#rb if you have any artist friends. this is very important
dragonheart2497 · 11 months
things twitter migrants may find useful that dont often get included in "how to tumblr" posts
1- queueing!
instead of feeling bad for spam-reblogging and clogging up other people's feeds, you can click the dropdown and add it to your queue instead!
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you can edit how many times a day your queue posts, and between what hours. You can easily re-order or completely shuffle your queue as well!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REBLOG STUFF. Tumblr doesn't run on an algorithm!! YOU are responsible for putting cool stuff onto your followers feeds!
"but if i reblog too much people can't see my posts!" i have just the thing for you
2- personal tags
You can have different tags you use on your blog to help people navigate! for example, i use "dh rb art" when I reblog art and "dh rb" for most other reblogs- that's so that people can filter my reblogs out of their feeds if they dont wanna see that, and only want my original posts to show up.
On the other hand, my art is tagged "dh2497" so they can easily search my account for it!
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If you open a person's blog and click the search button, a list of Featured Tags will show up. By default this is just the blogger's most used tags, but you can customize what shows up on yours in your blog settings
You can follow entire hashtags too! if you wanna see hermitcraft fanart without following every hermitcraft artist, follow the tag :D
3- Filtering
Tumblr actually hides things you don't wanna see, very nicely!
In your account settings, you can filter specific tags, and even specific words that show up in the post.
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sometimes different bloggers warning tag differently (i do [trigger] tw or [content] cw) so you can try to input every variant, but if its something you really want to avoid just put it in the post content as well. Blocklists aren't really a tumblr thing, so if you wanna avoid an entire community you can block their tag as well
NEVER. CENSOR. YOUR WARNINGS. PLEASE. On twitter or tiktok or wherever, you may have to do that or else the algorithm suppresses it- THERES NO ALGORITHM HERE!!! if someone reblogs your post, it will show up for others, don't worry!!! you're just bypassing filters placed for people's safety, if you censor words.
Also! don't worry too much if a word you wanna filter is commonly used in unrelated contexts- tumblr doesn't remove it entirely, but rather adds a 'spoiler' so that you have to click on it to view it. So just in case it is what you want to avoid, you have time to prepare to see it.
4- effective tagging
[read more in detail here] Only the first 5 tags will show up for people who follow the hashtag. That makes them the most important! Then, the first 20 tags will make the post show up when searching that tag. The rest of them do not give your post any visibility.
I see a lot of people reblogging art with fanart tags- that can be useful for searching back the tag in the reblogger's blog specifically, but doesn't actually give the OP more visibility in that tag.
You'll learn what tags to use by checking the content you come across! most communities are "[word]blr", and most fanart goes "#[character/show] fanart". tumblr tags can have spaces!
Lastly, a few notes
you will only have 1 PRIMARY blog. this will appear when you like a post, comment on a post, or follow a blog. your sideblogs will not link back to your primary blog, but you cannot do those interactions as those sideblogs.
artists love receiving compliments when you reblog!! commenting does NOT boost the post. most people put their compliments in the TAGS of their reblog, so that it doesn't become a long post/thread, and if people reblog the reblog of your reblog you won't keep gettings notifications about it. The artist will still see and very much appreciate it
read up on tumblr etiquette, do not treat this place like twitter or you'll be disliked lol. there are some 'big blogs' but follower counts aren't public, popularity isn't a contest here. make friends, or just block/ignore people you don't get along with. no one cares about your petty arguments
if you noticed the lil cat in my screenshots, that's from a very useful browser extension called XKit!! it enables 1-click queue reblogs (automatically adding your tags), mass-post editing, and lots of other great tweaks vanilla tumblr doesn't have! and the cat is a silly cute thing you can enable in it as well
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soapoet · 1 year
W.I.T.C.H. pick-a-card reading
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Irma Lair; your gifts
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: John my beloved by Sufjan Stevens
you probably already know this, and have heard it time after time, but you're very sensitive. not in a bad way, except when it overwhelms you and drains all your energy, but you are insanely intuitive. you may struggle a lot with your faith in humanity. one day you're snuggled up in bed sobbing over compilations of human kindness, then the next you log on twitter and declare humanity irredeemable. and worst of all you feel so alone. it's frustrating feeling like those around you go through the motions of life seemingly unaffected by the constant eldrich horrors around every corner. you know that it's not that they don't care, but sometimes you might secretly wish you could have a sip of whatever it is that's numbing them down. finding supportive and understanding friends to surround yourself with is important to your well-being because harsh words and criticism can bruise you harder than most. this sensitivity may sometimes feel more like a burden than a gift, but i assure you that there's a lot of positives to it.
you are naturally inclined to do well with energy healing and may develop clairvoyance on top of your already prominent clairsentience, and quickly learn how to wield these abilities. your compassionate nature makes you a very good source of comfort and support for others and you're able to gently guide others in a way that isn't intrusive, so many would flock to you for advice if you opened up shop as an emotional support human of some kind. be sure to safeguard your own energy and do as much or as little as you want and can when you hone your skills should you decide to practice any kind of divination or spiritual practice. even outside of more spiritual things you'd make good use of your gifts in teaching, psychology, or medicine. you put people at ease and it's easy for others to get attached to your energy, and you just as easily get a little too invested from time to time, so be sure to keep your boundaries clear and take plenty of time for yourself to recharge and ground yourself.
Shufflemancy: Brittle bones Nicky by Rare Americans
some call it chaos, you call it fun. you have a knack for entertaining a crowd. even if you're shy around people you don't know well enough, those closest to you know you best for your creative genius. you're an engaging communicator and storyteller, and have a lot of ideas swirling around your brain. you really should get some of it out before you get dizzy. you'd make a terrific writer, artist, a performer, or public speaker. yes, even if that last one made your stomach churn a little. you're very likeable and fun, and you'd draw a lot of attention if you just put yourself out there. lots of people could use your zest for life and learn a lot from the stories you could tell, whether real or fictional.
music, cinema, theatre, story driven games, and literature may be things you find a lot of joy in. you're inclined to develop clairaudience, and you may already notice auditory cues and coincidences more than most, and find a lot of guidance and motivation from the music you listen to or from your own inner monologues that lead to aha moments. are you afraid of the spotlight? not sure where to start? if what's stopping you from pursuing your wildest dreams is a jumbled mess of what ifs and lists of things you need to perfect and reconfigure and practice until your face turns blue, stop. you're already good at cartwheeling your way through life, talking yourself in and out of things and thinking on your feet, so you absolutely got what it takes to just go, and figure out the minute details along the way.
Shufflemancy: Pavlov's daughter by Regina Spektor
people usually hire staff to do all that you're able to do all on your own. you're very well-rounded. a jack of all trades, perhaps? you're intelligent, practical, and very creative. you'd make a great entrepreneur because you're such a hardworker once you set your sight on something you want to achieve. you seem to have a deep trust in your own strength and abilities. you're emotionally strong and very independent. freedom is likely a big motivator for you, and being your own boss sounds very appealing to you. you're claircognizant and just seem to know what needs to be done and also get things done. you're an incredible taskmaster and do well with organising your thoughts and ideas and solving problems that pop up.
manifestations must come easily to you, unless your ties to the 3d and a distinct flair of realism and tendency to 'believe it when you see it' holds you back from having faith. but there is nothing you couldn't do, and those limitations should be easy enough for you to clear. i mean, look at everything you've already done and what you're capable of when you decide that what you want is what you get! make sure to rest plenty, though. you're often at risk of burnout because you strive when you have things to do and may have a hard time kicking back to relax when you could be spending that time doing something. even your hobbies align with your goals or fit right into your resume, so do try to find something to do that isn't so much about chasing accolades as it is simply enjoying yourself for the sake of pure enjoyment.
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codecicle · 9 months
pfp by @/living 404 ^_^
WHATS POPPING‼️ I'm Ashton B Codecicle Gayboy Swagaythor and I use he/him they/them and it/its with no preference in between all of them. Dudebro Manguy who will be weird and freakish on your dashboard faggot-style :D👍
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matching pfps with my boyfriend @felixisfruity and my friend @originallymax ^_^
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‼️ cc!wilbur and cc!dream stans fuck off. if i talk about them im always talking about their characters (my ocs) ‼️
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HELLO!! gaze apon ye affront to god and despair. if me or any of my posts have made you deeply sigh with shame and regret then i may be entitled to financial compensation! cashapp me 20 bucks rn
also! am a minor ^_^ so i wont be drawing the labia ghoul as i am 15 years of age smiley face (<- inside joke)
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number ONE codeflippa and qcharlie enthusiast. if anyone tells u otherwise run very very fast in the other direction and dont look back its me boy im the ps5 speaking to you inside ur brain listen to me boy
mcyt is my special intrest im never leaving this place until the day i die. qsmp dsmp osmp scu smplive cogchamp sdmp epicsmp.. my servers.... <3 i also watch chuckle sandwich and jrwi + most mcyt adjacent people
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I do not make sideblogs and never plan on it! outside of!! url hoarding and my singular jrwi gimmick blog/son @has-chip-beaten-the-allegaytions I'm a Chip "Bastard" James JRWI enthusiast btw ^_^)
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albatrio are transexuals and faggots and in queer platonic t3t love i dont care about jrwitwt they can explode. sad! 💥💥💥💥
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also also im a grimeduo guy. a big one. being both a slimer and an inniter at the same time is like a full time job of being transgender but i somehow manage. who up beastin
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if you ever want to listen to my scu propaganda and start watching it i ramble about it a little bit in this ask
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i am learning french btw!! charlie and baghera mental illness strikes again (chose the class before the qsmp started and has now managed to make practicing a language into something about my special interests to make me more intrested in it) ((YOU WANNA SEND ME ASKS IN FRENCH. YOU WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO ME IN FRENCH. YOU NEED TO GIVE ME FRENCH PRACTICE. ITS MEEEE BOY IM THE FUCKING PS5 FREE WILL IS AN ILLUSION))
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collection of people being normal about me.
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(my chip hater blinkies and normal about father-child dynamics shirt were both made by felix!! <3 this egg is transgender image was made by @/foxtriestobiteandmaimandkilland </3 and the juanaflippa divider can be used with credit to the artist!! it was made by @/etoilesbienne)
tag list ahead! if you ever need me to tag something just send me an ask or dm and let me know i will ALWAYS say yes i want people to be safe. that being said i do talk about triggering topics from time to time and my intrests are often gore/body horror filled like genloss or bitb so keep that in mind!! i will still tag them properly but i am a walking trigger warning PLEASE stay safe :DD
original posts -> i make yet anothet post just for me 👍
important things ive gottta find multiple times -> saving for later
i am arguably a pink core (the typa shit ballincat43 is on) person and you can pry that from my cold dead hands so here is the tag for it LMAO -> me core
qsmp -> qsmp
qsmp fanart -> qsmp art
absurdly powerful dnd podcast posting -> jrwi (i also tag the individual characters)
liveblogging newer jrwi episodes or jrwiepisodes with spoilers -> jrwilb
gayass military game posting -> cod
generation loss -> genloss
jerma -> jerma is a fucking cryptid
liveblogging -> liveblogging
ask tag -> we have mail :]
best asks I've ever received -> askbox hall of fame
slimecicle cinematic universe -> scu
autism² (risk of rain) -> ror2
self rb -> reblogging my own post
the mcu / mutual cinematic universe -> little rp thing I do with my friends ^_^
tag for elliot (my boyfriend) -> my love felix <3 <3
pokemon (autism³) -> poketag
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stormoflina · 4 months
Thank you so much.
So I finished it earlier than I thought, here it is!
TLDR: Dominik's tattoo artist talking about meeting Dominik, their friendship and most especially, his brand new chest tattoo and the ideas behind it to two hosts of a Hungarian morning show.
Long intro from the journalists, the only important info is that they mention how due to the request of Dominik’s family they can only ask about certain topics, because it’s a rather intimate matter. Then the male journalist asks about how the artist got there, was it difficult bringing his own stuff to Dominik’s house. 
Tattoo Artist: “ It would have been difficult to gather everything that is needed for making a tattoo and bringing them all with me [to Dominik’s house], so we basically made a ‘studio’ at Dominik’s and that’s how it was done. We ordered what was needed online to his house, and when he had free time on certain days, we worked on the tattoo on his chest.”
Female Journalist: “We know that you can’t say much and neither do we want you to speak in Dominik’s name, so please only tell us what you are allowed to…”
TA: “Just ask me!”
FJ: “Yeah, okay (...) So, what was Dominik’s wish, what did he want?”
TA: “Well, I guess this is a question that can be labeled as private, but perhaps Dominik won’t get mad at me if I tell you guys broadly. What he had in mind is to have a tattoo that can represent and show his journey, his very difficult, but so far successful journey he has been on from the moment he was born, from the moment he started playing football. And also his mentality, what was needed for his journey, that’s what he wanted to have on his skin, inked on, in the form of pictures. Basically, it’s a tool to tell a story, his story. Reading from left to right, starting from the moment he was born to, well, who knows, nobody knows until when, that’s what the stars and planets are meant to symbolize.”
MJ: “It looks very cool, and of course, it looks beautiful on Dominik. (...) How much did it take to complete it, how many hours are needed to make a tattoo [like this one]?”
TA: “Finally, a good question! Good that you asked in hours, because it's easier to answer. We only had certain parts of a day, and he wasn’t always available. so we had to work with that. All in all, it took like 3 days… We had once a 10 hour long session, and I think two 6(ish) hours long ones. All in all, it was like 26 hours.”
FJ: “We know that this story went viral (...) that you have been contacted by many journalists (...), so we are thankful that this is your first interview, and that you chose us. Still, it’s a huge deal that you had the chance to work together with such a big star like Dominik, we know how famous he got (...). Did you know each other from before, or was this your first time meeting him?”
TA: “ Yeah, we do. I will confess, I didn’t think that this would blow up the way it did. I mean, like, I have a good relationship with Dominik, so in my head he is (...) I mean, obviously, I respect him and admire him for what he has achieved, but still, we have a private relationship. So, I didn’t even consider that if I post his tattoo, even the English media will find out about it and report about it, because that’s what happened… Yeah, I have known him ever since he signed for Leipzig. At first, he contacted me, because he wanted a correction for one of his tattoos. I met him for the first time when he was still playing for RB Leipzig.
MJ: “You mentioned how many hours it took to get it done (...), during those hours do you ask him about stuff, trying to have a conversation, or rather sit in silence, listen to music (...) how does it work? Have you found out any behind the scenes secrets?”
TA: “ No. No, because for him, you know, it’s about relaxation. I mean, even if he doesn’t want it, we were together for 3 days constantly. Even if you are forced to be with your best friend in the world that amount of time, being as close to each other as like 5-10 centimeters, face-to-face, it can get a lot. We had a friendly conversation, I’m not trying to ask him for information (...), of course we talked about stuff, a lot of stuff, I will not say we didn’t, but I didn’t spend my 3 days with him trying to get information out from him.” 
The rest of the video was about his personal and work life, where he is currently, career, etc, nothing else about Dominik. 
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serica-e · 9 months
People have asked me to bring some examples so there it is
Aó: it's moreover a way to call out people,like at times it can be used as a greeting but also usually its more as a short way to say "stop" "what the fuck are you doing???"and stuff like that for example
"Aó Bella" this could either be a cat caller or a cringy guy with a girl friend calling out to her for whatever reason idk (*Bella is not really the most romantic word in Italian so it's not really a romantic gesture lol)
Or Roman person is almost getting run over and they you hear a loud "AÓ" and then a bunch of insults following
More hetalian example someone touches Rome's curl and he is like "aó, cazzo fai??" (Aó wtf are you doing)
Ué: hello i am actually not from naples nor have i ever like lived there so mine is mostly a guess from a teacher who used it to call out for me but tbf he is not exactly neapolitan-? He is from the same region tho but you guys cannot go wrong with Uaglió (it means dude i think)
Mí: Mí is very much a catch all t's the like the shortened Version of minchia which is Dick... but it's used like "oh shit" "oh fuck" it's usually a reaction word and not a call out word like aó
For example, your friend tells you they are breaking up with their bf and you go "miiií mi dispiace.... " (mi dispiace= I am sorry) ir your friend tells you they are getting married so you go "miiiiií che Bello!" (How nice) the tone is important obv but contextually you can understand if you are using positively or not
Tho common call out word like ao it's not even a word but a letter it's oooo. Tho I am sure it's used pretty much in all the south
Psa: if you rb this post I urge you to reblog a local artist as well,whether they write or do any form of visual form ,please , support artists just as much as you are supporting a random guy making a lighthearted post ty
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princemick-archive · 2 years
i hope it's okay if i send you this but i'm pretty new to the f1 side of tumblr and don't really know the ins and outs yet and you're literally the first blog i came across and you seem really popular and talented so i thought i'd ask you for some blog recommendations? and maybe you'd know if there's any like fandom etiquette one should follow on f1 tumblr that's different from general tumblr etiquette because i know some fandoms have some extra unspoken rules and all that
Hi nonnie ofc it's okay!! so here's:
kyle, princemick's beginners guide to f1blr!
basic rules to f1blr:
please always tag any kind of crash, they happen, theyre scary please remember to tag them with 'crash tw'
don't cross tag keep the right drivers in the right tags, we dont wanna see max in the ferrari tag or charles in the merc tag etc
tag your hate with 'anti *insert driver*' (use first name not both first and last so it doesnt show up in the main tags) and don't go looking in those tags for ur fav just to defend them that's annoying ass hell
basic things to remember:
rpf is very likely to happen, if you dont enjoy it no worries to blacklist or not follow people who are active in it BUT rpf does happen a lot casually as jokes etc so dont take it to seriously
everyone has their favs and critize everyone, the block and unfollow button is right there, its still sport. curate your own experience.
NOW kyle's blog rec list below the cut!
go and support and show some love, they're all incredible creators and organized by fav driver/genre of content so please take some time to check them out!! (tried to explain what they mostly do but some just rb and post so ajksdb theyre still all amazing though)
a lot of these are also mixed in who they support, I put them in the catagory of people I identify them w most.
also tumblr is a dick so has a tag limit which means half of these are links so there are a bunch of people in here who didnt get a notif that they're in this post, so rip.
FIRST OFF follow my most beloveds @milflewis and @yeericcihaw theyre two of the most important people in my life who are on their own incredible creators, niamh is an incredible writer and fran a wonderful gif maker. both of them make tumblr so so much better for me and I love them dearly
general f1 blogs/people i think everyone should follow:
@race-week should be in everyone's following if they call themselves an f1 fan // @maranello THE ferrari blog (and incredible editor) // @brawn-gp incredible editor, ferrari main // @formulaoneisajoke lando main // @h-f-k amazing graphic designer // @alpinegasly insane f1 poster designer // @f1-stuff mosttly ferrari gifs that are incredibly and high quality // @yukierree irl friend and wonderful graphic designer // @husbono amazing writer and graphic designer // @hakkinens one of the source for classic f1 stuff also lew/seb/charles main // @greenliketheskyf1pics the classic f1 blog // @edoardo-mortara one of the non f1 motorsport blog // @josefnewgayden also one of the non f1 motorsport blogs // @oscar-piastri one of the best gifmakers/editors on this website
@souriadraws incredible artist // @alboncat amazingly stylistic and cute artist // @stoffelwdc incredible artist // @russilton incredible artist with a really distinct style // @absurdt funny and cute artist // @livetogether--diealone amazing charles main artist // @ruszhou incredible artist and george/yuki/guanyu main // @sebsxmp amazing linework // @mangocito incredibly cute artist // @cedobols the seb artist // @hyonibee one of the cutests styles
@stuckonspidey one of the mick writers in the fandom imo // @effervescentdragon insane (affectionate) and incredible writer // @schulott amazing schullot writer // @redpaint charles fan and writer
@acrosstobear 1/3 of the pilars of mickblr // @boomacher 2/3 of the pilars of mickblr // @mickstart the schumacher blog on this side of tumblr // @userhamilton funny, creative and gifmaker // @grussell63 funny and insane (affectionate) also big merc fan // @guanyu-ilott mick/callum main
@leqclerc incredible editor // @16whispers writer // @lukamodric wonerful editor // @mssr-monagato dramatic and a tifosi // @dobbiamo-capire tifosi and local italian translator // @monacoprince amazing editor // @ferrariprince16 major tifosi // @lileclair charles main // @lolaleclerc charles main // @finalgirlcharlesleclerc charles main // @c2stan one of the charles blogs // @balaclavacharles another one of the charles blogs
@lisandro-vettel very funny seb main // @teamgreenheart seb/lew main // @4xmulti21champion the ted kravits source // @005seb seb/alex main // @multi-2-1 seb main // @unhinged-vettel incredible designer // @youjustwaitsunshine funny ass seb main
@teamroscoes the lew blog // @lewki lew/yuki main // @xiaozhous guanyu/lew main // @danielssmile danny/lew/george main // @alexanderalbons seb/lew/alex main // @andreagrimes val/seb main also nando but won't admit it also incredible artist
@spygate nando main, very funny // @beparwah96 yuki main, v creative // @formulaonedirection lando main, very funny // @pierrelli pierre main, cool ass editor // @its-always-silly-season funny ass hell // @dilfgrassi danny and lew main also fe fan // @tsuchansworld one of the yuki blog on this site // @gcsly the pierre giffer // @lesellieknope danny main // @estebanbicon este main // @raceweek the alex blog // @robinfrinjs one of the FE blogs // @estiebestieban este main
I think that's it!! go and support all these amazing blogs, this is bascially just my following list so it's how I've curated my tl and it's a wonderful place so highly reccomend.
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cowpokezuko · 10 months
At the risk of actually having an opinion on the anti/proship fandom wank, something that I see often and would just like to take a moment to refute is the idea that propaganda and transgressive content have the same effect. 
I often hear the argument that “media affects reality, i.e Jaws made people afraid of sharks”. Yes. Some people are afraid of sharks because they saw the movie Jaws and that made them scared of sharks. HOWEVER, you are forgetting that humans have been afraid of sharks for centuries. Jaws was made because people have always been afraid of sharks. There was a market for that type of thrill. Horror movies are supposed to scare people, and had Jaws not been made, people would have been scared of sharks all the same. Jaws is a product of a fear, not a cause. 
This same idea goes for fear mongering propaganda against marginalized people. People in 1920s Germany were already anti-semitic, whether they watch Triumph of the Will or not didn’t make them hate Jewish people more, it just made them more confident in this belief. This kind of hateful propaganda is something that gets whipped up by news media, artists, and interpersonal relationships and is built off preconceived biases. It’s the kind of things that permeates the entire world of people who are already more susceptible to this sort of confirmation bias. They get so consumed by their hate because they literally never experience anything outside of it. However, that still doesn’t mean the fictional content they’re consuming caused this hate. New stories, misinfo or not, social biases, upbringing, and pseudo science are more often the culprits for making people into bigots than film or literature, though it does play a part. 
This is not taboo/fetish content though. This is targeted hate at an already marginalized group. They are not born from the same stock and they do not serve the same conversation. There is a very real and legitimate conversation to be had about the effects of propaganda and the damage it does, but that conversation does not carry over to incest porn or whatever. 
Taboo content is oft created because it is extremely interesting to the creator as either a storytelling device or as jerk off material or even because of something suffered in their past and now they make weird art to vent about it. None of these motivations have nearly the same end goal as the men who created Birth of a Nation. Sometimes transgressive content is made to make people afraid, uncomfortable, horny, or all three at once, and that’s okay. It’s important to make weird shit that shakes up the rather drab status quo. 
It’s also important to remember that there are better and worse ways to handle dark topics in fiction, but for that conversation, I would like to direct you all to Folding Ideas video “A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades of Grey” as he is a better writer and presenter than I. 
Also please remember to block any tags that make you uncomfortable, shit talk things amongst friends, and bear in mind that not everything is for you and that’s okay. You don’t have to like taboo content, I truly don’t care, but it’s not worth it to bother other people about it. If you feel the need to rb something that makes you uncomfortable with mean words, please go outside and touch some grass, listen to some birds, and go for a walk. 
TL:DR please stop using racist propaganda to justify your discomfort as shitty false equivalency. They are not the same at all actually and both deserve more nuance than just comparing them. Block things liberally. 
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broodwolf221 · 1 month
OC tag game: Intended for Inquisitors but wording it so you can use for other OCs as well! Alternatively you can RB this to make posts for all the OCs you want, in case you don't want to tag others. and feel free to tag me (elvhenprince) or reply to this post so I can see your ocs!
tagged by @jazzmckay this time~
tagging: @dreadfutures | @wailing-willow | @arlathvhenan with the usual no pressure caveat <3 <3 <3
velari lavellan | she/her | 40 | mage, shapeshifter self-centered: originally selfish, now she's switched gears to being outright self-sacrificing, but it's all rooted in the same core of fear
Associated colours/symbols/animals
halla; ram (normal, not august rams); red, gold, and green
What are their hobbies/skills?
she's reasonably skilled with leatherwork and prior to joining the inquisition made her own gear. leather is the only material she feels confident working with though, and is subsequently the only material that gets ornamented. otherwise she reads - a lot. she and solas parallel play study lmao
Is there any art they are good/bad at, or interested in trying?
she considers some of her leatherwork to have an artistic bend to it, but it's not something she would call art. she's very focused on a piece being functional. and although she appreciates art in all its forms, she doesn't feel like it'd serve a purpose for her to create - she undervalues her own perspective and that shows here.
What is their comfort food? Do they cook it themselves?
she will eat whatever, she's not that picky. she likes tea... much to solas' chagrin. herbal, earthy flavors are her preference, but again, not picky.
An activity they like to do with their partner(s)/bestie(s)
reading! and she practices shapeshifting with morrigan - it's an important bonding activity for the both of them.
Would they be able to lie their way through a card game?
absolutely not. she struggles to hide her feelings and reactions, and although she's aware of it she's uh... really not getting that much better about it
With no regards as to whether it exists or is realistic, what would they want as a pet/companion?
something small and soft. i can see her with a cat tbh.
Do they have a night-time ritual? Does this differ if they are at their own residence vs somewhere else (e.g. camping)?
she has really, really bad insomnia, so her nighttime ritual is mostly "lay down and pretend like i can sleep." she probably gets somewhere between 3-4 hours of (interrupted!) sleep each night, but she spends a lot more time than that just laying down in bed. when she's with solas she falls asleep much easier. her nighttime routine in that case is, well, normally cleaning up after some fun with him... regardless, basic hygiene stuff and she usually brushes her hair and dresses in comfortable clothes before laying down
What is in their inventory?
almost exclusively practical items - extra rations, sewing materials, bandages and a few other basic first aid items, empty waterproof/oilskin wraps for things like herbs found while traveling, etc. as she's out and about she will take small mementos from animals she's killed, so those go in her pack as well but they stay in her room at skyhold.
Their preferred dress in these settings: Daily, formal, casual/bedding down
daily: long-sleeved but loose tunics, breeches, simple, muted colors formal: whatever josie picks. she's not into formal looks and she doesn't have a strong sense of fashion anyway. if she did pick her own outfit, she'd choose something that looked powerful rather than beautiful casual: same as daily tbh; for bed she usually takes her breeches off and switches to a short-sleeved tunic; alternatively, she'll sometimes sleep in a slip since several nice ones mysteriously ended up in her dresser at skyhold (she suspects josie)
After the events of the Main Plot, did your OC go back home, or reunite with their people from before? Why / why not? If they did, then did they bring any new friends/partners with them?
main plot is different for her and that's all i can say :)
How did your OC deal with permanent injuries/changes/trauma gained from their story, if any?
alas, a major spoiler for bigfic
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jjunhui · 2 years
or just take the support in whatever form you receive it and don’t be ungrateful.
hi anon ! I took some time before replying to this to collect my thoughts but here we are :D
so for me this is very deliberate wording. immediately jumping to ungrateful because I think posts should be reblogged is pretty ridiculous imho! so id like to break it down for you
i used to make moodboards and icon / header packs! some of my most popular posts from that time have 523 and 401 notes respectively. out of these 532 notes, 28 were reblogs, 494 were likes and one was a reply. and out of the 401 notes 36 were reblogs and 365 were likes. some of those posts have as few as 4 reblogs. this is extremely frustrating because it means my content was enjoyed but not deemed worthy of spreading. i would see it used on twitter and on discord or even reposted without credit because the time I took to compile it was never taken into account. it was always brushed off as 'easy to do' and as such simply not worthy of proper engagement.
when a post is reblogged, it is boosted to other blogs and as such to the dash of people who follow that blog. that's new, fresh engagement and new exposure, every time. that engagement is also going to push your post up in the search results, but unfortunately, most of the time people are not going to go searching for posts to like/rb and instead they will reblog what is already on their dash. this is why that engagement is so important for content creators of all kinds.
it is nice to receive likes, yes. and I will happily admit that since getting into a new type of content creation, my reblogs are not that bad but I am typically receiving double what I receive in reblogs in likes alone. having nearly 600 notes for not even a third of them to be reblogs can be frustrating because i know that my content is not receiving as much new exposure as it could. I do this to have fun, not to be famous on Tumblr of all sites but I have to admit that it feels wonderful for people to engage with my content and appreciate it.
likes are awesome !! they really are !!! but ultimately they do not really help content creators gain or maintain any type of footing in the community. especially not because a lot of people have their likes hidden. if I receive 200 likes on a post, 100 of those people will have their likes hidden and that's being stingy with the numbers tbh!. out of those 100 people with visible likes, maybe 5 or so people will go through their likes at any given time and if they're an avid user of Tumblr, that has to be done pretty quickly for them to see my post. chances are they don't engage with it, meaning that even though it adds to my numbers and its a nice gesture... it's essentially pointless.
on the flip side, if I get 100 reblogs and each of those blogs has, on average, 5 active followers; that's a shit ton of blogs I am suddenly visible to. not all of them will choose to interact with me or my content and that's okay because it still gives me visibility and that is extremely important.
personally, I like and reblog. if I haven't reblogged something, I queue it. but honestly , if I had to choose the way people engage with my posts I would rather them just rb if they're going to choose one! it helps me massively and I am ever grateful for the people who rb my posts because I immediately see the engagement from their following whereas I gain little to no fresh engagement from reblogs alone.
ccs; writers, gif makers, gfx artists, etc etc etc all spend a ridiculous amount of time doing what we love to do, and no, we are not entitled to anything from anyone but to say that if you enjoy our content and benefit off of it (if you're using it as an icon somewhere else, or saving it onto your phone to be your wallpaper, or showing your friends, or getting the feels from it because that fanfic was just so <333333 then you're benefitting from it!) ... then you can give us a boost. especially if you are consistently enjoying our content.
the bottom line is that the reblog system keeps this site going. if we keep going down this path then all of these content creators you know and love are going to get frustrated and leave when the only form of engagement truly benefitting them dwindles even further. and I can't say I blame them because ill be right there with them
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pyrriax · 2 years
Time for a proper blog intro!!
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Quick About Me:
Names: Haunt / Lavius / Decay / Saturn
Age: Minor (17)
Pronouns: It/its or Onei/oneir
Fanfic Writer / Author
Important Tags:
#haunted ecosystem : original posts / talking posts
#rb; : reblogged content (needs a new tag but i'm lazy)
#au: where the dust settles : used for talking about wtds!
#haunted bookshelf : talking about writing / actual writing posts
#from the haunted archives : queued posts
#ask a ghost : answered asks
About This Blog:
I sometimes reblog artistic nudity (Content is normally SFW but I will include this warning just to be safe)
Previously a Homestuck + DSMP account! Always a MCYT blog though :)
I queue reblogs 98% of the time! I'll reblog one for now and queue one for later to keep posts circulating :) If I like a post and don't immediately reblog, I just queued it instead
No tagging for swearing, caps, or long posts.
This account is run by a DID system who rarely posts about it and uses singular pronouns 99% of the time
Current Blog Content:
Outsiders SMP
Lifesteal SMP
Where the Dust Settles (Outsiders SMP AU)
Less Important Info:
I block people that have any of my interests on their DNI, it's not personal, I'm just respecting your space
See me reblog something problematic? Let me know via an ask, I have them on for a reason!
I don't argue with people over the internet; have a civil conversation with me if you want to change my opinion about something.
Currently debating on fandom tagging content on my blog, though I very well might not because I don't have the time to sift through 12k+ posts and figure out which fandom they belong to.
My queue currently posts 10-20 times a day; expect a lot of random fanart, gif sets, fic links, and the like. I shuffle my queue often to keep posts circulating :)
DNI List:
Racists, homophobes, antisemites, TERFs (I think you get the gist)
Desperately Need More Info About You I Am A Internet Stalker:
I don't care about your opinion on primarily introject systems, though I am happy to answers any questions about DID that aren't horribly invasive :)
I've had a few URLs on tumblr, mainly hal-core during my homestuck era.
Generally speaking, I may be your tumblr mutual but I am NOT your friend, we are still internet strangers; even if I laughed at your joke.
I'm not going to go out of my way to interact with people under 14 just out of personal preference, but I don't care if you interact with me 👍
If you want to see what I'm doing outside of my content here, take a look at my alt blog @krowfangs :)
Previous Pinned Post:
Misc Stuff (Images):
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foopeach · 3 years
As promised per my last post, a short PSA on the differences between tracing and using a reference in Art.
Im gonna make this as short as possible, but the biggest distinction between tracing a piece of art and using other art as a reference is the intent and aspects of the original piece that you carry over, as well as CONSENT. If you add an aspect of another drawing onto your own drawing then it is still your drawing. Now let me clarify.
Tracing a piece of art that is not your own with little to no change and calling it your own is not okay. That’s what Butch Hartman did when he caused that fiasco on twt awhile ago.
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This is the type of tracing that counts as plagiarism ^ Butch Hartman passed the piece off as his own, despite its obvious resemblance. The biggest problem with this is that
He did not change the content of the piece. It is still a drawing of mikasa, so it is not his own piece or idea.
He could have been fine if he has asked the artist if it was okay to draw their piece in his style.
If the artist had given him permission then he should not be profiting off of the piece.
It is important to note however that This is not the only type of tracing. It is not all plagiarism!
You might look at a piece of art and go “woah I really like that pose, I want to incorporate that into my next piece of art”, and then go on ahead and create a new piece with the same pose. This is okay! You are allowed to do this! That’s why things like drawing challenges, dtiys, pose games, and many other forms of tracing exist!
The sailor moon screencap redraw trend that comes around every few years or so is a good example of drawing challenges.
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Pose challenges are another form of acceptable tracing.
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Manga panel or cover redraws are also okay!
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The biggest difference between these examples and the one provided by Butch are that these are consensual and have credit visible! They are their own individual pieces but acknowledge that the content in them is not entirely original. Now that you have an idea of what tracing is and can be, we can talk about the other part of this post.
A reference image is a photo or drawing you incorporate certain aspects of into your drawing, wether it’s for anatomy or something else.
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This is a reference image. Araki incorporated the composition and the pose of the models into his piece, but it’s still his own original piece of artwork because he is drawing his own characters and not the models themselves. It is legally your own drawing if 70% or more of a photo is adjusted or changed. Wether it’s the pose, a certain brush, an interesting composition, or small details that you find cool, there is nothing wrong with incorporating things into your style. Nothing in this world is original and every art style and piece made is a mixture of thing the artist has seen and liked. That’s why similar art styles exist and why there are so many different and unique ones exist.
It’s a big problem for people who consume content from the art community to go after artists because of misplaced justice. It’s nice and very good that you try and defend artists from plagiarism and art theft but it should be directed at actual cases like NFTs and literal rip offs like Butch’s drawing instead of the products of artists trying to get better at their own art or attempting to make the content they enjoy.
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kanmom51 · 3 years
This is based on the purple heart Anon ask. That her husband wouldn't say anything about jikook being real but yeah rosebowl and gcft seems quite special?
It's something similar to what I perceive of them.
Maybe jikook are very close friends and probably have interest in each other. After all they are around each other all the time because of BTS. But is it possible that they never really got into the dating thing? Maybe yes they both confessed to each other about the feelings and decided to keep it only till friendship?
The flirting we get is just a way of pulling each other's leg in a healthy way? And since they did/do have that romantic interest in each other, the obvious rosebowl happened. And so they didn't create a scene out of it.
Other than that they try very hard not to involve in skinship (the kind tkkrs / jinkookers take way too much seriously. Also I feel jimins skinship with any other member does look platonic and not romantic other than of course JK). Gcft or any other GCF lyrics syncing to JM's screen time wouldn't really prove a relationship right? What I know is even I have made videos of my memories with college friends and I would try to place my fondest (bff) friend on the lyrics that hit hard.
So basically there is a possibility that they aren't really dating/married/living together and are just friends? Like really understanding friends who match emotionally but nothing more than that. And occasionally act gay which any one would do with their bff's? (Rosebowl was just the one which went a way too much out of the line)
Anything is possible anon. Anything. But is it likely? I don't think so.
The way they are with each other, the way they look at each other, it's not about the friendly flirty, it's about the "I'm crazy about this person".
They are together for close to ten years. If they have feelings for each other and even confessed their feelings, you think they could just continue flirting with each other like that for years and years? "Yeah, I love you/I'm terribly attracted to you, and you feel the same about me but we won't do anything about it, and yet we will still keep on flirting with each other?" You think that is realistic? The more realistic scenario, if they were attracted to each other and confessed it but decided not to act on it, would be them keeping their distance from each other. Have you any idea how excruciatingly painful it would be to be constantly around the person you want to be with, constantly together, them constantly flirting with you, but you can't be with them??? The natural action would be to keep your distance not get closer.
If you look at everything they have done, every single act standing on it's own, then, almost every single thing (almost) can be explained away. Thing is it's not one or two or three things standing alone. It's 6 years of behaviour towards each other. It's 6 years with choices and actions that point time after time in one direction.
As for GCFT, of course you can see it as you wish to, and if to you it looks like a mate thing, well ok then, but I do think you are wrong comparing it to a video you made of memories with college friends. Did you make a video with one college friend alone? Was it of a private trip you took together and then have him in frame for like 80% of that video (not the places you saw, not yourself)? Syncing to the lyrics is important but could also be dismissed as good editing skills, but the choice of the lyrics is something you seem to be ignoring, and the choice of syncing those specific lyrics to specific shots is also something you are ignoring. JK is not an idiot. JK is highly intelligent. He chose a Troye Sivan song (an lgbtq+ artist whom he has mentioned many a times as someone he admires) and knew exactly what the lyrics said and what it would mean to edit the video the way he did. "Boy I'm holding on to something, won't let go of you for nothing, I'm running running just to keep my hands on you."
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"I'm running running just to keep my hands on you..."
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"...just to keep my hands on you..."
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"...just to keep my hands on you..."
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Yeah, no coincidence there with the editing.
And to dismiss this as nothing, as "JK didn't know what it meant", saying the person that showed excellent editing qualities in his work didn't realise what he was doing when he put JM in frame to the sound of those lyrics, and didn't know what it implied to, well that's belittling him. He knew exactly what it looked like, and that's exactly what he meant to do.
Then you have GCFS (which was supposedly a company project, while GCFT was a private one), and still he managed to match the lyrics "I don't wanna hide no more" to shots of JM.
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JM's name tattooed on JK's hand, what would your explanation for that be? You believe in that convoluted explanation twisting it all around just so it fits that it's all members of the band? And RB? You yourself say it doesn't fit your theory. Perhaps because that theory is just wrong? Perhaps because it is one more of those things that points to them being an actual couple?
I don't know about you and your friends, but I can tell you that I never had friends, as close as they were, that sucked on my ear, or that played footsies with my crotch or rubbed their fingers/hands on my privates. Those are definitely not just friends things.
Look, it's not that I haven't heard these theories before. They could be friends, they could be friends with benefits, anything and everything as long as they aren't an actual couple. But you see, their behaviour over time just doesn't point in that direction. I suggest, if you are really interested, you go back through my masterlist and read my timeline posts and my posts about what makes them a couple, in my opinion. After reading that, make your own conclusions (go watch the content too).
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sistersblack · 3 years
Your crack posts are great but I'm curious what your serious thoughts/headcanons for Lucius are. or are those it?
fjdjd no they’re not it (at least not really; i think to an extent his wealth and status would allow him to just be Like That but my crack posts are definitely exaggerated). i have a post from a while ago where i talk about him more seriously but i don’t think i’ve done headcanons??? i’ll do some for you now
full disclosure i’m half asleep so these won’t have any real structure to them. also i’m definitely going to forget important ones since rn my fandom mind is elsewhere. that said:
these are silly but personality wise i think he’s a scorpio (november birthday) & probably neutral evil
competitive to a fault
bookish but hides it. not completely (it’s good to look smart!) but i imagine he wants his intelligence to appear more effortless than it is
on that note, i hc he has a lot of shallow knowledge across a wide range of topic with a few areas of interest where he digs deep. but it’s important to him that he can carry a conversation on any topic without looking like an idiot
and again on this note: used to raid severus’ bookshelves, especially his muggle books, and especially historical ones. sometimes they’d even trade books or knowledge. it’s not because he cares about muggles but because he hates feeling out of the loop.
genuinely enjoys fashion and keeps up with trends just as much as narcissa does. knows multiple charms specific to crafting/mending clothes.
buys his wife flowers weekly just because. buys even more when he fucks up.
likes animals but not necessarily your traditional pets. enjoyed care of magical creatures at school & excelled in it. has an aviary at the manor where he keeps rare birds (in addition to his peacocks) and gets annoyed when anyone other than him goes near it (including narcissa and draco. including when draco was just a curious baby. it’s definitely caused arguments but they’re his birds!!!)
collects rare/expensive wine but doesn’t like the taste of it. only drinks it when he has to.
artistically gifted. was taught at a young age how to paint by his mother. it’s one of the few happy memories he has of her and he holds it dear (but he won’t admit it!!!)
related: he continues to create art well into adulthood but hides it from most people. still gifts narcissa oil paintings of herself every other anniversary. 
his parents were a marriage of convenience, not love. he’d resigned himself to the same fate and is genuinely surprised at how thankful he is when he gets to marry someone he loves.
bisexual, baby.
is an excellent swimmer.
has like, definitely read at least one (1) trashy romance novel just to “see what the fuss was about.” likes to quote the most ridiculous lines from it at inappropriate times.
his mother died when he was still quite young. the details for this one change depending on what i’m writing, but generally it happens before his thirteenth birthday (sometimes on it). he’s forced to get over it quickly (abraxas is indifferent to it and doesn’t like that lucius isn’t) & as a result his emotional growth is.... stunted.
has a messy relationship with his father. was abused but doesn’t see it that way; he thinks abraxas was just “shaping” him into the perfect heir. (he won’t address why the idea of using some of his father’s methods on draco makes him sick to the stomach.) aside from these ~lessons~ on how to proudly represent the family name, he and abraxas generally get/got along and lucius maintains that they had a good relationship.
took part in underground duelling clubs & the occasional underground fight club. gambled a loooooooooooot of money.
was originally intended to marry andromeda even though she wasn’t his first pick. (narcissa was!!!! i’ll die on this hill!!)
also on that note: knew andromeda was fooling around with ted & turned a blind eye more than once bc he thought it’d work out in his favour. it’s one of the few secrets he keeps from his wife.
has a strategic eye & gets used for it. is a successful leader. spent most of the first war giving orders (doesn’t like to get his hands dirty, if he can help it).
collects antiques but like, is very serious about it.
can turn off his morality like a light switch so long as the situation is disconnected from those he truly cares about.
actually had to work a job at the ministry in his young adulthood. in fact this is like a malfoy family hc for me; i think they have to contribute a certain amount to the malfoy vaults before they can be deemed worth of becoming head of the family. the money doesn’t have to be acquired lawfully, but most of them have worked jobs before.
insecure in his ability to give open affection. he never received much of it & had to learn. appears cold because of it.
doesn’t like messy or gratuitous torture or death. views bellatrix’s methods as “distasteful.” gets off on elegant violence.
very dry sense of humour
can dance and did actually teach snape how to
has like, no friends. at least not genuine ones. narcissa is his best friend and has been since they were quite young. she’s one of the few people he allows himself to relax around—though their relationship is eventually also very messy, snape is the other. there’s a few reasons for it, mostly that severus knew him when he was young/before he really established himself as the head of the malfoy family (tm) & that he’s seen severus at his worst and knows the other man isn’t in a place to judge.
exceptionally gifted at manipulation. likes to do it as a fun pass time. i wasn’t joking when i said his motto should be gaslight gatekeep girlboss 
OH and used to hit/abuse house elves for attention 
my brain is broken and i can’t think of more rn BUT i love talking about him so if i remember some important ones i miss i’ll definitely rb with more!!! thank you for this ask 🤍
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nemirutami · 4 years
How to grow an audience as an artist (by your own means)!
There’s been a lot of discourse lately in the art community and I’ve seen a lot of small artists bicker with big artists regarding followers and commission prices. Well, I’m not having any of it. I made a nifty tip-list on twitter on how to grow an audience and I think it needs to be said here too for those who need to hear it.
This thread is for you, me, and everyone who wants to grow an audience & find business opportunities. I've compiled a list of helpful ways to have your art seen (from my own experience) and i'll be breaking them down step by step in this thread. Let's start with 1.
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1) You should not only be posting on twitter (the search engine is very poor here). You should post your art to instagram, tumblr, deviantart, Youtube, ANY media platform where images and videos are easy to digest. It's a chore, but also a worthy sacrifice to get more eyes on you
2) If you post in a EU timezone but your audience is mostly american, well, then you missed your optimal posting window. Know where most of your audience is located (you can put up a poll!) And schedule posting during/around a time where people are likely to be free + awake.
3) Supporting other creators isn't annoying! Your engagement doesn't only help boost the artist you love in the algorithm, but it also makes you easier to find if someone clicks on their art to read the comments! It's a win-win for both of you!
4) If you want to make sure your work is seen, use tags on all the art you post! On twitter it looks ugly (that's why i don't do it often if at all) but on sites like instagram and tumblr it's easy to hide tags for aesthetic. Know what tags are most active and tag accordingly.
5) If you draw something really popular, keep in mind that the content pool for said popular thing/ship is INFLATED. Try to bring something new to the conversation. Something that makes people go "i NEED to follow this person bc they're the only one that GETS IT".
6) Twitter and tumblr (with the right extension) has a function that can "turn off retweets/reblogs" To make sure others are guaranteed to see your art, you can post it again as a new post to make sure it doesn't get blocked by the RT/RB feature. Repost old art for new followers!
7) Collaborating with others helps build both your audience and your friends/mutual's audience! If your interests align (like fandom or even ships) people from both your sides are more likely to go follow you/your friend based on what they see! Give your best in collabs!
8) Not everyone can host streams because of cpu limitations, but what you CAN do is make step-by-step gifs/imgs with online tools to then post it online. Make sure you host streams when people are free and not at work! It's a good chance to engage in chat live, too.
9) If you have commitment and time, join zines, fan projects, weeks, and events hosted by your fandom. This way, you're making content of something you love and you have an audience already willing to watch what you make!
10) You can host your own digital zine to avoid merch/shipping cost and put it up in an online store for download! You can also host weeks/events yourself to get others on board. Only make physical zines/prints if you know what you're doing and have resources to spend!
11) character bdays, game updates, and game release dates happen once a year, but they happen once a year for PLENTY of things. This way, if you draw for things you love and post on the day it's most relevant, more people will be likely to search/share and see it!
12) We all know when the next nintendo direct drops, we see artists RUN with excitement to draw for it RIGHT AWAY. This is both bc we're excited and because we know we have a small window of oppertunity to hit the PEAK of online activity. Your art is more likely to be seen NOW.
13) You have to make content to be seen. Sometimes, being seen doesn't mean your art is good as much as it means you're posting consistently and giving people reason to come back to you/enjoy having you on their feed. The more you post, the more likely you can be seen/rtd.
14) Sketches, doodles, wips, unfinished things! None of these things matter as much to your followers as it does to you! Most of them enjoy seeing you post art, no matter what kind. Post sketches, doodles, comparisons, etc! Let them see/share more of your work!
15) Don't be afraid to interact with your followers or even people who approach you with questions! Being social is difficult, but know that followers love when you reply to them (speaking for myself bc i love when other artists  or reply to my comments )! Engage!
16) You'll learn this from personal experience. There are (with attitude) definitely bad clients and bad artists. But all you need to consider is being respetful and mindful and take your clients consideration to heart. If you can't offer something, be honest! They'll understand.
17) You can grow a lot in a year, but you know what will impress people? If you take that 1 drawing you did when you were 14 of tokyo mew mew and redrew it in your new style! Success stories are worth following. Hard work is always valued and appreciated- flaunt it!
18) Tutorials or step-by-steps are easy ways to get more artists to notice you because we're all trying to do our best to learn and grow. By posting studies or tutorials, you're not only inviting others to share your experience, but you're inspiring them to try new things!
19) Have your art/business email EVERYWHERE. In your twitter bio, on your instagram, tumblr, youtube, etc. Anywhere where you might need it. This way, no matter WHAT platform people find you on, they can ALWAYS count on reaching you via email if your dms are closed!
20) There are several free websites (weebly for one) that offer a lot of freedom and customization. My best tip for making a site is: make it organized, easily readable, un-cluttered, to-the-point, and aesthetically pleasing. No complicated navigation; focus on accessability.
21) Sometimes, drawing 1 popular thing ONCE is not enough. This is bc unless you have something unique or mainstream, people will go where they can get more of said popular content. If you've already been drawing for a fandom, yr more likely to get followers from that fandom.
22) The most important point. Never equate your audience to your worth, and never equate your followers to a progress bar. It's insulting to both you and your followers who are rooting for you. You're worth much more than you get, but it's your job to make others see it. BE LOUD!
Addendum: I didn't put "luck" here bc it isn't something you yourself can control outside of what I've already shared. But keep in mind a lot of the time, it really is about A LOT of luck. Keep your head up, and do your best. 10 followers or 10k followers idc, IM rooting for you.
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bizarrelovesquare · 4 years
Hello, it’s Evie, and this is my new account!
brief explanation under the cut so I can get it off my chest, but it’s not required to read <3
I realized over the last several months that I did not like being perceived the way I was online, and that I have the power to just walk away and start over on a smaller scale and avoid anything I don’t want to be part of. In July, with no warning, I cleared out and abandoned/deactivated any accounts around the web that didn’t make me happy. All I have now are this, pinterest, ao3, and a new private twitter just for close friends.
Being online had come to feel like an expectation, no longer something for recreation, and most of it wasn’t fun. It honestly had been feeling that way for awhile, but I reached the last straw when I briefly got involved with a fandom on twitter (yuck) several months ago that was absolutely horrid. I realized what a mess it all really was, I finally snapped, and I got the hell away from everything and everyone.
It was easy to leave other sites because there was so much that I wanted to escape from--the hostility and toxicity, people’s dumbassery, the feeling of not being adequate enough as an artist, the pressure to get constant interaction, feeling like I was being watched all the time by hundreds to thousands of people who didn’t care about me as a person, etc. Social media was too much for my introvert self. However, I was on the fence about what I wanted to do with tumblr, so I sat on it for two months and mulled it over. I actually love this site because it’s mostly chill and has the best format, it’s creative, and it’s easy to avoid anything you don’t want to see, but I just didn’t love the baggage that I had on my old blog. I’d been on there since 2013 and had grown and changed a lot, particularly over the past year, and there was so much way back in there that didn’t represent who I’ve come to be, and it honestly made me feel stuck, even after I tried changing my url, giving that blog a makeover, and being more myself.
Several years ago, I spent an ungodly amount of time on this site trying to appeal to others, instead of letting myself just exist authentically and showcase all of my personality. I got fandom popular pretty early on, and for a long time, it made me feel like it was my duty to post about the things that got me popular and make original posts that my heart wasn’t even halfway into, worded in a way that would get notes. Keep in mind, I was younger and dumber when doing that and had nothing else going for me at that time (it was a low point in life). I definitely grew out of that mentality, but I couldn’t get away from all the posts I’d made that I no longer cared about that wouldn’t stop getting notes and the reputation I had developed for being known for a particular thing. I felt like there were too many followers who weren’t really there for me as a person or any other niche interests of mine, and it was really holding me back from just posting what I want and as much as I want, even after I quit caring and tried to just present as the real me. I knew it was my blog and it didn’t matter what others wanted, but I think the main thing was that I felt held back by my older ways of using tumblr, and I realized that I don’t want anything from that period of my life still attached to me. I didn’t know who I was back then, so I defined myself by an obsession. These days, I want people to see me as a whole person with a real life who just happens to also really like some things.
On top of that, again back when I was several years younger and at the lowest point of my life, I used to vent way too much about negative things in my personal life that don’t matter anymore, and even though I went through my archive and deleted them all, even though I know nobody else remembers them or is looking at them, I still knew that they happened, and I didn’t want that energy to keep following me. There was also evidence of ex-friendships and relationships I’m not proud of, ways I acted that I just don’t vibe with now, and just too much I remember that didn’t represent current-day me, and I want to actually break the connection to those memories. So with all of that, I decided I’d feel best to remake and start fresh. I got away from negative feelings everywhere else, so why not here, too? Any posts on the old blog that I love can eventually be reblogged over here. I’m going to curate a fresh new gallery of things I love, while feeling at peace about the whole thing.
My life is nothing like it was years ago. I’m actually happy with myself and my life and have been for nearly a year now. I know who I am now. I’ve healed/am healing from a lot of personal things. I have budding careers in everything I love and am working towards my dream life. I’m not ashamed of anything about myself. I still have bad days sometimes, but I don’t live in my misery. I like being positive and want to stay that way as much as possible.
I also never really let me show myself as a creator as much as I would have liked before, and I want to focus more on that from now on. As far as fan content goes, I’ve gotten back into writing fics and am no longer scared to share them. I’ve been working more on cosplay this year than I have in years. I also want to try to get into making gifs. Additionally, I am a writer (fiction and non), photographer, and aspiring designer in real life, so some original work might show up now and then, too, if it’s something I’m really proud of. I also want to post about mental health and recovery. My blog will still have plenty of fan content, but I want to sprinkle in some other things that are important to me as well.
I just want to be in a quiet peaceful corner among good people. Lately, I’ve realized that I want my life to be as lowkey as possible, both online and irl. I just want to vibe and do my thing for myself, surrounded by a few good friends. I learned way too late that fandoms are hell if you branch out too far, and that I also hate being in the spotlight, even in regards to things I create. I don’t exist for the consumption of others, and that’s such a freeing thing to realize. Anything I post/rb is solely because I want it on my blog; I don’t care what happens to it after I put it there. I post for me, I make my art for me (and sometimes my jobs), and if my friends enjoy it, and if I make new friends along the way, that’s awesome! But impressing everybody is just not a thing I can nor want to do anymore. You don’t have to run yourself ragged trying to spread yourself across the internet, whether as a fan or a creator. If a site was to disappear, what do all those likes and followers mean? Absolutely nothing. At the end of the day, all you have is you and how YOU feel about yourself, so spend your time on here (or anywhere, really) existing for you, first and foremost.
I’ve gone back to my very old internet days of not trying to impress anyone, while combining that mentality with the wisdom and sense of self that I’ve gained with age. Maybe you won’t be able to tell a difference, but I’m the one living in my head, and I definitely can tell that I’ve grown, a lot in my life has changed, and I am much more confident in myself, and I want to have a blog that 100% feels like me and has no bad associations attached. I’m not the first person to make a new account and won’t be the last. Things like this are supposed to mostly be FOR FUN, and too many people these days have gotten away from that. Don’t feel like you have to keep living up to some reputation that was built years ago, and don’t feel like you exist for others. Be yourself, embrace changes as you grow, do what’s comfortable and healthy for you and makes you happy, and the right people will like you for that. The most important of them being you. <3
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imeminemp3 · 3 years
thx @cartoonsun 4 tagging me 2 answer 30 questions:)))
(1.) name / nickname:
rené hehe:))))))
(2.) gender:
boys from 80s/90s movies with floppy hair
(3.) star sign:
scorpio sun, virgo moon, pisces rising, and i dont know what any of that means gd bless
(4.) height:
(5.) time:
(6.) birthday:
(7.) favorite bands/groups:
you regret asking me this question. anyway: day6, red velvet, loona, stray kids, one direction, ateez, seventeen, exid, shinee
(8.) favorite solo artist:
lee hi, sunmi, hyuna, tswift, WOODZ wbk
(9.) song stuck in my head:
running gaho, and breathe lee hi
(10.) last movie:
san junipero isn’t a movie but i watched it last night
(11.) last show:
black mirror technically but only cus i wanted to watch san junipero and i counted that as a movie SO the last show i actually watched was he is psychometric
(12.) when did i create this blog:
ummm like. 2014?? she stuck w me thru all my hyperfixations
(13.) what do i post:
kpop, aes, funny things i think my friends will like, loads of gay stuff, any shiny thing that catches my eye bcus im a magpie actually
(14.) last thing googled:
penelope bcus i want a face mask like her scarf
(15.) other blogs:
lavenders--green which is an online grimore allegedly l111ght which i dont even KNOW the idea came to me at 1am and i couldn’t sleep till i made it sharkpuppyofficial TECHNICALLY cus im a mod but i always forget to check it so rip (easiest way 2 get my attention on there is tagging us in ur content and ill get around to it) untilthatdaycomic which is a secret surprise shhhh
(16.) do i get asks:
HAHAHAHAH lol no not even when i rb games (pls send asks im lonely)
(17.) why did i choose this url:
bcus i love the spiral i love my wife helen and i love michael. u can imagine im very mad rn following recent events:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
(18.) following:
my frens, some content blogs, basically anything that posts abt fandoms im in, some aes blogs, which comes into abt 1.2k blogs lmao
(19.) followers:
like 650 or so which is whack actually. not that followers matter on here i literally have more followers on twitter of all places so. yeah
(20.) average hours of sleep:
ummmmm i try for atleast 6 every night?? been more lately bc im so tired
(21.) lucky number:
2!! is it narcisistic that the reason is its my birthday?
(22.) instruments:
i played clarinet but idk her anymore. i really want to learn bass i think i’d be hot then
(23.) what am i wearing:
hot girl shit aka; black top with high neck and slightly flareed long sleeves under a crop that has black and white cheks and spaghetti straps, and my trusty black mom jeans, and cute socks as always (they have stars on them) ALSO this cute new pink eyeliner i bought which is important to mention
(24.) dream job:
i wanna be a cowboy babey actually want a lil cafe that sells/displays art and books and has a lot of plants
(25.) dream trip:
want to go aroud australia, and go to new zealand, japan, south korea, scotland and honestly i just want to go everywhere actually
(26.) favorite food:
rice and noodles and hot choclety milk
(27.) nationality
white australian
(28.) favorite song:
better better day6, gold rush tswift, body talk red velvet, idk i love so many songs
(29.) last book read:
i was just on the tram rwading the goldfinch being a very pretentious main chaacter BUT there was another pretentious main character sitting near me who was reading milk and honey
(30.) three fictional universes you'd like to live in:
idk narnia i guess, nightvale and is the trc universe qualifiable????bc i want to live in cabeswater thanks
ok ill tag @flightlesslovers @homeinabookshelf @billdenbrough @morbidstuff2019 @sadprose-auroras @oneweekmp3 @lalisagbt idkidk who to tag. feel free to tag urself on my behalf nd do this if u see it ahahah
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