#ray reddington
ardethbayrulez · 1 month
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The Blacklist
Oded Fehr as Levi Shur
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smuttyfandomgalore · 10 months
Reddington is so daddy
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jimmyspades · 9 months
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THE BLACKLIST 1.01 "Pilot" (2013) | 10.22 "Raymond Reddington: Goodnight" (2023)
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ray-red-reddington · 2 years
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waiting for the wifey after a long morning of business negociation
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Title:By The Horns
Date:July 14th, 2023.
Series:The Blacklist
Category: Finale fix-it fic
Main characters: Donald Ressler, Raymond Reddington
Rating: PG-13
Tags: The Blacklist, Redarina (implied)
*I made up the quotes from Liz in here because I figure they must have had these conversations, even if we didn't see them on screen.*
It was damn lucky that he'd come in a helicopter. As tiny as it was they managed to get Reddington onto the collapsible emergency backboard, and maneuvered him inside. Donald Ressler got Reddington to a medical center inside of 20 minutes of noticing the seemingly dead man twitch.
Now Ressler sat in a side room off of a short hallway. Calling it a waiting room was too generous a term for this tiny little emergency medical center. His elbows rested on his knees and his forehead in his hands. He was shaking, and his vision was off somehow, as it had been since he found Reddington stomped into the ground by the bull. A tornado of conflict like he'd never quite known ran through him. He should be doing something else. He should be calling Cooper back. That wail that had come from Dembe when he'd told them he was standing over Red's body.
But then the twitch, the pulse check, the noise of the helicopter and the urgency of the doctors and nurses. He hadn't had a chance to call them back, to tell them that the man was still alive.
"Not yet," a voice in the back of his head whispered.
Reddington might not make it. Ressler would wait for the doctor to give him some news first.
"There's another reason," the same voice in his head responded.
Shut up, he told it. Are you the devil or the angel on my shoulder?
The voice smiled back. It had Reddington's smug little smile.
The Doctor who had taken Reddington into another room off the hallway charged back out and began loudly calling for the attention of everyone in spanish. He pointed to different people in turn, demanding something. Most people shrugged or shook their heads, but some responded with at least one letter of the alphabet and Ressler understood that.
He charged to his feet and quickly advanced to the doctor. "Blood types? Is that what you're asking for? Blood types??! I'm B negative!"
Ressler proffered his arm and slapped the inside of his elbow. "B negative! We're a match! We've done a blood transfer before!"
"Yes, yes!" The doctor grabbed his arm and ushered him into the room where Reddington lay on a stretcher. An oxygen mask was over his face, a brace around his neck, a heart monitor was beeping threadily, and a battered looking portable x-ray machine was being maneuvered over him by two nurses.
Ressler was ushered into a chair next to Reddington, and in short order Resslers blood was trailing through an IV tube into Reddington's arm. The beep of the heart monitor became stronger, more certain of itself. Red's chest began to noticeably rise and fall, something that Ressler hadn't been able to see out in that field.
The nurses finished their scans of Reddington's body and left. They were suddenly alone in the small, cramped room together, with the beep of the monitors and the ticking of a large wall clock. Resslers slow, controlled blood loss was combining with jet lag, and taking its effect on him. He felt drowsy and light, as if he was floating. He found himself looking over at his long-time nemesis, battered and bloodied, unconscious beside him. What a long road this had been. There had been so much loss. Liz. Where did it all end?
There were things he should be doing, like making that phone call. Why wasn't he?
"It'll limit your options. Wait. No one knows but you."
Son of a bitch. It out and out sounded like Reddington in his head now.
He drifted for a bit, not the least bit comfortable with deciding not to decide. Wait and see. Wait for the doctor. Ignore the fact that Red's condition should have nothing to do with Resslers' job.
The doctor returned, going to the wall and turning on a light board. He put up an x-ray of Reddington's skull, and began talking and gesturing to it. When he paused to look back at Ressler, he took in the other man's complete lack of comprehension. After a moment of hesitation, the doctor pointed to Reddington's nose area on the x-ray. He held out his fist horizontally, with the thumb extended to the side. Then he turned his fist so that the thumb was pointed up. He pointed to the area on the x-ray over Reddington's left eye, another place that was still bloody on Reddington's face. Again he started with the thumb extended to the side, and turned his fist so that the thumb was part way up.
"Ok, I got it. Injured, but not so bad."
The doctor put up another x-ray, and pointed his finger down the spine, continuing to talk, but not stopping there. Red's ribs and left forearm each got a big thumbs down, not that Ressler needed that interpretation. He could see for himself the shattered bones in the image. He shifted in his seat, registering his own sore ribs, thanks to Red's marksmanship just days ago. He didn't want to think about that. The voice in the back of his head had been all too convincingly suggesting that in Red's shoes, Ressler would have had to pull the trigger on Hudson himself.
The doctor moved on to an x-ray of Reddington's pelvis, but after just a moment he took it down again. He began flipping through the folder of x-rays in his hands, muttering to himself. He took the X-ray of the pelvis, and compared the numbers on it to the numbers on several of the other x-rays. He seemed confused. Then he left the room.
Donald waited, blinking hard and trying to shake off the faint dizziness. The clock on the wall told him it had been just over an hour since he had first found Reddington in that field.
The doctor returned with a younger woman, in different colored, more decorative scrubs. He put the pelvis X-ray back on the wall, and pointed at it accusingly, seemingly demanding something from the woman. She took the X-ray down, and again compared the numbers on it to the other x-rays. Then she put it back up, gesturing to it and speaking in a deliberately reasonable tone of voice. The doctor cut her off heatedly, gesturing to Reddington and back to the x-ray.
"What's going on?" Ressler leaned forward in his chair, reminding them of his presence.
"Ah. English." The woman spoke haltingly. She pointed at Reddington. "Friend?"
He stared hard at her for a moment. Then raised his fist horizontally, with his thumb out to the side.
"Ah," she replied, though her expression was clearly confused. She pointed to the X-ray, and then pointed to Reddington, and fumbled for the english words. "...tr….uhm…g…ch, change?"
He looked at her blankly, and shook his head that he didn't understand.
She turned back to the light board, and moved Reddington's pelvis x-ray to the side. She shuffled through a folder of x-rays in her own hands, and put up two more x-rays, both of them pelvises. She pointed to the first one, which was longer, narrower, with a smaller oval in the center, mostly taken up by the tail end of the spine. Then with the same hand she reached down and seemingly grabbed her crotch, Michael Jackson style. Ressler blinked, hard, and leaned back, baffled.
The woman pointed to the second new x-ray, where the pelvis was shorter, wider, and had a larger oval in the middle with far less of the tail of the spine showing in it. She then pointed to her midsection, and with her arm drew the shape of a pregnancy belly in the air in front of her.
"Yeah, I do know that. Men and women have different shaped pelvises." Basic forensics had been a long time ago, and he'd never had to make the identification himself, but in theory he could.
The woman slid the two x-rays apart, and popped Reddington's in between them. Then her finger shifted back and forth between all three.
Reddington's x-ray was in between, literally and descriptively. Wider, but also taller. A larger oval, with less tail bone in it. The areas that made the pelvis look taller had different levels of brightness on the outer edges, which Ressler knew from looking at his own x-rays over the years denoted bone growth.
But that large oval in the center, with the small amount of tailbone. That was distinctive.
"No," he said. He pointed at the X-ray, pointed at Reddington, and shook his head. "That's not his x-ray. Obviously."
The woman also pointed to the X-ray and to Reddington, and nodded her head insistently. She took the pelvis x-ray down, and lined it up in her hand with the skull x-ray, the arm x-ray, and x-rays of Reds clearly broken leg after it. She pointed to the upper right corner where the numbers were, and Donald could clearly see that the numbers were sequential. Each x-ray changing by only one number. The pelvis x-ray belonged in the middle of the bunch. He stared in confusion.
The doctor spoke up again, sounding annoyed and arrogant. The woman slapped the pelvis X-ray back up, drawing her finger around the oval in the center emphatically. She pointed to tiny, long-healed cracks that showed around the oval, speaking to the doctor sharpley, and again drawing the pregnant belly in the air in front of her. She pointed at Reddington, threw her hands up in finality, and stalked out of the room.
There was an awkward silence. Then the doctor shuffled his files, stared at the floor, and left.
Ressler sat alone again in the room with Reddington, looking at the X-ray in confusion and dizziness. A group of nurses came, bringing him some orange juice. They quickly and efficiently cut off most of Red's clothing, put his arm in a cast, and bound his leg in a brace. They elevated the bed and carefully supported Red's unconscious upper body as they wrapped his ribs.
Red's entire upper back and the backs of his upper arms were covered in burn scars.
"My father died in a fire when I was 4. He was fighting with my mother. I think Reddington was there."
"He killed your mother right in front of you, you tried to kill him for it. Why are you forgiving him now?"
She hadn't answered him, that last time that he spoke to her, in his hospital bed just hours before she died. He never did learn why she backed down on going after Reddington for the seemingly unforgivable act of killing Liz's mother.
But there was that letter that Dembe had given to Elizabeth when he wasn't supposed to. It had seemed to cause such a rift between Red and Dembe. A secret, THE secret, revealed to Liz, finally, on the last day of her life.
Donald Ressler was not by any means stupid or slow. That damn voice in the back of his head was putting the pieces together, but the rest of him was resisting. He looked at the man in front of him, whom he'd been chasing for 15 years. It couldn't be, could it? It just wasn't possible, Reddington was far from being celibate. Someone would know, someone would talk.
"CRISPER gene editing was in use 20 years before anybody thought it was. Men can be implanted with uteruses and carry babies to term. Hooker robots. What exactly isn't possible, Donald?"
No. Not this. It couldn't be.
Alexander Kirk let Reddington go. Reddington would never say why.
Damn it, it fit. It fit so perfectly. It explained every. Damn. Thing. Why Reddington would give his very life to protect Liz, why he forgave her, and only her, every single time.
What the hell?! What the actual hell was he going to do with this??! It just couldn't be right!
A ringing cell phone made him jump, and he fumbled for his pocket one handed before realizing it was coming from the pile of Reddington's clothing nearby.
Shaken, he flipped open the basic phone, seeing the identifying name come up at the same time that the call became active.
"Pinky??! Pinky!!"
Away from the speaker for a moment; "He picked up! I told you! Pinky?? Pinky, say something! PINKY!!" She was escalating into higher panic with every plea.
Agnes. His goddaughter. That bright, beautiful little girl that was the last surviving piece of Liz.
"Not the last, Donald."
He cleared his throat, and spoke her name, in a voice that was clearly not the one she wanted to hear.
"NO! NO, I WANT PINKY! SAY SOMETHING PINKY, PLEASE!! " She was screaming now, and he could hear Cooper in the background, sounding tearful himself, trying to calm her.
Agnes and her Pinky were so close. Closer than Red and Liz had ever been. And he might actually be her Grand….oh god. The implications of it swirled around his brain. Even the lowest criminal, if they qualified as human at all, they couldn't not love their kids. Jesus, no wonder. Now it all made such terrible, tragic sense. Liz. Reddington should have told her.
"Cooper…Agnes, listen…" he tried to cut through her hysteria.
"Ah…nez…" Resslers' head snapped around at the muffled voice. Reddington, one eye flickering slightly, the other swollen shut, was trying to lean his head within the neck brace towards the phone.
"Hang on", he told them all, and pulled Red's oxygen mask just slightly offside, to hold the phone to his face.
"Pinky??! Is that you??!"
"Izz me…Izz you?"
"Oh God, oh God. Pops said a bull attacked you. He said you were dead! I told him I'd just talked to you!" She'd settled into sobbing her words out.
"Well zaz bullshi'. Heh. We gonna have burgers nex' time."
Bloody, bruised, and bound, Raymond Reddington still managed one of those little grins. Asshole.
"I love you so much, Pinky. Please come home. Don't stay away, just come home."
"Love you, see you zoon."
Ressler took the phone back, and clearly so did Cooper.
"Donald? What the hell??"
"Sorry, I..I really thought he was gone. Then I had to get him help…"
"I had to wait for Dembe to be sedated before I could come home. God, I've got to go back and tell him."
"Yeah. Cooper?"
"…. I didn't call anyone. I'm here on my own."
There was a long pause of understanding.
"…. You're far from home Donald. Way out of our jurisdiction. I don't know what you can or can't do, or what you want to do. I only know what I would do in your place. I never want to hear her like that again."
"No. Me either."
"This isn't a bureau phone, Donald. This conversation didn't happen. The last one we had earlier, when you did call on a bureau phone, stands."
Ressler closed Reddington's phone.
Red was watching him out of one bleary eye, which seemed more alert by the second. He noticed the IV of blood connecting them.
"Full circle?"
"10 years…not that I really think I ever owed you anything. Except maybe a goodby."
He looked down, not sure where to go from here. He had committed to a course of action with Coopers unspoken consent and support. He was going to take no action at all.
There was no reason for him to stay here now. He could walk out, and Raymond Reddington would remain dead to all the world, with one hell of a tall tale about how he'd died gone out into the world, via the FBI.
Red watched him, picking up the situation easily. Softly, he asked; "Why?"
Red waited, the silence pregnant with tension.
Donald didn't know what to say. He wanted to talk, he wanted to question, and he wanted to forget.
"What…what is Agnes's blood type?"
"Why would you…." Red's working eye had finally managed to focus behind Ressler, to the light board on the wall, where the image of his own pelvis was brightly lit. He was quiet for a minute, and then spoke slower more carefully than he had before.
"I knew how you felt about 'lizabeth, before she did. Before you did. I knew if I said anything good, she'd run the other way."
"So you made fun of me for eight years? Gee, thanks. Why'd you keep it up?"
"Habit. I wish you a good life, Donald."
"Yeah, you too. Red."
The end.
Note; The show is over. They can't say this didn't happen.
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The Blacklist on social media. The Blacklist official subreddit. Instagram Facebook X (formerly Twitter) YouTube Reddit (Redarina subreddit) Award winning The Blacklist Exposed Podcast on Golden Spiral Media Select posts. Imposter hints (episodes per Jon Bokenkamp) A a list of ppl who urge Red to tell liz the truth. B Konets/Liz's dying scene and Redarina reveal to her C Liz's death scene. Red: As if for the first time seeing me for who I really was. D Red: because if you knew beforehand you'd never agree to kill me. E (Dembe: This funny little family who all share that laugh). F. Fakerina (Fake Katarina dialogue in Nachalo confirms when taken in context with her and Red's final scene in episode 8.02 that she had found what she was looking for the whole time. Katarina Rostova. Also see the scene from Episode 8.02 where Fakerina tells Red he was right in front of her the whole time.
Link One.
Link Two.
Link Three. Redarina discussions/posts on Tumblr
Link Four - Master link on Google Drive.
Link Five (Random links)
Dom: You took it but he has it and so do you.
Lilly: He doesn’t own her. He is her. Liz: Don’t do this. Lilly: And she is him.
Redarina YouTube video.
Link Six - Redarina (Lotte Verbeek/Katarina & James Spader/Raymond Reddington parallel scenes.
Season 1 DVD/Blu-ray commentaries with Joe Carnahan, John Eisendrath, and Jon Bokenkamp.
Pilot Commentary
Anslo Garrick Commentary
Berlin Commentary
The Blacklist STAFF confirms Red's identity.
What Eisendrath said about Red Back Burns.
Video clip - Red: I know how far a parent will go to protect their child.
Nachalo answers eight years of questions.
Rewatching those cryptic lines of dialogue from Red in earlier seasons and how they now make sense knowing that Red was Katarina the whole time. Also see my reddit post. X
Cape May and the show's first glimpse at The Mother Theory
The Blacklist Showrunners press interviews.
NBC The Blacklist showrunners on The Imposter Reveal/Bones (interview excerpts)
NBC The Blacklist showrunners - The Imposter revelation goes back to the beginning (interview excerpts.)
NBC The Blacklist showrunners on the shows endgame. Google Drive Link || Tumblr Link
A list of Liz questions to Red
Liz Keen dialogue about her "Mother
Audio clips on SoundCloud.
Joe Carnahan on James changing the word "more" on the "One More Time Monologue"
The Blacklist - Nachalo - Episode 8x21 - "You, Me, Your Mother" soundclip
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alexisnoir · 1 year
The Blacklist
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I am sitting down to watch all 10 seasons of Blacklist.
I have known of the show since 2013, yet I haven't watched a single episode beside a intro scene where Raymond Reddington gives himself up in the FBI HQ. I was too invested in House MD, Doctor Who and BBC Sherlock to invest more time on that show.
I wanted to watch it after season 4 of BBC Sherlock has aired but emotionally I was too drained to do that, if you know what I mean ;)
Now however I got my hands on all 10 seasons on Blu-ray and DVD's.
So far I'm 9 episodes in the first seasons and I love the show. Raymond reminds me of Mycroft but more of a cheeky version of him, more sure of himself and what he does.
Do I know how the show ends? I know who dies and more or less when in the show yet what the seasons finale is about - no I don't know. I don't want to know so if you will put spoilers in this post - you'll get banned by me so be warned!
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Side note: I have watched one movie with James Spader in my entire life. The Stargate from 1994. His role was that of Daniel Jackson. Since I have all seasons of Stargate and the movies, I seriously need to re-watch that original movie when I get the chance.
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slikkyslim · 2 years
“In Mexico, there are these fish that have colonized the freshwater caves along the Sierra Del Abra. They were.. lost. They found themselves living in complete darkness.
But they didn’t die; instead they thrived. They adapted. They lost their pigmentation, their sight, eventually even their eyes.
With survival they became..hideous.
I’ve rarely thought about what I once was.
But I wonder….
If a ray of light were to make it into the cave,
would I be able to see it?
Or…feel it?
Would I gravitate to it’s warmth?
And if I did…
would I become less hideous?”
Raymond Reddington
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iseethedead-blog1 · 1 year
"end of the line for you." pt1
\you might enjoy but, twdeath, twimportant character death
Raymond 'Red' Reddington looks at the blood on his hand from his wound on his abdomen as he passed out dembe came to him worried "Raymond, ray. . . . ." those are the last words Red heard before he passed out being carried inside of the safe house
Dembe got the bullet pulled out of his brother and friend as he also gave Raymond stitches as he looks at Raymond worried and washed his hands of his friends blood, as he is making sure Raymond survives, he's not sure he could run the mans empire in his steed because hes afraid of losing him
Raymond froze as he sees his own body he has his hand outreached to his own motionless body as he doesn't quite reach his own body as he froze his hand was halfway to his own body as he just felt another presence, he doesn't look behind himself as he knows who or what it is "ah, we finally meet, death my oldest friend."
Raymond looks at dembe as dembe woke up, Raymond finally thought of leaving his friend and brother alone and finally cries for the people he'll leave behind, as he finally looks at death who is a 'man' wearing a full black one piece suit "is it my time to die?"
death spoke it sounded like bones rattling together sending a chill down Red's spine "no, not you're time yet, luckily for you, dembe removed the bullet before it got worse." Raymond smiles at death "thank you, my old friend, this time i will make sure my life is in order, next time i die."
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
An urgent phone call pulls a Yale Law student back to his Ohio hometown, where he reflects on three generations of family history and his own future. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: J.D. Vance: Gabriel Basso Beverly “Bev” Vance: Amy Adams Bonnie “Mamaw” Vance: Glenn Close Lindsay Vance: Haley Bennett Usha Chilukuri: Freida Pinto Papaw: Bo Hopkins Young J.D. Vance: Owen Asztalos Matt: Jesse C. Boyd Phillip Roseman: Stephen Kunken Ken: Keong Sim Travis: Morgan Gao Chris: Ethan Suess Kevin: Jono Mitchell Uncle Pat: Bill Kelly Uncle Arch: David Dwyer Lori: Sarah Hudson Jimmy (Bev’s Brother): Ted Huckabee Bill (Nurse): Nathan Hesse Cousin Nate: Max Barrow Bonnie (Mamaw, 30’s): Sunny Mabrey Jim (Papaw, 30’s): Brett Lorenzini Young Bev (6 years): Tierney Smith Cheryl: Helen LeRoy Emma: Kinsley Isla Dillon Adult Frank McFee: Ryan Homchick Chip: Joshua Stenvick Brooks Houghton: Bill Winkler Brett: Chase Anderson Pamela: Amy Parrish Rich: Ed Amatrudo Hiram Walcott: David de Vries Cocktailer #1: Holly Morris Cocktailer #2: Brandon Hirsch Server: David Alexander Obsequious Server: Alexander Baxter Waiter: Steven Reddington Wiry Law Partner: Angelo Reyes Stodgy Partner: John Rymer Young Bonnie (Mamaw 13 Years): Abigail Rose Cornell Adult Louis Zablocki: Lowrey Brown Young J.D. (4 years): Hunter James Evers Dane: Riley McNerney Pool Woman: Zele Avradopoulos Mr. Selby: David Jensen Holler Aunt: Skylar Denney Young Louis: John Whitley Doug: Zac Pullam Young Frank: Shane Donovan Lewis Officer #1: Mike Senior Officer #2: William Mark McCullough Kameron: Dylan Gage Katrina: Hannah Pniewski Doctor: David Marshall Silverman Dr. Newton: Jason Davis Davis: Joshua Brady Nasty Cashier: Cory Chapman Nurse: Tatom Pender Patient: Cathy Hope Ray: David Atkinson Salesperson: Adam Murray Scared Woman: Dianna Craig Meghan: Emery Mae Edgeman Young Jim (Papaw 16 Years): Rohan Myers Meals On Wheels Delivery Man: Matthew Alan Brady Young Lori (6 years): Lucy Capri Sally Coates: Déjá Dee Kyle: Daniel R. Hill Arguing Girlfriend: Jordan Trovillion Secretary at Club: Yossie Mulyadi ICU Nurse #1: Alisa Harris ICU Nurse #2: Tiger Dawn Rehab Mother: Darla Robinson Rehab Recepcionist: Belinda Keller Old Mamaw Blanton: Jessie Faye Shirley Nurse Vivian: Cheryl Howard Law Candidate Tim: Tim Abou-Nasr Curt: Leland Thomas Griffin Officer Connor: Drew Emerson Jones EMT #1: Justin P. Turner EMT #2: Joshua T. Schneider Marine Barber: Tony Ward Dining Hall Manager: Mara Hall Jill at Financial Aid Office: Tess Malis Kincaid Gas Station Attendant: Chris Charm Intake Receptionist: Mary Kraft Shoe Store Manager: Suehyla El-Attar Study Hall Friend #1: Matthew Withers Study Hall Friend #2: Jessica Miesel Study Hall Friend #3: Benjamin Rapsas Peter (uncredited): Ethan Levy Middletown Resident (uncredited): Bret Aaron Knower Film Crew: Original Music Composer: Hans Zimmer Producer: Brian Grazer Producer: Ron Howard Post Producer: William M. Connor Executive Producer: Diana Pokorny Production Design: Molly Hughes Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Robert Hein Director of Photography: Maryse Alberti Casting: Carmen Cuba Producer: Karen Lunder Stunt Coordinator: Monique Ganderton Writer: Vanessa Taylor Compositing Artist: Daniel L. Smith Camera Operator: Thomas Lappin Compositing Artist: Michael A. Martinez Supervising Art Director: Gregory A. Weimerskirch Costume Designer: Virginia B. Johnson Set Costumer: Bob Moore Jr. Makeup Department Head: Eryn Krueger Mekash Foley Artist: Heikki Kossi Art Direction: Shawn D. Bronson Rigging Grip: Gary Blair Makeup Artist: Erica Stewart Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Josh Berger Compositing Artist: Steve Dinozzi VFX Artist: Bryan Haines Visual Effects Producer: Chris LeDoux Original Music Composer: David Fleming Set Dresser: Aaron Robert Hall Assistant Art Director: Chris Yoo Costume Supervisor: Dana Pacheco Sound Designer: Grant Elder Makeup Artist: Jodi Byrne Set Costumer: Robin Fields Compositing Artist: Brad Lucas Set Dresser: Sam Carter Makeup Artist: Andrea Vieth Set Dresser: Maxfield Ladish Set Dresser: Natalie LeCompte Rigging ...
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femmehysteria · 9 months
Ideas for your Ray polls :
Raymond Reddington - Blacklist
Raymond Holt - Brooklyn 99
Thank you for the suggestions!
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Exploring the Best Diagnostic Centers in Lagos for Comprehensive Healthcare
Lagos, Nigeria's vibrant and populous city, boasts a burgeoning healthcare sector that includes a variety of diagnostic centers offering state-of-the-art medical services. These centers play a pivotal role in early disease detection, accurate diagnoses, and improved patient outcomes. In this article, we will explore some of the best diagnostic centers in Lagos, known for their excellence in healthcare diagnostics.
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LUTH (Lagos University Teaching Hospital) Diagnostic Centre:
Located within the renowned Lagos University Teaching Hospital, this Diagnostic Centers in Nigeria is a leader in medical imaging, pathology, and laboratory services. With modern equipment and a team of experienced professionals, LUTH Diagnostic Centre provides comprehensive diagnostic solutions, including MRI, CT scans, X-rays, and a wide range of blood tests. Patients trust LUTH for its accuracy and reliability.
Reddington Hospital Diagnostic Centre:
Reddington Hospital is a household name in Lagos, known for its world-class healthcare services. The Best diagnostic centers in Lagos are no exception. Equipped with advanced technology, it offers services like digital radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, and a well-equipped pathology laboratory. Patients appreciate the center's commitment to precision and patient care.
Pathcare Laboratories:
Pathcare Laboratories have earned a reputation for excellence in medical diagnostics. With multiple branches across Lagos, they offer a wide array of laboratory tests, including genetics, microbiology, and chemical pathology. Pathcare is known for its quick turnaround times and accuracy in test results, making it a preferred choice for many residents.
South Shore Women's and Children's Hospital:
Focused on women's and children's health, this diagnostic center provides specialized services for gynecology, obstetrics, and pediatrics. They offer advanced ultrasound and imaging services to ensure the health and well-being of both mothers and children. The center's commitment to family health has earned it a special place in the hearts of many families in Lagos.
Primus International Super Speciality Hospital:
Primus Hospital is known for its comprehensive healthcare services. The diagnostic center is equipped with the latest technology for radiology, cardiology, and pathology. They offer services such as cardiac CT scans, 4D ultrasound, and advanced blood tests. The hospital's commitment to excellence in patient care and diagnostics makes it a top choice for many.
Nordica Fertility Center:
Fertility issues affect many couples, and Nordica Fertility Center specializes in addressing these concerns. They offer cutting-edge diagnostic services in reproductive medicine, including fertility assessments, hormonal assays, and advanced imaging techniques. The center's empathetic approach to fertility issues has made it a trusted choice for those seeking assistance in family planning.
Union Diagnostic and Clinical Services Plc:
Union Diagnostic is a well-established diagnostic center with a presence in Lagos and other Nigerian cities. They offer a wide range of services, including radiology, cardiology, and laboratory diagnostics. With a focus on affordability and accessibility, Union Diagnostic caters to a broad spectrum of patients.
In Lagos, the quest for top-notch healthcare and accurate diagnostics has given rise to a multitude of diagnostic centers that rival international standards. These centers, such as LUTH Diagnostic Centre, Reddington Hospital Diagnostic Centre, Pathcare Laboratories, South Shore Women's and Children's Hospital, Primus International Super Speciality Hospital, Nordica Fertility Center, and Union Diagnostic and Clinical Services Plc, are dedicated to delivering excellence in medical diagnostics.
As residents of Lagos seek reliable and precise Diagnostics services in Nigeria, these diagnostic centers have become pillars of support, ensuring early disease detection and timely treatment. Their commitment to advancing healthcare in Nigeria's largest city is evident in the trust they have garnered from the community, making them invaluable assets in the pursuit of better health and well-being.
Source & Reference: https://sites.google.com/view/ellabdiagnosticcenter/exploring-the-best-diagnostic-centers-in-lagos-for-comprehensive-healthcare
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jimmyspades · 8 months
Favorite JS character I’m sorry I could only pick a few for the poll please yell at me if I forgot your guy
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
Amazing Investigation - Sentencing of Dozens for Fraud
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Dozens sentenced for their roles in Atlanta-based fraud and money laundering operation that stole over $30 million from individuals and companies. ATLANTA, GA (STL.News) More than three dozen individuals have been sentenced for involvement in a large-scale fraud and money laundering operation that targeted individuals, corporations, and financial institutions throughout the United States.  The defendants used business email compromise schemes, romance fraud scams, and retirement account scams, among other fraud of over $30 million from numerous victims. “The Department of Justice has tirelessly worked for more than four years to obtain justice for dozens of victims impacted by this brazen criminal organization,” said U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan.  “The defendants’ sentences should serve as a stark warning to others that fraud and money laundering crimes are top priorities for this office and our federal, state, and local law enforcement partners.” “Several members of this conspiracy fraudulently obtained funds from ERISA-covered employee benefit plans.  The funds, which originated from unwitting individuals’ retirement accounts, were deposited into personal and business bank accounts that were created in furtherance of this money-laundering conspiracy.  The greed of the conspirators caused workers and prospective retirees to lose significant portions of their hard-earned retirement funds.  We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration to protect the integrity of employee benefit plans,” said Mathew Broadhurst, Special Agent-in-Charge, Southeast Region, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General. “These fraud scams, although not violent, are not victimless and can be devastating to businesses and individuals who fall prey to them,” said Keri Fairly, Special Agent in Charge of FBI Atlanta.  “The sentencing of all these individuals shows the FBI’s dedication to working with our partners to hold anyone accountable who would steal from hard-working and honest individuals, rather than put in the work themselves.” “These scammers defrauded individuals and companies, enriching themselves,” said Acting Special Agent in Charge Travis Pickard, who oversees Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) operations in Georgia and Alabama.  “HSI and its law enforcement partners will continue to work tirelessly to protect the integrity of the nation’s financial infrastructure and ensure that financial crimes do not go unpunished.” “This sentencing illustrates the Secret Service’s dedication to protecting our nation’s financial systems,” said Steven R. Baisel, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Secret Service’s Atlanta Field Office.  “We are thankful for our law enforcement partners’ commitment and support as we worked together to bring this case to justice.” According to U.S. Attorney Buchanan, the charges and other information presented in court: The defendants engaged in multiple fraud and money laundering conspiracies that stole millions of dollars frms located throughout the United States and abroad.  The defendants were charged across several related pending cases. U.S. District Judge William M. Ray, II, sentenced the following individuals for their respective roles in this criminal scheme: - Joshua Roberts, also known as “Onyx,” 32, of Houston, Texas, was sentenced to eight years and one month in c, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $9,675,739.73 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on August 10, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on March 29, 2022. - Darius Sowah Okang, also known as “Michael J. Casey,” “Richard Resser,” “Thomas Vaden,” “Michael Lawson,” “Matthew Reddington,” and “Michael Little,” 32, of Stone Mountain, Georgia, was sentenced to seven years and 10 months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $6,204,119 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on March 17, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering and aggravated identity theft on September 2, 2021. - George Kodjo Edem Adatsi, 39, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to five years and 10 months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $3,373,797.43 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on July 21, 2021, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on April 7, 2021. - Benjamin Ibukunoluwa Oye, 29, of Sandy Springs, Georgia, was sentenced to five years in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $1,163,127.01 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on March 21, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud, aggravated identity theft, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering on March 4, 2020. - Prince Sheriff Okai, 29, of Mableton, Georgia, was sentenced to four years and nine months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $4,950,586.54 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on January 12, 2021, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on October 6, 2020. - Hamza Abdallah, also known as “Reggie Lewis,” 33, of McDonough, Georgia, was sentenced to four years and nine months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $5,051,473.87 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on February 24, 2021, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on November 18, 2020. - Dominique Raquel Golden, also known as “Desire Tamakloe,” “Mellissa Moore,” “Nicole Nolay,” “Raquel Roberts,” “Maria Henderson,” and “Raquel Golden,” 32, of Houston, Texas, was sentenced to four years and six months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $7,830,607.05 in restitution to victims.  She was sentenced on March 28, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on September 30, 2021. - Kelvin Prince Boateng, 27, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to three years and 10 months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $870,333 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on June 17, 2021, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on March 2, 2021. - Jonathan Kojo Agbemafle, also known as “Skinny,” 29, of Kansas City, Missouri, was sentenced to three years and 10 months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $2,637,625.01 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on August 8, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on April 4, 2022. - Blessing Oluwatimilehin Ojo, also known as “Timmy,” 37, of Nigeria, was sentenced to three years and 10 months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $1,711,304 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on October 26, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on July 19, 2022. - Desire Elorm Tamakloe, also known as “Chubby,” 28, of Smyrna, Georgia, was sentenced to three years and 10 months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $1,215,357.81 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on April 18, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on October 13, 2022. - Stephen Abbu Jenkins, also known as “Face,” “Steven Abbu Jenkins,” “Steven Jenkins,” and “Steve Jenkins,” 56, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to three years and seven months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $726,290 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on February 22, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on August 8, 2022. - Obinna Nwosu, 29, of Douglasville, Georgia, was sentenced to three years and one month in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $1,045,065.75 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on December 16, 2020, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on September 17, 2020. - Ojebe Obewu Ojebe, 30, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to three years and one month in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $893,879.55 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on September 27, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on June 2, 2022. - Francesco Benjamin, also known as “B-More,” 33, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to three years and one month in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $987,070 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on March 1, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on October 19, 2022. - Chukwukadibia Ikechukwu Nnadozie, also known as “Chuka” and “Michael McCord,” 30, of Fayetteville, Georgia, was sentenced to three years and one month in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $231,507.19 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on May 9, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on November 28, 2022. - Abubakar Sadik Ibrahim, 29, of Mableton, Georgia, was sentenced to three years in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $1,193,750.27 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on February 1, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on September 27, 2021. - John Ifeoluwa Onimole, 31, of Powder Springs, Georgia, was sentenced to three years in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $1,117,966.06 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on April 25, 2023, after pleading guilty to money laundering on December 7, 2022. - Chadrick Jamal Rhodes, 31, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to two years and 11 months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $120,000 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on January 31, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud and aggravated identity theft on October 12, 2021. - Chadwick Osbourne Stewart, 43, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to two years and eight months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $60,000 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on January 26, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud and aggravated identity theft on October 22, 2021. - Macario Lee Nelson, a/k/a “Mac,” 27, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to two years and eight months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $120,000 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on February 17, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud and aggravated identity theft on September 29, 2021. - Afeez Olaide Adeniran, a/k/a “Ola,” 34, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to two years and six months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $352,830.25 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on October 6, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on August 18, 2022. - Kahlia Andrea Siddiqui, 31, of Chamblee, Georgia, was sentenced to two years and six months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $325,811 in restitution to victims.  She was sentenced on February 22, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on August 9, 2022. - Solomon Agyapong, also known as “Gumpe,” 34, of Marietta, Georgia, was sentenced to two years and six months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $496,123.92 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on April 18, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on October 11, 2022. - Christopher Akinwande Awonuga, 31, of Fayetteville, Georgia, was sentenced to two years and three months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $113,276.27 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on January 8, 2020, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud on August 22, 2019. - Emanuela Joe Joseph, 37, of Lawrenceville, Georgia, was sentenced to two years and three months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $442,557.08 in restitution to victims.  She was sentenced on February 21, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on October 26, 2022. - Seth Appiah Kubi, 63, of Dacula, Georgia, was sentenced to two years in custody, to be followed by one year of supervised release.  He was sentenced on July 7, 2020, after pleading guilty to aggravated identity theft on March 4, 2020. - Oluwafunmilade Onamuti, also known as “Mathew Kelvin,” 29, of Duluth, Georgia, was sentenced to one year and 10 months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $167,195 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on July 21, 2021, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on April 7, 2021. - Paul Chinonso Anyanwu, 31, of Hampton, Georgia, was sentenced to one year and six months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $57,000 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on December 19, 2019, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on September 18, 2019. - Casey Broderick Williams, 29, of Covington, Georgia, was sentenced to one year and one day in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $60,000 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on June 2, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud and aggravated identity theft on July 30, 2019. - Alexus Ciera Johnson, 29, of Mableton, Georgia, was sentenced to one year and one day in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $106,879 in restitution to victims.  She was sentenced on May 22, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on October 11, 2022. - Egale Veonzell Woods, Jr., 44, of East Point, Georgia, was sentenced to one year in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $165,007.19 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on April 21, 2021, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on March 4, 2020. - Gregory Thomas Hudson, 42, of Powder Springs, Georgia, was sentenced to 10 months in custody, to be followed by 10 years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $125,291.45 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on June 27, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud on March 14, 2022. - Uchechi Chidimma Odus, also known as “Uche,” 26, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to 10 months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $83,345.47 in restitution to victims.  She was sentenced on May 17, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on December 21, 2022. - Matthan Bolaji Ibidapo, also known as “B.J.,” 30, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, was sentenced to eight months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release with a portion to be served in home confinement and ordered to pay $82,490.50 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on February 21, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on November 1, 2022. - Tyler Keon Roussell, 28, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to six months in custody, to be followed by six years of supervised release with a portion served in home confinement, and ordered to pay $368,400.49 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on February 21, 2022, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud on May 16, 2019. - Monique Wheeler, 32, of Atlanta, Georgia, was sentenced to three months in custody, to be followed by three years of supervised release with a portion to be served in home confinement, and ordered to pay $71,010 in restitution to victims.  She was sentenced on December 2, 2022, after pleading guilty to money laundering on July 13, 2022. - Chineda Obilom Nwakudu, 28, of McDonough, Georgia, was sentenced to three years of probation with a portion to be served in home confinement and ordered to pay $123,645.85 in restitution to victims.  He was sentenced on February 22, 2023, after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering on August 23, 2019. - Ahamefule Aso Odus, 30, of Atlanta, Georgia, was convicted by a jury on January 30, 2023, of conspiracy to commit money laundering and multiple substantive money laundering offenses.  His sentencing is pending. - Motswana Mulongo, also known as “David Mulongo” and “Henry Tipton,” 38, of Decatur, Georgia, was convicted of conspiracy to commit money laundering on March 10, 2023.  His sentencing is scheduled for June 22, 2023. - Oumar Bouyo Mbodj of Kennesaw, Georgia, is deceased, and charges filed against him were dismissed. This investigation was conducted under the auspices of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) program—the keystone drug, money laundering, and transnational organized crime enforcement program of the Department of Justice. This case was investigated by the Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Secret Service, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations.  In addition, the investigating agencies received considerable support from the Department of Labor, the Employee Benefits Security Administration, and numerous federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Kelly K. Connors and Russell Phillips prosecuted the case. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Justice Read the full article
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Watch "Deleted & Extended Scenes Mr Kaplan Conclusion Featurette The Blacklist S04" on YouTube
Season 4 had me so extremely exasperated with Liz. I always felt that there was no justification for making Reddington believe she was dead. He was never the one who was trying to harm her. He was the one standing between her and the harm. And then her being in the middle with Alexander Kirk, who stood on a ledge holding Agnes, and in between Red and Kaplan, who was trying to put the whole team and Liz herself in jail. By the end of season 4, as Liz was still trying to protect Kaplan on the bridge against a Redington who wasn't actually trying to hurt Kaplan at that point, I was just so frustrated with how thoughtless and petulant Liz looked.
And then I got the blu-ray, and watch this scene.
Oh my god. Yes. Yes, yes, this is the Liz I wanted to see. This is the Liz I felt we needed at the end of season 4.
But the scene was cut, and I see the reason why. They wanted Liz to stay opposed to Red, and on Kaplan's side. But after a scene like this she would have to be seen as firmly in Red's corner, so they cut it and we were left with an inexplicably blind and stubborn Liz.
But at least the scene shows us that the writers were aware. They wrote the scene that Liz needed. But for plot reasons they needed to cut it and keep Liz carrying the idiot ball.
Oh well, I take comfort in the fact that the writers did at least write the scene.
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eydetik · 2 years
# for moa and chris and ray thank u
all answers under the readmore because tumblr wont let me make the pics small hduiajs
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- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: christopher phelps 🤍                            - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: the regular one.                               - my muse’s last text to your muse: left you coffee in the pot and your favorite mug is in the dishwasher! i'm off to the farmers market, but i'll be home soon. love you more.
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- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: raymond reddington.                        - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: the regular one.                               - my muse’s last text to your muse: where the hell are you? answer your phone!
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- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: moa!!                         - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: the regular one.                               - my muse’s last text to your muse: omg i swear i'm coming, i'm just running two seconds late! what side of the park are you on? i'm paying for coffee!
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