#ratohnhaké:ton x reader
recreationalfanfics · 2 years
For Assassin's Creed hc how would the Connor Kenway, Jacob Frye, and Ezio having a pletonic relationship with a fellow assassin who is younger then them and is a medic in training?
Just strictly pletonic yandere with a female assassin
Platonic Yandere! Connor:
- No because Connor has dad vibes or at the very least, protective older brother vibes and that is EXACTLY how he'll be with you.
- Maybe you joined the Brotherhood and he took you under his wing or maybe he was assigned to be your teacher but either way, he will always be nearby and watching you just to make sure you are safe.
- He will also help educate you in your medical education as best as he can, introducing you and getting you familiar with helpful plants that have medical uses and such.
- He also insists on being the one to teach you how to fight properly because even though he knows your main focus is healing and helping injured assassin's recover, he'd never forgive himself if he allowed something to happen to you. Don't worry, he's a gentle teacher who eases you in and has a lot of good advice.
- He has killed people for you. Templars who tried sneak you or drunken men who tried to hit on you. When you panic and ask him why he did that, he says that he had no other choice. You think that maybe he could've just knocked them out, tied them up somewhere and left them, but...it IS Connor. He usually chooses the most peaceful and diplomatic options.
- Maybe...maybe you're overthinking it. After all, Connor would never lie to you...right?
Platonic Yandere! Jacob:
- You definetly meet Jacob when he's brought in by the Brotherhood with some new injury he got that was probably from doing a stupid stunt. Either way, it's not too bad and it was good practice.
- He's a fun and lovable guy, honestly. He's cracking jokes and making you laugh and asking about how long you've been with the Brotherhood. You feel relaxed with him, he's so much more casual than other assassins and you're more drawn to him.
- He lets you hang around him and the Rooks, all of them love you like a little sister and are always happy when you come around. Sometimes Jacob calls you in if one of them needs to be patched up and he jokingly says that maybe instead of the Brotherhood, you should just work as a healer for him and his gang.
- You laugh it off and so does he but he's actually deadly serious about it. Jacob isn't gonna act like the Brotherhood is all peachy and perfect because they're assassins and some of those heartless bastards wouldn't feel any guilt leaving you behind on a mission or something, but...if you worked for him, you'd be much more safer. Everyone loves you, everyone adores you, and everyone (especially Jacob) would ensure your safety before their own.
- Most definetly has started fights over you, like some drunk tells you that you'd be a better whore than a medic and Jacob loses his mind, both Evie and Henry and even some other rooks have to pull him back as he beats the man shitless for saying those things about you.
- He kinda treats you like a kid, which is ironic because he hates being treated that way himself by older Assassins and Evie, but he can't help it. You're still so innocent to this world, too innocent to even be an Assassin, so just leave it to Jacob and keep everyone happy with that adorable smile of yours, yeah?
Platonic Yandere! Ezio:
- You'd be way too star struck to notice it, though. After all, you're meeting THE Ezio Auditore! AND HE SEEMS TO NOT BE ANNOYED BY YOUR INEXPERIENCE LIKE THE OTHER ASSASSINS.
- Unlike Jacob he won't deter from being an assassin and he'll also teach you to defend yourself like Connor but you just fill in a gap in his heart that he thought would always be empty after what happened to his family.
- You start to notice his yandere tendencies when an Assassin snaps at you because you might've done something wrong and Ezio just threatens them with death straight up. He charms his way out of it but the even still kinda lives in the back of your mind.
- NO BECAUSE BOTH TEMPLARS AND ASSASSIN'S FEAR YOU. Because if a Templar captain sees his troupes bring in an Assassin Prisoner and it's YOU, the captain will start crying as he asks his men if they know what they've done. Other Assassin's have seen the injuries Ezio has given to those who ALLOW you to get hurt and for that reason, you are to stay close to them at all times for fear they might meet the same fate.
- Depending on which Ezio we're talking about, he'll literally make it so that you're always under his protection and that he can always have his eye on you.
- Bonus thing: he does not trust boys, given his background and how he played with women, he'd much rather choose one of his own assassins that are your age than risk having you get your heart broken, he's a good dad that way.
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Non-AC Fans: I'm going to celebrate Thanksgiving by eating food and spending time with family.
Me: I'm going to say fuck colonialism, play AC III, and daydream about getting fucked by Ratonhnhaké:ton.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Assassins with a barista s/o who makes them amazing drinks after a successful kill?
You got it!!
Just as a bonus, they are all the type to tip generously and write cute messages on the receipts
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He swears you make the best chai tea lattes, but they taste all the better when you make them
You notice the bags under his eyes so you’re extra generous with the espresso shots, and even though it’s small talk, he enjoys you keeping him company
A sweet vanilla or caramel latte that’s just as sweet you 😏
Just a black coffee to mix with his favorite rum, and all your spare time love 😘
He likes the tea refreshers you make with a dash of fruit sweetness to them, and the shy small talk makes it better
*going for when he was still an Assassin
He likes your Irish Cream concoctions and flirts outrageously to try and get some extra
No coffee! But any of your assortment of teas with a dash of cream always puts him in a good mood
Cappuccinos with one of your fresh baked pastries, freshly whipped cream atop it.
Another tea lover that takes her to-go, smiling at the flirty messages you wrote on her cups
He’s got a bit of a playful attitude sometimes so he likes to order your famous frappes, extra whipped cream
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
father!Connor x Reincarnated! Modern reader!
Burning and calling out for your dad that's the last thing you remembered when the ceiling collapsed and the flames consumed you, next thing you knew you were freezing your eyes looked around wildly as you took in the surrounding area, this wasn't the streets of [city/town], it was night time and you were in a forest?... and it was winter now? Not not possible it was July, you were sure of it! 
*How did I get here?!*
You wondered as you tried to stand but couldn't move you looked to see what was restraining you. and felt your stomach curdled when you saw that you were swaddled in a soot covered blanket next to body of a woman who had her limp arms wrapped securely around your now tiny body, her dead eyes stained with frozen tears as they stared blankly at you it didn't take long for you to register that you were now in the body of a newborn and were very sure this woman is...was your mother.
Struggling between fear and confusion you did the only thing a baby could do in this situation wail at the top of your lungs and hope someone finds you, before a wolf or bear comes around.
Connor's pov 
He was returning to the homestead from Boston after ordering some upgrades and repairs for the Aquila, it was getting colder as the night settled snow crunched under the hooves as they trotted down the road home, when the assassin's nose caught a whiff of smoke in the air, he assumed some hunters had made camp somewhere and kept on route when his ears caught a high pitch scream in the distance, at first he thought it was a fox, rabbit or maybe a cougar? But something didn't feel right about it.
Connor's gut felt twisted as he brought the horse to a stop got off and strained his ears to hear through the wind before pinpointing where the scream was coming from and followed it, the screaming slowly turned into a the wails of a baby, causing the hairs on the back of Connor's stand on end as he quickened his pace to the location. 
There the assassin was met by a sickening sight as his eyes wildly swept over the remains of still smoldering cabin, he felt bile bubbling up in his throat as the smell of smoke and burning flesh invaded his nose triggering visions of his mother's death as his gaze soon landed on the snow covered body of a woman holding onto a screaming infant. 
He stared down at the pair he locked eyes with little one soon Connor eyes started burned with tears as a rogue sob escaped his throat he crouched down and hesitated before his shaking hands gently took the baby from their mother's body, he held the baby close trying to keep them warm as he managed to calmed down investigated the surrounding area, where it became very obvious that the fire was no accident.
Connor eyes noticed a mark on what was left of the walls he ran finger along it felt oily; Bear grease. the fire had started here after someone dumped bear grease around the cabin and lit aflame with the woman and child still inside, the mother's body had marks and what looked like rope stuck to her burns, the fire must've burned through the bindings and she used what all the strength left in her to get her baby out.
Someone wanted them dead, but why? there were footprints leading away from the site; Connor would've followed them, but his concerned gaze went back to the baby who was oddly quiet now and was alarmed at how cold their cheeks felt. The assassin made the wise decision to return to the homestead.
Achilles was not pleased when Connor returned late but his frustration soon turned to confusion and shock when he saw what his student was carrying a baby, his shock was replaced by fear when he noted how blue the child was looking he brought a hand up and felt the their cheek the old man retracted his hand. 
"Give me that child, and go take of your robes and shirt sit near the fire" Connor gave Achilles a incredulous look. "Do it" the old man barked before snapping a Faulkner to wake up and go get Dr. Lyle the sailor was confused until he saw the situation sobered up and ran out of the manor like a bat out of hell,
Connor was sitting in front of the fire place as he watched Achilles take the wet blankets and dress off the baby which turned out to be a girl, and handed the unresponsive child to native man as his mentor showed him how to hold her. a the old draped a blanket over them as they waited those few minutes that passed felt like hours.
 Achilles mumbled to himself wondering what was keeping the doctor, Connor while kept nervously starring at the baby she wasn't as blue looking anymore, but she was still unresponsive it was unnerving, finally the door open and Faulkner and a sleepy Lyle walked in the doctor was immediately on high alert when he saw the baby in Connor's arms.  
"Oh, my what happened?"
"Cabin fire she was the only one alive when I got there."
"Good job at keeping her warm, however she doesn't seem to be breathing too well... may i see her?"
Connor reluctantly handed the baby over, Lyle carefully held her over his knee and gave her back a few small slaps which caused the native man to jump out of his chair. "What are yo-" the baby suddenly threw up before letting out a wheeze followed a series of small coughs as air filled her lungs, her skin had a more healthier hue now before bursting out crying, doctor White wiped her mouth before handing her back to Connor.
"She was choking the poor thing! must of inhaled a lot of smoke... Your lucky you found her when you did." Connor just hummed as he tried to calm the baby down but failing, Achilles huffed and took her from the young assassin then snapped at him to put his shirt on as he rocked her, the baby instantly quietly down as Faulkner handed Achilles a blanket to cover the baby with. 
While Doctor White was instructing Connor to observe the baby overnight to make she was alright which caused a bit of a stir with both mentor and student. "W-Wait your not suggest that I take care of her?!" the young man sputtered as he awkwardly eyed the baby who seemed more alert now. 
"Well of course, who else?" Lyle hummed Connor started trying to make up excuses why he couldn’t do that! they don't have a cradle, clothes, how was he supposed to feed her? Achilles pointed at his son's old cradle that was stored under a table which also had some old baby clothes inside, and was sure Prudence wouldn't mind helping with the feeding problem, she's been complaining about making too much milk to the other women.  
Connor sighed pinching the bridge of his nose it was clear he wasn't going to win this, he then looked back at the baby who eyes were looking around the den tired and curious, She was small, alone and defenseless he felt his heart throb before sighing. "Alright, I will watch her and will send for help should something happen, thank you doctor." Lyle nodded bidding Connor and Achilles a good night.
[skip through Achilles showing Connor how to dress the baby and put her to bed.]
back to your pov
*What happened?* you thought waking up fully and looking around the room; happy that you were dry and warm, but but exasperated about still being in the dark on where the hell where you were, your e/c eyes scanned the ceiling brows furrowed somehow this room was familiar; you've seen it before, but where? you sighed and struggled to move your head to get a better look around, but your neck refused to move. *damn newborn limbs!* you huffed frustrated as your tiny hand made a fist damming whoever thought it would be a good idea to bring you back as a baby!
The the sound of footsteps and voices talking got your attention. "She's in the library, and didn't make a sound all night." a worried male voice stated, Odd you could've sworn you've heard that voice before, But damn if you can't remember where! the male's voice was followed by a reassuring female voice. "Babies can differ from one and another, I sure she's just fine." Goddamn you knew that voice too! *Just where the hell am I?* you babbled loud and annoyed as the voices were now in the room with you.
"See? she's chatting up a storm now!" the woman's voice exclaimed as a large shadowy figure came into your sight, You felt kind of scared at first at the man's imposing figure before he leaned in giving you a better look at his face ,you jaw dropped in a form of a toothless grimace when you realized who it was. *Holy Shit It's Connor Kenway,* then the second realization *Holy shit I'm in a video game!* of course the only thing that came out of your mouth was an nonsensical babble.
 the assassin hummed at the sound before he carefully took you out of the cradle and presented you to Prudence "Aw, look at you! hello pretty one.~" She cooed with big smile the second she saw you and took you from Connor. *why was she here?* you thought not seeing Connor leave as the farmer sat down in a chair you awkwardly watched the new mother [Hunter's two moths older than you.] lifted her shirt up presenting her breast to you *oh...okay." You probably would've fussed or resisted but your empty stomach gurgled leaving you no choice but to got to town.
[Skip, after feeding time, and 3rd pov]
Prudence was soon joined by Diana and Catherine who were cooing and coddling at the two babies sitting on the couch next to each other as Warren had dropped Hunter off fawned over you too before returning to work, said boy looked down right confused to see another baby for the first time, while You were having an existential crisis about your current situation which the women giggled at as they talked about you two becoming friends, sharing clothes, toys, extra blankets they had for You, however their meeting was soon interrupted by Connor arguing with Achilles. 
"My answer is no, she can't stay here!"
"Funny you didn't have a problem about it last night, old man!"
"Don't be a hypocritical and That was an emergency!"
"Well, this is an emergency as well, someone wants that child dead and I intend to find out who! So until then she stays!" 
Connor's decision as final causing Achilles let an annoyed bellow before seemingly leaving the manor to cool off, there was an a tense silence filled the air as Connor's foot steps came upstairs and he appeared in the library doorway and awkwardly stared at the women who starring stunned at the native man.
 "Ah, I apologize you all had to hear that." he coughed before looking at you and Hunter sitting on the couch you were being propped up by pillow while Hunter was on his belly starring than up at Connor confused while his mom and the women found their voices mainly questions as to how exactly did you come into Connor's care?
If reader is of native decent:
[At First they thought you were his child as it appeared you were a native as well, your skin had a similar maroon tone like his, but at a second glance it seemed getting a bit lighter/darker than his, also you shared no facial features that resembled Connor's what so ever, your hair looked black, but they could see it was falling out and patches of [Blond,Ginger,Brown.] hair was growing back in it's place, and it's type was turning out more [Wiry,Coarse,Curly,Wavy.] then Connor's and you're eyes were [Blue,grey,amber,green,hazel,brown] it became increasingly obvious that you were half or at least have some native in your bloodline.]
English,Hispanic Italian,Asian,African. descent:
It was obvious you weren't his child as your skin was too/had [fair, bronze, marigold, or chestnut ] tones to it and your eyes were [blue/green/gray, black, hazel] and your hair was looking too curly/wavy/straight [red/blond/brown/black hair, and your facial features showed a clear sign you were of [English,Hispanic Italian,Asian,African.] descent... that and the fact Connor would've told at least told one person in town (Norris) that he was seeing someone and was going to be a father, the native man answered as truthfully as he could.
The women's maternal instinct were now on high alert and stated if he was going to be this baby's guardian he was going to need help and started giving Connor child rearing advice and teaching him how to change her nappies, and assured him that they watched her if he had to go on another exposition, Connor thanked them before Diana realize they didn't know what the wee one's name was.
Connor looked down at you for a few moments thinking hard before a ghost of a smile played on his lips. "Y/n. Her name is Y/n." all the women cooed and started greeted you by name, meanwhile  you were reeling in annoyance. "Seriously? " you huffed blowing a raspberry at Connor who blinked before wiped up the drool dribbling down your chin as a result.
*I get reincarnated and you give the same name I've always had, you couldn't think of something cooler?* your e/c eyes glared daggers at hoping he'd hear you; of course he couldn't hear you or your complaints, guess you'll just have to have to live with it, what could go wrong?   
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thero0ks · 4 years
Bonfire Night <Connor Kenway/Ratohnhaké:ton Modern AU>
Thank you @marshmallow--3 for the request! Sorry it took so long to write, and sorry for that it’s kind of short, but I tried to make it fluffy!
Having two divorced parents living in separate countries was hard. Having a long distance relationship was even harder. Connor had grown up in the states before his parents separated, and his father chose to move back to London. 
His father Haytham had always wanted Connor to embrace his British heritage like he did his Native culture. Connor had agreed to give England a chance, and he was lucky enough to meet the love of his life one dreary London day. 
He never expected that gloomy day would lead him to being dragged through crowds of people by the beauty in front of him. They were determined to give him the full experience of Bonfire Night. Haytham was pleased his son was finally embracing British culture. 
"We have to get to Southwark Park!" They exclaimed, tugging on his hand. "Spots fill up fast."
Connor furrowed his brows, "I thought we bought tickets."
"Yes, but if we don't get there soon. All the best spots will be taken. Their fireworks display is like none other."
The crowds were unlike anything Connor was used to. He'd grown up with the 4th of July, and New Years celebrations. Neither one was ever this chaotic. Typically they were spent at home among families, or occasionally camping. City life was still foreign to Connor, and he didn't expect to ever get used to the constant bustle of the city. 
He was happy to finally see an expanse of green in the city. A park seemed the closest thing to home in London. Their tickets were checked, and a purple wristband now adorned their wrists. 
They strolled through the park until they found a clearing in the canopy of trees that littered the lawn. "This is perfect!" They declared before they both went to work laying down the blanket. 
"You must have the full Bonfire experience," they prattle on pulling out a mini bottle of champagne. "I'm going to get us some toffee apples." 
They had already disappeared before Connor could utter another word. Even the expanse of green was alive with commotion. He couldn't deny the longing he had for the quiet forests, and still waters of his home. 
People everywhere were setting out blankets, and talking animatedly with their friends and family. The last tendrils of dusk remained when (Y/N) appeared at his side. 
"A toffee apple for you." They declared handing the sugar dipped fruit to him. "The champagne is for when the fireworks start."
Connor inspected the bottle, "I take it you forgot cups?" 
"That's what I forgot!" They cried, sticky hand flying to their hair. "Connor I'm stuck!" They gasped, trying to rip their hand from their (h/c) locks. 
"Don't panic," he said gently, separating their hair from their hand. His large fingers felt nice against their scalp as he worked, soliciting a satisfied hum from them.
"Here, this may help with the stickiness." Connor said, handing them a water bottle. 
A slight breeze from the cool night's air brought a shiver up their spine. Connor was quick to notice. He pulled them between his legs wrapping his strong arms around them, "you looked cold." He murmured against their skin as he rested his head on their shoulder. His man bun tickled the shell of their ear. 
His earthy aroma engulfed them as they snuggled closer to him. "So what is Bonfire Night?" Connor inquired as the first fireworks shot off. 
"It's complicated, it's just a night to watch fireworks really." They replied as Connor's chin came to rest on their head.
With each crackle, sizzle and pop the sky was painted in glowing colors. Each phase of fireworks grander than the last, all leading up to the big finale. (Y/N) handed the bottle of bubbly to Connor, and he went to work popping the cork taking care to not create a foamy mess. 
They passed the bottle back and forth as they watched the lights dance in the sky. The finale was brilliant. Large pops of color lit up the sky, as a thousand sparks fell into the night. (Y/N) turned, pulling him down for a deep kiss. 
"Is that tradition?" Connor murmured, watching the sparks dance in their eyes. 
They giggled, shaking their head, "you were too pretty. I couldn't help myself."
A soft smile was pulled from Connor's lips, "next year I'm showing you the 4th of July."
"Deal." They said as they snuggled closer, savoring the last hours of the night.
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the-purple-rook · 5 years
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aaand again here’s my OC Catherine and Connor uwu
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shoottheflyingdemon · 7 years
Ahh, I love how much you enjoy your asks! I'll keep it simple: How would Connor react to finding his s/o gravely injured after a clash with redcoats?
Okay I was supposed to write a simple few paragraphs and ended up writing a while story I’m so sorry haha. But enjoy!
The mission was supposed to be simple. There was rumored to be a redcoat camp near the homestead, which he could not condone. He insisted he could do this on his own, but of course Achilles wanted him to bring (Y/N) with him. It’s not that he didn’t mind the company, and (Y/N) was a skilled assassin, but he still worried for her since they became romantically involved.
Achilles always scolded him for becoming involved with a fellow assassin, but he couldn’t help it. (Y/N) cared deeply for him and Connor couldn’t help but fall for her. And when he learned she felt the same way, he was happy to begin a relationship with her.
Now the two were jumping from tree to tree, hoping to spot the redcoats from above. The sun had just set so they could work under the cover of night. They came upon many campfires, but they were always just travelers stopping for the night. It wasn’t anything to be alarmed about.
“I think the rumors may be just that: rumors,” (Y/N) said, stopping to lean against a tree. Connor stopped a couple of trees in front of her and began to scan the forest. There was one last campfire burning that they needed to check.
Connor went ahead and heard protests from (Y/N) behind him. Finally he saw that the last campfire was, indeed, the redcoat camp. (Y/N) finally caught up to him and stopped. 
“Well, I guess I was wrong,” she joked. Connor nodded then dived into the camp, hoping to take out as many as he could without putting her in danger. 
He has already taken out two surprised guards when (Y/N) landed and began to fight herself. Connor had taken out his tomahawk and was using it to cut down guard after guard. (Y/N) used just her hidden blade and acrobatics to confuse the guards then take them down.
They had almost finished with the redcoats when Connor heard a shot ring out and echo through the forest. He quickly took care of the redcoat he was dealing with then went to find the source of the shot.
There was one redcoat left and Connor saw him with his pistol pointed straight at (Y/N). She was wide eyed and gripping onto her side. She then fell down to her knees, groaning and gripping her side. Before the redcoat could reload, Connor quickly shoved his tomahawk and cut his throat.
Connor ran over to (Y/N) and knelt by her side. 
“Where does it hurt?” he asked. His voice was calm, but his whole body was shaking. 
(Y/N) could do nothing but grunt in pain. She was tough, but the gun shot her solidly in her side and she could feel her blood pouring out. 
Connor quickly grabbed one of the redcoats’s horses and helped (Y/N) get onto it. He then got on behind her and grabbed hold on the reigns. He kicked the horse into a gallop, heading straight for the homestead. (Y/N) was dizzy and disoriented. She leaned back against Connor and he held her straight. After about a minute, she passed out in his arms. Connor kicked the horse faster and wrapped an arm tight around her. 
His face was straight, but on the inside Connor was a wreck. He was angry and wanted to single handedly destroy every red coat he saw, but he needed to get her to the doctor. His hand was white knucked on the reigns. 
A trip that should have taken 15 minutes took only 5 for Connor. They were in the heart of the homestead and stopped at Doctor White’s home. Connor dismounted from the horse and allowed (Y/N) to fall into his arms. He held her bridal style and quickly went to knock on the doctor’s door.
Doctor White was in his evening clothes and relaxing but when he saw (Y/N) passed out in Connor’s arms, he immediately went into doctor mode. He opened the door and quickly told Connor to place her on his examination table. Once she was there, Connor backed up and let Doctor White get to work. 
Connor didn’t move from his spot in the corner as he watched Doctor White quickly clean the stitch up the wound. She had lost a lot of blood but it was enough that she would be okay until her body replenished itself.
“You did very well, boy. Any later and she may not have made it,” Doctor White said when the surgery was done. He was washing his bloody hands in the nearby sink. Connor only nodded to him, trying to control his emotions. 
Connor helped moved (Y/N) into a guest room the doctor had for overnight patients. He laid her down in the bed and covered her up.
“You can go home, Connor. I’ll send for you the instant she wakes up,” Doctor White said.
“I wish to stay, if that is alright with you,” he said. The doctor nodded and left the room. 
Connor couldn’t return to the manor. He needed to be here, with her. He wasn’t going to leave her when she needed him, like he left his mother. He would stay with her and make sure he would be there when she woke up.
*******Connor fell asleep in the chair in the room. He woke up when the front door to the house slammed shut. It was early morning, as shown by the orange light entering into the room. (Y/N) was still asleep in the bed, peaceful. Before Connor could even get up and walk to her, the door to the room opened and Achilles walked in.
“Not even a warning about what happened?” he scolded, hobbling into the room and closing the door behind him. “What the hell happened?”
Connor stood up and crossed his arm over his broad chest. “She was shot,” he muttered.
“I can see that on my own, thank you. I meant how were you both irresponsible enough to be shot point blank?”
Connor gritted his teeth. “I told you I could handle this mission on my own, old man. You insisted she come! And now look!” he yelled. 
“You have been an assassin for years; what were you doing that you weren’t watching your partner?” he yelled back. Connor thought back to how he jumped into the battle before her and tried to get rid of as many redcoats before she had the chance to fight and get hurt. “You need to put your assassin duties before anything. Your attachment has made you weak and has hurt her as well.”
Connor knew Achilles was right, but he wouldn’t admit it. He wouldn’t admit that attachment was a weakness, because he knew it wasn’t. How could loving someone as caring as (Y/N) be a weakness? He just needed to learn how to not be so overprotective towards her.
His jaw was clenched and they were glaring at each other. Each was trying to break the other to declare dominance, but neither would back down. 
“What are you all going on about?” (Y/N) said sheepishly as she began to wake up. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and began to sit up, but then the pain in her side forced her back down.
Connor rushed to her side and knelt down to the bed’s height. He watched (Y/N) closely as she laid down. 
“Well, I guess that mission went well,” she joked with a faint smile.
Achilles nodded to the girl. “I’ll go get Doctor White,” he said and left. 
(Y/N) turned to Connor, who took her hand in his. She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead. 
“I’m sorry I was careless, love,” she apologized.
Connor leaned up and quickly hugged her, holding her tight against him. (Y/N) felt pain where her stitches were, but ignored it and held her love close. 
“I’ll never let you get hurt again,” he said softly. (Y/N) knew of his struggle with abandonment so she didn’t argue when he was overprotective.
Connor released her from the hug and captured her lips with his, kissing her deeply. His hand cupped her face and his other held her hand. 
Connor pulled away from (Y/N) and they both looked towards the door to see Achilles and Doctor White in the doorway. Both blushed a deep red and separated. 
“Well now, Miss (Y/L/N), I see your wounds are better,” Doctor White joked as he began to check up on the patient. 
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t3nderh3art · 4 years
i've been thinking about making a post about this for a long time and as an indigenous person, i felt the need to say something.
the amount of fanfictions i've seen from the ac fandom that share harmful and gross portrayals of indigenous people is extremely upsetting.
particularly in ratohnhaké:ton x readers, which are majority written by and for white women, i've noticed a trend of authors portraying ratohnhaké:ton as overly innocent, to put it plainly, stupid and incapable of handling himself outside of combat, which the author will then blame on his culture and upbringing.
i dont need to describe how disgustingly racist that is.
meanwhile, white y/n is portrayed as intelligent and mature, having to show ratohnhaké:ton how to perform simple tasks.
the dynamic of a 'well-educated white person' showing an 'ignorant native person' how to be 'civilized' is a classic racist, colonial fantasy and harkens back to racist caricatures and stereotypes that fueled real life atrocities towards indigenous people that go on to this day.
it's not just x readers, but i feel like this needs less explanation, the amount of ratohnhaké:ton x haytham content that i've come across is fucking vomit inducing. i'm not talking about people that project their personal trauma onto them, i'm speaking about people who make that shit for fun and normalize everything that comes along with it. disgusting.
i'm not saying you shouldnt make sexual content about indigenous characters, i'm simply asking that you're very mindful of how you are portray them and why.
as a half mohawk person, ratohnhaké:ton is a huge comfort character for me, it is beyond upsetting to see him used as another way to infantilize, hypersexualize and dehumanize indigenous people.
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Yandere Assassins + Their Darling Being Scared of Them (pt.1)
Summary: How do the assassins react when they find out that the object of their affection is absolutely terrified of them and just wants them to leave them alone? How would they try to fix it or do they see opportunity in their fear?
Altair Ibn-La'Ahad:
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You are a plague on his sanity and the bane of his existence. If anything, he should be scared of you and this hold you have on him. His every being craves to be near you to the point he watches from afar as his arms desire to be wrapped around you, his thoughts imagine you in crowds and leave him with a dull pain when he sees you are nowhere to be found, and regardless of all that; his soul yearns for you and his heart aches when you flee from him. Because of how passionately he feels towards you that he becomes cold to you and honestly rather annoyed that you cause him to behave this sort of way. Therefore, you believe you have offended him and that every time you catch his eyes staring at you with such intensity, you feel unsafe because you think he's plotting your demise. Altair is a mix of resentment and frustration.
Resentment towards both you and himself. He resents the way you make him feel but he hates knowing that the very sight of him causes you to shrink and flee. He feels frustrated because he wants to convey that he has no intention of harming you, that it might be better for the both of you if you called him 'yours' and he call you 'his', but it only serves to confuse and unnerve you further which he understands. He wishes that he could just grab you and pull you into a passionate kiss that'll make you understand his frustration, desperation, and devotion. He won't because he is aware that it would upset you further but he wishes he could.
Instead, he tries to get you used to him, making earnest yet begrudging attempts to assure you that he does not wish to kill you in your sleep, but also becomes frustrated (mostly with himself) when it proves to be fruitless. Regardless, he will not give up because he is stubborn in his pursuit of you and it will only be a matter of time before you yield to him and his love.
Ezio Auditore:
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It's certainly a surprise to him when he finds out that he intimidates you. He was so incredibly convinced that your shy glances and adorably nervous behavior around him were because you had a crush on him but rumors of his history with romance (if you could call it that) simply prevented you from taking the leap into his arms. Hence why he would try to get you alone and romance you but when his sister makes an off-handed remark about how creepy he is with you and he asks her to elaborate, his delusions are broken and he is absolutely baffled to hear that you, in fact, fear him. The next time he approaches you, he now sees the look you gave him that he mistook as 'shy affection' was actually blatant distress.
He feels bad for misreading you and is desperate to set this misunderstanding straight. So when he once again corners you, you expect him to be once again close for comfort and flirt with you but this time, he's incredibly respectful and very genuine. He feels embarrassed but when you become more relaxed the more he explains himself, he starts to feel better seeing you not so apprehensive around him. Then he finishes off by asking you what he can do to remedy this.
"Ezio, I really appreciate you recognizing my discomfort and apologizing, and I think the best way we can remedy this is if we simply just don't interact with each other."
So it appears that a new misunderstanding has grown; you forgive him for intimidating you but you think the best solution is that he should leave you alone. Which very much conflicts with the goal of making you his spouse and spending every moment of his life admiring and adoring you. He smiles softly at you, knowing that trying to deny you after his apology would make it seem fake, but now it seems he must overcome another problem. But don't worry, Ezio won't give up until you realize you both are meant to be.
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Ratonhnhaké:ton recognizes his feelings towards you are anything but normal and that he genuinely does not blame you for being intimidated by him but it does still hurt when he eavesdrops on you telling one of the women on the Homestead about how unsettling you find him. How his gaze always falls on you, how he seems to always hover around you whenever you need help, and that while you do appreciate it, it has happened way too often to be considered a coincidence. He's more surprised that the OTHERS don't really notice his behavior and stare at you as if you were the one with the unhealthy obsession.
To be fair, Ratonhnhaké:ton is the least threatening Yandere to his darling. Maybe he stalks but he is respectful and keeps his distance and he tries to be polite and treat his darling like he would anyone else, albeit a bit awkwardly, but he is aware of the darker side of his feelings and tries to resist them. However, at the end of the day, he is just a man in love and while it does have some twisted undertones, there is no denying that he is genuine in the pursuit of your affection and that he does want you to be happy.
In fact, YOU might end up being the one who feels bad because when Ratonhnhaké:ton apologizes for making you feel uncomfortable and promises to be more mindful in the future, you feel like you owe him an apology because of the puppy eyes he gives you. When it comes to Ratonhnhaké:ton and his feelings for you, it's mostly an internal struggle with himself and his unhealthy obsession, and you just so happen to be collateral damage in that battle.
Edward Kenway:
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Also understands where you're coming from, he is not a good person and his obsession with you is incredibly unfortunate but unlike his grandson, he isn't nearly as noble trying to resist his urges. It's not that he doesn't care about you or your feelings, especially because he does yearn for you to love him unconditionally, but he is just so damn possessive over you and you're not even his lover. With all the fights he starts over you and how his yandere tendencies flare up when someone so much as says your name in a way he doesn't like, he is aware that he scares you. You never asked for this, he can tell in your eyes that you wish he would just disappear when you look at him, but he just can't resist you nor the way his heart aches to be with you.
Edward might also kinda take advantage of the fact you fear him by scaring you away from other people. When you push someone away for the first time, worried that Edward might do something to them, it's like a switch flicks in his brain. Again he won't hurt you but when he asks you who it was that you were talking to, you immediately plead with him and tell him not to do anything, and he can't help but soften because he knows you'll keep your word. Because you're a good person who cares about others and he'll softly caress your face before promising you that he won't do anything as long as you promise never to go near that person again. Not only that but when you start to touch him and be affectionate with him whenever he becomes upset to try and appease him; giving you the illusion that you have some sort of control over him when in reality; that is not the case.
Yes, he is weak for your touch and will allow himself to lavish in it as you timidly beg him not to hurt someone but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll do it, even when he "promises" it to you. Especially if that person hurt you or tried to 'steal' you away from him. Edward is painfully aware that you don't do this out of love but once he narrows down your options and isolates you for a while; maybe one day your fingers won't tremble as you run them through his hair and that he can kiss you without feeling your tears run down your cheek.
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*chin hands* assassin's creed on the mind eh? Do tell 👀
OKAY SO ONE IDEA I DEF WANNA USE IN THE FUTURE WOULD BE YANDERE EAGLE VISION. Like, if an assassin/eagle vision user becomes obsessed with a darling, then instead of showing up as red (for enemy) or green (for ally), then their darling would show up as either a pink silhouette or something.
Like Ezio using eagle vision and he sees his darling is a different color from everyone else, he instantly believes its a sign their soul mates and will shamelessly follow them, either from the shadows or blatantly walking after them like a lost puppy.
Altaïr believing something is wrong when his eagle vision acts up and only towards you, the person who served no real importance but never seemed to leave his mind. He decides to use it as an excuse to stalk you, after all, it was fine before YOU came along and he's just trying to figure out if it means if you're a threat or not. Deep down, he knows what it actually means but it gives him a good excuse to stalk you.
Connor absolutely is baffled when he notices a pink figure and when he switches back to his normal vision, he sees its you. He doesn't voice this out to anyone because its not that important, right? Plus, he truly wouldn't want to disturb you with that knowledge and, when you really think about it, it's rather helpful for the both of you! Now Connor can keep tabs on you and you won't ever have to worry about anything hurting you because Connor will always be waiting in the shadows to protect you.
Evie would be a Lucid yandere, the moment you become miscolored in a way she's never heard of, she's doing some research on her own time and found out about rare instances assassin's who found their "soul mates" with their eagle vision. Like Connor and Altaïr, she would definetly use it as an excuse to be able to stalk you while keeping her conscious clear. It's not her fault technically and yes, maybe she is tailing behind you and her heart soars at the thought of being able to pick you out of the crowd and track you down so easily...but it's only because she can keep you safe!
Jacob doesn't even question it, he also takes it as confirmation that you were meant to be his. He would absolutely take advantage of his new ability and you'd be none the wiser. You try to avoid him by going a different route? He somehow ends up calling your name and happily running over to you and you're wondering how could he have known. You're bumping into him a lot more often when doing mundane things? Haha, what a coincidence! May as well hang on his arm and let him treat you to a nice drink! Just the image of Jacob desperately jumping from rooftop to rooftop using eagle vision only to stop and smile to himself when he sees your silhouette makes me so happy-
EDWARD DOESN'T REALLY QUESTION IT, HE'S JUST GLAD HE CAN HAVE PIECE OF MIND WHEN IT COMES TO YOU TBH. He knows what he's doing is shady but at the same time, he can't help it. But also moments when you manage to sneak away from him and he just easily walks towards were you're hiding and it fills you with so much dread and panic and you're not sure how he manages to do that every single time.
AAAH, IMAGINE ARNO BEING ALL SMUG ABOUT IT. Like, you're both at a gala somewhere and you try to lose him in the crowd, not wanting to deal with his possessive behavior but no matter how many people are in the way, Arno uses his eagle vision and pushes and shoves past people as he makes his way towards you. Just when you think you lost him, you feel his hand wrap around your wrist and pull you close and his hood is over his head, revealing nothing more than a sly grin.
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Some Yandere Connor Kenway/ Ratonhnhaké:ton thoughts:
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- One of the least sadistic yanderes, he wouldn't hurt you at all and refuses to put a hand on you. Yes he will intimidate you but this man has lost so many people already. He'll kidnap you but he'll at least be gentle about it, knocking you out by slipping something in your food, or just taking you while you sleep.
-Ratonhnhaké:ton is aware of his feelings being wrong, he hates that he was them, but he does succumb to them. At first he doesn't think its so wrong, to follow you home. That ugly feeling doesn't go away. Then he climbs and perches himself on a tree, staring at your sleeping form and even being daring enough to sneak into your room to admire you. His hand gently hovering over you but never touching you, because his conscious is SCREAMING at him about how wrong this is. However, sometimes the guilty feeling can go away. Especially if it involves a romantic interest who he has to scare off.
- Ratonhnhaké:ton isn't a threat to his darling but he is a threat to everyone else. Some templars hold his darling hostage? Biggest mistake of their lives, no one survives the slaughter and he's carrying you back to his home. You're shaking in his arms even though he didn't let you see it.
- He isn't by any means a pushover. Yes, he is sympathetic and understanding but if you try and raise your hand or try to overpower him, he will end up just catching your wrist or he holds you still and he doesn't do anything to hurt you, but he stares you down. Giving you a silent warning that his patience is wearing thin and you'd do well to behave.
- He does present you with various gifts before and after he kidnaps you. Before; you'd find various wildflowers at your door, sometimes some baked good that were made in the town nearby, or any materials that you ever mentioned needing are now there. After, he brings you various souvenirs from his missions and such.
- No one in the Homestead will believe you or your suspicions of Connor, he's such a kindhearted man who has helped all of them, and they might even try to help him get with you. Telling you about how he looks at you, how he'd make a great husband, and how you manage to make the giant assassin nothing more than a shy and stuttering love struck boy.
- Even if you did manage to escape him, he will not give up on you. His heart is yours and yours alone and whether you choose to keep it or break it by resisting his affections, his mind will always be on you.
- He's felt so much despair, anger, and sadness all from a very young age. Even if you hate him, the feelings that you give him are incredibly addicting. He will always find things to admire about you. He loves you, even if it is sick and twisted, and he needs you.
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Before I go on my little AC rant I just wanted to say how awesome it is to see another native woman whose an assassin’s creed fan! I rarely see other native people on this app period, but seeing someone else whose an AC fan is just amazing! You’re my favorite writer and I just love everything you write!
Anyway, man I really wish they would have showed or said something about Shay vs Ratonhnhaké:ton after Ratonhnhaké:ton basically destroyed the templars! Your posts have me thinking about Haytham and Shay sharing a platonic darling who is also Ratonhnhaké:ton’s romantic darling. You were probably already stuck with Haytham/Shay before Ratonhnhaké:ton found you during his hunt for the templars. He thinks constantly about how much he wants you away from the templars and safe with them while Haytham is forced to consider shipping you off with Shay somewhere to be kept safe. After Haytham’s death Ratonhnhaké:ton takes you in, but you know that Shay is still out there and will come back eventually. So you’re just stuck waiting around until he does and it probably pushes you a bit more into Ratonhnhaké:ton’s arms because of it. Idk i just really wanted to see a Shay/Ratonhnhaké:ton throw down 😫🥲
OMG. HIIIIII♡ I LITERALLY NEARLY CRIED WHEN I SAW THIS BUT YEAH, SAME, Shay isn't my absolute favorite character (his concept was interesting and the execution was not it) AND YEAH, NO, I ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WOULD BE COOL IF WE GOT A SHAY AND CONNOR SHOWDOWN BUT WE NEVER DID.
But also, that is such a delicious idea omg. Maybe you were taken in by Haytham after he killed your assassin parents or maybe you just knew the things that the Templars were doing were wrong but either way, it wasn't like you could do much. Haytham saw something in you, felt a whole in his heart heal a little when he was around you, and then a fatherly love for you. Since Shay is obviously a Templar at this time, he absolutely adored you as well and he became something of an uncle, morally he wasn't any better than Haytham, but you eased the harshness of time within him and softened his hardened heart. He'd often write to you or when he went to visit Haytham, he'd bring back a gift from wherever he visited because absolutely loved your precious little smile. Then Haytham took you away to the colonies and it pained Shay not knowing how long it would be before you'd be back but he'd still write letters.
You meet Ratonhnhaké:ton when he was working with his dad, he feels embarassed for this but he genuinely does feel shy around you. You're just so mesmerizing and you smile a little when Haytham has to elbow him to introduce himself to you and you introduce yourself to him. Haytham isn't blind, when you must make camp for the night, he sees the way Ratonhnhaké:ton looks at you and the way you look at him. Maybe it was because he wasn't raised in a stuffy Templar upbringing like you or maybe it was the way he spoke, his ideals and his thoughts, Haytham watched bitterly and with confliction because on one hand, he cared for Ratonhnhaké:ton in his own way but you...he could see the wheels turning in your head as Ratonhnhaké:ton spoke, how his lessons and teachings were going out your ear as you listened to Ratonhnhaké:ton. He calls it an early night and makes sure you two get into your own separate tents and keeps watch. Haytham knew he needed the boy yet but he can't risk you getting any ideas and trying to leave him when he worked so hard to give you the best life you could possibly ask for. He writes a letter to Shay saying that he should come and take you back on his ship for a while until this whole war is over. In the morning when you all stop by town for supplies, he sends it.
While he's doing that, you and Ratonhnhaké:ton just wandering the streets, talking and cracking some funny jokes here and there. It's when you ask him if Connor is his real name that things get interesting.
"Connor is just easier to remember for most people. My birth name is hard to pronounce for some."
"Try me."
When he says his name, you struggle with the pronunciation only a little but after some practice tries, you finally get it right: "Ratonhnhaké:ton...I like it. Would you mind if I continued to call you that?"
"I would appreciate it deeply."
The way you say his name (his TRUE one) sends goosebumps down his spine, when Haytham comes back from a few errands and you once more ride horseback, you smile to yourself as Ratonhnhaké:ton rides behind you, his gaze that of a lovesick puppy. Then his eyes shift over to his father and they darken ever so slightly as the corners of his lips turn to a frown. He likes being with you, he can't deny it. You're so kind and sweet, so unfazed at the sight of blood and killing due being figuratively shackled to Haytham's side but so doting when he receives the smallest of cuts. You both knew that you were no Templar and there was no question that the only thing keeping you one was his father.
When he kills Haytham, you aren't sure what to feel, so you stand and feel nothing. Ratonhnhaké:ton knows he made a mistake but he can not take it back now. Two orphans walk out hand in hand as you agree in your head and heart to go with Ratonhnhaké:ton wherever he goes. Ratonhnhaké:ton also does end up taking Haytham's journal and learning more about his father, how many times you tried to escape or how many times you cried for your real parents, how you finally became the compliant and dearly beloved apprentice/child for Haytham eventually. Then he reads about the latest entry of how Haytham caught onto Ratonhnhaké:tons feelings-which Connor finds rather embarrassing and nearly puts the journal down to stop there because he thought he was doing well in hiding it-but then his eyes see a familiar name, "Shay".
He knows of him from Achilles, he knows of him because of the amount of blood he has on his hands, and when he tells you about how Haytham sent the letter, you smile sadly.
"I figured...I can leave if you wish me too."
"Why would I want you to do that?"
"Ratonhnhaké:ton"- he feels a certain giddiness in his heart when you say his name- "I am not worth the trouble."
He responds with a simple: "Yes, you are, and more..."
When Shay reaches the colonies again, he knows that something happened to Haytham when he didn't return a few other letters he sent. The one thing that is on his mind when Haytham is confirmed dead was you.
What happened to you?
Where are you?
Who took you?
Shay will look all over the colonies for you and bring you back "home", you know that much. Ratonhnhaké:ton would be daring him to try and take you from him. After getting to know Ratonhnhaké:ton and living life away from the Templars,when Shay DOES find you, you're quick to try and run to Ratonhnhaké:ton. Shay grabs your wrist and pulls you into a hug which you would've loved if it still didn't feel so suffocating now you had gotten a taste of freedom. When he tries to drag you away, Ratonhnhaké:ton defiantly emerges and grabs your other wrist, causing Shay to look him up and down but more importantly, it's the robes that he's wearing that cause him to scowl.
It would eventually lead to a duel, one where the future of your life will be determined and nothing will change it. Shay would kill without hesitation but Ratonhnhaké:ton is more than willing to do anything he can to keep you with him.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
birthday headcanons
Today is this best boi’s 267th birthday 🎂 and he deserves all the love
Tag list @wyyvernn @ladysaturnsdust @estel-of-the-eyrie
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He may not be big on birthdays, but your care for him is warmly welcomed.
Waking him up with kisses, or breakfast in bed, that doe-eyed smile shines brighter than the sun.
Personalized gifts, be it canon or modern AU, are touching because he sees them as the tenderness you extend to him.
Saying “happy birthday” in his language is a sure way for emotions.
Plans are something very low-key but also intimate. Maybe a nice nature walk, or a quiet picnic just before the sun sets with its pink, orange and purple hues.
All complete with a shy kiss that melts into an intense embrace. Arms wrapped protectively around you as you sigh deeply into him before pulling away.
A look of deep admiration and love that burns with the intensity lingering in your feelings.
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Omg I love it! Here's another half baked thought, In your opinion, for yandere AC characters, which do you think are more likely to play mind games/do mental manipulation vs those who forgo it entirely?
Yandere Altaïr would be one of them but I think it would be a mix of isolating you so that you depend on him as well as intimidating you. You are the target of his affections and he unknowingly treats you like one of his missions. His objective is to get you to rely on him one way or another. Yes, he will try to romance you but if he sees that its not reciprocated or your being a bit difficult, he will give a gentle reminder about who he is and what he does and how he's doing this for your best interest.
Yandere Ezio and Yandere Jacob would just try and gaslight you into thinking you're dating them. Like Ezio calling you pet names and kissing your cheek and having his hands on you and if you try to push him away, he laughs it off but still will try to touch you just somewhere where you're not so uncomfortable. Yandere Jacob will just try to get rumors going where people think you're dating and hopefully you'll realize your actually his soulmate!♡
Yandere Arno Dorian would 100% do this with his darling. He knows his natural charm will work on them but its not drawing them in he's concerned about, it's keeping them. He already lost Elise so when he finally accepts his feelings for you, he has to ensure that you won't leave him and that you'll NEVER want to leave him.
Yandere Ratonhnhaké:ton would never. He knows the odds aren't in his favor but there's something so unsettling to him about tricking you into loving him. He knows his love for you isn't pure and rather twisted but he does genuinely want you to love and rely on him. So yes, even you are scared of him and you're intimidated by him, he wants to show you that you shouldn't be afraid because he loves you!
Yandere Edward just would want to get to the point. Yes he does have some tact when it comes to approaching you but he'd really rather not play mindgames. If you resist, that's fine, he can deal with that but he doesn't care because, like Arno, he lost someone already and he refuses to let it happen again. He will isolate you with him on the Jackdaw if he has too, so it wouldn't really matter if tried to mentally manipulate you or not, you're stuck with him either way.
Yandere Evie would not be opposed to a little manipulation but it wouldn't be super intense either, she is absolutely smitten with you and she'll do her best to hide her yandere motives a lot better than Jacob. She will observe you from far away and change little aspects of her style and mannerisms to fit the image of your ideal partner to open up to her abit more and let your gaurd down.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
love letters
read on ao3 // ongoing series
Tag list - @wyyvernn
I leaned more into Connor’s Mohawk heritage for this one, for his greeting and saying “I love you”
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My soul,
The manor is hauntingly quiet without you. I miss your voice to greet me in the mornings and bade me goodnight in the evenings.
Though missions have called you away to help rebuild this Order, it feels so different without you here. My love, my life, my reason for being in this life.
I miss you terribly.
Forever Yours,
Connor Kenway
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
Father!Connor Kenway x Reincarnated! reader p2
[5 months later...]
You were developing normally... well as normally as a reincarnated twenty-something year old woman trapped in baby's body could develop, at age two months you figured out how roll yourself over and sit, something Connor who's was now your father seems to have taken pride in, as doctor Lyle has informed him that most babies usually show that sort of skill at four months instead of two.
He also gave Connor the okay to start feed you mashed food, Now if only you could figure out how to crawl or walk! ... also in the news Achilles seemed to have taken a grandfatherly liking to you as as he would have you sit in his lap while he was reading or hum to you while rocking your cradle.
Today you were left alone to your own advances while your foster dad and grandpa discussed somethings in the basement, No surprise you were bored as hell! Goddammit did you miss YouTube and computer games! 
*hell I'd even settle for an episode of Jerry Springer, and I hate that show!* 
You pouted before averting your gaze to staring blankly up at the ceiling of trophy room #2 which was converted into your nursery, silently watching the dream catcher Connor had hung over your cradle spin around leaving little amusement to your imagination.
You were laying there chilling wondering what the date was, when you randomly decided to see if you could catch your own feet as babies were pretty flexible at this age, it was awkward at first you just kind of flopped around in your cradle kicking your legs up, 
when finally success!
You happily grabbed your foot *Ha-ha! I did it I-...*  Suddenly the air felt cold thick as figure slowly made it's presence known to you; the person glaring down at you was too short to be Connor, he was a pale skinned, dark haired, a juvenile a real the runt of the litter, his gray eyes showed you some sort of self confliction as he looked around your room uncomfortably before taking a deep breath seemingly coming to terms with whatever he was planning.
He pulled out a knife out of his jacket, causing a pit to form in your stomach; fear paralyzed your body, you couldn't cry out for help! as he raised the knife up ready to take your new life away.
His shaky voice resonated in your ears. "Maybe now that bastard will acknowledge me." he hissed but before he could bring the knife down the boy's neck suddenly tore open and something warm and wet splattered on your cheek, as Connor suddenly appeared before you he frown as he used this thumb to wipe away whatever landed on you're cheek; it was blood... that boy's blood.
And like that the world around you contorted into a cold realm of static as frantic voices were coming from everywhere at once; the haunting sight of orange flames filled your vision, as a sickening heat burns at your flesh and smoke fills your choking lungs; you desperately cry out for help but no one come, then *blink* suddenly you were back in your body but everything felt empty and robotic as your eyes stared blankly at nothing.
"Y/n's body has gone cold..." a trembling voice wept snapping you out of shock you were now starring up at a teary eyed Diana who's entire body was shaking as she held you *w-Why are you so scared aunt Dia?...* your inner voice stammered listlessly knowing fully well she can't hear you. *I'm the the one who almost died...*  then you heard a sound like a desperate scratching at your ears it took hard moment of concentration for you to realize it was Diana calling your name.
Your eye focus on her as she whimpered out "You're alright now" and like that it was like a switch was pulled you gasped and started wailing as Diana sobbed trying soothe you. *I was scared... no one would come! I'd die alone again!* you sobbed harder as Diana hugged you "It's alright now," she soothed hugging you tightly while assuring that you were safe.
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