#really in the mood to delete things................
literary-motif · 19 hours
Andrew Marston x Reader
You have a fight with Andrew. It does not end well.
“I hate this so much!” you exclaimed, throwing up your hands in exasperation. The words would not come, and you needed to type up this in-depth review tonight. “I just want to read these lovely little manuscripts and write some silly little notes on the margin, not do this!”
Andrew chuckled tiredly at your theatrics, continuing to chop the carrots for dinner. Today had been particularly challenging at the museum. He had been looking forward to spending the evening with you for the whole day, cooking you dinner and cuddling on the couch until you fell asleep in each other's arms. It was a fail-proof remedy to improve his mood, and he desperately longed to be trapped in your soothing embrace until all his worries melted away like wax under a flame.
“I wouldn’t call the blocks of paper you go through ‘little,’ exactly,” he said, raising an eyebrow at you from the kitchen aisle, “Nor are your comments ‘silly.’ You do your work well and thoroughly, Darling.” Perhaps a little too much of the latter, he reasoned, the sight of your frown as you continued staring daggers at the words in front of you both amused and annoyed him.
You had promised to reduce your working hours. You had promised to call it a day when he got home, no matter the unfinished work. Yet here you were, going back on your word to him.
“Yeah yeah,” you mumbled, waving dismissively as you continued working on the report. “I’m not sure why I’m struggling so much with this, honestly. I know what I want to say, but the words get jumbled when I try to express myself coherently” — you paused, reading over the absolute garbage you had just typed out and deleting it again with a groan, trying again — ”And I don’t see why I should be the one running the numbers here either. What do I have to do with mathematics? Why do they want me to do it?”
“You should really take a break,” he said, trying to drain the impatience from his tone as much as possible. 
It was obvious you were tired, and no matter how much you hated leaving your work unfinished before you allowed yourself to rest, he knew that what still needed doing would get done in at most half the time tomorrow, when your body and mind were rested, than it would take you to do today.
Doing a half-spin, Andrew raised the lid of the cooking pot, adjusting the heat to keep the water from boiling over. “If you can’t finish it, I can always do it for you,” he added absentmindedly, pulling out another pot to cook the carrots. 
His words made you pause, stilling the sound of your typing as they fully registered. An odd feeling of inadequacy washed over you as you looked up at Andrew. Surely, he had not meant to sound condescending. But the wording, the way he phrased it, the careless tone in which he told you that whatever you were struggling with, he could complete with barely any effort at all—
If you failed, he was sure to do it right.
“What,” you began, trying to keep the hurt out of your voice as you dropped your gaze to your half-finished review, “do you think I’m incompetent?”
Your tone must have been flatter than you had meant it to be because Andrew’s head snapped up immediately. “What?” he asked bewildered, confusion evident on his face, “No! Why would you— what are you talking about?”
You scoffed, the hurt his words caused you only now fully settling in. Why had he offered to do it for you instead of simply offering his help? Was that what Andrew thought of you? That you were inefficient, slow, and dragging him down, failing at doing useless little things he wouldn’t even bat an eye at doing?
“Do you think I’m unable to do my own work? Is that it?” you asked, the ache in your heart quickly bleeding into annoyance. You frowned, resuming your work. There was no way you could concentrate and finish this review now that the air between you and Andrew was filled with tension. 
The thought of him being right — that you truly could not finish this on your own right now while he could probably do it in less than twenty minutes — made your jaw clench, further fueling your anger at the situation.
“I never said that!” Andrew exclaimed. His shock at your initial reaction quickly fading into exasperation. This was not the way he had hoped this evening would progress, and the last thing he wanted to do right now — or ever, actually — was fight with you. Especially when he figured that it was your exhaustion making you snap and jump to conclusions. Turning off the stove to give you his full attention, he began with a calmer tone. “Darling, what—?”
“You sure implied it,” you muttered pettily, not looking up even as his footsteps drew closer.
“I did not imply anything,” he said, placing his hands on the kitchen table and looking at you closely. 
You still refused to meet his gaze, keeping your eyes fixed on the screen. He was growing tired of it, his fried nerves from a long day at work adding to his own irritability. So knowing all your files were saved automatically, he pushed your laptop shut. 
“Look at me when you accuse me of things at least. Frankly, I don’t know what you’re getting so worked up over, so how about you explain it to me instead of acting out dramatics.”
“Oh, ‘acting dramatic,’ am I?” you scoffed, annoyance turning into outright anger as you rose to your feet as well. “At least I don’t waltz it everywhere and declare that I can do everything perfectly and with no effort at all unlike some people, just because I’m a few years older and held a damn professorship!”
Andrew’s expression darkened, his mood souring further as he listened to your opinion of him. “I don’t know how I did not fail you in literature,” he said, his tone of voice reverting to his flat academic monotone, “evidently you are abhorrent at reading between the lines.”
The angry reply died on your tongue as his words sunk in, and you blinked at him Once. Twice. 
Silence hung heavy between you two as you looked at him speechless. His words reminded you of the power imbalance that had hung over your heads and, while it never truly felt that way, it was undeniably there all the same. 
Although you had been the one to bring it up, it still knocked the breath out of you to hear Andrew wield his power over you.
“Wait, Darling, no. That was—” he stuttered, running a hand through his hair nervously. He was frustrated. This was the opposite of what he wanted. The argument was bleeding into a fight, and he feared that he had escalated it now even though he had set out to do the opposite. “I didn’t mean to—”
You only shook your head once, expression blank as you straightened and walked away towards the entrance hall. He watched you, the gears in his head turning for a moment until he heard the rustling of your coat. He dashed to the door. 
“Where are you going?” he asked around the lump in his throat, hands balled into fists to stop them from shaking as an argument that happened years ago flashed before his eyes. 
The last part he saw of his brother was his back, disappearing behind the slam of the front door as he walked away from him. The last thing Andrew said to him was a tearful ‘I’m sorry,’ nearly drowned out by the church bells tolling for mass. It was not enough neither to keep him from leaving nor for him to stay in Andrew’s life.
His brother disappeared entirely when he stepped through that door, and perhaps he would have managed to slip from Andrew’s mind as well if he didn’t stare back every time he looked at himself in the mirror.
“Out,” you answered briskly, putting on your shoes.
“What do you mean ‘out’?” he asked, his voice shaking slightly. 
He could not bear the thought of you leaving, could not face the possibility that this could be it — you could walk away from him just like that, shattering his heart and leaving a mess of broken shambles in your wake that he would never have the energy to place together again.
“When will you be back?” Andrew asked, heart racing as he wracked his brain for a way to get you to stay when he saw you pick up your keys. ”Where—”
“Just out, Andrew!” you said with more force than necessary. “I need to clear my head.”
Andrew panicked, the image of his brother disappearing behind a slammed door making him tremble. 
“Running away from conflict, are you?” he said shakily, his tone as daunting as he could manage. If you continued your argument, that meant you would stay. He could turn this around and keep you from leaving. If you were screaming at him, at least you were still here. “How mature of you.”
The anger flashing in your eyes at his words felt like a newly ignited fire. “Immature, am I?” you spat, stepping towards him. “How rich coming from you,” you said, pointing an accusing finger at him, “Your favorite movie is a child’s movie!”
Andrew clenched his jaw. Bringing up his childhood, one of the most vulnerable sides of him and one that had taken him a lot of courage to trust you with, felt like a stab in the heart. It hurt hearing you use it to make a point. 
It hurt hearing you use the trust he put in you against him. Rationally, he knew you didn’t mean it; the words were spoken in anger. Still, it was hard not to take them to heart, especially with how closely connected this part of himself was to his brother. 
Andrew stiffened, his back straightening as if the walls he was rebuilding around himself drew him up as well. “I have achieved more in my career than you ever will!” he retaliated, panic overshadowed by hurt and anger.
You let out a huff of laughter, looking at him incredulously. “You’re so arrogant. I can’t believe I’ve never seen it before. What, you think academic validation is everything?” you scoffed, shaking your head. “At least I managed to make friends during my time in university because I’m not an insufferable, uptight, perfectionist asshole so full of himself because—”
You cut yourself off, biting back the insult. 
“Because what?” Andrew asked challengingly. “Go on. Or are you too much of a coward to speak your mind?”
Your expression darkened. The irony of being called a coward when you were the reason this relationship developed in the first place left a bitter taste on your tongue. 
“Because mommy and daddy never taught you how to make a mistake,” you finished flatly, relishing the expression of hurt flashing across Andrew’s face and wiping away the self-satisfied smirk. 
He felt like he’d been slapped. 
All the trust he had put into you, opening up about his difficult family relations — his parents, his brother — ultimately leading him to be alone in the world, was now thrown carelessly at his feet. You stomped on his heart, taking all his secrets and insecurities, and laughed in his face.
Blinking away tears, he clenched his fists. “At least I don’t struggle with basic mathematics and English,” he retaliated, raising his voice to hide how it shook, “because I actually spent my time studying instead of ogling my professor!”
“Are you calling me stupid you prodigy?” you screamed. 
“What if I am?” Andrew screamed back, holding your gaze. “Do try to keep up with me, but oh” — he chuckled condescendingly — “I forget. You’re too slow. How I put up with you daily is a mystery even I haven’t figured out yet.”
His words made your heart sink. Was this what he thought of you? You still hadn’t fully forgiven yourself for being the reason he quit his job at the university. Having the confirmation of your deepest fears — that you were a burden to him, that you were too stupid, too slow for his excellent mind — tore you apart. 
You averted your gaze, turning from him to hide the tears in your eyes. He did not say anything as you dashed to the door with a choked-off sob, letting it fall shut behind you without sparing him another glance. 
It made you miss the immediate regret appearing on his face, his wide eyes as he processed his words and their implications. He stood frozen in the hallway, staring at the shut door as if willing you to walk back over the threshold. 
Andrew was alone again. 
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tangledbea · 1 day
Somewhat emotional and personal thing that has nothing to do with Tangled but does have to do with this blog:
So, I've been running this blog for eight years now. That's a pretty long time to be regularly posting, answering questions, etc, especially considering the source material has been over for half of that time. And let me tell you, having 95% of my asks coming from anons is isolating. I don't feel like I'm making real connections or friends, because I don't know who the vast majority of you are, and it's lonely. I feel like if I want to make friends with people, be an actual part of the community and not just a source of answers, I have to do all the heavy lifting.
And I get it, some people are shy or anxious, and, I don't know, afraid of me? But I don't like that. I'm not a scary person. I'm not unapproachable. Sure, I have fits of mood, like any person, but I'm also much more likely to have patience with a person than with a nameless face, so y'all would even see less of my curtness if you weren't on anon. I'm actually really friendly and rather nice, if I do say so myself. Back in the series' heyday, I had a lot of friends in the community, people who I knew by name (or screen name) and who I felt I could talk to outside of my inbox. A lot of those folks have moved on from the series or just become less active on Tumblr in general, if not outright deleted their blogs. And I think about those people a lot. I miss them all the time.
All of this is a long way to say that I'm going on vacation next week (well, I'm having company over, and I won't be as active here during that time) and I'm going to turn off Anon on my askbox at that time. And when I get back, I'm not sure when I'm going to turn it back on. I'd love to actually make more friends in this community, but I can't if I don't know who you are. So please... don't be afraid of me. Talk to me off anon. I'm just a person, and I swear I don't bite.
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an-illegal-gay · 18 hours
POV: They hate you for your rizz 😔
Am I post blocked? -> Not yet bitches ^^
Long intro below ↓
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wsg bbgs 🥰🥰 i'm finn, he/him. click here for my pronoun page.
i'm neurodivergent + queer which is basically code for sad mentally ill gay
i'm a minor, which means that no, i do not want to be your sugar baby or see your nudes
This is my main acc where i just shitpost and reblog shit. 75% of this is just me bothering my mutuals or whining about my sorry ass life.
I sometimes rant about things or vent post. Don't be too concerned about that.
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About Me
i'm intp + gryffindor + apollo cabin
i like to read, write, and draw
i don't have a favorite anything because picking favorites is hard :(
hardcore sirius black & ron weasley kinnie
i listen to pop and a little rap
i am very very very gay
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Things You Should Know
i'm socially awkward and don't always pick up on jokes or cues
i sometimes go offline randomly in the middle of conversations
my two online moods are either ALL CAPS EXCITED or dry tired and/or bored
i prefer tone indicators to be used, especially when making teasing jokes (you'll notice i use them a lot)
i love anons and asks :)
i have really bad social anxiety so chances are if you wanna be friends or get to know me better you'll prolly have to take the first step (which is fine since i get platonic crushes on most of my mutuals anyway)
if i get "mean" with you, it's because i'm comfortable joking with you (but please feel free to say smth if i offend you)
if i sense a change in your vibe to me, i'll distance myself. it's just who i am and how i cope with things.
i'm okay with adults interacting as long as y'all keep it chill
transphobes, homophobes, ableists, sexists (including misandrists), fatphobes, zionists, racists, pedophiles, and anyone else who supports offensive prejudices/beliefs DNI
i prefer not to talk about politics on tumblr (i do enough of that irl)
triggers: passive aggressiveness, angry all caps, fishing for compliments, and taking over my posts with unrelated content
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Here's a list of other blogs because one acc can't handle all my crazy 🤪🤪
@your-honor-im-zesty -> pjo/hoo sideblog
@im-actually-a-certified-idiot -> hp/marauders sideblog
@a-poetic-loser -> poetry sideblog
@random-polls-i-do-for-fun -> polls sideblog
@thoushallwrite -> writing sideblog
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percy jackson/heroes of olympus
harry potter/marauders
six of crows/shadow and bones
hunger games
anne with an e
outer banks
high class homos
Roman history
Greek mythology
spring + fall >>> winter + summer
chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream :3
hoodies and shorts (very gender affirming)
designing things
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Click here for my ao3, where i write pjo and hp fanfics!
fic count: 9
comments and kudos are always appreciated :)
Moodboard Requests
Status: will open when i come back from vacation
i like to make moodboards, especially for other people, so send me a request if you want one for yourself, a character, a ship, a theme (ex: love), or something else!
you must include one aesthetic and 2-3 adjectives in your ask. This is so I can provide the most accurate moodboard as possible. If you don't include this, I will either ask you to resubmit or just delete it.
you may ask for multiple moodboards, but not all at once. please keep one request per ask.
it may take me a week or an hour to finish it, depending on my current workload. please be patient!
Fic Requests
Status: will open when i come back from vacation
i love writing so i've decided to start taking requests for it! send me an ask if you'd like a fic :)
you must include at least a 3 sentence description of what fic you want, with a fandom, characters, ships (if any), and whether it's fluff or angst. Underlying theme is also recommended, but optional. I will delete your request and/or ask you to resubmit another one if you don't include these details.
i will (cautiously) allow NSFW, but know that I'm very inexperienced with writing smut, so it probably won't turn out very well.
you can request for the fics to be dedicated for a certain occasion (holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)
these will probably take some time so please have patience :)
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The crowdom is just a kingdom of crows that I (the crow king) rule over. It's not really serious per se, just a silly little joke between mutuals, but we do sometimes do polls and discussions.
And and all mutuals are welcome! Just send an ask and I can give you a list of the available roles.
I drop lore on the crowdom whenever someone wants, so if you're curious, just ask.
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#finn shitposts -> i shitpost
#the crow caws back -> i answer an ask
#the crow finds a trinket -> ask game
#the crow is crying -> i am crying (probably out of joy?)
#finn's crowdom -> my kingdom of crows
#crowdom lore -> lore on my crowdom
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If you are my mutual, know that I love and appreciate you very dearly. Yes, you. Don't think we're close enough? Too bad. I followed you for a reason, bitch.
Here's a list of people I interact with often/are genuinely important to me (and i don't feel scared to tag)
@thatslytherinbitch54 <- my lovely wife <3 divorce came close but we persevered 💪💪
@dark-fae-witch <- one of the people i've known the longest on here and absolutely amazing <33 (so glad i forgot anon that day)
@harryapping <- twin!!! and one of my first moots :))
@themortalityofundyingstars <- my tumblr dad :D and the only one who actually listens to my shit
@starmanbutitsregulusblack <- my other tumblr dad whom i take after in my crow ways
@gardens-of-runar <- lesbian poet aunt/ biggest simp on this hellsite <33
@rheas-chaos-motivation <- my Shakesphearan rival whom I absolutely adore hate
@thepickle23 <- she's my favorite silly goose EVER they're literally so fucking cool i love him <33
@tequilaqueen <- w marriage counselor and cool af
@ang3lic-t3ars <- sunflower dealer who gets me high on foffers daily
@eefst-ar13 <- pathetic little beta on his journey to be a sigma, he's struggling 😔😔 but he's awesome sauce anyway
Honorary mention to my little bro Louis the otter. He's made out of legos but he's still cool beans 👍
*lmk if you want to be removed/added
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If you know me, you know that i love making and remaking intros. However, good news for you! I've burned myself out with this one :D So this will probably be here for the next month at the very least.
Now go be menaces to society 🫵🫵
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thelassoway · 2 years
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Ted Lasso Season 1 & 2 » Paved Court
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moonchild-in-blue · 19 days
#according to facebook memories (why do i even have that still??) 12 years ago today i saw Linkin Park for the first time 🥺#in a few days it'll be 10 years since the last time i saw them#and. hm. there's a lot that surfaced this days since clancy dropped and i'm a bit more emotional / sensitive than usual#and this is. well. making me extremely sad.#12 years ago. i remember as if it was yesterday. i cling to that day so much and i'm scared of forgetting about it#i wonder how 14 yo me would've reacted if she knew.#they were my first gig ever! i remember the 2nd song was given up and the people around us started moshing pretty hard.#so much that my shoe came off and my dad had to shield me while i crawled and looked for it hahaha#it was so fun! i didn't really know that was a thing#that day was the first time they played Lies Greed Misery - it had been released just the day before#my videos are SO blurry but i still have them all saved 🥹#idk i've been in some typa mood these past days. not necessarily bad at all but.#me and a couple friends had a very important conversation 2 nights ago which was GOOD but. the bad thing about letting everything bottle up#is that once you spill it's hard to deal with. and yeah this is. idk. i'm just venting here like. ignore me.#it's just really hard for me. i miss him terribly and i'm really scared for myself because i *know* i'm back in the loop#and it feels so hopeless sometimes. maybe this is super silly but i'm so thankful that Clancy came out now because OH BOY i need it#maybe it's not the best strategy to put so much faith? importance? in like. music and other people but#man. i genuinely don't know if i'd be here if not for certain songs/artists etc#idk I'm rambling lol. i might delete this later#probably. maybe. i try not to talk too much about this here because i tend to deal alone but. sometimes it's nice to send things to the void#anyways. support your favs. talk to your friends - even if you much rather not. don't be like me and let things rot inside.#🤍#darya talks to herself
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spaceratprodigy · 25 days
sorry for how slow and sparse I've been getting around to everyone. I'm doing my best but genuinely rn I desperately need to take care of myself instead of always putting others first.
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soldier-poet-king · 4 months
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quiveringdeer · 1 month
how do yall get through the moments where you're hit by the reality that - this is what life is. this is the next however long of your life till you kick the bucket?
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avocadoraisin · 4 months
sorry to put this on my art blog & not keep it on my main where I usually do these but can u pls tell me what about my art makes it distinctive as mine? if anything?
(and maybe what you like the most about it? if anything? feels weird asking ngl)
like an ask/reply game of sorts
im just curious....
and thank you so much in advance <3
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cxpperhead · 7 months
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Not enjoying my time off as much as I'd hoped. Going to try and be active this week so please bear with me.
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enchantedlandcoffee · 9 months
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curseofbreadbear · 1 year
i am free from work and my brain demands that i add f.naf world muses, who wants to be my impulse control!!!!
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sinnamonstache · 1 year
Why has my shipping brain randomly awoke to whisper thoughts of egoplier….? It has been years, my dude
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lamphaunter · 1 year
moght be MIA my emotions are not being fun but this might change in a matter of mere seconds idfk my brain be fickle🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪
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dulcewrites · 2 years
I too headcanon him as being totally ignorant to navigate his feelings not to mention talking about them, but him thinking he is smarter than everybody else? Hell, no. The thing with insecure people is their drive towards control and power as for compensation for times they felt powerless, silenced or casted aside. They will basically lust for control using different tools. Or analysing people, which will get them the knowledge or by such things as manipulation, being the one who pull the strings. Him, arrogant? Where did you get that from? Actually arrogant one is Daemon, he did things that showed it many times, thinking that he is king of this world instead of Viserys, that he can do as he pleases. So yeah, you just made Aemond as Daemon 2.0 and I am sad for you. I thought that you are one of the people who know very well that this two are different people, but it seems you are not. You truly believe he would sacrifice basically anyone who showed him the love? Especially after being advised by who? Such a loser and pervert as Aegon? Do you truly think Aemond will care about his brother's opinion after many times Aegon bullied him in childhood? Do you truly think Aemond ever forgot about his brother's causing him so much pain? And what, now Aegon is being the idol to him? Aemond feels resentment towards him and his opinion doesn't really matter to him, especially when it comes to marriage since Aegon is treating Helaena like this. And still you think Aemond would take his words to heart instead of laugh at Aegon and treat him like a silly boy he is for even uttering such words against his wife? You know I really like Fool me once, but this fic only made me disgusted and disappointed by your portrayal of Aemond. You really take pleasure in making him monster right? It's beyond you that he is not a psychopath, right? Or maybe you just confused him with Daemon? Because I see no other reason to writing him like this.
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