#rdj sherlock holmes imagine
just-dreaming-marvel · 2 months
s.s.s. drabbles ~ Determined #1
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Character(s) / Pairing: RDJ!Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Word Count: 69ish
Notes: This is is for @mostly-marvel-musings six sentence sunday challenge! Hope you enjoy!
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His heart was controlling his feet more than his brain was.
That was unusual for the man who seemed to have no emotions.
But this was you.
He entered the room to find you standing by the fireplace, looking as lovely as ever.
“Sherlock?” you questioned as you turned to face him.
His heart controlled his feet once again, guiding him to you and colliding his lips with yours.
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jay-wasreblogging · 8 months
"What do Sherlock and John actually look like though?"
That's the beauty of audio dramas, the characters will look however you believe them to look!! Go wild. Go calm. Go imagine whatever.
Personally for me, novels and audio will always default to Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr.
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detectivejay · 2 months
Here's a poll for a character who gets some of the most varied and perhaps divisive adaptations across Sherlock media, despite only appearing in the original canon stories once, in A Scandal in Bohemia. Whether she's someone who's gained his respect, an ex, an enemy or a friend, portrayals of Irene Adler have run the gamut and The Woman continues to capture the imagination of folks producing Sherlock adaptations any time she appears.
Please reblog for a larger sample size! :) I'm curious especially if there's been any book adaptations that have been well done.
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bedheaded-league · 2 years
Okay so in my rewatch of RDJ Sherlock Holmes I noticed two really interesting details I’ve never noticed before.
In one scene, Watson is talking to Holmes about Irene and he says, “What does she even want you for? A bodyguard? A beard?”
…a beard?? Is Watson implying that Irene is a lesbian? Like I literally can’t imagine any other way this could be interpreted?
And perhaps more interesting, in another scene, after Watson is injured, Mary is talking to Holmes and says, “You mustn’t hold yourself responsible for what happened to him. He would say it was worth the wound.”
Mary just casually referencing the absolute gayest passage in the entirety of Holmes canon? And then this movie is still insisting that both Holmes and Watson are 100% straight? I’m getting extremely mixed messages from this film like what does it all MEAN
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airprime7 · 1 year
If anyone in particular had anything to say on a post we reblog, we might tag it as #[name]posting. Also you will see words in their text colour and quirk (if they have one). We may come back and edit in links to posts with more details. Or not.
We are almost all trans, but it will be only mentioned below if that has caused a name change from our canon counterpart.
Just call us AirPrime if you want to talk to us/the account in general.
Let's do this in groups, in no particular order.
Homestuck Humans+:
Roxy: Roxy Lalonde fictive. she/they. #roxyposting Rose: Rose Lalonde fictive. she/her. #roseposting Jazz: Jazz Lalonde (Jasprosesprite^2) fictive. Cat :3. she/her, or any cat neopronouns. #jazzposting Dave: Dave Strider fictive. he/him. #daveposting Dove: Dove Strider (transfem Davesprite) fictive (also a bit of 「TIME PARADOX」 from Jojo's MSPaint Adventure). bird. she/her. #doveposting DS: Technically a Dirk Strider fictive (mixture of Dirk, Hal, and Brain Ghost Dirk's Katana. Also is glasses.) The DS stands for duelStands. they/them. #dsposting Kate: Dirk Strider fictive (transfem). Technically short for "Katana" but don't call me that. Middle name "Dirl". she/her. #kateposting June: June Egbert fictive. she/her. #juneposting Jade: Jade Harley fictive. dog. woof woof! she/her/it. #jadeposting
Homestuck Trolls:
Aradia: Aradia Megido fictive. Ghost and frog and robot and fairy god all at the same time. 0u~. she/her. #aradiaposting Sol: Sollux Captor fictive (also bits of 89P13 and 「YELLOW TEMPERANCE」 and 「NEVER SAY DIE」). he/she. #solposting Mituna: Mituna Captor fictive. he/any/she. #mitunaposting Karkat: Karkat Vantas fictive. he/him and she/her (undecided). #karkatposting Nepeta: Nepeta Leijon fictive. she/fur/it and other cat neopronouns. #nepetaposting Kanaya: Kanaya Maryam fictive. she/her. #kanayaposting Terezi: Terezi Pyrope fictive. she/it. #tereziposting Vriska: Vriska Serket fictive. she/her. #vriskaposting Eridan: Eridan Ampora fictive (goes by Eridan Eleven instead). she/her. #eridanposting
Other Homestucks:
Erisol: Erisolsprite fictive. Not actually at all like Erisolsprite. Different person from Eridan and Sol. he/they. #erisolposting Neproxy: Neproxy Leijonde (Nepeta and Roxy fusion) fictive. Probably the same Nepeta and Roxy from above. she/they/fur/any other cat neopronouns. #neproxyposting Altair: Altair Tascii (fantroll from my fan adventure Roguebent) fictive. he/him. #altairposting
Jack: Jack Snipe fictive. NOT from Homestuck. he/him. #jackposting Wanda: Wanda Firebaugh fictive. Spooky. NOT from Marvel. she/her. #wandaposting
V: non-fictive; named for the Order of the Stick character. The "host" if we have one. they/them. #vposting Five: non-fictive; "V without the limit8ions." Draws elements from Vriska Serket, PL from Roguebent, and happens to share a name with Number Five from Umbrella Academy. any pronouns. #fiveposting Link: Link fictive (from The Legend of Zelda, specifically the Hero of the Wild). Nonverbal I've been told not to use that word; does not speak IRL, would use sign language if we knew any, uses emojis only online. he/any. #linkposting Fifth: ... Complicated. Technically a robot/ai version of June, and also her stand(?), but a separate person also..... Full name 「FIFTH OF BEETHOVEN」. she/her. #fifthposting
Possible (people we've felt present but haven't definitely recurred, might have just been our imagination):
Sherlock Holmes (RDJ version) Equius Zahhak Arquius Strihak Jotaro Kujo
Will update whenever. Maybe.
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superwholockian93 · 2 years
Okay but imagine RDJ's Sherlock Holmes meeting Benoit Blanc
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bighandsforabigheart · 9 months
Watched Sherlock Holmes again after watching TMFU so many times and I’m so confused how RDJ and Cavill’s movements and line delivery is so similar when I know for a fact they’re very different actors.
Maybe I’m just seeing things
But the way Holmes enters rooms and cocks his head and raises his eyebrows really really reminds me of Solo
Not to mention the amount of parallels between the events of Holmes and TMFU but I think that’s just the director’s thing. Even my friend who has 0 knowledge of directors was like “wow this is a lot like tmfu” without knowing it was made by the same dude lmao
+ super off topic but Enola Holmes’ Sherlock is how I imagine Solo is once he’s older and is left alone without Illya. Always grumpy and hard to deal with, getting drunk until his favorite Russian spy is back with him.
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bloodsbane · 1 year
elementary is so good. but i think my fav is the RDJ sherlock holmes films. i cant wait for the third one. can you imagine having to wait over a decade to see more sherlock holmes after his climactic fight against moriarty that resulted in them falling off an edge?
i haven't watched those movies in aaaaages, but i do remember liking them. elementary's sherlock is easily my favorite, but gets a big advantage for being an episodic show with a lot of time to develop sherlock. but i also just do genuinely think jonny lee miller is a phenomenal actor
im surprised to hear they still haven't made a third one for the rdj ones! i don't remember enough so i had no idea it ended on that note, i guess he was just too busy in marvel hell to get a chance to film something else??? ;lsdkjf;l
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Hi Torship 💛 you have ficd for Tokoyami (mha) and Shisui, assuming they're your series favs... What other favs do you have? I don't know if you love any character like you love shisui tho? ;D hard to imagine
Have a good day/night!
Hey, Anon!
I have a lot of series that I like, fandoms that I browse over like popping your head in a gallery to admire the view and not read the labels, but only a few characters I am pretty hardcore for...!
We been knew. I don't really know how I found myself quietly determined to dominate his character tag but life works in mysterious ways. He was a possible love interest for my SIOC back in the day and then... We spiralled, massively. I liked his character so much that I turned to my Beta one day and said 'why isn't there a Shisui time travel fic, one thats simple but impactful?' and she shrugged and told me why I didn't try my hand at it myself, and that's how In The Eye of the Beholder started. The first of...many. I think we're at around 20 Shisui-centric fics posted? And endless ideas 🤡 The OG blorbo
Obi (Akagami no Shirayuki/AnS)
Oh my god Obi. You guys don't realise everything I have bottled up inside of me, but Obi gets me almost at the same level as Shisui, I just never posted much. The AnS fandom is smaller and idk in a weird way I'd feel more out of place there because, with Naruto fics, you're kinda sheltered by the crowd? We all deal with self consciousness, I guess. Obi unlocks something in me. Like with Shisui, I can ship him with almost anyone because I'm ace and romance is nice to read but not the end of the world, you know? It's always going to be a platonic relationship that rules my fics, I can't help it. But Obi? His love for Shirayuki just turns me into this puddle of emotionally complicated goo 😵
For Bnha....
You're not wrong that there's a reason that Tokoyami ended up as my first character-centric foray into this fandom, but it's not at all the same as the previous two. I have a lot of loves in BnHa. Ochako, Momo, Kirishima, Todoroki, Dabi, Hawks, Mirko, Best Jeanist, Ingenium (Tensei), and I have a protective streak a mile wide for Tamaki (I have a lot of thoughts, on...all of it tbh) but I'm very happy to rotate across basically the whole cast from BnHA because a good fic is a damn good fic! And the artists are also extremely talented~
I want to swing by Narutoverse again, just to reiterate that I may be welded to Shisui but I do love a massive number of characters, mainly the idea/potential of them than canon reality (as in most cases, I'm not a "love letter to canon" author) but it's a love all the same. Tobirama, Gai, Lee, Tsunade, Kakashi (squad 2 tbh, i picked my favs for that group), and I've grown so much fonder of other characters that I never paid much mind to (mainly Uchiha or Akatsuki etc) as just a reader!
Other fandoms
I'm... I'm a binge reader without much in the way of pickiness for a lot of fandoms. Les Mis, MCU, HP, LotR/Hobbit (I'm not even loyal to Aragorn/Arwen, this is how flexible I am in the face of good fandom content).
I have a huge preference for BAMF Din, I had to stop watching season three of the mandalorian because it was frustrating me so much lol
My favorite PJO character by a long long shot is Percy
I get annoyed when I remember that they didn't make the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies a polytriad
I'm Merlin trash in the year 2023
I'm too scared to start One Piece 🥴
If I had the time, memory space, and energy to swallow Star Wars lore, I would write a huge fic where Finn is the protagonist. No hate to any character but I want what I want
I think I'm running out of fandoms and, therefore, character fixations 😂 you're right tho, Anon, that I don't exactly have a designated 'Shisui' level of love in each fandom!
Thank you! Have a good day/night too✨
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Oblivious Pain
RDJ!Sherlock Holmes x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,910ish
Summary: You’re keeping a secret from your flatmate, Sherlock Holmes. It honestly is embarrassing that he hasn’t figured it out sooner.
Notes: I hope that this isn’t total trash, sorry if it is…. This is kind of based off of my own chronic illnesses. This has nothing do to with my RDJ!Sherlock Holmes series In The Game of Love. If you haven’t read it yet, it can be found on my masterlist link above. (This was also not edited… so sorry for any of the mistakes…)
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Your flatmate was a very brilliant man. His brilliance was half of why you were in love with him. And yet, he could be so oblivious. Sherlock Holmes was oblivious about two things: your love for him and your health.
You often joined the detective on his cases, more than not having to run away and fight off the people he was chasing. So it was surprising to you that Sherlock hadn’t noticed when you were in pain. Admittedly, you had become very good at hiding it after living with this pain for year, but still. Sherlock Holmes was known to know every detail of a person’s life just by a mere glance in their direction. Yet he couldn’t tell that you were limping from the pain or that, upon returning back to the flat from a day of work, you went straight to bed. It continued to shock you that he couldn’t hear you get dressed or undressed on your bad days, it being so painful.
“Wake up!” Sherlock shouted as he burst into your room. “We must get going.” You groaned, both in annoyance and pain. “We have a long day ahead of us today.” 
You sighed as Sherlock waltzed out of your room and back into his. You stayed laying down as you took a silent inventory on where the pain was located today in your body. 
“Shoulders, lower back, and ankles,” you whispered to yourself.
“What was that?” Sherlock peered into your room. “Why are you not up yet, woman?”
“Since you decided to play your violin at all hours last night, I did not get rest.”
“Oh,” for a moment there you thought that he might actually apologize, “well, get up. I expect you by the door in ten.” Then he disappeared again.
You bit down on your bottom lip and closed your eyes and you pushed yourself up to a sitting position. You took a deep breath as you moved over to the edge of your bed. Your head was hanging low as Mrs. Hudson came in with a tray of fresh tea. She shut your door as she entered.
“You should not join him today,” Mrs. Hudson said. She set the tray down on your desk before heading to your wardrobe. “You clearly are unwell.”
“You know Sherlock, he will not take no for an answer.”
“Y/N,” she sighed as she pulled a dress out for you and came over to you. “If you would just be honest with you, he listens to you. Shockingly. He also clearly cares.”
“I am fine, Mrs. Hudson. Thank you for the tea and picking my dress for the day.”
“Do you need anymore help getting ready?”
“I am good. Thank you.”
Mrs. Hudson didn’t look convinced but left your room anyway. You took another deep breath before standing up and slowly going over to your desk and pouring yourself a cup of tea. Bringing up to your nose, you took a deep inhale before taking a sip. Mrs. Hudson clearly knew that it was going to be a rough day because the tea she had thrown together had the herbs you would usually use for pain. That woman may not like Sherlock very much, but she was sure going to take care of you.
You pushed through the pain, actually making it worse, in order to be dressed on time for Sherlock. He was by the front door already when you headed down the stairs. 
“Good, you’re ready,” he commented, opening the front door. “Let us go.”
The day was exhausting. Sherlock was never one to slow down and that was catching up with you. By the time that you two arrived back at the flat, it was close to midnight and everything in your body was on fire. You were sure that Sherlock was saying something but you couldn’t focus on his voice as you used the railing to pull yourself up the stairs. You flinched as a large, rough hand found your lower back. You turned to see Sherlock studying you.
“Are you alright, darling?” He asked.
Your heart swooned at the nickname. “I’m fine,” you said quietly.
“Alright. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Sherlock.”
You slipped into your room and failed to make it to your bed. Instead, you collapsed on the floor. You didn’t have the energy to call for help or anything, so you stayed on the floor, quickly falling asleep.
The morning came with light slowly trickling into your window, waking you. You groaned as you realized that, one, you were still on the ground and, two, you were in a lot more pain than you were in the day before. It took you about fifteen minutes before you peeled yourself off the floor and began to clean yourself up. About an hour later, you found yourself down in the kitchen, searching for some tea.
“Mrs. Hudson!” You called as you searched the shelves. “Mrs. Hudson, where did you put the herbs for the tea?”
“The nanny is out today,” Sherlock said, coming into the room. 
You winced slightly, surprised at his entrance. “Great,” you mumbled. 
You closed your eyes as you tried to not to get emotional. Sherlock’s eyes grew concerned as he studied you. Something was wrong, he just couldn’t put a finger on what. You let out a deep breath as you opened up your eyes and took a few trembling steps toward the stairs. Sherlock hurried over to your side, setting a hand on your back. You flinched away while you bit down a whimper.
“Something’s not right,” he stated, his voice firm.
“I’m fine,” you tried to match his firmness but your voice betrayed you.
“Do lie to me, darling. It’s not a good look on you.”
“I’ll be fine, Sherlock.” You patted his chest lightly, immediately regretting it due to the pain. “I think that I’ll just go back upstairs and rest.”
You walked away, unsteadily so, under the careful watch of Sherlock. He watched as you used the railing to pull yourself up to the next step and the next. When you reached the landing, he went back into the kitchen to try and put together some tea for you. Sherlock was grabbing the kettle for water when he heard a crash. He rushed out to see that you had fallen down the last few steps and back onto the landing.
“Y/N!” Sherlock exclaimed. He rushed up to you, gently getting you into his arms. “Come on, darling.” You whimpered. “Focus on my voice. What hurts?” 
You just whimpered again as you were unable to focus or speak. He fixed his arms to be underneath you better and stood up with you in them. For someone who always could put together a plan, Sherlock didn’t know what to do. He could run through the streets with you in his arms in search for Watson, he could get you to bed then go out searching for Watson himself, or he could get you to bed then wait by your side until Mrs. Hudson came back. 
Looking down at you, Sherlock knew he couldn’t leave you. Running through the streets with you was also not a possibility due to the pain it would clearly cause you. So carefully, he climbed up the stairs with you in his arms and headed straight for your room. He set you down and gently ran his hand across your forehead to check your temperature. 
Sherlock straightened up as the front door opened and then closed.
“Holmes! Y/N!” John called. “I came for a visit. To see how—“
“Watson!” Sherlock rushed out to the stairs, panicked. “I don’t know—I can’t deduce what happened.”
“What are you talking about, Holmes?” 
“Y/N. She collapsed. I can’t get her to focus or respond.”
John ran up the stairs, following Sherlock into your room. The doctor when to work, quickly realizing that every movement that he was forcing you to make caused you to whimper or cry out.
“There’s bruises forming,” John noted.
“She fell down the stairs,” Sherlock quickly replied. “She was trembling and told me that she just needed rest. I turned my back and then she fell.”
“We should get her to the hospital. She needs to be properly examined and given medication.”
Sherlock’s heart clenched. He knew that he was never good with feelings and relationships, but the thought of something being seriously wrong with you worried him.
“Sherlock,” John called for the detective’s attention. The man glanced up at the doctor. “We’re going to figure this out.”
Thankfully, John had taken his own carriage to the Baker Street flat so it was easier to get you to the hospital. Sherlock did not let you go throughout the whole ride there. John watched curiously as his old friend showed more emotion and care than John had ever seen from the man before. Sherlock carried you into the hospital, John doing the talking to the worried nurses. 
Sherlock stayed by your side until a doctor came over and told Sherlock that he needed to leave so that they could do a check up. John was already tugging him away before Sherlock could fight. John led Sherlock into the waiting area. The two men sat down with a sigh. John reached over and took the paper from the table in front of him.
“Let’s see what’s going on out in the world, shall we?” John commented as he opened the paper. “Well it seems Scotland Yard still can’t do their job without you.” Silence. “She’s going to be fine, old—“ John stopped himself as he folded the paper to look at Sherlock. Except, Sherlock wasn’t there. “Great.”
You groaned as you slowly began to come to. Just by the smell, you knew that you were no longer at home. You went to try and find a more comfortable position, still keeping your eyes closed, when a pair of hands gently found your shoulders. 
“Don’t move,” a man’s voice with a clearly fake German accent said. “Your body needs to stay still.”
You blinked your eyes open, focusing on the man above you. He had grey hair and a large beard. He was dressed up like a doctor, but it was his large brown eyes that gave him away.
“Sherlock,” you rasped.
“You had me worried there, darling,” he whispered, sitting on your bedside you.
“What happened?”
“You fell down the stairs. Do you not remember?”
“Not really. I… I just remember a lot of pain.”
“Yes… it seems like you’ve been in pain for a while. You’ve been hiding it from me.”
“You were just oblivious to my pain, Sherlock. For someone so brilliant, you sure miss the obvious.”
“I do not.”
“You do.” Sherlock huffed. “How long am I here for?”
“Until the doctor’s find something to help you.”
You sighed, looking away from Sherlock. “They won’t find anything. People have already tried. I’m just stuck with living like this for the rest of my life.” Tears pricked your eyes as you closed them. “I… I understand if you no longer wish me to be your flatmate. This can be a lot and it will out get worse.”
“Stop that.” Sherlock’s hands came up to held your face. “You are staying at the flat.”
You opened your eyes to see how sincere he was being. It surprised you slightly. “Are you sure?”
“Positive, love.”
Sherlock’s arm would not leave your waist after he helped you up the front steps of your shared flat. The door opened before he could do it for you and Mrs. Hudson appeared.
“Y/N! I was so worried,” she said, coming in to hug you. “I am so glad you’re okay.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Hudson,” you replied as you hugged her back.
“Okay, that’s enough, nanny,” Sherlock scolded as he pushed her away from you.
“Sherlock,” you reprimanded. “It’s fine. It’s just a hug.”
“A hug that could cause you pain.”
“The medication the doctor’s gave me is working. I’m fine.”
Sherlock didn’t responded, but he didn’t care if you said you were fine. He was going to do his best to help you. Even if he was never good with emotions, his own or others, Sherlock was going to try for you.
“I will go put some tea on and bring it up to you,” Mrs. Hudson said.
“Thank you,” you replied as you continued inside. 
Sherlock kept his arm around you as he clenched his jaw tightly while helping you up the stairs. He was trying to resist the urge just to sweep you off your feet and carrying you up the stairs. He knew that you wouldn’t be alright with it and wanted to do what you could, even if it took all your energy. By the time you made it to the top of the staircase, you were tired and you were leaning more into Sherlock. He took on more of your weight with ease and hurried you into your room. He helped you onto the bed.
“I have a few things to do, but I will be around,” Sherlock said softly.
“The case,” you gasped. “You haven’t been able to solve the case because of me.”
“I solved the case while waiting for you to wake. It was the wife, clearly.”
“Clearly,” you chuckled, tiredly. “What do you need to do? Can I help with anything?”
Sherlock pressed out a smile. “You need to rest. That’s what you can help with.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead. “Call for me if you need anything.”
Sherlock played his violin as you slept, thinking about how to handle his emotions towards you. He was also thinking about ways he could help ease your pain.
“Sherlock,” your whimper made him pause his playing. “Sherlock.” He set down his instrument and rushed out of his room. “Sherlock.” He entered your room to see you laying in bed, clearly in pain. “Sherlock.”
“I’m here, darling,” he whispered as he grabbed the medicine bottle and syringe from your side table.
“It hurts… it hurts…”
“Almost there, love. Almost there.” Sherlock gently took your arm and injected the contains of the syringe into it. You gasped as it filled you. “There you go.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course, darling.” He pulled a chair up to the side of your bed. “I’ll be right here when you need something.”
It became routine for Sherlock to sleep in the chair besides your bed. Even as your body began to bounce back. As you began to feel better, you longed to do more than just stay around the flat. Sherlock was not allowing you to join him on cases, which he only started taking again at your insistence. 
It was now six weeks since your hospital stay, your doctors and John had approved you for more strenuous activities as the medication you were on was working.
“Come on, Sherlock, please,” you begged as you followed him down the stairs. “Let me come. I’m feeling better! I can—“
“No,” his voice was firm as he continued towards the front door.
“John and my other doctors said that I am good. Why can’t you—“
“I said no!” He yelled. You flinched back. Sherlock had never raised his voice at you like that before. “I will see you later.”
He slipped out of the front door, leaving you stunned inside. Sherlock regretting his tone, having sensed your flinch. But he had other things to worry about like the case he was currently trying to solve. Annoyingly so, Sherlock couldn’t get you out of his head the whole day. The man he was casing after almost alluded him because of it. He was coming home late, frustrated at the whole situation.
You had a similar, frustrating day. Unable to do anything without thinking about how Sherlock had treated you that morning. It was not okay and you were determined to let him know that. You waited in his room; going from reading to pacing and then repeating it all. You heard the front door slam and you knew he was home. 
Sherlock’s steps were quick up the stairs. He paused in front of your room, unable to tell if you were sleeping or just not in there. He huffed as he marched into his room. You stood up as he entered. He froze as he saw you there waiting for him.
“What you did this morning was not okay, Holmes,” you told him angrily. “I am not a fragile doll! This is why I didn’t want to tell you about my health because I knew you would never let me do anything again. I am not okay with that! I am not useless! I—“
You were cut off by Sherlock’s lips over yours. He was hungry for you and you quickly reciprocated it, grabbing at him the way he was grabbing at you.
“You’re not fragile,” he whispered against your lips. “And I’ll show you that I believe that, if you’d let me.”
You responded with another eager kiss, allowing him to begin taking off your layers of clothing.
Sherlock kissed your bare shoulder as you slept against him. He had spent a good portion of the night showing you that he knew that you were not fragile. When you finally fell asleep against him, Sherlock promised himself that he would never be oblivious to your pain—or love—again.
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thranduilsperkybutt · 4 years
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Gif source:  Sherlock
Imagine Sherlock is your friend and he finds your artwork (sketches, paintings) when he goes to your house for the first time, being shocked at the quality of it. He finds some pieces of him, Watson, Mary, Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade. He praises you for your talent and offers her a job as a sketch artist for Scotland yard.  (RDJ version)
---------  Request for @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13  ---------
He barges into your workspace on the heels of the doorman, making you look up from your easel before he’s even a chance to be announced as a visitor. You wave off your scandalized servant, used to the lack of patience for decorum when it comes to Sherlock Holmes.
“How may I help you this evening, Mister Holmes?” a smile graces your lips as you lean back, setting your paintbrush aside as he scrutinizes the room for a moment.
“You never told me you were an artist,” he picks up a sketch from a pile of papers littering your nearby desk, “and quite the talented one at that.”
“That’s very nice of you to say,” standing, you move across the room towards him, plucking the sketch from his hands only for him to take up another, “but you still haven’t told me to what I owe this visit?”
He ignores you, once again, enraptured with filing through your sketches as he adds excitedly, “These are better than most, and years ahead of the poor suspect sketches I receive from Scotland Yard.” Peering over his shoulder, you find he’s come across your sketches of him and John Watson, beneath which were some of Mary, Mrs. Hudson, and Lestrade, “Ah, there’s an idea! You, the sketch artist--- it’s settled. I’ll finally have proper portraits to go on.”
“Do you even have the authority as a consultant to be offering me such a position?” you chuckle at your friend, catching his eye for the first time since he’s entered the room.
He looks nearly offended at your doubt in him, “I’m a very important consultant---”
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Imagine celebrating Sherlock’s birthday at 221B
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nikoruistyping · 3 years
hi again, this is the anon from before. If I can Id like to request RDJ's Sherlock Holmes x fem!reader where Watson invites y/n to dinner to meet Mary & Sherlock but suddenly plans change and then the only two left are you and Sherlock to have dinner alone and it's just a really fluffy and romantic date thanks in advance
And Then There Were Two...|| Sherlock Holmes (RDJ)
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RDJ!Sherlock Holmes x Fem!reader
Summary: You were to meet John, Mary and Sherlock at dinner but when the two lovebirds aren’t able to make it that leaves only you and Sherlock left to get acquainted properly...
TW: Fluff, Victorian Era/AU/1800′s Time Period, Playful/Sassy/Smartass Banter, Very Proper Old English, Courtship, First Date, Kissing
Word Count: 3,153
A/N: Y/BS = Your birthstone & Y/BM = Your Birth Month
I’m coming at yall with a request that is pretty out of my field of what I normally write but I decided to take on the challenge so thank you so much Anon for requesting and I hope you enjoy this! I had such a fun and good challenge writing this especially since I did a lot of research to make this as perfect and accurate to the movie/character/time period as I could! This is my first time ever writing an era/decade type story so hopefully it sounds normal and not like “modernized”. I want to give a shoutout to the only 2 RDJ Sherlock fics I was able to scavenge to find, I read them both and it helped me so much by getting a better understanding on how to write this request. It was so cool reading them first before watching the movies and seeing how accurate both authors were able to write the scenes from the movie! It inspired me to do better and really get into the right mindset for this. Please go check out In the Game of Love by @just-dreaming-marvel  & A Rose in London by Dragon_Baron
Also I highly recommend listening to this playlist while reading! I’m not usually one to listen to classical instrumental music but for some reason it really put me in the mood to write this and honestly I wasn't expecting to get this involved or have this fic be so long but here it is!
Eight-thirty, The Royale. John had insisted earlier that day for you to join him and Mary for dinner with his dear friend Sherlock Holmes. In all the time you had known and been acquainted with John you had heard Sherlock's name thrown about here and there but you had yet to meet the mysterious detective. You even started to believe the man might have been a myth or even a ghost because of the lengths John had gone to make sure the two of you never were to meet. He must have been utterly desperate or rather so crying for help when he asked you to tag along, it was a serious matter since apparently Sherlock hadn't met Mary yet and you suspected John was on the brink of proposing to the woman. You seemed to be the only friend Watson had that helped keep him level-headed and sane when Holmes was at his wits.
You quickly mentioned to the host that you were one of the guests under the name of Dr. Watson. To your surprise, the host told you John had yet to arrive, but that his other guest was early and was waiting at your reserved table. You followed the host's lead through the restaurant, shuffling along in your black satin dress, black lace and ruffles going down your skirt, accents of gold thread and detailing running along your long sleeves and corset bodice. You had taken the liberty to slip off your black lace gloves, stuffing them into your purse, and taking a moment to adjust your choker necklace while you walked towards the table.
Once you had laid eyes on who you assumed to be none other than 'The Sherlock Holmes', he was sitting by himself, fiddling with his pocket watch, casually checking the time. The host bowed and presented you to the table but Sherlock had his eyes closed, the man seemed to be meditating, how peculiar you thought. You made it a point to clear your throat rather loudly and leaning against the table right in his field of view.
His head flicked up in an instant, his gaze meeting with yours and he was utterly surprised not only by your beauty but because of the way you seemed to carry yourself, you looked and moved as if you had complete and utter authority almost like you were royalty. He could have been fooled that maybe he was in the presence of a princess. He rather hastily stood up from his seat bowing and gently taking your hand, his lips kissing the back.
"You must be Miss Y/LN, what an honor to finally make your acquaintance." His hand seemed to linger just a bit longer, holding your petite hand in the palm of his, while his eyes never left yours.
"Likewise Mister Holmes, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard quite a lot about you actually." Your lips curved into a smile at how proper and polite the man was, you were starting to think was this really the same man John was always on about? It couldn't have been, he was acting normally, civilized not on the brink of insanity like you had heard.
"As have I of you." He flashed you a small smile as well, pulling out your chair and motioning for you to take a seat across from him.
"Thank you..." Your voice whispered under your breath, thanking him while you watched him adjust his coat, sitting down once again.
"For the life of me I'm not sure why it's taken John so long to introduce us properly." He commented rather quickly as his eyes seemed to burn holes into the back of your head. You could already imagine he was observing your every move and detail, trying to figure you out even though he just met you minutes ago.
"I can't imagine why, John must have his reasons I suppose." You voice trailed off, silence filling the space between you two.
"You look lovely tonight." He said quickly filling the silence with words, trying not to make things awkward between you both.
His eyes were squinting at your choker necklace, trying to make out what gem was hanging from the middle. You were caught off guard by his straight forward compliment. According to John it was very rare for Sherlock to compliment anyone, especially a lady like yourself. He wasn't the type to hang around many fair ladies and John might have briefly mentioned Sherlock had an old flame in the past but it was never very serious.
"Thank you. You look..." You voice paused for a moment trying to find the right words.
"...rather dashing, yourself." Your smile was soft and sweet, a small blush running across your cheeks at the compliment you had given him.
Just before Sherlock could open his mouth to say another word the host quickly approached the table and slipped a letter towards him, by the look of the dots and dashes that you could see through the thin sheet of paper, it was a telegraph. Your brow raised, studying his facial expression while it contorted into confusion and quickly into concern. You had a feeling maybe something had gone wrong with John and Mary.
"I assume by the look on your face the news isn't well?" You questioned while Sherlock slowly lowered the letter from his view and nervously smiled back at you.
"And then there were two..." He mumbled under his breath, you could barely understand his words but he shook off the thought and cleared his throat.
"Need not to worry my dear. It looks as if John and Mary, unfortunately, won't be able to make it to dinner. There was some sort of family emergency with Mary's mother, she has fallen quite ill." His facial expression was serious yet there was still some sort of excitement or rather interest in wanting to say seated at the table, he was in no rush to leave dinner so soon it seemed.
The one night that Sherlock had actually made an effort to not only dress formally but actually exiting the house alone was already his way of jumping through hoops for John's sake. Over his dead body that he was going to waste this opportunity to well, of course, have a meal but to also get to know you personally. He was having a hard time trying to figure you out at first, you were a puzzle he couldn't quite piece together but he knew with time and better combing of the details he would know just almost anything about you.
"Oh my, really?! What an unfortunate turn of events..." You let out a small gasp, your hands covering your lips for a brief moment.
"I will have to send my regards to Mary and her mother in the morning." You were now worried about the fact that you were alone with Sherlock, a man you had just met and knew very little about. The only information you had of him was merely through conversations between you and John and fare fetched assumptions.
You thought that maybe if John and Mary had attended you wouldn't be too alone and being able to strike up a conversation would come easier but now you were rather silent, your lips pursed shut. You had to sit through a whole dinner service with him and from what John had told you about Sherlock he was quite the intuitive individual, he could figure you out in minutes, know everything about you just by the minor details. Maybe if you turned the tables and you were the one digging deeper into Sherlock, you could learn more about him, deflecting any questions he might have had about you. Although you were a bit guilty of wanting to know what was fact and what was fiction about the charming man in front of you.
"Well now...it would be an awful shame to waste such a lovely dinner like this. Would you care to join me despite the circumstances?" His fingers now fiddling with the silverware on the table.
"I must agree with you there Mister Holmes. I am quite famished and I'm sure you don't want to send a lady home on an empty stomach, do you?" You questioned right back at him, a small chuckle coming from him.
"Absolutely not, that would be very brutish of me." Before you could give him another compliment on his remarkable skills of being polite, he waved the waiter over, quickly whispering into his ear the order for food and wine.
Once his gaze was back and focused on just you, he continued to ramble. For some reason you had quickly grown fond of how intelligent his tone of voice seemed to sound, words elegantly gliding off his tongue.
"Y/BS. I assume that you were born in Y/BM? The gem is exquisite." His eyes trailed to your neck, observing the beautiful stone that hung from the necklace.
"Correct, you certainly know your gemstones Mister Holmes-" You words interrupted by his.
"Sherlock. Please call me Sherlock." He corrected you.
"Well then Sherlock, you may call me Y/N," You smiled once more, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear as he nodded in agreement.
"So, Sherlock I've been wondering, is it true you can guess what someone does just by looking at them?" You were quite curious to know what exactly his skillset really was.
"In fact, the little details are by far the most important." His face was serious and the sparkle in his eye was now rather focused on you and only you.
"Then how about me, what little details have you been able to observe so far?" You asked eagerly to know exactly what he thought of you, it was exciting yet making butterflies go wild in your stomach.
"Oh Y/N I don't think we should be doing this over dinner-" Sherlock was stuttering at this point, he seemed nervous all of a sudden.
"I insist." You voice sharp like a knife, determined to see if he really could have you all figured out.
"If the lady insists." He darted right back at you, his body leaning closer into the table, elbows resting, his hands holding his head up whilst he stared at you.
You sat there quietly while Sherlock was observing you, his fingers stroking his chin in deep thought. You could have sworn for a moment you got lost in the deep seas of his brown eyes, the more you felt self conscious. You seemed to be questioning everything now. Was it the right choice wearing this necklace, should you have picked a different dress, had you powdered your nose enough?!
"You're a dressmaker. The callouses on your fingers suggesting you work closely with sewing and altering women's garments. Maybe you have even pricked yourself a few times by the tiny scar marks on the pads of your fingertips," The way he had guessed correctly with such ease was astonishing, you were speechless but Sherlock continued to ramble like he always did.
"Your dress alone tells me that you perhaps made it yourself, custom made, there was no way that you would show up to this special occasion wearing another markers dress. Your perfume, sweet smelling and hints of rose, maybe it's your favorite flower? Clearly you seem to be well off enough because your choker was crafted with finest black velvet and bought from the jewelry shop on Adams street. It's the only shop in town that serves only those willing to spend a good pound," He raised his eyebrows at you the more that your face seemed to flush at how could he have gotten everything right on the spot.
"If it weren't for those tiny details you could have had me fooled but I can tell by the way your face seems to be red as a tomato I must have hit the nail on the head so to speak. Regardless none the less you are quite an astonishing lady Y/N." He finally finished off with a smirk on his face knowing that he had hit the bullseye on everything about you.
"Right on all counts Sherlock. I'm thoroughly impressed, you're clearly sharper than what I had expected." You admit, dumbfounded at how easily he had figured you out.
"And what exactly were you expecting Y/N?" He leaned in closer eager to hear what you had to say. He also seemed to be growing fond of the way you spoke, your regal like tone, it's as if you owned the whole room.
"I was expecting a rather manic detective, an unorganized individual, and someone who has no regard for the feelings of others but you seem to be quite the opposite from the description John told me." You saw the way Sherlock's eyes quickly looked side to side, his fingers drumming against the empty plate in front of him as you made your statement.
You were a woman after all and nothing escaped a woman's eyes, let alone her intuition. Clearly you had assumed that at least one things you said was correct about Sherlock but you decided not to pester on, you did want to have a pleasant dinner.
"I hope to continue to impress as the evening carries on. The last thing I want is to leave with you a fowl impression." He says nonchalantly, leaning back in his chair.
"So far I think you're doing a rather fine job in being able to impress me." You hesitantly reached your hand over the table and laid your hand on top of his, the contact of your skin against his was warm, comforting, and you hoped that maybe just maybe he wouldn't pull away.
To your surprise he held your hand from across the table as the two of you began to chat up a storm the whole night. As food and wine began to be consumed the more comfortable you both had gotten with being in each other's presence. The two of you ended up staying at The Royale until the wee hours of the night until the restaurant basically had to kick the two of you out.
Your arm was looped together with Sherlocks while you both stumbled out of the restaurant in a fit of laughter, your body leaning into his side.
"Oh my Sherlock! We really have lost track of time, there isn't a carriage in sight at all." You looked around the empty streets of London, it must have been midnight maybe even later as you glanced up at the moonlight, it was a full moon.
"Oh look at that, we really did. If there are no carriages then we must use our feet, let us walk on my dear." He started to guide the both of you in the direction of his flat on Baker street, you shuffled close to him as the cold nights breeze was making you shiver, how silly of you not to even bring a coat of some kind.
While the two of you walked in unison Sherlock took notice of how your fingers curled up into his arm, you body snuggling into his side for warmth. He stopped in his tracks causing you to turn to him in confusion. He unbuttoned his coat and gently draped it over your shoulders, wrapping you in his coat to keep you warm.
"Thank you, you really are such a gentleman." You commented while your fingers gripped the coat to keep it tightly around you, his arm going back in place looping with yours.
"I can't let you freeze to death or else I'm sure John would be quite upset at me." He said with a light chuckle.
"You have a very unique bond with him like brothers almost, am I correct?"
"Almost but rather so I tolerate him and he puts up with my unusual antics from time to time." His hand goes up to hold yours, stroking the back of your hand softly.
"You know, not everything he says about you is negative. There are a lot of positive things I've heard as well. You're forever more a mystery Sherlock. Even after spending hours with you at dinner I still can't quite put my finger on you." You shyly admitted that truly in fact you were trying to figure him out all night and even between sips of wine and hilarious stories he told, you still had little to no information about who really was Sherlock Holmes.
"A mystery you say?" He questioned, you could hear the utter curiosity and interest peaking in his voice alone.
"Yes..." You halted your steps turning towards Sherlock to face him, you gripped his hand a bit tighter and using your other hand you cupped the side of his face that was being bathed in the blue hue of the moonlight.
"You're a mystery that I intend to keep solving." You declared, maybe it was the wine talking or maybe it was the butterflies that had been flying around in your stomach for the past few hours ever since you laid eyes on the man but you knew you felt some sort of attraction to him at this point.
"Oh really? I thought I was the detective in this scenario." He couldn't keep in his chuckle while looking deep into your eyes, his hand had also made its way to your cheek, his thumb stroking your smooth skin, you could feel him gravitating towards you and you towards him.
"And what exactly do you suppose this 'scenario' between us really is?" You answered his question with another one, leaving him a bit dumbfounded at how you could so easily disarm him that way, leaving him with no words.
"I do hope it's rather a good one to keep on continuing together, don't you think?"
"I would love that." Your voice almost a whisper as your lips were just inches away from his before you took the leap of faith and pressed closer, his lips meeting with yours.
His hands were clutching at your cheeks making sure your lips didn't run away from his in the moment. You were holding on tightly to his shirt pulling him in closer as the two of you were kissing under the moonlight, your bodies being lit in the bluish white colors of the night sky. The breeze was flowing through your up-do and Sherlock had slowly pulled away, both of your breathes heavy before looking into each other's eyes and smiling.
From that moment on the rest seemed to be history, your life had done a complete turn around from what you had even imagined after meeting him. Your life that seemed to be of a boring dressmaker was now turned into one full of adventure and action while you pushed forward to follow Sherlock and become his lover but also his sidekick. You were thankful for that special night you were able to have with him and dare you say you were actually thankful John and Mary couldn't attend dinner. Who knows maybe you would have never met Sherlock Holmes but you were glad that fate had other plans for you in the cards.
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Imagine messing up and panicking because you don’t want to disappoint Sherlock.
Your fingers clutched the blanket Watson had found you, fidgeting incessantly with the damp fabric. It took effort to keep your breathing even, especially when you could feel Sherlock’s eyes on you, ever observant.
“I’m sorry!” you blurted out at last, hunching your shoulders as you prepared yourself for the inevitable lecture. You had made a mistake and Sherlock had been forced to clean up your mess. You had no doubt that he wouldn’t want you around him anymore. Accompanying him on this particular case had already been a long shot. You were sure he wouldn’t want you shadowing him on another after today-
He arched a brow and readjusted the blanket around his own shoulders. A bead of water trickled down his cheekbone from his hair. “Calm yourself, [f/n]. I learned a long time ago not to hold others to the standards I have for myself. Side effect of spending so much time around Watson. I wasn’t expecting you to perform perfectly on your first case so I planned accordingly. We will lose no time due to your mishap.”
You blinked in shock, “What?”
His lips quirked in the slightest hint of a smile, “Close your mouth, [f/n], you’ll catch flies.”
Gif Credit: Sherlock
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yukselkaminski · 3 years
Who: OPEN Where: Underground Fighting Rings | Warehouse in Fulton Market When: Wednesday, 2am
The dreams always brought on the panic attacks. Each time, she was screaming at her brother and dad not the turn on the car. And each time, they didn’t hear her. There was only the smile as Kerem waved, a flash of light jolting her awake. Sweat dripped off her body, her heart threatening to burst out her chest- one, two, three, count your breaths. There were the nights where terror turned to hatred, red hot and angry. Some where she felt nothing but exhaustion in her bones, unsure if she was really awake. The others, she found herself in Fulton Market, restless. Wired.
Another fist connected with the opposition’s forehead, the man crumpling to the floor while yells erupted from the surrounding crowd. Kara could smell the blood dripping from her cheek as the knockout was solidified- blue corner, winner. The illegal gambling pits had turned into a regular stop for the brunette. Pain, after all, was one of the few ways to ground herself in reality. To show whatever scared little girl that still lived in her that she had control now. Power even. “$150 for a knockout in two- pay up.” The next fight had already begun as the brunette maneuvered away from the makeshift ring to the bar stand. “Hey, Randy- donate me some of the ice will you?” Hazel eyes caught a figure approaching her, though they fell back on the bartender before she spoke. “Coming over to say you betted wrong or...?”
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locke-writes · 4 years
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Requested By: @groovyfluxie​
Imagine helping Sherlock Holmes solve a case
A file had been shoved into your hand as soon as Sherlock entered the room. With the detective there was never any time to catch your breath and quickly you were attempting to piece together all aspects of a puzzle. He'd always seemed ten steps ahead of you although sometimes being that far ahead left quite a bit behind. Which was often where you came in, connecting things that Sherlock deemed unimportant to the case yet would come back to being necessary by the end.
He bombarded you with as many questions as you did him, each of you seeking answers to questions that you thought might help. The case was one of your more difficult ones, a murder or a kidnapping you didn't know. Perhaps it was both and this would be double the intrigue of trying to figure out who did it because you'd get to be adding the when and the why it happened. Sherlock had his theories and you had your own.
Running around England you found a clue here and a clue there. Never had you found one thing in the same place as another and that made it all the more adventurous. Sherlock was always grateful to have you along, needing someone to keep him focused on what was most important and focused on the case itself. Really you were invaluable as without you Sherlock would never complete the investigative puzzle he often found himself in.
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