#python programming for beginners
cromacampusinstitute · 8 months
Python is a versatile and powerful programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Some unique features include its easy-to-learn syntax, dynamic typing, and automatic memory management, which contribute to faster development and reduced code complexity.
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python-course23 · 1 year
Embarking on Your Python Journey
Dive into the world of programming with our beginner-friendly guide to Python, the versatile and accessible language. Discover the perfect starting point for your coding aspirations and explore how a Python course in Delhi can accelerate your learning journey.
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deepak-garhwal · 1 year
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blogpreetikatiyar · 2 years
Future of AI : Playground OpenAI
Artificial Intelligence 
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science aimed at creating intelligent machines. Applications in areas such as robotics, natural language processing, and image recognition have made it an integral part of the technology industry. AI technology can solve complex problems and automate tasks too tedious for humans.
In Simple Words – 
Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machine to think like humans, solve-real world problems, by improving on their own from past experience, just like as human do. 
Intelligence is composed of :
Problem Solving
Linguistic Intelligence
Types of AI -
Reactive Machines: Reactive machines are AI structures that depend upon modern enter in place of counting on beyond experience. Examples of reactive machines consist of Deep Blue, an AI device for gambling chess, and AlphaGo, a device for gambling the Chinese board sport Go.
Limited Memory: AI systems with limited memory can use past experience to make current decisions. Examples of AI with limited memory are self-driving cars that remember past roads and obstacles, and AI assistants that remember user preferences.
Theory of Mind: A theoretical AI system should understand and interact with people on an emotional level. These types of AI systems can be used to create virtual assistants or chatbots that understand natural language and provide personalized responses.
Self-Aware: Self-aware AI systems are designed to understand their enviroment and make decisions based on that understanding. Such AI systems can be used for things like autonomous robots and virtual agents.
Learn more about Artificial Intelligence in detail – Click here 
Why do we need Artificial Intelligence?
Increased efficiency: AI can automate tasks and processes, allowing humans to focus on more important or higher-value work. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency
Increased productivity: AI can automate routine tasks and free up human workers to focus on more complex and creative work.
Enhanced decision-making: AI can analyze data and provide insights that can help humans make more informed decisions.
Improved accuracy: AI systems can often perform tasks with a higher degree of accuracy than humans, especially when it comes to tasks that involve large amounts of data or that are repetitive.
Automating routine tasks: AI can be used to automate routine tasks, freeing up humans to focus on more complex and creative work.
Overall, the use of AI has the potential to improve efficiency, increase productivity, and enhance decision-making in many different fields.
Application of Artificial Intelligence – 
Artificial intelligence (AI) has a wide range of applications and is being used in many different industries. Here are a few examples of how AI is being used today:
Healthcare: AI can be used to analyze medical records, make diagnoses, and recommend treatment options.
Education: AI can be used to personalize learning, provide tutoring and feedback, and assess student progress.
Customer service: AI can be used to provide assistance and support to customers through chatbots and virtual assistants.
Agriculture: AI can be used to optimize irrigation, predict crop yields, and monitor livestock health.
These are just a few examples of how AI is being used today. AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries and improve our daily lives in a variety of ways.
Future of AI – 
The future of AI is difficult to predict, but many experts predict that AI will have a major impact on our lives over the next few years. AI technology will continue to evolve and applications of AI will become more prevalent in our daily lives, from medicine to transportation. AI is used to automate and streamline many everyday processes, making them more efficient and accurate. AI is also being used to improve human-machine communication and make decisions more accurately and quickly. Advances in AI will enable machines to understand, learn and adapt more and more, allowing them to interact more naturally with humans. Ultimately, AI will continue to be a powerful tool for improving our lives, but its potential is only just beginning to be explored.
The future of AI is still unknown, but it will be interesting to see how this technology evolves over time.
Artificial Learning is the superset of Machine learning and Deep Learning.  
In order to learn Artificial Intelligence, one should start with the concepts of Deep Learning and Machine Learning, as it one of the most effective ways to learn Artificial Intelligence for beginners.
Know more, What is Machine Learning?
Let’s talk about one such Futuristic AI tool – Playground OpenAI
Playground OpenAI
Playground OpenAI is an interactive web platform developed by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence lab, that allows developers to experiment with reinforcement learning algorithms and neural networks. The platform provides a virtual environment where users can create and train agents to solve various tasks and challenges. It also allows users to explore the capabilities of reinforcement learning and neural networks and interact with existing his OpenAI models.
“OpenAI's Playground can respond to any prompt”
Playground is a predictive language tool. In other words, it has AI trained to complete or respond to input in the most trustworthy and "human" way possible. Bots like this have been around for years (remember Cleverbot?), but Playground lets you use the best of OpenAI tools to run your tests.
It comes with several different templates to help you get inspired. For example, you can select Chat to have a conversation with your bot, or select Q&A to set up a question-and-answer session with your bot. However, users had the most fun when they were simply asked to write a story or come up with an idea for a new TV show.
There are other modes where you can enter text someone has already written and let the AI ​​insert or edit new text. You can also change things like "Temperature" (response logic) and "Frequency" (number of repetitions).
It is very useful for people from different fields, students, teachers, professionals and many others.
Searching for a question returns an answer. You can also create computer programs using OpenAI tools.
Let’s see an example – 
Also, read – Top Technology Trend to Look out for in 2023
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vexacarnivorous · 1 year
Can u teach me python from basic 🙄pls
ok the problem with this question is that it would simply take too long for me to explain to u the basics of programming like functions, statements, loops, variables etc. but i CAN direct u to some good resources that would help u in ur python journey and explain all this stuff
freecodecamp (i think the person for this course explains it nicely here)
i especially recommend u look at this website called fullstackpython, which has HEAPS of python beginner recs that seem very useful
u should also be doing projects & exercises to really hammer in what you're learning, so i'd recommend project euler (also found on freecodecamp) or that u search up 'coding exercises' on google. there are some projects listed in fullstackpython i believe as well
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izicodes · 2 years
Python for Software Development Book | Resource ✨
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>> Link to the book <<
Does it look sketchy? Yes. But is it really good? Yes.
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Give us your best and worst feelings while experiencing being a game dev
some of the best feelings: working with my new teammate person (the one i mentioned was teaching me a while back! now we're a proper dev team!) and talking about and planning idaes with him
when something finally works
solving a probelm i couldnt figure out a few days ago
when its finally done
watching your characters come to life
COMMENTS HWEN SOMEONE COMMENTS :D ive only gotten one comment on my itch.io games so far but IT MADE ME SO HAPPY and i keep going back to look at it when i need motivation-
playing through with my friends over vc and us making up funny bits and doing voices while we're at it! We had one playthrough where the main character was named paperwork and all their diologue was just paperwork, by the time it was done i was struggling not to say paperwork in the middle of random conversations and frankly it was hilarious
when your friends like your game : ' )
that relatable feeling of playing a game or recalling an odd choice a game developer made in a game you loved once and being like oh I get it now. iiiiiget it now (*glances at pokemon in solemn understanding* i see why you didint do that now. I get it.
the loving feeling of you and your fellow programmer workign on a script and you putting your cursor next to theirs (it feels like a hug <3, its like, programmer cuddles, i am 99% that just an us thing) the utter TRIUMPH of getting something fully functional
when one of your friends decides to latch onto a specific character and loves them and its like YES PLEASE LOVE MY SON I WORKED HARD ON HIM HES A GIFT TO YOU YIPPIEEE
the worst feelings:
when something you worked really hard on doesnt get much attention
when you cant solve a weirdly specific problem (*Shakes fist at color wheels*) and you know its objectively making your game MUCH worse and harder on the player, but you just cant find the information you need to solve it
when youve tried to fix the same bug 10 times and the error log isint changing
thinking you got all the bugs only to find out your newest update is a buggy disaster and one of your characters has decided to become a nudist and preform mitosis which was NOT your goal whatsoever because your naming conventions were flawed
when you have too many files and its just overwhelming-
messing up ONE letter or the indentation on something
problems that take 3 days or more to figure out solutions to
and as the artist and one of the two main programmers: character creation. i understand now why its not more common in video games. this is hard. I definitely intend to do it but golly
trying to balance stats and things
when the game crashes while youre bugfixing-
trying to figure out what strange seemingly alien language your fellow programmer is using to get amazing results because you have to understand how it works so you can actually use the amazing system they made but if you COULD understand it very easily already you would have made it yourself so youre just crawling through it trying to reverse engineer it so you can avoid breaking what they made and add onto it lol
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laughingbuddha · 5 months
First Post on Tumblr
Beginner to blogging , always thought of where to start .
Recently I have joined course on Data Visualisation and analytics.
Will be posting Regular Updates .
-> My Topic - Gapminder Data
-> What are the key indicators that drive the social , environmental and wealth of a nation.
My topic of interest would be GDP .
2. Although i came across some reference data , that pointed out that HDI is a good indicator , but I want to stick to GDP .
3. My second topic would be CO2 emissions.
4. My hypothesis comes from the fact that
The decrease in CO2 emissions with increasing GDP is explained by the greater effectiveness of institutional quality. The high quality institutions attract the foreign investors in an economy due to low volume of transactions costs that result the advancement of environment friendly technology. -- Source NIH.gov
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onlinelearningclass · 8 months
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Learn Python To Secure Your Future In Data Science
Python is one of the most important coding or programming languages that is used by more than 8 million programmers as their main programming language.Now let's talk about how to learn Python. Python language is the basic and the easiest language compared to any other language.
To more info Visit us :- https://www.sssi.in/blog/engineering/learn-python-to-secure-your-future
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jambeegoatson · 2 years
Step-by-Step Guide to Coding for Beginners
Coding is a valuable skill in today's digital world, and it's never too late to start learning. Whether you're looking to switch careers, build websites, or create apps, coding is a great place to start. This guide will help you get started on your coding journey, covering the basics of coding and providing a roadmap for further learning.
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What is coding, and why is it important?
Coding is the process of writing instructions for computers to follow. It's the language that computers use to communicate with each other and with humans. Coding is important because it's a fundamental part of the technology that drives our daily lives. From websites and apps to software and automation, coding plays a crucial role in nearly every aspect of our digital world.
What do you need to get started?
To start coding, you'll need a few things: a computer, an internet connection, and a text editor. A text editor is a program that allows you to write and save code. There are many free text editors available, including Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, and Notepad++.
Once you have your tools set up, it's time to start learning!
Getting started with coding
The first step in your coding journey is to learn a programming language and learn what are do's and don'ts of coding. There are many programming languages to choose from, but some of the most popular and widely used include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Java. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is used to create the structure of websites. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to add styling and design to HTML pages. JavaScript is used to create interactive elements on websites. Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of tasks, from data analysis to machine learning. Java is a popular language for developing Android apps and building enterprise-level applications.
Once you have chosen a programming language, it's time to start learning! There are many resources available to help you get started, including online courses, books, and tutorials. Some popular resources for learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript include Aspire Coding, Codecademy, W3Schools, and Udemy. For learning Python, try Codecademy, Udemy, or Coursera. And for learning Java, check out Udemy, Coursera, or Oracle's Java tutorials.
Practice, practice, practice
The best way to learn coding for beginners is by doing. As you learn the basics of your chosen programming language, start experimenting with small projects. Try creating a simple website, building a calculator app, or writing a program to automate a task. The more you practice, the better you'll get, and you'll soon find that coding becomes second nature.
Take your learning to the next level
Once you have a solid understanding of the basics, it's time to take your learning to the next level. Consider taking an online course or enrolling in a bootcamp to learn more advanced concepts and skills. You can also participate in coding challenges and hackathons to put your skills to the test and learn from other coders.
Final thoughts
Coding is a valuable skill that can open up a world of opportunities. Whether you're looking to switch careers, build websites, or create apps, coding is a great place to start. With this guide and the resources available, you'll be well on your way to becoming a coding pro. Remember to practice regularly, take advantage of online resources, and never stop learning!
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python-course23 · 1 year
Embarking on Your Python Journey
Dive into the world of programming with our beginner-friendly guide to Python, the versatile and accessible language. Discover the perfect starting point for your coding aspirations and explore how a Python course in Delhi can accelerate your learning journey.
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deepak-garhwal · 1 year
we will explore the top 5 YouTube channels to learn Python programming for beginners. So without further ado let’s delve into the list of top YouTube channels for Python. python training in Delhi could be helpful in acquiring relevant skills.
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hancoxinc · 11 months
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Ignite Your Tech Future with The Ultimate Training Package!
Why This is Your Next Best Move: In a digital age, coding is your gateway to a prosperous future. Boost your job security, increase your chances of promotion, and break into exciting new careers—no prior degree required. Most of today's top coders started just like you!
Join Our Community of Achievers: Experience high-quality, project-based learning tailored for real-world success. Beginners are more than welcome. Dive in from any computer with our satisfaction guarantee backing your journey.
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healthylifewithus · 11 months
Unleash Your Child's Coding Potential with Kids Coding PRO!
We're excited to share that Kids Coding PRO has ignited a coding revolution among young minds. Our students have embarked on an incredible journey, where coding is no longer a mystery but a tool for boundless creativity. From developing fun games to crafting interactive websites.
To read more click here <<
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🚀 Your Path to Coding Mastery:
Step 1: Dive into the World of Coding: Start your coding adventure with ease, even if you're a complete beginner.
Step 2: Explore the Magic of Programming: Discover the secrets behind creating games, apps, and websites.
Step 3: Hands-On Coding: Get ready to code like a pro with practical projects that bring your ideas to life.
To Get full course click here <<
🎮 Fun and Engaging Learning:
Say goodbye to boring coding classes! Kids Coding PRO makes learning fun and interactive. Learn by doing, with engaging projects and challenges that boost creativity.
💡 Ready-to-Use Coding Resources:
No need to start from scratch! We provide you with templates and ready-to-use code snippets. Customize and build your own projects, from games to websites, with confidence.Join us in the world of coding excellence with Kids Coding PRO. Unleash your child's potential and equip them with skills for a digital future!
Enroll Now and Unlock the World of Coding! Click here <<
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izicodes · 2 years
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>> Monday 28 November 2022 🌷
Continuing my Python study and I'm on Day 18 of the 100 Days of Python on Repl.it. In this lesson, I had to make a guessing game using my knowledge of while loops, continue, break, and if-statements! I found it really cool and it was fun! Small steps to my goals with Python.
Always been off and on with Python but now I want to sit down and dedicate real time to learning and follow through with it - not go into and learn lots and stop for months on end. I wanna make cool projects with Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Got to work hard for it though!
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amilmajumder77 · 2 years
How to take user input in python || Python Programming Tutorials For Be...
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