#rayne ames fluff fanfic
Clueless is an Understatement
This may not be the original idea for Rayne that I had, but at the same time, it is an extremely adorable request that I could not refuse! Plus it allows me to try and write a character that is similar to Mash (I love his brainless antics). I hope that you enjoy this fanfic @jennapancake! Thank you again for the request! Gifs are not mine.
Summary: Y/N Burnedead, Mash's older sibling, followed him to Easton Magic Academy to help protect him on his quest to become a divine visionary. Along the way, they caught the attention of Rayne Ames, who is absolutely smitten by Y/N. The only problem: Y/N does not know how to take a hint.
Warnings: reader has some small injuries, mentions of blood, otherwise none (but if I miss something let me know!)
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In a world where magic users dominate the population, there were two non-magic users who were hoping to change their fates and prove that magic was not the only thing that made a person worthy in the eyes of higher powers. The first one was Mash Burnedead: a boy who relied only on his powerful muscles in order to become the divine visionary and allow his family to live in peace. The other is Y/N Burnedead, Mash's older sibling who is also a non-magic user and just as strong as their younger brother. Y/N knew that Mash would face a lot of dangerous challenges and potentially evil foes during his time at Easton Magic Academy, so they took it upon themselves to take the entrance exam as well and help Mash on his quest.
At first, many of the other students wondered why a person as old as Y/N waited so long to join the academy, but they made up the excuse that they were simply too nervous to participate in the entrance exam until now. Of course this was far from the case due to Y/N's trust in their own muscular strength, but it was a necessary lie to keep people off of their backs. Y/N and Mash only allowed trusted friends to know their non-magic status, or the more accurate truth, they all found out after the battle with the Magia Lupis.
"Dude, I still can't believe you have no magic power at all! That is total side character ener-," Y/N smacked Dot across the face before he could finish his sentence.
"And yet you let a side character show you up," Y/N said as they dusted off their uniform. Y/N walked over to Mash and ruffled his hair, causing him to mumble as he tried to fix it. "Come on, you know I don't like my hair being messed with, Y/N."
"I couldn't help it, little brother. You are just too precious sometimes," Y/N said in a monotone and yet excited voice. "Don't forget we have our workout scheduled for 3 today after my classes are finished, and I can't wait to out rep you today."
Mash shook his head from side to side. "Only in your dreams, sibling."
Despite being a first year, Y/N managed to be placed in some upper level courses at Easton, one of which being the Study of Magical Creatures. Rayne Ames, a current divine visionary and the older sibling of Y/N and Mash's friend Finn, also helped to pull some strings for the older Burnedead. It's not that he doubted their prowess, and if anything, it was their power that Rayne admired along with their beauty and talents. However, some of the professors were still skeptical of Y/N and Mash when it came to their "magic" abilities, so he offered his support in their favor.
Today's class would be taking place outside in one of the open pastures by the school, with today's lesson involving herding and calming wild Wrivian's, horse-dragon hybrids that were the size of a small cottage. Rayne was waiting patiently for Y/N to arrive for class, and he caught himself checking his robe for any stray crumbs from lunch. He never used to worry about his appearance since he is usually well-kept, and yet ever since he met Y/N, he felt the need to look even more pristine when he knew they would be around.
Not that Y/N would notice the small details to begin with...
Y/N arrived a few minutes before class began, and Rayne waved at them as they approached. "Good afternoon, Y/N. Are you ready for today's class?" Rayne stated with a slight smile.
Y/N clenched their fist as they took on a fighting pose. "I was born ready, Rayne. Any challenge that these Wrivian's bring, I will take each one down with my fist."
Rayne let out a chuckle as he moved to stand beside them. "I thought you would say something along those lines."
The professor explained the task to the students, making sure to reiterate that no harm should be brought to any of the Wrivian's or they would fail the assignment. All the students broke off into pairs, which would make wrangling the beasts an easy task, but Y/N and Rayne faced more difficulties. Rayne used frontal attacks with Partisan to deflect the fiery breath from the Wrivian, the creature's emerald scales flexing as it weaved expertly through the air. Y/N took more of a distraction approach as they waited for the right time to strike.
"Y/N, they have a blind spot if you move to the right! Now is the time to tame this beast! Remember, avoid harm at all costs!" Rayne instructed as he launched the silvery swords of Partisan one last time.
"Kay', taming magic activate!" Y/N shouted the fake spell as they squatted and leaped into the air, easily reaching the Wrivian hovering in the sky. Y/N grabbed the Wrivian around it's broad neck, the rough texture of the scales cutting into their hands as their weight brought them and the creature back down to the ground. The cloud of dust and the immense crash had Rayne worried, not so much about failing the assignment but for Y/N's safety. I really have fallen for them, Rayne thought as he dashed to the scene. He expected to see the Wrivian knocked out from Y/N's brute strength, but Rayne was shocked to see that the creature did not have a scratch on it. If anything, it seemed quite happy as it expertly stole a cream puff from Y/N's cloak.
"Hey, that's my afternoon cream puff," Y/N whined at first as they looked up at the beast with a minor frown, but as the Wrivian let out a whinny at the sweet treat, Y/N sighed in defeat as their head drooped. "Then again, it seems to be making you pretty happy too."
Rayne gasped as he knelt down by Y/N, who was too distracted by the loss of their cream puff to notice the crimson liquid dripping from their hands. Rayne placed his hands on Y/N's forearms and lifted them up, his cheeks dusting with pink as he felt the muscles under their cloak. "You're hurt, Y/N. Please, let me take you to the infirmary and help bandage your wounds."
Y/N looked down at their hands and blinked. "Oh, looks like I am bleeding, huh? Oopsies." Rayne playfully rolled his eyes at Y/N's unawareness as he helped them to their feet, an arm wrapping protectively around their waist despite Y/N's ability to walk. Y/N's brows furrowed as they looked at Rayne. "Why is your arm around my waist if I can walk?"
"Just a precaution to make sure that you have no underlying injuries," Rayne replied.
"But you can see me walking, Rayne? Are you sure I need assistance?"
The two students finally arrived at the infirmary, and Y/N sat on one of the medical beds while Rayne treated their wounds. He started by cleaning the cuts and applying alcohol to the wounds, causing Y/N to flinch. "Ouchie, that burns a little." Rayne only smiled as his golden eyes remained filled with adoration. Once Y/N was all bandaged up, Rayne laid a kiss on each of their hands. "There, you should be fully healed in a few days."
Y/N tilted their head. "Was that a magic healing spell? Can you teach it to me?"
Rayne smirked as he ruffled his blonde streaked hair. "I could probably teach you the spell over dinner. Would you care to join me?"
"Well I would, but Mash and the others always go to dinner with me on this day of the week. I am making cream puff this evening, if you wanted to join, and the others would be happy to see you." Y/N rambled as they tapped their chin.
"We can bring the cream puff to them when we are finished, but I need your full attention to teach you this spell," Rayne said as he tried to find a way to spend time alone with Y/N. He adored the others yes, especially his brother Finn, but he had longed to ask Y/N on a date for some time now. There was something about them that was charming and adorable, and Rayne could not resist them. Y/N's eyes widened as they absorbed Rayne's words. "Ohh that makes more sense. I will see you then, Rayne." With that, Y/N hopped off the medical bed and left with a brief wave as Rayne started to devise a game plan for tonight.
Rayne arrived at the dorm kitchens around the time Y/N had specified, a bouquet of their favorite flowers in hand. He entered the kitchen and was greeted by Y/N wearing a frilly apron that matched the one that Mash typically wore. They were currently whisking the eggs for the cream puffs with calculated precision. Rayne smiled as he leaned over the counter and presented the flowers to Y/N. "I brought these for you, Y/N, and I hope that you will enjoy them."
Y/N halted their whisking and took the flowers from Rayne, eagerly sniffing the fresh blooms. "These smell like the flowers back home, but I don't know if they will taste good in the cream puffs."
"They won't be going in the cream puffs, you dork. They are for you to look at and admire from afar." Rayne explained as he conjured up a glass vase. Y/N let out an exclamation of excitement as they tapped the vase to see if it was real before going back to whisking. Rayne rested his head in his hand as he watched Y/N make the cream puffs from memory. While the cream puffs were baking, Rayne took this as a sign to make his feelings known. "I am excited to try these delicious cream puffs, but I have no doubt that they will not be as sweet as you are."
"I always put four cups of sugar into the dough, and along with this custard cream, they will be the perfect amount of sweetness." Y/N assured as they plopped down in the seat next to Rayne. They perked up as they remembered the conversation they had with Rayne earlier. "Oh, you said you would teach me that healing spell? Unlike my brother, I can learn things pretty quickly."
An idea materialized in Rayne's head as he pretended to pop his knuckles. "Luckily, this spell does not require a wand like most spells, and I believe that you have the abilities and strength to master this spell in no time. Firstly, you take the hands of the person that you want to heal." Rayne turned to face Y/N as they took their hands in his, the bandages from earlier soft to the touch, but Rayne wished he could feel Y/N's actual hands instead. Y/N continued to absorb the instructions like a sponge as they replied with a "got it".
"Next, you approach the subject closer so you can determine the state of their injuries." Rayne closed the gap between him and Y/N until their face's were inches apart, allowing him to admire all of the amazing features of Y/N's face. He swore that no deity could be more gorgeous than them. Y/N nodded as they maintained eye contact with Rayne and made sure to process each step clearly. "Finally," Rayne started as he placed a hand on Y/N's cheek, "You perform the healing spell." Before Rayne could complete his plan, the loud ding of the oven interrupted him, and Y/N shot up from their seat faster than a lightning strike. "Cream puffs are done!" They shouted excitedly.
Y/N finalized the delicious treats and handed the first ones to Rayne. He bit into the pastry and hummed with delight as Y/N ate their portion of the cream puffs in a few gulps. "These are perfect, Y/N, and I must admit that this would make for a perfect date," Rayne said as he smiled more than he had in months. Y/N was once again confused.
"Isn't that a type of fruit?"
"Yes, you are correct, but it is also the time spent between two individuals that care about each other as a way to show affection for one another. Y/N Burnedead, I care about you more and more each and every day, and I would destroy every evil force in this magical realm if it means that you are safe by my side. I would be yours if that is what you wish, but if you need more time, I understand completely." Rayne blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck, but Y/N still could not see the full picture.
"I could help you beat up the villains instead, but I would need to focus on more bicep training first. Maybe Mash would know-," Y/N's sentence was cut short as Rayne gently pressed his lips against theirs as his hand returned to caress their cheek once again. Y/N did not fully understand what to do, but they did enjoy the feeling of Rayne being so close to them. When Rayne pulled away, the realization of his words and actions finally set in, and Y/N turned as red as the strawberries they used in the cream puffs. Y/N's brain started to short circuit as the affection became to much. "I-I-I guess that t-t-this makes us a, makes us a..."
Rayne kissed Y/N's cheek as a genuine laugh rumbled in his chest. "Yes, this makes us a couple, if that is what you desire. There is no one in all of Easton that would make a better match for a divine visionary."
Y/N could not help but smile as they fiddled with their hands. "I-I would like that very much."
"Did you save some cream puffs for me?"
"Of course, I always save the perfect ones for my favorite little sibling." Y/N handed over the cream puffs to Mash as he excitedly munched on the pastries. Lemon and Finn had just entered the room, and Lemon could not help but squeal as she nudged Y/N with her elbow. "And I heard that Y/N made cream puffs with the Rayne Ames last night!!! So, did anything exciting happen?! I must know!!"
Y/N shrugged as they took a bite from their own cream puff. "Rayne taught me a new spell while I made the cream puffs. We also kissed, and now we are dating. Nothing too exciting though."
Lemon screamed with joy as she nearly fainted at the news, but it was Finn whose jaw dropped as he flailed his arms in the air. "YOU'RE DATING MY BROTHER?! AND YOU KISSED?! I did not need to know that!!" Finn dashed from the room as his face flushed with embarrassment, but Lemon wanted to hear more.
"So, do you want to go over wedding plans with me?"
Tag list: @mayurin17, @thebasicbword, @kemis-world, @sereniteav
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vikuo-kuma · 8 months
Jealous Rayne Headcanons
Requested by @seneon
HAI im from tiktok who asked about the headcanons thing, there's no "ask" option so I'll just send a message 😭 i had in mind about rayne having a gf that loves cats more than bunnies and she has her own cat (or cats). in your opinion, how would rayne react everytime reader shows affection to her cats more than him? does he try to make reader jealous by buying bunnies and giving them more affection than reader? SORRY IF ITS TOO LONG SJJSJS
- This man would definitely glare at both you and the cat. Like what did the cat do to you. He really dislikes the fact you would give a cat more attention, however he wouldn’t realize that he’s jealous- probably the first time he’s ever felt jealous.
- He probably won’t speak more than 3-4 words to you because he’s so grumpy about it.
- If he ever sees you with the cat, he would randomly take out a bunny somewhere and start showering it with attention. And if that doesn’t work, he would continue to glare at you and the cat until you realize he was staring daggers into the back of your head.
- When you do notice that something was wrong with Rayne, you look at him. But he turns away quickly from your eye contact. Definitely a quiet tsundere.
- He would NEVER admit to being jealous, and I mean NEVER. I mean who would admit to being jealous to an animal.
“Why are you giving that thing attention”
- This does have a happy ending, with you placing the cat down and cuddling with Rayne. He’s gonna hide his flustered face from you though, might even grin at the cat walking past, like he had won.
“Your attention is mine and mine only”
A/N: This my first time writing a headcanon, I hope you like it 😭
I love this man so much.
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kyoghurts · 2 months
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rayne x reader ★ for @seneon ilysm <3 i love writing this man in the most sickeningly sweet way.
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when days become longer and more stressful for you, rayne ames would find himself giving you a soft, less than the usual glare look that tells you— “i want to do something for you and i hope it helps.”
he’s done this before, and he’ll do it again so long as you let him.
when you close your door, you see him already waiting for you, and he doesn’t have to stare any longer to know just how fatigued you are. if your small voice as you greet with “hey, i’m home.” doesn’t speak of your condition well enough.
he wraps you in his arms wordlessly, kisses the crown of your head, to your forehead, to your temples and eyes as you briefly shut them and down to your lips. it makes you feel whole, makes you feel even more worn down as your body gives in, your weight sinking against his warm hold. and he's so understanding, how gentle he asks if you had fun with your friends or coworkers and if you had dinner.
he'd carry you himself towards the bed, but then you'd tug at his collar and plead him that you still want to spend some more time with him, and how can he say no to you?
so, he does the usual, taking care of your hair just the way you like it.
after your shower, he'll dry it with a towel, massage your scalp and comb your hair unrushed, so careful and thoughtful as you sit on the ground beside the bed doing nothing but relax under his simple ministrations from behind.
when you turn to look up, rayne doesn't find the need to hide whatever's going on his face - he knows he's blushing and having that look of softness that only you can see. and maybe he should scoff or something, but he's so honest with the way he runs his fingers through your hair as he waits for what you have to say - and that all his caring love for you will always show in its purest form.
and thats its all for you to take it.
"braid my hair, please? with the cute ribbons on too."
he nods, lips brushing your temple and fetches the box full of satin and even velvet ribbons, before he takes the strands between the gaps of his fingers and start braiding. the melting smile breaking through your expression is such a blessing to rayne that he swore to himself that he'll never get tired of doing this for you. that he'll always enjoy taking care of you in his own way.
when he's done, he pulls a mirror for you to examine his work and then softly mutter, "you're beautiful."
even when you're tired, or sleepy, or whatever insecurity you have or when things get rough, you still shine as brightly as your little laugh, and that smile he finds precious in every lifetime.
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taglist. @caelivir @heartkaji @luvmequmi
© kyoghurts. ★ reblogs & likes are well appreciated!
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seneon · 4 months
hii! <3 may i request a hc about mashle characters if they found out they had a little sister in the middle of their school year and how they would act to her, also if possible, can you add a small part where they first interacted?
i have a sister..? ──── mashle various.
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featuring. mash squad + ames brothers.
notes. this is an interesting req! all platonic fluff.
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sweet, poor, mash would be so confused. she has the same honey eyes as him. even more miraculously, the same bangs and the same smooth silky hair that's in a specificly round shape. a one liner with pretty average magic. she does not like cream puffs. she likes tarts. obsessively. so when she's in the dormitory kitchen making berry tarts for herself and mash came in to make cream puffs, they stared at each other and she immediately screamed "you just look like me!!" and mash tilts his head. "i didn't know i had a twin." and she replied, head also tilting, "we're twins..?" both of them are equally dumb cuz why not.. mash's sis is based on this art.
little female version of them with black and yellow/blonde hair definitely stands out. so it was made into a commotion then rayne being a d.v. came to the commotion where one day it just exploded. his sister didn't even hesitate to call him brother at first sight. he froze at the sight of her and suddenly all the memories came flushing in of her being taken away. (oo mysterious) "tell me your name. now." he demands and she tells him and he covers his mouth at her voice. his sister who was taken away from him so long ago is now here, standing right in front of him. rayne caught sight of finn standing afar, also frozen. then finn runs to catch his long lost sister in a hug. omg so emotional
new victim to siscon about. im kidding. he doesn't know he has a wayyyy elder sister that's like d.v. level. she left the crown family long ago before lance was born so he know not of her existence. she came to visit the school one day as a special guest to demonstrate magic to the students. accidentally introduced as a crown before saying she has no surname cuz if fam issues. uses gravitiy magic, but hers is more intense and solid. lance knew they were related of some sort but he is unsure. confronts her after the demo as she's leaving the school. honestly, his sister would be shocked that there are two of her little successors. would tell lance to keep doing what's he's doing and she's very motivating! lance knows she wants nothing to do w the fam anymore and he respects her for it, wishing her luck in life.
in denial. there's a big difference in their appearance. she'd probably won't have such striking red hair as he does but more to a softer colour. i'm betting on her having a calm personality. but her ability tho. it's the same exact magical ability, hereditary, in fact. so when she appeared in school right in front of him, they were staring at each other in silence before dot started freaking out and started accusing her of looking similar to him. they also have the same line marking!! she's just there like "...?" then she'll ask, "are you dot barrett?" he nods. "oh wow! i'm a barrett too! although i was absent pretty much your whole life. lemme introduce myself, i am your sister bla bla bla" super respectful.
lemon having a sister??? younger or older, it doesn't matter. she's just really happy to find out she has a sister kept secret from her for the longest time. probably has super long hair. very confident and charismatic. she's under the wing of another family as that family wanted lemon's sister to be a bride of their son. they first met when she came to visit the irvine house and lemon immediately recognised her as she's that one cool girl in school. they immediately clicked and become close to each other after lemon's parents told lemon abt her secret sister. vv wholesome and sweet. the next day at school they're already besties doing whatever sisterish things they've always wanted to do if they hv a sister.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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Two people one bed trope with the mashle gang (nothing steamy, mostly crack)
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So I recently fell into the mashle rabbit hole and there's not enough content so here are my thoughts about the main cast having to share a room with you, their crush:
Those who will accept to share the bed with you:
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Dot is very excited about sleeping in the same bed with you but he has never done it before so he is very nerveous. He spends the whole night awake, sweating bullets, unable to move a muscle and barely breathing as he is anxious about disturbing your sleep. He will still boast the next day to his friends about the "hot" night you spent sharing a bed but everyone is calling out his bluff. 4 out 10 his immobility was concerning you had to check his pulse thinking he died but also don't talk big when you can't even hold a hand?
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Lance would probably not care much. He hops in his pyjamas and sleeps on his side his back facing away from you, hugging a giant pillow with the picture of his little sister on it. Also he either sleeps with open eyes or some other uncanny sleeping stuff . 5/10, good night sleep but the lack of physical proximity was underwhelming plus the sleep talk took you by surprise
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Lemon pretends to be surprised even though it's no coincidence you have to share the same bed (she swears it's a honest mistake tehehehe). It would be like a nice pyjama party but she will keep asking you questions all night long. If you are still able by some miracle to fall asleep despite her never ending talk, you will wake up after a short moment felling a pair of glowing yellow globes eerily staring at you as if they were piercing your soul... 5 out of 10, too much activity and staring with not enough sleep.
Those who prefer jumping in the mouth of a volcano to jumping in the same bed with you:
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Of course Mash breaks the door to your room and is shocked to be greeted by one big bed instead of two small ones. However, don't you worry, he puts the door back in its frame and will guard it to make sure no will disturb your sleep. You used magic to fix the door? Huh, he just remembered he wanted to try a new training. He does an invisible chair and sleeps like that for the whole night. He really doesn't want to invade your intimacy 6/10 confused but got the heart in the right place.
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Finn tries complaining to the staff about the mistake which makes you think that maybe he doesn't like you. Him becoming a blushing mess when confronted with the reality of sharing a room makes you reconsider your first impression. He deeply appologizes for the uncomfortable situation and you cannot convince him to get in the bed with you. He chooses to sleep on the chair. 7 out 10 a true gentleman.
Bonus: (because why not)
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Like his brother Rayne tries to make the management fix the issue. His intimidating looks and impressive title do not take him very far. Despite your reassurances, he refuses to take advantage of the situation. He sleeps in the corridor, his back leaning on your room's door. 8 out of 10, a chivalrous knight.
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You think that Orter would give the hotel an earful when the promised double room is just one king bed instead but the sight makes his brain short cut. He looks at the bed then back at you, announces he will get a drink before leaving and never looking back. He doesn't invite you and drinks the night away at the hotel bar all alone. ?? out 10 because you were kinda hopeful he was coming back and that would spark the begining of your love story but at the same time you appreciate his thoughtfulness about giving all of the space you need??
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Ryoh would moonwalk out of the room and go back home to spend the night with his family. He would probably use light magic or teleportation IDK. What I do know is that sharing a room let alone a bed with somebody else would be cheating and ain't no way that man gonna cheat on his baby mama!! 1000 out of 10 for our loyal king 🤴
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rayofsunshyne · 1 month
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Rayne is a lil' clingy~
Fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55195861/chapters/139986832
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latay7 · 6 months
hiihii!! could you write either lance/orter/carpaccio/rayne getting slightly jealous because the reader looks like they were bering courted by a guy, but turns out they were asking that guy for advice to help the reader to confess to character,,,thankyou:3
*ੈ✩‧₊˚WHY HELLO HELLOOO!!*ੈ✩‧₊˚
First of all thank you so much for your ask ><♡♡ and i will try my best since this is my first fanfic/headcannon , so i hope you like it ✨️(and i hope i wrote what u wanted bcz i can get a bit dumb)
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A misunderstanding..?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Char : Lance crown , Orter Madl x fem!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥genre : fluff
Note : reader appearence , prefrence , dorm , is up to ur imagination (wanted to be inclusive TvT) and god is this too long and it took me a while
Note 2 : im sorry this turned out to be bad , it's late at night and idk wtf am i , (english is not my first language btw)
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☆ Lance crown
You were an ordinary student at Easton Academy , you had your friends and lived your life , diffrent classes and sessions here and there and tried your best !
Although Easton's Curriculum makes every student busy with a full schedule , you're thankful that you get the time to hang out with your friends...Adler's most famous idiots students!! They were all so nice and fun so you had a lovely time with them.
You enjoy their company to the point where you squeeze your schedule to be with them which had a certain outcome....you developed a big small crush on the blue haired one and only , Lance crown!!(lance stroll lol)
You found his dedication and hard work for the sake of his sister Anna adorable , his love for her might go too much sometimes but- it doesn't matter , it proved how much of a sweetheart he is , which made you live him even more.
And now...you found yourself in a dilemma , how are you gonna confess your feelings to him?? THE Lance crown , who never looks like he seeks love..
You excused yourself with Finn to talk privately
Since he's technically the sanest in the group....
So , here we are in this moment.
You were with Finn outside his dorm behind a close corner ,and Lance noticed your dissappearence for a while so decided to check up on you.
"You see Finn , i've had this thing for a long time now , and it's just unexplainable.."
"Don't worry (Y/N) , I understand , but how can i help you out"
At this moment , you could feel your face heating up a bit , it's natural after all you're talking about a CRUSH.
"So i just wanted to get some advice from you since you guys meet a lot more than i do with him , how should i tell him a-and what if he doesn't like me back ,i mean he doesn't really show any interest in me-" at this point you started to ramble , and to calm you down , Finn held your hands in his as he tries to convince you that it's gonna be alright. Meanwhile...
Lance was watching , but he didn't hear anything...so he just saw how you acted but he didn't want to jump to conclusions.
'Was i too late..?' He can't shake off the stinging feeling in his chest , he was hurt , yet somehow mad or even perhaps...jealous?
After a while
It was after hours so you rushed back to your room after saying goodbye to your friends. And while you try to sneak your way through Easton's halls you see a figure you know , it was....Lance?? What was he doing here?
"Lance...? Why are here?"
"Oh there you are..you see...i wanted to talk.." this was concerning
"Oh...really ?..me too"
The next words were DEFENTLY unexpected for you , i mean , sure he was nice towards you but you didn't want to be delusional so this was a shock....
But of course , with the shock comes the joy.
"...and i don't want to make things awkward because i knew you and F- why are smiling like that..."
A sigh leaves your mouth with a slight chuckle....apparently he was an idiot as well , so you decided to take a brave move.
"What are you-"
His shocked flustered expression is to DIE for.
"Just a misunderstanding ehe...." you smile.
☆Orter ( at this point tf am i doing)
As a devine visionary yourself , you have many responsobilites and missions to take , paperwork to do , and meetings to attend.
Thus , after your were finally chosen as the devine visionary yourself because of your hard work , you had to meet up with the other visionaries and work under them , including Orter Madl.
You've tried your best to leave a good impression on them because you were quite nervous , obviously.
You could say you were able to get close to some of the visionaries by being attentive and a fast learner , you were trying your best !
Seemingly except....Orter.
Despite your big efforts in helping him in paperwork , doing good on most of the missions you were went on , being so nice and respectful to him , he seemed like he didn't care , he declined everything.
And it DEFENETLY didn't help with the crush you developed on him. You found him elegant , hardworking , and most defently handsome (im screaming in the bus rn dude) despite him being emotionally constipated. (wtf am i saying)
So you decided to ask for help.
Here you are , in Ryoh Grantz' office , asking him what you should do considering he is married and all.
"Im sorry if this meeting is a nuisance Mr Ryoh but you were the only one i could ask for help.." a drop of sweat as you speak sheepishly.
" oh don't worry about it , you've been helping me out a lot recently so it's only fair if i return the favour , and besides , it is a good opportunity to .....distress" he says in a cheerful tone , he liked you , otherwise you wouldn't have been drinking tea in his office " and just Ryoh is fine ,now tell me , what's wrong?"
You tell him your issue as your embarrasment grows even further , i mean , that's not just ANY matter to speak about , However , you manage to go through the entire thing.
He hums in understanding "i see i see , well i have to agree with you on his emotional constipation , he doesn't even show his brother any emotions either"
Your chest starts to feel heavier as you sweat comically , "but don't worry about it , i mean , if i was to be really honest with you and if we talk in terms of emotions...."
Righ then and there , a certain someone was passing by as he heard only a part of the conversation , he got curious but he couldn't make out...everything...
Only a few words....
Emotions , confessing , feelingsa and...Kaldo??!
What in the.....he knew Ryoh was married and....does that mean he's helping you confess to Kaldo ??
Orter Madl , despite his stoic face and cold ruthless demeanor , had a soft spot for you , he felt somthing for you , he tried to show it by being less mean to you compared to others, and taking some paperwork of yours to finish himself , as well as doing what he can so you take the easiest missions , but it seems like it wasn't that obvious...
He knew you and Kaldo were on good terms but to the point where his thoughts led to thinking...you ? And-
No , he refused to believe it.
"So yes , Kaldo could be someone good to ask since these two are quite together at a lot of times-"
Knock knock , Orter entered the office in the middle of your talk.
"O-oh hi-"
"If you'll excuse me Ryoh , i need to talk to (Y/N)" And Ryoh accepts nevously -because his appearence was very unexpected- and lets you leave.
You and Orter are now walking through the hall of the building because you're following him to god knows where. Until you reach a private area where you two could talk.
"You didn't tell me why are we-"
"What do you have of feelings for Kaldo?"
"Huh"...was the only word that came out of your mouth , Dumbfounded was the least you could think of to describe yourself right now.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me , now answer me , what are the feelings you have for him"
"Wait a min-"
Realization never hit you this hard , so you started laughing as he watches confused , why are you laughing.
"Ok here's the whole thing mister eavsdropper..."
That ended well , for both parties , Ryoh bless your soul.
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vikuo-kuma · 8 months
Rabbit problem
A/N: Not gonna lie, this thought really just popped into my small feeble brain so enjoy while I work on a request— I also tried to keep the character as cannon as possible.
Walking around the school, Y/N hadn't have a thought that came to their mind. They looked around the school, seeing students conversing with each other and having the time of their lives. This particular day didn't really seem to be as chaotic as they thought. As they thought—
Y/N had decided to take their walk outside, wandering around the forest nearby the school. It was still really calming. Feeling the warm breeze blowing against their hair, smelling the sweet scent of flowers within the wind. The sun was still high above in the sky, along with the fluffy white clouds. They hummed in satisfaction at the natural surroundings of the forest. However, something had caught their attention. Y/N eyed the bush beside them, being on guard just in case it was something dangerous.
They took out their wand, ready to attack, but it was just a rabbit. It seemed injured, and holding a stick in its mouth. Y/N looked at it blankly, the rabbit seemed to have dual colored fur, dark green and yellow. The rabbit looked very familiar to Y/N, as they continued to observe it even closer. The dual colored rabbit instinctively backed away, but that didn't stopped Y/N from coming closer. "Poor thing, here..", they started to heal the rabbits wound with their magic. The rabbit seemed to have loosened up a little and hopped closer to Y/N.
"... you are so fluffy and adorable", Y/N picked up the rabbit into their arms. They started to scratch the rabbits little head, but it hit Y/N's finger away coldly. "Ow, you're starting to remind me of someone", glaring at the rabbit who had hit their finger away. It seems to look away suspiciously, avoiding all eye contact with Y/N.
"Eh, I'm still gonna keep you though. Im gonna name you Ray", they began to walk back to school, with the dual colored rabbit in their hands. The rabbit stared at Y/N with a stern expression. "While on the topic of names, I haven't seen Rayne around the school today", Y/N questioned, walking back towards the building.
While in their arms, the rabbit looked at them with a judging look, almost as if it could understand what they were saying. But they ignored the rabbit's intense gaze, and arrived at the school's building. "I think you and Rayne would be best friends", Y/N randomly commented, as they walked through the corridors of the school.
They finally reached their dorm room with the rabbit in arms. "There you go Ray", Y/N placed it down on their fluffy bed. "You must be hungry, I'mma go check if there's any carrots around", Y/N walked out of the room, wand still in their hand. The dual colored rabbit finally dropped the stick from its mouth, the small animal still had a cold expression on its face.
"Alright! I'm finally back", entering the room with carrots in their hands. Y/N saw the rabbit lying on one of their pillows, with its snout dug into it. They looked very confused, after all they weren't a rabbit expert. "Well I guess it's very sleepy?", taking a wild guess, but ignored it anyways. "It is getting dark", they said looking out the windows. "Eh, good night little rabbit", giving the dual colored rabbit a small kiss on the head. Going towards the bathroom to start on their night routine, Y/N finally finished and laid beside the sleeping rabbit.
Unsuspectingly, the rabbit woke up while Y/N was still asleep. Crawling closer to their face, the dual colored rabbit kissed the sleeping person directly on the lips. The small animal went back to sleep, letting the spell slowly break.
It was morning and Y/N started to wake up from their slumber, however, they felt something warm holding them. They blinked, a couple of times, trying to register what position they were in. Looking up, they saw the missing magic user, Rayne, sleeping away peacefully.
Huh- what
Y/N pinched themselves, thinking that they were dreaming.
Nope, definitely awake.
They pinched themselves once again, thinking that they didn't pinch hard enough. Before Y/N could do it again, someone grabbed them by their arm. "Stop doing that", a voice grumbled, it was quite deep due to it being the morning. Rayne had awakened from his sleep, looking down at Y/N. Their face flushed red, Holy crap this is real.
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vikuo-kuma · 8 months
OH, YOU'RE THE ONE FROM TIKTOK, AND I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!! I'm not sure if your request for Mashle is open, but if it's not. It's okay!! Rayne Ames trying to protect reader. but in angst-like Thankiu <3
Only For You..
A/N: Spoilers I think, also I hope this is to your liking 😭😭— it might feel rushed 💀.
Edit: not me getting exposed slightly 😔
Warning: Angst, death, maybe gore?, fluff at the end though.
He was right there. So why couldn't he save you? You had your back facing against the enemy, the big boss himself, Innocent Zero. Holding your own against the him just to buy Mash a few more seconds, however, you had completely forgotten about your own defense. During this match, you had already used a large sum of magic, causing your nose and eyes to bleed profusely. Leaving you out of breath with no chance of healing your wounds.
“Y/N BEHIND YOU!”, Rayne had managed to shout out, he was trying to reach out for you, wanted to pull you away from the impending danger. But you were meters away from him and he was weakened. So, as you turn around, it has felt that time had slowed down. Witnessing Innocent Zero’s sharp arm stab right through you, impaling straight through your stomach. Your widened eyes slowly looked up at the tall white figure, his dark eyes looking back down at you like you were some insect.
WHY COULDN’T HE SAVE YOU?! Rayne’s eyes looked at the scene that was happening in front of him. The white figure took its arm out of your stomach, making you fall to the ground as you bleed out from your mouth and torso. The dual colored male tries to stand up, but failed trying to get even an inch off the ground. “Y/N!”, Rayne tries shouting for you, but no response.
As you could only hear a ringing noise, while lying there. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t hear anything, your vision started to fade. You felt alone.
Where were you? You couldn’t really tell, as you wandered around a white space. You continued to traverse the space, seeing strange images pop up while you go. Those images looked familiar, like they were scenes that were apart of your life. Headings forward, you see a bright light, it was more blue than the rest of the room.
You were confused, letting curiosity get the better of you, you decided to go even closer to the blue light.
Time had reverted, fixing everything. Every destroyed building, every injured person, it was all fixed.
Rayne just awoke from his weakened state, finally he was able to stand up. After transferring his magic, he had gained it back through the time revert. His head was pounding, as he instinctively placed his hand on his forehead. Y/N! The dual colored hair male, rushed out the building, looking around frantically for a (h/c) person.
He continued his search, looking at every corner possible, ignoring the pounding in his head. “Where are you..?”, Rayne had muttered under his breath, his stern face unchanging.
Finally, there you were, lying against a tree. Your wounds were healed, sealed up even. The large gash on your torso was gone. He looked at you attentively, trying to find any signs of you breathing. Then, he saw it, your chest rising as you breathed. It was really out of character for him, but the dual colored hair male hugged you, tightly. Laying his head down on your shoulder, as he takes in your scent.
“You’re alive..”, his voice wavered.
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vikuo-kuma · 8 months
A Smile just for Them
A/N: he shall smile just for us 😫, Abyss story coming out soon. Then another Rayne 🤭
Warning: mostly comedic but ends with fluff.
Kinda requested by: @mysticalpersonpoetry
"Do you ever notice that Rayne never smiled?", someone whispered to their friend, as they both watched Rayne Ames, a Divine Visionary, walk past the two. The friend nodded in agreement, they were both in Rayne's classes, yet never seen him smile at least once. "I agree, he seems to never try to build a bond with anyone at all... now that I noticed..", the friend had a pensive expression on their face. They tried to recollect the moments the dual haired male had ever smile. Yet no luck.
"Maybe we should try following him.. he is a mysterious person", the person suggested. The friend agreed, nodding determinedly to find at least something about their mysterious classmate.
"What kind of disguise are these??", the person whispered very loudly, judging their friend's idea of a disguise. They were both wearing just sunglasses, while still in school uniform. "They were the cheapest thing my other friends could hand over! I ain't made out of money", the friend retorted back in the same manner. They were about to attack each other but then realized that Rayne was about to leave their sight.
"Quick! The library!", the friend frantically whispered, pulling them along into those doors. It was already surprising enough that the dual colored hair male hadn't noticed them. They hid behind a bookshelf, looking in between the gaps of the book. Other students in that aisle looked at them weirdly. But they ignored them, and focused on the dual colored hair classmate, who appeared to be sitting in front of another student with (h/c). "I knew-!", the friend was shushed instantly, as the person had their hands against their mouth.
"Are you trying to get us caught?!", they whispered sternly, it was a bit loud but wasn't loud enough to disturb the (h/c) student and Rayne. "And besides we can't see his facial expressions like this!", the person looked back as they were whispering to their friend. "Oh yeah you're right..", the friend replied back quietly.
Another time then! They looked utterly determined to see a smile from their monotonous classmate.
You and Rayne were simply enjoying each other's company, as you both were holding a book in hand while having a conversation. You were very immersed in your book, talking about the smallest details and how you find it intriguing to say the least. Never really focusing on the dual color haired male's expression.
But something rested on his lips unconsciously. Something most people wouldn't see him do as much. Something most people would call rare coming from that boy.
A smile.
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rayofsunshyne · 1 month
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Guys I swear I'm normal—
Fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55195861/chapters/139986832
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rayofsunshyne · 1 month
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I made a Mashle OC for a fanfic I wrote! Her name is Claria Waterlily :D
Fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55195861/chapters/139986832
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rayofsunshyne · 4 days
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Tsun tsun~ 🫧☔
Fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55195861/chapters/139986832
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rayofsunshyne · 1 month
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Hear me out—
Fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55195861/chapters/139986832
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rayofsunshyne · 1 month
Pinning and Pining Rayne Ames
Synopsis: At the Easton Magic Academy, an unexpected friendship blossoms between you and the Divine Visionary, Rayne Ames. As you spar with each other, will either of you realize the other's feelings?
It was your third year at the Easton Magic Academy. You were just about to meet up with Rayne Ames to practice some sparring.
Your friendship with Rayne was quite an unusual one, as he often kept to himself. Ever since your first year at Easton, you admired Rayne a lot. He was undoubtedly one of the strongest magic users at the school, even becoming a Divine Visionary in his second year.
Rayne always had a lot of fangirls, often whispering about him in the hallways, but never daring to approach him. He has quite a cold demeanor, though you always thought that he used it to mask his emotions. Or maybe that’s just how he is. Honestly, who knows…
Either way, you could say you were one of Rayne’s fangirls, but you kept it to yourself. The chance of Rayne even considering befriending, let alone talking to anyone remained slim throughout the years he was at Easton. It seemed that even his own brother, Finn Ames, had trouble maintaining a close relationship with Rayne.
And yet somehow, you became friends with Rayne — or at least had enough conversations and interactions to call him an acquaintance.
It all started back in your second year. Although you were already quite fond of Rayne, you never had the courage to talk to him. Your second year was mostly uneventful, but as the year drew to an end, the school grounds became a much more dangerous place.
A man called Innocent Zero began terrorizing Easton in search of one of his sons, Mash Burnedead. Mash, a first-year, was quite extraordinary for his lack of magical abilities. Rather than using spells, he fought against all of his enemies purely with his muscles and reflexes. It was even rumored that Mash was magicless, but you weren’t sure whether to believe that.
During one of the standoffs with Innocent Zero and his crew, all of the Easton students ended up being dragged into this mess. Split apart with dangerous foes with no mercy to face, it was a tragic event in the history of the Magic Realm. Innocent Zero and his allies had little care for the lives of the weak, and thus Easton unfortunately faced several casualties in this battle. The sheer cries and screams of their parents when they were told the news still haunts you to this day.
On that day, you were quite lucky. Although you were average in terms of magic capabilities, compared to Innocent Zero’s men, you were outmatched. So, with the luck of chance placing you in a room with no foes, you decided to stay in hiding for the rest of the fight.
That was, until you saw a familiar face standing off someone much more powerful than him. It was Finn. You saw the desperation in his eyes, as he battled, then attempted to flee, but to no avail. The injuries he sustained could no longer lift his pain-stricken body, and his magic power dimmed.
At that moment, you let go of all your fears, your goals, your aspirations, and leaped to save Finn. Rather, you wanted to save him, you believed that you could just grab him and dash out of there unscathed. But you were wrong.
The attack that was going to deal the final blow to Finn was completely absorbed by you. That was the most pain you ever felt in your life. Blood splattered everywhere, as you screamed in agony, looking at the gaping hole in your chest. This was a day you would never forget.
Shortly after, you fell over and lost consciousness. You were practically…dead.
Nevertheless, by some miracle, you survived. And so did Finn.
You woke up to white sheets and tubes all around you. You were in a hospital. Bandages covered almost every part of your body and you noticed a dim night light on the cabinet. The candle wick was almost out.
As you adjusted to your new surroundings, you felt something resting on your leg. Squinting, you could make out that it was a person with yellow and black hair. They were resting their head on your thigh, and it seemed like they had fallen asleep.
However, the physical sensation of this accentuated the pain you were feeling throughout your entire body. You tried to slowly shift your leg’s position, but you accidentally ended up waking the person up.
“You’re…awake…?” This voice sounded familiar, and on closer inspection, it was Rayne?! What is he doing here, you wondered, frantically trying to keep yourself together.
As you stared at him in disbelief, you decided to finally blurt out something: “Um, yeah— sorry that I woke you up…”
Rather than responding to your reply, Rayne softly said, “I’m glad that you’re alive.” You weren’t sure if you were seeing things, but it looked like a tear fell down Rayne’s cheek.
To see Rayne in such a state, it almost felt like a dream. Yet it was real. You almost died. To save Finn. And Rayne patiently waited for you to wake up.
After a long pause, Rayne followed up with, “How are you feeling? Is there anything you need me to get you?” Although he was averting his gaze, seemingly out of shame, you saw his light yellow eyes glisten in the moonlight.
You replied, “I-I’m fine! At least I think I am now… And uh, it’s okay, I don’t need anything right now.” After some thought, you followed up with, “Sorry if this comes off as rude, I-I’m just genuinely wondering… um, why did you visit me? I don’t think we ever talked. O-of course I know you, and uh, I really admire your abilities, but this was just really unexpected.”
“It’s because you saved my brother, Finn…” You heard Rayne’s voice shake, as he said, “And you… you almost died… for him. I don’t know how I could ever pay you back.”
Days passed after that night, and Rayne didn’t show up again at the hospital. Maybe it was out of embarrassment or guilt, but you never figured it out. However, on the day you were discharged from the hospital, you noticed Rayne inconspicuously glancing at you, perhaps checking on your well-being.
Although your only interaction with him was extremely awkward, you decided to suck it up and initiate a conversation. Upon seeing that you were approaching Rayne, he immediately attempted to shift his focus to the idle people at the hospital. Cute, you thought.
“Hey Rayne! Sorry for approaching you out of the blue, I couldn’t help but notice you there and I really just wanted to say…” You bowed. “Thank you so much for everything you did. Without you, I doubt I would have lived to see another day.”
Rayne’s eyes slightly widened as he put two hands on your shoulders and lifted you out of your bow. His hands still gripping your shoulders, he met your gaze. “Please don’t bow. You were the one who saved my family… it’s the least I could do.” Rayne paused for a moment. “I know our conversation on that day was kind of left hanging, but I wanted to ask you: Is there any way I can pay you back? I know there’s nothing that I can do that will relieve the pain and injuries that you sustained, but I cannot sit still and just go about my day without giving you something in return.”
Rayne’s voice was filled with sincerity, but all you could think about was his unwavering hands and intense gaze. Your face turned a tint of reddish pink as you tried your best to keep your composure. “W-well… if you insist, would you mind giving me a few pointers on my magic abilities?”
This first session quickly became a weekly thing, and you’ve been sparring ever since.
And that’s how you met Rayne. Though you’re still quite unsure if you are even friends with him. Sometimes it almost feels like Rayne treats you like a little sister, or as a pitiful rabbit. In any case, you go to your usual meeting place.
Read the rest of Chapter 1 and up to Chapter 6 on my AO3!
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rayofsunshyne · 1 month
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Claria Doodle (Mashle OC) for my newest fanfic chapter!! :D
Fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55195861/chapters/139986832
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