abyislan08 · 2 years
Traversing Teyvat
Chapter 3: Part 2: An Ice Peacock’s Tears
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Synopsis: The Cryo vision holder has a chat with you. The events that unfold are not as expected
Authors note: Ayo, I just had to finish the last part today. The rest were ready along with the part 1. Enjoy my lovelies.
Warning: Not proofread.
The Knights were pretty well funded inspite of it being an organisation that doesn’t tax people for its services. The hall’s were grand and the rooms were luxurious. The cavalry captain’s office was no exception. The light streamed in through the huge windows. The curtains were partially closed and the walls were decked with maps scribbles and documents. All in a chaotic manner. Kaeya motioned you to take a seat, smiling in a way that you recognised to be his mask. A few moments ago you he was smiling with amusement, but now it was the same smile, the aura was different. A buzzing sound plagued your ears as you sat down. Was it your emotions or was it the fact that your heart was beating in your throat? Whatever it was, the sound wasn’t helping with the situation at all.
You shuffled towards a familiar chair, the one that you repeatedly created in your serenitea pot, all because you wanted to recreate his office.
Confusion and a numbing sense of shock flowed through Kaeya’s mind. Years had he practiced putting on his mask and yet this sense of foreboding shook him and he could barely conceal his emotions. This familiar face he had seen along with a blond headed traveller, The eyes that had kept on watching over him, the voice that seemed to follow him every time. The entity that he thought was imaginary was now in front of him and all he could do was pretend it wasn’t real. It worked once and it work once again. Right? He rested his arm on his chair while he stood looking at the person sitting awkwardly and refusing to look at him, only archons know why.
“ So, About the horse. Since you were very headstrong on getting him to join my cavalry. I might as well get to know him better. Give me a few more details about this future horse of favonious.” Kaeya gestured, “A cavalry captain has the right to know at least that much doesn’t he?”
“His name is Rugby, Brown and has an affinity for….Philanemo Mushrooms.” Of course you couldn’t tell that Rugby who was actually your dog loved dog biscuits. That wouldn’t be realistic. You hadn’t planned anything after meeting Kaeya. So you had to wing it.
“Philanemo Mushrooms?”
“ Yes, cooked in patties, like how Timmie’s mom prepares it. You should try it once. No wonder why Rugby loves it.” You blinked like as-a-matter-of-factly.
Kaeya didn’t budge, his face was hard to read.
He hummed, “ How long have you been in Mondstadt? You seem to know everyone here. Well, better than me I suppose.”
“ It’s been over an year or so, sir. I don’t think this has got anything to do with Rugby I guess.” You said, trying to wheel him away from finding out that you were here for only three days.
“ Yes indeed, but the knights have to verify your background. You could always be a fraud if we aren’t too careful. Lately suspicious people have been popping up in Mondstadt.” Kaeya stared. Scanning you with his starry eye. “You are a part of the adventurer’s guild aren’t you?”
“ What gave it away? I have been a member for an year and half.” You smiled. Of course that didn’t mean your palms weren’t sweaty and you just wanted this nerve wracking interrogation to end.
Kaeya shrugged, “The boldness. How Bold can a commoner be to actually waltz up to the illustrious cavalry captain with a blatant lie and still believe that the captain actually bought it. Only someone who has ventured into the crevices of adventure can have the audacity. Am I wrong?”
Shit. But yet once again you weren’t surprised, You didn’t main him for over 2 years for nothing. This was expected. You had to play it off cool.
You raised your arms in retreat, “ Welp, you got me. As expected of our beloved Captain.” You smiled, “Now then, Please ask away whatever questions you have, Of course a maiden would want to meet the captain to bask in his glory, and the very maiden will have her own ways.”
Kaeya chuckled, It felt slightly off. It wasn’t his usual suave laugh, It sounded forced.
“Guess you have adventured a lot in the past, would you mind enlightening me with your past.”, Kaeya gestured, “I am quite intrigued for I haven’t heard of a ridiculous name such as Rugby. As far as I know, No nation has such ridiculous names.”
“Uhmm. I’d rather not. It’s a long story and will take up your time.”
“Oh~ But you wanted to spend time with me, did you not? Please go ahead.”
“I do not remember where I come from, But I have visited a few places so far.” You had to give him something or else he might sniff you out. You could narrate your commissions in Inazuma. It might make it sound like you came from Inazuma. That sounded right.
“Oh a child from the land of Electro? Pretty rare in these parts of Mondstadt if you ask me.” Kaeya said in a robotic voice. He didn’t seem to be buying it.
“ That is quite the reason why I chose to come to the city of freedom. The shogunate wasn’t my cup of tea.”
He raised his eyebrow. And smiled, he seemed to agree now. “Yes indeed, The Raiden Shogun seemed to put up quite a fight, getting struck by lightning repeatedly isn’t fun in the long run.”
“ Urghh You tell me.”
“ How’s the traveller?”
“ Going to Sumeru. Going to save another nation now.”
He paused. The room grew colder. Strike.
Realisation dawned. You gave away the fact that you fought the shogun. Wait. How did he know that?
Hold up. Are all the vision bearers self aware?
How come Sara didn’t know you? Is it because she was NPC. What about Katheryne? Why isn’t anything making sense? How far does the self awareness extend to?
Your skin had gone cold. Your heart was hammering and you could barely feel your fingers. A ringing pain in your ears, you couldn’t even hear anything clearly. The world started spinning. What is happening?
You stared at your feet. No response.
“ The one who controls us. How did you end up here?” His voice was grave. It was almost close to a hiss.
You remained a statue. The shock seemed to numb you entirely. All you could do was zone out.
“ All my life, I thought that you were a hallucination. A voice that seemed to laugh at me and jeer at the choices I made. At first it felt comforting.” He spoke.
“But, whenever the voice popped up I felt my arms move at my own accord. It was as if I was a puppet.”
Puppet. You heard that loud and clear.
“ Mona Megistus once did tell that we were the pawns of fate and we are played by destiny.I laughed it off. But we both knew that what she said was true. She managed to maintain a straight face, Kudos to the all knowing I presume.”
You looked at him. You never knew the reality. His eye seemed to darken. He looked like a kid, who was told Santa wasn’t real. But here It was his reaction to you being real.
Sorry. I am sorry. That word seemed to be written all over your face.
“ Your presence was comforting indeed. In the darkest of times when no soul seemed to even care glance my-our way, I heard your voice. Crying. Sobbing at my fate.” He continued, “ Maybe you were crying at my fate or you were crying for me. Either ways it confirmed that our fate wasn’t exactly in your hands. But we were.”
That one rainy night, Bloody cold and helpless. As he limped towards a home which didn’t seem to exist at that time, when his whole world was spinning as he clutched the ice orb, he heard the voice for the first time. A weak choked voice whispering No. As if it was his mind screaming. Once he got himself somewhere safe he could hear the same voice comforting him or itself. But for some reason, he felt comfortable under its watch.
Guardian Angel I guess.
He looks at you, pale with shock. Guess you didn’t expect this side of story at all. He still wonders what your existence means. Who were you really?
Here you were losing your mind. You read the webtoon and plenty of fanfiction narrating the scene Ragbros angst, but never did you play an event that had the cutscene of that event. But then how did he hear you cry ridiculously when you were drunk and you had reached friendship level 10 with Kaeya and was reading his lore. Did that mean that you going through character stories meant you were at the moment in the story.
It didn’t make sense.
They were under your control. But you cant change their lives either. Other than stuffing them in a ridiculous teapot.
What now?
“Y/N, why are you here?” his voice was distant. He did not look at you.
“ My life was anything but free. Of course you know it. From my very birth till today, all I have ever lived is a life that someone else set up for me.” His voice grew louder, but more like a hiss, he seemed to be trembling.
“Just, when I thought it wasn’t half bad and I could actually live life like a dream things went out of control, only for me to get to know that it never was in my control.” Control.
He pushed his chair back. Slammed his fist on the table. Shivering with pure confusion and anger. His eyes watery, his breath heavy. His vision seemed to glow brighter by the moment and the air grew heavier.
“ Do you know how it feels…,” His eyes finally met yours.
The dark blue star dancing frantically, The scar beneath his eye patch pulsing rapidly, “ TO KNOW YOUR LIFE WAS PLAYED OUT FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF ONE INDIVIDUAL?”.
The air started frosting, snowflakes fell. Kaeya stared at you. Time froze.
That was the sake of the development of a game. That was the sake of the creation of characters. But once you took the characters into your life, cherishing them they were given a life.
Now that you know this, what now? All you wanted to do was unlock teleport waypoints to travel around more smoothly.
It’s been more than a minute now. What’s up with Kaeya? The snowflakes didn’t move either.
The glowing vision, sparkled. It started glitching? The table started shifting, the hues started changing. The light pouring through the velvet curtains started changing. The clock started turning back to an hour. Kaeya started walking back to his chair, on his own accord. Glitching.
His eyes seemed to look at you in fright.
What’s happening to me? It screamed.
His mouth seemed to glitch. The room spun. Red and green pixels radiated from you, engulfing the entire room.
Silence. The room was set right. You swore you could here the same ding that you here whenever the game reconnects to the server.
Kaeya was in his place, smiling forcibly, birds chirped near the window. The sun poured in as usual. There was no frost, no snowflakes. The air seemed light.
You knew where to go now.
“ I’ll take care of it captain.” You whispered and walked up to him. Gave him a pat on his cheek and walked out of the door which was just opened by a confused Harry, who was just about to ask the captain why he wanted no one to enter his room. Only to see at a captain looking through his documents and no one else.
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tehaxo · 2 years
Christmas is for everyone.
pairing: scaramouche x gn!reader
modern AU: christmas, implied enemies to lovers.
warnings: none
A/N: Merry Christmas guys! Christmas one-shot for you guys <3 enjoy!
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Everyone was in the Christmas spirit, with bright smiles, and danced happily to the music but Scaramouche stood in his sad little corner with a frown.
He was the odd one out at the party, he was definitely not feeling the Christmas spirit! You couldn’t help but notice how lonely he looked and decided you would go over to him to annoy him.
“You look miserable.” You snickered at him with a smirk. He then looked over at you and his frown deepened. “Yeah, after seeing you. You’d be doing me a huge favor if you left me alone,” he spat back and crossed his arms.
You rolled your eyes and stood next to him, “When did I ever do favors for you? Just be glad you have company.” He huffed and looked away at you, his gaze on all of the happy people crowded together and dancing which caught your attention.
He looked… envious? “I’ve just always found Christmas a dumb holiday. Because one, I’m not a Christian. Two… I’ve just- never really celebrated it before. And I don’t know how to,” he admitted to you out of the blue.
You laughed at his small outburst and shook your head, “You don’t gotta be Christian to celebrate Christmas idiot! It’s for everyone.” You paused as you realized, and got a perfect idea. “So I’m guessing this is your first Christmas? Well, let’s go make it a memorable one then!” You exclaimed and grabbed his hand rushing to the “dance floor” with him.
“Hey! What are you doing? Let go of-“
“Shut it and dance!”
He stood there awkwardly while you did some of your fabulous signature dance moves, all while encouraging Scaramouche. He eventually gave in, but he was a bit shy. He danced in a “quiet” manner but hey he at least tried which made you happy.
After a few minutes of displaying your best dance moves, you started getting tired and playfully bowed to the people who gathered around the two of you then dragged Scaramouche to a couch.
“Ya sure know how to dance, dance king Scaramouche.” You teased as you both took a seat. “Be quiet, I have shame unlike you. Your dancing was by far the worst here,” he grumbled.
You giggled at him and his attempt to insult, normally you would’ve clapped back to him with another one but what caught your eye was his smile. His lips were turned up so slightly, if it weren’t for you sitting right next to him you wouldn’t have ever noticed. “Hey… You’re smiling.”
He looked over at you and his smile diminished, “Yeah so what? Should I not be?” He questioned while embarrassed you put him on the spot like that. You smiled and leaned over to him, your hand raised then you poked his cheek softly.
“No, it’s not that. Don’t mean to stereotype you as an edge lord that doesn’t have emotions, but you barely smile,” you pulled your hand away and felt warm when you saw his confused expression. “You look good when you smile, that’s all,” you said truthfully and looked away from his gaze with a blush.
He felt his heart skip a beat at your words and too blushed. He’s received many compliments before. Though he’s never acknowledged them he found to hate it at times. He cursed at himself for allowing himself to let his walls down because now he was acting like a child in love.
“I’d say the same to you… You have a pretty smile,” he said in a quiet tone all while staring at you with confidence. You both were lost in each other's eyes and you couldn’t tell if time was slowing down or speeding up because all you could focus on was Scaramouche.
His beautiful eyes, and his cute smile. The way his cheeks were a pink blush, you took in every one of his details not missing one thing. There was nothing but love laced deep into your eyes, at that very moment your heartbeats resonated with each other.
They called out to each other and sang their songs loudly, with passion. They connected as they unlocked the depths within, they overflowed out and grew a seed. A seed that would soon bloom into a flower, growing into happiness.
Scaramouche shook his head as he snapped out of it and cleared his throat which made you do the same. It was now awkward but still felt right.
“Well I don’t know much of Christmas yet but I can tell you’re for sure feeling the spirit,” Scaramouche chuckled as he pointed at your face. Your rose your eyebrow and your head tilt, but before you could say a word he continued. “Your face, it’s red. Almost as red as Santa’s hat.”
You irked and punched his arm to which he burst into laughter as he caressed his arm. “Don’t act like you weren’t either stupid!” You snapped at him in an attempt to fluster him as well but he stood his ground.
“I was not. You’re delusional.”
“No way! Now you’re just lying out of your ass.”
Yeesh, back to the bickering already- Or not? You two broke into silly little giggles for a good minute or two after wiping tears from your eyes.
“See, this is how you celebrate Christmas. You spend time with people you enjoy and smile with them. Exchanging gifts and being happy with each other. I’m sure when Christmas rolls around next year, you’ll love it.” You said happily and pat his shoulder.
“With people you enjoy? Is that so? Then, will you spend it with me next year?” He asked and showed an earnest smile. Your eyes widened and you blinked, you were baffled. The dude you fought constantly, and competed with, implied that he enjoyed spending time with you.
He always wore a scowl on his face, but now he had the most precious smile that you could not resist. “I’d love to.”
You couldn’t deny it any longer. For so long, you’ve pushed away the feelings. You feel as if fireworks were set off in you, but embracing them had to be the best thing you’ve ever done.
“Hey you two, what’re ya doin'? Stop sitting there and join the party. We’re gonna play some uno and monopoly,” The host of the party, and Scaramouche’s friend, Childe called out.
It was now Scaramouche’s turn to grab your hand and drag you to the tables of people. But this time, you both were happy.
Happily in love with each other.
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karmic-toast · 3 years
Dead Prank - (Childe)
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-As Childe stumbled across your body covered in fake blood, he immediately noticed your horrible acting skills.
-The slow rise and fall of you chest gave it all away. Childe smirks at your poor excuse of a prank.
-So naturally, he decided to prank you back.
-He walks by your head pretending that he didn't notice anything and heads somewhere else.
-He walks back by you and ignores you again.
-This happened about 4 or 5 times and you were getting really impatient.
-Was he really that ignorant? you wonder.
-So, you decided to jump scare him instead.
-You sneak around the room eventually getting to the perfect position.
-As you get ready to pounce on top of him...
-Childe turns around scaring the heck out of you.
-He gives you a goofy smile.
C'mon, did you really think that I, number 11 of the Fatui Harbingers, wouldn't notice?
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svgarbvunny · 3 years
Things that I'll write about
I'll do..
Genshin men/women hcs
Smut-Certain kinks/fetishes are acceptable
Fluff- No restrictions!
Angst- I'll pretty much do anything for angst, no restrictions for now except for no extreme gore.
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abyislan08 · 2 years
Traversing Teyvat
Chapter 3: Part 1: An Ice Peacock’s Tears
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Synopsis: You decide to search for vision bearers, you play out your strategy.
Authors note: Sorry for the delay in posting, was too busy. Had to split it into two parts cuz it might be too long to read.
Warnings: Idk.
< Prologue/1/2/3>
It’s been three days and you fit into Mondstadt’s lifestyle pretty well. Using the skills acquired from your clothing, you blended with the locals, got an apartment for cheap, got discounts for all the items you purchased and became pretty good friends with the NPC’s.
You moved out from the Adventurers quarters and was actually surprised to see Katheryne feel sad when you left. Comforting her, you made sure that the apartment was closer to the guild quarters and to your surprise, you actually got one. Katheryne became bubbly once again and every morning you made it a point to visit her and also pay a visit to Sara.
Though mondstadt is the most comfiest place you have ever been to, you had no intention of settling down for a long term. The games all fun, but you had to return to reality. You had no right living in a world other than your own. The plan was simple, you had to set up a base for you to return to, visit the vision bearers throughout teyvat, try to interact with an archon, if everything fails..just surrender to the abyss. But first you had to get the teleport waypoints to work.
You had gathered as much as resources as possible. You had struck a deal with Wagner where you delivered ore in exchange for a good sword. You exchanged hillichurl drops for clothes and armour at ‘with wind comes glory’. And with all the possible resources gathered, it was high time you visited a vision bearer which was actually less in this real world sized Mondstadt. Freedom to achieve all your goals has reduced the ambition of people living in it, hence not many visions.
It was eight in the morning. You had a hearty breakfast with Sara, who had now literally adopted you inspite of both of you being the same age. You asked Katheryne for a day off, saying you had important things to attend to. And now you set off on the mission. Vision bearer hunting.
You walked up the stairs leading to the Knights headquarters. Most of the vision bearers you knew off were knights. The sun was shining down on you, beads of sweat adorning your nape, your hands shook as you opened the heavy door to the headquarters. You stepped into the headquarters.
It was cool in here, the floor was made of marble and unlike the in game model had a high ceiling. Their were plenty of rows of doors on both the sides with plaques made of gold adorning each of them. There was a huge board showing the directions for each of the departments. The four winds were honoured with marble statues at each corner of the corridor and to add on to the grandeur, a grand stair case leading to the second floor. Unlike any other place in teyvat, the KoF headquarters wasn’t well protected, there wasn’t much to hide. The only protection you saw was a guard standing near the board which had the directions on it. You walked up to him with a big smile. Had to put up an act to convince them that you were actually an important person to actually make an appointment with a knight.
“Hello sir, I am L/N, pleased to make your acquaintance. So, the thing is that I have to make an appointment to meet the cavalry captain…you see, my horse has been a fan of the captain and wishes to be a part of the cavalry and if I could visit the captain, maybe my poor horse’s dream could be fulfilled.” You said with the most convincing performance you could give. Even though the act was nowhere convincing, you somehow hoped the knight would buy it. Seems like thankfully, you were wrong.
“ Ma’am, I understand your aspirations of fulfilling your horse’s wishes but, the cavalry captain is busy at the moment and he doesn’t talk to horses.” The knight replied with, bless his soul, the most confused look a person could ever muster.
At this point you could tell that he felt like he was being trolled and inspite of the wonderful act of horse feelings you put up. He wasn’t actually buying it.
“ Well, I thought the knights were actually accommodative of the citizens dreams and everyone can pursue their goals, apparently they were wrong.” You sighed and took out a hanky and sniffled, “ and I thought that Mondstadt was the city of freedom, apparently now, I am wrong.” You turned to leave, “ It’s okay good sir, My horse will be heartbroken but reality is a harsh truth, I will let him know that the knights have shattered his dreams. Good day to you sir, Good day!” You walked to the door with a dramatic sniff. Your plan had failed and you were aggressively formulating a new one.
Your grumbling and dramatic sniffs echoed in the marble halls of the headquarters. Half hoping that atleast you could attract Jean or Klee. With enough drama you walked back towards the oak doors as loudly as you could.
“ Mam, Please wait a moment…Mam,” The poor knight huffed behind you. Guess your dramatics were beginning to work. With a very confused expression the knight spoke, “ If you are willing to wait for a day or two, I might put a word to the captain. Your horse’s dreams too matter to us”.
This wasn’t good. You had to speak to the Captain.
You had no other choice.
Quivering your lips, you fell to the floor and sobbed dramatically. Not a single tear fell from your eye. High pitched wails filled the room. You gasped and sobbed taking deep breaths and that was enough commotion for an entire year. The poor knight was kneeling beside you and panicking with his hands in his hair. You sobbed even louder. If anyone had passed the corridor they would have thought you had broken up with the knight, when you just wanted your horse to join the cavalry. If you had a horse that is. You heard a creak and a slam from the corner. The knight had left your side and was saluting. You thought he had had enough of your bullshit and was finally going to kick you out. You inhaled to wail louder.
“ My, My, Harry. You have been assigned to look after the headquarters for a day and this is the peace we get. Whatever is the problem?” A voice spoke. Wine, leather and flowers. That was the scent that filled the air. The voice that sarcastically urged you to move every time you were idle, the voice you played every time when you were feeling low and the voice you have etched in every cell of your body. That very voice was now standing in front of you, looking with amusement.
Tall. He was too tall. His hair was naturally blue and his eyepatch was the same. The cavalry captain indeed was very pretty and you could feel heat rise to your face.
“ This lady here has a horse who wishes to join the cavalry and I told her she had to wait but things escalated and uhh…. She started….huh” The knight hesitated and stuttered not wanting to provoke you anymore, scared that you would cry. You covered your face not wanting to show your face which was now turning red with mixed embarrassment and the fact that this would be Kaeya’s first impression of you.
“ Horse?… oh My ~” Kaeya knelt with amusement in his voice. Of course he would have sensed you were lying but the fact that the lie would be so horrendous was what that piqued his interest.
“ My lovely, horse wish fulfilling Maiden would you be, oh so kind to show me your face, I am the Captain who is going to cavalry your horse after all.” He said. His eyes shining with excitement. Not everyone in Mondstadt makes up such creative excuses to see him. You might be a lovestruck maiden most probably and one tiny autograph would be enough to send you spiralling with happiness. If you do have a horse..well that would prove to be useful for him.
You lowered your head and slowly moved your hands away from your face. Your hair covered your face. You weren’t ready to see his face. You didn’t want to look into his eyes. He was the first character you levelled up to 90. He was the one who helped defeat the Raiden shogun. He was the one who got you through tough time and he barely existed. Now that he does exist all you could feel was hesitance and your brain telling you that it’s a lie. A voice screamed in the back of your head pleading you to back away, telling this was a lie. Your eyes which were dry inspite of the aggressive sobbing act you had put up was actually watery now. You would actually break if you met his eyes.
Telling yourself that it’s all a dream and This was yet another your imaginary scenarios you braced yourself.
A warm hand brushed your hair way from your face. Kaeya thought that doing that might be enough to get you going and not bother him. Of course which maiden would not fall for the Cavalry Captain’s charms.
Your eyes were still on the floor.
“Well, then Mam would you please tell me more about the horse. I don’t mind another horse in my stable. Can’t leave a horse’s wish left unfulfilled cant we?” He bent to take a clearer look at your face.
Your eyes met his. He froze. The air grew heavier. Snowflakes started to crop up. His start shaped pupil shank as his eyes widened. His hand which was planning to lift your face for a better look shook. Your eyes were watery and you started to question whether you looked so bad that even Kaeya who had words for everything was speechless.
It can’t be. That was the only thought that ran through Kaeya’s mind. He stood up and said “ Mam, if you may please come to my office, we ill discuss about your horse in private.” His eyes had gone dark. “ Harry, please make sure no one. Interrupts our discussion and make sure no one enters the headquarters, even the grandmaster.” He said in a monotone voice.
A confused Harry nodded “ Sir, what if it’s urgent and the grandmaster really needs to get through ?”
“ I think I made it clear Harry, That No one should enter. If you fail to follow it, there may be consequences”. He hissed with an icy tone. “ Now mam, if you may enter the office that would be delightful” he led you to the door. You looked at him. His face had the most odd expression you had seen, It showed only one expression. Pain. The door shut behind you.
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karmic-toast · 3 years
Yandere Self Aware Thoma
Tw: Blood, death, yandere, and uhh fear?
Thoma acknowledges his mood swings and strong liking to violence. He knows that he is a yandere. He likes to kill and is very careful while doing so.
He leaves no trace of the victims he murder so that everyone assumes that they are missing.
Competition he could not kill, he would threaten.
When he first met you, it was like love a first sight. He spent time with you more. He tries his best to not let his obsession show.
But it gets harder every time.
When Thoma notices that your usual cheerfulness was replaced with a gloomy and depressed state he swore to make you happy again. Once you were finally safe to live with him.
Does Thoma regret his decisions?
Being with you was something he would give up everything to have.
But how?
How did it all go wrong?
Thoma knew that there would be a day where you would find his true intentions. But it was all too soon.
The fear in your eyes.
How you begged for him to stop stabbing the body that had once belonged to a friend of yours.
"Gorou was long gone. So why shouldn't I have more fun with his body?" Thoma lets out a maniacal laugh.
"Am I next?"
Thoma's eyes widen as he heard the words leave your mouth.
No... you were supposed to love him. Not be afraid of him.
Then it dawned on him.
He had gone too far.
He didn't mean it.
"I-i take it back. I take it back!"
He stares at your trembling figure trying to comprehend what was happening.
Thoma reaches out his bloody hands to grab yours.
Flinching, you pull your hand away from his grasp.
All of his effort.
All of his hard work.
"You monster." you whisper in horror.
Thoma immediately regrets everything.
All the people he had killed. All the people he had threatened.
But most importantly, he regretted letting you down.
"No I swear, please forgive me
Why am I good at writing angst but not fluff? (╯ᐛ)╯︵ *All the half finished fluffs in my drafts*
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karmic-toast · 3 years
If you were dying
Tw: death, angst w/ no comfort
-Rushes towards you
-Ignores enemies and escapes with you in his arms.
-Would blame himself for not coming earlier.
-Ofc, it's raining.
-Would stay with you until your last moments.
-After your death he would bury you and visit your grave everyday, always bringing a fresh batch of flowers.
-When he hears you scream, he comes straight over killing off any of the enemies that were bringing you pain
-He rushes over to you and you were barely awake
-Childe caresses your head in his lap
-He whispers comforting words into your ear as you spend your last moments with him
-After you pass away Childe swears that he will get revenge on your behalf
-He was looking for you around the forest since you were supposed to meet earlier
-Picks up scent trail
-Gets worried because he smells blood
-He goes around and finally finds your body
-Razor frowns as he lets out a sad whine
-He tries to wake you up but it was no use, you were already gone
-Razor spent the rest of the night howling to the moon hoping your soul could hear him
-His wolf friends gather around him sensing his distress, howling with him
-You push Bennett out of the way and the explosion
-You get hit instead
-Bennett yells your name out in terror
-You were the only person he felt that he could truly trust and now you were gone
-The archons weren't even nice enough to spare our body, as it was now ash
-Bennett always thinks to this day that his bad luck had gotten you and him in that situation
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