#raul esparza imagine
bi-bard · 2 years
The Blood is Rare and Sweet as Cherry Wine - Frederick Chilton Imagine [NBC's Hannibal]
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Title: The Blood is Rare and Sweet as Cherry Wine
Pairing: Frederick Chilton X Reader
Based On: Cherry Wine
Word Count: 1,684 words
Warning(s): HI, PLEASE TAKE THESE SERIOUSLY! unhealthy relationship, arrest, threats of violence, presence of a knife
Summary: Chilton had risked everything for (Y/n). His reputation, his job, even his freedom. But now that he had (Y/n) with no interference, he is left questioning his choices and feelings.
Author's Note: I've considered this plot a few times, but never went through with it. This song offered a controlled way to do it.
Frederick sometimes wondered if he had loved (Y/n) more when they were behind bars.
If that barrier was a necessity for him to truly accept this relationship of his.
He had known it was wrong from the moment he entertained the idea.
(Y/n) had been a resident of the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane for a while. They had grown accustomed to every face that would pass through its halls. It was home. It likely would have been for the rest of their life, and they were all too aware of them.
Frederick was in charge of (Y/n)'s care.
He was an administrator. Truly, practicing wouldn't have exactly been a requirement at this point in his life. However, he only had so many people employed... and he enjoyed the fame of treating the ones that society considered to be the evilest of humanity.
A dangerous obsession of his.
(Y/n) had grown to adore the little game they had going with Dr. Frederick Chilton.
They had taken up spending their sessions trying to get to him instead of working on their own issues. They were good at it too. It merely took a few carefully placed compliments and batted eyelashes to cause Frederick to shift a little in his chair.
"Why won't you come closer," (Y/n) asked one day, watching the man sit in the chair that had been placed behind a yellow strip of tape.
"There's been an occurrence of patients trying to pee on their therapists," he explained. He tried to move past the topic quickly. "Or spit on them."
"I'm disappointed that you think I would even try to participate in such behavior," (Y/n) replied.
They were back in a private room. No guards around. It was for (Y/n)'s comfort. When they did open up, it was more likely to be in a space like this than the small boxes that others had been kept in.
(Y/n) stepped closer to the bars. "Come on, Frederick. If I was going to hurt you during our sessions, then I would have done it a long time ago."
He raised an eyebrow at them.
"Come on," they drew the word out a little as they grinned at him. "Please?"
A sigh escaped him before pushing himself out of his chair.
When he stopped walking forward, there was still quite a distance between the pair.
"Frederick," (Y/n) complained. "Am I really so much of a threat that you can't stand in front of me like you would a friend?"
"You're not a friend, you're a patient."
(Y/n) placed a hand on their chest and pretended to be hurt by the statement.
When Frederick didn't reply, they dropped their hand and spoke up again, "I think we both know that you do not see me as merely a patient."
He raised an eyebrow.
"I think I haunt you," they continued.
"Haunt me?" he repeated.
"And not out of fear," they added. "It's quite flattering, really."
Frederick shook his head, scoffing. Deny until you couldn't. That was the thought process that he seemed to be operating under.
"Come here," (Y/n) pushed him. "Please?"
He took a deep breath before taking a few more steps forward.
"There you go," they said. "This is much better."
"What do you want," he asked.
They shrugged. "Maybe I just want to be closer to you."
"I'm serious," (Y/n) insisted. "You're telling me that we have spent all of this time together and you have never thought about what could happen?"
"Nothing could happen."
"Aren't you the big man in charge?"
"Frederick," they muttered, moving even closer to him. They reached their hand out and touched Frederick's tie. "What's the real answer to my question?"
It was tense between them.
"I've thought about it."
(Y/n) let out a fake gasp. "Really?"
Frederick rolled his eyes.
"Maybe one day," they entertained the thought. "When there are fewer people glaring at us."
It was a dangerous idea. But (Y/n) had said just enough to plant the idea in his head.
Truly, that's all that (Y/n) needed to do. Anything else could be planned without them.
Frederick spent ages questioning the idea. He knew how dangerous it was. If he was asked, he could name every risk off the top of his head. He knew that he shouldn't have even considered it.
But he did.
And it took all too long for Frederick to walk through his front door and find (Y/n) sitting in his living room.
"Welcome home, dear," they said with a smile.
He grinned back.
They stood up and walked over to him. Their arms wrapped around his neck. Both of them sighed. It felt like the weight rolled off of the pair. It was nice.
(Y/n) leaned forward and pressed their lips to his. It was such a perfect moment.
Frederick began to accept that this was all worth it.
For obvious reasons, (Y/n) was confined to Frederick's house after that night.
With all of the pressure, Frederick had no interest in taking any extra risks.
(Y/n) despised that. They were bored and tired.
"I am getting restless," (Y/n) explained, bouncing over the back of the couch to sit next to him. "I've spent years in a cage. I thought that I was meant to be free now. All I have now is nicer clothes."
"And me," Frederick added.
(Y/n) hummed. "I would argue that I had you before. Only difference now is that I can touch you without checking for guards first."
He raised an eyebrow at them. They moved forward and wrapped their arms around his neck. He grinned before leaning forward to press his lips to theirs.
It still felt strange to be able to kiss them with no hesitation.
Frederick wondered if there would ever be a time when he got used to the feeling of their lips on his.
He didn't have much time to entertain the idea before his head was pulled back and something was pressed against his throat. It took him a matter of milliseconds to recognize the thing as the edge of a knife.
"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing," he asked, terrified that all of the risks he had taken were all pointless.
He saw a grin break out on their face. They started laughing as they pulled the blade away. He stared at them.
"Oh, relax," they waved him off as he stared. "Gosh, it was a fun joke."
(Y/n) threw the knife across the floor, letting it slide away from the pair.
"I have to have a little fun when I'm here."
The stunned look on his face was reminiscent of the look he would give if someone spilled wine in his house. Maybe (Y/n) was the equivalent of a stain on all of the white details that filled each other rooms.
Frederick prided himself on his intelligence. He always felt the need to appear smarter than everyone else in a given situation. If he couldn't prove it, then he would act like it.
But now... he was confused. More confused than he ever had been before.
He was lying to the people that worked with him, to law enforcement, to the people that may have still cared about him. All while (Y/n) pulled silly little stunts in the name of "a little fun."
If it had happened once, then Frederick could have moved on with no questions. But it didn't. (Y/n)'s "fun" always seemed to be the result of scaring him half to death. They always giggled like there was no difference between those behaviors and tickling a person.
But there would be these periods of peace. Times when Frederick could look at (Y/n) and fully understand the actions that got him there. He could imagine the love and the need and the lack of logic that was completely logical in his mind.
The scales were tipping back and forth, waiting for the balance to be lost forever and for everything to come crumbling down.
Frederick wasn't sure why that day had been the day he called the FBI. Maybe it was something he saw or some conversation he had. All he knew was that it was the right choice.
(Y/n) made dinner for them.
Each one of them at opposite ends. They acted like nothing was wrong. Like (Y/n) wasn't aware of Frederick's sudden nervousness. They acted like this meal was completely normal.
(Y/n) asked about his day. He asked about theirs.
(Y/n) called him "dear" and looked at him with a terrifyingly loving gaze.
Frederick felt fear shift from his stomach to his throat. Like vomit rising, prepared to come out as soon as he kept his mouth open for a few moments too long.
The police lights shined through the windows in the middle of the meal.
(Y/n) didn't bother looking out the window. They simply scoffed. Frederick took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry," he muttered.
(Y/n) rolled their eyes. "You know how much I hate liars, dear."
They stood from their seat and walked to stand in front of the front door. They moved to their knees and laced their hands together behind their head. They saw no purpose in running. Not now.
Frederick stood from the table to watch them.
The SWAT team entered with guns drawn.
(Y/n) offered an obnoxiously polite grin.
Jack Crawford was behind the team.
"Hi, Jack! Been too long, hasn't it?"
"Absolutely," he said in the same taunting voice that (Y/n) had put on.
"How do you like the house," they asked. "I thought it was going to be perfect."
Jack shrugged. (Y/n) laughed.
"You're fun, Jack," they commented.
"You know what else will be fun?" Jack tilted his head as he spoke. (Y/n) acted like an excited kid. "A trip down memory lane."
(Y/n) pretended to be shocked as an officer rounded around (Y/n) and cuffed their wrists.
(Y/n) called out to Frederick as they were led out, "Love you, dear! I'll see you soon!"
And he couldn't tell if the idea made his heart speed up or stop in its tracks.
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Some Original Characters
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squadmuse · 5 months
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
It takes a while for Rafael to open up and be truly affectionate with you. He’s slower than most, but still a gentleman and spoils you whenever he can. As your relationship progresses however and as Rafael feels more and more comfortable with you & your relationship together, then he is extremely affectionate towards you and absolutely cherishes you. Cuddles, kisses, hand holding etc. you name it, when Rafael treats you like this, you’re The One for him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You and Rafael click quickly as friends and have a great friendship together. You’re an Assistant United States Attorney while he is an Assistant District Attorney for Manhattan, and can usually be found in each other’s offices having lunch and a catch up. He loves that you’re snarky and sassy like him, and unafraid to stick up for yourself & victims and survivors. Rafael is a great friend to have, he’s always a phone call away, with the greatest advice and shoulder to cry on if needed. He loves surprising you with tickets to a Broadway show, museum tours etc.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Rafael isn’t the cuddliest at the start of the relationship but he melts easily after a while with your hugs and cuddles. He isn’t used to affection unless from his Mami or Abuelita. Rafael loves hugging you from behind, cuddling on the couch or in his home study & office after hours.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Only when Rafael knows for certain that you are The One 100% will he want to settle down fully. He didn’t have the nicest home life due to his father and has had his heart broken by people he loved & trusted. As he has been a bachelor for years, Rafael is adept at cooking & cleaning but takes his laundry to the dry cleaners. His house is pristine, but he longs for the day that you & him are married with a child playing with their toys in the living room.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Rafael is a gentleman, somewhat old fashioned yet distant at first so he would likely break up with you face to face. He thinks it rude to do it over the phone or to ghost someone especially if they’re someone like you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
You and Rafael are together for a while before he decides to propose marriage, as he wanted to be certain you were not going to break his heart or leave. You’ve moved in together after a couple of years and Rafael knows you’re not bothered by his wariness & past. Once he proposes, you marry within the year in a quiet close knit ceremony at the Catholic church nearby as a tribute to his Mami & Abuelita.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
As he was abused physically and emotionally by his own father and had his heart broken before, Rafael is gentle and kind towards you. He might be less so at the start, accidentally screwing up or putting work before you, but after a while Rafael becomes an open book to you. He’ll never ever raise a hand or fist to you, and he never curses or swears at you, but sometimes he does snap or bite when he’s stressed.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Rafael hates admitting it but he loves hugs, he’s so touch starved and loves getting to collapse into your arms after a long stressful day. He’s very gentle with his hugs, rubbing your back as you rest your head in the crook of his neck. Sometimes he hums a song at night.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
As said before, Rafael doesn’t say I Love You for a while but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t show his love for you. He struggles opening up, showing himself truly and being vulnerable with anyone, and when he gets to that point of being vulnerable & comfortable, then he says it quickly and doesn’t stop saying it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Rafael does get jealous but it is down to the insecurities he has himself and not about you, he’s been dumped for other guys before and he knows how incredible you are that Rafael always wonders — why did you choose him of all people to be with, what is so loveable about him? Rafael will busy himself with work more often when he’s feeling like that, but he also gets possessive to an extent and makes sure to let you know how much he loves you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Rafael Barba aka Makeout King. He is almost timid at first, scared that he might’ve crossed the line when he kisses you that first time. But his kisses are electrifying, intoxicating and downright sweet at the same time. When he’s fully comfortable with you, Rafael can’t stop kissing you and will kiss anywhere he can on you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Rafael doesn’t have much if any experience with kids, especially babies. But he isn’t against them, and he loves getting to teach them things, whether it is some basic Spanish, a fairy tale book or some random facts. Rafael worries about hurting children, having seen how his own father acted and behaved. After a while, Rafael does get more comfortable around younger children as you have nieces, nephews and godchildren that all end up calling him Tío Rafa.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Rafael hates mornings, and only brightens up when you suggest showering together to save time… although you sometimes end up rushing out the door after too long in the shower together. In the kitchen, Rafael makes a beeline for the professional coffee maker that you bought as a birthday present for him and makes a very strong coffee for himself and a cappuccino for yourself. Usually, Rafael has prepared his briefcase & outfit the night before. You make sure he takes some actual lunch with him also.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nighttimes are spent together either in Rafael’s study (he brings his work home now that he has you, not staying extremely late at the office) and you end up working together or talking about work, life and each other. Rafael gives you a massage while you pour him a small glass of his favourite scotch.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Rafael is very slow to open up and reveal things about himself. You met Lucia by accident, as you had dropped by his office at Hogan Place to talk/argue about a case that each of you were certain to have jurisdiction over, and there she was when you greeted him with a “Rafi amor…” - needless to say Lucia hated that Rafael had been hiding you away from her. You try so hard to make Rafael realise that his traumatic past doesn’t define him or who he is.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Rafael is usually very patient with you, and especially with you compared to others. He tries so hard to not get angry or even irritated by you, but when he’s had a bad day at work or having one, every single thing anyone does seems to annoy him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Rafael has a giant brain and incredible memory, but sometimes when he’s stressed out with case after case, he does end up with things slipping his mind and he hates it. Rafael is also able to remember things you’ve said you have liked in passing or in conversation, even months back but he remembers it and buys you whatever it was.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Rafael’s favorite moment in your relationship was when he brought you to his Mami, Lucia’s home for the first time for Sunday lunch & dinner. You and his Mami got along instantly, and he was amazed at how quickly his Mami liked you as she was usually overprotective of him. It was that day, seeing you laugh and smile with his Mami, that Rafael knew you were The One and that you fit in perfectly with his family.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Rafael is very protective of you, and would have an armed escort following you around if he could. He’s had people blackmail him in the past and death threats against him, but Rafael doesn’t worry or care about himself, his main focus is you. Rafael likes knowing how protective you are of him in return, how much you love and look out for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Rafael puts a lot of effort into dates, anniversaries and gifts, only the best will do for you in his eyes. Both of you work as attorneys and have long hours, but Rafael will spoil you with an anniversary trip to Gstaad or The Bahamas, a nice bottle of champagne or wine, a nice pair of Christian Louboutin heels etc. Every day however, he does his best to be an excellent boyfriend or fiancé or husband and enjoys just being with you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Rafael can get hyper-focused on work and ends up working himself thin and bare. At first in the relationship, he would prioritise his Mami & Abuelita over you and while it didn’t bother you, he did it a lot until he realised that you were upset. He works long hours too, and sometimes your hours don’t match up or your vacations either and Rafael is a man on a mission when it comes to his career and will at times, prioritise that.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Rafael Barba is very vain. He has his hair and beard styled & trimmed perfectly, has complimenting colours in his outfits with ties matching pocket squares etc. and he hates it when he starts going grey (but slowly comes to love it too when you let him know how hot you find it)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
When Rafael has let you into his life, his heart and soul, he feels very incomplete without you there and wonders how he became such a man — but he realises it is because how he loved you, you are & were his soulmate.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Rafael loves taking you dancing, and shows off his move to you on the dance floor. It helps his anxiety and insecurity by showing off, doing fancy little moves to impress you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Rafael doesn’t like anyone who is demanding, too high maintenance or clingy, and he doesn’t like abusers or alcoholics. Also anyone who doesn’t respect his position, his Mami & Abuelita is out the door ASAP.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Rafael can be found some nights asleep at the desk in his study, and you always wake him up as you know he needs to sleep in bed because of his back. He also loves that you have a ton of cosy blankets & quilts on the bed, it seems to help him sleep much easier.
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rafaslittleboy · 4 months
pairing: dad!sonny carisi x reader
summary: your mom and dad argue all the time, and with a little bit of digging, you learn it’s because your dad isn’t being satisfied.
tags: incest, father/child incest, DONT READ IF U DONT LIKE, reader is early twenties so LEGAL AGE, smut, p-in-v sex, clit rubbing, slight fingering, selfish sex (but you like it). Reader has no specified gender but has pussy/clit. Office sex, kissing, your dad and mom don’t get along.
special thanks for @noellawrites for helping me greatly with this fic ❤️
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smut below the cut, minors don’t interact & don’t interact if you’re sensitive and don’t like these sort of fics.
The first thing you heard as you entered the apartment was yelling. Your mom scoffing and dishing out a mouthful of verbal assaults on your dad. When you unlocked the door and stepped in, their argument hushed and then as you walked into the open-plan kitchen, the argument ceased to exist. As if it never happened in the first place.
“Is… everything okay?” and you were met with mutual silence. “Dad?
“It’s nothin’.” Dominick replied curtly and turned on the coffee maker. “How was work?” he asked, quick to change the subject.
You could tell when your father was annoyed—nearing angry, he would clench his jaw and the muscles in his arms (which showed under his shirt, rolled up to the elbow). He always tried to not show you when he was in a mood that wasn’t happy, but he was only human. Your mother, on the other hand, was always in a negative mood—nothing was ever good enough for her.
You sighed and put down your backpack and took a seat on a stool at the island. “It was whatever, I hate working nights.”
Sonny turned to you with a fresh mug of caramel flavoured coffee in his large hands. In exchange, you handed him a paper bag containing a pastry that he tended to eat most mornings. Whether you brought one back or he visited you before he got to the courthouse to start his treacherous day.
“Aw, kid, ya didn’t have to.” He always says that, kissing you on the cheek as he takes it from your hands. Your cheeks grew warm. “Thank you, this’ll definitely keep me goin’—really made my mornin’.” and your dad smiled wide at you, the sides of his eyes crinkling.
Your stomach flipped.
Your mom was silent still, angrily making breakfast. Her movements were enough to show you that she was in a mood, and that you should probably stay out of her way for the rest of the day.
Your dad came into your life when you were ten. Ten years after having a meant-nothing relationship with your mom and only when she was running low on money, she reached out and contacted your father for a little child support money. Sonny was shocked at first, finding out he had a kid, but after taking care of new-born Jesse and having his paternal instincts go haywire for a child that wasn’t his; it was like Christmas came early on a Wednesday evening in Spring.
Sonny asked for visitation and your mom agreed, and the first thing he did was look for two-bedroom apartments. Sonny worked overtime in the precinct just so he could afford the extra room, anything for his little angel. And as you grew, you preferred his apartment more and more. He came home late, but he would always enter your room and make sure you were breathing and safe, always leaving a kiss on your forehead.
Somehow within the last eleven years, your mom moved in with Sonny and it was like a nice little family. Sometimes your mom and dad acted as if they were together, sometimes they didn’t.
And as you entered your early twenties, he still did it. As he transitioned from Detective to Assistant District Attorney, he worked even more hours just to support your little family, your mom stopped working and it was up to your father to provide for all of you—so that’s why you took a stupid, underpaying twenty-four-hour internet cafè just to help out with bills.
Later on in the evening, you sat down next to your dad in the living room. Your mom was already asleep in their shared bedroom, likely lost in a wine-induced dream.
“What was the argument about? Today?”
“S’nothin’, don’t worry ‘bout it. Ain’t your problem.” And he leaned over to kiss you on your forehead, lingering just a few seconds longer.
“B-but— if it’s you and mom, it is my problem. I’m your kid, I’m the one tying you together,” you sigh miserably.
Sonny turns to look at you with a sad expression before cupping your cheek in his big hand. You were closer to your Dad than your mom, because of things like this; he cared so much about you and she showed it.
He examined the pleading look in your eyes, and he knew you wouldn’t drop the subject until you received a satisfactory answer.
“Your mom ‘n I… we really try. I always do what she wants when she wants it, ‘ya know? But she uses me, n’ then when I want some, it’s like she don’t even wanna look at me—“ he sighed.
“Daddy— you don’t deserve that,” you said softly, reaching out to touch his arm, sleeves rolled up to his elbow. Your faces were so close, you were glad that the room was dimly lit just enough so your dad couldn’t see the warm blush rising up your cheeks.
“‘S okay, doll. I got you, you’re all I need,” he says with a smile, leaning over to kiss your forehead before getting up to go to his bedroom. You watched him as he walked off and turned to the bedroom he shared with your mom, closing the door with a soft click behind him.
You woke up early in the morning to the sound of hushed arguing. Their voices vibrated through the walls like before, and you found yourself closing your eyelids and taking a deep exhale.
It took a minute, you sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes and took a glance at your alarm clock on the bedside table—it was barely over seven in the morning and they were already at each other’s throats.
Your pajamas were a simple set, a cotton t-shirt that was a size or two up from your own size (that was most likely your father’s) and a pair of black cotton shorts; you’d gone to class in worse attire.
Hesitantly, you opened your bedroom door and took a second before you walked to the kitchen where their voices came from. As you entered, your mother turned away from your Dad and bit her tongue and silently and angrily making breakfast as your dad busied himself pouring coffee into his large travel mug.
“Is everything okay?” you asked. You were met from cold silence from your mom, which was the usual in most times. It took a second for your Dad to turn around and give you a tight lipped smile.
“Everythin’s fine, kiddo,” he said, “how’d you sleep?”
“Fine, I guess.” It was great until I was woken up by your constant arguing, you really wanted to say, but you held your tongue and decided to be polite—just like how he raised you to be. Always keep the negative thoughts to yourself.
“I gotta go to work,” he said curtly and kissed your forehead, as he always did.
“Can I come with you?” You asked as he rounded the island to pick up his dark red briefcase. “I dunno, dunno if SVU will need me to do some undercover stuff.”
“Undercover stuff,” your mom tutted and angrily whisked eggs in the pan. “You’re an ADA, you don’t go undercover.”
Sonny shared a glance with you before your mom started again, “there you go, talking about work. Is it because Olivia is there?”
Your mom, Amanda, couldn’t be anymore wrong.
Sonny turns and walks towards the door without saying a word, and you follow.
When you reach the door, you whisper, “can I come with you? Please?”
You knew that if you had your only day off and spent it in the apartment with your mom, she would start on you next—and you really didn’t want to do that.
Your dad takes one last glance at your mom and sighs, ushering you out the door beside him. “Sure, kid. C’mon.” And he ushered you to put on your sneakers and to take your jacket and backpack.
When you reach the eighth floor, Sonny clears a stack of file folders off a spot on his couch for you, giving you a smile as he pats the seat.
“Dad, are you sure there isn’t anything I can do? I hate seeing you and mom arguing like this,” you sigh, bringing up your knees to rest your chin on, your arms wrapping around your calves.
“Baby,” Sonny smiles, “I appreciate your concern but it ain’t somethin’ you can help me with.”
You look at him as he takes a seat in his swivel-chair, and that feeling in your stomach returns. Butterflies, you remember your mom telling you when you were younger, that you’d get butterflies when you liked someone.
Bile rose in your throat with shame.
“You know, I can help with whatever it is. I’m… y’know, older. I’m not little anymore, I’m big.”
Sonny chuckled, smile lines reaching his eyes. “Oh yeah? You’re a big kid?”
“Yup,” you say defiantly, crossing your arms. You notice the twinkle of curiosity in his eye, curious at just how grown up you’ve really become.
“Maybe you’re right.” He smiles at you. In his eyes, you will always be his little angel. No matter how old you get.
Sonny took a second to think, and then he set down his pen. It was a present from Mr. Barba—you had met him when you were younger, often being plopped in his office when your mom wanted to go out for brunch with her friends and your dad worked as a Detective.
“Let me ask ya somethin’, kiddo. Father t’child.” He clears his throat, “N’ you don’t need’a answer, s’totally within your right not to.”
You looked at him, waiting for his question.
“You ever had sex before?”
It was a personal question. You had just turned the legal age to drink alcohol and you barely did that. Sex was something you had only ever done once, and it wasn’t as pleasant as some of the videos you’ve seen.
“Once,” you couldn’t meet his eyes. “It wasn’t good,” you tell him honestly.
“Yeah? Tell me ‘bout that.” And he flicked his file shut and leaned forward on his elbows on his desk. His attention was on you, fully.
“He just… touched me, really. And then he just put it in me and finished.” You put your hands on your bare knees out of nervousness.
“You didn’t… ?”
You shook your head, no. In all the videos you’ve seen, both participants orgasmed and they made it look so good, like it felt amazing. You told him about how it started, how he kissed you and put his hand down your pants and how it all felt so rushed, and when it came to the actual sex; all you had felt a discomfort as the guy who was on top of you pushed inside you and you felt pain, and it rarely felt good.
And your Dad scoffed. “Don’t let boys like that d’that to ya, ain’t right.”
“But I… “ you swallowed, “… maybe I could help you?”
Sonny frowned, confused. “Help me? What do you mean?”
“You could have sex with me.”
Your bold statement was enough to have his eyebrows jump to the top of his forehead, and his mouth hang open slightly in shock. He stood and rounded his desk, closing his open door and flicking the lock, then closing his blinds. “Doll, you can’t say that in the courthouse.”
“I’m sorry—“
“S’fine, just… I’m ya dad,” he started and leaned against the table before you. “Shouldn’t be thinkin’ ‘bout me like that, it’s not right.”
He shamed you into silence, and your skin flushed with embarrassment.
Never in his life did he ever think he would fuck you. Always so keen on raising you to be the smart, level-headed kid you could be. He spent his life’s work going to work to put men away doing exactly what he was about to do.
He put his head in his hands and rubbed his face. Then after a beat, he took his hands off his face and looked at you.
“Doll— I’m gonna help ya out too, okay? Make my lil’ angel feel good. Don’t want ya to be an inexperienced adult,” he says carefully, leaning off from his table and stepping towards you.
“Are you sure? I-I mean, you and mom are having problems and—“
“Stop talking ‘bout ya mom,” he says before capturing your lips in a mesmerizing kiss. Your lips tingle with the force of his lips on yours, his hand coming to cup the back of your head. You kissed him back when he didn’t pull back, and he licked into your mouth and your sigh came out along with a moan.
You felt him smile into the kiss. “Does kissin’ me feel good?”
You swallowed, your eyes shaky as you kept your eyes on your dad. He was so close to you, leaning over you and your lips still touching. “It… it’s better than my other kisses.”
Sonny cocked his head and his eyes glanced down to your black cotton shorts, biting his lip at the lewd thoughts running through his head. He allowed his fingers to trace the band of your shorts and inch them down just a bit. “‘M just more… experienced, that’s what ya need.”
And that was exactly right. That’s what you needed. Your Daddy.
He kissed you again, but this time it was to take his time and to memorise your taste, to learn the sounds you made when something felt good—and you made these little high pitched sounds—squeaks—when he kissed you harder, pushing you against the back of the leather couch.
He broke the kiss temporarily to place both of his large hands on your hips. “Ain’t gonna make ya do somethin’ ya don’t want to, baby,”
Sonny knew the risks, even as lust clouded his brain. Engaging in incest in the courthouse with his own child was one risk, but ruining your relationship with him was another. He would hate to ruin things with his only child; to have to run back to Amanda and her fatherless children just to play ‘happy family’ again.
“I—I want it,” you whimpered, “I— I want to do… this with you.” and you meant it. Your feelings for your Dad had only grown so much more since he put his lips on yours and kissed you properly.
Sonny groaned and bit his lip, his cock swelling. “Say it again, baby.” his voice was low, enough to be a growl.
Your body shook with adrenaline and nervousness. You held your breath as his big, warm hands ghosted over your soft, smooth skin.
Your Dad slipped his fingertips into the band of your shorts and pulled down your little lounge shorts the rest of the way, pulling them over your sneakers and letting them drop to the floor. The only thing between you two was your flimsy underwear, and he could see a very clear wet spot dampening the fabric.
“Haven’t seen that in a while,” he said and the tip of his finger prodded the damp patch. He didn’t miss your gasp, how your hips jutted upwards in need and selfish want. If he had his way he would take his time. Sink to his knees, shove his mouth in your pussy and taste his little kiddo’s juices.
Your Dad saw your nervous expression, and it took him until only then to realise that this would be the first proper sex experience you would have (with your own father, at that, it’s probably making you feel under pressure to do good.)
“Hey… “ he cupped your burning cheek, “s’okay… d’you wanna see mine first? just t’make you feel better?”
You nodded carefully, soon enough leaning into the palm of his hand. He tapped your cheek before he took his hand and put it to his belt, undoing the buckle and pulling it through the hoops and letting it drop to the floor beside your cotton pyjama shorts. His long, deft fingers went to his fly and unzipped it, then he pulled out his cock out from inside his dress pants. Your eyes were glued to the large appendage and you swallowed your saliva in nervousness.
Sure, you had only seen one penis before, but it was tiny, shriveled— nothing like your dad’s long, curved cock. It was not hard enough to stay up, flaccid only just enough that it dangled between his thighs.
“You okay?” He asked, and you nodded again; “uh huh,” and you couldn’t find the strength to take your eyes off him.
His blue eyes bore into yours as his fingers nudged your underwear, a similar situation to his removal of your shorts.
“This okay, doll?” he asked. Once you began to nod, he slid your undies all the way down. The cool air of your dad’s office hit your sensitive little pussy and you shivered, earning a smile from your dad.
“Don’t worry, doll. S’cold, same thing happens to me,” he gestures, and you look down right at your own dad’s hard cock.
“Can—can I touch it?” You asked. It was hard to believe that you were made from that, that at one point just over twenty years ago, you had come out of him and it was just staring right back at you.
“Sure.” Sonny smiled, and he took your hand and helped you wrap your small fingers around him in a light grip. The sudden pressure alone was enough to make him grumble deep in his chest.
In the videos you had seen on the internet, you knew how to copy hand movements—so you moved your hand up and down his cock, slowly, testing the waters. You didn’t see it, but the man who made you; his head tipped backward at the feeling of your hand squeezing his cock.
“does it—does this feel good?”
“Kid, you got no fuckin’ idea.” He groans and he looks down at you, cock barely an inch away from your innocent face. “N’ expert,” he praises.
After a while, his need to be inside you grew by each passing second. Your pussy was bare on the leather, making a small clear puddle of your arousal on the worn leather of his couch.
“S’enough, baby.” and he took your hand off his hard cock, no longer any sort of flaccid, instead as hard as he’s been in years.
You moved yourself so you were leaning back, and he followed you and pulled your hips down—your legs and ass dangling off the couch and his arms supporting you. “Makin’ me fuckin’ crazy, baby, gonna fuck you deep right here.”
You let out a breathy laugh that was cut short as he forced his tongue in your mouth; working overtime as his hand made its way to your wet pussy and rubbed the seam with his fingers. Gasping into his mouth, moaning lightly (aware of your noise, knowing there were people actually doing their job in the courthouse) as his long fingers stimulated your clit and your little wet hole.
“Makin’ me do things a Daddy shouldn’t do,” he growled, “you eva’ touch yourself like this? ‘magining your Dad gettin’ you ready for his cock? huh? little baby?”
You never once imagined what his dirty talk would be like, so filthy in your ear. But he was right, there had been a few times you’ve imagined him touching you late at night. Disgusting thoughts that clouded your mind in the devil's hour.
He was so quick but gentle, giving you attentive kisses and soothing your nerves as he prepared you to take your dad’s cock.
You whined when you felt his hard cock bump against your inner thigh, eyebrows furrowing. His fingers on your clit felt good and his tongue invading your mouth made you drool.
Sonny peeked down to where his erect cock was positioned between your legs. For a single second, he hesitated—it was as if his mind came back to him.
He can’t do this, it isn’t right—he’s your father. The tip of his cock leaked a stray tear of pre-cum and his cock throbbed in his grip. Your pussy was right there, barely an inch away from pushing inside your tight little hole, and he knew the minute he pushed inside you, he would never be able to stop.
Already imagining the next time he’ll get to fuck you. Maybe later on in the night, sneaking into your room while your mom slept and clamping a hand over your mouth while he finally got to taste your pussy.
His thoughts left him the second they rushed through his mind, and he pushed his hips forward and the tip of his cock notched your wet hole and his fingers stopped rubbing you, settling on a slow rhythm.
Your arm snaked around his neck and pulled him impossibly close to you as he pushed his cock inside you. Your mouth was tight against the fabric of his dress shirt, eyes squeezing shut as the tip of him breached you.
There was still an inch of him hidden beneath his slacks, the cons of having a quickie in his office is that he couldn’t push the entirety of himself inside you. He was fully clothed in a three piece suit he couldn’t just remove very easily.
Your own father’s cock inside you, the same cock that made you was inside you. And that kept running through your mind.
But for the most part, he was fully inside you. And your thighs trembled and shook at the fact your Dad was inside you.
“S’okay… s’okay—“ Sonny choked as he turned his head so he could mumble against the side of your lips. “Just hold onto daddy.”
And you did, your little fingers digging into his shoulder blade as he gave an experimental light thrust of his hips and he groaned, it came deep from his throat and his hand tight on your thigh spread your leg wider as he fucked his cock into you, finding his rhythm inside you.
“Takin’ ya dad’s cock so fuckin’ well.”
Your pussy clenched on him at his words. Reminding you that he wasn’t some guy from work—that you were falling apart on your dad’s cock.
“J—Jesus, d—dad,” you moaned and bit onto his shirt for some sort of stability. His cock was pumping inside you and your bare thighs were met with the soft fabric of his dress pants, muffling what would’ve been harsh, wet slaps of flesh meeting in a selfish hurry. “F—feels so good.”
If you were worried about his co-workers hearing what was happening inside his office before, you definitely weren’t now. Muffling your moans in his shoulder, squeezing your eyes shut as the pressure in your pussy built and built with the faint pain of the tip of his cock thumping against your cervix.
“D—dad,” you gasped, “f—fuck, I’m—o—oh my g—god, it—“
Sonny pressed his forehead against yours once more, murmuring against your lips, “gonna cum, baby? Cummin’ already on ya daddy’s cock?”
He could tell by with how your fingers dug into his shoulders, how he could feel the drool you had left behind on his chest and with how fucking tight your pussy was gripping him; getting tighter by the second, almost trying to push his cock out of you.
His thumb worked harder on your hard clit, pressing down and circling in harder circles. Where his hand was, your pussy was so wet, dripping onto the couch like a burst pipe and covering his dress pants (and he thanked Barba for telling him to always keep a spare suit in his office, in case of emergencies. And fucking his own flesh and blood child to oblivion and back was one of them.)
“D—dad—daddy—dad,” you babbled against his soft lips, “can I—p—please?”
Oh, how sweet. You asked permission, always a polite kid. He wonders who taught you that—your manners, that is, and it was him. Your mom would’ve raised you to be a bully if he didn’t get there when he did.
His cock fucked harder into you and as a result it had the top of your head hitting the soft cushion and your moans grew louder but were still muffled into his shoulder.
“C’mon, baby, please fuckin’ cum—need’a feel it, honey, let ya dad feel ya cum—“
Sonny’s words spurred you on, his thumb rubbing hard circles on your clit and his cock pounding into the very end of you was just enough to set you over and you came all over his cock with a muffled squeal, eyes clenched painfully shut and your arms pulled him impossibly closer to you. Your pussy tightened almost painfully on his cock and the pressure was just enough to push him out, but his greedy cock fought against it and and pushed and fucked you through your first orgasm by a cock.
Little squirts of liquid left your pussy and splattered on his dress pants, not enough to turn heads if anyone walked in, but enough to make your Dad moan like a whore.
“That’s it—what a good fuckin’ kid, doin’ as you’re told—makin’ me feel so good.”
You weren’t your mother—you were his perfect little angel that he made himself, in his image. And that alone was enough to convince himself not to pull out—if there were consequences of his actions, he’d allow those consequences with open arms.
Not even a second later, you felt his cock pump inside you harder and faster—then you felt the vibration of his deep, throaty groan against you and felt the warm spurts of his pent up cum inside you.
“Daddy,” you whimpered.
“That felt fuckin’ good,” he groaned and tipped his forehead onto your shoulder, his thrusts slowing as he rode out his orgasm inside you.
He felt better than he had in a long time. He just now realised he didn’t need your mother, he never did. As long as he had you, he had an obedient little kiddo to take their daddy’s big cock. He knew you wouldn’t miss an opportunity to show your dad how grown up you really were.
It took him a minute to pull out of you, your pussy gripping him and milking him for everything he has and he didn’t want to leave the hot, wet pussy that he took part in making. Fuck, that thought alone was enough to give a hard twitch into his softening cock. But when he did, his cum spilled out with him and onto the already wet leather of the couch.
“Look’a that, baby, look how much you milked outta me—greedy little thing,” and his hand smoothed over your thigh to insert a finger into your sore and spent pussy, plugging his cum back inside you. Your hole clenching around him, even more so when his thumb takes place back on your oversensitive clit.
“D—dad,” you gasped and put your hand on his wrist. “That—“
“‘Know what it is, honey,” and he leaned over to grab your underwear and slid them back up your legs, back where they once were before he decided to fuck you in his office of law. Patting your now clothed pussy, he stood on shaky legs and tucked himself away.
He leaned back down to press his lips to yours, “done me real proud, kiddo, think you deserve a nice nap, huh?” he spoke as he nuzzled his nose with your own and you smiled, lazily biting your bottom lip.
“Still feels like you’re inside,” you say in a whisper.
“Means I fucked ya too good,” and he kisses your nose and then your lips—as if it was second nature. “Now get some sleep, I’ll wake ya for lunch.”
At the dinner table that night, the tension was thick. Your dad had slaved away on the stove making a chicken dish, (with your ‘help’, after the events of earlier in the day, you became so clingy, wanting to be beside him if he couldn’t be inside you) but your mom wanted steak and that was enough for her to give him disrespectful comments on how it tasted, how she preferred her best friends husband’s steak casserole compared to Sonny’s Italian ‘chicken-thing’.
His hand settled on your thigh beneath the table, Your hand was over his, entangling your fingers together.
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evan4ever · 1 year
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Why am I fantasizing over a 52 year old man?????
Why do all the LOMLs have to be significantly older than me 🥲 WHY AM I ATTRACTED TO OLDER MEN???
But yeah, sorry, my current obsession is Rafael Barba (Raul Esparza) so I’ve been sidetracked in writing for Evan WHOM I STILL LOVE AND ADORE WITH MY WHOLE HEART I just need time to obsess over this beautiful old man for awhile 😭
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nophunleague · 1 year
Rafael Barba Appears at the 16th Precinct Again
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Rafael Barba x gn!reader
warnings: angst, grudge holding.
You all but crash into the conference room at the 16th, anxious to tell the squad that Mickey Davis had gotten some hot shot attorney, that you had heard courthouse gossip about it. The door swings open and you're met by Kat, Fin, Rollins, and Rafael.
His green eyes almost darken at the sight of you. He's not shocked that you're here, it's just the shock of not having seen you in years that strikes him. Taking in the crowd in the room you barely blink before spitting out at Rafael, "oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, you just look like someone I used to know," before spinning on your heel and storming back out into the squad room. You don't even look up at Liv and the deputy chief as they pass you. Amanda follows after you after Rafael is pulled into Liv's office by the Captain and Deputy Chief Garland. You're sat at your desk, head up in a thousand yard stare.
"Well I think you definitely hurt his feelings, if that's what you were going for," you're broken from your gaze by her speech and you look up to her from your seated position.
"After what he put me through I think what I said was fairly tame."
"You might be right about that, but maybe think about what he's been through too. He nearly threw his entire career away and had to leave you in the process," she tries to reason with you but your eyes narrow as she keeps talking.
"He didn't have to leave me and he should have talked to me first. I showed up to work one day and he was gone. The man I loved left me without a single word. It felt like my life fell apart," you seethe. Amanda looks over your shoulder to see Rafael standing behind you.
"That's very mature of you," she says before walking away, he walks up behind you and gently lays a hand on your shoulder. But you hadn't notice him yet so as he makes contact with your body you jump to face him, hand on your holstered weapon.
"Woah," he throws his hands up, "its just me," you scoff but remove your hand from your hip.
"Just you? Just you?" You start to pace back and forth in front of him, searching for the words to tell him off. But deep down you're glad to see him, he looks healthy, the beard he's grown compliments him.
"We should talk."
"Oh you want to talk now? But you didn't want to talk four years ago when you left," you all but shriek, your voice sparking the attention of those in the precinct. "You pulled the plug on someone's baby, were charged with murder, acquitted, and then you left me. And you didn't talk to me about any of it. We were supposed to be together and you left me out of it," your voice continues to raise as you takes steps closer to him, ending up in his face. His eyes search yours trying to find the person who he had once loved, but all he find is someone who has undoubtedly been incredibly hurt by his actions. The tears are threatening to spill from you eyes but you stay strong. Your raised voice causes Liv to step outside of her office.
"Both of you, take it outside. Now," you glance between Rafael and Liv before turning on your heel and storming out with Rafael following close behind. You meet again in the elevator where this time you stay silent.
"I didn't know how to tell you I was leaving, so I just left," he says quietly. "It wasn't the right thing to do, you didn't deserve that, but I needed to leave here. I was suffocating," the both of you stare at the elevator doors, not daring to look at one another. You reach up and hit the elevator switch, stopping the elevator in its descent.
"No, I didn't deserve that," a tear escapes your left eye at last, but you don't wipe it away. "You threw me away like I meant nothing to you. I would have went with you if you had just talked to me."
"You meant everything to me. I just couldn't let you throw your NYPD career away to come with me on the campaign trail. You were just getting to the point of being on the precipice of making sergeant," his eyes are now glued to the side of you head while you keep looking at the doors. You take a second to think about what you're going to say before raising your voice and making direct eye contact.
"Yeah well I failed the sergeant's exam twice since you left so I'll only ever be a detective now," Rafael can feel the holes your eyes are burning in him, his breath kicks up and he's uncharacteristically speechless for a moment. You huff and flip the elevator switch again allowing it to continue its descent. The doors open on the ground level of the 16th and you start to take a step out when he speaks.
"The day I did what I did to Baby Drew I was meant to pick up a ring. An engagement ring," he hangs his head, not looking at you.
"Oh so one day you were thinking about getting married and then next you were throwing everything we had together away? I don't know why you came back, but I don't think there's any fixing this. Not right now anyway," you shake your head as a few more tears fall.
"Liv and Fin called me," he admits.
"Oh even better, you didn't even come back for me. Tell Liv that I'll be back in a little bit," you storm out of the precinct. Rafael runs a hand through his hair as a tear now escapes one of his eyes. He composes himself quickly then presses the floor number of the squad room to go back up.
"I really fucked that up," he says to himself.
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thatesqcrush · 11 months
Inaugural Sparks
David (A Murder at the End of the World) x reader.
AN: I know nothing about Raúl’s character so forgive me for any mischaracterizations. I just really wanted to write something for this character and couldn’t wait until the 14th.
Rating: NSFW for 🌶️🌶️
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You stood poised in front of a rustic bar, your heart fluttering with the anticipation of your first date with David Alvarez. The autumn air is crisp, causing a soft blush to bloom on your cheeks. You are clad in a cozy, burnt-orange sweaterdress that complements the fall foliage. Your eyes, full of hope and curiosity, are as vibrant as the setting sun. Your fingers nervously played with the cuff of your sleeve, a silent testament to the excitement and uncertainty of the impending encounter. The scent of fallen leaves and the distant sound of laughter from the bar added to the atmosphere of anticipation.
In many ways this was a blind date. But it also wasn’t.
It was a date in the making through mutual friends, Andy Ronson, and his wife Lee, who showed you off to David on his phone and vice versa with him to you. It might have been just a picture, but the attraction was instantaneous.
And this date took weeks in the making thanks to conflicting work schedules. David was an Argentine venture capitalist who happened to be on the top ten Midas list for Forbes. While VCs only invested in 2–3 companies a year, the rest of his time was spent platonically courting entrepreneurs. Suffice it to say, he was loaded. But truthfully, you were well off as well and your work had kept you just as busy.
You and David had been texting and calling for weeks now. Some of the communications were purely innocent, while others were downright filthy. Finally, after so many nights of teasing and eluding, of shared pictures that showed little but promised much more, you were going to be meeting face to face. You had a feeling that this evening held the promise of something special.
You checked the time on your watch before re-applying your lipstick. Then drawing a deep breath in, you made your way into the dimly lit bar, poised, head raised in confidence. As you made your way in, you realized that David was already at the bar. He is sitting, facing the door with one leg hooked through the legs of the stool. He wore a crisp white button down, the top two buttons open, accentuating his tanned skin. There was a glint of a gold chain from the overhead lights. His hair - a distinguished mix of salt and pepper - was perfectly coiffed and accompanied with a neatly trimmed beard.
You could tell he was striving for casualness but there remained a tension in the way he sat, a restlessness you could sense in your gut - as if he preferred to pace and prowl the room while he waited. He exuded sophistication - but there was an air of rugged charm which added to his already distinguished features.
One broad palm cradled a tumbler full of brown liquor. He swirled the drink close to the rim, allowed it to settle and then raised it to his perfectly pink lips. You paused mid-stride, drinking him in. His eyes snapped up, meeting yours and the air cracked with a magnetic pull.
Unbeknownst to you, David had already spotted you outside, bathed in the early evening light, a vision in your sweater dress that clung to your curves in all the right places. He couldn’t believe his luck.
David’s intense gaze held for a moment before he lowered his, dragging along the curves of your dress. His lips twitched in a smile at the hint of skin between the hemline of your dress and the thigh highs that you wore.
You felt desire shoot down your belly, creating a warm pool between your thighs. The smoldering look in his green eyes caused your nipples to harden and pucker against the fabric, eager to show off for him, already seeking his touch. The tip of his tongue emerged to dance along his bottom lip. For a moment, you imagine what it must be like to sink your hands into his beard as you kiss him.
Pictures did not do him justice. He was without a doubt, the most fucking handsome man you had ever had the pleasure of looking at. You take in the width of his broad shoulders, down his chest. You finally continue your journey until you are standing face to face with him.
You get a whiff of spice from his aftershave. Your blood fizzes in response and your pussy is now throbbing in tandem with your heartbeat. More slickness gathers between your thighs and you know he would be pleased when he found out you weren’t wearing any underwear.
He shifted in his seat, causing you to smile. The two of you had not even touched, but you could already tell that he was growing hard, the bulge straining against the zipper of his pants. You ached to have him fill you, fucking you hard as your pussy milked him for all that he was worth.
Pleasantries are exchanged and as you sit next to him, you order a shot of tequila with a lime. David watched you with intense fascination as you slammed the shot back. You bit into the lime, sucking out every last drop of citrus, igniting an electric shock that sent shivers down David’s spine and right to his aching cock.
The night continued over a shared bottle of red wine as you each shared stories about work and life. David mentioned he was planning on attending an upcoming exclusive retreat at Andy’s high-tech hotel, located in the snowiest reaches of Iceland.
But as the evening deepened, so did the connection between the two of you. The chemistry was undeniable, and it only grew as the two of you shared more personal tales, vulnerabilities laid bare.
When the idea of dessert was floated to the two of you by the bartender, you took the opportunity to reach for David’s thigh.
“I am not hungry for dessert.” You felt as if you were almost vibrating with desire.
David’s fingers traced a path along your hand, causing your breath to hitch. “There is something about you that I can’t resist.”
You gave him a victorious smile. You changed to standing and planted yourself in between his legs. You leaned to his ear.
“Finish your drink and pay the man.” You finished with a nip to his ear causing David to groan.
The pupils of his eyes are dilated and you are pleased as punch watching him swallow the remainder of his drink before slamming the glass along the bartop. He reached for his wallet and dropped a few hundred dollar bills, more than enough to cover the tab and then some. “Keep the change.”
Finally, you found yourselves beneath the canopy of bar, waiting for an Uber to arrive. David pulled you close, his lips finding yours in a fiery, passionate kiss. You let out a moan as his tongue licked hotly into your mouth. The world around you both faded away as the two of you surrendered to the intensity of the attraction.
The kiss deepened, and the sparks that had been building all night ignited into a passionate, all-consuming flame.
Tags: @beardedbarba @beccabarba @melk917 @madpanda75 @adarafaelbarba @storiesofsvu @dreamlover31 @detective-giggles @plaidbooks @eltrujillo @jenparis
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telepathicteacup · 11 months
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|• Barisi - Is there somewhere by Halsey •| "You're looking like you fell in love tonight, Could we pretend that we're in love?" ♡
I could not resist the angst the love I have for these two is forever, even if Dick Wolf is a coward 🤧
If anyone wanna rp Barisi message me! 💖
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maggie32432 · 1 year
A Family - Part 2 (Rafael Barba Imagine)
It's been three years since you last saw Rafael Barba. He returns for the Stabler case, seeing you again for the first time since he left abruptly, leaving the life you were building together behind. Little did he know...it's not just you now he left behind.
You unlock the door to your apartment, allowing Rafael and yourself in to see your babysitter waiting there on the couch. "Hi, Lizzie. How is she?" "In her crib. She's a little sleepy today," The younger girl smiles at the both of you, as the realization begins to dawn on Rafa. "You're good to go for the day. I'll see you tomorrow?" You ask and she nods with a smile while grabbing her bag.
"What-what is going on?" Rafael asks, tears already in his eyes. Lizzie exits the apartment and Rafael immediately sits down. "Rafa," "Were you- were you pregnant?" He asks with tears in his eyes, "Yes...I found out two days after you left,"
Before you can see his reaction, you go into the baby's room and grab her from her crib, letting her lay in your arms as you walk back out to see Rafa.
His jaw drops and eyes are wide as he sees her get carried into the room. Her big blue eyes open to look around and then look at Rafael. She has long brown hair and warm-colored skin. She looks just like him. "This is Lily. She is your daughter," You say, keeping your courage as much as you can as you stare this man down. Tears escape his eyes as he stands up, "She-she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," He says, lips curving into a smile, and that might just be enough to make your heart melt.
He surprises you by wrapping his arms around both you and your baby girl. The baby, of course, you expected him to want to embrace immediately. But not the hug around you too. Your head falls against his shoulder as he hugs the both of you with shaking hands. "Mama?" She mumbles, half asleep, "Mi amor," You mumble, kissing her forehead tenderly. Rafa looks up, clearly surprised, "She's your daughter too, Rafa. Of course she's going to know Spanish," You whisper and he smiles through blinking back some tears.
You put her back in her crib, though it is clear that Rafael doesn't want to be far away from either of you right now. As you close the door to her room, you walk back out to where he is still frozen in place, "I missed so much," He mumbles, putting his face in his hands. In that moment, all the anger and the built-up hatred fizzles away. You sit beside him and glance up at him, "What's two years gone when you have so many more ahead?"
He furrows his eyebrows as you smile, "Regardless of what you've done, we're family. The three of us," You say and he nods, "But only if you don't leave again," He shakes his head quickly, "Never again. She will know me...I promise,"
His brows furrow as he tries to keep his composure, "What's wrong?" "You did all of this alone" "Have you met the people I work with? There has not been one moment that I've been alone," You whisper as he glances between your eyes and your lips.
"There was not one moment in these past years that you weren't on my mind, mi vida," He begins to lean in and the years and lost time begin to slip away as all you can think about is his lips about to kiss yours
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tinyboxxtink · 1 year
I really hate putting this out there especially when I've been gone so long, but things have been so difficult lately health wise and money wise. I recently went into the hospital with blood clots on my lungs caused by my birth control. SERIOUSLY. I knew there was like a 1% chance of it happening but you never think it will be you.
Anyway due to that I'll be in the hospital for a few days/weeks (god I hope NOT, probably days.) And I have had to take off work in the meantime for about two weeks now because of my declining health. And I get paid hourly so no PTO or sick days. Annnnddd now I got hospital bills.... fuck why did that just dawn on me?
If you know me, and my writing, if you could help me out by just giving a dollar, it would be much appreciated. You can even send me a request and I'll fulfill it, I'll have nothing but time now to write.
Thank you guys in advance, I love you all so much!
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lamphous · 3 months
can someone else hateendlessrewatch the newsroom with me so I can post shit like "the s1 don-maggie-lisa-jim plot is extremely company 1970 coded" and have it be appreciated
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its-just-me-chey · 2 years
Take two only one video at a time apparently
Following protocol yes of course as always. Honorable man, upstanding fellow really 🤴🏽🧑🏽‍💼👔👞
however, this man is also low key throwing a temper tantrum cause he is upset with her and in his feelings.
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camembertlythere · 9 months
Man I miss pushing daisies sm 😭😭😭
This post brought to you by Anna friel in something else I watched this morning
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rafaslittleboy · 3 months
hngggg sonny would fill u up so muchhhcc youd feel his cum spurring inside u and hed cum so violently he’s groaning deep in his chest and his cock pounding into you hurting your cervix hnggg biting you and all before your mommy comes home from work ❤️
nsfw under the cut; incest, pussy mentions but no gendered terms. don’t read if you’re sensitive or not into dark/taboo stuff like this.
omfg I can imagine dad!sonny being so pent up for WEEKS because your mom isn’t satisfying him + his long hours at work, he’s always so busy never has time for himself but when he starts his little thing with you; he doesn’t fuck you as much as he would like to, properly fucking you once or twice a month—any other sexual act with his dear sweet summer child is all oral or hand stuff—so when he finally gets you he POUNCESSS on you and ravines you like an ANIMAL and you love it because you’re fucked stupid and dumb and drooling , trying to grasp onto his sweaty shoulders as he fucks into you like it’s his last fuck on earth and you FEEL it when he finishes inside you, thighs quite literally trembling with the force of his fucking. Feeling his cum spurt against your walls and the tip of him punching your cervix as if it could break in.
and oh my GOD don’t get me started on his groans, if there’s no one but you both in the apartment that man would be VOCAL talk about dirty talk turned up to the max—all praise and degradation, “fuck, that’s it, my sweet fuckin’ whore kid—you like daddy’s cock, huh?” And he slaps you for good measure, “say it” and you can barely remember your name.
Let’s face it he’s getting older and because he doesn’t get any action p-in-v (or p-in-a! next few fics won’t be gendered reader) wise that often, his stamina is deteriorating and is nothing like how it was a decade ago. Sonny’s orgasm creeps up on him on the four minute mark, but by that time he’s already made you cum twice because he’s so considerate and such a good dad! dad of the year award right here! your pussy gripping around him because it had no clue what to do, your used and abused and over sensitive wet clit burning because even after you’ve came twice he’s still circling it trying to force another one out of you by the time he finishes.
But when he does? Especially in the moment where he’s fucking you so deep and hard in your bed, he’s growling and his breaths are uneven and heavy and he’s saying things like; “Daddy’s gonna cum sweetie, gonna cum real deep inside ya, gonna fill ya right up—ya like that, baby? hmm? like the thought of ya dad fillin’ ya up?”
and you’re nodding and forget to breathe, your weak hand wrapping around his wrist that’s holding your hip down, making unintelligible sounds of affirmation and then he pulls another orgasm from you and the second your pussy clenched down on him he was a goner—back bowing and his whole body shaking as he fucked you both through your orgasms—and his voice?? ugh he lets out the most intense moan because his orgasm is HARD and feral.
It takes him a few seconds afterward to calm himself down enough to stop furiously pumping his cock deep inside you, (most likely bruising your insides and will have you walking funny), and he’s out of breath. Ofc he asks if you’re okay because what sort of father would he be if he didn’t look out for you? He knows he went just a little overboard, but by the dazed look you have on your face and the post-coital smile, he knows you’re okay.
Sonny helps clean you up, runs a bath for you and changes your very wet bedsheets into nice smelling clean ones, opening a window to allow fresh air in and with time to spare before your mom comes home. In fact, he just left the bathroom after giving you a sweet kiss to start on dinner when she walks in (obviously in one of her moods) but they don’t affect him anymore because the person he thinks is far more important than a bitter woman is a person he made himself.
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lonelyroommp3 · 5 months
i actually do love the chloe or sam or sophia or marcus line tbh... there's something almost sondheimesque about it which is not something i can say about a lot of other lyrics on this album. like i have to imagine taylor took a break from frantically penning this record to watch the raul esparza company proshot on her private jet between tour stops and she pulled up that notes app SHARPISH like AND ANOTHER THING
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schmergo · 2 years
I recently saw an open virtual casting call for Jean Valjean in an upcoming national tour of Les Mis. It’s asking for actors in the age range of “35 to 40′s.” I love that they're doing an open call for this role and making the role accessible to so many more performers. But I do wish they wouldn't limit the role availability to younger performers. 
I have seen many Jean Valjeans in my life and I often feel the ones who have an overly youthful voice and presence don't give off the same pathos as one who seems to have seen the world, though of course younger actors can in many cases still play older characters extremely well. Canonically, the character ages from 46 at the beginning of the story (after all, he spent the last 19 years in prison) to 64 when he dies at the end, and he's one of the most iconic middle-aged characters in musical theatre, so I guess I'm surprised to see that '40's is the maximum age. This reflects a casting trend I’ve been seeing in national tours in general. I do understand that it's a very physically demanding role, but I'd hate to think they assume that actors over 50 couldn't handle it! Imagine, that would disqualify famous leading men like Ewan McGregor, Brian D'Arcy James, Raul Esparza, none of whom I think of as 'old' at all!
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Wait, Thundercracker smokes… huh… y’know, I never thought he would but at the same time I can see him having a cigarette while revising his script.
The mental image I have of him, now that he is more refined in my head as opposed to his first more generic appearance, is Raul Esparza playing Che in Evita (skip to 4:16) with whom he also shares a voice (this man is a triple threat of singing, stage acting and scriptwriting).
Absolute has the beret going on because I like to imagine for kicks that this was legit the last role he got before the Clampdown and he’s held on to the ember of hope that he will one day grace the stage again once this is all over, it’s really all he’s ever wanted to do with his life.
I did draw Buster earlier though like he was, thy version was more generic and faithful to the original rendition, but I like to imagine Buster now as a stray, scrappy little Jack Russell that became close to him at Marissa Fairborne’s base of operations, which Marissa helped him adopt as a part of the crew after a while.
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