#rax king
alienthey · 1 year
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obsessed with this excerpt from tacky by rax king
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ostensiblynone · 1 year
As children of the 2000s, we were building the culture that we'd eventually inhabit as adults, a culture of passive observation and active longing. We refused to talk to each other but greedily formed impressions of one another all the same. These are habits we've replicated now—you only need to visit a bar and see a row of six unrelated people, all reading books or on their phones, all sitting alone, and all hungrily stealing glances at each other every few minutes. Our inhibitions do tend to loosen once we've had a few beers or a couple bumps of the bad coke that someone's friend Rita's cousin's friend Mike brought, but we fear each other just as much now as we did back then. We circle each other even now like lions whose prey motive is stuck on "stalk," never to advance to "pounce." We claim each other on dating apps from miles away and then disappear.
—Rax King, Tacky
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enthusiastick · 2 years
‘You Are Good’ Podcast: Die Hard w. Rax King
Sarah: The other cops' emotions are rage & embarrassment. And suspicion.
Rax: And then he adds in insecurity. Which is a nice little triangle of feelings to have.
Sarah: The Male Feelings. The man-feelings. Feelings for men.
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admiralgiggles · 2 years
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Sometimes book covers don’t just speak to me, they scream. For the longest time my favorite quote was one from a Hooters t-shirt that read “delightfully tacky, yet unrefined,” so naturally I found myself drawn to this book. Even though there is a significant age difference between myself and the author, a lot of the essays were super relatable, and the ones that weren’t were still fascinating. I would 10 out of 10 recommend this book for any weirdos and pop culture enthusiasts in your life.
*The first essay is titled “Six Feet from the Edge” and it’s all about her being a closeted Creed fan. 💀😂
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radedneko · 1 year
All I needed was twenty minutes of innuendo passed over the Starbuck's counter and, like, five sentences' worth of texting. I was far too desperate and willing a Zerlina. [....] In the early 2000s of my adolescence, malls were electrified with this high-voltage narrative possibility, even if the reality was usually as dull as, well, reality.
~Tacky: Love Letters to the Worst Culture We Have to Offer by Rax King
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salaciouscrumbb · 10 months
“Life is short. It's important to attach oneself to the pieces that stick, regardless of whether somebody else believes the stuff is any good. And neat pop moments like these may not be good, but what they are is perfect: perfectly composed, perfectly arranged, perfectly produced, and gift-wrapped with a bow to land perfectly in our consciousnesses.”
-rax king, tacky: love letters to the worst culture we have to offer
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fka310 · 1 year
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When The World Is Crashing Down [Chapter 13: Condemned From The Start] [Series Finale]
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Series summary: Your family is House Celtigar, one of Rhaenyra’s wealthiest allies. In the aftermath of Rook’s Rest, Aemond unknowingly conscripts you to save his brother’s life. Now you are in the liar of the enemy, but your loyalties are quickly shifting…
Chapter warnings: Language, warfare, violence, serious injury, alcoholism/addiction, references to sexual content (18+), death, angsttttttt, more children than usual, Wolfman!
Series title is a lyrics from: “7 Minutes In Heaven” by Fall Out Boy.
Chapter title is a lyric from: “Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year” by Fall Out Boy.
Word count: 8.1k.
Link to chapter list: HERE.
Taglist (more in comments): @tinykryptonitewerewolf @lauraneedstochill @not-a-glad-gladiator @daenysx @babyblue711 @arcielee @at-a-rax-ia @bhanclegane @jvpit3rs @padfooteyes @marvelescvpe @travelingmypassion @darkenchantress @yeahright0h @poohxlove @trifoliumviridi @bloodyflowerrr @fan-goddess @devynsficrecs @flowerpotmage @thelittleswanao3 @seabasscevans @hiraethrhapsody @libroparaiso @echos-muses @st-eve-barnes @chattylurker @lm-txles @vagharnaur @moonlightfoxx @storiumemporium @insabecs @heliosscribbles @beautifulsweetschaos @namelesslosers @partnerincrime0 @burningcoffeetimetravel-fics @yawneneytiri @marbles-posts @imsolence @maidmerrymint @backyardfolklore @nimaharchive @anxiousdaemon @under-the-aspen-tree @amiraisgoingthruit @dd122004dd @randomdragonfires @jetblack4real @joliettes
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoy the finale.🦀💚
In the Eyrie, one of Rhaena Targaryen’s three dragon eggs has hatched at last; the creature is small and pink, and she has named it Morning. When Rhaena’s tears fall onto the scales of her diminutive wings, they glitter like flecks of rose quartz. Deep within the snow-laden labyrinth of the Mountains of the Moon, Nettles is in hiding with Sheepstealer; already the nearby clans are bringing her offerings of meat and treasure, axes and clubs and daggers, hairpins carved from the ribs of enemies and necklaces made of bear teeth. Silverwing is settling into a lair on an island in the Red Lake at the northwestern corner of the Reach. Word of this has travelled back to King’s Landing, and Borros Baratheon implores Aegon II to seize Silverwing for himself; but the king does not want a new dragon. He wants Sunfyre back. That grim truth aside, Aegon is unable to trek across the continent to tame the beast anyway. Some days he cannot even cross a room. At the bottom of the Gods Eye, bodies are dissolving into bones, threads of long white hair breaking loose to flow in the currents like weightless strands of spider webs torn free by cold drafts. And only a few miles from the border of the Crownlands—preparing to cross the icy waters of the Blackwater Rush—the army of Northmen camps under a full moon in a clear, indigo sky heavy with stars like glinting coins.
“There are passageways under King’s Landing,” Clement Celtigar says. He stands by the bonfire with his sword in his hand, his face flame-bright and eager, forever licking up drops of the Kingmaker’s approval, a stray cat lapping milk splashed in an alley. Increasingly, Cregan Stark finds him tiresome. Clement is brash and dramatic, forever swearing vengeance, reveling in his newfound position as the head of his house. The Warden of the North has never had to beg for attention, admiration, acclaim. These things come to him like snow falls to the earth in winter: effortlessly, inevitably. Yet Cregan tries to be patient. Clement is soon to be his brother-in-law, and it is dishonorable to fail to extend courtesy to one’s kin. Furthermore, it seems, Clement has his uses.
“Are there really?”
Clement nods. He wears the banner of his house on a strip of fabric looped around his upper arm: crabs red like blood, a backdrop of white like snow. “That monster’s disciples used them to kidnap my sister from the Red Keep. But she fought hard. When we searched her rooms, all the furniture was upturned and the sheets ripped from her bed.”
“She is brave,” Cregan murmurs in agreement, though he is distracted now. The air tastes like smoke and ice, the wind rubs raw spots into the soldiers’ faces. They are arriving just in time. The depths of winter is no time to wage war. Cregan Stark imagines how you will greet him when he liberates you: a desperate embrace, hands that refuse to let go, whispered gratitude and breathless kisses on his earth-stained knuckles, bones of steel softened by the innate weakness of womanhood. You will love him, of course you will, fervently and entirely. Then when the realm and succession are secured, the Kingmaker will take you North and wed you in the tradition of his people, under the heart tree where the Old Gods can witness it. And then there will be the wedding night. In Cregan’s understanding, women receive little pleasure from the act itself. It is a burden they bear for the men they love, for the children they are divinely tasked with bringing into existence. Cregan Stark intends to alleviate your suffering in this regard as much as possible…yet he has already begun to choose the names of the sons he will make with you. He especially likes the sound of Brandon, sturdy and grounded and thought to mean leader or prince. “This is the last night your sister will ever spend in the clutches of the Usurper.”
“Praise the Seven.” Then Clement adds diplomatically: “And the Old Gods too, of course.”
“It’s the end of the world,” Cregan Stark says, gazing up into the night sky where constellations tell the stories men deem worthy of remembering. “And the start of a brand new one.”
“How did you learn to braid hair?” little Jaehaera asks you in her lilting, reedy voice like a bird’s. You are sitting behind her on the floor in Alicent’s bedchamber. Nearby, Autumn is flipping through a child’s book with Rhaenyra’s ever-solemn son, murmuring as she points to colorful illustrations of ravens, dolphins, bears, dragons, crabs. They are learning to read together.
“My sisters taught me,” you tell the princess. Firelight turns her silver hair to gold, her pale skin to flames. Logs crack and pop as they melt to glowing embers. Alicent glances over at you and sighs despairingly. The dowager queen, so thin she might disappear, is hunched in a chair by the fireplace. She has an unshakeable, rattling sort of cough that reminds you of how Sunfyre sounded on Dragonstone when he was near the end. Her long auburn tresses are falling out in handfuls. She will not survive the winter, this is a certainty.
“You have sisters?” Jaehaera says, surprised. “How many?”
You smile faintly as you weave her hair into one thick braid like the kind Aemond once wore when he went to battle. “Three. Piper, Petra, and Penelope.”
“Where are they now?”
“Back on Claw Isle, where I came from. With our mother.” Mourning Father, mourning Everett, writing letters to Clement to keep his spirits high as he and the Warden of the North march towards King’s Landing to slay the Greens’ king and bind me to a different man’s will.
“What’s Claw Isle like?” Jaehaera asks with a child’s clear, boundless curiosity.
“Rocky, misty, grey. But the ocean is beautiful.” You think of Aegon’s eyes, the same as his daughter’s, a murky storm-blue that is deeper than it looks.
“What brought you here?”
You consider this before you answer. You see it, you feel it: cinders like dark snow in the air, Aemond’s iron grip on your forearm. “When your father was burned at the Battle of Rook’s Rest, he needed someone to help heal him. Your uncle Aemond found me.”
“And he asked you to stay with us?”
He would have slit my throat if I said no. “Yes, he asked very politely, as any gentleman would. And of course I agreed. I wanted to make the king strong again. I wanted to take his pain away.”
Jaehaera stares down at her tiny hands, palms crossed with lines that are long and shadowy in the shifting firelight. She does not speak of Aegon. She does not know him, and he frightens her: the burns on his skin, the suffering in his glazed eyes. She has no memories to impress his true character upon her. If she does not make them herself, she will believe whatever she is told. “I miss Aemond. I miss Daeron.”
“I know, sweetheart.” They were formally laid to rest yesterday on two funeral pyres. Daeron’s bloodied, charred, seafoam green cape was burned to ashes on one. All that was left of Aemond—his favorite books, his quills and ink, small leather eyepatches from when he was a boy—were torched on the other. “I miss them too.”
Jaehaera’s braid is finished. You reach into a pocket of your emerald green velvet gown to retrieve what you have brought for her: a thin golden chain necklace with Aegon’s ring as a pendant. He can’t wear it anymore. His fingers are too swollen. “What is this?” Jaehaera says as you place the chain around her neck. She lifts the ring and peers at it, gold wings and jade eyes.
“It’s supposed to resemble Sunfyre,” you explain. “Your father loves you very much, Jaehaera. He wanted you to have this ring and keep it with you always.” Aegon didn’t say that; he rarely mentions Jaehaera at all. Sometimes you think he forgets she exists. But she is a part of him, she is his legacy, and you cannot look at any piece of her without seeing the man you love.
“He gave it to me? Like a gift?”
“Yes. A gift.” A gift, an inheritance, a relic, a reminder.
Jaehaera turns around and looks up at you hopefully, vast wave-blue eyes like winter oceans. “Do you think I’ll have another dragon someday?”
Her own infant beast, Morghul, was killed in the Dragonpit before Rhaenyra fled the city. “Maybe,” you tell her. “There are eggs that could hatch someday. And there are a few unclaimed adults left, Silverwing and the Cannibal. Perhaps you’ll tame one.”
She wrinkles her nose in confusion. “What’s a cannibal?”
Someone who murders, devours, fuels their body to the detriment of their soul. “Someone who eats their own kind. Like a dragon who feeds on other dragons.”
“So just like in the war. Dragons killing dragons.”
“Exactly,” you say, a shiver crawling down your spine. “Now go show your new necklace to Grandmother.”
Jaehaera wobbles to her feet and dashes across the firelit bedchamber to where Alicent is slumped in her chair. “Look, look! It’s Sunfyre!” you hear Jaehaera chirping. Alicent examines the ring—skeletal hands trembling, large dark eyes slick with tears—and dutifully fawns over it, telling the little girl how beautiful she looks, how brave she has been. Then she bundles Jaehaera into her boney arms and holds her like she’ll never let go. Autumn catches your gaze from the other side of the room, and when you leave to return to Aegon she follows.
“What is your plan if the Greens lose the battle?” she says in the hallway under an arc of grey stones. Her tone is urgent, her hazel eyes sharp. Everyone knows the Northmen are within days of King’s Landing. Borros Baratheon—a large, loud, abrasive man, but with a bottomless appetite for combat—and his soldiers will march out of the city tomorrow to meet Cregan Stark’s army on the fields of the Crownlands, sparse and grey with winter. The Lord of Storm’s End has spent hours locked in the council chamber discussing strategy with Larys Strong, Corlys Velaryon, and the misfortunate yet courageous Tyland Lannister, maimed by his months of torture at the hands of the Blacks.
“We won’t.” We can’t.
Autumn slams her palm against the wall behind you; the sick thud of flesh against stone reminds you of the day Helaena died. “Wake up. We might. You’d better have your options figured out.”
And you recall Larys’ words on Dragonstone: I think it’s time for you to consider what your options are if a Green victory no longer appears to be viable. “We’ll run,” you say weakly. “We’ll take Aegon and we’ll escape through the corridors under the Red Keep, just like he did before. Cregan Stark will kill Aegon if he finds him. I can’t let that happen. We’ll have to run.”
“Run where?” Autumn snaps pointedly, pushing you towards a conclusion you refuse to acknowledge.
“I don’t know.”
“Where? Where could we go that is beyond the grasp of your wolf if he seizes the capital?”
“Dorne, Essos. Somewhere, anywhere.”
“The king won’t survive a journey like that.”
You cover your face with your hands, feel the biting cold of snowflakes melting in your hair, see the stains of earth on your thighs as Cregan Stark forces them apart. How can I lie with a man who hailed the deaths of people I loved? How can I spend the rest of my life listening to him being called a hero for killing Aegon? How can I give him children? How could I love a baby that was half-made of him? “We ran before. We’ll have to do it again.”
Autumn scoffs. “You have no idea what it means to be a woman on your own in the world. What will you become without a great house, without protection? A prostitute? A peasant? Will you eat scraps covered with rot or mold? Will you live in a tree? Will you beg some family to take you in? And then when the father who is oh-so-gallant in daylight starts fumbling under your blankets once the candles are blown out, will you let him inside you? Or will you fight him off and risk a blade in your guts, your throat? You have no fucking idea what it’s like out there.”
“I don’t care what happens to me if Aegon’s gone.”
“You would abandon Jaehaera? You would abandon me?” Autumn demands. “You speak for us now. You are the only one who can. Our fates are twisted up with yours.”
That’s true. And I promised Helaena I would look out for her daughter. You can’t imagine a life without Aegon; there was a time when he was only a name—and an infamous one, a terrible one, soulless and monstrous—but now he has broken down the eaves of what you were once resigned to call your life and painted colors in the sky you’d never glimpsed before, never even dreamed of. You ask Autumn with genuine, painful bewilderment: “What is the point of learning that something exists only to have it taken away? Why would that happen? Where is the justice in it, where is the reason?”
Autumn smiles, sad and patient. “Ah, this is an affliction of the highborn. You still believe that there is a design, and that life has some amount of fairness in it. There is no divine judgment being passed, my lady. There is no god weighing the worth of your dragon or your wolf or yourself. Life is random, and it is ungovernable, and it is very often cruel. And that makes it all the more remarkable that you knew the king for the time you did. That you ever met him.”
It wasn’t enough. And I can never go back to who I was before. “I’m sorry. I should not complain to you. Your losses have been terrible.”
“It is no contest,” Autumn replies, weary now. “But I should go back to check on the children. They need me.”
“No. They love you.”
And now she beams, sparkling eyes and copper ringlets. She doesn’t need to say it, you can both feel it in the winter-cold air. She loves them in return. She loves them fiercely. As long as they live, she will have reasons to.
When you reach Aegon’s bedchamber, Grand Maester Orwyle is just leaving. He bows to you and grins, pleased that you have both survived the fall and retaking of King’s Landing. He is haggard from his months in the dungeons when Rhaenyra ruled the capital, but he endured. Who would have guessed at the start of this war that the old man had more years left than Aemond or Daeron or harmless little Maelor? You wait in the hallway for the maester to amble sluggishly by, but then when he is gone, you peer through the slit of the half-open door to see that Lord Larys Strong is speaking to Aegon, who is propped up in bed on a mountain of pillows and wearing only his cotton sleeping trousers. He is thin, frail, ghostly pale with the exception of the scars that are a mosaic of white and scarlet and bruise-like violet. Aegon and Larys have not noticed you. You linger just outside the doorway, watching, listening.
You can take care of Aegon as much as you wish now: feed him, clothe him, clean sweat from his brow, dose him with milk of the poppy, rub rose oil into his scars, stretch his legs, test the heat of his skin for fever. He’s too weak to stop you. He can’t walk, can’t stand, can’t stay awake for more than an hour or two at a time, can’t even pour his own wine or milk of the poppy; the glass bottles are too heavy when full. Yesterday, Aegon had to be carried outside in a litter to see the remnants of his brothers burned on the pyres. And he had exchanged a brief, somber glance with Autumn that you neither anticipated nor understood. He acknowledges her so rarely. And yet her small hazel eyes had been alarmed, knowing.
Larys is saying with a grave expression and his restless hands propped in the handle of his cane: “Lord Borros Baratheon is asking for your assurance that as soon as the war is won, you will take his eldest daughter Cassandra as your wife.”
Aegon stares at him, incredulously, impatiently. Aegon has not called you his wife in the company of others since his homecoming. You do not ask why. You already know. It is not because his intentions have changed; it is because if he is not the victor, your life is in less danger as his captive than as his queen. “Surely even a man as brainless as Borros can surmise that there would not be much benefit for the lady now. I am a worm. Useless, pathetic, deformed, no longer virile.”
“He is willing to take the chance, I gather. And he is placing his eggs in more than one basket. He would like another daughter, Floris, to be married to me.”
“Seven hells,” Aegon mutters. Then he turns determined. “I cannot marry another. I won’t do it. I am claimed already, body and soul.”
“I fear how enthusiastically Borros’ men will fight for you if you do not agree to the match. He is risking his life for your cause. He will expect generous repayment.”
Aegon is quiet for a long time. He stares fixedly at his bedside table: a full cup, a large glass bottle of milk of the poppy. His dagger is still there from when you cut and braided his hair for him this morning; he cannot do it himself anymore. At last Aegon says, almost too low for you to discern from the doorway: “He’s not cruel, is he?”
“Who? Borros Baratheon?”
Aegon glares at Larys. “No.”
After a moment, Larys realizes what his king means. “Cregan Stark isn’t cruel. I’ve heard many whispers from many mouths, but I’ve never heard that.”
“Look at me. Don’t lie to me.”
“He isn’t cruel,” Larys says again. “Perhaps the truth is worse. He is measured, competent, merciful, wise. He is honorable. The Manderlys want to torture everyone and the Boltons itch to sharpen their flaying knives but Stark forbids it. He respects the laws of war. He tries to avoid the slaughter of noncombatants. He forbids his men from burning farms or raping women. He is devoted to the woman you call your wife. He takes no mistresses, visits no brothels. Cregan Stark is not a monster. He’s not soulless. He’s just on the wrong side.”
Aegon nods slowly, then his face breaks into a humorless smirk. “Tell Borros Baratheon that I’ll marry whichever daughter he wants me to when the war is over. I’ll marry all four if that is his preference, and bed them all on the wedding night too, one right after the other. Agree to anything he asks for. It doesn’t matter anyway.”
It doesn’t matter because none of it will ever happen, even if the Baratheon army does win the Iron Throne for the Greens. It doesn’t matter because Aegon does not believe he’ll still be here in a month, or two weeks, or perhaps even days.
But he can’t mean that. He’s not thinking clearly. He’s confused, he’s exhausted, he’s in pain, you tell yourself, before remembering that Aemond said it first.
“Yes, Your Grace.” Larys is subdued, sorrowful. He bows deeply to his king. Then he turns to depart.
“One more thing,” Aegon says, gesturing to something on the side of his bed you can’t see from where you’re standing. “I hate to impose upon you further, but I can’t manage it myself. Can you take that and empty it somewhere? I don’t care where. But you must keep it hidden from my wife. The red-haired girl Autumn knows, and so do the maesters now. They are all sworn to secrecy. Can I trust you to exercise the same circumspection?”
Larys is gaping down at an object that is a mystery to you. He begins to stammer out a reply, stops to collect himself, and starts again. “Yes. Yes you can.”
Larys picks up the object; you are puzzled to discover that it is a chamber pot, white and porcelain. And as he navigates around Aegon’s bed and towards the door where you wait, you see that the vessel is full of blood.
You gasp before you can stop yourself, a razor-sharp inhale of breath that both men hear. They spot you, lurking in the doorway like someone lost, someone far from home. Shock bolts across Aegon’s face, and then frustration, and then defeat, and then profound misery.
“I didn’t want you to worry,” he says. “I didn’t mean to lie to you, I just knew…I knew you’d be upset and I…I didn’t want to hurt you. I’ve never wanted to hurt you.”
“How long?”
“It doesn’t matter, Angel.”
“How long?” you ask again. “Just since this morning?”
“Four or five days now.”
“Four or five…?” Your mind whirls like storm winds. He’s dying. He’s really dying. His kidneys are failing and there’s nothing I can do. I can’t cut him open and stitch him back together. There’s no wound to scrub clean with vinegar and then bandage with honey and linen. There’s no brew that can restore the rhythm of his blood and bones and nerves. He’s just dying. That’s all there is. That’s the beginning and the end of it.
“Please don’t cry,” Aegon says, reading your face. “Don’t do that, please don’t, I’ve hurt you enough already.”
His hands stretch out to close the space between you, and as Larys slips from the room you go to Aegon, climb into bed beside him, collapse into him as his arms catch you and rest your head against his bare, scarred chest, his feverish skin mottled with the history of wounds you helped close all those months ago. “I’m sorry,” you sob. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let you go after Baela and Moondancer on Dragonstone. I should have stopped you. I should have dragged you inside the castle to wait until Aemond and Vhagar could help you. I shouldn’t have let Aemond go to Harrenhal. I shouldn’t have let Daeron fly south. I shouldn’t have let Autumn go back to King’s Landing, and I shouldn’t have let Everett stay there. I shouldn’t have let Helaena leap from the window. I should have stopped Maelor from being sent to the Reach. I should have stopped Rhaenys and the Red Queen from taking flight to burn you in your armor at Rook’s Rest. I should have stopped this! I should have done something! The only good thing I’ve ever had to offer the world was healing but I can’t save anyone, I can’t stop their suffering, I can’t do anything!”
“None of it was within your control, and none of it was your responsibility. I am the king. The fate of my kingdom and my followers rests with me. I wear their spilled blood, not you. I am so full of red I’m overflowing with it.” And he chuckles, sardonic, exhausted. He’s already battling unconsciousness again; you can hear his heartbeat slackening, the slow laborious expanding and contracting of his lungs.
“Aegon,” you say softly, as if afraid to speak it into existence. “What happens if the Baratheons don’t win tomorrow?”
“They will. They have to. There’s nothing I can do for you if they lose.” Then he winces and groans. It’s his back again, his failing kidneys, overrun with so much ruin—burns and breaks and pressure and heartache—that their cadence faltered and then ceased. You grab his cup of milk of the poppy and tilt it against his lips; and how many times have you done this since you met him, burned nearly to death and half-mad at Rook’s Rest? A hundred? Aegon drinks it down, his arms still tight around your waist. They do not loosen until he’s out like a snuffed candle.
You refill the cup on his bedside table with milk of the poppy in case he needs more when he wakes, pick up the dagger you use to cut his disheveled hair, take it to the dresser. And in the cascade of silver moonlight flooding in through the windows, you practice laying the gleaming blade against your wrists, pressing it to the throbbing arteries of your throat, angling the sharpened point of it between a gap in your ribs and towards your racing heart.
Autumn. Jaehaera. Aemond’s child that Alys carries. I still have promises to keep. I still have tasks that cannot be left unfinished.
Helaena’s words surface like a drowned man dredged from the waves: You must whisper into the right ears.
You set the dagger down on top of the dresser and roam to the castle library where Aemond once spent so many hours. You collect a stack of anatomy books and carry them back to Aegon’s bedchamber. There, before the roaring fireplace, you devour them for any scrap of hope, any last resort. You turn pages until one illustration stops you. It is an unclothed man, his major veins etched in blue and his arteries in red, his nerves a faded yellow, his bones white and unshattered, his body a roadmap of the bricks and mortar used by the architects of nature. You have seen this image before. It is the same page Aegon teased you for studying when you were travelling by carriage back to the capital from Rook’s Rest.
You rip out the page, crumple it violently, pitch it into the fire and watch it burn.
At dawn, Lord Borros Baratheon leads his men out of the city. You hear them through the glass panes of the windows, closed against the winter chill and flecked with frost: boots marching, hooves of warhorses clomping against cobblestones. They carry with them swords and spears and bows and morning stars like the one Criston Cole was famed for using. Meanwhile, throughout the city, civilians are arming themselves with anything they can find to ward off an invasion of Northmen, creatures they believe to be bestial and mindless. Men carry kitchen knives and clubs fashioned out of bits of furniture or driftwood. Women hide their young children in cupboards and under creaking wooden floors.
“I should be going with them,” Aegon says. He’s just taken another dose of milk of the poppy and is struggling to keep his eyes open. His long, slow blinks close his vacant eyes for ever-increasing intervals. You’ve changed his clothes and cleaned the sweat from his skin as best you can, but he’s burning from the inside out.
“You’re not able to fight, Aegon. Nobody faults you for that. Everyone knows you were wounded in battle.”
“They must think I’m a coward.”
“No, you inspire them. They love you. I love you.”
Aegon doesn’t say it back. He never says it back. He only offers you the same drowsy, mournful phrase of High Valyrian he always does, not knowing that Aemond told you what it means: To your misfortune.
Autumn is with the children in Alicent’s rooms. The castle is tense and as quiet as a crypt—Alicent weeps soundlessly, Larys paces the halls with Corlys and Tyland Lannister, everyone peeks out of windows constantly to see if bannermen of the victor have appeared on the horizon—but she keeps them distracted with stories and games. You cycle between Alicent’s bedchamber and Aegon’s. He is in and out of consciousness; sometimes you perch beside him on the bed, sometimes you lie curled up against him counting the beats of his heart, sometimes you help Autumn read to Jaehaera and Aegon the Younger. It is just after noon when the city bells begin to toll and screams rise from the streets outside the Red Keep. You and Autumn hurry to a window. In the distance, beyond the city gates, there is a swarming mass of infantry, cavalry, archers. Their banners, when you strain your eyes to decipher them, are not the brazen, vivid yellow of House Baratheon. They are night black and an icy, steely grey. They are the colors of House Stark.
“No,” Autumn says, denial in a protracted, helpless exhale. Alicent shrieks, frightening the children. You grab Autumn’s hand and lead her out into the hallway to warn the others if they don’t know already.
Lord Corlys Velaryon comes bounding up a staircase. “There are soldiers down in the secret passageways!” he booms. “Northmen! Armed! I’ve helped our guards bar the doors, but that won’t hold them back forever.”
Autumn looks to you. “Get the children ready to travel,” you tell her. “Find Larys and inform him.”
“Yes, my lady,” she says, and is gone. You sprint in the opposite direction towards Aegon’s bedchamber. You blow the door open like a strong wind, and Aegon startles awake. You rip through his dresser for things he will need: warm clothes, boots, his dagger, bottles of milk of the poppy.
“Get up, Aegon. We have to go. We’ll run, we’ll flee, there are Northmen in the tunnels but we’ll find another way out, we have to try, we have to, if they catch you they’ll—”
“Come sit with me,” he says from the bed, calmly, like you have all the time in the world. He is reaching out for you with one hand.
“What? No, we have to hurry—”
“Angel,” Aegon says. “I need you to come sit with me now.”
Why isn’t he afraid? Why isn’t he frantic? You cross the room with slow, numb footsteps. When you reach the bed, Aegon takes both of your hands in his own. And suddenly you know exactly what he is going to say. You remember what he told his brother in High Valyrian the last time Aemond left Dragonstone. Your voice is trembling and hoarse. Your throat burns like embers. “Aemond was supposed to be here to help us win. But he’s gone. Daeron, Criston, Helaena, Otto, Everett, Jaehaerys, Maelor, Autumn’s baby, so many people are gone.”
Aegon whispers, smiling softly as tears spill down his cheeks, one scarred and the other pure: “I’m not going to get better this time.”
“No,” you moan. “No, Aegon, no. You can’t say that, you can’t tell me that—”
“I’m not going to get better.” Now his palms cradle your face, forcing you to listen. “I’m not. And it’s okay. I’m not angry, I’m not scared. You’ve done everything you could and you’ve bought me more time and I’m so grateful. But I don’t want it to hurt anymore. I’ve been in pain for so long. I’ve been in pain my whole goddamn life.” He kisses you, like tasting something rare and fleeting. His thumbprint skates along the curve of your jaw, memorizing the angles of your bones, the rhythm of your pulse. “Please, Angel. I don’t want to try to run and die on the side of the road somewhere. I don’t want to die with Cregan Stark’s blade at my throat.”
You shake your head, unable to believe, unable to understand.
Aegon glances to the empty cup on his bedside table, to the large glass bottle of milk of the poppy. Then his eyes return to you. “You know how to do it.”
No. Never. But beneath those cold, dark, stormy waters: It would be painless. “I can’t,” you say, overwhelmed with horror.
“Listen, listen to me—”
“I can’t do that to you. Not to you. I can’t, I can’t.”
“When I’m gone, go to Cregan Stark,” Aegon says. “He is an honorable man, he will ensure your survival. He is the only person who can now. He wants to put his mark on the world. He wants to play Kingmaker. Let him. He can decree that my daughter will marry Rhaenyra’s son and ascend to the Iron Throne. He can end the war. Cregan will keep you safe. Tell him that I kidnapped you, that I forced myself on you. Tell him that I wanted an heir with Valyrian blood. Tell him that I was a drunk, a degenerate. Tell him whatever he wants to hear.”
“You would become a monster?”
“To protect you? I would become anything.”
He’s holding you, he’s pulling you into him until you can feel the fever bleeding from his flesh into yours, until you can number the knots of his spine and the ladder-rungs of his ribcage, counting them with your fingers through the sweat-drenched fabric of his cotton shirt. You draw back to look at him, to really look at him, sunken bloodshot eyes and rasping breaths, scar tissue of the body and the soul. You remember the day you met him, how he’d begged to die and been refused, how you brought him back. You postponed a debt, but you never paid it. It’s not possible to ever pay enough. You stack up gold coins in a vault until they touch the ceiling and still the Stranger comes knocking, jangling his purse sewn with scorched skin and chanting: more, more, more.
Aegon glances to the cup again. “How much?” he asks you, hushed like a prayer.
You don’t answer. Instead, you stand and go to the dresser. You open a small wooden door beneath the mirror. Your reflection is a woman you don’t know, someone who walks through fog and memory, someone made of ghosts. You take four clean cups from the cabinet and set them on Aegon’s bedside table. As he watches—eyes glassy with agony, lungs rattling—you fill them all with smooth, pearlescent, lethal liquid, as well as the empty cup that was already there. “Five,” you say, and it sounds nothing like you. “I think three at once would be enough. Five to make sure.”
He sobs with relief, and only now do you realize how badly he needed this. “Thank you. Oh gods, thank you.”
Your own words come back like an echo: I preserve life, I don’t take it. But that was a different lifetime, a different you. Aegon’s fingers are lacing through yours. He is drawing you back onto the bed, he is brushing your hair back from your face, he is kissing the path of tears down your cheeks so he doesn’t waste a drop of you. He’ll never get another taste, another chance; not in this life, not on this earth.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the end with you,” he says. “I really tried.”
“I know, Aegon.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough.”
“You’re the strongest person I’ve ever known.”
He looks down at his left hand, then remembers where his ring has gone. He chuckles, darkly, bitterly, dismayed by all the failings he is built of. “I don’t even have anything to give you.” Then he remembers. “My dagger. Can you get my dagger?”
You are petrified. “Why?”
He grins, dull teeth beneath dazed eyes. “I’m not going to hack off a finger or my exemplary cock or something. I promise. Just get it.”
You fetch the dagger and bring it to the bed, and only then do you realize what he means for you to have. He points to it, then threads it through his pale, swollen fingers: his thin lock of hair that you’ve been weaving for him since the day you met. He wants you to take his braid.
“You’ll have to cut it yourself,” he says. “I don’t think I can.”
You hook the blade beneath the top of his braid, and with a few cautious slices of the dagger it is free. You tuck the braid into a pocket of your gown, thick black velvet to guard against the winter cold. Then you lay the dagger on the bedside table and pick up one of the cups filled to the brim with milk of the poppy. Your tears are scalding and torrential; it is almost impossible to see through them. You smooth back Aegon’s white-blond hair as you pour the blissful, deadly brew through his lips and down his throat, hating yourself, knowing it is the kindest thing you can do for him.
Suddenly, when the cup is half-drained, Aegon pushes it away. “You don’t have to be here. You don’t have to watch,” he says. “I can do the rest. Go, now. Right now. If the Boltons or some other house finds you before Cregan does, they might not recognize you. They might not care. You’re only safe with Cregan Stark. He has to find you first.” Aegon takes the cup with one shaking hand and presses a palm to your shoulder with the other. You haven’t moved. You can’t move. “Go. Leave me. Now. Please go. I love you, but you have to go now.”
“I can’t,” you choke out.
“You have to.”
“I’ve never wanted anyone but you.”
“Angel,” he says tenderly, smiling. “I’ll see you again. Just not too soon.”
“Okay,” you whisper, and you kiss him, traces of milk of the poppy on his lips that deaden the thunderstruck horror faintly, powerlessly, like small clouds drifting over the sun.
“If there’s anything interesting on the other side, I’ll find a way to let you know.”
The dreams, you think. “Okay,” you say again, barely audible.
“Now go. Right now. Go.”
You wipe tears from your face with your sleeve as you turn away from him. You can’t look back; if you do, you’ll never be able to walk out of this room. You take the dagger from the bedside table. Your bare feet pad across the cold floor. As you step through the doorway, on the periphery of your vision you can see Aegon swallowing down each cupful of poison as quickly as he can. It won’t take long to stop his heart. Minutes, perhaps. Seconds. You walk into the hallway. Autumn has just arrived with Jaehaera’s tiny hand clasped in her own. A few paces behind her, Alicent and Larys stand with Rhaenyra’s son. Two orphans without choices, two pawns in a much grander game.
Autumn is panicked. “Where should we go? What should we do?” Then she takes another look at your face. Her eyes go wide with terror. “What? What happened?”
“Follow me.” Your voice is low, flat, dark like deep water. Your eyes flick briefly to Lord Larys Strong. “Keep the boy here. He’s not safe with the smallfolk yet. But the Northmen won’t harm him.”
Larys knows. It’s over. He is devastated; and yet you think a part of him might be relieved as well. “Yes, Your Grace.”
“I’m not the queen anymore. I never really was.” You give him Aegon’s dagger. “I don’t think you’ll need this, Lord Larys, but now you have it in the event of any danger. Or in case I can’t convince Cregan Stark to spare you and you decide you’ve had enough of this world. You should get a say in how your life ends. You’ve earned it.”
Then you break away from them and glide through the Red Keep, Autumn and Jaehaera trotting swiftly behind you to keep up. You pass the rookery where Aemond wrote his letters. You sweep through the gardens where Helaena loved to collect her insects. You gaze down to the beach where Daeron landed on Tessarion under a dazzling sun before winter came like a plague to King’s Landing. From inside the castle, you can hear Alicent wailing as she discovers her last child’s lifeless body. What was all of this for? Why did this have to happen? Why didn’t anybody stop it?
Out on the streets of the city, the smallfolk have flocked with their makeshift weapons to defend their homes from the Northmen. But their eyes are darting everywhere and their faces are uncertain as they clutch their clubs made out of the legs of chairs and their rusty kitchen knives. They haven’t decided if it’s futile. They don’t want to be butchered for nothing.
“That’s Autumn!” they shout and sigh, especially the women. “The mother of the king’s bastard son, the one murdered by the half-year queen!” They reach out to skim their hands over Autumn’s gown, her long coppery hair, as if she is a saint or a spirit who can impart good luck upon them, who can change their fates. They fall to their knees to bow to Jaehaera, their king’s only living child, and she blinks at them with benign confusion.
But the smallfolk have a different reception for you. You hear their venomous chattering: “Is that the Celtigar woman?” “Her family put this city through hell.” “They served Rhaenyra.” “She’s a traitor, she’s a thief.” A few of them venture close enough to tug at your gown, to strike at you. A woman’s knuckles rap against your cheekbone, raising a bruise there like lavender in a dusk sky. You think dully: I wonder if they’ll gouge out my eyes with those knives like they did to Everett.
“Get back!” Autumn hisses, shoving the smallfolk away. And when she speaks, they listen. “She is going to the Wolf of Winterfell. She is my protector. She is your protector now too. She is the best chance you have left.” And the crowds open up and the three of you pass through King’s Landing unimpeded, though cloaked in thousands of fascinated gazes.
The King’s Gate has been abandoned; the guards must have feared the Boltons’ flaying knives or Lord Stark’s dark justice. Autumn instructs several hulking men of the smallfolk to open the gate if they wish to be spared from the wolf’s wrath. They are reluctant at first, but do as she asks. When the massive doors creak open, the people of the capital huddle behind the wall and peer out skittishly as you, Autumn, and Jaehaera advance to meet the Northmen, who are bloodied from battle and now within a hundred yards of the city. Above, the sky is thick and iron-grey and frigid. Snowflakes—the first of this winter to touch King’s Landing—begin to fall and land in your hair, and you are reminded of how embers rained from the smoldering pine trees at Rook’s Rest.
“Can you catch one on your tongue?” Autumn asks Jaehaera, and the little girl giggles as they both try.
The Warden of the North rides an immense, shaggy warhorse at the head of what remains of his army. He recognizes you immediately, dismounts, approaches with determined, unbreakable strides. Clement is close behind him.
“You’re alive!” your brother shouts joyously. “And apparently not pregnant with a Targaryen bastard! Praise the gods!”
Cregan Stark does not act as if he’s heard this. The Warden of the North is not as you remember him; he is larger, heavier and broader from the muscles won in battle, coarsened by weather and war. His hair is long and dark and pulled back from his face. He wears a sword at his belt that is taller than you are when it’s unsheathed. He is entombed in leather and furs. He does not hesitate before he lays his hands you. You are betrothed to him, you are his property, would a man ask before he grabs his horses or his dogs?
The Warden of the North does not seize your forearm roughly like Aemond once did. Instead, his massive palms and fingers clasp your face as he marvels at you. You can feel the stains of dirt and ashes he leaves there. You want to scream when he touches you, but you can’t. You want to burn with rage and heartache until you crumble like ruins. Your life is already over. Your life has just begun.
“You have suffered greatly,” Cregan Stark says, a marriage of shock and reverence.
“You have no idea.” Perpetual Resurrection, you think. It doesn’t mean you come back better. It just means you’re still here.
“You are safe now,” Cregan swears. “The Usurper will never harm you again.” And it ends the same way it began: with a man mistaking your allegiance and beckoning you into a destiny that he wholeheartedly believes is greater than any you could have envisioned for yourself.
“He’s dead.”
This stuns Cregan. “When? How?”
“Today. Of old wounds sustained in battle.”
He looks at Jaehaera, noticing her for the first time. “Is that his daughter?”
“Yes,” you say. “She must always be treated with kindness. She must be protected.”
“You have an affinity for her,” Cregan notes, intrigued.
You hear Aegon’s voice, so clearly it cuts like a blade: Tell him whatever he wants to hear. “We have been through great trials together. We survived the same monster.”
The Warden of the North nods. This is a story he craves to be told. “Very well. If it is your wish that she not be discreetly disposed of as a Silent Sister, I will betroth her to Rhaenyra’s surviving son. They will unite the noble houses of Westeros and end this war.”
“The worst of the Greens are dead already. Those who remain should be shown mercy. Alicent is old and ill and broken from loss. She poses no threat. She should be permitted to remain in the company of her granddaughter. Corlys was loyal to Rhaenyra until she falsely imprisoned him for treason, and he belongs on Driftmark with Rhaena. Larys Strong, Tyland Lannister, and Grand Maester Orwyle, if no pardon can be arranged for them, should go to the Wall instead of the scaffold. And Autumn, my companion there with Jaehaera…she was a true friend to me. I owe her my life several times over. She must be permitted to stay with Jaehaera and Aegon the Younger as a caretaker, and reside in comfort in the Red Keep for the remainder of her days.”
“Who do you think you are, sister?!” Clement exclaims. “You’re speaking to the Kingmaker, not some handmaiden! You do not command him!”
“I am not commanding,” you counter levelly. “I am pleading for mercy on behalf of imperfect souls who showed me kindness during my captivity. If granted, I will consider these my wedding gifts.”
“She is remarkable, is she not?” Cregan Stark says, grinning to Clement and several other men who have ventured closer. They wear the sigils of Northern houses: Bolton, Cerwyn, Manderly, Hornwood, Dustin. They chuckle in agreement, stroking their wild beards with huge filthy hands. “Dauntless but merciful. Clever but obedient.” And then the Warden of the North claims your lips with his, chaste but overpowering, the first of a thousand kisses you never desired, a thousand acts of affection for a woman who isn’t really you, feigned resignation and bitten-back rage, eternal war with the interminable knowledge that there is something more, more, more…you just aren’t permitted to have it. It was taken from you, it was ripped from your hands like stolen treasure.
All your life you will have to murmur in wounded agreement when people recount the terrible sins of the Usurper. All your life you will have to praise Cregan Stark for killing millions to rescue you. And the days will pass, weeks, months, years, summers and winters, the births of your children and their own marriages; and when Cregan’s boy Rickon, born of his first wife, produces only daughters, your son Brandon and his descendants will become the heirs to Winterfell. In the desolate North—so far from the ocean, so far from everything Aegon ever knew—your greatest solace will be letters from Autumn as she learns to read and write, books that your husband orders for you from the Citadel, setting bones and treating burns, a tiny lock of braided silver hair that you keep in a hidden drawer of your jewelry box, dreams that you never want to wake up from.
But one day, decades after you leave King’s Landing, you will receive a raven from Queen Jaehaera Targaryen, and she will ask you: You knew the Greens in your youth, Wardeness Stark. You knew Aemond, Daeron, Helaena, Alicent, Otto, Maelor, Aegon the Usurper. What can you tell me of them? What was my father like? Who was he really?
And you’ll pick up your quill and begin writing.
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reverieblondie · 2 months
9 people you want to know better tag ੈ✩
Tagged By: @faerunsbest (Thank you so much!)
Tagging- @fic--writer @rax-writes @lizziemajestic @poetryvampire @daisyofwaterdeep @vera-king-hrfl
@graysparrowao3 @f4iryt3a @sleketon666 @sorceresssundries
Three ships: Rolan x any Tav (I usally like those stories), Lae'zel x Cal (yes I am still pushing my crack ship), Gale x Shadowheart (read a fic with them together and it was just so cute!) And adding one more because I am obsessed is @vera-king-hrfl Cal x Ryldinn (Honestly I love all their pairings)
First ship: ohhhh man!!!! I used to be such a fairytale fan and loved me some nalu! Natsu x Lucy (oh my goodness that takes me back!)
Last song: Girlfriend by Hemlocke Springs
Last movie: Bodies bodies bodies
Currently Reading: I am trying to catch up on a lot of my moots fics!
Currently Watching: Rewatching all of Stranger Things, don't ask me why, I just like to put it on in the background.
Currently eating: My boyfriend is going to be making us reubens!
Currently Craving: So I am not craving a food but a fic I am craving is some bg3 college AUs they are just invading my brain and I want to read AUs lately.
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mediasaurs · 1 year
T. rex Madness Round 1 Masterpost
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All round 1 polls are here!
Prehistoric Planet (Hank) vs. Dinosaur Office (Terry)
Extreme Dinosaurs (T-Bone) vs Doctor Who (Deep Breath T. rex)
Fossil Specimen (Black Beauty: RTMP 81.6.1) vs There Are Tyrannosaurs Trying On Pants in My Bedroom
DC Comics (Batcave T. rex) vs Old grocery store T. rex toy
Doraemon: Nobita’s Dinosaur (T. rex) vs Ice Age (Momma Dino)
Dinosaur Revolution (Junior) vs Dinosaur Island (2014/2015)
Prehistoric Park (Terrence) vs Barney (Barney)
T. Rex the band vs. Prehistoric Park (Matilda)
Digimon (Tyrannomon) vs. Prehistoric Kingdom T. rex
Project for Awesome (T. Rax) vs. Safari Ltd. Feathered T. rex
You are Umasou (Heart) vs. Fossil Specimen (Jane BMRP 2002.4.1)
Jurassic Park (Rexy) vs. Dinosaurs (Roy Hess)
Night at the Museum (Rexy) vs. The Lost World (1925)
Beast Wars (Megatron) vs. Chrome game T. rex
Pokémon (Tyranitar) vs. Pokémon (Tyrantrum)
Fossil Specimen (Stan BHI 3033) vs. Toy Story (Rex)
Charles Knight T. rex vs. Transformers (Grimlock)
Theodore Rex (Theodore Rex) vs. Walking With (Mother T. rex)
Super Mario Odyssey (T. rex) vs. Banjo Tooie (T. rex Banjo)
Fossil Specimen (Sue FMNH PR 2081) vs. Jimmy Neutron “Sorry, Wrong Era” T. rex
King Kong 1933 (Tyrannosaurus rex) vs. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (Tyrannosaurus Dinozord)
Marvel Comics (Devil Dinosaur) vs. Fossil Specimen (Rexy AMNH 5027)
When Dinosaurs Roamed America (Narrated by John Goodman) vs. We’re Back! (Rex, voiced by John Goodman)
The Magic School Bus (T. rex) vs. Sinclair Dinoland 1964 World’s Fair
King of the Dinosaurs by Michael Berenstain vs. Dinosaur Train (Buddy)
The Good Dinosaur (Ramsey) vs. Meet the Robinsons (Tiny)
Fossil Specimen (B-rex: MOR 1125) vs. Primal (Fang)
The Land Before Time (Chomper) vs. Project G.e.e.K.e.R. (Noah)
Saurian T. rex vs. Gravity Falls (T. rex in amber)
Jurassic Park (Lost World family) vs. 3D Dinosaur Adventure (Assembled T. rex)
Fantasia (Rite of Spring T. rex) vs. Prehysteria! (Elvis)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Ultimate Conductor Tyranno) vs. Prehistoric Planet (Flirt Man)
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ostensiblynone · 1 year
The lens of Josie and the Pussycats was smeared unmistakably with the Vaseline of millennial sexuality. Our generation has always been more brutal than the boomers', less polite, more overt . . . and for all that, less comfortable. Millennials have less sex than boomers did at the same age, even though we show a lot more skin, swear more, use sex-delivery services like Tinder more fluently. (Sidebar: I don't know how many readers out there have tried to order a hot older man from Tinder, but they're miserably inept at using it—no text etiquette at all! Two spaces between every sentence when they tweet!) Josie and the Pussycats is a prime example of that contrast, and I was the perfect age to notice it. Despite all that skin, those glistening gobs of frosted lip gloss on suck-me lips, that lingering shot of Gabriel Mann's fingers skating along the frozen honey surface of Rachael Leigh Cook's back, it's actually a pretty sexless movie. It contains the same amount of sex as Archie comics, which is none.
—Tacky by Rax King
0 notes
hatingwithfears · 2 years
Here’s the complete list of books I managed to read in 2022.
168 books. 54,494 pages.
Renata Adler- Speedboat
Kendra Allen- The Collection Plate
Jonathan Alter- His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life
Kenneth Anger- Hollywood Babylon
Jason Bailey- Fun City Cinema: New York City and the Movies That Made It
Peter Baker, Susan Glasser- The Divider: Trump in The White House 2017-2021
JG Ballard- The Atrocity Exhibition
Julien Barnes- Elizabeth Finch
Brit Bennett- The Vanishing Half
Charles M. Blow- The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto
Anthony Bourdain- Medium Raw
Anthony Bourdain, Laurie Woolever- World Travel: An Irreverent Guide
Box Brown- Cannabis: The Illegalization of Weed in America
Mariah Carey, Michaela Angela Davis- The Meaning of Mariah Carey
Nick Cave & Sean O’Hagan- Faith, Hope, and Carnage
David Chang- Eat a Peach
Dan Charnas- Dilla Time
Leonard Cohen- A Ballet of Lepers
Lee Cole- Groundskeeping
Teju Cole- Black Paper
Ray Connolly- Being Elvis: A Lonely Life
Brian Contoir- Practical Alchemy
Antoine Cosse- Metax
Charles R. Cross- Here We Are Now: The Lasting Impact of Kurt Cobain
Daniele Cybulskie- How To Live Like a Monk
Travis Dandro- King of King Court
John Darnelle- Devil House
Michael Deforge- Heaven No Hell
Rita Dove- Playlist for the Apocalypse
David Duchovny- The Reservoir
Jennifer Egan- The Candy House
Robert Evans- The Kid Stays in The Picture
Scott Eyman- Cary Grant: A Brilliant Disguise
Nicolas Ferraro- Cruz
Mark Fisher- Ghosts of My Life
Mark Fisher- Capitalist Realism
Johnathan Franzen- Crossroads
Harry Freedman- Leonard Cohen: The Mystical Roots of Genius
Matti Friedman- Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai
James Gavin- George Michael: A Life
Lizzy Goodman- Meet Me in The Bathroom
Andrew Sean Greer- Less
Dave Grohl- The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music
Joseph Hansen- Troublemaker
Joy Harjo- Poet Warrior
Robert Harris- The Ghost Writer
Noah Hawley- Anthem
Wil Haygood- Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Film in a White World
Clinton Heylin- The Double Life of Bob Dylan
Andrew Holleran- The Kingdom of Sand
Michel Houellebecq- Serotonin
Sean Howe- Marvel Comics: The Untold Story
Dorthy B Hughes- In a Lonely Place
John Irving- The Fourth Hand
Walter Isaacson- Leonardo Da Vinci
Kazuo Ishiguro- Klara and The Sun
Junji Ito- No Longer Human
Robert Jones Jr- The Prophets
Saeed Jones- Alive at The End of the World
Stephen Graham Jones- My Heart is a Chainsaw
Rax King- Tacky
Stephen King- Billy Summers
Katie Kitamura- Intimacies
Chuck Klosterman- The Nineties
TJ Klune- Under The Whispering Door
Karl Ove Knausgaard- The Morning Star
Hideo Kojima- The Creative Dream
Milan Kundera- Slowness
Wally Lamb- I Know This Much is True
Yiyun Li- Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life
Thomas Ligotti- The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
Roger Lipsey- Make Peace Before the Sun Goes Down
Patricia Lockwood- No One is Talking About This
Ling Ma- Bliss Montage
Stuart B MacBride- Halfhead
Michael Mann & Meg Gardiner- Heat 2
Greil Marcus- Dead Elvis
Mike McCormack- Solar Bones
Jennette McCurdy- I’m Glad My Mom Died
Janelle Monae- The Memory Librarian
Ottessa Moshfegh- Lapvona
Leila Mottley- Nightcrawling
Alan Moore, Melinda Gebbie- Lost Girls
Grant Morrison- The Invisibles
Mannie Murphy- I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Sequoia Nagamatsu- How High We Go in The Dark
Joyce Carol Oates- Blonde
Joyce Carol Oates- American Melancholy
John O’Connell- Bowie’s Bookshelf
Ryan O’Connell- Just By Looking at Him
Jenny Offill- Weather
Paul Ortiz- An African American and Latinx History of The United States
Hiroko Oyamada- The Factory
Hiroko Oyamada- The Hole
Helen Oyeymi- What is Not Yours is Not Yours
James Patterson- Hear No Evil
Larissa Pham- Pop Song
Brian Phillips- Impossible Owls
Stephanie Phillips- Why Solange Matters
Keith Phipps- Age of Cage
Michael Pollan- This Is Your Mind on Plants
Richard Powers- Bewilderment
Questlove- Music is History
Kristen Radtke- Seek You
Sue Rainsford- Follow Me to Ground
Claudia Rankine- Just Us: An American Conversation
George A Romero, Daniel Kraus- The Living Dead
Karen Russell- Orange World
George Saunders- A Swim in a Pond in The Rain
George Saunders- Liberation Day
Samantha Schweblin— Fever Dream
Leonardo Sciascia- Equal Danger
Mark Seal- Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli
Seth- Clyde Fans
Alan Sepinwall- Breaking Bad 101
Zadie Smith- Feel Free
Won-Pyung Sohn- Almond
Bob Spitz- Led Zeppelin: The Biography
Elizabeth Strout- Oh William!
J Randy Taraborrelli- The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe
Herve Le Tellier- The Anomaly
Manjit Thapp- Feelings
Olga Tokarczuk- The Books of Jacob
Jia Tolentino- Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self Delusion
Leo Trezenick- The Confession of a Mad Man
Stanley Tucci- Taste
Una- Becoming Unbecoming
Ocean Vuong- Time is a Mother
Chris Ware- Rusty Brown
WC Ware- Jimmy Corrigan
John Waters- Liarmouth
Peter Weiss- The Shadow of The Coachman’s Body
Missouri Williams- The Doloriad
Antoine Wilson- Mouth to Mouth
Sarah Winman- Still Life
Laurie Wollever- Bourdain: The Definitive Oral Biography
Kenneth Womack- Solid State: The Story of Abbey Road and The End of The Beatles
Hanya Yanagihara- To Paradise
Ed. Jelani Cobb & David Remnick- The Matter of Black Lives
Ed. Sinead Gleeson & Kim Gordon- This Woman’s Work: Essays on Music
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embossross · 2 years
2022 in Books: Non-Fiction Edition
in the dream house by carmen maria machado (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
priestdaddy by patricia lockwood (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
night by elie wiesel (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
negroland by margo jefferson (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
fun home: a family tragicomic by alison bechdel (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
black box by shiori ito (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
waste: one woman's fight against america's dirty secret by catherine coleman flowers (⭐⭐⭐)
a history of my brief body by billy-ray belcourt (⭐⭐⭐)
the best american essays 2021 (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
how to slowly kill yourself and others by kiese laymon (not the new edition unfortunately 😭) (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
coventry: essays by rachel cusk (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
trick mirror: reflections on self-delusion by jia tolentino (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
the curtain: an essay in seven parts by milan kundera (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
upstream: selected essays by mary oliver (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
the best american essays 2019 (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
languages of truth: essays 2003-2020 by salman rushdie (⭐⭐⭐)
tacky: love letters to the worst culture we have to offer by rax king (⭐⭐⭐)
the 2000s made me gay: essays on pop culture by grace perry (⭐)
poetry - no ratings because i am a poetry novice lol
an american sunrise by joy harjo
golden ax by rio cortez
time is a mother by ocean vuong
being mortal: medicine and what matters in the end by atul gawande (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
red famine: stalin's war on ukraine, 1921-1933 by anne applebaum (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
dopesick: dealers, doctors, and the drug company that addicted america by beth macy (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
fuzz: when nature breaks the law by mary roach (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
a beginner's guide to japan: observations and provocations by pico iyer (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
the best american science and nature writing 2021 (⭐⭐⭐)
how the irish saved civilization: the untold story of ireland's heroic role from the fall of rome to the rise of medieval europe by thomas cahill (⭐⭐⭐)
the neanderthals rediscovered: how modern science is rewriting their story by dimitra papagianni (⭐⭐⭐)
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salaciouscrumbb · 10 months
only a scant few pages into rax king’s tacky & i’m in love and need to be her best friend.
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driftwoodcalliope · 2 years
So, not that anyone asked but these are the novels I read this year. If any of these books catch your eye let’s be friends!
(Note: these are not in any order, I kinda just put em into a wanton list without any prior organization)
Violet’s wee reading list of 2022
1. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Quentin Tarantino
2. Butter Honey Pig Bread - Francesca Ekwuyasi
3. Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
4. Seize the Day - Saul Bellow
5. Storm of Steel - Ernst Junger
6. Tacky - Rax King
7. Slow Days, Fast Company - Eve Babitz
8. Stoner - John Williams
9. Hard Rain Falling - Don Carpenter
10. Anniversaries - Uwe Johnson
11. Don Quixote de La Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes
12. Killing Commendatore - Haruki Murakami
13. Burning Questions - Margaret Atwood
14. The Counterfieters - André Gide
15. Growth of the Soil - Knut Hamsun
16. The Poems of John Keats - John Keats
17. Ulysses - James Joyce
18. The New York Trilogy - Paul Auster
19. The Complete Stories of Clarice Lispector - Clarice Lispector
20. Quo Vadis - Henry’s Sienkiewicz
20. The Dwelling Place of Light - Winston Churchill (not the former PM)
21. Dharma Bums - Jack Kerouac
22. Dune - Frank Herbert
23. Dune Messiah - Frank Herbert
24. Children of Dune - Frank Herbert
25. God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert
26. Heretics of Dune - Frank Herbert
27. Chapter House Dune - Frank Herbert
28. Notes from Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky
29. The Double - Fyodor Dostoevsky
30. Moby Dick - Herman Melville
31. Middlemarch - George Eliot
32. The Complete Stories of Jorge Luis Borges - Jorge Luis Borges
33. The Collins Complete Shakespeare - William Shakespeare
34. The Banjo: A History - Laurent DuBois
35. House of Leaves - Mark Z Danielewski
36. Sérotonin - Michel Houellebecq
37. Pamela - Samuel Richardson
38. The Confusions of Young Törless - Robert Musil
39. The Little Friend - Donna Tartt
40. My Struggle I: A Death in the Family - Karl Ove Knausgaard
42. My Struggle II: A Man in Love - Karl Ove Knausgaard
43. My Struggle III: Boyhood Island - Karl Ove Knausgaard
44. My Struggle IV: Dancing in the Dark - Karl Ove Knausgaard
45. My Struggle V: Some Rain Must Fall - Karl Ove Knausgaard
46. My Struggle VI: The End - Karl Ove Knausgaard
47. The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoevsky
48. The Pickwick Papers - Charles Dickens
49. Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
50. Bleak House - Charles Dickens
51. The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens
52. Nicholas Nickelby - Charles Dickens
53. Roots - Alex Haley
54. Silas Marner - George Eliot
55. Scenes of Clerical Life - George Eliot
56. Slouching Towards Bethlehem - Joan Didion
57. Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao
58. Babel - R. F. Kuang
59. The Complete Father Brown Stories - G. K. Chesterton
60. Death Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases - Nissoisin
61. The Blind Assassin - Margaret Atwood
62. The Song of Roland - Anon.
63. The Nibelungenlied - Anon.
64. Le Morte D’Arthur - Sir Thomas Malory
65. The Lais of Marie de France - Marie de France
66a. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (penguin tran.) - Anon. (The Pearl Poet)
66b. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Tolkien tran.) - Anon. (The Pearl Poet)
67. The Pearl (Tolkien tran.) - Anon. (The Pearl Poet)
68. Les Fleurs de Mal - Charles Baudelaire
69. Faust - Goethe
70. Forrest Gump - Winston Groom
71. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini - Benvenuto Cellini
72. Here There Be Dragons - James A. Owen
73. The Decameron - Giovanni Boccaccio
74. The Island - Alastair MacLeod
75. The Maltese Falcon - Dashiell Hammett
76. White Teeth - Zadie Smith
77. Beautiful Losers - Leonard Cohen
78. Take Arms Against a Sea of Troubles - Harold Bloom
79. A Song for Arbonne - Guy Gavriel Kay
80. Harlem Shuffle - Colson Whitehead
81. The Interview With the Vampire - Anne Rice
82. The Vampire LeStat - Anne Rice
83. The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler
84. Vile Bodies - Evelyn Waugh
85. Decline and Fall - Evelyn Waugh
86. Thus Were Their Faces - Silvina Ocampo
87. The Hellbound Heart - Clive Barker
88. The Collected Works of Breece D’J Pancake - Breece Pancake
89. Ben-Hur: The Story of a Christ - Lew Wallace
90. Open City - Teju Cole
91. Goodbye to Berlin - Christopher Isherwood
92. The Aeneid - Virgil
93. Emma - Jane Austen
94. Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
95. Persuasion - Jane Austen
96. The Portable Sixties Reader - Various, compiled by Ann Charters
97. The Innocents - Michael Crummey
98. Crossroads - Jonathan Franzen
99. The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling - Henry Fielding
100. The Pilgrim’s Progress - John Bunyan
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Wild Jungle Plot 2
He explains that one of his monkeys spotted not only a man cub, but a tall man who could make fire with his hands, gesturing to Mowgli and then Axel. Louie explains that he’s in a bit of a rut, he’s been on top for so long but finds he’s still not satisfied. He wants to know man’s secret for making fire so that he too can be human. Axel says there’s no way he would ever tell him how his fire works. Louie gets mad as he commands his monkeys to catch Mowgli, which they do with ease before bringing him to the king. Louie explains that if they refuse to help than he’ll hurt the man cub. RAX all summon their keyblades as Louie and the captive Mowgli ascend to the top of the ruins. A battle ensues and afterwards RAX, Bagheera, and Baloo escape into the jungle. They then realize that Mowgli is missing. Baloo says that he thinks he saw a monkey taking Mowgli away from the ruins. They search the jungle and after a while they happen upon Mowgli in the clutches of Kaa the snake. They confront Kaa and demand that he let Mowgli go. Kaa says this is all a big misunderstanding and that he never meant to hurt the man cub. Kaa then somewhat uncoils himself to look at Xion, before saying that they can trust in him. His eyes begin to swirl with color, as do Xion’s. Kaa then tells Xion that the others are trying to hurt Mowgli, and asks if she’s gonna let that happen. Xion replies no, before raising her kingdom key to her friends. A battle with Xion plays out and after it’s finished Xion snaps out of Kaa’s control. Xion asks what happened as Roxas explains the situation. Hearing that she was forced to fight her friends, she begins to cry. She explains that after reuniting with her friends during the keyblade war, she promised herself she would never again be somebody's puppet. Roxas and Axel comfort her before they are cut off by Bagheera. Apparently during the commotion, Mowgli was able to escape further into the Jungle. At this point Shere Khan enters the scene. He muses about how the man cub is all alone in the jungle. With a wicked laugh he takes off into the jungle. RAX and the others quickly follow in pursuit. They soon find Mowgli face to face with the homicidal tiger. They rush in between them and brace for the battle. Suddenly Shere Khan begins to emanate a dark aura. The trio are confused but still face off against him. After Shere Khan is defeated, Mowgli finally reunites with Bagheera and Baloo. Mowgli admits that maybe the man village is what’s best for him. Roxas is confused and asks why Mowgli would give up the life he wants to go live with people he doesn’t know, even after Shere Khan was defeated. Mowgli says that while the Jungle will always be his home, it’s better for everyone if he goes to the village. With that Mowgli is brought back to his people. We then cut to some time after with RAX contemplating on the limb of a tree. Axel explains that nobody they knew was at the village, but at least Mowgli is safe and sound. Roxas seems deep in thought until Axel snaps him out of it, asking if he sees a bit of himself in Mowgli. Roxas nods, admitting that he relates to what he was going through. Though he also ponders about how Mowgli could just give up a life in the jungle he called home just like that. He remembers out loud that back when he was in the data Twilight Town, he fought as hard as he could to keep his happy life with his friends. He wonders if it was right to fight so hard , even if it was the best for everyone for him to return to Sora. Axel butts in, telling him that nobody should feel ashamed for fighting for their existence, and that anybody else would have done the same. Roxas nods as he hops down to the ground, saying they better keep going if they wanna finish their exam. The others agree as they portal to the next world. We cut to Radiant Garden as we see Aeleus and Dilan patrolling the castle. We then get a close up of Aeleus’s hand. His hand suddenly clenches into a fist as the scene fades to black
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