#really a masterpiece game!
sakee21 · 1 year
I didn't know what to expect when I first downloaded this game, but wow I didn't regret playing it. Tbh I thought it'll be a typical jump scare game but it's really more than that. I was a bit confused by the story but it was really interesting and the game mechanics itself is unique and refreshing. Really recommend for those who want to play a horror game that's something new and engaging with an intriguing story and characters. This is definitely 5 stars for me!
Play store
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beefcliff · 10 months
i may be a smart art boy but i am also the biggest Bethesda apologist i know. todd howard is my dad in spirit . Fallout is my home and if i think about starfield for too long i make unflattering noises.
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pokemonruby · 7 months
octopath being snubbed for best score is especially surreal like even if it isn't one of those big-time mainline game series that are typically showcased at the awards you absolutely cannot deny the unparalleled genius of yasunori nishiki's compositions. especially with the smooth transitions between the day and night osts in the second game and the individual character themes, the soundtrack perfectly encapsulates the scenic, immersive, and stunning atmospheres the game's world has to offer, as well as the intense emotional beats during each of the travelers' stories, and not to mention the godly boss themes, and it absolutely never fails to deliver. octopath is not just a game but a bona fide work of art in genuinely every aspect and it pains me to see it being overlooked like this. team asano features some of the most gifted developers in the industry and god forbid they deserve more recognition.
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ms-scarletwings · 11 months
You used us up.
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We are angry.
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Come back tomorrow.
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farosdaughter · 7 months
Welp, here is TBOSAS’ lead editor admitting that they cut down a lot of the romance (including a pre games kiss) while editing the movie🥴
Apparently they thought the love story worked too well in the first 2/3 and made Coryo’s turn in the third part of the movie seem too sudden. After all, it’s not like the romance between Coryo and Lucy Gray being believable and 100% true was at the heart of the story, right?? It definitely didn’t make Coryo’s eventual betrayal heartbreaking and tragic.
The theatrical version of this movie absolutely doesn’t look like Frankenstein’s monster as a result of too many cuts and edits. I’m sure the book wouldn’t have benefited from being adapted in two movies instead of being condensed into a single overlong one.
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kagekanecavi · 4 months
After watching the new episode of Game Changer I had to go back and watch Yes and No and Like a Cucumber, aka episodes 1 and 2 in Challenges Designed to Torment Brennan
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strrwbrrryjam · 9 months
the game of rdr2 is incredible, especially for me for the simple fact that, when i first started playing i already had the ending spoiled for me that arthur died-
and that was all i knew, i didnt know how it would happen, what lead to it happening etc etc
i knew from first impressions that micah was our bad guy, a villain from the moment we first meet him, he was just so good at being bad that he immediately made me despise him with every fiber of my being from the moment i met him
but it was dutch that gave me the most off vibes the more time we spent with him, i didnt trust him one bit, i dont know why i knew that he would betray us, but i just did,
and yet still, i fell for arthur and dutch's relationship, how close they seemed, how devoted arthur was to dutch, that i wanted to believe that i was wrong, that dutch would never do that to the man he helped, basically raise from when he was fourteen
and it just hit me like a freight train- because, this is how dutch does it, he makes you believe in something, believe that he is the good that is out there, your saviour, your salvation, that you start to become blind to what is happening, start looking at the actions that he commits as something good
and getting out of that can be so hard, that i understand why it took so long for arthur to see the wrong in his actions, to see what has happening all around him and what he had done and what his leader, his father, had turned into, or was he always this man? was your whole life a lie?
as much as i hate to say it, i dont think there was a way out for arthur, that, his death was sadly inevitable, he wouldnt get his happy ending- and he knew it
in reality i dont think arthur would ever have a happy ending, because, can you imagine, living with the guilt and the regret and the anger and the pain and just.. everything, the people youve killed, the lives youve destroyed,
because whether we like to mention it or not, strauss didnt force arthur, dutch didnt force arthur, sure, dutch could manipulate him, strauss could very well exasperate him, but it was arthur who decided to do everything, out of his own free will-
living with that revelation? that would destroy a man, especially one who cares and loves so deeply like arthur, and thats why he knew that he would never get his happy ending, so he decided to make good on what dutch preached for his fellow gang members, to get them out, have the better life dutch told them they could have if they followed him, where the goalpost would move with every plan he makes
whether dutch liked it or not, he had raised the man who lead to the van der lindes gangs downfall and i think thats beautiful really- he filled arthurs head with ideas of salvation, and that lead arthur wanting salvation for those in the gang, working for the false purpose dutch had given them for his gang members, his family, till his dying breath
this game, this story, its incredible, a masterpiece really, the way its written, the depth that was given to their characters, its simply just a work of art that even when you already know whats going to happen, or end up guessing what can happen later in the game, it is still written in a way that it can have such an affect on you and cause you such pain and happiness all at once and.. its a masterpiece, really
i dont think there was really a point to what ive written, there could be several, there could be none at all, but i wrote it, so here
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ikuhara · 4 months
happy valentines day to whatever the fuck insane parallels the series was doing between these four couples. the sega game has unlocked so much in my brain.
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eternal-dawn15 · 2 years
One of the most fascinating things about the Zero Escape community is how universal people's opinions about Light are.
We are presented with a man who we learn to be Clover's blind brother, we interact with him briefly, and then he is snatched away for the majority of the game. By all accounts, we shouldn't care about him. We barely know him.
But my strongest memories of 999 are crying when Light died in the incinerator, crying when Clover and Light were reunited, and feeling a warmth in my chest thereafter whenever he interacted with Junpei.
Perhaps it is because we see him through Clover's behaviours. We see her grieving. We see her withdrawing and becoming lifeless without him. We see what happens when her sorrow turns to rage. And we see the all-consuming joy she feels when we rescue Light.
Furthermore, saving Light becomes a personal mission for the player. We experience three timelines in which we fail to save the Fields, timelines that all end in tragedy. In order to get the true ending where everyone lives, we are forced to experience a timeline in which we finally save Light, only to discover Clover is dead. We see a reflection of Clover's grief and rage in Light, and we are helpless to save Light from Ace's bullets, to stop him from burning in the incinerator and dragging Ace down with him.
Junpei's screams as he watches Light burn have always haunted me; the despair and overwhelming grief, the sense of inevitability and loss is very real for the player. The voice acting for the scene is heartbreaking. We feel what Junpei feels.
It's hard not to become invested in saving the Field siblings.
And in the true ending we finally are able to save them, and somehow the pain of each terrible ending becomes worth it, because we see Clover back to her cheerful, rambunctious self for the first time in hours, we hear Light's witty retorts and amused commentary that has been missing for so long.
It is a real, genuine joy and sense of accomplishment that we feel. Even more so, dare I say, than when we save Akane.
Our direct interactions with Light information us that he is a bit of a stuck-up, holier-than-thou kid who is infuriatingly sure of his own capabilities, but Clover makes sure we know that he is also the smartest, most loving, protective friend you could ask for; facts that are then confirmed by our interactions with Light in the final endings.
And it is essential that we feel this way.
After all, we have to be motivated enough to trudge through the same dialogue over and over again to reach the true ending :P
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bookwormstarwarsfan · 9 months
Screaming crying throwing up over the new The Ballad of Songbirds ad Snakes trailer
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belladonnaprice · 9 months
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kibo-no-akademi · 6 months
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Team Tidal
When @class-of-79 showed me PMD: EoS and we both just went crazy with our OC's 😔. No tiny reference/notes on Kazuya, since she belongs to my friend.
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tenebriism · 6 months
// Baldur's Gate 3: Game of the Year. Neil Newbon: Best Performance for Astarion. Zelda: TotK: Best Action/Adventure Game. FF16: Best Soundtrack.
I am content. We did it, gamers. Good job. I'll shut up now, lmfao.
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
He has no business being this handsome, like???
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hidingoutbackstage · 10 months
copy pasting my dms w/ @jewishevelinebaker cuz i'm lazy
y’know re characters aren’t even storytelling mediums. they don’t have to be. but ppl act like they are lol
whether it’s leon’s alcoholism or chris’ inability to keep team members alive or how wesker was tooootally mischaracterized as a fascist in 5 i swear guys it isn’t really him, they’re not actually saying anything. leon’s not a glance into how being a pawn for the u.s. government can have harrowing effects on witnesses of war and forcing people to make difficult decisions that weigh heavily on their psyche, he’s just drinking alcohol in vendetta because it’s a character trait they gave him. chris’ repeated failures to keep teammates alive isn’t a commentary on how the “greater good” sacrifices the many small man with little remorse in order to keep things in line the way they see fit, the games just throw npcs at a meat grinder to emphasize the danger the protagonist is in. wesker being a nazi in 5 isn’t a way of showing the way that privileged men in power left unchecked and surrounded by yes men will do the most unethical things possible because it’s in their mind that they are correct and the only right way of thinking, it’s because the series needed wesker to be a big final boss and well umbrella is already kinda nazi affiliate so fuck it this will do
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just saw the dnd movie. my favorite character was the autistic paladin
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