#rayne ames x reader fluff
Clueless is an Understatement
This may not be the original idea for Rayne that I had, but at the same time, it is an extremely adorable request that I could not refuse! Plus it allows me to try and write a character that is similar to Mash (I love his brainless antics). I hope that you enjoy this fanfic @jennapancake! Thank you again for the request! Gifs are not mine.
Summary: Y/N Burnedead, Mash's older sibling, followed him to Easton Magic Academy to help protect him on his quest to become a divine visionary. Along the way, they caught the attention of Rayne Ames, who is absolutely smitten by Y/N. The only problem: Y/N does not know how to take a hint.
Warnings: reader has some small injuries, mentions of blood, otherwise none (but if I miss something let me know!)
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In a world where magic users dominate the population, there were two non-magic users who were hoping to change their fates and prove that magic was not the only thing that made a person worthy in the eyes of higher powers. The first one was Mash Burnedead: a boy who relied only on his powerful muscles in order to become the divine visionary and allow his family to live in peace. The other is Y/N Burnedead, Mash's older sibling who is also a non-magic user and just as strong as their younger brother. Y/N knew that Mash would face a lot of dangerous challenges and potentially evil foes during his time at Easton Magic Academy, so they took it upon themselves to take the entrance exam as well and help Mash on his quest.
At first, many of the other students wondered why a person as old as Y/N waited so long to join the academy, but they made up the excuse that they were simply too nervous to participate in the entrance exam until now. Of course this was far from the case due to Y/N's trust in their own muscular strength, but it was a necessary lie to keep people off of their backs. Y/N and Mash only allowed trusted friends to know their non-magic status, or the more accurate truth, they all found out after the battle with the Magia Lupis.
"Dude, I still can't believe you have no magic power at all! That is total side character ener-," Y/N smacked Dot across the face before he could finish his sentence.
"And yet you let a side character show you up," Y/N said as they dusted off their uniform. Y/N walked over to Mash and ruffled his hair, causing him to mumble as he tried to fix it. "Come on, you know I don't like my hair being messed with, Y/N."
"I couldn't help it, little brother. You are just too precious sometimes," Y/N said in a monotone and yet excited voice. "Don't forget we have our workout scheduled for 3 today after my classes are finished, and I can't wait to out rep you today."
Mash shook his head from side to side. "Only in your dreams, sibling."
Despite being a first year, Y/N managed to be placed in some upper level courses at Easton, one of which being the Study of Magical Creatures. Rayne Ames, a current divine visionary and the older sibling of Y/N and Mash's friend Finn, also helped to pull some strings for the older Burnedead. It's not that he doubted their prowess, and if anything, it was their power that Rayne admired along with their beauty and talents. However, some of the professors were still skeptical of Y/N and Mash when it came to their "magic" abilities, so he offered his support in their favor.
Today's class would be taking place outside in one of the open pastures by the school, with today's lesson involving herding and calming wild Wrivian's, horse-dragon hybrids that were the size of a small cottage. Rayne was waiting patiently for Y/N to arrive for class, and he caught himself checking his robe for any stray crumbs from lunch. He never used to worry about his appearance since he is usually well-kept, and yet ever since he met Y/N, he felt the need to look even more pristine when he knew they would be around.
Not that Y/N would notice the small details to begin with...
Y/N arrived a few minutes before class began, and Rayne waved at them as they approached. "Good afternoon, Y/N. Are you ready for today's class?" Rayne stated with a slight smile.
Y/N clenched their fist as they took on a fighting pose. "I was born ready, Rayne. Any challenge that these Wrivian's bring, I will take each one down with my fist."
Rayne let out a chuckle as he moved to stand beside them. "I thought you would say something along those lines."
The professor explained the task to the students, making sure to reiterate that no harm should be brought to any of the Wrivian's or they would fail the assignment. All the students broke off into pairs, which would make wrangling the beasts an easy task, but Y/N and Rayne faced more difficulties. Rayne used frontal attacks with Partisan to deflect the fiery breath from the Wrivian, the creature's emerald scales flexing as it weaved expertly through the air. Y/N took more of a distraction approach as they waited for the right time to strike.
"Y/N, they have a blind spot if you move to the right! Now is the time to tame this beast! Remember, avoid harm at all costs!" Rayne instructed as he launched the silvery swords of Partisan one last time.
"Kay', taming magic activate!" Y/N shouted the fake spell as they squatted and leaped into the air, easily reaching the Wrivian hovering in the sky. Y/N grabbed the Wrivian around it's broad neck, the rough texture of the scales cutting into their hands as their weight brought them and the creature back down to the ground. The cloud of dust and the immense crash had Rayne worried, not so much about failing the assignment but for Y/N's safety. I really have fallen for them, Rayne thought as he dashed to the scene. He expected to see the Wrivian knocked out from Y/N's brute strength, but Rayne was shocked to see that the creature did not have a scratch on it. If anything, it seemed quite happy as it expertly stole a cream puff from Y/N's cloak.
"Hey, that's my afternoon cream puff," Y/N whined at first as they looked up at the beast with a minor frown, but as the Wrivian let out a whinny at the sweet treat, Y/N sighed in defeat as their head drooped. "Then again, it seems to be making you pretty happy too."
Rayne gasped as he knelt down by Y/N, who was too distracted by the loss of their cream puff to notice the crimson liquid dripping from their hands. Rayne placed his hands on Y/N's forearms and lifted them up, his cheeks dusting with pink as he felt the muscles under their cloak. "You're hurt, Y/N. Please, let me take you to the infirmary and help bandage your wounds."
Y/N looked down at their hands and blinked. "Oh, looks like I am bleeding, huh? Oopsies." Rayne playfully rolled his eyes at Y/N's unawareness as he helped them to their feet, an arm wrapping protectively around their waist despite Y/N's ability to walk. Y/N's brows furrowed as they looked at Rayne. "Why is your arm around my waist if I can walk?"
"Just a precaution to make sure that you have no underlying injuries," Rayne replied.
"But you can see me walking, Rayne? Are you sure I need assistance?"
The two students finally arrived at the infirmary, and Y/N sat on one of the medical beds while Rayne treated their wounds. He started by cleaning the cuts and applying alcohol to the wounds, causing Y/N to flinch. "Ouchie, that burns a little." Rayne only smiled as his golden eyes remained filled with adoration. Once Y/N was all bandaged up, Rayne laid a kiss on each of their hands. "There, you should be fully healed in a few days."
Y/N tilted their head. "Was that a magic healing spell? Can you teach it to me?"
Rayne smirked as he ruffled his blonde streaked hair. "I could probably teach you the spell over dinner. Would you care to join me?"
"Well I would, but Mash and the others always go to dinner with me on this day of the week. I am making cream puff this evening, if you wanted to join, and the others would be happy to see you." Y/N rambled as they tapped their chin.
"We can bring the cream puff to them when we are finished, but I need your full attention to teach you this spell," Rayne said as he tried to find a way to spend time alone with Y/N. He adored the others yes, especially his brother Finn, but he had longed to ask Y/N on a date for some time now. There was something about them that was charming and adorable, and Rayne could not resist them. Y/N's eyes widened as they absorbed Rayne's words. "Ohh that makes more sense. I will see you then, Rayne." With that, Y/N hopped off the medical bed and left with a brief wave as Rayne started to devise a game plan for tonight.
Rayne arrived at the dorm kitchens around the time Y/N had specified, a bouquet of their favorite flowers in hand. He entered the kitchen and was greeted by Y/N wearing a frilly apron that matched the one that Mash typically wore. They were currently whisking the eggs for the cream puffs with calculated precision. Rayne smiled as he leaned over the counter and presented the flowers to Y/N. "I brought these for you, Y/N, and I hope that you will enjoy them."
Y/N halted their whisking and took the flowers from Rayne, eagerly sniffing the fresh blooms. "These smell like the flowers back home, but I don't know if they will taste good in the cream puffs."
"They won't be going in the cream puffs, you dork. They are for you to look at and admire from afar." Rayne explained as he conjured up a glass vase. Y/N let out an exclamation of excitement as they tapped the vase to see if it was real before going back to whisking. Rayne rested his head in his hand as he watched Y/N make the cream puffs from memory. While the cream puffs were baking, Rayne took this as a sign to make his feelings known. "I am excited to try these delicious cream puffs, but I have no doubt that they will not be as sweet as you are."
"I always put four cups of sugar into the dough, and along with this custard cream, they will be the perfect amount of sweetness." Y/N assured as they plopped down in the seat next to Rayne. They perked up as they remembered the conversation they had with Rayne earlier. "Oh, you said you would teach me that healing spell? Unlike my brother, I can learn things pretty quickly."
An idea materialized in Rayne's head as he pretended to pop his knuckles. "Luckily, this spell does not require a wand like most spells, and I believe that you have the abilities and strength to master this spell in no time. Firstly, you take the hands of the person that you want to heal." Rayne turned to face Y/N as they took their hands in his, the bandages from earlier soft to the touch, but Rayne wished he could feel Y/N's actual hands instead. Y/N continued to absorb the instructions like a sponge as they replied with a "got it".
"Next, you approach the subject closer so you can determine the state of their injuries." Rayne closed the gap between him and Y/N until their face's were inches apart, allowing him to admire all of the amazing features of Y/N's face. He swore that no deity could be more gorgeous than them. Y/N nodded as they maintained eye contact with Rayne and made sure to process each step clearly. "Finally," Rayne started as he placed a hand on Y/N's cheek, "You perform the healing spell." Before Rayne could complete his plan, the loud ding of the oven interrupted him, and Y/N shot up from their seat faster than a lightning strike. "Cream puffs are done!" They shouted excitedly.
Y/N finalized the delicious treats and handed the first ones to Rayne. He bit into the pastry and hummed with delight as Y/N ate their portion of the cream puffs in a few gulps. "These are perfect, Y/N, and I must admit that this would make for a perfect date," Rayne said as he smiled more than he had in months. Y/N was once again confused.
"Isn't that a type of fruit?"
"Yes, you are correct, but it is also the time spent between two individuals that care about each other as a way to show affection for one another. Y/N Burnedead, I care about you more and more each and every day, and I would destroy every evil force in this magical realm if it means that you are safe by my side. I would be yours if that is what you wish, but if you need more time, I understand completely." Rayne blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck, but Y/N still could not see the full picture.
"I could help you beat up the villains instead, but I would need to focus on more bicep training first. Maybe Mash would know-," Y/N's sentence was cut short as Rayne gently pressed his lips against theirs as his hand returned to caress their cheek once again. Y/N did not fully understand what to do, but they did enjoy the feeling of Rayne being so close to them. When Rayne pulled away, the realization of his words and actions finally set in, and Y/N turned as red as the strawberries they used in the cream puffs. Y/N's brain started to short circuit as the affection became to much. "I-I-I guess that t-t-this makes us a, makes us a..."
Rayne kissed Y/N's cheek as a genuine laugh rumbled in his chest. "Yes, this makes us a couple, if that is what you desire. There is no one in all of Easton that would make a better match for a divine visionary."
Y/N could not help but smile as they fiddled with their hands. "I-I would like that very much."
"Did you save some cream puffs for me?"
"Of course, I always save the perfect ones for my favorite little sibling." Y/N handed over the cream puffs to Mash as he excitedly munched on the pastries. Lemon and Finn had just entered the room, and Lemon could not help but squeal as she nudged Y/N with her elbow. "And I heard that Y/N made cream puffs with the Rayne Ames last night!!! So, did anything exciting happen?! I must know!!"
Y/N shrugged as they took a bite from their own cream puff. "Rayne taught me a new spell while I made the cream puffs. We also kissed, and now we are dating. Nothing too exciting though."
Lemon screamed with joy as she nearly fainted at the news, but it was Finn whose jaw dropped as he flailed his arms in the air. "YOU'RE DATING MY BROTHER?! AND YOU KISSED?! I did not need to know that!!" Finn dashed from the room as his face flushed with embarrassment, but Lemon wanted to hear more.
"So, do you want to go over wedding plans with me?"
Tag list: @mayurin17, @thebasicbword, @kemis-world, @sereniteav
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doppopoppo · 7 months
Big Bear Hug
Rayne Ames x F!Reader
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Warnings: None
You couldn't help but wonder if Rayne found you annoying and clingy at times. It's not your fault at all. The visionary was a stoic man who worked hard. Many were intimidated to approach him and he took everything seriously. Maybe too seriously. Though you knew better.
His ears cutesy perks up whenever anyone mentions bunnies, his brother, and you. Top 3 priorities in his life. How can you not want to smother this tall lad in much need love and affection he deserves? It took him a while, but he got used to it.
Rayne came out the shower and dressed for bed. He looked so cozy in your eyes. For once. He blew out the Orchid scented candle and got underneath your guys bed covers. Naturally, he was the big bear. Though, something in you made him go lower.
"Lower." You demanded, voice husky with sleep.
Rayne was confused but listened to the request. He was more than used to your random antiques. His head was above yours, now you were both face to face. You gave him a quick kiss, both smiling at each other.
"Lower." You repeated.
He listened. Rayne was now neck level. It was his turn to give you a quick kiss to your neck. This caused you to let out a sleepy giggle.
"Lower." You repeated.
You quickly brought up your left leg and hooked it around Rayne's upper waist. His right arm naturally wrapping itself under your thigh to snuggle you closer. In return, you wrapped your left arm around his head and brought him closer. You could feel him ease into your bear hug and nuzzle his nose against the valley on your chest.
Rayne let out a sigh of disapproval. Man's simply wanted to sleep and youre making him lose minutes off his sleep. Though this did not stop him from listening. His face was now chest level.
"Goodnight, sweetie." You kissed the top of his head.
"Goo'night, bunny." You heard him reply, his words slightly muffled.
You knew in your heart, your annoying, clingy self was one of the many traits he adored about you.
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kyoghurts · 6 months
LOVER ACTS. mashle headcanon 𞥙୧
˖ 𐙚 ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ being your lover and being in love comes with a habit, sprung from the ground and grows like a flower. MASHLE VARIOUS CHARS have a habit of . . .
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. . . resting his chin on your palm at any chance he sees. this guy is so tenderly and quietly affectionate especially in the physical aspect. you might say he’s a bit of a touch starved. he won’t say it, though if you ask him he won’t lie to you either. so whenever you’re both alone and doing insignificant things, you offer your hand for him to plant a small kiss and he’ll just keep his lips on your palm, or rest his chin, looking into your eyes with intensity that tells you so much. you need not ask the gods if he’s meant for you or you’re meant for him. he only has eyes for you, only you.
. . . playing with your hair. or simply making it a routine to tend to your hair: comb, trim (if it gets too long), braid, and if he’s in the mood to dive more intimate: he’ll wash your hair. he’s like your personal hairdresser, he might as well be, with how good he is at taking care of them. when outside or at class, he’ll absentmindedly brush a few strands off your face or slightly ruffle them. but sometimes it gets annoying for you, and when you try to pry off his hands you’ll have yourself blessed by the airy chuckle you hear from lance. mind you, getting this kind of reaction from your boyfriend occurs once in a blue moon, so, you’ll say nothing. instead, you’ll savor every breath of it and how his hands can be so good to you (and your hair.)
. . . sending small trinkets. handmade letters, doodles from only half spending his attention to his lecturers, paper cranes, stickers, you know it. you’re pretty sure your room is going to be full with his little stuffs, and he’s not going to hide the sheer happiness he feels whenever he visits you. he’ll ask you where you put them or if he sees it displayed out in the open, he’s going to get all misty about it. and he would want to create more for you for this purpose: to show the contents of his love for you.
. . . singing you crappy & cheesy love songs. oh i know this man is going to be super annoying and loud but but but— you can tolerate it. why? this guy can sing like he’s destined to step on the stage. it can also be the sole reason why you fell for him, he’s not afraid to express himself. not to you or anyone, whether you’re out in public or private, he will sing to you all the love songs he knows. and from the way you playfully shut him up with light jabs (or if you’re feeling confident in yourself, a quick kiss to his lips), it will be the key that gives way to your feelings. and well, its okay, you’re not afraid to express yourself, either.
. . . recommending songs & films. even better, you both could listen/watch to it! she’ll be over the moon, painted by glistening stars of happiness, bonus points if you tell her in a novel detailed way on your thoughts after, does it remind you of something? a memory? a feeling? how and why so? you could ramble until the sun comes shining, she’ll never get tired of it, never of you.
. . . spoiling/treating you with gifts. he’ll come home and there’s not an ounce of surprise written off your face as you see literal shopping bags and what’s funny is that he won’t look at you in the eye, he’s just going to shove it to you and walk away. you could go shopping together and, granted that he is perceptive, he will buy anything that catches your eye for a minute longer. never say no. you will regret it. he’s going to sulk, he’s going to ignore you until you apologize. (in the form of taking and accepting his gifts so yeah, he still wins in the end.) also uh, he also has a habit of nuzzling his head on the crook of your neck hehe :3
. . . gazing at your eyes and complimenting them. i’m pretty sure he’ll also slip a few flowery words on every part of your face, but i will emphasize on the eyes. they’re so captivating to him, they tell a story about a kind soul such as yours, and it reminds him how he’s so loved and seen. and when you tell him he’s the reason the sparkle in your eyes exist? how it softens whenever it connects with his? the world will never know the feeling that abyss has in his heart, and it’s immense—but never heavy, its full, its floating, its beautiful. you’re beautiful, inside and out.
. . . taking you to a romantic and fancy dinner on a very well-known restaurant with candle lits and everything because he is the absolute elegant of a man and he will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. like the goddamn queen/king that you are. like the goddamn your highness that you are. and when he takes you home, let the moonlight grace your face but let him kiss your lips like the world is about to end. i cannot imagine him acting otherwise. take this hc or leave it.
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notes. pops in randomly hi :3 pops out and become inactive for the next few days
© kyoghurts. ★ reblogs & likes are well appreciated!
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luxthestrange · 2 months
MASHLE Memes #9
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kyloherrera · 8 months
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 ۫ 𑄼ల۫  ۪ FEB 8 — PROPOSE
featuring: dot, , abel, rayne, odler, mash, lance. finn, abyss x gn! reader
note: hope you like, this is very fluffy, and a big comfort for me <3
summary: how would mashle boys propose to their s/o
genre: fluff || event || patreon
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-Mash has decided that its time to take the next step in his relantionship with.
-While grand gestures and elaborate plans aren't mash style, but he wants to make this moment special nonetheless.
-One day, Mash takes you on a walk to their favorite spot in the forest, a serene clearing surrounded by towering trees
-As you stroll hand in hand, Mash's heart pounds with anticipation, but he tries to keep his composure.
-Finally reaching the clearing, Mash pauses and turns to you , his eyes filled with unwavering love and determination.
- He takes a deep breath and begins to speak from the heart, expressing his gratitude for their unwavering support and the happiness you've brought into his life.
-Then in his characteristic straightforward manner, Mash kneels down before you and reaches into his pocket,
-He pulls out a small, crudely crafted ring made from twigs and vines. It's not flashy or extravagant, but it's a symbol of his sincerity and devotion.
-With a voiced emotion reflected in his voice, Mash asks you to spend the rest of their life with him, promising to always stand by your side and protect you with all his strength.
-Lance would orchestrate an extravagant evening at the most luxurious venue in town.
-He would spare no expense in creating an ambiance of opulence, with twinkling lights, fine dining, and a live band playing romantic melodies in the background.
-Lance would take your hand and begin to express his feelings, weaving words of love and admiration with his signature charm and wit.
-Then, in a moment of theatrical flair, Lance snaps his fingers, and fireworks burst into the sky outside, illuminating the night with a dazzling display of colors. The crowd gasps in awe, and you look on in astonishment.
-With all eyes on you, Lance drops to one knee, producing a velvet box from his pocket. Inside gleams a stunning diamond ring, reflecting the brilliance of the fireworks above.
-In a voice filled with sincerity, Lance pours his heart out, expressing his unwavering devotion and his desire to spend eternity with his beloved. He asks the all-important question, his eyes shimmering with anticipation.
-Finn most likely would propose in a place that holds special significance for both him and you.
-A serene meadow where they often go to unwind and connect with nature. He carefully chooses the time, waiting for the perfect sunset to cast a warm glow over the landscape.
-A vast expanse of wildflowers swaying gently in the breeze, with the colors of the setting sun painting the sky in hues of gold and pink. show in front of your eyes.
-With a gentle smile, Finn takes your hand and leads you to a spot in the meadow's center, where a picnic blanket is spread out under a towering oak tree
- He invites you to sit beside him, taking a moment to savor the tranquility of the moment.
-As you watch he sun dip below the horizon, Finn begins to speak from the heart, expressing his love and gratitude for you.
-Then, reaching into his pocket, Finn pulls out a small, intricately carved wooden box. Opening it, he reveals a simple yet elegant ring, crafted from a rare wood found only in the deepest parts of the forest.
-With trembling hands, Finn takes your hand and gazes into their eyes, his voice steady but filled with emotion. He asks you to be his partner for life, promising to cherish and support them through every challenge and triumph.
-Dot decides to propose in a place that holds sentimental value for both them and you.
A quaint café where they shared their first date. He chooses a time when the café is relatively quiet, allowing for an intimate and personal moment.
-He leads you to a secluded corner of the café, where a table is adorned with flickering candles and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Soft music plays in the background, adding to the romantic atmosphere.
-With a nervous but determined smile, Dot takes your hand and begins to speak from the heart. They express their love and admiration, recounting the moments you've shared together and the ways in which you had enriched their life.
-Then, reaching into their bag, Dot retrieves a small, beautifully wrapped gift box. Inside lies a carefully crafted scrapbook filled with cherished memories—photographs, ticket stubs, and handwritten notes documenting your journey as a couple.
-As you flipped through the pages of the scrapbook, tears of joy well up in your eyes. Each memory serves as a testament to the depth of your love and the bond you share.
-With trembling hands, Dot takes your hand and gazes into their eyes. They pour their heart out, expressing their deepest desires and their unwavering commitment to your happiness.
-Finally, with a nervous laugh, Dot presents a velvet box containing a delicate ring—a symbol of their love and devotion. They ask you to spend the rest of their life with them, promising to stand by their side through thick and thin.
-Abyss chooses a secluded and mystical forest shrouded in mist and shadow. They choose a moonlit night when the stars are bright, casting an ethereal glow over the landscape.
-When you reach a clearing deep within the forest—a place untouched by time, where magic seems to linger in the air. In the center of the clearing stands a stone altar, illuminated by flickering torches and adorned with mystical runes. Abyss takes your hand and leads them to the altar.
-Their eyes gleam with determination as they begin to speak in a voice that resonates with power and authority.
-Abyss expresses their love and admiration for you, weaving words of mystery and intrigue with a hint of vulnerability. They recount the moments you 've shared together, the challenges you've faced, and the bond that has grown between you.
-Then, reaching into the folds of their cloak, Abyss Razor retrieves a small, intricately carved box—an artifact of ancient origin. With reverence, they open the box to reveal a ring unlike any other—a band of blackened metal adorned with a single glowing gemstone, said to hold the power of the abyss itself.
-With a solemn expression, Abyss Razor looks into your eyes and speaks from the depths of their soul. They ask you to join them on a journey of darkness and light, of mystery and adventure, promising to stand by your side through every trial and tribulation.
-Like Dot, Rayne decides to propose in a place that holds sentimental value for both them and you.
-a secluded beach where you often go to find solace and tranquility. They choose a time when the sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the sand and sea.
-As you arrive at the beach, you are greeted by the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the salty breeze, and the soft hues of the setting sun painting the sky in shades of pink and gold.
-With a gentle smile, Rayne takes your hand and leads you to a quiet spot near the water's edge.You sit together, watching the sun dip below the horizon, enveloped in the serenity of the moment.
-As the last rays of sunlight fade away, Rayne begins to speak from the heart, expressing their love and gratitude for you. They recount the moments you've shared together—the laughter, the tears, and the deep connection that binds you.
-Then, reaching into their pocket, Rayne retrieves a small, intricately crafted shell—a token of their affection. He, offers you the shell, explaining its significance as a symbol of their love and devotion.
-He selected a a serene botanical garden filled with exotic plants and flowers. He choose a time when the garden is in full bloom, bursting with vibrant colors and intoxicating fragrances.
-With a warm smile, Odler takes your hand and leads them along the winding pathways, pausing to admire the beauty of each flower and plant you encounter. You share stories and laughter, lost in the magic of the garden.
-Finally,you both reach a secluded spot in the heart of the garden—a hidden alcove adorned with blooming roses and twinkling fairy lights.
-With a tender expression, Odler begins to speak from the heart, expressing their love and admiration for you. They recount the moments you've shared together—your conversations, your adventures, and the deep connection that binds it.
-Then, reaching into their pocket, Odler retrieves a small, leather-bound book—a collection of poems and love letters they've written for you. With trembling hands, they read aloud a passage that captures the essence of their love and devotion.
-In a voice filled with sincerity, Odler looks into your eyes and speaks the words they've been longing to say. They ask you to spend the rest of your life with them, promising to cherish and support them through every moment, both joyful and challenging.
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@stvrlightt123 @Mysticalpersonpoetry @mailkyeom03
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seneon · 7 months
rayne having the habit to nuzzles his head on the crook of your neck and place lazy kisses (just like how he does w his bunnies) once he gets home and is tired (gets replenished instantly though)
oh ok.
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DIVINE VISIONARY work is honestly so tiring, having to save and protect the country with your whole life. especially rayne, who did all that while also studying and having prefect duties to complete. every day is a tiring day, having no rest most of the times. so how exactly did he survive being tired all this time?
well, he has you. you, his personal charger. his personal energy replenishment. his personal little ball of happiness that consumes all tiredness the moment he sees you. whether it be in school, in your dorm rooms, or at home. all he wants to do is just be around you and he will forget that he even is tired.
just like any other days during semester break, rayne has a load of work as a divine visionary to complete and when he came home, he cannot resist but lean on you the moment you open the door. which eventually leads to the both of you just laying down on the living room sofa, watching a tv show you were watching the entire day.
rayne has a habit though. he is like a baby, a clingy and big baby. as you watch tv, rayne laid above you and buried his head into the crook of your neck. you can feel his breath against your skin. occasionally, he would talk about how his day played through by his muffled voice as it always plucks your attention away from the screen and onto him. you'd reassure him that you're listening by playing with his pretty hair or even giving his head little massages.
by doing that, it makes the ames sleepy and so very loved. he loves your fingers running through his hair. he loves you. rayne smiles against your neck very often at the little things you do to show him how much you appreciate him. rayne also kisses your neck lazily always, while he is sleepy by your head massages. sometimes he kisses your neck so much that he falls asleep and forgets that it's hard to breathe in the corner or it's uncomfortable.
that's okay though, you'll always slowly and carefully shift him so he has a comfortable space to sleep. at the end, you'll fell asleep with him.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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unluckilyimnot · 7 months
catch your face before you can hide your blush
rayne x reader (mashle)
note: me thinking so damn hard about a neutral way to say "she's just a girl" bc yes it's a joke but not inclusif enough and ugh it turns out bad
Feel free to request! Take a look at the rules before :)
I hope you enjoy !
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 It’s not that you don’t like to work with Rayne, it’s the opposite in fact. He always has the right word, a good point to make and it’s easy to explain your point. But if there was one thing you had to point out, it would be how seriously he looks at you when you work. Or when he doesn’t have anything to do, in fact.
Yes, you were sensitive to his charms, but you don’t know if he’s conscious about it at all. Whenever he talks, you have to stay focused on what he’s saying without minding too much his voice, or just even his lips – which are usually dry, you wished you could hand him your lip balm without thinking of the indirect kiss that would create. You’re just a normal teenager, you lose it easily around your crush.
But right now, your real problem was that you were talking and he was listening. Which means that he, it seems like, has to look deeply into your eyes when you make eye contact. Things are, you can’t stay concentrated when he glances at you that way. There’s something so simple yet interesting, he’s drinking all your words as some divine speeches and your brain stops braining. You found yourself mumbling a few words that don't mean anything anymore, you can’t bounce back on you last words because you already forgot them ; and of course you don’t miss the way his eyes fell on your lips for a second before looking back at your eyes.
You can’t help but look away, a burning hot feeling on your cheeks and the second you turned your face away, something cold grabbed your before you could. Your eyes are back into his, getting lost when he doesn’t say anything, simply holding you still.
You’re alone in the library, it’s about to close yet you still have so much to do but it’s like time stopped. He can’t get his eyes off you, nor can you. Cat got your tongue for a few seconds that felt like minutes before you opened her mouth.
“Why do you always look at me like that ?” you whisper, scared that if you speak up you’ll break something.
“Can’t I when you talk to me ?” You’re losing it. Your mouth is dry and keeping the eye contact is killing you. If he looks at your lips one more time you’ll be a goner. Moving his fingers along your jawline instead now, he got a little closer, his nose brushing against yours. “So ?” he insisted, since he didn’t hear your answer but you only nodded at him.
Then his eyes took another peek at your lips, and he’s about to speak again, but you can’t help but lay a small kiss on his lips before he does.
It’s his time to be surprised but not enough to let go when you try to pull away.
“You’re really thinking you’ll get away with that ? Wait ‘til we get to the dorm.” 
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Freaking obsessed with this man as well lately. I'm not done with mashle yet but soon and I'm SO SAD. I loved it so much ❤️‍🩹
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caelivir · 2 months
surrender | rayne ames
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synopsis. rayne ames can’t stop staring at you tonight, which is strange, considering the fact that he loathes your guts.
pairing. rayne ames x fem!reader, | wc. 4.1k | genres. haters to lovers, tension, jealousy, rayne's hot and obsessed and reader's in denial | warnings. reader wears lipstick but it's mentioned once at the end, they make out what's new (it's good for my the soul), a bit suggestive
notes. tbh this wasn't supposed to be as long as it is. what a yap fest. blame my hormones and the weeknd. this is ugly and i hate it but it will have to do while i continue working on other fics.
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you can’t comprehend why he’s here. the rest of the student body can’t either because the moment he walked through those doors all eyes were on him.
you’re positive that rayne ames had to have some devil whispering in his ear. how else would he be convinced to attend a grand event such as this one? dancing? socializing? it’s not his style, especially when he knows that every guy and girl within a ten foot radius would be jumping at the chance to have his attention.
you’re point is proven right in the next three seconds. you can already spot girls batting their eyelashes at him. you can see them trying to coerce him into a dance. on any other day you’d scoff at their fawning over an asshole like rayne.
however, you can’t seem to bring yourself to say that tonight. rayne’s half blonde, half jet black hair is styled in a wet curtain cut with long loose strands falling in front of his forehead. he wears a black two piece suit with the coat sporting various decorations.
there are two sets of silver chains that are pinned just below each one of his shoulders. each set is comprised of five chains. one directly connects a line between two metallic circles. two chains of varying lengths begin at one button before swooping a short distance down the front of rayne’s coat before linking back to the second circle that hangs lower than its counterpart. the remaining three chains follow the same pattern except they droop down the side of his arm, nearing the peak of the dip at the middle of his upper arm and rising back up to the coat’s shoulder pads that have sleek silver suns on top of them.
under the jacket, the visionary dons a white dress shirt that is tucked into his pants. however, the piece is damn near transparent, and the top buttons remain undone, exposing some of the skin of his torso. to finish the look off, rayne wears one singular necklace with a sword pendant.
you hate it, and you hate whoever styled him because tonight he's a dangerously gorgeous devil that's making your heart pound at an embarrassingly alarming rate. your eyes are glued to him no matter how badly your mind screams at you to look away. yet just as you can't tear your gaze away from him, rayne is equally unable to focus on anyone else that isn't you.
he inhales a deep breath of air before carving a path to your position at the food table. the alarms in your head go off in panic. you can't exactly play off the fact that you were so blatantly ogling him so instead you own up to it, masking your flustered expression with a glare in his direction.
"well if it isn't the devil himself." you taunt when he nears, soaking in the half blonde's formal look one more time. "what made you decide to crawl out of hell tonight?"
"i could ask you the same thing." rayne answers bluntly, and you scowl because he knows that you hate when he turns your snarky comments back on you.
"why'd i even bother?" you roll your eyes with a scoff, directing your attention to bite-size appetizers in front of you.
"let me know when you find the answer to that." the visionary responds, causing a muscle in your cheek to twitch in irritation.
rayne doesn’t move from his spot. in fact, he’s standing so close to you that your arm brushes against the black fabric of his coat and the cold silver chains on the side of his arm.
"can you move?" you snap, annoyed because now your senses are being filled with his scent—an intoxicating mix of cinnamon and cardamom that makes your mind go fuzzy.
"i can't have food?" rayne cockily raises an eyebrow at you before randomly picking up a tomato basil puff off the plate. he chews it thoughtfully, and through the micro expressions of his face, you come to understand that he is pleased with its taste.
you bundle your fists tightly to release some of your nerves. a breath of air enters your lungs to steady yourself. you remind yourself to not get swept up in his games. rayne ames will not ruin your night. all of these affirmations lead you to the decision to leave him by the food table.
however before you can do that, the music slows to an end, and people take it as a sign to scramble for a partner before the next piece starts up again. as for you, you're immediately confronted by a tall blonde boy in your grade. he kindly extends a hand out to you that’s shaking very discreetly. "may i have this dance?"
you mentally grimace because you're still on edge due to rayne, but you don't have the heart to turn the guy down when he so obviously worked up the courage to come up to you. reluctantly, you accept his offer with a meager nod, and as he takes you by the hand, you involuntarily glance back at rayne, who has been staring the entire interaction down like a hawk.
the boy leads you to an open spot on the dance floor and doesn't hesitate to take the lead once a graceful waltz composition begins. you try to pay attention to the guy's little ramblings about duelo as you glide across the floor, but your mind wanders back to rayne.
what would it be like to have his hand on your back or your hand interlocked with his? would it light a blaze upon your skin? why do you even want to find out?
your eyes drift across the expanse of the enormous ballroom, scanning for that half blonde pain in your ass. after several moments of searching, you find rayne standing off to the side, back leaned against one of the pillars. he switched his food out for apple cider in a champagne glass. he stands with max land and other faces you aren't familiar with. whatever conversation they're having, rayne isn't following; his sole focus is on you and only you.
there's something dark lurking beneath his eyes. the intensity of his gaze generates shivers down the line of your spine. you think that the glass in his hands might shatter in his grip.
"are you alright?" your partner questions, and it brings your concentration back onto him. "are you cold?"
you present him a tight grin. "i'm good. you don't have to worry about me."
the boy in front of you accepts your answer without any suspicion and continues leading the dance until the song finally comes to an finishes. yet even when the waltz ends, and you thank your partner for the dance, he sticks by you. that's fine. he’s a nice guy who means no harm, but because you're severely distracted right now, he is the last thing on your mind.
he gently guides you through the room, keeping a hand on the small of your back protectively as you squeeze between the crowd. you force yourself to engage in conversation with the friends he introduces you to. you laugh at the appropriate times and give your two cents into a topic should it be deemed necessary, all in attempt to ignore the burning sensation of eyes drilling into the back of your neck. each time you catch him, rayne doesn't dare to avert his gaze. he’s shameless in that matter. he'll maintain this eye contact with you until you're the first one to tear away with your face a burning mess.
as the night progresses, you're losing the patience to withstand it. the guy in front of you. rayne. thoughts of rayne. your head is swirling in confusion, and you need new air and silence in order to calm yourself.
when you're sure rayne isn't watching, you dismiss yourself from your partner with a pathetic excuse that you need to quickly use the washroom that he buys instantaneously. and when the crowd hides you completely, you sneak off in the total opposite direction of the restroom.
you navigate your way through the venue until you find the exit that leads to gardens in the back. you pay no mind to party raging behind you, only straying yourself further and further from the noise until you're met with silence. it's only then that you're able to feel your heart slowing down it's pace.
you continue wandering until you find a gazebo hidden deep within the gardens. the structure is surrounded by flowers of varying colors and species. its posts are wrapped in vibrantly green vines. there are no seats built into it, but it will have to suffice as a place to rest and cool your head.
you lean back into one of the wooden posts, shutting your eyes as you inhale the scent of cold, wet, grassy air. when the brewing storm in your mind finally calms, all that remains is a certain divine visionary.
never in all of your years of knowing rayne ames would you have ever thought your emotions involving him would end up conflicting like this. you loathe him; you have since the day you met. so you can't seem to fathom what changed tonight. can it really be all because of a mere suit and new styling of his hair? how pathetic.
and his eyes… those damn yellow eyes that follow your every move. how can they ignite a fury of butterflies in your stomach?
and you don't even have the time to figure it out before your ears pick up on the sound of frantic footsteps and rattling chains that encroach closer and closer to you. your eyes fling wide open, and your body instantly freezes at the sight before you.
rayne ames stands in front of the garden gazebo, chest quickly rising and falling as he pants out breaths that turn visible in the cold winter air. his styled hair isn't as kept as it was before. it's lost its volume and his loose strands of hair cling to his skin, most likely due to the thin coat of sweat that you can barely see under the dim moonlight. yet, he still looks so incredibly breathtaking. the half blonde's eyebrows are brought together in a mix of relief and worry, and you don't know what to make of it.
you don't get it anymore. what is he doing? what is his goddamn game? why, just why, is he standing before you?
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the reason behind rayne’s appearance at the winter ball is so incredibly petty that he’s ashamed to even admit it out loud. he had overheard a blonde on the duelo team claim that he was going to dance with you that night.
the irritation that arose in the pits of his stomach during that moment could not be described. did that fool really think he stood a chance with you? you were completely out of his league.
the thought of you dancing with another man haunted rayne for days. each time it crossed his mind, he’d get so annoyed that he’d snap the quill he was writing with into two pieces.
it was stupidly impulsive to come to this ridiculous school ball. rayne knew that, but a part of him was desperate to find out what would happen. could the blond fool pull it off, and what were you going to do if he did? he's well-aware that you aren't his lover or his friend, and yet that didn't seem to stop him from being concerned about matters involving you.
it’s truly a puzzle because rayne is so positive of the fact that he hates you, but the moment he walked through the entrance, all certainty of that fact became debatable again.
he stands before you, separated by the crowd of students who are just as shocked as you are. he can tell that you hadn’t expected for this. and with your eyes locked onto each other, you both enter a new dimension—one where everyone else fades away.
in a sea of blurred, barely present faces, you are the only one that was clear, a face so beyond the words of beautiful. rayne feels like he had the air knocked out of his lungs. is his heart speeding up, or is it stopping? he can’t tell anymore. he’s losing his senses. to combat that, he takes a deep breath of air.
rayne doesn’t even see the girls tugging at his arms or the guys trying to start up a conversation. it’s only you, and like an iron attracted to a magnet, his feet pull him to where you are before he has the chance to realize it.
you’re quick with your snarky comments that attempt to drag him, but even then, you're beautiful. it's baffling how hopeless of a fool he is for you. it’s a miracle that rayne has half the mind to retort your jabs, and he is definitely glad that the food table acted as a cover up.
however, the visionary’s mood sours when that damn blond duelo player comes up to you, asking for a dance a whole lot earlier than he anticipated. rayne can’t make out your expression, but he does notice the nod of your head and the way you extend your hand to slide onto his, but not without giving the half blond a glance back.
rayne's gripping the edge of the table so tightly his knuckles go white. as you leave, another girl walks up to rayne, and he flat out ignores her, picking off a champagne glass from a server that happens to walk by him.
trying to cool his head, rayne ames finds max land in a matter of seconds, and he opts to stick by him. he doesn’t engage in any form of conversation with max, despite the multiple times his best friend has been trying to get his attention.
he'll apologize for it later, but every drop of focus that rayne possesses is on you as you move along the floor. the blond is talking your ear off, and the visionary is aware that you aren't fully listening because your eyes keep drifting back to him.
the fact that rayne doesn’t ever tear his eyes off you has you looking away in nervousness. it’s so unlike you. you’re always so confident in your confrontations against him, but it appears to be different tonight. it seems like everything is.
the longer he stares the more rayne hates the hand that is gently wrapped around yours. he hates the smiles that the blond duelo pulls from you simple because he is simply not worthy of them. he hates that even after the stupid waltz is over you're dragged to meet his friends.
the visionary has no right to be feeling like this, especially after all the verbal arguments and harsh words. but each time you look at him tonight with those star-filled eyes, rayne swears that he'll make it up to you for the rest of your lives.
"rayne, the suit is amazing. where'd you get it from? i haven't seen anything like it." one of max's friends asks, which finally drags the half blond's attention away from you.
"ryoh grantz." he replies dryly.
"you got this from the light cane?!"
"that's what i said, didn't i?" the visionary glares, visibly annoyed.
"oh. y-yeah." the guy chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the nape of his neck. it's then when he realizes that any attempt of conversation with rayne ames is futile so he switches the topic.
when the half blond drags his eyes back to you, he nearly loses grip on the champagne glass that he's been holding for a while. "she's gone." rayne mutters to himself, yet somehow over all the noise, max hears him.
max land peers over the crowd, finding the spot where you last stood. the blondie you were with is huddled with his friends, but you are no longer in sight. the brown haired boy hums. "i think your staring scared her off."
rayne narrows his eyes at his friend who only raises his hands in defense. the divine visionary scans the entire room, expecting you to be gathered with a different group of people, but you're not. you're not in here at all. "damn it." he curses with a hiss, ditching max to search for you.
if his best friend protests or calls for rayne, he doesn't hear it. max is the least of his concerns right now.
he leaves the empty glass onto the nearest table and begins a distraught search. he does a lap around the entire room, thinking that it'll make you appear again, but his efforts bear no fruit. he wanders up and down the halls, giving everyone he passes a quick glance, only to find that they're not you.
rayne finds an entrance that leads to the back gardens, and he's praying that you're somewhere there. he doesn't know how long he spends running around. his dress shirt is sticking to his skin, and his hair is falling out of place. the venue for the ball is so far behind him to the point that he can't even hear the music or noisy chatter anymore.
despite the burn in his calves, he pushes deeper into the gardens, jogging until a gazebo catches his eye. it's hard to see in the moonlight, but rayne swears that he sees the shadow of a figure. it's his last hope; he's praying that it's you.
the half blond jogs up to the steps. the chains of his suit rattle as he does so. he realizes then that it is you. relief, worry, and anger hit him all at once, but in your eyes, he can't say the same. there is no malice, only confliction, and rayne decides right then and there.
he's going to open his heart to you.
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"what are you doing here, rayne?" you ask, practically defeated.
"what about you?" he snaps back harsher than he ever has before. he takes angry steps up the stairs. "it's fucking freezing, and you decide to come out here alone. do you even realize how far the venue is right now? do you know how much i was-" rayne stops himself mid-sentence, curling his fists by his side.
"no, tell me." you demand, walking closer to him. "what is it? you are always so blunt. what's stopping you now, huh? spit it out."
"i was worried about you." he answers quietly.
your heart swells when you hear it, but you choose to suppress it instead because that can't possibly be right. "worried?! why on earth would you ever be worried about me? you hate me, rayne ames, and i hate you. all we ever do is torment each other. it's exactly why you kept staring at me tonight. i couldn't focus on anything but you. that's what you wanted, right? you wanted me off my guard? well, congratulations asshole. you won. now leave me alone."
"no." the boy in front of you sternly denies.
"no? god, you have some fucking nerve-" you fume.
"i'm not leaving you alone." rayne clenches his jaw, staring deep into your eyes. you force yourself to swallow. "i haven't left you alone since the day we met, and i'm not leaving you alone now."
you scoff, trying to push past rayne, but he blocks your path. "move, rayne."
he ignores you altogether. "you want to know why i'm so worried about you, hm? here's your answer." rayne's voice is low, almost dangerous as he speaks. he steps closer to you, nearly pressing your bodies together. the heat that radiates off him is electrifying.
"you've been stuck in my head for the last week, and it's all because of that blond buffoon on the duelo team." rayne scowls. "i heard him. i knew that he wanted to dance with you, and it pissed me off. i couldn't imagine his hand on your back or his hand on yours without feeling my blood boil, and i hated every second that you were with him tonight. it was torture."
"jealousy?" you breathe out, trying to belittle him as you do so, but you fail miserably when your eyes dart to rayne's lips. "you might as well be obsessed with me."
"maybe i am." rayne's hand reaches up to trail the pearls of your necklace. his hand then moves further up your neck, fingers gently tickling your skin as they pass before resting on the side of your throat. "i might've been obsessed with you the moment your pretty little mouth started talking back to me. hell, i might even be in love with you."
in that moment, you feel your breath hitch. your eyes open wider in disbelief, and that doesn't deter the divine visionary in front of you at all. you try reading him, trying to find any sort of sign that this whole thing is a joke, but deep down you know. you said it yourself moments earlier. rayne's honest and blunt to a fault. he wouldn't say something he doesn't mean.
"the sight of you is enough to bring a man to his knees. you have me wrapped around your finger, (y/n). just say the word, and i'll be yours."
you don't know when rayne's face had gotten so close, but you can feel his breath fanning along yours. you can indulge in that cardamum and cinnamon scent that brings your brain to a high.
"rayne..." you whisper, brushing the loose strands of hair away from his forehead even though they return to the same place they were once before.
and as he admires you with those eyes, eyes that look at you as if you created the world and spun it on its axis, you surrender. you close the gap between the two of you because you're tired.
you're tired of acting like the thought that you want him has never crossed your mind. you're tired of acting like he's isn't stupidly hot whenever he puts you in your place, you're tired of pretending that you've never wanted to slam your lips against his just to shut him up.
rayne said he might've been obsessed with you from the moment you started arguing with him. well, you might've been obsessed with him when you realized that he wasn't going to tolerate any of your attitude. it's probably why you constantly picked fights with him. all the tension and unspoken words and lust came as a result. it was bound to boil over eventually.
you told yourself to not get swept up in him, and yet here you are, completely drowning. you chase each other like you're both starved. the kiss so desperate and powerful that rayne backs you up into one of the gazebo posts. the contact makes you gasp, and rayne uses it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. you'll have to press him about this later. for a guy who avoids women like the plague, he sure knows how to kiss you to euphoria.
your senses are so overloaded that you grip onto the open fabric of rayne's white dress shirt to keep you up. it effectively pulls him closer, making him groan. you lightly trail your nails down the exposed skin of his chest. you feel the visionary shiver before you, and you know that he's putty in your hands. you continue that path down, feeling the faint outline of his abs through his shirt.
rayne pulls away only to continue burning hot kisses down your neck and onto your collarbone. he nips and sucks on your skin, and you know that it's sure to leave marks, but in the moment, you can't help but whine his name. you let him have his fun until the feeling of missing his lips on yours is overbearing.
you force rayne up by his chin, and he almost looks disappointed. you smirk once you notice the smearing of lipstick on his face and the uneven rhythm of his breathing.
"what a mess you are." you tease, toying with rayne's bottom lip with your thumb.
"do you really have to do this right now?" rayne complains lightheartedly, all while placing kisses onto the inside of your palm, making you giggle.
"always." you wink, and your hands wander back down to his chest. "kiss me?"
rayne cups one half of your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "always." he replies, diving into the addiction that is you once more.
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@kyoghurts @seneon hey...
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vikuo-kuma · 8 months
Jealous Rayne Headcanons
Requested by @seneon
HAI im from tiktok who asked about the headcanons thing, there's no "ask" option so I'll just send a message 😭 i had in mind about rayne having a gf that loves cats more than bunnies and she has her own cat (or cats). in your opinion, how would rayne react everytime reader shows affection to her cats more than him? does he try to make reader jealous by buying bunnies and giving them more affection than reader? SORRY IF ITS TOO LONG SJJSJS
- This man would definitely glare at both you and the cat. Like what did the cat do to you. He really dislikes the fact you would give a cat more attention, however he wouldn’t realize that he’s jealous- probably the first time he’s ever felt jealous.
- He probably won’t speak more than 3-4 words to you because he’s so grumpy about it.
- If he ever sees you with the cat, he would randomly take out a bunny somewhere and start showering it with attention. And if that doesn’t work, he would continue to glare at you and the cat until you realize he was staring daggers into the back of your head.
- When you do notice that something was wrong with Rayne, you look at him. But he turns away quickly from your eye contact. Definitely a quiet tsundere.
- He would NEVER admit to being jealous, and I mean NEVER. I mean who would admit to being jealous to an animal.
“Why are you giving that thing attention”
- This does have a happy ending, with you placing the cat down and cuddling with Rayne. He’s gonna hide his flustered face from you though, might even grin at the cat walking past, like he had won.
“Your attention is mine and mine only”
A/N: This my first time writing a headcanon, I hope you like it 😭
I love this man so much.
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andersonfilms · 11 months
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riding abby’s thigh is all i can think about. she’d be the one to encourage it in the first place, stating it was a crime you never had. the muscles in her thick thighs flexing as your bare cunt took what it needed. her boxers soaked as you moaned out her name. god, abby wishes she could see your ass right now, but it was even better looking upon your stunning face, pretty eyes locking on abby’s as you come.
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seungsuki · 4 months
propose - rayne finally ties the knot (gn!reader)
warning: none
note: kinda nervous cause i never wrote for other fandoms before
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a gentle breeze lightened the warm afternoon, making it the perfect weather for a little picnic near the forest. the sweet smell of flowers plus the small birds chirping made the day relaxing for the two divine visionaries. it was a rare day off, clocking in earlier and receiving scolding's for that, rayne ames and [name][last name] wanted to spend time with each other. [name] was the one who suggested the picnic and planned a simple lunch to which rayne agreed. 
you spread out the chequered blanket under the oak tree that carried memories to talk about. rayne set the basket filled with sandwiches, fruits and juice boxes down and waited for you to sit down. the spot chosen wasn’t too far away from the school which is why the duo didn’t bother changing uniforms. 
rayne checked his pockets to see if he had everything he needed including a particular box tucked away from your eyes. the double liner watched you admire the oak tree protecting you from the dim sunlight, reminiscing the silly memories from small kisses to flower crowns. the oak tree had seen it all. 
“i’ve been looking forward to this all day”, you cheered finally sitting down with one of rayne’s bunnies on your lap 
“same here”, rayne sighed letting his other bunny chew on his uniform robe 
“it feels good to relax with you”, rayne continued handing you a sandwich and purposely brushing his fingers against yours 
“me too! we both needed a break! the juniors may be sweet but they can drive you crazy”, you shuddered remembering the chanting of your name during exam seasons 
“it’s tough but knowing your here keeps me going”, rayne said chewing his sandwich 
“i’m happy being a sort of motivation! you’re my motivation too”, you said smiling 
“you’re not just my motivation”, rayne stopped eating 
he placed his sandwich on his plate before locking eyes with you. you tried to read his emotions knowing how rayne isn’t that good at expressing himself but it was difficult. was it nervousness? what would he even be so nervous about? 
“is everything alright?”, you asked with concern 
oh how that melted the poor man’s heart. it’s the simple things that make rayne content. the way how your eyes search for any possible discomfort he felt or the way how you always put him before yourself, rayne couldn’t find the words to describe this feeling- no he concluded that no amount of words would be able to describe his burning heart 
“remember how you asked me what i wanted to do with my life?”, rayne asked 
“of course i do. you said you didn’t care”, you recalled 
“i change my mind [name]”, rayne said and took a deep breath 
“i have been thinking about this moment for a long time but i can't wait anymore. i have never been certain my whole life until i met you. you’re the opposite of me and that made me even more curious about you. i love to learn more about you [name] and i want to continue to learn more about you”, rayne said and pulled out a velvet box 
“i want to be the perfect man for you. i want to be that shield to protect your smile and laugh. i want to listen to your silly theories and complaints. our souls connected by pure chance for a reason and i think i finally found that reason. there is no doubt”, rayne gently picked up the box and opened it 
“[name][last name], will you marry me? i rayne ames, promise to keep you happy for the rest of your life and vow to never leave your side until my last breath”, rayne proposed 
you’ve never seen rayne with such emotions before. sure you have seen him talk about a future together at your late night talks but you’d never imagine the day he’d propose to you. rayne ames, the world’s youngest divine visionary, was asking for your hand in marriage. tears pooled your eyes as your smile grew even bigger 
“yes! yes a million times rayne! i would be honoured to marry you!”
your pooled tears were freely running down your cheeks. rayne slowly pulls the ring out of its velvet box and gently brings your left hand closer to him. treating your hand like glass, rayne carefully slips the ring into your finger. he kissed your hand and the rest became history 
packing everything, rayne picked up the picnic basket before the both of you walked back into the school. both of you were walking back to your dorms hand in hand. it was so obvious from your gleaming behaviour that today was the best day in your life 
“woah careful-” 
you accidentally bumped into dot to which you quickly apologised. feeling your right hand being tugged, you looked over to see rayne signalling to continue walking with him. waving dot and the gang behind him, you left the scene with your boyf- fiance 
“wait a damn minute! did you guys see that ring on [name]’s finger?”, dot question in shock 
“r-really? i didn’t notice”, finn said awkwardly hiding behind lance 
“no way!! [name] is engaged? oh i hope that happens to me too! right mash?”, lemon cheerfully asked the boy who looked blank 
“finn, why are you so quiet huh? what do you know?”, dot pressed 
that made finn spill everything. rayne had informed finn beforehand about the entire proposal plan. in fact, he even practised and helped rayne prepare a proper speech and encouraged his brother to speak from his heart. the whole gang froze for a minute before lemon began squealing and blushing about marriage 
“so we gotta call [name] with rayne’s surname?”, dot asked 
“[name] ames.. sounds nice”, lance repeated the name to confirm 
“i’m so happy for them! i can already imagine mine! lemon burnedead- ah” 
like that, lemon fell on the floor with a red face. finn panicked and rushed to the girl, fanning her and asking about her condition. all the while , mash wondered if [name] and rayne's wedding would have any cream puffs.
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© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator
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phntxm · 8 months
How you met him #2
part 1
char; rayne ames
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he was the person you met when you went to borrow a magic tool.
he recalled you as a nerd who frequently visited the Magical items department, he even saw you a lot more than his brother
there aren't many students around, which makes it quicker to get to know everyone, aside for other students or friends that helps Rayne with running his department of magical items
then you find out about his obsession for rabbits
(as a cat person who own more than ten cats in my house I related to his obsession-)
So you began to talk with him about rabbits and asking insightful questions
Rayne shown to be open up to you a little bit, but he still finds being closed to you unnecessary, so he tried to answer it in a short way
after that, you bring him some good quality rabbit food, hay, and other rabbit-related supplies
this helped his financial situation, since he's thrifty person, as you can clearly notice by the change in his behavior toward you
He'll tell you to stop, question why you've helped him so much, and claim that he doesn't need any of your help (a lil bit harsh)
yet, he realizes you must be spending a lot of money on him, so he's extremely appreciative of what you did and doesn't want to make things difficult for you
but he is still open to receive accessories or rabbit-related things, like rabbit keychains
Simply show curiosity about his bunnies, and one day he may invite you to play with them, yes, someday...
beautiful divider by @cafekitsune <3
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kyoghurts · 8 months
TO PROMISE LIFE. rayne ames
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content. fluff. 549 wc. soft & clingy rayne and domestic fluff. (its a perfect combo.)
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there are a myriad of things rayne ames is uncertain of. a divine visionary does not equal a god, by all means, he isn't one.
but he listens to his breathing sometimes, aware of his heart knocking against his ribcage, as if calling him, that he is human. and it's saying that he's perfect just the way he is.
it's not until you point these little mundane things out, he swears his life has never been this peaceful before. or rather, you both build a place to shelter amidst the chaos—he leaves them to the shoes by the time he comes home, taking them off and placing it beside yours neatly. he'll wear them again tomorrow, but for now, it will stay there until he has his arms wrapped around your torso, where skin meets skin all warm and familiar. where he would ask if you had done the laundry yet, or if the lamp has been fixed. where he would rest with you and whisper beneath your shared blanket of sweet nothings like a secret.
where he would promise to see you tomorrow, he is no god, dear no he isn't, but something as simple as to gently cradle his life and body after all the bloody work he has done— as simple as breathing, he will do it, and a promise is only to seal it. (a deep kiss doesn't count, although it can be a form of expression, his way of presenting his love when words fail him.)
there’s so much uncertainty in his life—things that should worry him—but it doesn’t.
he begins to understand why, even just by a fraction. it’s when you take him to the beach for his lungs to taste the salty chilly air and let the soles of his feet sink under the sand, feel the slight dampness as he sits next to you, and watch the first light break into the horizon. pastel pink hues smearing across the vast blue that is the sky, and sky kisses the sea with glistening jewels. this is where sky and sea will meet, inseparable, something he cannot distinguish as they blend together.
he puts a small amount of pressure on his fingers where they trace across your palm, his thumb on your wrist, bunny beaded bracelet that matches his. he feels your pulse. the beats singing a song he holds so dear. you’re human, perfect just the way you are.
skin meets skin. like sky meets the sea. he will not worry of things he can’t control.
“this is nice.” he voices out, your head rests against his shoulder.
you hum in agreement, a smile coming into place. “told you so.”
when you look at him and he looks at you. everything is tender, from the kiss in your temple to the arms that envelop you whole and firm and the absolute rarity of him muttering “i love you” against your chest. you could cry from how he says it, like he has so much to give. you could cry from so many things.
you say it back just as quietly. the both of you bathed in the soft light. you allow yourself to sink into his embrace, you believe in the promise of life, together with rayne, two halves as a whole.
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notes. @seneon for both of us bc we are so horrendously and sickeningly ill in love with rayne ♡
© kyoghurts. ★ reblogs & likes are well appreciated!
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luxthestrange · 7 months
MASHLE Memes #2
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Y/n*Holding Rayne by his thighs, pinning him to the wall, Pulling face away from his neck*...
Rayne*A deer in headlights as his legs wrapped tighter around you...seeing his brother caught him in this...risky pose*...
Y/n:...It is exactly what it looks like-
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kyloherrera · 8 months
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✦ ۫ 𑄼ల۫  ۪ FEB 8 — ROSES
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featuring: dot, , abel, rayne, odler, mash, lance. finn x gn! reader
note: I opened a patreon if you want to support me, and also there will be extra , spicier and special content that I will post there <3.
summary: will mashle boys gift or receive roses?
genre: fluff || event || patreon
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-Because mash is someone who values honesty, kindness, and simplicity, and he would likely see roses as a traditional and romantic gesture to express his affection he would more likely gift roses rather than receiving.
-He would approch the situation with genuine sincerity, wanting to express his affection in a clear and uncomplicated way.
-Mash would take the time to carefully select the roses, choosing the freshest and most beautiful ones he can find.
-Since he is a new one to buying roses he might seek advice from others or do some research to ensure he picks the right color and variety that symbolizes his feelings.
-He would probally add a personal touch to the gift, such as adding a little handwritten note expressing his feelings in his own earnest way.
-When delivering the rose, Mash would likely do so directly and without any grand gestures. He might approach his partner with a genuine smile and hand them the bouquet, simply saying something heartfelt like, "I got these for you because... well, because I like you a lot."
-Lance would want to make a memorable and grand gesture to express his affection. He might plan an elaborate surprise to ensure that the moment is both romantic and unforgettable.
-When choosing the rose Lance would opt for a large bouquet of roses, maybe in a vibrant and eye-catching color like red or pink to convey passion and romance.
-He might even go the extra mile to find rare or exotic varieties to impress his partner.
-He would choose a picturesque location or create a romantic ambiance for the occasion
-Lance would likely accompany the gift of roses with a heartfelt declaration of affection. He might express his love in a bold and poetic manner, leaving his partner in no doubt about the depth of his feelings.
-Given Finn's reserved and serious demeanor he might be more likely to receive roses from his significant other rather than gifting them.
-He is not be as comfortable with openly expressing affection in grand gestures like gifting roses.
-So when he received the roses, he expressed a quiet surprise and a slight blush.
-Finn would thank you, and he will convey his appreciation with a genuine smile and a soft-spoken "Thank you," showing that he values the sentiment behind the gift.
-He takes his time to observe the rose appreciating their beauty and symbolism.He might reflect silently on the significance of the gesture and what it means for his relationship with his partner.
-While Finn may not be one to openly express his emotions, receiving the roses would likely touch him deeply, so he expressed his feelings
-He would probally put the roses in fresh water to keep them around him allowing them to brighten his surroundings and serve as a reminder of your love and thoughtfulness.
-Being a perceptive and observant person, Dot , would first notice that their significant other admires roses or finds them meaningful.Dot might pick up on subtle cues or expressions of interest from their partner.
-He would do a meticolous planning, in which he ensures that every detail is gone through.
-He would research every type of roses and their meaning to select the most appropriate variety for their partner.
-He would choose a quiet moment to present the roses, perhaps during a private and intimate setting where they can express their feelings without drawing too much attention.
-He would accompany the deliver of the roses with a sincere heartfelt expression of their feelings choosing their words carefully to ensure they resonate with their partner.
-He is more likely to gift roses than to receive them, because he considerate it a gesture of affection and aprecciation.
-Abel would take the time to carefully consider the gesture, wanting to ensure that it's meaningful and well-received. He might pay attention to your preferences and interests to choose the perfect moment for the gift.
-He would choose the bouquet with care opting for a bouquet that reflects his partner's personality and style. He might select a mix of your favorite colors or varieties, or he might choose a single type of rose that holds special significance to you.
-He most likely add a personal touch to the gift, perhaps by hand-picking the roses himself or arranging them into a beautiful bouquet.
-He would also include a handwritten note expressing his feelings and appreciation for his partner.
-He doesn't often smile but for you, he will. He would present the bouquet with a genuine smile, conveying his affection through his actions and words.
-He would also say a few words to express gratitude for your presence in his life and the happiness you bring him.
-He has a thoughtful and considerate personality, this makes him likely to express his affection through meaningful gestures like giving roses to someone he cares about.
-Rayne would pay close attention to your preferences and interests, including any hints you may have dropped about liking roses or flowers in general.
-He would carefully plan the gesture considering the timing and presentation to ensure it is meaningful and well-received.
-He would take the time to select the perfect bouquet of roses, choosing a variety that holds significance or symbolism for your relationship.
-He would also add a personal touch, by making a little love letter to you. Expressing his feelings and appreciation for you.
-He would choose a quiet and intimate moment to present to you the gift allowing you and him to to share the moment togheter.
-Along with the roses he would express his love and gratitude for you verbally , emphasizing the depth of his feelings and the importance of your relationship to him.
-He would most likely be direct about his feelings and his love gestures.
-First he would approach the situation with confidence and decisiveness. He wouldn't hesitate to express his feelings and intentions clearly.
-He would select a single rose, likely in a bold and vibrant color like red to convey passion and intensity.
-He would also choose a high-quality rose to reflect his own standards of excellence.
-Odler would deliver the rose with a boldness and determination making his intentions clear since the begging.
-He would approch you with a direct gaze and a confident stride, holding out the rose as a symbol of his affection.
-He would also accompany the gift with a sincere expression of his feelings. He would speak from the heart, conveying his admiration and appreciation for you in his own assertive way.
-He would also be likely to fill your bed with roses in a valentine day and make love right there with you.
-He would plan an extravagant and elaborate setup for presenting the rose to you
-He will choose a picturesque location or create a romantic ambiance with decorations, candles, and music.
-He would also carefully select the perfect rose, opting for a luxurious and visually striking bloom.
-He would choose a rare or exotic variety to impress his partner and make the gesture even more memorable. Like blue roses.
-He would also accompany the gift of the rose with a poetic and romantic declaration of his feelings
-He might recite a heartfelt love poem or deliver a passionate speech expressing his adoration for his partner.
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@stvrlightt123 @Mysticalpersonpoetry @mailkyeom03
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seneon · 4 months
SKETCHING SPIDERS ──── rayne ames x fem! reader.
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about. whatever you draw on your skin, the same drawing will appear on your soulmate as well. ROYAL! AU. sfw + suggestive, reader's surname is archer, mentions of alcohol. wc of 3.2k.
notes. i'm experimenting. also first week of exams done i have math, business & accounting next week 😭😭
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overcast clouds and the grey shades engulf the vast sky. you're seated in the royal room of a class for the children of nobles, fidgeting with a clean feather quill that was played by your fingers.
as usual, it is another boring day as an academic victim of the noble standards. in a classroom full of the descendants or the next heir of royal and noble families, they were all academically intelligent. for the future of their family, of course. that is no surprise, considering you have to study hard to maintain a good status in your family of nobles.
as the tutor continued to speak his mind out about philosophy or the sort, you looked around the classroom. for a high-class classroom, there sure is quite some dust in the high ceilings that nobody could reach up to.
you see many concentric circles woven by threads at the far corner, all meeting at one common centre. a genius idea then sprouted in your mind like the multi-legged creatures that created those corner ceiling webs.
the quill that you were just fiddling with became an item to use as your teacher rambled on and on about the stars and how to read them astrologically. you used it in a wiser way rather than write a bunch of fancy words into sketching. an act that only the royal artists could carry out.
first, you dipped your quill into the ink and lightly flicked the access ink off. then you lifted the sleeves of your lace coral pink dress, turning your left arm the other way. your seatmate, nora martin, watched in silence as her eyebrows scrunched in anticipation of what you were about to do with your lifted sleeves.
“what are you attempting to execute now, lady archer?” nora asked as you shot her a tiny smile. “just a teensy bit bored from mr. valac’s lessons. m’ gonna entertain myself.”
your seatmate, nora of the martin house, does not bat her eyelash or blink in your direction. this is common for her, just like buying groceries to cook.. or waking up to brush your hair with a wooden hairbrush made out of the best wood in the kingdom. she is used to your shenanigans, even if it meant to be a little bit rebellious during the process, such as dirtying your arm in boredom.
well either way, nobody is going to lift your sleeves to inspect your arm, for it is a crime in the law. at least, to people of nobility.
the ink does not easily dry on the surface of your arm, tainting your skin in a hue of black. the feather quill was quite ticklish too, sometimes it occasionally burns mildly against your skin as the tip of the feather drags along to create a small design with the ink.
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once it dried, you showed nora your masterpiece. she actually fancied the result, thus praising how good you actually are at painting. for all that you know, your drawn masterpiece will not come off as easily as staining the tip of the quill in black ink.
it is going to be hard to wash it off. to wash the ink off.
“a spider?” kaldo gehenna asked as he inspected the drawing on the left arm of his subordinate. subordinate because the gehenna and the person he speaks to is of the same ranking in the military.
“how'd that appear?”
“i have no answer for you,” rayne ames, captain level replied as he too, inspected the mark that appeared on his arm. “i believe it appeared during the day.”
“i believe so too. i mean, you didn't have it when you dressed up this morning, did you?” kaldo placed his fingers in his chin, trying to find possible solutions as to where a random marking of a spider and a few strands of web marks came from. the military isn't one to have such markings.
now that it is night and it is time to rest and let loose if the days’ happenings, the ames undressed with his most trusted subordinate and the both of them are greeted with a marking of a spider on rayne’s arms.
the knights are only glad that they wore long sleeves. if it had been exposed, rayne was sure that his arm would be sliced off for having such a marking in his arm.
“i heard there is a legend where whatever your soulmate draws on her skin, it will appear on your skin too. perhaps your soulmate drew a spider on heir skin,” the other captain said as he shrugged.
“why in the world would my soulmate draw on her arm? is she a fool?”
once again, the gehenna shrugged and carefully kept his knightly gears back to where they belong. “perhaps she was feeling bored, just like you at today's assembly. two bored souls. you can try to draw something small on your arm to see if that does anything or not.”
left in a plain white button up t-shirt and his black pants, kaldo took his belongings and waved his subordinate good-bye. “well, i hope you find your soulmate soon. you really need some romance in your life, rayne.”
when the ames went home, all he could do was stare at the spider marking on his arms. the only explanation he could gather was that his soulmate clearly used the black ink for writing to draw the insect on her arm. she didn't even try to erase the parts where it went wrong, she just drew on it to create spider webs.
his stoic golden honey eyes that were locked onto the mere insect. fingers slowly tracing over the outlines of the spider legs and the webs behind it. he admits it, his soulmate is good at drawing. perhaps she is a painter, an artist. someone who comes from a lineage of working for the royal family in the line of art.
but if she is his soulmate, why has she drawn something now? why has she not been leaving any suspicious or interesting marks on his skin in his eighteen years of living? why only now, when he was just assigned to the role of a captain in the royal military?
whatever the case, rayne ames could only keep brushing his fingers against the mark that appeared out of mere thin air. he needed to find the cause of this random marking soon.
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the fifteenth birthday of the royal prince, mash burnedead. of course his family of princes would host a royal birthday party for him. and of course, all nobles are to attend the young boy's birthday celebration.
so are you and your family. your parents, who stood among all the other noble adults as you stand beside them, their mouths never ending to boast about how well you do in your academics and how well you are in arts.
as if you were their little doll to ramble on and on, you simply stood there with a tiny smile, your fingers occasionally pulling up the elbow gloves so it wouldn't reveal a single speck of the spider drawing you drew just the day before the party.
you already knew it wasn't going to come off easily, considering the quality of the ink is strong enough to stain your white satin curtains for weeks before fully coming out. your parents had forgotten to inform you about the upcoming party of the prince too, making your arm more difficult to cover up since your silk elbow glove is on the shorter side.
“father, mother, if i may excuse myself to the restroom for a few moments?” you asked in a voice that sounded like it was a beg. you just wanted out from the ordeal of having to stand for hours and listen to your parents indirectly praising you while your mouth is kept shut with no place to allow your tongue to twist and turn.
“of course, dear! be back soon, alright?” your mother replied as you nodded and took your elegant bow at them and also at the other noblemen that were lending an ear to your parents.
it was all a simple lie to get you out of this pathetic situation and to escape to somewhere where you can have your own fun and enjoy your own time, whether it being alone or finding another fellow noble that you know off, preferably someone from your class.
your preferences led you outside the ballroom, where it is far from a huge crowd, but filled with people who prefer to be outside the ballroom.
“lady archer! over here!” the monotonous voice which you recognised called out to you as a hand fan waved in the air, signalling for you to journey your way through the hallways to where nora stood.
you made your way through the velvet carpet and curtsied at your friend, before doing so to the guests around her.
“this is noir martin, my idiotic brother of the military army and his friends of the military, lord kaldo gehenna and lord rayne ames,” nora introduced as you curtsied once again.
“they are looking for women to cheer their champagne to,” a horrified expression formed on your friend's face as she pointed her fan towards her elder brother. “especially this man.”
noir held his hands in the air for defense. “hey hey, little sister. it is normal for men who want to find a beautiful wife, isn't it?”
“not if you're a captain leading an army of hundreds of soldiers! they usually perish in battle like the strong mighty soldier they are, honouring their kingdom.”
the martins conversed in an argumentative conversation, kaldo occasionally joining in. while you stood beside nora, covering your left arm. if not, you'd keep pulling your elbow glove up.
it was no surprise that the attentive ames was silently observing you, a gorgeous noblewoman who will soon benefit to the future of the kingdom. the ames is to, one day, serve you, since you are an honoured ally of the royal family.
“oh uhm, i am quite anxious…” you averted his gaze, hands subconsciously moving to cover your arm as rayne's eyes followed your hands. “is there a problem with your arm? are you hurt?”
“you seem to be anxious,” rayne said.
that voice. the honeyed, yet silky voice almost no one in the military dares to defy. it was an addictively dangerous voice to the hearts and souls of many women.
“no! i’m not!”
there it was. the little sneaky spider legs that peeked out from the edge of your satin piece, though unknown to the people around. there was one person that knew about it though. he just happened to blink before he could see the leg peeking out.
“if you insist…” the knight slowly nodded, his hands travelling to the same arm that the spider appeared.
how odd. he's technically doing the same thing you are doing. it's just a different direction to what other humans in the hallways perceive.
“my name is rayne ames, captain of the royal military army. my brother finn goes to the royal academy too,” he bowed.
you did your part to introduce yourself as a proper lady. like any other proper gentleman, rayne took your hands in his and gave your knuckles a chaste kiss.
something he did to your fingers made you flutter on the inside. it was as if he invited butterflies into your body just by his lips touching the silk of your glove. it was no different for the kiss. he kept it chaste, but there was an unexplainable reason that tells you it wasn't just a gentleman gesture he was showing you.
well, the night went past with your newly made friend from the military who shared a mutual amount of laughs and jokes with you throughout the night. what could possibly go wrong?
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“sir! there's a spider on your hand!” the voice of a knight exclaimed as rayne glanced at his hands, his eyes widening a little before he attempted to slap it away.
but it does not go away.
it stays.
just like the spider drawing that randomly appeared out of nowhere, completely fading after a few days. but now, a new mark appears. and a new accusation arises.
“could it be his soulmate!?”
“lord ames, perhaps your soulmate is nearby!”
“you fancy spiders, captain?”
the male slapped his palms against his forehead at the words of his soldiers. surely the mark has to appear at a strategy meeting where he is specifically pointing at other nations. there couldn't be a better timing where his hands weren't in the view of other people.
now his darling soulmate has to draw on her hand, close to her thumb, the same silly spider drawing again that appears as a temporary marking to the ames.
as if one time wasn't enough for the rayne to embarrass him and allow his comrades to lose focus of their goals— the marks appear at many other times in situations where he couldn't control. all over his arm.
one night he sat down at his armchair, surrounded by the crackling sounds of the fire. rayne took kaldo’s idea, dipping his feather into washable ink and wrote a stop drawing on your arm with his quill.
a mere simple no form. in response, rayne rolled his eyes, scoffing at how cocky the person on the other end is. he wanted to get this over with so his teammates would seal their mouth shut in the absence of a spider drawing randomly spawning on his skin.
it was hilarious, since it was only his left arm that received such a vulgar insect drawing. rayne gave up and put away his writing materials and went to slumber. he pray that the spider drawings would soon end and he would finally have peace in the army. and also to meet his soulmate who is so interested in spiders.
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noir martin is officially wedded to a woman from the house of irvine, to a beautiful classmate of yours, lemon. and the world is to congratulate and celebrate the happiness of the newlywed.
“when am i be wedded to a handsome and strong man…” you muttered to yourself as you let out a sigh. “i could've sworn my soulmate wrote back to me.”
unfortunately your mutters were heard by rayne who stood beside you, serving as your escort for the day.
“oh? how do you already know your soulmate?”
“well. i draw. then he simply told me to stop drawing.”
rayne raised a brow. “if he's your soulmate, then why did he ask you to stop drawing?” in his mind, this soulmate of yours is an extremely selfish and rude man that doesn't deserve you at all.
“because i’m embarrassing him in front of his friends with my spiders.”
his jaw slightly let loose. rayne couldn't focus on anything else other than to watch your lips move as you complained about your soulmate and spiders.
“my dearest lady y/n of the archer house,” the ames gently took your hand in his and bowed, remaining in his posture, he says, “may i commit a crime and steal you away for a few moments?”
spiders are your new favourite thing to draw now ever since that boring day in your philosophy lesson.
rayne just happened to the extra canvas.
a field of red roses tinted your cheeks red as you ceased the smile that threatened to surface.
“yes you may, lord ames.”
as you finished uttering your words, rayne took your hand to guide you through the huge and long halls of the martin estate. it was silent all the way and you felt nervous. as if there were thousands of spiders who slowly crawled up your back, giving you the chills yet the nervousness that embraced you.
he led you out the huge garden, never stopping until he reached the point where there were stone benches. being the gentleman he is, rayne told you to take a seat as he took off the white glove he wore on his left arm.
rayne took a seat himself, setting his gloves to the side. all while your eyes followed his actions, including the little mark that was just a bit above his pinky finger. you recognised that mark as you seemingly lit up upon seeing it.
“that's a—”
without hesitation, you took out your left arm’s glove. nobody is going to walk into the garden anyways, so it's safe to take off your glove. golden honey eyes immediately locking its gaze onto the same spider that was in the same exact position as the one on rayne's fingers.
“you’re my soulmate!” you exclaimed, gasping in the process.
the corner of rayne’ lips curved upwards a little as he nodded, his fingers tracing the spider that was imprinted on his fingers.
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rayne ames is now tracing the undone spider sketches, smudging the ink all over your right thigh as you could feel his hot, ragged breath on your cheek. you faced the other way, your own breath heavy as you shifted in your position.
“trying to draw a spider on your thigh while i’m away on a mission by the king's orders tells me how much you miss me. how much you need me,” rayne said, his golden eyes staring into yours. “then you tried to sketch another in my presence, my lady. what are you trying to do?”
first of all, how did you get into this situation where both you are under the military captain as he cornered you?
long story short, you were out with your lady friends, and they were all drinking the night away. as your carriages came to pick you up and your lady-in-waiting cleaned you up after the night full of consuming the kingdom's finest alcohols, soberness left your mind.
the worst is the honoured son of the ames family arriving at your family's estate to give them an emergency visit. well you were not in a state to be speaking to guests, so you were kept in your room.
but rayne insisted on a visit to his beloved darling, and he too, ended up being drunk from the alcohol that you shoved into his mouth with the bottle that you sneaked in the house.
“i need you… and you need me too,” you muttered, lazy eyes scanning all over the white button up t-shirt that rayne wears. how it would be so easy to just tear them open right now.
“do i have you to myself?” rayne set his head at the crook of your neck, shifting up so his mouth comes in contact with your shoulders. the man slightly pulled down the lace sleeves, exposing your bare shoulders to him.
with rayne's lips on your shoulders, you hummed under your breath, resulting in a kiss.
“you are my woman. my soulmate, y/n.”
“forever yours,” you whispered into his ears as he continued to press chaste kisses onto your shoulder, his other hand leaving your sketched and messy thigh to snake it around your waist.
“i’m going to kiss you until those spiders all over your body are all messy. and you will do the same to me, darling.”
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TAGS ★ @kyoghurts @caelivir @dragonictears @anqelically @hasumiis @raynesbunny @vash-yuu @sakireiz @futuristicxie @redlabelboom @ilovecandys2010
© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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