#rayne ames fanfic
Clueless is an Understatement
This may not be the original idea for Rayne that I had, but at the same time, it is an extremely adorable request that I could not refuse! Plus it allows me to try and write a character that is similar to Mash (I love his brainless antics). I hope that you enjoy this fanfic @jennapancake! Thank you again for the request! Gifs are not mine.
Summary: Y/N Burnedead, Mash's older sibling, followed him to Easton Magic Academy to help protect him on his quest to become a divine visionary. Along the way, they caught the attention of Rayne Ames, who is absolutely smitten by Y/N. The only problem: Y/N does not know how to take a hint.
Warnings: reader has some small injuries, mentions of blood, otherwise none (but if I miss something let me know!)
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In a world where magic users dominate the population, there were two non-magic users who were hoping to change their fates and prove that magic was not the only thing that made a person worthy in the eyes of higher powers. The first one was Mash Burnedead: a boy who relied only on his powerful muscles in order to become the divine visionary and allow his family to live in peace. The other is Y/N Burnedead, Mash's older sibling who is also a non-magic user and just as strong as their younger brother. Y/N knew that Mash would face a lot of dangerous challenges and potentially evil foes during his time at Easton Magic Academy, so they took it upon themselves to take the entrance exam as well and help Mash on his quest.
At first, many of the other students wondered why a person as old as Y/N waited so long to join the academy, but they made up the excuse that they were simply too nervous to participate in the entrance exam until now. Of course this was far from the case due to Y/N's trust in their own muscular strength, but it was a necessary lie to keep people off of their backs. Y/N and Mash only allowed trusted friends to know their non-magic status, or the more accurate truth, they all found out after the battle with the Magia Lupis.
"Dude, I still can't believe you have no magic power at all! That is total side character ener-," Y/N smacked Dot across the face before he could finish his sentence.
"And yet you let a side character show you up," Y/N said as they dusted off their uniform. Y/N walked over to Mash and ruffled his hair, causing him to mumble as he tried to fix it. "Come on, you know I don't like my hair being messed with, Y/N."
"I couldn't help it, little brother. You are just too precious sometimes," Y/N said in a monotone and yet excited voice. "Don't forget we have our workout scheduled for 3 today after my classes are finished, and I can't wait to out rep you today."
Mash shook his head from side to side. "Only in your dreams, sibling."
Despite being a first year, Y/N managed to be placed in some upper level courses at Easton, one of which being the Study of Magical Creatures. Rayne Ames, a current divine visionary and the older sibling of Y/N and Mash's friend Finn, also helped to pull some strings for the older Burnedead. It's not that he doubted their prowess, and if anything, it was their power that Rayne admired along with their beauty and talents. However, some of the professors were still skeptical of Y/N and Mash when it came to their "magic" abilities, so he offered his support in their favor.
Today's class would be taking place outside in one of the open pastures by the school, with today's lesson involving herding and calming wild Wrivian's, horse-dragon hybrids that were the size of a small cottage. Rayne was waiting patiently for Y/N to arrive for class, and he caught himself checking his robe for any stray crumbs from lunch. He never used to worry about his appearance since he is usually well-kept, and yet ever since he met Y/N, he felt the need to look even more pristine when he knew they would be around.
Not that Y/N would notice the small details to begin with...
Y/N arrived a few minutes before class began, and Rayne waved at them as they approached. "Good afternoon, Y/N. Are you ready for today's class?" Rayne stated with a slight smile.
Y/N clenched their fist as they took on a fighting pose. "I was born ready, Rayne. Any challenge that these Wrivian's bring, I will take each one down with my fist."
Rayne let out a chuckle as he moved to stand beside them. "I thought you would say something along those lines."
The professor explained the task to the students, making sure to reiterate that no harm should be brought to any of the Wrivian's or they would fail the assignment. All the students broke off into pairs, which would make wrangling the beasts an easy task, but Y/N and Rayne faced more difficulties. Rayne used frontal attacks with Partisan to deflect the fiery breath from the Wrivian, the creature's emerald scales flexing as it weaved expertly through the air. Y/N took more of a distraction approach as they waited for the right time to strike.
"Y/N, they have a blind spot if you move to the right! Now is the time to tame this beast! Remember, avoid harm at all costs!" Rayne instructed as he launched the silvery swords of Partisan one last time.
"Kay', taming magic activate!" Y/N shouted the fake spell as they squatted and leaped into the air, easily reaching the Wrivian hovering in the sky. Y/N grabbed the Wrivian around it's broad neck, the rough texture of the scales cutting into their hands as their weight brought them and the creature back down to the ground. The cloud of dust and the immense crash had Rayne worried, not so much about failing the assignment but for Y/N's safety. I really have fallen for them, Rayne thought as he dashed to the scene. He expected to see the Wrivian knocked out from Y/N's brute strength, but Rayne was shocked to see that the creature did not have a scratch on it. If anything, it seemed quite happy as it expertly stole a cream puff from Y/N's cloak.
"Hey, that's my afternoon cream puff," Y/N whined at first as they looked up at the beast with a minor frown, but as the Wrivian let out a whinny at the sweet treat, Y/N sighed in defeat as their head drooped. "Then again, it seems to be making you pretty happy too."
Rayne gasped as he knelt down by Y/N, who was too distracted by the loss of their cream puff to notice the crimson liquid dripping from their hands. Rayne placed his hands on Y/N's forearms and lifted them up, his cheeks dusting with pink as he felt the muscles under their cloak. "You're hurt, Y/N. Please, let me take you to the infirmary and help bandage your wounds."
Y/N looked down at their hands and blinked. "Oh, looks like I am bleeding, huh? Oopsies." Rayne playfully rolled his eyes at Y/N's unawareness as he helped them to their feet, an arm wrapping protectively around their waist despite Y/N's ability to walk. Y/N's brows furrowed as they looked at Rayne. "Why is your arm around my waist if I can walk?"
"Just a precaution to make sure that you have no underlying injuries," Rayne replied.
"But you can see me walking, Rayne? Are you sure I need assistance?"
The two students finally arrived at the infirmary, and Y/N sat on one of the medical beds while Rayne treated their wounds. He started by cleaning the cuts and applying alcohol to the wounds, causing Y/N to flinch. "Ouchie, that burns a little." Rayne only smiled as his golden eyes remained filled with adoration. Once Y/N was all bandaged up, Rayne laid a kiss on each of their hands. "There, you should be fully healed in a few days."
Y/N tilted their head. "Was that a magic healing spell? Can you teach it to me?"
Rayne smirked as he ruffled his blonde streaked hair. "I could probably teach you the spell over dinner. Would you care to join me?"
"Well I would, but Mash and the others always go to dinner with me on this day of the week. I am making cream puff this evening, if you wanted to join, and the others would be happy to see you." Y/N rambled as they tapped their chin.
"We can bring the cream puff to them when we are finished, but I need your full attention to teach you this spell," Rayne said as he tried to find a way to spend time alone with Y/N. He adored the others yes, especially his brother Finn, but he had longed to ask Y/N on a date for some time now. There was something about them that was charming and adorable, and Rayne could not resist them. Y/N's eyes widened as they absorbed Rayne's words. "Ohh that makes more sense. I will see you then, Rayne." With that, Y/N hopped off the medical bed and left with a brief wave as Rayne started to devise a game plan for tonight.
Rayne arrived at the dorm kitchens around the time Y/N had specified, a bouquet of their favorite flowers in hand. He entered the kitchen and was greeted by Y/N wearing a frilly apron that matched the one that Mash typically wore. They were currently whisking the eggs for the cream puffs with calculated precision. Rayne smiled as he leaned over the counter and presented the flowers to Y/N. "I brought these for you, Y/N, and I hope that you will enjoy them."
Y/N halted their whisking and took the flowers from Rayne, eagerly sniffing the fresh blooms. "These smell like the flowers back home, but I don't know if they will taste good in the cream puffs."
"They won't be going in the cream puffs, you dork. They are for you to look at and admire from afar." Rayne explained as he conjured up a glass vase. Y/N let out an exclamation of excitement as they tapped the vase to see if it was real before going back to whisking. Rayne rested his head in his hand as he watched Y/N make the cream puffs from memory. While the cream puffs were baking, Rayne took this as a sign to make his feelings known. "I am excited to try these delicious cream puffs, but I have no doubt that they will not be as sweet as you are."
"I always put four cups of sugar into the dough, and along with this custard cream, they will be the perfect amount of sweetness." Y/N assured as they plopped down in the seat next to Rayne. They perked up as they remembered the conversation they had with Rayne earlier. "Oh, you said you would teach me that healing spell? Unlike my brother, I can learn things pretty quickly."
An idea materialized in Rayne's head as he pretended to pop his knuckles. "Luckily, this spell does not require a wand like most spells, and I believe that you have the abilities and strength to master this spell in no time. Firstly, you take the hands of the person that you want to heal." Rayne turned to face Y/N as they took their hands in his, the bandages from earlier soft to the touch, but Rayne wished he could feel Y/N's actual hands instead. Y/N continued to absorb the instructions like a sponge as they replied with a "got it".
"Next, you approach the subject closer so you can determine the state of their injuries." Rayne closed the gap between him and Y/N until their face's were inches apart, allowing him to admire all of the amazing features of Y/N's face. He swore that no deity could be more gorgeous than them. Y/N nodded as they maintained eye contact with Rayne and made sure to process each step clearly. "Finally," Rayne started as he placed a hand on Y/N's cheek, "You perform the healing spell." Before Rayne could complete his plan, the loud ding of the oven interrupted him, and Y/N shot up from their seat faster than a lightning strike. "Cream puffs are done!" They shouted excitedly.
Y/N finalized the delicious treats and handed the first ones to Rayne. He bit into the pastry and hummed with delight as Y/N ate their portion of the cream puffs in a few gulps. "These are perfect, Y/N, and I must admit that this would make for a perfect date," Rayne said as he smiled more than he had in months. Y/N was once again confused.
"Isn't that a type of fruit?"
"Yes, you are correct, but it is also the time spent between two individuals that care about each other as a way to show affection for one another. Y/N Burnedead, I care about you more and more each and every day, and I would destroy every evil force in this magical realm if it means that you are safe by my side. I would be yours if that is what you wish, but if you need more time, I understand completely." Rayne blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck, but Y/N still could not see the full picture.
"I could help you beat up the villains instead, but I would need to focus on more bicep training first. Maybe Mash would know-," Y/N's sentence was cut short as Rayne gently pressed his lips against theirs as his hand returned to caress their cheek once again. Y/N did not fully understand what to do, but they did enjoy the feeling of Rayne being so close to them. When Rayne pulled away, the realization of his words and actions finally set in, and Y/N turned as red as the strawberries they used in the cream puffs. Y/N's brain started to short circuit as the affection became to much. "I-I-I guess that t-t-this makes us a, makes us a..."
Rayne kissed Y/N's cheek as a genuine laugh rumbled in his chest. "Yes, this makes us a couple, if that is what you desire. There is no one in all of Easton that would make a better match for a divine visionary."
Y/N could not help but smile as they fiddled with their hands. "I-I would like that very much."
"Did you save some cream puffs for me?"
"Of course, I always save the perfect ones for my favorite little sibling." Y/N handed over the cream puffs to Mash as he excitedly munched on the pastries. Lemon and Finn had just entered the room, and Lemon could not help but squeal as she nudged Y/N with her elbow. "And I heard that Y/N made cream puffs with the Rayne Ames last night!!! So, did anything exciting happen?! I must know!!"
Y/N shrugged as they took a bite from their own cream puff. "Rayne taught me a new spell while I made the cream puffs. We also kissed, and now we are dating. Nothing too exciting though."
Lemon screamed with joy as she nearly fainted at the news, but it was Finn whose jaw dropped as he flailed his arms in the air. "YOU'RE DATING MY BROTHER?! AND YOU KISSED?! I did not need to know that!!" Finn dashed from the room as his face flushed with embarrassment, but Lemon wanted to hear more.
"So, do you want to go over wedding plans with me?"
Tag list: @mayurin17, @thebasicbword, @kemis-world, @sereniteav
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vikuo-kuma · 8 months
Jealous Rayne Headcanons
Requested by @seneon
HAI im from tiktok who asked about the headcanons thing, there's no "ask" option so I'll just send a message 😭 i had in mind about rayne having a gf that loves cats more than bunnies and she has her own cat (or cats). in your opinion, how would rayne react everytime reader shows affection to her cats more than him? does he try to make reader jealous by buying bunnies and giving them more affection than reader? SORRY IF ITS TOO LONG SJJSJS
- This man would definitely glare at both you and the cat. Like what did the cat do to you. He really dislikes the fact you would give a cat more attention, however he wouldn’t realize that he’s jealous- probably the first time he’s ever felt jealous.
- He probably won’t speak more than 3-4 words to you because he’s so grumpy about it.
- If he ever sees you with the cat, he would randomly take out a bunny somewhere and start showering it with attention. And if that doesn’t work, he would continue to glare at you and the cat until you realize he was staring daggers into the back of your head.
- When you do notice that something was wrong with Rayne, you look at him. But he turns away quickly from your eye contact. Definitely a quiet tsundere.
- He would NEVER admit to being jealous, and I mean NEVER. I mean who would admit to being jealous to an animal.
“Why are you giving that thing attention”
- This does have a happy ending, with you placing the cat down and cuddling with Rayne. He’s gonna hide his flustered face from you though, might even grin at the cat walking past, like he had won.
“Your attention is mine and mine only”
A/N: This my first time writing a headcanon, I hope you like it 😭
I love this man so much.
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druh19 · 8 months
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༝ Mashle Icons |like and reblog if saved|
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kyoghurts · 2 months
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rayne x reader ★ for @seneon ilysm <3 i love writing this man in the most sickeningly sweet way.
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when days become longer and more stressful for you, rayne ames would find himself giving you a soft, less than the usual glare look that tells you— “i want to do something for you and i hope it helps.”
he’s done this before, and he’ll do it again so long as you let him.
when you close your door, you see him already waiting for you, and he doesn’t have to stare any longer to know just how fatigued you are. if your small voice as you greet with “hey, i’m home.” doesn’t speak of your condition well enough.
he wraps you in his arms wordlessly, kisses the crown of your head, to your forehead, to your temples and eyes as you briefly shut them and down to your lips. it makes you feel whole, makes you feel even more worn down as your body gives in, your weight sinking against his warm hold. and he's so understanding, how gentle he asks if you had fun with your friends or coworkers and if you had dinner.
he'd carry you himself towards the bed, but then you'd tug at his collar and plead him that you still want to spend some more time with him, and how can he say no to you?
so, he does the usual, taking care of your hair just the way you like it.
after your shower, he'll dry it with a towel, massage your scalp and comb your hair unrushed, so careful and thoughtful as you sit on the ground beside the bed doing nothing but relax under his simple ministrations from behind.
when you turn to look up, rayne doesn't find the need to hide whatever's going on his face - he knows he's blushing and having that look of softness that only you can see. and maybe he should scoff or something, but he's so honest with the way he runs his fingers through your hair as he waits for what you have to say - and that all his caring love for you will always show in its purest form.
and thats its all for you to take it.
"braid my hair, please? with the cute ribbons on too."
he nods, lips brushing your temple and fetches the box full of satin and even velvet ribbons, before he takes the strands between the gaps of his fingers and start braiding. the melting smile breaking through your expression is such a blessing to rayne that he swore to himself that he'll never get tired of doing this for you. that he'll always enjoy taking care of you in his own way.
when he's done, he pulls a mirror for you to examine his work and then softly mutter, "you're beautiful."
even when you're tired, or sleepy, or whatever insecurity you have or when things get rough, you still shine as brightly as your little laugh, and that smile he finds precious in every lifetime.
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taglist. @caelivir @heartkaji @luvmequmi
© kyoghurts. ★ reblogs & likes are well appreciated!
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seneon · 4 months
hii! <3 may i request a hc about mashle characters if they found out they had a little sister in the middle of their school year and how they would act to her, also if possible, can you add a small part where they first interacted?
i have a sister..? ──── mashle various.
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featuring. mash squad + ames brothers.
notes. this is an interesting req! all platonic fluff.
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sweet, poor, mash would be so confused. she has the same honey eyes as him. even more miraculously, the same bangs and the same smooth silky hair that's in a specificly round shape. a one liner with pretty average magic. she does not like cream puffs. she likes tarts. obsessively. so when she's in the dormitory kitchen making berry tarts for herself and mash came in to make cream puffs, they stared at each other and she immediately screamed "you just look like me!!" and mash tilts his head. "i didn't know i had a twin." and she replied, head also tilting, "we're twins..?" both of them are equally dumb cuz why not.. mash's sis is based on this art.
little female version of them with black and yellow/blonde hair definitely stands out. so it was made into a commotion then rayne being a d.v. came to the commotion where one day it just exploded. his sister didn't even hesitate to call him brother at first sight. he froze at the sight of her and suddenly all the memories came flushing in of her being taken away. (oo mysterious) "tell me your name. now." he demands and she tells him and he covers his mouth at her voice. his sister who was taken away from him so long ago is now here, standing right in front of him. rayne caught sight of finn standing afar, also frozen. then finn runs to catch his long lost sister in a hug. omg so emotional
new victim to siscon about. im kidding. he doesn't know he has a wayyyy elder sister that's like d.v. level. she left the crown family long ago before lance was born so he know not of her existence. she came to visit the school one day as a special guest to demonstrate magic to the students. accidentally introduced as a crown before saying she has no surname cuz if fam issues. uses gravitiy magic, but hers is more intense and solid. lance knew they were related of some sort but he is unsure. confronts her after the demo as she's leaving the school. honestly, his sister would be shocked that there are two of her little successors. would tell lance to keep doing what's he's doing and she's very motivating! lance knows she wants nothing to do w the fam anymore and he respects her for it, wishing her luck in life.
in denial. there's a big difference in their appearance. she'd probably won't have such striking red hair as he does but more to a softer colour. i'm betting on her having a calm personality. but her ability tho. it's the same exact magical ability, hereditary, in fact. so when she appeared in school right in front of him, they were staring at each other in silence before dot started freaking out and started accusing her of looking similar to him. they also have the same line marking!! she's just there like "...?" then she'll ask, "are you dot barrett?" he nods. "oh wow! i'm a barrett too! although i was absent pretty much your whole life. lemme introduce myself, i am your sister bla bla bla" super respectful.
lemon having a sister??? younger or older, it doesn't matter. she's just really happy to find out she has a sister kept secret from her for the longest time. probably has super long hair. very confident and charismatic. she's under the wing of another family as that family wanted lemon's sister to be a bride of their son. they first met when she came to visit the irvine house and lemon immediately recognised her as she's that one cool girl in school. they immediately clicked and become close to each other after lemon's parents told lemon abt her secret sister. vv wholesome and sweet. the next day at school they're already besties doing whatever sisterish things they've always wanted to do if they hv a sister.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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Two people one bed trope with the mashle gang (nothing steamy, mostly crack)
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So I recently fell into the mashle rabbit hole and there's not enough content so here are my thoughts about the main cast having to share a room with you, their crush:
Those who will accept to share the bed with you:
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Dot is very excited about sleeping in the same bed with you but he has never done it before so he is very nerveous. He spends the whole night awake, sweating bullets, unable to move a muscle and barely breathing as he is anxious about disturbing your sleep. He will still boast the next day to his friends about the "hot" night you spent sharing a bed but everyone is calling out his bluff. 4 out 10 his immobility was concerning you had to check his pulse thinking he died but also don't talk big when you can't even hold a hand?
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Lance would probably not care much. He hops in his pyjamas and sleeps on his side his back facing away from you, hugging a giant pillow with the picture of his little sister on it. Also he either sleeps with open eyes or some other uncanny sleeping stuff . 5/10, good night sleep but the lack of physical proximity was underwhelming plus the sleep talk took you by surprise
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Lemon pretends to be surprised even though it's no coincidence you have to share the same bed (she swears it's a honest mistake tehehehe). It would be like a nice pyjama party but she will keep asking you questions all night long. If you are still able by some miracle to fall asleep despite her never ending talk, you will wake up after a short moment felling a pair of glowing yellow globes eerily staring at you as if they were piercing your soul... 5 out of 10, too much activity and staring with not enough sleep.
Those who prefer jumping in the mouth of a volcano to jumping in the same bed with you:
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Of course Mash breaks the door to your room and is shocked to be greeted by one big bed instead of two small ones. However, don't you worry, he puts the door back in its frame and will guard it to make sure no will disturb your sleep. You used magic to fix the door? Huh, he just remembered he wanted to try a new training. He does an invisible chair and sleeps like that for the whole night. He really doesn't want to invade your intimacy 6/10 confused but got the heart in the right place.
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Finn tries complaining to the staff about the mistake which makes you think that maybe he doesn't like you. Him becoming a blushing mess when confronted with the reality of sharing a room makes you reconsider your first impression. He deeply appologizes for the uncomfortable situation and you cannot convince him to get in the bed with you. He chooses to sleep on the chair. 7 out 10 a true gentleman.
Bonus: (because why not)
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Like his brother Rayne tries to make the management fix the issue. His intimidating looks and impressive title do not take him very far. Despite your reassurances, he refuses to take advantage of the situation. He sleeps in the corridor, his back leaning on your room's door. 8 out of 10, a chivalrous knight.
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You think that Orter would give the hotel an earful when the promised double room is just one king bed instead but the sight makes his brain short cut. He looks at the bed then back at you, announces he will get a drink before leaving and never looking back. He doesn't invite you and drinks the night away at the hotel bar all alone. ?? out 10 because you were kinda hopeful he was coming back and that would spark the begining of your love story but at the same time you appreciate his thoughtfulness about giving all of the space you need??
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Ryoh would moonwalk out of the room and go back home to spend the night with his family. He would probably use light magic or teleportation IDK. What I do know is that sharing a room let alone a bed with somebody else would be cheating and ain't no way that man gonna cheat on his baby mama!! 1000 out of 10 for our loyal king 🤴
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chit2luvu · 1 month
Lovers' Entanglement
Pairings: Dom!Rayne Ames X Reader
A/N: This is my first smut fic, im not sure what Im doing but my brain produced and here I present. I also published this in ao3 but i didnt rlly get any interactions hence why im here pls dont flop :< Tags: mentions of cunnilingus, nipple play, p in v, afab reader, hickeys
It’s an ordinary day for Rayne and Y/N.
Well, not so much since Y/N has been practically bawling her eyes out because he was going to graduate.
In the morning, during the ceremony, and after the ceremony.
She clung onto him at every chance. More so than ever. Her tears staining on the taller boy’s graduation gown. It was quite a sight to see.
“Y/N…” He mumbled, patting her back as she hugged him tight. Rayne did indeed love her, he was sad to part with her but it’s not like their love would disappear with the lower frequency of their visits.
The most embarrassing part was when Principal Wahlberg came over to tease the two.
“My, my if it isn’t the power couple of our school. Congratulations on becoming a full fledged Divine Visionary at the Magic Bureau, Rayne. As for your devastated girlfriend…” He trailed off, cheekily looking at the two.
“I-I’m sorry I can’t greet you properly, it’s just that I’m not ready to not see him everyday anymore Principal Wahlberg…” the younger girl said through tears.
“It’s quite alright… Hahaha, the sweetness of first love in the air... Oh to feel it again at my age. Take care of each other, you two. And congratulations on graduating Max Land, I hope to see your achievements in the future here on out.”
Rayne nodded in approvement.
“Thank you, Principal Wahlberg, I am honored.” Max politely replied, with a small bow.
“This is it. I probably won’t see them again until summer break or whatever.” Y/N sadly thought, her tears still uncontrollably flowing down.
As the principal left, the first years joined the trio to congratulate them. Finn was the first one to suggest a commemorative group photo.
Rayne pulled away from her and pinched her cheeks to try and get some sense into her .“Y/n, we’re going to take pictures now so stop crying okay? For me?” He pleaded, wiping her tears away with his sleeve.
“Eep… Not fair… you… you’re gonna make me cry more,” she sobbed trying her best to keep her emotions in check as she looked up at Rayne pitifully.
Suddenly, he kissed her wet lips to hopefully stop her from crying. And it worked like a charm. Even after the kiss, y/n continued to stare at Rayne with flushed cheeks and swollen lips, the aftertaste of their sweet kiss lingering on her lips. The group went silent after witnessing their blatant display of affection.
“Nooooo! Why?! Why do all the good looking guys snag all the girls?!?!” Dot cried out as usual with murderous intent.
“Please refrain from making love in the eyes of an innocent child,” Lance commented as he clutched his necklace.
“Omg!! Y/n!! Ahhhh~~ Mash, did you see that? That could be us!!” Lemon fangirled while aggressively hitting Mash’s back to make her point.
“Uhm…” the muscle head said with disbelief.
“N-Nii–chan?!” Finn screeched as he hid his eyes behind his hands. He had most definitely never seen such a side of his older brother.
“Rayne you daring man!!” Max exclaimed, going in between the couple and hitting their backs to dissipate the tension, finally putting some distance between the two. “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s take a picture!”
The students huddled together, performing various poses as they took many pictures.
One heart in the middle formed by Rayne and Y/N while Lemon, Mash and Lance formed one on the left and Dot, Finn and Max formed another on the right.
Then, freestyle poses.
They all put up a thumbs up for one.
And a peace sign for another.
And a heart sign for the last.
“Wow! These came out good!” the brunette said, scanning the photos happily. “Can’t forget to take a trio one too!”
So Rayne, Max and Y/N took another photo.
Then another photo with just Rayne and Max.
“And now, to commemorate the cringiest but slayest power couple of our school, Rayne and Y/N!” Lemon cheered happily for the two, holding out her wand. “3…2…1… Smile!”
Another utter shock.
The photo captured Rayne kissing Y/N on the cheek
“Oi! She said smile, not kiss!” Dot complained, about to jump out into action to stop them from further PDA but Lance kept him in check with his graviole.
“Well, you probably don’t know the feeling of having the love of your life desperately cling onto you just because you guys won’t be seeing each other everyday since you don’t have a girlfriend huh?” Rayne retorted the first year with a fierce look, as he held a blushing Y/N by her waist.
There were just one too many surprises from him. The first years were in absolute disbelief at their senior’s soft attitude towards his girlfriend. The ones who found it hardest to take this in were Finn and Dot.
After the ceremony, the group disbanded, each going back their own way. By tomorrow, most of the graduates would be gone, including Rayne which the Y/N couldn’t handle.
She returned to Rayne’s dorm, helping him pack up. The once minimalist room becomes an empty Adler room. Even his rabbit bedsheet was cleared with the rest of his rabbit related merch.
“Rayne…” Y/N started, her thoughts unclear of this whole situation. Only her fervent emotions screamed, telling her not to let go of her boyfriend at all costs.
“Yes?” He calmly replied, sitting down beside her on the bed.
“I will really really really miss you a lot.”
“I know dear,” he said, sliding his hand on top of hers as he sincerely looked at her with soft eyes.
“Ray-ayneeee” she said, plunging her body on top of Rayne’s onto the bed. “I might start crying again… sorry,” she mumbled as she lifted her head up from his chest.
“Bad girl,” he whispered into her ear while he brushed back the strand of hair. Those two words make her whole body feel all tingly in a weird way. “I don’t want our last memory in a long while to be you waving at me with tears during our send off, like as if you’re sending your husband off to war.” he honestly said, still keeping his hand on her head.
Y/N’s cheeks flushed red from his comment. Rayne had always been the type of boyfriend that cared for his girlfriend by actions, not words. When she had her period, he would always bring chocolates and a heat pack to her dorm and throughout the day, he would check on her wellbeing multiple times. Even on normal days, when they talked during recess and lunch or after school hours, he was thoughtful to bring her something that reminded him of her from time to time. He did what he felt was suitable and even let out his true self. True self as in saying whatever he wanted. Even if it meant the lines he was saying sounded like some confession from a third rate romance novel.
“I guess I won’t cry anymore…” she pouted, her gaze averting away from his as she went back to nuzzling his chest.
There it was again.
That warm fluttery feeling that arises in their hearts at times like these.
But other than wanting to hold each other tight and never letting go, Rayne found himself having a new profound desire. If he were to possibly switch their positions, holding Y/N down on his bed while he whispered sweet nothings into her ears, would she like it? If he were to maybe pull down her collar and mark her neck for everyone to see would it be unfair of him? If only he could say for sure to continue to act on his instincts. After all, it was hard to stay calm with his lover’s breasts pressed up against his chest, her whole body looking as if she was being served on a golden platter ready to be ravished him. He really wanted to devour her right there and then.
“Rayne?” Y/N shyly questioned. She had long noticed his body’s reaction, unsure of what would be the best next course of action for the two.
“Sorry, I’ll- I’ll go to the bathroom for a bit.” Rayne enunciated, gently pushing Y/N off to the side and getting up so as not to worsen the awkwardness of the conversation.
But when her soft hand stopped him in his tracks, something inside of him just snapped.
“Y/N, there’s no saying what could happen if you don’t let go of your hand right now.” Rayne spoke as he turned around, his manner of speech getting a little shaky.
“I-I-I know! Well ummm I just thought that since we won’t be seeing each other in a long while… I… I want to help you since you're always by my side…”
He turned, his amber eyes meeting her e/c ones. He hugged her, bringing her face to his chest as he wrapped his arms around her neck.
“Y/N, you know how much I love you right? I promise nothing will change between us. You don’t owe me anything, love. I can wait until you’re ready.”
His words were always so reassuring, always laced with layers of honey, always warm and gentle. But she’s not doing it just to make Rayne happy, if it was with him, Y/N would gladly give her everything, in this case was her body.
“Rayne… I love you too, which is why I want to do it with you, if it’s with you I-”
Before Y/N could even finish her sentence, Rayne was already pinning her down on his bed. He impatiently pushed his lips against hers, their tongues entwining, leaving each other breathless as he pulled away.
“Sorry, I guess I got carried away there.”
He panted, their breaths shaky from the intense kiss. Still, his lips came close to her ear, letting out a husky voice.
“Hey, if you feel uncomfortable at any time, just say my full name. Otherwise, you best believe I’m not stopping until I leave tomorrow. I’m going to make it known to the whole world that you are my woman, no one can take you away from me. You’re mine, only mine. Got that? ”
Her whole face immediately turned into a tomato without any spell. He really was serious about her. He sat up on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt and loosening up his tie to reveal his toned body. Sure, Rayne was a magic user but he still kept fit to increase his stamina, which explained his six pack.
“You like it that much? C’mon, feel it– the only one stopping you is yourself.”
He smirked, enjoying that flustered look on his partner who was inevitably his to be taken. He leaned into Y/N, looking up to meet her longing eyes, that anticipation and excitement. It made Rayne so unbelievably happy that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He unbuttoned Y/N’s blouse, pulling her bra up in one swift motion as his large hands got to work; cupping her delicate mounds, licking and sucking on her perky nipples, even twisting and pulling, doing whatever he pleased as an Y/N suffered under his control, her moans spilling throughout the empty room.
“Rayne, that's… that’s embarrassing, why are you o-only focusing there…?”
“Hmm I can’t? It’s just that they look so beautiful, baby”
“Nghh that’s not fair”
“Sounds like you’re asking me to pay attention to some other parts too, huh?”
His hand slowly glided down her bare stomach, making his touch even more tingly on her body. Rayne undid her skirt and tossed it aside. Without sparing any time, he touched her wet clit that was practically soaking through her underwear.
“Amazing, you’re already this soaking wet for me when all I did was play with your nipples” He commented, pulling her panties aside and sliding his hand up and down on her swollen pussy.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, he pressed his lips up against her opening, licking her juices, even sucking her clit from time to time before inserting his tongue inside.
“Rayne why–! That place… It’s dirty…” Y/N could only say, before her voice was quickly transformed into pleasure again, the heat of both teens rising. “Hnngh.. Rayne I-I feel weird! A-ah! I think… I think I’m coming…! Mhmmm!” She said, pressing her mouth against her hand to hide her humiliating noises.
The older male pulled back, licking the liquid on his lips clean when he suddenly inserted his two fingers, pressing up against here and there until-
Y/n moaned loudly, unable to hide the fact that he had found her soft spot.
“So that’s where you’re weak? Duly noted.” He said, pressing his fingers up against it even more, receiving another moan from y/n. “I want to put it in so bad… y/n please I-” He huffed, his hot breath landing right on the crook of her neck.
“W-wait what about protection?!”
None of them had anticipated this moment so they had nothing on them.
“I think Max has some... ” he paused, "I'll be back in a jiffy, love" he muttered, leaving behind a small kiss on her cheek. Before he left, covered Y/N with a blanket and took his robe and left.
Y/n stayed huddled up in the blanket, trying to process what was actually happening. Was it too fast? I mean, they've been dating for like a year and a half so it should be fine right? Plus, it's Rayne. Yes, Rayne Ames. Sudden images of Rayne smiling ever so slightly whenever he met her appeared. That's right, he's the man she fell in love with. They both wanted this, it felt just right with him.
A few minutes later, Rayne had returned with the item in hand. He took off his robe once more and looked at her hungrily. "Are you ready darling?" he smirked, lifting the covers, trailing his rough hands along her leg up to her thighs as he got on top.
It’s not fair how he looks at Y/N with those eyes. How could she possibly push him away in this heat of the moment? She bit her lips in both fear and excitement, her eyes carefully following his every move.
He unbuckled his belt, pulling down his zip to reveal a huge bulge under his boxers. Scary. What was even scarier was when he took off all his undergarments, revealing a monster- no, a huge veiny cock. Y/N immediately yelped in shock, in awe of seeing something so… sinful. Yet, the excitement and pleasure that came along with it was as anticipated.
“Will it even fit…” she nervously questioned, finding it hard to believe that it’s her beloved boyfriend’s dick.
“We’ll make it work. I swear to be gentle, my love. I want us to enjoy this together.”
As soon as he slid on the condom, without any sense of hesitation, all Y/N felt was the warmth lining up her entrance before going all the way inside. That sense of fulfilment shared between the two was unfathomable. Like finally being one complete being, Rayne’s hot member filled her up.
“Your insides are wrapping around me so tightly bunny, how am I supposed to move like this huh? You tell me”
Unable to handle the dirty talk and sudden pet name, she averted her gaze from his in embarrassment. But that wasn’t going to stop him from teasing her further. He cupped her cheeks and made her face his way.
“Tell me how much you want it bunny, because no way we’re going to stop now. Not when I’ve got you right under my thumb.”
“P-please, Rayne, I need you, I need you t-thrusting inside of me… You… Only you can make me feel so incredibly happy and-”
“Well said dear, obedient bunnies get their reward don’t they? Now take it like a good girl for me, Y/N.”
Oh boy, she was in for a ride. The moment Rayne held her hands tenderly while leaning in, she should’ve braced herself. The moment he started moving– those shallow thrusts quickly turned into deep ones.
“Rayne…! Rayne…! Rayne…!”
“Say how good I feel inside you. How am I supposed to know if my baby girl likes it otherwise?”
“Yes…! Mmm! I love it! I love you! R-Rayne… ahhh… kiss please…”
“So needy for daddy hmm~ Don’t worry I’ll spoil you lots”
Those intense thrusts followed by breathless kisses.
Y/N was definitely not going to last until tomorrow.
Night has definitely fallen, but what time was it exactly? Who knows? All the two love birds know is that they’ve fulfilled their wildest desires; and that they’re right where they want to be in life. That feeling of content, reinforced by the way Rayne continues to wrap his arm around Y/N’s bare waist under the bed sheets.
“Was I… too rough?” the concerned male inquired.
“Kind of, my back is sore! Hmph!” she pouted, turning her head away for dramatic effect.
Rayne rubbed her cheeks playfully, trying to console the girl as he entertained her childish behaviour.
“C’mon bunny, don’t be like that~”
“Well, do you want to get washed up together? I think we’re both feeling pretty sticky after that endeavour, hmm?”
“Yeah, that does sound like a plan”
Without any warning, Rayne got up and picked Y/N up in one fell swoop, putting her over his shoulder.
“W-wait whaaa?! Put me down!” she demanded, hitting his back with her fists while her legs kicked the air.
“I’m taking responsibility for my actions so stay still my love”
He had forcefully picked her up to the bathroom and turned on the shower.
“We already went all the way, there’s no need to be shy showering-”
“It’s not that, it’s just that I still can’t wrap my head around what had just happened.”
“Well, we made love. It’s as simple as that, my beloved y/n,” he said in a matter of fact tone, leaning down to kiss her forehead gently.
Although they were done for the most part, Rayne couldn’t help but stare in awe at his lover. He had the love of his life, y/n, wrapped around his finger. She was right in front of him, ever so vulnerable as the marks he had left on her were clear as day. Her red, puffy nipples were so adorable, he just wanted to do it all over again.
Like as if Y/N read his mind, she panickedly declared, “You can’t anymore, I forbid!”
“Hmph fine fine” he gave in, not wanting to push her too hard.
The warmth of the water seemed to reflect the content of the two. It was as if they were already living together, in their own little humble abode, where the two did as they wished. Y/N drew soap bubble art on his chest, silly, cute doodles. Rayne, as promised, helped clean her up and they both had a nice, long, much needed shower.
“All done,” Rayne said, as he finally finished drying her hair with the towel.
“Thanks, babe,” she smiled cheerily, feeling very satisfied with the extra amount of attention she was getting.
“I’m merely giving you all the love you deserve, bunny” he simply said, taking the ends of her soft hair, kissing it tenderly, receiving another blush from Y/N.
“It’s illegal to be this smooth,” she mumbled, turning her head away from Rayne.
Her comment resulted in Rayne's soft laughter. That's right, this was the special dynamic they had. They were right where they wanted to be.
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dark-night-hero · 11 months
Imagine being the guardian of Mashle: Magic and Muscle characters ft. Ames brothers, Crown Siblings, and Abyss Razor.
Ames Brothers ; Rayne Ames, Finn Ames.
But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep
Imagine the first time you happened to met the brothers was when you happened to take a short cut on one of the alleys. It was deep at night, with a little bit of magic you were able to see as you cast a small fire for light and warmth. It was almost winter season and it was already getting colder and colder at night.
Imagine how much of a coincident it was when you happened to stumble upon them. Not to far when you happened to walked passed an orphanage, you saw two kids sitting and trembling in the cold night, their worn-out blanket that barely covered the two of them.
Imagine happening to walked passed them at first, you were running late on your way home after all. But during that split moment were you happened to notice them, you made an eye contact. Your (eye color) iris met a pair of light colored ones.
Imagine you never really care. Heck normally you would not even bat an eye. But those were children. Stopping on your tracks an alley away from the children you had an eye contact with. You close your eyes, wondering what to do. You were no rich nor you were poor. You were just one of the normal people in this world trying to live all by yourself. But those were children. In the middle of the night. How long do they have to wait until someone from the orphanage notice them and took them in? In the morning?
Imagine the way you frown, rubbig your temple as you continue to contemplate of what to do. Then you took a deep breath and open your eyes. As you stood there a few second in silence, you sigh before facing the direction of the alley you just happened to passed by.
"Hey, kiddos. Are you alright?" Upon sitting down on the same level as them only then did you realise how much of a stupid question was that as you get to look at the current state they are in. With the help of your flame that went a little bit bigger in order to provide warmth for the two. "Shit."
Imagine the state they're currently in. They look like they haven't had a bath for a very long time. Dirty and torn up clothes. There was even dirt all over their skin. By the looks of it, they look like they haven't been properly taken care of. Plus, to make matters worse, the what it seems to you was the younger brother that have pass-out seems to be currently experiencing a fever as he try to snuggle up into his brothers arm that was currently holding into him with all his might.
"Come with me." You don't even know how or why those words came out of your mouth. But the moment your (eye color) iris met with those fierce yet asking for help light colored ones. "Come with me." This time it was much softer and pleasing tone you never knew you have. "I won't hurt you, I promise." This time you smiled at him, the older one. And for a moment, you saw him reach out a hand towards you only for it to get dropped down as he lost his consciousness nevertheless his the last moment he left was something warm. It was warm.
Imagine that night, after tending the two brothers, wiping them off with towel and making sure the younger one doesn't have any fever. After feeding your bunnies only, you once again step out of the house and went back into the agency and goes on to collect information about the two kids you picked up. Honestly you think it was unnecessary, you don't plan on taking them anyways, just letting them stay for the night before personality dropping them off at the orphanage the once both were all well. Still, you have this gut feeling that makes you do such troublesome things in the middle of the night.
Imagine the wicked laugh that echoed in the night as you hold on into the information about the two kids. The two kids had lost their parents for about a year now and although some relatives took care of them, they would eventually give them up giving the two for adoption, and the two have been in a cycle of transferring from one orphanage into another, all in fucking one year. "Ahhh God fucking damn. What should I do, I'm so fucking pissed." Fine, you've made up your mind.
Imagine Rayne walking up with a gasp half a day later on a very comfortable bed. At first he was on alert as he recalled what happened the previous night prior in which a stanger came lending them a hand before he lost his consciousness. "Fin- Finn-!" "Your brother is still asleep on the other room." Startled by the sudden voice, you quickly look around the room only to find you leaning on the door way with a water in hand.
Imagine the way he immediately glare at you as if he was ready to attack at any moment and you think he might actually do it, given his two marks, it would not be possible nevertheless you could only let out a chuckle of amusement before approaching him and handing him the water. "Your brother is doing fine by the way,the fever had dropped down so here is nothing you should worry about." Still despite your words, as soon as he finished that glass of water, he immediately went out of the bed to look for his brother only to realize there was in fact tons of room in this house that he could not figure out which one it is. "Right across your room is your brother's."
"What do you want?" Upon making sure that his brother was safe and sound as well as free from fever. He turn to face you with once again it seems to you is a look of distrust, his guard was once again up. "What could I possibly want?" You raise a brow. "What do you. Want?" You asked in return. "I just happened to stumble upon two kids looking for shelter so I took the two of you in out of my conscience. If you're to ask me what I want? I want nothing our of the two of you." You answered truthfully, in the first place this kid looks like he was the try of person to prefer straightforward and serious answers which also shows how much they've been through.
"Let me ask you this kid... Young man. What do you want?" You asked, this time once again kneeling down into the same position as them. "Im not confident in raising kids but I'm confident I could provide you everything you need and what you want as you long as you stay in this house-" "Are we allowed to stay here?" The older brother suddenly asked in which you immediately replied. "Of course." "You're not going to kick us out?" "I won't." "What makes you think we could easily trust you?" "Well, didn't you already?" You smile at him.
"I'm Rayne Ames. This is my brother Finn Ames." "I'm (First name)(Lastname), but you can call me (First name)." "..." "..." "Why isn't my brother waking up?" "He'll wake up soon enough. Want to help me feed my bunnies the mean time?" ".... Okay."
Imagine maybe it was just a coincidence that you happened to passed by the right alley at the right timing all because you were running late at home knowing you haven't feed your bunnies that afternoon that you happened to pick up two kids you never know you would treasure more than your live, giving them the love they never thought they deserve as well as a home that was once taken away from them.
Imagine is there was one thing Rayne Ames would never regret is the fact that he took the hand that was held out into him. Despite all the odds, despite all the bad memories of trying to trust someone coming back into him that very moment. He was glad that he took that hand, he was glad that during that moment were he decided to open up their heart for a possible another betrayal when they thought they have once again find a home. He was glad that this time, they have actually find a home.
Crown Siblings ; Lance Crown, Anna Crown.
Now hush little baby, don't you cry. Everything's gonna be alright.
Imagine the first time you met the two was on a rather peaceful day in yor clinic. Nowadays sick people were rare unless it was something lethal and deadly. After all, it was a world dominated by magic. So when a child in his teens barge into your clinic in tears carrying a sickly looking girl of what it seems was his little sister, you were quickly alerted. Only to see that her condition was by far worse than you have expected.
"It seems to me that you are fully aware of what condition your sister is in right now. Right?" "Can't you heal her? I'll do anything. Just please.. please please please help by sister-" "I believe that the other healers have made it clear to you." "So you can't save her?" "Well..."
Imagine the way you look to your side, there was his sister although breathing heavily. She has by far in a better condition than she was when she have arrived. As you look at his sister, he then follow your gaze and look at his sister too before he looks back at you only to find you already look at him.
"Although just like any other healer, there is nothing I can do to get rid of actual cause of what's causing her magic to disintegrate. I have my ways to keep her life longer, keep her from dying from this damn magic eating sh- ehem. Anyways! What I'm saying is that I have what it takes to keep her from dying and prolonging her life for years and years to come." "Then-!" "But why should I do it?" "Wha-?" "You're nothing but a runaway kids from the Crown family. What more do you have to offer than you and your close to nothing but a usless nuisance of a little sister?"
Imagine the look of absolute rage, horror, embarrassment and absolute bloodlust oozing out of him. But then you laugh, brushing back your (hair color) locks. "Sorry sorry. Just kidding." You laughed so hard that he was damn confused, you almost walk up his sister too. "Hey kiddo. What were you thinking running away with your sister?" No matter how much you look at it. It was a fucking dumb idea. They were both young, sure this punk was a double mark mage. Nevertheless a kid is a kid.
Imagine hearing him mumbling something, the way he clenched his teeth and fist. "What was that?" "I said they wanted to get rid of her as soon as her magic disappeared and I will not let that happen! I won't let that happen!" There was a moment of silence after that. "That's usually the case was it?" You spoke although this time you sound so serious it send shiver down his spine.
Imagine the way you slowly approach his sleeping sister that causes him to be alerted but the moment you place a hand on her forehead, her breathing ease up as if he wasn't having a bard time earlier. "I'll treat your sister for free. In return, you siblings will stay here until she gets well." "You said it was untreatable." "It is, but how knows. Maybe I'll pull it off." You shrug. "If you use my sister for experiments, I'll kill you." "Wow scary."
Imagine as you take up the siblings in your care, the more productive days you have. Living up to Lance expectations, you did nothing but to take care of his sister as well as teching him a few tricks on how to handle his magic better. With the two of them, nothing was boring as you were slowly being pulled away from the darkness of the days were you were alone and grieving.
"I know not many healers focused on his type of magic eating potion let alone try to cure them. Why are you trying so hard?" "Do you want your sister to get better?" "Of course!" Replied the young teen as he watches you prepare a meal for the three of you. "Then I wish the same, kiddo." "I have a name!" "Yeah yeah."
Imagine one night as you finally put the two kids into sleep. You went back into your lab where unlike doing experiments like usual, you use your wand and chant some spell to open the window and from there you stood not to far away from it and watch the stars from afar.
"They remind me so much of you and me sister." You chuckle. "But don't worry, I won't let them end up like us. I'll make sure with them, everything will be alright." There was a small genuine smile on your face. "I'll introduce them to you in sometime, but for now. I'll make sure they get the proper care and treatment they need." As you close the window behind you, a harsh gentle breeze passed you, making you chuckle.
Imagine as soon as you went out of the lab, you were greeted by the pair of siblings dragging their blanket with them causing you to chuckle. "Anna went looking for you." Lance spoke as he stand right beside his younger sister who was still lookling sleepy. "Hmmm. Let's go back to sleep shall we?" You smilw at the two as you take Anna into your arms as much as to Lance dismay but said nothing as you grab his tinny hand back to their bedroom.
"Here, have this." It was the night before he went to the academy. Raising his brows at you, he accepted that locket necklace given upon him. "You won't be seeing your sister for quite some time. Keep it with you all the time." You spoke before messing with his head. "I won't be able to take you to the academy so make sure to be careful. Good luck, Lance. Make sure to come back." You chuckle as you walk out of the door.
Imagine upon opening the locket, what greeted him was a picture of his lovely cutie little sister and their guardian for the last few years, years longer than their parent have taken care of them. And although he was quite pissed seeing you in there, he could only curse and shake his head before keeping it safe in his inner pocket.
Abyss Razor.
I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you wanna cry.
Imagine the first ime you have seen him was during a familt gathering. You really have no interest in it, the fact that you will have to socialize and please your relatives just make you feel sick but since you got nothing else to do, you decided to come and also to see what your relatives have been gossiping amongst themselves these days.
Imagine the way your veins on your temple, neck and hands starts to appear out of anger and in control not to just beat up all the people in here. Because why? You don't understand how they could treat a child like this. Even animals doesn't get such treatment.
"You fuck- what in world do you think you are doing to a child?! Your child?!" "Child? Child?! That child is no child of mine! That-! That monster! That devil!" "You know what. Fuck you. I'm taking this kid."
Imagine ignoring the way they screamed at you, deflecting magic attacks that is going on your way as you free the child bounded by chains and full of bruise and wounds. "Let's go." You spoke as you offer a hand only to pick him up once he was abot to grab it. And strange enough for him, you were holding him like he was a precious being.
Imagine letting him open up was hard. After all he was someone thought that his existence is something that should have never existed. To add up all the physical trauma on him. Your anger issues could never, maybe that was the reason why he was quite afraid of you. Or so you thought.
"What's your name?" "..." "My name is (First name)(Lastname)." "..." "Hey, it's alright. No one's going to hurt you here." You smile sweetly at him, trying your best to become approachable as you can. "Are..." As he finally utter his first word in a week after being in your care, your eyes widen as you tried to remain calm as he finishes his sentence. "Are you... not afraid of me?"
Imagine it was a question you have never thought would come out of his mouth. Quite dumbfounded, you replied with a "No? Why would I? Should I be afraid of you?" But then again, there was no reply, just staring a you with wide eyes in which you just smile in return. After all, there was nothing to be afraid of him.
"But mother... father always treat me like I'm some sort of monster... a devil." "But you're nothing like that." You spoke at him before grabing him gently by the shoulder, causing him to flich but soon relax on your touch as you kneel down at his level. "There is nothing wrong with you. That mother and father of yours was no mother and father of yours. They don't deserve you because they don't accept you for who you are."
Imagine the way he looks at you, and seeing that. You chuckle before flicking his forehead in a gentle matter. It doesn't hurt, he thought as he watch your chuckle turn into laugh. "It's okay to cry, you don't need to hold back." And as soon as you said that, for some reasons. Tears starts to fall as he throw himself at you in which you smile bitterly and pat him back.
"It.. it hurts when they hit me." He sobbed. "I was so scared... I was all alone..." He was nothing but a child, and it wasn't a sin to be born with such eye. "I know... I know... hush my child." You pat him gently in the back. "Everything gonna be alright. I'm here for you now, my dearest Abyss."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: what the, the why the imagines kept gettig shorter and shorter lmao. Still, watching the anime and reading the manga of this one just makes me wanna punch the parents of these characters because everything is their fault and the system environment they live in.
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ansbobcar · 7 months
I'm ready to become a part-time lore builder of a fandom if I can't get any answers.
Seriously. Time to do some mental gymnastics again because, I LOVE TALKING ABOUT LORE (well worldbuilding lore) AND MAKING LORE IF THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT IT!!
We're back to looking at the Divine Visionaries again because, what the hell are these administration/department/subdivisions man.
Here are my rankings of most straightforward to least straightforward (in terms of what they govern) and my reasoning, questions, headcanons AND MANGA SPOILERS. Feel free to discuss!
It's basically quality control check of any magical tool and also acts like a museum. Very straightforward to guess. It's managing, checking the quality of new, old, or powerful magical items. We also know the most about it I think because Rayne currently manages it (idk why i trust the fandom wiki)
Tumblr media
This is also straightforward. They manage forbidden magical texts from being accessed to the public. But I'd like to think that this department has to ensure that any texts which use magic, such as newspapers and maybe even children's books, abide by their printing laws and don't enter into that forbidden valley. Prevention of more forbidden magical texts is probably one of their main goals. I mean, confiscation of books and materials or clues regarding them will either be stored or burned possibly. Censorship is a possibility.
Every time I hear security I think of that random post from twitter I think about how the US' whole military like thing is called the defense something or something. AND I THINK ABOUT IT. But you know atleast security makes more sense.
Current headcanon is that the magic police is under their jurisdiction but being called a magic security officer is diff from a magic police officer. The main difference is that magic police focus solely on internal and surface level, local scale magic (and lack-magic) crimes.
Magic Security is a more national/international scale, or something that involves the Bureau directly. Like a war between other magical races or those type of conflicts. The bar to being a magic security officer is much higher than a magic police officer too.
The management of deceased magic users/wizards is pretty straight forward BUT what I'm tryna figure out is:
a) How many official cemeteries are under their jurisdiction? If so is it illegal to bury a deceased wizard's body on your own?
b) Do they only manage the cemeteries? If they don't does that mean that it's a law to contact their department while preparing for a funeral and burial? How early do they have to get involved?
c) Whoever was managing this division when Adam Jobs died was not good at their job. Nvm this guy's body was gone to bits. Still bad management on their part to not scavenge for that bit of flesh left over. Burn the area to the ground if you have to. Fucking Innocent Zero got his body.
The only reason I have this much lower than I initially intended is because there are so many fucking magical creatures in this fucking world that it should be one of the biggest ass divisions of the Bureau alongside Magical Items.
a) You need research/encyclopedias on these creatures. What their weakness is and so on, research on magical creatures (probably in conjunction with magical research).
b) Is animal cruelty a thing in this world? It probably is. It better be then there has to be a governing body for that.
c) I feel like for magical magical creatures like Dragons, they have to manage/hand out yearly licenses towards educational institutes to allow those dragons to be used. Otherwise, I think they'll be released to the wild and will be blacklisted from ever owning a dragon. (Animal cruelty act or something)
d) They probably have a national zoo which is used for both research and conservation purposes. Bet there's a bunch of endangered species.
Just like the previous department/administration... this is also pretty broad. (You'll realise a pattern as we go down the list). The way I see it is that every year, they gather statistics and feedback from the people, and come up with 4-6 projects of varying scales to help. These can range from new technology for pre-existing magical tools or making new innovations and tools.
They also do research on animals, plants and probably somewhat manage the welfare of the country slightly.
What I wonder is if it's illegal to do research outside of their department? Or do they allow exceptions, like some company can pitch their idea to the magical research department who then greenlight their thing or not like Dragon's Den.
Orter and Rinka, idk how y'all even do this. Magical Power Admin according to the fandom wiki (which I think took info from the fanbook, but cannot confirm), looks into shit related to power basically (abuse, lack ofs, very magical power creatures).
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My problem is that kind of overlaps with magic security just slightlyyy. I also headcanon that the magic police are governed by magic security and magical power.
So far for my fanfic (big spoilers lol):
a) Their main goal is to reduce/prevent the abuse of magic within the kingdom/country.
b) They can make and enforce laws/policies/the legal rules surrounding the use of magic which include giving penalties/punishments.
What the fuck is Kaldo's job. I get he looks at Divine Visionary candidates before they even get to the final exam but seriously. I would like to think that part of his job is to take note of what kind of personal magic has ever fucking existed other than tryna analyse people. If his department was more like HR, I think it'd make more sense.
His department probably has the least amount of people/staff.
_ _ _
There's probably other departments as well that aren't governed by a Divine Visionary for now. My ted talk is finished. For now.
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Okay, so I really want to write a fanfic for Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Specifically, I want to write one of the following x reader's, but I do not know which idea people would enjoy more. None of the fanfic ideas (or requests if people have them) will involve smut because most of the characters are minors. I prefer to stick with more romantic/platonic ideas, and while I have the main ideas listed below, anyone is welcome to make suggestions! I still have three more episodes left of season two and have not read much of the manga yet, so this should be considered as well. Anyway, here are some ideas:
Margarette Macron x Reader where they either write a love song for the reader on the piano, teach the reader how to play piano, or catch the reader playing music after saying they did not know how to play an instrument
Rayne Ames x Reader where the reader makes Rayne a crochet bunny and he carries it around in his cloak pocket
Mash x Reader where the reader is really good at baking and the sweet smells from the kitchen always lure Mash inside
An x reader (not sure which character yet, but leaning more towards Margarette or one of the Divine Visionaries) where the reader has a curse similar to Eda from The Owl House and the character helps to calm them down
If you have any suggestions or which one of these ideas you would prefer, please feel free to reblog or comment on this post!
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vikuo-kuma · 8 months
Rabbit problem
A/N: Not gonna lie, this thought really just popped into my small feeble brain so enjoy while I work on a request— I also tried to keep the character as cannon as possible.
Walking around the school, Y/N hadn't have a thought that came to their mind. They looked around the school, seeing students conversing with each other and having the time of their lives. This particular day didn't really seem to be as chaotic as they thought. As they thought—
Y/N had decided to take their walk outside, wandering around the forest nearby the school. It was still really calming. Feeling the warm breeze blowing against their hair, smelling the sweet scent of flowers within the wind. The sun was still high above in the sky, along with the fluffy white clouds. They hummed in satisfaction at the natural surroundings of the forest. However, something had caught their attention. Y/N eyed the bush beside them, being on guard just in case it was something dangerous.
They took out their wand, ready to attack, but it was just a rabbit. It seemed injured, and holding a stick in its mouth. Y/N looked at it blankly, the rabbit seemed to have dual colored fur, dark green and yellow. The rabbit looked very familiar to Y/N, as they continued to observe it even closer. The dual colored rabbit instinctively backed away, but that didn't stopped Y/N from coming closer. "Poor thing, here..", they started to heal the rabbits wound with their magic. The rabbit seemed to have loosened up a little and hopped closer to Y/N.
"... you are so fluffy and adorable", Y/N picked up the rabbit into their arms. They started to scratch the rabbits little head, but it hit Y/N's finger away coldly. "Ow, you're starting to remind me of someone", glaring at the rabbit who had hit their finger away. It seems to look away suspiciously, avoiding all eye contact with Y/N.
"Eh, I'm still gonna keep you though. Im gonna name you Ray", they began to walk back to school, with the dual colored rabbit in their hands. The rabbit stared at Y/N with a stern expression. "While on the topic of names, I haven't seen Rayne around the school today", Y/N questioned, walking back towards the building.
While in their arms, the rabbit looked at them with a judging look, almost as if it could understand what they were saying. But they ignored the rabbit's intense gaze, and arrived at the school's building. "I think you and Rayne would be best friends", Y/N randomly commented, as they walked through the corridors of the school.
They finally reached their dorm room with the rabbit in arms. "There you go Ray", Y/N placed it down on their fluffy bed. "You must be hungry, I'mma go check if there's any carrots around", Y/N walked out of the room, wand still in their hand. The dual colored rabbit finally dropped the stick from its mouth, the small animal still had a cold expression on its face.
"Alright! I'm finally back", entering the room with carrots in their hands. Y/N saw the rabbit lying on one of their pillows, with its snout dug into it. They looked very confused, after all they weren't a rabbit expert. "Well I guess it's very sleepy?", taking a wild guess, but ignored it anyways. "It is getting dark", they said looking out the windows. "Eh, good night little rabbit", giving the dual colored rabbit a small kiss on the head. Going towards the bathroom to start on their night routine, Y/N finally finished and laid beside the sleeping rabbit.
Unsuspectingly, the rabbit woke up while Y/N was still asleep. Crawling closer to their face, the dual colored rabbit kissed the sleeping person directly on the lips. The small animal went back to sleep, letting the spell slowly break.
It was morning and Y/N started to wake up from their slumber, however, they felt something warm holding them. They blinked, a couple of times, trying to register what position they were in. Looking up, they saw the missing magic user, Rayne, sleeping away peacefully.
Huh- what
Y/N pinched themselves, thinking that they were dreaming.
Nope, definitely awake.
They pinched themselves once again, thinking that they didn't pinch hard enough. Before Y/N could do it again, someone grabbed them by their arm. "Stop doing that", a voice grumbled, it was quite deep due to it being the morning. Rayne had awakened from his sleep, looking down at Y/N. Their face flushed red, Holy crap this is real.
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rayofsunshyne · 1 month
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Rayne is a lil' clingy~
Fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55195861/chapters/139986832
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jennapancake · 4 months
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~Requests open~
However, I usually only write x Reader unless requested otherwise and usually Reader is female. Please send in requests. ❤️
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ↓
|Percy Jackson|
•Luke Castellan
-Love Made me Crazy Part 1
-Love Made me Crazy Part 2
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|Jujutsu Kaisen|
•Satoru Gojo
•Suguru Geto
•Yuji Itadori
•Megumi Fushiguro
•Kento Nanami
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|Mashle Magic and Muscles|
•Rayne Ames
~Series Coming Soon~
•Orter Madl
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|Harry Potter|
•Fred Weasley
•George Weasley
•Harry Potter
•Pansy Parkinson
•Draco Malfoy
•Mattheo Riddle
•Theodore Nott
•Tom Riddle
•Blaise Zabini
•Lorenzo Berkshire
•Cedric Diggory
•Oliver Wood
•Charlie Weasley
•Bill Weasley
|Marauders Era|
•James Potter
•Sirius Black
•Remus Lupin
•Regulus Black
•Barty Crouch Jr
-The Diner (Stalker Headcannon)
•Evan Rosier
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|Maze Runner|
- The Monsters Creator
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|Teen Wolf|
•Stiles Stilinski
•Void Stiles
•Derek Hale
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•Haruka Sakura
•Hajime Umemiya
-The Dreamcatcher
•Hayato Suo
•Jo Togame
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|Stranger Things|
•Steve Harrington
•Eddie Munson
•Billy Hargrove
•Robin Buckley
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|Outer Banks|
•JJ Maybank
•Rafe Cameron
-More to be added-
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thatsroughbuddyy · 7 months
Fanfic - Mash/Rayne
Okay, so I am working on this Mash/Rayne fanfic, it is not going to be a long one and I plan to post it on AO3 later... I guess I just want to know if you guys will like it :))
(Still a draft)
So here it goes
In the magical realm, where magic reigns supreme, everyone possesses the ability to wield it, and social status is determined by magical skill. Utilizing one's wand for daily tasks like opening doors or cleaning dishes is highly valued, showcasing one's reliance on magical prowess over physical strength. Magic serves as the cornerstone of society, maintaining balance and hierarchies. The second pillar of this society is the second gender, organizing power dynamics and relationships.
Each child is born with a magic mark and unique magical abilities, but their second gender remains a mystery until their late teen years. At Easton Magic Academy, a special potion is given to students at the end of the first semester, unlocking their second gender—Alpha, Beta, or Omega. This moment, known as Presenting, is a celebrated rite of passage, symbolizing a crucial step into adulthood and marking their magical development.
Close to the Yule holiday, flying lessons are canceled, allowing students to prepare for Presenting. A mandatory class is held to address questions and assist in preparations. As the final week approaches, excitement fills the air, with students eagerly anticipating the revelation of their second gender. Teachers ease up on assignments, providing more free periods, aware that even the most disciplined students will be captivated by the upcoming event. Predicting one's second gender is challenging, but signs manifest as Presenting nears. Alphas may display increased outbursts and anger, Betas might appear aloof, and Omegas often develop an acute sense of smell.
In the magical realm, where magic reigns supreme, everyone possesses the ability to wield it, and social status is determined by magical skill. Utilizing one's wand for daily tasks like opening doors or cleaning dishes is highly valued, showcasing one's reliance on magical prowess over physical strength. Magic serves as the cornerstone of society, maintaining balance and hierarchies. The second pillar of this society is the second gender, organizing power dynamics and relationships.
Each child is born with a magic mark and unique magical abilities, but their second gender remains a mystery until their late teen years. At Easton Magic Academy, a special potion is given to students at the end of the first semester, unlocking their second gender—Alpha, Beta, or Omega. This moment, known as Presenting, is a celebrated rite of passage, symbolizing a crucial step into adulthood and marking their magical development.
Close to the Yule holiday, flying lessons are canceled, allowing students to prepare for Presenting. A mandatory class is held to address questions and assist in preparations. As the final week approaches, excitement fills the air, with students eagerly anticipating the revelation of their second gender. Teachers ease up on assignments, providing more free periods, aware that even the most disciplined students will be captivated by the upcoming event. Predicting one's second gender is challenging, but signs manifest as Presenting nears. Alphas may display increased outbursts and anger, Betas might appear aloof, and Omegas often develop an acute sense of smell.
Mash sneezes for what feels like the hundredth time that day. If sneezing builds muscle mass, he'd be cool with it, but since it doesn't, it's just annoying. He's dead sure Finn switched up his shampoo because now it smells like mint toothpaste, a scent that makes him want to gag.. Not that he is sensitive to smells, but mint has always managed to put him off. He remembers Grandpa's attempt at minty chocolate cookies, resulting in three days of sleeping outdoors due to how badly the house smelled after the culinary adventure.
His friend turns around to look at him with furrowed brows. “"Mash, you good? You've been sneezing non-stop." And as if to prove Finn has a point he lets a series of sneezes in sequence that even make Dot stop mid-rant to look at him worriedly. “Are you sure you didn’t catch a cold during the last flying lesson?”
“Nope, no cold” he says quickly with a vigorous nod. With the amount of working out he does there is not a chance any virus will cling to his body. His friends seem to accept his answer and move on with the conversation. 
Needing a distraction from the minty smell, he fishes out a profiterole from his robes, munching on it. Yeah, the snack sure helps him get past Finn's weird shampoo, letting him join in the chat. Now that he can actually pay attention to what they are talking about it comes as no surprise that the topic of the moment is the same as the past couple of days: Presenting. 
Dot keeps yapping about how much he would love to Present as an Alpha, to which Lance makes a remark that he was clearly more Omega material. “Take that back Crown!” Dott says angrily, pointing his wand at him, but Lance just keeps laughing with Lemon and Finn.
Mash manages a chuckle, but he really doesn’t get it. People seem to think it is a big deal and to him it all just sounds like a lot of work. Runts and heats. Suppressants and blockers. Ugh, it makes his head hurt. He takes one final bite of his profiterole and makes a mental note to bake more at night. Perhaps it will be just like magic, maybe he was born without a second gender as well.
“I think you will be an Alpha, Mash-kun” Lemon says sweetly while sliding to his side and keeping pace with him. “We will be mates. It is written in the stars!” She says dreamily. That changes the focus of the conversation to him. And soon there are four pairs of eyes on him, assessing as if trying to place him in a box. 
“Oh, for sure, Mash will be an Alpha,” Lance says with enough certainty in his voice that Mash almost takes his word for it. “I, myself, believe I will present as a Beta. My family has a tradition of Betas.” Mash doesn’t know much about this whole second gender thing, but if anyone could present as a Beta, that person would be Lance Crown. His friend is a calm and thoughtful person, one that could easily diffuse any fights and present the most reasonable arguments. 
“Yeah, I can see that. For both of you.” Finn then adds timidly, "Dot, you will be an Alpha. I remember when my brother was close to Presenting, and you behave much like he did." Dot beams at Finn, while Finn, in a resigned tone, declares himself doomed to be an Omega. There is a sadness in his voice as if the thought of being an Omega is unbearable for reasons that Finn keeps close to his chest and doesn't let anyone see. It is so heartbreaking that it moves Mash to join-in the conversation to try and comfort his friend. 
“Perhaps I will be an Omega too, Finn.” Mash blurts without much thinking. 
“And hell will freeze over. Yeah, sure.” Dot says dismissively.
The conversation fades as they walk in silence in the direction of the Great Hall to grab dinner. Supposedly there is going to be burgers and fries for dinner today. 
Near the massive doors, Mash catches a whiff of something buttery and sweet. His friends look horrified as he  closes his eyes sniffing the air like a dog, or bunny, whatever, trying to figure out where it's coming from. Profiteroles. He might have drooled a bit. It was so sweet, but also strong, with a delicious hint of caramel and a note of something rich and heavy like honey. It makes his mouth water at the thought of taking a bite of that sweet treat. He checks his pockets for a secret snack but finds only crumbs. Now, he's frantically searching for the source.
“Burnedead, what the hell are you doing?” Dot asks impatiently by the doors. 
Mash just closes his eyes and tries being guided solemnly by his sense of smell. It was a great idea until he found himself hitting a very solid wall. Except it wasn’t a wall. 
“Care to explain what is the meaning of this, Mash?” Rayne Ames' raspy voice startles him. Feeling embarrassed, Mash tries to act cool, but his heart's doing gymnastics. Mash adds to his mental list to cram some extra cardio tomorrow on his routine. Certainly it is not normal for a healthy heart to do that.
His friends stare at them in horror. Clearly worried for his well-being. Lance, by the glint in his eyes, is already calculating the chances of Mash surviving this interaction and judging from the deep frown lines in his forehead, the odds are not in his favor. Anyway, to more important matters. “Do you have any profiteroles?”
Rayne just chuckles. “So, you caught a whiff of profiteroles on me?" Rayne teases and Mash just nods lamely. Another chuckle. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I have none. I guess you can let go of my robes now.” 
That startles him. He didn’t realize he was holding on to Rayne for dear life. Mash blushes and reluctantly releases Rayne's robes, his friends continue to look at him in a mix of concern and confusion. “Sorry... Thought I smelled some...”
Lance, still assessing the survival odds in his mind, decides it's time to steer the ship back on course. 
"Come on, Mash, let's get some grub," Lance suggests with a subtle nod toward the Great Hall. The others follow suit, Dot shooting Mash one last worried glance before leading the way. Mash just keeps staring at Rayne, red on the cheeks still.
Raynes is smirking now. "It's cool," he reassures him and nods toward the doors, indicating for him to follow his friends now, before disappearing down the corridor, leaving Mash all flustered. 
Helplessly he turns around and just goes after his friends. 
As they enter the Great Hall, the delicious scent of profiteroles lingers, teasing Mash's senses. He can't help but look around for the source, still secretly hoping to find that sweet treat. The group secures a table, and as they settle in, Dot can't help but voice the question on everyone's mind.
"Okay, Mash, spill it. What was that back there? Sniffing around like a bloodhound? And you nearly tackled Rayne Ames!"
Mash scratches his head, a sheepish grin forming on his face. "I just caught a whiff of something amazing, you know? Butter and caramel and... something rich. I thought someone had profiteroles, and I got a bit carried away."
Lance raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Profiteroles? Really, Mash? You practically turned into a dessert detective."
Mash shrugs, unfazed. "What can I say? A guy's gotta follow his nose."
Finn, always the peacemaker, chimes in, "Well, let's just be glad Rayne took it in stride. No harm done."
The group laughs it off, and soon, the conversation shifts to lighter topics. They discuss plans for the upcoming Yule holiday, their favorite magical creatures, and the latest gossip around the academy. The scent of profiteroles gradually fades, replaced by the savory aroma of the dinner spread before them.
As they enjoy their meal, Mash can't help but steal a glance down the hall where Rayne disappeared. The misadventure may have left him a bit flustered, but deep down, he's secretly glad he followed his nose—even if it did lead him to an unexpected encounter with the enigmatic Rayne Ames.
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madorosenpai · 7 months
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Summary: Rayne adoece e agora cabe a Finn cuidar de seu irmão mais velho.
Notes: Enquanto escrevia esta fic, percebi o quão intimamente ela se relacionava com "Reflexo" e "Compreendido", ainda que não fossem sequências diretas. Com isso, decidi criar essa trilogia. O ponto era destacar as inseguranças tanto dos irmãos mais novos, quanto dos mais velhos e acompanhá-los em suas evoluções como personagens, sempre destacando os laços que eles possuíam como irmãos, além da formação de uma sólida amizade entre Wirth e Finn que teria se iniciado devido às suas angústias similares.
Agradeço quem acompanhou até aqui. Boa leitura!
Fanfic dedicada a H4l0_MyC. Obrigada pelos comentários sinceros e gentis! Espero que goste da história que escrevi com muito carinho :)
Numa pacífica manhã da Easton, o sol raiava com intensidade prenunciando um bom dia. Ou pelo menos assim deveria estar sendo para a maioria dos alunos. De todos os dias possíveis dentro de um ano letivo, Rayne havia sido agraciado com uma gripe justamente naquele.
A chefia do dormitório Adler, em particular, estava encarregada de muitos afazeres no dia e por mais diligentes que Max e Aorio fossem, duvidava seriamente que ambos pudessem ser capazes de dar cabo de tudo sozinhos.
No presente momento encontrava-se deitado sobre a cama de seu quarto, enquanto assistia os suspiros preocupados de seu irmão mais novo que encarava o termômetro acusando a temperatura de 40℃.
- Por Merlin! Você está ardendo em febre! – Exclamou o mais novo, sua apreensão era visível.
- Isso não é nada. Eles precisam de mim. – Retorquiu o maior enquanto fazia um esforço quase que sobre-humano para levantar-se da cama. Não fosse Finn a segurá-lo, este teria certamente desabado e se ferido, por conseguinte.
O mais novo, então, tornou a posicioná-lo com cuidado confortavelmente de volta à cama. Cobriu-o com os lençóis e em seguida espremeu o pano úmido, que estava submerso na bacia de água morna situada sobre o criado mudo, depositando-o sobre a testa do maior a fim de abaixar sua temperatura o mais rápido possível.
- Os veteranos e eu já estamos cuidando de tudo. Às vezes soa como se você nos subestimasse... – Respondera Finn com um leve tom de frustração em sua voz.
O primogênito podia ser bastante teimoso e insistente quando queria, o que por um lado configurava uma característica positiva, já que Rayne era o tipo de pessoa que daria a própria vida por aqueles que ama. Por outro lado, o fato de que também podiam perdê-lo justamente por isso incomodava aqueles que o amavam, principalmente Finn.
- Mas há missões com risco de vida. E se vocês se ferirem gravemente ou...vierem a óbito por minha causa? Não posso ficar aqui deitado e relaxando sabendo que aqueles que eu amo estão se arriscando por mim...
- Nesse ritmo você vai acabar se matando! – Retrucou veemente o mais novo, o que pareceu espantar um tanto o mais velho chamando sua atenção.
Esperava qualquer outra reação, menos uma resposta ousada do seu irmão mais novo. Desde quando ele teria se tornado tão corajoso? Percebendo a brecha, Finn segurou as mãos de seu irmão com ternura e prosseguiu:
- Irmão, você é uma pessoa maravilhosa, por mais que não acredite nisso. O tanto que você já teve que sacrificar em sua vida pelo bem dos outros demonstra claramente isso. Mas não acha que está sendo injusto consigo mesmo? Estou sob seus cuidados desde que me entendo por gente e a quantidade de feridas abertas que você carrega, sejam elas físicas ou emocionais é insano! Magoa profundamente apenas ficar assistindo você carregar esse fardo e não fazer nada a respeito... – A este ponto, o menor já se debulhava em lágrimas pela aflição.
Cada palavra que proferia era como uma facada em seu coração. Nem mesmo a dor que sentira no confronto contra Carpaccio se comparava ao presente momento. Ele sabia que jamais poderia vir a se tornar tão forte quanto Rayne, mas desejava ao menos ter uma chance de retribuir todo o amor do seu irmão.
- Eu sei que é pouco, mas peço para confiar um pouco mais em mim e me deixar cuidar de você neste momento de fragilidade. Não sou feito de porcelana. Se for preciso, eu suportarei a carga que for por você, mas me recuso a te abandonar. Você mesmo não faria isso. Divida o peso comigo, por favor. – Suplicava Finn em meio às lágrimas, porém com firmeza em sua postura e um brilho de confiança em seu olhar, o que não passou despercebido por Rayne.
Finn crescera tanto em tão pouco tempo. Teria sido seus amigos o motivando ou Kaldo e Ryoh incentivando a insurgência de seu potencial? Qualquer que fosse a razão, Rayne não poderia estar mais orgulhoso de seu irmão.
Sempre soube que Finn era capaz de grandes feitios, podendo até mesmo superá-lo em questão de magia, mas a carência de autoconfiança do mais novo era o que o abalava e nada podia doer mais do que ser incapaz de poder ajudá-lo nesse aspecto. Porém, os sentimentos ali expostos por Finn foram capazes de remover qualquer resquício de culpa que ainda restasse em seu ser, tal qual um afago gentil em sua alma.
Inconscientemente, um sorriso sincero abria-se no semblante de Rayne, que gentilmente enxugou as lágrimas que insistiam em cair dos olhos do menor e no segundo seguinte, não segurando sua felicidade, puxara Finn para um abraço apertado e tão requisitado por ambas as partes.
- Não sei o que fiz em vida para merecer um irmão tão precioso como você...
- Irmão... – Respondera o mais novo, que agora esbanjava um rubor em sua face enquanto retribuía o gesto do mais velho.
A sintonia existente em seus corações era forte o suficiente para silenciar quaisquer tormentos ou inseguranças que viessem a assombrar suas mentes, pois nada poderia ser maior que a pureza do amor entre os irmãos, que outrora trilhavam seus caminhos separadamente, mas de agora em diante andariam lado a lado.
Notes: Rayne é extremamente dedicado ao Finn, o que faz com que se preocupe excessivamente com o mesmo e que se questione se é de fato um bom irmão mais velho. Já o Finn, por outro lado, carece de autoconfiança. Então trabalhar esses aspectos me pareceu algo bem interessante de se explorar.
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the-adonis3 · 6 months
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I think this would have looked so much better if i had just stuck to traditional mediums and not gone digital. I'm rusty with all my art but digital is just so rough looking even during my better periods. Anyway, this is a companion piece to an upcoming fanfiction. To be posted on AO3 this Easter Sunday.
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