll just chillax in Rose's room and take turns playing an album on her record player.
who made the first move
who brings flowers home
Mia :)
who is the best cook
It depends. Rose is better at baking, Mia is better at breakfast
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astrolavas · 2 years
rare unprompted text post but would anyone like me to start reblogging some (probably toh-related) things here again or should i keep it as it is, so only my art + asks (my unnaturally long toh essays included lmao)?
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forcefeminem · 3 years
genuine question do you guys experience not being able to physically talk when you feel anxious about talking or am i just fucked up
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probably-haven · 3 years
So I’m the anon who asked for more Archon War Venti headcanons and I just loved it! I really like reading your headcanons cuz some of them are similar to mine but mostly are headcanons that I didn’t think of so it really is nice to read and see your thoughts about Venti!
I feel like as if I’m asking too much but could you keep doing these types of headcanons? Like it doesn’t have to be Archon War headcanons but like some headcanons about Venti’s relationship with the Ragnvindrs and Gunnhildrs. Because the first Gunnhildr was the first one who prayed to Barbatos and the first Ragnvindr was his friend who left but came back and I really wanna hear your thoughts on that!
And I’ve decided to get off anon cuz you just replied to my texts and I wasn’t expecting that so I’ve got a short confidence boost that I am completely taking advantage of! And thanks for the advice! or uhh comment? observation? I’m not entirely sure but thank you for that! I’ve heard that be said to me a few times and I have been trying to be more, uhh, assertive so thanks for that!
rfouierjkhfkecs i actually came across information on Gunnhildr and the "Red-haired warrior" yesterday when i was doing more research into the rebellion against Decarabian and I was like "wow this would be really fucking fun to research and theorize on, but its too specific/niche to include unprompted no matter how much i want to" but bestie you prompted, and im literally so happy right now because I didn't think I'd ever really get the chance to post about them!
also lmao yeah, i tend to try and reply to as much as I can, since it's a good feeling when someone does and all. but yeah, no problem! I’m glad you felt confident enough to reveal XD. 
This may be structured a bit more like analysis/theory/just citing canon things at first before it gets into a more headcanony format.
ehe i have so much free reign on this it's lovely
More Archon War Era Venti: one two three
spoilers for Venti's backstory and Diluc's(kinda, i think, just in case)
first things first, laying down some canon background because before yesterday i hadn't heard of either of them outside of that one cutscene.
the very reason Decarabian had his storm wall up in the first place was because at the time Andrius had declared war on him- and his tower, and the city of Mondstadt by extent, were basically constantly under attack by Andrius's blizzards, which since he was still alive back then, were a lot bigger and covered basically what seems to be the whole of Mondstadt outside the barrier.
This meant that people had two options. Live in the city under Decarabian's oppression, or live outside the barrier, and brave the blizzards of a warring god... which was not a good idea
but the Gunnhildr clan(not yet called that) tried- and they almost died because of it. In the midst of a blizzard, the clan chief's daughter, named Gunnhildr(which the clan would be named after later) sent out a prayer that was heard by a wandering wind spirit. And the faith of that prayer gave the spirit enough power to create a small shelter to protect them.
When her father past, she became the new leader and also a priestess. She would later lead the clan to fight Decarabian alongside four others. And basically the Gunnhildr Clan ended up as like sworn protectors of Mondstadt
as for the red-haired warrior, who is basically assumed to be the earliest known ancestor of the Ragnvindir clan(im gonna refer to as Ragnvindir for convenience sake, even though "Ragnvindir" is technically a different character from Vanessa's era)theres not much information on him, but heres what i have from the various wiki's
- he was a wanderer
- one of the first to use the sign of windblume to find other rebels(so he's intelligent)
- actively propped up the nameless bard so he could watch as the tower was destroyed
there's this little tidbit too from the Windblume Ode bow's description that im probably gonna talk about a considerable amount too: "Atop the ruins of the ancient tower, amidst the cheers, songs, and tears of those who had newly won their freedom. A red-haired warrior turned his back on the newborn god, hidden like a single raindrop in a tidal wave of humanity. He was first among those who passed the secret sign of Windblume, the one who wove threads of dawn throughout the long night. His name has since been lost to time, but his deeds are still remembered in song." followed later by "The fate of this clan will likely never change: they shall ever live in the darkness and bring forth the flame of dawn."
Now I'm going to start with the Ragnvindir(geez, why's it spelled like that tho)
My idea of his character is basically formed by a mix of Ragnvindir stereotypes and just generally analyzing text.
So what do we know about Ragnvindir's for sure? they are shady motherfuckers- or at least they rarely operate in the spotlight. also damn, these guys are more cursed than anemo vision wielders- like the only one who didn't canonically lose someone close to them was Crepus, but considering that Diluc doesn't exactly have a mom..... he probably did
so what do we know? - he was close with the nameless bard - he was intelligent - he likely operated primarily from the shadows "ever living in the darkness" - he was a wanderer - he abandoned Venti during the celebration - but his deeds were still remembered in song, so Venti and him were likely still close
now the question of the century: how will i choose to interpret "turned his back on the newborn god"? And honestly, I'm- not sure- at first i assumed he abandoned him completely- but Venti did still make sure to carry on his memory- which could just be Venti being Venti, but for the sake of sanity, this is how I'm interpreting it.
A lot of things happened to the Ragnvindir that day. He lost a friend, saw another become a god to replace the one they had conquered, and he saw his goal, his reason for being in Mondstadt, come to fruition. "see the world through my eyes" the bard had said, and the Ragnvindir had been a wanderer even before. Sure, the people had won freedom, and that was to be celebrated, but he's intelligent to recognize that people would likely see him as one of the key figures in leading the rebellion. And for him this was a solemn time, and ending to a chapter, and not being one to operate in the spotlight, the last thing he'd want is to be swept up in festivities and attention at a time like this.
It also likely didn't help that he's probably smart enough to understand the idea of "power corrupts," and seeing the wind sprite just readily accept the mantle of Archon was likely not the most comforting thing to happen in the given situation after all. But Decarabian was gone, and Andrius had ceased his blizzards, so without a word, he slipped into the crowd and left, a wanderer once more.
now back to Gunnhildr
she was the first to receive an anemo vision from Barbatos, no I do not take criticism on this "the power bestowed on her by Barbatos" like please, they basically said it.
It also mentions that she crowned Venti with laurels(symbol of vistory) after the battle- the book Biography of Gunnhildr additionally says "the Gunnhildr Clan will continue honoring the legacy of its ancestors and its duty to the Anemo Archon: to protect Mondstadt, the land and all who inhabit it, forever."
I really like this because it conveniently ties into my past headcanon about Venti granting visions to the people of Mondstadt and having them be the ones to erect wind barriers and defend the city in his absence.
So in the Archon War I like to imagine that the Gunnhildr clan had a lot of people who were actually granted visions and were basically in charge of protecting it from those who would attempt to ambush them.
Mondstadt essentially became known for this- the fact that the mortals within it were strong enough to fend off the force of a god without support from their own.
but regardless, Gunnhildr, as she had before, served as a priestess to Barbatos, the closest thing that Mondstadt had to a ruler, and yet she only took charge of prayer and protection.... i hate to just- equate them to their descendants- but to an extent- her role was kind of like a merge between Jean and Barbara- Except with a whole lot less structure.... i really dont want their characters to just be carbon copies of the descendants but- c'mon, the comparison was right there.
anyways besties- back to Venti so i can tie them in
The Archon War was one of the worst times for Venti in his entire life thus far. And the time immediately after Decarbian's fall, while Gunnhildr and the Ragnvindir were still alive, was the key period of time in which things could have gone very differently.
Venti is the god of freedom. That's a reoccurring theme and I think I've made that abundantly clear. But during this time, Venti was anything but free.
I've mentioned before how he would stay far from the city of Mondstadt so the shockwave of his death wouldn't reach him, should he fall.... well- Venti is new to a lot of things- godhood- humanity- war- freedom- and at this point he was trying hard to figure out how to be Mondstadt's god without becoming Decarabian, and while still being able to survive, and make sure they survived, and see the world for his friend, and carry on his friends legacy.
And this is a lot of stuff for what was once a carefree elemental being, and there were certain things that had to be done for this to happen. He couldn't just stay in Mondstadt, or he would grow weak and his people would be vulnerable to attack, but he couldn't abandon it, because despite being able to fend for themselves, there's always hat just in case. He couldn't stay in any one place outside of Mondstadt for very long or he'd be found and killed. He knew in order for Mondstadt to survive he would have to take an active role in the war, strengthen himself so he could defend Mondstadt, and thats exactly what he did.
He started by going after the less powerful gods, ones he had a chance at beating with the power he got from the Gunnhildr clan and the rest of Mond, and by wiping them out, he would grow stronger, so he kept it up- working his way up the metaphorical ladder.
but he couldn't let anyone near him either, because he knew just what would happen if he was attacked then. Were it not for Gunnhildr's prayer, the early years of the Archon War would have been without contest the loneliest time of his life, and there would be nothing he could do about it, bound by survival and his attachment to the legacy of his friend, constantly fearing for his life and going against his very nature as the god of freedom. Frankly thrust into that circumstance that early on, and having to face it alone, it's likely that Venti would have caved under the pressure and dropped his attachment to either his survival, or to his friends legacy... or just something entirely worse(isolation messes with brains) so I'm attributing the fact that he didn't do that to Gunnhildr's companionship, speaking to him and guiding him through it as he had guided her through the blizzard some time ago.
I also like to think that she's responsible for founding at least a number of the different celebrations that still happen in Mondstadt even now.
Ugh supportive warrior priestess- we stan
anyway meanwhile! we got the Ragnvindir
He hears about Venti taking part in the Archon war during his wanderings and returns to Mondstadt to check in, wary of what he might find.
Venti, who hadn't seen him since the rebellion, is elated to say the least and they do a bit of catching up because they need it
and then the conversation turns more serious, and the Ragnvindir brings up a third thing that Venti needs to hold onto- his humanity.
See, in the early years, just desperate to get a foothold on the world, Venti's first number of targets were just indiscriminately going after those he knew to be weaker than him, and the Ragnvindir points this out, saying that while it's not necessarily bad, if he keeps doing it, it won't be long until he causes his and, by extent, Mondstadt's legacy to be tainted by a reputation for slaughter, no better than any of the other bloodthirsty gods that frequented the war's fields. "Think of what the bard would do, we were both close enough to do that much"
And Venti becomes yet more caged, but recognizes that he's right, and this is another turning point, that in the coming years would keep Venti from losing himself.
also- Gunnhildr, Venti having told her about the Ragnvindir's concerns that he now shared, probably organized some kind of event (not unlike the right of part, but also, yes unlike it) that was deliberately intended and designs to serve as an excuse that Venti could chose to take to visit Mondstadt, something she know he desperately wanted to do, but wouldn't allow himself for fear of putting them in danger. But if she made it an official celebration, then it would give Venti the opportunity to visit his people again, under the guise of it being a responsibility, not having to deal with the moral implications of doing so at a time when he was already dealing with enough of those already.
Also on his travels, the Ragnvindir probably started and spread a number of rumors that could end up working in Venti's favor, not that anyone ever knew it was him of course.
basically Gunnhildr protected the people of Mondstadt and did all she could to keep everyone in as high spirits as possible, Venti included.
And as for the Ragnvindir, he took a more realistic approach, traveling and getting venti followers in far places, spreading false information about him, and just overall making sure that Venti didn't do things he'd regret.
And when they died, Venti would carry their legacy with him as well, not losing his humanity to the tide of war as he very nearly had(though he still often came close), and trying to spreading high spirits where ever he could without fail.
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
jumin han / nsfw abc’s
the ceo in all his glory <3 original post here
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
so attentive to all your needs. needs a minute for you both to catch your breath and come back down to earth, but almost instantly he’s all over you. wraps his arms around you, kisses your neck, murmurs words of affection into your skin. plays with your hair and listens to you talk about whatever you please, you’ll be doing most of the talking since he’s pretty quiet after sex. super casual and even somewhat lazy aura after the whole thing, he’s not lying when he says he gets drunk off of you. not exactly tired, just super calm and relaxed. after some snuggling he’ll offer to clean you up, run a bath, order food, or just stay in bed together if that’s what you’d like to do. whatever you prefer, he’s perfectly content.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he’s not fond of anything in particular on himself, hasn’t really thought about it much? but if he had to choose, he does like the way his hands look. his fingers are long and soft, they look especially good dancing across your skin, or covered in your cum. the last one he prefers the most <3
for his partner, it's the finer details that really get to him the most. the tiny things that no one would otherwise notice. the back of your neck, inside of your wrists, the softness of the skin between your thighs. even the freckles that dot your skin, every tiny little detail comes together to perfectly form you. that’s why it’s his favorite. finds it beautiful. victorian man over here !! hide your ankles
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
loves finishing inside. theres just something about it for him. stands back to admire as it pools out of you, much to your embarrassment. uses his tip to gather it all up, pushing it inside you again before starting round two. will love if you get all flustered about the whole thing too.
when you come to visit him in the office, he’ll finish inside and quickly pull your underwear up so nothing has the chance to spill out, a mess like that on the floor would be tough to explain. bonus points if you wear them throughout the day only for him to find out when he gets home from work, it will drive him crazy.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
got turned on when you said his name during the phone call the two of you shared shortly after you had joined the RFA. he’s never had that happen from someone’s voice alone, but then again, no one has said his name in such a slow and quiet way like that before. made him feel a little uncomfortable with himself, so he just ignored it and tried his best to forget. but you were definitely on his mind later that night. thats one of my favorite calls skdhksbs he was so surprised
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
no experience, like... none at all. maaaybe has watched porn once or twice but it didn’t really do anything for him, so he never picked it up again. the type to sit through sex scenes in movies completely unphased.
he knows basic anatomy of course—had a good education so he's aware of what’s going on—but only really researches the hidden tips and tricks once he gets in a deeper relationship with you. seven probably sends him know how links out of concern, they do help though !! he’s a naturally observant man as well, so he’s quick to learn what you like, the things that get you moaning and squirming the most. Not afraid to ask what you want from him. honestly if he hadn’t told you, you wouldn’t have a clue about his inexperience. boosts his ego sm <3
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
any position where you’re bent over he loves. doggy style, over his desk, against a wall.
also loves when you ride him while he’s sat at his work desk, gives him a good position to let his hands run wild all over your body. something about sitting in his office with you over him like that, riding him. really likes that.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
obviously he can smile or throw in a few sarcastic quips here and there, but overall takes the whole thing pretty seriously. gets a little nervous if you laugh for no reason, throws him off for a second. it’s pretty serious for him, sometimes there's off moments here and there of course, but he’d rather skip over them than dwell for too long. not a lot of laughs, he’s busy focusing on the task at hand. hold in your laughter please he will get offended
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
doesn’t shave completely, makes him feel weird when he does, but keeps himself trimmed often. prefers the neatness.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
prefers intimacy more than anything else, kissing your neck or wrists while he slowly thrusts in and out of you, whispering sweet words into your shoulder while he does so. he’ll trail your skin with his fingers and leave behind little pecks. loved asking questions or pointing out little things you might not have even noticed that he's absolutely in love with, freckles or birthmarks for example.
but that doesn’t mean he can’t also be rough. he likes bending you over, grabbing a fistful of your hair, making you beg for him. versatile king
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Before he met you:
rarely, he would do it on occasion? If he had a stubborn urge that just wouldn’t go away for some reason, but never really got the feeling for it. If he did, he never fantasized too much, just focused on the feeling until he was done. feels gross for the rest of the day after he does it, makes his head foggy.
After he met you:
still doesn’t do it too often, he has you after all. If the mood strikes he’ll ask if you’d like to help him out with his problem. phone sex is common on business trips, so he does it then, and if you want him to touch himself in front of you, he definitely will without a second thought. but unprompted and alone, no. he’d rather just wait.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
possessive sex. If you spend too much time with zen, someone flirts with you too openly, or even when he just starts to get caught up in his own head, the sex that comes after is intense. especially at events. he’ll make it a point to smudge your makeup, leave marks on your skin, turn you into a drooling mess. he’ll have you repeat who you belong to, make you beg for permission to finish, really gets off on being the one in charge. domination kink
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
home is probably his favorite just because it’s where you’re most comfortable getting loud, you both can spend as much time as you need there without any interruptions. the office is a close second though.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
when you wear short skirts with nothing else underneath them, especially if you come to visit him in the office. bonus points if he’s insanely busy that day and doesn’t have time to bend you over his desk. text him beforehand and watch how many times his eyes shift to your legs, the way he looks at you. really drives him up the wall. but besides that most of the time all you have to do is speak and he’s ready to go, all day every day. say the word and he’s yours.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
no choking, slapping, drawing blood, anything too intense in the bedroom that’s super violent. It just.. doesn’t get him going. he’s not too picky with what he will or won’t do, but that isn’t his cup of tea.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
either or, if you give he’ll always give back and vice versa. prefers giving a bit more honestly, loves seeing you come undone from his mouth alone, but no complaints if you sneak under his desk at work and start undoing his belt.
skillswise it does take him a bit of getting used to at first, but he warms up quickly as he gets to know your body more. again, observant and a very quick learner. will never complain about his jaw hurting, never ever. groans a lot into you while he’s doing it, let’s himself get himself lost in the whole thing.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
it depends on the mood or how either of you feel that day. he does prefer slow and intimate just a bit more than anything else, but isn’t strongly leaning towards one or the other.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
proper sex if he’s able to, only likes quickies when you two are in public and or a time crunch, but they’re definitely not his favorite. If he does have to finish quickly, he’s sure to make it up to you later. they’re surprisingly often though, especially if you drop by his office. you’ll always leave looking way redder than you did before.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
most anything you want to try, he’ll try. He wants to make you happy. I don't see him being overly kinky right off the bat since he doesn’t have much experience? but he’s down for new things. pretty risky, loves public sex after all.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
at first not too long due to his inexperience, but he learns to hold back more as time passes. pretty good at controlling himself, wants to see you come undone as many times as he can before he finishes himself. after a hard day at work he can only last a round or two, but normally he can go for awhile.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
doesn’t own toys for himself, but has a few he’d buy for you. has quite the selection of vibrators. his favorite is a pink one that's controlled by his phone, it gets quite a bit of use, especially during events. handcuffs and blindfolds too !! always super pink, he likes that color for you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
unfair, making you beg, edging you until you can’t bear it any longer, embarrassing you especially with his dirty talk. doesn’t hold back in the slightest, so it’s never fair for you. he’s selfish after all.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
grunts, groans, little “fuck”s under his breath. more vocal as he gets closer to coming, he breathes heavier and groans deeper in his throat. It’s never super loud, he’s way more on the quiet side. prefers to hear your sounds more than anything else so he's focused on that the most, doesn’t really moan too much.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
cannot send nudes for the life of him. like, it’s bad. super blurry, awkward, or way too dark. it’s cute whenever he tries though. for some reason they’re just so painfully awkward looking. opt for phone sex instead
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
never measured himself officially? but he's on the lengthier side— more than seven inches for sure, he leans up more towards his stomach but overall very straight, no curves or anything. cut, not too many veins except for one prominent one his underside that will absolutely drive him insane if you run your tongue across it, his tip is very red and incredibly sensitive, jumps a little if you go in on it way too fast. he has way more length than he does girth, and the size stays the same all throughout. i know his dick is pretty i just feel it
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
before he met you, low. but after he met you, all those years of repressed sexual frustration really started to show huh, he can’t go more than five minutes without keeping his hands off of you. It’s high, especially at the beginning of the relationship.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
depends on how work was that day !! But no matter what he tends to stay up for a while afterwards. you’re much more likely to fall asleep before him most of the time. he likes think for awhile first.
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MINNIE SENPAI!! blease do E, I, K, L, N, O, W, Z for Leo? 🥺💖 (i might have gone overboard, so feel free to choose the ones you like the most fhdgk)
Haha, welcome welcome!! I’m honored kouhai, please don’t worry! 💖💖💖 I hope you enjoy this post~ 
Under a cut for length, yet again LOL
Fluffy ABC headcanons listed here for requests!
E = Emotions (how does he express emotion around her?)
Bold of you to insinuate Leonardo has emotions that aren’t imposed against his will HAHAHA. Just kidding, but he does have a hard time not clowning and hiding what he’s feeling. Say it with me kids, repression. That being said, I think he will always have a hard time expressing himself without hesitation in his relationship. His first instinct is to soothe and protect; he doesn’t really know how to put himself first, very few people have ever cared to put him first in his life. One of the hardest things about being capable with the mental acuity of a blade is that everyone just kinda assumes you'll be fine (compounded by the fact that he feels burdensome asking for help). And while there’s no doubt he can take care of himself, everybody needs a daijoubu from time to time ;-;. I like to hope that his MC will be able to see through to the truth of his feelings over time--even if he doesn’t openly enumerate them--before he can smother his emotional needs into silence. Furthermore, I think he would be a little more open/obvious about the depth of his love over time because, at some point, those feelings would accumulate to the point of overflow.
With Leonardo, vulnerability is a slow burn; he will reveal what he’s thinking someday, but today is not that day. Have patience, be gentle with his absolute clown self-neglect, try to meet him halfway; that trust will inspire him to be everything he thought he never could be for someone else. 
In the meantime:
One of the key signals when it comes to Leonardo is to pay attention to when he’s seeking to spoil her. If he’s being extra uwu, that’s a surefire sign he’s Coping™ by channeling those more negative feelings into making her happy. He thinks the best way to handle The Bad Feels and/or concern for her is to redirect that energy into something constructive, and what better outcome could there be than her pouting or giving him that dazzling smile of hers? 
Honestly, with Leonardo, he tends to convert emotion into action--she will know the warmth of his love long before he ever says it out loud. 
He has a hard time articulating his feelings, so asking him to say them outright might be hard on him--it might not be the best immediate go-to. Spoil him out of the blue, instead. She’ll seek him out and just sit in his lap and cuddle for a nap sessh completely without warning, hold him tight so that he knows she’s here no matter what. She’ll indulge his cute needy moments and lounge in bed all morning together, hold his hand first when they go out, take charge in the bedroom; she’ll show him he’s wanted and needed before he can even think to doubt himself. Murmur compliments to him, make him things he loves to eat, give him a back rub unprompted. It’s the simple awareness of what he enjoys and the execution of it before he can prepare that utterly decimates him into revealing the feelings he keeps under tight control. 
He is a lover that thrives on spontaneity and burning, silent consideration for the person he cherishes. The most adorable thing about this is that he is absolutely lost when the same tactic is used against him, he’s utterly defenseless to it!! (look at me. He has zero emotional object permanence. The mere prospect that somebody would worry about him first would send him into shock. And remember: the way people give love can often be the most powerful way they receive it, too.) The sacred texts!! She can use them to make him smile that smile that lets her know he’s an absolute goner for her without the need for words; the smile that says “it will always be you. It can only ever be you.”
When he’s happy, he literally just spoils her with more energy and teasing--expect a lot of wild fun and laughter when he’s in a good mood. He will have exceptionally tender moments now and again (say after a bad nightmare of losing her, for example) where he won’t say anything at all, just holds her close. He needs to know that she’s still here, that she’s okay. It is a rare and huge act of emotional trust; MC’s understanding and her easy proximity in these moments mean the world to him. When he’s distant and evasive, that is the time to give him some space before wedging her way inside. She won’t let him sit and stew in abysmal feelings; he has a bad habit of punishing himself too much or lingering on unhappy moments in his life. Despite how he seems he takes things incredibly seriously--to the point where he exhausts himself. 
When he’s jealous and feeling petulant, he will not hesitate bitch and will get surprisingly grumpy. She’ll coo at him and reassure him that he’s the only one for her, and he’ll calm in the circle of her arms. Fun bonus: he’ll be embarrassed/mortified about being out of control later and she has ENDLESS fun teasing him just a little, even better if he punishes her with a good bangarang. Anger and irritation are emotions he tends to leave be, but if someone directs any kind of threat to MC (or an innocent in general) every trace of his jovial nature dissolves in milliseconds. He is swift, decisive, and deadly when he’s belligerent; he is the last person to push too far. He will often regret it later or worry about scaring MC, but it really does only happen once in a great while. She always reassures him that she knows he only did what he felt he had to in the moment.
You can just hear the Leonardo stan in me, lord jesus
I = Injury (how would he react if she got hurt?)
I think it would depend on the injury. If it’s something like a papercut or a scratch, he’ll just be like “yare yare cara mia, be a little more careful next time, yeah?” Will bandage her up and disinfect because he knows enough about medicine to be cautious. Plenty attentive, will probably tease her about being a klutz and/or tell her to ask for help next time. Everything you would expect from Leonardo, essentially; equal parts light-hearted and responsible.
If the injury is much more intense--say a broken limb, or deep gashes, so on and so forth--I see Leonardo being very, very grim. His lips would be pursed into a firm line, blanched white from the pressure, and his first step would be to get her out of the danger at any cost to himself. Following his ability to get her to a safe place, he would begin to tend the wound as gently as possible, asking questions to gauge the severity with single-minded concentration. “Where does it hurt? Rate the pain, describe what it feels like. Can you move the injured limb?” He will use whatever he has at his disposal to minimize her suffering if he can’t get her to a doctor immediately. If she requires treatment from someone else, he will be beside himself the entire time; chain-smoking, pacing, running his hands through his hair nonstop. He has ants in his pants until he sees her with color in her face, eyes bright again.
May I offer: They are 100% that couple (in which Leonardo is the one that falls asleep at her bedside) that’s like “you look like shit.” “look who’s talking, stupid.” and they just start laughing, mutually relieved.
During her recovery, he will be incredibly gentle but also subliminally alert. Anything she needs, she gets. If she tries to return to a normal pace of life too fast, he is straight up just picking her up and putting her back in that recovery bed. He ain’t playin’--don’t test him on this. He’s usually pretty easygoing, but he will snap at anyone who isn’t careful with her in this state. He will not take any further risk to her life. (He’s not usually brittle, but under severe conditions he can be.) He’ll tease her from time to time, but it’s much more mild than usual; he’s too consumed with concern to let her get worked up. He’s never really had to deal with a prolonged state of physical helplessness personally, but he’s seen enough in his life to know it can be really taxing on a person’s mind. There will be a thin veneer of calm, only there to keep her relaxed and to ensure the stability of her mental health. He knows that if he shows too much distress, he’s only going to worry her further--and that’s the last thing he wants. He will spend the majority of his time acquiring as many distractions as humanly possible, even if he has to be the distraction; anything to get her mind off of darker things.
When she’s back to normal, he’ll still be on alert for a short while before he goes back to his usual clowning self; might be a little more protective and cautious than usual, or be a little paranoid about the specific thing that caused her harm. (No Leonardo, we need kitchen knives--how else are we going to cut the carrots?? Please relax.) He doesn’t want that kind of heart attack again anytime soon;;;;
Honestly, it’s very likely that MC will have to be the one to remind him that she’s fully recovered--and not quite so fragile--well after she’s returned to the normal pace of life.
K = Kisses (how does he like to kiss her?)
Mah heart, mah soul
When it comes to kisses, Leonardo will vary extensively. Will give her teasing pecks intended to make her grab hold of him and force him to linger, smirking into the kiss as she’s instigated to deepen it. When he’s feeling particularly overwhelmed with feeling--say when he’s jealous or frustrated--his kisses will be dizzying; sucking on her tongue and nipping at her lips, caging her against him as he unleashes all of the desire that was building inside him. The intent will be to drown her in passion. Lazy kisses before/after a nap, where he just wants to revel in the heat of her for a moment--express his affection on a whim--before dozing off. And last, but certainly not least, he will kiss her with the express intent of marking her. Due to his inability refusal to bite her, he seeks to relieve that instinct with hickeys all over her body (most frequently around the chest and neck, sometimes along her thighs and hips when he has fun downtown).
L = Love (how does he show her that he loves her?)
This man is Acts of Service through and through when it comes to showing his love. He is exceptionally observant and sensitive to the feelings of others, so the second he sees her in need he is already seeking an externalized solution. His usual modus operandi is to enact his love as covertly as possible; he doesn’t want her feeling guilty for troubling him. That being said, if he has to be direct--he will be. He won’t ever force her, but he will remind her that he is here and that he wants to help more than anything else. If she needs time on her own he’s happy to give it (even if he pouts and fidgets restlessly the whole time). His most acute expression of love is his reliability: taking care of people is the first way he knows how to express affection.
While that tends to be his primary method, it by no means insinuates that he won’t show affection in other ways. If he teases her, it’s because he wants her attention more than anything but is far too shy to say it directly (is he a middle schooler of a lover? Yes). More to the point, asking for her time and her attention is a way that he expresses love because it means he trusts her enough to know the signs, fulfill those needs, and realize that he meant no harm with his nonsense. Though it may sound odd, his desire to rely on her a little (insert is for me? meme) is his way of showing her he’s letting her in, and that’s a very real form of love considering how Herculean an effort it is for him to rely on someone else. It’s the same reason he will sometimes make his room an even bigger disaster zone than usual. He has every intention of cleaning up after himself, he just wants her to bust in and start fussing over him LMAO  (MC: WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS LEONARDO?! Meanwhile Leonardo, an idiot full of uwus at the sight of his beloved exasperated, sitting in a pile of trash: Just according to keikaku)
As odd as it may sound, it’s almost like a weird reverse damsel in distress sort of dynamic? He carefully constructs situations where she can offer him help with the express purpose (and hope) that she will care enough to bust past his enfeebled defenses. It’s so oddly demure for this enormous punk of a man, but I find it adorable ;-;
Other ways he loves to show how he feels is to take her on trips or on little adventures. One of his favorite things to do is to watch her take in places he knows like the back of his hand--or even places new to him--with all the gleeful excitement of a little kid. It just warms him down to the marrow, and makes him have so much more fun than he ever could alone to see her buzz around nonstop. If he can encourage her to relax and take some time for herself in the process, to live for herself a little (she’s all too giving) then he considers the entire endeavor a success. All the effort is worth it if she can remember their time together with a smile Must You Hurt Me Like This, Leonardo.
One form of love that he will behead me for revealing is that he also sketches her all the time in his notebook, and will look to those little moments he’s captured whenever he’s feeling down or she’s not around. 
He will have times where, if he can’t convey something properly with his actions or through making love, he will level with her. He will take the time to try to explain his feelings with accuracy, and in these moments he is both sincere and heartfelt. While it is a more rare expression of love for him, it is earth shattering when he does. Not only because his feelings run so deep, but also because these moments are unmistakably raw. Leonardo knows that vulnerability is a simultaneous boon and bane; it can inspire so much mutual joy, but it can also mean the exposure of lifelong wounds. It means acknowledging that these feelings are real. Even if she never takes advantage of the truth, he is aware of how precarious that position can be the more intense this love gets. It means facing how hollow he will feel when she's gone--something he works very, very hard to look away from.
(A related addendum because I have brainworms: The reason that people love and trust Leonardo is not primarily based in his intellect, fairly natural charisma, or good looks (though they are very compelling elements of his person). I think what people really see is how--though Leonardo sees through to the truth of peoples’ hearts in seconds--he keeps their secrets and treats them with so much respect/gentleness. It’s this odd capacity to be seen without feeling exposed that makes him such a remarkable and interesting man, and why he grows so close to everyone’s hearts. People feel understood without the need for words, feel cared for without a second thought. That being said, I think he needs someone who is similar. A person who sees all that he is on the surface, but barring that forges deeper still to find and cradle those parts of him that still need so much healing/care.
There’s a reason one of the greatest hits to his heart in his MS--one of the moments MC most powerfully gets through to him--is when she essentially says “Don’t give me that. Nobody ever gets used to loss. When something hurts, it hurts.” Whether she realized it or not, she penetrated straight to his heart with those few words. The truth is often much simpler than we might assume, and no matter how much experience one has with certain emotions--particularly grief and loneliness--no amount of experience makes them hurt any less. We only grow better at concealing or coping with age...)
N = Nightmare (what is his worst fear?)
I have a list (from Comte). I keep them alphabetized.
Jkjk, but if I’m honest I think this man has a good amount of fear inside him. I’d say the highest ones up there would absolutely be losing MC very suddenly, or being the reason--whether directly or indirectly--she gets hurt (like if his familia came after her to get back at him? he would be devastated).
If it is a timeline where he does choose to turn her, he’s beside himself at the prospect of the turning process going horribly wrong. It’s an unpredictable transition, and if she were to come back mentally broken or in constant pain (immortal wounds/aberrant) I think it would really fuck him up emotionally. He would blame himself without a doubt ;-; and that’s assuming she doesn’t hate his ass for the rest of eternity if it does go well (Leonardo I am begging you to use one brain cell)
O = Oddity (what is one quirk he has?) This one’s just a crack hc so if you were taking me seriously for any amt of this post, this is my suggestion that you stop
Leonardo is a man of many idiosyncrasies; among them an incapacity to dance and writing in a mirrored hand. 
Another one is his absolute hatred for mint. One of Comte’s favorite things to do to mess with Leonardo is to stuff the drawers in his desk with peppermint candies to ward off his old friend and make him stop sleeping under his desk (like how people will use salt for demons!). He will also drink mint tea if he’s feeling particularly irritated with Leonardo’s antics, like if he’s received a ton of letters from Leonardo’s familia. Tells him to come to his office and the place is SUFFUSED in the scent of mint. Comte is just sitting at his desk with the stack, wearing that incorrigible look like “If I must suffer, so must you.” 
One time--before MC was aware of this quirk--she had some chocolate that had mint in it after dinner. Leonardo kissed her without knowing (he came in late) and literally died where he was standing; he was biting his tongue to keep from gagging. MC just o: ???? because she’s never seen him make that grimace, especially after sharing a kiss. Comte was in fucking tears laughing at the head of the dining table while Napoleon and Sebastian were both fighting a smile--Arthur was outright wheezing. Isaac, blushing and coughing lightly into his fist, offers the explanation that Leonardo hates mint-flavored things and the scent of it makes him queasy. 
W = Warrior (how does he feel about her fighting? Would he fight for her, beside her, etc?)
Man, this one’s tough, but if I’m honest I think he would be conflicted. On the one hand, he thinks it’s badass and hot as all fuck that she knows how to hold her own in a brawl; he can’t deny it’s sexy and reassuring (he has to resist the urge to gaud her into punching him). But. That knowledge also comes with a lot of concern. Was she in a place or around people that never once looked after her? Or was it a safety precaution? He will think deeply about the implications of her capabilities, and ask about it openly if he can’t deduce the reasons from afar. He will see it as very important information in regards to how to look after her properly.
That being said, I don’t think he would let his MC fight unless there was literally no other conceivable choice (say she was attacked while he wasn’t there or before he could intercept the blow). He would literally rather fall on a sword than see her get hurt. He’s durable and used to pain; he’d rather suffer and heal fast than see her sustain a single scar or bruise. Even if it makes her angry, he’ll take a hit and ask her to stay behind him every single time without fail. He’ll accept her frustration about it and will feel that it is perfectly valid to be annoyed with him. It still won’t make him budge, though. 
Z = Zen (what makes him feel calm?)
Naps and lingering in bed well after morning with MC make this man happier and calmer than anything this world has ever seen. He loves that in those moments they aren’t thinking about anything else but each other, and he can indulge in the certainty of her presence in his life and so close to his heart. He can use the excuse of drowsiness to be tender, making love with a slow, devastating build to pleasure--hand entwined with hers against the sheets. 
Failing that, he goes to things that stimulate his senses to find calm--he can’t really relax if his hands and/or mind aren’t occupied (i.e. cigarillos lmao). It’s why he’s often in the library; he’s always seeking new information and conundrums to sort out mentally if he doesn’t have the energy to go out and about. If he’s in his room he’ll be drafting diagrams, coming up with new concepts and architectural schematics, even making trinkets for MC or fixing something in the mansion. If he needs a change of scene or has the spoons, he’ll make a trip to town to help people with any problems that need solving, or find some excuse to go looking for and tease MC HAHA (he’s a little shit, but he’s our little shit úwù)
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