#rarry bromance
Ron and Harry friendship headcanons:
Ron is the first in to say I love you to Harry that he can remember
He said it before leaving end of first year
Harry started crying, Ron panicked
It was also the first time Harry had ever initiated a hug
Ron gives Harry piggy rides sometimes because he didn’t have siblings who would
Harry is the only one Ron shared his food with
They sleep in the same bed when Harry stays over at the burrow
They have a very complicated secret handshake
Ron helps Harry research his family history
They were eachothers first kiss because they wanted to practice
It ended in a lot of giggles and laughs
That’s all I have right now
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seriouslysam8 · 1 month
Just catching up on your many many asks and here are my thoughts (that no one asked for)
I’m so here for the snake attack 🐍 (we need a bit of blood and gore we haven’t had that for at least a few scenes)
Your use of gifs has my entire heart and I’ve missed the schitts creek ones 🤣
PrewwettPotter - where do you come up with your theories I need to visit your mind palace
@everyone - I love that we’re all as equally invested as each other to see Sam meet her goal 🤟🏾
It’s demure mindful and very cutesy 🥲 (someone get me off tiktok)
Are there Hinny moments coming? Also we need some hard core rarry bromance soon pls I have withdrawals 🤣
There is blood. Lots of blood.
I fucking love using the gifs.
Yeah, @prewettpotter where you come up with all these theories?!? I ADORE them!
My goal is so close. So very close. Can I get it done tonight??? It’d only be a day behind my goal!
Hinny is coming. Gosh, I need a Rarry moment.
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
Tumblr media
you guys Harry is Ron’s BIGGEST supporter, i’m cackling at how personally he’s taking this argument that has nothing to do with him -
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citygirlinschool · 3 years
Okay so I was talking to my sister and I was like I am such a bottom, but One day, I will find the top in me. She looks me dead in the eye, and goes, yes one day you will find a top in you. Now Imagine your Brotp
Person A: Gods I am such a bottom.
Person B:...
Person A: But one day... I'll find the top in me.
Person B: *tired of Person A's bullshit* Yes. Yes one day you'll find a top in you.
Person A:
Person B:
Person A: Okay wrong choice of words.
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snakehouse-hisshiss · 4 years
Snape preventing students from making out in the rose garden during the Yule Ball. *sees Potter and Weasley walking together*: what are you two up to?
Ron: we’re just walking...
Snape internally: walking?? Is that what kids call it these days? Are Potter and Weasley together?
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alwerakoo · 4 years
To this day, I still don’t understand why Harry had such a problem with finding a partner to the Yule Ball. Like bruh, Ron is right there
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drarrydorks · 5 years
Ron: Harry, what do you want for Christmas?
Harry: To be loved
Ron: So a new quidditch set?
Harry: Sounds good
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Person A: I am so full I can barely breathe.
Person B: Stop eating then.
Person A: *stares at plate of cookies longingly*
Person A: I guess I'm really not that full.
Person A: *proceeds to eat entire plate of cookies*
Person B: What am I going to do with you?
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I believe in my otps more than i believe in myself tbh and i think thats saying something
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acnelli · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
Thank you to @accio-broom for the tag!
Name: acnelli, but you can just call me Nelli
Fandoms I write for: I only write for Harry Potter. I started a Twilight fic ten years ago (don't judge me), but quickly dismissed it, because it was terrible. Plus, I shipped Edward/Leah and Bella/Leah, so I was surprised I got reviews at all.
As for my HP ships, Romione and Rarry (surprise!). I loved Romione since reading the books and knew they would get together since book 1. I craved more of their story, and if I have the time (which I don't really, atm), I read these two in every possible universe and trope. Through Tumblr I also joined the HPRomione Discord which is one of my favourite "places" to be. Lots of great creators promoting their stories/art there, offering help, and plotting stories together. Not just a great place for creators, btw. It's great for Romione-shippers in general (and multi-shippers are welcome as well. The mods work hard to make the server welcoming to everyone. It's focused on Romione, of course, but you won't get ridiculed if you ship Ron and/or Hermione with other people as well).
Okay, I did not plan to promote this sever so much, but here I am. You'll also find that I don't have much to say to the following points, so it's okay that this is a little longer.
Tumblr also introduced me to the Rarry ship (mainly @booigi-boi and @headcanonsandmore are responsible for that;)). I discovered some of my all time favourite stories through that ship, and while I always loved their bromance, it's just so easy to add romance to their wonderful dynamic. It's a rare pair, but we're responsible for our own fandom experience, so I decided to host the @2021harryronfest.
As for my other HP ships: pretty much all canon ships, especially Hinny and Remadora. But I also like Perciver, Linny, Wolfstar, Deamus and Golden Triad.
Two-shot: Well,...looking at my 16 one-shots.
Most popular multichapter: I planned some. And I really intend to write them, but the reasons why I rather sign up for 100 Fests, instead of writing my multi-chaps, I'll explain down below.
Worst part of writing: That I've got no time for it. I'm much more of a reader than a writer anyway, but finding the time and the motivation to write, is hard for me these days. Plus, I have to be in a specific mood for writing. I can't just sit down and tell myself to write something.
How you choose your titles: Is it weird, that I can't answer that? I usually come up with it while I write the story.
Do you outline: I almost never do. I wrote only one-shots so far, so there isn't much outlining required. With a multi-chap I should definitely do it, but I know myself. I just start writing and add things as I go. I'm lazy when it comes to writing, and just wing it (call me Ron Weasley).
Ideas I probably won’t get to but it would be nice: I'm kind of obsessed with a HP x The Queen's Gambit crossover idea of mine. I want to make Ron an orphan (yeah, that's the first hurdle I have to overcome for this...killing all the Weasleys. I don't think I can) and for his own protection they put him into a Muggle orphanage where he grows up with Beth. Together they master chess, and I kind of want to tell their stories about them growing up together and becoming each other's only family, about their time when they're apart (Ron goes to Hogwarts, Beth gets adopted), when they reunite again, them forming this sibling bond. A very different AU, so I've got two problems: world building and chess. I'm terrible at both things, so this probably will get very inaccurate and messy.
Callouts @ me: Don't put yourself down so much. You are better than you think. Your writing might not be top notch, but you're not half bad either.
Best writing habits: I think that I come up with really good ideas sometimes, and there are just some lines I'm super proud of. They come to me at random moments, and I always find a way to work them in.
Spicy tangential opinion: I have yet to be brave enough to write smut. But I love the read the realistic kind (nothing against pwp kind of stories. I would be a liar if I said I only read realistic sex scenes). And I think communication is key. No one is a natural at this, and logically the sex should get better over the years, because of communication! Sex is messy, sticky and awkward. And it's on both (or more) parties to figure everything out together. That's the kind of " imperfection" I love to read.
Idk who got tagged already, so I'll tag @constitutionalweasleymonarchy, because I read some great stories of her just yesterday.
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
I'm very curious to know if Ron haters get the amount of hate that you get for writing she-who-i-will-not-name out of your stories. It's not even like you bash her. You just simply make her disappear into the background
I would be so curious to know this. I bet not because Ron bashing is a requirement for Dramione fics and such, right??
But you know what’s funny, is that people accuse me of bashing her. I had one person so adamant about it and trashed me for my lack of Hermione representation that I had to block them from my tumblr, as well as their second account. They may have a third account but they don’t bug me anymore so I’m just relieved.
Honestly, when I started out writing, I wrote Hermione more. Not a lot because she wasn’t my fav, but I didn’t cringe when I wrote her in MIT. Now I just hate her with every fiber of my being because of how her fans have harassed me in the past.
Like who cares?? Why do I have to write her ? It’s FANfiction. There’s something for everyone. There’s definitely a very, very, very small corner carved out for us who want to read a story without Hermione treating our boys like idiots and solving all the problems in the story.
Why is it so hard to find stories where she’s not a main character?? That’s what I would like to know. I just want some Rarry bromance, some Hinny goodness, and throw me in an added bonus of canon Sirius with no Wolfstar and I would love the SHIT out of that story.
Unrelated, but I was totally craving some toddler Harry and Sirius stories today but couldn’t find anything and I got sad. How do more people not write those two before Jily died!!? I love writing those Pensieve memories in Brumous.
I should write more. I need prompts. Fifteen months of Harry and Sirius. GO! Gimme ideas. Carrot tea will make plenty of appearances.
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headcanonsandmore · 3 years
I need a rarry bromance picture, even better if hermione is watching bromance unfold :).
I can’t really draw, so I’d recommend having a look at @giuls233 @hillyminne and @barmy-owl’s accounts, anon.
Thanks for the ask!
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princesserica84 · 4 years
I like Rarry but Romione is my OTP above all and will be forever. My loyalty is with Romione.
I like an AU Rarry occasionally in a world where Ron/Hermione never liked eachother or were never together but that’s all.
In my Romione world Ron and Harry have an amazing Bromance and it’s filled with emotions and laughing. They are like Joey and Chandler from Friends. Harry is just so happy for them. He bugs them about how long it took for them to finally admit they were in love with eachother. Harry told a lot of funny stories about that during his Best Man speech at Ron and Hermione’s wedding.
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accioromione · 4 years
Idk if that was to defend Ron as a good friend or just give more evidence to the ron/harry ship
both...rarry (bromance) ftw 
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Do we get a sneak peek today?
Yes! Sorry, it’s been a day. I’m also tagging at @kenziekarls86 because I got the same exact ask! Plus, an anon asked. So, I thought just posting it once was enough!
This is unedited, because it just is. I think that’s a new theme for sneak peek Tuesday. But it’s Rarry bromance so that makes up for it.
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Hogsmeade
“How do you, er, do it?” Ron asked.
Harry dragged his eyes off the board. “Do what?”
Ron rolled his eyes. “Ask a girl out.”
“You’re asking me?” Harry asked, disbelief clouding his tone. “Are you serious right now?”
“You have a girlfriend!” Ron protested in a strained voice. “Your second one at that. I never asked a girl out before unless you count the way I just bloody well shouted at Fleur that one time! I mean, bloody hell, Harry, you even got me my date for the Yule Ball.”
Harry’s face pulled. “Yeah, I don’t think Parvati and Padma actually consider that a date since we just sat there and didn’t even dance with them.”
“Well, that’s even more depressing for me!” Ron wallowed. “How did you ask out Ginny? Or Cho? I’m not picky.”
Harry blinked, a frown working its way on his face. “Can I be completely honest with you?”
“As your best mate, I will be highly offended if you weren’t,” Ron replied, his head dropping to the right.
Harry shifted. “I don’t remember.”
“What?” Ron shouted in a very loud voice, all eyes in the common room flying in their direction.
Harry sighed, his teeth gritting. “I don’t remember what I said or did. It’s all a blur. I think it just sort of happened, I don’t know!”
“That’s extremely disappointing,” Ron replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “The one time I ask you for advice and you tell me you don’t remember.”
“Just ask her, I don’t know!” Harry urged.
A beat passed and Harry recognized the look on Ron’s face. He was lost in deep thought.
“Okay, pretend you’re Niamh,” Ron suggested.
Harry really didn’t want to that. He shot Ron a pleading look but his best mate’s eyes only grew wide in response. They argued silently for a few moments before Harry heaved a sigh and waved at him to get it over with. Ron beamed, looking at him expectantly as though he were supposed to start.
Harry sucked in a breath, forcing a tight smile on his face. “Hi, Ron.”
“Niamh, hey,” Ron replied, rubbing the back of his neck. “So, err, there’s a Hogsmeade weekend coming up.”
Harry nodded. “Uh, yeah, there is.”
Ron narrowed his eyes at Harry before leaning forward. “Can you act a bit more like her so it’s normal? Like all bubbly and shit? She’d probably ramble a bit.”
Harry frowned. What did Ron want from him? He was role-playing to the best of his ability. Harry sucked in a breath.
“Yeah, there’s a Hogsmeade weekend,” Harry started again, his voice monotone. “I want to go… shop at the… shops? And grab a butterbeer and, you know, err, see the sights.”
“You are bloody terrible at this,” Ron grumbled. “Never mind.”
“I really don’t know what you want from me,” Harry admitted. “Just say, say, ‘Hey, Niamh, do you want to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?’ and leave it at that.”
Ron nodded. “What if she says no?”
“Then you run away?” Harry suggested. “I don’t know!”
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seriouslysam8 · 10 months
Hi Sam I stumbled upon Brumous a couple weeks ago and absolutely fell in love with it I recently finished the last chapter and I swear the moment I stoped reading I started having bloody withdrawals Brumous is easily the best piece of fan fiction I’ve ever read and the fact that you have a personal life and can’t just crank out a new chapter for me every day is a horrible tragedy but I digress I read some of your shorter fiction which I also loved and wanted to move on to your other stories but they seem pretty angsty and I cant with some sad shit right now Ginny and Ron are such beautiful visions of sunlight in Harry’s fucked up life and when that relationship is put under strain it’s heartbreaking everything else in Harrys life is so tragic and awful that I need Harry and his Weasleys to be happy I need them to be disgustingly in love and adorable could you please point me to which of your stories I can read without feeling depressed
If only fanfic writer was a paying job!! 🤣🤣🤣
So the happy Harry and his Weasleys are one-shots.
Brio is flirty Hinny with hilarious Ron.
Hide and Seek plus Grimmauld Game Night is pre-dating pining Hinny goodness.
The Demise of Walburga Black is bromance Rarry plus George with a sprinkle of Hinny.
Veracity is borderline crack with George being a menace to Harry.
The chapters stories are more angsty.
Kalopsia is Harry is missing and desperately trying to get home to his Weasleys, Ron is in a coma, Ginny and George try to solve the mystery of what happened.
Entombed is kidnapped Ginny and has one of my favorite scenes ever written when Harry and Ron rescue Ginny. I love it.
Brontide is a steer clear. Harry makes a mistake, hides his problems from his Weasleys, and tries to solve his issues alone. When his Weasleys do find out the truth, they are super supportive and amazing but there is a lot of angst and friction between characters.
EDIT: Effloresce is a cute pining Hinny chaptered story that I forgot about. Scones is cute married Hinny with a focus on their kids. The Curse of the Monthlies is Harry and little Lily Luna cuteness with a sprinkle of Hinny and hilarious good uncle Ron.
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