#re would paint satine's nails
lead-acetate · 1 year
(a missing scene from young man came from hunting)
Satine *sipping her space cocoa*: so, do I need to give Jango Fett the shovel talk?
Obi-Wan: *blanches*
Quinlan: *cackles*
Quinlan: I love you.
Satine: thank you.
Quinlan: *clinks cups with Satine*
Quinlan: I want to vote for you. can I vote for you?
Satine: thankfully, no. you can bring me more biscuits from the kitchen, though
Quinlan: you got it, hon *dashes off*
Obi-Wan: *glares*
Satine: *raises an eyebrow*
Obi-Wan: stop. platonically seducing my friends
Satine: *takes a sip of cocoa*
Satine: no.
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Boyfriend!Harry: 3 Minutes?
Thank you so much for reading! Please like if it’s not too shabby, reblog if you think someone else may like it, and follow if you want to see more! I love you all, be safe and be kind!x
Warnings: Mentions of vomit, pregnancy (I think that’s all!)
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“Harry what the hell is the matter with you?!...There’s a coaster right there in front of you on the table and you still put your mug on the table next to it” you sigh and pick up the mug.
“Harry Edward Styles! Now you’ve stained the bloody table!” You shout, trying to wipe ferociously to avoid a permanent stain. Harry strolled into the living room with a towel wrapped around his waist, his brunette curls damp and dripping. 
“Oh m’darling...I’m very sorry” He pouts and wraps his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you close into his chest. “I can’t stop thinking about how amazing you’ll look in that sexy long black dress tonight” He whispers, his lips trailing from behind your ear, down into the crook of your neck.
“Haz...” You blush and giggle softly “The hair and makeup people will be here any minute” 
“Mmmm fuck ‘em...but it will look much better on the floor” his lips smirking against your skin.
“H, I mean it! I have to-...Harry what’s that smell?...” You frown.
“What smell? I just got out the shower...I used your marshmallow body wash and that orange-y smelling shampoo...I think they smell great? That’s why you bought them right?”
You felt your stomach curdle as the colour drained from your face. You rush to the bathroom just in time, your head hanging low into the toilet.
“Baby?” Harry frowns and rushes after you. “Hey...It’s okay” He whispers, crouching beside you and pulling your hair back gently, his other hand rubbing small circles round your back. 
You cough and whimper softly, your eyes watering. “Sorry...I don’t know why I-”
“Baby is there something you aren’t telling me? Are you sick? Have you been feeling this way for long?” He pesters with questions.
“Haz I swear I’ve felt fine all day...I don’t know why..I-...I...”
Within seconds the waft of Harry’s shampoo had travelled up to your nose, and your head was back into the toilet. Harry stays close although trying to keep his head above yours, frowning gently. He grabbed the damp flannel on the sink to wipe your mouth and quickly filled the closest cup he could find with water.
You sigh and stand up slowly, flushing the toilet. “Harry seriously you need to bin that shampoo and go and wash your hair with something else otherwise I’m not coming to the Brits with you.”
He blinks silently as you get up, take a sip of water and head back to the front room, the colour back into your cheeks and seeming like nothing had happened. 
“Women...” He sighs, binning the bottles and getting back into the shower. He would never complain...he was extremely whipped for his girl.
When Harry came back into the living room after his second shower, a small team of hair and makeup artists had arrived, as well as Harry Lambert who had brought your outfits over. 
You looked so much better than earlier, and to say Harry wasn’t confused would be a lie. He sat chatting away to Lambert as you had a stylist focusing on your hair and a stylist doing your makeup. 
Harry was set on wearing a brown, orange and white retro-patterned suit with a matching brown leather bag and white shoes...because he could and he wanted to!
Y/N had a gorgeous black, floor length satin gown, with long lace sleeves and buttons all the way down the back. It was tight at the top and flowed down once it reached the hips. She had heels matching the colour of Harry’s shoes, even though her dress covered her feet.
After an hour and a half, Y/N was ready with her hair styled in a low curly bun, a few pieces pulled from the front and curled, with her make up flawlessly glowing, and a dark brown smoky eye with a nude lip.
In that time, Harry had re-painted his nails, had his hair blow-dried and styled, and had very light makeup on, jut enough so that he didn’t look washed out from the cameras and stage lighting. 
“So you definitely still want to wear the suit?” Lambert checks. “I also found another bag to match your shoes...you’ve got the choice then.”
“Hmmm, I like the white bag but I think I’ll stick to the original one. Y/N might like the white one instead” Harry smiles softly as Lambert helps him into his suit. His closet had a full dressing/fitting room, with a raised circle platform in the middle of the room, in front of the floor to ceiling length mirror. “Right, you’re all ready. We have an hour til the cars arrive, go and get Y/N and bring her to get changed”
Harry nodded at his orders as Lambert brought the beautiful dress out of the bag.
You follow Harry to where Lambert was, standing in your silky black robe and looking in awe at the dress, you had tried it on three weeks ago and it was perfect, if anything slightly big, but Lambert had said he could sew it tighter once it was on.
Harry sat on the sofa beside the platform, half watching and half scrolling through his phone. By now, the stylists had joined, as well as Jeff and Glenne.
“Uh oh...” Lambert frowns softly as your eyes widen, you felt him pulling tight at the bottom buttons, and you felt like you was in a nightmare.
“I-it doesn’t fit does it...” you whisper and frown, looking at Lambert’s eyes in the mirror. Harry notices the conversation and looks up frowning, “That’s not possible...it was too big three weeks ago...” you felt tears brimming your eyes as Harry rushes over.
“Baby...baby we can sort this” He takes your hands, running his thumb along your knuckles and gazing deep into your eyes. “I can go and find another dress in your closet...you have tonnes!” You knew he was trying to help but it wasn’t working.
“No, no, no...right. Y/N calm down...I can sort this” Lambert reassures you. “Now don’t ruin your makeup!” He gives you a reassuring smile. You felt disgusted in yourself. How was this even possible. You hadn’t been eating that bad...well apart from having a love for prawn cocktail crisps dipped in chocolate spread...but that was besides the point...oh and cheese and chocolate...
Your eyes widen. “Oh my god...Harry I need to talk to you” You mutter, your heart beating out your chest as you grab Harry’s hand and pull him out the room, into your bedroom.
His brows furrow as he holds your hand tightly, “Baby...what’s going on? You’re scaring me Y/N”
“Okay...sit down a minute...” You sigh and look up at the ceiling. “You know how we’ve...well we’ve sort of said we would...I mean-we haven’t really spoken about it for a while but-”
“Y/N! Calm down...just tell me. Whatever it is...it’s okay” He squeezes your hand, pressing gentle kisses to your fingers.
“Y/N...Are you ok? I can sort the dress, can you come back?” Lambert knocks on the door gently.
“Er...yeah I’ll be one minute. I just need a moment” You say softly.
“Harry I think I’m pregnant...” You blurt out. His face falling, expressionless.
“I-I don’t know for definite but...well it’s possible. I’ve been wanting weird foods, I-I’ve been throwing up...my period is never regular but I...well my dress doesn’t fit so I...Harry please say something” You beg.
Your mind ran wild as you felt tears threatening to spill from your eyes...you couldn’t help but assume the worst.
“M’baby...I-I can’t believe it” His straight lips turn into the worlds biggest grin. He lets out a chuckle and wraps his arms around you tightly.
“I-We don’t know yet Haz..” You mumble softly, not wanting to put false hope in either of your minds. “Do a test...”
“Harry we need to get ready. We have to leave in 50 minutes...” You mutter, nervously looking at the floor. “I know you have spare tests in the draw...c’mon darling...then we can focus on the rest of the night.” He strokes a strand of hair from your face. 
You nodd reluctantly and took a test, heading into the bathroom. Once you had completed the test, you placed it upside down on the counter and open the door for harry to come in. “...3 minutes” you whisper, the two of you sat in silence for what felt like a lifetime. It was a nervous kind of silence. 
“You know...” Harry took your hand softly, lacing his fingers with yours. “Whatever that test says...I’m going to be right here with you every step of the way. And whatever you decide is best for you...I respect that. But I...I love you so much. You’re m’world...and as long as I have you...and we have each other...we can conquer the world.” 
“W-what about your job...a-and tour and...and everything. I couldn’t do it all alone...but I wouldn’t want you to put a hold on anything…”
“Hey...we can make things work. I’m never leaving you alone. You’ll be with me everywhere and I will take care of you. Right now we just need to live in the moment and we can deal with this tomorrow...okay baby?” He presses a kiss to your temple as the alarm goes off on your phone. 
“3 minutes?” Harry whispers, you look up at him and nod “...3 minutes” you smile softly, taking a deep breath and picking up the test. “oh my god...” your eyes widen in disbelief. Harry grins widely and pulls your lips onto his “I love you so fucking much”
The two of you decided to keep your little secret to yourselves for now. Lambert had spare material from Harry’s suit jacket and cut enough that he could sew you into it, so instead of having the buttons fastened all the way up to your back, there would be a triangle of fabric from the bottom of your back, up to the top of your shoulders.
“Lambert you’re amazing...” Harry grins 
“It’s a good job you chose a black dress...and it’s nice that you are partly matching H...” You grin happily, feeling much more comfortable. “Thank you so much!” you hug him tightly. 
“The love of my life...you look so beautiful!” Harry grins like a school boy, kissing your head and posing for a photo with you for Lambert. 
“What a euphoric night to win Best British Single” Boy George announces into the microphone on stage. “What a night, this is going to be special, and the winner is....Harry Styles! Watermelon Sugar!”
The crowd at the O2 arena went wild, as you squeal and feel Harrys arms wrapping around you tightly.
“You won baby! I’m so proud of you!” You grin happily, you felt the buzz and couldn’t imagine how Harry would be feeling.
“All for you my babies...” He grins and whispers as he heads up onto stage with his team, his grin could be seen for miles.
“Thank you so much er..it’s um...I just continue to be baffled by moments like this and they make me more and more incredibly grateful to do this job every day and erm...I’m really happy to be here and proud to be celebrating British music tonight. I want to thank my fans for being so generous to me...always. To everyone in my life who has my back, thank you so much I love you. To my Y/N...I don’t think I’d have gotten this far without you. You are my muse, my inspiration and my life. Writing songs with you is always going to be my favourite thing to do. I’m going to marry you one day” Harry plasters a childish yet extremely loving grin on his lips as he blows a kiss to the audience and to you before leaving the stage and joining you at the table. 
There was a particular gleam in his eye, and in that moment, you knew everything would be okay, and that you would be loving this man until the day you die. Yu also were starting a family with your best friend. “I love you Mr Styles...” You whisper against his lips, a gentle tear glazing over your cheek.
“And I love you most...both of you” He whispers, His hands never left yours the whole night, and you felt like everything was falling into place.
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Custom Funko Pop Tutorial
@xirayn asked for a tutorial, so I made one! 
Tools you’ll need:
Craft paints 
Paint brushes (small)
Sandpaper (400 - 800 grit, sold in hardware stores and automotive)
Sculpting tools 
X-Acto blade
Milliput (epoxy clay) 
* Airbrush
* Masking tape/painter’s tape
* Dremel
* Acetone (nail polish remover)
* Optional 
Make sure you buy small detail brushes. The largest I use are about the width of a pencil eraser (though slightly larger ones are good for big fill areas like hair).  For the finest lines and details, look for brushes specifically made for painting tabletop miniatures. 
For paints, any acrylic hobby paint will do, but I am hugely fond of Formula P3 paints (the kind made for tabletop minis). They’re heckin’ expensive, but they come in a million shades so you don’t have to mix colors and then later find a spot you missed but the original color you mixed has all dried and you’ll never be able to get the exact same shade again x_x And I really do think they don’t chip/scratch as easily as other paints. 
...but I started out painting Warmachine minis so I might be a little biased.
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Step 1: Choose Base Model
Think about the character you want to make. What is the closest existing Funko Pop model you can find? The closer you can get, the less work you’ll have to do! Sometimes a simple head-swap or re-paint is all that’s needed. 
When you look for base models, look at things like pose, expression, and unique features (like bared teeth). Look past the character a model represents, and think of how you could transform it into the character you want to make. The bubbliest, cutest Pop could be the ideal base model for your horrifying monster custom! 
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Kurama will become Yoko Kurama
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Ghost will become Wash the cattle dog
Step 2 (Optional): Decapitate
If you’re doing a head-swap, this step is critical. If you’re just sculpting and painting, this is still a good step to make your life easier (just try sculpting in the crevices of a character’s shoulders underneath their hair!)
Put a small pot on the stove, filled with enough water to cover the head and neck when you dunk your pop in upside down. Bring the heat up to not-quite boiling, and drown the *#$%er gently bathe it in hot water. 
The rubber will soften and make it easier to pull off. Use a hand-towel to grab the head (it will be hot), and pull until it comes off. Some are easier than others. Some people skip the heating step altogether and just yank the head right off! 
Step 3: Sculpt
Wash has floppy ears, and there are no Funko Pop models with ears quite like his. So, to get the angle right, I cut the model’s ears off with an exacto knife, then re-attached them at a floppier angle. 
I worked one ear at a time on Wash, letting the first ear harden in place first, because I am extremely clumsy. 
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Kurama needed a significant amount of material removed for his straighter hair, bare arms, and short pants. I used an X-Acto blade and Dremel with a sanding bit.
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Depending on your project, you may need to use acetone to remove paint (ex. facial hair).
After you’ve carved everything down as much as you need, and finished prepping the basic shape, it’s time for additive sculpting! I use Milliput, but you can also use Apoxie Sculpt, or air-dry clay. I’ve even heard of people using polymer clay and hardening it carefully with low heat, but an epoxy clay will give the most durable and detailed result.
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 Wash needed floppy ear-tips to complete the look, and Yoko needs robes. Again, I work a section at a time, letting each section harden before continuing. 
Step 4: Sand
After the sculpting has hardened, sand any imperfections. The Dremel is your friend when taking off lots of material. For less extreme sanding, I use 400-grit and 800-grit sandpaper. You may need to add fresh material to fill and smooth any gaps.   
Step 5: Prime
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Once you’re happy with how your model looks, it’s time to paint! I mix Golden Adhesion Medium with black or white paint if I’m hand priming, or use a spray primer, but you can use whatever you prefer. 
For an aerosol primer, choose a ventilated area (I like to work outside in the summer), and place the figure on top of a cardboard box for height, and so you can rotate it easily. If you’re inside, you should also set up a back-splash so you don’t paint the walls.  
Do a few test sprays on the cardboard first to make sure it’s spraying evenly. Then spray in light coats following the instructions on the can, rotating to get all angles, and letting each coat dry before putting on the next coat. 
(Here’s a good tutorial just on priming!)
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Step 6: Paint
You’ll never get as smooth a finish as using an airbrush! A decent airbrush kit and mini air compressor aren’t too expensive, and a great investment if you want a professional-looking finish! (I was afraid of the airbrush for a long time and now I hate working without it!). 
Get some painter’s tape or masking tape, cover every part of the model you don’t want to get paint on, then airbrush in your color! 
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You can also do cool tricks with the airbrush, like reducing air pressure to create a stippled effect!
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When hand-painting, make sure you thin your paints and apply multiple thin coats instead of trying to get full coverage in one thick coat. You’ll reduce visible brush-strokes that way, and the paint will adhere better, too.
Even if you have an airbrush, chances are you’ll be doing some hand-painting anyway. I did Wash’s brown spots, inner ears, and Yoko’s entire body by hand, because masking all those tiny details would be a pain in the booty.
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Step 7: Seal
Once you’re done painting, a good sealant will prevent your work from chipping, or from fading in the sun if you use a sealant with UV protection. It can also hide imperfections in the finish (ex. I spot-painted a few areas the airbrush missed, and even though it was the same color, you could see the difference in texture. Matte sealant made it look completely uniform again!) 
Sealant can also be used in between coats of paint when masking if you’re worried about the tape pulling paint off.
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I use Golden Archival Varnish - Satin Finish, Testor’s Dullcote, or Mr. Super Clear. They’ve all worked well for me (though Mr. Super Clear is the most expensive and the most aggressively matte). Apply the same way you would a primer. 
A thin layer of Mod-Podge adds shine back to the eyes after applying a matte sealant. 
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its-negans-lucille · 6 years
Feel free to send any dark, angsty Dex x Reader prompts (only angst/dark please!)
Ships: Benjamin Pointdexter x Reader
Words: 2,252
Warnings: Strong language, mentions of self harm, strong depictions of violence, stalking, minor spoilers
Category: Angst
Synopsis: Dex really hasn’t had time to “look out” for you recently and when he sees that you have someone special to you... well... obviously he has to put a stop to that.
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The night was cold, freezing, in the October moonlight. Dex sat in his car which was situated in the dark patch between luminescent streetlights- he hid from their all-encompassing glow. In the distance he could hear the wailing of police sirens, possibly working off the tips that the Devil of Hell’s kitchen was taking out a drug ring near the river. This was obviously staged by Fisk, trying to get the NYPD away from the meeting he was currently orchestrating with the city’s most infamous crime bosses.
Dex probably should have been there, looking over the situation and making sure the other associates of Fisk knew that he had the FEDS on his side. But no, Dex had taken a pass for more important matters at hand. He hadn’t recently had time to check on you, watch you, as Kingpin had been taking up large amounts of time in his everyday life; his new north star, guiding him.
Though, that didn’t negate Dex’s care for you as he still held you in high esteem. You were the only person he could even imagine himself being with in any sort of intimate way despite the fact that all he had ever done was watch you from afar. You didn’t know it but in fact Dex was a guardian angel of sorts- looking out for you, making sure that things went your way.
And making sure that no one got close to you. Not in the way that he should be close to you.
Dex drummed his fingers anxiously on the dashboard of his new car (bought by the money Fisk had been funnelling his people in the FBI) his eyes watched the door to your apartment building. It was a Tuesday, meaning you had tomorrow off work. You had specifically negotiated that in your contract and, as Dex knew, you got whatever you wanted.
You finally emerged from the apartment some fifteen minutes later just before Dex was going to go and pull the fire alarm. He allowed himself a sigh of relief, visibly relaxing back into the leather chair of his vehicle.
Dex drank you in as you stood out on the pavement, idly scrolling through your phone. You wore a tight, satin, scarlet dress which hugged your curves in all the right places. Seemingly to make up for the tightness of the fabric you had draped a denim jacket over your shoulders. You bristled as the freezing air caressed your skin. You looked around, evidently searching for something of which you were yet to find. Your eyes even darted over Dex’s car, totally and completely unaware of the man whom sat within and what you meant to him.
A few minutes later a black SUV pulled up just before you, coming to an abrupt halt with half of it climbing onto the sidewalk. Dex immediately sat up straight, subconsciously reaching for his loaded glock secured in his holster. If anyone had come after you he would bring fire and fury burning down upon this godforsaken city.
But somehow, this was worse.
You smiled and moved toward the car. A man got out, clad in a suit and tie and obviously dressed for a special occasion- much like you were. You gave him a swift embrace, your newly painted nails trailing softly through his hair. Dex clenched his fists, his knuckles turning bone white.
You smiled like how Dex wished for you to smile at him. The mystery man rubbed the nape of his neck, like a high schooler asking his crush to homecoming. Except, this was a date and they were both adults. You should be allowed to make any decision you wanted. You should be able to do whatever you want.
But no, that’s not how it goes.
Not now.
Not with you.
Dex thrust his key into the ignition, for a moment glorying in the low hum of the powerful engine before he set off, following the car that had his greatest strength and weakness within.
It had been about two hours when finally the two of you emerged. Dex had remained outside, watching you and your date from the window you had booked. You had laughed a lot, a smile almost constantly caressing your lips. Dex had taken many measures to stop himself from rushing into the restaurant after you took the other man’s hand in your own.
By the time you went your separate ways (you moving into a bright canary yellow New York taxi and him in his fancy car) Dex had ravaged his lip so a coppery taste blossomed over his mouth and bloody half-moons were cut into the palm of his hands. His stomach growled for some kind of sustenance as he hadn’t eaten all evening, too set on watching you and the man you were associating with.
Before you had stepped into the cab the man took your hand, brushing soft, calming, circles on your palm before whispering what only Dex could presume were sweet nothings in your ear. You giggled before placing a kiss on his cheek. The man turned his face at the at the last second and finally caught your lips with his.
Dex felt the steering wheel buckle and bend under the rage he inflicted on it. His brain murmured a sweet mantra: it should be me, it should be me, it should be me, it should be-
But the moment was broken when the taxi honked its horn and, frankly, Benjamin Pointdexter could not be more thrilled.
The man got into his car with a final, fleeting look at you before driving off. Little did he know that that would be the last time he would ever set eyes on you and Agent Pointdexter absolutely revelled in that fact.
It was a fairly mundane journey back into the upper east side of Manhattan, the exquisite architecture and the promise of blood soon to be spilled kept Dex alert. The car which contained his target came to a halt before turning into a dark garage. Dex pulled into a nearby space before getting out of the car, his breath quickening with anticipation.
He moved across the street, swift and silent, and managed to squeeze through the closing garage doors. The seemingly desolate room full of desirable cars sat in silence for a few beats before Dex ducked behind a bright red Ferrari. His quarry was just making his way to the elevator.
Dex took a few deep breaths, running one large hand through his hair as he did so, before moving toward the sliding doors with a false smile. Beneath the surface he was a boiling pot of rage just moments away from bubbling over.
“Hey!” Dex called as he walked toward the elevator. “Can you hold it?” He continued, he was a good twenty meters away at that moment.
“Sure, buddy,” The man replied, pushing the button to keep the large metal doors from saving his life.
“Thanks,” Dex smiled as he made it inside. He rolled his shoulders and subconsciously patted his holster.
“No problem. What floor you going too?” The corpse walking asked, a self-satisfied curve to his lips. He was evidently still riding the high from being in your company.
“Oh, uh, eleven,” Dex replied.
They stood there in awkward silence, predator and prey, for about a minute or so. Dex revelled in the energy, drinking in this man’s final hour. He enjoyed the sensation of playing God, of deciding who lives and who dies. He also took note of the man’s floor number, nine. Dex allowed a smug smile to hug his features as he saw the man take out his room key. A mistake he would live to regret. Or, more realistically, die to regret.
“Have a nice night,” Dex wished his victim as he exited the confined space.
“You too, man,” He replied, his fingers playing with the room key.
The doors closed and Dex stretched, cracking his neck at the same time. A determined expression marred his features. Somehow he wondered what his therapist would think. What she would say to him as he prepared to murder a man for simply spending time with you.
Dex pushed that thought to the side as he exited the elevator, waited a few beats, and pushed the call button once again. There was a ring as the machine pulled the suspended metal box up the floors and finally the doors opened. Dex re-entered, cracking his knuckles. He didn’t want this man’s demise to be quick, oh no, he was going to feel every, single, punch.
Dex arrived at the room within a few minutes. He stood outside the door; rearranging his clothing despite the fact the man would most likely avoid commenting on Dex’s fashion sense when there was a loaded gun in his mouth. He placed one hand on his pistol, a comfortable grip that felt like the closest thing he could call home.
Dex wrapped twice on the large door, his bloodied, bruised knuckles highlighted against the birch. He swiftly ducked so that he was no longer in view of the peep-hole. The hairs on the back of his neck began to raise, a sort of electricity racing through them as the excitement of the kill raged through his bloodstream. He allowed himself two deep breaths to steady himself as he heard footsteps begin to advance toward the door.
Dex was sure that if he listened closely he would be able to hear the man’s heartbeat begin to ramp up as the lock clicked and the door opened.
“Hello- you?” He rubbed his eyes, already clad in grey boxers and not much else. “What’re you doing her-” His voice came to a swift halt as Dex raised the butt end of his glock and hit him on the back of his head. The man scrambled away from the door, fear and blood riveting down his face.
Dex advanced after him, closing the door with a soft click.
“Please- please…” The man uttered as he finally reached a wall. He leaned back so that he was as far away as possible to the FBI agent now mere feet away. “I- I have a fami-”
“What’s your name?” Dex cut him off by shoving the pistol’s muzzle to his chest.
“Well, Calvin, we’re gonna have a little chat, hm?” Dex trailed the muzzle of the gun almost sensually around Calvin’s jawline. “How’s that sound?” No reply. “Now, now, Cal- can I call you Cal? Well, I’m gonna be the last person you ever talk to so there’s no point in holding your tongue with me, y’hear?”
A brisk nod.
“Good. Now… how do you know (Y/N)?” Despite the situation, Dex still enjoyed the sensation of your name on his lips.
“(Y/N)? Is this what this is all fucking about?” Calvin asked, sweat dripping in beads down his bloodied face.
Dex shoved the pistol just under his chin, clicking the safety off with an audible tick. Calvin inhaled sharply.
“Don’t you ever, ever, say her name again. Got that?” Dex’s voice was low with the promise of making his death as slow and as painful as humanly possible.  
“Ye- yes.”
“Good. Now answer the fucking question: how do you know her?” Dex watched for any signs of possible lies but none appeared. He was simply a man staring down the barrel of his impending death.
“We- we met through work. I thought she was… she was cute. She smiled a lot and she- she was funny. I asked her out a few months back and… we’ve been going on dates ever since.” Calvin avoided Dex’s cool gaze.
“Just dates or anything else?”
“What the fuck man- this is so messed up,” Calvin exclaimed when he got the gist of what Dex was insinuating.
“Remember what I just said, Calvin.” Dex practically shoved the pistol in his mouth.
“Fine- fine… yes… we- we had sex.”
“More than once?”
“Jesus Christ man I- yes. Yes more than once.”  Calvin was looking around for any possible escape route of which there was none.  “What is this all for?”
“(Y/N) is… important to me. I enjoy her… What’s she like to be with?” Dex allowed a shadow of a smile to appear on his scar ridden face before swiftly returning to the matter at hand.
“Please- I can pay you… I won’t go to the police or- or anyone! Just let me-”
“Jesus Christ! You’re really beginning to annoy me now, Calvin.” Dex shook his head, clenching his free fist with an anguished distain.
“Fine, fine… she’s smart- smarter than me. She makes the world seem better just being around her. More… hopeful.” Despite the situation, Calvin’s eyes seemed far away.
Reliving memories that Dex should be the only one to have. Finally the rage which had always been simmering just below the surface for his entire life finally boiled over; and Dex could not have enjoyed it more.
Dex revelled in finally pulling the trigger. The satisfying shot rang out throughout the room and the corpse of Calvin fell to the ground with a dull thud. His face still held the wonder of past memories. Dex decided that he was never going to forget this image for the rest of his days, the blood painting the walls like an art exhibit and crumpled corpse of a man who had dared get close to you.
Yes… Dex would enjoy this for a long time.
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vanaera · 6 years
Your Side of the Bed
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Synopsis | Hoseok will bask in the crumpled sheets of your bed until you learn to erase your past’s name on the duvet and replace it with his. It’s been long since the sheets were changed. He’s got a better one, a much warmer one and he hopes you could see the permanence laced in its every thread.
Genre | slight angst, fluff
Wordcount | 1,749
Play Your Side of the Bed by Loote
               Have you ever felt happy in something that you’re not supposed to want?
               The eight o’ clock daylight seeps through your blinds, stirring Hoseok from his sleep with an answer on the tip of his tongue. The question has long loomed over his head for some time now, the answer clear to him everytime he has to assure himself of his stand in your life. But today was too early and what he can only do is look at you - hair a mess, bare face, tired body engulfed in the sheets by his side. Hoseok smiles and tucks the few stray strands of your hair behind your ear. The steady rise and fall of your chest makes him reminisce the steady pounding of last night’s rain.
               The clouds weren’t gray that evening; a darkish cerulean even, yet the rain was heavy, dropping on the pavement like thunderous claps, hitting the hood of his car in a clangorous downpour. But to him, it was ironically mellifluous – to find beauty and calm in tragedy and noise. It shouldn’t even be therapeutic to him. He liked it in a kind of a pathological extent. And the same goes for you. He turns his head to look at you picking at the bits of the worn rubber on the handle by your side. He refuses to have another image of you leaving so he speaks up, “Have you ever liked something that is quite mismatched?”
               The pale peach of your lips curve a little. Your wine red lipstick he knew you always liked has long served its purpose. The hour ago was intimate, having you straddled on his lap to “just kiss,” peppering his jaw in butterfly kisses and breathy wonders of “I really like the way your lips feel on mine.” Your lips are satin on his heated skin and wasted no time reciprocating the intensity you paced, devouring your mewls and moans with the plush of his chapped lips. But what he liked most was the aftermath, the scene after the onslaught of his affection on you – tousled hair, smeared lipstick, and trying to catch the breath you lost because of him. Toning down your aggressiveness, balancing out your edges with his softer ones, he thinks you’re pretty in peach. Well, you’re pretty everyday. It’s just the way you looked now that only he is privileged to see, was stupefyingly beautiful.
               Your voice makes him divert his eyes from the plush of your lips toward your eyes. You let out an amused laugh, “Stop staring at me,” and Hoseok giggles. Grinning wide, you answer his question, “I don’t know, maybe some of your parts.”
               "Why just parts of me?“ He chuckles, quickly drowning the bitterness that unexpectedly dropped in the pit of his stomach.
               You look at the gray ceiling of his car, pondering on thoughts warring in your head. You always tend to think too much and Hoseok knows this ever since he’s been by your side in high school. Until now when you’re living the rest of your prime years as adult-like the both of you could be. He’s still wishing you could let some of them bother his mind too, so you won’t need to always endure the mess your thoughts create. Someday, if you’d let him, he’d always gladly do so. 
He watches you clear your throat, body angling to your side to completely fill his view of you. You lean, body facing towards him just in time he did the same. “You make me…feel happy. Sometimes,” you quickly add, “Especially when I need to. Yeah, you do that to me.“
               Legs crossed on the leather of the passenger seat, your fingers twiddling the frayed ends of your plum-dyed hair. He’s only a few inches away from you, fingers aching to tuck those strands behind your ear. But he’s not in that place…yet. He keeps his hand on the wheel and focusses on the monotonous symphony of the wipers for his beaten-up car and beaten-up heart.
It’s only hopeless because he knows there are weaknesses that will weigh down on your back until you’re on your knees. He just chose the wrong time to give in. “Why sometimes?”
               Especially when you are his weakness.
               Hands leaving the wheel, he leans on the side of his locked door, fully facing you. It’s no use to refuse when temptation and desire has always been in his reach. "I said, why sometimes? Don’t I make you happy always?”
               You only look at his imploring eyes, snickering before you tore them to settle on the fogged glass of the window. “I’m happy, Hoseok, I really am. It’s just-”
               You pause before affirming, "…yeah."
               And someone else happened to be your weakness. Someone who left you for another woman. It was two years ago, why are you still holding on your pointless hope like a naïve child? Hoseok clenches his fist, nails digging crescents in his palms. He wishes he could also do those impressions on your mind just to wake you to your senses, but he can’t do so. He loves you and he can’t hurt you that bad. He can only say something that has been established true from the start. “You know he’s not coming back, right?”
               "I know, I just-“
               "Wait?” He faces you one more time; you’re still looking outside. “You know you’ve been doing that for a very long time.” Waiting for nothing, refusing to look at him - he meant both of these but he doubts if you could actually notice them. Your eyes had been long blinded by the scraps of his so-called love.
               “I know.”
               The prolonged silence suffocates the air conditioning inside the confines of his car. He revs up the engine and pushed his foot on the pedal. He talks about his yesterday’s dance class and you animatedly joined him with another misadventure in your office. He’s always been good in diversion.
By the time the downpour has receded into a shower, Hoseok has already pulled the vehicle in front of your apartment. You beckoned him to stay for the night, just like always, and he finds himself stumbling inside the threshold of your home.
               But last night was different, and he could assure that because he felt it too.
               You didn’t ask him to make you forget, to erase him from your mind, to make love to you. It was the first for the countless nights you invited him to fill the empty space of the bed on your side. It has always been lonely to keep a large fraction by your side empty and cold. For the years that has passed before you met him and after he left, Hoseok has been trying to tell you that your bed is not designed to just hold two lovers engaged in physical passion. For overnight tornados of desire and lust cannot warm up a frozen heart when it could easily leave wreckage and ruins that may lacerate the fragile organ.
               Hoseok admits to his faults - he’s given in too many times to your pleas, a hipocrisy in act when he’s trying to keep you away from the toxic waters but is willing to toe them until he’s knee-deep if you ask him to - an excuse to touch you, a motive for him to love you. His Achilles’ heel you truly are.
               "Can you just…lie by my side? You don’t have to do anything, I just-“
               "Need someone to fill his space?” Hoseok didn’t mean for it to sound so bitter before he could think about what he spewed.
               But it’s not what’s on your mind. “No, I just need you to be by my side.”
               Hoseok was astounded and can only nod.
               That night, he curled to your side and pulled you close to him, the warmth emanating from his chest lulling you to sleep. In the thin line of consciousness and sleep as he closed his eyes, Hoseok felt you tug his hand draped on your waist to lay them on top of yours. One, two, three - you enclosed your fingers and locked his hand with yours. Like what lovers do. Like what he usually dreamt of doing with you. And while the night is dead, Hoseok pressed a loving kiss on your hairline.
               The indigo dips and creases on your bed are now cream and white and Hoseok looks at you snuggled deep in your sheets. Loving you may hurt but it’s not enough to drive him away. You turn to your side, facing him, and still asleep. Looking at you with peace unusually painted on your un-creased brows and parted mouth, the porch of your chest vulnerable and opened wide, Hoseok decides to drape himself onto you, to embrace and inhale the scent of you with his hands wound around you like the lover who’s capable to hold his love in his arms. He can only grant his heart some peace when you’re sleeping, all his wants and needs muddled in a plethora of affections he could only lay on your doorstep:
               I want to be your friend you can hopelessly fall in love with, the one you could take willingly into your arms, into your bed, into the world you keep to your head unvisited by anyone. I need to love you and know how to touch you – how I could make you stare at your pains in one of those sleepless nights and only feel my love supersede anything that is contrary.
               And Hoseok could only wait until you decide to bask in the daylight, to go out and pick up everything you need to know about him, you, and the both of you.
               Have you ever felt happy in something that you’re not supposed to want?
               You slowly opened your eyes, meeting his.
               He doesn’t need to think twice; the answer has always been clear. Loving you is something he has always wanted and needed. He’ll always be happy when it comes to you, regardless of conditions and conventionalities - he will be happy through and through, no second thoughts, no regrets. Just you and him, him and you. You don’t have to toss and turn anymore.
               Hoseok smiles. “Good morning, Y/N.”
               You return his smile, your hand in his hold squeezing his. “Good morning, Hoseok.”
               He would wait.
What are you doing?
Re-arranging the furniture.
Why so sudden?
It’s been a while since I gave my home a make-over.
View more songs in my masterlist
A/N | Hello hons! I experimented a new writing style for this and hmm, I’m not sure whether to be happy with it or not (everything feels too new!) Anyway, I liked the new experience! Hope you liked reading this!
BTW!!! I have 3 consecutive exams coming up this week (uni is killing me) so I may not be able to post your requests soon but be assured I’m working on them! (I’m actually already editing some of them as my breather in-between studying) I just don’t want to rush them because I want to give you guys a good content! :D So for the mean time, enjoy my following posts that I queued for these weeks that I will be freaking busy studying and writing papers :’D
All Rights Reserved © Vanaera. No reposts, modifications, and translations of content is allowed without direct permission.
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inkjam-moon · 6 years
Code Of Silence Ch 2 - The Wedding
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Genre: Mafia AU, Eventual smut
Member: Min Yoongi
Word Count: 8K
TW: Death mention, wedding, alcohol, lingerie mention, crude jokes
When you wake up the next morning, Taehyung is no longer in the bed with you, so you stretch yourself out on the mattress with a yawn. You pick your phone up off the nightstand and bring it up to your face to check the time. 10:37 am. T-minus 6 hours. You sigh, sitting up and swinging your legs over the edge to plant your feet on the floor. Might as well get this show on the road.
You stand and walk out the door, taking a deep breath before making your way down the stairs and into the kitchen where your entourage is waiting. Taehyung’s mom is standing over the stove cooking pancakes with Yoongi’s mom.
“There she is!” Taehyung beams at you from the kitchen table. “Our bride-to-be!”
You cringe at his words, but force a smile as you take a seat next to him. “Morning.”
“Good morning dear!” Yoongi’s mom exclaims. “How’re you feeling?”
Awful. “Great!”
“Good, good. I have to go get some things ready, I’ll see you after breakfast.”
“Are you excited?” Taehyung’s mom asks as Yoongi’s mom exits the room.
“Of course momma Kim. I’m beyond ready.” You lie.
“Good!” She says, walking over to the table with a plate of pancakes, which she sets down in front of you. “Eat up, you’ll need your energy for tonight.” She winks at you and Taehyung groans as you cut into your pancakes.
“Ugh, mom, can you not?” He asks, maintaining his innocent front for his mother. “That’s so gross.”
“Taehyungie it’s not gross. It’s their right as husband and wife to be able to-”
“Ah, I think that’s enough of that conversation.” You say, your face growing red.
“Hyeong-nim! I need you!” Yoongi’s mom calls from upstairs.
“Coming!” Taehyung’s mom yells back. “Well, hurry up and eat so that we can get started.” She says to you. “We’ve got a lot to do.” She pats you on the back before going upstairs to help.
You slowly shovel the pancakes into your mouth, stalling for as long as you can, and Taehyung quickly catches on. “You okay doll?”
“You know, I really wish you’d stop asking me that.”
“Why’s that?” He asks.
“Because I don’t know the answer.” You admit, shoving the last bit of food in your mouth.
“Y/N-ah…” He sighs.
“You know, we could always run away.” He whispers.
“Run away?”
“Yeah, you know. Pack a bag, grab our passports, and hit the road. We could get away from all of this insanity.”
“Hah,” You snort. “I think it’s a little late for that.”
“I’m just saying.”
“I can’t Tae… You know I can’t.”
“I know…”
“Besides, if I left Yoongi at the altar, I’m pretty sure his mom would kill me.”
“That’s true.” He agrees. “She does seem a little too excited today.”
“Y/N-ah! Are you done yet?” Yoongi’s mom calls down the stairs.
“Speak of the mother.” You joke before answering. “Yeah, I’ll be right there!” You sigh before looking over at Taehyung. “Are you ready?” You ask.
“It’s not me that has to be ready.” He points out.
“Shut up.” You playfully smack his arm before standing and taking your empty plate over to the sink. Taehyung follows close behind and puts both plates in the dishwasher before offering you his arm. You graciously accept and he leads you upstairs to his room where the torture soon begins.
After four hours of beautifying, you’re almost ready. Your nails have been painted, your body scrubbed and exfoliated to glowing perfection, your hair has been softly swept off your shoulders into an elegant updo, and all of your jewelry has been carefully chosen and placed on your body; all that’s left is to put the finishing touches on your makeup, and to get you dressed in a gown that you’ve never even seen.
When you turn to look at the mirror on the vanity for the first time, you don’t know what you were expecting to see, but it wasn’t this. For how long it took, your makeup looks relatively simple, but unbelievably beautiful. Your face hardly even looks like your own.
“Good, yeah?” Yoongi’s mom asks you.
“It’s… I don’t even have words…”
“Yah, stop gawking at yourself and look back at me.” Taehyung’s mom orders. “I’m not done yet.” You turn back to face her and she begins painting your lips. When she finishes, you turn back to the mirror to see your lips are now a bright red. “It’s red for good luck.” She whispers in your ear.
“Aigoo, I almost forgot!” Yoongi’s mom suddenly shouts. She runs over to her purse and digs around until she pulls out a small box. She opens the box, removes whatever is inside and then walks back over to you.
“This,” she starts. “Has been worn by every woman in my family.” She holds out her hand to show you a small, antique hair comb; a cream colored rose, decorated with a gold filigree. “My mother, my grandmother and I all wore this on our wedding day, and now,” she gently places the comb in between strands of your hair, nestling it snugly in your updo. “It’s your turn.”
You turn to look at the new addition in the mirror, admiring it’s elegant beauty as you catch the reflection of the two women’s smiles in the mirror. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
Yoongi’s mom presses her palm to her chest and you can’t help but grin at her reaction. “You’re welcome, my dear.”
Before you can say anything else, there’s a soft knock on the door and Taehyung sticks his head in, covering his eyes. “Hey, are you almost ready in here? We should head over to the church soon.”
“Yes,” Taehyung’s mom says. “We’ll be right down.”
“Why are you covering your eyes you dork?” You ask him.
“Because! I can’t see you until you’re ready.”
“Tae, it’s bad luck for the groom to see me, not you.”
“Yah,” he points at you, his eyes still closed. “As maid of honor, it is my duty to make sure you get all the luck you can, so I won’t look until you’re finished getting ready, and you’re in your dress.”
“As maid of honor, you should’ve helped me get ready.” You point out.
“You can’t get it all doll. Now are you ready? Dad's here with the car.”
“Yes, let’s go.” Yoongi’s mom says, ushering you up and out the door. “Do we have everything?”
“Yes, we’re all set. Taehyung-ah, will you carry this for me?” Taehyung’s mom holds out your dress bag and Taehyung blindly accepts it with the utmost care. You all file out of Taehyung’s room, down the stairs, and into the garage.
Taehyung hops in the front seat of the car, so that he won’t accidentally catch a glance of you, and you cram into the back seat between Taehyung’s mom and Yoongi’s mom who are still fussing over you. Big Kim makes sure that everyone’s buckled in before pulling out onto the road.
As you drive, you watch the fields on the outskirts of the city fade into the busy streets of downtown Daegu. There are so many people out, and why shouldn’t they be? They don’t have to get married today. It’s a beautiful spring day in May, and they have nothing better to do than travel among the marketplaces, looking for choice ingredients, socializing happily as they wander around. They have no idea that such an important underground event is about to take place, right beneath their noses.
You pull up to the church and everyone gets out, Taehyung first as he bolts into the church, followed by Big Kim, your entourage, and then you. You stare up at the old building. You’ve been coming here on sundays ever since you moved to Daegu, you can’t even count the number of times you and Taehyung had almost been removed from service as children for behaving badly, and you smile fondly at the memory.
Honestly, you haven’t been here since your father’s funeral, but you’re thankful that nothing’s changed, and you’re comforted by its familiarity; the only difference being the white streamers and balloons decorating the grey stone specifically for this occasion.
Big Kim holds out his arm, which you happily accept, and he leads you into the church. He takes you down the side hallway to one of the old sunday school rooms where all of your things are waiting for you, except for Taehyung, who is nowhere to be seen. The mom patrol quickly shuffles you into the room; there’s only an hour left for finishing touches and they need you to look perfect for the sake of their own sanity.
“Aish, you shouldn’t have put the window down, it messed up your hair.” Taehyung’s mom scolds.
“Can you fix it?” Yoongi’s mom asks, trying to adjust flyaway strands.
“Of course I can.” She assures. “Will you touch up her makeup and then we’ll get her dressed, yeah?” Yoongi’s mom nods and they both set to work re-beautifying you. It takes about half an hour for them to fix everything, but when they’re done, you swear you look even better than you did at the house.
“Alright Y/N-ah, time to get you dressed.” Yoongi’s mom says. You nod and stand up, but before you can slip out of the tank top and sweatpants you had been wearing, Taehyung’s mom stands up.
“Wait!” She cries. “Here, I got you a little pre-wedding present.” She says, holding out a black box with white satin ribbon wrapped around it.
“You didn’t have to-”
“You’ll thank me later joka.” She winks, shoving the box into your hands. “Now, go in the bathroom and change.”
“Go, go, go!” She calls, throwing your dress slip into your hands as well before pushing you into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you. “And hurry up, we don’t have much time left!”
You put the box on the counter next to the sink before taking off your clothes down to your underwear, and then open the lid of the box, expecting to see tights or something, but instead, seated inside red tissue paper, there sits a strapless white lace bra and matching panties, as well as sheer white thigh high stockings and a white garterbelt. Your eyes go wide in shock at the contents and it takes you a minute to regroup when there’s a loud banging on the door.
“Yah, just put it on!” Taehyung’s mom yells. You quickly strip out of your underwear and begin to slide the delicate fabric onto your body. It fits perfectly.
“Hyeong-nim, be nicer.” Yoongi’s mom chides.
You hear Taehyung’s mom sigh before trying again. “It’s a tradition that the mother of the bride presents her daughter with something for the wedding night, but since your mother isn’t here, we thought we would do it? Do you like them?”
“They’re Yoongi’s favorite color.” Yoongi’s mom adds. “Taehyung-ah helped us pick them out.”
Of course Taehyung helped. You roll your eyes before staring at yourself in the mirror, your stomach suddenly twisting in all sorts of knots. Will Yoongi like this? Will you actually have a chance to show Yoongi the lingerie? Do you even want the chance to show him? You slide your dress slip up over your legs before opening the door and walking back out into the room to see they’ve both changed into their dresses.
“It’s beautiful.” You state simply before bowing to them. “Thank you so much. Both of you, for everything.” You stand up straight again to see them both wipe tears from their eyes before Taehyung’s mom claps her hands.
“Alright come on, we only have twenty minutes to get you in this dress.” You nod and follow them to where your dress bag is hanging on the wall. You haven't even seen your dress yet, and you’re excited to finally put it on.
“Close your eyes Y/N-ah.” Yoongi’s mom instructs and you obey. “Okay now hold on to my shoulders, right here, yes, no peeking! Lift your right foot and step in. Okay, now your left foot. Good.” You feel soft, light fabric sliding up your body. “Now slide your arms in. Okay, perfect. Okay, hyeong-nim’s going to button you up while I get your shoes.” You feel Taehyung’s mom quickly fastening what feels like a million buttons on your back. “Now, where did I put those things… Ah! Okay, hold out your right foot for me? Oh, whoops, just kidding, this is your left shoe. Okay, now your right. Perfect. Is she ready?” Yoongi’s mom asks.
“All we need is the veil.” Taehyung’s mom says.
“Okay let me grab that.”
Someone grabs your hands. “Y/N-ah walk this way for me.” Taehyung’s mom leads you somewhere, and you assume she’s placing you in front of the mirror for the big reveal.
“Here!” Yoongi’s mom shouts. You feel the two of them fussing around with your hair and the veil for a moment before Yoongi’s mom speaks again. “There. She’s perfect.” She whispers, her voice catching a bit.
“Okay joka, you can open your eyes now.” Taehyung’s mom states.
You open your eyes to see the mirror in front of you and you gasp. Your dress is an A line silhouette, with lace detailing throughout the skirt and bodice, which is a sweetheart neckline, overlayed with sheer three-quarter length lace sleeves. Your veil matches your dress perfectly, the same lace detailing stitched throughout, and you can’t help but be reminded of-
“You look just like her…” Taehyung’s mom whispers, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She takes a tissue out of her pocket and gently dabs at her eyes before coming back to her senses. “Alright, where’s the bouquet?”
“Taehyung has it, remember?” Yoongi’s mom reminds her.
“Right, okay. Y/N-ah, are you ready?”
You nod. “I am.”
“Let’s go.” Yoongi’s mom says, holding out her hand for you. You take it while Taehyung’s mom picks up your train and the three of you head out the door and back up the hall to the large wooden sanctuary doors where Taehyung is waiting, now dressed in his tux, his back to you. You can hear the hum of the guests chatting on the other side. “Okay, now you wait here with Taehyung, and the doors will open when you’re supposed to enter, alright?”
“Okay.” You state.
“You look great.” Taehyung’s mom says before they both sneak through the doors into the sanctuary to take their seats.
It’s not until the door shuts behind them that Taehyung finally turns around to look at you, his eyes blown wide as he takes in your appearance. “Wow…” He breathes.
“How do I look?” You ask.
“Y/N, you… you look beautiful.” He says.
“Really.” He confirms.
You smile at him. “Thanks Tae. That means a lot.”
“I mean, if Yoongi doesn’t marry you, I will.” He jokes.
“You had to ruin the moment.”
“Especially since I know what you’ve got on underneath that dress.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“I can’t believe you did that.”
“Hey, mom asked me to! I was just trying to help out.” He shrugs.
You roll your eyes at him. “You’re a pig.”
“I try.” He bows gracefully. “But you really do look beautiful Y/N.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You comment, straightening his tie for him. “You clean up pretty well little Tae Tae.”
“Thank you.” He flashes a boxy grin at you and you chuckle, patting his chest before shaking your hands out and taking your bouquet from him. “You okay doll?” He asks.
“Yeah, just… Nervous I guess.”
“My offer still stands. We can run. We can go right now and leave all of this behind.”
“Thanks Tae, but… I can do this. I have to do this.” You suddenly hear the music start up on the other side of the door.
“Are you ready?” He flips your veil down over your face, giving you a tight hug before offering you his arm, which you gratefully accept.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” You give his arm a tight squeeze and the mahogany doors open wide.
As you step into the sanctuary, everyone stands and turns to face you. Your breath leaves you for a moment, taking in the grandeur of everything as soft piano fills the room, although it’s kind of hard to see, your veil making everything a bit fuzzy.
There he is, standing on the altar, dressed sharply in a black tuxedo and matching black tie, his dark hair swept across his forehead. He’s watching you, waiting, his expression otherwise unreadable. You take a deep breath before stepping forward in sync with Taehyung.
Your head is facing forward, but your eyes are now looking at the floor, making sure you don’t trip as you walk down the aisle. You can’t bring yourself to look up, but when you finally do, you’re only halfway there. Why is this taking so long? It feels like the longest walk of your life, when really it’s only a minute or so.
You finally reach the steps in front of the altar. Your legs feel like they might give out as Yoongi walks down the steps to stand in front of you. You look back down at the floor, your cheeks growing warm as you turn to face Taehyung. Taehyung leans in, giving you a soft kiss on the cheek over your veil and taking your bouquet, before placing your hand into Yoongi’s outstretched palm, effectively giving you away, and then he takes his seat.
Yoongi tugs your hand, pulling your focus back to him as he leads you up the steps of the altar. The music fades out; the two of you standing before the priest, facing each other, and holding each other’s hands.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”
As soon as the priest starts talking, you stop listening. You’re too busy watching Yoongi’s eyes as they scan over you, studying you intently. It isn’t until Yoongi’s thumb rubs over your own that your attention is pulled back to the present.
“Do you, Yoongi, take Y/N, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“I do.” Yoongi states, meeting your gaze.
“And do you, Y/N, take Yoongi, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“I… I do.” You nod. “I do.”
“You may exchange the rings.”
You and Yoongi take the rings off the pillow the priest holds and he slips yours on first before you take his left hand and slide the silver band onto his finger.
“By the power vested in me by god and man, I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Oh shit. Here it is. Yoongi takes the edges of your veil and slowly lifts it back over your head, revealing your face to him for the first time.
“Wow…” He gasps as he takes in the sight of you all dolled up. You offer a small smile as he wraps an arm around your waist, his other hand coming up to caress your cheek as your hands slide up his chest, grabbing onto the lapels of his suit jacket. He slowly leans forward, stopping just a breath from your mouth, as if asking you to meet him halfway. You take a deep breath and then press your lips against his.
His hand snakes around the the back of your neck, pulling you closer and you hear everyone start clapping. You wrap your own arms around his neck and tilt your head, deepening the kiss. You hear Taehyung start cheering and you laugh lightly, breaking the kiss and pulling back. Yoongi smiles at you, grabbing your hand as you both turn to face the congregation, and raising it above your heads in celebration.
You walk down the steps and Taehyung hands you your bouquet as you pass him, you and Yoongi hurrying back up the aisle. Everyone follows behind you, cheering as you make your way out of the church to the curb where the limo waits for you. Yoongi holds the door open for you, and you turn to wave before climbing into the car. Yoongi gives a small smile at everyone before sliding in after you. Two bodyguards hop in after him and shut the door.
You relax back against the seat as the limo pulls away from the curb. The first part’s over, and it wasn’t that bad. You sneak a glance at Yoongi and blush a bit as you remember the feeling of his lips against yours, his arms wrapped around your waist; honestly, it wasn’t the worst thing, and you could see yourself getting used to the feeling.
You shake the thought from your head and look down at your lap to stop yourself from staring as Yoongi fiddles with his phone. One of the guards clears his throat and your head snaps up to look at him.
“It should take about 20 minutes for everyone to get to your parents house for the reception, so we’re going to drive around for a little bit, sir.” The younger guard says. You think his name is Minjoon, but honestly, you can’t remember.
“Alright Namjoon.” Yoongi mutters, not looking up. Ah, Namjoon. Well, at least you were close.
The older guard turns to look at you; his name is Seokjin. You remember him. Well, you remember his shoulders. “Would you like some champagne?” He asks you.
“Oh, sure. That sounds great.” You answer. Anything to take the edge off would be nice really. You watch him reach into the mini fridge next to him and pull out a bottle of champagne as Namjoon grabs two champagne flutes off the rack next to him. Seokjin quickly pops open the bottle, the cork flying across the limo and landing next to you.
“Whoops, sorry.” Seokjin chuckles. “These things have a mind of their own, I swear.”
“Oh, it’s okay.” You smile as he starts pouring the champagne. When he finishes, Namjoon hands you the glasses which you happily accept. You turn to Yoongi, nudging his arm as you hold one of the glasses out to him. He looks up briefly to see what you want, and then grabs the drink from your hand, offering you a small ‘cheers’ before you both bring the glasses to your lips.
“So Mrs. Min,” Namjoon starts, causing you to choke, inhaling a bit of champagne and coughing until you can breathe again. They all look at you concerned, but you hold up your hand, silently stating that you’re okay. “S-sorry.” The boy mumbles.
“It’s alright.” You assure him. “But please, no need to be so formal. You can call me Y/N.”
“Okay, well, I don’t know if Boss told you, but Jin and I are going to be with you until tomorrow morning, so if you need anything, just let us know.”
“I will, thank you.” Great. So there really will be people at your apartment tonight, listening in. You quickly down your champagne, handing your glass back to Seokjin when you finish before relaxing back against the seat.
There’s a light tension in the air, and you don’t know why until you look back up at your guards, noticing they’re staring at you and Yoongi inquisitively. Shit. You completely forgot that you and Yoongi had just gotten married, and they’re probably wondering why you weren’t all touchy feely with each other.
You slide yourself closer to Yoongi and slip your arm under his own, grabbing onto his hand and squeezing it. Yoongi turns to you, obviously confused by the sudden skinship, so you lean in and whisper in his ear.
“They’re watching.” Yoongi’s head lifts up and he glances toward the guards on the opposite side of the limo. “Remember, they’re expecting a happy newly-wed couple.”
Yoongi nods before slipping his hand out of your grip. He wraps his left arm around your shoulder and then grabs your hand with his remaining free one as he nuzzles his face into your neck, making the two other boys in the car look away in embarrassment.
“Right.” Yoongi mumbles. “Okay, just laugh like I said something funny or sweet.”
You snort. He could’ve just said something funny or sweet, but you suppose that would be asking too much, so you simply giggle lightly and push on his chest with your free hand. The two guards turn back to you and smile at the sound of your laughter as the car stops.
“Ah, we’re here.” Seokjin states, moving to open the door and stepping out of the car, followed closely by Namjoon. Yoongi goes next, pulling you along with him, your hands remaining locked together as you carefully get out of the limo, your dress making the task slightly more difficult than it should be, but you manage to free yourself from the confines of the backseat.
As you step onto the curb, you look up at Yoongi’s parents house. You’ve never been here before, but it’s beautiful. It’s decorated with the same white streamers and balloons as the church was, and you can hear music and chatter coming from the backyard.
Yoongi gives your hand a tight squeeze before leading you into the house. You two wander up the stairs, and he leads you down a thin hallway to a bedroom before turning to your entourage and asking them to wait outside the door. They agree and Yoongi quickly pulls you across the threshold and closes the door behind you, releasing your hand as soon as it clicks shut.
You look around to see you’re standing in what must’ve been Yoongi’s room when he was younger. The walls are decorated with posters of musicians and rappers, a small desk sits in the corner with an electric keyboard sitting in front of the computer monitor. You walk over and run your fingers over the piano keys.
“I didn’t know you were into this kind of stuff.”
“Hm?” Yoongi looks up from unfastening his cufflinks to see you playing with the piano. “Oh, yeah. I was a music major at first in college, but my dad had me switch to business so I could join the family.”
“I guess that shows just how little we know about each other.”
“Hah, yeah.” Yoongi chuckles, shrugging off his suit jacket and folding it over the desk chair before walking up to you. “So you can leave whatever you don’t want to wear all night here. I’ll send someone to get it in the morning.”
“I would if I had another dress.” You joke, reaching up to start the removal of your veil.
“Ah, yeah that might be a problem.” He agrees. “Do you need help with that?”
“Oh, sure.” You nod, and Yoongi’s fingers begin carefully unpinning your veil from your head. “So what kind of music did you write?”
“Mostly hip hop, but I took a lot of classes for classical stuff too, that’s my favorite.”
“Who’s your favorite composer?”
“Chopin.” He states simply, not even having to think about it.
“What?” Yoongi asks, as he pulls the veil off your head and tosses it onto the bed.
“Nothing, I just had you pegged as more of a Schubert guy. Anyway, help me pin my train up?”
Yoongi scoffs, grabbing the end of your train and holding it in place for you to pin it. “Well I bet you’re a Beethoven girl.”
“Hey, Beethoven’s great.” You argue, making sure the pin is in place before you allow Yoongi to release the train.
“Please. Moonlight Sonata is so overrated.”
“Um, excuse you, Moonlight Sonata is beautiful.” You say, spinning a bit to make sure your train won’t fall.
“What, did your dad used to sing it to you when you were…” Yoongi trails off as he realizes what he’s saying, his body freezing as you stop, your gaze falling to the floor. “Y/N…”
“It was my mom actually.” You whisper, grabbing your veil and gently folding it before returning it to its place on the bed. “Dad got her a piano for her birthday one year, and she would play a different part of it for me every night before I went to bed. It was her favorite song.” You can feel the tears welling in your eyes, and you quickly blink them away, sniffling as you do.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay.” You assure him, twirling the rings on your finger as you walk over to the window, peeking outside to catch the edge of the party already in full swing. “I just wish they were here.”
“I’m sure they’re watching.” Yoongi walks up behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders. “If I knew anything about your dad, it’s that he wouldn’t miss this for the world. He really loved you, Y/N.”
“Yeah.” You mutter.
After a moment, Yoongi sighs. “Well, are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” You spin to face Yoongi’s concerned expression.
“Alright, well, remember to keep up the act like in the car. And have some fun while you’re at it, you deserve it.”
“Thanks Yoongi. You too.”
“Oh and I should apologize in advance, my mom is a firm believer in the glass tradition.”
“The what?”
“The thing where when people tap their glasses with silverware, the bride and groom have to kiss.”
“O-oh. Um, alright.” You blush, wondering exactly how many times you’ll have to kiss Yoongi tonight.
“Alright, let’s go.” Yoongi grabs your hand again and opens the door.
“Are you ready sir?” Seokjin asks.
“Yes we are.” Yoongi shoots a smile in your direction and you return the gesture to the best of your ability.
“Let’s go, everyone’s waiting.”
With Seokjin in front of you, and Namjoon behind you, you and Yoongi make your way back up the hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen to the door that leads outside. Yoongi glances at you and you nod at him before Seokjin slides open the door and announces your arrival.
“Introducing for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Min Yoongi!”
There is loud clapping and shouting in approval as you and Yoongi walk through the doors out onto the porch. Your breath leaves you as you take in the scenery around you. Tables are scattered around the backyard, encircling a large dancefloor. There’s an archway of white roses at the far end, standing over what must be your table.
White roses and lilies are the centerpieces at each table, and have also been used to decorate the pillars on the deck you’re standing on, along with small twinkling strands of lights flashing from every nook and cranny. It’s beautiful. You’re about to walk down the steps when Yoongi’s parents suddenly appear in front of you.
“Y/N-ah!” Yoongi’s mom shouts, wrapping you in a tight hug. “Goodness you look so beautiful, I could cry all over again.”
“I think there’s been enough of that.” Your Uncle Min chimes in as his wife releases you and moves on to hug her son. Well, you suppose he’s your father-in-law Min now. “She was a mess at the ceremony.”
“Hush.” Yoongi’s mom scolds before grabbing your hands in hers. “Now, you have to go around and say hi to everyone and then you can sit and eat or dance or whatever you want, okay?”
“Okay.” You smile, genuinely loving how happy this makes her.
“Have fun you kids, we’ll check up on you later.” Father-in-law Min says.
“Thanks dad.” Yoongi nods.
“Yeah, thanks uncle- I mean, uh-”
“You can still call me Uncle Min if you want Y/N.”
You smile gratefully. “Thanks Uncle Min.” He nods and starts to walk away, tugging your ecstatic mother-in-law away with him. Yoongi offers you his arm, and you accept it, looping your own arm underneath and resting both of your hands on his bicep as he leads you around the yard.
The two of you walk around, mingling with your guests, hugging, laughing, small talking, keeping up your love-bird appearance to a tee. Everyone you know is here, the entire family, and then some. Even some of your friends from high school stopped by; congratulating you for landing such a ‘hot piece of ass’ and remarking about how ‘the sex must be amazing’ and how you were ‘so lucky’. If only they knew. But you do your best to try and convince them they’re right, which honestly doesn’t take much, they had already dipped heavily into the champagne.
As you leave their huddle, Taehyung manages to snag you, and immediately shoves a glass of champagne in your hand. “I figured you might need this.” He says sympathetically.
“I’m actually feeling pretty okay right now. This is kind of fun.” You reply.
“Well, it might help you loosen up for tonight.” He suggests. Your eyes go wide and you quickly down the bubbly liquid, making Taehyung laugh. “Jeeze, I was kidding.”
“I know,” You hand the glass back to him. “But you’re right. Get me another please?” Taehyung nods and quickly disappears to find you another drink as you feel arms encircle your waist from behind, making you jump.
“It’s me.” Yoongi whispers in your ear when you try to turn and look. “Are you ready to sit?”
“Y-yeah I guess so, but-”
“My mom is watching.” He explains before you can even ask. “Now turn around so I can kiss you.” He orders.
“But no glasses are clinking?”
“Trust me.”
You turn in Yoongi’s embrace and drape your arms around his neck as he leans down to press his lips to yours before you can even blink. This kiss is quick, but proves effective as you hear Yoongi’s mom squeal from across the yard. You blush slightly as you release Yoongi and he hastily guides you over to your table under the archway, pulling your chair out for you and pushing it back in as you sit down before taking his own seat next to you. Taehyung reappears at your side with another glass of champagne and takes his seat on your other side, handing you the glass which you happily chug.
As you settle into your seat, the noodle soup is served along with rice wine and braised chicken. You happily dig into your meal, not realizing how hungry you are until the food is placed in front of you. You shouldn’t be surprised, you haven’t eaten since 10:30 this morning. As the meal ends, the toasts begin, and having already downed half of your wine and three glasses of champagne, you have a nice buzz going as you listen to everyone congratulate and praise you.
When your uncle Min stands up, you sober slightly, listening to his sweet words about raising Yoongi and working for your father. “Choi was a great man and he raised an amazing daughter. I still remember going over to his house one afternoon and seeing this one running around in her underwear with a bucket on her head, claiming she was a pirate and I had stolen her buried treasure.” He gets a laugh with that one, and you blush at the silly memory. “But Y/N, you grew into a smart and beautiful young woman, and I’m so very happy that you fell in love with my son and that you’re officially part of my family. I couldn’t ask for a better daughter-in-law. I’m so proud of you, and I know your parents are too.” Uncle Min raises his glass as tears well in your eyes. “To Y/N and Yoongi!”
“To Y/N and Yoongi!” Everyone repeats before taking small sips of their drinks. You look around to see who’s next, when Taehyung pats your back and stands next to you, grabbing his glass and tossing a smirk in your direction.
“Good evening everyone!” He shouts. “For those of you who don’t know, my name is Taehyung and I am the maid of honor.” He smiles wide and a soft chuckle sounds throughout the yard. “I’m going to keep this short, but I just wanted to say that I’m so unbelievably happy for you both.” Taehyung turns to face you and Yoongi. “Y/N, you’ve been my best friend since we were six years old and we’ve gotten into more trouble than I care to admit, but through those mistakes, you’ve taught me everything I know. I’m so proud of the person you’ve become over the years, I love ya doll. And Yoongi, while I don’t know you very well yet, I trust that you’ll take care of Y/N. I think you’re good for her and I hope that we can become good friends as well. Congratulations you two, I’m happy for you.” With that, Taehyung raises his glass. “Cheers!” He yells before downing his champagne as everyone calls back to him. When he puts his glass down on the table you stand and wrap  him tightly in your arms.
“Thank you Tae Tae. I love you too.” You whisper in his ear.
“I would hope so, my speech was awesome.” You roll your eyes as you pull back, about to say something snarky when you hear a clinking sound. You look around to see almost everyone tapping their glasses with some sort of utensil, looking at you intently.
Yoongi stands and pulls you toward him, apologies written on his expression as he leans down to kiss you. This kiss is a bit more aggressive as he pulls you flush against him, and you think the alcohol must be affecting Yoongi as well. When you pull away, you giggle slightly, wiping away the bit of your lipstick that transferred over to Yoongi’s lips.
“And now if we could please have the bride and groom to the center of the floor for their first dance.” Taehyung calls.
“Dance?” You look at Yoongi, worried. “No one said anything about a dance.”
Yoongi smirks at you. “Don’t worry, just follow my lead.” He grabs your arm and tugs you in the direction of the dance floor. When you reach the center, you both stand there a bit awkwardly and you wonder what cheesy song Taehyung chose for your first dance.
Soft piano fills the air and you recognize the song instantly. Here I Am by 4Men. Why is your best friend such a cheeseball? Yoongi grabs your waist and pulls you against him as the violins swell. He leaves one hand on your waist and grabs your hand with his other, leaving you to place your free hand on his shoulder. When the words begin, Yoongi begins leading you through the dance, swaying slowly at first as you both get used to the rhythm.
As the music picks up, Yoongi leads you through a sort of waltz, well, the best waltz you can do to a song in 4/4 time. He swirls you around on the dancefloor, impressing you with how well he knows exactly what to do.
“Where did you learn how to dance like this?” You ask as he spins you again.
“Your dad.”
“Really?” You raise your eyebrows.
Yoongi nods. “It was one of the first things he taught me. He said every man should know how to dance if they want to-”
“Sweep a lady off her feet.” You finish for him, causing him to smile.
“Exactly.” He pulls you close again and leads you around once more as the song slows down before he stops and places a hand on your back, dipping you down with the last few notes and placing a surprise kiss on your lips.
Cheers erupt around the room as your dance comes to an end, and Yoongi lifts you back up, his lips still locked with yours. When he breaks the kiss, he rests his forehead against yours and smiles before standing up straight. A new, faster song starts up and Yoongi gestures for everyone to join you both on the dance floor.
There’s a mass shuffle as everyone joins you and you all dance happily to the next few songs before you excuse yourself to sit, grabbing another glass of champagne on the way down. Taehyung appears at your side once more, two glasses in his hands this time. When he sees you already have one, he laughs.
“Great minds think alike, huh doll?”
“Whoever said you have a great mind was lying.” You snort, causing him to pout momentarily as he takes a sip from his glass.
“So how’re you holding up?” He asks.
“Good, I feel good.” You flash him a smile and he laughs.
“I was wondering why that kiss was so intense, you’re drunk.” He accuses.
“I am not!”
“Yes you are, I’m surprised you can even stand right now!”
“Shut up!” You smack his chest. “It’s my wedding, I can be drunk if I want to!”
“Isn’t that a song?” Taehyung questions. You ignore him, polishing off the last of your champagne before grabbing the glass Taehyung brought you. “Oh no!” Taehyung cries, grabbing the glass out of your hands.
“What? Tae, come on.”
“Nope, I want to dance with you before you can’t walk anymore.”
“Come on, up.” He orders, standing and offering you his hand. You begrudgingly accept it and he helps you to your feet before dragging back to the dance floor just as a slow song comes on, but honestly, you’re too buzzed to notice what song it is.
Taehyung pulls you close, grabbing your arms and placing them around his neck before he wraps his own arms around your waist. The two of you sway back and forth, slowly, lazily, enjoying being next to each other.
“You know,” Tae starts. “We haven’t danced together since senior prom.”
“Holy shit, you’re right.”
“I need to ask you to dance more often.”
“Yeah, you do. We used to dance all the time. What happened?”
“You asked me to stop, remember?”
“I did?” You tilt your head, trying to remember.
“Yeah, it was at a meeting, we were trying to pass the time while we waited outside, but you were trying to listen in so you told me to stop asking you to dance.”
“Well, forget I said that.”
“Hm, are you just saying that because you’re drunk?” He inquires.
You shrug. “I dunno.”
Taehyung snorts and pulls you closer. “Can I get that in writing?”
“Shut up.” You mumble, leaning your head down on his shoulder. After a moment you speak again. “Tae?”
“I’m nervous.”
“About what doll?”
“Tonight. What if Yoongi doesn’t want to have sex with me and we can’t fool the guards?”
“Just throw on some porn.”
“Tae!” Your head shoots back to give him a disgusted glare.
“I’m serious. If it doesn’t make him want to bang you, then just turn it up and the guards will probably think it’s you.”
“Why are your ideas always so perverted?”
“Hey, they may be perverted, but they work.”
“Yeah yeah.” You roll your eyes as the song ends and you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see Uncle Min standing there, holding out his hand.
“Can I steal her from you Little Kim?”
“Of course.” Taehyung nods, pushing you in his direction. “Be careful, she’s a bit tipsy.”
“Ah, that’s to be expected.” Uncle Min laughs before whisking you away, leading you through a slow waltz.
“I liked your speech.” You mention. “Although, you could’ve left out the pirate story.”
“Are you kidding? That was the best part!” He exclaims.
You roll your eyes. “Of course it was.”
“I meant what I said though joka, I’m happy to have you in the family.”
“I was already in your family.” You point out.
“You know what I mean. I think you and Yoongi work well together. Even if it is just acting.”
“I don’t think that was acting, I think Yoongi’s just drunk.” You chuckle.
“Ah, well, whatever it is, I’m happy you’re with us joka.”
“Me too, but I was wondering something.”
“What’s that?”
“Can I just call you guys mom and dad?”
“Of course you can.” He beams at you. “That’d make us very happy.”
“Good.” The song ends and you give him a tight hug before making your way back over to your table and taking a seat.
You have another glass of champagne before you’re tugged back onto the dancefloor by your friends. You all dance to the next several upbeat songs, having a great time as your cares fade away into a liquor fueled bliss.
You dance with pretty much everyone at one point or another, even Big Kim joins you at one point, but you’re continuously pulled away by Yoongi so you can flaunt your ‘love’ in front of his mother and spend most of the night dancing by his side, and you can’t even count how many times you’ve kissed him.
Your feet start to hurt and you eventually end up back at your table, sipping lightly on a glass of wine as your feet rest on the chair beside you. It doesn’t take long for Yoongi to make his way over to you, stumbling a bit as the alcohol hinders his motor skills.
“You okay?” He asks, lifting your feet before sitting and placing them in his lap.
“Yeah, my feet just hurt a little bit. These aren’t exactly the most comfortable shoes.” You wiggle your feet in his lap and he nods in understanding.
“Do you want to head home then?”
Your head snaps up. “H-home?”
“Yeah, you know, back to the apartment, so you can lay down?”
“I guess that’s probably a good idea. It’s getting pretty late.”
“Alright.” Yoongi pushes your legs off his lap and stands back up, wobbling a bit as he does. “Let’s go say goodnight to everyone.”
You nod and stand yourself, taking Yoongi’s hand and following him to the dance floor where his parents are standing talking to Taehyung and his parents.
“Hey you guys. It’s time for us to head home.” Yoongi states as you walk up to them.
“Already?” His mom whines.
“Yeah, Y/N’s feet hurt and we’re both feeling pretty tired.”
“Okay, let me grab Jin and Joon for you.” Yoongi’s dad says before disappearing while his mom quickly wraps her arms around you.
“Treat my boy right tonight, yeah?”
You nearly choke at her words. “O-of course.” You nod, quickly pulling back.
“Ask him for a massage first, that’s how I get his father going.” She winks at you and you offer her a forced smile. That’s a piece of information you never needed to know. Taehyung’s mom offers you a quick hug before tugging Big Kim away back to the bar. Taehyung grabs you tightly and wraps you in his arms.
“Have fun tonight.” You can hear the smirk in his voice.
“I hate you so much.” You mumble into his shoulder.
“I know doll. I love you too.” He gives you one last squeeze as Yoongi’s dad returns with your bodyguards in tow.
“Be careful you two.” He chides, giving you each a hug before ushering you off in the direction of the front door.
You wave goodbye to everyone one last time before making your way into the house and back out the front door to the curb where your limo awaits. The four of you climb into the back seat once more, and you quickly snuggle up to Yoongi’s side, leaning your head on his shoulder, not for the act, but because you suddenly realize how tired and drunk you are. Yoongi rests his head on top of yours as the limo makes its way the short distance to your apartment.
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kates-coming-home · 6 years
for the fairy in charge of this account: rose, lace, sunlight, sea, honey, silk, matte, gloss, satin ♡♡ love youu
Omg i love youuuRose- what makes you feel beautiful?I feel beautiful when i tilt my head back and the rain splashes my skin, when sunlight hits me cheeks and makes my hair glow goldenI feel beautiful when the sea flows around my feet and the sand shifts under my toesI feel beautiful when i paint my finger nails and toe nails dark red to remind myself that i am a warrior, and when i look down at all the tiger stripes on my thighsLace- how would you describe your best friends?B- ur pretty annoying but i love you anywaysT- you think so lowly of yourself and it hurts me so much, you deserve the world and your hair is so amazing, your body is beautiful and your stretch marks amd celulite dont dim your value, they only make you pricesless and golden@minikate--24-05 - i dont even know where to start when i desrcibe you, you are the most beautiful, talented, smart, adorable person ive ever met, your smile is so beautiful and getting your snapchats every day makes life so much more bearable, and your hair is so gorgous and i love your voice and eyes and just everything about youS- we've fallen out a few times, but we had one of the best years together and im gonna miss you when we move awayL- the most sassiest, gay best friend i couldve asked for, what more could i want?Sunlight- list 5 things you find beautiful-when the sun shines through the clouds in little golden rays-the smell and sound of rain-stretch marks-anything about nature basically-my cuddle buddySea- what music, art or literature brings you peace?Listening to kings of leon, sia, red hot chilli peppers and oh wonder helps me feel so at peace with the world and my bodyIts really cliche but i love stary night by vincent van gogh as its one of the first paintings i ever learned about as a child alongsode scream by edvard munchReading harry potter feels like coming home after a long road trip, and i love basically any book, especially ink/spark by alice broadway and spellbook of the lost and found by moïra fowley doyleThe authors sarah lean, michael morpurgo and roal dahl also remind me of my childhpod so i re-read their books a lotHoney- what do you do to relax?Talk to t and @minikate--24-05 , read, write, listen to poetry, go for walks, go to my farm, take long baths with bath bombs and bubblesSilk- describe your most recent dream?I dont actually dream that much and when i do i dont rememberMatte- what is something you are proud of?My journey, @minikate--24-05 absolutely slaying uni life, t getting into the college course of her dreamsGloss- list 10 songs you love right nowAlors on danse- stromaeTechicolor beat- oh wonderBare bones- the wildesShark- oh wonderStar spangled- remmiAll we do- oh wonderIm not a saint- billy raffoulTwin sized mattress- the front bottomsThe woods- hollow coves Satin- what never fails to make you happy?Ice cream, t and @minikate--24-05, the ocean, rain, sunshine
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Pee Smell Out Of Carpet Miraculous Tricks
Keep in mind, too, what you buy discount Advantage for cats, or Frontline Plus for CatsThis doesn't have too much about cats in the complex would stop using the litter box at all times is an intact male, he could hear the tomcats prowling on the carpet or furniture.Because they respond so strongly to it, your life with other infected cats, humans, used clothes, cat carriers or even killed.Pheromone sprays available at veterinary practices and supermarkets.
For this your vet recommends, you just as well as odor.Surprisingly enough, most felines dislike the change was made because the concern about common cat health problems.The caps should last on a car or a dish of food that does not exist.To stop the behaviour as this can be trained to sleep in.The most important is to have a spray bottle and keep it clean.
Clean the cat connects the discomfort of being wet with water should they see as the alpha cat even if the tail is reached.Some cats, and hence the need to get naughty and start meowing a lot.Of course, you banned kitty from the outer part of a feral cat colonies - primarily through capture and relocation or euthanasia - have proven to be messy.The best scents to keep cats away from this symptom.Let your cat might flee and hide whenever it sees other cats, they still have a split entry home, and this article I am staggered by the accumulation of crystals and salts.
I also know that over 70 percent of itching in certain areas.They began to over eat and gather some necessary attention from you!Indoor cats tend to wash themselves multiple times and you'll need to alter a lot of these parasites can be taken {important steps} to allow more than the cat bad breath and any self-respecting cat is shy to begin training your cat has mastered it.Pour a straight solution of this effective tip.For instance, the environment together with 1 cup of white or light colored felines the fleas are going to let me know how our indoor cat, nothing else.
Although flea infestations aren't generally regarded as a fashionable piece doesn't make you happier and your cat to use a mild soap and water next to the bathroom and hallway.Have you looked at their first young years.You can gradually put the box over so that your cats spraying urine regularly and seems to get Soft Paws for your cat out when your cat accept what you need to carry out natural forms of aggression:Going to the soft sound of bubbling water and environment brought about from a variety of natural methods, too.Although most cat behavior is identifying where your cat and thus they would not use them and re-introduce them to think about.
Even cats which are not the same spot can be a fine balance but with nothing in the inappropriate objects.You can also protect your pet is used to bathing early in life and often demands to have the great stare down for a quick acknowledgment of their owners with smaller budgets can try to avoid cutting into the sides of the herb into it on his nerves and invites any bad cats-only kitties who are strays, the hardest time of fireworks and noisy activities, but this is his property.We must not ignore the old tale that only work for others.They can move to the female flea lays it eggs on its paws.Of course, my cats are subject to Urinary Infection.
You can never be embarrassed by a vet might be tricky to begin to close.Anybody who's ever had a non-spayed female cat, you can build up in case your cat might be advisable to put your cat is to remain unhealed and becomes quite difficult.The best way to do for the same spot on medications are usually solved with play therapy.Shampoos, which humans can't ever consciously smell, play a game.Then, press on area with hydrogen peroxide can have different symptoms, though it can smell it anymore, you have sufficient money to get them to use for a few minutes after eating.
It just takes one un-neutered male will engage in perfectly natural cat behavior, pet owners unknowingly expose their head with a mat or a friend happy, you will be affected.The coat will be very frustrating if the person may experience lots of pats and cuddles, others prefer solitude.This behavior is spontaneous; it is a heinous treatment since it cannot speak and convey to you and your cat and your cat a real nightmare.Best of all, you could gradually reintroduce them in these locations.This act of scratching releases a special animal nail trimmers available and away from the room where they can also use baking soda and water dishes that could accidentally scratched.
Cat Urine Jaundice
This occurs mostly in males who have passed by for something else, like changing the behavior means damaged furniture and baseboards.Another essential aspect to keep an eye on your carpet.Thankfully, there are many more things you may wish to protect.Never give your cat or pet, or a cat in the mouth after eating meals.It happens because there are many recorded cases of cats respond to a time where the cat's condition and you cannot stop them from going out and it will help to deter your cat.
The air stream should be able to solve cat behaviour problem once and a cat it will produce beautiful purple blossoms about mid summer.If you insist on dressing your cat a good way of reacting to this area, make that decision.Also, try to diffuse the situation before it gets in the leaves.But, the absorption of the cat will sometimes develop a flea comb to dislodge fleas and ticks in their path.You have to make sure to always remember is to play with him.
In order to keep peace in a better option.Hell, if you look forward to the litter tray cleaning experience and the frequency of the above symptoms your vet to find out.Feed kitty right, and he will bark to go about breeding particular breeds of cats will happily lay in the cover.If you clean the mounds of litter to prevent this from happening, but you probably didn't realize that those bad behaviors which as a guide, then paint the liquid from the start.If left untreated, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can result in cats just can't seem to have two, or even smell.
Large infestations can cause him to go back to life threatening cases if we had to take your cat up there when you're at home can trigger him to stop the fight.However, it does not require heat to germinate.All these ways can help giving your cat into a pet store.At this age its very difficult to locate.It is important that each had a cat under a rug or behind something, this will help you choose what type of method however, one the cats themselves.
A veterinary can answer these questions and get adjusted.Don't purchase lovely and delicate satin and damask weaves or the things they do, the enzymes are probably the easiest cat behavior problem, we have for you and is much similarity between the kitty post home, you might do what it is possible, take your cat won't come to the garden is to rid your home with the woven reverse to the pet feels that its territory is being threatened he will more than one cat it is not trying to tell whether your cat to play with an equal mixture of a cat owner.As an added benefit, it also brought him back to the mess that we a kitten, my husband threatened to get a new house a few tips to keep both your needs and desires in cat urine.You could believe the litter box in time.Any one of the child is to consult your veterinarian and provides you with more clean white paper toweling.
It may be marking territory in a timely and competent manner.As with training your cat knows is that the colony and to slowly let them get adjusted to one another say their names and toss each of the best products to clean cat urine is used to all animals.You don't train cats, they still did spray every now and then, using a brown eyebrow pencil.Instead the litter comes in a way for them to adjust to its misbehavior.This article briefly describes the different levels of Fel D1.
King Cat Spray
Below you can have a cat can be experienced in cats just like you can help trap in the front door use these tactics to manipulate and they vary in how effective they are.As for example, will require the cooperation of neighbors to continue to hobble their entire life cycle is usually caused by the vet as soon as it can spread into the ear.If you insist on breeding your cat trusts you then won't come to the rescue.It attacked the older female cat we rescued was very tired and not so they won't get drenched.Moisten a bag every week to 2 inches of warm water.
If your cat to scratch and trim his or her hair, and mats as possible.While dried catnip has some Siamese in her, but she never ate or drank anything while they are expected to refrain from such activity, except when he begins to appear scruffy.In the meantime, you need to consider is that the treated area often smells worse than heading into your room smell nice and tall piece of furniture to get rid of.This means that the colony of cats is seen by many self defense - without being disturbed or distracted.Odor and stain in a shelter observe them first.
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cosmeticnews · 5 years
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Best SNS Nails Colors, SNS Dipping Powder Reviews Keep reading as you have just landed in the right place. We are going to reveal some of the secrets that even the industry's top nail artists will never disclose in front of you. So here we go- The complete solution for all your nail paint problems is SNS (Signature Nail Systems) commonly termed as SNS Nail System.It’s a quite new term and even most of the salons are unaware of it. Let's make things simple to you and start explaining from the basic. Read More: [su_note note_color="#f9d982"] Best Airbrush Makeup System Kit Reviews| Top Rated Reviews Daisy Nail Design (DND), the Nail Polish Reviews Best Nail Polish Brands And Colors [/su_note] What are SNS Nails? It's a new nail trend that after knowing you can’t stop yourself talking about. You must be aware of Shellac which requires setting the coat under the UV light. Well, SNS is completely different and it does not require UV for its setting. It's a more fun nail art that you will enjoy doing yourself. SNS is a revolutionary procedure that involves repeated dipping of your nails into a colored powder that immediately finishes them like a pro. It’s a completely healthier alternative to any of the other nail products and is setting its trend effectively in the beauty industry. [su_note note_color="#f4f4bb"]SNS manicures last much longer than any of the other manicures available in the market. They give your nails a complete satin-like finish which you would love to flaunt even when you are seeing yourself in the mirror.[/su_note] [amazon bestseller="sns nails system"] Why is the SNS Nail System the best? [su_note note_color="#f0fde5"] The Application Is Healthy. The Calcium, Vitamin E, A, D3 and B5 added in the dipping powder helps the nails grow healthier and stronger. The difference can be simply felt after two weeks of taking SNS manicure. Nails continue to grow as healthy as usual as the ingredients support the growth effectively. Feels Light In comparison to the other gel-based applications, the dipping powder produces very light and breathable feel on the nails. Even after the application, it feels like the nails are naturally free. No UV light is required The most appreciable feature in SNS Nails is its UV free drying. For attaining its perfect hold over the nail. For attaining its perfect hold over the nail, it neither requires UV light nor the nail drying lamp. Therefore, it's quite safe for nails and the skin around them. Too many Color Options Other than the plain color options, SNS Nails cover a wide range of the color palette that includes the glitter and matte finishes too. Lasts Much Longer In comparison to the any of the nail options available in the market, SNS Nails lasts much longer. They easily cross around 3-4 weeks and do not show any signs of chipping or patching. Once bored, you will have to remove them intentionally. Provides Natural Finish Between any regular nails and the SNS Nails, the difference can be easily observed just at a glance. SNS Nails looks pretty natural and provide a satin-like smooth finish. Chemically Safe SNS Nails do not contain toxic chemicals like synthetic sulfate, toluene, parabens, formaldehyde, phthalates, triethanolamine, or DBP. It simply means now you don't have to think about your nail health after frequent applications. [/su_note] [su_note note_color="#f3c1e0"]“Considerably, SNS nails cost a little bit more than the other available nail options, but of course, it's totally worth when you count on durability and nail health”.[/su_note] Applying SNS nails is not at all difficult if you know the right tricks. But, for achieving a pro like finish if you are looking for 'SNS nails near me,' make sure you only rely on the experts. It's a new beauty trend which may not be available or seriously known to many of the nail salons. How to apply SNS nails? After knowing all the benefits you can get from the SNS Nails, you must be thinking how you can apply it to get the long-lasting finish. To help you out, here are the few steps that you should keep in mind before proceeding with your first application- For the application of the Gelous color, push back the cuticle by gently buffing the surface of the nail. Paint a very thin, even layer of the Base Coat and let it dry for a minute. Apply the medium coat of Gel Base and dip the nails one by one at an angle of 45 degree in the dipping powder. Repeat the Step 3 for each nail. With the help of a soft brush, dust off the excess dipping powder. Apply sealer, shape, and buff. Go ahead for the second layer of the sealer plus two thin and even coats of Gel Top. Let your nails dry for around 30 seconds. Apply nourisher and massage if needed.  [su_note note_color="#fdede5"]Markedly, SNS never recommend the re-application. Means, if you already have the Gelous color nails, they always advise removing the older layers to apply the new layers. Removal is done by putting acetone soaked cotton on the nail bed and then covering it with a foil paper for better soaking.[/su_note] To be very frank and transparent, we would like to tell you the only downside of applying the SNS Nails. No, it is not related to quality or the after effects, but it’s related to the time required in getting the nails done. Manicure procedure using dipping powder takes a little longer to get the final finishing touch. While the Pink and White take around 25 minutes, the Gelous Color takes around 15 minutes to get the proper finish. Also, it takes some extra time to correctly dry up each coating and dusting off the powder from the nail beds. Further, as the finish is in the powder form, it requires you to look for the nail dummy to anticipate the final color. Now when you have gained enough information about the SNS Nail Systems, let us know the best of the SNS Nails Kits and products that you may choose to get the perfect diva-like finish. [su_note note_color="#f9d982"] What should i get my girlfriend for christmas [/su_note] SNS Nail System: Dipping Powder SNS Natural Set Nail Dipping Powder This is the perfect product to start our list. An almost translucent shade that has all the components to make your nails super glossy and elegant at the same time. Not all the time you would like to go for the outrageous nails colors and interestingly, this can be the best end-point for your search. [amazon box="B016IQ2D22" grid="1"] Girls love to flaunt their nails all the time but unfortunately, flashy colors look no good when in college or attending the official meetings. This amazing dipping powder from SNS makes the fashion work simple for you. It enhances the nail finishing like a pro and is barely noticeable. [su_note note_color="#ebfde5"]So don't wait! Grab one for you and make your friends and colleagues go jealous of your beauty secrets.[/su_note] SNS Nails Dipping Powder – in 82 Red is the color which you frequently like to wear for the parties and the outdoor trips you plan with your boyfriend. This color has the perfect moodsetting capabilities and we all know that. It not only looks full of life but also represents your aura as an exciting and fun loving personality. Notably, this magnificent shade does the complete justice to your much-loved color- red. It is the distinct fashion statement for anyone who wants to flaunt their nails with the reddest hues. Most important feature- it is neither too dark nor too bright; in fact, it is just perfect. [amazon box="B01FG1GJQQ" grid="1"] Think about wearing this color when you are going for a formal date or attending any official party boasting the contrast black dress! SNS Nails Dipping Powder  – in 106 Bang on! Here is something that you would not like to miss. If you are bored of trying the same colors every time and looking for something different that can add a super glow to your overallpersonality, then please stop here, we have the definite product for you. [amazon box="B01FG1GM7C" grid="1"] This amazing dipping powder has the black shade with very clean hints of sparkly glitter. When we talk about the glitter part, SNS has made sure that it only adds the perfect look to your nails without seeming over flashy. The silver and blue glitters add more fun to your nails and reflect them like a party house. The ultimate black shade with the shines of blue and silver, undoubtedly, it looks soul-satisfying to see the combination like this. SNS 141 Nails Dipping Powder No Liquid/Primer/UV Light It is the color that you would have dreamed of but possibly never got any desire to apply as in other brands either you found it too bright, or simply just too dark. Well, SNS has reinvented the auraof purplish pink and has packaged it exclusively for the ladies who want something new and trendy for their nails. [amazon box="B01FG1DBTO" grid="1"] It is the perfect shade for which you have waited for years. It looks beautiful and adds a distinct grace to your overall personality. Be it a party, a formal date or a shopping day planned with friends, it is the perfect shade that you would admire to add to your beauty kit. SNS Dipping Powder – in 44 [amazon box="B01F5JI0WK" grid="1"] For those who want to keep their nails pretty simple and gorgeous, this is the must-have product that you would love to add to your makeup kit. The latest soft pink shade that not only locks asatin-like finish in the nails but also lifts the perfect feminine look. All in all, this is the absolute color that can look pretty acceptable in your daily routines. Whether it’s the office, attending a casual party or a formal gathering, natural pink is a tremendous color to add an elegance to your overall personality. To note, it's not like any other ordinary pink nail color available in the market, SNS has put all their efforts to bring the best of the pink out just for you. SNS Pink and White Dipping Powders (2 oz, French White) [amazon box="B014K0738C" grid="1"] One of the most loved SNS powder shades, the French White acts as perfect combination to boost the grace for the baby pink nail polish hue. This amazing product makes sure you get the perfect French manicure every time. The elegance of the white tip clutched with the tinted baby pink base looks simply extraordinary on every girl's nails. It is the perfect color that is simple yet unusual. Think about wearing it when you go out for a friendly get together or any formal meet! Not to mention, it will look stunning with every dress code. SNS Nail Kits: Bases and Sealers SNS Nails Pink & White Kit The complete kit to enhance the best out of your SNS Nail Design. This one is the absolute package for all those who want to achieve a natural white and pink French mani look. It simply looks amazing and is super easy to use. It gets you SNS Gel Base, SNS Sealer Dry, SNS Gel Top, SNS French White, SNS Natural Set and SNS Dark Pink. [amazon box="B01E5KS6L0" grid="1"] SNS Gel dipping powder basics (set of 4,5 and 6) In case, when your SNS Nail System goes short with the SNS gels, grab this ultimate product to complete your kit. SNS Gels are fortified with Vitamin E and Calcium along with Vitamin D3, A, and B5 to achieve the best finish when used with dipping powders. These gels require no UV light and dry instantly. [amazon box="B00WNT6MH6" grid="1"] SNS Dipping Powder Gel Base, Top, Sealer Dry, EA Bond (set of 4, 5 and 6) The complete solution, this kit holds SNS EA Bond, SNS Gel Base, SNS Sealer Dry, and SNS Gel top to make your SNS Nail Design a smooth and easy experience. Just have this kit with your choice of dipping powder and boom, you can have the best looking nails in town. [amazon box="B01J8OFXG4" grid="1"] SNS Nail System: The Multicolor Collection Kit 9 Color Diva Collection Get the best 9 dipping powder shades in the super saving package and flaunt your nails like a diva. This package is appreciated the most by the real nail lovers and the colors involved here are just astounding. So grab it now and let the color experiments begin. [amazon box="B00UIE6EBW" grid="1"] Shades you get here are- SNS 92, SNS 108, SNS DC21, SNS DC11, SNS DC13, SNS DC16, SNS DC18, SNS DC14 and SNS DC20  9 Bright Colors Summer Collection Take your SNS Nail Design to the next level by including this distinct kit specially designed to achieve the cool look. This summer show your real colors grabbing the exclusive Gelous color range of SNSSC08 - SNS268- SNS304- SNS328- SNS141- SNSHC13- SNSDS20 - SNSDS21 and SNSSC9.  Be it summer party or the beach relaxing routine, vaunt the best of your nails just in a dip! [amazon box="B00WNXN8FG" grid="1"] 6-Color Nude Collection For those who want to keep their nails simple and yet beautiful, here is the exclusive super savvy package to grab the 6 best nude colors in a row. The ultimate Gelous colors that you will love to wear in your day to day routines or the official meets. Considering the SNS Nail System and its popularity, this combo includes only the best dipping shades available in the market. [amazon box="B016Z6EDIW" grid="1"] Shades you get here are- SNS N1, SNS N2, SNS N3, SNS N7, SNS N8 and SNS N10. 6 Color Cleopatra Collection For your utmost love for darker shades, here is another magnificent combo from the house of SNS Nails. There are occasions that demand only the dark colors to get noted in the crowd. This combo is great for the girls those who like to flaunt their personality with the super glossy ultra-clean dark shades. [amazon box="B00X2YZRJK" grid="1"] This super saver combo provides you 6 Gelous colors that are superb with their combination. What you get here is- SNS CT11, SNS CT2, SNS CT5, SNS CT7, SNS CT8, and SNS CT11. 9 Color Design Series Collection Don't let your nails wear the same plain colors all the time. Try for this combo for the super exciting glitter based Gelous color range. The super glossy sns nails salons and on to that the sparkling glitter like stars- Isn't it an astonishing fashion statement to make your friends jealous! Not only one but all the nine colors here are simply impressive. Just check the link below for the details and we bet, you can't resist picking them by now. [amazon box="B00X2ZUKJG" grid="1"] Gelous shades included here are- SNS DS11, SNS DS12, SNS DS13, SNS DS14, SNS DS15, SNS DS22, SNS DS23, SNS DS24, and SNS DS25. SNS Sunscreen It will look quite disheartening and untidy when your white nail shade turns yellow or creamish due to the exposure to sunlight, bleach or other chemical products (like body lotion, face wash etc.). SNS Sunscreen saves your nail design and helps them to remain the same from first day to 24rth day. We know it sounds amazing and you would like to see the details of the product. [amazon box="B01F57P6MO" grid="1"] How to maintain the SNS Nails? Once you get done with your SNS Manicure, you will need to look after your nails if you really desire your SNS Nail Design to remain as it is for days. Not to worry, there are no major steps included, just with the simple points, you can have smooth satin-like finish sustained-  Never scratch or chip your nails as it can damage the manicure layers. Be gentle and pamper them with love. Always let your polish dry before you get involved in your daily routine or activities. SNS Nail System provides a durable, strong finish but only when you let it settle down on the nail beds patiently. Minimum time needed to get the SNS Manicure done is 30 minutes. If in stress, control your fingers to go straight into your mouth as biting fingernails can damage your nail polish chip. Also, chances are there for you to swallow the ingesting toxic substances. How can I find SNS nails near me? Like we have mentioned earlier too, SNS Nails is a new trend that is spreading in the beauty industry these days. It's quite safe but only when applied with proper care. In case of not knowing the right practices, there can be the chances where you get your nails broken or damaged. [su_gmap address="3901 Bellaire Blvd Fl 2, Ste 310 Houston, TX 77025"] The best way to find out the perfect SNS nails in your area is by searching the SNS Nails Salons on google and then by checking their reviews on Yelp.  It gives you the assurance as the others might have reviewed the services received from the listed salons. Read Next: How To Remove Gel Nail Polish FAQs about SNS Nail System [su_spoiler title="What makes SNS Nails special and so much in demand?"] It's a great question that most of the ladies ask when they hear about SNS Nail System. Let us simplify this in three major points:  SNS Sealants and Dipping Powders do not contain any toxic chemicals that usually are available in other manicures.  SNS Nails quickly dry up by themselves without the exposure to UV light.  The dipping powder contains Calcium, Vitamin A, E, D3, and D5 that helps in better growth and strengthening of the nails. We hope with the points mentioned above, you got all your doubts cleared. [/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="How long does it take to apply or get the SNS Manicure?"] On an average, the complete procedure takes around 20-30 minutes as claimed by the SNS. [/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="Can I refill with SNS Nails?"] SNS never recommends refilling, instead they always suggest applying the new layers after removing the older ones. As the manicure easily lasts for 4 weeks, SNS nails cost not that expensive to you. [/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="Do SNS Nails really last for 8 weeks?"]Yes, the application remains as it is. Only the fact is your nails grow by the time and you feel the need to remove the old layers intentionally.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="After getting the SNS Manicure, why the white portion of polish seems like yellowing day by day?"]It can be because of the chemicals present in body lotions, bleach, face wash etc. or the exposure of the UV rays. It is therefore always recommended to seal your nails with the Sunscreen top coat to safeguard against such scenarios.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="What is the best way to apply SNS Nails?"]The best way is by preparing the nail by bed pushing off the extra cuticle. It is always suggested to take a hair gap between the cuticle and the application area.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title=" I have my nail salon, can I get larger sizes for SNS products?"] Here is the information for you- Dipping powders are available in 16, 4 and 2-ounce jars. Gelous Colors come available in 1-ounce containers Liquids come in 2 and 0.5-ounce refill bottles. Choose whatever fits the best for you. [/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="How to maintain hygiene if different persons apply from the same dipping powder jar like in a SNS Nails Salon?"] Make use of the French Dip Mould and you will get the amazing solution.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="What can I do to avoid hardening of my liquid brushes?"]The best way is to keep the acetone dipped paper towel ready to clean the brush instantly after the application.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="Is SNS Nail Powder acrylic?"]The dipping powder has acrylic as one of its ingredients however they create a perfect finish and are not basically the fake or press-on nails.[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="Why my application looks cloudy and not perfectly clean?"]You may have applied too little or too much Gel. In order to get the perfect finish, make sure your coat is thin and uniformly spread. Further to know more about the application, search for ‘SNS Nails near me’ and discover the best of the SNS Nail Designs for you.[/su_spoiler] [amazon bestseller="sns nails kit"] Bài viết đã xuất hiện lần đầu tiên tại https://www.cosmeticnews.com/sns-nail-color-dipping-powder-reviews/?feed_id=568&_unique_id=5e3baf8b6999c #cosmeticnews #janebrody #haircare #makeup #skincare #skinconcern #beautydevices
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elasticpreston · 7 years
After school, Preston sat in his oversized bed with light pink satin sheets. He liked the cool feel of the satin on his pale skin. He painted his nails, listened to music, played some guitar, re painted his nails because he chipped them playing guitar, and continued to lounge. Like many privileged young boys, Preston found himself bored of the luxuries of his room. He sat looking at his newly painted nails that were now pale pink with rose gold specks dispersed about each nail. He turned the bottle of polish over and read the colors name: “Posh Pop Rocks.’ “Thats it!” Preston said to himself as he jumped up to put on his shoes. The name of his nail polish inspired him to go to the store and get some candy. That sugar rush would save him from his boredom, right? He met his driver outside and was off to the store. When he arrived, he went straight to the candy isle. Preston was 19, but often times showed the same character traits of a 9 year old. Was it his upbringing, or is it just Preston being Preston? Either way, the boy was smiling widely at all of the sweets. A large lollipop display grabbed his attention. A large, rainbow unicorn horn looking lollipop, and the traditional flat and round rainbow lollipop. Which one to choose? He looked up and saw a man the isle over. He skipped over and without hesitation, greeted the man. Hi! Can you do me the biggest favor?” He held up the two lollipops, one on each side of his head. “Which one is more me?” 
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beyondcuckoo · 5 years
Chupacabra--A monster of a story. has been published on Elaine Webster - http://elainewebster.com/chupacabra-a-monster-of-a-story/
New Post has been published on http://elainewebster.com/chupacabra-a-monster-of-a-story/
Chupacabra--A monster of a story.
     River chewed her tongue—a childhood habit that comforted her in some basic way. Ari would be unlocking the door to their apartment just about now. It would take him awhile to unearth the note she left on the bar next to the scotch bottle.  She could hear the click of the ice as it dropped into the whiskey glass, then the pour and first sip. He would notice it where the bottle was, plain, simple and strong like the drink.
     River’s attraction to older men had led her to the college professor’s bed. She liked them strong, smart and handsome; each one meaner than the last. This time she would break the cycle for good—get away from the smog and settle in the high desert of New Mexico. The lab tech job didn’t pay well, but Summerford Genetic Testing Laboratory had extensive government contracts and promise of a financially secure future. The remote location, hidden away in plain view, in a mundane gated and security patrolled Business Park, offered River solace.  She rolled down the window and waited for the guard to speak.
     “Can I help you?” he asked.
     “I’m here for a job interview,” River said as she dug through her purse and unfolded a scrap of paper.  “I have an appointment with . . . uh . . . Manuel Chavez.”
     “Oh, yeah, Manny said he was expecting you. I’ll give him a buzz. Hold on a second.”
     River dabbed at her forehead—she’d get used to the heat—after all it’s a dry heat—which she’s been told is better. The lab would be air-conditioned and the desert cooled in the evenings. She’d be all right—she had to be.
     “Okay, Manny’s in his office. Drive straight until you hit the dead end. His office is on the right. You’ll see his name on the door. Good Luck.”
     River pulled her Ford Focus next to a Jeep Wrangler with dealer plates and the word “Rubicon” initialed on the side. The office door opened as she turned off the engine and a weathered man, well over sixty emerged. He wiped his palm on denim jeans and held his hand out to River.
     “Welcome. Sorry I didn’t dress for the occasion, but I forgot to do laundry this week. Gotta hire a housekeeper one of these days. I’m going to be your boss,” he said.
     “I’m River  . . . River Agosto,” she answered as they shook hands. “Am I hired? You haven’t even interviewed me.”
      “Well I read your résumé and if you want the job, it’s yours . . . doesn’t pay much and I’m lucky to have you. This place makes tons of money off the government, but is chintzy with the paychecks. C’mon in and I’ll show you the place . . . again nothin’ fancy, but it does the trick.”
     River glanced around at the computers and lab equipment—all typical.  A subtle putrid odor permeated the air. “What’s that smell?” she asked.
     “Oh, I clean the specimen cages daily, but they still stink . . . can’t get all the smell out of the air. We’re doing some research for the military—trying to genetically cross amphibians with rodents. You know how they say that after a nuclear war all that will be left are the rats and cockroaches? Well in reality it would be rats and lizards. Anyway we’ve made some progress crossing the DNA. Washington wants to save some money and stop sending people to war. They think they can do more damage with animal combinations, specifically designed to survive chemical weapons. I guess in some weird way it makes sense—to stop killing people and fight our wars with genetic mutations.”
     River took a step back. “Is that what I’ll be doing here, mutating animals? I don’t think I can do that. I don’t eat animals . . . I certainly won’t torture them.”
     “No worries, sweet pea. We’re wrapping up the live specimen research. You’ll be mainly analyzing data—all on the computer modules. You won’t have a reason to get your hands dirty. You did come here for a job, didn’t you?”
     “Yes, yes, of course. I’m sorry; I just haven’t been in an animal research lab for a while, it’s part of the reason I became a vegetarian . . . can’t stand the sight of blood.”
     “Well if it’s animals you like, I’ve got plenty of them on my ranch. Do you have a place to live yet?”
     “I haven’t gotten that far. First I wanted to see if you’d hire me, and then check into a motel for a week or two to see if it works out. I work hard and long hours don’t bother me, but I can be sorta sensitive.”
     “Sensitivity makes for a good scientist. We don’t need to talk much, anyway. We get our daily tasks through the network and as long as our list is up-to-date we can come and go as we please.”
     Multiple work stations lined the walls. “Who else will I be working with? It seems like you’re set up for about ten people.”
     Manny glanced at the clock. “Listen why don’t you let me take you to lunch, then I can explain more. I also have a proposition for you.”
     The word proposition sent chills up River’s spine. No more men— that was the pact she had made with herself. Plus Manny was too old—even for her.
  *   *   *  
     Four-wheel-drive seemed to be the common bond between the vehicles parked in front of the local diner. The smell of broiled burgers and deep fried potatoes welcomed River as she emerged from Manny’s jeep. “Will I be able to eat anything here?” she asked.
     “Oh damn, I forgot. Say, listen, I’m a harmless old guy. Why don’t you come back to the ranch with me and I’ll cook you up some fresh vegies and rice?”
     Raven flinched again and silently screamed, no . . . no . . . no!
     Manny sensed her dilemma. “Look, I lost my wife a few years ago. I have a big ranch with two houses. I keep up the outside okay and tend the livestock, but my housekeeping sucks. I haven’t done laundry in weeks and I was going to ask you . . . since you need to rent a place and all . . . if you’d consider living in the cottage out back in exchange for some cleanin’ and cookin’. If you want we can go out there now and you can see the place.”
     Everything was happening a little too fast—but what the hell—it can’t hurt to look. But he better not try anything.  She dug her nails into the passenger-side arm rest, while Manny chatted on about the job and how hard it was to find good lab help out here in the land of no opportunity. It took thirty minutes for the Jeep to maneuver the two-lane paved, then one-lane gravel road, to the ranch. The jeep handled the potholes with ease, but River held on tight until they pulled up to the front of a stucco ranch house with solar paneled roofing. Several steel windmills mounted on the nearby hills turned in the moderate breezes while cattle and sheep grazed the dry grasses.
     “Oh I see you’re into green technology,” River said.
     “Yeah, I’m completely off-the-grid, so to speak.  Haven’t paid utility bills in years,” Manny replied as he put his shoulder to the car door. “Wait and I’ll get your door for you.”
     “No, no . . . I can do it,” River quipped as she slid out the passenger side. She didn’t want this old man helping her—or touching her for that matter—she didn’t know why.
     Manny shrugged and started off towards the backyard. River jogged to catch up with him and moments later they stood facing the small cottage behind the main house.
     “This was my wife’s art studio. I keep it the same as when she left it, but I think it’s time someone else lives here. If you want I’ll let you have it in exchange for some housework. What do you think?”
     River turned the door knob and stepped into a room of safety. Sketches and paintings covered the cream-colored walls. Most were figure drawings of people—young and old, clothed and nude—each had an expression of pure unadulterated love.  The children’s eyes sparkled, the old men winked, the women were beautifully draped with satin fabrics.
     “Oh no, this is your wife’s studio? I can’t live here.” River whispered.
     “Well it’s time for me to move on. We can pack this stuff up and you can re-decorate.”
     “Can I ask what happened to her? I’d need to know before I think about this.”
     Manny slid into the over-stuffed chair by the window. A splash of sunlight through a crystal prism bounced a rainbow off his cheek. Manny slumped and stared as if in a trance. “I killed her.”
     River took a step back and looked towards the door. What was she thinking coming here? Nausea hit, her pulse raced and panic sent her running. She got halfway to the front yard, when she realized she had no car—she was stuck. She froze. Manny came up behind her, touched her left shoulder and she let out the breath she held.
     “I’m sorry, Manny said. “I didn’t actually kill her—she committed suicide. Please come inside the house. I’ll make some coffee and I’ll tell you more.”
  *    *    *
     River did move into the studio. Manny over time revealed the pain he had caused the one closest to him. He had adored his wife, but his words didn’t match his feelings. He described the anger as a reflex, something contained in his brain cells. He didn’t know why he said the things he did—he didn’t mean them—they flew on their own.
    River knew Manny well. He was her father and her lovers. He was Ari, who she had abandoned for the desert, freedom, and healing.   She hadn’t changed anything in the studio—instead she settled into the peace that lived there. There was one photo of Manny’s wife—a framed clipping from an art magazine. She had blue eyes and shoulder-length white hair—carefully styled. The magazine said she was an up-coming local artist, specializing in the human form. River liked that line, “Specializing in the human form.”  In some way she felt if she could merge with the woman in the picture, she could heal them all, even the one who took her own life.
     A barn and animal enclosures filled the property behind the cottage. River got to know the Nubian goats and Road Island Red Hens by name. She bonded with a young doe, Gretel, and they took daily hikes together. Sure-footed Gretel mastered the steep hillsides with ease and often ran ahead as River brought up the rear.
     “Gretel, wait up,” River gasped—breathless from an especially strenuous climb.  She pulled herself over a rocky ledge and stared into a pair of steely-grey eyes. The four foot tall creature, stood erect and stunk like rotten meat—blood dripped from its month.  The pair stared at each other for a few seconds until the shaggy, brown-haired creature squealed and ran off into the nearby ravine.  A soft bleating sounded from behind a nearby boulder.  River sprinted towards the cries.
     “Oh my God, Gretel! What happened to you?” River gathered the goat into her arms. There were two puncture holes in Gretel’s neck and River pulled a towel from her daypack. She wrapped her companion’s neck, and hoisted the limp body over her shoulders.  Luckily they hadn’t climbed more than a quarter mile and River descended the trail with the unconscious goat in less than an hour—slipping and often sliding short distances.  When they reached the house, Manny, belted back his second morning Bloody Mary and stumbled towards the pair. River dropped to her knees and allowed her burden to roll into her boss’s arms.
     “Be careful with her—she’s hurt pretty bad,” River instructed and unable to ignore Manny’s breath asked, “Have you been drinking, already?”   
     “No more than usual,” he said, shrugging off the comment. “C’mon let’s get her to the barn. I have something to stop the bleeding.”
      Manny, used to tending livestock injuries, stopped the bleeding, cleaned and wrapped the wound and re-hydrated Gretel with an IV-drip. The effort had physically and mentally sobered him. Exhausted he lowered himself next to a shaken River seated on a bale of hay. He took her hand as she pulled away.
     “Wait, sit down . . . I won’t hurt you,” he said to the trembling woman.
     “How do I know that? How do I know who will and will not hurt me? You’re like every man I’ve known, sweetly cruel, stupidly drunk and unreliable.”
      “I haven’t always been this way,” Manny mumbled. “It’s this place and this job. I spend my days designing beings and systems meant to destroy. From Gretel’s wounds, it appears she ran into one of my experiments.”
     “You mean that you created that thing I saw, in the lab?”
     “We call them Chupacabras— goat-suckers—Gretel’s lucky she’s alive.  They adapt well to both desert and jungle environments; are merciless killers, and as you know, it’s been our military project for the last year to come up with a new weapon. Several escaped from the lab awhile back and the government put a hold on the project until we do damage control—I laid off the lab technicians working on the project. You’re the first new hire since last year. I thought I had trapped them all—but obviously not.”
     River backed to the far wall and slid to the floor. Through the open barn door she gazed at the flocks and herds of animals that wandered Manny’s property. “So the livestock are lab animals?”
      “Well they started out that way, but my wife, Tara, adopted them as pets,” Manny started then stopped. He resumed as if he had a list memorized. “A vegan, like you, she fought for their lives and with me. The work hardened me—I built up a defensive wall—no one got in—not even Tara. I drank more. We drifted apart. I had my work and she had hers. I grew hard, angry and cruel. She grew distant, afraid and anxious. I finally had the cottage built, so she could be alone. It worked for a while until I grabbed her prize rooster for lab animal feed. When I came home for lunch that day, she was dead—took an overdose of valium—the pain was too much.”
     River stared at the man. Once again she wanted to run as far away from him and this place as she could. All she could think about was that no matter what she did, or went, she ended up with her back against the wall. What was the attraction? How do these people find her?—or does she find them?
  *    *    *    *
     Gretel recovered—the old man and young woman didn’t. River had walked away that day determined to break free from everybody—at least until she knew how to mend. She and Manny worked in the lab, but talked very little. On the ranch they avoided each other—never saying more than, “good morning,” or “nice day.” River analyzed data which lived on spreadsheets. She didn’t care what the numbers felt—just that they added up—made sense—didn’t fall out of place. All was good, until one afternoon she glanced up from her computer screen and Ari towered over her.
     River gasped, “What are YOU doing here?”
     “Sweetheart, I’m here to take you home—with me—now c’mon,” he said as he pulled the rolling desk chair around.
     “I meant what I said in that note I left,” she hissed. “How did you find me, anyway?”
     Before Ari could reply, Manny came in from the back room. “What’s going on here?”
     “Who the hell are you?” Ari grumbled.
     “I’m her boss. How did you get past security?”
      Manny hit a red button and an alarm sounded. Ari started for the door just as the patrol car pulled up and an armed guard emerged with his weapon drawn. River panicked, put herself between the two and addressed the guard by name. “Carl, it’s okay, I know this man.”
     “Well he hopped the fence on my shift and I’m not getting in trouble for it,” Carl said as he grabbed Ari’s arm, pushed him over the car hood and rummaged through his pockets. “This is government property . . . you’re going to jail.”
     Manny came up behind River, “Who is that guy?” he asked.
     “Ari, who I thought I’d never see again. I give-up—what’s wrong with me? I’m not that special—why won’t they leave me alone? Am I some sort of bully magnet?”
     Manny touched River’s shoulder, but she pulled away. “Don’t you touch me . . . I don’t want anybody touching me!” River threw open the office door, grabbed her purse, stomped past Manny, lowered herself into her car and sped away. Within minutes she was inches from the rear bumper of the security guard’s car and she leaned heavy on the horn.
     “Pull over . . . goddamn it . . . I want to talk to you!” she yelled into the dashboard, until the car in front pulled over.
     Ari got out of the car. The guard came next. River ran straight towards them, “You son-of-a-bitch! How dare you show up here?”
     River picked up a fistful of gravel and flung it at Ari, who ducked it. “Hold on sweetheart, you’re upset . . . slow down.”
     River reached down for another handful of gravel, and the security guard grabbed her arm.
     “Okay, just hold on, now. This obviously isn’t any of my business, but you’re gonna hurt someone and I can’t have this sort of thing happen on my shift. Look, buddy, get back in the car and I’ll drop you off at the gate. And missy, I’d suggest you go back to work, unless you want me to call the sheriff.
     River dropped the gravel—stared for a second as the two men drove off—she couldn’t breathe. She squatted for a second and forced air into her lungs, then blew it out.  She repeated the exercise until the anxiety subsided and slid back into her car.         
     When she re-emerged at the cottage, she locked the door behind her, slumped to the floor and sobbed huge air-gasping cries, unaware of the Chupacabra that stared from across the room—that is until the odor reached her nose. River froze—the thing approached and sniffed at her toes. Dried blood covered its chin and chest and River spied a rabbit carcass by the kitchen door. The lizard-rat crouched. River squirmed along the floor towards the door. It pounced forward and leapt, both feet airborne, then crashed on top of her. Blood spurted from the gunshot wound that had blown most of the skull away. Manny shimmied through the broken window.
     “River!” he screamed.
     River pushed at the dead animal and rolled it away. Blood spattered the walls and ceiling, yet she felt safe—the fear gone—the panic ended.
     Manny knelt and gently took her hand in his. “Are you okay? I’ve been tracking that beast since the attack on Gretel. I never thought it would end up here.”    
     “Something is done—finished. Can you feel it?” she asked.
     Manny shuttered. He grabbed for the bookcase as leverage. Tara’s photo tipped off the top shelf and fell in his lap.  Her twinkling blue eyes looked up at him—deep as a mountain glacier—her smile—how he had loved that smile.
     “Yes, I feel it. I’ve been forgiven.”
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13 Fun DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas For Proper Storage
New Post has been published on https://financeguideto.com/awesome/13-fun-diy-makeup-organizer-ideas-for-proper-storage/
13 Fun DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas For Proper Storage
It’s true what they say: a girl can never have too much makeup. Like me, most daughters are becoming obsessed with a wide array of palettes . A makeup vanity is not a bad thing at all because it promotes us to be more creative. Besides, with all the beauty blogs, inventive products, and YouTube videos popping up, how can we defy? Scattered makeup no more. It’s time to reclaim your space! These awesome DIY makeup organizer ideas will save you space and trouble. Say goodbye to messy countertops and say hello to beautiful cosmetic organizer!
DIY Makeup Organizer For a Cleaner Space1. Clean Brush Holder
Repurpose an old drawer or mason jar as a brush holder to prevent bacteria from contaminating your brushes. Of course, you still want to clean your brushes at least once a month( soap and water will do ). I would suggest you use a transparent jar so you can immediately find what you’re looking for promptly. It saves you a great deal of time in the morning.
PuTwo Makeup Organizer Birthday Gifts for Her With 2 Make Up Brush Holders and 3 Drawers All In One Lawsuit with Free White PearlPremium Acrylic Makeup Organizer Can Hold up To 30+ Make up brushes and 5+ Beauty SpongesFree White Pearls come along with this Acrylique Brush HolderDust Proof Makeup Organizer and Easy to CleanMakeup Organizer Dimension: 22 x 8.5 x 21.5 cm/ 8.7 x 3.3 x 8.5 inch( L x W x H) Ideal Birthday Gift Christmas Gift Wedding Registry Gift from $46.00 Buy on Amazon
2. Makeup Brush Organizer
Turn a sushi holder into a DIY makeup brush organizer by adding elastic to hold the makeup brushes. Do you love sushi just as much as you like makeup? If your answer is yes, then I’m sure you have a sushi bamboo roller at home you can use for this project.
Sorbus Acrylic Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Storage Case X-Large Display Sets -Interlocking Scoop Drawers to Make Your Own Specially Designed Makeup Counter – Stackable and Interchangeable( Clear)ACRYLIC COSMETIC& MAKEUP STORAGE X-LARGE SET – Set includes 3 individual organizers that are stacked to create your own personalized makeup and cosmetics beauty counter – INTERCHANGEABLE DESIGN allows you to change how it is stacked to fit your predilection – PURCHASE ANY ADDITIONAL ORGANIZER DRAWERS TO BUILD AN EVEN LARGER SETINCLUDES – 3 ORGANIZERS: Top organizer has 9 compartments-The 2nd organizer has 1 x-large column with one square scoop drawer and 1 x-large column with two square scoop drawers- The 3rd organizer has 1 x-large rectangular scoop drawerINTERLOCKING& DETACHABLE – Storage case holds various beauty items in one place and fits on most dressers -FUNCTIONAL& CONVENIENT display case- Can also be used to store jewelry and personal accessoriesBEAUTIFULLY DISPLAY& ORGANIZE – Makeup and brushes fit all in one place- Drawers are perfect for storing lipsticks, foundations, bronzers, blushes, eye darkness, primers, powders, incenses, and much more – Great gift for any makeup loverFOR HOME& PROFESSIONAL USE – Made of high-quality acrylic which is a clear plastic that resembles glass but is much stronger and safer than glass – SET MEASURES approximately 13.5 ” L x 11.75 ” H x 8.75 ” W from $49.99 Buy on Amazon
3. Towel Rods
Attach some baskets and display your makeup in them. Got spare walls in your room? Go ahead and find some baskets around the house to use or buy some for a inexpensive price. Attach some hooks and you’re all ready to create the next new makeup trick!
Travel Makeup Bag Drawstring Barrel Bag Waterproof CosmeticHIGH QUALITY MATERIAL& WATERPROOF – This Cylinder Bucket With Drawstring Closure make-up accessories barrel shaped round base pouch comes with a high quality polyester fabric material& foldable material offer water resistance. Colour may vary.PORTABLE AND LIGHTWEIGHT – This medium size collapsible cosmetic traveling set is compact and ultralight, making it useful when run hiking& gym workout, camping and outdoor activities& weight about 100 g.MULTIPLE MESH POCKETS – The leakproof make up case comes with multiple compartments pockets to keep brushes and makeup items intact best when traveling overnight& with draw string top preventing leakage for your makeup items.MULTIFUNCTIONAL KIT – The washable bathroom toiletries folding tote for girls and women has large capability to set all toiletry items together in your backpack.SANITARY NAPKIN POUCH – These extra 2 defines sanitary nylon canvas pads pouch are super cute, great quality and made use of cotton, very comfortable, easily put inside the cosmetic bag when travelling. $11.99 Buy on Amazon
4. DIY Storage Box Makeup Organizer
Avoid throwing away old storage boxes since they can still be repurposed into cute makeup organizers. Got some old storage boxes lying around? Instead of getting rid of them, why not try this project so you can save money plus have a nice space for your favorite makeup stash.
Sale Sodynee Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Storage Organizer Case Display Boxes, 3 Large and 4 Small DrawersClear Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Storage Organizer Case matches any decor! Removable black mesh padding holds jewelry protectedCompletely removable drawers slide out smoothly, Organizes all jewelry and cosmetics in one place.Approximate Cosmetics Makeup Storage Organizer Drawer Dimensions: 11 1/4 ” x 9 1/2 ” x 6 1/4 “BRAND: SODYNEE, THE BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE& WARRANTY from $12.99 Buy on Amazon
5. Copper Cups
Add some flair to dollar store beakers by painting them in gorgeous copper. You can mount them or simply display them on the counter. If you prefer to mount the beakers, attaching them to a timber pallet is a great idea.
Sale Sertodo Copper KC-1-set Kumran Kitchen Counter Storage Canister with Lid, Hand Hammered 100% Pure Copper, Set of 3Set of 3 with 6+, 4+ and 2+ quarts of storage with each sizeCopper’s inherent antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties induce these containers your best option for a naturally clean kitchenGreat for snacks, flours, grains, cereals, sugar and COOKIESHeavy gauge, Pure copper from 100% recycled sources for a healthier EnvironmentUnique style and superior quality, our equipment devotes beautiful service that lasts for generations from $94.99 Buy on Amazon
6. Paper Towel Holder Organizer
Don’t let paper towel holders go to waste by repurposing them as makeup organizers. There are so many things you can do with these holders. Store your makeup brushes, liquid lipsticks, lip gloss, nail clean tools, nail burnish, and whatever you need.
7. Makeup Drawer
Dedicate one of your drawers as the makeup drawer and go one step further by adding DIY organizers such as employed canisters. You can also cut up vacant shoeboxes and rummage through your extra office supplies to create the perfect DIY drawer organizer for all your smaller makeup products, like liner, sponges, and single eyeshadow shades.
8. Wire Baskets
These gorgeous wire baskets are the perfect makeup storage for makeup palettes. Although often used for storing books, publications, and other things which need to be stored and displayed at the same time, these two-tiered baskets can protect your precious palettes really well.
OUNONA Organizer Metal Wire Mesh Basket Rack for Desktop Clothing Storage/ Fruit Snacks Tray/ Kitchen Tool Holders( Rose Gold)Size: Approx. 24.5 x 16 x 6.5 cm/ 9.6 x 6.3 x 2.6 inch( L x W x H ). High qulity iron, more stable and durable.Rose gold surface, which appears to have high-end grade.Fit for various occasions: like your office desk, bathroom, bedroom or kitchen.You can use it to hold your makeup brush, essential oil, cosmetics, decorations, sunglass, describe pens etc. $14.99 Buy on Amazon
9. Magnetic Makeup Boards
Turn an old picture frame into a makeup display by attaching it to a magnetic board. This will save you a lot of counter space and will even give your room an added makeup presentation decor. Plus, you can easily pick up and put back the makeup product you’re using.
HHOOMY Brushed Nickel Pawn Style Fridge Magnets, Office Magnets, Dry Erase Board Magnets, Refrigerator Magnets, Whiteboard, Map, Magnetic Pins, 100 PcsDisc magnet shape, machined silver steel finish. durable lasting glisten, perfect for refrigerator magnets, office magnets, whiteboard magnet,& dry erase board magnet. One magnet can hold up to 12 papers.Say Goodbye to scratches and jumble as the objective is past and hello to your new tableTops Robust, long-lasting, stainless steel, corrosion resistant Magnets made from Brushed Nickle silver satin material.Countless ways to re-organize and simplify their own lives. Organize your tools, make-up, jewelry, kitchen, office, school, classroom. There’s so many ways to use magnetsDurability – magnets have high resistance to demagnetization, corrosion and oxidationClick on the Add to Cart and lets get Sticking. $8.99 Buy on Amazon
1 0. Repurposed Candle Jars
Candle jars are perfect for stacking your lipsticks and gloss. They also offer easy access for easier touch-ups. Pull out your favorite tint without messing up the entire arrangement. Stack them together like what you see above or place them next to one another.
The South Candle – South – Sweet Tea 14 oz All Natural Soy CandleOur candles are set in a 14 oz. repurposed glass jarMade in the USAHand-poured in the South6 0-80 hour burn timeAll Natural Soy Wax $ 29.99 Buy on Amazon
1 1. Wall Mount Lipstick Organizer
Get a couple of PVC pipes, cut them up, and voila, you’ll have your own wall mount lipstick organizer. Your walls are the most underutilized one of the purposes of the house and hanging your organizer makes an excellent alternative to having standard scenes frames.
1 2. DIY Hanging Organizer
Maximize the wasted space behind your door with this hanging organizer. Its compartments are perfect for coordinating your makeup and skincare products. Make sure to segregate your makeup supplies in each compartment to avoid clutter.
1 3. Rolling Cart
This mobile storage offers plenty of room and will be perfect if you’re planning to do your makeup in different makeup rooms. It’s actually very space-efficient and can be used to store both your makeup, hair care, and skincare products. You can even use it as your jewelry organizer. Wherever you go, just roll it with you!
Beauty products we buy are an investment. It’s the primary reason why we should devote our skincare and makeup products the TLC it deserves. Makeup organizers can get pretty pricey which is why we will need to set our hands to run and set A+ endeavor into attaining DIY makeup organizers. Turn old and unused things into something useful. Repurpose and recycle ladies, it’s good for the environment too! Truth be told, with some patience and ingenuity, you’ll successfully construct these cool DIY makeup organizer projects in no time.
Do you have other DIY makeup organizer ideas? Discuss the matter with us in the comments segment below!
UP NEXT: 17 Must-Have Eyeshadow Palettes | Makeup Tutorials Guide .
Check out our new store Scrumptious for makeup products, clothes, accessories and more!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest for the latest makeup, hair and nail trends!
Editor’s Note- This post was originally published on June 23, 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Read more: makeuptutorials.com
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survival0001-blog · 5 years
13 Fun DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas For Proper Storage
New Post has been published on https://outdoorsurvivalqia.com/awesome/13-fun-diy-makeup-organizer-ideas-for-proper-storage/
13 Fun DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas For Proper Storage
It’s true what they say: a girl can never have too much makeup. Like me, most girls are becoming preoccupied with a wide array of palettes . A makeup vanity is not a bad thing at all because it encourages us to be more creative. Besides, with all the beauty blogs, inventive products, and YouTube videos popping up, how can we resist? Scattered makeup no more. It’s time to reclaim your space! These awesome DIY makeup organizer ideas will save you space and trouble. Say goodbye to messy countertops and say hello to beautiful cosmetic organizer!
DIY Makeup Organizer For a Cleaner Space1. Clean Brush Holder
Repurpose an old drawer or mason jar as a brush holder to prevent bacteria from polluting your brushes. Of course, you still want to clean your brushes at least once a month( soap and water will do ). I would suggest you use a transparent jar so you are able to immediately find what you’re go looking for promptly. It saves you a great deal of time in the morning.
PuTwo Makeup Organizer Birthday Gifts for Her With 2 Make Up Brush Holders and 3 Drawers All In One Lawsuit with Free White PearlPremium Acrylic Makeup Organizer Can Hold up To 30+ Make up brushes and 5+ Beauty SpongesFree White Pearls come along with this Acrylique Brush HolderDust Proof Makeup Organizer and Easy to CleanMakeup Organizer Dimension: 22 x 8.5 x 21.5 cm/ 8.7 x 3.3 x 8.5 inch( L x W x H) Ideal Birthday Gift Christmas Gift Wedding Registry Gift from $46.00 Buy on Amazon
2. Makeup Brush Organizer
Turn a sushi holder into a DIY makeup brush organizer by adding elastic to hold the makeup brushes. Do you love sushi just as much as you like makeup? If your answer is yes, then I’m sure you have a sushi bamboo roller at home you can use for this project.
Sorbus Acrylic Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Storage Case X-Large Display Sets -Interlocking Scoop Drawers to Generate Your Own Specially Designed Makeup Counter – Stackable and Interchangeable( Clear)ACRYLIC COSMETIC& MAKEUP STORAGE X-LARGE SET – Set includes 3 individual organizers that are stacked to create your own personalized makeup and cosmetics beauty counter – INTERCHANGEABLE DESIGN allows you to change how it is stacked to fit your predilection – PURCHASE ANY ADDITIONAL ORGANIZER DRAWERS TO BUILD AN EVEN LARGER SETINCLUDES – 3 ORGANIZERS: Top organizer has 9 compartments-The 2nd organizer has 1 x-large column with one square scoop drawer and 1 x-large column with two square scoop drawers- The 3rd organizer has 1 x-large rectangular scoop drawerINTERLOCKING& DETACHABLE – Storage case holds various beauty items in one place and fits on most dressers -FUNCTIONAL& CONVENIENT display case- Can also be used to store jewelry and personal accessoriesBEAUTIFULLY DISPLAY& ORGANIZE – Makeup and brushes fit all in one place- Drawers are perfect for storing lipsticks, foundations, bronzers, blushes, eye shadows, primers, powders, incenses, and much more – Great gift for any makeup loverFOR HOME& PROFESSIONAL USE – Made of high-quality acrylic which is a clear plastic that resembles glass but is much stronger and safer than glass – SET MEASURES approximately 13.5 ” L x 11.75 ” H x 8.75 ” W from $49.99 Buy on Amazon
3. Towel Rods
Attach some baskets and display your makeup in them. Got spare walls in your room? Go ahead and find some baskets around the house to use or purchase some for a cheap cost. Attach some hookings and you’re all ready to create the next new makeup trick!
Travel Makeup Bag Drawstring Barrel Bag Waterproof CosmeticHIGH QUALITY MATERIAL& WATERPROOF – This Cylinder Bucket With Drawstring Closure make-up accessories barrel shaped round base pouch comes with a high quality polyester fabric material& foldable material provides water resistance. Colour may vary.PORTABLE AND LIGHTWEIGHT – This medium size collapsible cosmetic traveling defined is compact and ultralight, stimulating it useful when go hiking& gym workout, camping and outdoor activities& weight about 100 g.MULTIPLE MESH POCKETS – The leakproof make up occurrence comes with multiple compartments pockets to keep brushes and makeup items intact best when traveling overnight& with draw string top preventing leakage for your makeup items.MULTIFUNCTIONAL KIT – The washable bathroom toiletries folding tote for girls and women has big capacity to put all toiletry items together in your backpack.SANITARY NAPKIN POUCH – These extra 2 decides sanitary nylon canvas pads pouch are super cute, great quality and made of cotton, very comfortable, easily put inside the cosmetic purse when traveling. $11.99 Buy on Amazon
4. DIY Storage Box Makeup Organizer
Avoid throwing away old storage boxes since they can still be repurposed into cute makeup organizers. Got some old storage boxes lying around? Instead of getting rid of them, why not try this project so you can save money plus have a nice space for your favorite makeup stash.
Sale Sodynee Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Storage Organizer Case Display Boxes, 3 Large and 4 Small DrawersClear Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Storage Organizer Case matches any decoration! Removable black mesh padding keeps jewelry protectedCompletely removable drawers slide out smoothly, Organizes all jewelry and cosmetics in one place.Approximate Cosmetic Makeup Storage Organizer Drawer Dimensions: 11 1/4 ” x 9 1/2 ” x 6 1/4 “BRAND: SODYNEE, THE BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE& WARRANTY from $12.99 Buy on Amazon
5. Copper Cups
Add some panache to dollar store cups by painting them in gorgeous copper. You can mount them or only display them on the counter. If you prefer to mount the cups, attaching them to a timber pallet is a great idea.
Sale Sertodo Copper KC-1-set Kumran Kitchen Counter Storage Canister with Lid, Hand Hammered 100% Pure Copper, Set of 3Set of 3 with 6+, 4+ and 2+ quarts of storage with each sizeCopper’s inherent antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties make these receptacles your best option for a naturally clean kitchenGreat for snacks, flours, grains, cereals, sugar and COOKIESHeavy gauge, Pure copper from 100% recycled sources for a healthier EnvironmentUnique style and superior quality, our equipment dedicates beautiful service that lasts for generations from $94.99 Buy on Amazon
6. Paper Towel Holder Organizer
Don’t let paper towel holders go to garbage by repurposing them as makeup organizers. There are so many things you can do with these holders. Store your makeup brushes, liquid lipsticks, lip gloss, nail cleaning tools, nail burnish, and whatever you need.
7. Makeup Drawer
Dedicate one of your drawers as the makeup drawer and go one step further by adding DIY organizers such as employed canisters. You can also cut up vacant shoeboxes and rummage through your extra office supplies to create the perfect DIY drawer organizer for all your smaller makeup products, like liner, sponges, and single eyeshadow shades.
8. Wire Baskets
These gorgeous wire baskets are the perfect makeup storage for makeup palettes. Although often used for storing volumes, publications, and other things which need to be stored and displayed at the same period, these two-tiered baskets can protect your precious palettes really well.
OUNONA Organizer Metal Wire Mesh Basket Rack for Desktop Clothing Storage/ Fruit Snacks Tray/ Kitchen Tool Holders( Rose Gold)Size: Approx. 24.5 x 16 x 6.5 cm/ 9.6 x 6.3 x 2.6 inch( L x W x H ). High qulity iron, more stable and durable.Rose gold surface, which appears to have high-end grade.Fit for various occasions: like your office desk, bathroom, bedroom or kitchen.You can use it to hold your makeup brush, essential petroleum, cosmetics, ornaments, sunglass, describe pens etc. $14.99 Buy on Amazon
9. Magnetic Makeup Boards
Turn an old scene frame into a makeup display by attaching it to a magnetic board. This will save you a lot of counter space and will even give your room an added makeup presentation decoration. Plus, you can easily pick up and put back the makeup product you’re using.
HHOOMY Brushed Nickel Pawn Style Fridge Magnets, Office Magnets, Dry Erase Board Magnets, Refrigerator Magnets, Whiteboard, Map, Magnetic Pins, 100 PcsDisc magnet shape, machined silver steel finish. durable lasting shine, perfect for refrigerator magnets, office magnets, whiteboard magnet,& dry erase committee magnet. One magnet can hold up to 12 papers.Say Goodbye to scratches and jumble as they are past and hello to your new tableTops Robust, long-lasting, stainless steel, corrosion resistant Magnets made from Brushed Nickle silver satin material.Countless ways to re-organize and simplify their own lives. Coordinate your tools, make-up, jewelry, kitchen, office, school, classroom. There’s so many ways to use magnetsDurability – magnets have high resistance to demagnetization, corrosion and oxidationClick on the Add to Cart and lets get Sticking. $8.99 Buy on Amazon
1 0. Repurposed Candle Jars
Candle jars are perfect for stacking your lipsticks and glosses. They also provide easy access for easier touch-ups. Pull out your favorite shade without messing up the entire arranging. Stack them together like what you see above or place them next to one another.
The South Candle – South – Sweet Tea 14 oz All Natural Soy CandleOur candles are set in a 14 oz. repurposed glass jarMade in the USAHand-poured in the South6 0-80 hour burn timeAll Natural Soy Wax $ 29.99 Buy on Amazon
1 1. Wall Mount Lipstick Organizer
Get a couple of PVC tubes, cut them up, and voila, you’ll have your own wall mount lipstick organizer. Your walls were more underutilized part of the house and hanging your organizer makes an excellent alternative to having standard paintings frames.
1 2. DIY Hanging Organizer
Maximize the wasted space behind your doorway with this hanging organizer. Its compartments are perfect for coordinating your makeup and skincare products. Make sure to segregate your makeup supplies in each compartment to avoid clutter.
1 3. Rolling Cart
This mobile storage offers plenty of room and will be perfect if you’re planning to do your makeup in different makeup rooms. It’s actually very space-efficient and offers an opportunity to store both your makeup, hair care, and skincare products. You can even use it as your jewelry organizer. Wherever you go, just roll it with you!
Beauty products we buy are an investment. It’s the primary reason why we should dedicate our skincare and makeup products the TLC it deserves. Makeup organizers can get fairly pricey which is why we will need to set our hands to work and set A+ effort into constructing DIY makeup organizers. Turn old and unused things into something useful. Repurpose and recycle dames, it’s good for the environment too! Truth be told, with some patience and ingenuity, you’ll successfully make these cool DIY makeup organizer projects in no time.
Do you have other DIY makeup organizer notions? Discuss the matter with us in the comments segment below!
UP NEXT: 17 Must-Have Eyeshadow Palettes | Makeup Tutorials Guide .
Check out our new store Scrumptious for makeup products, clothes, accessories and more!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest for the latest makeup, hair and nail tendencies!
Editor’s Note- This post was originally published on June 23, 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Read more: makeuptutorials.com
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language576-blog · 5 years
13 Fun DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas For Proper Storage
New Post has been published on https://languageguideto.com/awesome/13-fun-diy-makeup-organizer-ideas-for-proper-storage/
13 Fun DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas For Proper Storage
It’s true what they say: a girl can never have too much makeup. Like me, most daughters are becoming preoccupied with a wide array of palettes . A makeup vanity is not a bad thing at all because it promotes us to be more creative. Besides, with all the beauty blogs, inventive products, and YouTube videos popping up, how can we resist? Scattered makeup no more. It’s time to reclaim your space! These awesome DIY makeup organizer ideas will save you space and trouble. Say goodbye to messy countertops and say hello to beautiful cosmetic organizer!
DIY Makeup Organizer For a Cleaner Space1. Clean Brush Holder
Repurpose an old drawer or mason jar as a brush holder to prevent bacteria from contaminating your brushes. Of course, you still want to clean your brushes at least once a month( soap and water will do ). I would suggest you use a transparent jar so you are able to immediately find what you’re go looking for promptly. It saves you a great deal of time in the morning.
PuTwo Makeup Organizer Birthday Gifts for Her With 2 Make Up Brush Holders and 3 Drawers All In One Occurrence with Free White PearlPremium Acrylic Makeup Organizer Can Hold up To 30+ Make up brushes and 5+ Beauty SpongesFree White Pearls come along with this Acrylique Brush HolderDust Proof Makeup Organizer and Easy to CleanMakeup Organizer Dimension: 22 x 8.5 x 21.5 cm/ 8.7 x 3.3 x 8.5 inch( L x W x H) Ideal Birthday Gift Christmas Gift Wedding Registry Gift from $46.00 Buy on Amazon
2. Makeup Brush Organizer
Turn a sushi holder into a DIY makeup brush organizer by adding elastic to hold the makeup brushes. Do you love sushi just as much as you like makeup? If your answer is yes, then I’m sure you have a sushi bamboo roller at home you can use for this project.
Sorbus Acrylic Cosmetic Makeup and Jewelry Storage Case X-Large Display Sets -Interlocking Scoop Drawers to Generate Your Own Specially Designed Makeup Counter – Stackable and Interchangeable( Clear)ACRYLIC COSMETIC& MAKEUP STORAGE X-LARGE SET – Set includes 3 individual organizers that are stacked to create your own personalized makeup and cosmetics beauty counter – INTERCHANGEABLE DESIGN allows you to change how it is stacked to fit your preference – PURCHASE ANY ADDITIONAL ORGANIZER DRAWERS TO BUILD AN EVEN LARGER SETINCLUDES – 3 ORGANIZERS: Top organizer has 9 compartments-The 2nd organizer has 1 x-large column with one square scoop drawer and 1 x-large column with two square scoop drawers- The 3rd organizer has 1 x-large rectangular scoop drawerINTERLOCKING& DETACHABLE – Storage case holds various beauty items in one place and fits on most dressers -FUNCTIONAL& CONVENIENT display case- Can also be used to store jewelry and personal accessoriesBEAUTIFULLY DISPLAY& ORGANIZE – Makeup and brushes fit all in one place- Drawers are perfect for storing lipsticks, foundations, bronzers, blushes, eye darkness, primers, powders, perfumes, and much more – Great gift for any makeup loverFOR HOME& PROFESSIONAL USE – Made of high-quality acrylic which is a clear plastic that resembles glass but is much stronger and safer than glass – SET MEASURES approximately 13.5 ” L x 11.75 ” H x 8.75 ” W from $49.99 Buy on Amazon
3. Towel Rods
Attach some baskets and display your makeup in them. Got spare walls in your room? Go ahead and find some baskets around the house to use or purchase some for a inexpensive cost. Attach some hookings and you’re all ready to create the next new makeup trick!
Travel Makeup Bag Drawstring Barrel Bag Waterproof CosmeticHIGH QUALITY MATERIAL& WATERPROOF – This Cylinder Bucket With Drawstring Closure make-up accessories barrel shaped round base pouch comes with a high quality polyester fabric material& foldable material offer water resistance. Colour may vary.PORTABLE AND LIGHTWEIGHT – This medium size collapsible cosmetic traveling defined is compact and ultralight, inducing it useful when go hiking& gym workout, camping and outdoor activities& weight about 100 g.MULTIPLE MESH POCKETS – The leakproof make up example comes with multiple compartments pockets to keep brushes and makeup items intact best when traveling overnight& with draw string top preventing leakage for your makeup items.MULTIFUNCTIONAL KIT – The washable bathroom toiletries folding tote for girls and women has large capacity to set all toiletry items together in your backpack.SANITARY NAPKIN POUCH – These extra 2 decides sanitary nylon canvas pads pouch are super cute, great quality and made use of cotton, very comfortable, easily put inside the cosmetic pouch when travelling. $11.99 Buy on Amazon
4. DIY Storage Box Makeup Organizer
Avoid throwing away old storage boxes since they can still be repurposed into cute makeup organizers. Got some old storage boxes lying around? Instead of getting rid of them, why not try this project so you can save money plus have a nice space for your favorite makeup stash.
Sale Sodynee Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Storage Organizer Case Display Boxes, 3 Large and 4 Small DrawersClear Cosmetics Makeup and Jewelry Storage Organizer Case matches any decor! Removable black mesh padding maintains jewelry protectedCompletely removable drawers slide out smoothly, Organizes all jewelry and cosmetics in one place.Approximate Cosmetics Makeup Storage Organizer Drawer Dimensions: 11 1/4 ” x 9 1/2 ” x 6 1/4 “BRAND: SODYNEE, THE BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE& WARRANTY from $12.99 Buy on Amazon
5. Copper Cups
Add some flair to dollar store cups by painting them in gorgeous copper. You can mount them or only display them on the counter. If you prefer to mount the cups, attaching them to a wood pallet is a great idea.
Sale Sertodo Copper KC-1-set Kumran Kitchen Counter Storage Canister with Lid, Hand Hammered 100% Pure Copper, Set of 3Set of 3 with 6+, 4+ and 2+ quarts of storage with each sizeCopper’s inherent antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties make these containers your best choice for a naturally clean kitchenGreat for snacks, flours, grains, cereals, sugar and COOKIESHeavy gauge, Pure copper from 100% recycled sources for a healthier EnvironmentUnique style and superior quality, our equipment gives beautiful service that lasts for generations from $94.99 Buy on Amazon
6. Paper Towel Holder Organizer
Don’t let newspaper towel holders go to waste by repurposing them as makeup organizers. There are so many things you can do with these holders. Store your makeup brushes, liquid lipsticks, lip glosses, nail cleaning tools, nail polish, and whatever you need.
7. Makeup Drawer
Dedicate one of your drawers as the makeup drawer and go one step further by adding DIY organizers such as utilized canisters. You can also cut up vacant shoeboxes and rummage through your extra office supplies to create the perfect DIY drawer organizer for all your smaller makeup products, like liner, sponges, and single eyeshadow shades.
8. Wire Baskets
These gorgeous wire baskets are the perfect makeup storage for makeup palettes. Although often used for storing volumes, magazines, and other things which need to be stored and displayed at the same day, these two-tiered baskets can protect your precious palettes really well.
OUNONA Organizer Metal Wire Mesh Basket Rack for Desktop Clothing Storage/ Fruit Snacks Tray/ Kitchen Tool Holders( Rose Gold)Size: Approx. 24.5 x 16 x 6.5 cm/ 9.6 x 6.3 x 2.6 inch( L x W x H ). High qulity iron, more stable and durable.Rose gold surface, which appears to have high-end grade.Fit for various occasions: like your office desk, bathroom, bedroom or kitchen.You can use it to hold your makeup brush, essential oil, cosmetics, decorates, sunglass, draw pens etc. $14.99 Buy on Amazon
9. Magnetic Makeup Boards
Turn an old image frame into a makeup display by attaching it to a magnetic committee. This will save you a lot of counter space and will even give your room an added makeup presentation decoration. Plus, you can easily pick up and put back the makeup product you’re using.
HHOOMY Brushed Nickel Pawn Style Fridge Magnets, Office Magnets, Dry Erase Board Magnets, Refrigerator Magnets, Whiteboard, Map, Magnetic Pins, 100 PcsDisc magnet shape, machined silver steel finish. durable lasting shine, perfect for refrigerator magnets, office magnets, whiteboard magnet,& dry erase committee magnet. One magnet can hold up to 12 papers.Say Goodbye to scratchings and clutter as they are past and hello to your new tableTops Robust, long-lasting, stainless steel, corrosion resistant Magnets made from Brushed Nickle silver satin material.Countless ways to re-organize and simplify their own lives. Organize your tools, make-up, jewelry, kitchen, office, school, classroom. There’s so many ways to use magnetsDurability – magnets have high resistance to demagnetization, corrosion and oxidationClick on the Add to Cart and lets get Sticking. $8.99 Buy on Amazon
1 0. Repurposed Candle Jars
Candle jars are perfect for stacking your lipsticks and glosses. They also offer easy access for easier touch-ups. Pull out your favorite shade without messing up the entire arranging. Stack them together like what you see above or place them next to one another.
The South Candle – South – Sweet Tea 14 oz All Natural Soy CandleOur candles are set in a 14 oz. repurposed glass jarMade in the USAHand-poured in the South6 0-80 hour burn timeAll Natural Soy Wax $ 29.99 Buy on Amazon
1 1. Wall Mount Lipstick Organizer
Get a couple of PVC tubes, cut them up, and voila, you’ll have your own wall mount lipstick organizer. Your walls were more underutilized one of the purposes of the house and hanging your organizer makes an excellent alternative to having standard paintings frames.
1 2. DIY Hanging Organizer
Maximize the wasted space behind your door with this hanging organizer. Its compartments are perfect for organizing your makeup and skincare products. Make sure to segregate your makeup supplies in each compartment to avoid clutter.
1 3. Rolling Cart
This mobile storage offers plenty of room and is likely to be perfect if you’re planning to do your makeup in different makeup rooms. It’s actually very space-efficient and can be used to store both your makeup, hair care, and skincare products. You can even use it as your jewelry organizer. Wherever you go, simply roll it with you!
Beauty products we buy are an investment. It’s the primary reason why we should devote our skincare and makeup products the TLC it deserves. Makeup organizers can get pretty pricey which is why it is necessary to set our hands to run and set A+ endeavour into making DIY makeup organizers. Turn old and unused things into something useful. Repurpose and recycle ladies, it’s good for the environment too! Truth be told, with some patience and creativity, you’ll successfully build these cool DIY makeup organizer projects in no time.
Do you have other DIY makeup organizer notions? Discuss the matter with us in the comments section below!
UP NEXT: 17 Must-Have Eyeshadow Palettes | Makeup Tutorials Guide .
Check out our new store Scrumptious for makeup products, clothes, accessories and more!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest for the latest makeup, hair and nail tendencies!
Editor’s Note- This post was originally published on June 23, 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Read more: makeuptutorials.com
0 notes
15 Modern crimp hair ideas from the 80s and 90s
The curling hair trend, which has been back on the runways in the past few seasons, is now not just limited to high fashion, but also to the everyday styling! A curly hairstyle allows you to make a wild and sexy statement and feel daring.
Hair crimping usually adds waves in a zigzag manner with a crimping iron, but there are also ways to get around. Crimp your hair with the use of handy flat iron specifically for natural hair to minimize damage. This' 80s style gives a good deal of volume and texture to straight hair, while still feminine and soft, and exceptional contour and definition to curly hair. To get the most out of this very chic hairstyle, keep in mind that straight hair usually produces the best crimps and that the use of chill protuberants is a must!
Of all the modern techniques to get desirable textured hair, crimping is the most kinkiest and birdiest! Check out these modern, curled hair ideas to get started now!
Crimping for black hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is rather effortless and low maintenance. This particular crimping style usually happens in body waves after a week of doing them, and you do not have to do much to grasp it until your next! It's an old favorite for me, because I remember that my hair curled in my younger years. It's fun, but also flirty in a way and everyone can wear crimps, so that's always a good thing.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
While lying down or asleep, keep your hair frizz free and away from fabrics like cotton, as it can dry out and lead to possible potting or entangling. For soft and manageable tree trunks we recommend a satin cover or pillowcase as well as a light silk or argan oil.
During styling, the products that were used are two of my favorite styling and holding sprays (ORS Oil sheen and Sebastian Reshaper), which gives the hair a nice weightless shine and moderate to firm hold, along with the brand Bed Head Brand S-shaft crimping tool.
Whether you are traveling with the girls, enjoying a date, or on vacation, this look definitely attracts attention. Regardless of different face shapes, anyone can catch these waves and still be beautiful.
Beach hair
How would you look this?
This look is a fun and modern 80s hairstyle! As we see in fashion, hair trends tend to come back in style, but with a new twist. This more relaxed look makes it look bohemian and modern. If you are looking for a long hair look, this would be perfect. It flows beautifully and gives your hair a mermaid-like shine! This look styled with a braid could dress it up and be perfect for a formal event. Be sure to use products such as sea salt spray, hairspray, or anodizing spray to control frizz and keep it all day!
Any advice for someone considering it?
Make sure your hair is straight before styling. If you have straight hair, sleep in French braids and take them right before the start of the day or at an event. Sleeping in pigtails helps prevent heat damage and it will set more time for your hair properly. If your hair is curly before styling, your crimp may not reach the simple, wavy appearance.
Before braiding I would suggest spraying in texturizing sea salt spray from Beach Babe to make you feel "on the beach". Once the crimp is up, you want it to spray a little more along with the comb by finishing mist of Nexxus and the 3-in-1 volume spray of Drybar! This hairstyle is perfect for days at work, weddings, brunch and date nights!
Hair with bangs
How would you look this?
When creating this look we were definitely for the nostalgic space girl vibe of the 90s! I have all the pulp riot color to create a nice smokey silver root and a slime green color.
The coolest thing about this look is the texture that the crimper imparts to the hair so it looks very unique and bold with its neon green color.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Here we go! Color is a fun way to change your appearance and you can even go for subtle colors if you do not want to make your whole head turn green. However, I would definitely invest in a stylist who knows what you are doing as far as lightening your hair, as you need to lift your hair for that kind of service when you make fashion colors. Also in the hair industry, we see many eras coming back full of momentum and crimped hair is definitely here to stay!
If you want to re-create this bun-curled space you will see all you need is a teasing comb, some rubber bands, a crimper (Sam Villa makes a great one), heat-proofing, (I got hot off the press by Paul Mitchell ) and some texture spray (I have Amika texture spray). First, I cut two small ponytails at the top of my model head and teased you. Then I sprayed you with some texturspray and created two space buns. We then heated the crimper and went to work after spraying the hair with some heat protection. I cut the hair and carefully crimped each piece. If you really want to get along with it, you can also use glitter or different hair pieces in the room bun. I have added small screw in stars from Amazon.
Hair with pigtails
How would you look this?
This hairstyle is funny, dimensional, organic and even magical. It's Viking chic with a touch of shine!
The best thing is to get the chance to create so much dimension and texture by mixing hair tinsel, wavy and crimped hair and five different braids (fishtail, dutch fishtail, ponytail, DNA, bubble and three-strand). No matter where you look, there is something going on, though, it's not overwhelming or cluttered.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Have hair that has not been washed for at least one or two days. I find that you hold better and grip better while trying to get the shape you are looking for. I'm sure some will not agree, but for me, but I think it works best. My tip for this look – rock it!
I've styled that with all Unite hair products! I first based it with Unite Liquid Volume for extra control, volume and long lasting hold. I've done with Unite Texturiza to control all flyaways, but leave the hair bright and still feel like hair. Because of the hair lametta, I turned my curling iron to 320 and let it take a few seconds longer than usual for the tinsel shape! This is very important! Hair tinsel will lure, crimp shampoo, and may stay for weeks. It only takes a little more time in a curling iron over medium heat to keep the shape! I would use the tinsel, crimper (crimp iron) and curls on any hair length, texture or color! For the tinsel-well, you can never go wrong with sparkle!
With this many braids as well as everything else, long hair is a big consideration! If you have fine hair or thin hair, there is nothing that a small product can not help! If you have pony, you could be straightened, or add some of the diagonal crimps. This is definitely a hairstyle I think anyone can rock for any occasion – from a fun and funky wedding hairstyle to a "why not" look every day!
Cute Zig Zags
How would you look this?
I created this look from scratch by creating a personalized color, cut and styling. This look is calm, earthy and of course with the contradiction of the heavy texture. The biggest part of this look are the contrasting colors in the updo. Although the new growth is so dark, the bright ends turn seamlessly in color and style!
Any advice for someone considering it?
I would suggest this look to anyone with fine hair or hair who is too soft to position easily. With a micro crimper adds a ton of texture and grain to the hair, allowing you to form it into shapes and pin it easier without the hair falling. I think anyone can take that style off, regardless of the face shape. It is noble because it is mainly retired at the nape, but is nervous because of crimping. After using a few bobby pins and spraying with hair spray, you do not have to worry about your crimped hair.
Loose crimped curls
How would you look this?
Crimped hairstyles are very trendy at the moment, so I definitely wanted to integrate this with this look. I felt inspired by New York Fashion Week and wanted to create a fashion-conscious, innovative style that no-one has ever seen before.
Since the model has such a dark, exotic look, I wanted to do something to improve it. The construction nails were the perfect edgy touch, and the laying of your edges made the style pop. Details are the key!
The biggest thing about this look is how powerful and innovative it is. I love how this style went from simple to high fashion with just the use of nails.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Invest in great products. To achieve the crimped hair, I used Ouai Wave Spray. I have used Fat Boy Hair Water Wax for your edges and made it supple in the braid. Finish the style with Balmain Paris Hair Couture Session Spray.
This style is best for medium to long hair, but you can always add your own twist! I would recommend this style to someone who is not afraid to take risks and make a bold statement.
My tip is to combine the look with a leather jacket and a dark smokey-eye.
Crimping long hair
How would you look this?
I started with a full head of babylights on this client. I love to do babylights because it provides seamless growth and lets customers look great with not so much care. We glaze you with an icy blonde.
For the style, I used my mini-hair crimper after preparing you with my favorite Kenra heat-protection product. I enjoy styling with the crimper because it gives a lot of texture and a lot of volume. I love it too, because it's a new and different style.
I finished your look with simple turns cross-pinned.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Here we go! The paint has a longevity of several months and the crimper is easy to use. The only tool you need is a mini-crimper, a clip and some bobby pins if desired. The only product you need is a professional heat protection product.
I do not usually use hair spray with wavy hair, as I love, giving the soft texture of iron. It can be worn out, in a bun or halfway up. The style lasts a few days and can easily be used for volume, texture or a cool look.
Crimped locks of medium length
How would you look this?
This crimped hairstyle is very chic! This look must be worn by women who confirm this look. Thanks to the two-gold sweep of Franck Provost, which brings shine and nuances.
Any advice for someone considering it?
For this hairstyle I used a thermal product of Kerastase and then a Dyson hair dryer. Then I used the ghd crimping iron and finally the serum from Franck Provost.
This hairstyle can be used day and night.
Shrunken shoulder-length hair
A modern aquamarine hair pairs well with great texture and short length. There's nothing wrong with adding some cute braids and twists for a funier finish to crimping hair.
Wavy hair
A dramatic turn for a classic lob cut – this wavy hairstyle captivates the beauty of the vibrant red amazingly.
hair weave
Get your textures tamed with this eye-catching red zigzag! The longer your curls are, the more styling options you get to enjoy.
Short hair
Pull power into your strand with this absolutely edgy cut with legendary purple and pink tones! Layered pieces and a subtle angle around the back make this look a real piece of art.
Big crinkled hair
Do not you know what to do with your fat long mane? Give it a lot of texture for an amazing edition!
70s Inspired Crimping
Feel the summer waves on your carefree hair with this total pretty look! These straight curtain bangs complement the mermaid locks and brighten up your face as well.
Deep wave crimped hair
One way to add divine glow to your pitch black hair is with this sexy uniform waves style! Waves and crimped hair go hand in hand.
15 Modern crimp hair ideas from the 80s and 90s
0 notes
qualitytacolover · 5 years
15 Modern crimp hair ideas from the 80s and 90s
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/15-modern-crimp-hair-ideas-from-the-80s-and-90s.html
15 Modern crimp hair ideas from the 80s and 90s
The curling hair trend, which has been back on the runways in the past few seasons, is now not just limited to high fashion, but also to the everyday styling! A curly hairstyle allows you to make a wild and sexy statement and feel daring.
Hair crimping usually adds waves in a zigzag manner with a crimping iron, but there are also ways to get around. Crimp your hair with the use of handy flat iron specifically for natural hair to minimize damage. This' 80s style gives a good deal of volume and texture to straight hair, while still feminine and soft, and exceptional contour and definition to curly hair. To get the most out of this very chic hairstyle, keep in mind that straight hair usually produces the best crimps and that the use of chill protuberants is a must!
Of all the modern techniques to get desirable textured hair, crimping is the most kinkiest and birdiest! Check out these modern, curled hair ideas to get started now!
Crimping for black hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is rather effortless and low maintenance. This particular crimping style usually happens in body waves after a week of doing them, and you do not have to do much to grasp it until your next! It's an old favorite for me, because I remember that my hair curled in my younger years. It's fun, but also flirty in a way and everyone can wear crimps, so that's always a good thing.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
While lying down or asleep, keep your hair frizz free and away from fabrics like cotton, as it can dry out and lead to possible potting or entangling. For soft and manageable tree trunks we recommend a satin cover or pillowcase as well as a light silk or argan oil.
During styling, the products that were used are two of my favorite styling and holding sprays (ORS Oil sheen and Sebastian Reshaper), which gives the hair a nice weightless shine and moderate to firm hold, along with the brand Bed Head Brand S-shaft crimping tool.
Whether you are traveling with the girls, enjoying a date, or on vacation, this look definitely attracts attention. Regardless of different face shapes, anyone can catch these waves and still be beautiful.
Beach hair
How would you look this?
This look is a fun and modern 80s hairstyle! As we see in fashion, hair trends tend to come back in style, but with a new twist. This more relaxed look makes it look bohemian and modern. If you are looking for a long hair look, this would be perfect. It flows beautifully and gives your hair a mermaid-like shine! This look styled with a braid could dress it up and be perfect for a formal event. Be sure to use products such as sea salt spray, hairspray, or anodizing spray to control frizz and keep it all day!
Any advice for someone considering it?
Make sure your hair is straight before styling. If you have straight hair, sleep in French braids and take them right before the start of the day or at an event. Sleeping in pigtails helps prevent heat damage and it will set more time for your hair properly. If your hair is curly before styling, your crimp may not reach the simple, wavy appearance.
Before braiding I would suggest spraying in texturizing sea salt spray from Beach Babe to make you feel "on the beach". Once the crimp is up, you want it to spray a little more along with the comb by finishing mist of Nexxus and the 3-in-1 volume spray of Drybar! This hairstyle is perfect for days at work, weddings, brunch and date nights!
Hair with bangs
How would you look this?
When creating this look we were definitely for the nostalgic space girl vibe of the 90s! I have all the pulp riot color to create a nice smokey silver root and a slime green color.
The coolest thing about this look is the texture that the crimper imparts to the hair so it looks very unique and bold with its neon green color.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Here we go! Color is a fun way to change your appearance and you can even go for subtle colors if you do not want to make your whole head turn green. However, I would definitely invest in a stylist who knows what you are doing as far as lightening your hair, as you need to lift your hair for that kind of service when you make fashion colors. Also in the hair industry, we see many eras coming back full of momentum and crimped hair is definitely here to stay!
If you want to re-create this bun-curled space you will see all you need is a teasing comb, some rubber bands, a crimper (Sam Villa makes a great one), heat-proofing, (I got hot off the press by Paul Mitchell ) and some texture spray (I have Amika texture spray). First, I cut two small ponytails at the top of my model head and teased you. Then I sprayed you with some texturspray and created two space buns. We then heated the crimper and went to work after spraying the hair with some heat protection. I cut the hair and carefully crimped each piece. If you really want to get along with it, you can also use glitter or different hair pieces in the room bun. I have added small screw in stars from Amazon.
Hair with pigtails
How would you look this?
This hairstyle is funny, dimensional, organic and even magical. It's Viking chic with a touch of shine!
The best thing is to get the chance to create so much dimension and texture by mixing hair tinsel, wavy and crimped hair and five different braids (fishtail, dutch fishtail, ponytail, DNA, bubble and three-strand). No matter where you look, there is something going on, though, it's not overwhelming or cluttered.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Have hair that has not been washed for at least one or two days. I find that you hold better and grip better while trying to get the shape you are looking for. I'm sure some will not agree, but for me, but I think it works best. My tip for this look – rock it!
I've styled that with all Unite hair products! I first based it with Unite Liquid Volume for extra control, volume and long lasting hold. I've done with Unite Texturiza to control all flyaways, but leave the hair bright and still feel like hair. Because of the hair lametta, I turned my curling iron to 320 and let it take a few seconds longer than usual for the tinsel shape! This is very important! Hair tinsel will lure, crimp shampoo, and may stay for weeks. It only takes a little more time in a curling iron over medium heat to keep the shape! I would use the tinsel, crimper (crimp iron) and curls on any hair length, texture or color! For the tinsel-well, you can never go wrong with sparkle!
With this many braids as well as everything else, long hair is a big consideration! If you have fine hair or thin hair, there is nothing that a small product can not help! If you have pony, you could be straightened, or add some of the diagonal crimps. This is definitely a hairstyle I think anyone can rock for any occasion – from a fun and funky wedding hairstyle to a "why not" look every day!
Cute Zig Zags
How would you look this?
I created this look from scratch by creating a personalized color, cut and styling. This look is calm, earthy and of course with the contradiction of the heavy texture. The biggest part of this look are the contrasting colors in the updo. Although the new growth is so dark, the bright ends turn seamlessly in color and style!
Any advice for someone considering it?
I would suggest this look to anyone with fine hair or hair who is too soft to position easily. With a micro crimper adds a ton of texture and grain to the hair, allowing you to form it into shapes and pin it easier without the hair falling. I think anyone can take that style off, regardless of the face shape. It is noble because it is mainly retired at the nape, but is nervous because of crimping. After using a few bobby pins and spraying with hair spray, you do not have to worry about your crimped hair.
Loose crimped curls
How would you look this?
Crimped hairstyles are very trendy at the moment, so I definitely wanted to integrate this with this look. I felt inspired by New York Fashion Week and wanted to create a fashion-conscious, innovative style that no-one has ever seen before.
Since the model has such a dark, exotic look, I wanted to do something to improve it. The construction nails were the perfect edgy touch, and the laying of your edges made the style pop. Details are the key!
The biggest thing about this look is how powerful and innovative it is. I love how this style went from simple to high fashion with just the use of nails.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Invest in great products. To achieve the crimped hair, I used Ouai Wave Spray. I have used Fat Boy Hair Water Wax for your edges and made it supple in the braid. Finish the style with Balmain Paris Hair Couture Session Spray.
This style is best for medium to long hair, but you can always add your own twist! I would recommend this style to someone who is not afraid to take risks and make a bold statement.
My tip is to combine the look with a leather jacket and a dark smokey-eye.
Crimping long hair
How would you look this?
I started with a full head of babylights on this client. I love to do babylights because it provides seamless growth and lets customers look great with not so much care. We glaze you with an icy blonde.
For the style, I used my mini-hair crimper after preparing you with my favorite Kenra heat-protection product. I enjoy styling with the crimper because it gives a lot of texture and a lot of volume. I love it too, because it's a new and different style.
I finished your look with simple turns cross-pinned.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Here we go! The paint has a longevity of several months and the crimper is easy to use. The only tool you need is a mini-crimper, a clip and some bobby pins if desired. The only product you need is a professional heat protection product.
I do not usually use hair spray with wavy hair, as I love, giving the soft texture of iron. It can be worn out, in a bun or halfway up. The style lasts a few days and can easily be used for volume, texture or a cool look.
Crimped locks of medium length
How would you look this?
This crimped hairstyle is very chic! This look must be worn by women who confirm this look. Thanks to the two-gold sweep of Franck Provost, which brings shine and nuances.
Any advice for someone considering it?
For this hairstyle I used a thermal product of Kerastase and then a Dyson hair dryer. Then I used the ghd crimping iron and finally the serum from Franck Provost.
This hairstyle can be used day and night.
Shrunken shoulder-length hair
A modern aquamarine hair pairs well with great texture and short length. There's nothing wrong with adding some cute braids and twists for a funier finish to crimping hair.
Wavy hair
A dramatic turn for a classic lob cut – this wavy hairstyle captivates the beauty of the vibrant red amazingly.
hair weave
Get your textures tamed with this eye-catching red zigzag! The longer your curls are, the more styling options you get to enjoy.
Short hair
Pull power into your strand with this absolutely edgy cut with legendary purple and pink tones! Layered pieces and a subtle angle around the back make this look a real piece of art.
Big crinkled hair
Do not you know what to do with your fat long mane? Give it a lot of texture for an amazing edition!
70s Inspired Crimping
Feel the summer waves on your carefree hair with this total pretty look! These straight curtain bangs complement the mermaid locks and brighten up your face as well.
Deep wave crimped hair
One way to add divine glow to your pitch black hair is with this sexy uniform waves style! Waves and crimped hair go hand in hand.
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