idkwhy13 · 1 year
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kissedthemoon · 8 months
broke no contact
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the-art-of-aliens · 11 months
PREVIEW: The Council of Coalitions
When Humanity reached out to the stars in 2157, it was with a recorded message, much like the one sent in the 1990s. We are Humanity, we mean no harm, and we wish for peace.
So, when only a week later, the universe reached back in the same format, many began to wonder just what these so-called "Rayians" looked like. They promised peace as well, the supposed galactic standard, as well as a welcome delegation within the standard year.
The closer the time came for the meeting, the more humans agreed they would be seeing the little grey men that plagued their stories for so long.
How wrong they were.
Anyways, yeah, Space Orcs found its way on my TikTok FYP and hasn't left, so I figured I might as well return seeing as I've been easing myself back into writing. I hope everyone enjoyed! I should have the full story up in a few weeks.
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musekicker · 17 days
I thought I babble on about another fish themed oc of mine, for @ocmonthly This time from the Rayman fandom.
Now the oc in question, Quint, it a older one of my ocs. Around Rayman 2/3 games era? And there is some equally as older lore connected with him.
To start with, I want to talk about wild magic users. Wild Magic are basically folks who have a hold of magic books. Different ones can have elements/energy of different elements of nature. For example there is a grey wolf wild magic user, and a thorn bush wild magic user.
The books not only give spells and powers to do with the element of nature they are, but also change the books owners form to match their power.
Quint, is a thingmajig (the most often used name for beings like Rayman himself these days. When I was younger I remember the term Rayian being used a lot. I do like thingmajig better.) that has the wild magic book for a great white shark.
All shark grey colored skin, grey eyes, sharp teeth, webbed fingers, and a shark fin as part of the top of his head.
Quint is as expected not only a fast swimmer, but his bite is to be feared. He also can eat objects that others can not.
In personality Quint is friendly and loyal. Often tries to talk things out first before getting into any fights. Partly because he is patient but also because he knows he could really hurt someone if he's not careful.
He loves strongly. Something his long time boyfriend, Pip would happily say.
A quick slightly off topic babbling about Pip. Pippen Luther Rothchild the fourth if we're using his whole title. Pippen is a hare wild magic use (and yes, might have some inspiration for him from the Redwall books.) in a deep brown color. Has strong kicking and digging powers.
Not nearly strong as this guys sense of hunger. Always down for a snack or three. Watch your candy bowls around him. He is a complete sweetheart really though.
Back to Quint.
Quint does carry a weapon. A trident. Which has been given to him by his father. Not one to really use it unless he really needs to.
Goals for the future? For sure to keep up protecting the ocean waters nearby. And soon possibly proposing to Pip.
I'm also sharing a link to a Quint and Pip drabble I've written some time ago. To get a idea of how the two interact.
I really do have a soft spot for these two ocs and I really need to write more for them.
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oiloceansurfclub · 5 years
Can I ask for Eddie in Love Potion please? ♥♥♥
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raygirlramblings · 3 years
Ok I’m curious.  Rayman fandom what do you consider the ‘species name’ for Rayman’s species?
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I’ve always used ‘Limbless beings’ (which also encapsulates R1 Betilla, Alien Joe, Space Mama etc) or Rayians (which is more specific to the big nose limbless beings like Sir Rayalot, Raymesis, Rayomz etc).
I know fans have come up with many others.  What do you use?
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levy120 · 2 years
Dream Catcher
Hey Guys! Check it out, it’s me finally publishing my forever-baby that I’ve been struggling to work on since 2009. Thus far progress is going smoothly, let’s hope this momentum keeps up :D
When the guardian of the cave of bad dreams has a favor to ask, Rayman might be in for more than he bargained for. The benefit of the doubt is hard to give when your friends are held hostage.
Rating: T Characters: Rayman, Jano (The Guardian of the Cave of Bad Dreams), Murfy, A Teensy, Globox (+ 2 family), Ly, Polokus, Nightmares Setting: We’ll be spending a lot of time in the Cave of Bad-Dreams Lore: A focus on Rayman 2 with sidementions of Rayman 3 GBA and a pinch of Origins Genres: Horror, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Character Analysis, Enemies to Friends AN: I’m trying very hard to be canon compliant but Rayman fans know how fickle this franchise is with consistency 🥲 Status: 3 chapters released of approximately 7 - - - - -
The cave of bad dreams had always been a... foreboding place and Rayman never looked forward to visiting it. It's not like it could be helped though, given what had been waiting for him.
It was the first thought that crossed Rayman's mind upon seeing the heap of his fallen friends, huddled in one place. Even though he found great relief in confirming that they were indeed still breathing, the sight still caused his heart to sink. If he'd ever felt so helpless before, then the Rayian couldn't recall.
The guardian who'd called for him towered over them, idly trailing a golden coin through his bony fingers as he appeared to wait for Rayman to make his first move.
"I appreciate your lack of threats, but the least you could do is say something."
The Rayian steeled his posture, fists balling at his side and not for the first time that evening the cycloptic being stopped to ponder whether or not he'd picked the right approach to get Rayman's attention.
If it wasn't to spew threats in his direction, the limbless hero was generally known to be not much of a talker. The kid had been so nice a couple of years ago, during their first encounter; but when the black lums emerged and Rayman passed through his territory to interrogate, it was… jarring.
Like Jano had been talking to a completely different person. Crashing in, chasing him around, and demanding information.
Jano wasn't sure what had happened between these two encounters, when at first he'd been so humble as to ask for assistance to help a dying friend.
"Look," he offered with a shrug, "I've been having... some issues with a couple more violent Nightmares, this seemed like the best method to garner your attention." The guardian shrugged carelessly and offered a blemished grin as if to make a point, after all the results did not lie and Rayman had turned up at his figurative door.
[read the rest on ao3]
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delsharkart · 4 years
My characters the Triplets as Rayians because why the heck not??
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asch2inspire · 4 years
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I think I’m being dragged into the Rayian concept...
A Lunar-spirit of sorts,
Like the Wise man on the highest point of the Earth kind of thing.
He lives in an alternate reality inside the clouds surrounding the summit. Inside is a dream-scape resembling the moon. He lives in solitude with a herd of sheep-like creatures, and took up a job of being a destiny-weilder, or a wish-granter. 
With a magical fishing pole he made himself, he casts it off the edge of his home and waits. the lure falls through the clouds and finds someone to grant a wish for. He sleeps during this time, and is woken up when his lure has found someone, and goes down to earth to meet them (Or he pulls to summon them to his realm, if he’s too tired or unsure to descend). 
However, if the hook catches to someone with ill-intentions, or the line is cut, he’ll feel immense pain and his skin will freeze up and make patches.
Even though, he continues his duties, and is calm and reserved when socializing.
He’s not a hermit though, he likes observing those below, and Helena Handbasket would often invite him to her hut for a warm dinner, and she would always attempt to soothe his pain.
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santriwati · 4 years
Rayuan Gombal Bikin Wanita Tidak Percaya, Begini Cara Menyentuh Hatinya
Untuk memikat hati perempuan terkadang laki-laki menggunakan rayuan gobal dan kata-kata manis, namun hal tersebut bukan satu-satunya cara untuk mendapatkan hatinya.
Untuk mendapatkan hatinya tidak perlu menggunakan rayuan gombalnya, ada beberapa alasan kenapa kamu tidak perlu menggunakan rayuan gombal untuk mendapatkan hatinya.
1. Terksan Main-main Laki-laki yang suka memakai rayian gombal untuk mendapatkan hati perempuan terkesan main-main, apalagi suka merayu malah terkesan playboy.
2. Terlihat Tidak Tulus Laki-laki yang suka menggombal akan terasa tidak tulus. Tak perlu merangkai seribu kata karena hanya akan terlihat tidak tulus. Lebih baik katakan apa yang kamu rasakan karena ini justru terlihat tulus.
3. Merasa Risih Perempuan yang terlalu sering dirayu akan merasa risih, karena sebagian orang tidak suka dengan rayuan gombal laki-laki. Karena rayuan yang berlebihan justru tidak akan menyentuh hatinya.
4. Masih Banyak Hal Lain Untuk Mengekspresikan Cinta Masih ada banyak cara untuk mengekspresikan cintamu dan tak perlu menggunakan rayuan gombal untuk mendapatkan hatinya. Lebih baik ajak dia ke tempat yang membuat hatinya terkesan.
5. Dekati Dengan Sikap Juga Bukti yang Nyata Untuk meluluhkan hati perempuan bukan perkara sulit, cukup lakukan dengan hati dan lakukan dengan bukti yang nyata maka perempuan mana pun pasti akan luluh jika didekati dengan ketulusan dan keseriusan.
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guiadoislam · 4 years
ISLAM 101: TEU JEJUM: Part 1
O significado do jejum  
O jejum no Islam é uma forma de adoração a Allah por meio da abstenção  da comida e bebida, assim como das relações sexuais e outras coisas que  anulam o jejum, do começo da alvorada até que o sol se ponha, ou seja, no  chamado da oração do maghrib.
A virtude do mês de Ramadan
O mês do Ramadan é o nono mês lunar do calendário islâmico.
O mês de Ramadan é o nono mês lunar, com o qual se rege o calendário islâmico. Este é o melhor mês do ano, pois Allah o fez especial e determinou muitas virtudes particulares, que não há nos outros meses. Dentre estas virtudes encontramos:
Que Allah escolheu este mês para revelar o mais grandioso de Seus Livros: o Alcorão. Allah, o Altíssimo, disse: “No mês de Ramadan foi revelado o Alcorão como orientação para a humanidade e evidência da orientação e discernimento” (Alcorão, Baqara, 2: 185).  
Disse o Mensageiro de Allah (que a paz e as bênçãos de Allah estejam com ele): “Quando começa o Ramadan abrem-se as portas do Paraíso e fecham-se as do Inferno e o Demônio é preso a correntes” (Bukhari, 3103 e Muslim, 1079). Allah preparou este tempo para adorá-Lo, obedecê-Lo e deixar os maus costumes.
Quem jejua durante o dia e realiza atos de adoração durante a noite, Allah o perdoará suas faltas anteriores. O Profeta (que a paz e as bênçãos de Allah estejam com ele) disse: “Quem jejuar durante o Ramadan com fé e devoção Allah perdoará suas faltas anteriores” (Bukhari, 1910 e Muslim, 760). Disse também: “Quem se levanta em adoração durante o Ramadan Allah perdoará suas faltas anteriores” (Bukhari, 1905 e Muslim, 759).  
Neste mês encontra-se a noite mais grandiosa do ano: a noite do Decreto (lailatul Qadr), na qual, como nos foi indicado por Allah, em Seu Livro, se são realizadas boas ações é melhor do que em qualquer outro período do ano. Allah, o Altíssimo, disse: “(Adorar a Allah) A noite do Decreto é melhor que mil meses” (Alcorão, Qadr, 97: 3). Quem, nesta noite, realizar atos de adoração com fé e devoção, então, Allah perdoará suas faltas passadas. Esta é uma das dez últimas noites de Ramadan, ninguém conhece com precisão qual delas é.
A sabedoria por trás do jejum
Allah, o Altíssimo, prescreveu o jejum por várias e sábias razões, tanto para esta quanto para a outra vida, dentre elas:
Comprovar a piedade ante Allah, louvado seja:
Isto é possível por meio da adoração, através da qual o servo se aproxima de seu Senhor, deixando as coisas que gostava e controlando seus desejos. Desta forma, pode controlar seu ego por meio da piedade; Allah, louvado seja, o observa em todos os momentos e lugares, tanto em privado quanto em público. Allah disse: “Ó crentes! Prescrevi a vós o jejum, assim como prescrevi aos que vos precederam, para que alcanceis a piedade” (Alcorão, Bacara, 2: 183).
É um exercício para aprender a obedecer a allah e um veículo para escapar da compulsao e dos pecados:
Se o jejuador deixa de fazer coisas que lhe são permitidas habitualmente, por obedecer a Allah, então é lógico que pode ter controle sobre seus desejos para não cometer pecados, respeitando os limites estabelecidos por Allah e deixando de lado o que é errado. O Profeta (que a paz e as bênçãos de Allah estejam com ele) disse: “Quem não deixa de lado a falsidade na palavra e na ação, então, para Allah, seu abandono da comida e da bebida são desnecessários” (Bukhari, 1804). Quem não deixa de lado a falsidade em suas palavras e atos, não cumpre o objetivo do jejum.
Recordar a situação dos pobres e necessitados:
O jejum é experimentar a dificuldade que é não ter o que comer, é uma recordação da situação difícil em que os pobres vivem, diariamente. Isto faz o jejuador ter consciência do que seus irmãos sofrem com a fome e a sede e, desta forma, seu coração se abranda e se esforça em consolá-los e ajudá-los.
A virtude do jejum
O jejum tem muitas virtudes, as quais foram mencionadas na legislação, dentre elas:
O mês do Ramadan é o nono mês lunar do calendário islâmico.
Quem jejuar durante o Ramadan com fé em Allah, cumprindo suas ordens e praticando ações virtuosas com cuidado para ser recompensado por Allah, Ele o perdoará as faltas passadas, assim como o Mensageiro de Allah (que a paz e as bênçãos de Allah estejam com ele) disse: “Quem jejuar durante o Ramadan com fé e devoção Allah o perdoará em seus pecados anteriores” (Bukhari, 1910 e Muslim, 760).
O jejuador sentirá felicidade pela recompensa e graça no momento de seu encontro com Allah, por razão de seu jejum. O Mensageiro de Allah (que a paz e as bênçãos de Allah estejam com ele) disse: “O jejuador possui duas felicidades; uma no momento de romper o jejum e outra quando se encontra com seu Senhor” (Bukhari, 1850 e Muslim, 1151).
No Paraíso há uma porta chamada “bab ar-Rayian”, pela qual apenas os jejuadores entrarão. O Mensageiro de Allah (que a paz e as bênçãos de Allah estejam com ele) disse: “Certamente no Paraíso há uma porta chamada ar-Rayian e, por ela, entrarão os jejuadores no Dia do Juízo Final, ninguém mais entra por ali. Ser-lhes-á dito: ‘Onde estão os jejuadores?’, então, levantar-se-ão e não entrará ninguém além deles. Quando eles passarem por ela, então ela se fechará e ninguém mais entrará por ali” (Bukhari, 1797 e Muslim, 1152).
Allah atribuiu a recompensa e o motivo da ação do jejum para Si mesmo. Bem-aventurado seja aquele a quem Allah prometeu a recompensa de sua obra, pois Ele é Generoso, Magnânimo e Misericordioso. O Profeta (que a paz e as bênçãos de Allah estejam com ele) disse: «Todas as obras do filho de Adan são para ele, com exceção do jejum, que é só para Mim e Eu sou Quem recompensa por ele” (Bukhari, 1805 e Muslim, 1151).
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kissedthemoon · 10 months
how do i break the news to my bf that he’s mine and we belong together for eternity
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blue-stars12 · 4 years
Meray dil Diyan dil Vich rayian
Na tu sunyan na main kayian
Mayno dongyan sochan payian
Teryian kasman kithay gayian
Ni eidian ayian sonyeh veh
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musekicker · 2 years
Okay, so it started with me remembering these old Littlest Pet Shop toys that were in happy meals at Mcdonalds in the 90's. And thinking about that I thought it be a neat challenge theme to look at old fast food toys or other type of toys and make Rayman (or any other oc's really ) out of it.
This has lead me to this thought...
a Furby based Rayian (or thingamajig? i know different people have different terms for Rayman's species. )
Since they are a creature of sorts, making them a wild magic user. So yes, that means there are Furby wild magic user books in my universe.
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saynizzzy · 6 years
BreakThrough - Daisy Code from Mariusz Brożek on Vimeo.
Director: Mariusz Brozek Director of Photography: Devin Karringten
Camera/Lighting team: Charlie Nesbitt, Liam Mullany, Quentin de Jubécourt Set Designer: Lillian Melo Set Dec Assistant: Melody Wilson Editing: Mariusz Brozek / Devin Karringten Colorist: David Tomiak
Producers: Shuan Chen, Yael Carnet Production Company: Marginal Production Co.
Models: Elysse Alexandra, Rayian Babiker, Alexis (Family Management), Tierra (Jager Management)
Behind the scene videographer: Kama Sood Behind the scene photographer: Ann Lin
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raygirlramblings · 4 years
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Got bit by the Halloween bug ^_^ My beloved Halloween Mascots, Clara the batgirl and Wunderlee the CandyCorn Rayian are perfect for this time of year!  Looks like they’re off to a costume party!
Happy Halloween everyone!  We know this year is a weird one, but try and enjoy it where you can and stay safe ^_^ 💖🎃🌕
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