reachartwork · 2 years
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assembled royal portraits of the heirs to the kingdoms of prospit and derse.
you're never too old to make homestuck fanart.
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admiralexclipse · 3 months
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sharing the birdbath (ft @reachartwork)
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rururuku-scribbles · 3 months
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Gift art, of a sort, for @reachartwork , who's been getting some absolutely horrible hate messages recently. I scrambled and ciphered anon's screed and then turned the resulting nonsense text into a prompt. This grim grinner and the bluegreen Circle of Protection Against Haters were the most interesting things to bubble up from the chaos soup.
Rage Against the Machines - AI imagery by Rukuruku via SDXL
These images are raw AI output without significant iteration or other human intervention, and therefore public domain.
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bowelfly · 2 years
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beep boop mechanoids for @reachartwork
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noildoof · 1 year
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Fanart of reachartwork’s Myxomagrizer! Made to look like an animation cel.
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txttletale · 4 months
Hi, I'm sorry if you are like done talking about this, and I swear i'm asking in good faith >.< : Is AI being useful for disabled people who want to make art like...a real thing any disabled person is actually talking about? I've only ever encountered arguments "about the arguments", not anyone actually advocating for it. I guess I could see it being more accessible to interface with text than to use a drawing pad, so that's cool.
yeah i've personally seen a lot of disabled AI artists talk about it & also about the horrific ableist abuse they recieve for it
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orowyrm · 1 year
if you’re gonna reblog a post from an ai artists who is very up front about being an ai artist and does all their own code and is literally just posting some fake anime screencap for fun and you say some shit in the tags like ‘i’m so mad this is ai art because i like it’ / ‘shame this is ai generated cuz it fucks’ / ‘this would be so much cooler if it was real art’ ON THE POST, IN THE TAGS OF THE POST, DIRECTLY ON THE POST WHERE THE OP CAN SEE IT, you’re a cunt end of story. it’s like if i reblogged a picture of a sunset posted by a photography blog and said “damn it sucks that this is a photograph. if it were an oil painting or some other REAL artistic medium it’d be so cool.” like it’s just a dick move. shut the fuck up
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thegreatwicked · 3 months
Writing Resources
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I'm back to working on more Obi-Cress and after finishing Padawan I needed to gather my thoughts and some resources because there are only so many ways to describe a kiss! Anyhow, wanted to put some of the great resources I've found across Tumblr here to share with you guys! Happy writing!
Writing Tips
How to Show Emotions @creativepromptsforwriting
Advice for Writing Relationships
The Smut Writers Dictionary @maybeeatspaghetti
How to Write Fight Scenes. @reachartwork
The Ultimate Masterlist @a-cure-for-writers-block
Show Don't Tell @modifieduchiha
How to Give Personality to a Character @bookished
Show, Don't Tell @lyralit
Words to Use Instead of Said @slayingfiction
Useful Websites for Writers @nakajimeow
Rare English Words @er-cryptid
Character Flaws by slayingfiction
Emotions in Writing @mems-sama
Little Romantic Gestures @jaylaxies
How to Go from Daydream to Draft by @endlessburningdarkness
Good Traits to Bad by @writers-potion
50 Questions for Your Characters by @3hks
Writing Help by @nsk96
Writing Resources by @1one2two3three4four
Writing Prompts
Blossoming Romance Writing Prompts @eloquentmoon
Flirty Prompts URfriendlywriter
Touch Starved Prompts @jasminesfury
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spitblaze · 7 months
Kinda fucked up ur reblogging ai art as an artist yourself
Ah, I knew this would happen someday.
I've stated multiple times: I have no beef with generative art, in and of itself. I feel there are genuinely good reasons you can employ it, ranging from harmless fun to accessibility to actual artistic use. The issues I have mostly involve 1) acquisition of the dataset, 2) involvement of money, and 3) authorial intent. I have jumpy lizardbrain issues with 'machine what will steal my job' too, but the generative art that I reblog on purpose is stuff that I feel meets my criteria for 'ethical', as lame as I sound for saying that.
So let's look at this post I reblogged from @infiniteartmachine. This is a project from @reachartwork, a disabled artist who made their own dang generative program and dataset in order to facilitate their creative endeavors. To my knowledge, they have done the work to do this as ethically as possible. Criteria one passed.
Criteria two is the involvement of money. The pinned post on the Reach side is a patreon plug. Understandable to get jumpy at first sight, before remembering that not only did this person develop their own dang program and dataset, they also make art the old-fashioned way, and are mostly asking for money to help with living expenses for themselves and their partner. No ludicrous commission fees, no use to avoid employing the talent of human artists. Two, check.
Finally, authorial intent. Looking back both on what we know and the contents of the image, I feel like I can safely call this one fine. No intent to deceive, no intent to avoid the utilization or payment of a human artist, no intent to impersonate. Just the intent to generate interesting imagery.
I've said it before, I feel like generative art's biggest advantage is its capability for surrealism and uncanny imagery. To me, there's something inherently interesting about the construction of these images! The fact that it's not a thinking person creating something with intent is both its biggest downside and its greatest strength. It doesn't 'know' anything, it can't exactly replicate an image so it puts down pixels based on its training set. The imperfections, utilized well, turn from weird smudgey marks into something that elevates the inherent strangeness of the imagery and the system.
I understand people who have reservations with the entire idea of generative art, I get your jumpiness and want to dismiss all of it entirely. But I still stand by my assertion that a hammer is morally neutral, it just depends on what you're using it for. I've found no good arguments to sway me that even generative imagery that meets my personal requirements is 'bad' in and of itself. That's where I stand on it.
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reachartwork · 2 years
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ai generated pixel brutalism in the ocean
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admiralexclipse · 3 months
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Birds of a feather - for my dear owlet @reachartwork
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elbiotipo · 29 days
What are like good AIs for making up inspirations for writing and such? I was trying to make ChatGPT fulfill this function, and like it's good at coming up with names or riddles but actual stories or setting ideas are bad. Not even bad as in nonsensical or lack human touch, bad as in they look like the most generic thing possible
Well, before AIs there was this website, with all sorts of generators for names, NPCs, even random maps and solar systems and more for different settings. It even has a free Markov Name Generator where you can just put a list of names or words and it generates random names from them! I still use it for generating names when I feel lazy (I'm not a good conlanger)
But my favorite right now is one you can find here, @statsbot by @reachartwork. You can add the bot on Discord and ask them for a lot of commands, like creating you a statblock for NPCs or characters (I asked them for example for stats for the Daft Punk guys in a Cyberpunk campaign), a skeleton of an adventure or dungeon with random encounters, random monsters for all kinds of systems, descriptions of settings and places, or my VERY favorite, /elaborate, where you send them a little worldbuilding prompt (for example, "a kobold merchant republic", "a pantheon of fire deities") and it gives you a whole worldbuilding blurb that you can use as you want.
This is one of my favorite outputs:
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The outputs are very interesting and creative, I don't even play RPGs that much, I just feed it prompts and see what it comes up with. I think the author is working on a solo version which can remember previous prompts which could be very useful if you are building a setting and want to develop some stuff but don't know how. Do give them a tip if you use it!
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are-we-art-yet · 1 year
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Welcome to the Tumblr of Are We Art Yet?, a community of individuals who are interested in exploring AI art in an ethical way without undermining traditional artists! Our goal is to stretch the boundaries of art and tap into the potential of this emerging technology, rather than creating forgeries or shitty NFTs.
Our Code of Ethics, which reflects our anti-capitalist and leftist values, can be found here, and our Discord server is here.
We encourage our members to draw inspiration from historical and public domain artists, synthesizing new styles from new combinations rather than replicating the styles of living artists. If a non-AI artist requests that we refrain from using their styles or works, we will honor their request. We will also avoid using the styles and works of artists who have publicly spoken out against AI art.
Our view is that AI art does not have to exist in opposition to more traditional forms of art, and that it has the potential to be a transformative and accessible medium. It will disrupt industries and, yes, be used for corporate greed, but it is our hope that our use of AI art can stand against these abuses and show that technology can coexist with and empower art.
Here are some additional links:
AI ISN'T AN AUTOMATIC COLLAGING MACHINE, a twitter thread by @reachartwork
The AWAY Reading List, a short but not comprehensive reading list of works that inspire and expand upon the philosophies and ethics behind this collective
Discussions and writings about AI Art, both by AWAY members and others
Artworks by AWAY members
Our bunnyshark logo, made by @reachartwork has been released into the public domain under CC0!
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c0nji · 2 months
im not sure if youre still here but reachartwork is very clearly pro ai art and all that entire post was pretty much designed to demoralize and be a psychological blow that ai is already past being wrangled back in, but its still not and much like how that whole learning generation bullshit "learns" how to bypass stuff it also means there are going to be counters against that.
not just that but remember that were all still in a early stage of this whole fuckery. lies can run across the world several times before the truth has its boots on. rampant thievery and abuse happens faster before the safelines can be put up. were in the wild west period of ai bullshit and its also very critical to not lose hope
that person has very clearly left out the fact people are not taking this down and sueing those things left and right, and the fact that someone who tried to copyright something using ai art lost severely. do not lose hope. nightglaze can and still will work. another thing to remember is that ai scrapers are also lazy as shit and even that "1% gaussian blur" means they have to do something other than copy paste and barriers like that can demotivate THEM into giving up
please know its not hopeless. please know art is still worth all the passion you can express. please know its not all fucked up bullshit.
it might be rough, but once the regulations are up and more of those losers get sued into oblivion and laws refined, thing will get better
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txttletale · 5 months
NOT asking this as a gotcha, I'm 100% sincere, can you point to pieces of AI art that you feel are interesting uses of the medium? Because I'm not philosophically opposed to it, but at the same time I've never seen anything that wasn't naked bandwagon shilling by the same people who pushed NFTs
sure! i think a classic of the medium is secret horses
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(i sadly don't know who made it, but i've seen it around and fallen in love). this is everything AI art should be, imo, taking advantage of the liminal dreamlike quality of the medium and using titling and framing to say something about the piece that wouldn't exist if it was presented on its own. secret horses...
my favourite band, everything everything, released an album last year that made use of AI generation, both for the album's art and for small portions of the lyrics (interestingly, they've refused to say which lyrics are AI written and which are human written, which adds another layer of intrigue to me -- the only lyric that they've confirmed is AI generated is the title of 'software greatman', which forms the haunting, powerful chorus of the song that gets deconstructed into electronic incoherence. other highlights include the album art, part burning skyscape, part incomprehensible machine. what is the machine? is it a camera? a monitor? a train? does it matter?
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and finally from this album cycle i adore the hallucinogenic exuberance of their video for i want a love like this:
in terms of dedicated artists working primarily within the AI medium, i'm a huge fan of @reachartwork, a really innovative artist who keeps blowing me away with evocative and interesting pieces and pioneer in ethical and cooperative AI art techniques. i'm an especially big fan of their grotesque and uncomfortable 'tooth machine' series:
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as well as their desolate, bleak, alien landscapes:
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(hole in the sky / river lethe )
and their project, the @infiniteartmachine, a model that produces art based upon algorithmically generated prompots -- effectively a long-term art piece.
finally, i'm a very very big fan of @roborosewater-masters, a bot that makes AI-created magic the gathering cards. this might not parse as 'art' to some people, or be interesting to analyze as such, but to me, someone obsessed with games and game studies, i think that the mix of synctactically correct magic the gathering rules text and abrupt non sequitur makes for really striking and funny pieces that prompt me to think about what the limits of games and gaming are
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these are just the artists and pieces i can name off the top of my head, but i hope that they're representative of what generative art has to offer when it's not being done by grifters chasing the lowest common denominator.
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modrew71extra · 2 months
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Right, never thought I had to make one of these callouts in my entire time of using social media, but unfortunately due to the seriousness of the subject matter at hand, I have to get this out here to prevent more people being mislead.
Now for a lot of people who follow artist Tumblr might be aware of this one thread circulating in regards to people using Glaze & Nightshade in response to the recent updates made to Tumblr's data services. With the posting in question, @ reachartwork discouraging use of it and presenting an argument for it.
Now unlike most other people, I can tell how off their argument is as it lacked the nuance of how these programs worked and talked about it in a way that came off more enthusiastic, despite their claims of having sympathies people trying to protect themselves.
It's only until I took one little look at their blog and knew what was up, and their later behaviour proved my suspicions.
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Now to get this right off the bat, I do apologise for whatever misgendering I exhibited as I didn't notice that about them, nor am I justifying this callout to harass them.
So please don't
Rather, it's to be weary of this user, and how you really shouldn't be sleeping on these programs.
Now as the original featured, it went out in presenting their argument as followed:
As you can notice in the thread, it's providing very little evidence of their findings of its supposed workings without proper sources, while trying to show ways to work around it (again, enthusiastically mind you).
And yet as you notice, they didn't bother providing an alternative way to combat this scalping situation everyone is in, especially with how replies have been of users expressing their grievances over this.
You'll think that maybe you should have added something to help others or worded themselves in a more sympathetic manner?
But that's when I checked into their profile and knew what seems to be up,
They're into this tech.
I knew this was clear propaganda, why would somebody who is invested into generative tech try and discourage methods in protecting others of data scalping?
Like I'm sorry but you can't be somebody who claims to be sympathetic about the whole power imbalance this whole field is causing, yet enthusiastically be into this tech. Those mixture of ideologies just do not match.
There's no such thing as "ethical AI use" for this tech.
Now upon knowing many were falling prey to this nonsense, I had to step in and present my own counter arguments and why they are so wrong. Both programs Q&A (along with demonstrations of it acting as written) thay explains the inner workings of it as thoroughly as possible:
(Paper is in QA)
Now comes the part when things get more heated
After I posted my retort, this is the response I got:
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A) Again, while I didn't intend disrespect for their gender, "AI-bro" has literally become a catch-all for us who are against the very people who are engaged in this field
B) Since when in my original argument that I did try to villainize the entirety of programmers in general? My wording was superficially against those in that field of ML tech who are for this tech.
C) Trying to spin my own findings with proper context and immaturely handwave it by boiling it down as me going "nuh uh" is making you look childish, the info I provided literally explains the very points they argued.
D) Reason I blocked them straight away is because I knew a lot of these pro-AI tend to be very combative when it comes to criticism, I felt it in my gut that they were going to do so first. And later on other factors of their character proved my point.
Like I'm sorry, you really think me not having a degree of X matter is somehow making me a worst person and that I shouldn't be allowed to voice criticism of something?
Just because somebody is in the field of something, doesn't automatically mean they have the best interests to heart.
And here's my confirmation that like a lot of these AI enthusiasts, they're very sensitive & combative.
Now not too long, I decided to try to reblog my argument on another reblog of the artist @ Kang-Bang as they have a bigger artist presence, while they fortunately did realize what the OP they were quickly blocked upon reblogging my own post:
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But it wasn't that confirmed that behaviour.
I found out through a conversation I had with somebody on the server of artist-rights advocate Zakugu Mignon, that this individual had a similar encounter with this user a year ago on Twitter (I'm Hollow btw);
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And here's the conversation this person had that led to this similar experience:
Notice a familiar pattern of behaviour?
The unfortunate pattern behaviour that these pro-AI types are once again present.
It's always trying to justify the usage of this succeeding.
Now look, I'm not against the idea of the physical unabled being given the ability to produce creations of their own with the help technology means nor do I think that Artificial Intelligence is inherently bad.
But this generative tech is just doing it all the wrong way.
It's by all intentions & purposes, displace hard working people as cheaply and quickly as they can.
It has unfortunately happened to certain working sectors such as journalism, advertisement and translations as we speak.
Now on the topic of whether or not you use Glaze or Nightshade.
Please don't drop it
Now yes it's not a panchea for the societal problems we're currently facing.
But you shouldn't just leave whatever you post online out in the open without any forms of protection is not the wisest route to take.
As the Q&A already shown, it at least offers some way to ensure a means of sabotage data scalping.
There are still many other creatives and general users utilizing these programs for good reason, and WHY they're desperate for a means of protection.
Yes, I understand there's some skepticism going around and we're all frightfully confused about what to do in these uncertain times.
But please.
Don't skim out on a solution to offer some forms of protection.
Having a little protection is better than having none.
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