#real juicy oranges
krys-loves-otome · 2 years
Fictober 2022, Day 4: How Would That Even Work?
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku Rating: Mature Pairing: Mitsuhide Akechi x Preg!Reader Summary: Mitsuhide just wants you to sit in his lap and eat oranges with him. Warnings: Sensual orange eating, pregnancy, Mitsuhide being a tease, if that's a warning
My Masterlist! Also on ao3!
"How would that even work?"
"It's really quite simple. You sit on my lap and I would feed you from my hand. How does that sound?"
"I can feed myself just fine."
"You wound me, little mouse," Mitsuhide sighed dramatically, putting a hand to his heart. "A few days separated has already turned your heart to ice. My heart weeps in despair."
His eyes, still golden and dry, said otherwise.
"Your melancholy is certainly palpable, Mitsuhide."
You cross your arms and look away, feeling embarrassed to say the real reason you didn't want to sit in his lap and eat from his hand. His fingers took the opportunity to tickle your defenseless abdomen.
"It would take quite a bit more than you, our little kit, and a handful of fruit to break my thighs, if that's what's troubling you."
You turned further away, feeling your ears burn. Mitsuhide poked you again.
"Come now, Little Mouse, these oranges I worked so hard to pick for you will rot at this rate."
You tense, feeling the craving for the sweet tanginess of oranges come over you so suddenly. True, you had told him you liked oranges before, but the craving coming over you was intense.
"[Name]," Mitsuhide said more firmly, the sound of a round fruit rolling on a plate catching your attention.
He had his thumb placed at the top of the orange, the rind giving easily to quick, gentle pressure. He put half a piece to his mouth, bit down and the juice dribbled down his chin. You swallowed, hard.
"But… you can't taste anything-"
"It's wet," he said simply, licking his lips sensually. "Cool on the tongue. Little sticky if I had to give it one flaw."
He finished off his little piece, licking the remaining juice from his fingers, making sure to look you in the eye while doing so.
"Delicious," his voice was low as he pulled another piece off and biting it as well, proving it just as juicy and dripping as the first. And again, Mitsuhide licked his lips and fingers, stirring them against his tongue.
With caution thrown to the wind, you over take his sweet, sticky lips, tasting the remaining nectar from his chin. Mitsuhide chuckled.
"My, someone's hungry." He tore off another piece and touched it to your lips.
"Now, say 'ahh'."
You complied with a pout, agitated that he had won you over. The whole piece brushed your tongue, the sweetest tang exploding in your mouth. As soon as you chew and swallow, you feel a wet warmth slide up your lip corner, a quick swipe that makes your cheeks burn.
"…Did you just-?
"My hands are occupied, unfortunately, so my options are limited, as you can see."
"You could have told me and I would have gotten it."
"Now, where's the fun in that?" He tore another piece. "Ahh?"
The second piece was just as juicy and sweet as the first, Mitsuhide coming to your rescue once again, licking your chin.
"Such a messy eater, dear [Name]," Mitsuhide chuckled after the third piece, "I hope that isn't behavior you're going to teach our kit."
"Says their father who eats leaves and bark straight off trees."
"Only as a last resort to stave off starvation. Though…" he touched his nose to yours, "I recommend boiling it in strips to protect your delicate teeth. Or grinding it to a powder to make it into a small cake."
"N-no thank you. I think I'll stick with the oranges."
"Pity, I was looking forward to making you a tasty tree bark cake."
 "Masamune would run you through for even stepping a foot into the kitchens."
"He cannot protect every kitchen in Japan, and certainly not the ones in my domain, amusing as it would be to see him try."
He licked his lips one more time before placing his hands behind your knees and back, making his sure his sticky fingers weren't touching your clothes. You grabbed onto Mitsuhide's neck to keep balance.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking you to get washed up. I want to give our kit some pets, but I can't do so with my hands in such a  sticky mess."
"Then, why are you carrying me?"
"To make sure you can't escape me." He kissed your lip corner, looking you in the eye, "Feeding you those oranges and kit petting are going to be the most innocent thing I plan to do to you tonight."
You swallow, seeing that familiar glint in his eye. Oh…
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mars-ipan · 1 month
associating a character with a food that a lot of the fandom associates them with but for symbolism reasons instead of meme ones
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writingwithfolklore · 5 months
Describing Foods - A Masterlist
                As a broke university student, I love reading about food. It’s almost like eating a real meal myself <3.
I get a little angry when characters are eating a meal and I barely get to experience it with them. In that, I mean I don’t just want to know what it is, but what it’s like to eat that food—how it tastes, smells, sounds, and feels. Is a perfect croissant still a perfect croissant without the crack of the exterior, the airiness of the pastry inside, the smell of yeast?
                Probably not. When writing about a dish, the smell, texture, technique, taste, and how it looks are all important to painting the experience, so here’s some words to use when describing a meal:
Acidic: Sharp tasting. Often used to describe tart or sour foods as well.
Aftertaste: A different taste that remains in the mouth after eating something
Bitter: Tart, sharp, and sometimes harsh flavour.
Bittersweet: Less harsh than bitterness. Tartness + sweetness.
Bland: Has no significant flavor or texture
Briny: Just means salty. Often describes pickled foods.
Citrusy: Bright flavour like… well citrus fruits—oranges, lemons, limes, etc.
Cooling: Mimics that cooling feel—like mint.
Earthy: Reminiscent of soil. Can be used to describe wines, root vegetables, and mushrooms.
Fiery: Another word for spicy.
Fresh: Light and crisp—describes produce or herbs.
Fruity: Sweet and reminiscent of fruit.
Full-bodied: Rich and ‘feels heavy’ in your mouth. Can describe wines or soups.
Herbal: Bright, fresh, sometimes earthy from the presence of herbs
Honeyed: Sweet or candied taste like honey.
Nutty: Taste similar to the flavors of nuts. Often used to describe certain cheeses.
Rich: Full, heavy flavour. Often dishes that contain cream taste rich.
Robust: Rich + Earthy. Used for lots of wines or aged liquor.
Savory: Describes meaty, earthy dishes and soups.
Sharp: Harsh, bitter, or tart taste. Used to describe acidic foods.
Smoky: Reminiscent of the smell of smoke.
Sour: Biting, tangy, tart flavor.
Spicy: Burning taste.
Sweet: Sugary.
Tangy: Tart, biting taste—feels tingly
Tart: Sharp, bitter, or sour flavour. Used to describe acidic foods.
Woody: Earthy, sometimes nutty taste. Describes some coffees or cheeses.
Yeasty: Earthy taste reminiscent of yeast. Describes beer and bread.
Zesty: Fresh, vivid, or invigorating flavour.
Sound has a lot to do with texture, so I've combined them for this section!
Airy: Light, pillowy texture (think inside of croissant)
Brittle: Hard but easy to break
Bubbly: Usually during heating, when bubbles rise to the surface—low sound.
Buttery: Smooth, creamy texture (think certain pasta sauces)
Chewy: Food that needs to be chewed thoroughly. Can be light and bouncy (chewy bread) or heavy (steak) and sticky (candy)
Creamy: A smooth and rich texture, comes from dairy.
Crispy: Light texture with slight crunch.
Crumbly: Food with loose structure that falls apart into crumbs.
Crunchy: Firm, crisp texture with a sharp, loud noise.
Crusty (behave): Food with a hard outer layer and soft interior (many loaves and breads)
Delicate: Light and fine, feels like it can come apart easily.
Doughy: Soft and heavy, usually pale colouring.
Fizzy: Usually liquids—a hissing sound, feels like ‘static’
Flaky: Light, characterized by layers that come apart during eating.
Fluffy: light and airy.
Frothy/Foamy: Airy bubbles, usually in a drink like a latte.
Gamey: Usually refers to meats when they’re very “meaty”
Gooey: Viscous, sometimes sticky texture from moisture in a dense/solid food.
Hearty: Firm, robust texture.
Juicy: Tender and succulent texture from liquid in a solid food (steak)
Molten: Hot, gooey
Oily: Slick, heavy, lingers on the tongue.
Silky: Fine, smooth texture that feels sleek.
Smooth: Texture free of grit, lumps, or edges.
Snap: A quick, sharp, crackling sound when broken.
Squelch: A soft sucking sound when pressure is applied. Somewhat gross.
Sticky: Gluiness in the mouth.
Succulent: Tender and juicy
Tender: Soft and easy to break down
Velvety: Smooth and rich
Acrid: Strong, bitter, unpleasant
Comforting: pleasant, probably calls back to a nice memory
Damp: Wet smelling—probably a bit earthy
Delicate: subtle, faint, not overpowering
Earthy: reminiscent of soil
Fetid: Caused by decay—unpleasant
Fishy: reminiscent of fish
Floral/flowery: Reminiscent of flowers
Fragrant: Sweet or pleasing
Fresh: Cool, crisp, refreshing—produce, probably not cooked
Funky: Something’s gone off
Heady: Strong smell, pungent, rich
Musty: Not fresh
Perfumed: Pleasant, reminiscent of something (can be perfumed with citrus, say)
Piquant: stinging, pungent—tickles the nose
Powerful: strong
Rancid: Definitely gone off, decomposing
Ripe: Strong, usually unpleasant smell
Savory: spicy, salty, no elements of sweetness
Sour: has gone off
Spicy: Sharp, tingles the nose
Tangy: Strong and bitter but in a good way
Tart: Sharp
Woody: earthy smell, reminiscent of wood
Usually texture gives us a really good picture of what a food looks like, so here’s some non-texture sight additions:
Blistered: Bumpy exterior.
Caramelized: Usually golden brown
Cloudy: Splotched. Almost see through if not for a slight white or grey mist.
Colourful: Bright and vibrant
Glassy: Resembling glass
Glossy: Smooth, shiny
Marbled: Two colours intertwined
Opaque: Not transparent. Can’t see through.
Ripe: Colourful (can be to a fault). Nearing the end of its edible state.
Scaly: Covered in scales, fish.
Shiny: Appears wet or glossy
Sparkling: Glimmers under the light
Stuffed: An ingredient placed inside a larger part with no additional space.
Translucent: Allows light through
Vibrant: Striking, bright
Food Prep:
How the food is prepared gives it these other attributes. If your character is familiar with cooking (or is the cook themselves!) they may describe food this way.
Baked: Cooked in an oven. Results in browned or crispy outer layer.
Blackened: When food is dipped in butter and coated with spices then cooked in a hot pan—spices darken, making it appear ‘blackened’
Blanched: Food scalded in boiling water and moved to cold water so it stops cooking. Texture comes out soft.
Braised: Food that is briefly fried in fat and then stewed in a pot. Results in seared, crispy exterior with a tender interior.
Breaded: Coated with breadcrumbs/batter then baked or fried so it turns crispy
Broiled: Food cooked with intense radiant heat in an oven or on the grill. Results in a darkened appearance and crispy texture.
Caramelized: Food slow-cooked until it’s browned, nutty, and has a bit of sweetness.
Charred: Grilled, roasted, or broiled and gains a blackened exterior and smoky flavor.
Fermented: Food that’s sat with bacteria, yeast, or another microorganism and has produced acids, alcohols, or gases. Results in a biting, pungent flavor. (Kimchi is fermented)
Fried: Food cooked by submerging in hot oil. Creates crispy, crunchy texture and golden colour.
Glazed: Food with a coating brushed onto its surface. Appears glossy with a thin, flavorful, and crisp outer layer.
Infused: Food steeped in liquid with another ingredient so it carries the essence of that ingredient. Used with herbs usually.
Marinated: Usually meat soaked in liquid containing flavourful herbs, spices, vinegar, or oil.
Poached: Food cooked in near boiling water. Results in tender, moist texture.
Roasted: Food cooked with dry heat in an oven or over the fire. Results in browned exterior and crisp coating.
Sautéed: Food cooked quickly in small amount of fat.
Seared: Food cooked in small amount of fat until caramelized. Finished by roasting or grilling. Results in crisp exterior and tender interior.
Smoked: Food exposed to smoke from smoldering wood for a long time. Results in that distinctive smoky flavor.
Whipped: Food beaten to incorporate air. Light and fluffy.
What did I miss?
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Madhubala (Mughal-e-Azam, Barsaat Ki Raat, Mr. & Mrs. '55)—The Venus of India; heart-throb of all who saw her; responsible for the sexual awakening of every single desi lesbian I know (including me!) And my god, she is breathtakingly beautiful. Look at the subtle grace with which she moves, and that smile - the kind of radiant smile that can make you laugh with sheer delight, or cry because of its hidden pain. Those wild curls! That Cupid's bow! The way she tilts back her head and smiles at you with mischief dancing in her eyes! She has a way of looking at the camera that makes you feel she's sharing a private joke just with you; it's something about that quizzical twist of the lips and eyebrows. As an actress, she is inimitable; she seems to effortlessly inhabit roles ranging from a heart-broken courtesan to a laughter-loving socialite. Fun fact : she's had quite the fan following in Greece! Stelios Kazantidis even wrote a song as a tribute to her.
Olivia de Havilland (Adventures of Robin Hood, Gone With the Wind, The Heiress)— The woman who took on the Studio System at the height of their power and Won! A double Oscar winner! Is magnetic and beautiful in everything she's in and gave us all the juicy scandal with her sibling rivalry with Joan Fontaine! Before the Oscar Slap was the Oscar sister snub! Also everything she wears in Robin Hood she makes beautiful even a purple green and orange monstrosity how does she do it! Anyway this scene is one of my old Hollywood favourites
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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An icon of Bollywood, who was well known for her beauty and has continued to inspire performances and songs into the 21st century. She was at times described as "the number one beauty of the Indian screen" and "the biggest star in the world".
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She's been nicknamed the Marilyn Monroe of India and was one of the highest paid actresses in the Hindi film industry (the term Bollywood did not exist yet) during the 1950s. Also an extremely talented dancer and singer
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SHE'S JUST SO STUNNING, like seeing her eyes IMMEDIATELY CAPTIVATES YOU, THE DANCING, THE BEAUTY!!!!!!!!! She worked in Bollywood for over 20 years and passed away at a sad early age of 36, BUT THE IMPACT SHE HAD WAS UNMATCHED!!!!!
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That sassy sideways glance she does always has me WEAK AT THE KNEES. And when she's making silly faces at the camera to mimic someone ahhhh my gay little heart <3
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Olivia de Havilland:
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She is just perfection. She has a smile that is looks like it is barely holding back, and yet so reserved as well.
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Broke the contract system and won freedoms for actors (the de Havilland Law is still in effect I believe). 2 time Oscar winner. Beautiful and smart
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She legally challenged the movie studios' unfair contracts and won, setting a precedent for other actors to be treated more fairly. This was at great cost to her financially and essentially getting her blacklisted for years but the resulting judicial opinion is still known as the De Havilland Law and has won her a great deal of praise and admiration.
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Her performance in The Heiress is one of my all-time favorites, she’s so good at making melodrama feel real and grounded without sacrificing any of the passion/drama.
Serenely beautiful, she struck a balance between crowd-pleasing fluff and prestigious drama. Famously at odds with her equally successful sister Joan Fontaine, she was too much of a lady to ever say anything public. Successfully sued Ryan Murphy for portraying her as a saucy gossip in Feud.
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the period costume + eye patch combo in That Lady is just an absolute serve
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She has the most adorable and cherubic face and voice
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desceros · 6 months
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oops you got something between your fingers there, let me get that for you real quick <3
evil evil evil evil evil evil strikes back out of self defense
It's not too uncommon that you wait for him to come home. Not only has his shitty apartment all but become a second home to you, but he's started making little jokes that you aren't completely sure are really jokes about you moving in with him instead.
As such, he doesn't say anything when he comes in through the door and finds you sitting at his kitchen table, scrolling through your phone looking at the cute dog pictures April's sending you from her latest venture to make ends meet as a dog walker. Not until you look up and smile as you see him, putting your phone down because he's infinitely more interesting.
"Why aren't you sitting on the couch where it's softer?" he asks, slowly stripping the outside world from himself as he gets close. His swords. His belt of medical supplies you keep stocked up nicely for him. A bag whose contents you don't know, but judging from the care with which he puts it down on the counter, you suspect is quite valuable.
"I thought you'd be hungry when you got back," you tell him, gesturing at a tupperware of food you'd brought over from the lair. Leo still doesn't have a decent set of pans, and you've forbidden him from buying any since you can cook just as well at the lair and bring things over. (You're surprised he's held out this long; though you suspect it may be because he has a not-too-incorrect mental image of Donnie's pissy face when he smells you cook something nice and learns it's for Leonardo, not him.)
Leo sits at the table adjacent to you, popping off the lid. It's still warm, thankfully, and his face gets a little softer when he starts to dig in like he's starving. He doesn't compliment it, but you don't need him to. The way he goes quiet, not even speaking in the interest of eating the stir fry you'd tossed together, is all the feedback you need.
Smiling fondly, you grab into the bag you'd brought and pull out an orange. Slowly, you start to peel it, piece by piece. The oil of the rind clings to your skin, making the air between you fragrant with citrus. All the way down to the juicy flesh, until you split it in half, then pluck out a single piece.
Reaching out between Leo's bites, you hold the piece between your fingers. He stares at it for a moment, glancing between it and your face, then opens his mouth so you can slide it inside.
"This was a really yummy batch," you tell him as he chews, eyes falling down to where you peel away another piece. It has a little string on it, which you pick away lovingly before holding out to him just like the one before. "Nice and juicy. I was surprised, considering the time of year."
Leo takes the second piece in his mouth, and the next time you look down to the orange to pull him away another piece, you feel the weight of his stare on the side of your face and the apartment falls silent. No longer do his chopsticks scratch away at the tupperware.
Still, you persist, relentless in your affectionate care. "I've been saving the peels to make a nice cleaning spray. Apparently, you can put them in a bottle with a bit of vinegar, and it smells really nice and works pretty well," you continue to ramble. You hold out another piece. He leans in, his teeth finding the soft flesh with a heavier purpose now. You avoid meeting his gaze, torn between enjoying this little dance and not wanting it to end too quickly.
Another piece hovers in the air, and this time, he wraps his fingers around your wrist and holds it in place. You look up, startled, only to stare with wide eyes as he slides your fingers and the orange slice into his mouth together. His tongue finds the fruit and brings it to his teeth, splitting it open and coating his mouth and your fingers with its sweet juice. Messily, it beads down your palm, to your wrist, tickling even as your breath catches in your throat when he glides his tongue along the webbing of your fingers to catch its origin. Hot, wet, he licks at your skin, suckling the love off of you like it's the waters of the fountain of life itself.
Your mouth falls open as his teeth scrape at your palm, the hitched breath coming out of your lungs on a jagged sound that sounds a bit like a whine in the dead air between you. Mouth curling into a smug smirk, he kisses down the line of the orange juice to your pulse, bending your hand back and sinking his teeth into your wrist hard enough to leave a mark.
It's then that you finally meet his gaze, and see in it the dangerous flame you'd stoked. You swallow thickly, pressing your thighs together beneath the table. Silly you to forget that it's always the little gestures that drive him the most mad.
Trailing his tongue up your hand to flick it between your fingers, Leo groans, squeezing his eyes shut like the taste of you wounds him. Maybe it does, in a way, you think, feeling the almost painful ache of your own arousal that he so easily calls to the surface.
Licking your lips, clumsy from the rushing blood beneath your skin when he slides your fingers into his mouth and begins to suck on them while bobbing his head slowly, you reach with shaking fingers to pull away another piece of the orange. When Leo looks at you—no doubt visibly affected, dilated pupils, bitten lips, chest rising with your accelerated breath—he chuckles before sinking his teeth into the flesh of your palm, lathing it with his tongue before he releases you.
"How many more do you think you'll be able to share before you break for me, mi corderita?" he asks slyly, taking the piece from you and resting it on your spit-soaked fingers, gliding them into his mouth to begin the process all over again to send you into a hazy, needy state.
The answer, you'll later bemoan as you stare, stunned, completely fucked out, at the ceiling of his bedroom with a familiar full-body ache and the smell of oranges strong in your nose, is one.
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arthursdolly · 14 days
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𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒇𝒂𝒓 (𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒏 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
𝓑𝓔𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔 𝓨𝓞𝓤 𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓! gn!reader . ur basically obsessed with him . u write ab him any chance u get . umm ur a ragin journal writer??
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despite all the hardness and cruelty of the world, there was no one u trusted more than ur journal.
a secret journal, even.
u kept it hidden under ur clothes, knowing that no one would take a peep because... that's disrespectful, right?
some members in the gang knew that u had a little something that u always indulged urself in, sometimes even finding it hard to tear away ur focus from it. but of course they couldn't blame u. it was a little of urs that u absolutely adored.
even more of a secret were the contents in this journal. they were... romantic. maybe even a little bit more than just romance, but u just enjoyed writing every little bit of it! with the power of ur imagination, u were able to write loads and loads when u had time. what even made ur journal more private is that u wrote so much romance,, sweetness and maybe even such as erotica involved a certain cowboy...
‎ arthur morgan.
oh, arthur... he was so kind. and ur favourite in camp since u had such a crush on him!! he was the man u could depend on for anything. often checking up on u as he passes, making sure u have at least eaten or drunk something knowing how hard u work (quickly done chores = more time for u to write in that journal) doeite his sweetheart of a personality.. that man was a unit. oh, he was so big. u weren't sure if it was just his size or his height played a part, too.
u just couldn't help urself, u had to. it was like he put a weird spell on u. any chance the universe gave u to stare at him, u always did. like when he was woof chopping, u would a distance away while u were staring at the way his biceps flexed, the way he adjusted himself after everything chop.. or even how he almost caught u and u looked away just in time. u were just.. so in love, u were sweet on him but u wouldn't dare admit that to anyone.
only recently, he's been... off? weird? with u? u had no idea why. u haven't said anything wrong to or about him. there was something wrong, but u couldn't put ur finger on it. u were determined to figure it out. maybe.
this meant that ur stares and glances had to be a lot more subtle and careful. a lot more than usual. which was no problem for ur obsessed self. ur day continued as normal, of course. doing chores, getting a small scold from ms. grimshaw, helping the other girls finish their chores, too... apretty boring day despite the absolute juicy gossip u and the few other members shared. u and arthur spoke here and there, but he seemed flustered and kinda embarrassed as u often noticed his gaze divided from u.
it didn't bother u, as long as ur sweet crush spoke to u one way or another. anyway, u continued laughing and talking as the day slowly dipped away, creating a sky filled with pink, purple, oranges, and yellows. the sky always looked so pretty, and so it was a small something that u drew in that journal of urs. if it weren't ur journal that had ur attention, then it was one of ur books or even one borrowed from mary-beth. she was always fully stocked in some romance novels.
u were staring at him again. when are u not? staring at the way his gaze was to the fire as he's sitting with the men. u heard them conversate a few times, but that's only small talk. u got only with some of the men, too. javier, charles, and even sean. they were all good to u even if sean had the power to talk a dog off a meat wagon. u liked him.. he could be real funny.
only after a little while u said ur goodnight before getting ready to turn in for the bed. mostly to draw, sketch, and write in ur journal. this was ur most favourite part of ur day!! (apart from talking to arthur) u looked to ur pile of clothes and... its not there. u didn't move it elsewhere, so where was it? u looked around and saw it open on ur nightstand. it was open to the page that u wrote about u were so sweet on arthur.
then thats when u realised... arthur saw it.
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morallyinept · 6 months
Naughty Or Spice? - A Marcus Pike Christmas One Shot 🎄
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Written for @hellishjoel 's 12 Days of Pedro. Thank you for inviting me to participate, lovely! Thanks to @undercoverpena for the 12 Days of Pedro banner. 🖤
Character: Marcus Pike
Prompt: Holiday Meal
Read the other amazing fics here 👇🏻
🎄Hellishjoel's 12 Days of Pedro Masterlist🎄
Summary: You and your husband Marcus are preparing a Christmas feast for your relatives, when you both give in to a hunger of your own.
Pairing: Husband!Marcus Pike x WifeF!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub. Image used for aesthetic purposes only, no reference to Reader.)
Word Count: 4.3k
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I’m doing well, and then, you try to kill me.”
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Explicit - Established relationship/unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/oral M & F receiving/69
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ. ☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
If this story isn't for you, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: Really enjoyed writing this and being a part of this amazing group of writers for 12 Days of Pedro, & I hope you enjoy reading it too! 🎄
Enjoy & Happy Holidays! 🖤
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The heady aromas of brandy and honey glaze can be smelt wafting around him, creeping up his nostrils, making his stomach rumble and mouth water in anticipation of the festive banquet. 
The kitchen, the epicentre of your shared world in your cosy home together as newlyweds, is alive with the fervour of holiday feast preparations, embracing a melange of scents that paint the air with vivid notes of fragrance.
The pièce de résistance, the roast turkey, emits an enticing aroma; a melody of savoury richness that speaks of crisp, golden skin and succulent, juicy meat, infused with the earthy blend of rosemary and thyme.
A harmonious mix of umami and sweetness mingles in the air. The citrusy notes of orange and lemon zest adds a bright, effervescent zing, cutting through the savoury with a refreshing counterpoint that teases the palate.
Marcus wanders back into the kitchen after discarding his shoes; a sprig of fresh garden herbs contributing their own verdant movement to the olfactory composition, as he brings them to his nose to smell sage flooding down his trachea in abundance. 
"I got the sage, baby." He says.
He soon discards the leafy bunch on the counter top when he sees you standing precariously on a chair with your arms rummaging deep into the cupboard. 
You wobble a little unbalanced, and he rushes to you, supporting your butt in his giant hands, and grabbing a hold of your waist to stop you falling and cracking open your skull on the wooden floor that heats his socked feet pleasantly underneath.
It’s only a matter of time really - he can’t leave you alone for more than five minutes before some casualty will undoubtedly ensue.
But then, when Marcus isn’t having a panic attack about you accidently slicing off your thumb when you chop the vegetables - real fast with warp speed, and simultaneously skimming the iPad screen for the best honey types to roast them in - he kinda finds your inelegance endearing.
He married a clumsy one, and he couldn't be more pleased about that as you smile warmly at him coming to your rescue. You still take his breath away as he feels his lungs struggle, smiling warmly up at you.
“What are you doing?” Marcus asks, as you shove a stack of bowls down into his big hands. 
He places them on the counter top and stays close to you with his arms ready to catch you like the swoon-worthy hero he is.
“I’m looking for that big glass dish, you know, for the bread rolls.” You explain, your voice echoing around the inside of the cupboard stacked high with dishes and plates of all variety and size.
“Out the way, honey,” he lifts you down off the chair, kissing you on the cheek as you slide down his warm body. 
“Mmm,” you smile at him as he blushes a little. 
And your husband has never looked more appealing, with freshly washed hair styled in neat waves; a spicy scent of his cologne tickling your nostrils, and dressed in a smart, yet relaxed, cream sweatshirt teamed with jeans.
He pushes the chair aside to the sink whilst he looks for it, reaching up into the cupboard without needing a chair, or to stand on his tip toes.
You clock his sweatshirt riding up to reveal golden tanned hips with his jeans resting low on his svelte waist, tantalising you further.
“This one?” Marcus asks, pulling out a frosted glass serving platter a few seconds later. 
“Yes, thank you,” You glance up as you sprinkle flour over the freshly baked bread rolls that have cooled enough on the rack. 
He plonks it down beside you as you start arranging the bread buns on it, stopping only to tap his hand away as he reaches for one cheekily, and to blow the flour off your hands. You absentmindedly wipe your dusty fingers on your jeans, leaving white patches. 
The best cooks are also the messy ones, Marcus thinks, smiling as he watches you happily thrive in your environment that’s piled with dishes to be washed, spoons stirred in various pans simmering on the hob, and pastry rolled out ready with festive cookie cutters that you'll press in.
He smirks, seeing you have a faint flour handprint on your butt as you lift the dish off the counter top and walk it out into the dining room.
He steals another kiss as you pass, pulling you gently by the elbow, making you giggle softly. And it’s a sound he’ll never tire of. 
The table is heaving with enough food to feed the five thousand, and yet it still doesn’t seem like quite enough.
The grand Christmas tree in the background twinkles with golden lights, carefully arranged like shimmering stars, casting a warm and inviting glow over the tree's boughs. Ornaments of various shapes and colours adorn the branches, each telling its own magical story.
Shimmering globes catch the light, scattering it in a dazzling display of red and green reflections. Delicate icicles dangle from the tips of the branches, capturing the essence of winter's frosty beauty. 
The whole room reminds you of something out of an old fashioned Christmas card - just how you’d envisioned it when Marcus and you spent a day putting it meticulously together - and you’re proud of Marcus for his decorating efforts, if but a little obsessive. 
You make space for the dish of bread rolls on the table, groaning and creaking with more added weight. You pull your phone out of your back pocket and check the time. They’ll all be arriving soon.
“I think we need more chairs...” You groan coming back into the kitchen. You look up at Marcus, who has a spoon in his mouth and freezes on the spot. 
“Caught red handed, Agent!” You playfully scold. 
“I can’t help it, it tastes so good.” He smirks, pulling the spoon from his mouth and you zone in on it, smirking through those pink, wet lips of his. “Is there chestnut in this?”
You nod, smiling. 
“Damn…” He praises with a keen grin, resting casually against the counter top. The blend of tart cranberries and smoky bacon makes his cheeks tingle as he licks around his teeth. 
“You have to share this recipe with me.”
You shake your head reaching for the sage. “No way. My grandma would turn in her grave if I gave away her secrets.” 
“Here, taste it…” Marcus holds out the spoon to you with a nub of the cranberry stuffing.
“I know how it tastes, I made it.” You smirk as you brush past him to turn off the hob. "Besides, it still needs the sage, it's not done yet."
He slips it into his mouth instead groaning in delight. "Honey," he begins, his voice a warm blend of appreciation, "you've truly outdone yourself.” As he points around the kitchen with the spoon.
You scoff. 
“I mean it. Although, I’m probably going to gain at least twenty pounds.” 
“You will if you eat that whole thing.” You giggle. “You married a feeder. Your fault.” You take the bowl of stuffing from him and place it on the counter top. You turn back to glance at him as he watches you with twinkly eyes. 
“What are you looking at?” You ask, admiring him curiously, as his smile widens across his sculpted cheekbones. 
“You,” he reaches forward and pulls you towards him.
His hand starts wiping down your butt as he cradles you close to his chest. “You look so hot in the kitchen; did I ever tell you that?”
“Excuse me, Mr Backwards century!” You say to him wrinkling your nose through a smile.
“You know what I mean. You’re a great cook. What’s not sexy about that, hmm?” Marcus asks with hooded, dark eyes. 
You know that look, know that when his eyes are swallowed up by the lust of his pupils like this, that you’re helpless to resist. He looks at you with a quiet, brewing hunger; a hunger that will last for hours as he devours you and leaves no morsel left.  
You feel his large hands squeeze at your ass lavishly, but you scarper out of his grip giggling. There’s still so much to do and not enough time to do it. 
"Stop distracting me."
"But I'm so good at it." Marcus responds with a wink.
“Mhm, can you get the potatoes out for me?” You ask him, and smile sweetly. 
You toss him a dish cloth, quashing all his wily charm, and he catches it before it lands on his head.
Marcus spins on his heels and pulls open the oven door; the blast of heat in the face makes him squint. He can smell the flavoursome scents from the herbs, making him salivate as he reaches in. 
“Watch out, it’s hot!” He can feel the heat from the tray biting into his skin even with the cloth. He drops the tray down quickly and feels the sear of the burn cooking him. “Ah, shit!” 
He snatches his hand back as the tray clatters on the drainer, hissing as he puts his hand straight to his mouth, sucking on the fleshy piece of skin between his thumb and forefinger with a frown.
“Let me see,” you say, coming up beside him and running the faucet.
“It’s just a little scald. I’ll be fine,” Marcus assures, holding his hand out under the cool flow. He can feel the rawness of its sting, even under the water.
You dab it gently with a dry, clean cloth and inspect it. It’s a little pink, but no signs of a bad blister brewing.
You look up at him and kiss it gently. “All better.”
“You’re so sweet to me.” Marcus smiles, and runs his hand through the frazzled wisps of your hair coming loose.
He pulls you in for a kiss and you kiss him back, only refuting it when it mutates into a swamping, dizzy smooch that begins to make your head spin.
Reluctantly breaking away from the kiss, you share a moment of breathless laughter; the gritty reality of the kitchen chaos juxtaposing with the sweet and savoury notes of the holiday feast filling your nostrils.
“Stop it, I need to uh...” Your voice trails off, distracted by his kisses that now run over your cheek and to your neck, where he knows it will make you melt like butter in a hot pan.
His wandering hands are sliding up the outside of your thighs and groping your ass again.
“Yes, you have to do what?” Marcus prompts through breathy puckers. You feel his tongue, hot and wet, licking carnage on your skin. Instead of dousing the fire, it inflames it.
“The food… Marcus, I-I need to... fuck...” You whine as his lips graze across your throat. 
“You taste so good,” Marcus purrs, nipping at your skin and completely forgetting about the soreness of his burn. The feel of your ass inside his hands probably has something to do with that as he kneads and massages away.
Hands become reacquainted with body parts as yours run up his chest over his sweatshirt, whilst his runs the gauntlet up your back, leaving tingles and shudders.
Damnit, he smells so good.
You can feel his hardness press into your lower belly, foreheads together, panting a little, as you both watch your hand start sliding down over the bulge inside his jeans and groping it.
You hear him groan into your eyelashes; that wanting, little whimper making you buzz between your legs.
“We should stop... they’ll be here soon.” You whisper, not wanting to stop at all, not now he has you right where he intends to keep you.
“We’ve got time for a little fun,” Marcus breathes through swollen, cherry lips as he watches you unzip his flies. "I want you... I wanna fuck my really hot, chef wife on the kitchen floor."
“Mm, God.” You whine as he beguiles you into utter sedition. 
“Get it out, honey,” he urges in a devilish whisper as you undo his top button and pull the prize of his cock out from his jeans. "See how hard you make me?"
He lets out a groggy gasp as you squeeze his cock gently, gasping in want as you slide your thumb over the tacky stickiness he leaks.
You run your hand around it, feeling him pulsate and twitch a few times before kissing him again, swallowing and gorging on his moans.
"You're so hard for me..." You praise. He’s rock solid; stiff and heavy, and seeping from his thick head into your palm as you pump him slowly. 
"Always," He smiles, bashfully.
You kneel down, running your tongue over the tip before taking him inside your mouth. 
“Shit,” he breathes out. Marcus pushes the denim down his hips, scooping the hem of his sweatshirt out of the way so he can get a better view of you.
Looking up at him, you let out little murmurs of satisfaction as you mouth on him; running your lips over his warm, pulsing skin and licking your tongue around his fantastic length.
He looks down at you, eyes filled with that swaying lust turning them black, biting down on his bottom lip as he grunts. 
“Baby…” He whines like he can’t produce coherent words. The basics of sentence structure lost to him. 
You pump him as you suck the swollen head; back and forth, sucking on him that bit harder. Tasting all the notes of him on your tongue.
Marcus rests his hands against the countertop, his hips sticking out at you as you take him deep. You run your tongue over him, shiny and down his shaft before you lick back up again and suck deeper, making his eyes roll into the back of his head. 
“Oh my God.” You hear him pelt into the ceiling. 
As you pull him back out, crystally strings of your saliva coat him and dangle from your mouth; that yummy mushroom head of his cock popping in and out driving him crazy. 
“I need you to sit on my face,” Marcus whines as he helps you up to your feet and kisses you harshly.
He licks all around your mouth desperately; the wet and stickiness from your saliva mashes into his, and he can taste the faint salt of his cock on your tongue.
His hands strip you of your jeans and panties quicker than you realise, and he pulls you down clumsily onto the kitchen floor with him, laughing and giggling in a tangled heap of knotted limbs. 
You perch over his head, knees pressed against his broad shoulders, facing away from him and lean forward; his cock back in the vicinity of your mouth. 
You suck him in to your mouth as Marcus starts licking away and sucking on your clit; that barely-there, ragged graze of his shaved stubble giving you a pleasant scratch against the inside of your thighs.
“Mmm...” You coo around his cock as you feel him tickle and tease your lips. 
He pushes his face right up into your slit, his nose ghosting around your ass and thrashes his tongue around with adept precision. The swollen folds of your pussy are pressed flush to his lips; he kisses, mouthing and smooching gently.
Tongue probing, exploring as he licks long, laborious stripes up the length of your cunt, teasing and prolonging the agony. 
A scrumptious sixty-nine taking place on the kitchen floor that’s warm on his butt cheeks, whilst the oven continues to cook the food ready for his family gathering, who could all turn up at any given moment for their Christmas Smörgåsbord of festive treats.
But right now, neither of you care, gorging on your own feast of each other stuffed full and succulent in your mouths.
You groan and moan hungrily around his cock as he licks and sucks in tandem with you, devouring one another’s naughty bits and getting a good fill of them; a pre-course starter, as it were.
Marcus’ hips buck gently up into your mouth, getting in deeper and making you gag a little, but you don’t quit, if anything it makes you suck harder around him because you know he loves it when you choke a little on his impressive cock. You love it too.
“Ah yeah!” Marcus breathes out into your pussy as you massage his plump balls while sucking. You can feel him swell and pulse around your fingers as you roll them, squeezing and pulling gently.
But then you stop sucking, his cock slipping out of your mouth and whine out; unable to concentrate on him where he’s doing an absolute number on your clit with his own mouth.
“Oh God! Yeah!” You pant, whipping your head up and turning to glance him over your shoulder, but can’t see him - face buried deep into your cunt. “Shit! Marcus! Don't stop!” You cry, head lolling forward as your thighs quiver and tighten. 
It feels amazing, his tongue, fuck...
He strokes his finger in, smearing and running your slick outwards, clearing the sticky tracks with his tongue. Groping your ass affectionately as he tastes you. Tonguing your hole; slipping in and out, and in and out, then in again as he feels you jostle and jerk above him. 
Your own mouth becomes full of him again; that wet, delicious suction around his cock makes him groan into your folds. 
“Baby, that’s so good,” he pants. He can feel you tease around his head, swallow him down deep and then pop him out to lick his length. 
You start rocking, grinding on his face a little as the wet sucks around his mouth intensify.
His fingers grip into the warm flesh of your ass cheeks; unspoken encouragement for you to ride his face as he subtly pulls you back and forth onto it with the movement of your hips.  
“Mmm, Marcus… fuck.” You moan. You can feel it all tingly and pulling tighter on your clit.
He sticks his tongue out, as far as it will go as you grind and bounce against it. 
He slips his finger fully in your hole, index to the hilt, pushing and rubbing against that fleshy engorged spot inside. Working you up deliciously.
“Mm-hmm,” he enthuses, as your pussy slides up and down on his tongue with more uncouth abandon. 
You groan around his cock, your mouth full of him as you start to soar. Heating up, reaching maximum temperature before you start to boil over.  
“Yeah, mm-hmm… mm-hmm, like that, baby. God, you taste so good.” He mutters. 
Your raspy pants tell him you're near; the way in which you get louder, throatier. The way your body starts to tense, to shiver against him. How you rock with more desperation and need. How your tight hole clenches around his finger, spasming wildly, as it builds within you.
Tight and binding until you finally snap and release.
“Uh-huh,” he groans around his tongue flicking at your clit. He can feel the tremors on his cock from your voice ribbing around it as you shudder and shake. 
Marcus groans in delight as you come, flooding his mouth with the saccharine taste of you; basting him with your own sweet glaze. 
And Marcus could die right now, happily pass on to the next life with his face buried under your pussy that’s gushing for him all in his mouth. 
“Marcus!” You wail, gasping hard and burning up. 
He kisses you through it; making out with your sopping pussy with heated strokes of his tongue and groping at your hips.
His hands slowly stroke over your smooth skin; your back, your hips, your ass cheeks as he feasts. Mouth open and tongue flicking across your pussy as you writhe and grind against him. 
He can hear it, the way your own mouth sloshes around his cock more feverishly; sucking, drooling and God it feels so wet. He can feel how drenched his dick is, soaked in your saliva as you suck him harder and deeper.
He thrusts his hips up and little, sinking himself further into your mouth and soon he can’t bear it anymore.
“I need to fuck you,” Marcus pants, the strain in his voice palatable when comes up for air. “I need to be inside you, baby.”
“Do we have time?” You groan, trying not to dribble as your clit thunders and your legs buckle. 
“There’s always time for pussy,” Marcus smirks, hungrily. You wipe at his chin, sticky and glistening with your slick, as he nuzzles into you.  
He takes your remaining clothes off in the middle of the kitchen, unclipping your bra and groping at your breasts, pinching your nipples gently before he turns you around. 
“Bend over, gorgeous.” Marcus croons over your shoulder in a wicked, enticing voice.
He places your knee up on the counter top; the bowls of food ready to serve up and congested all over it are shunted out of the way a little too harshly.
You feel the swollen head of his cock push gently, feel yourself opening up around him and sucking him into you. 
“Fuck, you’re so hard, so big,” you mewl out to him as he slides in.
“Love it when you tell me I’m big...” Marcus smirks inside your ear. 
“That’s because you are. Shit!” You gasp as he’s fully sheathed inside you, pussy stretching around him and feeling wonderfully tight. "I will never get tired of this."
"Good, because I'm going to keep doing this to you."
Your hands are flat on the counter top as he pulls your hips back onto him each time he rocks into you. You push back onto him willingly, hips doing the work; dancing on the end of his cock as you groan for him.
His big hands grip tight around your waist, holding you steady and in place so he can really go some.
He fucks you harder, upping the pace; his breath pelting your shoulder as he breathes out. 
“God… you feel so good,” Marcus pants.
You turn over your shoulder to kiss him, clutching at the back of his head desperately as he fills you up with each shunt of his hips; twisting his hair inside your fingers as you cry out. 
You push back more, his thighs slapping against your ass cheeks as he builds you up to another glittering crescendo. 
“Marcus! Oh shit, I'm coming!” You call out as you contract and cream around him again. 
"I can feel it, baby." He praises, mouthing into your shoulder blade. "I can feel you coming all over my cock. Shit, like that!"
Smirking after you've come again, he sits you on the counter top, hooking his arm under your leg as you hang off of it; pussy draped all over his cock as he thrusts, bouncing up into you. 
Deep slaps of your skin with each pound echo around the kitchen as he whimpers through ragged breaths.
You cling on with one arm around his bronzed neck, your hand slipping on the counter top behind you and threatening to knock off one of the bowls at any given second, until crash!
“Shit!” He sighs with a breathy smile. 
You both giggle, glancing down at the contents splashed all over the floor whilst you still fuck. 
“Not the cranberry stuffing!” He sighs, and genuinely looks forlorn for a second, until you turn his jaw and focus back to you. You squeeze around his cock with your pussy and he grunts.
“There’s more, don’t worry.” You sway him back to your lips.
“Of course there is.” Marcus takes you upright in his arms, carrying you practically as he fucks harder up into you; bouncing on his cock like a space hopper in his arms as he stands upright.
Your hand is still behind you, pushing against the edge of the counter top now as you wrap your legs around his waist tighter. 
He works you up and down his cock, rolling you around on it and panting wildly, groaning with you.
“I’m gonna come soon,” Marcus gasps into your face; his cheeks are glowing red on the apples, sweat glistening around his collarbone that you long to taste.
You nod encouragingly at him. “Come inside my mouth,” you urge as he starts to wind up into you again.
"Oh, baby!" He growls.
Marcus reaches blindly behind him and tugs at the chair you’d previously stood on and sits down with you riding in his lap.
He kisses over your clavicle, running his tongue around the skin until he gets to your nipple and sucks it, looking up at you.
“Oh, shit… baby. I’m close.” He groans, his eyes closing for a few seconds as you can see the strain on his face. His brown eyes hold wildly dilating pupils when he opens them, and you know he’s almost there. 
You hop off his lap and drop to your knees and start sucking his cock again, tasting yourself all over it.
He places his hands gently on your head and pushes you down further onto him until he can feel your throat tightening around him.
"Yeah, like that... Oh, shit!"  
You suck in air heavily through your nose, and feel him pulse and shudder. Seconds later, the blast hits the back of your throat as it gushes out of him. 
“Ah, shit-shit!” Marcus drones as he comes, his socked toes curling inwards before relaxing as he empties out. 
You come up for air, swallowing him down and smiling at him as you lick your lips.
“Mm, you taste really good.” You sigh contentedly. You plant delicate kisses on and around his stomach.
“Not as good as you,” he smiles with sparkly peepers. 
The oven beeper goes off moments later as you’re rubbing at his thighs, scratching gently in the downy hairs at the top of them, and you glance over your shoulder at it. 
“Good timing!” You giggle, as he growls and snorts into your neck as he envelopes you in a swamping cuddle, refusing to let you go. 
Fighting him off, you grab a dish cloth and open the oven; the blast warms your bare nipples as Marcus stretches in the chair and watches you pull out the tray, full of the turkey, sniffing at it eagerly as you set it down on the counter top where he’d fucked you only minutes ago. 
He smirks, rubbing at his arm and elbow as you catch his gaze.
“What?” You ask him. “I’ll die before I serve dry turkey to anyone.”
He starts laughing and reaches for his jeans. "Always a perfectionist."
"You love it."
"I do, I do." He agrees.
After you've both dressed and cleaned up the escaped broken bowl pieces and stuffing splattered across the floor, you’re in the middle of a deep, mesmerising clinch in the centre of the kitchen.
“Hell of a cook,” Marcus mutters to you, glancing at all the food. “I can’t wait to dig in.”
“I believe you’ve already had quite a fill.” You say, nuzzling into his nose and he chuckles. 
“Not nearly enough.” He says, cupping your ass again. “I’ll be coming back for seconds, later. Maybe even thirds…”
“Mm, I’ll get the Pepto ready.” You breathe dreamily, licking into his succulent mouth. 
“I wasn’t talking about the food,” Marcus chuckles.
“I know.” You smirk.   
“Although, I'm definitely going to have to loosen my belt later.” He glances at all the food on the counter top and you watch as he licks his lips at it all. 
The doorbell rings, startling you both, and you watch Marcus pull away from you reluctantly with a heated grin.
He opens the front door to be swamped by the many faces of his boisterous family members piling in. 
You smile, fixing your hair as you go to greet them. 
Good timing indeed.
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poly-alt-partner · 29 days
Hide and Seek - Colby Brock X Fem!Reader - Part 1
Summary: You join Sam, Colby, and The Boys on an investigation of Geelong Gaol in Australia. After the intro of the video, Sam and Colby set up their first 'challenge' of the night - Hide and Seek! What happens when Colby finds you first?
Info: I did write a few parts that happened in the video (especially the beginning). Hopefully it's not a spoiler to anyone who hasn't watched the latest upload!
Warnings: Dark rooms, cussing, some spicy interactions with Colby😉(will be in part 2)
While you weren't new to ghost hunting and investigating haunted locations, you had never been to a haunted prison like Geelong Gaol. With an estimated 500+ deaths on the grounds, it was no wonder that there would be activity in the once active cells and hallways. Although you were joined by more people than usual there was still an uneasy feeling in your gut.
Before going on tour with the guides and learning more about the history everyone met in the main hallway. For the introduction you and Colby followed Sam around the corner while Juicy, Narrator, Mully, Eddie, and Josh stayed by the stairs.
"Not only did we bring (y/n) to Australia with us..." Sam pointed the camera towards you as the three of you walked back down the hall. You smiled and waved quickly before Sam turned back towards the corridor.
"We are also here with The Boys!" You watched as the group leaned in close to one another and shouted in excitement. Despite being in such a creepy location everyone was hyped up and happy to be together. Seeing how everyone interacted and got along was comforting at least.
Sam pointed out that everyone (including you) were wearing black while he was in a bright orange jumper. After a few more minutes of talking and plugging the merch, Colby took the camera from Sam. Sam got a little more serious and turned towards the bigger group.
"Alright, who's the believer of the group?" Sam inquired towards the five men.
Eddie chimed in first. "I started off as a nonbeliever and I'm the biggest bitch in the whole group."
You couldn't help but laugh and nod to yourself. There were definitely times that you would have preferred to bounce from a location when things got serious. But in all honesty, who didn't have moments like that?
"I am very skeptical," Mully started. "But I also leave places being like 'How do we explain this?'"
So far Mully has definitely been the type to be spooked by any clear evidence. He also has a habit of telling things to 'f*ck off' when it's getting too real. You can't really blame him, though. It's still hard to believe some of the things you've experienced through the years.
"Before we get into any of the history, we do have a little challenge for you guys." Upon hearing this you glance over at Colby curiously, having not heard of this prior.
"So we're all gonna split up."
"Already?" Mully's voice pitches a little higher than normal.
"Before we know anything, everyone needs to isolate themselves and we are gonna play hide and seek."
Excuse me? I did not sign up for this. You exchange glances with Juicy and Narrator. They can also tell you didn't know about this. In spite of the new information Mully and Eddie started cracking jokes. However you weren't entirely confident with running around in such an unfamiliar place.
Sam continues to explain the challenge. "Winner of hide and seek gets to choose one person to do the first investigation in solitary confinement." The Boys groan and you can't help but agree with them. If I can't win, I hope the winner doesn't choose me to investigate alone.
"(Y/n) you can either do rock, paper, scissors to be a seeker or you can opt out to be someone that hides," Colby says, noticing how tense you seemed. You should honestly be used to challenges like these by now.
"I'll just hide so one of you two have to find me."
You see Colby smirk a little before turning back to Sam to see who would be seeking. As far as you knew, Colby always lost when they did rock, paper, scissors. But you noticed the glint in his eye and wondered if his losing streak would continue.
Initially Colby had won, meaning Sam would be seeker. However, he decided he wanted to try again to see if Colby would lose. Lo and behold, Colby lost again and was now designated seeker. Your heart raced a little at the thought of hiding alone in the dark and you kind of hoped to lose quickly. Losing the game was better than being alone for more than a few minutes.
As soon as everyone had their own cameras it was time to split up. Everyone started running to find the best hiding spot, including you. Eddie and Juicy seem to be shaking hands as you run past them and some of the display cases. You duck into a small room not far from them and crouch behind the door.
"Everyone ran ahead of me," You whisper to the camera. "If I'm lucky, Colby will just run past to investigate the cells." You glance around the small room at some text but decide that reading isn't a good idea right now. You decide to zoom in with the camera in case it's needed for the footage.
"Who's gonna be fucking found first?!" Colby's voice echoes around the building, causing you to cover your mouth and turn the camera back to you. You stifle a laugh as you hear Colby walking around, being a goofball. Honestly you wouldn't mind being found first but obviously you weren't going to give up that easily.
Listening intently you hear Colby getting closer, saying he heard laughter. You realize that he must have heard you laughing. You look into the camera with wide eyes and think about holding your breath. Somehow you just feel giddy and excited about playing this game, almost forgetting that you're in Geelong Gaol.
Too scared to talk and expose your hiding spot you put a finger to your lips and shake your head. There's no way I'm going to make it that easy on him.
It's almost impossible to not laugh as you hear Colby begin sniffing around audibly like a dog sniffing a trail. Luckily you hardly ever wear perfume so he wouldn't be able to actually 'sniff you out.'
The camera in your hand is still focused on you. You hold your breath as you hear his footsteps inching closer and closer.
Aaaaand, that's part 1! I wanted to break it up because it was getting a little long. Let me know how it is so far!
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carakook · 3 months
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Bloom. °˖✧✿✧˖°
“Although his tone isn’t accusing, you know what he’s really asking: ‘who the fuck is that?’”
→ Chapters list ←
⚘5. The Change in Seasons
🔞For Mature Audiences Only🔞
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⚘Pairings: Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader
⚘Synopsis: Six months later, Y/N is trying to cope and move on from ending things with Jungkook, and she feels she has come a long way… or maybe she’s just in denial.
⚘Genre:Forbidden love
⚘Word count: 10k+
⚘Warnings: 18+ for mature audiences only, MDNI, emotional, mentions of mild sleeping pill abuse (no overdosing, more so using sleeping pills when you’re sleeping just fine.), heavy grief, mentions of infidelity, mentions of awful coping mechanism, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex, descriptions of nightmares, mentions of anxiety, mentions of mental health, metaphors involving religion (this story has no religious aspects just metaphors lol), let me know if I miss anything!
⚘Disclaimer: This story in no way reflects the characters of those who are mentioned. It is pure fiction and for entertainment purposes only. Please don’t take it seriously. Nothing is real in this story.
⚘A/N: Bad news: chapter 5 ended up being 21k words long after I rewrote it and I could not fit it into one post. Good news: you get chapter 6 early for this reason! I’m sorry it has taken so long to get this out, and please forgive me for any grammar mistakes, but I really wanted both of these to go out asap and around the same time. Chaper 6 is being released sometime today, it’s finished, just needs to be formatted (I need to take a break for a bit lol.) Chapter 5 now consists of basically describing how coping with the aftermath of shit went for Y/N after everything was said and done, and how her life is going now. Chapter 6 is where it gets juicy, and you will see how Jungkook attempted to cope. I really hope you enjoy this, and I appreciate how lovely you’ve all been while waiting. Also forgive me for the lack of songs listed in each chapter… again I’m sort of just wanting to get these both out asap! Love you! 💜
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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ :
♪Hate You - Jungkook
♪Space Song - Beach House
♪Jealous - Eyedress
♪Go With the Flow - Queens of the Stone Age
Six months later.
"Y/N, I really do love you." "Suuure you do." "No, baby, I do, I always have. Wish you would stop questioning me like that." You shake your head at him, running your fingers through his hair as you do so. You know that he loves you, you stopped fighting it a while ago... but you still like to fuck with him. You like how he always is so damn persistent in letting you know that he fucking adores you. You cup his face as he remains hovered over you, both of you sweaty and smelling strongly of sex. You made love again, and it was just as beautiful as the first time. "I know, Koo, I know." You place the softest kiss on his lips, which causes his eyes to crinkle up adorably, his nose scrunching along with it. God, you really do love this man. Your flower. Your Bearded Iris. Your literal soulmate. Suddenly, you have cotton mouth, so you reach over to grab the bottle of water resting on the nightstand as he affectionately nuzzles into your bare breasts, the sheets pooling over the both of you like a satin dream. The dim lighting in your bedroom makes him glow, your golden boy. You could stare at him forever. Things are just so... peaceful. No anxious noises of the city, dark out, quiet inside other than the sounds of both of you breathing and speaking softly to each other. This is heaven, you think. Nothing gets better than this. Pure euphoria and bliss, except the bliss is no longer accompanied by guilt and the ugly green weeds made up of jealousy.
Comfortable and arm hues of red and orange fill the room thanks to the city lights filtering in and your arm bedroom lighting, much like the changing season outside. Autumn always was your favorite season, until you developed a taste for vibrant spring flowers. As you take a greedy sip of the water, you notice the potted plant on your nightstand... you don't know how you didn't notice it before. You lean up, causing him to whine and maneuver himself down, kissing your tummy sweetly. A bearded Iris, purple and white at full bloom resides in the plain white ceramic pot. You furrow your brows, reach over to touch the leafs of the flower. You can't recall how the hell it got here. "Woah... this is gorgeous, did you get it?" You question Jungkook as he continues peppering your body with kisses. "Mhm." That's it? Just 'mhm'? When did he get this? Why don't you remember it? One of your fingers grazes one of the bigger petals as the cogs in your brain start working way too hard. For some reason, the fact that you don't recall this beautiful flower really bothers you. "When? You didn't even say anything about it." He grunts at you, reaches up, grasps your wrist, and yanks it away from the flower. You flinch, because... What the fuck? "Don't touch it. Don't even look at it, Y/N. It isn't yours." His kisses turn into bites and he goes lower, once he reaches your pelvis he doesn't even warn you before he starts suckling on your clit. Something doesn't feel quite right. You put a hand in his hair, your confusion and anxiety is written all over your face. You yank his head up, and he glares at you, as if he isn't the one who just snapped at you over a damn flower. "Jungkook, what the fuck? What do you mean it isn't mine? What's your problem?" His eyes are blank as he stares at you, and his gaze slowly moves over to the flower. He clicks his tongue but stays in position as he speaks. "Look what you fucking did, I told you not to touch it." he nearly growls as he nods towards the flower. Zap. You look back at the flower, pulling the sheets up to your chest because you suddenly feel too vulnerable, out of place. Your blood runs cold when you see it. The petals start turning brown and dry, falling off of the stem of the flower. Wilting right in front of your eyes, quickly, as if your touch was fucking poison. It was so vibrant and pretty moments ago, and now it looks morbid. Zap. "Why the hell is it doing that?" "I told you not to touch, it isn't yours." Your gaze finds him again, you fight the urge to try and pick up the pieces of the pretty flower and try to siphon your light into it, to try and save it. None of what's happening makes sense. The lights in your apartment change from warm red and orange hues to dark and icy, blue and black like winter, and when your eyes find Jungkook and really look at him, you nearly gag.
Petals adorn his face, but he's cold. His honey skin is turning pale, and the petals are turning brown just like the Bearded Iris next to you. His face is still blank, not a single emotion behind his eyes. It looks like he's fucking dying, every time a petal falls off of his skin he gets paler and paler. What the fuck is happening? Zap, zap, zap. "Jungkook- I- what-" "If I loved you, wouldn't I still be here? I would've left her. I wouldn't have left you. You shouldn't have touched that flower, Y/N, it wasn't yours. Now look what you've done to me." You blink back tears because you don't understand what he means. You don't understand why he's being so cold suddenly... he doesn't look like him. He looks like a clone, maybe a shell, maybe even a fucking demon. You have no fucking idea what he's talking about. You reach up to swipe at your eyes, try to will the tears away because they are blurring your vision and making things too murky. When you do get clarity again, he's... gone. In between your legs, all that resides are brown leafs and petals, as if he was never here. You start frantically calling for him, grabbing at the sheets as if you may find him hiding underneath. Full on sobbing now, because he isn't here, and he just withered away right in front of you after saying such cruel things.
Zap, zap, zap, zap, zap.
You flinch awake, automatically start feeling around your empty sheets, trying to pick up those withered petals of the man you once loved so much… only to realize it was a dream. Another fucking nightmare.
Your very own personal hell created after you lost your flower.
To this day you get the zaps that you did the first day without him. And to this day it shakes you to your damn core.
After he left that last time, it was a mix of melancholy, relief, and a new kind of guilt. Relief because you no longer felt the guilt, it had been as if a weight was completely lifted off of your shoulders, rocks were taken away from your garden that sat on the soil and made your roots much too constricted to grow any more. But with the relief came a completely different kind of guilt.
Guilt that you felt relief at all, because if you love someone, why would you feel any relief at them being gone? You watched your flower be taken away by gardeners who didn’t know how to nourish him. That’s how it felt, anyway, when in reality he walked out on his own, respecting your wishes to end this. So feeling relief made you feel like scum at the same time. You loved this man and he loved you, he loved you so goddamn much. But he was weighing you down, and both of you became well aware that you would never flourish fully with the weight of him being married on your chest.
What you were doing was wrong. Ending it was right… right?
You grieved him heavily. It felt as if he died. As if even if you wanted to, you couldn’t reach out to him anymore. You couldn’t stare at his pretty petals colored in shades of you and him, you couldn’t touch them and water them and feed them. You couldn’t talk to him and hope your words fed him like food and encouragement to grow like you always did.
Although technically, you could. If you truly wanted to, you could have texted him or called him. Every night for the first two weeks, you would stay up and type long paragraphs to him declaring how much you regret ending it, how much you miss him, and how much you love him. Because you didn’t block his number at first. You couldn’t do it, it felt wrong. It felt like if you did that, you were severing the final tie that you would have to him. You didn’t have him on social media, so texting was really your only way of contact. Blocking him felt like it would be what really made this all real.
You felt like if you blocked him, surely he would keel over and die of a broken heart once he realized and finally tried to reach out again, because you knew damn well this man would reach out again at some point.
Which is ironic, because on the fourth week, an exact month later, he did reach out. You suspect maybe it was on accident, because he sent a long ass paragraph confessing how much he regretted it, how much he loves you, how much he misses you, and how much he hates his wife… but following the paragraph, he promptly apologized. Said it was an accident.
Before he deemed it as an ‘accident’, you were ready. You started typing back an acceptance, asking to see him again, borderline begging to see him again. But him admitting he didn’t mean to actually send it made you pause.
Made you realize how dangerous this man really was.
This was the night that you blocked his number.
And holy fuck, that made grieving ten times worse. Because now there was no string tethering you together. The very last root that kept you both twined together was ripped apart. He was like a ghost now, just a memory. Nothing in your life tied you to him other than the mementos he left behind.
The mementos which you obsessively held onto each day. You looked at the pictures he left every single day several times a day, you would literally just stare and cry. The chain he left remained on your neck like a god damn collar, you refused to take it off as if it was branded into your skin. You showered with it on, slept with it on, never took it off. The clothing he left you wore frequently, and you refused to wash them. But overtime, his scent faded. It faded into your own scent which made you question your sanity, because the less you smelt him on his jacket, hoodie, and shirt, the more you questioned was he ever even real?
Or was this all some fucked up delusion you made up out of loneliness and desperation to feel loved by someone? To love someone?
The dreams made it worse. Every single goddamn night you had dreams about him. It started out as good dreams, the kind of dreams that were reliving memories or making fantasies of forever come alive. Both of your flowers were immortal and at full bloom in these dreams, and it was the only moments of happiness you had. The only thing you could do to feel better was sleep, and so you did.
You slept as much as you could. On your days off of work, you would take sleeping pills that you didn’t need, and you would sleep 14 hours at a time, just to have these dreams and feel close to him again. Dreams of making love over and over, gardening together, cooking together, living together, getting married, having little babies that looked just like him, a complete fantasy world that you made in these dreams that provided solace.
But when you woke up, it was like the grieving process never progressed. It never got better. It only got worse. And in the back of your mind you knew how unhealthy it was to be sleeping so long, you knew that you were technically abusing sleeping medication, you knew that you were putting your job at risk by waking up late every single damn day and being late to work too, and you knew that your mental health was degrading.
You were fucking torturing yourself but you didn’t know how to stop.
After you blocked him though, it’s like the dreams morphed. They changed completely, turned morbid and disturbing. You have no idea why, maybe because in some way, you still were holding onto those rose colored glasses and refused to acknowledge the bad parts of the relationship you had with him. But severing that last point of contact seemed to have bring light onto the guilt you felt while you were with him, the jealousy, the misplaced possessiveness that he never even knew about.
Much like the dream you had tonight, the dreams were weird and distorted. They always started out sickly sweet but ended on a bitter note. Ended with him disintegrating into a pile of petals after proclaiming he was never yours and never would be.
This is when you stopped sleeping all together. Instead of taking sleeping pills that you really didn’t need and sleeping for way too long, you quit those pills cold turkey and started to develop insomnia. Quitting sleeping pills after taking them for an entire month should have been done slowly, because your body becomes dependent on them. If you quit them cold turkey, it prevents your body from producing the chemicals it needs to sleep, often leading to temporary or even a permanent case of insomnia. So you just started staying up. It was so easy, too. So easy to be tired rather than have those fucking nightmares.
If you did sleep, it was 2-3 hours at a time because your body couldn’t take being awake any longer. But you never allowed yourself to sleep for long, you simply couldn’t sleep peacefully. The moment the nightmares would begin, you would force yourself to wake up. You’d wake up in a cold sweat, and then you’d cry for fucking hours. You’d feel guilty and jealous over shit you should’ve gotten over by now.
Sometimes, on really bad days, his wife would appear in these dreams too. And it fucked you up. A faceless woman would catch you in bed with Jungkook, and she would scream and cry and yell, blame you for ruining her marriage and her future, and then Jungkook would become faceless too. As if you never really knew him.
Things became bad, to say the least. Three months into grieving, heartbreak, fucking hell on earth, you were very unwell. And it became noticeable to those around you.
Which was arguably the worst part, because no one knew what was wrong or what was going on. Obviously you never told anyone about Jungkook, why the fuck would you? Sleeping with a married man and falling in love with him isn’t something to brag about. As much as he was your most treasured memory, he was also your most dirty secret. You doubted if you did tell anyone, they would feel any sympathy for you. Especially considering you continued to sleep with him after finding out he was married. You did this to yourself, really. No one feels sympathy for a fucking home wrecker.
That’s what you felt you were. A home wrecker, a mistress, the other woman. This wasn’t some case of you being fucked over by some sleazy guy who hid his marriage from you, you were both at fault, you both did wrong, and you felt like you deserved to suffer in silence. So you did.
You didn’t go out with your little group of friends anymore, you constantly made excuses and told those around you that you were fine, just a little depressed. You hid it well… until you didn’t. It became fucking impossible to hide when you felt like you were dying on the inside.
You work at a little art studio/store downtown, it isn’t much but it pays the bills and you’re happy doing it. You were, anyway. You were designated to instruct the themed classes that are hosted every night. You aren’t a professional by any means, you just love to paint, you love art, and you used to love seeing the lovers and families come in to have fun and learn how to paint silly little pictures with you.
But during the grieving process, you became noticeably bad at your job. You would show up late to the morning classes, you weren’t selling as much art supplies as you used to, and the night classes are what really started fucking you up. The night classes were normally full of couples who were on dates… dates you never got to indulge in with he-who-shall-not-be-fucking-named.
You would become bitter during these classes. Previously you were peppy, a bit funny, and very encouraging to those who wanted to learn. But you became dull. Of course you didn’t take out your feelings on these innocent customers, but the classes just weren’t as fun for the people paying for them.
Your coworkers noticed heavily. Your boss isn’t a bad guy, but he knew something was very off with you. The girls you worked with also noticed, more specifically Sohee who had continuously asked you if you were ok and tried to get you to confess what the fuck was causing you to become a lifeless zombie who had nothing but guilt and bitterness behind her eyes.
Your performance and constant attendance issues should have gotten you fired, really. You were almost betting that your boss would fire you at some point. But he didn’t, instead he awkwardly begged Sohee to get to the bottom of what was going on because even if you were sort of shit at your job at the moment, he was mostly worried. Everyone was worried, and you never even realized it.
Never realized how fucking obvious it was that this was heartbreak caused by love.
Of course you didn’t tell Sohee outright. You refused to. You were going to take this shit to your grave, you swore it. God and satan and Jeon Jungkook would be the only ones who knew that this shit ever happened.
Until she took you out for drinks, and you got shit faced drunk and spilled your dirty soil all over the place for her to see.
All it took was three bottles of soju and seeing a couple making out in the booth across from you to make you confess it all. Sohee listened, and you were sure she was going to chastise you and call you a dirty home wrecking whore after you were done.
But she never did. She only listened and consoled you.
She didn’t make you feel guilty and she didn’t undermine your feelings. She rubbed your back and wiped your tears like the Angel she is, and she told you it was ok. She told you that sometimes mistakes are the best things that can happen to us, even if they’re supposed to be mistakes. She held your hand and coaxed you out of the dirt, wanted you to see that your feelings were valid and you didn’t have to feel guilty for them.
On the other hand, she was also brutally honest. She asked curious questions, and when she found out you had been ‘grieving’ for nearly three months now, she scolded you. Not because what you did was wrong, but because you weren’t taking care of yourself. You were fucking torturing yourself and it wasn’t ok.
Everyone grieves after breaking up. That’s normal. Although this technically wasn’t a breakup, it somehow felt much worse because of that very fucking reason. It wasn’t a breakup, but felt like one.
What isn’t normal is never making progress in grieving. Instead of getting better and moving on, you stayed stagnant. Everything around you was changing, spring turning into summer and then turning into autumn, leaf’s changing from vibrant to warm and muted, people and places moving on about their days all while you stayed stuck in the same exact spot in your own head. A self made prison.
She explained how it wasn’t normal, how you probably needed to get help. How it’s ok to feel this way, but it isn’t ok to neglect and torture yourself. You needed help, and you knew it, you weren’t coping properly. But you were also stubborn.
Because despite being fucking sick with grief for Jungkook, you were also worried. You swore in your head that he wasn’t ok. Fuck, what if he’s actually dead? What if he’s being dumb? Is he even taking care of himself? How badly is her hurting? What if he’s lonely?
The main reason you couldn’t move on is because, again, guilt. It fucking plagued you still, but it was different. You convinced yourself that he was just as unwell as you, he fucking must be. Which made you feel as if you weren’t allowed to move on and try to be happy, or even ok. You tortured yourself for both selfless and selfish reasons. You didn’t know how to stop.
That same night, you stayed at Sohee’s place. She was determined to knock some damn sense into you. You weren’t super close prior to this, but she genuinely could not stand seeing you so dead inside. She felt awful for you, and she was a good friend. Sometimes good friends have to be a bit harsh to get through.
So as you were on her couch sulking, watching TV, she asked questions about Jungkook. You didn’t think anything of it. You rambled on and on about Jungkook, assuming she was just letting you get it all out. You didn’t think anything of it when she asked for his full name and birthday, or when she asked you to describe what he looked like, or when she asked what his occupation was.
But boy, the moment she shoved her phone in your face while you were rambling on and on about how he reminded you of a flower, you suddenly regretted telling her anything.
“You need to get your shit together, because he’s doing just fine.” She told you, and at first you refused to look. Because you didn’t want to know what was on her phone screen.
What would be the damning evidence that you’d been torturing yourself while he was actually moving on, rather than suffering with you.
But she was just as stubborn as you were, and she made you look. You did. And you swear a part of you healed and broke all at once.
You have no idea how the fuck this crazy bitch did it, but she found his wife’s Instagram. Finding his account is one thing, but hers? The faceless woman who was haunting your nightmares and accusing you of ruining her life? The faceless woman who now has a face and a name and an entire fucking life for you to see?
A life with your flower, your lover, your ultimate fucking demise. All right in front of you.
You were silent as you scrolled. So many curiosities that you held in the past were now answered. Such as how she looked… and she was gorgeous. She had wavy honey blond hair which was clearly dyed but looked so perfect on her, most of her pictures she had blue contacts in that hid her pretty brown eyes but still somehow made her look ethereal, she was fit with the perfect body, her makeup was natural but flawless… she was flawless in every way.
You gathered that she is a journalist that specializes in fashion. She’s often traveling just as Jungkook used to claim when he was with you. She goes to fancy fashion shows and takes pictures and writes articles. So professional and put together in every way.
Nothing like you. And at first, you caught yourself comparing yourself to her harshly. Wondering what she had that you didn’t…
Until you scrolled to her most recent posts.
And your lover stared at you through the screen mockingly.
First you saw a picture of them kissing. Jungkook was smiling onto her lips. The caption reads ‘He flew us to LA just so I could see Coachella’. This was posted two months ago.
Two months ago… not long after you ended things.
Two months ago when you were crying so hard that you couldn’t breathe or see, calling out for him to come back to you… while he was at fucking Coachella with his wife.
Was he ever even grieving? Did he ever even care?
You silently scrolled on, and one more post is all you fucking needed.
Posted today, another picture of them kissing, on a yacht at night. ‘Throwback to our honeymoon, can’t believe it was 3 years ago, he’s taking me to Japan for our anniversary to recreate it!’
He went on a fucking vacation while you were on your coworkers couch babbling about how much you love and miss him and how he’s prettier than a flower.
How fucking shitty does that feel?
The emotions happened quickly. You felt resentment, jealousy, anger, maybe even hatred towards them both. You had been suffering for months while he was at Coachella after you fucking blocked him. You had been worried this entire time when he had been doing just fine all along.
It felt like he did you wrong in a way… but those feelings went away just as quickly as they came.
Because this is what you wanted. As much as it fucking stings, you literally told him ‘love your wife more’. You meant it. Not just for his wife’s sake, but for his. He didn’t want to leave her, so he should at least try to love her again. Fuck, all you wanted was for him to be happy.
No matter how jealous or bitter you felt at actually seeing him happy, it brought you a sense of peace knowing that maybe he wasn’t suffering like you assumed. Maybe he was happy. Maybe he was ok. Maybe his wife did love him and was nurturing him back to health without even knowing it.
It didn’t make it hurt any less, but it really did give you a bit of clarity.
Of course you cried about it. Fuck, you cried and cried and cried, enough to water an entire bush of flowers at that point. The only difference was this time, you weren’t alone. Sohee was with you, consoling you through it, letting you vent your feelings and frustrations. Letting you grieve.
But this time, you want to grieve proper. If he’s happy, you deserve to be happy too…
You are so thankful for Sohee because without her, you’re sure you may have withered away completely.
Shortly after this new sense of clarity, Sohee started helping you slowly pick up pieces of yourself. Petals and leafs and vines and roots, all scattered amongst the dirt, all slowly started gathering together.
You knew you wouldn’t be able to put these pieces back together. You can’t nurture a flower back to health once it’s died, after all… but you can start fresh.
You and Sohee became good friends, she helped you find healthier coping mechanisms, let you cry when you need to, let you vent when you can’t keep it in anymore, and most importantly she let you share the good memories you had with Jungkook. She never made you feel guilty, she just listened. And you are so fucking thankful for that.
And as time went on, you did get better slowly. After seeing what you saw, it was much easier to feel ok with trying to be happy. The guilt was mostly gone at this point, and all you wanted was to focus on yourself. Your sleep slowly got better, the nightmares slowly went away, and although you aren’t the same, you aren’t as dull either.
You start painting again, painting has always been one of your favorite things. You used to paint all the time, mostly portraits of those you loved… portraits of him after you first met became your favorite thing to paint. All of those are tucked away in a closet now though, along with the many pictures you have of him, because you don’t need any reminders of him of you can help it. Which is kind of a contradiction considering your favorite thing to paint now is flowers… but we don’t have to talk about that.
It takes time to heal and grieve after you cut the chord with someone who you swore you’d live and die with. It takes extra time when you never really started to move on to begin with. But you do start healing. Maybe you aren’t as social as you once were, maybe you’re lonelier now, maybe you’re starting to realize you still don’t know yourself quite as much as you thought you did.
But you’re making progress… slowly. No longer a flower that’s at full bloom, but also no longer a flower that’s wilting. Just a seed, your own seed that you water and care for rather than relying on someone else to do it for you.
And although you are now the one taking care of your own flower, Sohee is helping. Rather than relying on someone to water and feed your plant, you’re doing it together. You water, she feeds. Vice versa. Teamwork. Progress. You aren’t codependent, you’re just accepting help from a friend that you swear is an Angel sent from above. You are so thankful for her.
She pushes you, too. After she sees you started to paint and do ok at work again, she pushed some more. She constantly tried to get you to go out, meet new people, meet new guys specifically. Something that made you feel sick to think about, but also you slowly started missing having someone to love on. Someone to share affection and laughter with that wasn’t just a friend. You knew she was right, even if you didn’t actually date someone, it would be great progress if you actually put yourself out there and were open to the idea of letting someone in romantically, even just a little bit.
Someone who’s actually available for more than secret trysts.
Which is why you let Sohee set you up on a date. You’ve grown to trust Sohee heavily, maybe a bit too much. But fuck, no one can blame you for that when she is the one who dug up your dirty secrets and instead of judging you, helped you through it. She comforted you when you didn’t know how to comfort yourself. So you trust her judgment heavily, and if she thinks you should try to date, you think she’s right.
And Sohee has great taste in men, you’ve seen it first hand. She’s shared various stories with you about her hookups and exes, and the girl has similar taste as you, maybe just a bit more adventurous. A blind date with a man of Sohee’s choice doesn’t sound so bad.
You really didn’t expect the date to turn into anything, or even be enjoyable. You mostly did it because it was a step in the right direction of fully moving on. You were planning on trying to put yourself out there, sure, but you never planned to actually like the guy.
You didn’t expect Sohee to set you up with a man who looked like he could be a fucking model. You didn’t expect him to be your exact type. And you didn’t expect him to be so goddamn sweet and put together.
The moment you saw this man you knew you were in trouble. The moment he opened his mouth, you also knew you were in trouble. You were fucking terrified at the prospect of actually liking someone other than Jungkook. Even just being attracted to someone else felt wrong…
Shit, most days looking at your dildo felt wrong. You couldn’t even fucking use it.
So you were a bit of a nervous wreck when this man picked you up to wine and dine you. You weren’t nervous before you saw his face or heard his voice. But you were once you came face to face with him, it was as if he had a sign on his head that said ‘MOVE ON Y/N’, bright and neon, mocking you the entire night.
But as the night went on, you found this man wasn’t quite as intimidating as he seemed. He asked questions, wanted to get to know you, seemed genuinely interested in you as a person. He was nice to look at. Was pretty to listen to. He didn’t act bored either when you didn’t ask him questions, in fact, he answered the silent questions in your head without you even asking.
He could tell you were nervous, and although he didn’t know the true reason behind it, he thought it was adorable. Thought to himself, thank fuck for Sohee and her pretty friends. Because he was genuinely enamored with you.
He didn’t see the wilted flower that Jungkook did, or the dead flower mocking you every time you looked into the mirror. He saw a pretty little wildflower that he wanted to pick and take home with him.
You learned quite a bit about him that night despite never really asking. He worked in marketing for a fashion design company, fairly close to where you work, a 9-5 that gave him weekends off and paid vacation, full benefits too. He had a dog named Simba who he loved like a child. He didn’t have many hobbies but he did enjoy bar hopping and hanging out with his group of friends who he talked fondly of. He takes good care of himself, cares about his appearance and fashion choices, takes pride in being handsome, even has a fucking skincare routine that he talked about for nearly five minutes… but he’s still humble somehow. Doesn’t seem narcissistic or conceited, just sure of himself. Confident. He knows his worth, but also knows his place.
You really liked that, considering you haven’t been quite so confident lately.
He has a friend who he called Tae that he speaks highly of, you can tell he loves his friends dearly. He described him as a big teddy-bear-man-child, which makes him seem very loveable. Apparently they don’t exactly share the same friend group but they come together often.
His relationship history… he was kind of vague. He said he has had a few serious relationships, but they never last because the woman loses interest in him, and he hasn’t actually dated in nearly two years, but has had casual flings…
This could be seen as a red flag. Or… maybe he was hurt, and he doesn’t want to talk about it. You know damn well how that feels, in fact, he asked you about your dating history, and you were incredibly vague.
What were you supposed to say? ‘Ah, well, every relationship I have had so far failed, but I was with one guy who I loved more than anything in the world, but it didn’t work out because he was married. Oops!’
Yeah, no, fuck that. It was hard enough being honest with Sohee, she had to get you drunk for you to even confess. There’s was no damn way you were going to tell him.
You didn’t lie. You just said you were in a bit of a situationship with someone you grew feelings for, and when it ended it hurt very badly. Vague, but true. He doesn’t need to know details.
He never even asked for details, which surprised you. In fact, he said “It’s ok, we don’t have to rush into anything, I get it. But try to be open with me, yeah? I really like you so far.”
Too good to be true. Or maybe, just maybe, Sohee sent you an Angel in disguise, one she met while she became an Angel herself. Maybe he really is a good guy, and you got lucky for once. Maybe your karma for the things you did with Jungkook was your suffering in the beginning of grieving, and now you have a chance to redeem yourself.
You were tempted to cast him out after this night together. Because you were afraid. What was the catch? What was he hiding? Is he a serial killer? Is he even real? Are you making up these men in your head or something?
You had a decision to make: you could make the decision to take more time for yourself, count this as you putting yourself out there… or you could give him a chance. See where it goes.
You chose the latter.
You explained to him as he walked you to your door that you weren’t ready for something serious, but you enjoyed spending time with him too. And he was ok with that. He said he’d like to take you out again anyway, and you agreed.
An easy routine began after this. The dates following the first one were tame and relaxed but always so nice. It was sort of healing in a way, honestly. He was so kind and always went at your pace, let you control everything. He’d be the one taking you out, but you got to set the pace. He never tried to kiss or touch either, never pressured you to move things faster. Eventually you started spending every weekend together, and often weekdays too. He’d bring you lunch or dinner at work and eat with you, he’d visit your apartment, sometimes you’d even go to his. You started spending the night together, he left his toothbrush at your apartment and you left yours at his.
This all happened within the span of the last few months, so maybe it was a bit fast, but you just did things as they felt right.
And yes, eventually you kissed. Eventually you touched. Eventually you fucked. And you were surprised that you didn’t feel guilty after. You felt… fine. The sex wasn’t out of this world, it was fairly vanilla, but you actually managed to finish and feel good about it afterward.
You think a lot of that had to do with the fact that you were touch starved, hadn’t been with anyone since that last night with Jungkook. Ironically, also like an addict quitting cold turkey. You went from getting touched and fuck at least three times a week, to nothing at all. Could barely even touch yourself properly. But also… he was good in bed. He was fine. It wasn’t too much or too little and he paid close attention to the way your body reacted, he didn’t just act like a wild animal chasing release like most men do.
The day you slept with him was the day you stopped thinking about Jungkook so much. It was like as time went on and you broke these little boundaries for yourself, little petals you held onto flew away with the wind. The petals weighed barely anything, but felt like they weighed the same as bricks.
Did you forget about him? Fuck no. You never could. You still think of him daily. You wonder how he’s doing, if he’s ok, if he’s happy… if he thinks of you too. But it isn’t compulsive like it once was, he doesn’t consume you. He’s just a memory you go back to.
Or maybe you’re in denial.
Because even then… you still wear his chain, you still sleep in his shirt, you still wear his hoodie around the house, and as the months grow colder, your jacket remains the cozy Calvin Klein denim that he gifted you.
You still look at the pictures, maybe not every night, but often. Relive the memories. Wonder if he does the same.
You still stalk his wife’s Instagram. Not obsessively, but every now and then you’ll check to see if she has posted more pictures of them. And most times, she hasn’t. But there are a few new ones… pictures of him smiling that scrunched up smile you’ve always loved, pictures of them together, and pictures of her alone. A reminder to yourself that you have no place in his life… that’s the reason for doing it you chalk it up to, anyway.
And every damn time Seojoon brings you a bouquet of flowers, which is weekly, you can’t fucking help but think of your Jeon Jungkook.
So… maybe you are in denial. But also, you’re coping, you’re moving on. You haven’t fully let him go yet, you’re not sure if you can, but you have been doing fine. You’ve been closer to happy than you have been ever since that last night with him.
He isn’t consuming your thoughts and feelings like he was in the beginning, but he is still very much there in your heart. Despite his petals floating away, some of his roots remain underneath the soil. He’s there… but not.
Which is why tonight’s dream has you so fucking shaken up.
You haven’t dreamed of him in months now. Ever since you started coping more healthily, the dreams faded along with the hurt and resentment. No nightmares. No dreams. Nothing. Just peaceful sleep.
You lay there panting, trying to calm your heart rate down by thinking of things that aren’t him. You look at the clock and realize it’s only 8pm, you barely even remember falling asleep so early. Seojoon agreed to come over after work tonight, but had to stay late at the office to finish some project or something. You must’ve dozed off waiting for him.
You don’t want to start the cycle again, but fuck, you sure as hell won’t be going to sleep again either. Not until Seojoon gets here, anyway.
Things with Seojoon remain smooth, uncomplicated. You’ve been seeing each other for a good three months now, and although there is no title to what you are, you’re basically dating at this point. You wouldn’t call him your boyfriend necessarily, but also you’re exclusive to him.
You like how things are. It’s nice. It’s not stressful, and you don’t have to hide. So when you have the sudden impulse to push him away and tell him you need space, you keep repeating in your head that you can’t let one nightmare fuck it all up. It was just a nightmare.
That’s all.
Instead of isolating like you normally would, and texting Seojoon to tell him not to come, you get out of bed and take off the oversized CK T-shirt and put on your dedicated painting T-shirt which is stained in various colors of paint, far too vibrant for the mood you’re currently in.
You set up the corner of your room as you always do, break out your easel and canvas and various paints, put on your painting playlist on Spotify, and you tell yourself that this is coping. This is a healthy way to cope. No, it’s not dwelling, it’s coping.
It’s coping, you’re sure.
You’re totally not freaking out about the fact that your flower became faceless in this dream, or that he was incredibly angry and cold towards you, or that he ended up disintegrating right in front of your fucking eyes again.
You’re totally not worried that you forgot what he looked like. Not at all. This is just coping.
And so you paint. You don’t really know where you’re going with it, and try to ignore the fact that you are trying to paint a portrait of someone who is now a ghost to you from memory alone. You don’t think of anything, really, you just let your hands move on their own accord.
You have no idea how much time passes before you’re standing before the painting you’ve created, questioning it. Pretending that you can’t quite remember how the eyes or mouth are supposed to look.
You know. You know well. You haven’t forgotten his face, the nose you’ve painted onto the faceless man is proof alone that you have not forgotten. Such a unique nose, a bit big, pointy, perfect in the most imperfect way. How could you forget such a beautiful piece of art carved by god himself?
It’s quite the opposite, really. You stare at the painting for a long time hoping it starts to distort. Hoping that you won’t recognize the single feature you’ve managed to capture. Hoping that somehow, someway, you’ll remember a different set of eyes and lips and beauty marks that don’t belong to the nose staring at you right now.
You start to feel a bit crazy, honestly. This faceless man with only a nose and petals falling off of his skin seems almost too real. Too close. It’s been over half a year now that you’ve seen him, yet here he is fucking haunting you after you swore you were over him.
You are, you still swear. You have to be.
You take your paint brush and glob a streak of bright red paint on it, you’re ready to destroy the canvas because for some fucking reason it won’t distort. You can’t stand looking at it anymore. So you huff, bring your paintbrush to the canvas and—
“That’s gorgeous.”
You slowly turn your head to see Seojoon standing against your bedroom door frame. Suddenly, you sort of regret giving him your spare key, because if he hadn’t spoken up sooner, he would’ve just witnessed you defiling the goddamn painting as if it killed your family. He would’ve thought you were psychotic.
“Ah, thanks. I was just messing around with some ideas I had…”
He arches a brow at you, and even his eyes find the painting again. You nearly feel yourself break a sweat, because what if he asks questions? What if he realizes this wasn’t just you messing around like some quirky art girlie, but this is an actual person you’ve painted?
The same person you vaguely told him about. The man that was never yours, but somehow is still managing to fuck with your head. If he caught on, he may ask questions, and you can’t explain. You’d have to lie.
That’s how you feel, anyway. And you can’t have that.
He lets out an intrigued sigh as he pushes off of the door frame and takes his blazer off, makes his way towards you. He stands right behind you, encircling your waist in his arms and resting his chin on the top of your head, just like Jung—
“That’s very intricate for just messing around babe. What’s it mean?”
He doesn’t sound accusing when he asks, just curious. Seojoon is always curious to know what goes on in your head, especially when it comes to the way you express yourself. And he has no fucking idea who is in this painting, if it’s anyone at all, but he knows he gets an odd feeling in his stomach when he looks at it.
You merely shrug in response as you put your paintbrush down and lean into his touch. This is the question you didn’t want to answer. Although his tone isn’t accusing, you know what he’s really asking: ‘who the fuck is that?’
You’re torn between being vague and lying outright. Lying is never good in a relationship… although you aren’t technically in a relationship to begin with. But again, this is something you will not discuss with him. You don’t want to. And you know in the back of your mind that lying and sneaking around is the very thing that fucked with your head to begin with, but…
Sometimes white lies are necessary… right?
“Doesn’t really mean anything, I was just going with the flow. Not sure who it is, can’t quite figure out the eyes or mouth.” You gesture lazily with one of your hands, placing your free hand on top of his on your tummy.
No need to tell him you know exactly who the fuck this is and you haven’t added the eyes or the mouth because you think you might have a psychotic break if you see his face again.
Seojoon isn’t stupid though. He can tell you’re lying. But he won’t call you out on it. He can tell maybe this is sensitive to you, maybe whoever this is hurt you… and also, he is no stranger to little white lies.
Nothing is ever as pretty as it seems, is it?
He nods, kisses the top of your head. But he can’t quite hear his eyes away from the painting because… it looks so familiar. He can’t place it, maybe he’s just reading into it too much but he swears he knows that nose.
“Huh. Looks kinda familiar. Don’t know why though.”
Immediately you feel alarm bells going off in your head. Why the fuck would it look familiar? It’s a nose on a face that’s otherwise faceless… it’s also kind of morbid looking.
You get this feeling in your gut that you don’t like, but immediately choose to ignore. Because you convince yourself this is anxiety being mixed up with intuition. You often question yourself these days, because you’re paranoid karma is coming for you. But you have to remind yourself that your feelings are valid, you suffered enough, no need to let the lingering guilt you feel over the past affect mundane moments like this.
It’s just anxiety, surely. It’s such a basic nose, it could belong to anyone. It’s a faceless fucking painting, he can’t possibly know who that nose belongs to.
“Looks familiar because it’s not finished. Who knows, maybe it’s you.”
You tease him, nudging your ass into him which earns you a little grunt. You let out a half hearted giggle and shake your head… when in reality the mere idea of him being in the painting makes you feel sick. It’s not that you don’t want to paint Seojoon, or that you don’t think he’s pretty…
It’s because you know that nose belongs to someone else, the entire concept of this painting is based upon someone else. It could never be Seojoon.
Time to change the subject.
You remove his arms from around your waist and decide you’re done with painting for the night. Seojoon is here now, no need to dwell on the faceless flower man who haunts your dreams like a goddamn ghost.
You walk over to your dresser and take a makeup wipe to start wiping the little specs of paint from your face and arms as you ask, “How was work? You were super late tonight.”
Again, not accusatory. Just curious, because he doesn’t often stay this late for work. Maybe a few hours at a time but never this late into the night.
You’re too focused on getting the paint off of your skin to notice the way he avoids looking at you.
He begins unbuttoning his shirt as he speaks casually, “Ah, was fine. Nothing new. Some idiot fucked up the powerpoint presentation for one of our projects and I had to stay to clean up their mess, you know how it is.”
You really don’t know how it is, but you nod along anyway, you aren’t really paying attention. Just wanna hear about his day.
Maybe you should pay attention.
Before you can speak up, he continues, “Oh, that reminds me, Taehyung invited me to a little potluck type deal tomorrow night with some friends. Was gonna see if you’d wanna come, would be a great chance for you to meet some of my buddies.”
For some reason you get a bit of anxiety at the thought of meeting his friends. You’re not sure why, but again, that feeling in your gut persists. You chalk it up to the fact you’re on edge and paranoid because Seojoon walked in on something you feel he should not have. That damn cursed painting.
Anxiety over intuition. Surely.
You’ve yet to meet his friends, so it is kind of overdue. There’s no real reason as to why, it just hasn’t come up yet. He’s met plenty of your friends, sharing Sohee as a friend means you share other friends too. But you’ve still yet to meet his best friend or even his friend group.
You’ve heard a lot about them, Tae specifically, and he seems lovely. You want to meet him, meet all of them… so you aren’t sure why you have anxiety about it.
Get a grip, Y/N, one nightmare doesn’t mean it’s the end of the fucking world and everything bad is about to happen.
But even then, you ask hesitantly as you throw your makeup wipe away, “You sure? I don’t wanna be the annoying ‘girlfriend’ who wasn’t invited.”
He snorts at that, and shakes his head as he flops onto your bed with his shirt now open and loose with his belt undone. He places his hands behind behind his head as he stares at you, “Can’t be the annoying girlfriend when you aren’t my girlfriend babe.”
He arches a brow, sticks his tongue out playfully. He isn’t scolding you or pressuring you, not that you’re aware of, but is definitely hinting to the fact that you’ve both sort of avoided the whole girlfriend-boyfriend thing up to this point.
You’ve avoided it because… well, you don’t know really. You just haven’t felt the need to label it, and if you’re being honest, you’re not sure if you’re ready for the label. On one hand, it’s just a label. So it isn’t that serious. Nothing would change really because you’re already exclusive to each other… that’s what you assume, anyway.
On another hand, it feels more permanent. For some reason it makes you feel pressured into admitting things you don’t quite want to admit. If he were to ask curious questions that he has yet to ask, you wouldn’t be able to lie about them under the guise of it being too private and personal.
You just might have to be honest about the flower who made you bloom and wilt all at once. The flower that was never really yours, but is the entire reason you’re hesitant to commit, despite never committing to that very flower.
He hasn’t made a move to make it official either though, although that’s purely out of respect. Little do you know, all of his friends know you as his girlfriend. His coworkers too. He’s already added that label. But out of ‘respect’ to you, he hasn’t told you that and hasn’t pressured you to add the label yourself. He did say he would go at your pace, after all…
That’s what he allows you to think, anyway. Seojoon is only a man…
“Shut up, you know what I mean.” You retort as you grab a little hair clip and toss it at him, and then go back to your dresser with a huff, start undressing and finding something comfy to wear for bed. Not the CK T-shirt this time. You don’t feel right wearing it in bed with Seojoon.
He shamelessly stares at you as you undress, his eyes becoming a bit heavy lidded as he speaks, “I know I know, but they want you there. They all wanna meet you, I talk about you a lot on our nights out. You could impress them by making something yummy. Please?" He playfully pouts at you and you roll your eyes. You don't miss how his eyes remain glued to your ass even as he pouts, which in most cases is flattering... but tonight you aren't really in the mood. For very unobvious reasons to him, but painfully obvious reasons to you.
You know that he’s right though, you need to meet his friends. It’s not as serious as it feels. It’s only fair to him. You make your way over to the bed, crawl on, and snuggle up to him as you say, “I guess I’m just nervous… but I’ll go.”
He instinctively lifts his arm up so that you can nuzzle into him, his hand trails down your back, then to your ass where he squeezes, “Don’t be nervous, they’re just my friends, and they already love you from what I’ve told them about you. Some of the guys will even have their wives or girlfriends there so you can have girl time or whatever,”
You don’t wanna be pessimistic… but being with his friends and their spouses adds a bit more pressure… especially considering you aren’t technically his girlfriend.
He leans in, whispers in your ear as he squeezes your ass again, “Who knows, maybe they’ll even be jealous I’ve got such a pretty not-girlfriend.”
He chuckles and kisses the top of your head, makes no move to escalate things beyond squeezing your ass. He definitely wants to, but he won’t. Your pace and all that.
It’s true though, he’s excited for you to meet his friends. Even more excited at the prospect of them being jealous. He nearly brags about you on nights out with them because you are so unlike any girl he has been with before.
Seojoon is hot shit and he knows it. He’s one of those men that woman see on the street and think ‘damn I want him.’ He’s used to woman being willing to drop to their knees just for a chance with him. He’s used to woman going at his pace…
But you, you’re different. Because even though he was handsome, even though you were clearly into him from the start, you made him work for it. It’s different because woman are usually willing to do whatever he wants. But you, you had boundaries. You still have boundaries. You’re skittish like a stray cat, one wrong move and you may kick him to the damn curb. He has to earn you and your trust… he has to chase you.
And oh, he loves that. As much as he itches to put a label on it, he’s more than willing to be the one doing whatever you want at your pace. It’s kind of like wanting something he can’t have… it’s the thrill of it. And he’s proud of the fact that you have stayed this long, you’ve yet to push him away.
Maybe it’s not official, but it’s exclusive. That’s what you both think it’s supposed to be, anyway. Although his friends already know you as his girlfriend, and so do his coworkers. In his head, you are his girl. You don’t have to admit it, but you are. The label won’t change things as him and his friends see it, considering it was already there.
His little wildflower that he picked on the side of the rode, out of place on the side of a street full of cars. He put you in a little vase and slowly waters you with security and gives you freedom in the form of sunlight.
Even though you’re unaware that you sit stagnant in a vase on his kitchen counter… just like you’re unaware that you’re his girlfriend.
Some things you just don’t need to know. It’ll happen anyway, he’s sure of it. You’ll agree to be his soon.
But if you did know… if you knew that he was currently comparing you to any sort of flower, especially a fucking wild flower, while simultaneously considering you his girl when you never agreed… you just night have called it all off.
Flower comparisons are reserved for a man who’s faceless painting is staring at you right now. For you and him only. Not Seojoon… no matter what he is to you.
Bur you don’t know. You haven’t a damn clue. So he’s in the clear for now.
You roll your eyes at him, find the little hair clip that you threw at him sitting on the pillow. You pick it up, put it in his hair as you mutter, “Whateverrr. I doubt it.” And then promptly nuzzle into him again.
You do, in your head you don’t think there’s anything to be jealous of. But him? He thinks you’re the perfect arm candy. Every one of his friends will be surprised when they get to know you themselves considering you’re unlike his usual type, sort of an enigma. And then he’ll get to tell stories about your time together and exaggerate them to make them even better.
He’s excited. Much more excited than you are.
You both fall asleep soon after that, keeping up the idle chatter until you drift off. Thankfully, no more nightmares or dreams of your faceless flower man. Although it isn’t a peaceful sleep, it’s quiet. Always is better when sleeping next to someone.
Makes it easy to ignore that tiny bit of loneliness that you can’t quite ignore when no one else is around. The loneliness that you swore was gone until tonight. You can only hope that tomorrow these feelings will be gone, and the faceless man watching you sleep through a painting crafted by your hands will disappear from your thoughts when you wake up.
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eminsunnytoons123 · 1 month
Class of 3000:
Kids all together
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Disclaimer: this is made for fun, And I made these digital drawings of class of 3000 kids, And this took me nearly two hours to finish... And for the sake of creativity And enjoyment, i'll risk it for all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, my two girlfriends And boyfriend and share it with them.
Ever since my class of 3000 sona took a whole swing, And now im interested in both muppets And class of 3000, And MORE cartoons And shows I used to watch and still do, heres my designs for the class of 3000 kids =^_^=
And before I explain their designs, this is for all my besties, Sisters, brothers, pen pals And my two girlfriends And boyfriend:
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @muppet-fan-real @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @itsmyaltaccountforshiitybloglol0 @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr @thegroovyskull @blo0st4r and even @ghostytoastynights =^_^=
Now, heres their designs explanation:
Number one, Lil' D - I had gave him a slightly longer hair And I made him look a little more cuter because of his face, but I didnt change him too much
Number two, Madison - I had gave her a more longer hair, And even a Purple headband, And even some sleeves for her dress. I even gave her a beautymark on her cheek
Number two, philly Phil - I have gave him lots of details, like braces (I like giving nerdy characters braces ^///^;) a little more bigger And puffier hair, And an visible Adam Apple, And I gave him a pansexual pin on his jumpsuit
Number four, kim And kam - I havent changed them too much, but I did gave them some juicy lips, And orange hearts on their cheeks And they have that so others can know theyre twins
Number five, tamika And Eddie - same like kim And kam, I didnt change them too much, but I did gave them some details on the hair, And I gave tamika colored nails And a beautymark, And I gave Eddie some earrings, slight longer hair And fur on his shoulders
I have more to draw lil' G, Freddie, Brooklyn Bill, Addison, jim, Jam and Bambi digitally =^////^=
I really hope y'all will like this, I worked two hours on them all =^_^= 🧡💛
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hookhausenschips · 6 months
Burning Rubber
Chapter Ten
F1 Masterlist
Burning Rubber Masterlist
Word Count: 3,199
Summary: It's a big day for Lando and Azha
Warnings: anxiety, fluff, outrageous amount of fluff, mentions of smut but no smut, confessions
previous next
Azha’s POV
Waking up the next day I feel warmth next to me. Turning my head I see that it was Lando, he laid on his stomach with his arm draped over my waist. I reached for my phone and seen it was close to 9:30 in the morning. I opened the groupchat I had with the girls. I had to tell them about last night. I giggled at their reactions after telling them about the kiss. It still didn’t feel real. I continued to text the girls until I felt Lando begin to stir. He pulled me closer and laid his head on my chest. I locked my phone, setting it beside me and ran my fingers through his hair, “Good morning.” He mumbled. I felt my heart stutter hearing his morning voice. “Good morning, how’d you sleep?” I questioned as I felt him begin to draw random shapes on my hip. “I think that was the best sleep I’ve had in a while. Did you sleep any better?” He replied. I nodded, “Yeah I did, thank you for staying.” I say. He looks up at me resting his chin on his hand. I lift my eyebrow questioning him. “Just admiring how beautiful you are.” He whispered. I rolled my eyes and smiled, “God you’re so cheesy.” I replied as he laughed.
After laying in bed just talking and relaxing, Lando said he had plans for us today. He went back to his room to get ready and told me to be ready by 11. Hopping out of the shower and changing, I walk downstairs into the living room. “Close your eyes.” I hear behind me. Smiling, I close my eyes and turn towards where the voice came from. I feel something being placed into my hands. “Okay open.” I gasped seeing the different shades of orange roses in the bouquet. I look back up at Lando, “What are these for?” I whisper. He smiles, “Do I need a reason to give a pretty girl some flowers?” I move towards him and hug him. “You ready to go?” He asked as we pulled away. I nodded as he led me to the door, “Great cause your ride is here.” He replied, opening the door. I looked at him in confusion, “My ride? I thought we were doing stuff today.” I asked. “We do but I know how much you’ve missed being around the girls so go have a girls day, our plans are later.” He said helping me walk to the car. 
Giana, Keyani, Liana, and I had finished our brunch and were now headed to get our nails done. “Guys what is this really for?” I ask as we sit in the spa chairs getting our pedicures. Giana turns to look at me, “What do you mean? We always get our nails done every time we have a girls day?” I shake my head, “You’re all acting funny.” I say. “Don’t think too much into it, we missed you and you need to give us all the juicy details of last night.” Giana said. “All we did was kiss, I mean as much I really want us to go further we can’t because of my leg. But best believe I would’ve climbed him like a tree.” I replied as they all started laughing.
Third Person POV
Lando had loaded all the materials he needed for tonight into Ja Khel’s suburban that he had borrowed. “Mate calm down, it’s not even close to time and I can taste the anxiety radiating off of you.” Max said to his friend as the others nodded. Lando smiled sheepishly, “I know but I just want it to be perfect. She deserves it to be perfect.” “I don’t even think you were this whipped when you were with Luisihna.” Kika spoke up. That made Lando think, he hadn’t felt the feelings that Azha made him feel when he was with Luisihna. Yes he loved Luisihna but with Azha he felt something deeper than love. Soon enough they arrived at the park and had begun to set up everything for tonight. Lando couldn’t wait to finally ask Azha to be his.
Azha’s POV
“I swear those ladies always treat us so well, I could’ve fallen asleep while they were doing my feet.” Liana said as we drove back to my place. I hummed in agreement and checked my phone, seeing notifications from fans. That one gossip page continues to tag me in things somehow they had gotten a picture of the girls and I at our nail salon. Sighing I look out the window, I need a nap or something. Hopefully Lando’s plans for us aren’t until later tonight. We pull into the driveway and I say goodbye to the girls before getting out and heading into the house. “Lando?” I call out into the quiet house. Receiving no reply I decided to head to my room to take a nap. I’m sure he’ll wake me up when he gets back from wherever he went. 
“Azha, come on, it's time to wake up. You wouldn’t want to miss our plans would you?” I hear a voice whisper and a hand rubbing my back. I groan and turn over to face the voice, “You’re lucky Norris that I had a light breakfast and that I’m starving or else I would stay asleep.” I muttered sitting up. He smirked, “I guess I will just have to ask someone else to come try this new spot I found then.” I glared at him, “You wouldn’t dare.” “Go get ready, I’ll meet you downstairs when it’s time to go. Wear that.” He said standing up and pointing to the bag sitting on the end of my bed. I raised my eyebrow, so he went shopping while I was gone. I grab the bag and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower and redo my makeup. Finishing my routine I open the bag. It was a beautiful little black dress. Nothing too fancy but definitely not casual. It was sexy. I slip into the dress and look in the mirror, it fits perfectly. It gripped in all the right places, accentuating my curves. How the hell did he know my size? I shake my head taking one last look before walking back into my room to pick out some heels.
I grabbed my clutch, slipping my phone, id, and lipgloss in before heading downstairs where Lando was waiting. Hearing my heels click against the marble stairs Lando turns and his mouth drops in awe. I smile bashfully as he reaches his hand out for mine to help me descend the last few stairs. Once I stand in front of him he doesn’t let go of my hand instead he lifts our hands and spins me slowly. “You look…Wow. Every word meaning beautiful or equal to it.” His voice trailed off. I blushed, “Thank you, you look handsome as well.” I replied and he began to blush. “Let’s get going.” He said as we walked out and I gasped seeing the car parked in the driveway, “Is that a McLaren 765LT Spider?” I asked while looking back at him. “I had it brought here from Monaco.” He said as we walked to the car. “No way, it’s yours?!” I asked as he lifted the door and helped me in. He nodded before closing the door and rushing to the drivers side and climbing in. I looked at him, my eyes shining. “No you can’t drive it.” He said knowing what I was going to ask. “Who said I was going to ask that?’ I asked defensively. He shook his head as he started the car. I smiled hearing the engine purr, “Maybe I was going to ask for another kiss like last night but it’s okay I’m sure you can wait.” I teased. 
His head snapped towards me, “Oh you play a dirty game. Come here sweetheart.” He said as his hand came up to rest on my jaw pulling me towards him. I could feel him smile into the kiss but before it could carry on into something more he pulled away. My eyes stayed trained on his lips and his tongue darted out to wet his lips again. “We gotta get going.” He whispered. My mind was flooded with many thoughts but all of them had one thing in common; him. I sighed and nodded, “Okay let’s go Norris, show me what you had planned for tonight.” He looked at me once more before we pulled out of the driveway.
We first went to this cute little spot that sold all types of desserts, we got these kabobs that had strawberries, brownies, and cheesecake. I went to take a strawberry off the stick but my hand was smacked away. “Hands off, we’ll eat those at our next stop.” He said as we pulled off onto the highway. I pouted and looked out the window. Soon enough we pulled into a parking lot. I went to open my door after Lando got out until I heard a shout and the door closed. Lando then opened the door and reached for my hand and our dessert tray, “You don’t open the door when I’m around, just sit there and look pretty. I’ll do the rest.” He spoke as we walked towards the entrance. I hadn’t really looked around until then, we were at Cerritos Bahia Marina. Lando led me to this beautiful boat. “Here’s your surprise.” He said as he helped me step onto the boat. We walked to the top deck and sat down at a little impromptu table. “Wait, who's driving this?” I questioned as he placed the desserts and a bottle of wine on the table. He smiled, “Don’t worry we have a driver, just enjoy the ride.” 
After eating and talking about everything in life we stood at the front of the boat as the sun began to set. “I can’t believe you remember me talking about always wanting to watch the sunset and look at the stars on a boat.” I whispered as I leaned into his embrace. His arms squeezed around me before letting go, “I always remember darling, even when you don’t think I’m paying attention.” he said. I rested my head on his shoulder as the sun went down below the horizon. “Thank you for letting me do this for you.” He said. I looked up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck letting my fingers play with his hair. “I should be the one thanking you. So thank you for this. It really means a lot Lando, and it was really sweet.” I say as he moves his hands to my hips. “Sweeter than those kebabs?” I leaned in towards him, “I’m not sure but I know something that’s definitely sweeter than both.” I whispered. He began to lean in as well, “And what would that be?” I smirked and pulled him down towards me. Sighing as our lips connected. We pulled away after a few seconds smiling at each other. “You ready to go?” he asked as the boat was parked back at the marina. I nodded and grabbed his hand as we headed back to his car.
Driving down the highway I felt Lando place his hand on my thigh. I smile and place my hand on top of his and go back to looking out the window. “Did you get lost again? This isn’t the way back to the house.” I spoke up after a few minutes. “Just taking the scenic route.” He replied. I noticed we pulled up to a park, “Looking at the stars?” I asked him as he turned off the car. “Yeah something like that.” he replied as he got out and walked over to help me out. “Okay I need you to close your eyes.” He said. I turned and looked at him, “Lando I already have an injured leg, I’m not trying to have a broken neck.” He rolled his eyes and smiled, “I can guide you, you muppet. Or would you rather I carry you?” He said. I glared at him, “Okay fine guide me but if you make me fall we’re going to have an issue.” I say before closing my eyes and grabbing his hands. 
After what I assumed was a few minutes of walking we finally stopped and Lando turned me. “Don’t open them yet.” I heard him say. “If you’re pulling a prank by leaving me here I will make sure you won’t be able to drive next season Norris, I swear to God.” I declared. I felt something being placed into my hands and then I heard music playing softly, I recognized the lyrics. It was ‘I Can Love You Like That’ by All-4-One. I felt my heart begin to hammer in my ribcage. “Okay open your eyes darling.” I heard him say. Opening them I was greeted by little lights lining the ground up to where Lando stood and a sign light to the left of him. I gasped reading what the sign read, ‘Be my GF’ and a pink heart light sign. I remembered I was holding something in my hands, looking down I see it’s a bigger bouquet of roses. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I looked back at Lando. 
“Before you say anything I have to get this off my chest.” He said. I nodded trying to contain myself. “Azha when I first met you I knew you were meant to change my life, I just didn’t know in what way. But as I had grown to know you, the real you, you had started to become a major part of my life. You showed me a different side to life while also showing me a slice of your life. I don’t have to be ‘Lando the F1 Driver’ around you. I can be myself without judgment.” He paused and took a breath before continuing, “When you had your wreck it felt like my world had stopped spinning. Those days before when we didn’t talk seemed like years of hell. Losing you became my number one fear. Not crashing during a race, failing myself and my family, or losing my Formula career. Seeing you laying in that hospital bed made me realize one thing; nothing else matters in this world compared to you. You make my world brighter and life worth living. No matter where I am traveling the world, you are home to me. Not my place back in Monaco, not back in the UK, you. I don’t feel complete when you’re not around. These feelings I have for you are so much deeper than love, there’s so many words to explain it but I will give you this lifetime and the next to show you if you will let me. So basically with all that being said, Azha will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” He spoke looking at me. I could see the tears marking his cheeks and I realized I had started crying too. I nodded furiously, “God yes. Fuck yes I will!” I said as I ran towards him. He grinned and picked me up and kissed me. I could hear cheers and the clicks of cameras. Pulling away I spotted Daniel, Kika, Pierre, Oscar, Max F, Ja Khel, Jirani, Giana, Liana, Keyani, and Pietra with their phones pointed towards us, Daniel had his camera around his neck. “It’s about time!” Max spoke and I laughed lightly as Lando set me down back onto my feet. “Okay okay, I need more pictures of the lovely couple for their future wedding day.” Daniel spoke. “Just don’t get started fucking yet please, I’m still at the house.” Liana piped up, we all laughed.
After taking many pictures, telling everyone to send the videos, and having a late dinner celebration we were finally back home. Lando was in the shower as I was taking off my makeup then brushing my teeth and putting my hair into two braids so I could sleep. My body was still on a high hours later. Lando and I are dating. I grinned just thinking about it. I never would’ve thought last year that this would be my life and the year wasn’t even over yet. “What’re you thinking about?” I heard Lando say as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “Just how lucky I am.” I say turning and placing my arms around his neck. He smiled, “I’m the lucky one are you kidding?” I shake my head as he steps away and starts to put on his pajamas. He handed me the shirt he brought in, “You can wear that.” he said while leaning against the sink. I slipped the shirt on and slipped the dress down my legs and the black lace thong as well. I heard him groan once seeing the piece of clothing. “You’re such a tease.” I laughed and walked over to him resting my head on his chest looking up at him, “Keep it in your pants Norris. Just a couple more weeks and then I’m all yours.” He hugged me, “Kinda hard to seeing you wear my clothes with nothing underneath.” he replied. “How do you think I feel seeing you like this?” I gestured to him dressed in just sweatpants that hung low on his hips, “I would let you take me right here, right now.” I whisper, biting my lip and checking him out again, my eyes staying on his bulge for a bit too long. “Keep looking at me like that and I will.” He says. “I’ll meet you in bed, behave yourself.” I say before grabbing the clothes and heading to drop them off in the laundry room.
While down here I grab a pair of cotton underwear slipping them on and heading back upstairs. Liana leans against the rails for the stairs, “Remember what I said, I don’t feel like being scarred tonight.” I smiled, “Buy noise canceling headphones or turn your tv up.” I teased. “I will spray you both like the dogs you are.” she replied. I shook my head, “Nothing is happening tonight don’t worry, although both of us want it to.” I say walking past her. “Okay gross I don’t need to know how much you want to fuck each other.” I heard her yell. “Goodnight Liana!” I yell back walking back into my room. Lando was already in bed scrolling through his phone, he opened his arms once seeing me. I smiled and climbed into bed cuddling into his side. “I’m so glad you’re finally mine.” He whispered after a few minutes. I hummed in agreement, closing my eyes and enjoying his body heat. He placed his phone on the charger then turned off the lamp. He pulled me closer to him, kissing the top of my head. “Goodnight darling,” he spoke. “Goodnight.” I replied. What a way to end the year. I wonder what 2024 has in store, hopefully it will be by his side I think before sleep takes over my mind.
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imtrashraccoon · 4 months
It's here!
The long awaited chapter 2 of The Nightmare of Apathy is here!
While actually it's on my AO3 because it's way, way too long to put here...at 5,439 words. Chapter 1 was only 4,712 words and I thought that was a long one. Sheesh.
Anyways, I drew some art for some of the flora I ended up creating for it. Maybe go read the chapter first to avoid potential spoilers? I can't stop you though lol.
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Star Fruit:
- This is the fruit of the wild growing Star tree. It's on the smaller side as far as trees are concerned and it's fruit emits a soft glow. The fruit has many facets and is shaped like a tubular star. It's peel is orange and almost waxy in texture while it's flesh is yellow and tart. It's leaves are dark blue and it has coiled vines on its stems. It is commonly baked into desserts or made into jams.
- Technically, I took inspiration from lantern fruits from Subnautica and the real life starfruits.
Glow Berries:
- The fruit of common wild bushes of the same name. These bushes have lots of small thorns on the stems making gathering the berries slightly difficult. The berries are purple and are most known for the bright glow they emit. The flesh is bright pink and it tastes slightly sour as well as acidic. They have dark blue leaves and grow the berries in small bunches at the ends of its branches. They are commonly baked into desserts like pies and other things, as well as eaten on their own.
- The name and idea was inspired by the berries of the same name from Minecraft. Otherwise, they are shaped like cherries but without the pit.
Moon Pears:
- Named for when the tree grows it's fruit, Moon Pears are a carefully cultivated fruit tree. While the tree itself can grow rather large, it is generally kept in arboretums and is trimmed to remain at a manageable size. The leaves are pale and go from gray to pure white as they mature. They are very rare and only a select few people keep them. As a result, they are very expensive and not many get the chance to try them.
- The fruit only grows when the moon is out and best when it is a full moon, meaning it takes a while to be fully mature. It is white and is sweet and juicy. They are basically like real life pears just attuned to the cycles of the moon.
I have like ten more plants and herbs I have made, four of which were featured in the chapter itself. If I end up drawing them, I'll definitely be posting them in the future. Would you guys like more lore? Cause I have lots more...it took me several days to write lol.
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afandommultiverse · 1 year
General Hc's for Colonel Miles Quraitch
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❀ A/n: Ofc it was a giant blue mean alien that got me out of writer's block omfg, this is for the girlies and everyone else down bad for our baby daddy Colonel Miles Quaritch 
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
✿ starting at number one, I like to think this man honestly got another voice in the back of his head going ‘bro-wtf goin' on?’ ‘cause lets be fr he's got the memories but his actual body doesn’t have that experience and I just feel like they don’t  match up so a lot of the time after his initial thoughts he’ll have a little voice after that voicing concerns but he can’t afford to listen 
✿ because of this, especially after he sees his body again, his human body, bro is having an extensional crisis, I think all of them are honestly (but we won’t get into them we talking about our main hoe rn) because I’m sure with their new bodies and feelings they have absolutely no time to process anything because of their mission, not their deaths, not their re-birth and definitely not their new connection and pull to Eywa and the planet 
✿ and yes I 100% believe that he does have a connection to Eywa now because of this new body and the energy it holds, the plant and the all mother recognizes this and welcomes him, just like she did with Jake, he was just more willing to listen
✿ at night Quaritch (Miles? Idk lmao) likes to walk around outside. he never used to when he was human because it was just a hassle and obviously he was more vulnerable, his old scars were proof enough, but now he was Na’vi, he could breathe the air with no problem and kick anyone's or anything’s ass that tried to get the jump on him 
✿ he looooves the bioluminescent nature, it's so different from what he remembers of earth's plants, the few he did get to see, or saw in books before he was shipped off to pandora. But being so fucking for real? He thinks it's soooo pretty like bro just lets the inner child out and is mentally frolicking in a meadow looking at all this incredible nature and all the animals and organisms that live in it
✿ he likes to fuck with the fan lizards the most, like jumping and scaring them or throwing a rock towards them to scare them, he loves to watch them fly away and disperse amongst the giant canopies of the trees, they remind him of fireflies (CAN I JUST SAY I KNOW THE LOOK ON HIS FACE IS SO CUTE WHEN HES LOOKING UP WITH THAT LIL SMILE)
✿ I also 100% believe the headcanon that he loves the fruit on pandora like he didn’t fw it at first but it grew on him fast and bro will just snack on them like he finds a bush of berries he knows he can eat?? That bush finna be clear by the time he is done with it and best believe he even ate the non-ripe ones too because he likes that extra sourness 
✿ his favorite is this fruit that grows really high and looks like stars from the forest floor, but as you climb up closer you realize they are glowing pieces of fruit the size of an orange with smooth blue skin, like a plum. he loves biting into them, they're juicy like mango and the juice is fluorescent!! bro thinks that is so cool lmao and looked in the water and smiled with a glowing mouthful of fruit 
✿ he is one of the few who wake up first in the morning and has a nice cup of coffee while he waits for everyone else to get up and ready so they can debrief and get to work, it's his moment of calm before he starts his day and he just likes to take his time to remember. He wants to remember as much as possible, anything that could help with the mission of course but almost literally anything else. he feels like a stranger in his own body and he feels like he needs to get to know himself because he knows one thing for sure, he is not the same colonel as before
✿ when he takes spider as a hostage, he starts using this time to remember him and his mother Paz, she was beautiful but he didn’t feel as strongly for her as it appeared she had for him as he looked back, and although there were some memories of spider, it wasn’t nearly as much as he thought there should have been
✿ it kinda bothers him why he can’t figure out why he suddenly cares but like I said he has like no time to process this at all, this mf on the go all the time
✿ another headcanon I love is he loves flying which is 100% true, bro can never go back it is the funnest shit he has ever done, like he loves the danger of it and the ease of it is so comfortable for him it’s hard to believe the creature beneath him isn’t a machine hooked up to his brain but rather another animal with its own conscious and emotions 
✿ since he flys so much, he has a really good relationship with his Ikran. He loves to spoil her THAT'S RIGHT HER (he was shocked too ong) but he loves his little princess bro!! Best believe he turns into a Jay Pritchett from modern family with his little Stella!! I’m talking treats, I'm talking good scratches behind the wing joints and on the tail, and I’m talking playful fighting! 
✿ they have a good relationship and trust each other and because of this his Ikran likes to get a little sneaky, she’ll stalk him when watching the crew do their thing, scouting and looking for stuff for his mission, she gets mischievous, diving down to grapple him to the floor 
✿ obviously he’s a little taken off guard but he knows almost immediately that it's her and rolls around with her, tossing each other around for a bit only for all fun and smiles to cease when the click of a gun is heard not too far. Quaritch is quick to get up and out of their play and give the meanest, menacing deathly glare towards Lyle, or Z-Dog, or whoever the fuck was aiming that weapon at his best friend (basically) 
✿ “And just what the hell do you think you are doing, Soldier?” They all just shit themselves, his aura wasn’t anything but deadly and they knew they had fucked up, a quick “sorry colonel” and they turn around to go fuck off somewhere else and stop causing problems
❀ yes, I most definitely needed to add this because I feel like it even though I ain’t got much💀!! 
❀ new body, new sensations ;) he loves his schlong lmao like I hate to put it that way but bro got some pride in being HUNG in that area (he lwk hung in every area but whateva) obviously he doesn’t hold dick-measuring contests (anymore) but if he did- yeah he would probs have them all beat 
❀ definitely jerked off a few times, and definitely found new triggers. When he has a little time to himself and needs to blow off some steam, he unbuckles that belt quickly and pulls down his pants a bit to get to work. He’s found his queue is very sensitive when in this kind of situation, like yeah it's sensitive all the time BUT it’s especially when he's on the brink of an orgasm, he’ll tug on it a little, the throb sending shivers down his spine and pressure straight to his tip, already leaking profusely with precum, so ready to explode but it’s when he runs his hand down the braid and rubs the nodes of the queue between his fingers, rolling them gently he cums with a deep groan and shutters quietly, riding out one of the most intense orgasms he’s probably ever had lmao 
❀ his tail is also sensitive, not quite as the queue but sensitive around the base, he found that out in the shower lol 
❀ his ears!! Also sensitive to touch, esp the tips, he likes to feel them first to sort of get in the mood, his little personal foreplay before the fun part
❀ A/n: but for now that is all I have ladies and gentlemen, please request anything, he or one-shots, requests are now officially open again!!🫶
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Takako Irie (Sanjuro)—I don't know a lot about her, but I found her when I was going down a Kurosawa rabbit hole on Wikipedia and I think she's just luminous? Also Wikipedia says in her later career she became known as a "ghost cat actress" because she starred in a string of ghost stories! Very very cool!
Olivia de Havilland (Adventures of Robin Hood, Gone With the Wind, The Heiress)— The woman who took on the Studio System at the height of their power and Won! A double Oscar winner! Is magnetic and beautiful in everything she's in and gave us all the juicy scandal with her sibling rivalry with Joan Fontaine! Before the Oscar Slap was the Oscar sister snub! Also everything she wears in Robin Hood she makes beautiful even a purple green and orange monstrosity how does she do it! Anyway this scene is one of my old Hollywood favourites
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Takako Irie:
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Olivia de Havilland:
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She is just perfection. She has a smile that is looks like it is barely holding back, and yet so reserved as well.
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Broke the contract system and won freedoms for actors (the de Havilland Law is still in effect I believe). 2 time Oscar winner. Beautiful and smart
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She legally challenged the movie studios' unfair contracts and won, setting a precedent for other actors to be treated more fairly. This was at great cost to her financially and essentially getting her blacklisted for years but the resulting judicial opinion is still known as the De Havilland Law and has won her a great deal of praise and admiration.
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Her performance in The Heiress is one of my all-time favorites, she’s so good at making melodrama feel real and grounded without sacrificing any of the passion/drama.
Serenely beautiful, she struck a balance between crowd-pleasing fluff and prestigious drama. Famously at odds with her equally successful sister Joan Fontaine, she was too much of a lady to ever say anything public. Successfully sued Ryan Murphy for portraying her as a saucy gossip in Feud.
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the period costume + eye patch combo in That Lady is just an absolute serve
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She has the most adorable and cherubic face and voice
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ytremia · 4 months
Process - Sunakawa Cake 🎂
A little breakdown of how I made my 3D recreation of the "thank you sunakawa" cake from Ore Monogatari ~
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1. Collecting reference
Aside from referencing stills from the anime, I came across the official cake sketch from Madhouse's website! It was really helpful in identifying all the toppings on the cake and other details.
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Next was collecting real-life references of all the ingredients I needed to make and taking notes of the shapes, textures and variety.
2. Modelling & Texturing
I go back and forth between modelling and texturing, and jump all over the place so I'll break things down based on the toppings/elements:
A. Macaron
I referenced Canosie Lab's macaron tutorial here, tweaking the process a little bit; using one mesh instead of two and using particles to distribute the boolean meshes. I ended up with LOTS of vertices, so I made a lower poly version of the macaron and used those to avoid bogging down the computer. As for the texture, I used Blender's procedural nodes, utilizing mostly the noise texture node.
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Above: The first row are the lower poly versions of the macaron and the second row are the original meshes with around 200,000 vertices each o_o
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B. Cookies
There's not much to it here; I just modeled the cookies and used procedural textures I've made for a previous project (I'll post that project soon!!!)
The icing is made using bezier curves with some bevel depth. I used the draw tool to draw on the cookies. I did the same for the writings on the cake.
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C. Strawberries
I've previously made strawberries for another project so I just used those but baked them to a lower poly mesh first. I used Canosie Labs' strawberry tutorial as reference :) I initially used a scaled down version of the regular-sized strawbs, but decided to make a proper mini strawberry 🍓
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Left: with scaled down regular strawberries, Right: proper mini strawberries.
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I made them super shiny with lots of subsurface scattering to make them look juicy and gummy-like -- not the most realistic but I think they look cuter like this :>
D. Orange slices
The orange slices were the most challenging to make! Did a lot of trial and error to get that pulpy texture oranges have but I managed using a combination of voronoi nodes :") If you look at the pictures below, you can see how the orange looked in the beginning vs. at the end after I refined it some more.
They look fine from a distance but a little janky up close; maybe I'll do a breakdown one day once I figure out a proper node setup.
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Above: before & after
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Left to right: rendered, colour only, B/W
E. Orange peel
A simple plane with a solidify and curve modifier. What's most important here is the texture! I used two different shaders (one for the pith another for the peel) combined using a mask.
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F. Jelly beans & choco marbles
A tweaked subdivided square for the jelly beans and subdivided icosphere for the choco marbles. The two use pretty much the same shaders but the jelly beans have more subsurface scattering.
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H. Cake
After placing all the toppings, I sculpted the cake (using the multires modifier) a little bit to model the cream that's displaced.
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rinbowaman · 7 months
so here are the profiles for each character, no special template was used for the sake of time but you can get all the status below. as far as birthdate, they all were "created" by God's angels before the creation of the world and before Jesus Christ was born, so i left that blank bc all the research shows that it was a long time ago (since these are biblical references) and they were all made in Heaven. Aside from that, everything else is below:
Requested by @violet-moon-rp - I hope this is what you were wanting.
MDNI 18+ only.
Warnings: theres some suggestive juiciness hinted in these profiles.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: He's rather cold blooded, so anything warm soothes his tastebuds. Whether it's fresh made bread, or spicy foods, he likes it.
Hobbies: swimming, admiring aquatic life, spending time with Layla, messing around with his brothers (specifically Niki), visiting the mortal realm, occasionally seducing the ladies (he likes to exercise his tongue.) He prefers mortal women when it comes to the juiciness. For him, mortal women taste better and make the best noise when it comes to the juiciness, so that's where his preference lies. He's a bit of a playboy, but that changes when he meets his own y/n (hint hint) and if you remember the teaser for his and Sunghoon's own story in the Se7en series....Levi/Jake....has a huge breeding kink (its just as bad as Heelels) and whoever the 'lucky' girl is that he chooses to impregnate, you're in for a real surprise....like a bunch of them *hint hint*.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: Red
Favorite food: Meat, any recipe that includes meat, specifically red meat.
Hobbies: He likes to challenge his brothers or visit the mortal realm and challenge the strongest men in the world, occasionally will even participate in a street fight or a MMA tournament, disguising himself as a strong mortal fighter. He hasn't dabbled into mortal women so much since he isn't fully used to interacting with them, he has two Succubi's that he frequents with. His own y/n has been hinted in the first chapter of his story, there's more to come with that, but he's definitely one of those types that's a bit hard to please or to impress, but something very simple is what catches his eye.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: Blood Orange
Favorite food: delicacies, exotic fruits, crackers, cheese, and exquisite finger foods is what he likes the best, all paired with fine wine. He also loves chocolate.
Hobbies: He likes to wine and dine. He also frequently visits the mortal realm to interact with people, learn various cultures and foods from different backgrounds. He's also the Prince of Lust, and naturally, he likes to dip into collecting very 'unique' toys from all over. He likes to play with them on his own or use them with some of mortal women or demonesses. Not to spoil, but he eventually will have a favorite person to use these toys on...and his y/n is neither mortal or demon. *hint hint*
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: White
Favorite food: He is very fond of anything that has noodles, so ramen or pasta, things of that nature. He also loves soup, any flavor.
Hobbies: He's a prankster, and because of that, his brothers do a good job to keep him busy at the River Styx, where he's in charge of managing dead souls and demons. He loves music, so he frequently visits the mortal realm with Sunoo to gain a diverse taste in music. He doesn't pay any attention to girls, he's the youngest and has always been looked after by his elders, specifically Sunoo. Again, not to spoil, but back when they were arch angels in Heaven, Heeseung used to somewhat baby Niki.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: Green/Jade
Favorite Food: He has a constant sweet tooth, really likes candy, pastries, or sweet drinks.
Hobbies: He loves to visit the mortal realm and observe nature. He also creates a different species of insects and watches humanity discover and study them; he finds that all interesting. Like Sunghoon, he also has a few demon mistresses in his realm, and is a stud when it comes to doing the juicy things...and he does it often. He likes sultry women, which is why his y/n is a bit different from the rest, much like Sunoo's y/n. *another spoiler* As you already know, he's talented with his hands, and he enjoys playing the guitar as much as he likes playing with women's body parts. He goes half and half when it comes to messing around with the demon mistresses and mortal women.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite Color: Gold
Favorite Food: He likes seafood and fruit.
Hobbies: He loves his cats. Literally, his cats are his babies, and as you read in Se7en, he filled his entire realm in Hell with the feline species, from lions, tigers, panthers, and domesticated cats, he has them all. He tends to go to the mortal realm and bring them back as he finds them. He's the second youngest out of his brothers, but is feared by many in his own region, due to his merciless attitude, should anyone anger him (remember what he did to that lady's hair in his chapter?) He has a fondness for pretty things, and (slight spoiler) he likes to dazzle his sweetheart with lots of jewelry. He is rational but has a dark side that is almost as bad as his eldest brother....almost. *hint hint* when he gets his own y/n, his favorite position is doggy kitty style.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, created and resides in Hell.
Birthdate: Way before Christ......way waaaaaay before. He's the first arch angel, God's most beloved and favorite angel/creation while he was serving him. In a way, he was like God's first son. No one ever did replace him as the favorite.
Favorite Color: Various shades of purple, though he is more fond of violet and royal purple.
Favorite Food: He's a bit different from his brothers, he didnt' really dabble into mortal foods, although he does now more than ever since he has y/n. Prior to you entering his life, he would sometimes feast on his own creation and eat some of the demons in Hell. It wasn't at all for sustenance, it was more for just the pleasure because the man is cruel, twisted, and psychotic beyond all nature.
Hobbies: He didn't really have many, he was very angry and disgruntled due to feeling betrayed by his former master. His only focus was to kill off humanity just so he could hurt God, but since the discovery of you, that all changed. He now loves to watch you, he'll sit for an eternity just to watch and admire you. After you acclimated to your new 'home', he loves to interact with you, stargaze, or do....unspeakable acts with you. He will go rough and hard, or soft and tender, he'll go both ways just to see the various shades of your reactions and tones when you scream and moan out of pleasure and pain. He loves the idea that he has you for an eternity, and plans to fill Hell with all of his babies through you. He actually really doesn't care about his offspring, he is tender with them while they're young, but his dark nature mixed with his obsession and murderous love he has for you is going to cause some friction with his son's as they get older, especially since they seem to inherit his possessive and obsessive nature for you. If he could, he would spend all of eternity holding you with his c*ck inside you, and your wings intertwining.
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