#assassins creed oneshot
ohsangwoosbat · 4 months
Hold Me Gently;
Arno Dorian x Jacob Frye
[written by me]
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——— ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ———
As the sky grew darker, and the frigid wind gushed up against the window panes; Arno sat in the living room, slowly growing more worried on where the hell his fiancé was.
Checking his treasured pocket-watch, he saw that it was almost 11:00PM… Jacob would’ve usually arrived at around an hour and a half ago- “Où est-il?”, he questioned in his native tongue; a tell-tail sign that he’s anxious… Arno was no stranger to losing someone he loves, and so the mere thought of Jacob being harmed, sent a cold shiver down his spine.
Sighing, he stood from his seat and folded his newspaper neatly, before walking over to the coatrack and grabbing his coat… He draped the hood over his head, and made his way out into the wintry night. With heavy steps, his boots collided with the concrete paving of the street; little clouds of steam erupting from his mouth as he breathed out a stressful sigh- He was afraid— they got into an argument that morning, and hadn’t seen each other since they both left for work straight after. The fight was about boundaries; how Arno constantly hovers over Jacob-
“Why do you need to know my whereabouts all the time?”, the British man questioned in an annoyed tone… “Why? Do I need a reason?”, he replied, eyebrows furrowed as he glared at the shorter male. Jacob huffed out in disbelief- To him, it seemed like Arno didn’t trust him; whether it be his intelligence, or his loyalty… All his life, he had been deemed by others as “irresponsible” and “unintelligent”- He was constantly looked down on, as nobody expected much from him… So Arno wanting to know his every move all the time, made him feel as though his fiancé thought he’d be causing trouble or maybe even being unfaithful. The thought hurt him, deeper than any wounds he could be inflicted…
“Fine then- fuck off from here and see if I care!”, the taller male spat harshly, before grabbing his coat and heading out the front door. He hadn’t seen or heard from Jacob since then, and was scared he’d made him do something rash… Quickening his pace, he turned the corner sharply; Jacob’s usual route home. The streets were dull as melancholy filled the crisp air, fog clouding Arno’s vision… “je ne peux pas faire ça-“, he breathed out before grabbing ahold of the brick wall, scaling it with ease. He graced the rooftops; boots clinking against the tiles as he scanned around for any sign of Jacob… He was being eaten by this overwhelming feeling that something bad had happened— his fiancé’s mission got out of hand, and now he’s bleeding out somewhere-
And after about an hour of searching; his suspicions were confirmed when he spots a man slumped against a chimney. “Jacob!”, he bellowed, a sudden rush of energy shooting through the veins in his legs… Tears formed in the corners of his almond eyes, his hood flying off from impact of the strong wind. The younger man clutched at his side, blood staining his coat… “Oh christ-“, he squatted down next to him; eyes assessing the wound as Jacob breathed heavily. “A-Arno?”, he grunted while trying to move— a pair of large hands holding his actions firmly, yet still quite gently.
“Move your hand for me”, he instructed with icy lips, removing his tie. He wrapped it around Jacob’s waist tightly; trying his best to stop the blood flow… “I-I’m alright, luv”, the scruffy male exhaled, his eyebrows furrowed and jaw tense from the pain— he was yet again, trying not to worry his lover… “Alright?! do you think I’m dumb or something?!”, Arno replied with widened eyes, moving his hand to gently press against the younger man’s forehead. Despite the cold weather, Jacob was burning up— he’s getting a fever- Arno removed his hand as he stared into the chocolate orbs of his lover, tears blurring his vision a little… Jacobs eyes widened at the sight, his heart feeling like it was just stabbed with the hidden blades of an assassin- “No no, no! d-dont cry- I’ll be f-fine”, he tried reassuring the taller male, lips curving up ever-so-slightly in a desperate attempt to cover up his agony.
Although the sight of Jacob like this tore his heart to shreds; this wasn’t the time for emotions. He had to get Jacob home, fast. Arno had acquired the medical knowledge of sewing and stitching up wounds over the years, and he knew that it’s too risky to try find a doctor at this hour… so it was decided. Turning around slightly while still crouching, the French man slung his lovers arms over his shoulders— he opted for carrying him on his back… “A-Arny?”, Jacob questioned hazily; head slumped against the broad shoulder of Dorian. “shh… I’ve got you.”, he reassured, gripping onto the bottom of the small males thighs, standing… And with that, he swiftly glided over the rooftop tiles— careful not to slip.
——— ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ———
The fireplace crackles softly as it burns the oaken wood that was stacked inside it. Wind hitting vengefully against the steamed-over window panes; jaw clenched as he hissed… “fuck-“, he grunted, squeezing his eyes shut while Arno searched for the bullet with the correct tools, trying his best not to worsen the injury. Finally, he finds the metal pod, pulling it out and placing it down on the bedside table… The taller man sighed out in relief, hands still perfectly steady, despite his teetering emotional state. “good thing I’m engaged to a doc, huh?”, the Brit remarked playfully, but still out of breath; a small smile gracing Arno’s lips at the sound of his words… But his smile soon faded, turning into a look of hesitation. “Okay, this is the worst part…”, he winced down at Jacob, grabbing the bottle of whiskey. Even knowing the agony he was about to cause, he knew he had to clean the wound-
“Don’t worry, I-I can handle it- fuck!”, eyes instinctively squeezing shut, Jacob groaned out— every new wipe of the whiskey causing a sharp pain in his lower abdomen… A string of curse words slurred amidst the crackling flame, but Arno continued nevertheless… He scoffed mockingly, pressing the alcohol-soaked wipe harder against the bruised skin. “Oh? handle it, you say…”, he smirked, finding Jacobs fake confidence highly amusing… A huff erupting from the Brits chapped lips; eyebrows knitting together with a pout. “Oh, fuck off mate-“, he hissed, wiggling a little under Arnos hands— having had enough of this alcoholic torment.
Smiling softly to himself, Arno felt extremely relieved that he was able to find his fiancé… Jacob caught glimpse of that smile, while peaking one eye open; the sight more potent than any drug- The way his soft lips curved ever-so-slightly at the corners— how his stubbled face, managed to look so handsome even with the severe lack of sleep he gets… Before he could even stop himself, the smaller male uttered the words he was thinking in that moment-
“You’re beautiful”, his voice was raspy; partly from his injury, and partly from the sheer amount of nicotine he consumed… The words caught Arno completely off-guard, his face dusting a pale shade of rose pink… “excuse me?”, he questioned, as if he was hallucinating the first time. Jacob’s eyes widened at his own words, did he really just say that out loud? “i uh, well i um-“ he stumbled to explain his sudden compliment, sounding like a babbling fool. He was a natural flirt, but sometimes he’s so taken aback by the sheer beauty held by the man before him, that he can’t help but stumble like a schoolboy—embarrassing, really..
Suddenly, the memories of this morning made their way back into the shorter man’s head; the air growing tense and cold, despite the fire in front of them. He still felt like he wasn’t trusted, like he’s a child whom needs supervision.. It’s how his father treated him, albeit being mostly absent, and his sister has treated him for as long as he can remember. Eyes darkening, he averted his gaze from his lover, reaching out for the whiskey bottle that Arno had just used to disinfect his wound. The french man noticed this, a pang sounding in his heart as he stared upon his beloved, his usually bubbly energy nowhere to be seen in this moment..
“Why do you not trust me? Why does nobody ever believe in me?..” the words escaped Frye’s lips, quiet and somber; Arno had never seen Jacob like this before, the sight saddening him as his eyes widened. “What on earth do you mean?! of course i trust and believe in you.. why would you think otherwise?”, he questioned in confusion, eyebrows furrowed upset. The brit finally looked up into his dark brown orbs, tears pricking at the corners of his own.
“Evie never trusted me, nobody has.. always needed to know where i was and what i was doing, so i don’t fuck up the mission-“ he begin, taking another swig of the alcohol grasped in his shaky hand. “what? do you think i’m gonna screw up and get someone killed? or do you perhaps think i’m an unfaithful hog?”
as soon as these words left his chapped lips, the taller males eyes softened, tears forming in them and threatening to fall down his stubbled cheeks. He got hit with the sad realisation that the one he loves so dearly, had bottled up all his fears, all his sadness and all his questions, just to avoid burdening others— he had finally exploded this morning; his heart couldn’t hold anymore and it came pouring out. And what did Dorian do? He told him to fuck off, then slammed the door in his face- Oh, how his heart ached in this moment..
“Bon Dieu, no-!” he exclaimed with a shaky voice, reaching his cold hand up to his lovers cheek to stroke it gently, wiping the hot tear that had slipped from his eyes. Jacob’s cheek was warm against his icy touch, but the smaller didn’t mind. “I only want to know your whereabouts all the time, cause of nightmarish situations like today- what if i couldn’t find you?! what if i got there too late?!”, streams of hurt flowed down to his chin, “i- i don’t know what i’d do with myself…” voice barely coming to a whisper at that point, he looked down and his other hand which was in his lap.
As if on reflex, Frye put down the bottle in his hand, instantly grabbing the man in front of him by each side of his face. Due to his past events and experiences with others, it had never crossed his mind that Arno Dorian, his stern and professional fiancé, would be scared of losing him. “Shhh, hey? look at me, luv” his voice was soft and low, like dark chocolate melting over all anxiety that lingered in the air around them. Hesitantly, the taller of the two met his gaze, vision blurred while he bathed in the warmth of his beloved’s smile; plump lips chapped, yet still so welcoming.
“I’m sorry i made you think otherwise..” he hiccuped, cupping his hand over the calloused on on his right cheek, stroking it with his thumb. His eyes, apologetic and soft, making the organ in Jacob’s chest ache horribly. Without thinking, he leaned forward, grasping soft lips into his own. It was as if this were the only way he could explain that it’s truly okay, and his thoughts were confirmed as he felt Arno melt into the kiss.
Parting lips, their breath fanned against each others faces as their noses remained touching— “you won’t lose me, darling”, he smiled softly, “i’ll make sure of it.”
~the end~
(thank u for reading♡)
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miss-3625 · 7 months
After a few months (wow time flies :')) I finally managed to write another Assassin's Creed oneshot!
It was inspired by this piece of art drawn by @ryandoesfanart so thanks for that and definitely check out his art!
Title: Claws in my heart
Fandom: Assassin's Creed
Pairing: Malik Al-Sayf/Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Words: 3358
Despite what others believed, Malik didn't want to hate Altaïr. But there was something about him that just made it so easy.
There was a cat in his bureau.
He just wanted to live his life in peace, was that really too much to to ask?
"Absolutely not."
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jewels-writes · 1 year
Kissing His Scars (Arno Dorian x Reader)
Prompt: Kissing their scars and bruises Pairing: Arno Dorian x Reader Warnings: Healed scars
The soft golden light of the setting sun spilled into the room, casting a warm glow on the walls as I entered. My footsteps were quiet, muffled by the plush carpet beneath my feet. The scent of lavender filled the air, a soothing aroma that embraced the space.
As I rounded the corner, my eyes were drawn to the sight of Arno sitting on the edge of the bed, his shirt discarded beside him. His strong, lean form was etched with scars and bruises, a testament to the battles he had fought, the sacrifices he had made.
A wave of tenderness washed over me, my heart aching at the sight of his battered body. With a gentle step, I approached him, my fingertips grazing his shoulder lightly. Arno turned to face me, his gaze meeting mine, a mix of weariness and strength reflected in his eyes.
Without a word, I knelt down before him, my hands trembling slightly as they reached for the first scar that adorned his chest. Each mark told a story, whispered of trials faced and triumphs won. I pressed my lips to the rugged terrain, a tender kiss that conveyed both admiration and empathy.
Arno's breath hitched, a vulnerable flicker passing through his gaze. He watched me intently, as if in awe of the gesture, his defenses crumbling with every touch of my lips against his skin.
Moving with slow reverence, I trailed my kisses along his collarbone, tracing the pathway of a battle wound. My lips danced over the faint lines, offering solace and comfort, as if I could somehow heal the pain of the past.
As I leaned in closer, my hands cradled his face, the pads of my thumbs sweeping over the fading bruises that marred his features. I pressed feather-light kisses to his brow, his cheekbones, each gentle touch a testament to my love and admiration for the man before me.
Time seemed to stand still as I poured my affection into every touch, every kiss. Arno's guard melted away, his gaze softening as he surrendered to the tenderness bestowed upon him.
In that intimate moment, the room was filled with a profound understanding. It was a silent promise that I would be there to ease his burdens, to heal not just his physical wounds, but the scars that ran deeper.
Finally, as I pressed one last kiss to his lips, a silent message passed between us. It was a vow to support one another, to embrace the battles yet to come, and to find solace in the healing power of love.
Arno's lips curled into a gentle smile, a flicker of gratitude and affection gracing his expression. He whispered, his voice filled with emotion, "Thank you, my love. Your touch, your kisses—they remind me that I'm not alone."
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auroramoon-draws16 · 10 months
The Crossover Bar AU: the Beginning
“What… what the fuck?”
Desmond didn’t know what was gonna happen after the Temple (after sacrificing himself), but waking up in a bar, a 1920’s style speakeasy, was not what he was expecting.
It looks new, it smelled new, the scent of fresh wood and fabrics, stocked up alcohol and syrups, it was nice- really nice. He didn’t know what to make of it, but his body moved anyway. Stepping behind the counter he found so many bottles, glasses, there was modern bartending tools and shakers, also new. It felt like someone placed everything here, just for him. Like this was all just for him.
“So, do you like it?”
Holy shit- oh wow it’s been a while since anyone could sneak up on him. Desmond reflexively held his hand to the speaker’s throat, hidden blade at the ready.
“Wha- I- who are you?” He sputtered, eyes wide at the girl, no really, it was a girl. At least- he thinks, his mind couldn’t comprehend any detail about her. Like everything about her was glitching beyond recognition. She was short, and that’s all Desmond could tell about her.
“Don’t worry about that,” she grinned(?), nudging his hand away from her throat, and weirdly enough, he let her. “Answer my question, do you like it?” She repeated, not rudely per say, just… eager. Like a little kid showing her mom her drawing.
Blinking, Desmond lowered his hand, and took another look around.
There were wooden tables and chairs everywhere, nicely made from what he could tell, set up in a circle around a stage across from the entrance. The curtains a bright, vivid blood red, and there were lights up on the ceiling to brighten it up. From his place at the bar he could see a balcony, a second floor, but besides the railing and the edge of a pool table, he couldn’t see much else. On the walls were empty picture frames, waiting for something to occupy them- well, most of them- the one by the entrance had a portrait of Desmond with a golden frame.
It felt…
“It’s… home,” he blurted, “it feels like home.”
The girl(?) made a happy noise, bouncing up and down excitedly, “I knew it! I knew you’d like it!” She squealed, a warped and echoing sound, “oh I can’t wait! There’s gonna be so many more, they’re gonna like it too! You’ll see!” Before Desmond could respond, he felt arms wrap around his middle, “I’m gonna go get them, stay right here! Oh they’re gonna love you! You won’t be lonely, I promise!” And then she was gone. Just- he blinked and she was gone.
“Don’t mind her, the Apprentice is just excited,” someone explained, sounding both amused and fond. “This is her first project.”
Desmond looked to the other end of the bar, finding a man(?) sitting with an empty glass. He couldn’t see his features either, but that’s because he was engulfed in a bright light from head to toe. He felt familiar- distant- like looking into a funhouse mirror, him just not really… he even sounded sort of like-
“Hey, don’t do that,” he interrupted Desmond’s thoughts, holding up his empty glass, “you’ll get a headache. Now then, you’re a bartender, aren’t you? Mind pouring me something?”
Shaking out of his stupor, Desmond reached for the shelf, “right, uh, what’d you want…?” He asked, head still buzzing.
“You can call me the Reader,” the Reader told him, a smile in his faint voice, “that Whiskey will do.” He pointed at the bottle Desmond’s hand was hovering over.
After pouring him a glass, Desmond twitched, “uh, what do you mean- about her- the Apprentice- this project- what-?”
The Reader chuckled, “You’re not the first, you won’t be the last,” he muttered, more to himself than to Desmond, “she’s a good friend, she wanted to try something new, something different than what I usually do- or what They usually do- so I’m letting her try it out. This place is gonna be a catch all, a hub for any Soul needing somewhere to go, a place where they can Crossover the threshold without- well, y’know. Of course since you’ll be the Host, you have the final say over everything, this domain is all yours.”
“What? Who- I don’t understand, what the fuck does all of that mean?” Desmond spluttered. The Reader just laughed again. Asshole.
“You’ll get it soon enough,” he took a swig of whiskey and pointed to the door, “look, your first Guest is here.”
“Seriously? I’m not gonna fall for that,” and he was gone in a blink too, nothing but an empty glass to even hint someone else was here, “goddammit.”
Desmond didn’t know what to make of all this, who the Reader or the Apprentice were, what they were doing, what they even are in the first place, but he knew people were coming, Guests, the Reader said, and that he’s the Host. So that’s what he’s gotta do then, if the bar was made for him, and that’s what he’s here for, he might as well… right? What else was he supposed to do? He’s supposed to be dead, but he’s here as the Host.
Taking the glass and grabbing a cleaning rag from under the counter, he cleans it. Looking up at the doors, before hearing them swing open and watching someone stumble onto the floor with shouts of shock and thuds of limbs scrambling to catch onto the smooth floor.
“Hey, welcome to the- wait- Clay!”
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jaziplier · 11 months
Basim Ibn Ishaq - Oneshots
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• Basim is a shithead. As the assassin tasked to protect you from harm, it seems like he continuously gets you in trouble instead.
• You could be walking down the market, the ripe, golden sheen of the sun battering down on the fresh fruit that you want to eat so badly. Basim catches your eye, and soon enough you’re holding a delicious apple in your hands.
• “What? You looked like you wanted it, who am I to deny you hm?”
• The next minute he has your hand clasped in his, running through the dense city, his laughter echoing in your ears.
• He takes his job very seriously, weaving in and out of the Round City, appearing in front of you in narrow alleys, often times without warning.
• His dusty brown hair littered with sand, drapes over his eyes as he pushes you gently against the stone alley wall. “Did you miss me?” He smiles softly.
• He is close to you, but he still manages to keep a respectable distance.
• Your heart beats like crazy for Basim. You cannot ever fake that, and he knows.
• Oh does he know.
• He adores to take advantage of your shyness, and slips in some gentle Arabic petnames in his speech.
• “Be careful, albi, it’s a dangerous road ahead.”
• “The moon is big and bright tonight hayati, tonight is the night we go.”
• “Oh I’m fine habibti, don’t worry about me.”
• He also knows arabic isn’t your first language, and he loves to watch you struggle with certain words, the way your mouth moves, the way he wishes to catch his lips against yours.
• You both enjoy sitting on the rooftops of Baghdad, spreading out on the persian rug under you, the stars swimming over your head.
• You love telling Basim about the different constellations in the sky, astronomy that you had learned at the House of Wisdom.
• And he loves to watch you. He loves as the moonlight strokes your features, dancing upon the highs and lows of your face. Your voice is like the sweetest birdsong in his ears. He adores you. You may not understand, but he would do anything to keep you safe from harm.
• In moments of danger he turns into a different person. Pushing you behind him, he is a quick and efficient fighter, rarely loosing his battles.
• Basim is clumsy however, and he is not exempt from a few bruises and cuts.
• But he doesn’t care, it just means that you will dote over him more.
• When you come home you fuss over his wounds, making him take his shirt off so you can assess the situation better.
• His lean, muscular yet battered body catches your breath, and you’re stuck staring at him for a while, which makes him smile.
• Basim loves you, and he’s unable to wait any longer. He closes the distance between the both of you, pulling you into him with a hand on the small of your back. He yanks you close, his breath dancing on your lips. It’s almost as if he’s nervous about something, perhaps he can hear your heart beating out of your chest.
• You put your hands on his chest to steady him, to help him understand that you love him just as much as he loves you. His warm skin feels soft, yet rugged under your hands, as you run your hands over his torso.
• A singular glance from you, looking up to him through your eyelashes, is more than enough to send him over the edge.
ok this one is fluffy and kinda simple cuz im just testing the waters with Basim to write more… ahem… 18+ stuff in the future. ANYWAY I HOPE ITS OKAY!!!
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isa-belle1367 · 4 months
Imagine desmond getting seriously sick while in the temple (temple that's been sealed off for thousands of years. There's gotta be some bacteria) and then the symptoms get WORSE because of the animus
This idea won't leave my head, SO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS😈 (poorly written oneshot)
I curled up next to the animus, pulling my blanket closer around my shoulders. I was wearing a T-shirt, my hoodie, and an extra jacket, and yet I was still freezing.
Rebecca walked over to me. "Desmond, are you alright?"
I shook my head. "I think I'm getting sick with something." I croaked. My voice came out scratch and dry.
Shaun sighed. "Great, that's just what we needed."
I chuckled. "Well, we are in an ancient temple. Someone had to draw the short stick."
Rebecca crouches down next to me, placing a hand on my forehead. Her brows furrowed in concern. "Desmond, you're burning up."
I sighed while pulling the blanket closer around my shoulders. I felt like I had just gone in the world's coldest ice bath.
Bill must have noticed Rebecca leaning over me because he stopped observing the temple and walked over to us.
"Is desmond alright?" He asked.
Rebecca shook her head. "No, he's burning up."
Bill looked down at me. "What are your symptoms?"
I took a shaky breath. "Freezing, sore throat, cough, massive fucking headache." I groaned while reaching up a hand to rub my forehead.
Bill turned back to Rebecca. "Can he go in the animus like this?"
Rebecca shook her head. "I don't think so. It's too dangerous."
Bill sighed. "Shaun, I need you to run into town and pick up some cold medicine."
Shaun walked over. "Are you sure? If he contracted it from-"
Bill sighed. "We can't go to the hospital. We better hope this is just a bad cold."
Shaun quietly nodded before turning to grab the keys and leaving the temple.
My head really hurt. It felt like someone was smashing a cement block on my skull from the inside, and it seemed to be getting worse as each minute passed.
I curled into a ball and rested my forehead on my knees. Pain cracked through my body, I felt like I was going to pass out.
My nose felt runny. I sniffed, not wanting to get up and grab a tissue. However, I realized that I smelled blood.
I reached a shaky hand up and touched it to my nose. Yep, that was definitely blood from what I could see.
I needed to grab a tissue, but my vision was blurring, and spots covered my line of sight.
I could vaugly hear someone talking to me, but it sounded far away. My brain could barely register it.
I needed to grab something, but I was too tired, I couldn't even remember what I needed to grab. My entire body hurt. Maybe if I just laid down for a moment to rest...
I felt my eyes slide shut. I could hear people calling my name, but I was too tired to respond. All I wanted to do was rest.
My entire body went numb. All of my pain seemed to melt away. Soon, I was enveloped in darkness.
I don't know how long I stayed like that. But I soon started hearing something calling out to me.
Feeling began to return to my limb, and with that, pain.
The pain seemed to wake me. Slowly, my senses came back one by one.
The first thing I smelled was blood. Then I could hear Rebecca calling my name. Then, I could feel her trying to shake me awake.
I groaned and waved her away. The shaking was not helping my headache.
I opened my eyes to see Bill and Rebecca standing over me.
Once Rebecca saw my eyes were open, she breathed a sigh of relief. Bill looked relieved as well.
I tried to sit up, but my head started spinning again. Rebecca quickly put a hand on my shoulder and forced my back down.
"Oh no, you're not moving. You just had a seizure."
Normally, I would be shocked, but I just felt like I had been run over by a semi-truck.
"What?" I croaked.
Bill put a hand on my shoulder. "Right after Shaun left, you passed out and started having a seizure." He explained.
"Well, that explains why I feel like crap." I chuckled.
I reached up and felt my nose. It was still bleeding. I groaned, "Can one of you grab me a tissue?"
Rebecca looked at my face. "Shit, are you alright?" She asked while grabbing a box of tissues from her desk.
I nodded. "Yeah, this has been happening."
She whipped her head around. "WHAT?!"
The loud noise hurt my ears. I winced and began to try and rub the new ache that had formed away.
She seemed to realize what her outburst did. She crouched down next to me. "Sorry, but Desmond, your nose shouldn't be bleeding like that." She stated while handing me the tissues.
"Really?" I asked.
She sighed. "No, that can be a sign of brain damage. Why didn't you tell us when the bleeding started?"
I dabbed at my nose. "Well, it is called the bleeding effect, I thought it was normal."
Bill sighed. "The name wasn't literal."
"Well, how was I supposed to know that?" I protested.
Rebecca grabbed bills shoulder. "Bill, we might have to take Desmond to the hospital. He might have a brain bleed. The seizure is concerning, too."
Bill gritted his teeth. I knew the hospital wasn't an option. But if I didn't go... well, it doesn't take a medical degree to assume that brain bleeds are bad.
I continued to dab at my nose with the tissue. I had already gone through 3 in the span of their conversation. Which was unusual.
I tried to sit up, but my vision went black as soon as I tried to move. That can't be a good sign.
I laid back down and curled back underneath my blanket. I was still sick, so I was still freezing.
So mystery illness and a possible brain bleed. Lucky me.
My entire body was shivering despite all the layers. My limbs ached. They felt over stretched and stiff at the same time.
My head still pounded, and each movement just made it worse.
Bill and Rebecca were still talking, but I had tuned them out. Not like I wanted to, the ringing in my ears made it near impossible to hear anything.
I went through another tissue. Okay, I was losing a lot of blood. That can't be normal.
That was the last thing I thought before blacking out again.
This time it was sudden. I hadn't even realized something had happened until I glanced up to see Bill and Rebecca had moved back to my side, concern knit across their faces.
Rebecca put a hand on my shoulder. "Desmond, are you alright?" She asked again.
I blinked. "Yeah, why?"
She sighed. "You just had another seizure. Probably from the blood loss." She said while gesturing to the bloody tissues.
Bill stood up and started pacing. I could tell he was stressed. I clearly needed a hospital, but that wasn't really an option.
I sighed and buried my face in the balled up jacket I had been using as a pillow.
My body felt heavy. I just wanted to go to sleep. I felt my eyes slide shut before I fell asleep.
The next hour consisted of me falling in and out of consciousness. I didn't have another seizure, and my nose stopped bleeding, thankfully. But I could barely keep my eyes open for more than 5 seconds.
Eventually, Bill and Rebecca just gave up on trying to keep me awake.
I don't know how long I was out for, but I eventually felt someone shaking me awake.
I groaned and buried my face in my blanket. I heard a soft sigh.
"Desmond, you need to wake up." Shaun coaxed.
I blearly looked up at him from my blanket. "Do I need to go back in the animus?" I asked weakly.
He quickly shook his head. "Yeah, definitely not."
I pulled the blanket away from my face. I sucked in a sharp breath at the cold air of the temple. I was still freezing, and if anything, it had gotten worse.
Shaun looked at me with a concern expression. "You look terrible."
I didn't have the energy to give him a snarky remark back, and he seemed to notice.
He held up a small bottle of Nyquil. "Here, you need to take this." He said while handing me the bottle.
I grabbed it with shaky hand. I fumbled around with the lid for a few moments before cursing and handing it back to Shaun.
When he didn't make a snarky comment about me being too weak to open the bottle, that's when I knew I must look rough.
He handed the now open bottle back to me. I thanked him before holding the bottle up to my mouth.
The smell hit me first. I would have vomited if I had anything in my stomach. Jesus, I forgot how terrible medicine smelled.
I took a deep breath, bracing myself, before taking a shot of the medicine.
It was a struggle to swallow. The medicine tasted nasty, but I got it down.
"Water, please." I coughed as my body tried to throw it back up again.
Shaun handed me a bottle of water, making sure to open it first.
I quickly took a drink of it, chasing the medicine and stopping my cough.
I set the bottle down and offered Shaun a small smile. "Thank you."
He patted my shoulder. "Yeah, just get some rest, mate."
"Do I really look that terrible?" I joked weakly.
He silently pulled out his phone, opened the camera, and handed it to me.
Jesus fucking christ my face was a jump scare.
Dried blood stained my nose and chin; I was horribly pale and sweaty; my eyes were bloodshot; my face looked gaunt and hollow, and it was clear I hadn't eaten in a few days.
"Christ, I'll get some rest." I said while handing Shaun's phone back to him.
He nodded with a small chuckle while standing up. Once he walked away, I curled back up in my blanket.
I fell asleep within seconds.
Okay, just imagine you're shaun and you walk up to this fucking pile of blankets on the floor and this guy who looks like he's been run over 5 times in a row pokes his head out and asks for some water.
The moral of the story: Desmond probably sucks at taking care of himself and has needed a hospital ever since he left the farm
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teecupangel · 1 year
okay, my brain just exploded with the idea of:
The Ancestor Assassins, the fellas right? Pick or choose, one or all of them, okay??
Now reincarnate them in the modern day, in DESMOND’s era
Have THEM go on an adventure as an outdated assassin in modern times, have THEM meet Desmond while they’re still young, have THEM hide the truth until Desmond has already been kidnapped and put through the animus
Maybe they don’t even meet Desmond until he’s a bartender and then hear about Desmond’s kidnapping and be on his team!!!
Or maybe they’ve known Desmond since the Farm and looked after baby Desmond while judging the whole system, not fully knowing his importance until later
Hell, they could reincarnate after the Solar Flare, but Desmond survived and retired to become a full-time bartender!! Now his bar is a modern assassin’s bureau!!!
(I love this idea and I do not see much of it, just saying)
(Ps. You could add romance, because I know you and your Altair x Desmond fics 👀👄👀, or just keep it platonic, whatever you want)
(More of a Deslex shipper myself, but I love those works anyway lmao)
I’m just going to self-promote my Project Eurydice series which does have the setup of Assassins in the past being reborn in the modern day. It has childhood friends to lovers AltDes, Altaïr screwing up the Desmond Saga’s modern-day setting and Ezio off doing his own thing and messing up the AC movie’s plot. Ratonhnhaké:ton’s version of events as AltDes’ adopted baby is also… sorta planned? I mean, there’s a vague plot and we’ll see if I have time to write it XD
Okay, since I already have a plot for an idea where they are reborn and ‘met’ Desmond when they were young (technically). How about we go for your “they’re reincarnated after the Solar Flare” idea and spice things up.
They were reborn after the Solar Flare and, to make things weird, they were all born on December 21, 2012, at exactly 00:07. The exact date and time that Desmond ‘died’.
So, in this setup, they would know something weird is going on. Maybe Abstergo would even realize it and start looking for people born at that exact date and time.
And, of course, to make this a bit more less obvious, they were born in the same country they were born before so their birth certificate would be a big red herring because they’re all born at the same time but they would only know that if they convert their birthdates and time to EST.
So, that sets us up for their ‘rebirth’.
The next stage would be the world they would be born in.
And this is where things get tricky because…
If they will all be reborn in 2012, that would mean they would still be ‘children’ by the time AC Valhalla hits.
But this does give us some leeway though.
So, as far as the world knows, Desmond died.
Abstergo even autopsied his body and they used it to make those games.
You guys wanna be reminded of something strange?
The pandemic hit the world last 2020 and Layla died in 2020.
This means that AC Valhalla’s modern day setting and Layla meeting the Reader and the two of them deciding to find other calculations all happened in 2020 (August, to be more accurate).
In this setting, the pandemic is in full swing and these children (who are trying to learn the world they have been reborn in) get the same(ish) idea:
Ask their parent(s) to hire an online tutor so they won’t fall behind and they decide on history because, fuck it, that’s the most important subject as far as they know.
Enter a very inconspicuous online tutoring ad that their parent(s) tried out.
And that…
… is how they meet Desmond Hassan, full-time bartender who has a supposed degree in history and is doing this sidegig to keep up with the expenses during lockdown.
Unorganized Notes:
Okay, so I usually make Altaïr an orphan with Al Mualim being his foster grandfather but, for this one, let’s give Altaïr some happiness (and the additional ‘this is what could have been’ angst) and Umar and Maud raise him. (… maybe make Malik and Kadar his childhood friends this time around?)
Ezio is still part of a big family and he’s much more affectionate with them this time around.
Ratonhnhaké:ton is being raised by Kaniehtí:io with Haytham still having ties with the Templars but he doesn’t realize it because, to him, Haytham is just a COO of Abstergo.
I know we’re focusing on the ancestors and Edward technically counts but I want Edward to be a doting grandfather to Ratonhnhaké:ton who videocalls every week to ask how his favorite (“I’m your only grandchild, pappy.” “And that is why you’re my favorite.”) grandchild. He and Haytham have a strained relationship and I kinda like the idea that Edward isn’t an Assassin in this one but he’s sorta allied with them? It’s all hush-hush though but he’s the reason why Altaïr II can go wherever the hell they want. (Edward being the owner of a big shipping company would be fun).
Desmond takes the name Desmond Hassan because he’s not that creative and the mystery is: “Is he really Desmond?” “Is he Desmond and Layla fused?” “Or is he the Reader trying to mimic both Desmond Miles and Layla Hassan?”
Gonna be honest, I don’t really mind large age gaps in pairings and this includes the whole ‘they’re older than they are’ setup so I’m game for AltDes if you’d like. Their relationship can also totally be platonic (I can write platonic AltDes too! (waves hands at The The Second) and …………… technically the fics where Altaïr is just a Bleed like Falconry and The Helios Job? (total silence))
Anyway, if you want this to be Deslex (I’m going to assume that means ProtoCreed Alex x Desmond), the pandemic of AC lore can be a mutated version of Blacklight virus. Not as dangerous and less ‘icky’ than the original Blacklight virus but harder to spot and contain. The idea could be that the whole plot of Prototype happened in the background but it was contained and is ground zero of the pandemic with the public only knowing it as ‘ground zero’ then the mutated, still dangerous but at least you won’t turn into an icky monster, version spreads and that’s when the lockdowns happen.
Those with high Isu genes (like our reborn ancestors) are immune to it and that’s who Alex is looking for since… well… they may have a clue to how to stop the spread.
Alex ends up meeting Desmond because of his high Isu genes and…
Ends up using his apartment as a base of operation while he’s searching for answers and trying to fuck up Gentek-Abstergo’s plans to weaponize this version of the virus and also steal their data for a cure because they’re planning to use it as leverage to those in power and a way for the masses to think of them as ‘saviors’.
Of course, as with all my other ProtoCreed ideas, Blacklight virus is a genetically altered ‘virus’ that had been based on a failed Isu project led by Tinia.
If this is DesLex, the ancestors would be protective of Desmond and would think Alex is not good enough but Desmond seems happy so… okay. But they’ll be watching. If Alex fucks up, he’d have three Master Assassins hellbent on taking him down.
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grumpyoldsnake · 9 months
do you play any video games
I do! Or did?
I don’t have much time for it these days, so I play way less than I used to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And I often don’t actually finish things.
Nowadays I tend to cycle between not playing anything at all for months, and then playing way too much of something for a few days instead of sleeping. And then finding some self control and not playing anything for a long while again 😂
I think the last game I finished all the way through was Hollow Knight, which I adored. I finished Subnautica sometime in the last few years, too, and had a lot of fun with that as well. Same with Hades.
I played Portal and Portal 2 years ago and loved them; I’ve been debating doing a replay sometime, now that it’s been long enough that I won’t just have the puzzles memorized.
I’ve never finished Fallout 4 but I play it sometimes — usually I get side tracked building up settlements instead of following the main story sldkdjfhf
I’ve been playing a bit of Baldur’s Gate 3 recently — I think I’m just about to hit act two? And a friend has had me playing a bit of Midnight Suns.
I play The Long Dark once in a blue moon — I seem to keep digging it out around Christmas each year.
I play social games — used to play super smash brothers with my friends all the time, before I moved.
And every once in a while I’ll make truly poor life choices and start playing the Sims or Civilization or zoo simulators or Stardew or Minecraft and such — open-ended time sinks that I invariably get hyperfocused on for a solid week, hah. 😅
I’ve been wanting to try more stuff! I know there are some lovely games out there. I want to try some of the big names — The Witcher games (I have been poking at Witcher 2 a bit, actually), and Dragon Age. I want to finish Pillars of Eternity sometime, because what I’d seen of the writing so far was fascinating — there’s a little side quest near the beginning of the game that still lives in my head rent free, years later. Since I liked Hollow Knight, I keep considering Dead Cells. Etc.
And I’ve also wanted to try more story-focused short form stuff for a while now. I’ve been eyeballing The Stanley Parable, and Ghost Trick, and Observation.
But, well… time is still a factor :’D So, again. I don’t actually play things very often anymore.
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
Master List 10
Tieflings 💕
Types of hugs
Dragon Age - a fainting Hawke //
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones - aemond + touch/massage prompt //
Delicious in Dungeon 🍱/Dungeon Meshi 🥘 - soft Laios headcanons //
Fallout - ghoul meme // i REALLY like him //
Ultraman rising - kenji sato fluff //
Dune - nsfw & romance // incorrect quotes //
Monkey Man - “Whispered Corners” fic //
The Arcana ✨- waking up with the main 6 // pirate Julian - heartbreak // massage headcanons // julian birthday headcanons //
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss - taking care of you // Lucifer SFW Alphabet // valentines 💘 with Lucifer // Lucifer + s/o with depression // massage headcanons //
Spiderman 2099/Miguel O’Hara - massage headcanons
Critical Role 🎲
Vox Machina - special rock // poison?! // Vax 💔 oneshot // feeble mind spell // Percy rescues kidnapped reader // time ⏰ traveler reader // sit in my lap?// Vax + pregnant!reader //
Music 🎶 - Lunch ft the girls //
Dark Au - Orin!reader
Mighty Nein - Beau + sibling!reader // Mollymauk w/ reader // Caleb song angst // fjord song oneshot //
Crown Keepers -
Bell’s Hells - the “I love you” prompt //
Castlevania 🌙- massage headcanons // surprise kiss Dracula // do’s and dont’s - Alucard, Isaac //
Castlevania Nocturne 🌙 🦇 - massage headcanons // richter + pregnant!reader // shy kisses // “from bottom of your heart” + bg3
Assassin’s Creed - being Aveline’s sibling // shay for valentines 💘 // stealing Haytham’s coat // love languages // Basim + reader // Ezio + artist!reader // Haytham and Shay + former!Assassin // friends to lovers w/ Ezio // massage headcanons // shay + reader // Basim angst // Basim + fluff // Hytham in love // protective of pregnant!reader // Ezio modern au // basim angst oneshot // Connor with Latina!reader // Ezio birthday 🎂 headcanons // local hawk population //
Codexmonthly - February “ship” —> Shay story // Edward 🏴‍☠️ story // Altair & Maria //
March “artefact”
April “vault”
May “modern”
Mermay 🌊🧜‍♂️ - mermaid!Desmond //
“Shadows” prompt
June “mentor”
Baldur’s Gate - astarion + drunk!tav/reader // Halsin and letters // smile from your heart // sick 🤒 TLC headcanons // massage headcanons // interlink pinkies // astarion & his opposite // deep kisses // forehead kiss // secret 🤫 dating Astarion // how lucky to be with you //
Bat 🦇 Astarion Week - day 1 // day 2 // day3 // day 4 // day 5 //
Blood of Zeus ⚡️ - massage headcanons // musical mortal // Ares and handsy lover // Dad Apollo ☀️// Hermes being a dad //
Genshin Impact - neuvillette massage //
Star ⭐️ Wars 💫 - sequel quad + saving sibling // sibling with depression // nightmare headcanons // coming out non-binary //
The Bad Batch - crosshair headcanon //
Hazbin Hotel - Lucifer alphabet //
Challengers - art + patrick nsfw headcanons //
Critical 🎲 Role - service top + mighty 9 //
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slasher-cam · 7 months
Welcome to the internet ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ [About Me] Idk I'll write if you send me requests. I like crafts, books and sour apple flavored candy. Spam likes and roblogs are encouraged! *but i like comments the most*
My main Focus|Poppy Playtime CH.3 , Avengers|
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NSFW/SFW Angst Fluff Smut Neutral Platonic Headcanons Preferences Oneshots Blurbs Series & Fanfics LBGTQIA+ asks
Fnaf 1+ |Security Breach/RUIN| Poppy Playtime |Chapters 1,2 &3| Undertale Assassins Creed|Syndicate| Faith the Unholy Trinity Cuphead
Marvel Harry Potter|+Fantastic Beasts| Beetlejuice |Musical,Show & Movie| House of Wax Texas Chainsaw Massacre|Bubba & Thomas| Friday the 13th The lost Boys The Addams Family Scream Disney Villains Jurassic Park/World Tremors|Valentine, Rhonda, Earl| Clue|Wadsworth| Murder on the orient express Death on the Nile|Hercule Poirot & Bouc|
Sherlock Supernatural Doctor who|10th & 11th Doctor| Psych
|Characters I Do|
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miss-3625 · 5 months
Well you did warned that “Too Much To Ask” was sad, but I ended up bawling (“He was alone, alone, alone” hit me baaaad) So anyway thanks, it was very good fic, poor Ezio
Oh! I'm sorry that it made you cry, please accept these stickers as my apology.
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No, all jokes aside, I'm glad that it did, because it means that I did a good job in expressing what Ezio was feeling.
Earlier that day I played the mission of "the incident" for a second time and (for some reason) the scene hit me way harder than the first time. Probably because now I know how lonely Ezio (as well as Claudia and Maria) will feel in the following years and how dedicated Ezio is in avenging his family.
(I actually wanted to add another scene where Ezio finds a crying Claudia and then they cry together - because Ubisoft really did them and their brother-sister-relationship dirty - but I thought that it was already sad enough haha. Maybe another chapter? I guess we'll see.)
Even just writing this OS made me sad ("He was alive, alive, alive." and "He was alone, alone, alone." hit me bad as well, because it shows how perfectly conflicted Ezio feels about still being alive and now having the responsibility about his mother and sister, while at the same time not really getting any time to mourn his father and brothers and having to get his surviving family away as quickly as possible but having no idea how and where - man just thinking about it makes me sad again), so thanks for reading through it!
Sometimes we all need a good cry :)
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jewels-writes · 1 year
Whispers in Paris (Arno Dorian x Reader)
Prompt: "I like your costume, you look very cute" "Are you making fun of me?" Pairing: Reader x Arno Dorian Warnings: None
The sun had begun its descent over the rooftops of Paris, casting a warm golden glow over the city. You and Arno Dorian found yourselves walking through the bustling streets, enjoying a momentary respite from the constant conflicts of the Assassin Brotherhood. Arno had opted to leave his traditional Assassin attire behind, choosing instead to wear a simple, yet stylish ensemble consisting of a tailored waistcoat, a crisp white shirt, and fitted trousers.
Unable to resist the opportunity to tease him, you couldn't help but comment on his attire. A playful smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you glanced at Arno and said, "I like your costume, Arno. You look very cute."
Arno's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he glanced down at himself, his hand instinctively adjusting his waistcoat. He looked back at you, his expression a mixture of surprise and suspicion. "Are you making fun of me?" he asked, his voice laced with a touch of self-consciousness.
You chuckled softly, your tone still light and teasing. "Oh, Arno, mon cher, I'm not making fun of you. I simply find it adorable when you're not in your usual assassin gear."
Arno's confusion deepened, and he crossed his arms over his chest. "Adorable? I don't understand," he replied, his French accent adding a charming touch to his words.
You took a step closer to him, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "I mean it, Arno. You look incredibly handsome in anything you wear, whether it's your Assassin robes or these casual clothes. It's a refreshing change, you know?"
Arno's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink, and he cleared his throat nervously. "I...I appreciate the compliment, but I never really thought about it. I'm more accustomed to blending into the shadows, not attracting attention."
You couldn't help but smile at his innocence, finding it endearing. You reached out, gently placing a hand on his arm. "Arno, sometimes it's good to embrace the attention, to let yourself shine in a different way. Trust me, you have nothing to be self-conscious about."
Arno's gaze softened, his eyes meeting yours. "You really think so?" he asked, his voice tinged with vulnerability.
"I know so," you assured him, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. "Now, shall we continue our stroll and enjoy the beauty of Paris together?"
Arno nodded, a shy smile playing at his lips. "Yes, let's," he replied, the warmth of your words easing his uncertainty.
As you resumed your walk through the vibrant streets of Paris, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Perhaps Arno was oblivious to your attempts at flirtation, but there was something about his genuine nature and his earnest desire to protect and serve that made you appreciate him even more.
And as the evening unfolded, the two of you shared countless conversations, laughter, and stolen glances, gradually deepening the bond between you. The streets of Paris faded into the background as you got lost in each other's presence, cherishing the moments spent together, whether in the chaos of the Brotherhood or in the simple joy of a leisurely walk through the city of lights.
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auroramoon-draws16 · 9 months
Crossover Bar AU: Holiday edition
Desmond and the other Assassins are throwing a holiday party in the Bar!! Holiday because not everyone celebrates the same holiday or any holiday at all but could use some fun anyway.
The entire Bar is built like a speakeasy with a second floor, so there’s an open dance floor and a stage, ofc there’s space for a DJ, but for any singers/musicians the main stage is all theirs. They set up string lights, ornaments, table displays, and a big ass tree in the corner. For the sake of sensitive guests there’s a dark, quiet corner upstairs for them to not get overwhelmed or to take a break in.
People bring snacks and candy from their respective worlds, Desmond made non-alcoholic drinks and alcoholic drinks, the Spider Band is playing tonight, Wild (Botw/Totk Link) is cooking, somebody suggested secret Santa and things got out of hand, but it’s hilarious.
Whoever gave Altair that fake finger, I commend you.
Drinks in hand, party in full swing, ofc Desmond brought the bar to a snowy area to let everyone play in the snow if they wanted. Even the Reader and the Apprentice came, they brought Cards Against Humanity (Multifandom edition).
As a Christmas gift to all of you: you can add any holiday party scenario with any fandom characters, ugly sweater competitions, a drunk round of truth or dare, gingerbread house building challenges, anything and everything goes.
Have fun, and happy holidays (New Years addition coming soon)
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kissofmourningdeath · 6 months
Welcome to the internet
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[About Me]
Idk I'll write if you send me requests. I like marvel, books and sour apple flavored candy.
Spam likes and roblogs are encouraged! *but i like comments the most*
My Main focuses|The Avengers, Poppy Playtime|
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NSFW/SFW Angst Fluff Smut Neutral Platonic Headcanons Preferences Oneshots Blurbs Series & Fanfics LBGTQIA+ asks
Fnaf 1+|Security Breach/RUIN|, Poppy Playtime|Ch 1,2 & 3|, Undertale, Assassins Creed |Syndicate|, Faith the Unholy Trinity, Cuphed
Marvel, Harry Potter |+Fantastic Beasts|, Beetlejuice |Musical, Show & Movie|, House of Wax, Texas Chainsaw Massacre|Bubba & Thomas|, Friday the 13th, The lost Boys, Scream, The Adams Family, Alice in Wonderland, Disney Villains, Jurassic Park/World, Tremors, Clue, Murder on the Orient Express, Spiderman into the Spiderverse, Joker
Sherlock, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Psych, South Park, Avatar, Batman tas
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tfp-enthusiast · 1 year
Tiny!Transformers Soundwave
[I decided to make an scenario for everyone, you can decide which one is next, and i make specific oneshots for them too.]
[As an example for the Oneshots, when someone asks, idk, if i could write cuddle headcanons or Reader sneaking them in school or something.]
[Soundwave is a cat tbh.]
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You 'lived' inside the Nemesis, your mom was almost always on business trips so you spend most of your time there.
You where with Knockout in the medbay and just chatting about the newest gossip he heard.
But both of you where surprised to see an vehicon coming inside and holding his hand out for you.
Normally this means that you should jump on the hand but inside the vehicon's hand was already something.
Or rather someone.
You walked closer and saw an tiny Soundwave.
"What? How???"
Your voice showed how surprised and amazed you where.
Soundwave hopped on your hand, basically your friendship was now one big uno reverse card, and played a short message from the one and only Lord Megatron.
"Soundwave, you would be in best hands with Y/n, she won't crush you as easily. Your work will have to wait for now."
You knew that Soundwave was already finished with his works since a week or so, he was always working and took only small breaks.
You nodded and thought about what to do with your now tiny friend.
"Let's go to my room, we can play wome games and i can show you a little more about humans!"
You waved Knockout goodbye and told him that you would be back soon so you could continue your conversation.
After 10 minutes of walking you already regretted that you didn't ask Knockout if he could bring you back to your room.
He probably knew that and laughs his ass of in that moment.
But Soundwave, and his cuteness, made it a lot more bearable.
Soundwave transformerd into his vehicle mode and flew next to you while you where walking.
He seemed to notice that you where a little tired and landed on your shoulder, transformed, and hugged you with his long arms.
After an eternity of walking you got to your room, which out of security reasons was in the middle of all and relatively close to the bridge.
As soon as you where inside you fell onto your bed and Soundwave just stared at you from your desk.
"Hey Sounders, we could play something if you want."
You got an affirming nod and turned on your PC, opened Steam, and waited for him to pic something.
"Which one do you want?"
Soundwave shrugged and pointed at you and then at the games.
You should decide.
You just picked Assassins creed (i know, a classic, but i just love the games)
You thought that Soundwave would love a sneaking game and ond learn something about the planet at the same time.
And boy you where right, you played Unity, and you choose the multi-player missions and after the tutorial he was just as good as you.
He was an expert at the sneaking and Parcours.
You planned on playing through the whole night but Soundwave told threatened you to sleep at around 11 pm.
He let you already stay up longer , you still had something to do tomorrow, it was Thursday.
You gave in after you made an deal to cuddle him until you fell asleep.
The best sleep in a long time.
When you woke up Soundwave already stoop before you on your bed with an smiley on his visor.
What a nice way to start the day. Why can't it be always like this?
Yousmiled back and stood up to get some clothes to change into, got into the bathroom, and soon you had to go to school.
You couldn't decide if it was a great day or the worst, on one hand you couldn't wait to get home which made it seem like eternity but on the other hand it motivated you too pay attention.
When you got back, a vehicon brought you, you dashed into your room but it was empty.
You panicked.
What if he fell and hurt himself badly?
In your panic you searched your room and didn't even think about that he was a literal jet and never would fall.
He was way too observant for such mistakes.
You got interrupted by a knocking on your door/wall but continued searching.
After the 4th knock you came out.
And who stood there back in original size? You guessed it. Soundwave.
"There you are! I was panicking something happened.."
He just shook his head and played an small animated smiley with some hearts around it.
Now you could spend the entire week on his shoulder without him setting you down one time.
And you played some more assassins creed.
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teecupangel · 2 years
Regarding the answer you gave to my previous ask, it looks great! It sounds like a cool idea! Desmond being one of the princesses of light sounds cool, as well :)
The KH x AC crossover idea that spurred this
And to elaborate on these tags I left in the og ask:
#if you want a full-blown kingdom hearts crossover let me know #just know that it would be more like the ac franchise being condensed in one world ala hollow bastion/radiant garden #and i will make desmond a princess screw it
So, in this setup, the entirety of AC lore would be condensed into one world like Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion did with the FF characters.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy will travel to this world while they’re looking for their next plot piece (or maybe their gummi ship needs to be repaired) and their interest is piqued when they notice that there seems to be some kind of organization (with hoods!) that defeats both heartless and nobodies with minimal problem.
When they get to the castle, they learn that Prince Desmond (who is a very chilled guy and clicks with Sora, Donald, and Goofy quickly) has been tasked in awakening the three great heroes of their world to ask for their aid as they have learned where the heartless and nobodies are coming from but it’s taking all of their manpower just to keep the castle and nearby towns safe.
So they go on a quest to request the aid fo these three heroes who, according to legend, could only be awakened by the prayer of one with royal blood.
Along the way, they get into some trouble.
The protector of the first hero, Altaïr, turns out to be colluding with the heartless and nobodies to control the people of the fortress where he laid asleep underneath.
The family in charge of keeping the second hero, Ezio, safe was busy trying to keep some asshole from invading their walled town using the heartless and nobodies.
And the location of the third hero, Ratonhnhaké:ton, had become lost and all they know is the general location. Supposedly, the people in charge of keeping him safe had been forced out of their homes by monsters (“Not heartless?” “No. Simply the worst monsters of all.”)
Every time Desmond tries to wake them up, they don’t wake up, instead becoming dust with their heart entering Desmond. Many believe this is a sign that Desmond is meant to be the hero but Desmond believes that he’s failing his task (no matter how much Sora, Donald, and Goofy try to console him).
Everything comes to a head when one of Org XIII takes Desmond captive and does an infodump on them about how Desmond is one of the new Seven Hearts but his heart had been incomplete. That they had been waiting for him to absorb the heart of the three heroes so he would awaken as a Prince(ss) of Hearts.
Sora, Donald and Goofy races to save him and Desmond manages to escape because awakening as a Prince(ss) of Hearts meant he had the power to summon the ‘ghosts’ of the heroes who helped him escape.
In the end, Sora receives the keychain with the insignia of their kingdom (a stylized A), getting the “Hidden One” keyblade which has the perk of making the first hit of a combo have twice the damage.
Desmond remains in his world to master his new found power but promises to help Sora, Donald and Goofy if they ever need it.
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