#realism for the WIN
ufofrommarss · 3 months
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Something a bit different with book husbands. Not really “realistic”, but definitely helped solidify their facial structures in my mind
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piratedllama-art · 1 year
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Who are you, really? (prints here)
(done in procreate)
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grandmaster’s son
normal eyes and without blood versions
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without bg and sketch
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stealingpotatoes · 2 years
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codextober day 23: genetic!
the genetic lip scar!
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lucdoodle · 1 year
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Already drawing another fanart of Jervis lol
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crunchchute · 5 months
red pill blue pill. chipped lateral incisor at the front or snaggletooth canine i cannot pick for william
edit: chipped or missing..
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bobbinalong · 2 years
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wip. picture on helen's desk.
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lucalicatteart · 1 year
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 12: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
Yesterday's poll decided that The Adventurer should rest for the night in an abandoned barn ...
Somewhat nervous about being out in the woods alone at night, he decides to try finding a more hidden sleeping spot, further off from the path. Though with his injuries, and his exhaustion, he knows he shouldn't walk too far. He tells himself that he'll just adventure a little, only an hour or so, and if he can't find anything better by then, he'll just give up and set a tent in some bushes somewhere......
After 30 minutes, he finally stumbles across an old barn. He can't see it very well with just a trickle of moonlight and the dull glow of his flickering lantern, but it seems to have not been used for many years. Structurally sound enough (at least he hopes), yet shrouded in moss and blankets of various overgrowth.. It takes a few moments to pluck away all of the ivy blocking his path, but he soon closes the rickety doors behind him to focus on the interior. There's no space to light a fire or set up a real tent, and he'll have to block a few holes in the walls so wild animals don't sneak in, but, there are a few surprisingly clear looking sections scattered amongst all the musty hay bales and cobwebs. He chooses a "cozy" spot in the corner, hidden behind a few dusty crates. Though he tosses about uncomfortably in his bedding for quite a while, he's eventually able to fall into a peaceful sleep.….....
.. Suddenly, he's startled awake by rustling, catching a dark blurred movement in front of him. He's smart enough to always sleep wearing his backpack over his chest so nobody could just grab it without him noticing, but it seems for the first time in all his travels... someone is actually trying to. Still half asleep, he clings to the bag and yelps, pushing and tumbling away into a moldy wooden barrel after an initial struggle. He pulls himself up to face the hooded figure now looming above him, entirely obscured aside from their vague cloak-ish shape outlined by the faint moonlight behind them.. The Adventurer calls out in a shaky attempt at an aggressive tone, "Wh-wh.. whAT are YOU DOIng? WHo-whu..UHHH??? aahhhG" "Give me the bag." The hooded figure speaks in a smooth, stern, yet calm voice, slowly taking a step forwards. The cat scrambles to The Adventurer's side, hissing and giving a low growl.. "w-WELL , uh,, sORRY , n-NO , I would rrrather not DO THAT, I h-- I uh-- I don't have even anythi- I don't even have ANYTHING, I mea- wh-wh HWaAt d-do I look RICH to you?? EUggh-" he gulps loudly, holding back nervous vomit, "B-BACK OFF!! you-.. f- uh.. THIEF!!!!!" The hooded figure pauses for a moment, as if re-strategizing how to approach the situation. "Look, kid, I don't want to hurt you. But I need you to give me that egg." "WHWh-what egg? I-I don.. DON'T have an EGG, I'm uh…aCTUALLY a-allergic to eggs, s-sso-" "The egg that's in a wooden box. In your bag. Don't waste your time bullshitting me.. Come on, let's make this quick." The hooded figure extends their arm, motioning to be handed the egg. Still desperately fighting not to throw up everywhere, The Adventurer simply sits on the floor, staring up at the hooded figure blankly as he tries to think.. Is he seriously being robbed for the first time? Is that like, a cool milestone, or a bad one? He's read about it in adventuring books before but... the reality feels so much different.. How can he get out of this? Strategies scatter through his mind, but he's too shaken to find any clear answers.. What should he do?
Additional Information
the adventurer's current main quest: follow his map to reach the abandoned castle ruins and see the rare animal specialist about the mysterious egg he has
#paventure posting#poll#polls#choose your own adventure#for the record - if he had gone to the stranger's cottage. walked all the way to the villiage. or kept walking all night. the hooded figure#wouldnt have had a safe place to corner him and would have had to wait for another day. all the other options#(abandoned barn. sleep out in the woods. etc.) would lead to the same thing#The dice lady was letting him know someone has been following him. perhaps multiple someones#I was also going to include the options 'threaten to blow up the entire barn with magic and then nobody gets the egg'#and an option for him to just throw the egg on the ground and break it#but those seem more out of character and also breaking the egg would end his quest anyway since he would have nothing#to bring the Innkeeper's brother anymore lol#also a 'tell the cat to attack the robber' option but I was afraid too many people would choose that thinking it was#funny or a cool way out of the situation when like.. realistically the cat would get hurt actually and I don't want to endanger them#or have to write about them getting harmed lol. WHICH I know is a choice. I could be like 'wow the cat is actually a#magical cat and they explode the person and win hooray!' . but it feels too far fetched given the hooded stranger's background#they're not going to be like completely incapacitated by one small cat#things must be goofy and silly and fantasy but also.. underlying realism to an extent#I held back on not making him get more injuries after sailing down a river in a dinky little raft because I really think thats probably#quite dangerous hjknjk. I stated it was a very slow moving river specifically to make it seem a little more plausible but#I feel like in real life the current would just smash your raft into a rock in like 10 minutes lol#ANYWAY.. uh oh. boy in danger!#he can get out of it though. I believe in him#somehow an unskilled swagless penniless nervousboy can still make his way in the world#(he does have SOME skills ghhgh.. just like. not really adventuring suited ones. since he just started adventuring like#less than a week ago and has no training or practical experience aside from reading a lot of storybooks)#also I know his belt thing is on the wrong shoulder... shhhh... I still don't feel good and drew very quickly and am not#going back to make changes lol
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dynmghts · 2 months
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Following from my other headcanon post on what happened with Katsuki's arm, I've decided to dig into the immediate aftermath of the war and his hospitalisation + healing process!
This is possibly subject to change based on how the manga goes. Warning for some heavy hospital and medical talk!
In the manga, as you might remember for you manga readers like me, Katsuki has passed out near a playground - I highly doubt that he'll be getting up again, but even if he does (by nothing short of a miracle), the repercussions are going to be immense. When the war draws to a close and Katsuki is taken to the nearest hospital, I really don't think he'll be waking up anytime soon.
We have to remember that he revived himself with his Quirk. Not only that, but Edgeshot was still working hard to ensure that Katsuki was functioning enough on his own before he left him to All For One. Combine it with the damage he's sustained in the previous battle - which Edgeshot could not have repaired all on his own - and the likelihood of Katsuki getting back up straight away from this is exponentially low. He spent two days down after the Paranormal Liberation War.
I'm estimating that he spends at LEAST a week comatose, or drifting in and out of fitful sleep, before he actually maintains any sort of lucid consciousness. Here are my main reasons:
Recovery Girl is not a be-all, end-all cure. Her Quirk uses the energy of the recipient to hasten the progress of healing, yes, but she cannot push the recipient beyond their limit lest she set them back. Katsuki's body is already under stress trying to heal naturally. Beyond her Quirk use to save Katsuki's arm, it's likely that she can't spare more of his energy to heal elsewhere, and thus he needs to continue some of his recovery naturally.
Eri's Quirk does not have the energy for a Rewind that significant. Also, she's just a kid. Let's not use her as a means to heal every single person that's sustained injuries during this war.
There is a lot of damage to cover. Even though Edgeshot repaired his organs and they were perfectly sufficient to ensure he could function again, they still endured a lot of stress and have not had the chance to heal per se. Internal injuries are tricky. This isn't even mentioning the numerous bone breaks, the muscle damage, tendons, complications with joints... Beyond his arm, we're looking at ribs and sternum for other bones. Hell, the musculature system connected to the bones is extremely complex too, and they would've been impacted. We know that Katsuki's lungs and heart took the brunt of the damage in the fight against Shigaraki. Yeah, there's a lot to heal - and with his limited energy, it's going to take a while.
Credit where credit is due: Edgeshot is the reason Katsuki does not need organ transplants. And while I'm definitely considerate of the fact that Edgeshot also repaired any damage to blood vessels that required it (specifically the most vital ones), I doubt he could've done more with the bones save for maybe... Weaving them into place, almost. And THAT would only be a temporary fix to prevent shards of bone re-puncturing the organs.
I would say that in this period, Katsuki is much more susceptible to viral and bacterial infection. Bacterial infection is increasingly likely; even if he was taken to hospital as soon as they found him, and Edgeshot sanitised himself before performing surgeries, it is increasingly likely Katsuki will endure complications because he went back into a fight the moment he woke up. Not only that, but he did so in agony.
Working on the fact that Katsuki had surgery to his heart and lungs, therefore we could call it a sort of thoracic surgery (because, you know, it's the chest region)... No wonder my guy was suffering. Have you ever looked into all the things people are not meant to do post-op for these things?
Dudes, I only considered that he'd need heavy pain medication for his arm - but he's probably drugged to absolute hell and back for his chest ALONE. On top of the fact that thoracic surgery is often described to be excruciatingly painful, but an operation like that still leaves room for potential complications like pneumonia, and it's possible his lungs are still trying to recover from collapsing in the first place. So considering that, he'd need oxygen treatment to ensure healthy oxygen saturation... They'd even have to watch his heart to make sure that there is no cardiac arrhythmia.
There's also the possibility of Katsuki developing post-thoracotomy pain syndrome, which means feeling pain in his chest months after the fact.
To summarise the immediate aftermath:
Katsuki is hospitalised and treated for injuries that weren't initially or completely repaired - or were exacerbated from his fight with AFO.
Injuries that they have to accommodate for include the impromptu thoracic surgery Edgeshot performed on Katsuki, the numerous fractured and broken bones, damage to the musculature and any connecting tissues, as well as torn tendons.
Katsuki likely develops infection; pneumonia, namely. He has no other post-op infections thanks to Edgeshot's use of Wash's bubble and proper care from the hospital.
Recovery Girl is called in to administer treatment of her own, specifically to fix bone placement first, and he is put on oxygen treatment and analgesia (heavy painkillers) to take the edge off.
He remains in a comatose state - or, he is in and out of consciousness - for the next week.
After about a week of fighting infection and his energy being poured into healing all of his wounds, Katsuki manages to hold onto consciousness. He can talk, answer questions, and take in a few visitors - though said visitors have to take precautions, because of his recovering state. He's still quite disjointed, but stubbornly coherent enough to ask of the end result for the war, as well as Izuku's whereabouts, then the class, his teachers, etc.
At this stage, Katsuki is encouraged to get up and move with others to promote the use of his organs after being out for so long. He also has to do deep breathing and coughing to keep his lungs active. Overall, though, he isn't doing too much, because his doctors don't want to set him back - they just resolved his previous infection, so it's pain management and post-op care now that he was awake to participate.
The road to recovery is shortened by advancements in medical technology and the presence of healing Quirks like Recovery Girl's, but that doesn't mean Katsuki isn't spending time in the hospital. There are a few intense days of rigorous healing, monitoring, pain management, and overall care before he's discharged to go home. (Without advancements, Katsuki would've been looking at another week-long stay. The combined damage of his arm and his chest makes his hospitalisation period lengthy as it is, but it's a small blessing he doesn't have to stay nearly as long as he might've with the absence of healing Quirks.)
As a generalisation of what his subsequent days would've looked like after waking:
There is frequent pulse checks, heart monitoring, and he often has blood taken to check his levels. If he is low on blood count in general - which is unlikely, as it was one of the first things remedied - then there is a transfusion of platelets and blood cells.
He is given breakfast. On the first day, he is unsuccessful stomaching it, but they wait until lunch to determine if he needs intervention.
After a dose of analgesia and his first deep breathing exercise of the day, Katsuki is encouraged with staff support to get up and walk around. It's difficult with the equipment attached to him, but they make it as easy as they can.
Lunch is served. On the first day, Katsuki keeps it extremely light, and he manages to stomach it on this attempt. He has no complications after this. His second breathing exercise occurs.
He is administered Recovery Girl's treatment after lunch and ends up resting through the majority of the afternoon. His third breathing exercise is just before dinner.
They encourage him to get up and move again after dinner. On the third day of this, he stubbornly attempts to do this himself, and he stumbles a few times without support. He doesn't fall. Doctors and nurses reprimand him for a reckless action, but if he hasn't seen many of his friends by now, he'll insist on their visits as a means of justifying his stubbornness.
The final breathing exercise occurs before he sleeps... Well, part of his sleep. It's broken into three parts due to checks throughout the night.
Note that he's doing this with only one arm in action. It's impressive just how much Katsuki does in this short timeframe.
This one I'm going to try and keep brief, but Katsuki is discharged and left in his parents' care once the doctors have no reason to keep him in the hospital.
On top of the numerous setbacks enlisted about his arm, they tell him to only have frequent walks, no heavy lifting, and to have frequent check-ups with their physicians until he makes a full recovery. The timeframe for the full recovery is hastened thanks to Recovery Girl's treatment (so instead of ~6-12 weeks, look at more 4-8 weeks), but it still takes time - and his contact with the hospital seems unending for the first two weeks after discharge. Longer, when they want to check up on him every few months after he resumes his hero training.
Katsuki doesn't return to the dorms until the end of his first week at home. Even then, the school has to keep a rigorous eye on him to ensure that he doesn't push it beyond what he's been allowed to do - which, thankfully, he doesn't. He's not so reckless that he'll set his healing progress back, especially in knowing the repercussions of doing so.
The main thing is that Katsuki still has to take regular pain medication while keeping up his exercises, and I think that his parents likely agreed that he would have better luck in doing so if he was surrounded by his friends at the dorms. He cannot use his right arm and cannot join on any heroics until his doctors are sure that he is healed enough to do so. It frustrates him, but that's also why he's back at the dorm with his friends: they help him keep a level head while reminding him what he's working for.
(And as for recurrent pain, I think that Katsuki's efforts to stick to the healing process given has almost completely diminished the possibility. However, I like to think that he does experience a sort of phantom pain under specific circumstances.)
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dykeseinfeld · 11 months
rwrb is like. a good romance but the premise of it lowkey. drives me insane and seeing it on the screen might break my brain lol
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golden--doodler · 5 months
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I wanted to try out a more realistic style for once, so have a super messy, semi-realistic portrait of my favorite burger wife, Linda!!
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 months
imagine that time will was like "oh do people here care about billions. maybe i'll see if i can find some pics" years ago if he qrt'd that Now lol
#i mean he won't & godspeed. i'd be fully mike faisting it i'm sure...akd's flickering the lights of their ig whenever; hell yeah....#we already got the sample During production & Pre any strikes: no indication he existed anymore at all. classic#our s7 behind the scenes wins were dhruv seeing summer stock taking that superlative pic with him entirely after production ofc#and then that dki got scary lunch with him ft. pics once#what could we get anyways. the only worthy like below surface delve that could happen for will/winston would be from us#but hooray for will Ever mentioning anything behind the scenes & like half the time it's about asia. hell yeah#unhooray for for real he just evaporated this season i guess. and verily....sent him offstage as predicted b/c uh#winston billions#aligns w/the Ultimate Winston Billions Experience being what we're doing here fr like obviously#will's giving a tour de force but nobody's asking abt that. writing seeming to be [3x03 approach + some pity; cassandraing] wrow#well it's the story of an autistic guy giving up on billions giving him anything better but wanting more & the autistic viewers like same#and ofc that when winston goes ''ok i'm exiting Waiting For You To Deign To Value Me'' & threatens the sense of authority there#it's all out no limits backlash time to get a sense of a Win for reestablishing said authority (& its inherent concomitant authority)#so real again. nt ppl can write amazing nd plotlines but only when it's completely accidental (''amazing'' for the realism points)
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dc-bitchin · 7 months
i pressed record on my phone because I wanted to really *quickly* summerize an episode for an animated Batman series I would LOVE to make and it ended up being 15 minutes long and makes references to shit only I know about... :|
#batman#TO BE FAIR the actual episode would be like. 45 minutes long. IF NOT LONGER#so yeah 15 minutes is a quick summary when the theoretical episode also ties into about a dozen OTHER theoretical episodes#for a theoretical series that you do not have the skill money or time to make....#right?#like legit it would be like. both a season finale AND a halloween scarecrow episode#that takes HEAVY inspiration from the original BTAS episode where he first goes “I AM BATMAN!”#in a fit of fear toxin-induced hysteria screaming at a hallucination of his father#AND ALSO REFERENCES LIKE A TON OF OTHER EPISODES THAT TAKE HEAVY INSPIRATION FROM#/ ARE DIRECT RETELLINGS OF SOME FAMOUS AND NOT SO FAMOUS COMIC STORYLINES AND MOMENTS#LIKE THE DRUG / STEROID USE ONE WHERE HE GETS ADDICTED AND KINDA FUCKED UP#(i would be a lot more respectful to what drug use and abuse actually looks like than that story but IT'S STILL A GOOD STORY)#AND THE GUN / “MY LIFE WAS WORTH LESS THAN A ROUND OF AMMUNITION” MOMENT I REBLOGGED EARLIER#AND ALSO WOULD HAVE SOME MOMENTS INSPIRED BY THAT MOMENT IN “THE BATMAN 2022”#WHERE HE'S WEARING THE FLYING SUIT AND ABOUT TO JUMP OFF THE BUILDING AND HAS A PANIC ATTACK#but it would be with the grapple gun because honestly. rule of cool wins out over realism with that one#GOD somebody please hit me up i'm going insane over this and need to scream at somebody about this hypothetical episode / series#but i literally have NO friends who are into batman#I WANNA MAKE THIS SO BAD BUT I CAN'TTTT
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baka-monarch · 9 months
13 year old me: if I could make YouTube videos I'd be making them all the time! Any chance I got I'd be recording and working on something cool and new! >:D
Me, now: you know not how depression sucks the motivation to record away from people
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sugarpopss · 2 years
Gonna start writing Eddie/Pinup reader bc if you want your favorite meal you have to make it yourself
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palatinewolfsblog · 2 years
The Devil doesn't want you to be enthusiastic, optimistic and realistic, because if you become all of these things you'll WIN. U.N. Owen.
Guess that's the reason he really HATES Music! ;)
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