#frederick chilton fanfiction
bi-bard · 2 years
The Blood is Rare and Sweet as Cherry Wine - Frederick Chilton Imagine [NBC's Hannibal]
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Title: The Blood is Rare and Sweet as Cherry Wine
Pairing: Frederick Chilton X Reader
Based On: Cherry Wine
Word Count: 1,684 words
Warning(s): HI, PLEASE TAKE THESE SERIOUSLY! unhealthy relationship, arrest, threats of violence, presence of a knife
Summary: Chilton had risked everything for (Y/n). His reputation, his job, even his freedom. But now that he had (Y/n) with no interference, he is left questioning his choices and feelings.
Author's Note: I've considered this plot a few times, but never went through with it. This song offered a controlled way to do it.
Frederick sometimes wondered if he had loved (Y/n) more when they were behind bars.
If that barrier was a necessity for him to truly accept this relationship of his.
He had known it was wrong from the moment he entertained the idea.
(Y/n) had been a resident of the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane for a while. They had grown accustomed to every face that would pass through its halls. It was home. It likely would have been for the rest of their life, and they were all too aware of them.
Frederick was in charge of (Y/n)'s care.
He was an administrator. Truly, practicing wouldn't have exactly been a requirement at this point in his life. However, he only had so many people employed... and he enjoyed the fame of treating the ones that society considered to be the evilest of humanity.
A dangerous obsession of his.
(Y/n) had grown to adore the little game they had going with Dr. Frederick Chilton.
They had taken up spending their sessions trying to get to him instead of working on their own issues. They were good at it too. It merely took a few carefully placed compliments and batted eyelashes to cause Frederick to shift a little in his chair.
"Why won't you come closer," (Y/n) asked one day, watching the man sit in the chair that had been placed behind a yellow strip of tape.
"There's been an occurrence of patients trying to pee on their therapists," he explained. He tried to move past the topic quickly. "Or spit on them."
"I'm disappointed that you think I would even try to participate in such behavior," (Y/n) replied.
They were back in a private room. No guards around. It was for (Y/n)'s comfort. When they did open up, it was more likely to be in a space like this than the small boxes that others had been kept in.
(Y/n) stepped closer to the bars. "Come on, Frederick. If I was going to hurt you during our sessions, then I would have done it a long time ago."
He raised an eyebrow at them.
"Come on," they drew the word out a little as they grinned at him. "Please?"
A sigh escaped him before pushing himself out of his chair.
When he stopped walking forward, there was still quite a distance between the pair.
"Frederick," (Y/n) complained. "Am I really so much of a threat that you can't stand in front of me like you would a friend?"
"You're not a friend, you're a patient."
(Y/n) placed a hand on their chest and pretended to be hurt by the statement.
When Frederick didn't reply, they dropped their hand and spoke up again, "I think we both know that you do not see me as merely a patient."
He raised an eyebrow.
"I think I haunt you," they continued.
"Haunt me?" he repeated.
"And not out of fear," they added. "It's quite flattering, really."
Frederick shook his head, scoffing. Deny until you couldn't. That was the thought process that he seemed to be operating under.
"Come here," (Y/n) pushed him. "Please?"
He took a deep breath before taking a few more steps forward.
"There you go," they said. "This is much better."
"What do you want," he asked.
They shrugged. "Maybe I just want to be closer to you."
"I'm serious," (Y/n) insisted. "You're telling me that we have spent all of this time together and you have never thought about what could happen?"
"Nothing could happen."
"Aren't you the big man in charge?"
"Frederick," they muttered, moving even closer to him. They reached their hand out and touched Frederick's tie. "What's the real answer to my question?"
It was tense between them.
"I've thought about it."
(Y/n) let out a fake gasp. "Really?"
Frederick rolled his eyes.
"Maybe one day," they entertained the thought. "When there are fewer people glaring at us."
It was a dangerous idea. But (Y/n) had said just enough to plant the idea in his head.
Truly, that's all that (Y/n) needed to do. Anything else could be planned without them.
Frederick spent ages questioning the idea. He knew how dangerous it was. If he was asked, he could name every risk off the top of his head. He knew that he shouldn't have even considered it.
But he did.
And it took all too long for Frederick to walk through his front door and find (Y/n) sitting in his living room.
"Welcome home, dear," they said with a smile.
He grinned back.
They stood up and walked over to him. Their arms wrapped around his neck. Both of them sighed. It felt like the weight rolled off of the pair. It was nice.
(Y/n) leaned forward and pressed their lips to his. It was such a perfect moment.
Frederick began to accept that this was all worth it.
For obvious reasons, (Y/n) was confined to Frederick's house after that night.
With all of the pressure, Frederick had no interest in taking any extra risks.
(Y/n) despised that. They were bored and tired.
"I am getting restless," (Y/n) explained, bouncing over the back of the couch to sit next to him. "I've spent years in a cage. I thought that I was meant to be free now. All I have now is nicer clothes."
"And me," Frederick added.
(Y/n) hummed. "I would argue that I had you before. Only difference now is that I can touch you without checking for guards first."
He raised an eyebrow at them. They moved forward and wrapped their arms around his neck. He grinned before leaning forward to press his lips to theirs.
It still felt strange to be able to kiss them with no hesitation.
Frederick wondered if there would ever be a time when he got used to the feeling of their lips on his.
He didn't have much time to entertain the idea before his head was pulled back and something was pressed against his throat. It took him a matter of milliseconds to recognize the thing as the edge of a knife.
"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing," he asked, terrified that all of the risks he had taken were all pointless.
He saw a grin break out on their face. They started laughing as they pulled the blade away. He stared at them.
"Oh, relax," they waved him off as he stared. "Gosh, it was a fun joke."
(Y/n) threw the knife across the floor, letting it slide away from the pair.
"I have to have a little fun when I'm here."
The stunned look on his face was reminiscent of the look he would give if someone spilled wine in his house. Maybe (Y/n) was the equivalent of a stain on all of the white details that filled each other rooms.
Frederick prided himself on his intelligence. He always felt the need to appear smarter than everyone else in a given situation. If he couldn't prove it, then he would act like it.
But now... he was confused. More confused than he ever had been before.
He was lying to the people that worked with him, to law enforcement, to the people that may have still cared about him. All while (Y/n) pulled silly little stunts in the name of "a little fun."
If it had happened once, then Frederick could have moved on with no questions. But it didn't. (Y/n)'s "fun" always seemed to be the result of scaring him half to death. They always giggled like there was no difference between those behaviors and tickling a person.
But there would be these periods of peace. Times when Frederick could look at (Y/n) and fully understand the actions that got him there. He could imagine the love and the need and the lack of logic that was completely logical in his mind.
The scales were tipping back and forth, waiting for the balance to be lost forever and for everything to come crumbling down.
Frederick wasn't sure why that day had been the day he called the FBI. Maybe it was something he saw or some conversation he had. All he knew was that it was the right choice.
(Y/n) made dinner for them.
Each one of them at opposite ends. They acted like nothing was wrong. Like (Y/n) wasn't aware of Frederick's sudden nervousness. They acted like this meal was completely normal.
(Y/n) asked about his day. He asked about theirs.
(Y/n) called him "dear" and looked at him with a terrifyingly loving gaze.
Frederick felt fear shift from his stomach to his throat. Like vomit rising, prepared to come out as soon as he kept his mouth open for a few moments too long.
The police lights shined through the windows in the middle of the meal.
(Y/n) didn't bother looking out the window. They simply scoffed. Frederick took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry," he muttered.
(Y/n) rolled their eyes. "You know how much I hate liars, dear."
They stood from their seat and walked to stand in front of the front door. They moved to their knees and laced their hands together behind their head. They saw no purpose in running. Not now.
Frederick stood from the table to watch them.
The SWAT team entered with guns drawn.
(Y/n) offered an obnoxiously polite grin.
Jack Crawford was behind the team.
"Hi, Jack! Been too long, hasn't it?"
"Absolutely," he said in the same taunting voice that (Y/n) had put on.
"How do you like the house," they asked. "I thought it was going to be perfect."
Jack shrugged. (Y/n) laughed.
"You're fun, Jack," they commented.
"You know what else will be fun?" Jack tilted his head as he spoke. (Y/n) acted like an excited kid. "A trip down memory lane."
(Y/n) pretended to be shocked as an officer rounded around (Y/n) and cuffed their wrists.
(Y/n) called out to Frederick as they were led out, "Love you, dear! I'll see you soon!"
And he couldn't tell if the idea made his heart speed up or stop in its tracks.
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What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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Shout-out to this TattleCrime article I wrote as part of the fic I wrote for my creative writing class.
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This may be one of the funniest things I've written for the fandom.
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Don't Blame Me (Smut)
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Summary: if there's one thing that makes Hannibal Lecter lose control, is rudeness.
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x reader, past Alana Bloom x reader (mentioned)
Warnings: Smut!
English is not my first language, if you see any mistake, let me know! It came out a little different than the ask cause I just don't see Hannibal losing his shit like that hahahahah I hope you like it anyway, anon!
Word Count: 2277
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It's common knowledge that one must never miss a Lecter soiree. 
Always one of the most expected events of the year, I was lucky and even grateful to be invited. I've known Hannibal since the years on Hopkins, he'd always been Alana's interesting acquaintance, one I never thought I'd catch the attention of. 
Turns out we have more interests in common than I originally thought. He's a skilled artist, so am I. We both enjoy opera, and love to play instruments, mine being mostly flute and oboe. I could still hear the angelic sound of the harpsichord being played half an hour earlier. Impressive how his fingers glided through the keys, how effortlessly he recorded complex tunes to entertain his guests.
"I missed the days that sparkle in your eyes were directed to me" Alana's jest ringed in my ears, making me jump a little. She chuckled. "Look at you all jumpy. Relax, Y/n. He didn't catch you staring."
"Shut up, Lana" I shoved her playfully, sipping the red wine. "Do not get me started on Will Graham and those puppy eyes. He's staring right now, you know. You should give the poor man a chance."
"Okay, I got it. I won't meddle in your affairs anymore."
"There is no affair." I wish there was, I thought to myself, taking another sip of the wine while I eyed Hannibal from afar, talking to an older woman dressed like a peacock. "I…"
"I noticed your glass is nearly empty, so I fetched you another one" a familiar voice came from behind me, and the glass was abruptly removed from my hand and replaced with a fuller one. I contained my desire to roll my eyes once I saw who the intruder was.
"Frederick. Were you also invited or just crashed the party to feast on good things for once?" I teased, narrowing my eyes while looking at the director of the general administrator for Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. 
"My dear Y/n, I wouldn't dream of it. Of course I was invited. Moreover, I would avoid all this meat if I were you. You never know the provenance, if you know what I mean." He lowered his voice, coming closer and almost whispering in my ear. I could not help to actually roll my eyes this time, turning to face him. "I am, after all, restrained to low protein meat, that is."
"You still believe that silly theory that Hannibal is the Chesapeake Ripper? Please, Chilton. I never deemed you to be clever, but this is plain stupidity." I allowed the alcohol to make me more straightforward, chuckling on my words.
"Sticks and stones, little Y/n. Sticks and stones." Chilton teased, stepping away and going to bother someone else with his presence.
"For god's sake, the man is a burden" I whispered to Alana, who cracked at the comment.
"He has always been like this, you know that. I don't fathom why you always allow him to get under your skin."
"I've known Frederick for longer than you, Lana. Believe me, if you give that man a hand, he will most certainly grab your arm, shoulder and everything else you have to offer. Now, if you excuse me, I shall mingle a little bit more before the dinner actually begins. His interaction gave me a sour taste on my tongue."
I clicked my glass to Alana's, walking around the room and chatting to some people. Uninteresting conversations filled my ears and fake smiles made my lips start to tire out, but as soon as Hannibal's chocolate eyes were on me, I felt my entire demeanour change. 
An idea occurred to me as I walked straight to the balcony, hoping he would join me. The night breeze engulfed me and I realized how trapped I was feeling inside that house, with those judgy stares and meaningless conversations. My wine glass remained untouched as I placed it on the strong wood porch, contemplating the cloudless sky.
"Tired of the good old socialization already?" I grunted when I realized that was not the voice I longed to hear, turning back to face Frederick.
"Careful, Chilton. One might say you are stalking me. As far as I remember, that's still a crime." I crossed my arms to show how much I unappreciated his presence, stepping away until my back was against the balcony.
"Come now, what have I done to deserve so much animosity? We used to be colleagues, friends if I dare to be so bold."
"An old dog with difficulty dropping the dry bone he was once given. Are you really that starved, Frederick? That's pitiful." I was aware of how indelicate I was getting, but he was starting to bother me immensely. "If there's one thing you are not, it's bold. Arrogant and extremely annoying, yes. Can't stand to hear a loud no? That checks, too. One must always let go of the past if we wish to evolve. God knows I have."
He dismissed everything I said with a slight wave of his hand, getting closer. I could smell the faint scent of whiskey, imagining that, after the loss of some of his organs, he probably would get drunk much easier. He tried to reach me with his free hand, but awkwardly dropped my glass, causing it to crash a few meters down. 
We were alone and a little far from the other guests. The balcony's door was closed shut. I felt my hands start to tremble a bit, and realized I had to get out of there before things could get out of hand.
"Seriously, Frederick?" I snarled, rolling my eyes. "Playtime is over. Let me through, I'm getting out of here."
"Y/n, I…" he held my wrist with considerable strength, making me gasp. I tried to pull away but he was strong, and before I could snap and finally throw the punch he deserved, a low, deep voice echoed.
"I believe you heard the lady clearly, Dr. Chilton." There was a different gleam in Hannibal's eyes, and I wasn't the only one to notice. Frederick turned paler, letting go of my wrist with haste. "I think you should go. You've had too much wine, I see."
He hesitated, but agreed with a nod, leaving the balcony without looking back. Hannibal stared at him through his shoulder darkly and I released the breath I was holding, my knees would have given out if Hannibal had not held me discreetly, supporting my weight with an arm around my waist.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" He inquired, one hand lifting my face so I could look at him. I was so embarrassed. "Do you need a place to rest?"
"Not at all, Hannibal. Do not worry about me, it was just a fright and the wine. I cannot steal the host of his guests."
"Nonsense. Come, I will take you to the guest bedroom. We can enter through the kitchen, so no one will see your state. Please" he pointed to the other door, showing that there was no space to argue, and I just surrendered, allowing him to guide me through the vast kitchen filled with employees working to the elegant guest bedroom, shutting the door behind us. 
I sat on the comfortable mattress, appreciating the shades of cream and white, and the beautiful vintage-like furniture that seemed to complement the place perfectly. I realized then that Hannibal had fallen silent, and I stared at him with worry. He had turned his back to me, leaning on the dresser, breathing a little heavier.
"Hannibal?" I called, getting up and walking towards him, reaching out with my hand on his shoulder. His face was impassive, but he had that same look in his eyes again, something ancient and darker that wides his pupils and pierces his lips tightly.  I allow myself to reach deeper, caressing his strong arm and feeling the muscles tense under his suit. "What is it?"
"He dared to touch you like that" he pointed in a cold tone. "Like you are someone else's property."
My eyes softened as I felt some butterflies in my stomach, and I took the liberty to grab his chin, kissing his cheek tenderly in appreciation.
"Forget about Frederick, he is immature and arrogant. I will call him tomorrow to address this matter."
He still had that predatorial look in his eyes that gave me shivers, though not the way it should. Something in being that much protected by him made me feel dear and precious like an exotic pearl. 
He would not give in, and I felt bold enough to once more kiss his handsome face, this time on his jawline, near his left ear. That caught his attention, and he towered over me, cradling my face with his enormous hands, making my eyes tremble with the feeling of electricity that flowed through my veins. With no hesitation, his lips crashed against mine, and I moaned into his mouth, the hunger for him making my loins combust. 
"I have wanted this for so long…" I murmured against his neck, his fancy perfume invading my nostrils. He smelled so good. 
"As did I, Y/n. You have been in my thoughts a great deal lately" he confessed, making me blush. Impostor syndrome trying to kick in, I avoid the self-degrading thoughts as I delight in his open mouthed kisses in my skin, gasping in pleasure when he lightly bites my shoulder, enjoying it more than I ever thought I would.
"Your guests…" I tried to be reasonable, a dirty smile playing on my lips.
"The dinner will take a little while longer, I'm afraid" he whispered in my ear, nibbling on the lobe with a mischievous deep chuckle. He lifted my dress to my waist, since we didn't really have that much time to spare, and I got rid of my panties, almost tripping on them with my heels and the rush. 
His hand went to my core, testing how wet I was, and he smiled with how soaked I felt. A loud moan echoed through the room and he removed his hand at once, lifting one finger at me as he would chastise a child. I frowned with frustration, lifting my chin to face him.
"We are not supposed to be too loud, Y/n. You do not want the guests to hear us, do you? Imagine the scandal" that made me laugh with pure bliss, nodding in agreement. "Are you going to be a good girl?"
Oh, fuck. Is this really happening?
"Yes. Yes, I will" I agreed in haste, and he effortlessly lifted me up, sitting me on the dresser and starting to unzip his pants. I tried to control my breathing and anticipation, pleasuring myself with the vision of his hard cock, precum glistening at the tip. He massaged it with his hand for a few seconds before he towered over me, holding my hips in place while he entered me so painfully slowly I nearly sobbed.
To avoid the loud moans, I bit my left fist, suppressing the sounds as my insides clenched to accommodate him. A joyful smile illustrated his lips, his hair falling over his eyes due to the sweat, and he looked like a Greek statue. I could not avoid the mesmerized stare, melting in admiration, as he leaned to cover my lips with his own one more time, his tongue exploring my mouth like he was famished. Still slowly, he started to move his hips, almost both torturing and indulging me at the same time. I entangled my legs around him, pulling him closer to the point one could swear we were one. He moaned my name, followed by an almost savage growl that sent vibrations through my entire body and, for a while, I regretted how little time we had. He seemed to sense that, rushing his movements until the dresser started to hit the wall and, for a moment, I was certain everyone outside could hear us. 
So much for discretion, I thought, grabbing his broad shoulders while he inserted himself deeper and deeper inside of me. His thumb began to stimulate my clit and, sensing I would begin to cry out at any moment, Hannibal silenced me with his lips, allowing me to moan against his mouth as I felt the tension start to build up in my lower abdomen.
I felt him pull out his cock, replacing it with his skilled fingers, finishing on my thighs. I followed him right after, covering my mouth until my moans were unsteady breaths. 
I hadn't even realized Hannibal had left until he came back from the suite with a hot towel, starting to clean me up. I thanked him with a sweet kiss, doing my best to fix his clothes and hair. We both knew it wouldn't do any good, but he enjoyed my caresses and how I took care of him as well. He took one of my hands — the one Chilton grabbed like a brute earlier — and kissed my wrist, right where small purple bruises began to form. 
"We should go back. Who is going to serve dinner? We're being unforgivably selfish" I taunted, chuckling lightly.
"Perhaps you should be my dinner, then" he jested, and I openly laughed, shoving him playfully.
"Later. If you'll have me, that is." I lifted my eyebrows with expectation, staring at his brown irises.
"It would be my pleasure, Y/n" with a last kiss, he went to the bathroom suite to fix his appearance, leaving me with a silly smile and a warm feeling in my chest.
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honeygrahambitch · 1 year
"He hasn't touched his food in three days. Must be some sort of trap. He's manipulating us. And he is succeeding, since we are still talking about him." Chilton said as he followed Alana down the corridor.
"And do you, Frederick, believe that it's like him to not touch his food? Manipulate us into what? Into feeling sorry? He isn't exactly the type to need pity."
"Who knows what's going through that sick mind of his? And pity is the last thing I could feel about him. In fact, I do hope he will starve himself to death."
Alana rolled her eyes to Chilton's theatrical intonation. "I have heard it's not only the food, he hasn't been drawing or reading like he used to."
"Ah. Yes. Indeed. Nor has he been chatty either. God bless." He murmured gratefully. He was happy to take a break from Hannibal's continuous roasting.
"Before I get to talk to him, is there anything I need to know?" Alana asked, having a deep feeling that something else was the matter.
She had been away for a week, left the whole institute in Chilton's hands and for some reason, he broke Hannibal. Not that she felt sorry about the man who had promised to hunt down her whole family, but she had a professional curiosity about what could have saddened him that much.
"No. I don't even believe you should talk to him. It's not our fault that he was affected-" he stopped himself before it was to late.
"Affected by what, Frederick?" Alana asked and sighed deeply.
"I must have accidentally mentioned a little detail, but let's be serious, it feels good to see him this way. I am even surprised he is showing it."
"I don't have time for this, what did you say? I need to know where to start from when I see him."
"I might have told him that Will Graham got married last weekend."
Silence. Alana sighed again.
"Of course. Will Graham is the only person who has some sort of control over his behavior."
"I wouldn't exactly say so-"
"He is the reason Hannibal is locked up in here, Frederick. And you, you wanted to torture him a little bit."
"Can you blame me, Alana? Tell me, are you sorry for him?"
"No. Not at all. Serves him well. In the future however don't intervene in my patients' therapy without my permission. You were very much aware of how the news would hit him. He is not your patient."
"Oh, I get it, forgive me, you wanted to give him the news and I took that from you."
Alana stopped and sighed for the third time. "Maybe. At the same time, let's not endanger Will's new family."
"You think he can do anything while he is locked up in here?"
"I think you've had your share of patients who controlled a lot of things from inside their cell. Will Graham being one of them."
"Alright, alright, we are no longer talking to him about Will's life."
"And the other way around. Make sure Will doesn't hear about Hannibal's current condition. It's hard to predict what either of them can do when it comes to the other."
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Hannibal
Sample Size: 31,867 stories
Source: AO3
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xfilesinamajor · 1 year
My Fics are All Over the Place
And most of them are smutty. All AO3 links because everything I write turns out long. An incomplete list:
Another Day in Paradise (Hazbin Hotel, Adam x Fem!OC, offensive language bc it's Adam and violence bc it's Hell, currently 100k and still going, my current baby)
Unspoken (Only Murders in the Building, Theo x Fem!Reader, 18+, 84k words, love and angst)
The Best Revenge (Hannibal, Chilton x Fem!Reader, 18+, 81k words, also love and angst)
Coattails (2012 The Lorax, Oncler x Fem!OC, 18+, 54k words, yes I went there but I am REALLY proud of my take on it)
Dangers of Working with Ferric Oxide (Venture Bros, Rusty x Fem!OC, 18+, 100k words, particularly fond of my OC in this)
Fumbling with the Future and Falling for the Future (2021 Encanto, same story from two different POVs, Bruno x Fem!OC, about 71k between the two, amazing NOT 18+ but there's a TW to make up for it)
With Wandering Steps and Slow (Ghost fandom, wip, Terzo x Fem!Reader, 18+, 23k words so far, lots of angst)
The Peach (Ghost fandom, wip, Cirrus x Fem!Reader, 18+, 35k words so far, kink and cuteness)
Flipping the Script (toes the line of original work because I based the whole thing on a four-minute song, standard M/F romance but I think I did a really good job on it nonetheless, 18+, 107k words)
Fireflies and Auto Theft (Gravity Falls, I did a whole series of these and they're honestly pretty good stories on reread so I guess I'll link them, Stan x Fem!Reader, 18+ even though it's a kids show I know I'm gross, 76k words)
And there a few one-offs and side-stories floating around my AO3 too.
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killforyouliveforme · 4 months
Don't mind me. Just enjoying reading all the fanfiction I can get my hands on that feature Raúl Esparza's characters.
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myckicade · 5 months
I have fifteen different stories on my roster that need updates. So, naturally, I re-watch Hannibal and get back on the Willton Express.
At Your Service readers, this may be of particular interest to you.
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chaotic-plotter · 8 months
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a soft hand under the jaw // 6.3k, explicit
pairings: will graham/frederick chilton
tags and warnings: Season/Series 02, Episode: s02e07 Yakimono, Missing Scene, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (but just a small one), Implied Hannibal Lecter (he’s always lurking), the same dubious consent that pervades all of Will and Chilton’s interactions
His mouth twitches. “Why waste your breath when you’d already made up your mind?”
“I can still be surprised. I can still be wrong,” Graham says. He pulls and pushes at the meat of his hands, works the heels together in a way that seems like it hurts him and says, gentler than Frederick has ever heard him, “Take your shower, Frederick.”
Chilton’s shower at Will Graham’s house in “Yakimono” goes a little differently.
Link to story
this took me much longer to finish than expected, which is the theme song of my life right now. this is a little bit of will having empathy for chilton and chilton hitting the brick wall of where s2 will graham's allegiances actually lie
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kazz-brekker · 8 months
*shows up to the hannibal fandom 10 years late with fanfic about freddie lounds and frederick chilton*
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a little Halloween treat...
Laid To Rest (ChillyWilly and Hannigram S4) - Shortfic
Explicit // M/M // Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham/Frederick Chilton // Tags: Crack almost treated seriously, Season 4, Cuba, Chilton is dead, Chilton is a ghost, ghosts, Haunting, sexual molestation (by a ghost), non-con becomes dub-con becomes con, wet dreams, blow jobs, hand jobs, fantasies, cuckolding, purposefully mixed POVs, riding, anal sex, jealousy, possessiveness, Chilton is finally laid... to rest. Patreon prompt fill.
TW: This is a light hearted and ridiculous story, however the initial interactions between sleeping Will and ghost Chilton are non-consensual and may be something some readers might wish to avoid. 
Hannibal and Will are being haunted by the ghost of Frederick Chilton, there's only one way to lay him to rest.
Laid To Rest (3.6k words):
Will woke in a cold sweat, sitting up in bed in a way that twisted the sheets around him and pulled a grumble from Hannibal.
He panted as he tried to focus on the room but it was too dark to make out much. There was nothing there, he knew. Despite his hard cock straining at the sensation that he must have imagined. If Hannibal wasn’t clearly so fast asleep beside him, he might have believed his lover was trying to wake him with a blowjob.
He groaned and pressed his hand down on his crotch. It was that faceless figure again. Or not faceless but obscured, just beyond his reach, like he wasn’t quite real. And it was a he, and it was, Will knew, someone he had known. He might not be able to clearly see who the person is, but he could feel him. A smugness and void of charm that persisted after death.
“Will?” Hannibal mumbled and reached for him and Will took his hand, squeezed it and then got up from the bed. He needed a shower, a cold one. And then he’d cuddle back up to Hannibal and hope to get back to sleep.
“Are we going to talk about it?” Hannibal asked over breakfast.
Will would have sniped that he didn’t know what Hannibal was talking about, but given that they shared a bed, it was difficult to hide anything from his once therapist.
“Not if you’re going to go all psychologist on me,” Will replied before forking eggs into his mouth.
“You’re not sleeping. This is the sixth time you’ve had a disturbed night in the last two weeks,” When Will continued to eat rather than replying Hannibal continued. “If it’s nightmares, Will, it may help to discuss--”
Will shook his head, about to protest that they weren’t nightmares. But what were they?
If he was honest, he wasn’t sure they were even dreams. Not that he was trying to ignore that they might be wet dreams, even if nightmarish due to the subject involved. It was more that it felt so real.
“It’s not nightmares,” Will finally said. “I don’t know…”
He felt discombobulated by the whole thing, he didn’t even have words to describe it. But if he couldn’t discuss it with Hannibal, who could he discuss it with? And after several nights of this, he really needed to tell someone.
“You’re going to think I’m crazy.”
Hannibal raised a brow, “Crazy is not a word I use without caution. What makes you think you are crazy, Will?” His tone had slipped into his familiar therapist manner.
“They don’t feel like dreams,” Will replied quickly, “whatever it is, it feels real.”
“Dreams can often feel very real. The same parts of the brain that are active when we are awake are also active when we are in certain stages of our sleep,” Hannibal took the hint from Will’s expression and instead then asked, “And what happens in these not-dreams?”
Will swallowed and focused on Hannibal intently then, giving him a look.
With some amusement, Hannibal’s lips tweaked into a small smile, “Something of a sexual nature? Will, it is quite normal for men of any age to have--”
Will waved a hand dismissively, “If I was just having, um, night emissions, do you think I’d be so concerned? It’s not about what happens… what I do… It’s about what is done to me.”
Hannibal frowns at that and his concern is obvious, “Please explain.”
“In the night, I feel like… it’s like someone is there. A third person in our room… touching me. Sexually.”
“I see,” Hannibal’s tone and expression were dark and for a moment, dark enough that it sent a chill up Will’s spine.
Continue on AO3
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hart-feathers · 9 months
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Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Pairing: Dr. Frederick Chilton/Will Graham
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Episode: s02e04 Takiawase ¦ Bathing/Washing ¦ Touching ¦ Touch-Starved ¦ Touch-Starved Will Graham ¦ Tenderness ¦ Hair Washing ¦ Bubble Bath ¦ Hand Jobs ¦ Praise Kink ¦ Service Top ¦ Service Top Dr. Frederick Chilton ¦ Taking Care of Will Graham
Word Count: 2,840
Summary: Will is biting back a chest full of questions and quips but he is too curious to disrupt what is happening. He quietly follows Frederick and the man guides him to a door in the corner of the room Will never noticed before on the wall opposite Frederick's large desk. When the door opens Will raises an eyebrow as he takes in the airy room, walls of cream coloured tiles and soft sage paint, a large claw foot bathtub takes up space below the window.
“Is this another unorthodox form of therapy, Dr Chilton?”
Prompt - 204 Takiawase
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Hannibal Fic Snippet For Y'all! 💗
“I’m looking forward to working with the both of you,” Frederick announced. “I’m sure you two have much to speak about, so I’ll leave you be. As per the usual routine, an orderly will help you with your restraints, Doctor Lecter. If you’d be so kind as to help Mr. Graham with his when you’re able.”
He looked between the two killers, his nerves plain on his face. Will rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to attack him, Frederick. He’s worth more to me alive. Unlike some people.”
Frederick only swallowed thickly and nodded before leaving Hannibal and Will's cell. An orderly moved to help Hannibal take off his straitjacket, and while he waited, he looked at Will with something Will could only describe as awe. Once the orderly had finished his task and left the room, Hannibal took a step towards Will, his head tilted to the side in question. He made no move to release Will’s restraints.
“Are you going to study me like some modern marvel, too?” Will huffed. “I just get to stay here on my pedestal and be stared at and studied like a lifeless thing? I’m not ready to be one of your displays quite yet.”
Hannibal hummed a laugh and finally maneuvered around Will to start disconnecting him from the standing gurney he was wheeled in on. He didn’t speak until the straitjacket had fallen to the floor and he had started to unhook the straps of Will’s bite mask. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Graham. I’ve seen you in the papers.”
Will glanced over at the scraps on the table and sighed. The action fogged up the mask once more before it finally fell to the floor. “Funny. You’re not in the papers much nowadays, Doctor Lecter.” He advanced away from the man and towards the bookshelves at the back of the room. He rolled his neck until it cracked pleasantly. Their eyes met over Will’s shoulder. “I usually only see you when my eyes are closed.”
“Are your dreams as antagonistic to me as the reporters in the papers are to you?”
“Antagonistic? Not usually. Does it really matter now that we’re both here in this glass enclosure, set to spend the rest of our days under the microscope of insipid psychiatric specialists?” He turned fully to look at Hannibal, his bright blue eyes teasing.
The polite smile on Hannibal’s face smoothed out into an almost-frown. “Surely you don’t find all of us so tasteless?”
“That’s right.” Will laughed and began to pace along the back wall of their cell. “You always have been obsessed with taste. The bitterness of defeat. The sweet-and-sour tang of terror in the flavor profile of your victims—sorry, patients.”
“No one has ever died as a result of my therapy.”
Will turned sharply to look at the other man. “And no one ever died as a result of me working with the FBI. It was all fate and circumstance.”
“And yet—” Hannibal took measured steps towards Will, his hands clasped politely behind his back. The two of them were only separated by the table in the center of the room now. “—we find ourselves trapped here by our toleration of tragedy.”
“I don’t lie to myself, Doctor Lecter.” Will placed his hands flat on the table and leaned into Hannibal’s space. “I wouldn’t diminish my delight in righteous punishment as merely tolerating tragedy.”
Hannibal’s next question came out in a whisper, almost intimate in the minimal space between their faces. “Why be truthful in my presence, when every article that tries to speak about your intentions is so blatantly cut off from the source?”
For the first time since his arrival at the BSHCI, Will smiled genuinely. “Because I have no reason to hide from someone who’s just like me.”
“A killer?”
“A god.”
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Family Matters (Fredrick Chilton x reader)
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Synopsis: Will and Jack get to see a side of Doctor Chilton no one was aware existed.
A/n: I have not watched Hannibal in a hot minute but my thirst for Raul is strong. We are also just going to pretend our little baby is perfectly fine and NOT in danger.
Warnings: Family stuff, mentions of crimes, tooth-rotting fluff, my bad writing
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Y/n sat outside by the pool watching her three-year-old and four-year-old children play around in the water splashing around happily with each other as she rubbed her swelling baby bump. Jasper and Aspen were completely content to battle it out in the shallow end of the pool. It was a nice summer day in Baltimore and Y/n was hoping these activities would wear the children out before their father came home. Sadly it didn't seem to be the case when she hears the family dog Sigmund start barking happily alerting Y/n that someone had just come home.
Throwing a glance over her shoulder she smiles seeing her husband patting the pup affectionately before the children are drawn to his presents.
"Daddy!" Aspen giggles and toddles out of the water as fast as her chubby legs could carry her rushing towards her father's waiting arms even in his full suit from work. Something that caught his company off guard.
"Hello, my darling girl" Fred smiles lifting her into his arms not paying much mind to how dripping wet she was, or the fact his wife had called after Aspen to get a towel.
"Wait...Aspy I want a hug from daddy too" Jasper the four-year-old cried also rushing out to his father who had moved to the pool deck.
"Now now Jasper of course you can have a hug too, no wining" Fredrick teases and sets his daughter down kissing her head before hugging his son. Aspen instantly peered around and noticed her father's two coworkers awkwardly watching the out-of-character display.
"Who are they? Your friend's daddy?" Aspen asks looking up at him with her bright green eyes. "Hi daddy's friends" She says not waiting for an answer causing Y/n to giggle at her daughter shifting to rise from her chair.
"Yes Aspen..now daddy and mommy need to talk can you go swim with Jasper and show him all the cool tricks you learned at lessons?" Fred hums catching her attention and she nods taking her older brother's hand and toddling off to the pool once more.
Now with the children, busy Frederick came to properly say hello to his wife. Seven months pregnant and still trying to come to him.
"Ahahah Mama, you stay right there " He hums moving to her side settling his wife back down and brushing back her hair "I need to speak with Agent Graham and Crawford about some case stuff in my office. I couldn't finish it at work I'm sorry my love"
"Thats alright handsome...oh no Aspen got your suit all wet" Y/n sighs taking in the damage of his expensive suit for work "leave it on the bed and I'll handle it okay" She fusses and he chuckles
"My love they are just clothes and its just water, it will dry on its own" He attempts to sooth her and she lets out a huff
"I know I know, but you are always so proud of your clothes baby. Ill make sure it doesn't winkle" Y/n hums and he relents nodding and leaning down to press a kiss onto her swollen stomach. “Are they staying for dinner” she adds smoothing his hair.
“I’m not sure…will gets a bit antsy when someone else prepares food” Fred hums and y/n nods gently
“Well you better invite them just in case. I won’t have them thinking we’re rude” she says sternly and Fred let’s out a small chuckle.
“Well they-“ Chilton is stopped by a finger to his lips
“Let me change the phrase..I won’t have them thinking I am rude. Now go, I have to get the little goblins bathed and wound down before dinner” she hums and he nods kissing her once more before departing to his office.
While her husband was busy, Y/n let the children play a bit longer before ushering them inside to wash off the chlorine and put on pjs. Turning on a child friendly movie Y/n sits on the couch with Aspen between her knees gently braiding the dark brown locks she inherited from her father while Jasper snuggled siggy on the love seat.
Once finished with her daughter Mrs chilton rose and headed to the kitchen to finish with dinner. She took into account of what her husband said and decided to go for a less meat heavy dish. Opting to make the children there chicken casadillas and a nice creamy Alfredo for the adults. She was just in the middle of cutting up the salad when three pairs of footsteps had her eyes rising to the hall. Fredrick was still speaking to Agent Crawford as they walk down the hall being tailed by a tall man with a mop of unruly curls and black circles under his eyes. She didn’t like how anxious the poor man seemed and bit her lip about to say something when Aspen bounces into the room.
“Daddy daddy look I drew a picture” His little girl giggles lifting the page with scribbles on it. A wide grin broke over his face as he turned his attention to her.
“That is beautiful my love. Look at this boys” he turns and shows his companions. Jack who had children of his own knew how to play along cooing over how magnificent it is while Will looked a bit lost.
“What do you think mister daddy’s friend” aspen urges in a way only she could causing will go clear his throat.
“That’s…definitely a picture” he decided on saying causing Aspy to look a bit exasperated her little nose scrunching up hands falling to her hips in a manner that reminded Y/n to much of Fred.
“That’s not what I asked. I asked if you like it” she says in a stern little voice tapping her foot causing Jack to chuckle and will to tilt his head with a small sigh.
“It could be better” Will says and the room fall silent just as Fred was about to rip him a new one Aspen cuts in.
“You’re probably right. It needs more shading on mommy’s hair” and with that she takes the paper and rushes back to the living room.
“You got lucky there…I was expecting her to start crying or Chilton to rip your head off” Jack muses coming over to Y/n and leaning on the counter.
“Oh not little Aspen. She’s too much like her father to cry infront of a stranger” She hums moving to pull three beers out of the fridge for the men. “Dinner is almost ready if you two would like to stay. I didn’t cook any meat or anything it’s all relatively vegetarian aside from the children’s meal”
Will watching as mrs Chilton rings her hands a bit anxiously. He notices that she wants to make sure he is comfortable which is something most people don’t do. Jack was about to deny the invitation when Graham beats him to it.
“I would like that very much.” He says curtly and takes a swig of beer ignoring how Fredrick and Jack look at him confused.
“Great you boys go sit at the table I’ll wrangle the children” Y/n smiles gently rubbing her hand down her husbands arm and Will watches him instantly relax. It was odd seeing Chilton in such a…domestic state, far from the domineering, obnoxious and annoying doctor he was professionally.
Slowly they make there way to the table, Fred sitting at one end Jack on the other. Just as he was about to sit the two children come skipping to the room and much to Wills dismay sit opposite each other. So either way he would have to be near a kid. It’s not that he didn’t like children…Will always wanted some of his own…it was more that he didn’t know how to talk to a child. Never having much practise and this little Aspen creature was very chatty. So doing some quick deducing he was going to sit next to the boy but a little hand stopped him.
“Mister if you sit here with me Siggy will come sit under your feet. He loooooves this side of the table and I saw you like him” she says cheerfully and Will was shocked at how much she paid attention to his behaviour
“Well I-“
“The only reason he likes that side Aspen is because you drop food on the floor for him” Jasper pipes up and Will watches the girls head twist to glower at her brother
“That is not true. And you can’t prove that it is” Aspen retorts sticking out her tongue. Causing Fredrick to stifle his laughter after a glare from his wife.
“Children. Stop it, you are being rude to our guests. Please will sit wherever you like” Y/n says gently patting his arm “I can move Aspen if you’d like to sit next to Freddie”
“No no..it’s okay” Will says and sits down slowly next to the small girl who was happily swinging her feet looking up at her father. Will caught Fredrick make a silly face causing his little girl to erupt into laughter.
Soon after that dinner was on the table and Y/N finally sat down rubbing her belly gently. Jack and will suddenly felt bad for not offering assistance and Jack went as far as to say it but she waved him off with a cheery smile.
“All I do is sit around while this baby plays soccer in my stomach. I don’t mind standing up and moving” Y/n reassures and they both nod.
They all tuck into there food Fred asking about her day. Playing little tricks on the children as they eat and Aspen talking a mile a minute without any chance of slowing down, where as Jasper sat quietly only speaking to contradict his sister or ask for more juice. Will had a strange sense of calm wash over him as he sat in the Chiltons dinning room, something he hadn’t felt for a long time and suddenly he was jealous of Frederick for being able to come home to this. While he was spinning inside his own head looking at his plate Will was suddenly drawn out of his reprieve by Aspen shrieking.
“Mommy mommy little baby is doing the weird alien thing” she shouts feigning disgust causing Wills attention to be drawn to Mrs Chilton baby bump. Where he saw the perfect outline of a little hand pressing against her dress.
“Yes it appears they are” Y/n sighs seeming less freaked out then Will, Jasper and Aspen as she simply places her own hand over it pushing the little one back. “I’m sorry sometimes I just don’t notice, this little one likes to make sure everyone knows they are there” she laughs.
“Aspen you scream but you used to do that to your mama too” Chilton teases his daughter who makes a face
“Icky. I never want a baby if they do that” Aspen huffs and Will chuckles looking at her.
“Me either” he says softly and she giggles up at him
“But your a boy. Do can’t carry babies like mamas do” she says and Will pauses for a moment then looks down at her again.
“I suppose you’re right. But still, I wouldn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night and just see a little baby hand poking out of my partners belly” he teases a bit making a little hand gesture.
Frederick watched the display and chuckles a bit. He had never seen Will warm up to anyone as fast as he was with his family. Perhaps he would talk to his wife about inviting him around more. It may help with the social anxiety he tended to fall into. Shaking his head he hears Jasper let out a little yawn and look up at him.
“Daddy can I go to bed” he asks softly and Fredrick ruffles his hair “of course bud. Take your dishes to the sink and say goodbye to Mr Crawford and Mr Graham”
Jasper nods taking the dish and coming back to say goodnight getting a hug from his mother and waving awkwardly at his fathers friends before heading upstairs to his room. Fred smiles and looks over at his wife who was looking back at him. He gently stands and takes the dishes with the help of Jack leaving Aspen, Will and Y/n at the table.
“Aspen I believe it’s also your bedtime” the Mother hums to her child and Aspen pouts.
“But I don’t want to go to bed. I want to stay awake” she argues and Y/n smiles shaking her head.
“I’m sorry little one but you and I both know you will be cranky in about ten minutes now. Say goodnight to Mr Graham and head up to bed. Daddy or I will be up shortly to tuck you in” The older woman hums and Aspen let’s out a whine before rising to her little feet.
Will expected the girl to be like her brother and wave goodbye before hugging her parents but she surprises him. The little girl moves to him first wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a small kiss on his cheek. Y/N watched Will look confused and suppress a little giggle as Aspen makes her rounds and toddles off to her bedroom.
After a polite cup of coffee and desert Will and Jack both rise saying goodnight and moving to the door. Y/n stands next too Freddie his hand around her hip as they see the agents off. But not before mentioning to Will that he is more than welcome to stop by and see the kids and the dog at home.
As soon as they are gone Frederick sighs slouching a bit. He looked completely worn out which caused his wife to chuckle a bit.
“Fred why don’t you go get ready for bed. I’ll turn the dishwasher on and be up on a moment”
Frederick let’s put a small sigh nodding and disappearing up stairs while he wife finished cleaning up. Slowly she made her way up the stairs smiling when she hears her husbands voice floating through aspens bedroom door. The younger woman pauses leaning on the doorframe listening to him lull the youngest child to sleep with the tale of Cinderella, a story he often said was ridiculous and promoted women to rely on men to rescue them but…he couldn’t say no to his little princess.
If anyone had told Y/n six years ago that she would be standing listening to the arrogant, rude and often cruel hospital administrator reading a bedtime story she would have laughed in their face. Yet, here she was, heart filled with love an admiration for her husband who was squished into a bright pink canopy bed cuddling a little version of himself.
The woman smiled and left the pair to daddy daughter bonding time to check in on Jasper who was out like a light. Snuggled deep into his bright green sheets his mouth hanging open much like his fathers did. Y/n giggled and kisses his head before turning out the light and heading to her own room. Smiling when she found that for once Fred had followed her orders.
Carefully she picked up the expensive designer suit, moving it to lay out on one of the chairs until she could tend to it in the morning. Then heading off to complete her own night time routine. Coming back out of the en suite bathroom Y/n see her husband laying out on his back only in his boxers, his eyes closed hands folded against his chest. A small giggle leaves her lips as she moves closer to him prompting the man to open his eyes sleepily and smile brightly up at his wife.
"Come here my love" He says softly reaching out for her making little grabbing gestures.
"Alright alright Mi Amour I'm coming" She giggles and slowly climbs into the spot next to him resting her head on his chest.
"Sometimes I wonder how I got so Lucky" He mumbles as his wife traces her hand over the pale scar on his stomach. letting out a little giggle looking up at him.
"Mm maybe I am just mentally unstable" Y/n teases and he pinches her hip with a playful chuckle.
"Hey watch it" He teases "thank you for today"
"It was nothing, to be honest it was nice to have someone other then two toddlers to talk to" She giggles "now lets get some sleep"
The pair snuggle deeper into the covers and relax, Frederick falling into a deep sleep feeling happy and safe with the love of his life.
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dr. Frederick Chilton/Will Graham, Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (one-sided) Characters: Will Graham, Dr. Frederick Chilton, Hannibal Lecter, Freddie Lounds, Alana Bloom, Margot Verger, Bedelia Du Maurier Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fake Marriage, Marriage of Convenience, Eventual Romance, courting, Denial of Feelings, Homophobia Isn't Real, at least not to a significant/widespread extent, i just dont feel like writing homophobia, Historically Inaccurate Edwardian Era, tags + characters may be updated as the fic is Summary:
"See it as a quid pro quo. We get married, and we get both of our families—and hopefully, Lecter—off our backs. It's mutually beneficial." "I suppose it's worth a try. I am not courting you, though. You have to woo me."
Will Graham needs to get married—unfortunately, he doesn't take well to socialising, especially with the types of high-society crowds his father keeps pushing him towards, and especially not with Count Hannibal Lecter. Frederick Chilton finds himself in quite the same position, and the obvious answer presents itself: marry each other, for convenience. Both relieve the social pressures to wed, and they don't have to fall in love. It's an easy solution, right? Oh, about that 'no falling in love' part...
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pascalispretty · 2 years
Law and Order: SVU Masterlist
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Rafael Barba x Reader x Frederick Chilton! Verse
Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​): One (ao3). Two (ao3). Epilogue (ao3).
Love in the Time of Chestbursters (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
See You In the Morning Time (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​). One (ao3). Two (ao3).
Like Lovers Do (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) One (ao3). Two (ao3). Three (ao3). 
I and Love and You (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
Your Happiness or Mine (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) 
Pink Peonies and Shenanigans (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) One (ao3). Two (ao3). 
Heavy in Your Arms (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
"Use Your Words" Prompt (ao3)
Sonny Carisi x Reader
Softly, Slowly, Sweetly (ao3)
You’re My Dream Girl (ao3)
Tell Me What You Want (ao3)
The View From Above (ao3)
Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi
Better Late Than Never (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi (ao3)
Just A Taste (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi (ao3)
Late Night Study Session (ao3)
"You Can Do Better Than That" Prompt (ao3)
Rafael Barba x Reader
Breathe Me In (ao3)
Nick Amaro x Reader
Mutually Beneficial (masterlist here)
Mafia AU
Bruised Knuckles and Bare Thighs (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Reader
Good Soldiers Follow Orders (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Reader x Frederick Chilton
A Wonderful, Awful Idea (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Reader x Frederick Chilton
How the Reader Got Involved with the Boys HCs
Keeping Young Talent Coming Our Way - A Law School AU:  
I Could Ruin You (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) One (ao3). Two (ao3). Epilogue (ao3). Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun
The Audition (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba
A Dirty Trick (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader
An Early Christmas Present (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun
Tempting Tan Lines (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba
Misc. Law And Order: SVU Pieces 
Shades of Black and Blue (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rita Calhoun x Reader x Sonny Carisi. One (ao3). Two (ao3) Three (ao3). Four (ao3). 
An Acceptable Occasion to Manspread (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rita Calhoun x Reader x Sonny
Seventeen Little Diamonds (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rita Calhoun x Reader (ao3)
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